#now i gotta go finish my hat im crocheting!!!!!!
cerealmonster15 · 3 months
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sketching practice with pinterest image suggestions + um. those two guys again. i dont know how to draw anyone else. 🐙🐍
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deelovesbooks · 6 months
ya know what no I'm going to actually finish one of the current wips rather than start a new one
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rusmii · 2 months
I GOTTA BE THE (WO)MAN OF MY WORDS. HERE ARE SOME PICTURES OF MY BSD CROCHET DOLLS 💝. (not sure if you wanted to see them or not, but I'm just going to share my cuties)
There is a huge difference between them, lol. I used different patterns for the dolls, so I guess that's why. I didn't add hair strands on the top of Chuuya's head because his hat is going to cover up that area anyway. I'll make his hat tomorrow🤭
Dazai has white hair because he's cosplaying as Gojo (I don't have brown yarn, sadly). I'm currently working on another Chuuya doll for his bd. I'm not sure if I can finish by then, but we'll see. It took me a week to finish my first Chuuya doll, but as I practiced more, now it only took me 4 days for the second one. The Dazai one is unfinished because the back of his head is bald; maybe I'll add hair later. Honestly, I've improved my crocheting skills a lot 😝😝 ! Hehehe, what do you think? (I'm sorry, I yapp too much)
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LOL gozai — gojo + dazai infused
AND DW UR YAP I love receiving long yap asks from ppl telling me abt their days/other things ;3333
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liliah39 · 5 years
Crazy Little Game of Love: Chapter 4
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A/N: Hey guys! Whats up?? Thanks for coming back!! I’m so sorry im having to post this again. it was mad weird, I posted it last night and tried to do the tags this morning and it all disappeared... so here we are... again. Haha hope you enjoy! Get your tissues out! THERE ARE NEW WARNINGS!!! (swearing, angst & smut) also sorry if the smut is bad its my first time writing it!)
Concept is posted: here
Liliah39 Masterlist
This Chapter’s Aesthetic
Word Count: 11.4K (Wow ikr!!!)
Morning of October 6th, 1970 (where we left off)
“Y/N!” Roger yelled at you from the kitchen.
“Tea or Coffee, Love?”
“Tea please! Just sugar though.” You smiled at his thoughtfulness. 
You could hear Roger clunking around in the kitchen, and his frequent annoyed sighs when something didn’t go as planned made you laugh. You eventually fell into a soft sleep, only to be awakened by your hair being brushed out of your face. 
“Baby? Breakfast is ready.” You opened your eyes to see Roger smiling down at you and a tray of food for two at the end of the bed. As you smiled back at him you yawned and sat up. You both ate while making small conversation as you each attempted to wake up. You were almost finished when you said, 
“This tastes great. Took a while, but good job Roggie.” You teased. 
“Hey! I don’t even like it when Freddie calls me that, Love. And I tried my best…” he looked down, pretending to be hurt. 
“I know, I know.”
“I just wanna make you happy,” he shyly confessed, sitting cross legged across from you taking the last bite of his eggs. 
“And why is that, Mr. Taylor?” You said smiling. 
“Because you’re beautiful.”
“Rog,” you said while blushing. 
“I’ve been really into you for a while Y/N. I mean we both remember seeing each other at the Smile gig a few months back, but I don’t even think you recognized me when we’d see each other out. You bumped into me and Bri when you’d be out with Freddie a lot, you came to pick Freddie up from a bar that we were all at, and you ran into me leaving your dorm when I was hanging out with Freddie while you were at orchestra rehearsal. Monday wasn’t our first time meeting. You don’t remember me; it’s okay, I just would notice you because of how beautiful I found you all those months ago. You’re just as beautiful as you are outside on the inside. Freddie also talks about you a lot, granted I’d ask about you too.” He blushed, his now rosy cheeks matching yours. “I guess what I’m trying to say is, and not to sound like a little school boy, I really have a crush on you.” He admitted, nervously scratching the back of his head and taking a drink of his coffee. 
You let out an airy laugh. “Well it’s not like you haven’t made it obvious.” Roger immediately looked like he was scolding himself. “Hey,” you said, placing a hand on his. “I find it quite endearing. 
“Oh really?” He said smiling, his face inching closer to yours. 
“Really.” You said staring into his beautiful blue eyes. “And besides, I wouldn’t of come if I didn’t find you incredibly attractive.” 
“Oh, really?” He repeated, teasing you as he placed his hands on your shoulders; your noses now touching. 
“Yeah Roggie.” 
“I told you not to call me that!” he joked picking you up and laying you flat on the bed tickling your sides, which earned a squeal from you as you kicked your legs and squirmed beneath him. 
“Roger! Rog! Stop!” You laughed. “I promise I won’t anymore.”
He stopped tickling you, hands still on your sides. “Promise?”
“I promise.” You laughed, and he grabbed your hands and pulled you up. 
“I knew you were ticklish.” He smirked.
“Now, don’t misuse your newfound power! With great power comes great responsibility.” You laughed, and he turned around and sat next to you on the pillows as he placed the tray of food on the floor. 
It got quiet, each of you were just enjoying each other’s company while you watched the ocean out the windows in front of you as Roger played with your fingers. All of a sudden, the mood got serious. Out of the corner of your eye you noticed Roger staring at you. 
“How are you doing, with dressing a little out of your comfort zone? Are you okay? I don’t want you to be stressed out, Love.”
“Oh, um. It’s complicated.” You sighed. “I love it, and I hate it. This is how I used to dress all the time. I miss it. It’s honestly how I’d like to dress, but I’m so nervous about making it as a violinist that I started dressing more conservative. Hell, I haven’t dressed like this in over a year,” you laughed, “but it’s okay. I’m getting better with it. Think I may just need to step out of my comfort zone a little more.”
“You sure?” Roger said, getting up and standing at your side of the bed.
“Yeah, I think so.”
“Good!” He said, scooping you up in his arms and spinning you around. You let out a yelp of surprise. You put your arms around his neck, and he ran from his room to yours, spinning around, and throwing you on the bed, leaving you laughing your head off. 
“Now what on Earth was that for!” 
“We’ve got a big day ahead of us, Love. You’ve gotta just let loose and be yourself. Dress as opposite to fancy and reserved Y/N as you can today, and just be yourself, Love. I’m gonna get dressed and get the beach things together, you take your time and get ready.” He winked, shutting the door to your side of the bathroom as he went to his room. 
You dug through your bag and found your new ocean blue crochet bikini that was embellished with sea shells and beading, and put your Bohemian dress over it to use as a cover up. You looked at your floppy, ritzy hat you had packed, and threw it to the side, grabbing your sun glasses instead. You looked in the mirror as you took your hair down from it’s messy bun, and held your makeup bag in one hand. 
Should I fix my hair?
Should I put on a little makeup?
Freddie popped into your head, and you remembered your argument a couple nights ago. You tentatively set the makeup bag down and ran your fingers through your hair. 
I can’t let him down. 
You grabbed your sunblock and walked out of your room, noticing the door to the cellar open and assumed Roger was down there getting things for the beach, so you walked to the glass doors and softly started singing Somewhere Over The Rainbow. 
Roger came up the stairs with a couple chairs and an umbrella, and at the sight of you was almost stopped dead in his tracks. He was so proud of you for stepping out of your comfort zone. You hadn’t noticed him yet, and he was completely blown back to hear you singing. What a beautiful voice? He softly set his things against the wall and came up behind you, engulfing you in his arms, and you immediately stopped singing, put your arms over his, and smiled as you pressed your cheek against his chest. Roger put his chin on top of your head. You stayed like this for a moment. “I didn’t know you could sing, Baby?” He said. 
You turned around and looked at him, a genuine look of confusion on your face. “I can’t?” 
“But-” You both stood there looking at each other confused for a moment trying to figure out what the other was talking about. 
Roger laughed, “Okay, Love, well, it looks like a beautiful day out, you ready to head down?”
You nodded and helped him pack a cooler of drinks and snacks, and the two of you headed down to Porthcurno Beach for the day. 
Roger had just set up your area, and you took off your dress and set it on your chair and fanned out your towel on the sand in the sun, and laid down. 
You could already feel his eyes on you.
“Take a picture, Rog. It lasts longer.” You teased. 
“Oh- I’m sorry, yeah sorry.” He coughed, embarrassed yet bewildered of how you figured all that out with your back to him and eyes closed. 
“Don’t be sorry Love, I’m just picking on you. What’re planning to do?” You smiled, picking your head up to look at him as he put on sunscreen. 
“Whatever you’re doing.” He smiled, as he laid out his towel next to you and laid plopped next to you. 
You rolled your head over to face him, and thought to yourself, Now this is a sight I could get used to. 
You drifted off to sleep in the sun with your hands intertwined. About an hour later Roger woke you up saying “Y/n, you’re getting really dark, Love. You may wanna get up so you don’t get a sunburn.” 
You sat up and looked at your arms, significantly darker on the front side than the back, which caused you to laugh. “How come you’re not tan?”
“Cuz I don't tan, I burn. I put on sunblock an hour or so ago.” He laughed. 
“So what’ve you been doing all this time?”
“Just reading my book, watching you. Gotta take care of my girl.” 
His girl. 
You wished you could be his girl, and dreaded the thought of breaking his heart, knowing you’d be breaking yours along with his. You pushed away the thought, not wanting to have to deal with it right now. 
“I’m way over heated Rog.” You said, standing up. “I’m gonna go for a swim, you wanna come with me?”
“Oh, wouldn’t you rather go back to the house?” He scratched the back of his head and looked at the ground. He was nervous. 
“No Rog! It’s beautiful out, and we have a beautiful ocean right in front of us! You’re so silly sometimes.” You laughed. 
“More like cautious.” He muttered. 
“Cautious about what?” 
“You weren’t supposed to hear that.” He said as he rolled his eyes. 
“Sorry, Love. I’m a violinist; we’ve got trained ears. What do ya’ want from me?” You joked, shrugging your shoulders. 
“I definitely whispered that though!” He defended himself back, starting a joking argument between the two of you. 
“No you didn’t!”you persisted as he pulled you in close to him. “You just can’t hear ‘cuz of all that noise you make on your drums.” 
“Oh yeah?” He said, pulling you even closer. There was no space left between you. 
“Yeah.” You smiled. You were almost kissing. 
This can’t happen. 
“So uh- you never answered my question.” You said, quickly diverting the kiss and stepping back. 
“Cautious… right.” He said, smile slipping from his face. “Alright, I’ll tell you. But you can’t tell the boys, okay?”
You nodded. 
“I uh- I just learned to swim last year. I’m not really much of a water person. Pools are fine cuz I can stand and see where I am, but lakes and oceans freak me out. I guess all this is because…uh-”
“Yeah Rog?”
“I’ve got a bad fear of drowning.” He said shyly. 
“Okay.” You smiled  
“You’re not gonna laugh at me?”
“Roger, why the hell would I laugh at you for this? You’re scared of something, that’s alright. We’re all scared of something.” You said, soothingly rubbing his arm up and down. 
He smiled down at you. “Really? Most people make fun of me for it.”
“Really, Baby. I’m not gonna make fun of you for being scared of something.” 
Shit. You thought. I just called him baby. I’m falling for it. 
“Why don’t you just come put your feet in or walk a little while I go in?”
He nodded his head. 
“Oh come on, Love.” You said, grabbing his hand. “Where’s my loud and outgoing Roger?” You were trying to comfort him still. 
He smiled at you and kissed your cheek. 
“Thank you.” He said. 
“I won’t tell the boys. Now come on!” You said as you started walking to the ocean hand in hand. Holding hands and walking on the beach was seeming to become your thing. 
“How are people walking all the way out there?” You said as the water hit your feet. There were about four people two yards out walking in water that went up to their knees. 
“There’s a sandbar there. The water gets really deep on the walk out, and then get really shallow again.”
“You wanna go out to it?”
He looked hesitant. 
“I’ll hold your hand the whole time, Rog.”
“Really?” He said. Even though he was still terrified, the thought of him getting to hold your hand for a while longer encouraged him to take your deal. 
“Really. I promise I won’t let go.” You intertwined your fingers with his, holding his hand in more of a couple-like fashion. 
“Okay, lets go.” He said, pulling you after him. 
You tried to keep him distracted on the way out by making him laugh, and by keeping him focused on how much closer the two of you were getting. In the middle of your venture out, the water got pretty deep, and only your heads were left above the water. You kept talking about different experiences you had while playing some odd gigs, and noticed that Roger grew completely silent. You looked over at him, to find a look of fear on his face. He was extremely pale, holding his breath as he looked up at the sky while his lips were trembling. 
“Hey, hey, hey.” You said, stopping and he immediately stopped waking too. You started walking to turn around so you could face him, and felt him grab your hand tighter. 
“Please don’t let go of my hand.” He said. You could tell he was scared, but didn’t want to admit it. 
“I’m not gonna, I’m just walking in front of you so I can look at you. Look at me, Love.” You encouraged. He slowly turned his head down and stared ahead at you. 
“You’re doing great Rog. We’re almost there, look! You’re gonna be just fine. We can both stand here, and we can both swim. I’m a pretty good swimmer, so I’m not gonna let anything happen to you, don’t worry.” You noticed his breathing slow. “You ready to keep going?”
He nodded. 
A couple minutes later when the water level had reduced to the top of your bikini, he said, “I’m sorry.”
“No, don’t be sorry, Rog! You have a fear of something. I’m just proud that you did it.” You smiled. 
“No, no, not for that. I mean I’ve always been scared of drowning. Not scared of water so much as it is drowning so I’m not sorry for that, I’m used to it. I’m sorry for you having to say that you weren’t going to let anything happen to me.” 
“Why? I was just trying to make you more comfortable.” 
“Because I should be able to protect us both. I want to be able to. I wanna be able to protect you, Y/N.”
“I’m just fine Rog, don’t you worry.” You smiled at him. “And besides, it’s not like we’re dating.”
“Right.” He said coldly. 
The rest of the walk Roger was trying to make you laugh, and was telling you funny stories about Brian. 
You reached the sandbar, and sat down in the sand. The water was only deep enough to get to your ankles. Roger sat down next to you, and the two of you were laughing as you splashed each other, and Roger pulled you into his lap. You rested the back of your head on his chest, as he said, “Thank you for making me come out here. It really is beautiful.” 
After a couple more moments, you noticed a large rock about fifty feet to your right. “C’mon Rog!” You said, getting up and pulling him along with you. 
“Where are we going?”
“To that rock over there!”
“I don’t think that’s a good i-”
“Oh come on Roger. It’ll be fine!”
About twenty minutes later, you were sitting on the rock, while Roger stood to the side and smiled as he watched you. The water was about waist deep here, so he was too hesitant to sit on the rock. It didn’t make much sense to you why, since the rock was out of the water, but you decided not to push him. 
Roger loved just watching you enjoy the water. Seeing you on the rock made him call you his “Little Mermaid”. It seemed like he just kept falling more and more in love with you, and there was nothing he could do about it. 
Seemingly out of nowhere, a large wave came, and although it didn’t affect Roger all that much, from all the force it created upon colliding with the rock, it pushed you off the rock and under the water. Under the ocean, all you heard were the soft sounds of the waves, and the sand beneath you as the waves pulled it further toward the shore. You swam a little bit forward in your newfound serenity, never wanting to breach the water and return to humanity. 
Suddenly, you felt an arm grab you around your stomach and forcefully pull you out of the water. You opened your eyes to see Roger holding you close to his chest like a newborn, very clearly having a panic attack. He was talking a mile a minute. 
“Can you hear me? Are you ok? Can you breathe? Y/n? Oh my god, this is why I didn’t wanna come out here. Y/n?!?”
“Shhh, shhh,” you said, caressing his cheeks in your hands. You sat up in his arms so you could get a better look at his face. “I’m okay, Baby. I’m just fine. Calm down, Roger, it’s all okay.”
“But the wave! And you didn’t come up, and I thought I lost you.” He confessed.
“I was just swimming, Love. And look! If anything was actually wrong, you would have gotten me just like you did! It’s all okay.”
He let out a sigh of relief. “Just don’t do that again.” he said, making you laugh. 
“Do what? Swim?” You laughed at his absurd suggestion. 
“I mean make me think like you’re unconscious in the ocean! I can’t lose you, Baby, I just can’t.”  He whispered. To him, you were the first girl he wanted to have an actually serious relationship with. 
“Okay, I promise.” You said, trying not to laugh. “Wanna go back to the beach?”
“Yup.” He said as he started walking back to the shallow part of the sandbar to walk straight into the beach. 
“You gonna put me down?” He was still carrying you, at this point, your legs were around his waist and his arms were extremely tight around your waist, still holding you in close to him. 
“Nope.” He said, causing you to laugh, and you comfortably put your head on his shoulder. 
You got back to the beach at around 3:00, and Roger suggested going back to the house and getting dressed so you could go shopping for a bit. As you walked into your room you instantly were unsure of what to wear. You remembered what Roger said earlier, “dress as opposite to fancy and reserved Y/N as possible”. 
Well, here goes nothing. 
When you were done getting dressed, fixing your hair and putting on a little makeup, Roger was still taking a shower since he cleaned all of the sand out of your beach things when you arrived back home. You looked down at your outfit, your sheer pantsuit that was low cut with your dangly silver necklaces. You opted to go without a bra, making your breasts completely viewable through the outfit and wore nude panties. 
“Am I really going out like this? More importantly, I used to go out like this and feel comfortable?” 
It seemed like Freddie had taken the place of your conscious, because some voice said “Yes” and literally seemed to push you out the sliding glass door. You stood about even with the bench observing the ocean while you waited for Roger. 
When Roger was finished getting dressed, he realized you weren’t in the house and as he assumed, saw you standing by the bench and opened the door to start walking toward you. His eyesight wasn’t the best, so he could see you were wearing a jumpsuit, not as “out there” as he was hoping but was at least proud that you were still stepping out of your comfort zone. 
“Hey, Love, you ready to go?”
You turned around and Roger’s eyes went wide open. 
“Holy shit.” Roger smiled, noticing how sheer your jumpsuit was. What it was covering, and more importantly what it wasn’t. So you actually did step way out of your comfort zone, and you didn’t just step. You jumped. 
“Is it too much?” You said, staring to cross your arms across your chest. 
“No, no! It’s great, it’s- holy fucking god you’re gorgeous.” He said, causing you to laugh. You noticed how flustered he was getting, his face was turning red. “C’mon love! let’s walk closer to the edge. The rocks are so beautiful!”
“No, no, I’m good. Really.” You laughed nervously. 
“No really, it’s fine! We’re like 20 feet away right now! It’s not that bad- wait.” A smirk appeared across his face. “You said earlier that everyone was scared of something. Could this be your something?” he turned around and stepped closer to you. 
You scratched your hand as a nervous tick. “Maybe.”
“You’re scared of heights, aren’t you, Love?”
You nodded your head, the movement making the fabric of your romper purse a little so Roger could see right under your top. Could see everything. 
“Well you pushed me earlier, it’s only fair if I-” and with that he picked you up under your shoulders and spun you around, earning an actual terrified scream from you. You hurriedly wrapped your arms around his neck and basically climbed up him like a tree; your legs now wrapped around his waist as you heavily breathed. 
“Please don’t! Rog!” You screamed as he walked forward a little. Your position gave Roger a perfect view of your sheer top, and he couldn’t help but think things he shouldn’t want to. 
“Baby,” he laughed, stroking your hair. “We’re still ten feet from the ledge. You’re fine.” You looked down at him. 
“Just don’t go any closer.”
He laughed. “Yes ma'am.” 
You caught him staring at you as you still sat with your legs around his waist. “Rog, stop staring.”
“I’m sorry, Love. I just can’t help it.” He blushed, his face inching closer to yours. 
“Then don’t.” You responded, closing the final gap and hurriedly pressing your lips to his. 
The kiss was hot and passionate, and as time went on, you each got more into it. You were running your fingers through his hair, as he was running his hands down your back and over your butt. Through breaths Roger said “C’mon, let’s go inside. This is wonderful, God, you’re wonderful. But I’m more of a tits guy than ass. We leave that to Brian.” Earning a laugh from you as you continued making out as he carried you inside. 
Once inside, Roger carried you to his room and laid you on his bed, your lips parting for just a moment as he climbed on after you, hovering over the top of you as your lips passionately reconnected. As your lips started to work perfectly in sync, Roger brought a hand up your side and started gently squeezing your breasts. “You know you’re killing me in this jumpsuit right?” He said between breaths. 
“That was the goal.” You smirked. 
Roger gently slid the top of your jumpsuit over your shoulders leaving your chest completely exposed. His breath hitched. 
“How are you so fucking perfect?” Before you could even answer, his lips were back on yours, and started trailing down your neck, immediately finding your most sensitive spot as a soft moan escaped from your lips. “I’ve barely even touched you, Baby.” He smirked.
“Shut up.” 
He laughed and went back to your neck, lips trailing down to suck on your breast as he squeezed the other. He turned around and sat on the bed, picking you up and placing you on his lap so you were straddling him as your lips reconnected. With his hands on your hips he rocked you back and forth so you were grinding on top of him, his breath hitching in the back of his throat from the pleasure. 
“Rog,” you moaned and he reached in his bedside table to grab a condom. “Wait.” 
He stopped and looked at you. 
“I can’t do this.” You said, a look of regret visible on your face. 
“I can’t do this. I want to, but-” you stopped talking to avoid crying, already getting choked up. 
“What? Why? Baby, what did I do?” He said, sitting up and rubbing your shoulders as you pulled your top back up. 
“It’s not you Rog, it’s-” He cut you off. 
“Oh don’t pull that ‘it’s not you it’s me’ bullshit with me.” He said annoyed, running his hands through his hair. 
“No, no, it’s- uh. Can you keep a secret?” You said, tears unwillingly streaming down your face. 
“Yeah, Love, I can keep a secret between you, Freddie and I.” he joked, trying to make you smile. 
“Freddie doesn’t know.” This just made you cry even harder, and he wrapped his arms around you in efforts to get whatever was bothering you out. 
“Shh, it’s okay. I won’t tell him.” 
“I’m going to a different school for my last two years.”
“Well that’s okay!” He smiled. “If it’s the best decision for you Fred won’t mind!”
“In Spain.” 
“I’m going abroad in Spain for two years. I’ll be home for breaks and stuff, but I won’t be here all the time. I feel awful, because I’m putting Freddie out of a place to live. I just haven’t found it in me to tell him.”
“You gotta tell him, Love. Brian and I will take him in, no problem. But he’s gotta know. He’s gotta prepare to move out.”
“I know.”
“It’ll all be just fine.” He said, putting your head on his shoulder. 
“You have no idea how much I want you, Rog.” You whispered, crying again. 
“Then you can have me, Baby. This isn’t anything to cry about, Love!” 
“No I can’t. I can’t do this. I can’t break your heart.” 
“No!” He smiled. “You won’t break it, you’ve already got it.”
“Roger.” You said coldly. “I'm going to a different country for two years.”
“We can make this work.” He tried reasoning with you. 
“Rog, I’m sorry,” you said, standing up. “I have to end whatever ‘this’ is.”
“No, Baby, please.” He said, standing up and grabbing your hands. You could see he was tearing up. “You have no idea how much I want this. How much I want you.”
“I want it too.” You whispered. 
“Than it’s yours!” He exasperatedly sighed. “You’ve got me! We can talk on the phone all the time, I’ll save up money and fly you home on holiday.” 
“Roger! I can’t start a relationship just to break both of our hearts and leave for two years. You’ve got to understand that!” 
“Please don’t do this. If you do, you’ll have already broken my heart. You have no idea how long I’ve wanted this, and then to have it taken away.” He shook his head in disbelief, blinking away the tears. 
“I know.”
“Please just give me the rest of this weekend. Acting like we were together like we just were, I mean. I just want to know what it’s like to have you be in love with me too. Even if it’s just for a moment, I just wanna know.” He said pressing his forehead against yours. There was a moment of silence. You wanted it too, wanted to pretend you were together for the rest of the weekend, but knew it’d make it harder to say goodbye. 
“Okay.” You whispered, nodding your head and softly pressing your lips to his. 
“You still wanna go shop a little?” 
You nodded your head. 
Roger pulled into the small parking lot off the busy street filled with small mom and pop shops, candy stores, and personal boutiques. You rode there hand in hand as Roger sang you whatever song came on the radio. He had really convinced you to take this whole “dating for the weekend” thing seriously. Said that even if you were only dating him for a couple days, he was proud that you'd even allow him to call you his girlfriend, and he wanted to let everyone know it. It honestly broke your heart to know how much he cared about you. You always wanted someone to treat you the way he was, and it would all be over in a couple days. It made you second guess your decision. 
“Okay, Love. I just wanted to let you know,” he started, walking around the car to open your door for you, “anything you see and want in one of the stores you can have. I’ll buy it. That’s what a boyfriend does, and besides, I brought some extra money so I could buy you things.”
You grabbed his hand as he helped you up out of the car. “Rog, you really don’t have to-” 
“Yes I do. And don’t even try to say that I’m not your boyfriend. You know I am.” He winked. 
“At least today you are.” You sarcastically replied. 
“Yup. Today and tomorrow too.” He said grinning ear to ear as he pecked the side of your head. You could tell he thought he was the luckiest guy in the world. That broke your heart too. 
The first store you went into was a beautiful boutique. You noticed an outfit on a mannequin, a white gauze half shirt that tied in the middle with jean bell bottoms that were embellished with white lines out of the same material as the shirt. 
Roger noticed you staying at it. “Go ask her for it in your size so you can try it on, Love.” He urged you. He stood over to the side as he saw the woman get you a fitting room and hand you the outfit. You came out with the outfit on and a smile on your face and gasped,
“Oh Roger, look!” You said, twirling around. 
“You look wonderful, Love.” He smiled as he watched you look in the mirror, and go back in the dressing room to get changed. While changing, he 
walked over to the clerk and said, “Excuse me, uh, could you sell me that whatever size she had on in that shirt and pants while she’s getting changed?” The woman nodded and grabbed the pants from the table and shirt from the rack, and cashed Roger out. 
As you slid the curtain over, back in your sheer romper, you found Roger standing outside the dressing room, holding a bag out for you. “Here, Baby.” He smiled. 
You gasped, “Roger you didn’t!” As you looked in the bag to find the outfit you just had on. He just smiled back at you and gave you a hug, grabbing your hand and leading you out the door as he said goodbye to the woman. “Do you know how much those were?!” 
“You didn’t have to do that, Rog.” 
“But I wanted to! Told ya’ I was gonna get you anything you liked. You’re worth it.” He smirked, leaning down to kiss you on the lips. 
I could get used to this if I wasn’t leaving soon. 
Next, you went into a store that had handmade soaps and lotions and you and Roger walked around smelling each of the scents, agreeing on some and laughing about how you disliked others. 
“So, you like the Rose?”
“Yeah,” You said tentatively. “but-”
“Hey! No “but’s”. You like it, you got it.” He smiled, walking over to the counter with all the rose scented items and grabbing two rose candles, rose bath salts, body wash, lotion, a bath bomb, the floating soaps in the shape of roses, and the rose perfume.
“Roger, this is too much.” You said, grabbing some of the items to put back on the shelf. 
“Nope. I said I’m getting it for you!” He teased, grabbing the soaps and putting them back in the bag. “You know, since we actually are dating, maybe we could even try all this out together later.” 
You rolled your eyes. “In your dreams, Taylor. How do you even have the money for this?”
“I have my ways.” He winked, and turned to go to the counter to pay. 
With your new bag in tow, the two of you walked hand in hand down the busy streets toward the bar at the end of the strip to get hamburgers for dinner. 
“You know Rog,”
“I guess sharing the bath things might be kinda fun later.” You blushed.
“Really?” He smiled like a little child.
You nodded your head, too embarrassed to admit your true thoughts to him. 
“You’re amazing.” He smiled, stopping to lean down and kiss your cheek. 
As he looked up, he realized you were stopped in front of an Italian jewelry store called Giuseppe's. “Wanna go in?” He urged. 
“Sure, but I just want to look, Roger. I do not want anything. You understand?” Letting other people buy you things always made you feel guilty. 
He nodded as he opened the door for you. 
Everything inside the store was gorgeous. The two of you “ooh’d” and “awed” at the detailed pieces in front of you in each display box you walked past. As you reached the rings, an old man who you assumed was Giuseppe walked over from the other side of the store to stand across from you. 
“Can I help you with anything?” 
Before Roger answered, you shot back, “Oh no, thank you. We’re just looking.” You said, squeezing Rogers hand as your fingers were still intertwined to make sure he didn’t try to refute you. 
The old man nodded and started to walk away before adding, “You know, you two make an absolutely gorgeous couple. You’re young, but you’re so great together I wouldn’t have any trouble selling you a ring for her today, young man.” 
“Oh we’re-” Roger cut you off. 
“Absolutely smitten with one another. And thank you, sir. I really appreciate it. We both do. I feel so lucky to be able to call her mine.” Roger smiled as he pulled you in closer to him. You could tell he genuinely meant it too. It broke your heart. 
You kept looking around the store, and let out a soft gasp. “Roger, look!” It was a gold necklace with a pendant in the shape of a treble clef, embellished with diamonds. “It’s gorgeous.”
“It’s perfect.” He added. 
Before he could even think about purchasing it, you said, “Oh but I don’t want it. It’s fine. I’m quite hungry. We should go.” pulling his arm to get to the door. He was shocked to say the least, with every intent on buying that necklace for you. “Thank you so much for your kind words, sir.” You smiled. 
“Oh no problem, darlin’. And son,” he spoke to Roger. “When it’s time, there will always be a ring waiting for you here.” He smiled. 
“Thank you, sir. I sure hope so.” He smiled, grabbing your hand and leading you out the door. 
As you reached the bar, Roger sighed in exasperation. “Ugh, I have to run back to the car, Love. I forgot a pill I have to take with dinner.” He ran his hands through his hair, clearly annoyed. “I’ll only be a moment. Go in and get us a table outside and I’ll be right back.” He smiled, placing a hand on your shoulder. 
“Oh it’s okay. You shouldn’t have to go by yourself. I’ll come with you.” 
“No, Love. No girl of mine is going to walk all that way for one of my stupid mistakes.” He assured. 
“Is it really that important Roger? You didn’t take a pill last night at dinner?”
“Uh- well I take it every other day. And yeah, it’s for my anxiety with the water, so yeah I’d say it’s pretty important.” He smiled. 
“Okay, I'm sorry for doubting you.” You smiled, his hand on your cheek.
“Nah it’s alright, Love. Go on in and get us a seat. I’ll be right back.” He said, quickly pressing his lips to yours. He took two steps away, just letting go of your hand and called back to you, “I love you.” You didn’t say anything back. You didn’t know what to say, it just made you smile. 
Roger returned about fifteen minutes after you were seated, and after you two finished eating, it was dark outside; creating a picture perfect scene as you walked throughout the little town. There were white lights wrapped around the trees and hanging over the shops as if you were in a fairy wonderland.
There was a small garden in the middle of the town which was also embellished with lights. The two of you walked through it hand in hand, completely speechless at the beautiful sparkly scene in front of you. You came to a bench, and sat down, Roger putting his arm around you as you rested your head on his shoulder. 
“It’s so beautiful here.” You smiled. 
“I’m glad you like it. Are you having fun?” 
“Oh, Roger, you have no idea. This trip has taken such a weight off my shoulders. Honestly feels like the most fun I’ve had in years.” You laughed. 
“Good, good.” he paused. “I’m sorry I said ‘I love you’ earlier. Kinda awkward.”
“You don’t have to apologize, Rog. There’s multiple ways to love people, not just romantically. That’s how I’ve always felt about the phrase. Freddie and I tell each other we love each other just about every day. So, in that sense, I should be the one apologizing. I didn’t say it back.” You looked up at him. “I hope I can make up for it, though.” You joked. “I love you too, Rog.” You said, as if talking to a young child. You knew you weren’t saying it in the same context as he had earlier. You were reminding yourself not to get too attached, even though you wanted to express your feelings in the same way he had just an hour or so before. 
“Oh!” He exclaimed. “I got you something!”
“Not something else!” You laughed.
“You know, Y/N. Most girls want their boyfriends to buy them things.”
Their boyfriends.
He really considered himself your boyfriend for these next days to come. You wondered how he was so mentally okay with allowing himself to dive fully in, knowing he’d have to give it all up in a matter of days. 
“It’s not that I don’t, I just always feel bad. Like I owe you something in return.” 
“You don’t, and never will, Love.” He smiled, reaching into his coat pocket and pulling out a small black box that had a white ribbon around it. “Here, open it.” He smiled, putting the box in your hands. 
“You’re too much, Roger.” You shook your head, untying the ribbon. As you opened the box, you gasped. “Roger! You didn’t!”. It was the treble clef necklace from earlier. 
“Well I saw how much you liked it,”
“But jewelry is expensive, Rog. I’m not worth that.”
“Hey,” he said in all seriousness, grabbing your shoulders and making you look at him. “Don’t you ever let anyone tell you that. You’re worth all the gems in the world.” 
You got choked up at his kindness, unable to form words. “H-how?”
“I went back to the store when I told you to get a seat. And look!” He said, pulling a necklace out of his shirt. “I bought myself the one that matches. It isn’t as girly as yours, you know it doesn’t have all the gems, but they go together. Because-” he said, taking your necklace out of the box. “If you line them up the right way, they make a heart.” He smiled. At this point, tears of happiness were running down your cheeks. No one had ever been so thoughtful in your life. “Want me to put it on?” You nodded. 
Roger put the necklace on you, and you couldn’t stop smiling. “I don’t even have enough words to thank you.” You gushed, grabbing squeezing his hand and pulling him in for a big hug. “And this time, I really do mean it, and I think in the way you meant it when you said it the first time. I really do love you, Roger Meddows Taylor.” 
“Oh, Baby, how I love you too.” He smiled. Your eyes fluttered shut as he leaned in to kiss you. It was a soft, short, but meaningful kiss, as it seemed to display your feelings for one another. You opened your eyes with your noses touching, each of you smiling like a child on Christmas morning, your arms around his neck with his arms around your waist as he pulled you closer next to him on the bench. It was his next comment which made you happier than you’d ever been before, yet also made you feel like you could cry for all eternity because you knew in the next forty eight hours you’d be pretending this was all a beautifully constructed fantasy, yet having everlasting pain in your heart as you yearned for his love to be in your life for the rest of your days. He said: 
“Y/N, my Love, I don’t think I’ve ever been happier in my life than I am sitting here with you right now. I wouldn’t trade this for anything in the world.” 
A silent tear slid down your cheek as you leaned in to tell him you felt the same way without speaking a word as your lips reunited once again. 
You were getting undressed in your room as Roger insisted on preparing a bath for you with your new soaps. You stripped completely and put on your short, silk pink night robe and put your hair in a bun. The only item of clothing you kept on was the necklace Roger had just bought you, and you smiled as it sparkled in your reflection. 
You opened the door from your room to the bathroom to be immediately hit by a strong wall of rose, and to find it only lit by your new candles and some others Roger must have found around the house. He was seated fully clothed next to the large claw foot tub with one hand in it as the bathtub was just about half full. His head instantly perked up at the sight of you. 
“Roger, this is absolutely gorgeous.” You gasped.
“Yeah,” he laughed nervously as he stood. “Just trying to make you happy, as usual.” You could tell he didn’t think you wanted him to stay with you. 
“It’s so… romantic.” You seductively said as you walked toward him, toying with the belt on your robe as he visibly blushed before you. 
“Well, uh- I don’t know.” he nervously laughed again. “Rose just gives off that vibe, you know?”
You laughed at his ignorance. 
“Well, I’m just going to let you relax in here then,” he uncomfortably stated as he stumbled toward the door to his room. “I hope the water isn’t too hot or too cold. I could always help ya’ if you’d like.” He winked, grabbing his door handle. 
“Roger,” you said, wrapping your arms around his waist and pressing your body flush against his. “Are you actually about to walk out of this bathroom while your girlfriend is pressed up naked against you, about to take an extremely romantic bath that you prepared for her?”
He gasped. “You just called yourself my girlfriend.” He smiled. It was like music to his ears.
“Well that’s what I am right now, aren’t I?” 
He nodded. You could feel him getting hard against your stomach. “And wait- you’re not naked, Love.” 
You quickly untied your silk robe and let it fall to the floor, completely revealing yourself to him.  “Now I am.” 
Roger smirked as you saw him lick his lips. “Always so fucking perfect.” He muttered. “So I take it you want me to take a bath with you?”
You nodded, lovingly dragging your hand along his jawline. 
“If that’s what my princess wants, then that’s what she gets.” He smiled, scooping you up and setting you in the bathtub as he started to rid himself of his clothes. You watched him as he stripped, head resting in your hand as your arm leaned on the side of the bathtub. “You’re staring.” He teased in a sing-song voice as he took off his shirt. 
“I want to.” You echoed back in the same tone. As you watched him undress, you snapped into reality, realizing how stupid you were being, and how hurt you’d be in the long run. But for a moment, and just for a moment, you mentally said,
 “Fuck off conscious, I’m on vacation, and I’m technically Roger Taylor’s girlfriend right now so leave me the fuck alone.” That was the last you allowed yourself to hear from your conscious that weekend. 
As he pulled down his boxers and his member sprang loose, you realized he was much thicker than you imagined. It made your breath hitch just at the thought. “Make room for me, Love.” he said, one foot stepping into the tub. You sat up, allowing him to lay back against the tub as you laid back with your chest pressed against his, the two of you making out until you had to reach up to turn off the water. There was no feeling of a necessity to have a sexual moment, the feeling of your nude bodies pressed against each other in the romantic atmosphere with his arms lovingly wrapped around your body was more than enough. 
You must have fallen asleep, because the next thing you knew Roger was wrapping you in a towel, one already around his waist as he carried you bridal style to his room. 
“Was I asleep, Rog?” You asked as he laid against the pillows still cradling you in his lap. 
He laughed. “Yeah, think I was too, Love. I woke up like fifteen minutes ago.  Sat there appreciating how beautiful you were for a little while, then got up and dried myself off before doing the same for you and carrying your arse in here. You’re the hardest person to wake up, you know that?” 
“Freddie has definitely told me that before.” You chuckled. “Why, how bad was it this time?”
“I tried talking to you to get you to wake up, and nothing. Then I tried rubbing your arm, also nothing. Eventually I had to shake you, and you mumbled “I’m awake, I’m awake” and just put your head back on my chest and fell asleep again. I couldn’t stop laughing. It’s quite adorable, really. I’m honestly shocked you’re awake now.”
“Well I’m cold, that’s why.” You said, standing up. 
“Where are got going?”
“To get my pajamas?” You said, curious as to why he was asking you all these questions. “Like I said, I’m cold.”
“Wait. No girlfriend of mine needs pajamas to stay warm he said, standing and engulfing you in a huge hug and he nuzzled his head in your neck we he lovingly kissed it. 
“Roger,” you laughed, hands rubbing through his hair. 
He turned you around and laid you on the pillows as he hovered over top of you, his nose pressing yours as you both had childlike grins on your faces, hands intertwined. 
“Baby?” he said. 
“Want a massage with that new lotion I bought you?”
“Do I not already smell like rose?” You laughed. 
“Ehh, not enough.” He said as he said up and grabbed the lotion off the nightstand. “Where do you want me to start, Love?”
“Wherever you want.” You smirked, and he slowly peeled the towel off your body as if he was touching fine china. You noticed him gasp a little as a large, closed mouth grin appeared on his face. 
“I’m never gonna get used to how beautiful you are.” He shyly admitted as he put some lotion on his hands, and started massaging your breasts. 
“Roger!” You laughed.
“Really? There?” 
“You said anywhere I want, Love.” He said, leaning down to press a kiss to your lips. His hands continued their squeezing as his fingers toyed with your nipples causing you to squirm beneath his touch. He rolled you over on your stomach and put some more lotion on your back as he gave you the best back massage you’d ever had. You weren’t sure if it was because of the situation you two were in, or if it was from his calloused hands from drumming, but his hands seemed to rub away all your tension and pain, putting you in a euphoric state of mind. His hands trailed down and he lovingly ran his hands over your curves. As he started to squeeze, through labored breaths you said, “Roger- I need you to touch me now.”
“Y/N, I believe I’m already touching you.” He smirked as you rolled on your back. 
“Fuck off, you know what I mean.” You said, clearly annoyed as you pulled him down so he was almost laying on top of you into an extremely passionate kiss. 
Your hands rubbed up and down his back as his lips trailed down your neck, working on the spot that made you moan the most. He left wet kisses as he sucked and nipped on your neck. Your small moans made him grunt, and one of his hands slid up and down your side as if he was worshiping your body. He smiled as he saw how you reacted to his movements, and started trailing down to suck on your breasts, switching between sides as his hand toyed with the nipple on the other side. Before continuing to trail down, he lovingly kissed your lips, and then kissed all over your stomach. Through your extremely limited amount of focus you noticed a bead of sweat sliding down his forehead, a complete look of bliss on his face. His hands were caressing your inner thighs as he allowed one to linger where you needed it most. He brought his face up to yours, his eyes clearly asking if you wanted to do this and you nodded, your nose rubbing against his as he simultaneously reconnected your lips as he started rubbing circles around your core to stimulate your nerves. As he inserted a finger, you closed your eyes and let out a long, drawn out moan. 
“God,” he grunted, his hips bucking into your leg. He looked down to see the necklace he bought you shimmering between your breasts. It was perfect. His towel fell from around his waist. You felt his bulge before you could see it, all of a sudden making what you two were doing extremely prevalent in your head. You already knew you were getting attached, exactly what you were trying to avoid. 
Then you opened your eyes to see his ocean blue ones lovingly staring down at you. In that moment you’d never wanted anyone more. “God, you’re so tight.”
“It’s been quite a while” you managed to say as he slowly started pumping, and you quietly moaned, embarrassed from your last. 
“Don’t what?”
“Be as loud as you want, Baby. It turns me on.” He winked as he picked up the pace, shocking you and causing you to let out another loud moan in his mouth as you kissed, him taking advantage of the situation and inserting his tongue in your mouth, lips starting to move in sync with his thrusts. 
He added in another finger, gently scissoring you as you tightly grabbed onto his shoulder from the little bit of pain that came with the immense amount of pleasure. His thumb started toying with your bud; you didn’t think you’d ever felt this much pleasure before. It caused you to whine out as you dug your finger nails in his shoulders. 
He pulled away from the kiss, stopping his movements as you latched your lips onto his neck. “Was it too much?” He asked. 
“God no, keep going.” You breathlessly said against his neck, the vibrations making him moan out in pleasure. He started up again, his movements much faster this time. He started to circle his fingers, curving them as you felt them hit your spot. 
“Roger,” you loudly moaned. 
“Jesus,” he breathed, reaching for his member and giving himself a couple pumps, causing you to smile. 
“Baby,” you said, running your fingers through his hair. “I think it’s your turn now.” You smiled, flipping him over so you were now on top. You rode his fingers for a moment before removing them, and you slid back so you were sitting on his thighs. He looked at you expectantly, as if he couldn’t wait for what was to come next. Just as you were bending down, you heard him let out a soft chuckle. 
“It’s just funny.” He smiled lovingly.
“What’s funny? I’m trying to be sexy.” 
He laughed. “I know, but seeing you all prim and proper all the time, and now to see you like… well, like this. It’s just amusing. Like it’s not even the same person.” 
“Well then I’m definitely gonna shock you now, Love.” You smirked, as you wrapped your mouth around him. You felt his legs tighten beneath you as he squeezed his eyes shut, and his breathing grew heavy. You bobbed your head up and down, earning a groan from him. You felt his precum in your mouth, which you seductively licked off his tip, looking up at him.
“God, your eyes” he moaned, squirming beneath you, bucking his hips further into your mouth. You pulled off of him making a popping sound as you gripped him with your hand, continuing the pace you set with your head as you journeyed up to join your lips with his. 
The taste of himself on you and was almost too much for him, and he groaned as your tongues intertwined, one hand toying through your hair while one squeezed your breast. Between your kisses he breathlessly said, “Faster, Y/N”
As you started moving your hand faster, his hips bucked harder as he grabbed the sheets, his moans getting louder and more frequent. To appease yourself, you started grinding on his leg, which almost made him finish right there. You felt him start to twitch, as he said, “I’m close, Love.” and you stopped moving. 
You both looked at each other. 
You knew what this meant, where you were. 
Most importantly, what came next. 
You took a deep breath and sighed as you ran your fingers through your hair. 
You wanted to, so bad. No one had ever treated you as kindly as Roger had, but you knew how hard this would make it to let go. You looked to the left at the condoms on the table, and to the right at Roger’s suitcase. A symbol of travel. You knew you’d be leaving for two years, yet something told you not to let this go. You were so conflicted that tears welled in your eyes as you realized most people didn’t know the pain of giving up something so beautiful and perfect for the betterment of their future, a tribulation that you now had to face too frequently. You blew out a puff of air to try to blink away the tears from the complexities of your lifestyle. His hand reached up and lovingly caressed the side of your face. 
“Hey, hey, please don’t cry. I know what you’re thinking about. I know how much harder this will make it in a couple of days, so we don’t have to do this.” He said. You looked up at the ceiling to avoid embarrassment. “Hey, Y/N. Look at me.” You brought your eyes down to his. “We don’t have to do this. There are other ways we can both finish, or we just won’t at all. I mean, I’ll have to, but you can just go take a shower or something.” He laughed. “Whatever way you think will make saying goodbye easier is what I’m for.” He smiled, though he was clearly smiling through a heavy load of pain in his heart. 
You didn’t say anything for a couple minutes, just looking at him in all of his sparkling beauty while your heart and your mind went head to head. And then suddenly felt it. 
There was a new fighter in the battle.
 A stronger fighter.
The throbbing in your core became unbearable, and as much as you knew it’d hurt you, in that moment you wanted him more than anything. 
Hungered for him. 
“Fuck it.”
You lunged for a condom, tearing it open with your teeth, and as you pulled it out he grabbed your wrist, taking your full attention. “We don’t have to do this. I don’t want this to be harder than it has to be, Baby.” 
“But I want to.” He wasn’t convinced. He still looked at you hesitantly. As you rolled on the condom, you bent down and huskily whispered in his ear, “I need you.”
“Fuck.” He whined. 
You positioned him underneath you as you slid down, a gasp coming from your mouth as he heavily breathed, “Oh my god.”
Then, you realized what day it was. It was Saturday night. You were supposed to leave tomorrow. You didn’t want to leave this tomorrow. You wouldn’t. Your heart couldn’t handle it. 
“We’re not leaving tomorrow, right?” You asked. 
“Oh hell no.” He smirked. 
“Good,” you said as you bent down to graze your nose against his. Just as you were about to kiss him he cried, 
“Jesus Christ, Y/N, fucking move!”
Which made you laugh as your hands intertwined and you started rocking on top of him, immediately at a fast pace. 
He tightly squeezed your hands as he fidgeted beneath you, loudly groaning. 
“This okay?”
“Perfect.” He said through hitched breaths. 
And it was. Your bodies seemed to find a perfect rhythm effortlessly. He filled you up perfectly. Your hands intertwined as if they were two pieces of a puzzle finally coming together. You seemed made for each other. And at this moment, it didn’t seem that anything, even thousands of miles, a sea, and a different country could do anything to change that. 
Roger woke up first, as he expected to. Your bodies were still nude and intertwined, you were facing him and his arm held you lovingly into his body. Even though this had only been his life for two days, he never wanted it to end, knowing fully once you two returned home it’d be like it never happened. It killed him. Right now, he wanted you more than anything in the world, and wanted to show the world you were his. As he looked down in between yourselves, he couldn’t help but smile. Somehow, in the middle of the night, your matching necklaces found each other, intertwining and forming a heart.
He found it quite symbolic of how your love was to play out. Though it could have been due to the fact that he was grasping for straws at the moment; anything to convince him that this relationship would happen. That even in the darkest moments, when you were the furthest away from each other, and things seemed impossible, your love would prevail. He bent his head down and kissed your sleeping lips, as your eyes flushed open and lips curved into a smile. 
“Hello, gorgeous.” He said placing a kiss on your cheek. 
“Good morning, my Love.” You responded back, a blush appearing on your cheeks as you smiled. You moved your legs so your left leg wasn’t on the bottom of all four of your legs, and you both let out a small groan of pain. 
“You’re sore too?” He asked. 
“Well that’s what happens when you do it five times in a night, Roger.” You said sarcastically. 
“What do ya’ want from me love? You’re so gorgeous, I couldn’t help it.” He whined. 
“I know,” you smiled as his hands slid down your sides and started squeezing your curves. 
“Roger, I don’t think I could handle another round right now.” You laughed. 
“But morning se-”
“No!” You smiled. “We wouldn’t be able to move and enjoy our beach day!”
“Okay, fine.” He resigned, kissing your cheeks and all over your face to wake you up. 
“I’ve got to admit, this really is the best way to wake up.” You laughed. 
“You can wake up like this every day you’re in the same country as me, if you want.” He smiled hopefully. 
“Roger.” You said sternly. 
“I know.” 
“I don’t want it to end, that’s part of the reason I wanted to stay another day.” You admitted. 
“Me too. Depending on the weather maybe we could even stay Monday night!” He encouraged. 
“And forget about school?”
“Eh it’s October. We can be sick.” He said, making you laugh. 
“We gonna call Freddie and Bri?”
“Nah. As far as I’m concerned, we’re the only two people on the Earth until we get back in London. That’s when we can break out of our fantasy. Until then, I don’t want to call home. I’ll deal with all that shit when I get there. No sense in dealing with it now and worrying about it for the rest of our trip.”
“Okay.” You smiled. 
“So what's our plan today, my dear?” 
“Beach, food, disco later?” You suggested.
“Whatever you want, my Love.” He said, placing a kiss to your nose. 
You sat on a large rock at the top of the beach in your yellow and white gingham frilled bikini as Roger took pictures of you. Pictures of you smiling,
laying down, making peace signs, blowing him a kiss, everything. He was making you laugh as he pretended he was a professional photographer and you were his model. 
“Just like that!”
“Hold it!” 
“Gorgeous, Darling, gorgeous!”
Now you were laughing hysterically. 
Through your laughs you managed to get out, “You sound like Freddie!” Now you both were laughing, and he walked over to the rock as you sat on its edge, wrapping his arms around your waist as he showed you the photos he took and you kissed the top of his head. 
“Excuse me?” The guy of another couple who seemed a couple years older than you and Roger asked the two of you. You both looked up to find the other pair smiling at you. 
“Would you like me to take a picture of the two of you?” He asked. 
“Oh yeah, mate. That’d be great. Thanks.” Roger said smiling as he handed the camera to the man and climbed on the rock next to you, pulling you into his lap. The two of you looked at the man smiling. 
“Now Love,” Roger jokingly started as he whispered in your ear. 
“If you breathe in as he takes the photo, it’ll push out your tits a little more.” He winked as he whispered in your ear. 
“Roger?!” You said, causing you to start laughing hysterically. 
Roger quickly pressed a kiss to your cheek and wrapped his arms around you tighter. 
“Aw, guys, that looks like that’ll be a great photo. Here, let’s just let it develop to make sure it came out okay.” The man said as Roger conversed with him. 
After a minute or so, the man looked at the Polaroid in his hands and said “Yeah, that’s great you guys!” 
“Thanks a lot, mate.” Roger said as he took the photo. 
“Would you like us to take a picture of you two?”
You asked. 
“Nah, that’s alright. We’ve got loads together. I know how hard it is not to have someone to take a picture sometimes though, so just wanted to help out.” He smiled as he walked away. 
“Let’s see it, Rog!” You shrieked excitedly as he climbed onto the rock, sitting next to you. Your hands hurriedly took the photo from Roger. 
“Oh my god, it’s actually perfect.” You smiled. 
He took it from your hands, and as he smiled down at it, you saw tears well up in his eyes. 
“What’s wrong Rog?” You immediately said, running your fingers through his hair as you pressed your forehead to his. “Why are you crying?”
“It’s nothing.” He said, wiping a tear from his eye. 
“Roger.” You said, knowing fully something was eating away at him. 
“It’s just, I know we extended our trip a day, and I’m so happy about that. But ever since we’ve said how we’ve been feeling, and with how amazing last night was, I’ve never been happier. I’m not ready for this to end, and I don’t want you to leave. Maybe you’ve felt this way about someone before, I don’t know, but I haven’t. I’ve been with a lot of girls, but none of them feel like you do. None of them make me feel the way you do. Please tell me I wasn’t the only one who felt it last night.”
“I felt it too.” You shakily admitted. You knew he’d caught you. “It’s like we were-”
“Made for each other? And not just sexually. In every aspect of the phrase, right?”
You nodded your head, biting your lower lip, knowing a heartbreak would be coming both of your ways in a matter of days. 
“You know what I saw when I woke up this morning? Our necklaces found their way together overnight. They made a heart on their own. We can make this work. Please, I want to make this work. You have no idea how much it means to me.” He pleaded. “I know you’re going away, but it won’t even seem like we’re apart. I’ll make sure of it. I was planning on telling you this on the way home, but I’ll tell you now. I’m giving you my car.”
“I’ve been saving up for a while, and I want the new Alfa Romeo. You need a car, and I made a call right when we got here the other day. There’s a boat that’s much cheaper than airfare that goes out of here to the top of Spain. Its about a day boat ride, and then you can just leave your car here at my beach house and either I can drive here, you could drive to London, or we could meet halfway. Whatever you wanna do. And you could come home all the time. I could see you at least once a month.”
You stuttered. 
“I don’t want to lose this. Please. You were right; making love did make saying goodbye so much harder, and I really just don’t want to. I can’t. I think it’s for the better that we go through whatever major life changes one of us has together. I’ll support you through every decision you make, I just want to be there for you.”
“Roger, I don’t know.”
“I can’t let this go, because…” he trailed off. 
“Because?” You asked. He paused. 
“I’m in love with you.” He blurted out, tears freely flowing down his face. 
Saying ‘I love you’ and being in love with someone  are two completely different things. You were shocked. 
“Please say something, Baby.”
You were speechless. 
“Y/N?” He said, his voice cracking. He felt as if he knew your answer, yet needed proof. 
Meanwhile, inside your heart and mind were at war again, their previous defeater “lust” was nowhere to be found. You had two answers for him, you were just waiting for it to be narrowed down to one as you weighed the pros and cons in your head. 
“Please, Love.”
You told yourself you had three seconds to make a decision. 
“I can’t let this go.” He said, pushing your hair out of your face. “I’ve never been in love before. Now I know that love isn’t a thing, it’s a person.”
“You’re my love, Y/N”
You inhaled to speak. 
Taglist: @yourlocalmusicalprostitute , @bismillahnah , @deakysmisfire , @queer-heart-attack , @everything-you-dont-wanna-be , @mercurycrowley , @ikbenplant , @xcdelilahxc , @chekovs-davy-jones-wig , @laedymoon
A/N: Here it is again! Im gonna try to edit the rest later. Sorry for typos! Lmk if you wanna be added to the taglist. Q&A will be tomorrow!! You can literally ask me anything. Ge ready!
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eroticcannibal · 4 years
Ok so if u can do vid tutorials, the eyelash yarn trick I learned is from a youtube video called 'How to Crochet Eyelash Yarn' by Wendi Gratz. My own tips for the method are to use a tiny hook for the base yarn & a bigger hook for the eyelash yarn, & (in the case of hats & other unstuffed projects) to work 2 rounds at the open ends with the eyelash yarn, 1 in the front loops as instructed, & 1 in the back loops, to make extra sure the base yarn doesnt show thru (hopefully that makes sense). 1of3
Other than that ur good to go! It was a million times easier than previous attempts, & the base yarn rly didnt show thru basically at all (I had purple eyelash yarn & a neon pink base yarn), even if it looked like it might before it was finished. Im super happy with the hat I made, esp cuz I messed up in previous attempts to knit it & wasted a bunch of yarn cuz frogging eyelash yarn is /impossible/ & the color I used is discontinued. Lemme know if u cant do videos & I can try to write it 2of3 
out for u, too. Now I gotta figure out what to do with the extra yarn. Considering an amigurumi, but idk what critter cuz I dont rly like hedgehogs. Maybe a worm on a string, idk. - Bananon 3of3
I wonder if the technique would work for novelty yarns in general???
also in the reccomendeds I saw THIS for fuzzy yarns which seems like it could work for amigurumi
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sol1loqu1st · 7 years
hdjfjdjfhf now im thinking abt 4th grade home ec, taught by a sweet little grey haired old woman named ms beth who, while extremely conservative and obsessed with making sure all of us little Girls(tm) knew how to cook and sew and shit (the boys got to go hunting and fishing and camping and shit with her husband i was SO FUCKIN JEALOUS but thats homeschool christian tutorials in the south for ya), probably didnt deserve the trouble i gave her so like. she Attempted to teach us all to crochet; every1 else had at least the beginnings of a scarf or hat or w/e by the end of it but i had managed to create a 6 foot crochet rope which i guess i thought i was gonna tie to a tree and swing from or some shit????? not my best idea seeing as the damn thing would snap or unravel at a moments notice but it did Not go over well with ms beth. "why dont you make a nice hat for your little sister, [birthname]" indEED. anyway not only was i a stubborn lil nb but i was also a stubborn lil nb with awkward fine motor skills who was incapable of crocheting beyond the first row so i fucked right off and made the thing 7 feet. THEN i gave the whole damn choking hazard to my 3yo sister because i really wanted to please ms beth even tho i couldnt do what she asked???? needles to say (yes that was a pun) she was somewhat disappointed anyway then she forced us to memorize the names of each book in the bible and their order. no bible verses or important passages or anything just. the names of the sIXTY SOMEODD BOOKS IN ORDER. which i figured was a complete waste of time but she was already irritated with me from the Crochet Incident and so she and my mother made me do it anyway. i actually dont remember doing it but if i did i was probably the last kid to memorize all of them by at least 2 weeks because dyou think my adhd, autistic, agnostic brain was gonna do that shit willingly?? no and then and then poor ms beth gets out the embroidery. oh god. all of my fingers bled at least once when i was doing that. all of them. but so we're all embroidering our initials into these lil bag things that are too small to be useful and too big to be cute but we gotta do it anyway bc ms beth says so. anyway one girls like "excuse me ms beth my initials spell ass" so she makes us all just do our first and last names bc apparently a flowery pink handbag with the word "ass" embroidered into it is unchristian idk. so now my bag has the abbreviated form of the phrase "original character" written in ridiculously complicated fancy blue embroidered letters anyway i take FOREVER. everyone elses bag is done in a MONTH i take THREE. i have NO IDEA what the other kids did while i was finishing. i think they made a small tapestry and learned to make fancy sandwiches. i honestly dont know but i took GODDAMN AGES anyway ms beth was so fuckin proud of me for actually finishing something """ladylike""" and doing what she asked for once in my life even if it did take me 300% of the time every1 else did. i have literally NEVER used any of the skills i learned in her class until now but im about to embroider the words "they/them" on a lil patch and sew it to my jean jacket god bless you ms beth. i hope youre proud of me
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