#now can we get some s2 news pls
k3ithsk0gane · 5 months
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207 notes · View notes
runningfrom2am · 5 months
the finer things in life // LTPF
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summary: coryo merely tolerates you at the beginning of the series. this, is why.
pairing: coriolanus snow x fem!reader
wc: 4.6k
masterlists / nav / requests
tags/warnings: capitol brat!reader, maybe slightly ooc coryo, idk i tried my best. underage drinking/drug use (its just weed dw), some suggestive content that's not explicit (that's a first for me woah).
a/n: THIS DROPS SOME MAJOR LORE FOR THIS SERIES LIKE PLS- this is so fun and i hope you guys really like it bc i stepped out of my comfort zone a bit here. anyway, happy new year!! as a treat, have r and coryo getting way too messed up for their own good :)
this is mentioned in one of the parts of s2 (oh god i have no clue which one but trust me.) anyway, here's the night they were talking about.
series masterlist // playlist
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"Hey, Coryo." You smile, sitting yourself down across from him at the lunch table.
"Y/N/N." He nods, hardly looking up from his food.
"So," You him, leaning forward with your elbows on either side of your plate. "Are you coming to Livia's big party this weekend?"
He shrugs, swallowing before looking up at you. "I don't know. Maybe. Feels a little... trivial."
"Ugh," You scoff, playfully rolling your eyes. "Of course it's trivial, Coriolanus. It's a birthday party for a seventeen year old that's probably going to have fireworks and a four tier wedding cake." You laugh. "But I have to go, so you should too."
He smiles at you a little, tilting his head with a raised eyebrow. "A wedding cake?"
"Probably. You saw the invitations." You chuckle. "We can walk together, and I'll see if I can sneak in some posca from our cellar. Please?" You plead.
"Won't your parents be driving you? I wouldn't want to impose." Coryo insists politely.
"Oh, god, no." You laugh. "They're allegedly busy. My father will be working, and my mother will be waiting for him to finish work. Can't tear her away from that. My theory is that they just don't want to go."
"Oh, I see." He replies. Your parents not attending social events wasn't uncommon. Their attention was notoriously hard to attract, and his parents had long since passed, so it was pretty standard for the two of you to either walk together or get your driver to take the two of you places alone.
"Yeah! I think we'll end up walking because my brother has tutoring and god forbid he walk anywhere, but that way there's no dreadful small talk with my family anyway."
"Fine." Coryo agrees. "Only because it's you. Also, I don't think talking to your parents is dreadful, Y/N/N."
"It is. Don't lie." You laugh, taking a bite out of your cookie and waving him off.
You hear the doorbell and run to answer it before anyone else can. "Mom! Coryo's here, I'm leaving now! Bye!"
"You're not going to invite him in?" Your mom asks, cutting you off in the foyer.
"We're already running late, sorry!" You insist, adjusting your hold on the two gift bags in your hands very carefully.
"Alright, well, have fun, dear. Extend our apologies to Livia's parents for us."
"Will do!" You nod, giving her a quick thumbs up before opening the door.
"What do you need a bag for?" She asks and you roll your eyes at your friend standing in front of you before turning to face her again.
"They have a pool, I might need to change." You groan.
"Oh, right." She seems satisfied with that answer. "Hello, Coriolanus, how are you doing tonight?" She asks, turning her attention to him.
"I'm well, Ma'am. Thank you. And you?" He smiles politely.
"We gotta go, Mom, bye!" You shut the door before she can answer.
As soon as you're out of sight from your house, you stop and dig through the tissue paper in one of the gift bags.
"Isn't that for Liv-" Coryo's question is cut off by you holding a bottle of a nondescript liquor out to him.
"This one is for us." You smile, taking another bottle out before shoving the folded-up gift bag into your backpack. "Cheers." You twist the cap off of yours, knocking it against the one he's awkwardly holding before taking a swig.
"Posca? Should we..." He clears his throat. "Should we really be drinking? I feel like we'll get in trouble."
"It's not Posca, it's better. Besides, no trouble if no one knows." You reassure him. "Also, I would bet money that we show up and Festus and Pup are already stumbling."
"You're the most terrible influence, Y/L/N." Coryo shakes his head with a smile on his face, opening the bottle anyway to try it.
"No!" You laugh. "This is good for us. It makes me more... digestible to these stuck-ups."
"Are you not included in that group?"
"Oh, Coriolanus Snow, we are at the top of the list."
The air in the expansive house is as hot and stuffy as it could possibly be. It reminded you so much of your own, but warmer, in a way. Maybe it was just the sheer volume of people inside and the buzz of alcohol in your system.
Livia's parents had been kind enough to leave the whole back garden and pool for you kids to enjoy, and to have your own space free from all of the adults who were also invited.
It was warm out for a May evening when you finally made it outside after saying your 'hello's to all your classmates' parents. Your own parents insisted that you spend a decent amount of time doing so, despite them not being able to make it. Coryo was known to do this as well, so you made your rounds together before thanking the Cardew's for the invitations and they showed you where all the other kids were outside.
Coryo already wanted to leave, and if you did as well, you were good at hiding it. He couldn't tell, blindly following you through the crowded house before making it outside.
"Party's here!" You call out as you step out onto the patio, allowing Coryo to close the door behind you.
"Y/N, you gorgeous girl, finally!" You're quickly greeted by Hilarius Heavensbee, and god, Coryo has never hated him more as the boy is wrapping his arms around you. His attempts at flirting with you are humiliating- Coriolanus doesn't know how he couldn't see that he was embarrassing himself.
"Hilary, you flatter me." You chuckle, gently patting his back with your free hand as you pull away.
"You know I try." He laughs, shrugging as he slides in between the two of you, draping an arm over your shoulder.
"Where's the birthday girl?" You ask, holding up the gift bag. "I need to ditch this."
"That's a good question..." Your classmate says, scanning the groups scattered across the lawn in search of Livia.
"I can carry that, if you'd like." Coryo offers, desperate to remind you of his presence. He wasn't going to let you ditch him- you were the only reason he even attended.
"Oh, no. I've got it. Thank you, though." You wave him off, looking up at the boy whose arm is sitting over your shoulder uncomfortably. "Hilary, could you grab Coryo and I some glasses, please?"
"Uh, yeah, sure." He says, stepping away. "What do you want?"
"Oh, just the glasses please. We brought our own drinks." You wink.
"Alright, but only if you share." He chuckles.
"I'm nothing if not generous." You joke, pushing him in the direction of where you see the beverage table is set up.
"His share is coming out of your bottle." Coryo says once the boy is out of earshot.
"Who do you think I am?" You ask, placing the giftbag on the ground and grabbing your bag off your shoulder, digging through the fabric you used to muffle the sounds of glass bottles rattling against one another. "I brought enough for the class."
"Of course you did." He chuckles, shaking his head slightly as you carefully pull another bottle out of the bag. "Be a doll, go dump this in the punch?" You smile up at him, holding it out to him expectantly.
"No! I'm not spiking anything." He laughs.
"Suit yourself, Boryo Coryo." You sigh with a teasing smile, placing your bags on the ground and walking over to the table at the side of the house, unscrewing the cap as you go.
"Where'd Y/N/N go?" Hilarius asks, returning to Coryo's side. He just nods over to you in response, not tearing his gaze away from your form as you dump the contents of the bottle into the bowl.
"Ah, gotcha." Your classmate laughs, holding an empty glass out for Coryo to take.
Coryo mutters a quiet 'thanks', refocusing himself on inspecting the glass in his hand for any dirt or fingerprints. It was spotless- of course it was.
"So, are you guys like... together? Or what's the deal?"
"Pardon?" Coryo is taken aback by the question, finally looking up at the boy.
"You and Y/N." He gestures toward you as you stir the bowl, simultaneously holding the mostly empty bottle up to your lips to let the last few drops fall onto your tongue. "You're always hovering around each other. Anything more to it? Everyone is wondering, but no one dares ask her."
"Oh. No." Coryo shakes his head, wishing his glass was full of whatever bitter alcohol you'd gifted him so he could down it all in one go.
"Sweet." Hilarius grins to himself, watching you intently.
Coryo raises an eyebrow at Hilarius, perplexed by his reaction. "What's so sweet about it?" he asks, trying to understand the amused grin on Hilarius' face.
Hilarius chuckles, leaning in slightly as if about to share a secret. "If you're not gonna go for her, I will."
Coryo's cheeks flush with a mixture of embarrassment and anger. "Be my guest." He spits through gritted teeth. He should have drank more- perhaps it would have made Hilarius's juvenile pursuits more tolerable.
Hilarius nudges him playfully, "Life's too short for missed opportunities, if you ask me." He looks back at you again, not so subtly raking his eyes over your figure and how it fits in your favourite party dress. "And that would be a damn shame of a missed opportunity."
Coryo glances over at you, catching your eye for a brief moment before quickly looking away. He clears his throat awkwardly. "If you say so. I find she's quite... overwhelming, at times."
"That's the best thing about her." Hilarius muses. "Just imagine it... You know what I mean? I bet she's just crazy. In a really good way."
Coryo's brow furrows at the implication, both from offense and intrigue. He knew you were stunning- even a fool could have told him that, but it was to make a mockery of your name to only look at you and see merely the potential of what you could do with your body. To him, you were like morning rain in the springtime; a breath of fresh air when you didn't have to defend yourself at every turn, but Hilarius Heavensbee didn't know the first thing about walking in the rain.
"Don't be vile." Coryo scoffs, giving a slight shake of his head.
As you finish up with the concoction in the bowl, Coryo watches you with a newfound awareness, a subtle curiosity lingering behind his stare.What would it be like? It's not something he has ever considered, or even had the time or desire to look at anyone that way. Especially not you, you were so personal to him it was off limits even in his own head. He didn't understand the seemingly overnight shift a couple years ago now where all the boys in your class started looking at you and the other girls like pieces of meat, but suddenly watching you lick clean the spoon you used to stir the punch, he could see that maybe they had a point. What it would be like to hear you panting into his ear. Tired, loving, even, like he was the only man in the world who could make you feel so, so good. To have your deep red lipstick staining his skin, his shoulders, his neck, possibly lower. The idea of having to explain the stains on the inside of his shirt to Tigris when he pleads with her to somehow get them out has his heartbeat racing... Likely, though, it was just the liquor starting to settle in his veins, is what he decided as he adjusted the front of his dress pants.
Hilarius chuckles at Coryo's reaction, seemingly unfazed by his disapproval. "Relax, man. I'm just saying, life's too short not to appreciate the whole package. Y/N's got the brains, the looks, and that fiery spirit. It's like having your cake and eating it too."
Coryo arches an eyebrow, unconvinced. "I appreciate her for more than just appearances, you know."
Hilarius smirks knowingly. "Of course, of course. I'm just speaking from a purely hypothetical standpoint. No harm in imagining what could be."
Coryo shoots him a skeptical glance, but before he can respond, you join them, empty bottle in hand. "What's the topic?" you ask, catching the tail end of their conversation.
Hilarius grins, shrugging. "Oh, just discussing the finer things in life. You know, like cake."
You raise an eyebrow, sharing a confused glance with Coryo. "Cake? Really? Are we eight?"
Coryo rolls his eyes. "Apparently, it's a metaphor for appreciating the whole package."
You raise an eyebrow, but neither of them care to elaborate. "Well, I hope you both appreciate this 'whole package' of a potion I just whipped up. It should be interesting." You nod back toward the table, taking one of the glasses from your classmate to pour the remainder of your bottle out for the three of you.
By the time your unknowing classmates started to loosen up, you were sitting in a circle in a corner of the yard with a few others.
"I have a present for everyone." You state in a pause of conversation, and Coryo watches as you reach into the front of your dress, into your bra, and pull out a small paper bag.
"Uhm- what is that?" Clemensia asks, leaning back as if the bag would explode.
"Weed!" You laugh, looking around at the suddenly silent group of kids you're sitting with as you peel the bag open, the smell wafting through the air making some of your friends scrunch up their noses in disgust. "Oh my god- have none of you ever seen weed before?" You knew they hadn't, you hadn't really, either, but it was fun to tease them.
They all share confused and embarrassed glances. "Guys, come on..." You chuckle.
"I don't think we should..." Festus mumbles, clearing his throat. Of course he was going to be a baby about it.
"It's harmless! It's a plant, how much could something that grows out of the ground really hurt you?"
"Have you ever heard of poison ivy? Or that stuff poor people in the Districts burn to clean their houses or whatever?" Arachne spits, side-eying the bag on the ground.
"Sage isn't poisonous." Sejanus grumbles, hardly audible next to you.
"Okay, yes, but this is just weed. It's fun. Trust me." You plead, looking around at your friends, eyes locking on Coryo to your left.
"Okay, big shot, have you done it?" Clemensia asks, clearly already knowing the answer.
"Well... No, but there's a first time for everything, isn't there?" You smile. "Coryo, come on." You point him out in particular and he curses himself because he knows he can't say no to you.
"Okay... what do we do with it?" He questions quietly.
You squeal, the alcohol really showing as you lean into him, hugging him excitedly. "That's my boy! We smoke it."
"Alright, how?" Hilarius cuts in, forcing you to look at him instead of Coryo as you furrow your brow.
"Uh... that's a good question. I brought matches, though."
Sejanus sighs. "Anyone have an apple?" he speaks drawing everyone's attention, confused looks now focused on him.
"An apple?" Someone inquires about specifics, but you're busy making yourself comfortable closer to Coryo, leaning your head on his shoulder. When he realizes you're there to stay, he quickly reaches for the bottle at his side to take another swig. He's far too sober to have you all over him like this, he wonders if you could feel his heartbeat the way he could.
"To make a pipe." Sejanus explains, like it's obvious.
You smile, nodding at him. "You heard the boy- someone find him an apple!"
"And a pen." He adds.
"And a pen!"
It doesn't take long for the supplies to be acquired and passed over to him as you sit in a circle on the grass, watching Sejanus carefully as he uses the pen to dig into the core of the apple. You wanted to remember how, but the alcohol in your system was making it difficult to focus. You had to completely block out anything else happening around you.
"Y/N." You blink at your friend as he drops the pen into his lap, holding his free hand out to you.
"The weed." He shakes his hand for you to pass him the bag.
"Oh! Right!" You giggle, reaching out for the bag and handing it to him as he pries it open.
"What are you doing?" Livia's voice comes from above you and you swivel your head, quickly getting dizzy from the movement.
"Y/N brought weed." Hilarius answers for him, smiling wide. "Isn't she just the coolest?"
Coryo stares at him, moving his arm tighter around your oblivious form so your classmates could better see his hold on you.
"I- um..." The birthday girl is caught off guard, and quickly looks over her shoulder up at the house. "Can you not do that here? Take it to the park across the street."
"Oh- Oh! Of course, yes." You nod, scrambling to get up, immediately pulling her into a hug. "I should have asked, I'm sorry." You slur, not noticing how tense she is under your hold.
"Are you... drunk?"
"Maybe." You giggle, holding a finger to your lips as you pull away. "Happy birthday, by the way! I brought a gift for you, 'is over there." You point over to the table you placed the bag under, swaying slightly.
"Yeah... I already opened it, remember?"
"Oh, shit. Right! Well, I hope you like it, Liv. You're just the best..." You hum, hugging her again as she gives a panicked look to your classmates behind you, who just laugh.
"Alright, let's get you out of here. We're gonna go to the park, okay Y/N/N?" Coryo says, prying you off of Livia and giving her an apologetic look.
"Right!" You giggle, turning so fast you almost lose your balance. "Who's coming?"
"I'll come." Hilarius nods, quickly getting up alongside Sejanus, but no one else moves or says a word.
"You guys are babies!" You laugh.
"And Y/N is a drunk at sixteen. We all have flaws." Persephone speaks up, smug smile on her face as she walks up behind Livia.
Immediately, Coryo is bracing you from swinging at her as your smile drops within an instant and you try and throw yourself at her, manicured hands open and grasping for her hair which you just miss as he holds you back.
"Yeah, that's enough." Coryo grunts, trying to hold you back without hurting you. "We should probably go."
"Coryo, let me go, she-" You hiss, trying to pry him off of you. You didn't know when he got so much bigger or stronger than you.
"Like I said, a drunk." Persephone chuckles, chewing every syllable as it comes out of her mouth.
"That's precious coming from a damn cannibal!" You spit, still trying to get through him as your classmate stares at you in shock. "Yeah- did you even know what your parents were feeding you? 'Cause I do! You probably liked it, you vulture!"
Hilarius holds back a laugh, coming up behind you and pulling you back, taking you from Coryo's grip and hoisting you up over his shoulder to carry you away as you hit at his back, screaming to be let down.
"That's our cue." Sejanus mutters, patting Coryo's shoulder and brushing past him to follow after you and your friend. "Thanks for having us, Livia!"
Coryo is fuming as he watches your classmate carry you away, but he still really can't pinpoint why. It must be the amount of alcohol- he's never drank this much before, but he has heard anger is a symptom. He's seen it in your father. Now, he's seen it in you; but it's not like that kind of outburst was abnormal coming from you. He's probably mad at Persephone for bringing that out of you. It's her fault, honestly.
He silently grabs your backpack and your bottles, half-hazardly throwing them in before swinging it over his shoulder and following after Sejanus without another word.
"So," Arachne states once he's out of earshot, taking a sip out of her glass as she remains on the ground. "Are we betting on Heavensbee or Snow to lose their virginity to her tonight?"
The group very quickly became a hung jury.
"Listen, I know the truth, okay, guys, hear me out." Clemensia speaks up over her arguing classmates. "Tonight, specifically, it'll be Hilarius." She holds her hand up to stop anyone who started arguing. "Coriolanus will probably wait until they're married or something, but trust me when I tell you that he will marry her."
"Marry her? We're sixteen, aren't you getting ahead of yourself, Clemmie?" Festus laughs, shaking his head.
"Obviously he doesn't know it yet, he's denser than over stirred cake batter, but he just follows her around like a lost puppy. That will never change, also, he's the only one that she's never had a problem with! And she'll fight with anyone!" Clemensia states, nodding with the finality of her statement. "That's all I have to say."
"Wait, you're telling me Coriolanus and Y/N aren't together?" Pup asks, just joining the conversation after sitting there confused for the last few minutes.
"My point exactly."
"Sejanus, you wizard, show us the ways." You giggle, plopping down on the ground where Hilarius carefully let you back onto your feet once you reached the park, previous argument completely forgotten.
"Okay." He laughs, sitting down next to you. "There's three holes in the apple. You hold it on the side like this, then you put the weed on the very top hole..." He explains as he's doing it, and you watch intently. "Then you hold the match up until it's burning, and you'll put your thumb over this hole here once you inhale it through the last one..." His voice trails off as he holds the apple up to your lips, doing all the work but letting you just breathe in the smoke.
You try, eyes closed as the three boys watch you until you pull away quickly to cough it all out as the smoke burned into your throat. "Oh my god..." You laugh, eyes watering as you continue to cough. "Your turn."
"You okay?" Hilarius asks with a slight chuckle, rubbing gentle circles into your back.
"Fine." You nod, quickly wiping your eyes.
"Here." Sejanus holds the apple out to the boy next to you. He takes it, and Coryo feels like he can finally breathe now that Hilarius doesn't have his hands on you.
"Where'd you learn this?" He asks Sejanus, ignoring your classmate following the same routine you did.
"Guess." Sejanus answers, looking over at him. "I don't smoke, but lots of my friends parents did. Back in Two."
"Right." The fact that they smoked around children didn't shock Coryo. Not one bit.
"Coryo, loosen up, man, you look like you're sitting with a stick up your ass." Hilarius offers it to him now, and he looks over at you. As if somehow you would tell him what to say.
"Try it!" You urge him on, shifting over so you're kneeling in front of him, taking the apple from Hilarius for him. "I'll light for you."
"Uh, okay, yeah." He swallows thickly, subconsciously leaning back a little bit at your closer proximity.
He takes the fruit from your hand, watching as your strike up a new match. "Tell me when you're ready..." You hum, moving even closer as he lifts the apple to his lips.
"Ready." He says quietly, and before you put the flames to the flowers, you're reaching up with your other hand to push his hair out of his face and hold it back for him so it doesn't somehow light.
He doesn't last long, looking into your eyes and trying to inhale the thick, abrasive smoke; it's only a second before he's pulling back quickly, coughing his lungs out as the other two boys laugh at him.
"It takes some getting used to, that's okay..." You smile, taking another hit while the flower was still burning.
You exhale, and it's smoother this time. "I did it!" You grin, choking only slightly over your words.
"Good job, Y/N/N." Sejanus laughs.
"You okay?" You ask Coryo and he nods, recovering from the coughing fit now as the weed really starts to take affect in your system.
You feel like your world is swaying as you kneel in front of him. "Did it work? Can you feel it?" You ask, and he shakes his head.
"It's the second hit." You determine, feeling bold as you straddle yourself over his lap. "I've got an idea. Do you trust me?" You whisper and he nods quickly, leaning back on his palms. Once again, not nearly drunk enough for this.
"Yeah, you know what, I've gotta get back. My parents are heading out pretty quick, here..." Hilarius makes an excuse, but you can hardly even hear him now. "Sejanus, you coming?"
Clearly getting the message he nods, standing up and dusting off his pants. "Have fun, you two. Get home safe."
"Bye!" You giggle, waving to them with your free hand.
The silence that surrounds you is deafening, particularly for poor Coryo, who is fighting for his life to not move. Not that he doesn't want you this close, apparently he does; if his body and his mind racing with thoughts are any indicator, the biggest problem is that he wants to touch you. He knows he shouldn't.
"I've got an idea." You say again, attention returned to him. "But you have to trust me."
"I trust you." He mumbles with a slight nod.
"Good." You smile, taking yet another pull from the apple, holding it carefully the way Sejanus told you to.
You painfully hold your breath, feeling the drug cloud your mind as you put it down gently on the ground next to you. Coryo starts to panic as you lean in closer, closer than you've ever been to him before, and god, did he hate and love where this was going.
You stop, lips brushing against his as you let the smoke out of your lungs, and all he has to do is breathe. Why is that suddenly so hard? He manages, somehow, feeling the smoke from your lungs flood into his own.
Once you move back, settling yourself on his lap and tilting your head at him, he turns to breathe it all out away from you. He doesn't know if he can look back.
You smile, settling your arms around his neck and subconsciously playing with the ends of his hair. "How does it feel?"
"Good." He says quietly, finally gaining the courage to look up at you.
"Good?" You hum with a slight nod, letting yourself get closer to him again as he rests a hand on your waist.
"Really good." He confirms, looking into your eyes; glazed over from the substances you so carelessly consume. "Y/N/N?"
"Yes, my dear Coryo?" You answer, already getting giggly.
He doesn't say anything more.
Fuck it.
With his free hand he's grabbing the back of your neck and pulling you closer, crashing his lips against yours.
"Y/N, hey." Coryo greets you, catching up to you just as you get to the front doors of the academy. He hasn't seen you since Saturday night- since he walked you home after you spent nearly an hour kissing him absolutely senseless at the park across from Livia's home. He couldn't stop thinking about it.
"Coryo, hi." You smile, textbooks tucked into your arms as you join him walking into the front doors of the academy on Monday morning. "How are you feeling?"
"Me? Fine." He shrugs, failing to mention the crippling hangover he was nursing for all of the day prior.
"What?" You laugh, sighing with fake disappointment. "That's not fair. I was dying yesterday. Literally, when I woke up I thought I had died and gone to hell. I don't even remember how I got home."
"You don't?" He chuckles nervously.
"No. I don't remember a thing." You laugh. "That's how you know it was a good night, so I've heard."
"Really? Nothing at all?" He asks, nervousness and disappointment flashing behind his eyes.
"Well, I remember spiking the punch." You laugh. "Why, did I do something bad?" Your laugh is replaced with anxiety as your voice lowers so only he can hear, catching the look in his eye.
Coryo clears his throat, avoiding your gaze as he shakes his head. "No, well... You did call Persephone a cannibal. Tried to fight her."
"Oh, well, that's standard." You shrug. "No big deal, then."
"Yeah. No big deal."
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taglist:@totallynotkaibiased , @stelleduarte , @klplynn , @secretsicanthideanymore , @bejeweledreverie , @gloryekaterina , @andrewgarfieldsbitch , @queenofspades6 , @pepperonipastas , @ladybug0095 , @lunamothwrites , @sbrewer21 , @mus-tbe-a-weasley , @splxtscreen , @unclecrunkle , @karmaswitch , @coconut-dreamz , @nekee-lilac02 , @ooooglymoooogly , @riddlerloveb0t , @lovedbalances , @notyourwildestdream , @snowlandson-top , @too-lit-for-fanfic , @utopiakys , @deafeningballoonnacho , @roosterschanelslut , @chmpgneprblem , @cosmoetik , , @urvampgfsworld , @carolanns-world@nan-nie , @shakespearseclipse , @iovemoonyy , @notyoursweetheart-honey ,  @xyzstar , @eatpizzasass, @slytherinholland , @queenofshinigamis , @elodiebeau , @soulessjourney
311 notes · View notes
words-4u · 1 year
right person (1/3)
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pairings: luca x reader, marcus x reader (platonic)
wc: 1.4k
a/n: immediately started planning a three part series on luca while watching the bear s2. that's what a tatted will poulter does to me (the bear is an incredible show btw pls watch if you don't)
warning: swearing
part 2 / part 3
"yes! we are sending you and marcus to denmark for two weeks to stage at this really great restaurant. you're gonna learn to do three new desserts for us. carmy knows the head pastry chef. says he's really cool so it should be fun, right?" sydney explained.
"that does sound fun! i'm in!" you smile.
you look at marcus who was deep in thought. if you had to guess what he was thinking, his mind is probably on his mom who was currently bed ridden at a hospital.
you put a hand on marcus' shoulder. "you good with that?" you ask your co pastry chef.
he broke out of his thoughts and nods. "yeah, i-i'm great. i'd love to."
"great! cause you guys really didn't have a choice. your flights are already booked for tomorrow afternoon sooo thanks!" sydney offers two thumbs and an awkward smile before she leaves what used to be the kitchen.
"holy shit," you whisper in shock. "staging at a michelin star restaurant in a country i've always wanted to visit. could this be any better?"
"i have to go tell my mom but give me a call if you need a ride to the airport tomorrow. chester will probably take me and we can swing by your place if you want?"
"dude, yes! that'd save me a shit ton of money that i would've spent on uber."
"cool, see you," marcus grabs his bag and heads out the door.
after helping fak, riche and gary with fallen ceiling debris, you decide to leave a bit early to pack and clean your apartment before your travel.
it was noon on the dot the next day when marcus calls to check if you were ready for the airport. since you packed the night before, you had a rather peaceful morning. chester talks your ear off the whole way to the airport and you guys get there he demands to see your passports because he wants to make sure you and marcus actually had it on you.
"chester, can you do me a favour and check in on my ma when you get the time?" marcus asks.
"dude, i'm way ahead of you. gonna check on her every morning on my way to work,"
"i appreciate it."
chester looks at both you. "now, i want you take a deep breath and let the good in. you guys are gonna kill it."
you grin at marcus' friend. "thanks chester. okay we're gonna have to leave now before we miss our flight."
marcus says his farewell to his best friend and the two of you head to your gate.
the plane ride to copenhagen was smooth despite marcus' worries. you guys hop on a train to explore the city before heading to where you were staying.
"trains here are way cleaner than the ones in chicago," marcus leans over to whisper.
"waay cleaner," you agree.
the two of you exited the station and stood in awe of your view. clear blue skies. cool fresh air. colourful buildings. and the smell of hotdogs which was incredibly appealing after your long journey.
you and marcus lock eyes. "oh yeah."
marcus got a hotdog with dried onions and pickles on top while you had a plain jane moment with just ketchup.
"this is the best thing i've ever put in my mouth," you say with in between bites.
"just what i needed honestly," marcus says.
after your quick meal, the two of you continue to wander the city taking in the architecture most of all.
marcus was using the maps feature on his phone to find the place you were supposed to be staying at.
"uh i don't see any apartment buildings near," you say. "are you sure we are in the right place?"
marcus led you to a canal where some boats were docked. "i am 99.9% sure. you're staying in 286 and i'm in 287."
you glance at the boat in front of you and saw the gold numbers plaque on the side. "well, mystery solved. this is your place and i'm guessing this one is mine." you moved further down to the boat behind marcus' one.
"sick," he smiles.
"i'll see you tomorrow, yeah?"
"night, y/n!"
you walk down a couple of steps before unlocking a door that lead to a kitchen and dining room. it was spacious and you were grateful for the many windows it had. the stairs to the left led up to the bedroom which was a lot smaller than you anticipated having only space for your bed and a small cabinet for clothes.
you flop on your bed and exhaled. you didn't realize how tired you were until your head hit the soft mattress and while everything in you wanted to knock out, you knew you had to get up and unpack because you wouldn't have time tomorrow.
one thing you were not was a morning person and yes you should have gotten used to it by now working in the restaurant industry but getting up at 4 a.m. will never feel natural. regardless, you had a twinge of excitement for your new job and excited to learn under this new chef that carmy spoke so highly of.
once you got ready for the day, you hear three soft knocks.
"morning," you say. "you ready?"
"born ready," marcus says as you lock your door and head to the restaurant.
it was only a 15 minute walk from where you were staying so the two of you arrive with time to spare.
you walk into the bright kitchen and suck in a breath. the kitchen was stunning with it's high-end equipment, gorgeous green tiling and the young hot chef moving bags of flour from one table to another.
"chef. i'm marcus brooks and this is y/n y/l/n," marcus begins. "and we're from-"
the chef looks up for a quick second. "i know. i'm luca, pastry. we start at 5 a.m. your section's at the end of the bench."
the english accent takes you by surprise. your knees could have buckled right then and there.
"yes, chef," the two of you say in unison.
now your excitement turned into nervousness. not only were you to create three star-worthy desserts for the bear, you had to learn from someone who is so extremely good looking it hurts.
marcus and you head to the back to change into your uniforms which was a basic indigo t-shirt and a green apron like luca had.
when you went back out, you immediately wash your hands and got ready for whatever luca had in store for you guys.
luca had marcus rollout croissant pastry while he led you to a table where he had prepared a dessert. your task was to place pieces of peanuts at a certain angle as part of its presentation.
you study luca as he shows you what to do. he had small black tattoos scattered up and down his arms. that alone is having an effect on you.
"here, you try," he says passing the tweezers to you.
your fingers brush as you took the small tool from him. luca didn't make eye contact but you did notice his jaw clench.
"nuzzle that sliver into the pudding just to lock it in."
"yes, chef," you say.
taking one of the small nuts from the bowl, you place it on the pudding but it slipped last second.
"no. again, chef," he says in a calm yet assertive tone.
"sorry," you say and try again and it's worse which luca picks up on.
"hm, worse."
he takes the tweezers from you and picks up the piece. "don't be afraid to just stick it in there, you know," luca takes the nut and slides it in perfectly. "just be confident about it."
"don't second-guess yourself," he says finally locking eyes with you.
you nod. "yes, chef."
you took the tweezers back and third time was the charm because you placed the nut in the pudding just like he'd showed you. smiling to yourself, you put the tool down.
luca's face stays expressionless. he looks up from the dessert. "you know how to make shiso gelee?"
you absolutely do not know how to make whatever he just said but there was no way you were gonna let him know that.
"yes, chef."
luca steps away to grab some ingredients which gives you the opportunity to whip your phone out and google the gelee. "dextrose? what the fuck is that?" you whisper to yourself.
luca came back and places a tray in front you. "recipe," he says tapping some blue index cards.
you felt your face burn. "thank you, chef."
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end of part 1 omggg. not much luca x reader but it’s warming up trust me. i already have ideas for part 2 and 3 with some potential alternate endings... stay tuned
if you enjoyed, please let me know (through my bio) if you have any the bear requests, send them my way!
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starofhisheart · 8 months
This scene in s2 w Ed and Frenchie
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Parallels with this scene w Ed and Izzy from s1
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(Had to snip a part out so it would fit but at first Izzy denies and then he actually tries, albeit begrudgingly.)
I always thought the scene with Izzy was showing how disconnected the pair are and while I still think that, the s2 scene shines new light on that original interaction. Where Izzy is trying to understand his boss, Frenchie doesnt even try and only denies. This is understandable ofc with everything Ed has put him and his friends through but its just interesting how they chose to parallel the scenes. Here, Frenchie has just become first mate and its almost like Ed hopes he'll be a sort of Izzy stand-in or at least falls back on his usual rapport with his first mate. But Frenchie is not Izzy. And this parallel highlights that.
I've had theories about how Ed sees Izzy and s2 has given us so much food for thought. When Izzy directly asks him "Who am I to you?" Ed softly says "what", like he's not even sure himself. The look on his face is blank but almost imploring and unsure. Izzy is just...Izzy. Friend? Lover? Thats too complicated and yet not as complicated as their relationship with each other. Izzy has clearly thought about it but has Ed? They've been together for so long ("I've been cleaning up your messes my whole fucking life.") without communicating their feelings. Bc thats what pirates do right? They dont have time for soft things like feelings.
But then Ed goes off and finds a new lover unlike any of his others and Izzy panics. Stede is a threat to their way of life, unsafe-at least thats how Izzy sees it-and then its over and Ed is breaking, depressed and then pretending to be ok
TW: suicide discussion
-and to speak on that specific point some more, I subscribe to the belief that post Lucius-talk-Ed where he's planning music shows, etc is not him coping healthily. We see this paralleled in s2 where after Izzy is "dead" Ed puts his hair up, starts cleaning and seems "chipper". But then we know he's planning to kill himself and everyone on board that same day. So this whole charade feels...macabre. He's getting his affairs in order in preparation for the big deed. Depression CAN look like this too.
When Izzy confesses he has love for Ed he says it haltingly, like its hard to even get the words out, like he's never said anything like this before (and he probably hasn't). And the words he chooses too. Instead of "I love you" he says "I have love for you". Its like he's saying after everything, all the pain and heartache, I still have love for you. But Ed refuses to, can't hear what Izzy is saying, and dismisses his confession. Perhaps he thinks this is a ploy too. After all he's unlovable right?
But we know from later scenes that Ed does love Izzy
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in his own way. Some may interpret this line as platonic, some romantic-but I think it's more complicated than that. Again, Izzy and Ed have been together for so long the lines have blurred. They love each other like a brother. They're partners. They hate each other. They're an extension of each other. They're coworkers. Boss and right hand man. They can't imagine being without the other.
Well, whatever they feel for each other its capital C complicated that's for sure.
I have so many thoughts about ✨️them✨️ but I'll leave it here for now. No hate in the comments pls. Both men are my lil meows meows and have done nothing (and everything) wrong. Love those gay dudes fr.
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thesherrinfordfacility · 11 months
please note that this is a pre-s2 masterpost; new one can be found here.
contrary to popular belief i am actually capable of writing up genuine theories about s2, but they are still wonderfully feral and unhinged in both tone and nature, so voila welcome to ✨rhi's crackpot speculation/meta masterpost✨ featuring some very special guests that are way more insightful and clever than me
note: contains spoilers
d-day edit: lmao let's sort this shitpit out🍲
old post-s2/s3-relevant metas etc but they didn't make it to the final cut of the new masterpost:
BIT NERVOUS about this being linked but fuck it, i didn't like the first two eps INITIALLY but in my defence i learnt the error of my ways and consider it to have been prime's fault
thoughts on s3 in the immediate aftermath
i heard you calling from across the ether for some whump material so i wrote some
also i meta-girlbossed a bit too close to the sun with recontextualising the lion/adam/eve parallels in s1e1 now that we know what we know about aziraphale and crowley pre-fall
someone shared their opinion about the playlists with me then i blacked out and when i came to there was meta
i got big feelings™ about the argument clip in that aziraphale is honestly just a nice man doing his fucking best (not a prediction but just a wee rant)
s2 live commentaries bc im sorry reading these back is GOLD:
episode 1/2 (lumped together bc i went to a screening) (also neil liked this and i feel exposed the poor guy had to read this??? over all the other somewhat intelligent stuff on my blog??? this is what he went for???? man's WILD ✨)
episode 3
episode 4
episode 5
episode 6 (lmao)
and then basically anything else, mostly all pre-s2 so have a read and laugh at me, it's ok honest
this one made me tear up a bit because i live on a diet of bagels and aziraphale/crowley biblical whump material LMAO AM I APOLLO????
(as amended) the one where my entire theory on aziraphale and crowley's angst for s2 is predicted based on the length of his ridiculous (see: delicious) sideburns
an earlier musing on the plot of like the first three episodes (fuck it let's be real i'm just blueprinting a fanfic in this post)
by all accounts crowley is not, in fact, james bond
the second coming gets fucked up bc gabriel is a pussy ass bitch
✨✨SDCC/NYC✨✨ people pls read this and talk to me about it bc I'm losing it everyone else just shh and read silently for a minute ill get to you in a sec okay id still love to know what happened at the sdcc screening but i went to my own one in the uk and what i saw has done nothing to dissuade me from this theory im sorry
lol haven't updated this post in a hot minute but this is the SMOOCHY prediction
i told y'all crowley was getting hit by the cozzy livs and now my boy has to work in a pub, liz truss i hope ur happy
if i must suffer then you must suffer also thems the rules
✨✨live feed of my breakdown over the episode titles✨✨
a wee romantic shitpost about ep5 but im adding it in here for posterity bc if this does happen im going to simply decease
this was birthed from the above but with ep2(?) spoiler context
i have a sinking feeling that crowley may be a double agent and honestly that's not very james bond of him
segue from the above, someone really cleverly came up with the thought after the wanted posters that crowley is involved in hell descending on the bookshop to get gabriel and was rewarded with duke of hell (hence the art of him on a throne) and i latched on like a fucking barnacle
I cry
(also as amended lmao) my rhetoric on how unequipped aziraphale is to handle intense gay panic god bless this mess this lil funky dude
i have now done so many speculation posts about the 40s that it feels like groundhog day but if prime insist on feeding me 40s content then that's their own damn fault (but this one is the most recent and where I'm currently at so read this one first)
(older) a tinfoil hat inspection of anything related to ww2!husbands, magician aziraphale, and the Dinner of '41
(older again) extended-Dinner of '41 analysis in the context of s1e3
once upon a time aziraphale and crowley fucked up the ineffable plan by not getting together in 1941 and god wasn't happy about it and everything went tits up, the end
a simple humble commentary on how the trailer was put together and a warning to not trust a single thing prime tells us
okay it's not s2 related but i had a bit of wine and a small heartbreak over their first meeting in the beginning and now any other method of therapy is redundant
and last but certainly not least (not for the moment anyway, there's a few more feet to descend before we truly scrape the bottom of the unholy barrel that is my psyche) we encounter the deranged, manic, unbalanced and frankly disturbed commentary i birthed in response to The Spoiler
enjoy, my boos ✨
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s2 episode 2 thoughts
woohoo! we are back for another s2 moment! each night i do my duolingo and then have mulder and scully time <3
so we open on a boat which is already awful. boats are lowkey horrific. and something grabs a man working on the sewage and pulls him under. what the hell! worst case scenario on MANY fronts
then we see our good friend mulder who is listening to audio recordings. and boy was this a scene, because he had sunflower seeds everywhere, cartons of takeout scattered, a million empty cans and cups, and a page of little doodles. all while he sits in the dark.
i figured perhaps this was the squalor of the single man apartment, but no! someone opens a door and light pours in, and tells him he has to leave and someone else will take over his case. and that poor man gets forced into his disgusting space. truly the king of not giving a fuck. please try and give one fuck for me mulder
skinner moves him to a murder case in new jersey and he's all "but why did skinner want MEEEEE"
anyway he goes into the sewers, which are thankfully now free of eugene tooms due to the hard work of that one escalator... everybody say thank you escalator... and he finds a body and says send that back to the FBI
mulder busts into skinner's office to yell at him while he was IN A MEETING oh mulder!!! i get ur mad but have some decorum! he's like WHY are you wasting my time! well mulder if you want to work your way back up the ladder i think screaming at ur boss is not a good place to start!
(we also see that skinner's first name is walter and that he has a picture of bill clinton on the wall which i know made sense at the time but in 2024 it's just really funny. there's old willy looking over business)
cutscene to mulder Pondering in the dark and look! enter our dear friend scully!
"is this seat taken?" she asks "no, but i should warn you i'm experiencing violent impulses" he replies. "well, i'm armed, so i'll take my chances" she answered, and i audibly said "AWWW" <3 how sweet
he says he wants to leave the bureau! but she is his only reason to want to stay! gasp! we are gonna have to unpack that later!
she's like but you have a body right...? can i see the body....? can i pls pls pls pls be involved in ur case?
girl's night: autopsy edition! this body was quite decomposed and it had me wondering how exactly they film these scenes, and while i was pondering the process of making a prop body, we hear a loud thunk of scully removing the dude's rib cage to which i nearly fainted but we were Fine it's okay
and i'm holding my breath trying to deal with seeing this dude's insides when we get a WORM JUMPSCARE crawling about in his corpse
back in new jersey we see more sanitation workers and another man getting pummeled by the sewer beast... have we considered giving these men a raise?
the man has a nasty wound and i wrote "i am not built for this" in my notes but mulder strolls into the doctor's office while he's being checked out to investigate... we see the wound that the sanitation guy thinks is a snake that got into the sewers... and i'm thinking that doesn't sound right but i don't know enough about sewers to dispute that information
scully calls and he has to hang up and he gets ANOTHER call and picks up like "scully not now >:(" BUT THE GAG IS... it isn't her... it's some guy saying he has a friend in the FBI....... um
scully has mulder come down to the lab to show off the worm she found and give the audience a nice PSA to not eat raw meat! thank you dr. scully! we then get some worm facts and she seems pleased
BUT MULDER IS MEAN and he accuses her of being responsible for the phone call and she looks so hurt! she says she wouldn't betray his confidence by talking about him wanting to leave! mulder i get that you're in your questioning era but literally one episode ago she picked up your mostly dead body from a jungle compound so?? let's be rational here???
the next scene involved blood coming out of sanitation man's mouth and mostly what i wrote at this point was a few variations of "AUGH" "i cannot look" and "cannot handle this"
at the sanitation plant they capture whatever this Thing is and oh my. well. all i can really think of are those fake mermaids. you know the barnum fake mermaid hoax? or is that too 19th century niche? well either way, it looks like that but Worse. and equipped with suckers. it's a gnarly beast to gaze upon and i wrote more "AUGH"s here
cutscene to scully on a computer reading worm facts. back when you used a big ol computer to research creatures. i miss the 90's (disclaimer: i was not alive for them at all)
mulder lets her see the creature (which they have put in a mental hospital?) and she is SO excited to see this sort of beast BUT she figured out it was connected to the first attack because someone slipped a magazine article with a hint under her door!!!! looks like there really is someone on the inside...
she also says "i'd consider it more than a professional loss if you decided to leave" WAHHHHHHH <- me crying like a baby at this line
mulder's sitting in skinner's office like a kid stuck in detention and skinner says they're gonna prosecute the worm monkey baby thing and i nearly cried at the mental image of putting that beast on trial. skinner was like "you want to put it in the zoo?" I fear that's far more reasonable.....????? like how is he gonna testify he's WORM MONKEY BABY THING
mulder is again very pissed off and tells skinner that they could have saved the second man (who died in the shower while i was looking away from his bleeding) because he had agents who could have handled it but he shut the x files down and skinner is like. i know. but i was just following orders... tea....
okay so i THOUGHT the worm monkey was baby sized but now they're taking him somewhere else and he is full man sized... but he breaks out of his restraints, we hear a gunshot, and he escapes into a toilet... NO, i yelled to the sanitation worker on my screen, THE WORM IS INSIDE (he couldn't hear me)
mulder's at the scene and gets another mysterious phone call telling him he CANNOT mess this case up because there needs to be undeniable proof the x files must come back... okay no pressure!
so the worm monkey is somewhere in the sewer plant and scully calls like "i think the little worm we found was a baby and it's looking for a place to lay its eggs so we CANNOT let it escape"
(mulder and another worker go into the sewers without any sort of worm monkey handling equipment, idk i was thinking a shotgun might be appropriate here. like what did they think they were gonna do? wrestle it?)
the other worker falls in so NATURALLY our hero mulder (who is still a hero even if he has been cranky af lately) jumps in after him
and mulder GUILLOTINES the worm monkey in what can only be described as an average fox w 🔥🔥
at the end we see scully and mulder once again meet on a public bench in the dark, where she shares that the genetic testing proved that this thing was actually a mixture of human and worm that came from radioactive waste at chernobyl??? so. that's fucked up. haven't they suffered enough.
(but i like that this is a monster made possible by humans and yet still very real, even if that seems... an unlikely story... still, for dana scully's sake i'm happy this is something that can be proved by Science)
((although i hate to know what the implications are for the chernobyl dogs in this universe...))
we end with a shot of worm monkey baby, who has been split in half, re-opening its eyes. now i do think sea worms can sometimes grow back so this isn't SHOCKING. but it is displeasing nonetheless.
overall, listen; mulder, you've had it rough. they've slashed your life's work and you doubt reality. but man. clean your desk up. be nice to scully. skinner is clearly on ur side. i need to shake his stupidly tall frame and knock some sense into him. that beautiful woman wants to tell you worm facts and you should be writing it all down intently.
(good angst though, love that she's the only reason he wants to stay. and love her little autopsy time <3)
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crazykuroneko · 9 months
The Newsreader S2 Ep 6 (Finale)
A well-written, well-acted, and well-produced season. Anna and Sam showed their range. The whole cast is such a treat to see when they're all working together for a bulletin. Love how they wrote other characters/relationships to be a foil to Helen, Dale or their relationship, especially Rob/Noellene. The set and the fashion are impeccable. My only criticisms are I wish we could see more of how Charlie/Helen crash and burn in more than a montage and a scene and the score, which could have been better imo. Anyway, this should sweep AACTA idc idc
My unnecessary note on the episode under the cut
Sam is such a great actor, because we see Dale's acting like he's okay all smiley etc but you know he's breaking inside
Geoff looks sincere with his speech about Kay, but I bet it's Evelyn's idea to put that on the news. Idk I'm still sceptical about those two
GOD DALE he's really doing everything he's been dreaming of as if that would make him feel better about himself
that montage of Helen and Charlie doing drugs is insane. Especially when you remember their relationship started right after she covered a drug addict news
ugh yes Rob we know you're homophobic thanks
"He's turning into Helen" well more like Geoff
Oh fuck you Lindsey. he's the one without any principles at all and alway takes/turns anything into personal. He and Evelyn are my big villains UGH
Okay, Rob proposing her in Korean is sweet. A sign he's willing to learn
Don't forget Rob is someone who refuses his promotion even when he gets it because he's too comfortable in his place. OF COURSE he won't understand Noelene's ambition to develop her career. I'm so sorry Noelene. i wish you didn't fall in love with a loser
At least The Walters know when they have to pay back a favor
Helen really said don't talk about my bisexual almost-husband! She's so real for that. But I do wish we saw how the relationship with Charlie crashed and burnt in more than just two scenes.
"Just do your work" also "Do nothing" in the previous episode. Insanity
Poor Dale, no one can back him up. It hurts that Tim won't help him but it's very understandable after how Dale has been using him after all this time. Plus Tim is in a different relationship with his sexuality than Dale. He's not out, but he has embraced it and doesn't want to hide it anymore. Meanwhile that's impossible for Dale if he still wants a career in front of the camera with a good pay in that era. Which is why I don't see them get back together anymore. In my eyes, it's more like infatuation than love between them, with/without the internalized homophobia. And Tim does deserve to live free from all this drama
14 hours plus on the desk? it's insane. Dale is turning into a robot wtf
Dale Jennings disappointing the whole queer community. Where did that come from? Yes, season 1! Upon reflection, I don't think Gerry did it, but it's definitely someone from the gay club. Someone who saw he's dancing with Tim before. Could be that stranger he slept with. There's no way he didn't know who Dale was. Anyway, Dale feels like the community has betrayed him, so now like a naive child he's getting back at them. (He's still my baby though ❤️)
Oh Noelene was definitely going to say no even without Helen's problem. Of course she was. 💔
Could we unalive Lindsey pls? Like he's the epitome of a white man who only knows how to scream and take advantage of any situation. A lot of people's temper would be improved
Okay, maybe Rob does deserve some rights. The fact he has achieved his peak in sport really helps. I guess that's why he's so chill about his news career
I guess the only person Lindsey really appreciates is Dennis cos who would manage everyone if not him? Lindsey can only scream and scream. He'd really be nothing without Denis and Noelene
Dale has definitely been looking up to Geoff. So it's insane when Geoff, who has sacrificed his career for his daughter, is now congratulating Dale, who has sacrificed all of his relationships for his career. It's like the passing of the news desk trap
Why is it with this couple and believing marriage will just solve all your problems? No, I understand they know that they're the life raft to each other, so when they're in a dire moment, they want to make sure they'll have each other always. Forever. And it's insane. And it's so heartbreaking that the moment Helen realizes that Dale has always been fully committed to her and fully supported her is the moment Dale got a confirmation that he really has It to be the king of news, and he won't sacrifice that. Not right now when he's finally had it in his hand
You know, when you think about it, Dale's rejection protects Helen's principle. Because here she's about to use their potential engagement to placate the gossip writer to not publish Dale's story, which would lead to them having to feed her stories on their relationship forever. Which Helen has said before that her private life is not something she would trade. In the end, Donna only gets Dale's life.
It's insane how this episode starts just like Ep 1 and ends just like how season 1 ends.
Also, this is very unnecessary, but please know I worship Sam's and Anna's acting. They're insane throughout this season.
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zanyana626 · 1 year
Alright, so here's my thoughts on the new Helluva Boss episode! 😈🤠❄️
Everything’s tagged as #hb spoilers for those who haven't seen it yet!
Stolas & Stella confronting each other be like:
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Ice King Andrealphus being the third fucking wheel, questioning why he even showed up, but staying for the literal tea
Stolas & Stella obviously hated each other from the get go, so yeah, he didn't betray no one (except maybe his daughter's trust)
COWBOY DADDY STRIKER STRIKES BACK!!! Still sad that Norman Reedus didn't return to voice him, but I kinda already had a feeling that he wouldn't return cuz 1) We didn't get to hear Striker in the S2 Trailer & I think it was confirmed that most of the cast had finished recording their lines for this season over a year ago and 2) It's understandable bc he's a busy man in the acting industry!
And besides, Ed's an awesome VA (especially with all the characters he's voiced so far in the Hellaverse), so I didn't really mind the recast!
"Um... sexy?" Yep, Stolas & the I.M.P crew know what's up! 😉
Wonder what other kinds of Blessed items/weapons exist! I want more lore content!!!
Not bad for an M&M themed episode!
Mixed thoughts on the Blitzø & Loona B-plot of the episode! The Sloth Ring making these two wait 5 years for a rabies shot appointment & the dumbass staff not getting "Bingo & Tuna's" names right was funny tho!
Also, fuck off Fish Karen! It's Hell, no one gives a shit and yet, you're fine with your illegitimate son insulting Blitzø to his face!
"How does one get their own theme song?" Striker unwillingly getting his own theme song was gold! It gave me "Gaston's Song" vibes and I love it!!! 👏🏼
Moxxie finally fighting his own battles (even if it's for something as simple as a hat), good for him!
So there are tinier Imps in Hell, now? Again, lore content pls!!!!
Striker's little bat-cave: "I'm just impressed you seem to want to suck your own dick so badly", 'nuff said! 🤣
The parallels of Stolas "messing around" with Striker while being held hostage, to the time Blitzø & Moxxie fucked with the government agents in "Truth Seekers" was good too! 👌🏼
Hope we get to see a Striker backstory cuz he reeeeally has some sort of grudge towards the Goetia family or any of the higher ranked demons! Wonder if Paimon had anything to do with that?
"Prepare for trouble & make it double!" Stella & Andrealphus's dynamic was funny, but slightly creepy (mostly on Andre's side towards his sister)
LEAVE MAH CHILD VIA OUTTA THIS!!!! Like she hasn't had enough shit to deal with already!
They said, no Country music for a battle theme, only Pop music!
The fight scene mixed with Loona fighting back at her shot appointment was funny!
Angel Dust vs. Sir Pentious callback?? Moxxie's definitely been taking notes from the spider boi!
We still haven't seen the last of Cowboy Daddy Striker!
Poor Loony, getting a "cone of shame". At least she got a lollipop for being a "good patient"? 🤷🏻‍♀️
"...He can get hurt?" Yes, Blitzø! He may be a royal demon w/phenomenal cosmic powers, but he's just as fragile and hurting on the inside, just like me & you bud (and holy weapons don't help with that fact either)!
Had to pause to look at the Stolitz texts: so they have brought up the Ozzie's incident, but apparently haven't ACTUALLY talked about it face-to-face! At least Stolas is trying to work something out & give Blitzø some space!
One thing that bugged me the most is Loona not getting any lines in this episode, yet Erica still got credited?
The last episode was understandable bc Loona appeared for a few seconds in the beggining & end. But they could've at least given Loona a few lines this time around, especially given the fact that she was freaking out & didn't wanna get the shot!
Overall not exactly the best episode, but it was still alright (I just mostly missed my cowboy daddy, ok?) Hopefully, the next episode does better!!!
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thewingedwolf · 1 year
I broke this up bc it was getting embarrassingly long, here’s my thoughts on the crows storylines going into s2, pls be aware i ship every possible iteration of the crows together in a very romantic context, i Will Be referring to Jesper as both Kaz and Inej’s boyfriend, bc he IS DAMMIT.
anyways after all that mal talk and speaking of “clearly in love and coping with it as best he can”, I think it’s very funny that Jesper looks more like he got caught doing something embarrassing by his crush (bc that’s exactly what it is) than actually chastised by his boss for straight up abandoning his job to go gamble. he tends to look imo way more embarrassed at Kaz snapping at him in Ketterdam than he does when they’re out and about, probably bc it’s like “in front of all our friends babe? really?”
Also - jesper abandoning his job to go gamble. oh poor baby. they’ve set it up as like A Problem but it’s sort of quirky funny right now, while not being the butt of the joke either. the joke is more “kaz is annoyed by jesper’s gambling and jesper charmingly brushes it off bc he’s a goof” but Clearly, jesper gambling away their money instead of just buying coal later on is a problem.
Everyone calls Kaz boss right in front of Perr Haskell’s salad lollllll i know they do this in the book too and i think it’s just as funny
Once again speaking of “dumb bitch trying to hide his crush & failing miserably” I love that Inej is having a literal religious experience realizing a sun summoner has been born when Alexie tells them about alina, looks at Kaz in excitement, realizes he hasn’t even twitched, and goes back to being excited. Kaz meanwhile, pointedly looks everywhere But at inej until after he notices Inej has stopped staring at him, and THEN he watches her reaction. Just the biggest dumb ass alive.
Also Jesper “apparently i’m a big softie” Fahey being genuinely distressed when Alexie is killed while once again, Kaz refuses to react.
Jesper evades Inej’s unsaid question about Kaz & Pekka, then immediately asks Kaz “did pekka recognize you” so he knows SOMETHING WHY DOES HE KNOW AND WHAT DID KAZ TELL HIM.
related to that but jesper is less obviously in love with Kaz in the show, & seems ok w Kaz bossing him around bc they’re genuinely friends vs Jesper bitches waaaay more (with good reason) in the books about being Kaz’s errand boy - show!Kaz is the boss & still a big bitch, but Kaz trusted Jesper w some truth of his past OR Jesper was there when Something happened, so Jesper lets the bitchiness slide. More even footing, and i think it was a good change, esp as Kaz gets more withdrawn & erratic as Pekka’s plans start to fail, bc now jesper knows why.
Note that while Kaz is just as much of a bitch to Jesper as in the books, he also just as clearly loves him. “Watch the door” “Come along we have a new job” all these orders that Jesper follows with only mild complaining, but they’re *important* jobs that Kaz only trusts Jesper with. It’s that Kaz only trusts Jesper & Inej to watch his back, but he shows it by being the biggest bitch alive lol.
A lot of the changes to the Crows seem to be an attempt to put Jesper & Inej on slightly more even footing with Kaz. That they could leave (bc Inej has paid off her indenture to him) but choose to stay with him. That they know why he hates Pekka, or more keenly suspect the reason he hates Pekka. What i wonder is if it’s in preparation for the soc/ck storylines, where Kaz gets a lot more reckless, so the writers want him to seem slightly less unlikeable to show only watchers who don’t get to peek inside his head & see how much he loves the crows even when he’s being a dink.
OR if it’s a purposeful contrast to the Darklng - both very powerful men who love the color black & are allergic to doing the right thing, but Kaz spends half his story line trying to liberate Inej, trusts Jesper with the truth & needles at both of them, but isn’t explicitly forcing either to do something they don’t want to do. while the Darklng at every turn further undermines Alina’s power, and keeps Zoya, Genya, David, & Nina in the dark about his real motivations, & we can SEE already how guilty David, Genya, and Zoya feel about continuing to follow his orders no matter how cruel.
Once Again speaking of dumb ass bitches who can’t hide their crush, the way Nina is ready to beat the shit out of Matthias, and even then, powerless, alone, weak, and so clearly just the exact sort of threatening, seductful Grisha the Fjerdans warn against, Matthias is struck by Nina’s humanity, her point that grisha are never found innocent, her anger in the face of certain doom. they speak one (1) time and he’s like “cool time to forget everything i’ve ever been taught so i can be this weird mean lady’s malewife” aksjjdjd
the sequence of the trio with the conductor in the fold is so entertaining, the comedic timing of them all sniping at each other, and jesper walking up to kill the volcra while clutching milo, and the way he closes his eyes and trusts his abilities as a grisha to send the bullet where it needs to go. chefs kiss, no notes.
“i’d rather starve than be a traitor” is the moment Matthias really starts to understand Nina is just as human as he is, bc she’s just as stubborn and loyal as he is, but when she spits the bread back in his face is the moment i think he falls in love with her. Loyal, stubborn, and too much for Matthias to even comprehend.
Jesper being delighted by Inej’s acrobat abilities and Inej letting him shoot a gun at her face and Kaz just nopes out of that shit immediately truly the most chaotic throuple.
The deep breathing as Kaz tries to ignore the he pain and walk without a limp & all his pained noises as he’s running around, jumping up into the carriage, etc has me like “haha i do that” aksjs
something something inej always looks to kaz when Something Religious is happening because faith is something she has always shared with the people she loves, but she’s always met with Kaz’s impassive insistence that faith is nothing more than a parlor trick. but still she always looks to him to share her faith. and it’s always there, just underneath - he doesn’t feel the need to share those moments bc the only saint he’s ever looked to was Inej & despite himself, he’s eager to share those moments with her, the ones where they fight together and save each other.
Kaz being so shitty with the Darklng bc he realizes how Aleksander has mistreated & isolated Alina is so fucking good. He’s a criminal but he has like, standards lmao. A straight con is one thing, but Kaz always dislikes rich people being cruel to people they’re supposed to care about for Rich People Reasons (see: his thinly veiled dislike for Jan even pre-Jan Stealing Inej).
“You’re loud and you’re lewd” while staring directly at Nina’s mouth, get it together Matthias you’re embarrassing yourself akksjs
Kaz moves towards Inej when she’s injured like he wants to hold her up but immediately stops short & looks anxious, turns to Jesper sort of helplessly, but Jesper is already moving to help Inej, probably picking up quickly that Kaz won’t. And then Kaz just stands there looking like he feels like a shit for not helping her, no Wonder he’s so shitty with Jesper when they get to the Fold, he’s just mad about the whole thing aksjdj like “oh now you like Jes more than me huh” kaz, inej has always liked Jes more than you bc he’s more likeable
what’s interesting about kaz the whole season is that he refuses to explicitly tell inej that he will protect her from tante heleen, bc admitting that out loud is admitting a) that he gave up the crow club to protect her already and b) he loves her. so he skirts around it whenever she brings it up, which makes inej suspicious (with good reason - he owns her indenture and it makes their dynamic inherently unbalanced. he wouldn’t do it but that doesn’t meant he couldn’t do it - he has the power to sell her right back into slavery) and she brings this up, only for kaz to continue skirting around the issue. When she outright asks if he’s threatening to sell her, and he once again refuses to give a clear answer, she seems to make the decision to cut her losses & ditch ketterdam. it’s only when facing the fact that she might actually leave him that Kaz finally forces himself to open up to her - and not just open up but meet Inej on her level. Admit Alina is a sun summoner, and share in her feelings of faith, but not of faith in saints and intangible power, faith in her. And Kaz bringing that little bit of wall down convinces her to stay - she will have him without walls or she will not have him at all, and Kaz will always choose to painstakingly confront his trauma over truly losing Inej.
I like how often Matthias, similar to Kaz (and boy would they both hate that comparison lol), dances around his feelings by changing the subject and cutting the tension, and Nina (just like her girl Inej) simply refuses to let him run. I just love the way he tries to end the conversation and Nina straight up tells him no. Won’t let him make a joke about the whaler’s hut. Won’t let him take the easy way out and pretend there isn’t something between them. She forces him to admit his feelings, and to find a solution. it goes to shit immediately but the point is just like inej will not take shit from kaz, nina has her limits with matthias. and both men see they are approaching they limit, and back down to meet their girls at the level they need. i love the crows so fucking much.
I also love the kerch sailor being like “hey you kefta wearing fuck if u don’t think kerch will go to war over a few bucks you are out of your goddamn mind” and fedyor KNOWS he’s telling the truth akskd
I could write a book about Nina and Matthias’ final scene, and the Crows final scene, the way all 5 of them have no one in the world but each other, desperate when they walk into Kerch, but certainly not alone.
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nostalgia-tblr · 8 months
Ok, I love reading your asks and your replied to them (never thought of Sylki Darkfic before but you are so right, selflessly possessive Loki being low-key creepy would be fitting). So I want to hear your two cents about this:
Sylvie has no reason to learn how to trust or suddenly be able to trust in S2. As you said, Loki doesn't give her a reason to trust him, it's almost like he just nags her till she gives up. The TVA are still pruning the Timelines (Dox) and they are still indifferent to the Timelines being pruned (Mobius). Sylvie could have seen the chance of the TVA agents redeeming if she had any interactions with B-15, but she doesn't. After trying to hope for the best, they failed at accomplishing whatever they dragged her from her life on the Timeline for.
So, does Sylvie get any development at all, or is she there to be the hysterical anti-cop mouthpiece as the other anon said?
okay first of all my disclaimer on this one is that while i have indeed come to appreciate the male sylvie loki as a character i did first get dragged in by sylvie so i tend to take her side on things because she is the superior blorbo.
(i put this behind a read-more thingy cos it got a bit long)
my feels on sylvie this season are that she's been demoted from 'her quest for revenge is the main driver of the plot' to 'isn't it awful that she makes the man upset by understandably-yet- foolishly disagreeing with him?' she's not had a pivotal moment with B-15 because sylvie in s2 is (so far) primarily there to make loki feel sad. she had that lovely end-credits bit of discovering the McDonalds Burgermatic Universe but then we didn't see that after all, we just skipped to her working on a till apparently established in her new life. there's two episodes left so this could all change but the first half has not been that great on the sylvie front :'(
even the fact that (someone correct me if i'm wrong pls as it is very possible) loki shows up at mcdonalds mostly because he saw her in a lift in the previous episode and assumes this means she will know about... her own future? somehow? or possibly because he knows she's one of the main characters and so she needs to be brought into this new plotline. or for emotional reasons but he obviously can't so much as hint at that to her in case they resolve their relationship issues too early. (how can sylvie expect him to tell her the truth about these things? it was only the second episode and that's far too early! what a daft bint she is!)
people get mad at sylvie for not being nice enough to loki but she's got a normal-seeming life now that she appears to enjoy, and him turning up (in a TVA uniform with his cop buddy AND THEIR PRISONER) demanding answers she doesn't have and telling her to just accept that The Cops Are Good Now Actually, Apart From All The Ones Who Aren't so like... why would she go out of her way to be polite and helpful about keeping the TVA running?
i don't think she's intended to seem like a hysterical rebel, but we're not being shown things from her perspective as much as before and we assume (we could be wrong about this but we do assume) that as the main character loki is going to turn out to be right about most of these things and we don't really get a balanced set of arguments, which seems to be partly because we need to hold off on these characters actually discussing anything so that we can ensure that loki stays sad about her until such time as he can be rewarded for his work on the time loom by the lifting of that sadness (or whatever).
there's still two episodes left though, which is enough time to turn this around a bit, perhaps by showing us a bit of sylvie's new life or by having some proper discussions/arguments about whatever the fuck the TVA are supposed to be doing now. so my feelings are currently mixed. could turn out fine, could end up crap. OH THE TENSION D: D: D:
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Link Click and SG connected? part 2 - spoilers + I rant a lot
Ok, so now that I have finally watched the last episode, I can return to my previous post and elaborate more after getting all that info. Ok so now I know that CHX is ok but we know that LQ somehow saw LG watching CHX die which ofc shed find weird because he made out it- But nono you see I think we fans can agree on that Li Tianxis ability was accurate and she was able to see LG basically time travelling to save his bff. Yet we actually still dont know how many times LG travelled to that moment and if he ever did it before events of S2 and possibly s1 BECAUSE LG WOULD HAVE BEEN ONLY ONE TO KNOW... that is until this time because LT saw, but she died, and idk how she gave that info (among others) to LQ. But we also dont know what LQ knows now. So my theory is that yes it wasn't just this time with QJ (thank god he's in jail btw that fight was intense). So either way, everything I said in my previous post makes sense. Now I just know LQ knows, too, and even more than us prob. Is this gonna get tackled in next season? well idk but i dont think shes gonna say anything - shes still shaken with that info dump (kinda reminds me of how Sigma got infor on Fyo in BSD AHAHHAHAHA fucking pararells are insane).
One more thing, there's one more evidence that LG travelled multiple times. HIS EYES LOOK SOO DEAD LIKE THOSE ARE EYES OF DEAD MAN OR MAN WHO HAVE SEEN A LOT - mainly his bestie to die so many times. I really, really wonder how he's able to reverse, but Ig that comes with knowledge of events... Btw if you think why my connection with SG still holds - remember Link click is still not over. We got a new hat guy who's brother of that awful blonde guy from s1 and now brother LT joined him. He also has some weird tattoo so he's part of some organization - prob people with abilities who can influence time or sth and he wants to change time. Our gang aka phot studio dont anf they are certainly gonna come face to face to this guy WHICH MEANS THAT LG IS GONNA HAVE HIS MOMENT WHERE HED HAVE TO MAKE SOME CHOICE -and that choice may be either to save CHX or not but either way hed loose just like Okabe at the end of SG. Still, I trust devs and I know that CHX is our MC obv and CHX is gonna have to learn about time travel and would also have to choose to do sth. AAA I really cant wait for the next season(s) and hopefully we get flashbacks on how these two boys met (and i hope for that aborad trip they took in the past like STH HAPPENED THERE).
Anyway... its been a while since I ranted about sth like this but time travel stories are my passion and they are so fun to talk about. If you have any insights or noticed sth I missed (Im only human I could overlook sth because a lot happened there) pls dont be shy to comment. I'd like to get corrected lol. Peace out for now lol
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paperstorm · 1 year
Have you had a chance to rewatch any Tarlos scenes from S1-3 since the latest season started airing? Has s4 changed what you get from those scenes? For me, it's added new meaning to some of Carlos' expressions and hesitations. It's made scenes like the one after the Tarlos fight in s2 (when TK tells Carlos he understands how unsafe he must have felt for such a long time) feel more impactful and meaningful. The only scene where I would say that the experience has diminished, for me, is the proposal. It used to feel like pure joy earlier, and now ... I dunno, it probably sounds dramatic but the scene feels corrupted to me, knowing that either a small part of Carlos was panicking about Iris during that moment, maybe he felt slightly guilty that he hadn't told TK till then but he didn't want to spoil the moment of the proposal (because I find it hard to believe that he didn't think of it at all when the word 'marriage' came up), and that TK didn't have any idea about this portion of Carlos' thought process during that moment. I dunno, it's taken the joy out of that scene for me. Is it the same for you? If not, I'd love to know how you're looking at it, because it was literally my favourite scene of 911LS and I want it to stay that way...
Oh sweetheart I’m sorry it’s taken the joy out of it, that really sucks. I have rewatched a lot of older scenes and it’s definitely changed some for me. It’s added a really beautiful and sad layer to some things about Carlos; his need for control, the strained relationship with his father (the interrogation scene in Bad Call? The way at the end carlos basically begs “I’ve done everything you’ve ever asked of me, please can I be good enough now?” with tears in his eyes? With the added layer of him marrying a woman so that he could fit into society?? Pls), the way Carlos has a tendency to blame himself for absolutely everything, the way he struggles with honesty and with sort of giving people what they need when that thing is something different than what he thinks they should need. It adds layers to his desire to be everything to TK and his feelings of inadequacy when he can’t be. It’s done a lot of good things for me, for earlier episodes! It’s also induced a lot of eye rolling haha especially in season one, because it’s just so clear that they did not actually have this planned all along - or if they did, it was only in a retrospective ‘Dumbledore was gay all along!’ way that doesn’t count, because it’s not a real storyline if it was just something in Tim’s head but he never actually wrote it that way. So many of Carlos’s scenes with Michelle just feel badly written now because there’s this giant elephant in the room that neither of them ever address. The way that he’s sort of very nonchalant and unbothered about Iris being missing feels kind of icky now. It has dulled the scene in 1x10 on the car for me a little, cause I’m watching them having this lovely moment and now I’m thinking “Carlos your best friend who you thought was dead was just found alive, why aren’t you going to see her and why are you going to let two full years pass before you do??” But I think I just have to let that go. I know you’re not really asking for advice but if you were, I’d say that unfortunately we just have to take what Tim has said about this and make that the paradigm. He has made it clear that he doesn’t think carlos has done anything wrong and that Carlos never told TK because it wasn’t a real marriage and he more or less had forgotten about it. Do I think that makes sense or is good writing? No. But it’s the framework we’ve been given so I have to just go with it.
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merrysithmas · 10 months
wishlist for snw s3:
-some actual strange new worlds
-carol marcus being batshit (she invents the star trek a-bomb... please make her morally ambiguous instead of a boxstore brand Girlboss)
-more pike & una on missions or tackling things together
-less christine, love her tbh but yep. we got a lot of her in s2
-uhura & scotty getting to know one another
-more jim & sam
-dr m'benga deserves some damn happiness if anyone deserves a romance or some other joy it's him s2g
-give ortegas a cute little girlfriend
-MORE T'PRING and thus more of spock's no good very bad ruined gay little life
-jimbo & spock playing chess obvi
-i feel like jim's gonna propose to carol and she's gonna be like lol "ok" and then not show up and jims gonna be like 😔💐🕍
-pike has a moral objection to air fryers
-i need pike somehow ending up at a mall food court or eating street food
-la'an taking some chances like she said she would :)
-cpt batel becoming a commodore (?) and she's in charge now with April so she doesn't get fridged
-una watching hair tutorials and revealing the iconic Beehive
-my darling leonard mccoy pls be friends or somesuch with Dr Korby when Christine goes off to do her thing so i can glimpse your dear face
-less drama on the ship more travelling on diff worlds
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kattangeln · 1 year
Shadow and Bone commentary s2
Cause I did it for s1 (this is in the order of watching)
So every change in the crows and ketterdam story makes me scratch my teeth. I hate it cause like we all know six of crows has one of the best writing ever
Kinda hate that they are all um speaking English? Like sure they have languages, but just speak English. And I get why. But also, like takes away a lot of the world building. Nina is a language prodigy and I want it to be known <3
The ravkans can only speak ravkan pretty much. Jesper can speak Zemeni and Kerch. And yeah, it’s sad. I miss languages
Like Pekka Rollins is getting way too big?
Nina following Inej, and like managing to follow her. That’s cute <3
Waffles and people skills, love you girl
We are already getting to know about Kaz’s backstory???
Also Nikolai is great. He looks just as charming and slug as I imagined. Hm his introduction though, that was um interesting.
Okay when Wylan is playing the piano and Jesper just wow. I need need the scene with Kuwei playing the piano and Jesper thinking it was Wylan. And them kissing. And that whole scene and misunderstanding and everything. Please guys. Like this could be an amazing foreshadow. Like dude jespers face. I need it
Actually love love that Nikolai’s proposal came that quickly. Yes, dude. You are so ahead of time <3 and Mal talking sense into Alina, yes
I mean I still don’t hate Mal (like the books). But I’m not sure if I would care if he died? Like I remember liking him in s1 for your knowledge.
Genya is crazy. Thinking she can flee Kirigan like that? Wow
David hearing Genya being scarred like that? Oof. Knowing how awfully um that was? Knowing he can do nothing? I mean I love that he is smart enough to like don’t try to stop it cause he wouldn’t have had a chance. But wow, the powerlessness. David <3 you will be rewarded I promise
All the bonding Jesper and Wylan are doing. To die for <3
Why do the Netflix um subtitles call them dogs? Aren’t they supposed to be wolves? Like yes they are obviously dogs and not wolves cause like many reasons. But come on. But also, the foreshadowing <3
Nina, nina, nina? What are you doing? Pekka is there? What the fuck (about nina calling matthias name after the fight)
I hate not being able to tell what the fuck is happening. Although the stakes are so high and I love it
Love the girl who’s so loyal to the darkling. Like she’s pretty. Go girl, go do what you think is best. You’re most likely a sadist.
Every episode opener is soo pretty
Genya getting her nickname <3
Baghra and Genya bonding??
You know at least, Alina is less selfish. And Mal is still selfish. Character growth guys
Love how much this explores Baghra and Aleksander’s relation. And his upbringing and so. Awww like this is well done. I can see the hurt child still in him. And I mean Baghra has some um stuff on her conscious
“I kinda like your face” goosebumps wow hate it (the place in the story) and love it
yes, Alina is training
Love the new mythology, more saints, mythology yay
Okay, hm I do believe Nina and Kaz are in on it. But eh Inej caring about a crying baby? I do not think was part of their plan. Why is Pekka always kicking their asses? Guys, I’m scared
Okay, I love love this scene with Pekka and Kaz. Oh, it's amazing.
Is the brother of Nikolai actually supposed to be smart now? I liked him better dumb. Cause some people are selfish and dumb and only care about themselves and yeah. Pls don’t be smart (yes I’m very happy he died)
Wylan and Jesper. I don’t know how to feel about their backstory.
Oof, my bisexual afraid of commitment self is feeling this very much. Jesper, love. I’m so proud of you. Like I could never do that
one fear I have, is I still want the ice court and everything with that to happen. Nina sacrificing herself, taking that drug, being her most powerful self. God, just that whole heist, guys. I need to see it executed.
Wylan? “Maybe you need a fuller reminder” what is happening guys? Wylan is not supposed to be that gutsy. Even if you get a weird ass confession like that, it still takes guts you know. Oh my goodness, my feels are all over the place.
Kaz turning his worry for Inej into blaming Inej. I love that for him. Very him.
Alina’s smile when she saw Nikolai. Yes.
“Love it when you quote me” is already here. Omg my Nikolina heart is already dying.
Okay he got killed quickly, I love that.
Some part of me love that Pekka Rollins is being dealt with so early. But he is such a good villain though. And I also wish to spend more time with Nikolai and Alina pls <3
Okay, love jesper and Wylan. But no. Too soon. But omg my heart
Alina and Genya omg <3
Genya, go hard! On the queen and on nikolai. Now some years later. You speak for survivors and I feel you. You speak for me too. And I love you for it.
Love it when Mal and Alina fight <3
If nikolai already gets turned into that in s2 I hate it
Nikolai and Alina <3
Baghra and Aleksander, that was so sad. Also I’m glad we are seeing more of Aleksander and his journey. (her dying)
Jesper’s and Wylan’s relationship is just not doing it for me in the show, like it’s the pinning and dumbass and all that. Like it’s too romantic??? And too soon?? I feel like they barely know each other. The heist in six of crows is like weeks yk
I love that Mal is the firebird. Love. Love. Love. Please do it. Kill him and use him <3
This season really makes me realize how much I want more for Alina. Way more than the goddamn book ending. Show Alina, please be better.
And now Aleksander knows that tooo. Amazing. Amazing. There’s no way Mal won’t die right?
Oh, Nadia and Tamar already. Yes.
I don’t have a good feeling about this. (about going out to war with the ambush and all that)
Okay, actually. Alina bringing him back with merzost is actually better than him just dying. Cause pain <3
Can’t believe Nikolai still got cursed 😭
“Make sure there’s nothing left of me”
Also I adore that we got a last emotional and beautiful scene with the Darkling, and Alina.
That was one of hell of a demonstration of jurda parem. But wow god, Alina hasn’t used her powers since she brought back Mal. The price she had to pay is.. from light to shadow?
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(pls tell me if this gets annoying)
i played origins last but i love the variety of the spells. i mean, yes, it was A Lot to deal with but once you got your combos down it was like those streetfighter games where you just line up your shots like a sniper & destroy every encounter. but yes Hasted Bea would be !!! 
oh yeah. i mean i was toying with the idea of Ava being tranquil & the Breach curing her but your idea is so much better imo so instead healing it = very cool. & yeah maybe when Lilith finds out it’s kind of her Big Trust Moment with Ava & Ava immediately goes a bit nova over the feeling she gets - from Hope - that she could do something like that.
& like, tranquility is so messed up & she definitely had loads of her friends taken by the Templars & made tranquil because Ava would make friends with the most downtrodden/ disobedient kids in her Circle for sure. & like, it’s a very OCS thing, right? watching everyone you love get taken from you, & Ava constantly getting left behind because she’s a spirit healer which makes her juuuuust barely too valuable to be casually made tranquil, hence the fact that she’s killed once the Circle falls. (oh no Diego?? i think there ARE some standards in the circles of not making anyone tranquil before they are a certain age, but maybe he’s not a very strong mage and it would have been almost guaranteed that he’d be made tranquil. kinda like how frances would have killed Diego too). i just... I love the surana/amell origin & i really love the idea of Ava being a circle mage and now being able to reverse tranquility. hell yeah!
coooould Dorian just be an advisor? i mean, i think Ava would rarely bring Solas with her, so in a similar vein? i think Ava would like half the time want to hit Dorian over the head with her staff but he’d introduce her to good wines and food & take her seriously when she wants to talk shop so she’d be like …. alright.
& yeah, Michael as Felix but idk if the blight sickness is a thing with him? or Mary could be like…. yeah i have a solution for that but ur not gonna like it (cue her sending a raven to Shan like ‘ayyy is anyone on this continent in possession of archdemon blood so we can make warden-potion?’) & yeah Bea would Heavily disapprove of all things Tevinter but again they would have things in common & Dorian is pretty responsive to ppl calling him out on things. (some poor writing in-game aside) Bea would be like 'reluctantly.... perhaps i can fix him?' & Ava would be like 'oh when he starts to sound too Tevinter i just mess up his hair. it works really well!'
it would definitely make the Hinterlands shorter if they were, y’know, delegating lol. & then you get all the party dynamics and also the smaller group dynamics when they split up. (oh, the Exalted Plains mission. what’s it called? All New, Faded for Her. Ava would be genuinely devastated - as a spirit healer she’d understand exactly what was done to the spirit & would be so angry & probably Bea would need to calm her down to stop her from drop-kicking the mages responsible through a wall - she’d never kill them but ‘i could be okay with seriously injured, Bea. i could.’ 
AW YIS Josie & MS!! fjghdkskhgd yes MS getting Leliana’s out & out mischeivous side, mediated through Josie. oh, and would we have MS follow Leliana’s arc of either being ‘hardened’ or ‘softened’ based on the decisions in her personal quest? bc i feel like s2 MS is soft Leliana whereas s1 MS is very post-Justinia Leliana.
i agree i don’t think Ava would use the Well of Sorrows - being beholden to a sketchy elven god? she is too atheist for that shit, & besides the kick that Ava would get out of Morrigan realising who Mythal is and the ‘lmao so now u have to do whatever ur mom says?’ is too good to pass up. :’D and i think ava is already thinking that she has enough things contending for possession of her body - what with the anchor/ Hope/ the Inquisition, & previously templars. she’s finally *somewhat* free and she’s not about to give an inch of it away. 
hmmm. in HLtA no Bea yes for angst reasons, watching her fall, not necessarily seeing her tear open the Fade. Bea bloodying her fingers and draining her magic lifting the rubble, sifting through for their bodies, finding nothing. :((((
Ava has to be there, naturally. I think Lilith (fuck, could they… like… leave Lilith in the Fade? to fight the nightmare/ do the Stroud thing? and that’s yk the whole getting killed by the Tarask and coming back?? and she does! step out of the Fade, but she’s different? she can’t be possessed because Seeker, but there are other Fade shenanigans that might be possible, and imo bonding with a spirit is not the same as ‘being possessed’. just a thought but like... seeker Lilith who Came Back Wrong but also has this different view of the Fade and of mages and possession and everything her order has scaremongered about for years... hmmm)
so, if that, then Lilith for sure in HLtA. and then since lil is warrior we could have mary or cam (i like mary, because parallels to lilith’s ‘death’ + her worst fears being HoF Shannon going to her Calling in the Deep Roads is very drama). after that i’m not sure. Solas is always a funny pick because he acts like he’s at the beach & it’s very side-eyes of him to be so at home in the Fade. plus he knows things, but also Dorian because Ava needs someone to joke with or she’ll freak in there (i imagine coming from Aeonar she has some potent nightmare material). 
oh shit! Hope in the Fade. remember Anders and Justice? it was just Justice when they went into the Fade! I wonder if that is optional, though i would think… not, but again it’s kind of different because Ava is not dreaming, per say, she’s physically in the fade in her physical body, so i don’t think abomination rules work quite the same, but I think Hope would be more present, & she should glow. as a treat. 
do you think that Ava would let the Wardens stay after HLtA? i get the feeling that she would, mainly because imo sending them away is kind of … not the best option. better to keep an eye on them if they’re sketchy, or have their aid if they are not.
and the Winter Palace! who is she siding with? i can see her being ‘yuck Gaspard’ but ALSO ‘yuck Celene’ once she realises that she burned down a whole alienage when the Halamshiral elves tried to campaign for rights/ ‘rebel’.
so i could see her giving a big middle-finger to Orlais and appointing Briala, or making Gaspard/Celene puppets of Briala. (have you read The Masked Empire? it’s like, the one Dragon Age novel i will heartily recommend. also the Cole one (called Asunder i think) because Cole my bby my precious and also Aeonar! anyway in TME Celene and Briala are SOOO fucked up and it’s honestly kind of amazing).
but yeah, Ava being very ‘then perish’ at Halamshiral & taking special pleasure in actually fucking dazzling the court, much to Bea’s astonishment. 100% court-approval Ava Silva. she totally duels someone. : D
If Ava learns how to reverse Tranquility, then she could work with Lilith to reform the Seekers with the added function of acting like an appeals court, where they could determine if the Rite was used appropriately and reverse it if not. They could also act as a kind of rehabilitation service for newly un-Tranquil to help them adjust without causing problems (I'm picturing a mind-body wellness retreat on steroids). Mages would be allowed to join the Seekers as they once tried to in Ameridan's day. They wouldn't have Seeker powers necessarily but they would balance the overwhelming Templar-ness of the organization and act as investigators and judges. This would do so much for Circle reform as well.
Dorian and Solas are probably equal in how often they're called on for missions. Ava respects their insights and maybe takes them on short jaunts or specific missions, but long journeys might just create unneeded friction. Maybe Dorian goes somewhat more frequently so his Thing with Bull can develop while the party watches in embarrassment. And yes, when he starts rambling on about all the ways Tevinter is better than the South, Ava steals his jewel-encrusted mustache comb.
Does Lilith get stuck in the Fade??? Maybe... If she does, then maybe she meets a Spirit of Faith, or even the Faith that made her a Seeker in the first place, and bonds or otherwise interacts with it to become, like the most Seeker-y Seeker to ever Seeker (which is literally what she's always wanted given to her in the most Traumatic way possible, poetry in motion). She reinforces reality so hard she gets punted straight out of the Fade (You KICK Lilith? You kick her body like the football?!) Consequently, this means she can never physically go back to the Fade again, so no Trespasser galivanting for her, and she might even become like the Dwarves, unable to dream or connect to the Fade in any way (big implications there).
Ava definitely glows in the Fade, and everyone is like, "Don't you have a dimmer switch on that thing? You're alerting the demons." She would let the Wardens stay too (exiling them is just a silly decision, don't fuxking alienate the only people who can save Thedas from the Blights, okay? YOU STILL HAVE TWO ARCHDEMONS LEFT!)
I don't think Ava would just let Celene die, but she wouldn't cry about it either. If it happens, then she uses the blackmail on Gaspard to give Briala the true power over the Empire.
The ways you win approval in Halamshiral are so hilariously arbitrary that yes, Ava, with her natural charm, is surprisingly proficient. The only time things might get tricky is if Bea's parents are there, because hoo boy. But then! Vivienne (who is there of course because what's the point otherwise) swoops in before Ava can start throwing hands and so tactfully humiliates them that it's an instant +20 Court Approval and they immediately leave. Afterwards, Ava will thank Viv sincerely with a "you were pretty cool back there" and Viv will preen and act smug like "Of course, my dear, hohoho!" But she is genuinely pleased to help Bea and know that her efforts have been appreciated.
Actually, a note on Viv. Getting possessed is one of Viv's greatest fears, and so Ava's whole deal is like a full existential crisis for her. If Viv goes to the Fade in the HLtA, maybe it helps her get over that fear a little. One because, hey, she just fought her way through the freaking Fade and didn't get possessed despite being surrounded by demons. And Two, she sees Ava and Hope together in a tangible way and realizes that they have a genuine, positive bond, so maybe, just maybe, Viv doesn't need to be scared of every spirit that crosses her path for fear of it trying to control her. I love Viv so much, she's so nuanced, she has The Range.
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wikiangela · 1 year
time for Lone star 4x01!
spoilers under the cut!
(some episode thoughts that got too long lmao)
aww I missed them so much
I agree with Paul, olives do ruin everything (like, fr, every single time there are olives I try one as if suddenly they tasted better, and every single time I wanna throw up lmao)
they're looking for wedding venues aaa I can't wait haha
not to be that bitch, but... oh my god Rob Lowe looks so good, the hair looks fantastic (like oh my god his hair 😍), and on a motorcycle?? wow, Owen has never been so hot 🥵
loving Carlos hanging out with his mama, and tbh this season all I want is to learn more about Carlos and his life outside of TK and the 126 (like, I've been wondering since at least s2 - does he have any friends outside of the 126, or Michelle in s1? like, does he hang out with his work colleagues, anyone else? what did he do before everyone moved there, aside from hanging with Michelle?? 😂 give me something 😂)
and here's Carlos!! the man I've been dying to see a whole 6 minutes since the episode started lol they could give him every single second of screen time and I'd be loving it tbh
tell TK what?? I'm so nervous lol but it can't be that bad if Andrea knows and isn't freaking out right? 😂
GRACE!!!! 😍 😍 😍 I got so excited when I saw her I heard and saw her I had to pause lmao - I missed her so much 😍
raining frogs... what the fuck is happening 😂
what in the apocalypse is this episode 😂
Carlos being married to Iris... I guess it might be an interesting storyline? not sure I like it though, and it doesn't make much sense in the context of s1, at least as far as I can remember 😂 (it kinda feels like they wanted drama for the sake of drama but weren't sure what to do with tarlos bc they can't break them up again, so they were like, fuck it, it doesn't have to make any sense) but whatever, let's look past this 😂
the frog in the throat is making me so uncomfortable I can't 😩🤢
well, I guess I'm happy that TK isn't mad or anything 😂 still, this came out of nowhere and it kinda doesn't fit to what we know - then again, we don't know much about Carlos🤷🏻‍♀️
that dude in the porta potty had some serious bad luck lmao on top of everything to land squarely in the tank of water lol
pls tell me that this season continues s3's Owen being just hilarious 😂 because I really enjoyed him last season, and I can't stop laughing at him now 😂 (also, he just looks so good? I'm sure it's the hair, something's changed idk 😂)
Carlos in that shirt with the necklace hanging out - oh my good he looks hot 🥵 that color looks so good on him fr 🥵🥵🔥
am i sensing something brewing between Tommy and Amenadiel from Lucifer? 👀😂 does that mean he's gonna stay? I kinda figured he wouldn't be a one off character when I recognized him tbh 😂
Iris looks so familiar and I'm not sure if I've seen this actress before or if she just looks similar to someone
not sure how I feel about her character yet, imma need more time to get to know her
what the fuck has Owen gotten himself into 😂 jfc that was..... lmao
so Catherine's gone? 😭 nooo, I love Amy Acker, I hoped she'd be back 😭
FBI?? now that's interesting - and where do I know this chick from??
sooooo, was that 1 tarlos scene supposed to be the "new fan favorite" like Ronen said? I'm kinda underwhelmed ngl😂
It was a great first episode, the calls really were something, and the personal drama is delicious though also confusing, I'm still not sure if I like the whole Iris storyline (not bc of tarlos, obvi, just in general it doesn't seem.... good? idk, maybe they hyped up the secret too much or smth but it's kinda meh - I've been waiting for more Carlos and his backstory since s1 so I'm kinda disappointed rn) can't wait for the wedding tho!
I hope Tommy will actually find love and happiness, and I wonder how this whole pastor thing will unfold
the most intriguing thing is probably Owen's thing right now and so far I'm not even mad 😂
well, those are my thoughts as I was watching, can't wait for the next one!
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