#octavio silva/reader
1-800-c0sm1c · 1 year
꒰win it all !꒱
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to build hype around the new season, your arrival to the games was kept a secret up until it went live, and some legends had more notable reactions than others.
character x legend!reader
includes crypto, octane, and mirage !
a/n : im sorry ive been gone but look i made you some contenttttt daddy made you your favorite open wide 🥳. im noticing a severe lack of apex fanfics rn so here is my contribution 🤲.
warnings : mentions of stalking (average crypto behavior), drugs (average octane behavior), & mentions of hooking up (you guessed it, average mirage behavior).
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crypto doesnt like surprises, period. its one thing if its mediocre like a birthday party, but a whole person was hidden under his nose and he had no idea? unacceptable.
in summary, youve shattered his ego simply from your presence. not cool.
hes not really known for looking approachable either, so unless youve got the balls or stupidity to talk to him, hell keep to himself and sulk. this sets back any plans he had in the back of his mind by a whole season.
when you introduce yourself to him on the dropship he practically ignores you, acting as if anything else is more interesting than this small talk.
"hi im y/n, ive heard a lot about you from mirage. nice to meet you!" he rolls his eyes, witt is always one to blabber about others.
you scoff at his response, "dont expect me to be as open and idiotic as elliott." he almost adds you to that list, but holds back on it. if anything lifeline has told him holds weight, you could be useful to get information from the syndicate.
"im crypto by the way." he continues, if he plays his cards right you could almost be worth his time.
getting paired with you and mirage was almost comical, its as if the games were trying to make his life as hard as possible.
you got along annoyingly well with mirage, but you seemed more hesitant when it came to crypto, which was truly bothered him. (it was not jealousy at all. he was not jealous whatsoever. nope, definitely not.)
hes struggling to interact with you, like he does with most of the other legends, but youre a different case due to how useful you could be to him. thats usually the reasoning he uses when he racks his brain for ideas to come across less mean without irreparably ruining his reputation.
as if his prayers had been answered, a few hours after your first game you appear in the doorway to his room with a piece of high tech equipment in your hand. but your expression is different from how it was before. you appear upset, how can you be angry with him already? youve barely interacted!
if you want to be pissy, so can he. "can i help you? he asks, annoyance in his voice. "im almost sure you can, brilliant hacker." you drop the equipment in front of him on his desk, distracting him from his current project. he scowls. "what exactly am i looking at here?" you roll your eyes. "you tell me, this is clearly yours right? found it in my room." 
he examines the object, looks like a hidden camera. "ive never seen this before, if you want me to fix it call someone else, im not tech support." he pushes it to the side, but youre not having it. "nuh-uh, you cant brush this off. i know youve created the cameras used to record the games, this has to be your tech!"
so you think hes stalking you? thats a good idea honestly, he wish he had thought of it first. "just because i created those doesnt mean i also designed this. looks like someone else wants to keep an eye on you. got anyone in mind?" you pause for a moment, letting his words sink in. why cant it just be an open and shut case?
"i have no idea, i just got here! is anyone else even knowledgeable enough to design something like this?" he shrugs. "looks can be deceiving." "will you at least help me figure out whos stalking me?" he wants to say no. he knows its bad news, especially for someone like him to get involved in. but its a great opportunity to get closer to you. closer to his end goal, and despite it truly not being the only reason, he decides its good enough for him. "i guess i can make time, tell me about your interactions since youve joined." 
from this point on, you and crypto get much closer, it feels like he knows everything about you. (maybe he does honestly 💀.)
but you can tell hes getting frustrated when it comes to the hidden camera, and you cant help but feel like a nuisance. 
on the surface, crypto looks like you are whats stressing him out. why hes angrier than usual, why hes drowning himself in his work. and in a way thats true, but not exactly.
in reality, hes more worried for your safety. your arrival was an entire surprise, so how could someone have infiltrated your room to begin with? he cant figure it out, and almost entirely forgets the original reason he wanted to get to know you. 
its no longer a matter of getting information, that can wait. he has all season after all. but someone else trying to watch you? he wont tolerate it, and wants it to be the first thing thats fixed, he likes you much better when youre not paranoid, not like him.
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HYPED!!! another legend is always exciting to octane, even more so when he gets lucky enough to be paired with them.
octavio can be a bit much at times, but you match his energy almost perfectly! 
dedication to the apex games, and genuinely having a great time, not finding him annoying??? he should ask if youre into hard drugs too at this point.
anyone who goes up against the two of you on a team together should fear for their lives. octane swears hes never had so much fun in a match before. (almost as much fun as id have if kings canyon was in the map rotation this season ☹.)
theres a voice in the back of his head that he cant shake, telling him youre someone sent from the syndicate to mess with him, or maybe something worse.
he doesnt want to risk making you upset with him (like some other legends) so he reluctantly keeps these thoughts to himself, but due to his online personality being so similar to his real self, you almost immediately notice a change.
you decide to confront octane after the match, and originally he completely disregards your questions.
"what are you on about, compadre? im fine, really!" but youre not having it, and octane knows youre not going to drop this so easily.
"i just cant help but think this isnt how you usually act outside of games." you shrug when he asks for your reasoning of pressing on. "well how would you know? you just got here." he chuckles. "which i think is exactly why youre hiding things from me. i understand though, its hard to trust someone you just met. i only had an outsiders perspective up until a few hours ago."
"thats exactly whats so scary about you amigo. you seem like youre some fuckin syndicate spy!" "why? because we get along?" octane sighs. maybe having a legend who understands him is a bad thing. its easier to justify someone who hates him, theres plenty reason to. but like him? enjoy his company? hes confused, to say the least.
hes frantically reaching for one of his stims, if his mind is going to be racing so frantically, the rest of his body might as well do the same. "lets leave this here for now, yeah? ive got some videos to film!" he gets up quickly, but stops dead in his tracks when you offer to help him with his stunts. he whips around back over to you. "you sure?" you nod with a smile that might make him more energetic than any stim could. "alright cmon cmon cmon! i hope you known how to hold a camera, if you miss any good shots im gonna be pissed!"
rumors start about octanes elusive camera operator, all kinds of misinformation spreads too, some of it crazier than others. 
you personally find it funny, sometimes tempting the viewers by almost flipping it around to show your face, but youre stopped by octane and his ridiculously fast reflexes everytime.
"hey hey amigo no need to ruin the mystery! plus you totally just didnt film that awesome stunt i just did! what am i paying you for!?" 
you try your best to stop yourself from laughing, but at this point youre sure it must be obvious its you behind the camera, youre just going along with the "mystery" because octane asked you to by whispering in your ear that it "increases his interaction" or whatever influencer bullshit. (you were more focused on his voice than what he was saying tbh 🧍.)
the other legends are sick of you two at this point, and are just about ready to expose the "secret" to get octane to shut up 😭. when i say you guys are always together doing stupid shit i mean ALWAYS!!
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a flirt wbk. expect to be invited to lots of yacht parties.
mirage is known to have a very welcoming aura, and you noticed this the second you first interacted on the dropship. (anyone wanna take me out? come find me 🤭.)
you guys are on the same team for tdm, and he is almost constantly by your side.
someone sneaks up behind you? hes already sending a decoy their way so you can get the upper hand.
in case you miss? no worries, hes right behind you with pinpoint accuracy. (talk about a great first impression.)
you guys absolutely crushed the opposite team 50-15, and mirage hurriedly rushes over to you the second the match is concluded to invite you to his celebration party that night.
youre more surprised he has the energy to still keep going after such an intensive match, and you barely get the chance to say maybe before hes walking away excitedly.
uh, actually i might sit this one out-" "cool, cool, cool. ill see you tonight!"
lets just say things get… interesting on the mirage a trois 😀.)
you hooked up on the boat okay, youre not the first (and might not be the last either.)
parties werent necessarily your thing, but after elliott had practically won the game for you today, you figured showing up was the least you could do to return the favor. you were honestly just hoping the yacht didnt blow up like youd heard about his other ones doing…
you arrive way later than everyone else in hopes that you arent the first person there, but your current situation is almost just as awkward as everyone assumes you managed to get lost on your way here. (as if you could miss mirages yacht if you tried…) however, you probably did look just as lost as everyone assumed you were while trying to find mirage in the sea of decoys and other party guests.
when you finally stop getting bamboozled and find the real mirage, you try to explain you were only stopping by out of politeness, but hes not having any of it. "what do you mean youre leaving already? weve gotta make up for all the partying time lost while you werent here!" he hands you a drink and leads you to a table with crypto and wattson, who seem to have just had an… important conversation interrupted with your presence.
"if theres anyone you wanna get to know in the games, other than me of course, these are the legends!" youre almost amazed at how mirage chooses to ignore the awkward atmosphere hes created, and manages to smooth it over in record time as well. crypto looks as annoyed as ever, meanwhile wattson attempts her best at a conversation with the group, and you almost wish you never showed up in the first place.
‘almost’ is the key word here, you knew deep down you didnt really have anywhere else to be, and going along with whatever such an attractive legend says was surely better than staying in your dorm room and missing out on a night of fun. which is exactly why when elliott leaned closer to your ear and said something that definitely wasnt pg-friendly, you downed your drink and made quick goodbyes to his friends before leaving to a secluded area of the yacht with the party host himself. 
i think by now the other legends are just waiting for you two to finally announce theres something between you. 
everyone, and i mean everyone seems to know, and i swear rampart is one more flirtatious comment away from exposing your corny asses during the next match.
however, youre hesitant. youre still incredibly new to the games, isnt it odd for things to be moving so fast?
sure, elliott is great, but you cant help but have an anxious feeling in your stomach, and making the mistake of looking at comments online surely isnt helping either.
mirage noticed your shift in behavior immediately, hes been around you more than any of the other legends, and he expects to be the first to hear of whats troubling you (if youre okay with it, of course).
he might not seem like it at first glance, but mirage really is a great listener. despite your first impressions of him making him out to be well… a party-loving flirt, he has so many more layers to him than whats on the surface level.
when he gets serious, hes not cracking his usual jokes, although hes still got his awkward charm. 
"i just… feel like were moving too fast. its only been a month since ive joined the game after all…"
he thinks for a moment before responding calmly, "well i mean, if you wanna take things slower, all you had to do was ask. besides we have all the time in the world! as long as you dont have some secret plan to leave the games or something, than were fine!" you smile at him.
okay, maybe he does still joke a little bit, put i promise its fine in context 😭😭.
can you tell i like crypto (especially jealous crypto) a totally normal amount 😦 totally not inspired by the mcc song by derivakat 🫶
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190 notes · View notes
My New Addiction Pt. 2
Octane x Fem! Reader!
Part one link at the bottom!
Again lmk if the Spanish is off at all, my Spanish knowledge isn’t the best👉🏼😎👉🏼
Once again, mutual pining, slow painful burn of a romance, awkward flirts, etc.
I hope you enjoy! 💚 if you have ideas or suggestions on how this goes feel free to message me!
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Octavio was in his room trying to mentally prep himself for having to see you looking nice, not that you didn’t look nice all the time but nicer than usual. We’re you going to wear a dress? A skirt? Pants? What you were gonna wear was gonna kill him as long as it wasn’t plain weird but he figured that wasn’t your style anyways. You didn’t love the spotlight like he did, he kind of liked that about you. He heard a knock on his door and it was none other than Loba, an odd guest right before an event.
“Oh! Hey Lolo, what can I do for you?” He asked with a grin, mask in hand. Loba smiled at him
“Hey speedy, could I borrow a shirt of yours? Pretty please? I need a button up.” She winked, this only confused him, Loba literally had the biggest closet out of the entire crew and she needed a shirt? From him? As confused as he was he shrugged and threw over a smaller silk button up of his that he hardly wore. “Knock yourself out.” She waved and thanked Octavio as she walked away, leaving him to get ready.
What he didn’t know what Loba was styling you for today, you weren’t the most savvy when it came to dressing super nice so naturally you went to the style master herself. She went to your room and threw the shirt at you. You catching it and lookin’ at it. “OooOo! It’s like the perfect green too. You really have nice stuff Loba.” You complimented and she waved her hand to disregard the quality of the item. “Oh please. This hardly sees the light of day, beautiful.” She wasn’t wrong but she did leave out the fact that it was Octavio’s shirt. She styled the button up to just hang off your shoulder, you wearing a black lace bralette underneath, her adding on a few gems to add a subtle glam element on the dainty lace. Pairing this with black satin dress pants. Finishing it with a black belt and heels.
“I’m not the best in heels I’ll be honest.” You admit and she laughs softly.
“You’ll be next to Octavio, he’ll catch you if you stumble I’m sure.” She winked at you, causing a soft blush to creep onto your cheeks. See how these things work is basically each team gets interviewed after a short ‘red carpet’ type entrance. Most of the time the teams coordinate a little to make the pictures more appealing so that’s why you were looking for a green aspect of the outfit. Loba sighed and placed her hand on her forehead. “Ugh, I should’ve asked if he had a spare mask. Oh well.” She threw down her staff, causing her black market to pop up. Quickly going in and finding a mask that worked with the outfit and snatched it from his room, then some goggles and swiftly closing it. “I doubt he noticed. He’s probably playing music.” She grinned devilishly and you couldn’t help but laugh a little.
“We’ll as long as I give it back I guess.” You shrugged the blatant stealing and just left it alone. It wasn’t a big deal anyhow. You finished the outfit with pining the goggles to your styled hair, it was left down but it was curled. (if you have curly hair it was just styled slightly). Loba did a dark green Smokey eye with some silver on the inner corner, putting on lashes and a dark red lip to finish it off. Highlighter on your high points and she smiled. “My my, aren’t you pretty?” She cupped your face. “Speedy is gonna lose it.” She teased and said goodbye so she could get ready. She usually had a team of people to make it quick for her, she was sought after for pictures so she was at a higher standard than the others.
You did another once over on yourself, you felt really attractive for once. You smiled a little and added a little subtle necklace and a few rings to accent everything. Taking a few selfies to post later you finally heard the announcement to get to your vehicles to depart. You started making your way to the pick up, where everyone was at. A few whistles and some of the girls complimenting you as you arrived. Even though you’ve been here a little while you hadn’t had a conference that asked specifically for more formality. You personally hadn’t had a duo’s match until now so you figured that was why. Natalie walked over to you, wearing an beautiful blue dress, modest. Her hair out, showing off her golden locks. “Wow! You look exquisite!” She complimented and gave you a hug, she was such a sweetheart when she wasn’t in a match, she was a menace to go up against sometimes. She had been teamed up with Anitta, an unlikely duo but they didn’t do bad. Loba strutted to the pickup and wrapped her arm around you. “Thank you, this is my work.” She announced proudly. “She’ll be the bell of the ball.” She air kisses your cheek, to not ruin the mask you were wearing.
Ajay giggled a bit and looked around for a certain green haired fella, not seeing him yet. “Silva is gon’ enjoy the eye candy for sure.” Everyone knew you had a crush on this man by now, except him. You made small talk with everyone until you heard a family mechanical footstep. Everyone kind of naturally covered you, Gibby being the main wall. Octavio waved. “Sorry sorry! I couldn’t get this tie on.” He looked at everyone and watched as they parted away for him to finally see you. Thank the Gods he was wearing his goggle and mask combo or else you would’ve seen his face heat up in a unsuspected blush, that was his shirt. His shirt. On your body. “Dios mio…” he breathed out, poor guy didn’t know how to react, he just stared a bit. Ajay snapped her fingers. “Say something ya’ stupid boy.” His gaze snapped to her and back to you before finally speaking. “Wow! How lucky am I to have such an attractive teammate! The fans are gonna love this!” He rushed over to your side, pulling out his phone to snap some selfies. A few other legends peeking in a few of the shots. Soon everyone’s individual rides pulled up and everyone started to pile into their assigned car. Octavio reached and opened the door and gestured for you to enter first. “Pretty ones first.” He did and over exaggerated bow as you passed by, causing you to laugh. He followed you in and plopped into his seat. Once the doors were closed and you two were off he rubbed the back of his neck. “So that’s why Lolo needed a shirt huh?” He asked, you looked at him confused. “What? No she had this… right?” Looked at him and he shook his head. “Nope, that’s mine. She asked for it while I was gettin’ ready. Also… is the mask and goggles mine too?” He asked through a chuckle. You flushed a bit pink and laughed awkwardly. “O-oh! I didn’t know this shirt was yours, no wonder it was the perfect green. Yeah these are yours too, she used her market to snatch them.” You tattled, “I was gonna give them back though! Don’t worry.” You explained and felt awkward now, looking at your outfit. Did you look okay in his clothes? Was it weird?
Octavio shrugged and put both hands behind his head, leaning back into the seat. “Meh, you should keep it. Looks better on you anyways. The shirt I mean, the mask and goggles are my thing.” He looked at you and winked, causing your heart to skip a little. Trying desperately to not show how bashful you were feeling by his compliments. You soon saw him sit back up quickly, grabbing his phone again. Turning towards you, “look at my teammate everyone! Isn’t she la mas linda?!” You laugh and try covering his phone. “What does that mean!! Are you making fun of me you jerk?!” You tease and he shakes his head, looking at you, through the goggles. “No I said aren’t you the prettiest.” You stop moving and your face was radiating heat now. “I- oh shut up.” You laugh it off and return to sitting normally, your heart beating rapidly. “He acts like he doesn’t get to see Loba everyone something like this happens!” You grin, pulling down your mask. “Maybe he has a crush on me huh? Tease him about it for me will ya?” You say to the phone. Not knowing if he was live-streaming or just recording this. He laughed and soon turned the phone around, showing he was just recording it on his phone, he switched it to pictures and took a few more photos. He liked pictures. The more to post the better. “Ok! Now just ignore me for a second, look out the window. Model for me real quick.” He chuckled. Not expecting you to do it with ease. He had never seen you model, okay it saw you do it for your Legend photos but those don’t count! He hadn’t seen you model like this. Your legs were crossed and you had you phone in your hand, looking down at it, hand in hair like you were leaning onto it. His eyes lingered on your frame, seeing how well the clothes outlined your body. How his hands wanted to dance along your skin, if you looked this good in clothing how would you look without them? Quickly attempting to shut down the thoughts running rampant he snapped one photo, one was plenty for him. “Wow.” He whispered and smiled, snapping back into the fun, unbothered Octane. “Nice!! Now one of me!” You laugh a bit more and take a picture or two for him.
He sure did love his fans. He was always doing something for them it seemed. Daring stunts someone requested, replying to some letters even. He was a really sweet guy to his fans. It was cute to see. The conversation was typical the rest of the way, fun and weird at points. Soon the car stopped, in line to drop you off at the entrance of the carpet. You breath and look in the mirror to make sure you looked alright. Octane looking over at you double checking yourself. He whispered something and you looked over, catching him just gazing at you. “Tavi?” You ask as you pull up the mask. “A-ah! Haha! Don’t worry about how you look, you look fine!! Let’s go out there and show them the best team ever. That didn’t win but we’re totally the coolest!!” He was so enthusiastic and you loved it. You smile and give a nod, waiting for your turn.
The car stopped and Octane opened the door, exiting first. “Heyyyy!!!” He said all excited before stepping to the side and offering his hand to you. “C’mon hermosa.” You take his hand and exit, placing a hand in your pocket and putting on your model face for the pictures. You wave to people and you both make your way to the main carpet. Posing for some individual photos you soon felt a hand snake around your waist, you looked over and it was Octane, still posing. Your heart raced again and you leaned into him, following his vibe. There was a couple ‘serious’ ones and the rest were you two throwing up peace signs and rock on signs, he picked you up once, putting you on one of his shoulders effortlessly. You laughed and took off the mask, sticking your tongue out and laughing. Once off the carpet it was on to questions.
The whole thing was over awhile later and it was time to go get dinner with everyone at the bar. You had the mask off entirely at this point, putting it in your back pocket and Octavio was doing the same, he had gone to the bar to get a drink in him before he had to socialize with you again. Walter (fuse) walked up to the bar and watched as Tavi’ downed a strong shot. “Whoa there, tough day or somethin’ mate? You aren’t one for shots usually.” He asked as the bartender fixed his drink. Octavio shook his head. “No, nothing like that amigo, just…” he sighed and Walter chuckled. “Is ya little lady crush lookin’ a little too nice for ya?” He asked as he sipped a bit of his drink. Octavio groaned and looked at him “Is it that obvious?! Damn…” the two share a laugh and Walter leaned on the bar. “Listen mate, good ole Fitzroy has had his fair share of…eh well, partners. What I’ve learned is that it’s best to at least make your feelin’s known.” Octane looked at him like he was crazy. “Hey now you don’t gotta do a whole confession of love and shit, but Yaknow. Flirt it up, make her blush. See how she reacts. Trust me you’ll know if she ain’t interested.” He patted his pals back before walking off to join his partner Bloodhound.
Tavi sighed and ordered a drink to have while hanging out. That’s when you walked in, looking as sexy as ever. He watched as you greeted everyone that was nearby and Ajay gestured towards the bar. You smile seeing Tavi already over there, you thanked her and made your way over. “Hey Tavi! Some of the pics are already posted online, look!” You pulled out your phone and showed him some of the shots the press had taken of you two, gosh you looked good together. “Hey! That’s rad! Look at my face in that one!!” He laughed and so did you. “Tavi, you can’t see your face, Fuckin’ dork!” He made an ‘oops’ face and shrugged. “Eh, whatever. Want a drink?” He asked and you nodded. You order your favorite drink and wait for it to be made. You also needed a drink to listen up around Octavio looking so dashing. You figured you hadn’t said anything about he looks so now was as good as ever. “Yaknow, you look pretty hot ya self speedy.” He was mid drink when you stated this, he damn near choked. He chuckled, playing it off as well as he could. “Oh~? You think so huh? Are you falling for me, Chica?” He wiggled his eyebrows and you laughed as you got your drink handed to you. “Don’t know Silva. Show me some dance moves and I’ll figure it out.” You leave a subtle flirt as you saunter off to Loba, who was the one that encouraged a flirt or two to be dropped, along with Ajay who knew how dense her friend could be. Speaking of Ajay, Octavio basically chugged his drink after that interaction and rushed over to her. “Che. Talk. Now.” Was all that was said before he dragged her off into an empty hall.
“What Silva? You can’t go draggin’ me off like that without a good reason so what’s goin’ on hm?” She asked a little annoyed at his sudden actions.
“Che, you’re a girl.” She almost looked offended.
“And I may or may not have a crush, on a girl” he halfway admitted.
“You do have a crush but go on.”
“And I- hey. Anyways. I think she just flirted with me. What do I do?” Poor boy was so nervous. He’s had a couple one night stands but those were with fans who made it very clear that they wanted him. Ajay looked slightly amused. “Oh you poor thing, okay. Tell me what happened.” She listened to Octavio reenact the interaction between you two, word for word. She rolled her eyes at how obvious the flirt was and smiled a bit. “What are you, stupid? She wants you to dance with her, boy!! Now stop talkin to me and go! Don’t be creepy either!”
With that he was pumped. There was a chance. You don’t flirt with anyone so that had to be a sign right?? He could feel the liquid courage coursing through him and it was giving him a rush of excitement. “Oi! Hermosa, let’s dance.” He held out his hand and you smiled taking it and having him lead you to the dance floor. There were already a handful of friends out on the floor, along with some higher ups from the conference from earlier. You and Octavio danced as club music was playing through the speakers. You started out just dancing facing each other, bumping and lip syncing to the music together. Loba gathered the girls Natalie, Tressa, Ramya and her girlfriend Kairi to the dance floor to, give you hand. Loba entered your little circle and started dancing behind you, taking place a man. Hands on your hips and dancing close, “you should dance like this with a certain someone.” She said next to your ear. “Let me help.” She continued to dance with you until she suddenly left and a new body took her spot, that person was Octavio. He kept his hands to himself, just kind of side stepping to the song. “Hey.” He said, looking at you. There was a moment before he grabbed your waist and started dancing with you, he was Hispanic and his hips only proved that. He wasn’t grinding but you could see his movements.
Fuck it
You closed the distance, pressing against him and dancing with him, reaching up behind you and putting your hand behind his head as you danced. His hands remained respectful, not wandering. Although you wished he would. “Chica’s got dance moves!” He shouted over the music and you smirked, turning to face him and body rolling on him slowly. “Only with people I like.” You also had some liquid courage flowing. He continued to grip your hips and matched your energy, he wasn’t a stranger to dancing flirty. Getting lost in the music and crowd you danced with him for what felt like forever until it was time to eat. Renee coming into the dance floor and fetching the girls, including you. Didn’t give you much of a chance to object or say anything before being dragged off, this was planned. Leave him wanting more type of thing. Soon one of the guys came to wrangle the rest of the boys and meet up at their private table.
Octavio planned on sitting by you and continuing the flirtation but you had people on either side of you, the seat across from you was free though so he snagged that. It was two long tables by each other with an array of food on each of them. Octavio didn’t waste much time I’m getting food on his plate, a little bit of everything and extra of the things he liked. Small talk and casual conversation was heard as everyone was eating, Octavio glancing at you from time to time and you doing the same, anytime you two caught each other you’d just flash a soft smile his way and continue with whatever conversation you were having. That was basically the dinner, you two didn’t get to talk much, not just because everyone was talking to everyone but you two both didn’t know what to really say. There was always the ride back from the bar though. It wasn’t too far.
With dinner finished you all chatted at the tables a little while longer, laughter and camaraderie seeping out of every window. You enjoyed this. Everyone here were pals, of course they didn’t ALL get along all the time. Revenant and Ash were a tough duo to ‘befriend’ and anyone would say they put up with everyone else most of the time. It was finally time to leave, the vehicles lined up outside for everyone to get in. Octavio tapped your shoulder before you could leave. “Hey, wanna walk back? I’m not ready to end the night just like that!! I still got a buzz.” He laughed a bit and against your better judgement you agreed. “Hah! Okay Tavi, we can walk back.” You said happily. He rushed and told your driver that he didn’t have to worry about you two and began to walk back to the legends precinct. Octavio for once wasn’t taking pictures of snagging videos. He was just walking along side you, of course he would jump occasionally over things and maybe add a flip in there. But for Octane, he was pretty chill. “So, hermosa. What did you think of your first fancy shmancy after party thing?” He asked and you grinned. “Oh it was a lot of fun, I don’t get to get dolled up much, especially now. Just doesn’t make sense. I’m gonna get all sweaty and probably bleed most days so why try?” You laugh a bit and he joins in. “Yeah, those typically aren’t my favorite, it takes a lot of work to even put a tie on, takes too long Yaknow?” You nod, a smile just resting on your lips. “I did enjoy dancing with you though, that was a lot of fun.” You looked up at him as he walked backwards in front of you, he tripped a little when you said that and he laughed. “Yeah! I didn’t know you could move like that! I mean I knew that were good at moving in matches but that’s totally different. It was hot!” He blurted out and he realized what he said and made an ‘oh shit’ face. Wide eyes and awkward smile. You felt a soft heat on your face and you laughed a little. “Oh yeah, I’m so hot…it’s all thanks to Loba’s hard work.” You looked down as you walked, you weren’t the most confident in your appearance but you learned to just be content with it most days. You didn’t realize Octavio stopped walking and you bumped into him, you looked up at him confused. “Don’t say that, I think you’re very pretty, even without all the frills.” Well you couldn’t hide the blush on your cheeks after that statement. You just let out an awkward chuckle and avoided his eyes, “I-.. uh well thanks. I appreciate it.” He didn’t move, he just stood in front of you. There was a long pause and you finally looked back up at him, his eyes locked onto your frame. “I didn’t lie when I said I had the most attractive teammate today.” You weren’t ready to accept all these compliments while he was so close to you. “Okay okay! What’s got you so affectionate, the booze?” You tease, playfully pushing him away and walking passed. Octavio was trying so hard to make it obvious that he liked you without having to say it directly, usually he could tell anyone anything pretty bluntly but with this he couldn’t find the words. He was stuck in his head until he heard you wince slightly. He turned around and saw your poor feet in those heels. “Oh man! I bet your feet hurt! I didn’t even think about that, lo siento.” You couldn’t even respond before you saw Octavio kneel in front of you, back facing you. “Hop on! All aboard the Octrain!” You couldn’t help but accept his offer, you climb onto his back and he once again lifts you up effortlessly. “Woo! Let’s go!” Was all that was said before you had to cling on for dear life, the man took off in a sprint, even without a stim he was fast as hell.
With that speed it was no time that you guys were back at the precinct and heading up to your rooms. He didn’t allow you to walk anymore until you were safely back in your room. Once to your door he slid you off his back and did a few hops “That was fun!” He smiled wide and you grinned looking up at him. “Thanks Tavi, you didn’t have to do that.” He shook his head “Hey, I’m the one who asked to walk! It’s my fault I didn’t think of your torture devices on your feet.” You both laugh and you nod “Yeah, fuckin’ hate heels.” You admit “But damn they do wonders to the legs.” You strike a pose and he did too, sharing yet more laughter as you turned the knob of your door. You didn’t want to end it yet but it was getting late. “Well , I had fun today thanks to you. I hope we get paired up again soon.” He put his hands in his pockets and nodded. “Yeah, me too, chica.” He rubbed the back of his neck watching you enter your room,
“Night Tavi.”
“G’night y/n.”
With a click of your door shutting you slid to the floor, biting your lip. You had to tell him sooner or later. Today really tested you on not just kissing him. Stupid guy with his stupid handsome face. You sigh and kick off those heels and start undressing to get into comfy clothes for the night.
He went to his room and changed into looser clothes and decided to take a run, he had a lot of energy after tonight and needed to get rid of it if he wanted any chance of sleep tonight.
↩️Prev Part. Next part.↪️
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vip3r-r · 3 months
An apex writer 2024?? literally kicking my feet and giggling rn. Could I pls requests headcannons for Octane with how he prefers to be comforted by his partner, and how he would comfort them as well? With a male reader if that's alright. That new video of his speech at his dad's funeral has literally been rotting my brain
An Apex request in 2024?? SCREAMING AND CRYING OMG i saw the funeral and absolutely got JUMPED SCARED by my mans bestie cuz why he randomly appeared there— Guys I’m alive 50/50 and right now I’m an octane fan but like FAN so I’m def doing anything octane (prob bc of the recent events but still) this took SO LONG just because I couldn’t decide between soft expert octane or confused soft octane 😭
Warning/s — probably bad spelling
He lives fast so having a relationship is something that he wasn’t going to get used to so “fast”
From the outside, octane didn’t need comfort, if something bad happened it flew by him or he thought about it for a few seconds before doing something else and forgetting about the situation.
But in the inside, Octavio Silva needed that comfort he always avoided
In private, he would definitely ask for you attention and just your presence, he wants you near because he doesn’t know how to go with this kind of things, if he’s mad instead of upset he definitely needs a time alone.
In public, he quite literally doesn’t care what people think so if he wants a hug or a kiss for comfort he will have that, unless you don’t want to ofc.
Like I said before he doesn’t know how to deal with comfort because how much he avoided it, so comforting people was even worse, at least his partner… with friends and strangers he would obviously joke and try to make them laugh to take them out of those emotions but with you? His PARTNER?!? He couldn’t joke unless he wanted you to feel more emotional, trust me, it has happened (unless you actually like to hear jokes while feeling such emotions like that, then he will tell you some different stories about how he did some dangerous stunt and failed)
Octane need some time to learn but he is so damn fast at learning your favorite thing, so comforting you would get better every time
The is literally took so long I’m disappointed at the result but PLEASE REQUEST MORE IM DESPERATE
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wattsbaby · 1 year
mirage, ash, octane and lifeline with a gf being harassed for having OF
tags: misogyny, supportive! legends, emotional hurt/comfort, murder (ash), protective behaviours
he's head over heels for you
adores your line of work too, he's almost your main provider
elliott is very upset when he starts seeing comments under his posts with you in them, they would shame your career and call you nasty things
immediately gets his pr team to laser all of those comments off the face of the world, starts blacklisting insults on his posts because he knows you see them
comfort for him is literally cuddles and good food, so he orders your favourite foods and cuddles with you all night
assures you that your job is nothing to be ashamed of, especially if you enjoy it
hears snide comments behind your back
thinks they are very disrespectful, if they had something to say, they could at least say it to your face
ash is angry, very angry, whereas leigh wants to comfort you
those people are gone without any word, never to be seen again; and ash relishes each kill
you dont get too concerned when they disappear, and give them a soft smile when they return
they dont tell you, yet ash is extra protective and leigh is very clingy
they take time to compliment your outfits and costumes for your posts, view your work over your shoulder, and gently runs their fingers over your cheeks as they admire your makeup
leigh feels like she's falling in love all over again, and ash does too she's just less emotional about it
some random guy started making rash assumptions about both you AND tavi during a livestream
octavio is relaxed, not instantly banning the person, making a few jokes and trying to move on
you were visible in the background, relaxing and enjoying some mutual time with your boyfriend as he streams
the commentor starts focusing you, assuming you had an OnlyFans, which you did, and started calling you all sorts of names
tavi reads out a few comments to you, and you both laugh openly and make fun of the guy
tavi doesn't hesitate to defend you, even flexing that you're in the top 100 creators and pulled in a lot of cash for yourself
the guy gets banned soon after, and all octane-fans around the world flux to defend and support you
he and his community have your back until the end
you just stopped by to drop off lunch at the medical bay, giving her a soft kiss
the guy she's treating recognises you and immediately starts badmouthing you after you leave
ajay snarls a little, but does her best to keep composed
starts defending you avidly, and almost kicked the guy out- yet shes the bigger person
"ey, shes pulling in fair cash and likes her job. give her some respect."
the guy falls silent after a while, yet ajay is visibly irate
gives you extra pampering and love when she gets home
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Helloooooo!! Can you write a one shot about Octane from apex proposing to the reader please I realized there’s no fanfics abt it. Can it also be a fem reader? Thanks man🤘
Omg! I love this idea and I don't see much either as I love Octane just as much. I'm sorry it took me so long to write and I'm sorry if the fight scene is a bit messy. I'm not really good with fighting scenes but I feel like Octane would do something like this so enjoy :)
requests are still open, they just might take me a while as I'm shuffling between jobs and some drama at home, but please fill free to send me your ideas :) I'll get to them as soon as I can! Thanks :)
~Sleepy Ash
Summary: You were in the middle of a fight on Broken Moon and your boyfriend of what felt like years decided now was the time to propose to you.
Warnings: nothing too big? Maybe the characters getting shot, but nothing too bad I would think.
Words: 1269
“What are you doing? Are you crazy?” Lifeline asked as bullets were going past her head. 
“I’m gonna ask her to marry me. I mean I don’t see the issue here, plus she and I have been dating for a while. I don’t see her saying no.” Octane said as he peaked over the ledge to see where the enemy team was. 
“But we're in the middle of a fight right now. Are you sure she’s not gonna say no because we're preoccupied?” Lifeline asked as Octane shook his head. 
“I don’t think so. If in all honesty I think everyone will be shocked that Octavio Silva is finally settling down after all these years. I know I would be.” Octane laughed as Y/N made a winge noise over mic and then called out that she was downed by a second team. 
“Well, here’s your chance to be the hero. Go get them I guess.” Lifeline said as she rolled her eyes. She peaked over the ledge that Octane had just looked over and had seen where Y/N had gone down and sighed knowing that if he didn’t hurry the ring was going to pinch them and that was something she didn’t want to deal with.
“I’m coming Y/N! Just hold on!” Octane called over mic as he jabbed the needle of his stim into his chest and jetted out of the building on the north east side of The Mirage Voyage, grabbing the zipline, and then down to the second floor where he saw Mirage finishing Y/N and Wraith guardian the door.
“Wow, that's quite the predemis—Pruh—Preh... Predicam—uh... It's a bad situation for you.” Mirage smiled as he started moving backwards in some type of moonwalk dance and kick up his foot to finish Y/N but ended up stopping as Octane pulled out his R-99 and started shooting him, stopping him from finishing Y/N, and had both Wraith and Mirage focused on Octane so Lifeline could pick Y/N up.
"On yuh feet. Lifeline's gotcha back." Lifeline smiled as she had quickly followed Octane down the zipline and through the building to pick Y/N up. The three of them now dealing with Wraith and Mirage that when Y/N did finally heal up Lifeline had gotten shot by their third member Bangalore and groaned seeing her down weapon was a G Scout fully kitted.
“Tango down.” Bangalore smirked as she and Y/N locked eyes. Bangs was about to go after Y/N when Octane got between the two and sat down on one knee nearly confusing Bangalore and Y/N on what he was doing.
“Le-et me have this moment real quick, please?” Octane said as he shot at Bangalore giving her a warning and then downed Mirage as he tried to finish the job with Y/N.
“What are you doing? We have to finish them!” Y/N growled as she was aiming her gun at Bangalore looking around to figure out where the hell Wraith had fazed off too.
“Something I should have done a long time ago but was too chicken to do so…” Octane said as he reached into his pocket and pulled out what could only be but a small square velvet box. 
“You gotta be kidding me.” Bangalore said while shaking her head, “You're doing this now?!”
Octane nodded his head, “Uh, yeah, I don’t see a better time than doing it now.” 
Lifeline rolled her eyes as she and Bangalore waited for Octane to continue. The three of them standing on the bottom floor of the building just watching the ring grow closer as Mirage was knocked down in a corner, probably talking to Wraith and figuring out what to do while the other team and Bangalore were off proposing to people.
“Well, get on your knee Silva, got less than four-five.” Bangalore said as Octane quickly nodded and turned to face Y/n. His left hand removing his goggles so everyone could see his brown eyes and his cheeks a bit pink as he, himself, couldn’t believe he was doing this.
“Come on Silva we don’t have all day.” Lifeline said as she was starting to join the group of annoyed people.
“Right, Y/N, -” Octane began as Y/N nodded smiling from ear to ear, “-I know we haven’t been an item for a long time and I know we’ve been friends for twice as much, but ever since that day up on Kings Canyon on the jump course, where we did some sick teamwork on the jump pads, I knew I wanted to spend  foverever with you. You're fun and amazing and when you do that thing with the P2020.” She flipped it around her pointer finger and then threw it up into the air before catching and putting it back into its holster, “I knew you were the love of my life, my partner in crime, my life long duo…” the list goes on and on as when Octane finally pulled out the ring Y/N gasped. The diamond was green wrapped around pure silva (see what I did there??). It was the same color as his stim and green hair. Tiny but on point as he didn’t want something flashy, but enough to catch someone’s eye. He wanted the ring to represent him and her put together and to show that Octavio Silva can be locked down. He just had to find someone special enough to do so.
“Awe, babe, you… shouldn’t have…” Y/N said as she held out her hand and waited for Octane to finish. 
“Come on Silva pick it up we gotta go!” Bangalore said as she tapped her foot against the concrete. 
“Ooo, right…” Octane said as he nodded. He pulled the ring out of the velvet box and smiled, holding it up to Y/N with a smile, “Will you make me the most happiest man alive and marry me?” 
Y/N smiled nodding, “Of course you idiot. Of Course.'' and when she slipped on the ring Wraith came out of nowhere and finished off the three of them. First throwing a grenade and weakening them and then knocking all three of them with a R-301.
“Jesus, Wraith, couldn’t come fast enough? Where did you go?” Bangalore said as she threw down and heat shield and started looting through Octane’s box.
“I had to take care of some outside squads. I heard some strays while shielding up earlier and just sorry I came back late.” She said as she picked up Mirage who was mumbling some nonsense to himself. He looted through Y/N’s box as when the three of them were done. Heading out of the building and took off on the zipline.
“Did you know he was going to propose all this time?” Mirage asked as he looked back at Bangalore.
“Yeah, but I wasn’t expecting him to nearly kill us all with ring.” Banaglore sighed as she felt the heat from the ring burn her skin.
“Damn. Such a shame they all had to go out like that. Would have been rom-roman-uh cool if they got to be the champion squad in the end.” Mirage stumbled as Wraith nodded.
“Yeah, it would have, but I decided to end things. Now come on. We have less than three squads left and this ring is really burning us here.” Wraith said as they jumped off the zipline and headed to the next. They had a long way to go, but in the end Octane was happy and so was Y/N.
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cryptonite-exe · 2 years
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imwittyou · 1 year
𝐑𝐨𝐦-𝐂𝐨𝐦 𝐆𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐖𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠 || 𝐎𝐜𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐞 𝐱 𝐅𝐞𝐦!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐌𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐞 [𝐀𝐥𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐔𝐧𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞]
𝘖𝘤𝘵𝘢𝘷𝘪𝘰 𝘚𝘪𝘭𝘷𝘢 𝘪𝘴 𝘚𝘜𝘊𝘏 𝘢 𝘱𝘢𝘪𝘯. 𝘛𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘢𝘨𝘢𝘪𝘯, 𝘮𝘢𝘺𝘣𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘪𝘴 𝘰𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘺𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘴 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘦𝘹. You find yourself in a fake relationship to prove something to your ex.
Also on AO3!
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞: 𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐋𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠
“I said I don’t—”
“What’s that? I’m already on my way up!”
That is all it takes for you to press the bright red button on the screen. Then you throw your phone on the bed before slumping down with a groan.
Octavio Silva is such a pain.
Then again, maybe that is on you for staying friends with your ex. 
You still remember the last time you saw him. He was standing outside your door, looking amazing in his neon green hoodie. But all you could think about was how someone else had just been wearing it before he got there. So you told him to leave.
His hazel eyes widened as you shut the door on his face. Then you stood there by the door with bated breath as you listened for disappearing footfalls. 
Would the high-speed daredevil slow down, just this once, just for you?
He did. 
He knocked on the door and called your name again and again, but you just curled up into a ball and cried yourself to sleep. Then you woke up two hours later to a message from him asking if you could still be friends.
You still don't know why you said yes. One thing's for certain, though: now you have nothing but regret for that decision.
“You know, you could always block him,” your best friend Elliott Witt reminded you when you complained to him about your situation one day. The rational part of you that still exists agreed with Elliott. Yet you couldn’t find it in you to block Octavio. But now, in the midst of deep breaths, you decide it’s never too late for rationality. 
The loud knocks at the door almost make you drop your phone.
You shuffle towards the door and peer through the hole. Sure enough, Octavio stands outside, swaying and holding a red solo cup in his hand. He’s not wearing his mask. He never does when he’s around you, which used to make you feel special. But you push the feeling away this time.
Never mind that he remembers your room number even in his state.
“Finally!” Octavio cheers as you open the door. “Thought you’d never open the door!”
You roll your eyes. “So why did you go here specifically?”
“Just felt like seeing you, hermosa,” he says. A wink thrown in your direction catches you off guard and takes everything in you not to throw your arms around him and bury your head on his chest and just weep.
“Well, now you’ve seen me,” you say instead. “Happy?”
He leans on the door frame. “Yes,” he breathes out. His eyes are dancing as he gazes at you.
Don’t you know that you don’t have the right to do that to me anymore?
You get the urge to shut the door in his face once again. But the breeze is getting cooler and the night is dragging on and his gaze is starting to lose its focus and yet his eyes still search yours like a puppy wondering if it’s going to get kicked out once again— 
You find yourself letting him right back in.
You can’t sleep. 
How can you sleep, anyway? Octavio—your ex —is sleeping on your couch and you can hear the sheets rustling and your room smells like him and—and—
And you still love him. 
That, you’ve always known. You just don’t like admitting it to yourself, let alone out loud. So when Octavio calls your name in the dark, you resist the urge to call him by his nickname. You simply respond with a “Yes?” 
“How have you been?” he asks.
You suck in a deep breath. “Great. I’ve been doing great. Uh, what about you?”
“Amazing! I’m still getting lots of likes,” he brags.
“I’m happy for you.”
“Uh-huh. You haven’t been liking my photos.”
“You know I don’t use social media much anymore.”
“You?” He chuckles.
“Yes,” you insist. It’s true, you’re currently undergoing a social media detox. And although you miss watching funny videos and looking at pictures of cute animals, you know it’s for the best. You can’t risk seeing Octavio’s posts; you know you’ll only end up wallowing in self-pity.
Yet here you are now, sleeping in the same room as him. Granted, nothing that shouldn’t happen has happened. And you’re making sure it stays that way. But you roll over on your side to face him and he’s already looking at you.
"Tavi, I—"
“Are you dating anyone now?” 
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kkarmiic · 1 year
F!Reader DNI!
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\\ synopsis: your relationship with crypto as a feminine presenting guy
‘+ genre: fluff
*# warnings: a little bit of misgendering at the start
requests open!
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This is assuming you’re also in the apex games, but he had most likely seen you around in the arena, he didn’t think much at first.
That was until you two were teamed up, you were pretty quiet at first, just looting until he called you over, flagging an item for you to take.
“Ven aquí chica!” He yelled towards you, gesturing you in with his hand.
And although you began running towards him, you still questioned his words. “Chica?”
And now, he was just confused as you were, I mean, he’s usually not one to assume, but you did look pretty feminine.
But your voice. That was certainly unexpected, it almost made him do a double-take to check for any enemies.
But it came from you. You in your feminine outfits with makeup, you who looked so pretty????
He was dumbfounded.
“Sorry, chico.” He corrected himself, which was oddly shocking, previous teammates hadn’t been so kind, even in the arena they had chosen to battle you over your own identity.
You nodded, simply continuing to loot, however, out of the corner of your eye, you could still see Octane staring at you.
Even though Octane wasn’t one to engage in a ‘boring convo’ as he puts it, he was still intrigued by you.
However, it was your fighting that really got him hooked on you, so graceful yet so merciless, he was hooked.
You took the risks with him, you didn’t care what others thought, and yet you still let him have most of the spotlight.
You had won that battle, along with him and Mirage, and so that night he ended up knocking on the room of your door in the drop ship.
You, tired and mildly wounded, opened the door with droopy eyes and a yawn.
“Mmm Octane?” You peered up at him, speaking through said yawn.
“Hey Y/N!” He spoke, leaning against your door frame. “Can I come in?”
And so you obliged, shutting the door behind him, allowing him to sit on your bed while you laid back on the pillow.
He took a deep breath before beginning to speak.
“Ehh…chico, I just came here to apologize. I’m not one to do things like this, but you were pretty good out there. You run in with me like there’s no tomorrow, I like that about you! So, sorry for calling you chica, chico.”
His voice was racing as if he was afraid it would go away any minute, and you could barely keep up with what he was saying, although it sounded somewhat like a compliment.
“Can I make it up to you?” He grinned.
To say that he was attracted to you would be an understatement, he enjoyed your company sure, but it was so much more than that. He just wanted to get to know you better.
"Mmm?" You gestured at him to continue.
"I'll take you on a date, hm?" Confidence ebbed in his voice, and you couldn't help but accept the daredevil's advances, after all, you wanted to go on a date too.
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Octane doesn't like to go out to restaurants, he prefers cheap takeaway and then spends his money on adrenaline-rushing activities.
Like for your first date, he took you to a theme park.
He definitely forced you to go on all the big rollercoasters and 'scary' rides with him.
While it didn't give him as much of a rush as the Apex games do, he was just glad to be spending time with you.
It was probably one of those theme parks by the sea, and so after, he took you into one of those fish and chips food places and got you ice cream and food.
And if it's one of those with the arcades, he will fight to get you a plushie from the claw machines, no matter how rigged they are, he will spend his entire savings fund to get you a stuffed toy.
If you have it in your bed and sleep with it, he'd be unbelievably happy.
He loves the way you dress, the way you present doesn't matter to him but he still enjoys what you'll come up with outfit-wise.
After all, he is bisexual.
When he's out, he will definitely see something that reminds him of you and get it, he just likes seeing the way you react to little gifts.
And when you fight, that's something that gets his heart racing, he is ridiculously attracted to you.
He will let that be known, when you shoot people and finish people, he will shower you with compliments, and your other teammate will probably be sick of you two, but he doesn't care.
You'd just spent time cuddling with him after games, and he'd love every second of it.
If you show him new outfits or skirts, he will tell you how amazing you look, probably jumping around the room in glee with you.
If anyone disrespects you, especially because of the way you dress, saying something like 'how are you a boy if you wear skirts?'.
He would go INSANE. On them.
He'd rip them to pieces telling them exactly how you can be a boy and wear skirts, how clothes aren't gendered, and how their view is so prehistoric they might as well go back to the stone age.
Afterwards, he would check if you're okay, letting you know that he loves how you dress and thinks you look great.
Octane really really loves you.
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animecinnamonroll99 · 3 months
Octane x FEM! Reader part 17
So sorry about the long delay. Life kinda got in the way after a bout of writer's block. Should I start a tag list for those who are really invested in this?
A bit angsty but it resolves itself!
After about three hours of helping Ramya I headed back to the compound. The weather was nice and cool after the rain the night prior and I used it as an opportunity to think things over a little more clearly. Tavi has always been a man of action over words and seeing as he’s not the biggest fan of any emotion unless it's the joy from his adrenaline rushes, it could have been his way of telling me that things were over. 
As I walked into the compound everyone’s attention fell onto me and it started to make me feel a little uncomfortable. “What’s up?” I hesitantly asked. There was a collective pause as everyone looked at each other and seemed to come to the same conclusion. After a few more moments of silence there was a general murmur of 'nothing' before everyone went back to what they were doing before I walked in. Giving my head a shake I head off to my room in the complex for a quick shower and a change of clothes. 
As hours, days and several games passed, Tavi seemed to have been avoiding me as much as possible. When we're placed on the same team he only talked to me when he needed to and without any of his normal banter. The drastic change didn't go unnoticed by fans and media alike and they were all asking the same question, 'what happened to Apex's speediest couple.' 
There happened to be a duo game today and I was hoping and praying that I got anyone, but Tavi. At this point I'd gladly trade him for Caustic if I could, or listen to Revenant talk about how many different ways he would kill me if I failed to help him win a game, but alas the odds weren't in my favor as the list of partners popped up. 
Today's game also happened to be a charity game where everyone got to pay to pick a theme. Which just so happened to be 'beach day'. Walking over to my dresser I start digging through the bathing suits I have when a knock sounds at my door before it opens. I turn to come face to face with Loba in a striking red bikini and a matching sheer tied cover across her hips. 
"Hello beautiful, I decided you need my help getting back at lover boy after what happened." She stated as she walked over and hip checked me away from the drawer I was previously digging through. "Me, I need to get back at Tavi? Are we sure this isn't to take your mind off your failing relationship with Valk?" I question as Loba pulls out bikinis and one piece alike shaking her head at each one before chucking it to a random corner. Instead of answering me she finishes going through the drawer and produces a pair of black side corset bikini bottoms with a scrunched but and a black bikini top with green fishnet on the cups and extra long strings that wrap around the torso. "Wear this with some strappy black sandals." Is all she says before exiting my room, still avoiding my questions.
Getting on the dropship half an hour later I'm greeted by wolf whistles from the majority of the male population. I just roll my eyes and head over to Fuse and Bloodhound. "Think you can run in those flip flops Walter?" I question, to which he replies with a full bellied laugh. "If I need ta run I'll ditch the shoes." He replies and Hound shakes their head in dismay. Giving them a once over I realized that they decided to sport a full body surf suit. 
Drop ship reached its destination: 'King's Canyon'.  The metallic female voice announced above us as a holographic map appeared in the center of the drop ship. My wrist gear lights up as my earpiece buzzes to life with Octane's voice "let's land over here." I glanced down to see that he decided on the Market. "Sure, just don't die too quick," I ok and walk towards one of the pads that'll lower for the jump. 
Seconds later I'm soaring down to the building and taking notice of the 6 other teams that land nearby. Hitting the ground running I'm quick to grab the first gun I see. A Mozambique and a CAR thinking fast, I rush up the steps in front of me and into the room on my left. In the room I find a set of syringes and a shield battery. Walking in a bit further I spot a Sentinel which I'm quick to swap for the Mozambique. Just as I get ready to leave the room Tavi’s voice is in my ears again, "enemy trap here." A quick glance tells me it's right outside the corner of my room, just before the stairs. "Thanks." I say before the line goes dead.
Sighing I walk out the other door and right into an enemy. The guy is stalky at best with no real discernible features due to the strange mask he wore. "Enemy attacking." I just barely shout into my coms before the guy lifts me off the ground by my neck. I grapple around trying to get my hands on one of my guns while simultaneously trying to land a kick on the male so he'll drop me. A rapid succession of fire and the guy drops me and falls down to shield himself with the knock down. 
Before I can register what happened I'm dragged back into the room I just left so I can regain my breath. I stand up just in time to see Tavi’s green trunks and bare back as he ducks out the door and back into the fights happening all around us. It's been months and he's still this cold to me? I don't think there's a chance to save any of this. I think to myself as I head back into the fray just in time to save him from getting a Mastiff shot to the back from Caustic. 
After the fighting finished off in Market we quickly moved to rotate to Pit in a quick succession of fights and little to no talking. Taking cover in the building near Pit we take a moment to breathe as I look at the feed. "Four squads left." I inform Octane, only to be met yet again with silence. At this point I can't hold it anymore.
"What the hell is wrong with you?!" I shouted, causing Tavi to jolt and spin so he was facing me. "We have one little fucking fight and you just up and leave me. No explanation, no chances to make things right, nothing. You left me in the damn rain to find my own way back all because you couldn't take what I was saying. Pathetic for the man who chooses to risk his life for people's entertainment-" Octane held up his hands and started to try and speak up "-no you've had your chance to speak, to try and make things right. This is my time to speak and you're going to stand there and fucking listen-" my rant gets cut off by a siren and bombs. Needing to get the anger out in a more constructive way (and to hide my frustrated tears)  I rushed out of the building and into the fray. 
I open fire at Gibraltar, my vision red and blood list rushing through my veins, I failed to hear Octane's warning or notice Rampart approaching with Sheila at the ready. The next thing I knew everything was black. 
Waking up I find myself in the medbay on the ship. I groaned and let my head fall back onto the pillow just as the door to the room opened. “Chica?” his familiar voice called out to me. I know that he knows I’m awake, but I honestly don’t feel like talking to him at the moment. “Go away Octavio.” I state as I turn onto my side facing away from the door. “Back to the first name, damn you must be really hurt.” in that sentence something inside me just snaps. Sitting up I turn and glare at the green haired devil “Hurt?” I questioned, “Hurt you say, I must be hurt?” I rhetorically asked again. “It’s not like my boyfriend had left me in a park absolutely confused as to if he broke up with me or not, all because he couldn’t stand what I was saying. Or could it be that AFTER all of that he gave me the cold shoulder for MONTHS with no reason, nothing, not even telling me if he just needed space for a while to sort things out. So, yeah, maybe just maybe I AM HURTING LIKE HELL.” I ranted. During the outburst I had unknowingly gotten up from the bed and stalked Tavi into a corner. Before either one of us could say something further, Ajay walked into the room. “I was just coming in to check up on (y/n), but since you’re here O we also need ta talk.” Ajay interjected into the tensed silence. 
As Ajay talked to Tavi, she checked out my injuries that were having some difficulties healing after the match. I just tuned them out wondering if the woman wrapping my torso with clean dressings will still be talking to the guy I’m avoiding for me to run back to my room or take him away with her so, I didn’t have to continue the inevitable conversation pertaining to the current strain in whatever relationship we have. I was silently praying to Bloodhound's old gods all the while. Once Ajay was finished with me, she stated that I had to stay in medbay until we got back to the compound. 
Once Ajay was gone I kept my eyes pointedly on my lap. “We really need to talk this out since you seem to be all in your head about it.” Before I could snap back Octane pushed forward not giving me an opportunity, “I know I stranded you there, but it was only momentarily. You were gone before I came back for you. Yes i didn't like what you were saying, was it the truth,” he shrugs noncommittally “maybe, I don't know for sure. Pops hasn't been answering any questions I ask about that night. When I got back to the compound everyone was telling me to give you space and that you'd come to me when you were ready. I wanted to apologize, completely out of character I know. I've been trying to figure out who I can trust and how much I can give back in return. What I learned is that I don't like fighting with you, nor do I like being able to talk to you or hold you. Do you think you could forgive me for my foolishness?” I decided to sit there and truly think over what Tavi said before replying, “I think it'll take more than just this and that we'll have to reestablish our trust in each other, eventually yes i think i can.”
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bunnysdaydreams · 10 months
Apex Legends find out Reader’s been cheated on
This one shot is gender neutral so everyone can enjoy
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Mirage (Elliott Witt)
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When Mirage sees you down in the dumps sitting in a booth all by yourself he goes over to you
He’s going to be worried because he knows you are always happy go lucky…even when you aren’t
When you tell him that you’ve been cheated on he doesn’t know what to do right away
He’s upset because your sad, but also angry because who hurt you
One part of him wants to find this guys’ house and egg it
And the other part wants him to stay and comfort you
So he does what he thinks is best
He makes you one mean drink and sits with you so you can vent to him
When you are decently drunk he asks you about where this douche bag lives…for later purposes
You tell him and then beg him not to do anything
Everyone knows that Mirage may be a funny and nice guy, but he wasn’t a legend for nothing
“Don’t worry kiddo, Mirage is here to save the day. Also I don’t want you to get sick so you’re only having that drink, ok?”
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Crypto (Taejoon Park)
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Crypto and you have this little habit, you go somewhere and he miraculously finds you
Well when he finds you today, he is a little shocked on why your eyes a blood shot red
When you tell him about your cheating lover that’s when his mood changes
Just because he’s under an alias doesn’t mean he isn’t an older brother
He immediately finds this person and threatens them, they won’t know who he is
Once he’s done he checks on you to make sure you’re not crying your heart out on someone like that
Once you’re calm he suggests watching some movies…that he totally pirated
Most are Studio Gibli movies, he definitely puts on Ponyo
For you
Totally not him
“I wouldn’t worry about that person any more. Off the grid is the only secure way to go”
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Octane (Octavio Silva)
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He doesn’t even need to know, to know what happened
Unlike Mirage, Octane lives for dares and stunts
He doesn’t need to be told twice to go and egg this annoyances house
Even better he live streams it to show everyone that this person could not be trusted
He also vandalizes their car and slashed the tires
Anyone who hurts you will have a problem with him
He might also take some selfies here and there to cheer you up
And even though you shouldn’t be happy, you couldn’t help but laugh
Afterwards he’ll run back to your place and have some drinks and snacks for the both of you
And maybe he snagged some good edibles cause he knows you
“Cheer up Amigó! I got the need for speed!”
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justheretop0st · 2 years
Be Safe
“Text me when you’re finished.”
“I will Muñeca. Just promise you’ll watch!”
“You know I always do. I love you!”
He was pulled away by the suit to even respond. But she knew it wasn’t totally that. He couldn’t wait to begin a game. Octavio Silva. Octane. Her Tesoro. She desperately wanted to join the games. To better understand his thrill just as he understood her hobbies.
But he insisted she not involve herself if that life. She was far to precious to him to watch her get hurt and ‘die’. So she didn’t. But she did watch every time. She cheered for him and his team. Plus, she would smile at the stunts he would pull in game. Just like the two would talk about about. She would pitch to him, and he would make it a reality.
Sometime during the after game interviews would she fall asleep on the sofa. It was a long day of cheering and snacking. It was only time to wait for a text. Her ringer was on and her phone close by. It didn’t take long for it to go off, and she was up in an instant. She checked and instead of a text, Octavio had called her.
For whatever reason, it must have been important because he never called. He texted. “Yes? Is everything ok?”
“Cálmete, Cálmete. Nothings wrong Muñeca. I just wanted to let you know that I’m on my way home.” There was a silence. She was still trying to wake up from her nap. It was difficult since she was startled awake from a call versus text. But she managed a small yawn and nodded. Despite him not being able to see her.
“Bien, Mi Rey. Be safe on your way home, text me and I’ll open the door for you. I watched your game. You did awesome!”
“Gracias, Mi Amor. Were you asleep?”
“Sí. But I am always ready to wake up, especially to welcome you home. Mi campeón!”
There was a sudden noise of ‘awes’ from his end. She was confused for a moment before her eyes fell to the television. A certain masked man was holding his phone to his chest in a vain attempt to mute her to his shushing. His hand waving to help quiet the crowd. “Octavio, do you have me on speaker?”
Though he was standing feet away from the camera and her television was small, she could see him freeze and begin to chuckle. “Oops, did I mean to press speaker?” The group around him laughed but he looked to the camera. Despite his googles and mask, she knew that it wasn’t a harmful joke. More likely, he wanted to show off how genuine she was.
And she had no problem with that. “Hello everyone. I hope you had a great viewing of the games! Now go enjoy the rest of the day! Non terrae plus ultra!” She giggled, listening to the small cheer. In the chaos she watched him bring the phone to his ear. A moment of privacy.
“I’ll be home soon, mi vida.”
“I’ll see you soon, mi amor. Be safe.”
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If you could, could you write a fic about Octane and (fem or gn) reader going to an arcade where he wins the reader a plushie from a claw machine then later proceeds to fuck her whilst she holds the plushie?
Sorry if this is too much. Feel free to ignore if you don't want to do it 💚
OOoOoOo naughty naughty… I love it 😈
I’m still not super experienced with writing smut so I’m sorry if it’s not what you wanted!
Warnings: smut obviously, swearing
Hermosa - Beautiful
Mi Vida - my life
Princesa - Princess
también te amo - I love you too
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Dating Octavio Silva is incredible. He’s never boring to say the least and he always takes you out on the best dates. This time it was another time at an arcade, a common date for the two of you but that didn’t make it less fun. You two played most of the night laughing and racking up those digital tickets to trade in later. You guys didn’t get to always go out, him being busy with the games and you not being a legend, so any time you guys could go out and do something you did. It was very rare that you stayed in and relaxed, which was perfectly fine for Octavio. After winning countless games and grand prizes you look over at your green haired lover and smiled. “Taaavi~” immediately his eyebrow quirked and he looked over at you, “yes, Princesa?” You looked at him and gestured over to the crane games, “think you could win me a prize to take home?” You gave him a playful pout and he laughed. “Just one?! I’d win you all of them!” He said confidently as he rushed over to the machines. “No!! Pick just one! The best one!” You laugh as you attempt to catch up to the speed demon. He groaned hearing you say you only wanted one, so now he was looking in each and every machine they had in this damn arcade finding you one.
After a few minutes of quickly looking he found one. It was a big soft bunny plush with extra long ears. He looked at you for approval and he got to work, it was a heavy one so it took a few turns to get it to grab right and lift it to the winning slot. Hearing the plop of it on the bottom he pulled your new buddy out and held it high. “Haha! I’m the best!” He announced, not that you could disagree. Octavio held the plush out of your reach and he looked at you. “What do we say hermosa~?” He asked with a purr in his voice. You blush and roll your eyes. “Thank you, Baby.” You cup one of his cheeks and place a sweet kiss on the other. You felt his smile grow, man did he adore you. You decided to be playful and leave a kiss on his neck before you pulled away, he gave you a smirk and you knew all too well. Looks like you were gonna show just how thankful you were when you got home.
Octavio in a playful rush to get going now was getting (more) restless. He grabbed your hand and asked “Ready to get out of here?” He wiggled his eyebrows and winked to really lay the message on thick. You laughed a bit and nodded. With that you two quickly made you way back to your place. It wasn’t immediately to sex, you two had some snacks or dinner and cleaned up for the evening, getting ready for bed. With the occasional tease from Octavio saying you were taking too long to get ready for bed. You had already placed your new bunny friend onto the bed, Octavio waiting for you with it in his hand.
When you walked in you saw Octavio shirtless, holding the bunny. He looked up at you with those eyes of his and he gestured for you to come close. “C’mere babygirl.” You felt the heat already rising in your core, when he wanted to he could get you going without even touching you. The mixture of not seeing him often and the fact he was so good in bed that got you excited. He bit his lip and his eyes are you up from head to toe. “Get undressed.” Without hesitation you strip, giving him a little show as you did so, soon enough you were in front of him with nothing on your body. You heard him growl lowly as he himself was getting excited just from the sight of you. He loved your body, the way it looked. Your imperfections that made you, you. Drove the man wild.
He grabbed your hip and tugged you close smashing his lips into yours, you immediately wrapping your arms around him and tangling your hands into his hair. It got hot quick, body temperature rising and the heavy breaths to accompany it. He flipped the two of you over, laying you down onto the bed. He kissed down your jaw and onto your neck, finding you special spots that drove you crazy, your soft moans and breathing telling him that he was nailing it. As he made his way down your body, leaving a trail of kisses and marks here and there, his hands beat him to his destination, touching your almost dripping core. He chuckled lowly, sounding almost victorious on how much he effected you. “My God you’re so wet for me, princesa. He spoke against your skin. His fingers slid inside you, massaging your walls and sending pleasure through every inch of your body. Moans escaped your lips and your breath hitched when you felt him speed up. We all know Octane has fat legs, that wasn’t the only thing that was incredibly fast. His fingers were much faster and he loved proving that to you.
With his fingers not even going full speed you felt your climax coming quickly and you felt it shot through your body as he finger fucked your through your first hard orgasm. He only added his tongue after you were over that hill, not letting up on his pace. It was so much but you both had a love for overstimulation. You moaned through it and you instinctually went to grab something to muffle your lewd noises, you grabbed the bunny he just won you. You hugged it close and moaned into it’s fur. It didn’t take long for you to get to a second, leaving a mess on his tongue and fingers. He pulled away, a trail of cum connected from his lips to you. He wiped his mouth and smirked seeing how dazed you already were.
He finally undressed himself, revealing his hard, leaking dick “You ready for me?” It was mostly telling you he was about to get started for real but wanted to warn you.
You felt your wrists get grabbed and pulled you up, he grabbed that bunny from your hands. “Wrists together now.” He commanded and you look at him confused, complying. He took the bunny’s ears and tied your hands together. Making you hold it close. He pushed you back down to the bed and lifted your legs, inserting himself in slowly, a pleasured groan leaving his throat. “Fuck…” He breathed out, clutching your thighs as you wrapped around him, ready for the ride about to come. After a couple of slow thrust the man didn’t take long to go an insane pace. It was like he was a machine with just how fast he could go, yes his legs helped but from you could tell, Octavio was always this way, just had a little boost now.
Pornographic sounds being absorbed by the walls from the both of you, the new bunny friend getting the best seat in the house, your moans being muddled still by its fur, biting onto its arms or head to help with the intense pleasure being given to you. Nails most definitely being clawed into the poor thing. Octavio was getting drunk off the sight of this alone, the prize he had won you not even an hour ago was being used to hide your filthy noises paired with your eyes rolling back from what he was doing to your soaked pussy. It got him so excited, he didn’t need his stun to get an extra boost of speed, that image was plenty. With this new pace you couldn’t keep still, your body was moving on its own to back away from the overwhelming pleasure building up within you. The tip of his dick kissing your cervix at such a rapid pace would be the death of you.
“T-Tavi-!! I-I.. I’m gonna-!” You could hardly get words to properly form, he kept this pace up, grunting and groaning as he saw your body be filled with euphoria as you had yet another orgasm, cumming hard. It was so much that you squirted, you didn’t know you could do that. Making a mess all over his dick he kept pace, riding this orgasm out with you. “Shit- yeah I’m gonna cum baby, you feel so fuckin good.” He had a trail of curses in Spanish as he finally reached his climax, pulling out of you and making a mess all over your body just to return the favor you gave him.
Both of you panting, getting air back into your lungs seemed to be a chore currently but it was so worth it. You felt high, you hadn’t ever felt that good before. This feeling was addicting, “oh my god Tavi… that was…” you said between breaths. “Fucking awesome?!” He plopped beside you and laughed. “That was amazing Mi Vida, I didn’t think you could make that big of a mess.” He chuckled and he looked over at you and then to the bunny, untying your hands. “Whenever you look at that guy I want you to remember this~ just so you can miss me more.” He winked and you blushed a bit because that’s exactly what you would do. But only it wouldn’t just make you kiss him, you’re gonna crave him. You playfully hit the speedster and roll onto your side to face him, ignoring the obvious mess on the bedsheets.
“I love you Tavi.”
“también te amo, y/n”
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vip3r-r · 2 months
Since asks are open, how about octane cuddle hc's? Would he be the small or big spoon? Etc.. :3
Warning— non, probably bad spelling because I didn’t double check, cuddling HC with slight sleeping HC
To be honest with you, he probably won’t like cuddles…
But who makes anything significantly close to canon in here
He would enjoy it
But not all the time, only times when he feels like it, or when you convince him. Remember he likes to keep moving, but there’s days he doesn’t want to do that, then he would love to cuddle with you
Holding you, feeling your body and remembering this isn’t fake, how a real person actually liked him LIKED HIM and tolerated him enough to stay
Octane would definitely be a switch
Like I said a big spoon would definitely be top, feeling you and just holding you, telling you about his day and his reckless actions, while he plays with you hair
But something he likes being the one being held
Just hugging you and enjoying your voice as he enjoys how your hands just travel around his body trying to relax him, tracing every scar as you tell him how fun, stressful or even boring day you had, how you would like to try a new recipe of a new art technique, maybe you found a new and more complicated way of crocheting and how hard it was to learn it, hell he wouldn’t even care if you tell him about that nice looking rock you found while going to get the mail.
Being held by you reminds him that he has someone that is willing to be there with him…
And his robotic legs are OUT like that’s how comfy he will get
Anyway that’s the rare occasion of him letting you cuddle him, for now it’s only when you two sleep (If he even lets you hold him… he probably sleeps all weird)
He would probably AND DEFINITELY make you move cuz bro would probably be all spread out
Not to be spicy but he would like to kiss your face all the way to your neck before passing out there and snoring
There’s time he just forget to take off his equipment so you have to do that for him
LOVES to show you some of the clips he got from the game that day and show you how cool he was killing mirage
At first we wouldn’t wait for you, just straight up falling asleep as you get ready to go to sleep
But after a while he would just wait (just a little longer, if you take longer than usual he would fall asleep waiting) because he wants to hold you and feel you while he goes to sleep
Then after another while he won’t wait once again, knowing you’ll be there next to him soon
Oop sorry I put some sleeping hc by accident tehe
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babiebomsmasterlist · 4 months
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For all your Apex needs!
Would I give them Head?
Reader insert Fics
Fics with Ocs
Character Fics
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amourlyns · 2 years
⠀ 「 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞. 」
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⠀ ━━ 🌷 💕
✦ 𝗦𝗨𝗠𝗠𝗔𝗥𝗬 ⨟⠀ You haven’t talked in so long, you thought he’d put you in the past by now
✦ 𝗣𝗔𝗜𝗥𝗜𝗡𝗚 ⨟⠀Octavio 〞Octane 〞Silva + fem!reader
✦ 𝗔𝗨𝗧𝗛𝗢𝗥𝗦 𝗡𝗢𝗧𝗘 ⨟⠀Part two of one ➜       masterlist
✦ 𝗪𝗔𝗥𝗡𝗜𝗡𝗚𝗦 ⨟⠀ Suggestive commentary Alcohol Vomiting
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⠀ ★ ⠀ | ITS BEEN TWO WEEKS SINCE YOU’VE seen Octane and yes, you have been counting the days. surprise, surprise! how the hell can he waltz into your life again and ghost you after? God. He’s infuriating
So, instead of texting him back like any normal person would you decided to go clubbing, clubbing at the very club his fans said he would go to actually— you were going to confront this man, whether or not he likes it.
It was odd y’know? the club he decided to show up at was the very same club you met him in, it must’ve been a coincidence— but you couldn’t help but reminisce let’s not for get that reminiscing got you in this predicament in the first place.
You push through crowds of dancing bodies, there’s nothing but weed, drugs and sweat. All of octanes favorite things another thing was you his stem. The air is thick heavy with intoxication, the smell seems to haze your mind. The smell of tequila floods your nostrils— good gods these people could drink. But hey, this is the party scene of Solace in what would you expect?
Time goes by fast— somehow you ended up taking a few shots, because who can say no to such persuasive party goers? one turned to two and two turned to five. By now you were drunk, damn that tequila was strong! A kind fellow lead you towards the couches, urging that you’d take a few moments to rest and collect your thoughts. Words slur but he can tell you mean well as you say 〞 thank you. 〞
You ended up passing out, about four hours passed and it was three fourty two a.m, the party was still going on for some reason and despite this you still haven’t found Octane, and to add on to that your head was pounding. You take a few seconds to close your eyes but the caving of the seat to your side causes you to open them slightly, gazing at the stranger who decided to sit right besides you.
❛ Damn chica, didn’t think you’d still have that party animal in you. What are you even doing here? ❜ something about his loud, obnoxious voice wasn’t mixing too well with your excruciating headache, it’s funny because he gives you some medication for the pain, along with some water. He reads you like a book. All he does is smirk, watching you that same look again from two weeks ago. That adoration
You take the medication, making no intention to talk to the legend, instead you stand up making a b—line to the nearest exit. Octane is still sat down, watching you with a small smirk.. What is he laughing at? Oh— fuck.
You must’ve stood up too fast, the world starts spinning again and you run to the nearest toilet. Thankfully, you still remember the layout of the club like the back of your hand. He follows you, holding back your hair as you vomit. A gloved hand rests against your stomach, drawing soothing circles on heated skin.
You whisper a small thanks, wiping off the remaining residue from the corner of your mouth. A small shiver runs down your spine at the touch, you respond with pushing back the daredevil. A frustrated huff escapes your lips as you gaze at his dopey smile.. why did he mess around with you like this? coming here was a horrible idea!! You should’ve left hours ago—
❛ What’s with the long face? And, that hurt my feelings by the way, I held back your hair!! ❜ Octavio utters, now you feel even dumber and sorta pissed? Why is he such a dumbass? ❛ I came here to find your ass because you wouldn’t answer any of my texts! Who the hell kisses someone like that and just leave like that Octavio—? stop running away from me dammit. ❜
It all just slips out, all those feelings you had bottled up for the past two weeks. His expression softens, brows furrow and lips contort into a pout. Is he sorry?.. He doesn’t say a word when he leads you out the bathroom.
Octane is always on the go, you could hardly keep up with this pace, he’s dodging and weaving party goers and you’re stumbling over your feet! He really was on a mission wasn’t he?..
You ended up at your place, he offered you a ride and you couldn’t find it in you to say no to him Tavi opens the door for you as stumble in, he follows your tail soon after, a firm grip is on your waist. He steadies you to a halt, you’re confused at first— what did he want? But then he holds you, carrying you bridal style to your bed. He lays you down placing a small kiss on your forehead.. just like that one night
❛ Fuck chica.. you know I’m not good with words— so just let me talk for a second ok? Un momento. ❜ you couldn’t even process what he was saying to you, the only thing that caught your attention was the way held you, must’ve been serious about this— And he was you could see it in his expression, the way he searches your face for any displeasure… he was sweet.
❛ I got scared ok?! I didn’t know what to do or say, so I left. it’s what I’m best at aye? What do you think these legs are for bebecita!.. ❜ a pointed look. ❛ Right, right bad joke—sorry not sorry. Mierda, I wasn’t expecting to see you at the party tonight and Che would’ve told me to fix my mistake and talk to so now I’m here. In your bed. Talking to you. I texted you up that night because I missed your face, your voice.. tú eras el paquete completo, mamá. ❜
He felt like this the whole time..? why didn’t he— you’re stopped before you can finish your mental rant. Octavio kisses you, and damn he’s good you almost forgot how good he was you kiss back with the same amount of vigor, this was good right? You both got the happy ending you wanted.
❛ I missed you. ❜
❛ Me too tavi. ❜ now that answered your question.
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r-ando-m-w-rite-r · 1 year
El Español Me Excita
-Hey, it's me and my shitty posts again
-Octane x reader
-Flirting, sex, fluff, oral, that type of stuff
-So the reader and Octavio are pretty much speaking Spanish the whole time, but don’t worry; I italicized the Spanish words and translated their meanings. The translation to English should be in bold behind the sentence. It’s really not hard. 
-Look up the title if you’re curious, it’s just Spanish
-I’m posting this w/o proof-reading since I’ve been at it for three and a half hours, so sorry for grammar mistakes
You sighed as the music in the bar started up again and the disco lights turned on. Elliot came over the speakers just then, “Alright you party animals! Time for some slow beats to end the night. Hope you enjoyed the drinks and be sure to join me at Paradise Lounge tomorrow night!” 
With that, the man got off the microphone, and a bunch of drunk, half-assed cheers went up before it fell quiet again, despite the muffled convos.
Raising your martini glass to your lips, you took a sip, swishing the bitter-sweet alcohol around in your mouth. Your mini dress felt tighter than ever, and you used a finger to pull at your chest line. 
Whether it was the humidity of the bar or the fact you were semi-drunk, you weren’t sure, but you were itching to get out of here. But you were still waiting on your friend.
Glancing over your shoulder and away from the table you were sitting at, you located her. She was sitting on some burly guy’s lap, chatting away with the people sitting around the table, eyes half-lidded. She was drunk, you could tell. 
There were shot glasses strewn out across the table, some still half full, and you managed to spot at least three marijuana bowls amongst the mess. You knew Stacey was a social butterfly, but getting into a crowd of druggies was beyond her.
You didn’t feel like getting up to go over and get her, though. She would probably get mad that you ruined her chances of getting laid for the first time in months, anyway. If anything, you wanted another drink. 
Looking down at your glass, you realized you had subconsciously been sipping away at it for the last minute or so, completely downing it. Frowning to yourself, you stood, legs a little wobbly and head a little light. Placing your glass on the table and stabilizing yourself with the piece of furniture, you finally pushed off, ready to take a shot at walking.
Your table was tucked beside the restrooms, so as you were crossing its entrance you didn’t see the man exiting. Before you knew it, you were on the ground, having collided with him. You hadn’t felt it, but your eyes opened a little in shock as you scrambled to tug your dress back down over your privates. 
“Oh shit, my bad chica!” the man above you exclaimed. Spanish? The language was your second since your father had come from a Mexican bloodline. A hand reached down, sliding into your vision, and you looked up.
The man, who really looked more like a boy, who you had run into was holding his hand down, a genuinely concerned look on his face. He wore gray sweats and a black t-shirt that clung tightly to his body, revealing a small set of abs. 
Looking farther up and into his face, you noticed his hair, which was cut short back and sides and dyed a bright green. His face was heart-shaped, a slight amount of stubble sticking from his chin, and his eyes were green. They sparkled, putting you in a slight trance. He was cute.
You watched as his furrowed eyebrows lifted and he flashed you a toothy grin. “Like what you see, hermosa?” ‘Beautiful.’ he said as you snapped your eyes away from his. 
Taking his hand, he pulled you to your feet in one motion. Not expecting it, you flew forward and he caught you in his arms. They were strong, veins slinking their way across his prominent muscles as he flexed them. 
Taking a deep breath and muttering to yourself, you replied, “Not so bad yourself, galán.” ‘Handsome.’ As he helped you balance your weight on your two feet once more, you caught him staring at you curiously. 
“Ah, ¿hablas español?” ‘You speak Spanish?’ he questioned. You glanced at the bar once before reaching out and taking his hand, leading him back to your table quickly. As much as you craved another drink, this guy was far more interesting than another martini.
“Un poco.” ‘A little.’ you shrugged, letting go of him as you motioned for him to take a seat across from you. He obliged, sitting and leaning back in the four-legged chair. 
“Name’s Octavio, ¿y tú?” ‘And you?’ he said, running a hand through his hair. It rippled and bent to his touch, and you could only imagine how soft his locks must be.
“Y/n, ¿Qué te trae por aquí?” ‘What brings you here?’ you asked, placing your elbows on the table and cupping your chin with both hands.
Leaning forward, you felt yourself engaged in his words as he smiled and replied. It was probably just your drunk mind at work making this small interaction seem entertaining, but you found the guy interesting, as it was the first time you had run into a fellow Spanish speaker in a long while. Plus, he was cute.
“... Y estaba aburrido después del juego, así que vine aquí.” ‘...and I was bored after the Games, so I came here.’ He finished what he was saying and paused, staring at you for a moment before continuing. 
“Sabes, yo también estaba un poco solo.” ‘You know, I was a little lonely, too.’ You blushed at this, quickly leaning back into your chair and looking away.
“La misma aquí.” ‘Same here.’ you whispered, but he must’ve heard, because he responded quickly.
“¿En realidad? ¿Una chica tan bonita como tú, sola?” ‘Really? Such a pretty girl like you, alone?’ he blurted, faking astonishment. You bashfully looked up at him, returning the smile he was giving you. 
You watched, however, as his eyes lowered a little before snapping back up to yours. “Y ese vestido te queda tan bien…” ‘And that dress looks so good on you…’ he said, lowering his voice a little. You couldn’t help but purr at his compliment. 
“Sabes cómo halagar.” ‘You know how to flirt.’ you said slyly, batting your eyelashes in a comical way. He tilted his head back, laughing. 
“Es lo que mejor hago.” ‘’Tis what I do best.’ he said after regaining himself and wiping a tear from his eye. He was one that was easy to entertain. 
You couldn’t help but wonder how far he would be willing to let you go before he caved in to his desires, like any man looking to hook up at a bar wishes upon.
As if right on cue, you saw his eyelids lower ever so slightly. “Es curioso, tengo una cama grande y cómoda en mi apartamento, vacía.” ‘It's funny, I have a big and comfy bed in my apartment, empty.’ he started. 
He paused and you saw his tongue dart in and out of his mouth to wet his lips, which were probably dry. You already knew where this was going, and you were more than ready to go. “¿Quiero salir de aquí?” ‘Wanna get out of here?’
You didn’t respond, instead pushing your chair out from beneath you and standing. He followed suit, and he wrapped his arm around your waist, probably lower than necessary. 
As the two of you made your way to the exit, you noticed Stacey and the man she had been sitting on were both gone. The other people were still there, though, blowing on their bowls. Two conclusions came to you, either she was getting laid or smoking pot. You didn’t care; the only thing you could think about was getting back to this guy’s apartment.
The door shut softly behind you, but before you could even register your surroundings, you were rammed up against the wall. Your sudden moans of arousal were smothered by his kiss, and he was quick to force his tongue into your mouth. 
As he explored above, you also felt it below. His hand trailed down your stomach and near your abdomen. Placing his free hand above you to brace himself, he exhaled through his nose and into your face.
Your legs were smashed together, but after a quick tap on the thigh, you parted them for him. Reaching up, he rubbed through your lacy underwear, your pre-cum already soaked through the fabric. Your messy moans were finally let out as he pulled away, moving to your neck. 
He pressed his lips passionately to your flesh as his fingers pulled aside the barrier keeping you from him. Pushing his fingers upward, squelching was heard.
He was an expert, you could tell. Fingers don’t lie. He nibbled on the spot above your jugular, and you squirmed, whining. He used his thumb to caress the skin above your vagina as the rest of his hand twisted inside you. It felt amazing. 
He withdrew suddenly, crouching down in front of you. Pushing away the bottom edge of your dress, he leaned forward, running his tongue up and down your pussy.
You moaned even harder, one of your hands falling to his shoulder and gripping it, the other grabbing onto the back of his head and yanking at his hair. You had been right, his hair was softer than anything you had felt before. 
This just persuaded him to go faster. He began pumping into you, starting with just one finger. “M-more…” you whimpered, but he didn’t listen. “More, oh..gosh, please~!” He ignored you. “Ah, mmh, ¡más!” ‘More!’ you shouted out as a last resort.
It was then you felt him add another finger, and you cried out at the sudden change of speed. He sped up his tempo, now playing with your clit. You weren’t sure how much longer you were going to last. 
Through the pleasure, a burning pain ripped through your stomach, and you shouted out, “Tavi, I’m gonna-!” Too late. Your cum erupted from beneath you, and you let out a loud moan as the pressure within your stomach dispersed.
You whimpered a little as he licked the remaining mess off of you before he stood. You watched as he raised up his two fingers, coated in your liquids, and sucked them clean. 
“Sabes bien.” ‘You taste good.’ he said, gazing at you. You had heard that multiple times from multiple men in the past who had had sex with, but hearing it from him was different. Spanish turned you on, whether you believed it or not.
You looked down and quickly noticed the tent in his pants. Using this to your advantage, you reached down, palming his erection. You listened to him moan, and it was by far one of the sexiest things you had ever heard. Quickly yanking down his sweats and boxers underneath, you watched as his cock busted out. 
He was big. His length was impressive but also swollen, and pre-cum was leaking from his tip. Despite the urge to do so, you didn’t really know how to do oral very well, and you definitely weren’t going to test anything on him. Instead, you began running your hand up and down his erect member, making sure to hit his balls every time. 
He was letting out unholy sounds as you did this, and when you sped up, so did his moans. You pressed your mouth against his, muffling him. He took this as an opportunity to let out his sexual tension by shoving his tongue into your mouth again. You let out a moan, matching his, as you continued running up and down his cock. 
One of his hands was beside your head, bracing himself against the wall. The other reached up to cup your cheek. His touch was so gentle for such a rough moment, and you couldn’t help but lean into it.
After a second more, he pulled away, and you stopped your hand’s movements. He quickly grabbed his still-erect penis with the hand that was not bracing himself against the wall. You watched as he moved his length underneath your dress, and you felt him line it up with your entrance. 
“Y/n..” You were looking down, but when he said your name, you looked up and into his eyes. 
They shone like two emeralds being reflected upon by light. He was so handsome. “Mi amor..” ‘My love..’ he purred out. You hummed in response, butterflies bubbling up in your stomach as he said this. 
“Dime si voy demasiado rápido. Quiero que estés cómodo.” ‘Tell me if I’m going too fast. I want you to be comfortable.’ He said this in a hesitant but serious way, as if he had bad past experiences. His gaze held warmth and care as he stared at you like no other man had before, lovingly. 
Your voice lodged in your throat. “¿De acuerdo?” ‘Ok?’ he asked. When you didn’t respond, instead staring at him with glazed-over eyes, his voice hinted at concern. “¿De acue-”
“Vale.” ‘Okay.’ you whispered. You loved this man so much, you just didn’t know how to express it. At least, not right now. He nodded to you before taking a deep breath and pushing in. You let out a small whine as he did so, despite him only pushing half of his length in.
“Shh, shhh. Está bien mi amor, todo está bien.” ‘Shh, shhh. It's okay my love, everything is okay.’ he muttered into your ear. You could tell he was trying to not moan out himself as he thrusted in again, this time putting in more. 
A moan emerged from the back of your throat, and he quickened his pace a little. You reached up, resting a hand on his head and weaving your fingers through his hair. It comforted you while he pleased you.
He let out a groan himself as he began pushing deeper and faster, and every now and then, you could feel his balls hitting your bare skin. Your breathing sped up with the tempo of his thrusting and your caresses followed suit. 
He was sweating at this point, beads of perspiration dotting his forehead. He was balls deep every time now, and you could feel his tip poking at your insides when he went in.
“Maldita sea, eres tan apretado.” ‘Damn, you’re so tight.’ he gasped out. He was right; your walls were closing in around his cock with each time he entered you. 
Your moaning increased every time he hit a certain spot, and he quickly figured out where it was because he was now hitting it with every thrust. You could tell he was getting closer, both by the way his face was contorting and how his cock was twitching.
“Te amo…” ‘I-I love you…’ you managed to muster out between him pushing his throbbing member in and out of you. He sped up even faster when you said this, and you became so loud that his neighbors had to have heard it by now if they hadn’t already.
“Ah, me voy a correr…” ‘Ah, I’m gonna cum…’ he said in an uneven voice. He immediately moaned over yours, and you felt him release his juices into you. His seed was thick, unlike most you had experienced before, and you took the sensation in. 
After he had released everything, he pulled out, both you and his liquids dripping to the floor. You looked up into his face, and he gazed back. You both took each other in with loving stares.
Exhaustion hit you like a brick just then and you fell into his arms. He caught you, despite him panting like a dog and probably just as tired as you. However, he was quick to lift you up in his arms and carry you through his apartment, pushing through a door and into what was most likely his room. 
Laying you down and placing your head on a pillow, he gently slipped off your now-messy dress along with your soaked undergarments. Air hit your bare body, and while it cooled off your overheated body, it also had you shivering within seconds.
He had been right, his bed was comfy. You had closed your eyes, letting your tired and half-drunk state take the best of you. He was doing something behind you, but he soon crawled into the bed and laid down beside you. 
Wrapping his arms around your bare torso, he pulled you up against his chest and covered you both in a heavy comforter. His skin rubbed against yours, his abs pressing into the small of your back. It was comforting.
“Mi amor…” ‘My love…’ you whispered into darkness.
“Si mi querida.” ‘Yes my darling?’ he muttered sleepily into your ear. His voice being so close in such silence gave you goosebumps.
“¿Es esto?” ‘Is this it?’ you said, your voice wavering ever so slightly. You couldn’t help it. You were afraid that this occurrence was just a one night stand. That when you woke up you would promptly be escorted to your apartment, to which you would never see Octavio again. The prospect frightened you. 
“Y/n, oh, Y/n..” he said in a drawling voice. “¿Por qué te dejaría? ¿Por que tienes miedo? Te amo, me amas, el fin.” ‘Why would I leave you? Why are you afraid? I love you, you love me, the end.’ he stated into your ear before reaching up and running his hand through your hair softly. You couldn’t help but smile at his simplicity before taking in his words. So he really did love you? It warmed your heart to hear this.
“Pues bien, buenas noches mi amado.” ‘Well then, goodnight my beloved.’ you murmured to your newfound lover.
“Buenas noches mi querida.” ‘Good night my cherished.’
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