#oc: Tara Cunningham
megraen · 4 months
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I created Romance Charts for my OCs to mark the Occasion. [Original template by _mythir on Twitter]
Tagging: @miss-jennifer-cormier @glitchinginthegarden @cassietrn @voidika @ladykatie512 @katophoenix @arrthurpendragon @socially-awkward-skeleton
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theautisticbarbie · 2 years
A Swan Song in Hawkins
An introduction to my Stranger Things OC. I plan to write a longer, chaptered fanfic of her, but right now I’m just getting her out into the world. This takes place during the Hawkins Middle School talent show. Yes, the one where Eddie met Chrissy.
Content Warnings: OCs, subtle emotional abuse and neglect (my OC’s mum is a jerkface), mentions of edgelord behaviour (a kid dressed as Hitler to school), bullying and mentions of bullying, mentions of animal cruelty and animal death. I think that covers it but let me know if I missed anything! GIF of the beautiful Natalia Osipova performing the Dying Swan sequence for visibility!
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Hawkins, Indiana was the definition of a quiet sleepy town. It was well within the Bible Belt, so the busiest place was often church on a Sunday. Gossip often spread like wildfire simply because the entertainment industry was non-existent save for the video store and the occasional wannabe filmmaker who stole gorilla shots here and there. The community theatre had occasional matinee performances, but the theatre kids usually performed at the community college in Indianapolis or at their respective schools.
Speaking of which, there were only 2 in the whole city. The high school, Hawkins High and the combination grade school and middle school, and even those two weren’t separate for long. K-12 was all taught in one building until the demands of the rich teenagers were finally met and they got their own high school, complete with mascots, pep rallies and popularity contests. Meanwhile, preschool was taught at the local church and had a religious foundation. If you were uncomfortable with that, you had to go all the way to Indianapolis, get a permit, and enrol your child in preschool there. Not only did middle schoolers and grade schoolers have to share a school, but students from different grades often had to share a classroom so teachers had to be equipped to teach different age groups at the same time. And because everyone from age 5 to age 14 had to share a space, it was very difficult to keep the peace.
For one such girl, 11 year old Tara Newman, who often shared classes with her twin brother, Daniel, she often got the brunt of it. Midterms came around and it was time for history class to share a presentation on their heroes while dressed as them.
Here and there, kids gave the usual boring answers: Abraham Lincoln, The Founding Fathers, Thomas Edison. You get the idea. But a few of them went outside of the box, though, seeing white girls dressed as Pocahontas and Cleopatra is something that rightfully would not fly today. One did Hateshuput, whose claim to fame was Egypt’s first female Pharoh. Another did Nefertiti. Nancy Wheeler chose Mary Pickford, a silent film actress who helped make the film industry more accessible to women. Steve Harrington chose D.W. Griffith (and there was a collective agreement to ignore the “Birth of a Nation” sized elephant in the room) one kid did Buster Keaton, another did Charlie Chaplain, an Elvis Presley here, a Marie Antoinette there. There was a Madame Pompadour, 2 kids who agreed to team up and do the Grimm Brothers and even a Charles Dickens.
The only kid who got in trouble was a little smart-ass who thought he could get away with doing his presentation on and dressing as Adolph Hitler. He was promptly sent to the principal’s office and given 5 days of suspension.
Eddie Munson did his presentation on Muddy Waters, and to boot, he did so respectfully. No blackface like Jason Carver, who did Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and whose presentation made it clear that he fundamentally misunderstood the entire reason behind Dr. King’s march and speech and seems to believe that racism is a relic of the past. Eddie, however, talked at length about how black musicians created and pioneered the rock and roll genre and how it was stolen from them by white musicians. Daniel did his presentation on John Brown, a slave abolitionist who was on the right side of morality but the wrong side of the law and was executed for his trouble.
Tara did her presentation on Anna Pavlova, a Russian ballet dancer who pioneered and performed the ballet solo known as “The Dying Swan”, a piece choreographed to “The Swan” by Camille Saint-Saëns and inspired by one of her favourite poems. Tara spoke about how Anna fundamentally changed the ballet industry for women everywhere and played a clip from her first performance as the dying swan. She even talked about Anna’s death. She had come down with an illness and her doctor told her that in order to save her life, they would have to perform an operation that meant that she could never dance again. She refused, and her words were that she would rather die than be unable to dance. And she did. On 23 January of 1931, she succumbed to her illness. Her final words were “Get my swan costume ready.”
After each presentation, there was a short Q&A where the teacher and students could ask questions. After Tara’s presentation there were a few questions that didn’t seem out of the ordinary.
“What other ballets did Anna do?”
“Was she also in Swan Lake?”
“Was ‘The Dying Swan’ ever used in Swan Lake?”
These were all questions that Tara was happy and even enthusiastic to answer. And then the troublemakers opened their mouth.
“My dad and I like to go fouling during spring break and shoot swans.”
Tara, who was very sensitive about animal death, did not want to hear this. And the boy continued despite the teacher’s attempts to shut him down.
“One time, I got one in the neck and blood just spurted out everywhere and it flailed all the way from one side of the lake to the other! There were feathers everywhere!” The boy laughed hysterically as he imitated the poor injured animal. Tara’s eyes flooded with tears as she fled the classroom.
That incident unfortunately was followed up by Tara opening her locker two days later to find a decapitated swan in it.
The principal had a unique but surprisingly effective approach to the conflicts that happen. Have lots of fun extracurricular activities. Besides the odd troublemaker here and there, such as the one Tara had to deal with, it’s surprisingly effective at making everyone get along for the most part.
One such activity was the school talent show. Everyone who attended could sign up and display any talent, so long as it was family friendly. A fair amount signed up and there were all sorts of talents. A kid did a song with his triangle, there were lots of (very bad) singers, a few monologues and Tara’s classmate from ballet class, Chrissy Cunningham, was going to do a cheer routine. Daniel was going to play with Corroded Coffin, a band that he joined earlier in the year.
Tara was planning to perform “The Dying Swan” and had just recently transitioned to pointe. Her grandmother helped her make her swan costume. Teaching her how to sew was one of the best times they had together.
The night of the talent show, the kids were backstage getting ready, the younger ones accompanied by their parents and/or older siblings.
Tara’s mother was backstage helping her lace up her pointe shoes.
“That’s too tight!” the young girl protested. “I can do it myself!”
“Nonsense,” her mother rebuffed. “You’re much too young and far too new at pointe to try to lace up your own shoes. Now, let’s get your costume fastened up.”
As her mother yanked on her cinches, she found herself nearly without the ability to breathe.
“Eleanor, are you trying to kill that poor girl?” Karen Wheeler called, inviting herself into the dressing room.
“I’m trying to ensure that her dress doesn’t fall off in the middle of her performance!” Eleanor declared, tugging her cinches with a huff, eliciting a pained gasp on Tara’s end.
“Oh enough! If you keep that up, she’ll need to have her costume surgically removed!”
Tara looked over at Nancy, who looked as though she was trying her best to stay out of the disagreement. She casually kicked up dirt with her ruby slippers. Yes, ruby slippers. Karen had decided for her that she would sing “Over the Rainbow” for her performance.
Eventually, Eleanor relented to Karen’s badgering and released Tara’s cinches, tucking them into her dress. Tara then grabbed her headpiece and put it on. Perhaps the only part of the garment that she was trusted to handle on her own.
“Daniel!” Eleanor called. In came Tara’s spiky haired twin donning a pair of ripped jeans and a Corroded Coffin T-shirt. “Would you like to do the honours?” Eleanor offered, handing him a tube of stage blood.
“Aww yeah!” Daniel cheered, grabbing the tube. “Die, swan!” He yelled, jabbing his sister in the chest with the blood.
“Hey, Danny! We’re doing a sound check!” Eddie called.
“Gotta go! Love you, mom!”
“My little rockstar,” Eleanor called, blowing him a kiss.
Tara grunted in protest as she quite literally waddled away. “Oh stop that! You’re being so dramatic!” Eleanor rebuffed.
Tara casually waited in the green room until it was her turn to perform, occasionally going out into the wings to support her peers. Nancy’s song and Chrissy’s cheer routine went okay as she expected. Tara supported Corroded Coffin out of familial obligation. They performed a somewhat bowdlerised rendition of TNT by AC/DC. Eddie straight up killed that guitar solo, especially towards the end. It wasn’t something that you would expect from a 14 year old boy. Daniel wasn’t a bad singer either. After their performance, they took their bows and Eddie walked past Tara, giving praises to his guitar. “You did great out there, beautiful!” He said, giving it a kiss on the strings, which was met with a gag from Tara. “Ewww! You kiss your guitar?” she asked.
“Gotta treat her right so she keeps making great music,” he preened.
While Tara was supposed to be on deck, she found herself in the green room, fighting her nerves. Chrissy was trying to console her but to no avail. It was a surprise to them both to see Eddie poke his buzzed head in, especially when Tara didn’t consider herself to be on all that great terms with the metalhead. Eddie had just been an annoying pain in the butt to her in general, but she was especially upset with her after a prank he decided to pull on her the year John Carpenter’s Halloween came out that involved a Michael Meyers mask that he obtained via the five finger discount. But that was a story for another time. For now, Tara’s stomach was in knots.
“I can’t go out there!” she whimpered. “I’m scared.”
“Sure you can,” Eddie started, kneeling next to her. “They saved the best act for last. Don’t you know that?”
Eddie being kind and caring genuinely caught her off guard. She hadn’t seen that side of him since he started middle school. It made her wonder if this hardcore attitude he had adopted at the start of 6th grade was an act.
“Besides,” he continued. “Danny’s been looking forward to seeing you dance all night.”
“He has?” Tara asked, surprised to hear this.
“Yup,” he confirmed. “Been going on about it all week actually. Jeff had to beg him to stop so we could actually properly rehearse OUR act.”
“You’re kidding.”
“Nope! Not even a little bit.” He placed a hand on her shoulder. “And as excited as he was, don’t you think everyone’s gonna be at least a little disappointed if you get cold feet now?”
Tara got up and dusted herself off. “It’s showtime, then!”
“That’s the spirit! Go get ‘em!”
As Tara waddled her way to the wings, Chrissy turned to Eddie. “That was some luck that you heard her brother get all excited about her performance!”
“You could call it luck,” Eddie shrugged. “Or you could call it lying?”
Chrissy made an audible stammer of confusion.
“I made the whole thing up,” he clarified.
“Eddie!” Chrissy protested.
“Well, hey, it worked!”
Tara stood in the wings, taking deep breaths. As deep as her costume would allow, at least. It had loosened some since her mother’s merciless cinching, but not adequately so to comfortably accommodate her 11-year old body.
Once the act preceding hers finished, it was her turn. The previous act was applauded and once the applause died down, the Humanities teacher, who had been acting as the Emcee, introduced Tara’s act.
“All right, everyone. We saved the best for last. This dance was first performed by Anna Pavlova in the year 1907. You know, back when dinosaurs were still roaming the earth.”
The audience gave a few chuckles here and there.
“This solo has since been performed by famous ballerina everywhere and is renowned as one of the most hauntingly beautiful dances of all time! Give it up for Tara Newman as The Dying Swan!”
As Saint-Saëns ushered her in with the first few notes of the grand piano, her bourreés sunk her deeper into her pointes, adding to her discomfort. The cello had just started and already she was very uncomfortable.
But she stuck with it and used her pain to add on to the act of her dramatic and drawn out stage death.
The audience looked onward, oblivious to her genuine agony as both piano and cello ushered the injured fowl to her grim demise that which she desperately fought against.
The pain overwhelmed her as she struggled her way to the final sequence, only gaining some reprieve when it was time for her to collapse to the floor. Her gasps for air were easy to sell thanks to her dress having her in a vice grip. As she reached out to the sky, desperately clinging to her last strands of life, she flew to her pointes one last time, before collapsing into the dark and wicked embrace of death as the final notes of the piano petered out.
Applause struck her like thunder. When she raised her head, she noticed she had even received some standing ovations. She quickly pulled herself up and took a bow before walking off stage.
“Give it up for Tara Newman!” the Emcee called, taking the stage again.
The talent hung out in the green room while the judges, which consisted of the Lunch Lady, the Custodian, the science teacher and a PTA parent, made the decisions of who would receive first, second and third place.
“All right!” The Emcee announced! “It’s time to announce our winners! Third place goes to Linda Yang for piano performance of the Moonlight Sonata!”
Little 8 year old Linda took the stage and accepted her ribbon.
“And in second place, we have Corroded Coffin who gave the most intriguing rendition of an AC/DC song I have ever seen from a bunch of kids!”
Eddie, Jeff, Gareth and Daniel practically stormed the stage. The four gave their traditional devil horns before accepting their ribbon.
“Last but certainly not least, first place! Our ultimate winner for tonight, and believe me, this was a tough one! Is Tara Newman as the Dying Swan!”
Tara was shocked and waddled onto the stage in disbelief, only to practically be struck to the floor by a hug from Eddie. Once again, this softer side of him caught her off guard. “I knew you would kill it!” he preened.
Tara accepted her ribbon, still in disbelief. “Let’s give it up for tonight’s winners!” the Emcee shouted, snapping Tara out of her daze.
Out in the foyer, kids were being reunited with their parents. Tara caught her mother boasting to the other families. “My daughter has been doing ballet since she was 6 years old.” she went on and on and on. “Didn’t I do good, too, mom?” Daniel interjected, hoping to gain some of that praise. “Of course, honey. Him and his little friends had been practising for months! Isn’t that so cute?” Daniel was dejected. He knew that Eleanor thought less of Eddie because of his social economic status and his general behaviour and lifestyle, he had even overheard his mother refer to him as “trailer trash” while gossiping on the phone, but he thought for sure, after tonight, that she would at least take the band seriously. But wishful thinking it turned out to be. Daniel wandered off to find Eddie so they could discuss who would keep the ribbon, and Tara discreetly followed her brother.
Eddie, Jeff and Gareth were found with Eddie’s uncle, Wayne, but the other adult he was talking to stopped both twins dead in their tracks.
“Dad’s here?” Daniel asked, a note of hope in his voice.
The two bolted towards their father and gave him a hug. “Dad! You came!” Tara cheered.
“I wouldn’t miss my two babies’ performance for the world,” he said.
“These your younggins?” Wayne asked.
“Yup! My whole world in two people.”
“I have to say, Eugene, your wife is something else,” Wayne said sheepishly.
“Oh Eleanor and I aren’t married.” He took a sharp breath. “We… coparent… when, of course, she finds it in her good graces to allow me to be part of their lives.”
“I’m glad you’re here, daddy!” Tara said with a reassuring hug.
“All right!” Daniel started. “It’s time to discuss ownership of the ribbon!” With that, the four were off in a corner somewhere.
“Where did your nephew learn how to play guitar like that? I’ve never heard a kid shred like that before!”
“His old man taught him. One of the few skills my brother gave him that I don’t wish I could have him unlearn,” he said, nervously rubbing the back of his head.
“Was being a total jerkface 99% of the time one of those skills?” Tara thought but didn’t say. Perhaps her body language didn’t do her any favours though, because the next thing she knew, Wayne was kneeling down to her eye level.
”Listen, little lady. I know my nephew can be a bit much most of the time, and I know you’re probably rightfully still pretty sour with him after what he did last Halloween, but you have to understand that given his circumstances, he turned out much better than I thought he would. That boy has big feelings and doesn’t always know what to do with them.”
Tara nodded, trying to be understanding but was pretty upset at the prospect of giving Eddie the “Not as much of a jerk as he could have been” award.
As if on cue, the four returned, having settled the matter of the ribbon.
“All right, boy, it’s about time to be hustling back,” Wayne said, patting Eddie’s buzzed head. “I’m proud of you. Second place is no mean feat and you definitely had some serious competition.” Eddie smiled at his uncle’s praise before turning to Eugene. “Nice to meet you, Mr. Maldonado!”
“Likewise, Eddie Munson!”
Daniel turned to his father, his face suddenly twisted with despair. “Does this mean you have to go back to Indianapolis now?”
Eugene kneeled to them both. “Well, the night is still young. Maybe if it’s okay with your mother, I could take you out for pizza and ice cream!”
Tara noticed that her mother was standing right there and began with the puppy dog face. Daniel caught on and joined in.
“Fine,” Eleanor said, casting a look of annoyance.
The two raced to their father, overjoyed. Eleanor firmly grasped his shoulder. “Home by 10. If they’re back any later than that, I’m calling the police.”
“Yes, ma’am!” Eugene said, raising his hands in defeat.
On their way to their father’s Cadillac, Eugene took notice of Tara’s very uncomfortable waddling.
“Tara, are you okay?”
“Mom laced my costume too tight. It’s fine, though. She said it would fall off if I didn’t.”
Eugene immediately moved to loosen her costume, eliciting a long overdue gasp of relief from her.
“Yeah. Thanks, daddy!”
“Anything for my little first place dancer.”
And with that, the three hopped in and went off for pizza and ice cream.
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prpfs · 6 months
✧˖*°࿐ (admin is twenty-two, turning twenty-three next week, assigned f at birth/identify as such, time zone is cst, roleplay will happen on discord, and no pronoun preference.)
i’m looking for exclusively, but not indefinitely, fandom canon x canon roleplays (if you ask me for canon x original character or original character x original character, i can entertain that if the persuasion hits me where it's good). here are some ships below (italics are the characters i want to play, though keep in mind some ships may contain 🍪 and or incest:
michael myers/jamie lloyd
michael myers/allyson nelson
allyson nelson/corry cunningham
tara carpenter/chad meeks-martin
tara carpenter/sam carpenter
tara carpenter/ethan landry
renesmee cullen/jacob black
aro volturi/renesmee cullen
bella swan/aro volturi
max mayfield/steve harrington
eleven/billy hargrove
steve harrington/robin buckley
miscellaneous fandoms
kara danvers/lena luthor
alex danvers/kara danvers
esther coleman/john coleman
leatherface/original oc
chris redfield/claire redfield
jill valentine/chris redfield
ellie williams/joel miller
abby anderson/owen moore
(I am not looking for novel-type replies, but i am looking for someone who tries. quality over quantity, i always say. communication is critical, so talk to me. i’m not going to bug/rush you about replies, and i ask for that in return. if by any chance someone is reading this and what i said piqued your interest, then like the post, and i will get back to you as soon as i can.)
like if you're interested and op will get back to you
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lcstinfantasy · 5 months
i don't think i ever made a post about my muses sexualities....so here is a list lol
canon muses:
hayley james - straight
lydia martin - straight
lucas scott - straight
brooke davis - bi-curious
stu matcher - pansexual
tatum riley -straight
Eli Hale - bisexual
john b routledge- pansexual
sarah cameron - pansexual
rafe cameron - pansexual
steve harrington - bisexual
eddie munson - pansexual
nancy wheeler - bisexual
chrissy cunningham - bisexual, more women leaning
robin buckley -lesbein
joyce byers - straight
Carol Perkins - straight
jonathan byers - bisexual
tara carpenter - straight
sara carpenter - straight
ethan landry - bisexual
quinn bailey - straight
dom torretto - straight
jokob torretto - bisexual
taylor jewel - straight
billy loomis - bisexual
campbell eliot - bisexual
sam eliot - homosexual
allie pressman - straight
abel teller - straight
thomas teller - pansexual
isaac lahey - bisexual
erica reyes - straight
sage thomspon - straight
juniper thomspon - bisexual
hope whittemore - straight
noah armstrong - bisexual
eric armstrong - pansexual
bree armstrong - straight
katherine bell - straight
elijah moran - pansexual
ethan moran - bisexual
naya gomez - straight
matthew evans - bisexual
daniel james - bisexual
kendall floyd - bisexual
joseph taylor - straight
kira huges -straight
kai coleman  - bisexual
hanna pittman  - straight
miko young - pansexual
jasper wooley - pansexual
eden wolfe - pansexual
sterling herrman - bisexual
pete warner - bisexual
dixie adams - straight
lily danberry - straight
julia danberry - straight
nick danberry - pansexual
davina davidson - straight
hayley davidson - straight
madison lewis - straight
russel lewis - bisexual
talon lewis  - straight
tatum lewis - bisexual
dani sanchez -straight
maya sanchez - straight
celeste lovegood - straight
samuel johnson - bisexual
paisley johnson - demisexual
nate felix -pansexual
andy darnell - bisexual
astrid sullivan - straight
carter ramsey - bisexual
willow anderson - straight
ivy greene - straight
Nate Felix  - bisexual
Dakota Roth - bisexual
wesley henson -  - bisexual
roxanne roca - straight
jolene devin cooper - straight
colby ireland roberts - straight
myles james boyce - straight
kyro javier gomez - pansexual
Dalton Winter Richmann - bisexual
Shepard Knight Richmann - bisexual
vincenza "vince" lucciano - pansexual
wren nicole caruso - bisexual
james oliver alexander - bisexual
elinor brooke henderson - pansexual
rowan grey - bisexual
alfie reynolds - bisexual
reign grey - straight
dillon combs - straight
test muses/by request:
faye rainee munson -straight
asher poe munson - bisexual
milo michael larson - bisexual
fallon marie larson - straight
declan felix larson - bisexual
adeline blair cameron - straight
davina claire - straight
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darkrpfinder · 6 months
🕊️☽。・:*:・ admin is twenty-two, turning twenty-three next week, assigned f at birth/identity as such, time zone is cst, roleplay will happen on discord, and no pronoun preference.
i’m looking for exclusively, but not indefinitely, fandom canon x canon roleplays (if you ask me for canon x original character or original character x original character, i can entertain that if the persuasion hits me where it's good) (18+ though). here are some ships below (italics are the characters i want to play, though keep in mind some ships may contain 🍪 and or incest:
michael myers/jamie lloyd
michael myers/allyson nelson
allyson nelson/corry cunningham
tara carpenter/chad meeks-martin
tara carpenter/sam carpenter
tara carpenter/ethan landry
renesmee cullen/jacob black
aro volturi/renesmee cullen
bella swan/aro volturi
max mayfield/steve harrington or billy hargrove
eleven/billy hargrove
steve harrington/robin buckley
miscellaneous fandoms
kara danvers/lena luthor
alex danvers/kara danvers
esther coleman/john coleman
leatherface/original oc
chris redfield/claire redfield
jill valentine/chris redfield
leon s kennedy/ashley graham
sherry birkins/anyone
ellie williams/joel miller
abby anderson/owen moore
joel miller/abby anderson
i am not looking for novel-type replies, but i am looking for someone who tries. quality over quantity, i always say. communication is critical, so talk to me. i’m not going to bug/rush you about replies, and i ask for that in return. if by any chance someone is reading this and what i said piqued your interest, then like the post, and i will get back to you as soon as i can.
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findroleplay · 6 months
(admin is twenty-two, turning twenty-three next week, assigned f at birth/identity as such, time zone is cst, roleplay will happen on discord, and no pronoun preference.)
i’m looking for exclusively, but not indefinitely, fandom canon x canon roleplays (if you ask me for canon x original character or original character x original character, i can entertain that if the persuasion hits me where it's good). here are some ships below (italics are the characters i want to play, though keep in mind some ships may contain 🍪 and or incest:
michael myers/jamie lloyd
michael myers/allyson nelson
allyson nelson/corry cunningham
tara carpenter/chad meeks-martin
tara carpenter/sam carpenter
tara carpenter/ethan landry
renesmee cullen/jacob black
aro volturi/renesmee cullen
bella swan/aro volturi
max mayfield/steve harrington
eleven/billy hargrove
steve harrington/robin buckley
miscellaneous fandoms
kara danvers/lena luthor
alex danvers/kara danvers
esther coleman/john coleman
leatherface/original oc
chris redfield/claire redfield
jill valentine/chris redfield
ellie williams/joel miller
abby anderson/owen moore
(I am not looking for novel-type replies, but i am looking for someone who tries. quality over quantity, i always say. communication is critical, so talk to me. i’m not going to bug/rush you about replies, and i ask for that in return. if by any chance someone is reading this and what i said piqued your interest, then like the post, and i will get back to you as soon as i can.)
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spookysweet-heart · 2 years
Requests are Open!
All Requests will be SFW I will not write NSFW, angst, Oc x Character, Character x Character. I only write reader inserts.
Please include what the relationship is between the reader and the character. Romantic: Boyfriend/Girlfriend Husband/Wife 
Platonic: Friends, siblings.
Your preferred pronouns. If you do not tell me what pronouns you’d like I will write it as gender-neutral by default.
Feel free to send me a prompt or AU with a little summary of what you want the fic to be about!
Stranger Things:
Steve Harrington
Robin Buckley
Eddie Munson
Chrissy Cunningham
Nancy Wheeler
Battle Egos:
Resident Evil:
Leon S. Kennedy 
Ashley Graham
Luis Sera
Claire Redfield
Chris Redfield
Jill Valentine
Carlos Oliveira
Alcina Dimitrescu
Bela Dimitrescu
Daniela Dimitrescu
Cassandra Dimistrescu
Lydia Deetz
Sidney Prescott
Billy Loomis
Tatum Riley
Stu Macher 
Sam Carpenter
Tara Carpenter
Chad Meeks-Martin
Mindy Meeks-Martin
Julie and The Phantoms
Julie Molina
Luke Patterson
Alex Mercer
Reggie Peters
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xinthesewallsx · 2 years
below the cut is a list of all the muses on this blog. some will have more information than others. this is a mixture of oc and canon characters.
caleb danvers -- 20  - fc: steven strait
hayley james - 20 - fc: bethany joy lenz
lydia martin - 20 - fc: holland roden
lucas scott- 20 -: fc: chad michael murray 
brooke davis - 20 -  fc: sophia bush
stu matcher - 18-25 - fc: matthew lillard
tatum riley - 18- 25 - fc: rose mcgowan
Eli Hale - 18 - fc: Vince Mattis (son of derek hale and stiles stilinski)
john b routledge - 18/19- fc: chase stokes
sarah cameron - 18/19 - fc: madelyn cline
rafe cameron - 20/21 - fc: drew starkey
steve harrington - 19/20 - fc: joe keery
eddie munson - 20 - fc: joseph morgan
nancy wheeler - 18 - fc: natalia dyer
chrissy cunningham - 18 - fc: grace van dien 
robin buckley - 18 - fc: maya hawke
joyce byers - 44 - fc: winona ryder
max mayfield - 15/16 - sadie sink
Carol Perkins - 18/19 - fc: talia ryder
jonathan byers - 18 - charlie heaton
tara carpenter - 19 - jenna ortega
sara carpenter - 25/26 - melissa barrera
ethan landry - 19 - jack champion
quinn bailey -19 - liana liberato
sage thomspon -23- fc: madelyn cline - fandomless
juniper thomspon - 21 - fc: katie douglas - fandomless
hope whittemore - 18-20 - fc: zoe colletti - teen wolf
noah armstrong - 26 -fc: theo james -fandomless
eric armstrong - 22 - fc: chase stokes - not open to other rudy panckow fcs -fandomless
bree armstrong - 20/21 - fc: ella purnell -fandomless
katherine bell - 23 (300+ vampire) - fc: madelaine petsch -fandomless
elijah moran - 22 - fc: gavin casalegno - fandomless
ethan moran - 23 - fc: christopher briney -fandomless
naya gomez - 26 -fc:  priscilla quintana - teen wolf
matthew evans - 23 - fc: cody christian - teen wolf
daniel james - 22 - fc: daniel sharman- teen wolf
kendall floyd - 22-25 - fc: madison bailey - teen wolf
joseph taylor - 25-25 - fc: daniel ezra- teen wolf
kira huges - 21-24 - fc: josephine langford- teen wolf
kai coleman  - 27-30 - fc: brant daughtrey - teen wolf
hanna pittman  - 20-23 - fc: samantha logan - teen wolf
jenny lane - 25-27 - fc: holland roden - teen wolf
miko young - 21-25 - fc: evan mock - fandomless
jasper wooley - 21-26 - fc: thomas doherty - fandomless
eden wolfe - 21-26 - fc: emily alyn lind - fandomless
sterling herrman - 21-27 - fc: jeremy allen white - fandomless
pete warner - 22-26 - fc: cameron monaghan - fandomless
dixie adams - 27-30 - fc: emmy rossum - fandomless
lily danberry - 21 (80 vampire) - fc: nina dobrev - tvd/teen wolf
julia danberry - 21 (80 werewolf) - fc: nina dobrev - tvd/teen wolf
nick danberry - 21 (80 witch) - fc: dylan o’brien - tvd/teen wolf
davina davidson - 21 - fc: danielle campbell - fandomless
hayley davidson - 23 - fc: phoebe tonkin - fandomless
madison lewis - 21-25 - fc: maddie phillips - ahs/teen wolf
russel lewis - 20-24 - fc: nolan gerard funk - ahs/teen wolf
talon lewis  - 19-23 - fc: melissa benoist- ahs/teen wolf
tatum lewis - 19-23 - fc: cody fern- ahs/teen wolf
dani sanchez - 24-26 - fc: alexa demie - fandomless
maya sanchez - 21-24 - fc: camila mendes - fandomless
celeste lovegood - 24-26 - fc: lily rose depp - fandomless
samuel johnson - 23-25 - fc: jacob elordi - fandomless
paisley johnson - 25-29 - fc: victoria pedretti - fandomless
nate felix - 21-25 - fc: drew starkey - fandomless
andy darnell - 19-22 - fc: michael provost - fandomless
astrid sullivan - 19-23 - fc: sydney sweeney - fandomless
daphine myers - 24-26 fc: erin moriarty - fandomless
carter ramsey - 36 - fc: jensen ackles - fandomless
willow anderson - 19 - fc: sadie sink - not sure if shipping will be available yet
jack riley - 22 - fc:froy gutierrez
ivy greene - 22 - fc: halston sage
Nate Felix  stranger things verse
Mercedes Butler - 25-27- fc: priscilla quintana 
James Harrington - 20 -  fc: luke benward
Dakota Roth - 28 - fc: bill skarsgård 
Oliver Harrington-Munson - 19 - fc: froy gutierrez
Caetlin Dax - 18 - fc: emily rudd
wesley henson -  - fc: jonathan daviss
roxanne roca - 28 - fc: camila morrone
jolene devin cooper - 24 - fc: madison iseman
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proshipp-rp-finder · 5 months
🕊️☽。・:*:・ admin is twenty-two, turning twenty-three next week, assigned f at birth/identity as such, time zone is cst, roleplay will happen on discord, and no pronoun preference.
i’m looking for exclusively, but not indefinitely, fandom canon x canon roleplays (if you ask me for canon x original character or original character x original character, i can entertain that if the persuasion hits me where it's good) (18+ though). here are some ships below (italics are the characters i want to play, though keep in mind some ships may contain 🍪 and or incest:
michael myers/jamie lloyd
michael myers/allyson nelson
allyson nelson/corry cunningham
tara carpenter/chad meeks-martin
tara carpenter/sam carpenter
tara carpenter/ethan landry
renesmee cullen/jacob black
aro volturi/renesmee cullen
bella swan/aro volturi
max mayfield/steve harrington or billy hargrove
eleven/billy hargrove
steve harrington/robin buckley
miscellaneous fandoms
kara danvers/lena luthor
alex danvers/kara danvers
esther coleman/john coleman
leatherface/original oc
chris redfield/claire redfield
jill valentine/anyone
leon s kennedy/ashley graham
sherry birkins/anyone
ellie williams/joel miller
abby anderson/owen moore
joel miller/abby anderson
i am not looking for novel-type replies, but i am looking for someone who tries. quality over quantity, i always say. communication is critical, so talk to me. i’m not going to bug/rush you about replies, and i ask for that in return. if by any chance someone is reading this and what i said piqued your interest, then like the post, and i will get back to you as soon as i can.
0 notes
megraen · 2 months
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heldheartinfo · 2 years
FULL ACCOUNT SHIP LIST ( @heldheart ) :
Blair Waldorf x Dan Humphrey
Caroline Forbes x Klaus Mikaelson
Harry Osborn x Mary-Jane Watson
Fleur Delacour x Bill Weasley
Rosie x Otto Octavius
Emily Lyman x Norman Osborn
Pansy Parkinson x Draco Malfoy
Makkari x Druig
Lizzie Saltzman x Hope Mikaelson
Christine Palmer x Stephen Strange
Buffy Summers x Angel
Buffy Summers x Spike
Willow Rosenberg x Tara Maclay
Kiara Carrera x JJ Maybank
Sarah Cameron x John B. Routledge
Rory Gilmore x Jess Mariano
Sigyn x Loki Laufeyson
Davina Claire x Kol Mikaelson
Heike x Baron Helmut Zemo
Ruby 2.0 x Sam Winchester
Pacey Witter x Joey Potter
Caroline Forbes x Tyler Lockwood
Lois Lane x Clark Kent
Heike Zemo x Bucky Barnes
Lizzie Saltzman x Landon Kirby
Love Quinn x Theo Engler
Heike Zemo x Bucky Barnes
Roy Kent x Keeley Jones
Lizzie Saltzman x Percy Jackson
Selina Kyle x Bruce Wayne
Selina Kyle x Matt Murdock
Anna Smith x John Bates
Mary Crawley x Matthew Crawley
Mary Crawley x Henry Talbot
Sybil Crawley x Tom Branson
Anthony Bridgerton x Kate Sharma
Benedict Bridgerton x Sophie Beckett
Daphne Bridgerton x Simon Bassett
Siena Rosso x Anthony Bridgerton
Emily Walker x Cordell Walker
Geri Broussard x Cordell Walker
Nancy Wheeler x Steve Harrington
Joyce Byers x Jim Hopper
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Bexley Rogers x Logan Howlett
Sam Salvatore x Clint Barton
Sam Salvatore x Steve Rogers
Sam Salvatore x Klaus Mikaelson
Sam Salvatore x Elijah Mikaelson
Sam Salvatore x Edward Cullen
Sam Salvatore x Tony Stark
Logan Thibault x Natasha Romanoff
Astraea x Ikaris
Bexley Rogers x Tony Stark
Bexley Rogers x Bucky Barnes
Bexley Rogers x Helmut Zemo
Bexley Rogers x Stephen Strange
Sam Salvatore x Enzo St. John
Kassandra Mikaelson x Damon Salvatore
Bexley Rogers x Wanda Maximoff
Bexley Addams x Wanda Maximoff
Bexley Rogers x Natasha Romanoff
Bexley Rogers x Winn Schott
Megan Walker x Eddie Brock
Megan Walker x Peter Parker
Harriet Carter-Rogers x Shang Chi
Jonathan Stark x Kate Bishop
Bexley Addams x Dean Winchester
Elizabeth Taylor x Steve Rogers
Bexley Rogers x Thor Odinson
Sarah Stark x Harry Osborn
Avery Osborn x Peter Parker
Sophia Rogers x Wally West
Mara Winchester x Druig
Karolina Addams x Lucifer
Sam Salvatore x Caroline Forbes
Bexley Rogers x Matt Murdock
Megan Walker x Matt Murdock
Caroline Burton x Matthew Crawley
Caroline Burton x Tom Branson
Anthony Burton x Thomas Barrow
Kathryn Vaughn x Hoyt Rawlins
Jeanette Byers x Steve Harrington
Jeanette Byers x Eddie Munson
Violet Munson x Jonathan Byers
Violet Munson x Steve Harrington
Eddie Munson x Chrissy Cunningham
Andrea Kazanky x Jake Seresin
Caroline Mitchell x Bradley Bradshaw
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OC x OC ~
Josephine Octavius x Harley Stark
Josephine Octavius x Harry Rogers
Steven Stark x Melody Barton
Steven Stark x Sadie Barnes
Jonathan Stark x Georgia Maximoff
Freyja Thorsdottir x Daniel Rogers
Elizabeth Taylor x Leo Kennedy
Adam Mikaelson x Alaina Carpenter
Sarah Stark x Viktor Barnes
Sarah Stark x Caliux Darkknight
Sarah Stark x Sord-Menn
Hazel Mikaelson x Caliux Darkknight
Bexley Addams x Caliux Darkknight
Avery Osborn x Caliux Darkknight
Jo Octavius x Caliux Darkknight
Caroline Barnes x Harry Rogers
Evelyn Barnes x Franklin Richards
Connor Lang x James Carter-Rogers
Bexley Rogers x Piotr Koskov
Ellinor Lokisdottir x Tommy Maximoff
Bexley Addams x Stephen Reed
Melissa Masterson x Cameron Kincaid
Sasha Stark x Valentina Silva
Sasha Stark x Valeria Richards
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Jo Harvelle x Dean Winchester
Lizzie Saltzman x Hope Mikaelson
Lizzie Saltzman x Landon Kirby
Lizzie Saltzman x Ethan Machado
Ruby 2.0 x Sam Winchester
Katherine Pierce x Elijah Mikaelson
Katherine Pierce x Klaus Mikaelson
Sigyn x Loki Laufeyson
Haley James (Scott) x Nathan Scott
Brooke Davis x Lucas Scott
Brooke Davis x Julian Baker
Nancy Wheeler x Eddie Munson
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WHAT I SHIP: (May be doing already or may be wanting to do)
Jo Harvelle x Dean Winchester
Pepper Potts x Tony Stark
Lizzie Saltzman x Hope Mikaelson
Lizzie Saltzman x Landon Kirby
Lizzie Saltzman x Ethan Machado
Buffy Summers x Angel
Buffy Summers x Spike
Blair Waldorf x Dan Humphrey
Katherine Pierce x Elijah Mikaelson
Katherine Pierce x Stefan Salvatore
Katherine Pierce x Klaus Mikaelson
Heike Zemo x Baron Helmut Zemo
Willow Rosenberg x Tara Maclay
Willow Rosenberg x Daniel Osbourne
Willow Rosenberg x Kennedy
Ruby 2.0 x Sam Winchester
Lois Lane x Clark Kent
Emily x Cordell Walker
Geri Broussard x Cordell Walker
Pacey Witter x Joey Potter
Pacey Witter x Andie McPhee
Sigyn x Loki Laufeyson
Sarah Cameron x John B. Routledge
Kiara Carrera x JJ Maybank
Davina Claire x Kol Mikaelson
Felicia Hardy x Peter Parker
Anne Weying x Eddie Brock
Anne Weying x Dr. Dan Lewis
Makkari x Druig
Haley James (Scott) x Nathan Scott
Haley James x Brooke Davis
Brooke Davis x Julian Baker
Brooke Davis x Rachel Gatina
Brooke Davis x Lucas Scott
Christine Palmer x Stephen Strange
Caroline Forbes x Klaus Mikaelson
Caroline Forbes x Tyler Lockwood
Caroline Forbes x Katherine Pierce
Rory Gilmore x Jess Mariano
Rosie x Otto Octavius
Emily Lyman x Norman Osborn
Roy Kent x Keeley Jones
Rebecca Welton x Ted Lasso
Anya Jenkins x Xander Harris
Pansy Parkinson x Draco Malfoy
Fleur Delacour x Bill Weasley
Daphne Bridgerton x Simon Bassett
Anthony Bridgerton x Kate Sharma
Malia Tate x Stiles Stilinski
Allison Argent x Scott McCall
Allison Argent x Isaac Lahey
Braeden x Derek Hale
Sybil Crawley x Tom Branson
Mary Crawley x Matthew Crawley
Mary Crawley x Henry Talbot
Anna Smith x John Bates
Claire Dearling x Owen Grady
Ellie Sattler x Alan Grant
Padme Amidala x Anakin Skywalker
Nancy Wheeler x Steve Harrington
Nancy Wheeler x Robin Buckley
Cassie Perez x Trey Barnett
Twyla Jean x Cordell ‘Duke’ Walker
Joyce Byers x Jim Hopper
Chrissy Cunningham x Eddie Munson
Katherine Pierce x Stefan Salvatore
Katherine Pierce x Elijah Mikaelson
Max Mayfield x Lucas Sinclair
Natasha Trace x Jake Seresin
Katniss Everdeen x Peeta Mellark
Jessica Day x Nick Miller
Annie Cresta x Finnick O’Dair
Lydia Martin x Allison Argent
Lydia Martin x Jordan Parrish
Jo March x Theodore Laurence
Rachel Berry x Finn Hudson
Rachel Berry x Quinn Fabray
Quinn Fabray x Sam Evans
Quinn Fabray x Santana Lopez
Donna Troy x Dick Grayson
Jade Tulle-Salvatore x Josie Saltzman
Hope Van Dyne x Scott Lang
Tatum Riley x Stu Macher
Mary-Jane Watson x Peter Parker
Mary-Jane Watson x Harry Osborn
Mary-Jane Watson x Gwen Stacy
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NOTPS: ( Ships I don’t like for whatever reason and/or have no interest in rping )
Lizzie Saltzman x Sebastian
Blair Waldorf x Nate Archibald
Joey Potter x Dawson Leery
Caroline Forbes x Matt Donovan
Caroline Forbes x Alaric Saltzman
Rebecca Welton x Sam Obsinya
Haley James x Chris Keller
Buffy Summers x Riley Finn
Nancy Wheeler x Jonathan Byers
Katniss Everdeen x Gale Hawthorne
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8 notes · View notes
lcstinfantasy · 10 months
below the cut is a list of all the muses on this blog. some will have more information than others. this is a mixture of oc and canon characters.
hayley james - 18-30 - fc: bethany joy lenz - one tree hill
lydia martin - 23-33 - fc: holland roden - teen wolf
lucas scott- 18- 30-: fc: chad michael murray - one tree hill
brooke davis - 18-30 -  fc: sophia bush - one tree hill
stu matcher - 18-30 - fc: matthew lillard - scream (1996)
tatum riley - 18- 30 - fc: rose mcgowan - scream (1996)
Eli Hale - 18 - fc: Vince Mattis (son of derek hale and stiles stilinski) - teen wolf
john b routledge - 18-21- fc: chase stokes - outer banks
sarah cameron - 18-21 - fc: madelyn cline - outer banks
rafe cameron - 20-23 - fc: drew starkey - outer banks
steve harrington - 19/20 - fc: joe keery - stranger things
eddie munson - 20 - fc: joseph quinn - stranger things
nancy wheeler - 18 - fc: natalia dyer - stranger things
chrissy cunningham - 18 - fc: grace van dien  - stranger things
robin buckley - 18 - fc: maya hawke - stranger things
joyce byers - 44 - fc: winona ryder - stranger things
max mayfield - 15/16 - sadie sink - stranger things
Carol Perkins - 18/19 - fc: talia ryder - stranger things
jonathan byers - 18 - fc: charlie heaton - stranger things
tara carpenter - 19 - fc: jenna ortega - scream
sara carpenter - 25/26 - fc: melissa barrera - scream
ethan landry - 19 - fc: jack champion - scream
quinn bailey -19 - fc: liana liberato - scream
dom torretto -verse dependent - fc: vin diesel - fast and furious
jokob torretto - verse dependent -fc: john cena, young fc: finn cole - fast and furious
taylor jewel - 18 - fc: rain spencer - the summer i turned pretty
billy loomis - verse dependent - fc: skeet ulrich - scream (1996)
campbell eliot - 18-20 - fc: toby wallace - the society
sam eliot - 18-20 - fc: sean berdy - the society
allie pressman - 18-20 - fc: kathryn newton - the society
abel teller - 26 - fc: austin butler -soa
thomas teller - 22 - fc: finn cole -soa
isaac lahey - 19-33 - fc: daniel sharman - teen wolf
erica reyes - 19-33 - werewolf- sabrina carpenter
micheal jeffery lane • 28-40 (verse dependent) • fc: channing tatum - magic mike
sage thomspon -25- fc: madelyn cline - fandomless
juniper thomspon - 23 - fc: katie douglas - fandomless
hope whittemore - 18-23 - fc: zoe colletti - teen wolf
noah armstrong - 26 -fc: theo james -fandomless
eric armstrong - 22 - fc: chase stokes - not open to other rudy pankow fcs -fandomless
bree armstrong - 24 - fc: ella purnell -fandomless
katherine bell - 26 (300+ vampire) - fc: madelaine petsch -fandomless
elijah moran - 22 - fc: gavin casalegno - fandomless
ethan moran - 23 - fc: christopher briney -fandomless
naya gomez - 28 -fc:  priscilla quintana - teen wolf
matthew evans - 25 - fc: cody christian - teen wolf
daniel james - 24 - fc: daniel sharman- teen wolf
kendall floyd - 22-25 - fc: madison bailey - teen wolf
joseph taylor - 25-28- fc: daniel ezra- teen wolf
kira huges - 21-24 - fc: josephine langford- teen wolf
kai coleman  - 27-30 - fc:oliver stark - teen wolf
hanna pittman  - 20-23 - fc: samantha logan - teen wolf
miko young - 21-25 - fc: evan mock - fandomless
jasper wooley - 21-26 - fc: thomas doherty - fandomless
eden wolfe - 21-26 - fc: emily alyn lind - fandomless
sterling herrman - 21-27 - fc: jeremy allen white - fandomless
pete warner - 22-26 - fc: cameron monaghan - fandomless
dixie adams - 27-30 - fc: emmy rossum - fandomless
lily danberry - 21 (80 vampire) - fc: nina dobrev - tvd/teen wolf
julia danberry - 21 (80 werewolf) - fc: nina dobrev - tvd/teen wolf
nick danberry - 21 (80 witch) - fc: dylan o’brien - tvd/teen wolf
davina davidson - 24 - fc: danielle campbell - fandomless
hayley davidson - 28 - fc: phoebe tonkin - fandomless
madison lewis - 21-25 - fc: maddie phillips - ahs/teen wolf
russel lewis - 20-24 - fc: nolan gerard funk - ahs/teen wolf
talon lewis  - 19-23 - fc: melissa benoist- ahs/teen wolf
tatum lewis - 19-23 - fc: cody fern- ahs/teen wolf
dani sanchez - 24-26 - fc: alexa demie - fandomless
maya sanchez - 21-24 - fc: camila mendes - fandomless
celeste lovegood - 24-26 - fc: ana de armas- fandomless
samuel johnson - 23-25 - fc: jacob elordi - fandomless
paisley johnson - 25-29 - fc: victoria pedretti - fandomless
nate felix - 21-25 - fc: drew starkey - fandomless
andy darnell - 19-22 - fc: michael provost - fandomless
astrid sullivan - 20-25 - fc: sydney sweeney - fandomless
carter ramsey - 36 - fc: jensen ackles - fandomless
willow anderson - 19 - fc: alycia debnam-carey
ivy greene - 22 - fc: halston sage - outer banks
Nate Felix  stranger things verse
Dakota Roth - 28 - fc: bill skarsgård - stranger things 
wesley henson -  - fc: jonathan daviss - fandomless
roxanne roca - 28 - fc: camila morrone - fandomless
jolene devin cooper - 24 - fc: madison iseman - fandomless
colby ireland roberts - 24 - maia mitchell - fandomless
myles james boyce - 26 - alex roe - fandomless
kyro javier gomez - 23-26 - taylor zakhar perez - fandomless
Dalton Winter Richmann - 29 - josh hutcherson
Shepard Knight Richmann - 40 - hugh dancy
vincenza "vince" lucciano - 30 - Michele Morrone
wren nicole caruso - 42 - morena baccarin
james oliver alexander - 25 - william moseley
elinor brooke henderson - 19 - olivia welch
rowan grey - 20-30 -avan jogia
alfie reynolds - 24 - 𝐩𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐳𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐫
reign grey - 18-20 - lola  tung
dillon combs -19-25 - nicole wallace
gunner kyle hudson • 21-25 • college football • fc: brian altemus
ayla aslan • 23 • college student/royalty • fc: afra saracoglu
ariana "arie" berry • 22-24 • retail worker • fc: maia reficco
oliver 'ollie' greyson - pogue/bartender -18-24 - fc: julio pena
henley madison dinozzo - kook/honorary party girl - 19-25 - fc: adelaide kane
kaleb owens - 26 - ranch handler fc: noah lalonde
noah owens - 23 - ranch handler - fc: ashby gentry
luke owens - 40 - ranch handler - fc: nathan parsons
dallas marie archer - 23 - store clerk - fc: grace van patten
test muses/by request:
faye rainee munson -tba - alice pagani
asher poe munson - tba - belmont cameli
milo michael larson - tba - damian hardung
fallon marie larson - tba - angourie rice
declan felix larson - tba - corey fogelmanis
adeline blair cameron - tba - amalia williamson
davina claire - verse dependent - danielle campbell
tate langdon - verse dependent - evan peters
christopher mckay - 19-22- Algee Smith
dean winchester - verse dependent - jensen ackles
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thetimelordbatgirl · 3 years
Twisted TV Shows OCs
Description of Twisted TV Shows: Taking inspiration from Disney’s Twisted Tale series, this is a similar premise but with TV Shows and next gen aspects in present time after the twists. 
List of Stories (so far): *Return to Gravity Falls (Gravity Falls). *The Never Ending Woods (Over the Garden Wall). *The Cost of Magic (The Owl House). *Finding Magic Again (Star VS The Forces of Evil). *Hero Time (Ben 10). *Time To Go Ghost (Danny Phantom). *The Lost Ninja (Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja). *Robots in Disguise (Transformers Prime). *Life is Like a Hurricane (Ducktales 2017). *Being Human (Steven Universe).  *The Lost Princess (Sofia The First). *Fairies Lost Flight (Winx Club). *Undefeated (Lego Ninjago). *Crossing the Line (Tangled the Series). *Hero (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2012).  *The Lost Future (Thunderbirds Are Go). *Hit And Run (Scooby Doo: Mystery Inc). *The War Lives On (Avatar The Last Airbender). *Game Over (Aaron Stone). 
Summaries of Stories:
Return to Gravity Falls: The Twist: “What if Bill saw through the trick?” Summary: “”Then....it’s a deal” “Dipper, no!” These are the words that Mabel still recalls even in present alongside the sight of losing her brother and then....being outside Gravity Falls, forever trapped outside.  Until now. Now a adult, Mabel returns to the town of Gravity Falls with her kids with one mission in mind: stop Bill and save Gravity Falls once and for all” 
The Never Ending Woods: The Twist: “What if Wirt took the Beasts offer?” Summary: “All Lottie remembers before the woods is falling into the well, holding onto Fawn until the cold water put them to sleep.  And then they woke up in the woods.  The never ending woods.  Stuck in their costume party costumes, Lottie and Fawn Black find themselves stuck in the woods and if they don’t find a way out soon, he will find them....”
The Cost of Magic: The Twist: “What if Luz failed to save Eda?” Summary: “Years ago, Luz Noceda was happy to become a witch....until the day she lost Eda.  Nowadays, she’s the wanted witch, just trying to make sure the Emperor doesn’t succeed in his plans.  But when another human falls into the magic world, Luz finds herself slowly causing trouble again and maybe getting back what she lost....”
Finding Magic Again: The Twist: “What if the worlds wont reunited?” Summary: “Years ago, Star Butterfly stopped Mina Loveberry from killing all monsters through destroying magic, but in the process....all realms were separated, and it stayed like this for years.... Until the day, Rhea Butterfly decides to fix all this- how? By bringing magic back.  And with the aid of some friends, that shouldn’t be too hard....right?” 
Hero Time:  The Twist: “What if Ben was evil?” Summary: “All Jackie Levin knows about what happened is that it started when Ben Tennyson found a watch and then....went missing.  And when he re-appeared, he was older....and with a alien named Vilgax, who then proceeded to take over the world.  Nowadays, Jackie lives with her parents in a resistance with one goal in mind: stop Ben Tennyson. And save the world”
Time To Go Ghost: The Twist: “What if Danny became evil?” Summary: “Raven Fenton has never seen the world outside her home, for her father has always told her that the world outside is dangerous still.  But one day, Raven ends up leaving the home by accident and in the process, discovers who the danger her father keeps telling her about is....”
The Lost Ninja: The Twist: “What if Randy became evil?” Summary: “Willa Graham was having a normal day: sitting in class, doing work and avoiding being shoved into lockers.  But when she returned home, she found the Ninja mask waiting for her and found she was the new Ninja.  But being the new Ninja comes with a risk....namely, the old Ninja, Randy Cunningham.  Who will do anything to keep the Ninja Mask....”
Robots in Disguise: The Twist: “What if something went wrong with imprisoning Airachnid?” Summary: “Airachnid had crippled Jack, so the Autobots sent her to the phantom zone, only for her to escape and be sent there again, this time, Jack is stuck in there with her. A decade later, he escapes but things are quite different now....”
Life is Like a Hurricane:  The Twist: “What if Dewey died in a accident?” Summary: “Things were never the same for the McDuck family after they lost Dewey during a treasure hunting exhibition, and Della never forgave Scrooge. Unbeknownst to them however, Dewey would spend the next twenty plus years haunting the hallways of McDuck manor, as an unseen ghost, watching as his family grew apart and could never see him as they did so.  One day, Scrooge passes and the Family returns to pay their respects, with Lena’s and Webby’s, Huey’s and Louie’s kids....who can talk to Dewey....” 
Being Human: The Twist: “What if the Diamonds saw through Pink’s lie?” Summary: “Two rules that Morganite Universe grew up on: *Be a good princess. *Never question the Diamonds rule. And she obeyed them....until the day she found out what the Diamonds did to the universe.  Now with the aid of her friends, she sets out to finish what the Crystal Gems started...no matter what....”
The Lost Princess: The Twist: “What if Sofia had been trapped in the amulet?” Summary: “Princess Sofia II grew up hearing tales of her namesake aunt, from the day she got her amulet....to the day she just....disappeared. But when she gets a purple amulet for her birthday, everything changes the moment Sofia herself emerges from the amulet, but she’s not alone....”
Fairies Lost Flight: The Twist: “What if Valtor won?” Summary: “In a world where magic has bee corrupted and turned to darkness, Princess Bridget lived to become Queen of this World....until she saw what her father was planning to do in reality, shattering any lie Bridget knew and putting her on the path to save this world and restore magic while stopping her father once and for all....”
Undefeated: The Twist: “What if Lord Garmadon succeeded?”  Summary: “The one rule Alice and her father, Lloyd, grew to obey.  Never let the weapons fall into the wrong hands.  But what Alice didn’t expect was her father to hand over the weapons to the Ninja resistance...let alone take her with him to join it with one goal: stop Lord Garmagon and restore Ninjago to what it used to be” 
Crossing the Line: The Twist: “What if Gothel had raised Cass with Rapunzel?” Summary: “Once upon a time, there were two sisters who were raised and kept in a tower....until one of their birthdays led to their escape with their evil mother defeated and one of them reunited with her birth parents.  And all was happy...until the day one of the sisters left to find herself....and never returned.  This was the tale of Rapunzel and Cassandra.  And almost giving up on Cassandra returning, Rapunzel’s beyond happy when she does return, but it soon becomes clear, this isn’t the same Cassandra....”
Hero: The Twist: “What if Kraang took over successfully?”  Summary: “No one knows how the Kraang and the Shredder took over, but what Alex and Haruto know is that with their parents and the resistance, they have to just keep surviving, at least....until the day they find out how to stop the Kraang and Shredder and in the process, save some turtles and their friend....”
The Lost Future:  The Twist: “What if the Hood succeeded?”  Summary: TBA. 
Hit And Run: The Twist: “What if things went wrong on one mystery?”  Summary: TBA. 
The War Lives On: The Twist: “What if Katara couldn’t save Aang?”  Summary: TBA.
Game Over: The Twist: “What if the Omega Defiance succeeded?”  Summary: TBA. 
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Name: Percy Pines.  Relation (if any): Mabel’s son.  Story: Return to Gravity Falls.  Summary: TBA.  Voiceclaim: Josh Keaton. 
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Name: Hilda Pines. Relation (if any): Twin daughter of Mabel.  Story: Return to Gravity Falls.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Jenna Ortega. 
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Name: Alice Pines.  Relation (if any): Twin daughter of Mabel. Story: Return to Gravity Falls.  Summary: TBA.  Voiceclaim: Jenna Ortega. 
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Name: Lottie Black.  Relation (if any): None, new character. Story: The Never Ending Woods. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Rena Strober. 
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Name: Fawn Black. Relation (if any): None, new character.  Story: The Never Ending Woods.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Tara Strong.
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Name: Kyra Dwawon  Relation (if any): None, Luz’s student. Story: The Cost of Magic. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Leela Ladnier. 
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Name: Rory Banks.  Relation (if any): None. Story: The Cost of Magic. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Josh Keaton.
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Name: Rosamund Cox.  Relation (if any): None.  Story: The Cost of Magic. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Sofia Wylie. 
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Name: Signy Bailey.  Relation (if any): None. Story: The Cost of Magic.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Sofia Carson. 
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Name: Rhea Butterfly.  Relation (if any): Daughter of Star.  Story: Finding Magic Again. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Sofia Wylie. 
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Name: Apollo Butterfly.  Relation (if any): Husband of Star.  Story: Finding Magic Again. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: John Boyega. 
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Name: Alexandria/Alex.  Relation (if any): None.  Story: Finding Magic Again. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Sarah Jeffery. 
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Name: Pablo Diaz.  Relation (if any): Son of Marco.  Story: Finding Magic Again. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Anthony Gonzalez. 
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Name: Hecate Lucitor.  Relation (if any): Daughter of Tom. Story: Finding Magic Again.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Sofia Carson.
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Name: Blue.  Relation (if any): Son of Ponyhead.  Story: Finding Magic Again.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Mitchell Hope. 
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Name: Jacqueline ‘Jackie’ Levin.  Relation (if any): Daughter of Gwen and Kevin. Story: Hero Time. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Tara Strong.
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Name: Blythe Dixon.  Relation (if any): None.  Story: Hero Time.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Jenna Ortega. 
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Name: Raven Fenton.  Relation (if any): Daughter of Danny and Sam.  Story: Time To Go Ghost.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Mae Whitman. 
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Name: Willa Graham.  Relation (if any): None, new Ninja.  Story: The Lost Ninja.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Navia Robinson. 
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Name: Bianca Davies.  Relation (if any): None.  Story: The Lost Ninja. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Jenna Ortega. 
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Name: Michelle Nakadoi.  Relation (if any): Daughter of Miko.  Story: Robots in Disguise.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Kimiko Glenn.
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Name: Robert ‘Robbie’ Esquivel.  Relation (if any): Son of Raf.  Story: Robots in Disguise.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Ben Schwartz. 
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Name: Claire Hawkins (later Darby). Relation (if any): Eventual adopted daughter of Jack.  Story: Robots in Disguise.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Sofia Wylie.
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Name: Natasha Duck.  Relation (if any): Wife of Huey.  Story: Life is Like a Hurricane.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Daisy Ridley. 
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Name: Zale Duck.  Relation (if any): Daughter of Donald and Daisy.  Story: Life is Like a Hurricane.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Sofia Carson. 
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Name: Lucille ‘Luci’ Duck.  Relation (if any): Daughter of Louie.  Story: Life is Like a Hurricane.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Sofia Wylie. 
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Name: Dewey Duck II.  Relation (if any): Triplet son of Huey.  Story: Life is Like a Hurricane. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Booboo Stewart. 
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Name: Tommy Duck.  Relation (if any): Triplet son of Huey.  Story: Life is Like a Hurricane.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Jason Ritter. 
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Name: Rose Duck.  Relation (if any): Triplet daughter of Huey.  Story: Life is Like a Hurricane. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Navia Robinson. 
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Name: Hestia Vanderquack.  Relation (if any): Daughter of Lena and Webby.  Story: Life is Like a Hurricane.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Jenna Ortega. 
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Name: Cato Sabrewing.  Relation (if any): Son of Violet. Story: Life is Like a Hurricane.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Josh Keaton.
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Name: Morganite ‘Morgan’ Universe.  Relation (if any): Daughter of Steven and Connie.  Story: Being Human. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Navia Robinson. 
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Name: Sky Hunter.  Relation (if any): None. Story: Being Human. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Sadie Sink. 
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Name: Ruby.  Relation (if any): None, from the Ruby’s. Story: Being Human. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Charlyne Yi.
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Name: Cherry Quartz.  Relation (if any): None.  Story: Being Human.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Kimberly Brooks. 
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Name: King Christopher.  Relation (if any): Husband of Amber.  Story: The Lost Princess.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Oscar Issac. 
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Name: Princess Sofia II.  Relation (if any): Daughter of Amber.  Story: The Lost Princess.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Jenna Ortega. 
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Name: Princess Emily. Relation (if any): Daughter of Amber.  Story: The Lost Princess.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Ariana Greenblatt. 
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Name: Jane. Relation (if any): Wife of James.  Story: The Lost Princess.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Amy Jo Johnson. 
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Name: Prince Aaron. Relation (if any): Twin son of James. Story: The Lost Princess. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Mitchell Hope.
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Name: Prince Brian.  Relation (if any): Twin son of James.  Story: The Lost Princess. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Dylan Playfair. 
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Name: Princess Heather.  Relation (if any): None. Story: The Lost Princess.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Katie Higgins. 
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Name: Bridget.  Relation (if any): Daughter of Bloom and Valtor.  Story: Fairies Lost Flight.  Summary: TBA.  Voiceclaim: Chloe Grace Mortez. 
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Name: Fawn. Relation (if any): Daughter of Duman and implied-Duman.  Story: Fairies Lost Flight. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Rena Strober.
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Name: Neptune. Relation (if any): Son of Aisha and Nabu.  Story: Fairies Lost Flight. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: John Boyega. 
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Name: Meredith.  Relation (if any): Daughter of Aisha and Nabu.  Story: Fairies Lost Flight.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: China Anne McClain.
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Name: Neoma.  Relation (if any): Twin daughter of Stella and Brandon. Story: Fairies Lost Flight. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Mae Whitman. 
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Name: Sunniva.  Relation (if any): Twin daughter of Stella and Brandon.  Story: Fairies Lost Flight. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Hynden Walch. 
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Name: Aspen.  Relation (if any): Son of Flora and Helia.  Story: Fairies Lost Flight. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Booboo Stewart. 
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Name: Willow.  Relation (if any): Daughter of Flora and Helia.  Story: Fairies Lost Flight. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Sofia Carson.
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Name: Morgan. Relation (if any): Daughter of Musa and Riven.  Story: Fairies Lost Flight. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Linda Cardellini.
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Name: Solo. Relation (if any): Son of Musa and Riven. Story: Fairies Lost Flight.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Josh Keaton.
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Name: Viola. Relation (if any): Daughter of Musa and Riven. Story: Fairies Lost Flight. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Tara Strong. 
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Name: Hal. Relation (if any): Son of Tecna and Timmy. Story: Fairies Lost Flight. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Mitchell Hope.
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Name: Garnet.  Relation (if any): Daughter of Diaspro and Sky.  Story: Fairies Lost Flight. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Jonquil Goode. 
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Name: Onyx. Relation (if any): Son of Diaspro and Sky. Story: Fairies Lost Flight. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Evan Smith.
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Name: Alice. Relation (if any): Daughter of Lloyd.  Story: Undefeated.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Anna Cathcart. 
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Name: Kira.  Relation (if any): Daughter of Kai.  Story: Undefeated.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Linda Cardellini. 
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Name: Flynn. Relation (if any): Son of Nya and Jay.  Story: Undefeated.  Summary: TBA.  Voiceclaim: Mitchell Hope.
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Name: Grace. Relation (if any): Daughter of Cole.  Story: Undefeated.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Mae Whitman. 
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Name: Thor. Relation (if any): Robot son of Zane. Story: Undefeated.  Summary: TBA, Voiceclaim: Booboo Stewart.
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Name: Dawn.  Relation (if any): Twin daughter of Rapunzel and Eugune.  Story: Crossing the Line. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Hynden Walch. 
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Name: Luna. Relation (if any): Twin daughter of Rapunzel and Eugune. Story: Crossing the Line. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Tara Strong. 
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Name: Maggie. Relation (if any): None.  Story: Crossing the Line.  Summary: TBA.  Voiceclaim: Sofia Carson. 
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Name: Faith. Relation (if any): None. Story: Crossing the Line.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Naomi Scott. 
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Name: Ryan. Relation (if any): None. Story: Crossing the Line. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Josh Keaton.
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Name: Alexandra ‘Alex’ Jones.  Relation (if any): Daughter of Casey Jones. Story: Hero. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Linda Cardellini.
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Name: Haruto. Relation (if any): Son of Karai. Story: Hero. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Josh Keaton.
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Name: Marietta.  Relation (if any): Clone of Leo.  Story: Hero. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Sofia Carson.
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Name: Catharina.  Relation (if any): Clone of Raph.  Story: Hero.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Hailee Steinfeld. 
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Name: Hugo. Relation (if any): Clone of Donnie.  Story: Hero. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Josh Keaton. 
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Name: Sandra. Relation (if any): Clone of Mikey. Story: Hero.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Tara Strong. 
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Name: Millie Tracy.  Relation (if any): Daughter of Scott.  Story: The Lost Future.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Nicole Tracy.  Relation (if any): Daughter of Virgil.  Story: The Lost Future.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: James Tracy.  Relation (if any): Son of Gordon and Penelope.  Story: The Lost Future.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Michael Tracy.  Relation (if any): Son of Alan.  Story: The Lost Future.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Emerald Blake.  Relation (if any): Daughter of Daphne.  Story: Hit And Run.  Summary: TBA.  Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Tobias O’Brian.  Relation (if any): None.  Story: Hit And Run.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Kris Liu.  Relation (if any): None.  Story: Hit And Run. Summary: TBA.  Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Cordelia Terry.  Relation (if any): None.  Story: Hit And Run.  Summary: TBA.  Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Niko.  Relation (if any): Daughter of Zuko and Mai, current new Avatar.  Story: The War Lives On.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Riku.  Relation (if any): Son of Azula.  Story: The War Lives On. Summary: TBA.  Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Uki.  Relation (if any): Daughter of Sokka and Suki.  Story: The War Lives On.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Parker Landers.  Relation (if any): Adopted daughter of Aaron/Charlie.  Story: Game Over.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Gavin Simpson.  Relation (if any): None.  Story: Game Over.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA.
6 notes · View notes
findroleplay · 9 months
Why hi! I’m a twenty-five year old gal who’s looking to do some roleplays based in various fandoms. I’m an advanced-lit writer who writes 4 paragraphs at the minimum (and very often maxes out the word limit on discord rip) looking for a writing partner with a similar writing length!! (And one who has the same obsession with hurt/comfort as I do omg) Looking for long-term roleplays with writers who are 21+. I prefer to write on discord and will make us servers to write, plot, etc! Here are the dynamics I’d like to write (italicized names are the characters I prefer playing!) I am also totally down to roleplay OC based plot lines within any of these fandoms as well! If interested please like this post and I’ll reach out!
x = romantic dynamics
& = platonic, friends / family dynamics
Barbie x Gloria
Dimension 20:
Aelwyn Abernant & Adaine Abernant, Fantasy High
Figueroth Faeth & Adaine Abernant, Fantasy High
Ayda Aguefort x Figueroth Faeth, Fantasy High
Ylfa Snorglesson & Princess Rosamund du Prix, Neverafter
Timothy Goose & Ylfa Snorglesson, Neverafter
Ruby Rocks & Jet Rocks, A Crown of Candy
Critical Role:
Imogen Temult x Laudna , Campaign 3
Fearne Calloway & Orym, Campaign 3
Laudna & Ylfa Snorglesson (crossover AU!!)
Imogen Temult & Ylfa Snorglesson (crossover AU!!)
Keyleth x Vax’ildan, Campaign 1/TLOVM (AU based!)
Keyleth x Vex’ahlia, Campaign 1/TLOVM (AU based!)
Vax’ildan & Vex’ahlia, Campaign 1/TLOVM (AU based!)
Sam & Tara
Sam & Billy
Sam x Danny
Stu & Sam
Stranger Things:
Nancy Wheeler x Robin Buckley
Chrissy Cunningham x Eddie Munson
Jonathan Byers x Nancy Wheeler
Nancy Wheeler x Steve Harrington
The Haunting Anthology:
Dani Clayton x Jamie Taylor
Eleanor Crain & Theo Crain
Pokémon New Horizons:
Liko & Amethio
Dot x Liko
Liko & Friede
The Walten Files:
Sophie Walten x Jenny Letterson
5 notes · View notes
breaniebree · 4 years
List of ASC Original Characters
Question from fanfiction.net from DetroitNate -- Thanks for this story, it is one of my top five hands down. Also, I agree with you about blvnk, that has always been how I've seen Harry and Ginny. Thanks for a refresher course on Zee's parents sometimes it is difficult to remember who is who, which brings up another questionis there somewhere that I could see a list of your OCs, kind of like your brief explanation of Misha and Sorcha? Either thanks for the story it continues to be wonderful.
Thank you!  I do have a lot of original people I have introduced, in passing or to give characters to them.  I literally have an entire document saved ASC Character Lists to help me keep track.  I will post it here the way I have it written.  It’s a LONG LIST!  Most may have just been mentioned, but it helps me keep track in case I have to go back and like oh right, that person did this!
Zahira Zelena Zacarias (Zee) - 9th April, 1964:
Zee’s family is as follows:
The Jacksons:
Colten (Muggle) and Florence (Pureblood witch) Jackson, Grandma and Grandpa
Daughter Magnolia Jackson Zacarias (deceased) married to Michael (Misha) Zacarias with one daughter: Zahira Zelena Zacarias
The Zacarias’:
Ivan and Anya Zacarias Baba & Deda (Muggles - Ivan was the soldier in WWII with the motorbike) 
1. Michael (Misha) m. Magnolia Jackson Zacarias (d) m. Sorcha Brown Zacarias, Papa and Grandmama
(a) Zahira Zelena Zacarias
2. Olga Zacarias Petrov m. Dimtri Petrov
(a) Mikhail Petrov m. Ana Ivanov
(i) Yuri Petrov
(b) Mila Petrov Sokolov m. Nicholas Sokolov
(i) Nastasia Sokolov
(ii) Dinara Sokolov
3. Sasha Zacarias Blok m. Yerik Blok
(a) Tanya Blok Fedorov m. Alek Fedorov
(i) Eva and Irina (twin girls identical)
(b) Tatiana Blok eng. Iosif Kuznetsov
The Browns:
Callum and Fiona Brown
Brian Brown m. Jocasta Fitzgibbons
(a) Dougal Brown m. Ellen Smith
(i) Jenny Brown
(ii) Ian Brown
Sorcha Brown m. Misha Zacarias
(a) Zahira Zelena Zacarias
The Weasley family tree
Arthur’s parents — Septimus and Cedrella nee Black Weasley
Bilius Weasley m. Lucretia NLN
(a) Septimus Weasley eng. Bianca Sousa
(b) Gaius Weasley m. Jillian Kinders 
(c) Marcus Weasley
(d) Tiberius Weasley
Alphard Weasley m. Maureen NLN
(a) Caradoc Weasley m. Holly Gibbons
(i) Jeffrey Weasley
(b) Valerius Weasley
(c) Gabriel Weasley eng. Susan Appleby
(d) Maximus Weasley
(e) Marius Weasley
Arthur Weasley m. Molly Prewett
(a) William Arthur Weasley
(b) Charles Septimus Weasley
(c) Percival Ignatius Weasley
(d) Frederick Fabian Weasley
(e) George Gideon Weasley
(f) Ronald Bilius Weasley
(g) Ginevra Molly Weasley
Althea & Xander Papakonstantinou:
(a) Niko Alexander & Nilo Alexander Papakonstantinou
(b) Phoenix Nikolas Papakonstantinou
(c) Basil Kai and Bryony Iliana Papakonstantinou
(d) Calla Gallina Papakonstantinou
Apollo & Medea Castellanos 
(a) Daphne Grace Castellanos
(b) Circe Althea Castellanos
(c) Cassandra Medea Castellanos  
Lady Lucrectia Dettweiler
Lord Marcus Bulstrode
Lord Tiberius Ogden
Lord Aaron Mackelbee
CWM Norton
CWM Anderson
CWM Himmler
Adrian Roberts (Alpha of Southwestern England)
Echo Simpson (Alpha of Northwestern England)
Ethan Simpson (son of Echo)
Maia Roberts (wife of Adrian)
Hawk Roberts
Emily Roberts
Nikita Roberts
Odin Roberts
Rafe Roberts
Clara Roberts (deceased)
Conan NLN
Volk NLN
Ivory NLN
Cami NLN
Daimon NLN (Alpha of Southeastern in England)
Rune NLN (Alpha of Northeastern in England)
Romeo NLN
Summer NLN
Other Random Mentioned Characters:
George & Margaret Morrison - Sirius’ next door neighbours (Zee’s cottage)
Persephone - name of Sirius’ owl
Greta Catchlove - Sirius’ ex in school
Glenda Chittock - Sirius’ ex in school
Sarah Anderson - Sirius’ ex in school
Darcy Floras - Wizengamot Administrative Office
Professor Dragomir - Durmstrang Dark Arts professor (Althea’s old prof & confidant)
Robyn NLN - ex lover of Remus
Annalise Zuszack Davies - ex lover of Sirius
Veronica Riley - ex lover of Remus, Accidental Magical Reversal Squad
Persephone NLN - bridesmaid at Althea’s wedding, ex lover of Sirius
Connor McGee - Tonks’ ex boyfriend
Amanda NLN- ex lover of Remus
Carolos Santorini - head of dragon reserve in Sicily
Sareena Sahadi, curse breaker in Roman catacombs 
Jonathon Pepper - Tonks’ ex boyfriend and lover
Jennifer Berry - real estate agent who sold Zee her cottage, ex lover of Sirius
Phillipe Montgomery - professor on werewolf mythology
Ava Montgomery - wife of Phillippe Montgomery and werewolf
Ferryweather - ex member of Hogwarts Board of Governors (who Sirius replaces)
Tripp Forrester - Agent of the DRCMC
Brandon NLN - 7th year Hufflepuff student in Harry’s second year
Will Matthews - Seamus’ first boyfriend
Maggie Cumberland - woman who speaks and outs Lockhart on stealing memories
Na’eemah Hickey - Egyptian Mind Healer who helps Ginny
Mary Raffigan - historian in the Department of History; professor of History of Magic at Hogwarts
Agent Minnow - Being Division of DRCMC
Kata Novak - Croatian pureblood kidnapped by DE’s
Harley Mills - Harry’s ex girlfriend
Tucker - ranch hand on Colt and Flo’s ranch
Calvin - ranch hand on Colt and Flo’s ranch
Trotsky NFN - dragon handler on Romanian reserve
Aims NFN - dragon handler on Romanian reserve
Santana NFN - dragon handler on Romanian reserve
Juliette Léandre - Département de Coopération Magique Internationale 
Madame Simone Richelieu - President of the Ministère des Affaires Magiques del la France
Jericho Jones - International Confederation of Wizards
Katherine Thomas - International Magical Office of Law
LiMei Lee - Ambassador to Hong Kong Mófǎ bù
Liam O’Kelly - journalist for Irish Prophet
Leonoardo Fanucci - Rome’s famous fashion designer
Dimo Radkov - best friend of Viktor Krum
Andrei Ankov - best friend of Viktor Krum
Professor Penkov - Durmstrang history professor
Iglika Krum - Viktor’s younger sister
Desislava Krum - Viktor’s younger sister
Boyana Krum - Viktor’s mother
Kosta Krum - Viktor’s father
Danny Evangeline - editor of the Daily Prophet
Princess Sapphira - Mermaid from Greece
Agent Barrow NFN - beast division of DRCMC
Elizabeth Walters - werewolf support services
King Taliesin of the Fae
William Clovenfield of the Vampire Confederacy of Europe
Henry Jacks, personal assistant of Ludo Bagman
Tripp Forrester, Agent of DRCMC
Bura Visnjic - magical creature reserve near Fiordland National Park in New Zealand
Abioye NLN - magizoologist from the reserve
Zhang NFN - magizoologist from the reserve
Henry Richardson - Head of the Department of Education
Dmitri Horvat - Balkan Auror, friend of Dumbledore
Miranda Jameson - Head of the Department of Magical Cooperation
Board of Governors:
Sirius Black
Lucius Malfoy - ARRESTED - replaced with Richard Macmillan
Marcus Bulstrode - ARRESTED - replaced with Charlotte Ogden
Julius Abbot
John Matthias
Josephine Fawley
Bernice Caulder
Octavius Greengrass
Augusta Longbottom
Castor Parkinson
Elphias Doge
Lucretia Dettweiler
Crann Bethadh Cabinet (Tree of Life Cabinet aka CBC):
Amelia Bones (Minister)
Albus Dumbledore (ICW rep)
Zahira Zacarias (DRCMC rep)
Walter Barrow (DRCMC rep)
Adrian Roberts (Wolf rep)
Echo Simpson (Wolf rep)
Rune Rogers (Wolf rep)
Daimon Adams (Wolf rep)
William Clovenfield (Vampire rep)
Alice Langdon (Vampire rep)
Jericho Jones (ICW rep)
Katherine Thomas (magical law rep)
King Taliesan (Fae rep)
Brigit (Fae rep)
Colleen Sanders (Veela rep)
Hugh Arnett A3
Natalie Atwell A3
Gregson NFN - deceased
Bishop NFN - deceased
Lewis NFN - deceased
Davis NFN - deceased
Jane NFN - A2
Campbell NFN - A2
Leonard NFN - A2
Higgins NFN - A1, Tonks’ partner
Hogwarts Students in Harry’s Year:
Gryffindor Girls - Sophie Roper, Natalia Monroe
Slytherin Girls - Ophelia Rowle
Students in Ginny’s year:
Gryffindor Girls - Maisie Wendall, Imogen Landers, Katherine Joy Alcott (KJ), Freya Sloane
Gryffindor Boys - David Gunderson 
Hufflepuff Girls - Edith Carlyle, Francesca Wood (Oliver’s cousin)
Ravenclaw Girls - Chloe Cunningham, Morag Campbell, Dinah Fox, Bettina Addersworth
Third Year Students in 1995:
Hufflepuff - Mr NFN Donovan, Miss NFN Payne
Ravenclaw - Mr NFN Sahni, Miss NFN Jameson
New Students 1995-1996 school year:
Slytherin Boys - Julian Norton
Slytherin Girls - Mila St James - half-vampire, Ciara Casey - half-fae
Ravenclaw Girls - Sari Danson - wolf
Gryffindor Boys - Maximus O’Ryan - wolf, Jack Wolf - wolf 
Hufflepuff Girls - Tara Brady - half-fae
Bellarosa Zabini Husbands:
Signore Antonio Zabini, Baron of Sardinia
Siegneur Tristian Beauchamp, Comte de Marseille
Lord Stephen Barkley, Earl of Suffolk
Sir David Sanders
Lord Jason Stanford, Earl of Kent
Hope this helps!  
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megraen · 2 months
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