#oh and ''anti george lucas''
crispyjenkins · 2 years
Hi, I haven't watched Clone Wars in a long while but I find what you said about Ventress/the nightsisters interesting. I've seen the statement that the nightsisters are "white oppressors" of the nightbrothers who are coded as MOC. Some fans of color have remarked that the depiction of the nightbrothers/sisters was uncomfortable for this reason, which I think is valid but Im interested in your opinion on it.
hello!! can you dm me the post you're talking about? i just can’t remember what i said about it ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
otherwise though, i don’t feel like. qualified to speak on the race side of this? i could absolutely rant about ventress and the nightsisters being a weird dominatrix sex fantasy for the male writers and creators of the show, and how they're a bullshit sexist-male-with-a-repressed-dom/sub-kink take on a "matriarchal" society, but im not sure it’s my space to speak on the, indeed, heavily moc-coded nightbrothers, and how imperialism and race play into the creation of and writing of both them and the nightsisters
im white from a lower-middle class family, so i have no personal experience relevant to the topic except some anecdotes about people close to me that have experienced it, and ive unfortunately fallen pretty heavily off the wagon of research and activism, so i don’t feel caught up on current discussion, and am no longer confident in my memory of the discussion i WAS caught up on before the pandemic and the first year of this blog
i suppose a short answer to your question would be: yes, i fully believe the dichotomy and relationship of the nightsisters and nightbrothers is steeped in race and imperialism, and can’t be separated from the fetishistic and misogynist hypersexualisation of the nightsisters’ design and function in the story. i don’t think anything in star wars media is free of racism and/or imperialism and/or antisemitism and/or islamaphobia, not when it’s actual basis is built on appropriation as far back as A New Hope, and not when the clone wars is post-9/11 and very much a product of its time.
i just think i don’t have enough knowledge to have an actual discussion about it without a lot more research on my part, or without bringing in relevant voices
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david-talks-sw · 11 months
The fact that Dave Filoni called Anakin “the greatest Jedi ever” is proof that he’s bias AF. His anti-Jedi rhetoric is bupkis.
I wonder if he means "the greatest" in terms of in-universe fame...?
Dunno if this is the case in Canon (then again Dave Filoni blatantly ignores any *non-motion* transmedia elements in Canon so meh), but in Legends he's:
"Anakin Skywalker, the Hero with no Fear™, handsome, dashing, the face of the Republic's army during the Clone War, the only Jedi who tried to resist the nefarious Order's coup and was treacherously murdered for it".
And I seem to remember that, in Canon, he's like the Jedi Temple's superstar anyway, every Jedi recognizes him on sight. I mean, that line from Baylon about "Anakin speaking highly of Ahsoka" must have some meaning beyond artificial personal stakes.
So from a fame and a "power level" standpoint... sure.
He's the greatest.
I'm giving Filoni the benefit of the doubt.
While I've talked about why Filoni's entire headcanon about the Jedi doesn't track with what George Lucas' intended narrative, I think it's worth acknowledging that Filoni's bias comes from part of his duties while directing The Clone Wars was.
One of the goals of TCW was humanizing Anakin, expanding upon his character make him go from "a character whose only purposes is to embody the themes presented in three movies based on the matinee serial format" to a relatable person, a good man, the hero Ben mentions to Luke in A New Hope.
I think it's normal that he'll see Anakin in a more positive light.
Also (and full disclosure this is just me theorizing I am no authority on any of this so if turns out I'm wrong just come right out and say so)...
I'm pretty sure that Filoni, Lesley Headland and most of the recent Star Wars authors are all Gen X, raised by baby boomers forced to conform to society, obey authority and have proper decorum (boys don't cry!) all of which they strove to rebel against. Add to that the corruption they witnessed growing up and coming out of high school, and you see a kind of jadedness emerge. "The rules aren't as black and white, the world is grey."
So while most of them and the boomers despised the Prequels upon release, a few of them projected a more individualistic headcanon onto those movies that fit with where their head was, at the time.
As such: Anakin isn't interpreted by them as a cautionary tale about what happens when you're greedy. He's a misunderstood rebel, a non-conformist who has his flaws but is ultimately good at heart. Which isn't entirely inaccurate, but it is very clearly an embellishment of a character who will one day become a space nazi.
The fact is... the Prequels were made by a boomer. One with very liberal values and who was himself a rebel, but a boomer all the same. The whole point of his story is...
"we all must come together and fight as one, if push comes to shove; we must all be compassionate and selfless if we are to survive; don't be greedy, let people go when it's their time to leave".
And then he makes the Jedi say that, making them beacons of truth and good and compassion in his fairy tale, now aimed at Gen Z kids.
Gen X-ers hear/read that and project all the boomer BS they had been told onto the Jedi...
"oh, so the Jedi are saying you shouldn't love yourself, you shouldn't be yourself, you should give up on what makes you an individual to fit in, you shouldn't feel any emotions"
Because nobody is that good, realistically, right?
This happened in other mediums. The one that comes to mind on the spot is the relationship between Mufasa and Scar.
In The Lion King, Mufasa is strong and noble, Scar is weak and conniving. Simple enough. Around that same time, in A Tale of Two Brothers, young Mufasa is shown to be pretty nice with Taka (Scar), who is framed as a spoiled brat to begin with.
Skip to the 2019 remake, and it's hinted Mufasa gave Scar his wound, and in The Lion Guard they explain that Scar got his nickname from Mufasa mocking him for a misadventure.
He went from being a noble king to a bully who had it coming, Scar is an underdog who got picked on. Because again: nobody is that pure, right? Fairytales be-damned.
Nothing is black and white, it's all grey.
So yeah, long story short I do think that Filoni being part of the generation that wasn't the target demographic but was old enough to retcon the crap out of the Prequels also plays a role into his view of Anakin.
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kcrabb88 · 5 months
ok I'll bite. what are your thoughts on stewjoni biology?
Been waiting for a time when my frustration at the use of this trope (more than the existence of the trope) built up enough to be brave enough to answer. The usual disclaimer applies: people can write what they want. I'm not an anti. This is not a moral debate. People can have whatever kinks they want in fic. It's just my observations on how I'm seeing queer characters written in Star Wars fandom and how gender roles is being put into things based on what parts people have. Which, I thought we were not doing that anymore?
For the uninitiated, Stewjoni biology is a fanon concept where Obi-Wan is dual sex (he has a penis and a vagina and associated internal workings). The concept on it's own is fine. It's Star Wars! There is probably all kinds of biology and coming up with something for a planet with like, zero lore cause it was made up on the fly by George Lucas is creative! However. It's the execution and sameness of this concept that has started to uh, get under my skin.
So, I have a lot of thoughts on this, and they are two-fold and related. I think, likely without meaning to do so consciously, people are starting to assign personality traits to certain genitalia, and, in larger ways (due to other trends in Star Wars fandom) are re-inventing gender roles under the guise of queerness (which is, you know, kind of the opposite of the point of queerness!) Most fics I see with this concept (I said most, not all) simply ... have it there. There's not really an exploration of it so much from an intersex and/or trans point of view. How does this impact Obi-Wan's love life? Does it at all? How does it impact his life generally? What are his thoughts on his gender? Are dual sex people discriminated against in any way? I'm sure that is in some fics! But a lot of the time it pretty much goes down to "oh look he has a cunt!" Which I mean, that's not a mortal sin! I just think there could be things that are explored with it that aren't being explored. It's largely there to simply be another place for Obi-Wan to be penetrated.
The second, and likely more controversial part of my thought process, is that I find it. Kind of odd that it's Obi-Wan in particular this has been assigned to. Obi-Wan has what society might consider as more "feminine" traits. He's kind and he's patient and he prefers diplomacy over fighting. Now, this is not inherent to women, but society (and socialization) assigns these traits to women. So, I see a fic. It has this dual sex trope. Said dual sex trope LARGELY focuses on the fact that Obi-Wan, has a vagina. These fics are usually smut fics. Obi-Wan is usually a submissive in them (the conflation of "prefers to bottom" with submissive is a whole other rant and so is my Obi-Wan is sexually versatile agenda). Usually the other characters are, most of the time, a bit Super Masculine. The Super Masculine Man has a penis. The Less Masculine Man, Obi-Wan has a penis too but that's in the background. The focus is on the vagina. So it comes across as These Traits Are Assigned to These Genitals. It comes across as gender roles 2.0. The "feminine" one is the one who's submissive and has the genitals that are associated with cis women. He's the one who "takes it" as I've seen it phrased one too many times. Dirty talk in fic is fine! But the constant emphasis on that kind of phrasing in this situation has kind of off-putting implications as far as writing queer men goes, and kind of has some accidental misogyny in it to boot.
I will express again, these are deeply my opinions. No one who does this is bad or wrong and I have fic writers whose work I enjoy that use this trope. I just think that sometimes fandom picks A Thing To Do and then doesn't do it differently from each other, or take a step back and be like, huh, maybe we could examine this. I think it's one of those things that started off interesting and got flat over time. I'd love to see this concept explored! I'd love to see more trans Obi-Wan stuff! I just am not a fan of how this concept has been executed.
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thesecondbatgirl · 2 years
This is not as positive as you think it is
It’s still Rosh Hashanah, and I’m going to post part of those 17 essays I swore I would never write. Starting off the year as I mean to go on? Or something. I originally had this as the first thing on my list of essays that I would never write but would absolutely get me kicked out of Star Wars fandom but I am tired and cranky and I am going to explain why tagging fics where the Jedi Order reform and start allowing attachment as *Jedi Positive* piss me off so much. 
First, let me make this clear. If you hate the Jedi Order and want to write those, go ahead. If you have issues with the Jedi and want to write those fics, go ahead. Nobody is stopping you. What I’m asking instead is to stop tagging them Pro-Jedi or Jedi positive. Use Jedi critical! Or not Jedi friendly! Please use those tags instead! Yes even if you think its Pro-Jedi! If you are saying that the Order needs to reform to be *good* then it is not Jedi friendly!
I mean, look, if you are writing those things then I have issues with the way you’re interrogating the text and will think that you’re *wrong* and also that you’re using some super problematic (and from my point of view, anti-semitic) tropes but if my 21+ years in fandom have taught me anything its that you are never going to get anyone to agree on anything, but tagging will at least allow us to have our own spaces? Like, you wouldn’t have gone into a [pairing of your choice] positive archive and post a fic where [pairing] break up because the one who isn’t your blorbo is abusive so your blorbo runs to *YOUR* OTP, because that wouldn’t fit the theme of the archive! So if your fic is saying that the old rules for the prequel Jedi are bad and need to be changed to be good, don’t put it with Jedi positive content! 
So first. Attachment. Other people have talked about it better than I have, but have some links about what attachment means in the GFFA and no it really does not mean love.
(Listen I am not going to bother to rewrite the meta when Lumi has already done the work for me)
…. Honestly just have the entire attachment tag ok:
So. Having done your reading, for the purposes of the GFFA, attachment is greed/possession and *very very bad* for psychic space monks. It is not a thing that the Jedi can just suddenly *allow*. Letting Jedi start allowing attachments, which is the big thing I start seeing whenever people start *reforming* the Jedi is, to me, a Jew who lives in the US South, the equivalent of Jews for Jesus.
Whoa, TSB, you say. You’re going too far.
Not really. Let’s go with a central belief of Judaism. The messiah has not come, Jesus is not the messiah. For the Jedi, attachment is not allowed is one of the central core beliefs. So saying that the way the Jedi need to reform by changing one of their core beliefs hits me like the person who told me “oh honey, we don’t care how you worship, as long as you accept Christ” did. (Right after I was introduced as being Jewish!) If you’re changing the *core* of who the Jedi are, you’re making them no longer Jedi. It’s not just changing one thing, it’s changing *everything.* 
And, while the Jedi are much more Buddhist then they are Jewish, they still hit me very much in my Jewish feels. Gee, I wonder *why* I could possibly resonate with a minority religious group who were hunted down and murdered and who get accused of a bunch of anti-semitic tropes including baby stealing and secretly running the government???? There are no parallels, clearly.
So look. Every single time I get hit with a fic that’s tagged Pro-Jedi and then its “we changed our rules about attachment and that stopped us from being murdered” what I hear is “the Jews accepted Jesus so we avoided pogroms/The Holocaust.” Or, as another friend pointed out "the Sikhs cut their hair, converted, and so the Mughal Empire let them live.”
Obviously I don’t speak for every Jew, and I certainly don’t speak for any Sikhs, so not everyone is going to agree with my take. But there are people that relate to Jedi and there is a reason why people are uncomfortable with Jedi reform and allowing attachment. 
But if you’re going to write fic about the Prequel Jedi and have them reform, before you tag it pro-Jedi or Jedi-Positive, please consider if “well they have to change who they are to be good” is as positive as you think it is. Tags help people curate their fannish experience. I very much follow the philosophies of YKINMKATO and don’t like, don’t read. The backbutton is my friend! But when I think I’m getting positive fic and then it isn’t? That sucks. Please tag accurately.
…. And well, since I’ve broken my rule about not writing these essays I guess look forward to my future essays of “No the Jedi are not Catholic” and “Actually they don’t have any political power” and “please stop judging the Jedi Order by some middle grade books” and finally “Galidraan was not the Jedi’s fault oh my god Jango shot first” Shana tova, everyone. Let’s try to do better this year.
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dancingdorito · 11 months
i think it's so funny when i see ANYONE on ANY of the star wars social medias saying they've "gone woke" when star wars HAS ALWAYS BEEN POLITICAL.
like i saw comments on the Ahsoka trailer that were like "disney is forcing its woke agenda on us", like im sorry how is a star wars show with female leads inherently woke??? like it's not even like any of them are officially gay or something like that. they're just women that happen to be leading and show and are anti-fascist. we've never gotten a female led SHOW before, and people act like star wars hasn't always been anti-fascism and pro-equality.
I know that star wars has not always been inclusive, but why is it so hard for people to believe it can be now. like in the 80s people were racist as fuck about lando calrissian, and now that ONE live action show is centered around women, 2 being ALIEN women, people get mad... because what??? because they're poc women???
its funny because i dont understand how conservatives and people that are right-leaning watch star wars and think "oh yeah go rebels!" and then directly support fascist politicians that george lucas deliberately based the empire ON. george lucas has said himself that the empire is based on american imperialism, and the rebels are based on vietcong rebels. how conservatives watch star wars and think stupid shit like gay people don't exist in a huge galaxy where people can move shit with their minds is beyond me.
dear conservative star wars fans,
you are not mad that ahsoka is political, you are mad because it has two female leads that are women of color. its just misogyny and you don't even hide it.
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i was going to make a joke here about how the OG anti jedi movement was started by george lucas and is called the prequel trilogy (and they are like garbage as films but not because of that) but i realized that actually as someone whose family luckily is not in star wars a more salient irritation to me is the conversation about The Luke Of It All and like i could go on about this at length but mostly what i want to say is that in high school i decided i wanted to celebrate my eighteenth birthday by having all my friends over and having a marathon of the original star wars trilogy, which we had all grown up with and loved except one girl who had never seen them and when this came to light we were like WHAT????? HOW CAN THIS BE?????? and we were all a little judgmental when she got bored and went to bed halfway through. because we all had been star wars fans since childhood and thought the movies ruled. we were obnoxious and superior teenagers who went to the last two prequels preparing to hatewatch and eager to make fun, and it was consensus (not shared by me, a lifelong lover of critters) that the ewoks were dumb, but our love for star wars was deep and sincere. my dude friends probably had some knowledge of the world beyond the movies even from like video games and maybe some novels idk. anyway. so we sat down on my birthday to watch these movies that we all agreed were awesome and great. and one of my friends was like, “i should count every time luke whines onscreen.” and we were all like LMAO HAHAHA THAT’S SO FUNNY YES DO IT. and he got to like 110 whines by the end of a new hope and then abandoned the bit. but like. one thing that makes me feel insane is if you’d asked me in november 2017 “how do star wars fans feel about luke?” i UNHESITATINGLY would have said, “oh they think he’s a whiny bitch and the most lame character in the movies and also that mark hamill can’t act.” like i can’t emphasize how much this was the reality i knew as a person who liked star wars but in a normal way. i swear i wrote some line to this effect into a piece of fiction at one point. and in fact as a person who tends towards generosity once i’ve decided i like something i also could have told you of the years i spent alone in the luke-loving trenches, coming to his defense because yeah he does whine a lot but that’s part of his charm. it’s part of the magic of the movies, went the argument i swear to you i had made, that if luke is on the screen he’s probably whining. it wouldn’t be the same any other way! this was, i stress again, as per all evidence available to me, a niche opinion. like it was a really hot take to be like “yes luke whines so much… but i like him anyway! and i think mark hamill is pretty good once you get to empire.” so like i feel really truly berenstain/berenstein bears about this universe i portaled into 5 years ago where apparently longtime star wars fans have always thought that luke was awesome and cool and a total hero. like setting aside all debates over artistic merits and narrative consistency and how to read the best star wars movie of all time (the last jedi), it just makes me feel fucking crazy that people would act like “luke sucks” is a concept invented out of thin air by rian johnson in 2017. like it goes against everything about my experience of being a person who has thought the original star wars trilogy is pretty great since i was 8 years old in 1996.
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Bruh, I met someone before character x reader was even A Thing that openly admitted to be possessive of characters. She was like, "Oh yeah, I usually hate all of the female characters because I want the guy to be mine." Yeah, everyone has their own headcanons and stuff because that's how things happen. But jfc chill out with the hatred or have the decency to keep it out of the tags. Let me enjoy my ship in peace. I've been a Bo fan since TCW she deserves Good Things. Let her have this. (1/2)
Anon, continued: This is literally fiction and it's not that deep. I also feel like people forget/ignore/refuse to accept that they can just ignore canon? All because the source material does something doesn't mean you have to follow it. It's not Canon or It's Erased From Existence. There's no little trophy for ""winning"". I've been around in fandom a long time and this stuff still gets on my nerves. If you aren't having a good time then leave. No one is holding you here against your will. (2/2)
I merged your posts so I could answer it in one reply.
Yes, everything you said is 100% facts. There are certainly the people out there who are a little out of touch with reality, and this is a big fandom, so we have more than our fair share. I do think that the character x reader fics have exacerbated the issue though, because I feel like I'm seeing a LOT more people citing "jealousy" as their reason for not shipping canon couples. That's all anecdotal, I haven't gone back and counted posts or anything, but I'm definitely seeing a trend.
Westerners tend to get very particular about canon and what does and does not fall into that category. But we are also huge creative contributers to the "fanon" side of things, and I think it's best that we have a balance. For instance, I don't have a lot of good things to say about the sequels (particularly TRoS), but you'll never catch me saying, "that's not canon because George Lucas didn't write it" or because "I didn't like what was written". If I find something I don't like and I feel strongly enough about it, I'll write my own content.
In regards to ships, I think it just projects insecurity to go into the ship tags just to drag a ship. Maybe go generate discourse, like "which ship do you prefer and why?" We have polls now, so that's great. But for someone to take an ask like the one you just gave me, and then use it to list all the reasons you don't like the ship and finish it up by tagging the ship in question is obnoxious. Or they just drop in with a negative original post to hate on a ship. Just make an anti tag. It ain't hard.
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dotthings · 1 year
Hope the antis in Star Wars stay mad forever that Ahsoka will directly build from Star Wars Rebels and have things in it with extra layer of meaning for fans who are familiar with that series. This hatred, disdain, and snobbery against animation is ridiculous.
Imagine, in any IP, so called fans actually getting mad because a new thing builds on previous media in that IP.
Dave Filoni has been bringing characters from animation into Star Wars for years. While so called fans turned their noses up at animated series, while enjoying characters from the animated series, and completely ignoring the animated series which are part of the great creative foundational backbone of the Star Wars universe. And oh, guess what, are CANON.
If these people hate Star Wars animation this much, if your snobbery about animation is so deep you’ve shut yourself out of some of the greatest Star Wars content ever made, and choose to spend your time online hating a show that hasn’t even aired yet because you’re angry that one of the greatest Star Wars series, and one of the greatest animated tv series ever made, isn’t just being ignored, maybe it’s time to either rethink your ignorance and narrow-minded approach to media, or take a step back and leave the Star Wars content you don’t like alone. It’s a very big universe with content to choose from. But I guess being hateful and attacking things that bring others joy is the whole point, isn’t it.
These antis are obsessed with an IP that involves puppets and space wizards…and they think they’re too good and too cool to respect that animation is a powerful art form every bit as potent and sophisticated as live action and that something aimed towards children never has layers in it that adults can appreciate too. Like…y’know. Star Wars. Which George Lucas said was…mostly for kids. But do continue going off how it’s an outrage that an animated series “for children” is getting its due in the spotlight and is now background for a major live action series release.
Oh no homework!!! the horror someone actually expects you to watch a great series set in the universe you claim to be such a big fan of so you have a deeper understanding of context on a new series, while it will also work for “GA” that hasn’t watched it, knowledge of it would make for a richer experience. Just like…pretty much…anything Star Wars that’s ever been put out there.
*stares into camera*
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otnesse · 2 years
Some people say that Biggs Darklighter's deleted speech about the Galactic Empire nationalizing farms made Star Wars an anti-communist film, and that meant George Lucas was anti-Communist. I half-agree. It definitely would have made it anti-communist, but I suspect it implicitly condemning communism and nationalization is if anything the reason WHY it ended up cut (and I suspect George Lucas himself demanded the cut), especially when Lucas's own talk, especially in a certain Charlie Rose interview post-sale to Disney and even some comments made by him beforehand like "pure democracy, not capitalistic democracy" indicated that he himself was a huge fan of nationalization (heck, preferred the Soviet filmmaking style over Hollywood, and the Soviet filmmaking style is the EPITOME of nationalization). Oh yeah, and also his explicitly quoting Marx's dictum of workers having the means of production after he freed himself from the hollywood system around the time The Empire Strikes Back was released. More likely, he initially wrote it as a reference to the leftist canard about how America "invaded" Vietnam for tin deposits (basically the 1960s-1970s equivalent of the anti-war slogan War for Oil during Iraq), but then after giving it some thought and realizing he unintentionally supplied ammo to the capitalists he hated and demonized the communists he loved, he decided to cut the line instead. And get this, when it came time to expand more on the Empire's philosophy from its own words with the Imperial Handbook, they conveniently don't even ALLUDE to any plans, short or long term, of nationalizing farms at all. The most they really mentioned regarding nationalization, or Imperialization as they call it, was weapons manufacturers, which lets face it, even in a small government setting, nationalization of firearms is somewhat required. Without nationalization of firearms or weapons of some sort, weapons manufacturers actually CAN commit treason and sell weapons to both sides just for a quick buck. Yes, Capitalism definitely is the best in this world for many reasons, but it also needs to be held in check by morals as well, which even Conservatives agree with, heck, the Founding Fathers of America agreed with. Ironically, absolutely no restraints to weapons manufacturers actually works more with Communists than Capitalists since Communists absolutely INSIST on destroying moral codes as well as law and order of ANY sort.
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diisplxced · 3 months
Adaline Bowman (Blake Lively)
Madison Montgomery (Tati Gabrielle)
Misty Day (Lily Rabe)
Nora Montgomery (Lily Rabe)
Violet Harmon (Tessa Farmiga)
Oh Young Sook (Jeon Jong-seo)
Tyler Simms (Chace Crawford)
Barbara Gordon / Batgirl (Teresa Palmer)
Billy Batson (Asher Angel)
Cassandra Cain / Batgirl (Ella Jay Basco)
June Moon / Enchantress (Cara Delevingne)
Koriand'r / Starfire (Vanessa Morgan)
Lucy Quinzel (Chloé Moretz)
Pamela Isley / Poison Ivy (Madelaine Petsch)
Selina Kyle / Catwoman (Ana De Armas)
Carlos Deville
Evie Grimhilde (Sofia Carson)
Jay (BooBoo Stewart)
Mal Bertha (Dove Cameron)
Anna (Sadie Sink)
Belle (Emily Carey)
Chip Potts (Asa Butterfield)
Elsa (Gabriella Wilde)
Eugene Fitzherbert (Thomas McDonell)
Fix-It Felix
Maui (Jason Momoa)
Moana (Auliʻi Cravalho)
Peter Pan (Robbie Kay / Thomas Brody Sangster)
Rapunzel (Lily James)
Tinkerbell (Freya Allan)
Vanellolpe Von Schweetz (Mackenzie Foy)
Deena Johnson (Kiana Madeira)
Ruby Lane (India Eisley)
Sarah Fier
Aphrodite (Nyané Lebajoa)
Apollo (Jamie Campbell Bower)
Cerberus (Aidan Turner)
Hades (Cheyenne Jackson)
Hermes (Alex Pettyfer)
Icarus (Evan Mock)
Persephone (Gugu Mbtha Raw)
Poseidon (Jason Momoa)
Albus Severus Potter (Freddie Highmore)
Cormac McLaggen (Freddie Stroma / Daniel Sharman)
Dominique Weasley (Kat McNamara)
George Weasley (James/Oliver Phelps)
Hannah Abbott (Olivia Holt)
Hermione Granger (Jessica Sula)
Lucy Weasley (Luca Hollestelle)
Luna Lovegood (Saoirse Ronan)
Padma Patil (Anya Chalotra)
Parvati Patil (Jameela Jamil)
Ron Weasley (Rupert Grint)
Rose Weasley (Zendaya)
Roxanne Weasley (Ashley Moore)
Scorpius Malfoy (Austin Butler)
Victoire Weasley (Dove Cameron)
Ben Hanscom (Jay Ryan)
Beverly Marsh (Sophia Lillis / Jessica Chastain)
Bill Denbrough (Jaeden Martell / James McAvoy)
Eddie Kaspbrak (Timothée Chamalet)
Greta Keene (Sabrina Carpenter)
Henry Bowers (Nicholas Hamilton)
Mike Hanlon (Chosen Jacobs / Isaiah Mustafa)
Stanley Uris (Wyatt Oleff / Andy Bean)
Maisie Lockwood (Mackenzie Foy)
Ella Lopez (Aimee Garcia)
Lucifer (Tom Ellis)
Mazikeen (Lesley-Ann Brandt)
Trixie Espinoza (Scarlett Estevez)
Darcy Lewis (Kat Dennings)
Maybelle Parker / Aunt May (Sally Field)
Michelle Jones (Zendaya)
Ponyboy Curtis (Jake T Austin)
Ace Trappola
Azul Ashengrotto
Cater Diamond (Ross Lynch)
Deuce Spade
Epel Felmier
Floyd Leech
Idia Shroud
Jamil Viper (BooBoo Stewart)
Kalim Al-Asim
Lilia Vanrouge (Kyle Gallner)
Malleus Draconia (Felix Mallard)
Ortho Shroud
+ their tsums !
Adelaide Wilson (Lupita Nyong'o)
Red (Lupita Nyong'o)
Lestat de Lioncourt (Cody Fern)
Louis de Pointe du Lac (Freddy Carter)
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gpsoftun · 3 years
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😲....... 😵.......... EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 😍😃
Zack: Hey, take it easy, Tiger Zord. No need to fall out. We're all family here.
Billy: Though your enthusiasm is commendable.
ATG: I.... I cannot believe this.
Jason: We're flattered, but we figured you'd be used to your OG Support Squad answering your distress calls by now.
ATG: Oh, I am. I just can't believe you guys didn't pop in when I was in mid-rant like the others.
Zack: Nah, we taught you better than that.
Tommy: Also, the others came to pry you from the pit. With the sky so grey, we thought you could use a burst of real color.
Trini: We're also here to say how sorry we are.
ATG: What??? No way. You guys are the last ones needing to apologize. For years, you were my siblings; my legit family.
Tommy: We know. That's kind of the reason we're sorry. We took care of you for so long and we thought we molded a better world for you than this.
Jason: A peaceful and friendly world.
Kim: With no hatred.
Billy: No prejudice.
Trini: No crime.
Zack: And no wars.
Billy: Admittedly, we were young and unrealistic, but none of us could have predicted a modern day so backwards.
Zack: Yeah, anything our big bads dished out looks humanitarian next to this mess.
ATG: I know, right? Give me Rita and Lord Zedd any day over this transparent tyranny.
Billy: History is being erased at such an inconceivable rate that I almost suspect a spell.
Kim: Erasure is the more merciful option than what the media is doing. These dweebs are seriously out to demolish all of our legacies.
Trini: Walt Disney, George Lucas, Stan Lee....
Zack: Saban. What was up with that Power Rangers parody they called a reboot?
Tommy: That flick is worse than any evil ranger clones we've tangled with. They assassinated our characters and stuck them in some YA dystopia. That's what kids relate to now?
Zack: That and race swapping, apparently.
ATG: Ugh, some idiots still act like it was a federal crime that you and Trini were black and yellow.
Kim: Yeah, how was that a hate crime but no one griped about pink being associated with someone as girly as me?
Tommy: Or when they thought I was white and had the same ranger color. Then, when they found out I'm native american, suddenly I wasn't allowed to be the red ranger anymore.
Billy: That overblown racial falsehood somehow forgets the fact that our show and action scenes originated in Japan. Color symbolism over there is significantly different than that of the US. For instance, our team never had a purple ranger due to the color's negative connotations within Japanese culture.
Trini: And before my actress got the role, they casted a white girl for the yellow ranger. Things just got shifted around. There was no nefarious motive involved. Except for how underpaid our actors were.
Zack: Because Saban's one and only motive is the almighty dollar. But I remember a lot of black boys looked up to me.
Billy: The same way introverted kids with low self-esteem looked up to me.
Kim: Seriously, our team rocked diversity before it became forced. The Power Rangers actually gave boys and girls a common interest they could enjoy together.
ATG: Trust me, I remember well. Playing rangers with the boys was one of the few bright spots of school. But no one ever wants to talk about wholesome aspects like that.
Jason: Least of all, suburban mothers. They were convinced we were negatively influencing kids with violence.
ATG: That makes less sense than the race hustling thing. Unless you were under a spell, you guys only ever fought monsters trying to destroy the city. In your spare time, you taught sports to preteens. And what about all of your PSAs? Anti-bullying, don't imitate tv stunts at home, fight only for self-defense, don't talk to strangers....
Zack: We figured you were the only one who listened to those. But let's face it, you're the only one who even remembers them.
ATG: More than I realized growing up. Yep, coolest kid ever- that's me.
Jason: No matter how lonely you felt, deep down you knew you didn't care about popularity. Not at the cost of losing who you really are.
ATG: What I am struggling to remember is who that person was.
Kim: Is. Yes, you've been unwell for the last few years, but you're still you. You still want to fight back by doing good.
ATG: And I feel outnumbered a billion to one. I can't single-handedly usher in that better world you guys talked about.
Jason: When did anyone ask you to? As idealistic as our hopes sounded, don't forget what else we said. Everyone has to do their part.
Trini: It's a frustrating conundrum. People feel discouraged, believing nothing they do makes a difference.
Billy: It easier to conform than to correct.
ATG: I love how all of you OGs are coming from different fandoms and dimensions yet you're all the living embodiment of the 'anti-conformity tag'.
Jason: Because none of us are saying it for edginess clout. People can say what they will about what unrealistic, good-natured teenagers we were, but we only wanted to set an example.
Kim: There is so much more to heroism than cool costumes and robot battle royale. I think you knew that even back then.
Tommy: Take it from someone almost swallowed by darkness. Regardless of my skills, for so long I felt unworthy of standing alongside these guys. Do you remember all the turmoil with my green ranger powers?
ATG: I could never forget that. It was one of the most intense storylines.
Tommy: Tell me about it. I was miserable when it first happened; more lost than my powers. When Zordon managed to restore some of my green energy, it was hard to be happy about it. I lived in constant dread of potentially losing them again.
Zack: Huh, sounds like somebody else we know....
ATG: I really want to kick whatever crackhead who says you guys aren't relatable.
Kim: We know it's hard, but it's definitely not hopeless. Your entire life is proof of that. We remember the little girl we used to shelter. The one who loved the people inside the suits way more than the powers themselves. Everything has changed for you for the better.
Tommy: We've walked such similar paths, Princess. You think you're fighting for your powers, but you're actually fighting for your life. Through whatever pain and sadness, the will to live is greater than any ranger power.
Trini: More than that, you're fighting for life itself. In a world that's made you feel so out of place. You still comprehend the sanctity of life. You still respect and desire to preserve it. One ranger in particular would be honored to learn she served any small part in helping you forge such a mindset.
ATG: Trini....
Trini: Honey, I know. It's okay.
Kim: You're going to be better than okay.
Jason: To paraphrase a wizard we all once knew, the world is lucky to have you and so are we.
ATG: I really hope so. I was sure lucky to have all of you. Thank you.
Zack: I really hope you give that head of yours a rest. You know you need to tackle that laundry that should've been put away yesterday.
ATG: 😑........ Thank you, Zack.
God Bless, God Rest
Thuy Trang
💛Cherished Sister-Ranger💛
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softieskywalker · 2 years
I can’t believe that Disney has single-handedly monopolized the entire American media industry to the point of a legitimate stranglehold, has billions of dollars to do whatever they want, has access to literally any writer/director/producer/actors/etc in the entire world that they want, and the knowledge that they can take risks and maybe actually do something interesting for once because they know that millions of people will watch their stuff no matter what because of the aforementioned stranglehold they have on the media, and that despite all of this, they still managed to produce… /that/.
How do they have access to literally anything they want and yet they churn out boring, trite, poorly written garbage like this??
I am BEGGING Disney to either resell the rights to George Lucas, give complete, unfettered creative control to Zahn or Stover, or give ME the rights to write Star Wars because, sure, I’m not all that good, but at least I know I’m better than THAT
oh on the contrary BECAUSE they have an absolute monopoly over usamerican media is that they can get away with doing the bare minimum or just pumping out mediocre shows because there are literally no consequences. they own everything so they don't have competition. there's no real incentive to maintain a quality standard. as long as sequels and spin-offs and remakes sell, as long as we keep watching and buying and paying attention, unless there's anti-monopoly laws in the us (which well, that's up to you guys i guess), nothing will change, and it will only get worse.
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novakspector · 2 years
“humanization of the Tusken people”
Bro this shit is pissing me off.
They aren’t human. Why do they need to be humanized? You can’t appreciate them without making them more like us? They existed in the canon story of George Lucas to be a threatening presence on Tatooine. When you make them “perfectly reasonable, actually, as long as you know sign language” you remove them as a threat and make Tatooine slightly more boring and less dangerous. It accomplishes nothing. You’ll just end up putting some other group (the Nikto? Weequay?) of “unattractive” aliens in their place anyway.
Aliens don’t need to be treated like humans and don’t represent humans. They don’t need to be depicted with dignity and respect and have the narrative make excuses for them by painting them as oppressed and misunderstood victims. That’s part of the fun of making stories about aliens. You can make them as different from humans as you want, and then you get to come up with crazy, scary, weird, funny situations that happen when aliens and humans meet. If ultimately you make all aliens essentially the same as humans in terms of morality and values, it makes your galaxy a lot less interesting.
This isn’t the first time they tried doing this with Tuskens, so it’s not breaking new ground. Apparently in KOTOR they did it, and in EU books and comic books. But those things were never canonically part of Star Wars, so they don’t matter. Canonically in Star Wars; in the 6 movies George Lucas made; Tuskens are assholes. That’s their role in the story.
And what is even the point of this? It’s to make a political point outside of the story. Why do you have to humanize aliens because you’re afraid of offending real people? This makes no damn sense. The idea that Tuskens represent “indigenous people of color” is extremely racist and idiotic. If you watched Star Wars and thought the Tuskens; who take pot-shots at podracers, who abducted Anakin’s mom and tortured her for weeks until she died, who tried to kill Luke Skywalker; are supposed represent indigenous humans on earth, I think you’re racist and crazy.
The idea that there are some alien species who don’t act exactly like humans is called diversity. Humanizing aliens is anti-diversity. The Star Wars galaxy is made up of different species that have completely different cultures and values and ways of living, and inevitably there will be some that humans find abhorrent. That’s part of the danger and excitement of a galaxy far, far away with millions of different sentient species.
Is Disney gonna to make excuses for every species in Star Wars now, or are the Tuskens special? “Oh, the Hutts are slave owners and incredibly cruel, but it’s just because humanoids were mean to them.”
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passionesolja · 3 years
I can’t believe this has to be said, but since someone wanted to block me because I spoke about how Star Wars made me feel as a Russian-Born American and everyone jumped on me because “I’m White how could I possibly be hurt lmao” time to educate yall.
Star Wars has a huge component of Anti-Russian, anti-communism propaganda in it.
The whole idea of a secret Sith Lord taking control of politics and sliding the galaxy into Sith-led authoritarianism is literally just mcCarthyism.
It’s inspired by US officials and the public being terrified that a secret Russian/Communist agent would take control of the west and establish global communism.
Star Wars is literally inspired by Cold War-era fears.
The whole “a sith is leading the separatist so we have to fight them or there’ll be a Sith led galaxy” is what the US and Russia did for like five decades.
They’re called proxy wars. The US and Russia did this for nearly a century.
Star Wars takes from these events.
Sidious is an allegory for a disguised communist leader who overthrows capitalism.
George Lucas is an American—like I am—who grew up in the Cold War.
So before you say “oh you just want to be oppressed” no, stupid, I’m telling you that Star Wars has a huge anti-eastern European slant to it as all western media does.
This is the truth.
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What are Altisian Jedi? I tried searching it up, but I didn't get much. Are they Canon?
No, they’re not, thank goodness.
They were a branch of Jedi from Legends invented by Karen Traviss, who wrote the Republic Commando book series as well as tons of other old EU stuff. She was absolutely, relentlessly anti-Jedi. Not even in a “oh they were flawed but they had redeeming qualities” way. She hated them. I really don’t want to get into it because she was pretty awful but @jedi-order-apologist has tons of stuff on that if you want.
The Altisians were basically the OCs she created to incorporate Jedi in her Clone Wars stories - Master Altis and his followers left the Order because “love makes us stronger and Yoda is blind for not seeing that :((( we’re gonna be good Jedi somewhere else and not fight in the Clone Wars because wars are bad.” 
(It’s pretty ironic, because reading the books her good Jedi had all the self-control and spiritual clairvoyance of Dark Siders... Soooooo... Also yeah basically their idea of being ‘good Jedi’ is just being free to fall in love and have sex, not fight, and hate the Council together.)
Every time they appeared Traviss would have them lecture “our” Jedi on how attachment is good and healthy, and on how leading armies made them completely morally decadent - demonstrating a complete lack of understanding of the Star Wars universe that is very unsurprising, considering she almost never bothered to read books from the EU that weren’t her own, was completely obsessed with her Mandalorian OCs, didn’t watch the prequels all the way through, and ragequit writing SW books when she realized Filoni & Co weren’t going to make TCW compliant with her Clone Wars books past season 1.
Unfortunately, a good chunk of Sith-loving pro-old-EU “real Star Wars fans that know more than you” (as in frustrated reddit incels who don’t get why they’d have to choose between being a lightsaber wielding superhero and having a girlfriend) really loved the Altisians, and they really were more well-known than they had any business being. 
They’re altogether a very poor exploration of the idea of allowing committed romantic relationships within the Order - because I do believe such an exploration could be done in an insightful and respectful way - and I just detest having them thrown in my face as a “ah ah” kind of thing, like somebody’s badly thought-through paid fanfiction in any way invalidates Lucas’ worldbuilding and lore. 
Again, they’re so not canon I doubt George even know of them. 
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knightotoc · 3 years
Prequels Discourse by Layer
Crust: Normies & Haters vs All Prequels Fans
Topics: Jar Jar; George Lucas and authorial intent; “It’s cool to like them now;” nostalgia; memes; Hayden’s acting; CGI vs practical effects; the Bush years; cringe; racism and sexism in the movies; bullying of prequels actors and younger fans Topics from Deeper into the Crust: the originals vs the prequels; the 70s/80s fandom vs the 00s fandom; “RotS is good but the other two suck;” “The podrace/Darth Maul/Ewan’s acting is the only good thing about them;” conversion from hating them to liking them; any other opinion changes over the past 20 years; the value of dramatic irony within tragedy; “Is it fun to be sad?”
Mantle: Gatekeeping and Fragmentation
Topics: all prequels-related Fandom Menace bullshit; the EU; Disney (“Do they hate the prequels?”); the sequels vs the prequels; the new canon vs the EU; the old fandom vs the post-TFA fandom; racism and sexism in the fandom Topics from Deeper into the Mantle: “The Clone Wars cartoon and/or KotOR are better than the prequel movies;” all other comparisons of prequels-inspired spinoffs; Ahsoka; Revan; Dave Filoni
Outer Core: Intrafandom Queasiness
Topics: all pro-Jedi vs anti-Jedi discourse; the clones’ slavery; Order 66 by brainwashing vs Order 66 by chips; racism and sexism in the cartoon; religion discourse; shipping discourse; Ray Park; Rosario Dawson Topics from Deeper into the Outer Core: anything else anyone has to say about Obi-Wan specifically
Inner Core: Oh Anakin, We’re Really in It Now
Topics: Dark Horse comics vs Marvel comics; the prequels vs the High Republic; Genndy Tartakovsky; deleted scenes and unused content; Matthew Stover; Jude Watson; Karen Traviss; KotOR deepdives; Chris Avellone; racism and sexism in the video games, novels, and comics; Kreia Topics from Deeper into the Inner Core: anything from the 90s besides TPM
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