#of the countdown timer saying 00:00:00….
ectogeranium · 1 year
I might just be having an episode, but I’m currently figuring out the tattoos I want, and the placements >:3
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#who needs therapy when you can finally figure out how you wanna ink your body??#okay.. so… here’s what I’m thinking#I still want Eddie Munson’s bat tattoo on my left arm#that’s a given#symmetrical soul eater moons on both sides of my collarbone#like… I can’t explain the area well but like.. underneath the bone and towards my shoulder?#idk if I’m explaining that right hgyjhhkuhkj#I want asura’s eyes in the middle of my collarbone#(yes ive hears how painful chest tats are. do I care? I might. but I don’t :3 )#**heard#let’s see… I know I want a death the kid skull somewhere. I’ve considered it behind my ear but ehhhhhhhh idk on that one yet#hear me out… Midas from fortnite has this one tattoo of a skull with flowers and horns#HEAR ME OUT…. I ALSO want an unus annus tattoo on my left wrist….#of the countdown timer saying 00:00:00….#……what if I combined the two and put the zeros on the skull’s head and replaced the roses with lilies ??? 👀👀👀#…I need to draw that hold on—#anyways#Spyro tattoo. I found art of a super cute ps1 styled Spyro head w sparx and if I ever have the balls to get it I’m gonna dm the artist#and ask if I can get it done#here’s the thing tho.. I don’t want colored tattoos.. and the Spyro ones are obviously colored… I’ll cross that bridge as I get closer—#I wanna get a matching one with Taty but we don’t know what we want yet#and about the symmetrical moons… I don’t want that ugly ass sun on my body jygjhbhjb#so…. two moons :3#n e ways#that’s all I got so far. mwah
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queenburd · 1 year
“Right,” the narrator says, voice unwavering, “you ready?”
Stanley nods. The hand in his squeezes, and then lets go. He approaches the two buttons carefully. Behind him, the narrator clears his throat, and speaks his line.
“And when at last he found the source of the room's power, he knew it was his duty, his obligation, to put an end to this horrible place and to everything it stood for.”
His performance is as strong as ever. Stanley inhales deeply to brace himself.
Then he slams the ON button, turns, and runs.
The fellow is only a few steps behind him, and he breathes out, “Oh Stanley, you didn't just activate the controls, did you?” before he drops the rest. There’s little time for him to speak, of course—the game is afoot.
They’ve been trying to beat this game for so many runs now that it’s nearly muscle memory. Stanley runs to the four computer screens and his friend to the other side of the control room, to the monitor under the painted numbers 0521. The screens display nothing until the countdown properly starts, but it’s a matter of getting to their places.
God, Stanley is so glad he convinced his friend to do this. It’s such a thrill, every time, it gets his heart racing every time they get closer to the solution. To beating the mini game the narrator has made just for him.
It feels like ages ago now that the fellow finally grinned at him (grinned! With his face!) and told him, “well, go on then, see how far you can get”. Delight had painted the narrator’s features as he stood at the top of the stairs by the double doors and monologued while his protagonist ran about the room, slamming buttons to try to make sense out of what was usually senseless.
These buttons were never supposed to do anything, but he can’t resist indulging Stanley. He’s a pushover. Stanley loves him.
Now the fellow shouts a series of colors, and Stanley presses the buttons of the four monitors in that order. The screens flash, then a green check mark appears on them as they chime. Step one, done.
The both of them move in sync. This was the hardest part, this part took the most trial and error. Each monitor in the room displays a number in a certain color. The numbered button has to be hit in the same moment that the colored button attached to the monitor’s console is hit. It is a team effort that requires a lot of movement, a lot of back and forth on both parts as they each work to resolve the monitors closest to the numbers they stand near.
This game can only be beaten in co-op. It needs two people to even get close to success. And it requires luck, too. A good amount of luck.
He presses the heel of his palm into a green button at the same moment the narrator pushes the number 2 flush. The monitor chimes, goes black. Somewhere in the room, a monitor displaying a battery lights up, the display either charged or partially charged.
His heart is racing. They’ve gotten a little over half of the monitors done, and the timer has just gone back to 1:47:00. This is a good run, Stanley can feel it in his bones. They’re going to manage it this time.
They’ve gotten so close in the past. So, so frustratingly close. It’s usually the damn number 4 that trips them up, high up on the stairwell hard to get to. They try to leave it for last and if they have to, they use the big red button in the console up front to reset the remaining monitors. The less times they have to hit the number 4, the better.
How many times have the pair of them tried to beat this game, now? He would wonder if they’ve hit the triple digits yet, if he wasn’t so preoccupied.
It’s been enough times that they can’t do their attempts consecutively anymore. They have to take breaks, they can only do this ending so many times before the frustration builds to a point where they start getting snippy with each other. When that happens they would stop and put the game aside, do something else. A normal run, a familiar ending, something to ease the tension.
Forty-eight seconds left. Which technically means only eighteen—once the clock hits thirty seconds again all the monitors will change to “GOODBYE EMPLOYEE 427” and it won’t matter anymore. They’re cutting it really, really close—there’s two monitors left and they both display a 4. Do they opt to reset the button and risk the new displays showing numbers far from where they stand, or try to bolt up the stairwell?
A choice like this would make the narrator freeze up—has in the past. Has cost them the game. So now Stanley points to the big red button that the fellow is close to, a command he follows without hesitation. He slams it down
RNJesus is on their side. A blue number 1, and a pink number 3. It’s perfect.
Forty-three seconds. The narrator smacks the number 1 as Stanley jams the pads of his fingers into the blue button. He bolts to the number 3 and the narrator nearly trips on his way to the monitor while the building shakes. Thirty-seven seconds.
Two buttons press in sync. All the monitors display the green check mark. The battery displays are all fully charged. Thirty-three seconds. The narrator, out of breath, hauls himself to the standing console that requests he attempt a power surge. The blue screen lights up his face.
At thirty-one seconds and all steps completed, Stanley smashes his palm into the power button on the failsafe monitor.
The room goes completely dark. The monitor has gone black. Not even the lights in the center pit are on.
And then the massive countdown screen displays a new message.
The monitors all light up with the same display:
They’ve done it.
The lights come back on as one. In the pit under the catwalks, the rim lights are an oscillation of green and white. Overhead, a new song plays, celebratory and triumphant.
Stanley whoops. The narrator is howling with joy, fists thrown in the air where he stands by the console.
“Yes! YES! Woo! We did it! We did it!”
God, Stanley wants to howl with delight. He wants to run laps, he wants to spin in circles until he’s dizzy.
He runs from where he stands by the failsafe button, to where the narrator is fist-pumping the air triumphantly. The fellow laughs madly with joy when Stanley scoops him up in a bear hug, lifting and spinning him in the air like he’s light as a feather.
God, Stanley is on top of the world. He could do anything right now. His narrator’s arms are around his neck and he’s laughing in his ear, that wild laugh where he’s just so bloody proud.
There is so much joy in Stanley’s chest. He spins his narrator again, feeling how he laughs, and then Stanley tilts his head up and kisses him.
The narrator’s mouth is warm, open, jaw loose. Stanley closes his eyes and feels how that lower lip gives. He lets the world fall away.
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There’s a little noise against his mouth, startled. The jaw goes tense, the body in his arms stiff—but even as he registers it and the fight or flight instincts kick in, pulling him back, the narrator makes another noise and relaxes again, mouth chasing his. There’s no chance for disconnect.
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The slightest of head tilts—then they’re even closer. His nose presses into the skin of a cheek. The mouth against his parts and lets him in. There is a hand in his hair.
Stanley doesn’t need to breathe, which is good, because he could do this forever; but he eventually pulls back for air anyway. He opens his eyes, mouth open while he pants.
The narrator blinks at him, looking dazed. His eyes are lidded, like he’s just opened them to try to seek out why Stanley stopped. His mouth is pink. So are his cheeks. He’s fucking gorgeous, lips parted, hand sliding from Stanley’s shoulder to press the tips of his fingers to that kiss-swollen lower lip.
Stanley looks at him, beautiful and breathless and speechless—and then finally registers just what the hell he’s done.
Why did he do that. Why did he do that.
He shouldn’t have done that, why did he do that, why couldn’t he control himself? Why is he like this? Why doesn’t he think, why is he so stupid?
The narrator’s not like him, he’s overstepped, he’s so stupid, just Stupid Stanley, who just kissed his only friend like an idiot, who’s ruined everyth—
The narrator’s hands press to his cheeks and then that mouth is back on his.
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It’s sloppy. It’s rough. There’s the brush of teeth and a pair of glasses press into his nose, but even as he thinks it the narrator tries to correct, softening the force and adjusting the angle. Stanley sees the squeeze of the narrator’s eyes shut tight, before his own slide shut again.
Oh. Right. Yes. This is why. This is right.
He kisses back, hand finding a cheek. The narrator kisses him with a startling desperation, like he might never get the chance again.
This time, when they pull away, it is the narrator’s turn to look anxious.
“Was—was that alright? I didn’t, I didn’t know what to do, you were panicking, and I just—oh, did I do it wrong? I shouldn’t have presumed, I—“
Stanley cups his cheek, thumb stroking the skin there. The third kiss is slower. There’s intent behind it. Certainty. It’s a much softer thing, it feels like comfort.
The narrator makes that noise again, something like a relieved moan. That’s it, sweetheart. There we are.
Stanley’s heart is slowing. There’s a hand on his chest, his fingers are on the narrator’s hip, and they kiss and kiss like it’s the most natural thing in the world. Like they were made for just this.
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When they finally part, he doesn’t go far. He presses his forehead to his narrator’s, his eyes closed, and the fellow is content to be held. Their noses brush. They fit.
The triumphant music has long since ended, the silence creeping in around them. Stanley finds he is content with it. His eyes stay closed even when the narrator finally finds his voice.
“Could we…. Stanley, could we have been doing that this whole time?!”
He snorts, the upset and outrage in the fellow’s voice utterly shattering the quiet peace of the moment and surprising a laugh out of Stanley. His face breaks into a grin as he laughs, pressing his forehead harder against his friend’s.
“I can’t believe you’ve been letting me go on about this story and its themes and these damn buttons when this entire time—Stanley, stop laughing, I’m serious!”
He nearly doubles over with the fit of giggles. As it is he presses his face into the narrator’s collar, knit acrylic on his cheek, and laughs so hard it hurts.
“Unbelievable! Utterly ridiculous, I’m here bemoaning all the time lost and here you are, laughing like a lunatic and not kissing me!!”
He throws his head back and laughs and laughs and laughs.
He loves this bastard. Really, he does. They’ve never put it in so many words, but he’s loved him for years now and he knows—well—he shouldn’t assume, but he’s pretty certain—
“Yes, yes, I’m in love with an idiot man who has me in his arms and is fully capable of expressing his adoration of me and yet is choosing to laugh instead of fixing his mouth back onto mine where it should go,” the fellow huffs, trying to sound stern and offended and not at all like he just told Stanley an open secret.
Stanley lifts his head from the fellow’s shoulder, grinning, an eyebrow raised in challenge. Why does Stanley have to be the one to fix the problem, hm? If the narrator is so upset, then he should do something to fix the situation.
The face he’s met with has been painted with irritation, but now it shifts to surprise, the narrator’s cheeks flushing all the way to his ears. Surprise and uncertainty, his eyes wide and darting away from Stanley’s face. He mumbles something that the protagonist might have missed if he wasn’t mere inches away.
“M’not as good at it as you are. Obviously.”
Oh, sweetheart. His sweetheart. Stanley presses both his palms to the narrator’s jawline with tenderness, and gives him what he wants.
It takes practice, he thinks. Not that Stanley has had more of it, but he’s had longer to know how his body moves and his mouth works. He’ll teach him. He’ll teach the narrator whatever he wants.
The narrator wraps a hand around his wrist but does not pull him away. A hum purrs in his chest. Stanley loves him so very much.
This is a shorter kiss, but Stanley follows it up with a peck on the mouth and then a peck on the cheek. Okay, okay, if they keep this up they’ll never leave this room. There are much more comfortable places to kiss in this building.
“Mm,” the narrator hums distractedly. “You’re right I suppose.” He’s clearly not thinking about any of them, too busy looking at Stanley’s mouth.
The distant look clears and the narrator furrows his brow, looking irritated. “Oh for—Stanley, look at the monitors.”
Caught off guard, Stanley glances at the closest screen. Underneath the words “WELCOME ADMIN EMPLOYEE 427” is a new line of text.
“An idiot,” the fellow in his arms groans, dropping his head onto Stanley’s shoulder to hide his face. “I’m in love with an idiot.”
Okay look, he was a little distracted, alright.
“Really, really stupid, button obsessed, stubborn, bratty—“
Look, does the bastard want more kisses or not?!
The narrator’s mouth snaps shut. Stanley smirks. Better.
“Mean,” the fellow adds under his breath as Stanley half turns to put his hand on the standing console, fingers hovering over the Y.
Yeah, Stanley loves him too. So very, very much.
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helyiios · 7 months
Just imagine Benji choosing to sacrifice himself to protect Ethan or to help Ethan with the mission, being convinced that his life is not very important. Whether Benji survives or not is up to you to decide, but the choice is very clear...
Bombs, by some cruel trick of fate, had become his thing.
He knew them inside out, knew how to disarm them in less time than anyone in the IMF, he'd grown into the bomb expert of the whole agency, and he doesn't even know how that had happened.
The bomb in front of him, though, was completely different. It wasn't like the one Lane had strapped him to, not the one Gabriel had threatened the airport with, it was worse. It was worse, and the clock was ticking, and he was losing patience, and nothing was working, and Ethan was busy killing the last men that were trying to get into the room as he worked his magic on the weapon.
There was sweat glistening on his forehead, and his hair had come undone in a messy way, the one that revealed he was actually curly haired.
"How's it looking, Benji ?" the other agent asks as he retrieves his knife from an assailant's skull, "all good ?"
"I'm trying," Benji retorts, trying to crack a smile and failing horribly. "It's—it's a complicated one. I've tried a bunch of things, but..."
"Can I help ?"
"You're lovely, but no, not with this."
Ethan knew how to do many, many things, but bombs weren't his area of expertise. Hell, if the best guy at it wasn't making it work, Ethan wouldn't be of much help, bless him.
Benji's eyes drift to the rapidly moving numbers, notes the 00:07:59, clenches his jaw. His body was hiding the actual timer from his friend's vision, but it wouldn't be long until he'd notice.
Fuck, he swallows thickly, trying to think, fuck. This wouldn't do.
"I committed the plans to memory," he settles on saying, "you've got to get down to the basement, there's a...there's a bomb shelter, you need to go, now."
"What ?" comes Ethan's genuine surprise, "why would I do that ?"
"Because—" the younger man breathes in, shaking his head in defeat, "because I might not be able to defuse this one, E. And I'd rather you be safe."
"Bullshit," is his immediate reply, "if you can't do it, come down to the shelter with me."
"I can't," Benji can't help but laugh, "I can't let go of the trigger, or else it'll explode on us, right now."
"What are you talking about ?" Ethan worriedly asks as he walks up to him, "what is..."
His eyes widen comically as he takes in the contraption, staring at Benji's right hand firmly pressed on one side of it, the left one fiddling desperately with the remaining parts.
"It automatically activated itself when we got inside the room, I had to slam my hand on the trigger to contain it, and it—it started the countdown," Benji explains as calmly as his beating heart allows him, "there's not much time left, you've got to leave."
"I'm not leaving without you," Ethan firmly says, frowning like there was no other answer that was acceptable.
"I appreciate the sentiment, really, I do, but we've got to be smart about this," his teammate almost groans, still busy with trying to find a way to defuse it, "we can"t stay here like idiots and wait for the explosion to blow us to bits."
"Well, I'm not going to hide into the basement while you're there," the other counters, wincing at bit at the graphic description just given. "I won't."
"God, is this—is this some ego thing ? You don't want to let me do all the work ?"
"No, I just don't want to leave you alone in there !"
"Ethan, you can't work with bombs, and it's okay, you're great at many other things, but right now you'd be of much better use far and safe !"
"I want you to be safe !"
"FUCK, ETHAN !" Benji suddenly yells, taking him by surprise as his entire face morphed into pure wrath. "FOR CHRIST'S SAKE ! LISTEN TO ME !"
"I'm listening, I just—"
"You're the IMF's most treasured asset, and I am not letting you die at my hands because of my own inadequacy to deal with this."
"There's no use of two of us being here, I—“ he pauses, biting the inside of his cheek to compose himself, casting a sorrowful glance at the other man. "Just—Ethan. I might not make it. Do you understand that ?"
And Ethan's entire expression collapses, and he hates to see it. Truly, he does.
"I don't—look, this bomb's impossible, and there're less than five minutes left, realistically I'm not going to fucking make it, E. I'm not. And—" his voice shakes, and he does his best to keep face, to keep the tears at bay, "and I'm at peace with that. I've been at peace with it for the past ten minutes, actually, and I—"
"But I'm not," the other agent cuts him off, tone icy. "I'm not leaving you."
"You're not fucking listening to me !"
"You wanna know something, Benj ?" Ethan roughly asks, fists clenching. "Anyone else, I would've left. Everyone always tells me I'm selfless, and that I want to save the whole world, and it's true, but I would've—maybe I would've made my peace with it, too, and I would've gone to that basement, had it been anyone else."
"Then why—“
"Because it's you, Benji !" he exclaims, expression open and horrifyingly vulnerable, "I already lost you, I—Lane, he almost took you away from me, twice, I'm not letting that happen. I'm not losing you."
"I'm not going to make it, E," Benji softly says, a desolate smile casting a shadow on his expression. "I'm not. I'm sorry, I—"
"Don't fucking say that," Ethan all but growls, "you're the best at this, there must be a way, something you haven't see, there's—“
"I'm not going to find it in four minutes thirty."
"Benji, please," the older man pleads, desperate, "I won't be able to live with myself if I abandon you here. I won't, I just—"
"And I won't live with myself if I know I've kept you here and fucking killed you !"
"I can't leave."
"Ethan, I'm begging you," Benji insists, "you need to go."
"No !"
"You stupid man !" he shouts out, red with anger, "don't you get it ?! I'm replaceable ! I'm nothing ! You're Ethan fucking Hunt, for Christ's sake ! You can't die ! Not now, not ever !"
"And I don't want to exist in a world you're not a part of !" Ethan yells back, eyes glistening with tears, "I can't ! I can't, I just—"
He pauses, raising a hand to his lids, shaking the wetness away.
"I love you, Benji," he finally chokes out, his entire body shaking with the admission, "so much. I love you, I'm in love with you, and I'm not leaving you."
"Then I'm asking you," Benji gently replies, voice just as shattered, "I'm imploring you. Ethan, please," he begs, closing his eyes, turning to hide his state, "leave."
"Benji, Benji please, don't make me do this."
"I love you too," the other man breathes out, "I have, for a while actually. I know this isn't the best way to announce it, but I wanted to say it back at least once."
"If you love me, then go," Benji nods difficultly, "now."
"I can't, I—“
"I can't promise you anything, E, but I promise to you, I'll try everything. But I need to know you're safe to focus. Please."
Ethan's jaw clenches, and he finally looks down pitifully, not daring meeting his eyes.
"Go," Benji whispers, "For me. Live for me."
"I'm sorry."
"I know. It's okay."
"I love you."
"I love you too, E."
He takes him in one last time, takes his wild hair and his bruised cheeks, takes his the brightness of his eyes and the way his suit was crumpled.
He turns on his heels and runs.
He runs.
Benji watches him leave, the bomb growing warmer and warmer under his hands with each passing seconds.
He won't go down without a fight.
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kadextra · 11 months
hiya :3
i haven't been able to catch up the last couple days, would you mind summarizing what happened with the countdown dungeon?
yes anon no problem! :] to summarize all of it:
Jaiden’s cucurucho tasks led her and The Jaidens (cellbit, bbh, foolish) to the “Noise Dungeon,” where they had to fight down 9 levels underground, cleared waves of mobs, ending up at the final room with that red countdown timer. The room being a freezer with 8 spaces/pods(?) in the wall, and the timer counted down for 3 days.
3 days later the “Time’s Up” event began. on this day it was pouring down rain that never stopped (it doesn’t usually rain on the island) and the binary code entity had seemingly hacked into the egg’s daily quests screen. The binary in the quests spelled out “your time is almost up.”
Everyone waited for the timer to hit 00:00:00, and when it did QSMP in chat told everyone online to go to the Noise Dungeon again. A unique screen also played saying “TIME IS UP” that glitched from red to green. back in the dungeon, they once again had to go down the 9 floors and fight through mobs, but now with more people coming along.
However, this time in the final freezer room, the code entity was just hovering there and waiting for everyone. It didn’t attack and simply dropped a book with instructions. It told the group of people to split into 2 teams and each go to different sets of coordinates.
At the coordinates, each team had to reconnect the wiring of two machines that started building train tracks.
Afterwards, everyone heard a loud sound from a train and got a message from QSMP in the chat that said “the train is leaving.” everyone started running asap to the train station and down the tracks. But it was too late, the trains were too fast and disappeared into the now-working nether portals at the end. some people managed to get into the nether but got kicked out right after (in meta admins don’t want them going there yet it’s still being worked on)
To close off the whole event, this image was posted by QSMPGlobal twitter as a teaser of what will come next…! :D
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mariacallous · 11 months
Amid a desert landscape a visionary unveils an invention that will forever change the world as we know it.
That’s the climactic scene of the Christopher Nolan biopic Oppenheimer, about the eponymous J. Robert Oppenheimer, the “father of the atomic bomb.” It’s also the opening scene of the Barbie movie, directed and co-written by indie auteur Greta Gerwig, which opened on the same day as Oppenheimer.
Despite the two films’ radically different subject matter and tone—one a dramatic examination of man’s hubris and the threat of nuclear apocalypse and the other a neon-drenched romp about Mattel’s iconic fashion doll—they have far more in common than just their release date. Both movies consider the complicated legacies of two American icons and how to grapple with and perhaps even atone for them.
In Oppenheimer, the desert scene depicts the Trinity test, the world’s first detonation of a nuclear bomb near Los Alamos, New Mexico, on July 16, 1945. A brilliant but flawed theoretical physicist and the rest of his team work frantically to develop the weapon for the United States before the Nazis can beat them to the punch; they then gather on bleak, lunar-white sands near their secret laboratory to test the terrifying creation.
The countdown timer ticks to 00:00:00, the proverbial big red button is pushed, and a blast ignites the sky—a blinding white flash that quickly morphs into a towering inferno. Everything goes silent as Oppenheimer stares in awe from behind a makeshift protective barrier at what he has created.
Suddenly, he begins experiencing flashes of a different kind, premonitions of the human horror and suffering his weapon will wreak. Nolan is unambiguously signaling to the audience that this is a pivotal moment for the world, and for Oppenheimer personally, as what was once merely a theoretical idea has become monstrously real. The fallout, both literally and figuratively, will be out of Oppenheimer’s control.
Barbie’s critical desert scene comes not at the film’s climax but at its very beginning. The movie opens with a parody of the famous “The Dawn of Man” scene from Stanley Kubrick’s classic 1968 science fiction film, 2001: A Space Odyssey. As a red-orange sunrise breaks across a rocky desert landscape, a voiceover (from none other than Dame Helen Mirren) begins: “Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. But the dolls were always and forever baby dolls.” On screen, underscored by the ominous notes of Richard Strauss’s “Also Sprach Zarathustra,” little girls sit amid dusty canyon walls playing with baby dolls.
“Until…” Mirren says. And then comes the reveal: The little girls look up to see a massive, monolith-sized Margot Robbie, dressed in the black and white-striped swimsuit of the very first Barbie doll. She lifts her sunglasses and winks. The little girls are stunned—and, like the apes in the classic sci-fi movie, they begin to angrily dash their baby dolls against the ground.
This is Barbie’s mythic origin story: Once upon a time, little girls could only play with baby dolls meant to socialize them into wanting to be good wives and, eventually, mothers. Then came Ruth Handler, who in 1959 decided to create a doll with an adult woman’s body, adult women’s fashions, and adult women’s careers so that little girls could dream of being more than just wives and mothers. And the rest is history. Thanks to such iterations as doctor Barbie, chef Barbie, scientist Barbie, professional violinist Barbie, and beyond, Barbie opened up young girls to a world of possibilities and, Mirren says, “All problems of feminism and equal rights [were] solved.”
Well, not so fast: Mirren adds one final, snarky beat: “At least,” she says, “that’s what the Barbies think.”
Thus Gerwig introduces the central tension that animates the movie: Handler set out to create a feminist toy to empower and inspire young girls. But we sitting in the audience in 2023 know that things worked out a little differently. In the intervening years, Barbie would come under fire from feminists and other critics for a whole host of sins: encouraging unrealistic and harmful beauty standards that contribute to negative body image issues, eating disorders, and depression among pre-adolescent girls; lacking diversity and perpetuating white supremacy, ableism, and heteronormativity; objectifying women; promoting consumerism and capitalism; and even contributing to greenhouse gas emissions.
And here is the core parallel between Barbie and Oppenheimer: Two iconic American creators who ostensibly meant well but whose creations caused irreparable harm. And two iconic American directors (Nolan is British-American) who set out to tell their stories from a very modern perspective, humanizing them while also addressing their harmful legacies.
But while Nolan obviously had the much harder task—no matter how much harm you think Barbie has done to the psyches of young girls over the years, there’s simply no comparison to the human toll of the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the environmental impact of decades of nuclear testing, or the cost of the nuclear arms race—oddly enough, it’s Gerwig who ends up taking her job of atonement far more seriously.
As its opening scene shows, the Barbie movie lets the audience know right from the start that it’s self-aware. It knows that Barbie is problematic. And it’s going to go there.
And it does—almost to the point of overkill. The basic plot of the movie is this: Barbie is living happily in Barbie Land, a perfect pink plastic world where she and her fellow Barbies run everything from the White House to the Supreme Court and have everything they could ever want, from dream houses to dream cars to dreamy boyfriends (Ken)—the last of which they treat as little more than accessories.
But suddenly, things start to go wrong in Barbie’s happy feminist utopia, and to fix it, she is forced to journey into the real world—our world—accompanied by Ken, who insists on going with her. When she does, she realizes that contrary to what she believed (as Mirren told us in the opening scene), the invention of Barbies didn’t solve gender inequality in the real world. In the real world, Barbie is confronted not only with the dominance of the patriarchy (she discovers, for instance, that Mattel’s CEO is a man, played by Will Ferrell), but also with the fact that young girls seem to hate her.
In a crucial early scene, Robbie’s Barbie encounters ultracool Gen-Z teen Sasha (played by Ariana Greenblatt), who delivers a scathing monologue about everything that’s wrong with Barbie, the doll and cultural symbol—basically a checklist of all the criticisms lobbed at Barbie over the years, from promoting unrealistic beauty standards to destroying the planet with rampant capitalism. Barbie is crestfallen.
Meanwhile, there’s a subplot involving Ken’s parallel discovery of patriarchy, and how awesome and different it seems to be from his subjugated life in Barbie Land. Ken proceeds to go full men’s rights, heading back to Barbie Land and seizing power. He transforms Barbie’s dream house into Ken’s Mojo Dojo Casa House, where Barbies serve men and “every night is boys’ night!”
Barbie enlists the help of Sasha and her mom (played by America Ferrera)—a Mattel employee who secretly dreams up ideas for new, more realistic Barbies such as anxiety Barbie—to unseat Ken and restore female power in Barbie Land. Along the way, Ferrera’s character delivers the film’s other major feminist monologue, about how hard it is being a woman in the real world.
The monologues are unsubtle, as are the repeated mentions of concepts like the patriarchy. In every scene and nearly every line, the movie hits the audience over the head with the pro-feminism message. Gerwig knows what her job is—to atone for Barbie’s sins (and, yes, help Mattel sell more dolls)—and she makes sure everyone knows that she has fully understood the assignment.
But it’s in the film’s quieter, more tender moments that Gerwig’s background as an indie filmmaker and her true talent shine through, and where she’s able to communicate the message in a subtler, but ultimately more impactful, way. The scene where Barbie in the real world sees an elderly woman for the first time (old people and wrinkles don’t exist in Barbie Land, obviously) and is stunned at how beautiful she is, wrinkles and all. Or the scenes where Barbie talks quietly with her deceased creator, an elderly Handler (played by Rhea Perlman), who explains that the name Barbie was an homage to Handler’s daughter, Barbara, who inspired her to make the doll.
The overall result is a movie that, even if a bit ham-fisted in its over-the-top messaging, doesn’t shy away from the uglier parts of Barbie’s legacy. It looks them right in the face, wrinkles and all.
I said above that the Trinity test scene is the climactic scene in Oppenheimer, but that’s not really the case. For a movie about the complicated life and legacy of the man credited with creating the world’s most destructive weapon, it should be the climax. You might imagine it would follow with a denouement of the inventor confronting the reality that his creation is used to kill tens of thousands of Japanese civilians and sparks an arms race that threatens to destroy all of humanity.
These scenes are in there, but they are given short shrift next to the other story Nolan wants to tell: that of how Oppenheimer, once considered an American hero, was mistreated by his country in the postwar years. As McCarthy-era fears of communist infiltration grip the country, Oppenheimer’s previous ties to the Communist Party (he never joined the party himself, but he had close family members and friends who were members, and he supported various left-wing causes) are mysteriously brought to the FBI’s attention despite already being well documented. His security clearance is revoked, and his career working with the U.S. government on nuclear issues ends.
It is this storyline—not the apocalyptic destruction of two Japanese cities—that is given the most pathos. Much of the movie’s three-hour run time—and nearly all of its third act—centers on what we are clearly meant to see as the great evil that was done to this man who did so much for his country. The real climax of the film is not the Trinity test, nor even the bombings of Japan (which are not even shown in the movie), but rather the moment we learn who betrayed Oppenheimer by handing over his security file to the FBI.
This is the shocking revelation that is meant to induce gasps in the audience, not the images of charred and irradiated bodies. In fact, those images aren’t even shown to us, the viewers. In the scene where Oppenheimer and his team are shown photos of the aftermath of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the camera stays tight on Oppenheimer’s face as he reacts to the images—a reaction that consists of him putting his head down to avoid seeing them.
It is an act of cowardice on Oppenheimer’s part, yes, but also on Nolan’s. Indeed, the only glimpses we get of the macabre effects of the atom bomb take place in Oppenheimer’s fevered imagination, and even then, they are brief flashes used for shock value: skin flapping off the beautiful face of an admiring female colleague; the charred, faceless husk of a child’s body Oppenheimer accidentally steps on; a male colleague vomiting from the effects of radiation. Of the Japanese victims, there is nothing. They remain theoretical, faceless.
Nolan has said that he chose not to depict the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki not to sanitize them but because the film’s events are shown from Oppenheimer’s point of view. “We know so much more than he did at the time,” Nolan said at a screening of the movie in New York. “He learned about the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on the radio, the same as the rest of the world.”
But in reading the numerous interviews he’s given about the movie, it’s also clear that Nolan fundamentally sees Oppenheimer as a tragic hero—Nolan has repeatedly called Oppenheimer “the most important person who ever lived”—and Oppenheimer’s story as a distinctly American one. “I believe you see in the Oppenheimer story all that is great and all that is terrible about America’s uniquely modern power in the world,” he told the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. “It’s a very, very American story.”
That Nolan’s film devotes so much runtime to Oppenheimer’s point of view and how he was tragically betrayed by his country is partly due to the fact that the film is not an original story but rather an adaptation of the Pulitzer Prize-winning biography of the great scientist, American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer. That book also places Oppenheimer being stripped of his security clearance at its center. But that didn’t mean Nolan had to do the same in his adaptation. That was a choice. And the end result is what military technology writer Kelsey Atherton aptly described as “a 3 hour long argument that the greatest victim of atomic weaponry was Oppenheimer’s clearance.”
At a time when Americans are struggling to reckon with their country’s past and how it has shaped the present—from fights over how (or even whether) to teach children about the legacy of slavery and Jim Crow; to debates, including in these very pages, over the role (or lack thereof) of NATO expansion in Russia’s decision to wage war on Ukraine; to retrospectives on the myriad failures of the U.S. war in Afghanistan; and beyond—the fact that the two biggest films in theaters right now are attempting to confront the legacies of two American icons, the nuclear bomb and Barbie, is understandable and perhaps even impressive.
But the impulse to look away from the ugliest parts of those legacies remains strong, and Oppenheimer never fully faces them.
24 notes · View notes
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Steve Brodner
* * * *
       When Americans went to bed last Friday evening, Fox News was running a “countdown timer” to the apocalypse. What apocalypse, you ask? In Fox’s telling, the “apocalypse” was to be heralded by the expiration of Title 42, a Trump-era Covid policy that allowed for the expedited removal of foreign nationals seeking asylum in the U.S. (A video of the countdown timer can be seen here at the 55-second mark.)
According to Fox, when the Title 42 countdown timer reached zero hour, “hordes of illegal immigrants” would bust through the US border and overwhelm American civilization. See, e.g., Laura Ingraham on Fox News, The scenes you're seeing at the border are exactly what Democrats want. Per Ingraham,
In T-minus two hours now, hundreds of thousands of foreigners gaming our immigration system will begin pouring in. Now, after they get there, though, they're going to be asked where they want to go, then they're going to get their free bus tickets, all courtesy of U.S. taxpayers.
         The countdown timer to the apocalypse reached 00:00 on Friday evening at midnight. And then . . . nothing happened. Well, not exactly nothing. According to the Department of Homeland Security, border crossings began trending down—by as much as 50%. It is, of course, too soon to declare the trend permanent, but if the apocalypse is upon us, Fox miscalculated the date.
         As of Sunday evening, the story of the “Title 42 apocalypse” had almost disappeared from the Fox News website. It was buried as twenty-six stories below the headline on Sunday, which blared, Former US attorney says top levels of DOJ, FBI making 'political decisions' not to investigate Bidens.
         But even Fox was forced to admit that border crossings decreased concurrently with the expiration of Title 42—although it did so in a back-handed way. See Fox News, Biden says border looks ‘much better than you all expected’ after Title 42 ends, has no plans to visit.
         As Fox conceded in its twenty-sixth-ranked story on Sunday evening,
Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said border patrol agents have seen a 50% drop in the number of migrants crossing the border since Thursday.
         The long-term crisis at the border and the failure of US policy are real. Fox’s failed effort to manufacture a crisis was an illusion. But it is also a morality tale that we must keep top of mind as we move into 2024. The hyperbole at Fox infected the entire news ecosystem. Every network had reporters and cameras at the southern border because—well, because Fox was at the border with reporters and cameras.
         The attention to Fox’s fabricated border crisis suggests that the media has learned little over the last seven years. Remember Trump's claim in 2018 that “caravans” of criminals were headed to the US through Mexico? While the media generally attempted to refute those claims, it also repeated the story thousands of times without labeling Trump's claim for what it was—a “lie.” See Newsweek (11/1/18), Trump Says Caravans Are Larger Than Reported: 'I'm Pretty Good at Estimating Crowd Size'.
         The failure of US immigration policy (including the Biden administration’s dubious decisions to continue some Trump policies) is beyond the scope of this newsletter. We must find a way to create a system that is more fair, humane, and efficient—and that dramatically increases legal immigration. America’s immigration problem is that there is too little of it, not that there is too much.
         America is a great nation (in part) because of immigration. If it is to remain a great nation, it will do so (in part) by increasing immigration to help America remain competitive in the global economy. The current dysfunction and failure of US border policy are interfering with a traditional source of strength and renewal for the American dream. Let’s not compound that interference by repeating myths and lies about the impact of asylum seekers entering through the southern border.
[Robert B. Hubbell Newsletter]
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capybaraonabicycle · 8 months
Have you ever written a soulmate au?
Thank you so much for indulging me, anon!!
I have not!
I do think soulmate au-s are intriguing and I've read this amazing Doctor/Clara/Danny one by @marvellouspinecone semi-recently that I can promote since I don't have a link of mine for you.
I have also had a fic of mine being described as showing doctor/river as soulmates. (this one in case you're interested)
But Idk. It's just - I think I am a bit intimidated by the logistics of it?
So if I were to write a soulmate au, I would probably try to keep it simple? Like go with the 'first sentence they say to you is a tattoo on your body' idea or having a countdown on your wrist or something, just some idea that I feel is rather common?
(I honestly also don't read soulmate au-s much, sorry, Idk what I am talking about.)
And then probably in the first case I'd make it something funny and write some fluffy one-shot for some couple I adore - maybe Bill/Heather, I have been meaning to write for them. And in the second case I would probably pick some aroace person and have that counter making them uncomfortable until they meet a really great person at 00:00 and then stay friends forever or something. (Skye Penderwick comes to mind, and that great person would be Jeffrey)
OR NO! You know what? Sorry, idea incoming, not sure you'll like it (also I am not deleting what I have written so far, sorry if this is turning into a complete mess):
If I were to write a soulmate au, I would do it in the good place fandom. I would make it one of Michael's thousand attempts to run the neighbourhood. And he introduces one of these soulmate au rules to mess with my poor Chidi. Give him a counter that ticks down to the moment he and his soulmate kiss or something and then don't tell him who that is. Write something onto his tattoo that he has multiple demons say at the same time to Chidi.
And then in the end when the humans find out, Eleanor gets to punch him for it and Chidi gets all the books on a quiet lake to make up for the stress ❤️
Yeah, I like that. I'd write hurt and comfort Chidi & (or rather vs) Michael for my soulmate au.
(Also featuring Eleanor and Tahani being soulmates just so Eleanor can mock whatever her tattoo says, before looking at Tahani and going 'oh so it's a superficially horny kinda soulmate, got it, I can roll with that'. I mean, she would also assume the soulmate was for someone else, so she would not really be that surprised but anyway)
(Jason's running around with a still ticking timer, trying to get people to kiss him so it will run faster bc he is tired of waiting and people bringing it up and reminding him he STILL has to wait for it. Very few people are willing to kiss, but he's gotten to kiss Janet about a hundred times, Chidi once and Eleanor 5 times, so that's a start? He does not get it when Tahani explains his timer still running means the people he has kissed can't be his soulmate. Maybe that's because Eleanor very hurriedly shut her up by pressing a scone into her mouth.)
3 notes · View notes
OverLap AI Review – Create Unique Sales Funnels & Membership Websites
Welcome to my OverLap AI Review Post, This is a genuine user-based OverLap AI review where I will discuss the features, upgrades, demo, price, and bonuses, how OverLap AI can benefit you, and my own personal opinion. This Meta Llama & Google Quantum AI-Powered App Create Automated Sales Funnels, Membership Sites, Business Websites, Course Sites, Digital Product Store Sites, Landing Pages & Much More.
Imagine being able to make 100X profits from your sales funnels without paying any monthly subscriptions or expensive tools. You don’t need to have prior tech or marketing skills. Making sales paths work is essential. These carefully thought-out routines take care of leads and turn them into loyal buyers. But making funnels that work well can take a lot of time and effort, especially if you don’t know much about design or code. The software program OverLap AI asserts its ability to leverage artificial intelligence (AI) to revolutionize the creation of funnels. This platform has an easy-to-use interface that lets anyone, even those who aren’t good at design, make professional landing pages, websites, and full sales processes. But can OverLap AI really do what it says it can do? This in-depth review will break down the software’s features, price, functions, and possible flaws to help you decide if it’s the key to unlocking your marketing potential.
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OverLap AI Review: What Is OverLap AI?
OverLap AI is a cloud-based platform designed to streamline website and sales funnel creation. It leverages artificial intelligence (AI) to suggest personalized layouts, elements, and content suited to your needs. This AI functionality, coupled with a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface, empowers even beginners with no coding experience to build effective websites and funnels.
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OverLap AI boasts a library of pre-designed templates for various purposes, from landing pages and membership sites to full-fledged websites. The platform also prioritizes mobile-friendliness and allows you to connect your own domain name for a professional touch. While offering some customization options, OverLap AI caters more towards ease of use and speed, potentially making it ideal for entrepreneurs or those seeking a cost-effective way to establish an online profile.
OverLap AI Review: Overview
Creator: Ganesh Saha
Product: OverLap AI
Date Of Launch: 2024-May-15
Time Of Launch: 11:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $17 (One-time payment)
Official Website: Click Here To Access
Product Type: Software (Online)
Support: Effective Response
Discount: Get The Best Discount Right Now!
Recommended: Highly Recommended
Bonuses: Huge Bonuses
Skill Level Required: All Levels
Discount Code: “OVERLAP5” Get $5 OFF Instantly!
Refund: YES, 30 Days Money-Back Guarantee
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OverLap AI Review: Features
First To Market AI Tech That Replaces 15+ Complicated & Expensive Funnel Builders
Use AI To Create Stunning Landing Pages That Convert Random Visitors Into Lifetime Happy Customers
Create Mind Blowing Sales Funnels That Convert Leads Into Customers In Under 60 Seconds
Drive A Constant Flow Of Visitors For Any Offer In Any Niche In Just 3 Clicks
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OverLap AI Review: How Does It Work?
OverLap AI Works Like A Breeze In 3 EASY Steps (And There’s NO Huge Investment Or Time Needed)
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<<>> Click Here & Get Access Now OverLap AI Discount Price Here <<>>
OverLap AI Review: Can Do For You
Use AI To Create Stunning Landing Pages That Convert Random Visitors Into Lifetime Happy Customers
Create Mind Blowing Sales Funnels That Convert Leads Into Customers In Under 60 Seconds
Get Professionally Crafted Templates To Build Websites & Landing Pages Get 10X More Engagement
Create Eye Catchy Sales Pages For Your Offers With No Coding & Designing Skills
Premium Autoresponder Integration To Send Targeted Emails To Your List With Zero Monthly Cost
Easily Add Custom Domains To Boost Your Brand Recognition & Trust Among Customers
Use Countdown Timers To Create Scarcity & Drive More Visitors To Take Desired Action
Get Integrated Shopping Cart To Enable Customers To Maximize Their Purchase
OverLap AI Review: Why You Must Grab it
Build Stunning Landing Pages With Zero Designing & Zero Photoshop Skills
Grab Visitors Attention & Convert Them Into Targeted Leads In 3 Clicks
Create Mind Blowing Sales Funnels That Convert Leads Into Customers In Under 60 Seconds
Instantly Sell Hordes Of Digital Products To Global Audience With Zero Grunt Work
Save Money On Expensive And Recurring Funnel Creation Platforms That Charge HUGE Every Month
Start Your Own Profitable Funnel Creation & Selling Agency Business In 3 Easy Clicks
OverLap AI Review: Check Out How Regular People Make Millions Selling Funnels Online
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OverLap AI Review: Who Should Use It?
Website Owners
Digital Product Sellers
Affiliate Marketers
Social Media Marketers
E-com Store Owners
Video Marketers
Small Business Owners
Bloggers & Vloggers
Coaches/ Trainers
& almost everyone else working in the digital marketing universe
OverLap AI Review: OTO’s And Pricing
Add My Coupon Code “OVERLAPADMIN″ — For 30% Off Any Funnel
Front End Price: OverLap AI ($17)
OTO1: OverLap AI PRO ($37)
OTO2: OverLap AI Unlimited ($67)
OTO3: OverLap AI DFY ($97)
OTO4: OverLap AI Automation ($37)
OTO5: OverLap AI Agency ($197)
OTO6: OverLap AI Reseller ($77)
OTO7: OverLap AI Whitelabel ($297)
<<>> Click Here & Get Access Now OverLap AI Discount Price Here <<>>
OverLap AI Review: My Unique Bonus Bundle
My Unique Bonus Bundle will be visible on your access page as an Affiliate Bonus Button on WarriorPlus immediately after purchase.
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And before ending my honest OverLap AI Review, I told you that I would give you my very own unique PFTSES formula for Free.
OverLap AI Review: Free Bonuses
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OverLap AI Review: Demo Video
Just Watch The OverLap AI Demo Video Down Below To Get All The Details:
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OverLap AI Review: Money Back Guarantee
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OverLap AI Review: Pros and Cons
AI-powered design: Saves time and effort while creating data-driven layouts.
User-friendly: Drag-and-drop editing and clear interface make it easy for beginners.
Cost-effective: One-time fee compared to ongoing subscriptions for other website builders.
Easy to use: Perfect for beginners with no coding experience.
You cannot use this product without an active internet connection.
In fact, I haven’t yet discovered any other problems with OverLap AI.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)
Q. Will I be forced to pay monthly?
Off course not, we’ve already clarified at the top that we charge only one time & allow our customers to make the best use of this technology to foster long term business growth.
Q. Do I need experience or tech/design skills to get started?
OverLap AI was created keeping newbies in mind. So, it’s 100% newbie-friendly & requires no prior design or tech skills.
Q. Is there a money back guarantee?
Absolutely yes. We’ve already mentioned on the page that you’re getting a 30-day money back guarantee. Be rest assured, your investment is in safe hands.
Q. Do I get any step-by-step video training with my purchase?
YEAH- OverLap AI comes with step-by-step video training that makes it simple, easy & guide you through the entire process with no turbulence.
Q. How are you different from available tools in the market?
This tool is packed with industry-leading features that have never been offered before. Also, if you’re on this page with us, which simply means you have checked out a majority of the available tools and looking for a complete solution. You’ll not get these features ever at such a low price, so be rest assured with your purchase.
Q. Do you provide any support?
Yes, we’re always on our toes to deliver you an unmatched experience. Drop us an email if you ever have any query, and we’ll be more than happy to help.
OverLap AI Review: My Recommendation
OverLap AI is a compelling solution for entrepreneurs, marketers, and small businesses seeking a user-friendly way to build websites and sales funnels. Its AI-powered design streamlines the process, while the drag-and-drop editor and pre-designed templates offer customization options. However, those requiring complete design control or extensive integrations might find it limiting. Ultimately, if you value ease of use, cost-effectiveness, and a quick turnaround, OverLap AI is worth considering. Carefully weigh the pros and cons to determine if it aligns with your specific needs and budget.
<<>> Click Here & Get Access Now OverLap AI Discount Price Here <<>>
Check Out My Previous Reviews: AI CaptureFlow Review, FlexiSitesAI Review, WP Defense Review, HostDaddy Review , Valor App Review, Crypto Cloud Review.
Thank for reading my OverLap AI Review till the end. Hope it will help you to make purchase decision perfectly.
Disclaimer: This OverLap AI review is for informational purposes only and does not constitute professional advice. Before making a purchase decision, we recommend conducting your own research and exploring the software.
Note: Yes, this is a paid tool, however the one-time fee is $17 for lifetime.     
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mdarifurrahman · 2 months
MobiApp AI Review – Create Professional Mobile Apps
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Table of Contents
MobiApp AI Review — Introduction
MobiApp AI Review — Overview
What Is MobiApp AI?
MobiApp AI Review — Features and Benefits
MobiApp AI Review – How Does It Work?
MobiApp AI Review — Pros and Cons
Who Should Use It?
MobiApp AI Review – OTOs And Pricing
MobiApp AI Review – Free Bonuses
MobiApp AI Review – Frequently Asked Questions
MobiApp AI Review – Conclusion
MobiApp AI Review — Introduction
Welcome to my MobiApp AI Review post. The demand for mobile apps is skyrocketing in the rapidly evolving world of technology. Businesses, large and small recognized the need to adapt to this digital shift to stay competitive. Here’s where MobiApp AI, an innovative tool in the app development sector, comes into play. As a seasoned product analyst, I’ve thoroughly examined the features of MobiApp AI, and now I’m ready to impart my findings.
In this review, I will show you how to develop an engaging mobile app using this cutting-edge AI software. You don’t need to be a tech expert for this. By using this advanced software, you can easily create an attractive mobile app. You don’t need to be a tech expert for this. using this advanced software, you can easily create an attractive mobile app.
How it works, and how you can earn huge money through mobile app development. So stay with me to read the full review.
MobiApp AI Review — Overview
Vendor: Uddhab Pramanik
Product: MobiApp AI
Contents: Software (online)
Launch Date: 2024–3–25
Launch Time: 10:00 EDT
Price Range: $17.00 to $297.00
Home Page: Click Here
Refund: 30 Days Money Back Guarantee
Niche: Mobile App Builder, Mobile App Creator
What Is MobiApp AI?
MobiApp AI operates as a cloud-based application harnessing artificial intelligence to streamline the development process. It eliminates the complexities associated with traditional app creation methods, offering a seamless interface for users to create fully functional mobile apps for various niches.
It is a first-of-its-kind, AI-powered no-coding platform that transforms websites, blogs, and e-commerce stores into Android and iOS mobile apps in under 60 seconds. This platform aims to democratize app development, making it accessible to businesses without the need for coding skills or expensive app development teams.
MobiApp AI Review
MobiApp AI Review — Features 
1. Create Unlimited Android & IOS Mobile Apps Using AI
2. Transform Any Website URL, Your Ideas, Keywords, Blogs, Pages & Ecom Store Into A Fully Functional Stunning Mobile Apps
3. Built-in 1500+ Professional Templates: Create Personal Or Business Mobile Apps For Any Niche Using AI
4. Publish Your App on Google Play and Apple App Store In Less Than 60 Seconds
5. Payment Integration, accept payments in your app through PayPal, Stripe, Square, Paystack, Razorpay, or cash in hand.
6. Send Push Notifications To Your App Users And Get Up To 98% Open Rate.
7. Send Unlimited Emails & SMS Directly To Your Users
8. Add Unlimited Custom Domains & Subdomains Without Any Restrictions.
9. Built-in interactive elements to add coupons, Loyalty Programs, CTA Buttons, Appointment and event booking, countdown timers, user ratings, etc. to your app…
10. Autoresponder Integration To easily build your email list with responsive customer leads with Instant Connection To Major Autoresponders
11. Convert existing website URL into Android/iOS App
12. Built-in AI Content Generation To Generate content for different sections of your app
13. Built-in membership plan integration to create and manage subscription plans on your app
14. Say Goodbye to The Hassle of Creating Mobile Apps On Your Own
15. Built-in App Analytics integration to lets you track your app performance
16. Built-in free Dedicated SSL Encryption Integration For Secure Data Transmission on your app
17. Generate Native Android and iOS Apps
18. Built-in App Monetization
19. E-commerce integration to Add products with different variants & images on your mobile app
20. Lifetime Access With No Recurring Monthly Payments…
21. Commercial license included: Create & sell as many mobile apps as you want to.
22. Newbie Friendly, Easy-To-Use Dashboard
23. Iron-clad 30-day money-back-guarantee
MobiApp AI Review – How Does It Work?
Create Professional Mobile Apps With AI In Just 3 Steps
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MobiApp AI Review
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MobiApp AI Review
MobiApp AI Review
MobiApp AI Review — Pros and Cons
1. Eliminates the need for technical knowledge in app development.
2. Significantly reduces app development time and costs.
3. Versatile functionality with a wide range of templates.
1. Limited customization options for more advanced users.
2. Dependency on the platform for updates and maintenance.
Who Should Use It?
MobiApp AI Is PERFECT For…
1. Real State
2. Restaurant
3. Health
4. Fashion
5. Travel
6. Entertainment
7. E-commerce
8. Business
MobiApp AI Review
MobiApp AI Review – OTOs And Pricing
Front End Price: MobiApp AI ($17)
OTO1: MobiApp AI PRO ($37)
OTO2: MobiApp AI Unlimited ($20)
OTO3: MobiApp AI Unlimited Gold ($147)
OTO4: MobiApp AI Plug N Play ($47)
OTO5: MobiApp AI DFY ($97)
OTO6: MobiApp AI Agency ($197)
OTO7: MobiApp AI MarketingHub ($37)
OTO8: MobiApp AI Reseller ($197)
OTO9: MobiApp AI Whitelabel ($297)
MobiApp AI Review – Free Bonuses
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MobiApp AI was created keeping newbies in mind. So, it’s 100% newbie-friendly & requires no prior App creation design or tech skills.
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The biggest benefit is that you just need to follow the easy steps we’ve mentioned on the page & be on the right track to use this Unique AI-powered app To Transform Any Website URL, Ideas, Keywords, Blogs, Page & Ecom Store Into Android & IOS Mobile App In Less Than 60 Seconds!
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MobiApp AI Review – Conclusion
MobiApp AI stands out as a game-changing solution in the app development industry. Its AI-driven approach not only simplifies the app creation process but also makes it more accessible to a wider audience. While customization options are limited, you can personalize the app’s name, logo, and colors. While well-suited for straightforward applications or rapid prototyping, MobiApp AI may not be optimal for intricate functionalities or highly tailored requirements.
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MobiApp AI Review
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thisisawarning · 6 months
December 12
4:00:36 initially 4:00:35 because i jh to hear "log out of one's eye" just seconds after i rubbed my left eye to remove a crust
4:29:28 cricket sound left ear; i think i initially saw 4:28 then i heard my inner voice tell me: "that's why i made the seconds 28 mom"
4:33:35 cricket sound left ear
8:42:21 heard rebar noises from employees downstairs garage 8:41am PHT and a cough at 8:43am PHT
12:24:16 phone restarted at 12:21pm or 12:22pm; immediately turned it on and saw 12:23pm; took a while to decide 🤦🏻‍♀️
1:13:46 cricket sound left ear
1:16:59 cricket sound left ear; initially 1:16:58
3:25:29 bird fidget by my windowpane
6:12:22 jf after taking a quick shower (not including my hair) after i epilated my underarm hair
9:09:09 i jh to see the time after lying on the bed after washing my feet in my bathroom
10:39:36 bec i jh to see 11:11 on the timer when i was about to fill my yeti tumbler with watar and update my water drink reminder app; i did saw 12:44 turn into 12:43 a while ago but i decided to ignore it because i seriously haven't eating anything the whole day
10:41:31 bec i jh to see 9:16 min left set to 15 mins countdown which reminded me of the screenshots i took at 9:16pm PHT; last screenshot i think taken at 9:08 mins left
10:43:00 jh to see 7:47 mins left on my timer
10:44:42 jh to see 6:06; 5:56 last screenshot
10:46:24 jh to see 4:24 and then 4:14; after saying "GOD, I REBUKE THESE THOUGHTS THAT ARE SELFISH. IN JESUS' NAME."
10:49:07 2:02
1:30 and 1:25 as i waited for 0:00
10:50:39 exact time timer went off 15-min countdown
11:28:43 somebody through a rock at our house; it's been a while; stop it 😑
11:47:21 deliberately when i saw the running time; as aware when i saw 11:44pm after hearing a notification
11:51:24 because of the "Google trends"; initially saw 11:51:23
0 notes
le-ded · 1 year
CH       01       INSTIGATION
Jack was born on 28th of December in 2000, 18 years after his birth he died in a car accident while driving through a tunnel in East Vienna, Austria. Today he is going to celebrate his 19th birthday in heaven.
11:00 P.M.
Beep Beep Beep alarm clock rings at 11 according to Jason's plan this is the time when he will start his preparation for the mid term exams being held in December of 2019. Of course in this multiverse also we have the concept of snooze, so why not? Jason gives an RKO to his alarm clock before it shuts forever. Even though the alarm clock was not a good reason for him to wake up, a message from Shez was, she dm'ed him to know if he wanted to do some questions for practice. Shez is particularly not interested in Jason, but as Jason is a genius according to her she won't mind his company, but I forgot to tell you all, how is Jason going to prepare? Jason and Shez are both in the same college MCI and both are going to qualify this year for the final term exams if they don't fail tomorrow. Jason being a tech genius knows nothing about the theory of networking but has a good knowledge of Data transferring and it will do the best for him. He calls Shez on her request and starts to ask some questions.
Shez asks him if he wants to sleep he says that no he doesn't sleep on the day before exam ( bloody liar) Shez was writing a long answer while her phone gives a chime and she looks towards it, a notification - COUNTDOWN
People who don't know about Countdown - as per me no one knows ... so Countdown is basically an app which shows a timer that's it, No that's not what all it does...the problem is it's not a regular timer you can't set the timer as per your wish, the timer starts as soon as you log in and it identifies you, it comes with more problems....You can't delete once installed and the last problem being the countdown is of your Death.
Kind note: Will be continued..
It's the 28th of December of 2000 and a man called Robin is running towards the hospital. Maybe because he has no umbrella to save him from the cruelty of the weather or because his wife is suffering from labor pain in the hospital, both the reasons are acceptable as far as I know they are even true.
He runs, he reaches the hospital's entry gate and looks at the direction board even though he knows where the ER is, he is just trying to postpone the time when he gets to know what happened inside? He calmly walks inside, his clothes are completely wet, no one cares much about it but his tears are somewhat camouflaging with the rainwater. He stops outside the ER room and gives some tools required for the final conclusion of the operation. Nurse walks out and she says " Congrats Mr. Robin the mother is safe and the boy too" Robin sighs and says "Thankyou sister" He moves and starts walking inside his nerves filled with joy all the tears finally defining the beauty of happiness in his heart and the surrounding area is filled with joy too with the smile he saw on the nurse's face with sweat on her forehead completely tells how much effort with positive aspiration was put in the whole process.
Kind note: Are you really done with chapter 2? I think you took something for granted
CH03        INSTIGATION        PART 02
I was terrified by the thought of countdown what if one day i get a notification, i must commit suicide before the time decided and prove that Countdown's curse is now broken, of course there's a plot, The key rule of Countdown .. If one tries to change their fate, me Ozhin, it's my duty to come and bring them to hell.
It's already 1, she has not said a word on the call Jason probably thinks she is asleep but the problem is personal war cries aren't really loud enough.
Jason asks if she is asleep, a horrifying sound comes "Yes asleep forever."
Kind note: The countdown was of 1 hour, Shez is dead.
CH04             IMPIETY            2016    
Finally the app is live, she will pay for it. What she has done is hellish and she is obliged to die, ain't everyone.....my app isn't the reason why people will die it will just tell them when, because Death is the only truth humans know about.
I am a 16 year old boy, I don't how to define how intelligent I am but surely more than the person who is writing about me because they don't know death is their fucking truth too, I am Jack and I know when you will get to see this story I will already be dead because even I am obliged to die at the end, no..... I am not going to die due to a car accident that's for the world to think about and I am not even sure if I will really be dead by then. It's just a prediction by my app.
My app's name is Countdown. It will basically tell people when they are going to die and if you think it's completely random and fake, keep thinking because I know the harsh truth now, that everyone is obliged to die and so what's the point of controversy and what's the point of crime punishment. I am going to kill her just before I actually die. "TADAH Plan of the year Mr. Jack the greatest tech genius of all time the greatest developer of all time." ( A.I. SPEAKS )
Kind note: He is definitely the bad guy.
CH05          INTERROGATION          PART 01
Police : So Mr. Jonas what was first thing you saw once you entered into the room
Jonas (cries): the first thing I saw once I got in was the blood which was draining from the bed onto the tiles and my daughter who was lying on the bed with no movements at all.
Police : So according to what you have said the doctor believes this is not a case of natural death
Jonas : Yes yes sir
Police : How was your daughter feeling during the dinner or the last time you saw her before this dea.t..h . I mean all this happened 
Jonas : My daughter and I used to liver together but I had gone to somewhere out of station for a business meet
Police : Hmm, and who is this Jason?
Jonas : I don't know who this guy is 
2  police officers bring a man into the room holding his arms and hands which were locked with handcuffs 
Police officer 1 : This is Jack sir 
Police officer 2 : (whispers into his ears) He is Jason not Jack
Police officer 1: Sorry sir this is Jason 
Police: Shut up you two leave and leave him here 
Kind Note: Get ready for some fun!
Jack is a very bright student he loves programming he has made several softwares and has got several scholarships, he only has one obsession and that is with his computer and other gadgets even though this was until a girl joined her school her name was Elle. Jack never tried to ask her or gain her attention even though he knew about her presence and the fact that she is very attractive. Jack might hate her as a fact he wants the world to think in this way.
Kind Note: Re read the chapter name once you are done with main body
0 notes
mmorgdx · 2 years
Propresenter 7 tutorials
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#Propresenter 7 tutorials update#
#Propresenter 7 tutorials software#
#Propresenter 7 tutorials mac#
#Propresenter 7 tutorials windows#
No separate edit and present modes - Outputs are always live - Completely non-linear flexibility - On demand Scripture lookup - Separate Outputs, for lobby, auditorium, and stage displays - Volunteer friendly - On the fly run-of-show changes Tell … ProPresenter operators control presentations on one screen, while dynamically presenting to an audience on one or more additional screens.
#Propresenter 7 tutorials software#
3 and ATEM Production Studio 4k with ATEM Software Control (both version 7. This is a transparent window with a border sitting on the output window of ProPresenter. This is the standard option that you'll wish to use in most … The Stage Screen in ProPresenter is a powerful tool. Allows users to add effect color, brightness, and volume to optimize quality. ProPresenter 7 has been announced this morning. Change the process priority in Task Manager to High. Now that ProPresenter can send different things out of different outputs, you might be wondering how you’d send a full-screen image out of one output for, for example, the in-person audience screen and how you’d send a smaller image, for a lower third, to the live-stream. The pastor can see the current slide text as well as the next slide text.
#Propresenter 7 tutorials mac#
Pro format, so one of those is the built-in screen, so if you want to have a control screen, audience screen, and stage screen without using external hardware (like that from BlackMagic), that's the minimum current Mac that will do it. 4 of ProPresenter and noticed that the advance … This is the video for you! This video slowly walks you through everything you need to know to create presentations and start using ProPresenter without any previous experience. 4 Feature: New Stage Screen Objects Have you ever wanted to show what verse or chorus you were on (not the just the words, but ALSO the verse number, for example)? Now you can. Sending from vMix to ProPresenter (ProPresenter 7 only). See more ideas about church media, worship backgrounds, church graphics. Over the years, it has developed into an industry staple. ProPresenter 6 has corner pinning tools to assist you in correcting for this scenario. Whatever the story you want to tell, ProPresenter has the tools to help you tell it in the most engaging way possible. It no longer supports camera inputs that use Firewire. Every presentation in ProPresenter consists of at least one slide, even if it’s just a single media action. fyi/pro7quick to signup and get your own login. 1 (117899527) ProPresenter is a cross-platform (Mac and Windows) presentation & production application for live events. In ProPresenter preferences, in the display tab, there’s a checkbox at the bottom that says “Enable Syphon”. vMix version 17 or higher For this knowledge base guide demonstration we will be using ProPresenter 7 which already has NDI capabilities built into it. I ask because I don’t see a way to save ONLY the libraries. ProPresenter 7 Show Controls (Audio, Stage Controls, Timers, Messages, Props)0:00 - Introduction Audio - 0:34 Stage Controls / Stage Messages- 1:40 Timers/Clocks - 4:21 ProPresenter 7.
#Propresenter 7 tutorials update#
In perfect timing for Easter, this update brings with it many performance improvements + bug fixes.
#Propresenter 7 tutorials windows#
Select this box to keep the ProPresenter output above any other windows on your output screen. One of my favorite features I have used recently is the ability to create a countdown on the stage monitor and have the colors change. For example, you could have a fullscreen clock on one display and song lyrics on another. ProPresenter gives you the ability to manage your in-the-room screens separately from your stream output. ProPresenter 6 offers some great new tools for creating dynamic slides, which are covered in this tutorial.
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codehunter · 2 years
How to write a countdown timer in JavaScript? [closed]
Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 5 years ago.
The community reviewed whether to reopen this question 18 days ago and left it closed:
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Just wanted to ask how to create the simplest possible countdown timer.
There'll be a sentence on the site saying:
"Registration closes in 05:00 minutes!"
So, what I want to do is to create a simple js countdown timer that goes from "05:00" to "00:00" and then resets to "05:00" once it ends.
I was going through some answers before, but they all seem too intense (Date objects, etc.) for what I want to do.
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maitani · 2 years
note: happy new years :)
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“ there you are. “
your ears pick up the familiar voice, choosing to ignore the butterflies that stormed your stomach and turn to respond to baji who was choosing to make his way over. “ looking for me? “
he nods his head in confirmation, sitting his arms on the balcony railing with his breath becoming shallow — yet enough to see the small cloud of how cold it was, how he was. “ it’s gonna be midnight, y’know? shouldn’t you be inside? “
he side glances, waiting for your answer but all he can notice is the flush to your face of the winter night and how glossy your bottom lip is from the alcohol you were purchasing sips from. all he knew was that he wants to be the reason your bottom lip is glistening under the moonlight.
“  are you listening..? “ your voice rings in his ears, snapping him from his thoughts and he shakes his head with a coy smile, “ yes — “ it falters. “ no, what did you say? “
you shake your head, turning your head back to the view and you can already hear the chants about how the countdown is starting that you didn’t hear the footsteps that baji took until you felt a cold palm on your hand.
you crane your neck and he mutters with a pink tint adorning his features that you were sure from the cold or the next words he voices, “ fuck it, i like you. “
“ five! “
you blink, allowing his words to settle in while his fingers clench your hand before the timer runs out.
“ four! “
breath hitches, especially by the way his eyes are softening when boring into your own, “ you like me? “ you whisper.
“ three! “
baji nods his head, having an idea of what that look in your eyes were saying and he takes the chance to lean forwards to crease the space between the two of you, “ i mean, you can be annoying sometimes .. “ he lightly jokes, enjoying the way you laugh under your breath.
“ two! “
your shoulders relax, finally accepting that this was truly happening — those long nights hearing him on the other line of the phone, hearing you go on about work and school then him consoling you with his own story times at the pet shop and even giving you comfort in person by showing up late night with nothing but some takeout that he struggled to find at the latest of hours.
he liked you just as you liked him.
“ one! “
baji sees the way you give him the nod of approval and his hand was finding its place on your cheek, the pad of his thumb running over your cheekbone and closing the distance when the two of you hear the loudest shouts of the night.
“ happy new year! “
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reblogs are greatly appreciated :) masterlist
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Your heart out on the asphalt 
Ao3 | 2.1k | Rated: Teen | Tarlos angst
Summary  A serial bomber who uses bomb vests as their calling card is on the loose and they are targeting spouses of members of the police department. Unfortunately for Carlos, TK becomes their next victim. 
For @silvarafael‘s prompt request: angst #36 - “Don’t tell me to calm down!”​ + tarlos
TK was missing.
Unable to be reached.
Nowhere to be found.
It had been 24 hours since anyone had seen him last, when he had left the station after a shift, on his way to his dad's ahead of Captain Strand for their weekly dinner. He never made it.
24 hours wasn’t a long time, not even long enough for them to file a missing person’s report but the captain knew something was wrong. It wasn’t until they had tracked TK's phone to a back-alley dumpster that they could only assume the worst. He had been taken by the serial bomber, just like the other victims, it was the only assumption that Carlos could make, though he didn’t know why he was a target.
TK would be the fourth in a string of abductions, and as it turned out, became the missing link to all of the officers that were connected to the other victims, each being a spouse of an officer. He and TK had been dating for a little over year, which seemed to be enough for the serial bomber to consider him spousal material. The details didn’t matter to Carlos, all his thoughts were on TK and what his fate would be because of their relationship.
And that’s when he found him.
Carlos lost his breath all at once and for a moment all he could do was sit in shock as his car idled in the street. There TK was, with arms bound in front of him and his head bowed as he sat cross-legged on the dusty, worn asphalt lit by the Camaro’s headlights like spotlights in the late afternoon shadows.
And then TK lifted his head, even from this distance, Carlos could see his eyes shining with unshed tears as he took in the car before him. Carlos could see the bruising gash stretching across TK’s temple and the dry, crusted blood that had dripped down the side of his face. Carlos watched, unable to breathe when he saw the recognition blanket TK’s face and it was only then that the tears began to fall.
Carlos couldn’t recall when he got out of the car or when he called his Captain’s direct line, passing on the pertinent details as he was trained to do. All he knew was the smell of the tar that had been cooling from the then-gone afternoon sun. He wasn’t sure he’ll ever be able to forget the scent after that day. 
He remembered feeling the rough, loose grit that scraped his hands and knees through his pants as he skidded down to land himself in front of TK; The way the small fragments of gravel clung to his hands as they ghosted around TK’s body, too afraid to touch him in fear of setting off the crude vest attached to his chest, like what happened with the first person. 
“Carlos…” TK whispered as the tears ran steadily in tracks down his face. It was enough to break him out of whatever trance that he’d fallen into upon seeing his boyfriend in the street. 
“I’m here. Everything will be okay.” He said as he gently palmed TK’s cheek for a second in an attempt to reassure him despite the frantic tone of his voice.
“You shouldn’t be here,” murmured TK, “This is what he wanted.”
“What do you mean? Who did this?”
“I don’t know who he is, but he’s watching from the street cameras. Said he’d set it off if I moved…” The vest beeped once, the sound coming from behind a small panel on the front. Carlos gingerly peeled it back to reveal a countdown that was trending downwards, “…and said he’d start the timer as soon as he saw you.”
Carlos looked down at the phone that he had haphazardly dropped beside him when he reached TK’s side, remembering that he was still on the line with his Captain. He picked it up with a shaky hand and described the device strapped to TK. From here he learned that his Captain had also added to the call the leader of the bomb squad who was already on the move to their location.
They weren’t going to make it in time to diffuse.
The bomber had made sure of that.
He had left them just enough time to say their goodbyes, but Carlos was not ready for that just yet. Staring hard at the device, an idea began to form, and he spoke hurriedly to the bomb squad leader, asking if she’d be able to possibly guide him in diffusing it himself if he showed her the vest through video call.
She had quickly agreed understanding there to be no other option, and listed what he would need, which he thankfully had in his Camero should he ever need to do any simple repairs. Carlos hurried to retrieve them before returning, glancing briefly at the countdown as he felt his whole body break out in nervous sweating over what he was about to do.
TK mirrored him and looked down at the countdown and also saw how little time Carlos had causing him to look back up sharply, “Carlos, you don’t have the time for all this! Just GO! Save yourself, please!” he pleaded in a rush, voice panicked as he tried to push at Carlos’s shoulder awkwardly with his bound hands in an attempt to get him to leave.
It doesn’t take much for him to catch TK’s hands and hold them in place against his struggling, “TK I need you to calm down.”
“Don’t tell me to calm down!” TK exclaimed mostly out of fear than anger, “I have a bomb strapped to my chest, and I don’t want you to die with me if it goes off!”
Carlos changed tact and released TK’s hands in favour of grasping the back of his neck, forcing his boyfriend to look at him, “Look at me TK. I can do this. Trust me.”
TK let out a shaky breath and almost inaudibly whispered, “I trust you, of course, I trust you.” as he settled under Carlos’s steady gaze before he released his neck and studied the wires that he could see
Carlos set the phone down and listened to the instructions given to him and exposed the wire port to the device. He picked it up again showing her what he could now see. It was a chaotic bundle of multiple coloured wires complicating the system, but the chief was pretty confident in what she saw and what wire he needed to cut in order to diffuse it safely.
TK caught his wrist, stopping him as he steadied himself to make the cut, “TK we don’t have time for this.” He uttered tersely, heart racing at the thought that this could be their last moment if the chief was wrong.
“Just let me do this part Carlos and you can go; you still have time to get far enough away to be safe,” implored TK.
Carlos shook his head again, not even considering leaving him as an option, not when his heart had already decided that TK was it for him. He didn’t think his heart would be able to survive it if he left him here, “If we’re doing this, we’re doing it together.”
He bit his bottom lip and slot the scissors over the yellow wire, making eye contact with TK as he does so before TK pre-emptively squeezes his eyes shut.
“I love you TK.”
He cuts the wire.  
The timer continued to flash the same number. 8 seconds. 8 seconds between life and death.
Tears of relief sprung to Carlos’s eyes, and he let out an audible gasp, realising he’d been holding his breath for some time. TK opened his eyes at the sound, glanced down, and shut them again as a sob bubbled out of his chest and he pitched forward, sagging in relief against Carlo’s chest with his forehead on his shoulder.
Carlos caught him, wrapping his arms around him gently, being mindful of the vest as they both panted heavily from the adrenaline of the drawn-out moment. Eventually, TK pulled back, eyes red and puffy from the tears that were now soaked into Carlos’s shoulder.
“Why would you risk yourself like that?” He asked, voice shaky with emotion, “You could have blown up with me instead of being safe.”
Carlos cupped TK’s cheek, gently brushing a thumb along the ridge of his cheekbone, wiping at the residual rivulets of tears, “Because there wasn’t a chance in hell that I would give you up so easily, even if it meant us blowing up together.”
It’s then that they’re interrupted by the sound of arriving emergency vehicles, and most importantly the bomb squad. Carlos sat back on his haunches glancing down at TK’s hands. He picked up the scissors that he’d dropped in surprise when TK fell into him and started working on the duct tape binding on TK’s wrist.
By the time he was done, the bomb technicians were at their side with a lead-lined box held between them. He watched warily as they carefully took the vest off TK, placing it resolutely into the box for safe detonation, and took it back to their armored truck.
Carlos took in their still seated position and moved to stand up, offering his hand to TK as he did so. TK slotted his hand in his with a smile and Carlos pulled him up where their eyes met again and this time they crashed into each other once again, tightly wrapping their arms around each other and finding themselves breathing in the soothing scent of the other.
As they slowly began to disentangle, Carlos felt TK’s body waver and he saw TK’s eyebrows knit together as he brought a hand up to his injured temple as he took a faltering half-step backwards. He nearly collapsed if Carlos didn’t still have his arms around him and supported his weight as the paramedics picked up their speed with the gurney that they had on standby and brought it to them, helping Carlos to guide TK to lie on the bed.
He doesn’t move from the gurney’s side as they wheeled it back to the ambulance, stopping for a moment when TK reached out to him, dragging him close enough that he could get his hand on Carlos’s cheek and pulled his face close enough the Carlos could feel his breath on his lips.
“I love you too. Thank you for staying.” TK whispered and guided Carlos down until their lips met for a quick and gentle kiss. They parted after a beat as the paramedics returned to take him to the hospital.
He watched as the ambulance drove away, wanting more than anything to be in the back of it with TK, but he still had a duty to debrief with his Captain who had surprisingly joined them out in the field. It was there in the debrief that he fould out they had figured out why the specific officers spouses had been targeted.  it was a revenge story. Some twisted sense of justice from a time when he was still a rookie, the first trial he had to testify at. The bomber had been targeting anyone involved from the department. And they were already on the move to find the man responsible. 
By the time that he'd finished debriefing and made his way to the hospital, he found TK already set up in his own room, hooked up to an I.V. for dehydration and butterfly strips over the gash on his temple.
“Hey.” TK said softly from the bed when he noticed him in the doorway.
“Hey. How’s the head?”
“Throbbing, about as bad as my last abduction.”
Carlos sighed and sat down in the chair next to him, picking up his hand, “The fact that you have something like that to compare it to is a worry. Actually, the fact that you’ve already been in the hospital multiple times since I’ve known you is a worry.”
TK shrugged his shoulders with a smirk, “Unfortunately for you, this is what you’ve signed up for. I’ve already made my peace with it.”
Carlos rolled his eyes and chuckled, “Well I guess I’ll have to make my peace with it too.”
He just adds this moment to the now slowly growing list of the most terrifying moments of his life, the other being their home burning to the ground. He was grateful that overall both incidences had resulted in their relative safety. All he could do was hope against all hope that there won't be any more in their immediate future. 
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candied-peach · 3 years
ao3: “the sun through the leaves” rating: T warnings: moceit, implied car accidents, implied child abuse, alcoholism genre: hurt/comfort description: Janus hikes a lot. One day, he meets someone. ( Day 2 - There is a timer that counts down to when you will meet your soulmate)
Janus's timer has always been high.
His mother fusses over him when he's young, toddling over to her to show her his wrist. She kisses the soft, freckled skin just above the countdown, murmurs soft words of reassurance.
"Your soulmate is out there, baby," she says. "It just might take y'all a while to meet, that's all."
He misses those days. Misses the soft floral scent of her perfume, the clean lavender smell of her shampoo. Now all he smells is the sharp tang of alcohol, as his mother loses herself further and further into drink. As she pulls further and further away from him. The reminder of the accident that took her soulmate. The one that should have died instead. She's never said it, but he knows how she feels. He knows that the red latticework of scars on the left side of his face, the blind eye, the weakness in his arm- It brings it all back.
So he spends as much time outside as possible, skulking in the shadows because it turns out looking like a Disney villain doesn't really have any perks. Children recoil at the sight of his face and he pretends it doesn't hurt. Adults ask him what happened, but he can tell they don't care about the answer, they're just looking at him like he's some kind of sideshow attraction. Or disease.
He ends up spending a lot of time in abandoned parks, or hiking through trails where hardly anybody wanders. It's difficult for him to hike- it utterly exhausts him- but Janus kind of likes that, likes returning home drenched in sweat and only looking forward to the shower chair and the spray misting over him. His mom doesn't care how late he returns home (sometimes he wonders if she cares about him returning home at all), so it doesn't matter how far down the sun has slipped when he fumbles open the door and creaks in.
He forgets completely about his soulmate timer, hidden on his wrist behind a jumble of bracelets. Sometimes he catches a glimpse in the shower, watching it slowly tick down, but he doesn't care anymore. His soulmate won't want him. His soulmate will see him and sprint in the other direction.
And then-
It happens suddenly. He bumps into someone, out on one of those hiking trails he loves so much. Apologies rise to his lips unbidden as he looks up into the warmest blue eyes he's ever seen, hidden behind round, wire-framed glasses.
"I'm so sorry!" The other person chirps, not a single wince or glance at his scars meeting Janus's gaze. "I'm Patton! I guess I wasn't looking where I was going. Are you all right?"
"I'm fine," Janus mumbles, his face on fire. A tendril of hair flops in his face and he automatically raises his hand to shove it out of the way when he freezes, eyes glued to the timer on his wrist.
00:00 he reads through the snarl of bracelet.
"Um," he manages to say inelegantly. Patton tilts his head in curiosity before he notices Janus's frozen stare and glances down at his own wrist. His mouth drops open.
"Oh!" Patton squeals. "Oh my god, you- oh my gosh we're soulmates!"
"I-" Janus says. His throat is dry. "You-"
"Are you okay?" Patton asks, now frowning at him. He gently takes one of Janus's hands and leads him over to a little bench, conveniently set off the trail. "You don't look so hot. Have you been out in the sun too long?"
"No, it's-" Janus gestures weakly at his wrist. "I'm Janus, I uh- I'm so sorry, I'm not normally like this."
"Take your time," Patton says, smiling at him and kicking his feet. "It's not every day you meet your soulmate!"
"I'm sorry if you're disappointed," Janus blurts out. Patton frowns.
"Why would I be disappointed?" He asks. Janus gestures at his face, his shoulders hunching.
"That doesn't disappoint me," Patton says. "All that tells me is that you've been through some pain in life. I'm not going to be disappointed because you've gone through something. That would be pretty rotten of me, wouldn't it?"
"I'd understand," Janus manages to say. Patton's face softens.
"Well, you don't have to worry about it," Patton says. "Because it doesn't make a single bit of difference to me. You're my soulmate and I am so, so happy I decided to start my exercise routine today." He beams. "I'm so happy to meet you, Janus. And that's such a beautiful name." He sighs wistfully. He smells faintly of lavender.
"Thank you," Janus whispers. Patton smiles at him.
"You're welcome," he says, and squeezes Janus's hand. They sit by the trail, the birds twittering in the trees above them, and for once, Janus feels at peace.
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