#oh and the rest of the heritage quest was fine too I guess
mipeltaja · 29 days
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I am honestly floored. I never thought I'd see these guys do anything ever again.
They're only hanging around the draenei heritage gathering, but at least there's new gossip text! Also, not that it wasn't already clear that they're inseparable, but Asric insisting on coming with Jadaar to freaking Exodar, and Jadaar negotiating with the peacekeepers to actually allow Asric into freaking Exodar is on a whole other level.
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xchibikai · 4 years
SV99 Recap
Spoilers and pics below the cut
Yotaro drives through the rural countryside with everyone in the car.  Gear says they won’t be followed anymore, now that the daylight has dispersed the fog.  While they talk, Mahiru watches the scenery outside the window, surprised at how big the fields are (I thought this was such a cute scene lol.)
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While Yotaro scolds Gear for losing his temper, Gear makes a comment about “CCC” getting involved.  Seeing Mahiru’s confusion, Gear rephrases to use their current name, C3.  Mahiru is surprised that C3 is also in England, and Gear explains that C3 actually started out in England.  Meaning “Conjurer Control Convention,” C3 was a group of magicians that all started with the “Count” who created the Servamps.
They start talking to Mahiru in English, but then realize he won’t understand, and they start again in Japanese (LMAO this poor kid, people really need to stop with the English already.)  Gear explains that C3 wasn’t always the kind of group that was committed to coexistence.  He says that lately they’ve been trying to butt in to control other magical groups and species.  Yotaro remarks that Gear was already handling things fine without C3.
Yotaro says that they’re heading to a safe house out in the country, and when Kuro starts to make a comment about this particular direction they’re traveling, Gear grabs him and threatens to throw him from the car while Yotaro orders Gear to focus on finding a gas station on the map instead (lmao love it)
As Yotaro reaches into the bag he packed, he pulls out the rose and shows it to Kuro and Mahiru, who immediately are like why would you bring this thing?!, confusing Yotaro who was like, I don’t know I thought this was important to you guys?!
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Yotaro assures them that the safe house should be relatively clean, since he had been there at the beginning of the month.  As they go inside, Gear heads upstairs and tells Yotaro he’s going to sleep.  When Yotaro tells Gear it’s already noon and they should eat lunch instead, Gear tells him to bring food up when it’s done and he’ll eat by himself in his room.  Yotaro sighs and apologizes to Mahiru, insisting that Gear just needed more time because he’s shy.  (I love Mahiru’s reaction, he’s just like, ??? okay, if you say so)
Cooking scene!  Mahiru and Yotaro are finally getting to make that breakfast together.  While they prepare the food, Mahiru asks Yotaro if he and Gear made a contract.  Yotaro seems confused, and Mahiru explains that back in the city, Yotaro called out to Gear, and his voice made Gear become human again.  That was what made him think that Yotaro and Gear made some kind of contract, just like he and Kuro had done.
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Yotaro starts laughing, and as he apologizes to Mahiru for laughing at him, he tells him that he and Gear don’t have a contract.  He insists that Gear is his friend, and it’s a strange idea to think he had to make a contract in order for them to be friends.
Mahiru is shocked as he asks why Yotaro was the only one whose voice could reach Gear that morning.  Yotaro casually tells him that he has no idea, but even when you can’t hear anything else, you’ll always be able to hear the voice of a friend calling to you.  Yotaro says it’s the same for Mahiru and Kuro as Mahiru blushes.  He says their “contract” is more like a “promise” to always back each other up.
Yotaro samples the food they’re making, and as he offers for Mahiru to try some too, Kuro is passing by the kitchen window.  He thinks back to when he and Gear shared a meal together, and Gear told Kuro that only someone he’s close with can bring him back to reality when he became a werewolf.  He says that the problem with humans is that their lifespan is so short, and it’s always sad to lose a friend.
As Kuro shifts to another flashback, he tells Gear that he’s going to Japan.  Gear notes that Japan is very far away, and he asks Kuro if he decided to kill the “Count” after all.  (This is back when all 7 Servamps got together to decide what to do about killing their creator.  Apparently, this flashback takes place immediately after that meeting.)  Kuro confirms that all seven of his brothers and sisters voted on the matter.  Gear tells Kuro that just because CCC wanted it done, that doesn’t mean that Kuro has to do it, since he’s not really affiliated with CCC to begin with.  Kuro tells Gear that this was his own idea.  Gear doesn’t look convinced, and after asking Kuro how long he’ll be away, he tells him to come right back to England once he finishes his task.  There’s a hole in their roof, and Gear tells Kuro that they’re going to fix it once Kuro returns.
As present-day Kuro sees the hole in the roof of the safe house, he realizes where they are.  He also realizes that the whole reason Gear went to Japan was because Kuro never returned to England, and Gear went looking for him.
When Yotaro goes to bring Gear his lunch, it’s missing from the countertop.  Upstairs, Gear answers the door and is irritated, demanding to know why it’s Kuro bringing the food instead of Yotaro.  Before he can start arguing, Kuro tells Gear that what he did was wrong, back when he said he would return from Japan and then never did.  Gear gets annoyed and insists he never said he needed an apology, but Kuro goes on and insists that back then, he didn’t understand yet.  He went through with his task and killed his creator, but he was still supposed to be a friend to Gear.  As Kuro starts to apologize, Gear takes the sandwich Kuro has brought and tastes it, smiling a bit as he says he can tell Yotaro made this food.
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Gear and Kuro sit together on the balcony.  As they eat, Gear tells Kuro the same thing he said in the past -- that human lives are short.  But this time, he adds that they’re also too long to spend it alone.  He says that being by yourself is definitely easier, but it’s also too boring.  As he asks if Kuro thinks so too, Kuro hears Mahiru calling to him in the distance and agrees with what Gear has said.
Yotaro and Mahiru decide to eat outside when they finally find Gear and Kuro out there.  As they set up their picnic, Gear tells Kuro that having friends is important, and he’s glad that Kuro finally realizes that as well.  The chapter ends with Gear insisting that Kuro made a promise to him before he left England, and he should finally fulfill that promise and fix the broken roof.
Servamp takes a break next month and returns in October for the 100th chapter!
I thought this was an interesting chapter in quite a few ways!  I love the way Tanaka draws colorful scenery.  It reminded me of the artwork she did for the Servamp Quest.
Now that C3 has been brought up again by Gear (and possibly brought into the picture after his werewolf rampage,) I really would be curious to see the London headquarters.  The fact that C3 originated in England makes me want to see some of their heritage and the places where they first became an organization, kind of like going on a history tour lol.  It’s not surprising that C3 tries to dip its hands into everyone else’s business -- and it’s also not surprising that the other species/groups don’t seem to be happy with it.  I imagine there’s some kind of agreement/pact between C3 and other magical alliances, but it’s probably strained.
Every time someone starts to speak in English, you can see the light in Mahiru’s eyes die out.  He’s gonna go back to Japan and never want to visit an English-speaking country ever again, after this.
And on the matter of Yotaro being a normal human, props to tiny child Yotaro who met a werewolf and was just like, I know what I wanna do with the rest of my life.  He’s just living his best life with his buddy in England.  No contract or obligations, just good times.  A true champion.
Had a genuine laugh when Yotaro tells Mahiru that Gear is just shy and Mahiru has no idea how to respond to that.
Having Yotaro talk about being Gear’s friend made me wonder about something.  Assuming there was a legitimate way to sever a Servamp’s contract without killing the Eve, would Mahiru be willing to do that so that Kuro could take back his powers?  Hearing Yotaro talking, he pretty much points out the fact that Kuro and Mahiru stay together because they want to, not necessarily because they made a contract.  I think they both would choose to remain partners at this point, but if Mahiru found out that this other option could save his friends, you know he would be forced to consider it.  Of course, that’s just a wandering thought of mine, I don’t really see Tanaka being like “oh guess what, you can actually sever the contract safely, hooray.”
I think the fact that Kuro apologizes to Gear is another way of showing his growth, but also, it’s probably something he has wanted to do for a long time.  When they were first sent to London, it was clear that Kuro was afraid of seeing Gear again, because he knew he had messed up.  I feel like Kuro still wants to be Gear’s friend, and I honestly hope that Gear and Yotaro end up sticking around, maybe even moving back to Japan.
Honestly, I have no idea what to expect for the next chapter.  We still haven’t figured out how they’re going to face off against Tsubaki, and now that we know Mikuni (I’m assuming) is trying to track down Mahiru and Kuro before someone else does, that’s another situation we will probably see play out.  We know that it’s getting closer to the full moon, and as far as Tsubaki holding a bunch of people’s spirits hostage, I wonder if Gear will have some kind of answer for it when they finally find out about it.  No matter what the next chapter focuses on, I hope it’s juicy!
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His Blood Runs Gold II
Percy is a God: Part II
Here’s my masterlist for the next part and my other stuff
we’re just kids
we aren’t supposed to be heroes.
It had been three months since his birthday, and last visit to Camp when Percy was summoned by demigods once more. This time, the call of Latin rushing through the waters.
New Rome. It never failed to amaze him. The stone buildings, and cobbled streets. The cafes bursting with energy and the people bustling as if the only care is whether there’s enough whipped cream in their Frappuccino. It is his eternal amusement that New Rome somehow mixed American culture and Italian heritage so well that it offended both Italians and Americans.
Percy walked through the Little Tiber and relished in the fact that the water no longer leeched him of power, but embraced him as if saying welcome, it’s nice to know you.
“Oh well if it isn’t Percy Jackson,” A husky, rolling voice called.
Percy smiled wide and unrestrained as he took in the sight of his friend and former co-praetor.
“Good Morning Reyna Avila Ramirez Arellano,”
“A good morning indeed if I get to see you.”
He laughed and embraced her. It was this relationship that had perhaps, changed the most since their initial encounters. Reyna had become a source of steadiness, and common sense during his time of immortality. After fighting side by side in the Giant War Percy had thanked her personally for the Athena Parthenos, for looking after Nico. Most importantly he stood beside her as they had a proper ceremony for Scipio and when all the tears had dried, Percy had manipulated the waves to look like a horse ready to fly and Reyna had laughed and cried, and hugged him so tight he wondered if she’d leave an imprint in the shape of her on his ribcage. But he had hugged her back and they had walked to the stables, donuts in hand, to say hello to the pegasi there.
When he chose to accept godhood, that second time, after the second war, it was Reyna who walked him through the power; who trained him to handle it. Although she didn’t have ichor running through her veins, she knew how to handle power, how to have control. They had spent many long days, and even longer nights practicing that control.
“I was called here by someone,” He said, as they walked towards the camp.
“Mhm,” She frowned, “Guess we’ll find out soon enough.”
And with a quick hello to the border sentries, the two strolled into the heart of New Rome. There were many stops, and hellos, and how are you’s on the way to the temple. Percy paused often and happily, as he greeted old friends and learned the names of new ones.
It was Frank, however, who caught them on their last stretch.
They barreled into each other, laughing as Frank lifted him clean of his feet. The brothers saw each other as often as their schedules would allow. Sometimes it was in the form of fish and friend at Poseidon’s palace. Sometimes it was an Iris message that simply made sure they were both alive.
“How are you?” Frank asked, slinging an arm over his shoulder.
“I’m just the same thank you. Can’t complain when I get to eat as many of mom’s cookies as I want and just change into a fish to swim off the calories.”
Frank laughed, loud and boisterous, it was the only thing that contrasted his usual shy personality.
“Where are you and my favourite Praetor off too?”
“I’m your only Praetor Frank,” Reyna rolled her eyes, but a smile tugged at her lips.
“That’s why you’re my favourite!”
She shook her head, laughing.
“I’m here,” I said, “Because someone summoned me.”
“Oh,” Frank frowned, and immediately he changed from goofy brother to son of Mars and Praetor to New Rome.
“Wanna head up to the temple with us?”
“No, no just let me know who it is. I actually have to snatch Reyna. There’s been some arguments between the cohorts and we have to sort it out before someone challenges someone to do something stupid.
Percy smiled, “Go ahead, I’ll let you know who called for me.”
With a final hug from both of them, they hurried into another building and out of sight. He loosed a soft breath, turning to walk the rest of the way.
And when Percy stepped onto the marble floors of the temple, he was suddenly very glad Reyna and Frank had things to do, because leaning against the wall, eyes closed, hands stuffed into pockets was Jason Grace.
 “I didn’t know if you would come,” The son of Jupiter spoke, eyes still closed, leg propped against the wall like caring was too much of an effort.
“I didn’t know who called, and I don’t make a habit of ignoring my summons.” Percy stood stock-straight at the entrance.
Jason didn’t do anything, didn’t say anything for a long while. Once, years ago, Percy would have fidgeted and hopped and paced, unable to stop moving, but now he could stand for hours, waiting, watching, being. It was as if time, once a waterfall racing to reach the bottom, had slowed to droplets that caught themselves on every nook and cranny before falling delicately to the pool below.
“I wanted to ask you,” Jason finally started, “If you would guide me on a quest?”
Percy startled, staring at his former friend in shock, “But I thought you hated me?” He spluttered.
“I don’t hate you Percy. I can’t hate you.” The blonde finally turned to him.
“You completely cut me off after the War? You didn’t even come near me for weeks?”
“Can we not get into this right now? I had- have my reasons, but I need your guidance on this one.”
“Of course, I’ll protect you. That’s literally what I’m the god of.”
“Thank you,” A sigh escaped the demigod. “I leave tomorrow.”
“What is the quest?”
“I have to retrieve the Arrows of Cupid, Eros, whatever.” A strong jaw clenched.
“Why you?”
A sour grin graced his features, “Why not?”
“There is always a reason.” Percy said softly, trying to catch those blue eyes.
Jason’s laugh was bitter, “Apparently ever since mine and Nico’s encounter with the lovely divinity he has taken a liking to my ‘courage and love for my friends.’”
“And what other demigods are supposed to be with you?”
“No-one. Eros wants me to do it alone.”
“But quests have to be in groups of three.”
“I know, I tried explaining that, but he just laughed and said, ‘What is three Jason Grace, but a number?’ and then left.”
“Where are you going first?”
“The Oracle said I need to follow the north star. I don’t know how in Hades’ name I’m supposed to do that but whatever, that’s tomorrow’s problem.”
Percy nodded, “Okay, well I’ll see you then, I guess.”
“Bye,” Jason gave a curt nod.
“Bye Grace.” He hid the hurt unfolding in his eyes and started out the temple.
“Yea?” He turned.
“Thank you, for doing this.”
“Anything for you.”
Percy met Jason at sunset on the outskirts of Camp Jupiter.
“Let’s get this over with,” Jason scowled, hefting his backpack and walking through the Little Tiber.
“Well hello to you too.” Percy raised a brow.
“Sorry,” The blonde winced, “I didn’t get a good sleep last night.”
“Well I hope the rest of the quest isn’t so dower. I’d hate to have to share my mom’s cookies with someone who looks like they’d rather be anywhere else.”
“You brought cookies?” Blue eyes widened in surprise.
“Yea, I went to visit my mom before I left, and she insisted I bring you some since you used to love them so much.” He shrugged
“Oh, well tell her I said thank you.”
“You can tell her yourself when we get back.”
Jason mumbled something under his breath but before Percy could ask him to repeat it a storm came barreling towards them.
“Hi Tempest, thanks for coming buddy.”
“Are we to be travelling by air?” Percy asked anxiously.
“I figured it’d be easier to follow the star if I was above the clouds.”
Percy knew Zeus wouldn’t zap him with lightning, but he was still wary of taking to the skies. He spent some moments contemplating while Jason got himself situated on the storm made beast.
“You coming?”
Holding back a wave of fear he nodded, and with a flick of his hand shaped a cloud into a pegasus.
“I name you Zarya.” Percy said softly. The winged animal blinked, once, twice and then looked at Percy and bowed its head.
With a soft brush down its strong neck, he mounted.
Jason stared at him.
“What? Is everything okay?”
“You can just do that now? Just create animals out of thin air?”
“I can only manipulate water but yes I can create animals.”
The demigod just stared at him before shaking his head and tapping his horse.
Before Percy could blink, they were gone.
“What am I going to do with him Zarya?”
The Pegasus didn’t respond but Percy could feel it’s noncommittal shrug.
“Not a talker, are you?”
“Hardly anyone to talk to, my Lord.”
“Oh please, none of that ‘my lord’ stuff. My friends rinse me enough. Percy will do just fine.”
He could feel her laugh. “Ready to go then Percy?”
“Lead the way.”
They caught up to the storm and his stallion, in half a breath.
“Trying to get rid of me that easily Grace?”
“If it was that easy, I’d be questioning your godly hood.” He threw a smirk over his shoulder.
“Oo ouch,” Percy put a hand to his chest.
Jason laughed and it may have been the most glorious sound the God had ever heard.
Give me your thoughts, darling warriors!
Tags (If you want to be added to the tag list just let me know, all my channels of communication are open):
@nishlicious-01 (So you can stop shouting at me about not getting to read my fanfics)
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daylilysirius · 5 years
Arms Unfolding: Year One
A/N: here’s the first proper part, hope you enjoy! also, a couple of people asked to be tagged so I'll start a taglist for this series, if you want to be added let me know!
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Slytherin! Reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 1721
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Your first few months at Hogwarts had flown by. A flurry of flying lessons, potions classes and quidditch matches and before you knew it you were into a new term.
The Christmas holidays had been fairly uneventful for you. Your father’s side of the family were still giddy about the prestige that they thought you carrying on their Slytherin heritage brought them. A lot of your time was spent sat with your mother, who couldn’t care less about you all being part of the ‘Sacred Twenty-Eight’, giggling at your father as he sat trapped with his parents droning on about bloodlines as he kept shooting you both pleading, please come and help me looks. Your parents might have been purebloods, but to them that was nothing but a label. The other hot topic was you being in the same year as the youngest member of the Malfoy clan. Being part of such a wealthy and influential family put Draco at the top of the food chain so to speak, and your grandparents were eager to know as much about him as possible.
Thankfully your initial fluster around him had died down, although your mother still teased you about the little puppy crush you had written to her about, and you and Draco had fallen into a fairly easy friendship. You didn’t let him boss you around like he did his other little gang members, and although sometimes it caused some tension between the two of you, Draco was ultimately fond of your strong nature. You were prideful but kind-hearted in a way he had never experienced before.
However, not everyone was so fond of your passionate nature and it had taken you a while to settle in with the rest of your peers outside of your housemates. Hermione Granger, who you had first met on the train, took a liking to you fairly quickly however. After being paired up in charms class you realised you made quite a team, you had a lot in common considering your different backgrounds, and despite the fact that your similar personalities meant that you sometimes butted heads she was a sweet and supportive friend. So much in fact that she practically made it her duty to introduce you to everyone she knew and soon you were almost as close to Harry and Ron as she was.
Draco hadn’t taken kindly to your new friends. He still wasn’t over Harry snubbing him and, in his opinion, both Ron and Hermione were far inferior to the pair of you.
“I just don’t understand how you can stomach to be around her, being muggle-born and all.”
“Oh please, Draco, she’s harmless. And she’s nice, they all are.”
“They’re not Slytherins for a reason.”
You scoffed, “you’re such a snob, Draco Malfoy.”
He shrugged in response as you both descended down the stairs towards your common room.
“Are you really trying to tell me that the people you hang around with are any better? All your friends do is tease and push each other around.”
“They’re your friends too.” Draco said accusingly. You could tell he was trying to appear rational, but there was a slight bite to his voice, that defensive tone that only came out when you dared to challenge him.
You shook your head, “Crabbe and Goyle do nothing except follow you around like lost puppies, I don’t think they even notice if I’m there or not. Blaise is nice – when he wants to be. Pansy hates me.”
He shrugged again, as if that fact was neither here nor there, “I just don’t understand how your parents can be okay with it. You mixing with… people like that.”
You gave him a warning glance and he took the hint to stop talking before he dug himself an even bigger hole. You approached the door but Draco came to a halt.
“Aren’t you coming in?”
He shook his head.
“Why not?” It was already dark out and you had both been cutting it fine in regards to getting back before curfew.
“I’m going to see your friends.”
You sighed and moved back towards him, figuring out his evil masterplan in seconds. Ron had mentioned the trio’s plan to visit Hagrid after hours on their quest to find out more about the philosopher’s stone, and clearly Draco couldn’t miss an opportunity to antagonise.
“Why can’t you just leave them be?” You questioned. Their petty feud was already grating on you, you couldn’t understand why they didn’t see the good qualities in each other the way you did.
He flashed you a cheeky grin as he began to walk off, “Come with me if you’re so concerned.”
You huffed and stood in place, arms crossed across your chest as you watched him strut back the way you had just came.
No, you thought, I don’t want to get in trouble. I don’t want to go with him. I don’t… I don’t.
“Draco, wait up!” You called after him.
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“This is all your fault.”
“Yes, Y/N, you’ve already mentioned that. Numerous times, in fact.” Draco retorted.
In a turn of events that was shocking to literally no one except the mastermind himself, Draco’s plan to rat out your friends had backfired spectacularly and had landed all of you in detention. You sighed dramatically as you trudged through the forest. Draco had already scared off Neville with his usual nonsense so now you were stuck between him and Harry as they bickered like an old married couple. You drowned them out as best you could, focusing solely on not tripping on the spiralling vines and tree trucks around you, and thinking about how much trouble you were going to be in with your parents when you came to a clearing. The view stopped all three of you dead in your tracks.
A unicorn lay dead. Its white fur standing out in stark contrast to the muddy greens of the plants. A cloaked figure hovered over it, drinking its blood and seemingly undisturbed by your arrival.
“What the hell…” You murmured.
Draco was quick to grab your arm and pull you back behind him, slowly edging you both away from whatever that was. You were both trembling and stumbling over each other but neither of you dared to let go. As soon as the mysterious creature looked up, baring its teeth, it was over for you both. He screamed as together you turned tail and ran as fast as you could, all the while Draco gripped tightly to your hand, until you were back at the forests opening. The both of you stood for a few seconds, chests heaving, until Draco realised you were back where you could be seen and he quickly dropped your hand and paced back slightly.
“Harry!” You gasped, your brain finally catching up with your body. You couldn’t leave him alone out there. Especially not with that thing. You lunged forward but Draco grabbed you before you could make your heroic dash.
“Get off me!” You shouted, “We can’t leave him!”
“I can’t let you go in there again!” He yelled back.
“I don’t care Draco, let go of me…” You trailed off as you kept trying to free yourself from Draco’s grasp but he was persistent. He kept a tight hold despite your flailing limbs, repeating that he wasn’t going to let you get hurt. The pair of you kept that up until Harry emerged with Hagrid, Neville, Hermione and Ron. Draco quickly released you and you lost your footing slightly before you ran to hug your friend. Draco stayed put, deadly quiet as he watched you fuss over Harry.
“Okay you lot,” Hagrid said nervously, “I think it’s best that you were all off to bed…”
Draco stayed a few feet in front of the rest of you as you trudged back to the castle, but you didn’t miss the way he would turn back and make sure you were still there every few minutes.
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You and Draco never talked about the incident in the forest. You weren’t sure if it was out of fear or embarrassment but he didn’t mention it again after that night so neither did you. You focused your attention on your school work and staying out of trouble after a pretty harsh letter from your parents concerning you getting a detention.
The end of your first year came about quickly, but not before your Gryffindor pals could land themselves in some more trouble. Despite Dumbledore’s best efforts it quickly spread around the school that Professor Quirrell had been evil this entire time and Harry had fought him off single handed. Draco, of course, was less than impressed with all the attention Potter was getting and ranted to you even more than usual. Nevertheless, you arrived at the hospital wing with a box of chocolate cauldrons tucked under your arm and were greeted with a very grateful looking Harry.
You sat on the edge of his bed mulling over things that he had missed in lessons and reassuring him that yes, Ron and Hermione are fine, they’re just tired so you’re their temporary replacement.
“I didn’t realise that it would be such an issue, Mr Potter.” You smirked.
“It’s not!” His face reddened when he realised how rude his words had sounded, “It’s not, I just didn’t think you would be… allowed.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, if you hadn’t noticed, Malfoy and I don’t exactly see eye to eye.” He said coyly.
You snorted, “Now there’s an understatement. But Draco isn’t the boss of me, thank you very much.”
“No, of course not.” Harry grinned, “I don’t understand how you can stand to be around him.”
“He says the same about you.”
“I bet he does.”
You sighed, shaking your head, “He’s really not that bad.”
Harry raised his eyebrows at you.
“I just mean… yeah, he can be a prat sometimes, but there’s more to him than meets the eye. He can be kind, he just doesn’t show it in traditional ways I guess. He can be a caring guy.”
Now it was Harry’s turn to snort, “I’ll believe that when I see it.”
“You will, one day.” You gave a sweet smile. Harry chuckled softly before you both went back to gossiping and snacking on the various goodies he had been gifted.
S E R I E S  T A G L I S T : @callie-bear15 @marvel-th @uirene 
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