#obey me mc mentioned
casvonriegan · 1 year
New fic: Supernova
This is not posted on AO3 yet because that's scary but you know what let's put it here because why not!
Rating: General Fandom: Obey Me! Pairing: Lucifer/MC Characters: Lucifer, Diavolo, Barbatos (mentioned), MC (mentioned)
Summary: Castiel Nova is an unassuming human who was suddenly thrust into the Devildom one day. One year as a student in the RAD Trans-Realm Student Exchange Program turns into so much more as they get to learn more about the mysterious demon brothers they're living with in the House of Lamentation. What secrets will they uncover, and what impact will they have on these demons?
Notes: This is the first thing I’ve published in a very long time!!! I cannot promise a timeline for the continuation of this, as I am a graduate student and so my time is very seldom my own. But I’ve been working on this in the background for honestly probably over a year at this point, and I want to have something going out that is involved in a fandom I’m actively engaged in (sorry Supernatural).
This is in no way canon compliant; this is my own re-telling of the story of my Cas with the brothers. Some things will remain similar (i.e. the major plot point with Belphie and Lilith’s story line), but other things (most notably how pacts are formed) will probably be very different from the canon story.
Cas is non-binary, AFAB, and uses they/them/themself pronouns! Feel free to use extensions to change the Cas’s name to your own Cas/self-insert (Castiel Nova is their full name (I think it is only used once or twice), people alternate between referring to them as Castiel/Cas).
Basically just a shameless re-telling of the game story featuring my Cas that is a shameless self-insert with Lucifer/Cas endgame.
P.S. I apologize for the kinda lame first chapter title, I’m a microbiologist and this is how they name organisms that they haven’t isolated yet and I thought it was funny. Anyway.
Chapter 1: Candidatus Studentus exchangenes
(pronounced can-di-dot-us stu-den-tus ex-change-uh-knees)
"I notice you’ve been sighing quite a bit, Lucifer.” Diavolo stated matter-of-factly.
Lucifer had a fist balled in his hair as he read through the seemingly endless list of candidates for the student exchange program. They only had a few weeks left to get everything finalized so that Lord Diavolo could begin the preparations with the chosen students from the Human and Celestial realms. While they had no intention of alerting the chosen students until the day of their arrival, negotiations with their superiors, of course, had to commence beforehand. 
They’d already finalized the paperwork for Solomon, who was going to be the other exchange student from the Human Realm. He’d had dealings with the Devildom before, so it was easy to get him through. However, there were not many other humans that were as familiar with the three realms as he was. This meant there was going to be a painful amount of discussions, negotiations, and likely headaches for Lucifer to deal with.
So yes, perhaps he was sighing quite a bit, as Lord Diavolo so eloquently put it.
“You know, buried in stacks of paperwork like you are, it almost looks like the documents themselves are heaving a sigh!” Diavolo mused, chuckling to himself.
Lucifer sighed yet again. “You certainly seem to be enjoying this, don’t you Diavolo?”
Lucifer let the file fall from his hand, leaning back in his chair.
“Is it that much fun watching me agonize over a decision like this?”
Diavolo leaned back in his own seat, arms folding across his chest as he regarded Lucifer with a mirthful expression. “Well, if I have to say one way or the other, then yes. I suppose it is pretty fun.”
After yet another sigh, Diavolo let his playfulness slip away as a more serious expression took over his features. “It seems you’ve been having a hard time finding a second human exchange student to follow Solomon, huh?”
“You talk as though you have nothing to do with that.” Lucifer deadpanned. “Whose fault do you think it is that I’m having such a hard time, hmm?”
Diavolo looked away sheepishly, a slight blush creeping across his face. “Is it mine, perhaps?”
Lucifer groaned. “Who else could it be? Seriously… try putting yourself in my shoes, being saddled with such an unreasonable request.”
Lucifer stood from where he was seated, moving forward so his hands were splayed across what little of the desk's real estate was left, as he regarded Diavolo with the most irritated expression he could muster. “If I end up with permanent lines on my forehead when this is all over, it’s your fault, Diavolo.”
“Well, I wouldn’t want that…” Diavolo smirked. “But still… you’re going to do this for me, right Lucifer?”
Lucifer fell back into his seat, defeated. He never could quite contest Diavolo’s desires. His head fell back against his chair, eyes squeezing shut as he fought to ward off an oncoming headache. “Sure. But not because I want to.”
Diavolo let out his own sigh then. “It may not seem like it at the moment, but I really do appreciate you agreeing to do this, you know. And, naturally, I intend to help in any way I can.”
Diavolo rose from his seat, beginning to pace the room. “For example… ah, okay. How about this?”
Lucifer turned his attention to Diavolo, not yet returning to the file abandoned on his desk. “Enlighten me.”
“We’ll make the next exchange student someone completely different from Solomon,” Diavolo stated simply. “It wouldn’t be much fun if we ended up with two humans who were similar, would it?”
Diavolo turned on his heel, an excited expression lighting up his face again. “Oh, and it would be great to have someone who’s good at cooking, too! Then we’d get to sample real human world fare!”
Lucifer groaned again, fighting the temptation to let his head fall against his desk. “Now you’re only thinking about what’s good for you…”
Diavolo lazily swatted away Lucifer’s accusation. “Well, cultural exchange is important, you know! Especially food culture. After all, they say that the way to a person’s heart is through their stomach, right?” Diavolo continued, words pouring from his mouth like a fountain that’s lost control.
Lucifer shook his head. “I think that’s meant more as relationship advice. When you’re trying to reel someone in.” he countered. “Beel’s the only one who’d be happy if we made this about food.”
“It would be nice if we could get a human who’s well-read too, wouldn't it?” Diavolo carried on, completely ignoring Lucifer. “Oh, and who knows a lot about movies, and is well-versed in the latest human world trends…” he rattled on, seemingly stuck in his own head at this point.
Lucifer leaned against his fist, watching Diavolo with complete disinterest, releasing yet another sigh.
“Oh, come now, that sigh was even louder than the others!” Diavolo griped. His half-charming, half-irritating smirk replaced his frown almost immediately as he thought of probably the worst thingto say in his attempt to brighten Lucifer’s mood. 
“Oh! Perhaps that was a sigh of admiration because you’re so impressed with my wonderful ideas?”
Lucifer bored holes into the man standing across the room from him. “No.” 
He stood up again, this time actually stepping away from the desk. “All right… time for a break. I’m going to open a window.”
Diavolo stepped aside, leaving plenty of room between Lucifer and the aforementioned window. “All right… oh, but do be careful. It’s a bit windy out-”
A great burst of wind surged forward through the window, sending the giant stacks of files and papers flying about the room. The once neat office was littered with all sorts of files, loose papers, and even a few pens and clips that were sent off the desk.
“It’s a bit windy outside today…” Diavolo started sheepishly, nervous gaze watching Lucifer who stood stock still at the window. “I was trying to tell you, but it would seem I was too late.” 
Diavolo rushed to gather a few papers that had blown past him.
“Of all the rotten…” Lucifer muttered, pulling the open window back shut. “That gust of wind sent all of the paperwork flying everywhere,” he continued, turning on his heel to lament at the state of his office. “Now this room is a giant mess!”
Lucifer looked to where Diavolo was frantically gathering loose papers, shaking his head. “Worry not, Diavolo. I’ll…”
Lucifer looked down at his feet, where a lone file had landed. It was still completely intact, the wind only knocking it to the floor and not causing it to fly open and come undone like several others. 
Was that the reason he felt so compelled to pick it up? Lucifer couldn’t say for sure.
“Hey Diavolo, look at this… one file landed right at my feet.”
He reached down and picked it up, removing the clip and letting it letting it fall open in his hands. The file was on a younger human; they were listed as a university student, studying marine biology. Well read on some things, then. According to all recent records, they lived alone. Ideally, know how to cook well enough to keep themself alive. No criminal records to speak of, not even so much as a detention in primary school. Not to mention their spotless financial records. Mammon could use a good influence… 
They were also listed as a musician, having been featured in many performances throughout the Human Realm. Proficient in violin, viola, and piano…
That had Lucifer’s heart beating just a little bit faster than usual, but he would take that admission to the grave.
“All right, done!” Lucifer declared, stopping himself before he could have any other thoughts on the matter. “Decision made. This is the one.”
“Who, let me see!” Diavolo pleaded, rushing over to Lucifer’s side. His eyes scanned across their file in a flash, grinning wider with each line. “Hmm, yes, very good! This seems like a good choice to me.”
Lucifer pinched the bridge of his nose. “You barely even glanced at the file.”
“I don’t need to, do I? After all, you chose this human. I trust your judgment.” Diavolo beamed at Lucifer, who only rolled his eyes in response as he flipped the file closed, moving to place it atop his desk. 
“There you go buttering me up again…”
Diavolo stood where Lucifer left him, lost in thought. Though his glance was indeed brief, it was enough to conclude that this was no ordinary human.
“Hmm… Castiel Nova…” he turned back towards Lucifer, clapping his hands together excitedly. “I have a feeling this human is going to bring real progress to the Devildom.”
Lucifer regarded him with a rather concerned expression. “You do realize that I based my choice on that particular file landing at my feet, right?”
“Nothing that happens in this world is a coincidence,” Diavolo responded almost too easily, nodding his head. “It’s all fate, and it was meant to be. That’s what I believe, personally.”
“Well…” Lucifer turned to gaze down at the now closed file, a million thoughts turning over in his head. “Let’s hope you’re right.”
“Well then, Lucifer-”
Before Diavolo could get another syllable out, Lucifer began wildly shaking his head, crossing his arms for even further emphasis. “Oh no, I’m not doing anything else! This is all on you and Barbatos now-”
“That’s not what I was going to say.” Diavolo stopped him, leaving Lucifer looking at him blankly, waiting for him to continue. 
“I was hoping to ask you about Belphegor. Is he going to be okay, Lucifer?”
Lucifer crossed his arms over his chest, not meeting Diavolo’s questioning gaze.
“He’s against the whole idea of the exchange program, right?”
“Uh… yes,” Lucifer confirmed, almost appearing uncomfortable. However, he quickly shook that away, replacing it with his typical, neutral expression. “Well, I’ll find a way to work things out with him. Once I’m finished with my work here, I’ll go have a talk with him.” 
He laughed softly to himself. “He is my brother, after all.”
“I see…” Diavolo regarded his friend with admiration, a soft smile on his face. “Even down here in the gloom of the Devildom, the bonds you share with your siblings are as beautiful as ever. I hope that never changes. I mean that, Lucifer. From the bottom of my heart.”
Lucifer gave his own small smile in return. “Thank you, Lord Diavolo.”
“Well then,” Diavolo began, walking over to take the file from Lucifer’s desk. “I shall take this back with me to the castle so we may start the preparations for Castiel to join us here in the Devildom.” 
Diavolo paused in the doorway, turning around to take one more look at Lucifer.
“Should you need anything, my friend, you know how to reach me.”
Lucifer only bowed in response, and Diavolo took his leave.
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zephyrchama · 17 days
MC and Thirteen who doesn't want to do her job as a reaper, so when MC's time comes around they start travelling the world instead.
Another reaper finds them sipping drinks out of coconuts on the beach and asks what they're doing. "We just got a bit lost," Thirteen claims. "My legs hurt so we're taking a break. Relax, I'll properly collect their soul in a little bit."
Ok. Fifty years later the same reaper comes across MC and Thirteen taking selfies in a shopping mall.
Thirteen sticks up for MC once more. "We got lost again. No, don't worry about it. I don't tell you how to do your job, so scram and just let me do mine."
Another hundred years ago by. The same reaper shakes their head and tries to ignore the two familiar faces playing hide and seek around the seating area of a major music festival.
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Hello, Obey Me Fandom. Today, I'm going to talk about a certain problematic person in this fandom.
They're @/snow-owl-oddities. Please report, and block them, so they can get suspended for good.
Mention of Pedophile
Okay, not only they're a proshipper, they also simp over Luke, a CHILD.
This is them responding to an anon calling their behavior out:
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"Baby faced short adults exist" Girlie missed the point 💀
Hold on..... Got another screenshot
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"Last time I checked being a thousand years old doesn't make someone a child" Girlie, your pedophilic ass is smelly.
"Someone's taste in fiction doesn't dictate what they like and believe irl" not them pulling the 'iT's FiCtIoN' excuse
If you want to excuse their creepy ass, I hope you can't.
Obey Me fandom is alive, but it is full of creepy people
Also, they blocked me. So, whoever read this, please raise awareness
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asmosmainhoe · 6 months
Mammon, Asmo & MC sneak Diavolo out for the night
This is looooong, but I had SO MUCH fun writing it
Mammon Asmodeus Diavolo Barbatos Lucifer
Gender: neutral
Warnings: heavy language, alcohol consume
Actually the plan was for only you, Asmo and Mammon to go out tonight, but you invited Diavolo to join you guys. It's because when you told him about it he got so excited for you three in a way that made you sad which lead you to what you did
You send Diavolo a quick text that the small group is coming over to his castle for some "tea" in his private chambers
Asmo packed some stuff like makeup, accessories etc for everyone to get ready at the castle. Since it's a lot to carry you and Mammon put some in your own bags after Asmo threatened you to take good care of his stuff
Everyone starts getting ready after successfully getting past Barbatos who found it more than odd that the tea would be served in the Lord's bedroom instead of in one of the usual rooms, but oh well. Diavolo is known for doing strange things from time to time
"I'm done!"
"Lord Diavolo..."
"No you're not done."
The demon prince is standing there in full royal attire. You, Mammon and Asmo aren't sure where exactly to start the list of things that are wrong about his appearance
"Everyone will recognize you like this, Dia. Don't you have anything that screams less royalty?"
"What do you mean? This is my most casual outfit."
"Oh hell no."
Asmo gets immediately to work by removing the jacket and tie and continues his work by unbottoning Diavolo's black dress shirt
"What are ya doing, Asmo?! You can't undress Lord Diavolo like that!"
"Calm down! As much as I'd love to do that, I'm only opening up the dress shirt a little bit. See? It looks way more casual like this."
The beautiful demon managed to change Diavolo's entire presence with only a couple small adjustments, but there is still a tiny problem
"How do we cover his face?"
Again Asmo comes to the rescue! Without any hesitation he combs the Lord's hair back to expose his entire face and puts a very real looking fake mustache over the top lip
Wait what?
"Why do you own that, Asmo?"
"And why did ya bring it with you?"
"Instead of questioning me you should be thankful that I have this thing in the first place!"
Diavolo looks nearly unrecognizable unless someone would stare at him real intense
Even if you might not be a big fan of mustaches you have to admit that he kinda looks attractive that way. Mammon finishes the look by handing the Lord his sun glasses
"Are we all feeling sexy?"
"Perfect! Let's go!"
Who knew that climbing down a balcony located on the highest floor of a castle could proof to be so difficult? Especially when one is all dressed up!
The first destination is a restaurant where you lay out your plans for the night to Diavolo and have a quick meal before the fun starts
Throughout the entire time the demon prince looks as excited as a child who's allowed to stay up longer than usually
"And you really don't mind the risk that comes with it?"
"Oh I'm not worried at all! Asmodeus did such an amazing job that I didn't even recognize myself in the mirror!"
"I made reservations for a small VIP area at the club. It's nothing too fancy so we won't attract much attention, but it's enough to give us some peace."
Mammon and Asmo exchange disappointed looks with each other when you mentioned the part about not attracting attention, but they're staying quiet
"Thank you so much for letting me be a part of this. It's my first time going out like this and you have no idea how grateful I am for you three to risk your lives like this."
"No problem Lord Dia- wait what was that with riskin' our lives?"
"Oh, you know in case Lucifer or Barbatos find out about it."
The tension in the air is so thick it could be cut with scissors. None of you have even thought about the obvious possibility of the first born or the royal butler to find out about your doing. Now that Diavolo mentioned it this might as well be the last night you three are alive
If Diavolo catches onto the fear building up inside you guys then he sure as fuck doesn't seem to mind. Instead he's digging into his meal with a wide grin while your appetite has vanished into thin air
After the awkward last supper you slowly make your way to the club and with some light hearted conversations the worries quickly fade away and get replaced by a more relaxing mood
The demon at the entrance let's you pass almost immediately upon hearing your name
"Before you four enter the area, can I get the names of your friends first? We've had some issues lately and need them for security reasons."
"I'm the great Mammon, this is my brother Asmodeus and this is our...uhm...Stephen."
"Your Stephen?"
Much to your relief the demon doesn't question you any further and let's you in, but not without giving you all a skeptical side-eye
"Shit, Mammon, was that seriously the best you could come up with?"
"You could have taken over if you wanted to, ya know!"
"I'm Stephen."
Once your group falls down onto a couch in a more secluded area you start to think about what to drink
"They have a Merlot! I might take that."
"No, we're doin' shots tonight!"
The two boys stopped addressing Diavolo with his title a while ago and he looks anything except bothered by it. In fact his grin has gotten even bigger over time and you notice how much more comfortable everyone is now than at the beginning of the night
Everyone is having a great time and everything seems to go smoothly even though you lost count of the amount of drinks your small group has ordered
Until your D.D.D. lights up from a call
"Guys, it's Lucifer."
"Don't answer! We texted him that we're sleepin' over at Diavolo's so if you don't answer then he might think we're asleep!"
"My name is Stephen."
Drunk Mammon is surprisingly reasonable so you decide to go with his suggestion and ignore the call
Just as your anxiety retreats Asmo gets a call from the first born as well. That can't possibly be a coincidence right?
You all receive at least one call that none of you answers. After a while there's nothing happening and you're starting to imagine Lucifer bursting through the ceiling to give you the beating of a lifetime
But your phones stay silent and you collectively let out a sigh
"We're safe."
But then your D.D.D. lights up again from something far greater than the threatening call of Lucifer. It's a message
"Where are you?"
Your mouth dries out completely and you're unable to form a coherent thought. Mammon takes the phone from your hands to see what got you so petrified just to turn into a living statue as well
One by one you all freeze. Luicfer is easy to avoid and it wouldn't be the first time you become the target of his wrath, but angering Barbatos is a whole other story
If the royal butler comes for you then all that's left to do is lay down and pray that he'll have the mercy to make your death go by fast
"You have to answer him, MC."
You're simply texting him that you guys are on the way to the castle
This is where the fun ends. The walk home consists of Diavolo apologizing every five minutes and you telling him that it's not his fault. It was your idea after all and you'll be the one to take full responsibility
"Ya can't do that, MC!"
"Right! There's no way we will let you take the fall for us."
"No, I was the one who came up with this thing so I will be the one to take the hit. Besides, Lucifer and Barbatos are going to go easier on me than they will on you two."
The royal butler is awaiting you four at the entrance of the castle with a smile cold enough to freeze over the entirety of hell
No one dares to say a word as you enter and Barbatos lifts his hand when you open your mouth to say something
"I want you to know that I'm not mad."
"Just disappointed."
"Barbatos, you have to know that this is completely my fault. Mammon and Asmo didn't have anything to do with it."
He ignores your words
"Lucifer asked me to send you back home. I brought it upon myself to pack your belongings so you don't have to stay longer than absolutely necessary."
This is the politest way someone has ever kicked you out, but it still hurt like shit
Diavolo puts his hand on your shoulder and squeezes it lightly which provides you with a little bit of comfort. The kind smile on his face tells you that he will do his best to set this right for you and the brothers
You squeeze his hand back with your own and with your bags you, Mammon and Asmo leave for the house of lamentation where the upset first born awaits you
Lucifer's lips are a thin line and his eyebrow can't seem to stop twitching. Judging by the dark aura around him he's barely holding himself back from throwing every curse known to mankind at you
"I don't expect much from my brothers, but I do expect more from you, MC"
"We wanted to have fun!"
"By kidnapping the prince?"
"Lucifer, please-"
"Get out of my sight! All three of you! We'll continue this tomorrow morning before I can't control myself and rip you all to shreds."
(Group chat with you, Mammon, Asmo & Diavolo the next morning)
Diavolo: I'm sorry that you guys got in trouble. I'll try to sort this out as quickly as possible
Mammon: Can ya do it before Lucifer kills us?
Asmo: Yes, it would be much appreciated
MC: Either way, thank you for trying
Diavolo: It's the least I can do
Diavolo: And Asmodeus? What glue did you use for the fake beard?
Asmo: Why?
Diavolo: The mustache won't come off...
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bbnibini · 9 months
I find it so painfully heartbreaking that Solomon just...laughs off all the derision, the name-calling, and possibly even did "evil" things on purpose because it's expected of him at this point. (He had not always been like this as Thirteen pointed out before). There was a time when he was "innocent". When his soul sparkled. When it resembled the kind of soul everyone in these god forsaken (pun intended with spite) three realms seemed to associate with the ever loved MC. He's just...worryingly carefree. And because he's like that, he feels even more of a tragic character to me.
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Sometimes it even seems that he himself would seemingly make up excuses on why he's hated. Oh, it's because I'm a sorcerer this. I might have won a war against Devildom single-handedly this. I have forgotten. But maybe, I did something bad, that. Hon, you were doing that to SURVIVE. You don't have to be a faultless person to deserve compassion. You don't have to be MC to deserve to be loved.
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delphi-dreamin · 2 months
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He'd never let his brothers catch him, but sometimes, when he has an especially large workload and he's working late into the night, Lucifer will take a thin silver case from his desk drawer. From the case, he will remove a thin cigarette. He holds it loosely between his fingers and lights it with a breath from his tight lips.
The first long inhale sends his eyes fluttering closed, dark brows relaxing and tension leaving his broad shoulders as he blows the white smoke out to dissolve in the warm air of his office. It's a private, quiet moment. The only sounds that can be heard throughout the house are the crackling of various fireplaces and the slow, steady breaths of his sleeping brothers.
“That’ll kill you, y’know,” a light voice murmurs from the doorway.
His chuckle is dry and slightly bitter as he replies, “Not in any way that matters.”
His ruby eyes flutter open and he smiles at the figure in the door. They’re dwarfed by the architecture of the house, loose bedclothes and mussed hair making them appear almost as a child in his eyes, though they’re smaller than any demon child he’s ever seen.
“What are you doing awake, little dove?” he rumbles, sitting back in his chair and crossing his legs. “You have class tomorrow.”
The figure shrugs their shoulders and smiles ruefully, sleepy amusement glimmering in their eyes. “I woke up about an hour ago. Can’t get back to sleep. I figured you might still be up.”
He makes a small noise of understanding, watching them cross the massive room until they stand before him. They reach their small hand up to take the cigarette from between his fingers and it looks like a cigar in their hand. They carefully put it out in the crystal ashtray on his desk, then climb up into his lap, curling against his chest with a sigh.
“I’d only gotten one hit off of that,” Lucifer says wryly, running his fingers down their arm.
“That’s one two many,” the little human yawns, their eyes falling closed.
He huffs out a laugh, then picks his pen back up from its holder on his desk. He continues his work with one arm cradling the human against his chest, warmth spreading through him as he listens to their soft breaths. It’s better than any cigarette anyway.
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Taglist: @sassykattery @biteable-pink-pixie @sparkbeast20 @kyungjoon-do @attic-club-sandwich @yourboyhack @consolationblog @syren201 @flemmingbamse @denpa-dere
Dividers by @/cafekitsune
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chaosinterlude · 1 year
thinking about lucifer again and how much i hate the “sadist” image he has.
in the words of the lovely kazuya yamashita (lucifer’s va) in what is probably my favorite otaku fm episode: i believe lucifer thinks about his brothers constantly. honestly love how much kazuya seems to understand lucifer’s character pretty well.
and it doesn’t take that much digging to realize how much lucifer cares about his family. he signed away the freedom he just earned to save his sister. he kept it a secret from his brothers to save them the hurt - thinking it’d be better if that burden fell to him alone. he hid belphie away in the attic to prevent diavolo from finding out belphie wanted to destroy humanity - and face punishment that’s likely worse than death for it. lucifer relies on mammon the most, the one who he seems to be the strictest with. and honestly, i’d be strict too if the last time i rebelled against authority i lost my sister. lucifer is strict with them to protect them, to protect his family.
and i keep thinking about mammon who expressed to have no regrets following lucifer after the celestial war. about beel who sees it as his duty to follow and protect lucifer. about levi being introduced to anime and manga through lucifer.
it’s really no wonder that the way to lucifer’s heart is getting along with his family.
this is only the tip of the iceberg, and there’s so much more to say! but yeah, i think the sadist label is a huge mischaracterization.
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i just know the boys were all comparing the chocolates they got.
"I had more chocolates in my box." Mammon's gloats proudly while showing off the varying Grimm shaped chocolates off to his brothers. All of which scoff. Except Beel, who is murmuring about how delicious his chocolates from mc were.
"I'm going to savor that taste forever." Beel is ignored.
"Yeah but yours are glorified chocolate coins mine look way cooler." Levi's showing off pictures of his chocolates, because mc's gift had been placed in a glass display box. Various faces for anime characters, of which he names in the order they appear in the box. Various scoffs again.
"Neither of you can beat cat paw shaped chocolates." Satan almost couldn't bring himself to try any of the chocolates. But considering so much work had been put in just to make giving them possible he managed.
"Well mine are strawberry flavoured, and my box is hand decorated." Asmo's box had cute stickers placed all over, nearly matching the same sticker decorations he had put on his chocolate box for mc.
"Only strawberry flavoured? mc made different flavours for me." Belphie's words make a few heads turn, as arguments break out that more isn't better. (Mammon is the one who says it despite the hypocrisy.)
It's all fun and games until when Lucifer is questioned about the chocolates he got, he dodges the question. "I recall hearing Luke in awe of how much detail went into Simeon's chocolates from mc." Now they're all off to see if Simeon's chocolates are better then theirs.
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cnl0400 · 2 days
What's even the point in Thirteen making traps If she isn't going to use them on anybody?
She doesn't even try to kill Solomon anymore, they got rid of all her more """"problematic"""" features (AKA she was "too mean" or whatever). The difference between S4/OG!Thirteen and NB! Thirteen are night and day
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celestialrealms · 1 month
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Diavolo's call from his HDD card, though..... 🥺🥺
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k0na-core · 9 months
Leviathan's Reaction to MC being an Illustrator of Ruri-Chan
Levi: *Walks in* Hey, MC. I just wanted to-
MC: *Hunched over his tablet in a blanket, full shrimp position with cans of Monster by their desk. Room a mess, clearly haven't slept in days.* What...?
Levi: Uhmm... what are you doing?
MC: My commissions. What do you want?
Levi: Is that... Ruri-Chan? Are you drawing Ruri!? Why is it exactly like the official art of Ruri-Chan: The World Powered by the Seeds of Friendship!?
MC: I.. work at the Animation studio. You didn't know?
Levi: Wait! Are you... The legendary MiyoScene? The illustrator who made the exclusive Ruri-Chan VIP only member's Dakimakura!? That I bought!? And you said NOTHING!?
MC: *Stares blankly* It's not a big deal
Levi: No! Please! Because I've always to talk to MiyoScene! How long have you been working there? Your secrets to illustrating? Character designing for the new season?
Leviathan proceeds to ramble on and question MC about their job. Geeking out over their work and illustrations for at least three hours.
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zephyrchama · 2 months
"What did Mammon do now?"
The greedy demon was in his underwear, hanging upside down from a rafter in the hallway. He tried to coerce you into letting him down as you walked by, but you knew better than to do so without consulting Lucifer.
"Gambling. The usual." Lucifer had a hand on his forehead, pushing his hair up while jotting something down at his desk.
"Mammon gambles every day," you pointed out. "What'd he really do?"
By the way Lucifer groaned, you knew it was something juicy. "I caught him pilfering one of my rarest records, a gift from Diavolo, to use as collateral in a bet. It's one-of-a-kind. I doubt he even knows what it is, but Mammon always has a knack for finding things of high value."
"His secret sixth sense," you agreed. "What'd you do with his clothes?"
"They make it harder to tie him up tightly. He has a slightly higher chance of wiggling free with clothes on, so I made him strip." Lucifer gestured, Mammon's clothes had been put on some kind of mannequin, tucked away in the space between two bookshelves.
You'd never seen it before. Your jaw dropped into the widest half-smile half-astonished expression possible. It had Mammon's hair and his goofy smile. Even a flashy golden earring. "What is that?"
You practically ran across the room to inspect it. It was dressed properly in Mammon's shirt and tie. There were a lot of seams, more than seemed necessary, perhaps from being repeatedly repaired over years of use. "Lucifer, this is adorable."
"It's a necessary tool for my sanity." He pushed the chair back, standing up to join you.
"What do you mean?"
"I'll give you a demonstration."
Lucifer comically wound up his closed fist. With ballistic force, he struck the figure right in its chest. It flopped back, then sprung back up wildly to receive a fistful of lighter blows from Lucifer.
"You made a Mammon punching bag? Really?" You didn't know whether to laugh or cry. "Isn't that a bit much?"
"I didn't make it, Mammon did."
Surprise of the day number two. "Mammon made this? Himself?"
To stop the wobbling, Lucifer grabbed the punching bag's tie, pulling it tight and then smoothing it out. "Cute, right? He thought it might make me go easy on future punishments. It's a very thoughtful gift from my little brother."
"Yeah, I didn't know he could sew. Huh." The two of you stood to admire it before Lucifer returned to his desk. You followed him. "Kind of reminds me of the doll Levi made of me."
Lucifer smiled. "Leviathan made you a doll, did he? How very kind."
"No, he made a doll of me."
Lucifer froze to process this information, frowning.
You continued, "I don't know where he usually keeps it, but I saw it under his desk one time. It's pretty big and detailed. I mentioned it once and offered to lend him a shirt for it, but he got really embarrassed and pushed me out. He's gotta take more pride in his work, it was really impressive."
"I see." Lucifer gritted his teeth. "You know, something I have to do just came up. Let's finish this conversation later." He was quietly seething as he escorted you to the door. Along the way he gave punching-bag Mammon a soft whack to the head.
You realized you forgot to ask if you could untie the real Mammon, but Lucifer had already marched down the hall in the direction of Leviathan's room. Rather than trying to catch up, you decided to go see how the Avatar of Greed was doing.
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fluffyluckyvampire · 26 days
Somthing gone wrong...
Short, and a warm-up. Not beta read.
TW Mc fucking dies(?) angst writing body horror (idk if this really counts as body horror but better safe than sorry)
Mc sat slumped against a tree in the devildom forest, limbs starting to elongate, joints popping and twisting into unnatural angles; their skin stretching into something non human When they dared to speak they found that their vocal cords could not be controlled in a way they were used to, barely able to let out whimpers and croaks… MC gave up on trying to get home and their body no longer felt human. They heaved as it got harder and harder for their lungs to function under the pressure they felt in their chest.
None of this was as bad as the pain of slipping away from humanity. Thoughts that felt more like mindless instinct began to invade MC's body like a plague unable to think in their own voice at some point, the most they could do was think through emotion, they desperately tried to keep the memories of their loved ones… soon that faded to only the faces of the demons, angels and human in their life down here in the devildom remained and when those began to fade they tried to at least remember the general shape of each one of them…. 
Asmodeus had only looked at his hand to make sure his nails were still looking perfect… and out of boredom but suddenly the meeting between the student council members turned into pure chaos as soon as asmo screamed the words “MCs mark is fading!” causing every brother to look at their own marks, which were all indeed fading. A sign something was deeply wrong
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meowsgirldrawing · 1 year
Pact Marks- Obey Me Thoughts/Headcannons
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So in one of my recent posts, I showed where I imagine My MC- or Mackenzie's pacts marks are.
For those who are new or just unfamiliar with this topic somehow, Pact marks are what the fandom of Obey Me! Shall We Date?! has basically agreed all on being on each MC when they/he/she makes a pact with one of the demons. I dunno if the creators confirmed that as I am only in lesson 13-14 in the game itself.
Here are my headcannons/thoughts to just have on here✨
(Spoiler, hes the last one to get a pact mark from but not in the least undermining)
Where I imagine his pact mark would be on MC's chest.
Kinda like the phrase, 'Huffing up chest in pride', it shows his shamless pride in allowing the human to make a pact with him.
Considering how possessive Lucifer tends to be towards MC, in a "This is my human" way, his mark is the biggest, maybe even boldest as its even able to peak over MC's collar bones, making any non-turtle neck like shirt unable to cover it all.
It glows his signiture blue when activated, bright and unable to be unnoticed either.
And in the dark, a lingering lighter shade trails around the stars, giving a nice ring to the MorningStar name
With my MC, I imagine they aren't afraid to show it, most of their outfits being tank tops, low collar shirts, or even just a sports bra on some nights.
Lucifer sometimes catches MC trailing their finger along its edges, only to shirk their hand down as soon as he notices.
Of course...he smirks, raising a curious brow.
MC just ignores his glances and moves on.
He was a an easy one, Ngl.
Look, I adore This little Greed demon with all my heart but he does tend to steal, and gamble, and basically do any money grubbing.
All with swift and talentful hands in his own craft.
His pact mark is on the hand, preferably dominant hand of MC.
Its not too big or too small, just fitting across the back of MC's hand.
When activated, it gives of a nice yellow hue, gold lining the mark's edges in a shifting manner.
My MC tried drawing weird symbols on top of it, human symbols that kids draw on their skin everyday y'know, just to see if anything changed.
It didn't. Just erased whatever they did and glowed like normal.
Mammon called her weird then proceeded to try his turn at it.
Now they needed new pens.
Mammon hated the mark at first, finding it stupid given how it even came to be in the first place.
Now he traces it every night with a curled up MC beside him, clutching onto him as if he isnt holding them tight enough.
He is tricky tricky boy, lemme tell ya.
Either his pact mark worked in spots his brothers' worked better in or it just didnt seem like Levi's spot.
So I figured, under bicep.
The guy is shy, right? So I believe his would ultimately end up somewhere where it's covered the majority of the time, that or just hard to see at most angles.
I did think of thigh, but i suppose the thought it ending up there would have this okaku blushing for days on end.
Which bicep also depends on which arm is MC's dominant one.
My MC, like all her other marks, is proud to have them, so they dont get why it was somewhere mostly hidden.
Hence why it gives them further reason to show it off during their shared movie nights, wearing more sleeveless shirts or tops.
Leviathan is her Lord of Shadows just as much as they are his Henry and they are proud to say it. (Enough without embarrassing the Envy demon of course)
Leviathan turned as flustered as a peach at first anytime he saw it fully, but now...
Now he laughs as MC 'proves' their muscles to him after an off comment he made, flexing off that mark of Envy without even realizing. He just snorts and shoves them lightly, a domino effect taking hold as they do it right back.
Did I even need to think on this guy?
The tongue is wear his mark resides.
Not only for the obvious, Ahem Gluttony, but because the tongue is known to be the strongest muscle in the body.
It tends to blend in with the color of their tongue but mostly when its activated.
Oo, imagine MC eating a cherry flavored treat, the glow would just light the whole thing up. Light bulp idea if MC is ever in the dark and lost.
Ahem, anyway, as mentioned, it glows a fiery red, making MC's mouth looking like light up city when even just a little bit opened.
My MC had at one point thought her mouth was bleeding when she saw in it the mirror, had to have Beel explain they were indeed fine, if anything, looked cool.
Both her and Beel test out how bright it can get depeding on cherry flavored treats when gorging in food one night.
Beel cant help but blush at the sight of his unactivated mark as MC sucks their tongue out at him, having just won a victorious round. A game Levi lended them for a bit.
He hms, pats their head lightly, and mutters 'cute'. MC is left confused, their tongue still poking out in a blep.
So...HAHA- So many people thought my MC's mark from Asmo was on their bottom.
While I would not be surprised, given this man, I headcannon their mark being a tramp stamp.
Right above their bottom.
Its not big, barely taking all over their lower back. But enough to give off a big enough glow when activated.
When activated, the pact will glow a saturated pink, a tease of purple easing into the 'ink.'
Ngl, I got this idea after reading another headcannon list of Obey Me Pact Marks and thought it was too good to not keep.
Its somewhat easy to hide, depending on the type of clothing MC wears, but it quickly becomes hard to cover ehen activated, the pink being too bright.
Asmo calls them his little firefly at some point
As for my MC, she gets flustered, never thinking a pact mark would be that low. But after catching a wink from Asmo, they turn gears and smirk instead, thankful for their wild and long hair hiding the pink in their ears as they clap back quick with some remark.
Asmo just chuckles at whatever she said.
Teasing hands, always playful but never pushing, linger down at the edge of MC's shirt only for it to turn into a tickle over his mark. MC squeaks out, laughter pulling over as they skirt away, clutching their lower back.
Asmo takes their playing shoves with a smug grin, gleaming with absolute delight as he catches one at last, landing a sweet kiss at their knuckles.
Similar to Lucifer
Satan would hate me I know it
But yes, dreadfully similar to Lucifer, Satan's mark is big and bold, appearing right under where Lucifer's(At the time he never knew that of course).
It lays across the lower ribs, that tip of it? Its lined up to go straight in between both, mark and center.
It is easy to hide, but if MC is one to wear short crop tops, or anyhting that shows close to the lower ribs as mentioned, it wouldnt be hard to miss.
Yet, the mark is impossible to miss when activated, unless you stacked like piles and piles on MC's torso, yeah..that green glow would be seen a mile away.
Its a bright, fiery green, almost oozing into their clothes like Wrath itself would.
Why is it on the ribs? Well, you know that feeling you get when you are angry. That fire in the pit of your chest? The only reason its on the ribs instead is because of how calculating Satan is.
"Imagine how an aggressor would feel if they suddenly saw its glow? They would've turned to rigor themselves without my help"
Are you sure you aint like Lucifer-
My MC played a game of, 'What Can Hide The Mark??' With their closet one day, just curiosity at best.
Yeah, they thought better of it when Satan came a-knocking very confused and very weirded out by the dark light green light game on his side.
Theres a weird, fizzy feeling Satan gets anytime he saw the mark in a more direct manner. Their shirt riding up as they slanted on the couch, at the beach, anywhere were he got less of a tease of it and more of a frontal view.
It wasnt made out of hate for his brother, it wasnt even a half-assed one either, it actually meant something, to both him and MC.
Hmm....Satan's eyes fliker back down, escaping MC's sudden gaze, a little heat on his cheeks going ignored in favor for catching up with this novel's protagonist.
So......I may or may not have accidentally put Belphie's mark on Mc's neck.....
Chapter 16 anyone?
BUT- BUT Then it gave me an idea!
So while we arent exactly sure the marks would be chosen by the brother's preference, or MC's preference, I think its just up to what the fans think-
What if it was kinda an accident itself?
Like obviously, at the time of the pact between the youngest brother and Mc was made, the events of Mc/not Mc's death was still fresh to everyone. Hence the whole, making a pact to protect Mc from Belphie.
And since it was still in everyones minds for a while, the mark accidentally formed in the one place everyone, including MC had a hard time looking at without getting chills.
It could be many possibilities from this, but it also can give MC enough motivation to work it out with Belphie, wanting to make the mark not one to look at in digust but instead at least a gentle fondness like the others. Obviously the last part might take a long while to come, but they would at least be able to ease the pain of it.
Anyhow- the mark is pretty dang small compared to the others. Small and barely noticable depending on how MC's hair style is.
When activated, it glows a nice lilac hue, the edges dipped in a very light, almost white color. It can almost be mistaken for a night light, like those ones for children, if it wasn't on MC's body.
If covered with a turtle neck for instance, its dimmed but not completely, still vying for attention.
I do believe MC would have at least some sort of trauma towards it, like cant have people touching around their neck for awhile. Even if Lucifer were to cup their chin, their nerves start a-ringing.
I like to imagine my MC doesn't necessarily get over it, but is able to move past it. Shes one to not let things affect them, but obviously with seeing yourself and feeling youself die is extremely hard to do for a human, so its more or less them just wanting to stop feeling so weak at the idea. So she asks Lucifer or Satan (the two most likely to understand it) in private to help her by gently edging their hands around her neck area sometimes so she can at the very least, emotionally move past it.
Exposure therapy( But this is for my MC, I definitely believe people have a right to decide how they/their characters wpuod respond to the whole thing as everyone seems to either forgive Belphie, take a long time to do so, or just want their character to avoid him)
It takes him a loose second to realize, but when he does, Belphie is quick to snatch away his hand from MC's upper torso. Hes hesitant to even toss it back around their waist. But MC, despite their sleepy and craving for warmth state, takes note of his sudden distance and tightens their grip around his shoulders, effectively dragging him snug against their body.
They murmer reassurances before he can even breathe a single word, and hes burrying his face in their shoulder, the one beside his own mark. Tears sting his closed gaze and their wading soft fingers their his hair. A kiss to the side of his head is all he needs and he wrapps his arms back around, agreeing like aways.
Gentle forgiven but never forgotten...
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112-darling · 10 months
Lucifer - he reminds me VICIOUSLY of a sugar. He’d date a country bitch and love every second (hi I’m country bitch—)
Mammon - Golden Apple (fuck gapple even.) it’s CHARMING
Leviathan - Lord of The Shadows [TSL REFRENCE. I’M HIS HENRY AND HE’S MY LORD FUCK]
Satan - his demon form reminds me of bug so he’s my Snuggle Bug
Asmodeus - Love Bud!!! He flower 🥺
Beelzebub - LOVE BUG‼️‼️‼️‼️ cus’ bug 🥺🫵
Diavolo - babygirl— I mean uhm ehem prince-y
Barbatos - I know Pompeii was like- tragic. But it’s such a cute word?? Plus pom pom 😶😶 best non-binary ever (my hc)
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mcx7demonbros · 5 months
Solmare Staff A: I feel like I forgot something
Solmare Staff B: If you forgot, it probably wasn't important
Solmare Staff A: Yeah, you're right
The Nightbringer, Father and Progenitor of all demons, whose name was used for the game: 😑😑😑
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