#oh i made those pouches for it too
enkelipoeka · 8 months
toxic male wife trait: obsesses with collecting dicks, also obsessed with making harnesses for them
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melzula · 3 months
well since requests are open i wanted to request a zuko fic?
zuko x waterbender reader in which someone from team avatar walks in on them kissing?
i feel like it’d be funny idk lol 😂
a/n: i love this trope it’s so funny. also it’s like subtly mentioned reader is a water bender since i didn’t wanna just shove it in there awkwardly. anyway hope you enjoy!
summary: a private moment between you and your boyfriend is interrupted by your unsuspecting friends
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“Are you sure no one saw you come in here?”
“Yes, I’m sure,” Zuko says with a huff after closing the flaps of your tent. “You know, I’m starting to think you’re embarrassed to be seen with me.”
“You know that’s not true,” you argue with a frown. “I just enjoy having some privacy. I know those guys are going to make a big deal about us being together, and I just want to enjoy our relationship without having to deal with any prying eyes.”
“I know,” he admits with a sigh. “I’m just tired of sneaking around. Do you know how difficult it is not to kiss you or check on you after a fight with my sister? It’s torture.”
“It’s just until the war is over. There’s a lot at stake right now, and it would be a weird time to come clean. It’ll be over before you know it.”
“I hope you’re right,” Zuko murmurs with a frown, one that immediately melts away at the feel of your arms wrapping around his midsection. It’s hard to be upset when you’re smiling up at him with the purest look of adoration in your eyes. Despite everything, all of his flaws and mistakes and cruelty, you love him, and it fuels the warmth inside of his heart knowing he has someone like you. Maybe he would have joined the Avatar and his friends sooner if he knew it would lead him to you.
“At least we’re finally alone,” he notes with a faint smile before leaning down to press his lips against your own in a long awaited kiss. He hasn’t been able to give or receive affection all day, and it isn’t until now with your chest pressed against his own that he’s finally able to truly feel relaxed.
Unfortunately, you’re both too engrossed in each other to notice the rustling of your tent flaps as Sokka and Toph let themselves in without a second thought.
“Hey, y/n, Toph and I are gonna head into town, do you want to- oh, gross!” He cries after catching Zuko and yourself mid lip lock.
You both jump at the intrusion, knocking your head together on accident and groaning in unison at the impact.
“Sokka!” You cry out in embarrassment. “Monkey feathers, don’t you knock?!”
“It’s a tent! There is no knocking!” He yells back defensively, equally as upset as you are. “I can’t believe you guys were kissing!”
“We weren’t kissing,” Zuko argues, his face red with embarrassment. “We were… hugging… with our… mouths?”
“Oh, spirits,” you groan, your palm hitting your forehead in embarrassment at Zuko’s horrible attempt at lying. For a Prince, he has a terrible way with words. You’d think all that time spent with his Uncle would make his vocabulary more eloquent.
“If Toph could see she’d be very upset right now!” Sokka scolds, but the girl beside him simply shrugs.
“Actually, this works out great for me. Katara owes me five gold pieces now,” she says with a grin.
“You guys knew they were dating and didn’t tell me?!” The water tribe boy says in offense.
“I had a hunch, but Katara disagreed, so we made a bet.”
“Enough already! This is mortifying enough as it is,” you groan impatiently. “Sokka, we’ll talk about this later. For now, I need both of you out!”
After getting the two to leave the tent, you shut it closed with an irritated sigh. You’re absolutely humiliated, and you don’t think you can show your face to your friends ever again.
“So much for keeping it a secret,” the fire bender mutters.
“You,” you say with an accusatory finger pointed at the Prince, “need to learn how to lie better.”
“I know,” he admits meekly, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck. Sighing, you open your water pouch and tend to the growing bump on his head from your previous collision. You can’t stay mad at him when he looks so flustered and sweet, so instead you merely throw your arms around his neck and pull him back in for another kiss.
You can focus on coming clean later. For now, you just want to enjoy your moment of peace with the boy you love.
| zuko tags: @thebluelcdy @royahllty @the-firebender-girl @ilovespideyyy @yiyibetch @eridanuswave @lammello @a-monsters-love @knaite-solo @taeeemin @lora21
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tiredmamaissy · 1 year
Ralak te Sepwan ieyk’itan: Chapter Two
An Illustrated Collaboration with @zestys-stuff
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Masterlist ; Rut/Heat/Knotting Info
🔞 minors, do not interact 🔞
Hyperlinks are attached to specific paragraphs that when clicked on will lead you to its illustration by Ralak's creator @zestys-stuff.
Characters: Metkayina!Ralak (24) x Sully!Omaticaya!Reader (19)
Warnings: nsfw, smut, fluff, angst, profanity, age gap, a lot of sexual tension, size difference/kink, praise kink, heat cycle, scenting, fingering, thigh grinding, cumshot, blood/wounds, recollection of non-con trauma (not heavily described - purely for the plot), let me know if i forgot anything?
Word Count: 8k
Requested: Yes || No
Author’s Note: Satisfaction - Benny Benassi fully took me through this fic. This one's long. It's got fluff, angst, and smut in it. So buckle up. I hope you guys enjoy 🤍
Synopsis: Your family seeks uturu with the Metkayina in the village of Awa’atlu. You have a difficult time adjusting, and are assigned your own special teacher, Ralak.
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Lessons were productive and frequent. You saw him almost daily, except on the days that Tonowari recruited him for his duties as warrior and hunter. Those were the days you dreaded most. The days when he’d traipse in exhausted and banged up. The days that made you start carrying your medicine pouch on your hip like it was a part of your body.
Days like today.
Ralak walks in moments before the eclipse, jaw clenched with a stagger in his step. You can sense the fracture in his spirit, another unpleasant hunting trip further inland. The gash in his shoulder is evidence of it. You rush over to him, hand firmly gripping your medicine pouch.
“Ra-lak!” your words come out broken, voice bouncing with each thud of your feet.
“It is fine.” he begins, head dropping to hide his grimace.
“It is not. Tonowari asks too much of you.” you huff, running over to him so fast you nearly bump into him. “Oh, Eywa. Look at you.” you tippy toe, eyes franticly scanning his bruised torso, hands doing their mighty best to move his body to have a better look.
“I said, it is –”
“Oh, Ralak.” you cut him off, grazing a finger over the inflamed skin, making his teeth grind even harder.  
“I’m fine. It is just a –”
“Just. Shh. Let me look... let me help you.” you shush him, your other hand brushing over the deep scrapes on his chest.
It’s laughable that he has to hunch his back just for you to have a proper ‘look’. But you didn’t find it funny. Your brows gather tightly at the sight, bottom lip quivering from the mix of emotions surging through you – anger, sadness, concern. Your innocent touches makes blood rush to his face, staining his cheeks a light tinge of pink. His heartbeat quickens - breath deepening.
His eyes remain locked onto you, quietly admiring your beauty. The way your nose scrunches, the little canines chewing on your bottom lip – the heave of your chest. He didn’t mean to let his eyes wander so low, but now that they were there, he couldn’t resist the urge to stare a little longer. To count the beads on your top.
To count the droplets of water trickling between your breasts.
You scoop up a glob of yalnabark, an omaticayan herb you saved for special times like this, and smear it on his chest. The sudden sting brings him back, snapping his gaze up to your screwed face of concern. It warms his heart, just like it did every time he’d come back from a hunting trip a little too banged up. He loved the way you took care of him. The way your small, gentle hands caressed his battered body with whatever smelly concoction you had stowed away in your pouch.
It's all he’s ever craved. Someone to take care of him. To cherish him. To love him. A simple life, in his marui pod he built with his two hands. Big enough for him and his mate, in front of the ocean so that he could fish in the mornings and then bond with his mate in the evenings. Where he could provide for his mate. For his family. To protect.
A mundane life to many, but a perfect life to him.
But rather, he has been recruited by the olo’eyktan himself, to be his right-hand man, to help lead and teach the upcoming hunters and warriors. He yearns for his old life as a fisherman.  Simple. Humble. But shortly after a run in with another clan, Tonowari made the order, and Ralak obeyed. It was at that point in his life that he relinquished his dream of a mundane life.
There’s a part of him, a part that he’s denied attention since he came to adulthood, that yearns for someone like you. Yearns for the possibility that you can provide this simple life for him. A mate. A home. Children. His heart gallops in his chest, slamming against his ribs, but you wouldn’t even know. Not by the way he’s looking at you. But there was one thing he knew for sure, and that was –
His feelings for you are indubitable.
“It is just a scratch.” he says softly, finally finishing his sentence. His hand instinctively rests on your hip as yours search his body for more wounds to smear the herbal concoction on.
“A scratch?” you huff a sigh, beady eyes boring into his before landing on the open gash in his shoulder. Blood trickles down his arm, staining the dark ink pricked under his skin. “You are bleeding. A lot.” you pout, glossy, amber saucers for eyes staring up at him, “…that must really hurt, karyu.”
He crumbles under your touch, gaze softening and body relaxing into you even more. “Do what you need, paysyul [water lily].”
That’s a new one. You smile to yourself and begin cleaning the open wound.
Funnily, the only thing you had left to master before your iknimaya was the sign language of the sea people. The ‘finger talk’. Perhaps it was because you had an extra finger, but you found it difficult to create and string together all the signs. Ralak determined that you would need an entire week to learn it, which you couldn’t help but scoff at.
But, he just didn’t want to let go of you so soon.
It was the only thing you practiced outside of the water. It was a refreshing change, to feel the fine, pillowy sand between your toes. To not be wet all the time with hair clung onto your skin. Undoubtedly, it was also easier to focus when this man didn’t have his loincloth stuck to himself, thick bulge on full display.
Most of the days began with you prancing on over, and him guiding you to the pit of sand right outside his marui. Bringing you to your knees with a slight tug of your arms, then kneeling with you. And soon you would be facing one another, in comfortable silence, staring into each other’s eyes. It seemed to be his favourite part of the day. To watch you be brought to your knees in front him, even if its only for a split second before he joined you.
He took each day slowly, starting with the most basic signs. Going over them twice. Thrice. Just to ‘make sure’ you knew them. By the middle of the week, he established his first rule. No talking. From the hellos to the goodbyes, everything must be signed. And if you spoke in casual conversation, he would not answer. This made it even more difficult to poke your figurative finger at him. To find out more about this man before you had to part ways. You did your best to abide by this rule, until you couldn’t ignore the itch anymore.
So, you scratched it.
Ralak balls his fist in the middle of his chest, extending it outwards as he opens it and wiggles his fingers.
“Thank you!” you blurt out, straightening your spine and smiling wide.
Ralak gives you a firm nod, quick to move to the next sign. He sweeps his hands away from his forehead, extending them towards you.
“I see you” your voice fades, almost as if you were saying it seriously. Sensually.
He smiles a little, giving you another nod. A moment of silence fills the space between you two. A moment where he just stares, allowing his eyes to trail your body. The way your knees sink into the sand. Your small hands resting on your thighs. The flap of your loincloth draping between your legs. He wants to sign it back. So badly. But you were still his student. His numeyu [student].
He knew he could do it – maintain his composure, that is. Just until after your iknimaya at least. And then he would ask Jake and Tonowari for your hand. He’s patient. Confident in himself that he could do this. Which is why he had to get you out of the water for a while. To stop your breasts from bouncing with the tide, and your nipples from peeking through your beaded top.
“C’mon, give me something harder. I know those.” you break the silence, repositioning yourself in the dip of your feet. 
Ralak blinks a few times, reentering his train of thought. He nods with a slight smile and raises both his arms, hands at ear level with his pointer fingers straightened in the air. He quickly brings them together, allowing for a little space between his fists. He cocks his brow, waiting for your answer.
“Siv-ako?” the word is broken, full of uncertainty.
“Ah. That’s a good girl.” he speaks for the first time, voice extra husky and gruff. He couldn’t fight it – the urge to praise you. Honestly, he’s having a hard time fighting a lot of his ‘urges’ today. He takes a deep breath, hoping to recenter himself, but it only seems makes things worse – making him light in the head.
Oh? Good girl?
The words echo in your skull, heart beating a thump too quick. You can’t stop rub of your thighs; they’re doing it all on their own. You hide your flushed face, looking down at how your lap squirms about, only making your cheeks hotter. Your body seems to be extra sensitive today, skin prickling at the slightest touch – the mere sound of his voice.
“Ralak.” you practically pant, raising your head to look at him. ‘What is the sign for m-a-t-e?’ you sign, fingerspelling the last word.  
The glow in your cheeks is catching, heat spreading to the tips of his ears. He swallows thickly, taking quick, shallow breaths to prevent himself from becoming anymore light-headed. He signs a similar sign as ‘friends’, but instead of all four fingers, he uses only two [I made this shit up].
Your lips pucker in understanding as you nod slowly, holding your hands in the air, carefully creating the motions with your fingers. The figurative - or not so figurative anymore - finger comes out to play.
‘Do you have a mate?’ you sign.
He cocks a brow, ‘No’.
‘Why? Not hiding one in your marui?’ you sign back.
His brows gather, yet a smile creeps on his face. He’s impressed with you, signing so well for him. He entertains the conversation – your snarky comments – curious to see where you’re going with this. ‘No.’ he scoffs a little, shaking his head.
You stare at him in silence, waiting for the reason why.
He tilts his head, half lidded eyes turning beady. ‘My trust was broken.’
Your brows lower in inquisitiveness, or perhaps confusion. Maybe you misread what he signed. ‘Broken? Who?’ you sign, stressing on the ‘who’.  
His eyelids flutter a little, chewing on the inside of his cheek as he huffs out a sigh. His way of expressing hesitation – uncertainty if he should open-up. To let you in. To tell you. You try reassuring him with your eyes, letting him know it’s alright to tell you. He briefly looks out to the horizon before looking back at you. His hands raise once more.
‘A woman who used me.’
You shake your head, unable to fully understand what he means. You understand the signs, but a woman using him? In what way? To carry her belongings? ‘Use you how?’
Now his true expression of hesitation comes forth. Flattened ears, slumped shoulders and brows so tightly pinched they may unify. If he told you, what would happen? Would you look at him the same? Would you accept his offer after your iknimaya? The event replays so vividly he feels like he’s back in the moment.
The moment where an older woman he trusted manipulated him into touching her, to fondle her, when he didn’t want to. When she made him feel like he had no other choice, like he couldn’t say no, or walk away. Young, naïve Ralak. At the merciless hands of her...
And just like that, his expert façade of indifference washes over his face. You can literally see him retreat, the crack in his spirit splitting further apart. Like recalling the memory put him back into the moment to feel the hurt of what he just signed.
Meanwhile, your gears were grinding twice as hard to figure out his single sign. You mirror the motion, fingers bending and overlapping slowly to figure it out. You couldn’t even guess. It looked nothing like any other sign you had seen before. Defeated, you shake your head and shrug your shoulders.
“I-I don’t understand, karyu.”
Eyelids fluttering momentarily, a blank stare bores into your eyes. “Heat.” he says the word whilst gesturing the sign. “She used me for her heat. Many years ago. I was... young.” he begins explaining, trying to maintain eye contact with you as it drifts down to your lap. 'Naïve' he signs the last word.  
You hear the words he’s saying. ‘Used’, ‘Young’, ‘Naïve”.
Yet all you could feel was the fire in your own heart. A blaze so big, so menacing it spills over into your chest. Making it cave in on itself. Like hairline fractures are running through each rib, making the foundation of your chest crumble. Jagged edges impaling your heart, the fire spread throughout your entire being.
Why did it hurt so much to hear that this grown man had sexual experience? Why did your heart ache at the thought of him with someone else? Was he always this way? A man willing to calm any na’vi he encounters in heat?
It just slips out.
“So what? Any na’vi woman in heat that you come across gets your help?” you snap, eyes burning from the tears that threaten to fill them.
Eywa, that stung.
It stung this gentle giant so bad that he grimaces. Like really grimaces. His top lip twitches, seemingly from anger. Anger at himself for telling you. He grinds his teeth so hard he may chip one. His head drops, eyes slamming shut to focus on calming that budding tightness in his own chest.
“Y/n” he growls, one of the few times he’s called you by your name.
You’ve come to learn that it usually means he’s frustrated with you. How could he be frustrated with you? He had no right. You can’t hold back the scoff bubbling up your throat, the shake of your head and the roll of your eyes.
“I guess that means you’ll help me when I’m in heat then, won’t you?”
He chuckles under his breath, shaking his head as he finally shuffles to his feet. He towers over your kneeling frame now, exuding the same level of intimidation when you first met. He’s trying his hardest to hold his tongue, but the words slip off it so effortlessly.
“Have you even gotten your heat yet?” he asks patronizingly.
There the tears go, rolling down the swell of your cheeks. Of course, you hadn’t. You were a late bloomer in all aspects of life, even this one.
But why were you feeling so sensitive about all of this? So moody and vulnerable? To the point of tears and condescending comments. It’s silly, really. Prying your nose into this grown man’s life only to get upset with him when he lets you in. Like you were anything special to him for you to be feeling this way.
He had never seen you cry before. Not like this. It melts his hardened heart, softening his exterior with it. You’re still young, still learning. He had let his feelings get the best of him, allowing his composure to break down for a split second. It doesn’t help that he was quite literally looking down at you, towering over your tiny stature.
‘I’m sorry’, he signs. “I should not have said that.”
“Don’t be. You’re r-right. I haven’t.” you sputter, breath hitching from your crying. “Almost twenty with no heat. Just a big fuck up.” you stand on your feet, turning your heel to leave.
“You should not be walking by yourself right now –” he begins, walking towards you, but you only walk away faster. “Tanhì!” he calls, voice cracking.
You stop dead in your tracks and turn back to look at him, tears streaming down your face. “Don’t call me that, Ralak.”
Dark grey clouds crowd the sky, darkening the ambiance. He opens his mouth to speak when a clap of thunder pierces the air. The sound of distant rain grows louder. With his attention averted to the sky, you take your chance and run. All the way back to your family marui as fast as your two left feet can go.
So hard and heavy you can barely see where you’re going. It’s so foggy and hazy that you cross your fingers and hope the marui pod you’re walking into is your own. Yanking back the flap, you duck under the doorframe, dripping wet. Jake and Neteyam stop their dinner preparations and look at you. They see the tears streaming down your face.
“Babygirl?” Jake rushes to his feet, voice frantic.
“Is it Ralak?” Neteyam snarls.
“Just, leave me alone.” you spit, hiding away into your little corner, pulling back your privacy curtain. You slump into your bed, burying your face into the pillow you made from feathers, and cried your eyes out, listening to the pitter patter of the rain on the taut material of your marui.
How fucking embarrassing. You always fuck up, y/n.
How could you be so stupid? To think that there was meaning behind the nicknames, the hugs... the moments. He’s just a teacher trying to tutor his pupil. His pupil that could never get shit right. That’s why he was so patient. So sweet. It was all just an order given by the chief. Not only that, but you were wrong. Totally in the wrong to even ask him such a personal question. But to throw it in his face after he opened-up about it?
Eywa, y/n. You stupid girl.
You feel terrible. Guilt filling your stomach to the brim that you feel queasy. It’s an uncomfortable feeling. So uneasy that you feel like you may throw up. You curl into a ball, clutching your knees as you bring them to your chest to cry.
And cry. And cry. And cry.
Until your eyes are so puffy, so raw that you can barely see. Until there’s two of everything. Your head begins to pound. Thump. Thump. Thump. Your eyes and teeth pulse with it. Yet all that’s running through your mind is Ralak. Ralak. Ralak.
How you feel so bad about what you said, about what happened to him. Not giving him the chance to speak before jumping down his throat. After he’s been nothing but patient with you. Handling you with care and gentle hands. Encouraging you with his words, albeit few. Letting you in when he had built such a tall, thick wall.
Letting you touch him – touch his most intimate tattoo.  
The way his core flexed to jerk his hips away from you. The sound of his grunts when he’s a little frustrated. Flustered. Especially when you tend to his wounds. When you run your fingers along his body, searching for more scrapes and ‘scratches’. The way he looks at you when he’s counting your freckles.
When he calls you tanhì.
Whenever the word slipped off his tongue, it always made your face hot. Just like now. Blushing at the mere thought. Cheeks heating up to a critical degree. Body heating up with it. It feels like you’re on fire – a scorching heat radiating from your core to your extremities. It feels like a fever dream.
Or perhaps it’s just a fever. Sick from the rain, as they would say. Making you shiver and shake, yet also kick off the sheet that’s covering your body. Maybe it was the swoosh of the heavy rain, but you couldn’t hear your own thoughts. All you wanted to do was to make things right. To apologize for your shitty behaviour.  
You had to do it. Now.
A surge of good ol’ determination rushes through you, bringing you to your feet. You wipe the snot off your face and rush out the tent, Jake and Neteyam calling after you. Saying something about the eclipse beginning. A storm forming. You can’t really hear them. It’s all an echo, reverberating in your skull. You wave them off and make quick strides towards his marui.
You feel dizzy. Like the world is spinning around you but it didn’t matter. You’re too focused on making things right. Getting rid of this queasiness. Fixing the one good thing you had for yourself in this wetland. Sand spills between your toes, you can feel it. You’re here.
“Ralak!” you try to shout, only for it to come out as a hoarse cry. “Ralak!”
You look around through blurred vision, the ocean is empty. Of course, it is. The ripple of raindrops piercing the water, the furious push and pull of the tide, the waves that crash violently into the shore – it’s storming. Head snapping to the right, you find that his marui is dark, seemingly with nobody home.
Where is he?
Eyes falling on your own feet, you catch sight of deep footprints in the wet sand, leading inland under the tall mangroves. Tracking the impressions, you find yourself standing at the opening of a cave, tucked away deep into the webs of mangrove roots. A hidden spot, with a lake, lit up by the bioluminescent fauna stuck to the stalagmites hanging from the ceiling. When you see him, it’s like your vision clears. Crystal clear. He’s –
Standing thigh deep in the water, wet hair stuck to his chest. His bioluminescent freckles twinkle brightly, reflecting against the water’s surface. His ears are tucked in, relaxing against his skull, eyes lidded and heavy. Tattoos bold and prominent, they accentuate his muscular physique. Gravity of pandora in full motion, water droplets dribble down his body. Down his jaw. His chest. His stomach. His –
Oh, fuck.  
You tell your eyes to move. To look away. Close. Anything. But they don’t. They stare. Taking in every detail of his thick, half-hard cock, partially submerged in the water. You come to the realization of how he never actually showed you his full tattoo, as the ends of it encircled the base of his length. Eywa, he’s huge. You swallow thickly at the sight, cheeks growing even hotter.
“Ralak.” a whisper parts your lips, eyelids fluttering wildly before you can pull your eyes away. “Sorry. I-I didn’t mean to interrupt.”
“No need.” he mutters, continuing his bath.
He knew you were standing there all this time. He could sense you. Smell you. And Eywa, it took every bone and fiber in his body to maintain the sliver of composure he has left. He isn’t shy about his body and honestly, didn’t mind if you saw.
He turns to you, flicking his gaze up to meet yours, pupils blown. “You should go home, y/n.” he says as calmly as he can.
“Ralak. I’m sorry for what I said to you. I had no right.” you say, turning your head to look away from his body. It only made things worse for you, making the wooziness unbearable. Making you struggle with your words. “I-I don’t know why I got so upset. I’m not sure –”
“You are sensitive right now. I am not... upset.” he states, accent thick as tree sap.
“What?” you blurt out, looking back at him as you walk into the cave.
Sensitive? What does he mean?
“Y/n. You should go home.”
Hearing your name makes your heart sink. You wish you never told him to stop calling you tanhì. “What do you mean?”
“Look. I am sorry about what I said to you, y/n. But you need to go home.” he says through gritted teeth, as if he were having a hard time withholding his 'anger'.
“No. No. Ralak. I-I’m sorry, too. I just – I want to make this right. I-I feel like I can’t even think clearly right now. But I know that I made a mistake. I’m sorry.” you blubber out, entering the water to walk closer to him.
“Y/n” he growls, stepping back a little. “Please. You said it yourself. You cannot think clearly.”
“Ralak.” you croak, tears welling up in your eyes once more.
Blown pupils peer down at you, eyelids so heavy they look like they may close. “Go.”
Your bottom lip trembles, heart aching from him shooing you away. It feels like your throat is closing, vision blurring so badly that you could barely see him. You try to say the words, only for them to catch in your throat.
‘I was jealous.’ you sign, tears flowing down your cheeks. ‘I was wrong. I am no one to you to be upset with you for being with another.’ you string the words together to the best of your abilities, unsure if they even make sense.
“Oh, y/n. It is not as you think. I have not... given myself to anyone.” he struggles to explain, the heat of your body transferring to his. “Please, do not cry.” his voice falters, brows lowering, blown pupils flickering as they search your puffy face.
Relief. Radiating through your body. Your body yearned for him now, more than ever. For him to be your first. For you to be his first. To mate.
“Then w-what?” the words dislodge from your throat.
“She took advantage of me. Coerced me. But never farther than this” he raises his hand, moving his fingers.  
“Karyu. I’m so sorry. I-I would never –” you cry, gripping two of his fingers.
“Shh. It is alright. I’m sorry, too” he hushes you, bringing your hand to his chest.
“I feel so... so overwhelmed right now. I don’t u-understand it.” your teeth begin to chatter as you finally close the gap between your bodies, slumping into him for one of his hugs. “I think have feelings for my karyu.”
He embraces you, holding you close to his body. “And I have fallen for my numeyu” he chokes out, having a hard time catching his own breath.
Your head snaps up, glossy, panicked eyes glaring up into his. You have a hard time processing what he’s saying, all you can see is the strain on his face as he tries his hardest to remain calm.
“Mawey. Mawey [calm]. Everything is heightened for you now. You’re alright.” he hums shakily, rubbing your back.
“I feel... s-so weird, so hot.” you hiccup, taking those deep breaths that you normally take when you hug him, overfilling your lungs with his scent.
It smells so good today. So good you wish you could bathe in it. Coat your body in his scent. You rub your face into his chest, trying to smear it on your skin. It calms you down, steadying your galloping heart and slowing your shaky breaths. 
“Tanhì.” he heaves a strained sigh, heavy lidded eyes squeezing tightly.
“Lak.” you breathe, body pressing into his.  
“Do you want me to?” he whispers, arm snaking around your waist to bring you closer.
“Hm?” you purr into his chest, rubbing your thighs together.
“Do you want me to help you when you get your heat?” he gruffly pants the words.
This morning replays in your head. All the hurtful words you said to him and the question that came shortly after.
‘I guess that means if I’m in heat then you’ll ‘help’ me then, won’t you?’
“Yes, please.” you exhale, head nodding in his chest.
With that, he holds your trembling body closer, allowing himself to take a full breath, filling his lungs with your scent. Your pheromones. This is the first time he’s letting himself savour them. He’s been picking up your scent all day, trying his hardest not to give into his primal urges to scent you himself – to mark you as his. Eywa, it’s divine. It’s so sweet, and fruity. Nothing like the fruits of the sea.  
His scent grows stronger, his body simply responding to yours. His pheromones make you feel feverish, skin prickling from the fingertips that graze your waist. Your heart thumps wildly between your ribs just as your double vision sets in. A sharp heat shoots down your spine, and pools in your core. Soon you’re panting and sweating in his arms, shaking uncontrollably as you squeeze your trembling legs tighter.
It frightens you.
“Ralak. I-I don’t know w-what’s – happening to me. What’s – what’s happening to me?” you blubber, voice full of panic.
“It is your heat, tanhì.”
“My h-heat?” you squirm in his chest, rubbing your body all over his – unknowingly scenting him.
“Mm-mhm.” he hums, fingers working at the knot of your loincloth. “Is this okay?”
“Yes. Yes.” you moan softly, legs parting to help him take the soddened cloth off you.
Once the knot comes undone, the cloth floats freely in the water, drifting away from you. In one swift movement, he lifts you up and wraps your legs around his waist. Another breathy moan parts your lips, your clit finally getting the attention it’s been swelling for. You instinctively cling on to him, snaking your arms around his neck.
He supports your body with one hand under your upper thigh, whilst his free hand cups the back of your head, fingers interlacing with your hair. For a moment, you both indulge yourselves in each other’s scent, rubbing your noses into one another’s neck. It’s almost suffocating. So suffocating that you both pull up simultaneously to gasp for air. Pupils completely blown, you stare into each other’s eyes, panting shakily – lips inching closer and closer together.
He lingers there, flushed lips parted, waiting patiently for your move. For your touch. For your command. You couldn’t take it anymore. The tension is strung too tight that you can feel it in your core, about to snap. Your foreheads touch, noses rubbing together, lips brushing against one another.
“Kiss me.” you mewl needily.
Before you know it, his lips crash into yours roughly, almost bruising them. He’s so hungry for you. For your touch. He’s wanted this for so, so long. Peak of your heat quickly approaching, he wills himself to regain his control. To take it easy with you on your first time.
“My paysyul.” he pants into your mouth, tongue swiping against your bottom lip before sucking it into his mouth.
You hum with fervour, allowing your tongue to explore his mouth – to intertwine with his. His fingers untangle from your hair, and cup your cheek, pulling you in closer to deepen the kiss. Soon you’re sharing the same breath, making everything even more hazy.
A large hand slides down your neck and grips it gently, earning him a sudden, breathy moan. Legs tightening around his waist, your hips stutter on their own, desperately trying to find something hump against.
Reading your needy body language, his hand quickly moves down your chest, pulling up one side of your beaded top to reveal your round breast and peaked nipple. He rolls it between his fingers as gently as possible, sending little shocks throughout your breast. The sensation sends your hips into a frenzy, gliding your clit back and forth over each ab muscle.
“Ugh – oh!” you cry out, jaw locking as your mouth hangs agape. Your wetness is overflowing, coating his stomach in a thick layer of slick. The jerk of your hips becomes easier, gliding up and down his stomach even faster. Your teeth click together, eyes watering as you desperately chase the budding feeling in your core.
The little, filthy sounds coming from your mouth only rile him up more, ebbing away more of his restraint. His cock springs up, swollen head smacking against your thigh, quick movements providing just enough friction on his tip, making his hips stammer too. Soon your bodies fall under the trance of your heat, desperately grinding into one another.  
The urge to touch, no – to be inside you is overwhelming. He wants to know how your gummy walls feel around his cock. But he knows that your too small to take him, that he would have to stretch you out first. Prepare your little body so it wouldn’t hurt.
His hand works its way from your breast, down to your stomach where he lingers for some time. His fingers play in the dip of your navel as they slide between your sticky pelvis and his stomach, parting your folds carefully. Hips snapping back, you open yourself up to his touches, resting your chin in the dip of his collarbone.   
“This okay?” he asks quickly, fingertips finding the bundle of nerves at the peak of your slit.
“Mm-mhm! Please -” you whine lengthily, frustration so pent up it leaves you breathless.
“Breathe, tanhì.” he hums, fingers rubbing tight circles into your clit.
You gasp for air, a cool sensation filling your lungs. It feels so good – so much better than the way you do it before you go to sleep. You try hard to focus on the budding feeling in your core, to chase it so you can finally know what an orgasm feels like. But this was just another thing that you struggled with.
“Used fingers before?” he huffs in your ear, sliding two fingers down to your entrance.  
“T-tried it... once.” you admit timidly.
“How many?” he rasps, pulling a finger back into his palm, leaving only one to prod at your slit.
His strong scent disorients you, leaving you in such a befuddled state that you ignore his question and snuggle into the crook of his neck.
“Tell me, tanhì. Quickly.” he pants.
“One.” you mumble, grazing your canines on his pulsing throat as you suckle on his skin, leaving behind a bruise-like mark. Surely one of his is equivalent to almost two of yours. He knew that this was going to hurt if he didn’t take his time with you and let you fully adjust to something inside you.
“Tell me if you feel pain.” he grunts, sliding his finger inside you to the first knuckle. You let out a little whimper, walls clamping tightly around his finger. “Feel okay?”
You nod franticly, burying your grimaced face into his chest. “Mhmm.” You wiggle your hips, desperately trying to take more of him inside you. He follows your movements, ensuring not to slide it in any further just yet. “M-more please”
“Patience, tanhì”
You’ll admit, it burned a little. It was the biggest stretch you’ve had so far, but the slickness of your heat made it so that his finger slid in easily. “Please. It. It feels... feels weird, Ralak.”
“I know, I know.” he coos, feeling your walls relax around his knuckle. “I'm going to make it go away, take a breath for me.”
You inhale deeply, just as you would before a breathing lesson, holding it deep in your stomach rather than your chest. He slides his finger inside you to his second knuckle, keeping it there while you adjust some more. Your grip around his neck tightens, fingernails digging into his turquoise skin just as you release your breath - blowing hot air onto his chest. The way his finger stretches you out brings tears to your eyes. Tears of ecstasy - of satiation. Satiating an itch that you weren’t even aware of.
“More!” Desperation plagues your trembling voice.
He knows better than to listen to the words that come out your mouth and listen to what your body is saying to him instead. It’s not his first time dealing with a na’vi in heat, albeit by force. It feels so similar, the influence your heat has on him. But yours is so much more intense. Feelings of uncertainty creep in, muddling with all the other emotions he’s trying to deal with. He didn’t want to be used again.
She’s not her. He reminds himself, persevering through the hesitancy. “Ready?”
“Yes. Yes Ralak.” You hold on to him tighter - closer.
Your pheromones already had him in a trance, gritting his teeth just so he could maintain his composure. He’d never been influenced by pheromones like this - so strong and potent. Perhaps it’s because it’s your first heat, or maybe it’s because you’re the na’vi he has the urge to protect most – to mate with.
He finds himself taking deep, long breaths. The kind he takes before going spear fishing in the depths of the ocean. Your scent fills his head, making him woozy. Blood rushes to his face, turning it hot and flushed – stained with a tinge of pink. Oh, to make a gentle giant like Ralak blush.
He exhales as he gently slides the rest of his digit inside of your slippery pussy. You both groan in unison, just as your tightness clamps down around his finger - your nails scraping down his back. You’re so, so wet that your glossy, slick coats his knuckles, dribbling down his hand to his wrist.
“Shit.” he lets out a curse, something he rarely does. “How are you this wet?”
He really shouldn’t compare, but he’s never seen a na’vi in heat so soaked. You couldn’t help it really, your feelings for him are so strong that they feel overwhelming at times. Times like right now, where your feelings overflow and have nowhere else to go but between your legs, making a mess all over your thighs. “S-sorry” you pant, your soft, petite body shuddering in his grasp.
“Never apologize for that.”
The first curl of his finger earns a loud, sudden moan from your throat, just as his grip on the fleshiness of your thigh tightens. His cock is so painfully hard, turning veiny and almost blue. All he wants to do is replace his finger with his cock but, he can’t. Not when you’re this tight. The way your gummy walls grip so tightly around his finger makes it hard to even move it.
“Ra-lak” the word momentarily catches in your throat just as he curls his finger once more.
“Mm?” He hums, eyes squeezed shut, brows gathering.
“Ngh – feels... s-so good. Please.” you beg quietly, squeezing his waist with your legs as your body tries to shove his finger deeper inside you.
“There it is.” he grunts, listening to your body’s commands.
He roughly furls and unfurls his finger inside you, rubbing the pad of his fingertip against the warm, spongey part of your cunt. Each hook of his finger works out a squelching noise, and a breathy mewl from your mouth. Soon you’re panting into his chest, trying to keep your soft moans to a minimum as he picks up the pace.
There was really no point, as the more he fucks you out with a single finger, the more your moans lose their softness. His ears perk up higher and higher as the volume of your sweet, filthy moans grow louder and louder, making his rock-hard cock twitch against your thigh.
Your sweet spot swells with pleasure, moans becoming deeper and strained. He knows you’re close. So close that you were going to cum on his finger any minute, just by the way your pussy walls clench tightly around his finger. He feels the tension in your body, the way it seizes up, trying to fight the unbearable heat pooling in your pelvis. His dazed eyes open, scent of your pheromones wafting up his nose as he lowers his head, mouth next to the shell of your ear.
“Don’t fight it.” he whispers.
Your moans quiet down into low, laboured pants as you try to relax your tensed muscles. You’re having a hard time, and he can sense it.
“Let it happen, my paysyul. I'm right here.” he hums, using his thumb to rub loose, slow circles into your puffy clit.
“Mmmn! I-I can’t. Ra – ah haah, ngh! ‘ts t-too much – too much!” your shaky breaths hiccup as you shake your head side to side in his chest. 
“Cum for your karyu.” he encourages you, tightening the circles and picking up the speed of his thumb.
Of course, your karyu would be the one to teach you how to cum.
The sound of his husky voice in your ear sends you over the edge – heated coil unravelling, stomach muscles relaxing. It’s as if your body were responding to his command all on its own. This foreign feeling was just too good – too euphoric. You pull up suddenly from his chest, gasping for air as your entire body convulses in his grip.
“Oh, f-fuck!” you shout, tears streaming down your face.
“There you go. Good girl.” he grunts low in his chest.
He relishes in the quick flutter of your pussy walls around his finger. The way your cum dribbles down his arm. The way you’re staring into his eyes with your mouth open, releasing silent screams into the air. He can feel the beads of precum oozing from his tip, dripping down his pulsing length and onto his swollen balls.
He keeps his finger buried deep inside you, waiting patiently for you to come down from your high. Your sputtering broken words into his ear, body going limp in his grip. He could tell it was time to get you comfortable for the long night ahead. Ralak moves quickly through the storm, bringing you up to his marui.
A whine splits your lips when he tenderly pulls his finger out of you, laying you down on his bed. It’s so warm and cozy, soft sheeting fluffed up around your shivering body. You give in to the pull of your eyelids, resting them for a couple seconds. Ralak settles himself behind you, pressing his body against yours and wrapping his arms around your waist.
It feels so good, so right. The way his body completely envelopes yours, acting as your own personal shield. You back yourself up onto him, rubbing the swell of your ass on his cock – glossy from his precum. Your body moves on its own, a hand sliding down his crotch to wrap your fingers around his girth.
Fingertips barely touching one another, you stroke half the length of his cock, feeling it warm up in your hand. His breath is heavy and hot, right in the shell of your ear. He nuzzles his face into your neck, peppering wet kisses down to your shoulder. Eywa, how you wanted him to be inside you, filling you up and making you feel full.
There’s a dull ache, deep in your womb. So deep that only something this big could make it go away. Every bone and fiber in your body is screaming for you to shove his cock inside. It’s so loud you can’t ignore them anymore, the need to be fucked.
“Lak.” you mumble, half awake.
“Mm?” he hums with fervour, cock finally getting the attention it’s been begging for.
“Want you inside.” you breathe, positioning his swollen tip to your entrance.
His hips snap back, pulling himself away from you. “Not today.”
“Please.” you whine, backing up on him once more. “My body n-needs you.”
“It will hurt, tanhì.” he mumbles between kisses, holding your hips to push them away. “Another day.”
You didn’t want to take no for an answer. Your body pined for him to stretch you out and fill you up. Your back arches as you slump your head back into his shoulder, opening your neck to his kisses. “Please, please.” you beg,
“Not when you are in heat. Not when we are not mated.” he groans, reluctantly pulling his aching cock away from your soft pussy lips.
“F-fuck. I can’t take this. I can’t. It’s – it’s too much. Please, Ralak.” you whine, squirming around from the sensation in your womb, lying on your back.
“Mawey. We will get through this.” he coos, sliding his hand down your stomach to your cunt.
Instinctively, your legs spread, welcoming the fingers that slide up and down between your folds. He slides a finger in easily, hooking it right into the gummy part of your heat, slowly massaging circles into it. He grinds his cock into your thigh, coating it with his own slick as he works yet another orgasm out of you.
“Just like last time” he coaches you through it, your breathy moans increasing in volume. “Relax, and let it happen” his words bounce with the thrust of his hips, chasing his own climax against your slickened thigh. Your walls contract, just as they did when you were about to cum. And then you lose it, walls suddenly relaxing around his digit.
“Again. Listen to your body.” he grunts, planting an encouraging kiss behind your ear.
Focusing on the budding feeling, your hands grip his veiny forearm, using it as leverage to hump his hand. You let go, allowing your body to take over. Head sinking back into the softness of the bed, you grind erratically into his hand.
“I’m close – s-so close!” you cry out, eyes popping open as your body tenses.
“Good girl, ride it out.” his voice is thick with desire, shaky from the buck of his hips. He’s on the edge, forcing himself to wait for you to cum before he does. Your hips lift in the air, his hand following with them. “Go on, let go.”
“Ra – lak! Cumming! Cumming!” you release a sudden, strained whine.
Just as your pussy walls flutter around his finger, he quickly slides a second one in, masking the pain of the stretch with the pleasure of your orgasm. With two fingers deep inside your cunt, your body convulses from satiation and pleasure, feeling stuffed to the brim.  
“That’s it.” He growls low in his chest, eyes squeezing shut as he gives your thigh a few hard thrusts. Guttural noises picking up in volume and bass, he listens to his own body, spurting his warm, thick cum all over your thigh and stomach. He opens his eyes, to see a jaded look on your face as you calm down from your heat.
“I love you, my tanhì” he mumbles in your ear, fingers still inside you.
“I love you, my karyu.” you barely get out, eyelids falling shut.
He leans over you, using his free hand to grab the cloth next to his bed to clean you up with. He knew better than to take his fingers out of you, and to think that this was all over. It was only the beginning of a long night ahead.
And oh Eywa, it was.
Every few hours, you’d wake up sweating and squirming from your heat, backing yourself up onto Ralak’s warm body, begging for his touches. He’d be quick to oblige, curling the fingers that remain inside you for the entire night, making you cum as many times as you wanted. The only thing he wouldn’t give into were your pleas to be fucked. That was one thing he maintained his composure about.
“Y/n. For the love of Christ, you better tell me that the storm held ya up last night.” Jakes voice rings in your ear, waking you up.
Oh shit.
Tag list: @azaleaniath @jakexneytiri @sweethoneycn @deadgirl02 @keijis-wifey @pandorxxx @swiftielivvie @teyamfangirl @avatar-lover @sooebear @vanillawhale @bxnnywriting @athenachu @trashboat-the-raccoon @avaixe @qweq-6802 @girlpostingsposts @erinloversworld @agelsully @zestys-stuff @raaaaainn  @eywascall @yawneneteyam @weirdomcu @pandxrastars @eichenhouseproperty @camgod78 @kibiscribbles @bedofpearls @kurtsworld096 @audrinawf @otukirey @deexdeez @c78r @bby-bo @neteyamsmate4life @wheniseeyouigogonutz @sullymenrhot @jakescumdump @erenjaegerwifee @eywaheardyou @saturnheartz @lovekeeho @afro-hispwriter @lovemyavatar @rainbowsocks @eddiesluvt @etherialblackrose @sleepilysworld @fezandashgirlfriend @kahlowy @babyymeme @lovekeeho
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cupcakeinat0r · 2 months
Thinkin abt DadBod!Miguel… once again…
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You were the lucky girl that pulled Miguel n had him wrapped around your lil finger.
As much as he didn���t like to show it publicly, the man was whipped. By the means of your affectionate love, Miguel actually began to take better care of himself, resulting in happy boyfriend weight gain.
As time went on, you’d noticed those changes: Thicker thighs, fatter ass, pecs are perkier, and a soft pouch that you’d feel up when you removed his shirt during hot, open-mouthed make-out sessions.
Miguel was a little surprised to find that you loved it, and since then, has taken advantage of this information.
Now, he proudly walks around shirtless, in nothing but grey sweatpants or even boxers sometimes. He thought he was slick by acting coy, but you knew that he knew that you get wet just by the sight of his brawny, hairy muscles, or that muffin top he had going on… and that happy trail…
Then he’d give you that smirk when he caught you staring, making fun of you when he did. And when he sees that you’re a blushing mess, he attacks you with kisses, you swatting him away but it’s no use; he’s already caged you under him on the couch, the both of you breaking into a fit of giggles.
Today, it’s early in the morning. He didn’t have to be at the society until a little later, so you made the best use of the rare time you had together and made him some breakfast. After he was done eating, the two of you cuddled on the couch for the remainder of his free time.
He was sprawled out on the couch (almost too small for him) with your body on top of his. Your head lays on his chest, the hair there slightly tickling your skin. His strong hands rub your back oh so gently, making you drift away. Miguel occasionally kisses the top of your head as he himself doze off as well. Just when the two of you are about to fall asleep, his watch on the coffee table goes off.
“mierda—“ he groans, immediately going to snooze the loud, annoying alarm. You lift your head with a ‘mph’, your body grieving the loss of a peaceful moment between the both to you. “Already?” You look up at him with the saddest puppy dog eyes, ones that break his heart.
“I know, mama, I know, I’m sorry, but y’know I have to go.” He tuts. Like as if you were made of porcelain, he gently pries you off of him, but you refuse. “Just call in, baaaabe.”
Miguel feels you grab onto him tighter, and he lays back on his elbows in regret, “I’ll be back as soon as I can, mamita. I gotta go, mama, c’mon.”
“But baaaaabyyyyy.” You pout.
“Beba, tu sabes que yo quiero quedarme contigo, pero I simply can’t.” He really did hate having to say bye to you. He used to never wanna leave the lab, but now he counts down to the seconds until he gets to come home to your arms.
“Just a few more minutes?” You lift your head from his chest again, giving him those eyes that could get you anything.
“Beba, por favor-“ he knits his brows. He was cracking.
“Pleeeeeeaaasse?” You pout your bottom lip, “We haven’t had a day like this in forever, babe. Besides, you work so hard already…”
You place and subtly push your hands on his chest, and to your surprise, he lays back on the couch, wanting to hear what else you have to say, and maybe see what mischievous plan you had this time.
He could spare a minute or two, it won’t hurt… right?
“You deserve a day off, no?” Your voice becomes softer, more sensual as you peel yourself from his body and straddle not on his waist, but his stomach. Miguel’s consciousness is slipping.
Miguel’s hands instinctively go to rest on your hips, which have started to vaguely grind on his belly.
You were clever. By teasing Miguel and grinding against his stomach, merely inches from his fat cock, you knew you’d have him crumble under you in no time. “Well… do you?” You ask again, raising your eyebrow. You know it was working.
His eyes are now laser focused on the triangle of your panties, now marked with a wet spot, rubbing against his mid section. In his mind, he’s practically fighting for his life between going to work or letting you keep doing what you’re doing and so far… what his eyes are stuck on is winning.
“fuck, mama… you’re makin’ it real difficult, you know that?” His voice gravels at the sight in front of him. He doesn’t look up, too distracted by your slow thrusts against his soft belly. He hissed as he can feel his own cock rise in his grey sweats, precum bleeding through, no doubt.
“Baby, just stay, just for today… please?” Your breathy tone goes straight to his aching dick, pushing him over the edge from staying or going.
Hungry, Miguel licks his lips just as he takes one of his hands, hooking his pointer finger on one side of the triangle of your panties, pulling it aside so that nothing separated your wet heat and his fluffy stomach. He let out a low sigh and a few curses, watching as you painted his belly with your juices. He’s not even in you, but he could cum just from this.
“Aw fuck… what am I gonna do with you?“ he looks up at you, almost annoyed that this was working on him, but he couldn’t help it. He was pussy whipped. Feeling like you’ve won, you lazily smiled, already getting close to your climax as you continued grinding on his soft stomach.
“Lyla… fuck… mute my watch. I’m takin’ the day off.”
A/n: This one right here…. This ask did it for me. Been replaying this one in my head for days now hnnnghh I need him so bad, it actually makes my stomach hurt and my head dizzy 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 Thank you nonnie <3
Hope y’all liked it <3
Want more DadBod!Miguel ? Here’s my master list, bae!
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neteyamslovrr · 1 year
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just a short little drabble <3 enjoy my loves
you sat behind neteyam, his body resting on your chest as you rested against a large tree.
"you look so pretty like this." neteyam smiled up at you, he made a conscious effort to make sure he was caressing your thighs. he wanted to hold you even if you previously insisted on holding him
"oh yeah? the pretty view where you look right up my nose"
"yup, such beautiful nostrils you have yawne." you gave him a playful as his harmonic chuckles met your ears.
" be quiet. now. you said that you'd let me do your hair. can i play with your hair now?" you batted your eyelashes playfully. he rolled his eyes as he gave in to your cuteness. how could he say no to you?
"can you put one of those pretty beads you made in my hair please beautiful?" you nodded, fiddling with the pouch that was tied to the side of your loincloth, filled with many trinkets, including the beads.
taking a handful of them you put them infront of neteyam's face. "pick a colour."
"these ones. they're my favourite." they were his favourite for a reason. teal and orange, the colours of your ikran
"okay sit still my love." you carefully braided his hair, making sure not to pull too tight.
he felt calm as you took care of him. he loved these intimate moments with you. these were the moments he fell harder for you. when he got to lay in your chest as you played with his hair. he got to be so close to you, and lay his hands on your legs. he cherished these moments.
carefully putting the beads in his hair you smiled down at him. "all done." he took the braid and fiddled with the braids
"now i am as pretty as you, my beautiful girl."
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mochinomnoms · 2 days
How would Jade react to a prefect who already knows all about foraging? If he had already caught feelings, and if he was still just meeting the..
Example: He's out and about because Mountain Lovers Club and the prefect is out there with a friend. He finds them playing 'death or dinner' with mushrooms, berries, and other plants.
Love your work! Your stories always make me laugh.
I finished the last episode of The Apothecary Diaries a few weeks ago and this made me think of a semi-mad scientist Prefect who is super knowledgeable about herbs and plants. They're scarily good at potions, and are able to identify poisons with just a sniff and a silver cup.
“They are also prone to straight up eat those poisonous plants because they just want to know what it feels like”.
Jade is rather fond of you, infatuated even! Mostly due to your straight-up feral antics in potions, as you and Grim are constantly causing all sorts of mayhem with your potions. He loves watching you as there's never a boring moment with you around, and you're so diligent with trying again and again to get your potion just right, Jade might just say he's charmed!
Come a random, warm Saturday, when Jade is out hiking and taking photos of the landscape, that that charm turns into a full-blown crush. It's quite peaceful, until he hears some rustling nearby. He softens his footsteps, cautious in case it's a wild animal, until he hears voices.
Peeking through the foliage of the bushes and trees, Jade saw you and Ruggie picking at a wild blackberry bush. You two were quietly sharing ideas on what you could do with your share, evidently splitting your findings in half.
“Think I can mix this with the dandelions for a salad?”
“No, blackberries are too tart. You should make them into a sauce, you got those discounted pork chops from Sam's, right? I asked him to save some for you.”
“Yeah, I almost forgot about those I was so busy, thanks. I can do that...hey, what about those mushrooms down there?”
Jade watched as you looked towards where Ruggie was pointing, at a cluster of orange-yellow funnel shaped mushrooms. To the novice, they looked like the chanterelle mushroom. Edible and delightful in a saute, the ones that Ruggie were pointing at were not chanterelles, but false chanterelles.
You gasped in delight, your eyes practically glittering as you squealed, “Oh! Neat!”
They looked similar, but the gills were different and the colors more white. Jade's eyes widen as you reached for them; they weren't fatal, but they would cause some stomach issues. Jade could use those blackberries anyways, so he decided to step in and 'save' you in exchange for a third of the berries.
“I recommend that you don't eat those, those are false chanterelles. They are rather harsh on the stomach.”
You both jumped as Jade emerged from the thicket, Ruggie giving him a wave as your face soured. Ruggie opened his mouth, the beginning of a 'thanks' leaving his lips before you bluntly replied.
“I know what I'm doing, thanks.” Jade blinked as you took out a small knife, cutting the cluster up and throwing them in your pouch. “And you're wrong, they're not false chanterelles.”
Jade slowly blinked again as you turned to him, displaying a small orange mushroom in your fingertips. Looking at it closer, Jade noted that the gills were well-developed and unforked.
“These are jack-o-lanterns, they're poisonous, so you were right that they are 'harsh' on the stomach.”
Jade's open fell slightly open, and Ruggie let out a harsh yelp, as you popped it your mouth and started chewing.
“Prefect!” Jade stepped back as Ruggie rushed over to you and attempted to pry your chewing mouth open. “I thought I said no more eating poisons! Weeds or herbs! The nurse is going to murder me! This is why I don't take you foraging with me!”
Jade watched as you swallowed, just as Ruggie managed to open your mouth, sticking your tongue out and saying 'aaaah' mockingly to him. Like you weren't even worried that you'd just swallowed poison.
“I told you, I'm super resistant to poisons! I used to eat them all the time!” You closed your eyes and smile, hands on your cheeks as you gushed.
“This one is gastrointestinal only, it leads to nausea, vomiting, and sometimes diarrhea.” You continued squealing like a schoolgirl about her crush.
“But my favorite are the ones that make your tongue go numb and body tingly until you're convulsing on the ground and twitching! They feel so electrifying! Aaa! How am I supposed to resist?”
Ruggie continued to fuss over you, dragging you back to the main path and muttering about having the nurse keep you on a leash. So concerned with you and your health, neither he nor you noticed Jade's wide eyes and red flush as you left.
Once you two were out of earshot, Jade clutched at his chest, right where his heart was, and fell to his knees like he'd been shot. Perhaps cupid finally decided to let loose the arrow he'd been pointing at Jade's heart for some time.
The glazed look in your eyes, the blissful smile, the near drunken looking flush on your cheeks. You'd looked absolutely breathtaking, you looked like you truly appreciated the mushroom for all its beauty and danger.
Would you eat anything? If jade were to gift you with a bouquet of hemlock and foxglove, would you sniff it and smile at him like he presented you with something priceless? Would you eat a white capped mushroom if he presented to you, taking the gamble between it being a death cap or a paddy straw mushroom?
Would you let him watch you writhe on the ground from eating fugu, the blowfish's poison entering your system? You wanted a tingling sensation? You wanted the pins and needles, the sweating, the tremors as you slowly became paralyzed?
Yes, you would, wouldn't you? Up until he presented you with some activated charcoal (you'd probably have some anyway), holding your hair back so you could puke your stomach out. Then he'd be able to nurse you to health again, up until you excitedly asked him to test out a new concoction with that same glitter in your eyes.
Jade covered his face, letting out a small whining noise as he felt the heat fill his face. Oh, how pathetic he must look, curled into himself and red-faced, squealing into his hands like a child. Can you fault him, though? He's hopelessly in love!
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gigabyte-flare · 1 month
[A Gigabyte Flare One Shot]
Summary: Your boyfriend comes home from an assignment still wearing his gear coupled with a pair of jeans you had gotten him, the sight of him driving you wild.
Word Count: 1.2k
Pairing: RE4R!Leon Kennedy x fem!reader (afab)
Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction. You are responsible for your own content consumption. If any of the following warnings trigger you, please read at your own risk. Minors do not interact, this story is 18+ only.
Warnings: Kissing, unprotected p in v, creampie, mention of firearms
A/N: This is 5000% self indulgent. I've been playing through Resident Evil 4 Remake yet again with this Special Rescue Agent mod and oh my god those jeans are so fucking sexy on him. I needed to write this to get it out of my system. You're welcome 🤣
A quick reminder that I no longer do tag lists
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The door to your apartment bursts open, your boyfriend walking through briskly before closing the door behind him. You could tell from the corner of your eye he was still wearing his tactical gear and gun holster around his waist, having just come back from another grueling mission for the U.S. government to god knows where. A hint of blue draws your attention even further, your eyes now locked on the denim that perfectly accentuates his waist and backside.
“Hey, sorry I’m late babe. I had to fill out paperwork before they could let me come home. They didn’t even give me a chance to change my gear--”
Standing over the kitchen sink, you’re not even listening to your boyfriend at this point because you are way too focused on how absolutely fine he looks in the jeans you had bought him some time ago. Your mouth is hanging open and you drop the sponge you were holding into the dish water, making a subtle splash sound as your heart starts pounding in your chest. You didn’t think he even liked the jeans you got him because he had never worn them.
Until now, that is.
“Babe? Are you alright?” Leon asks, tilting his head at you and raising an eyebrow as he turns to face you.
You blink a few times, shaking your head to snap you out of your lust filled daze, returning your focus back to the dirty dishes as you fish through the water to grab the sponge, “yeah sorry! Long day…” you haphazardly reply.
“Right…” Leon says, nodding slightly before clearing his throat to continue, “let me get this gear off and I’ll come help you.”
Leon turns to walk into the bedroom, his heavy boots echoing through the apartment. You allow yourself another look as he walks off, your breath catching in your throat. It’s not just the jeans that made him look so… attractive. It’s the way the straps of his gun holster and various pouches attached to his belt hugged his thighs and how they perfectly shaped Leon’s toned backside. You unknowingly have a death grip on the sponge as hordes of less than appropriate thoughts fill your mind, causing you to bite your bottom lip.
“Stop…” you say softly; not even realizing you had said it out loud until Leon stops in his tracks and turns around to face you again.
“Hm? What’s up?” he asks before a knowing smirk begins to cross his lips as he puts his hands on his hips.
“I’m sorry, I…” you stammer before dropping the sponge back into the sink, “you just look really fucking hot in those jeans, Leon.”
He lets out a playful laugh before approaching you; you swear he’s swaying his hips as he walks on purpose just to rile you up, and it works. Now standing in front of you, his gloved fingers tracing along your jawline before cupping the back of your head, his fingers carding through your hair. His blue eyes boring into yours, piercing directly into your very soul. 
“Like what you see?” he asks, his voice low and sultry before he leans in, burying his face into the crook of your neck, feeling his lips and tongue upon your skin.
Immediately, your knees are weak and the only sound you manage to get out is a strained whimper as he pushes his body into yours. Your hands, having a mind of their own, reach down around his waist, slipping inside the back pockets of his jeans before gripping his toned ass. Leon lets out a low chuckle against your neck, feeling it reverberate through your body. 
Leon’s hands run down the sides of your body before settling on your waist. He shifts both of you away from the sink before lifting you up by your waist, setting you onto the countertop. He then lifts your sundress up over your knees, gathering it onto your plush thighs before his fingers hook around the hem of your panties, slowly pulling them off and tossing them aside.
Knowing what’s to come, you shift yourself so that you’re balancing on the edge of the counter on your backside, using your hands to brace yourself against the counter. You watch Leon start to remove his belt and holster, but you reach out, grabbing his wrist to stop him.
“Keep it on. It’s really sexy,” you say, smiling at him.
He lets out another chuckle before kissing you deeply on the lips, “whatever you want, babe. Let me just make sure the pistol’s safety is on.” 
Leon takes a step back briefly, pulling his Sentinel Nine out of its holster, hearing the click of him engaging the safety before returning it to its holster. He steps towards you again and you watch in anticipation as his fingers undo his jeans, pushing them and his boxers just enough so that his hardening length springs free. You watch his gloved hand wrap around his length, giving it a few strokes before he lines himself up with your soaked entrance.
As he slowly sheathes himself inside you, your legs wrap themselves around his waist and your hands work on removing the straps and buckles keeping his tactical vest in place. Once unbuckled, he shrugs it off himself and it lands on the kitchen floor with a loud thud, leaving him in just his tight, black athletic t-shirt. Now that he doesn’t have the bulky vest on, he wastes no time pressing himself against your body, his hips pistoning into your welcoming heat.
You drape your arms over his shoulders, soft moans escaping you before you lock your lips with his. Your pussy walls clench around his cock, sending shockwaves of pleasure throughout your body, giving you goosebumps on your arms.
“Oh fuck! Feels so good, Leon…” you breathe out as Leon drives you towards the edge, feeling your orgasm coil in your belly, ready to snap at any moment. 
“Yeah? I’m the only one who’s made you feel this good, aren’t I?” Leon asks, his tone husky and full of playful arrogance.
“Yes!” you cry out, the coil finally snapping, your release completely soaking him, leaving the telltale white ring around the base of his cock.
“Son of a bitch…!” Leon growls, increasing the pace of his thrusts inside you as he chases his own release. He leans in close, his breath tickling your ear before he whispers, “where do you want my cum, sweetheart?”
“Inside!” you whimper, your legs trembling from your earlier orgasm as your arms cling to his back, “please…!”
“You got it babe,” he replies, his hips practically hammering into your body before pressing himself as hard and deep inside you as he can possibly go, painting your walls white with his love. 
The warmth of his cum filling you pulls a long and loud moan out of you, your eyes practically rolling into the back of your head and you melt in his embrace. Leon lets out another low chuckle as he wraps his arms around you, rubbing your back with both of his hands as he gives you soft kisses on your cheek.
“Remind me to wear these jeans more often.”
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stuffeddeer · 5 months
Had a silly thought of like. Nendroid dazai... Being alive
Like ada nendroid Dazai who comforts u when ure asleep because he didn't want you knowing he's alive but then you know after you got him an oda nendroid to keep him company
He also tries to convince himself he's only staying to finally talk to oda again but then he's just deep in denial abt the fact he's madly Inlove
He's so silly UGH
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he’s so cute i need him dead well rested and fed :)
Dazai who sits on your nightstand each night and just watches you sleep :) his eyes are locked from you to the door to make sure no one comes in (not that he can do much in his little size… like cmon man an intruder could punt you)
He’d be protective as hell!!!! Being forced to listen to every conversation and watch all of the vulnerable moments you’ve had in the comfort of your room… like if you’re the type to save crying for your pillow he’s all :( and just wants to pat your back and tell you you’ll be fine :(
If you’re the type to bring your nendoroids around with you places (the pouches gsc sells are so cute btw I want the cake one so badly) he’ll love you infinitely more!! Just getting to watch as you go about your daily life and treat him like those cats people put in those backpacks? The ones with the window for them to look out? Yes that’s him 100%
He’s just your cat you wanna show the outside world to
People who make miniature foods and cute furniture for nendoroid-scale figures… SO CUTE!!! He’d be internally jumping up and down if you made/purchased some for him
He’d love being doted on that’s so canon to me (he may not know how to accept affection but that doesn’t mean he hates it gn) so he’d be ecstatic to receive so many gifts !!!
If you’re the type or maybe you have younger siblings/cousins to play with him like some action figure oh he’s so into it. Dude’s like Shakespeare the way he’s acting out everything he’s committed
His heart swells when you’re around (in GRATITUDE nothing else……) because ugh!!!! Out of all the little scale couches and plastic foods THIS is the gift that has him almost break character…. Like you really did this for him! And he’s gotta be aware of how expensive those stupid figures are… he’s all warm and fuzzy inside
Him and Oda take up looking after you (once again not being able to do much… it’s the thought that counts?) while catching up
He literally cannot express how much you mean to him. YOU DID ALL THIS FOR HIM!!!!!!! Sliding Oda next to him in your little pouch to carry them both outside!!! so cute
Until one day you come home with a little Chuuya to stick next to him as well.
Can he be grateful and resentful?
Ofc he’s excited to have someone else with him too he’s just annoying
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dragon-kazansky · 3 months
When the raven calls
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Morpheus x Female Reader
You, his raven, die protecting Jessamy while rescuing the Dream Lord. When Morpheus returns to his realm, he mourns your loss, only to find a stranger waiting for him in his throne room. The stranger claims to be you, now in human form. He doesn't understand, but his raven will always watch over him.
{Previous Chapter} - {Next Chapter}
Notes: This chapter is very episode heavy to begin with.
Chapter Six - Two left feet
"You have to wake up."
Dream's head rests in your lap as you gently hold him close to you. The ruby had weakened him and now it was gone along with that man.
Your concerns lay with the passed out king in your lap.
"Dream... Please wake up." You plea quietly. You would be lying if you said you weren't frightened. You felt useless, unable to help him. You've never felt anything worse.
You refuse to leave his side.
After a few hours, he wakes. He opens his eyes to find himself looking up at you. You smile in relief when you see those beautiful eyes of his.
You did not just think that...
"You're awake!"
Morpheus slowly pushes himself up into a seated position and looks around. "The ruby?"
"Gone. There was a man. He came and took it. He didn't see us, though."
Morpheus looks at you. You had stayed by his side and looked after him. You had no idea how much that meant to him. He looks like he's about to say something, but then he stops himself. He rises to his feet and holds out a hand to you.
"You're still human."
You take his hand and let him pull you up to your feet. "Yeah..."
"Allow me." He takes some sand from his pouch and blows it at you. You look down to find yourself wearing some clothes now. You look back at him.
"Thank you."
You remove his coat and pass it back. He seems reluctant to take it, but he puts it back on.
"I can find the ruby. It has been altered, but I'll be able to find it. Come." Morpheus leads the way out of the storage unit.
You have no idea just how much time had passed while inside there. It took a while for Morpheus to wake again. You can tell he knows more of his power is gone. He is weakened.
You find yourself outside a diner. The place was in disarray. Something had clearly happened here. Morpheus glances at you and then steps inside. You follow him quietly.
People lay dead in the middle of the room.
You stand by the door as Morpheus approaches the man sitting at the counter alone.
"Hello." The man sighs. "I'm John. I'm glad you're here. The power has gone out. So there's no TV, and no one left to talk to."
"What is it you think you're doing?" Morpheus asks.
"Saving the world from its lies."
"The ruby wasn't made for that."
John gasps softly. "Oh, you're the Sandman. My mother was right. She said you'd be coming for it."
"You must return it to me so that I can repair the damage you have done." Morpheus tells him.
"I'm not giving it back to you, it's mine."
"It is harming you, John, and your world."
"It's revealing the truth," John says softly. "This is the truth of mankind."
"No. You're wrong. This is the truth of mankind."
Morpheus shows John how these people he killed lived their lives. What they did. What they dreamed about. How they lived. He took all of that away from them.
Kate dreames of running away where no one could find her.
Garry dreams of proving his father wrong.
Bette dreams of creating something that would matter to people.
You feel sorry for all these people. Their hope had been taken from them.
"The ruby is hurting you, John." Morpheus says to him. "It has too much of my power within it. It stole more when I tried to use it."
"Then perhaps if I use it to steal the rest of your powers, I will be the King of Dreams." John says.
You frown. There is only one King of Dream. Your King of Dreams. Morpheus. No one else can have that title.
"If you would rob a Dream lord of his power, you shall do so in his realm. In dreams."
Just like that, John is in the Dreaming. You have returned to the palace with Morpheus. However, now you find yourself as a raven again.
"Damn it," you mutter. Just as you were getting used to having thumbs.
While John chases his past through dreams. Morpheus prepares to deal with him. You land on the throne and wait.
John comes to the throne room and looks at you sitting on the throne.
"Is this your palace... Dream Lord? Is this your throne... King of Lies? Well, it's mine now!"
John raises the ruby in his hand. The palace begins to crumble. You fly away.
"Are you watching? Can you see me?" The palace continues to burn away. "Using your own powers to burn away your lies."
"You must stop." Morpheus appears with his helmet on. "It is not too late to save yourself."
"Oh, you think it's me that needs saving?" John says.
"Your father stole the ruby from me and cursed you with it."
"You mean he blessed me with it." John raises the ruby up again. "Your reign ended when my father captured you. Your kingdom is my birthright."
John is killing Morpheus with the ruby.
"Your power resides within me."
Morpheus falls to the ground, curled up, unable to fight back.
"How does it feel to know I hold your life in my hands?" John asks.
"You're hurting the dreamers," Morpheus says, grunting in pain.
You can not go to him. Morpheus has made it so. He didn't want you hurt at the hands of John Burgess.
"Well, it's time they woke up! Your life and your lies end now."
John crushes the ruby.
Everything around him is gone.
He did it. He killed the Sandman, or so he believes.
"Thank you, John."
John looks up to find himself looking up at the Dream Lord. He is standing on his palm, feeling so small compared to this Dream Lord.
"But I killed you."
Morpheus speaks. "You destroyed the ruby and released the power inside it. I would never have thought of that. I'd forgotten just how much of myself I had placed in the jewel."
"Are you going to kill me?" John asks.
"I could. Perhaps I will. But the dream stone was not made for mortals. And it came to you through no fault of your own. So, no, John. I will not kill you."
You sit on the steps to the throne and wait. The Dreaming had been mended, back to its original states. Morpheus now had all his power back to fix it. You were just waiting for his return after dealing with John Burgess.
Jessamy and Matthew came flying to sit with you.
"What happened?" Jessamy asks.
"A lot. There is too much to explain, but you will be glad to know our king is back to his full power again."
Jessamy looks pleased.
"And the ruby?" Matthew asks.
"Gone. Destroyed, but the power within it returned to Lord Morpheus. The kingdom can heal again."
The doors open, and you look up and see Morpheus walking in with Lucienne behind him. You would smile if it was possible.
"You're safe," he says, looking at you.
"Thanks to you."
"And you're a raven again."
"Yeah... I was just getting used to being human too." You chuckles.
Morpheus kneels down so he is eye level with you. He kneels for no one, so this surprises you. "Perhaps I can help with your predicament."
"How?" You ask, stepping a little closer to him.
"This is the Dreaming, I am the Lord of Dreams. You were created by me. I should, at the very least, be able to help you control your ability to change."
"You'll help me?"
"I can not explain how you are able to switch between both forms, but I shall definitely try and assist in any way I can. Imagine how useful it would be to go between raven and person."
"I would like that very much."
He gives you the tiniest of smiles. "Come. We shall start right away. Lucienne, the kingdom, is returning back to its former glory. I assume Dreams and Nightmare may start to return."
Lucienne bows her head. "Yes, my lord."
Morpheus begins to exit the throne room, and you take flight, following behind him. You are filled with a newfound excitement at what potential lies ahead.
"You don't mind that I can turn into a human?" You ask, flying alongside him.
"Why should I mind it?"
"I don't know. I was your raven for so long."
"You still are," he says.
"Would I still be useful to you in human form?"
"Why wouldn't you be?"
"I don't know..." You sigh. "Just... I'd prefer to stay a raven if I'm only useful to you like this."
Morpheus stops walking and looks at you. "You will always be useful to me. No matter what form you took."
You look at him silently.
Morpheus continues walking, and you catch up. He has created a space for you to learn how to go between raven and human.
You land on the ground in front of him.
"What do you feel when you transform?" He asks.
"It's strange. Before, I only changed when I went between the waking world and the Dreaming. I stopped doing that because it was strange... and I didn't know what to do with myself. Lucienne helped me get used to being a human when I returned here. Then, when Lucifer changed me, it felt... wrong. It was probably because it was a forced change. I had gotten used to being a raven again, so being human felt weird to me suddenly."
Morpheus hums softly in thought.
"You need to tap into that power within you that changes you. Control it. Master it. Then you can come and go as you like."
"But... how?"
Morpheus walks around you. When you turn to look at him, you find a big black cat looking up at you.
"That's not helping. You're the Dream Lord. You can do as you wish. I was never supposed to be able to do any of this."
"You'll learn." Morpheus turns back into himself. "Think of what you want to be and will it to happen."
You sigh and close your eyes, thinking about your human form. You open them and find yourself still a raven. You groan and try again. Still nothing.
"I can't do it."
Morpheus looks at you. You look at him.
"Don't force it. Feel it. You can do this. I believe in you."
You take a deep breath, or as big a breath as a raven can take, and focus. You think about how it felt when he held you in Hell. How he supported you and looked after you. You think about how if felt standing on wobbly legs the first time. How it felt to reach out and grab Lucienne's hand when she helped you. You think about how it would feel to hold Dream's hand in yours, fingers interlocking. You wonder what it would be like to be human again.
You open your eyes and find yourself no longer looking up at him as a raven. You're standing on human feet. You smile.
"See?" He chuckles.
"I did it?"
"You did it."
You grin with excitement.
"Now, back to a raven." He says.
You use the same process as you did before. You think about how your feathers feel. The wind in your wings. How it feels to fly and land. You think about how you look up at Morpheus when you stand beside him as a raven. How it feels to land on his shoulder. How easy it is for you to go back and forth between realms.
You feel yourself gliding. You flap your wings and land carefully.
You're a raven again.
"You can do it." Morpheus says proudly.
"It feels easy some how."
"It is when you know how. You have to feel it. That's how you make it easy. Now, again."
You spend the next few hours going back and forth between raven and human. You'll fly around the room, landing on his shoulder and other things as a raven. You'll hop, skip, dance, and jump as a human, finding you feet easily.
Morpheus smiles and encourages you every time you transform. He's proud of what you have become.
He's happy to have you at his side again.
He's excited that you have a human form.
You spin and smile, happy that you seem to be getting the grasp of things now. There seems to be so much more freedom for you now. No longer will you have to worry about being either form.
"I think you have the hang of it now."
You turn and look at Morpheus. You've decided to settle on your human form for now. "Yes. Thank you. I'm grateful." You bow your head.
"There is no need for that," he tells you.
You smile and look at him. "You have no idea how happy I am."
"No?" He smiles softly, amused.
"Well, maybe you do. I'm very excited." You look down at your human body. "I can be myself, and be this new version of me."
"I like both versions of you."
You can't help yourself. You smile and hug him quickly. He is startled by your sudden action, but he places one arm around you. He accepts the hug.
You realise what you have done and pull away quickly.
"Sorry. I'm sorry..."
He chuckles softly. "Don't apologise."
You now feel embarrassed and decide you've done enough damage for one day. You think about your raven form and take flight. Yo decide to flee for now.
Morpheus watches you fly away.
He rests one hand on his chest. It had been a long time since he last felt the flutter of his heart like this.
He hopes it won't be the last time, either.
@missdreamofendless - @kpopgirlbtssvt - @sitkafay - @snowsatsu - @ladyofdreaming - @thoughtsfromlayla - @modest-irish-goddess -
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I binged all of season 3 after the finale and I can’t shake the feeling that it was changed at the last minute.
I feel like cx-2 was supposed to be Tech and the batch would have worked on reversing his brainwashing but it would have taken several episodes and they couldn’t fit it all in in time. So instead of being like oh he’s fixed after 5 seconds they just scrapped it.
Because they spent several episodes showcasing cx-2 and we ALL saw the parallels. Especially if you see some of the tiktok edits that transition between Tech and CX-2 like it’s the same build, body language and mannerisms. The accessories! Cx-2 has an ankle strap. Tech is the only one to wear a pouch strapped around his ankle that he kept even after modifying his armor for season 2
It’s not like one or 2 Tech girlies were really reaching to make the connection- the parallels really were there.
Why do all that for cx-2 end up being literally no one at the end. Just a reg with the same standard clone face that we only saw a side profile after the helmet fell off in the finale like it was quickly edited in.
Don’t get me wrong I’m so glad the helmet fell off and it wasn’t Tech because he had just been killed and that would have been super devastating.
But still why go through all those parallels for nothing?
If they did actually run out of time or didn’t want to rush his recovery, they could have made it so the batch finds him on tantiss, stuns him, lugs him onto the shuttle and back to Pabu and then while Omega and Hunter were talking under the tree it could have been like:
Omega: “Will Tech be okay?”
Hunter: “We’ll bring him back and take care of him. Together.” *pans to Phee already carting him off to the clinic or something *
And then in the epilogue he could have popped out to remind Omega one last time about evasive maneuvers because this ship is a little different than the Marauder or something. It would have shown that he really was okay and back to himself.
I think we would have been fine with that, just happy our beloved nerd boy is ok.
But nooooooooo we had to start our grieving way after plan 99
Idk I’ll never get over it. Perhaps now I’m really reaching. It just has too many gaps still for me.
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mothpawbs · 1 year
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more royal dragons, this time the ones from arc 2/3! these were really fun, and the previous designs helped me get comfortable with more detailed jewelry designs, so these are a bit more extravagant.
design notes under the cut!
RUBY: i didn't realize how young she really is when i read escaping peril the first time, i thought she was in her mid-twenties at least but apparently she's only 12/17? wild. anyways i made her ruby red with some orange accents to point to tourmaline. her tiara is meant to look like laurels, studded with rubies, and the gems on her brows and wings are citrine.
GLORY: i already had a design for her, i just touched it up a bit here. she's very pretty, but her scales are notably duller than my other rainwing designs. she has pouches she wears around her neck because she likes to be prepared and is trying to connect more to her culture. at least one of those pockets has snacks for silver. the flower on her ear is a plumeria india, one of my favorite flowers.
THORN: easily my favorite design in the set, oh my god i love how she came out. she has the same colors as my sunny design but desaturated, and almost the same markings. her jewelry is mostly gold with onyx and lapis lazuli insets. the design for the eye of onyx is inspired by @dragonsndoodles's design, which looks absolutely gorgeous and way more elegant than the graphic novel version.
SNOWFALL: i think i made her too round and soft-looking? idk i think she's cute though. i definitely had to get those pale sunset colors in there, and she has similar colors/markings to glacier. the tiara is one she found in the treasury after the racism crown™ was destroyed, and the shawl was a gift from luna as a thanks for helping her tribe. silk doesn't help much against the cold, but it sure is pretty.
WASP: SCARY BITCH. i had to mess with her colors a lot, i wanted to make her kinda greenish with red accents but it just was NOT working. i do like where i ended up though. i don't know that she would wear much jewelry, probably more armor than anything else, but i wanted to do hivewing jewelry so here we are. the neck piece was really fun to design. these are steel and gold with amber and peridot accents, and the cape is silk with gold embroidery. i have this headcanon of her having breath of evil growing out of her like a cordyceps fungus, and she uses the cape to cover the tendrils on her back.
SEQUOIA: ooo she was a challenge, i'm not great at designs with a lot of green or a lot of dark colors so she was fun. her colors are inspired by @daily-wof-designs, and the brown tones were pulled from pictures of giant sequoias. she wears braided leather straps hung with aquamarine, and the scarf might be silk? or some kind of natural fiber? i'm not sure. but it has leaf designs and is probably batik dyed (which is super cool btw look it up)
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bagopucks · 1 year
T. Zegras - You And Me
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Trevor Zegras x Reader
Word Count: 2.3k
Warning(s): Internet hate, emotional struggle, lack of communication.
Proofread while I was tired and delusional :)
We were both young and distracted. Both on top of the world with our new occupations and the luck increasingly coming our way. Jack got drafted and I got my dream job in New York. We shared our excitement with one another simply because of our eventual close proximity.
I grew up going to school with the Hughes boys. I knew them well. I knew Luke the best, mostly because my little brother was friends with him. Which was really how I met Jack and Quinn in the first place. I gravitated toward Jack the most, due to his outgoing attitude and love for most things. We were always best friends. Strictly best friends.
It came as a shock to none when we got together. People were expecting it. Anticipating it. Jack and I dated, and at first we loved that, but eventually we saw through the cracks in our facades. We were playing “glorified friendship.” Jack didn’t love me like that, and I didn’t love him like that either. Sure, the fans and those on social media loved us, but they really only saw what we considered a best friendship. We may have kissed in a few photos and held hands, but Jack and I agreed that it just never felt right.
To say the least, we were both relieved and happy to have it over and done with when we broke up. We went back to fake gagging at each other and often teasing one another with comments about, “oh I can’t believe I ever kissed you,” and “why did we ever do that?”
Those comments though, had to be put on the back burner, when I met Trevor. Luke invited my brother and me out to the lake house one summer for a time. I almost turned down the offer, but my brother insisted, and I knew Jack would be there.
What I didn’t anticipate, was all of his friends being there too.
When Jack was too busy, I usually gravitated toward Trevor. Who always seemed to find me as well. He liked to ask what I was doing, drinking, eating, reading, watching.. god he just always wanted to know what I was up to. I thought it was nice.
I especially liked it when I would slip out on the back deck in the mornings to relax in the chill air, and Trevor would bee-bop out not long after, hands stuffed in his sweatshirt pouch and glasses sat on the bridge of his nose. He was often the least talkative, and I’d even venture to say shy, in the mornings.
Trevor and I became close after that. I could tell it made Jack nervous, but in the end when I asked him about dating Trevor, the middle Hughes gave his blessing.
The next summer, Trevor and I spent most of our time together at the lake house. And away from it. I took him on midnight drives. Introduced him to the wonders of rolling the windows down and screaming. He took me to his favorite mini-golf places and ice cream shops. We shared our hopes and dreams, and eventually our feelings.
Then I moved back to New York.
Long distance was shit, but Trevor visited whenever he was close enough to do so, and I visited whenever my schedule permitted. Then the second year of our relationship came, and after much discussion with my boyfriend, I made the decision to move to Anaheim.
Which was how we were eventually outed as well. People got photos of Trevor and I moving my things in just down the block from his and Jamie’s place. Which might not have looked overly suspicious, if those photos weren’t accompanied by one of us kissing too.
At first, people were happy. At first meaning maybe two days. Then I started getting comments on my social media. I started seeing people making videos and posts about how I’d dated Jack previously. People compared photos of me kissing Jack, to the one they had of me kissing Trevor.
Each new piece of content made me feel sick. Then it made me angry. Angry at Trevor’s fans, angry at jealous girls, angry at myself. Because in what world did I think this would slide by without having any issues? I was dating my exes best friend.
“Can they just shut up about it?”
I knew it hurt Trevor too, because the crazy fan girls called me a slut, but the other boy obsessed fan girls called Trevor a horrible friend. Everybody was choosing sides online. It was either;
Team Jack; which included shitting on Trevor for breaking bro-code
Team Trevor; which meant tearing Jack down for supposedly, ‘hurting me’ or ‘treating me wrong.’
Then there was simply Team Puck Bunny; where everybody attacked and berated me for jumping from guy to guy.
I wouldn’t consider it a team, more like an angry mob.
I often responded with,
“I’m sick of it too, bud. You’re not the only one.”
We went for days being frustrated, weeks even. Things simmered and simmered, then they came to a boil when I got publicly insulted in a book store.
“This is it?” I could tell the young woman had a tone in her voice, but I’d worked retail before. I knew some days just required a little bit of a hard attitude. It wasn’t until she looked up at me for the second time, that she decided to pop off.
“Did we bring Trevor’s card today?”
I was shocked. My expression spoke volumes, not to mention the way my posture quickly changed.
“What does that mean exactly?” The people behind me grew impatient, and usually I wasn’t one to cause a scene, but this girl wasn’t going to get away with such words.
“Means yours probably ran out of money after you and Jack broke up. Had to hop along to the next hockey player.”
Hop along. What a fucking joke.
I pulled my credit card back into my purse. I’d dealt with the hate for so long that at some point, I began to wonder if I did use Trevor’s money too much.
Did I talk about him too much? Mention his name too much at work? Did I get friends just because of him? How often was I really buying things and not arguing more about him handing his own card over? Was I really using him? Was Jack really upset with me?
I tried my hardest to hold back the tears as I abandoned my books at the counter. I climbed into my car, put on a pair of sunglasses, and finally let it out as I drove back to my place. It felt like I was trapped. Trapped under a microscope I didn’t want to be under. So alone. Put on a pedestal only to be laughed at. I knew Trevor was experiencing the same thing to some degree, but it wasn’t the same. The hate on him had calmed. People got over it. When would they get over me? Why couldn’t they just understand that Jack and I wanted to be friends? That we’d never been in love.
The second I got into my home, I discarded every piece of technology I had on myself. My phone, my watch, I ignored the tv and my iPad- my laptop. I made a straight line for my back deck. And when I got outside, I slammed the sliding door as hard as I could. And I cried.
I was using Trevor. Maybe people were right. Maybe I needed a normal boyfriend, with a nine to five job. Somebody who I couldn’t use and take advantage of. Somebody in my league. I just needed to hop my way out of his life and forget about him. I lowered myself into one of my deck chairs, leaning back and raising a hand to wipe at the tears on my cheeks.
Trevor needed a girl who wouldn’t accept his card. Who wouldn’t let him pay for things or gift give so much. He needed a girl who’d take care of him as much as he took care of her. That couldn’t be me. It wasn’t me. Everybody said so.
I focused in when I heard the sound of a door opening, my thoughts forgotten in a flash as I grew concerned about somebody being in my home. I sat still, and waited patiently, until I heard the glass door open. I whipped around, only to relax at the sight of Trevor. He was supposed to make things better.. did I ever make things better for him?
“Hey! I saw you pull in.. I was waiting for you to get back from the book store.” His bashful smile was one I always loved. He hated admitting that he waited for me sometimes.
Trevor quickly presented me with a small box. My face fell.
“I got you something.”
“Trevor.” I sighed out, my hand pinched the bridge of my nose. “You can’t keep buying me things.”
I turned my gaze up to him, frustrated and exhausted.
“It’s just something small. Open it.” He quickly sat down next to me, and when he held the box out, I pushed it away.
“This is the shit they hate me for, Trevor!” I shouted, I quickly took note of the hurt look on his face. “They can’t stand me-“ my voice broke. “Because they think I use you. I don’t use you!” I couldn’t tell if I was trying to convince myself at this point, or the entirety of his fan base.
Tears quickly fell down my cheeks, my face red as I tried to hold in my sobs.
“Hey, hey-“ Trevor set the box aside and pulled me into his side. “I know you don’t use me.” He cooed, his hand rubbing my back while the other grasped my thigh.
“I do. You always pay for things- and.. and I used Jack to get to you.. and I hurt Jack- I hurt Jack because we’re together,” my hysterical bumbling was nonsense. Lies I began to believe because they’d been preached too much. Trevor let me go. He let me go and get it out for as long as I needed to, listening to any and every insecurity and concern. He listened well after the tears settled and I found my composure.
I eventually turned my body to face his own, and buried my head into his shoulder.
“I don’t wanna use you, Trevor,” I choked out. “I love you so much.” He was careful in pulling me into his lap.
“You don’t, baby.. I promise you don’t use me. I love buying you things. And Jack is always telling me about how much you talk about me when he calls. He always tells me it’s nonstop. He’s happy for us. And my team is happy. Hell.. Gibby loves you.”
“Because I’m with you.”
“No. Because you’re so sweet to everybody. Because you treat them all like family, and they love having you around when we have events.”
I gripped the back of Trevor’s t-shirt with one of my hands.
“Why do you love me?” I sniffled, and lifted my face to wipe my tears on my arm. I was certain I looked like shit, but Trevor still lifted my chin to look at me.
“Because there’s nothing to hate.” It sounded extremely cheesy and cliche, but in the moment it calmed me. Nothing worked better than hearing my boyfriend say such kind things.
“There’s a few things,” I argued softly, sniffing again. Trevor cupped my cheeks and wiped the excess tears away with his thumbs.
“Nothing worth hating. Maybe disliking, but not hating.” Trevor stood his ground with a teasing tone. “I couldn’t hate a single piece of you.”
“What about the money?” I lifted my hands to grip his wrists, prying his hands from my face. Trevor sighed.
“It was never about the money until they made it like that. Why’d you start liking me?”
I paused to think, my gaze flickering around the back yard.
“Because you were easy to talk to. And eccentric.” Trevor chuckled.
“Exactly. You never cared. We’ve never even had a discussion on how much I make. I just offer to buy, and you give me such a hassle about it before I win, and I pay.” Trevor paused and smirked. “Most of the time.” My expression softened.
“There’s nothing to worry about.” I released his hands, and Trevor brushed my hair aside with one, while the other went back to wiping away my tears. “We can just ignore all the shit for a while. Try and do one of those social media breaks or something?”
“I think I can do that.” Who was I kidding? I knew I could do that. A social media cleanse with Trevor didn’t sound like such a bad thing. Time to forget about all the stress and focus solely on one another.
“There’s only two of us in this relationship. It’s not me, you, and the world. Yeah?” I never thought of it that way. I quickly nodded.
“When did you get so wise, Zig?” He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to the bridge of my nose.
“Since I started dating a book worm. You learn a lot from books.”
Who would have thought you could learn from books?
“So..” I sighed out. “One big social media cleanse?”
“You betcha.”
“All apps?”
“All apps.”
“Just me and you.” That wasn’t a question. It was a statement. A newfound relief.
“Just you and me.” Trevor responded as he leaned in and kissed me. After a moment, we pulled away.
I nodded, leaned into him once again, and sighed. Just us. Only us.
“This might be a weird time to ask, but what did you get me?”
“Oh.. yeah it was nothin’ big. Just a Ring Pop in a box. I thought it would be funny.” I stared him down. I narrowed my eyes.
“Fuck you. I want the Ring Pop!”
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reyanfia · 1 year
— never-ending lucky charms — neteyam sully x reader
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setting: awa'atlu, pandora
pairing: neteyam x fem!omaticaya/metkayina!reader
warnings: nothing it's just cute fluff with ya boy neteyam
word count: 1.1k
summary: you struggle to show your affection for your lover through words, so you do it in a way that not only lets him know about your love, but others, too.
a/n: based on this request! thank so much kay for requesting this :) sorry that's it's so late! and short. idk why I couldn't write more lmao
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it has been a few moons after you and neteyam had come clear. the feelings that lingered under the surface were revealed and shared one fateful night, so unforgetful that you both added a bead to your songcords'.
it was no doubt that you were the more bashful one in this relationship — though everyone could tell of your feelings for neteyam, it was hard for you to actually mention it out loud, even to neteyam himself. so recently, you've been weaving necklaces, anklets and more — just for him.
you couldn't think of any other way to show him just how much you love him other than giving him things. you gave him a lot of random stuff, but nothing was ever as fun as making those glittering woven pieces for him.
"collecting shells, are you?" tsireya comes around from behind the corals, swimming up to your side as you roamed your eyes across the seafloor just inches below you.
you dropped a shimmering blue seashell into your palm, gripping it tightly after so it won't float away. you nodded your head to tsireya with a shy smile, not signing back since your hands were busy.
"is it for neteyam?" you saw her sign in your peripheral vision. you were going to affirm it, but she beat you to it. "who am i kidding, of course you are."
you both exchanged smiles. you took a look to the pearls and shells you had found, some which could glow and twinkle beautifully in the dark. you nodded to yourself as you found it to be just enough for the waist chain you wanted to make for him.
you stuffed it into a pouch by your hip, joining your collection with the rest of the bunch you had found earlier. you tightly tied it shut so it wouldn't fall away.
you turned to tsireya and pointed to the surface, marking the end of your little search.
"oh, finally!" after tying the last knot, you held up the chain in the sunlight, watching how the light makes it sparkle and shine so prettily.
you didn't exactly know the size of his waist, but after hugging him countless of times, you had a guess. you were still a teeny bit nervous about whether it'll fit comfortably or not.
it was perfect timing. neteyam and his other friends had returned from hunting, and you could tell by the crowd of squeaks and croaks of the ilu.
you sat in your marui patiently, waiting for him to walk in so you could gift him your latest piece.
just a few minutes after, he comes into the marui, patting himself dry with a cloth. you ran up to him, and he welcomed your embrace with open arms.
after you both pulled away from the hug, he began, "i'm guessing you made something again?" he smiled warmly at you, making those timid feelings rise again — so you casted your eyes down.
you fiddled with the beads and shells you weaved on the chain, glancing at the other pieces of your work that he's wearing.
"yes, they are. but this isn't like the other ones I've made! um, it's a waist chain. I just thought you would look really, really good in it."
your heart burst into butterflies when he grabbed your hands that held the piece, bringing it closer to him to take a closer look at it. you felt giddy like the first time you confessed to him.
his smile grew wider as he beamed, meeting your eyes. "it's beautiful, my love. how long did this take you?"
he felt his poor heart flip when he saw your face light up. "just 2 days! i had fun while I made it. so um, — may I put it on for you?"
you noticed how his posture went from relaxed to slightly rigid. "y-yes, of course." he responded.
he could feel how his heartbeat sped up when you walked behind him, positioning the chain just below his battle band. you felt how his breath hitched when your hands made even the softest contact with his skin.
as you clasped the chain into place, he grew flushed under your hold. well, technically you weren't holding him, but you were so close to him and he was powerless. you felt shameful to say — your confidence rised a little because of it.
"there. it suits you perfectly, ma' teyam."
as you went to stand back in front of him, your eyes lingered on the handiwork of yours that adorned his body. how it fit so nicely, drawing attention in all the right places.
neteyam felt himself getting flustered under your stare. he was a head taller than you, yet in this moment, he felt like you're the one towering over him, all under your control.
a smile crept up his face when your eyes finally drifted to meet his. "you wanna know why I always wear these?" he said, referring to the other pieces that he wore.
you shook your head, deciding to focus on a blue and white shelled bracelet resting on his wrist. but the hands moved, and it came up to hold your face, forcing your eyes to look up at him.
"it's like— everytime I think about you, everything somehow turns out well and fine. and all this? these bracelets, these arm cuffs and chains, they're all a reminder of you. any day, becomes a perfect day if I get to think about you."
you, you, you. he speaks of you as if you were art, as if you were any more perfect than the moon and the stars.
his words were sweet and simple, however with such aching slowness, emphasizing on every single word. and you felt like you'd explode if you dared to say anything.
you managed to ease out though. "hm. well, don't your friends find it weird? you wear a lot of it, teyam."
he scoffed, tipping your chin up with his hand. "weird? never. if anything, they're jealous about it. the love you show me through these beautiful small pieces are unmatched. nothing else tops it. nothing will ever replace it."
gosh. where'd all these words come from?
your face displayed a light tint of pink, as you shyly brought your hands up to your face to cover them. that's something. "seems like I'll have to make more of these for you if I get to hear that everytime."
you placed your arms around his waist, colliding with the chain you had made. you leaned your head on his chest and his head rested on yours. you didn't see it, but you knew he was probably grinning ear to ear.
"I'll start doing it all the time then, my love. in exchange for more of these never-ending lucky charms. you can do that for me, right?"
you hummed softly in reply, closing your eyes within the embrace of your lover.
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© ronalsgirl
tagging my all time supporters: @neteyamslovrr @saturnheartz @panickedpeepee @gamerxpfighter
thank u for reading!
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ilygetou · 2 years
R1NDOU...!? WHO’S THAT!? ft. haitani rindou.
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PAIRING$: introverted/shy!rindou x popular! fem! reader.
C/W: rindou is a pervert, groping, sub! reader, creampie, handjob, sexual fantasies, rindou wears glasses & is a fucking loser, reader degrades rindou a little bit but without any mean intentions, non con photo taking, semi-public sex, sex in the locker room, rindou gropes reader tits, hints of rindou being an absolute nerd, not proof read.
W.C: 2,401. i forgot that this was supposed to be a hc post :(
N0TE. short shy! rindou hc‘s, um okay maybe they‘re not short😞 this is more like a drabble tbh but i’m still gonna add it to the headcanons part of my m.list.
P.S.A. this is a repost!! i’ve already posted it before but it’s not getting the attention i want it to get, so i’m reposting it :<< i’m sorry if this sound kinda of selfish <\\3 but if this flops too then i’m just gonna accept the fact that i did a bad job writing it😭
masterlist. kinktober m.list.
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shy! rindou who‘s barley known, not a lot of people know him & those who do know him it‘s because of his older brother, ran haitani, people sometimes refer to rindou as “ran‘s younger brother” rather than rindou, his name.
shy! rindou who doesn‘t care about what people think or say about him, why should he care? everyone here are just people rindou is going to forget about once he graduates, except you. you were the only one rindou maybe liked, he doesn‘t know why, maybe it‘s your personality? your looks? rindou himself doesn‘t know why.
shy! rindou who always tries to talk to you but fails, he can‘t even utter a small “hi”, rindou claims that it‘s because you‘re always surrounded by people so he can‘t gain the courage to come up to you around them all & greet you, it‘s just way too impossible for rindou.
shy! rindou who heard your friend talk to you about him, he was in the back of the class & your friends voice was too loud. “do you know rindou? the guy with long hair, wears glasses, looks like a loser & is quite ugly but also attractive at the same time,” he heard your friend say, “rindou…?” you paused for a second before you continue, “who…? who is that?”
shy! rindou who just let’s out a sigh after hearing your last words, of course you don‘t know him, someone as popular as you shouldn‘t know a loser like him.
shy! rindou who happened to stay last in the class as everyone has already left, well, everyone except you, as you were struggling to zip your bag up, the bag just seems to full. as you were struggling rindou thought that this might be the best time to try & talk to you, he‘ll just offer you some help.
shy! rindou who walks up to you, fiddling with the strings of his hoodie before he muttered a small “hey” which made you look up to him, a small smile made it‘s way on your face once you saw rindou, “you seem like you need some help..” you batted your eyelashes & clapped your hands, “yes! i do! my zipper won‘t budge, i’m trying to move it but it’s stuck!”
shy! rindou who takes a closer look at your bag & sees that your pencil case is out, he slowly pushes it in & zips your bag, “your pouch was in the way,” you let out a small oh before thanking rindou, “thank—…? uh, what‘s your name?” rindou let‘s out a sigh before replying, “’s rindou.”
“oh! ran haitani‘s younger brother?” rindou felt himself getting annoyed at the mention of his older brothers name, he clicks his tongue in annoyance before nodding his head at your question, “weird…you don‘t look like brothers, well! you guys do look alike, maybe just… different personalities?” rindou tilted his head in confusion, “different personalities, how?”
you hummed before replying; “well, ran is cool, extroverted, very popular, but also very mean, & everyone loves him but you…hmm…you‘re like very different than ran, looks like a nerd that nobody likes plus you wear glasses, very introverted but is nice, you look like a loser that gets bullied & um…yeah that‘s it! not that you‘re actually any of the stuff i described..! you‘re pretty decent!”
shy! rindou who didn‘t say anything, nothing at all, maybe a small oh but that was about it. the way you described him, he doesn‘t know what to say, he‘s disappointed…? but also more pissed off.
shy! rindou who started noticing how you started hanging out with him more, he doesn‘t mind it but what you said still has some effect on him so he keeps the conversations between you guys short. even though rindou tries not to talk to you a lot you guys still ended up getting close, way close that rindous feelings for you came flooding back.
shy! rindou who now can‘t stop the lewd & inappropriate thoughts about you from his mind, always thinking about fucking you in an open class while everyone watched as you scream & moan his name, thinking about him fucking your throat & releasing his load deep down your throat, he thinks about you sitting on his face as he eats you out while you grip his hair & loudly moan his name.
shy! rindou who always gets a boner from those thoughts, he always gets off to these thoughts, he would always whimper & whine about how it would feel so much better if his cock was deep inside your warm cunt instead, your hands wrapped around his cock instead of his, or you giving him a boob job with those soft breasts of yours.
shy! rindou who ended up being your project partner, you were so happy when your teacher first announced it while rindou felt like he wanted to dig a hole & bury himself in it. because, now, you two are all alone in the empty classroom, and rindou doesn‘t know if he haves an self control left. you looked so good with that skimpy skirt of yours & your tiny shirt that reveals your cleavage.
shy! rindou who got hard from the sight of your breasts, he was shifting uncomfortably in his seat, trying his hard to not let you notice his very obvious bulge. “rindou? are you okay? you keep moving, are you not comfortable in this chair?” you asked, concern in your voice.
shy! rindou who‘s cock throbbed at you how concerned you were, he found it cute. rindou quickly shook his head, “no, i‘m fine,” you nodded your head & went back to working on the project but you noticed how rindou‘s breath hitched & heavend as he started dozing off, not paying attention to anything you‘re saying.
shy! rindou who just can‘t stand his hardened dick anymore, it hurts & his pants were tight which was uncomfortable for him. you got slightly pissed at how rindou kept slacking off, you got up from your place & headed towards rindou, your face very close to him as a frown covered your eyebrows, “rindou! can you pay a little bit more attention to the project & what i‘m saying? ‘ts getting annoying!”
shy! rindou who couldn‘t take his eyes off your tits, they were so close to his face, way too close that he can just smash his head in-between them, you noticed the way rindou was ogling at your breasts, a blush immediately spread across your face as you stepped back.
“fuck, ‘m sorry, didn‘t mean to stare” rindou apologies quickly before looking away, his face flushing red too, “erm…‘ts fine but…y-you‘re hard…” rindou felt himself tense from your remark, fuck, he didn‘t mean for you to notice.
your confidence quickly came back as you saw how flustered & embarrassed rindou was. “rindou! i can help,” you said as you got closer to rindou, his eyes widened at your words, he took a step back till he hit the wall, he was stuttering & stammering his words, rindou was too fucking embarrassed.
shy! rindou who quickly turned down your offer, telling you that it‘s okay & that he doesn‘t wanna make it seem like you‘re forced, even though deep down, he actually wants you to help him get rid of his hardon.
you who still insisted, didn‘t take rindous answer seriously, because of how hesitant he was before saying no, “c‘mon rindou, I really wanna help” you pleaded as you kept getting closer to rindou.
shy! rindou who finally gave up, let‘s out a frustrated sigh before slowly tugging down his pants, his boxers moving down to his ankles, you finally saw his hardened cock, fat reddened tip, pre-cum dripping down the tip of his cock, veins running alongside his dick which were too thick. rindou looks like he was hard for a very long time that you started to feel bad.
shy! rindou who let out a whimper as soon as he felt your warm hands wrapped around his length, your thumb rubbing his tip very fast, spreading his pre around his whole cock, before stroking it very gently, rindou had his mouth covered with his hands trying to not make any sound slip, but the way you‘re stroking his cock so nicely doesn‘t help at all, he kept letting out muffled moans as you fastened your strokes.
shy! rindou who‘s thighs quivered & cock throbbed & twitched in your hands, without any warning from rindou, he came all over your hands, you watched as strings of warm cum pumped out the tip of rindou‘s cock, covering your hands completely.
shy! rindou who couldn‘t look you in the eye, his glasses falling to the tip of his nose, eyes puffy & his breathe heavend.
shy! rindou who couldn‘t talk to you after what happened, too embarrassed & flustered, but you, you always go & talk to him, always acting like nothing has happened, a cheerful smile on your face all the fucking time, making rindou fall for you even harder, rindou loves your nice extroverted personality, he adores it & you so much.
shy! rindou who started acting a little bit like a pervert, groping your boobs & whispering apologies in your ears saying that his hands slipped while continuing to grope them, pinching your nipples before letting go & apologizing again.
shy! rindou who starts taking pictures of your cleavage & your panties every time you bend over, rindou knows what he‘s doing is wrong, fuck, he knows it is, but he just can‘t control himself. the way your baby blue panties hug your pussy lips so well has rindou drooling on the spot, his phone is almost full of inappropriate pictures of you, that of course you don‘t know about.
shy! rindou who got paired up with you at P.E, you two were all alone inside the locker/changing room after a long & exhausting dodge ball match, you were covered with sweat & so was rindou, but you looked so hot & soaked with sweat, your thin shirt was now soaked— revealing your perky nipples to rindou due to you not wearing a bra.
you suddenly cling onto rindou, “r-rindou…‘s hot,” clinging onto rindou even more, your breasts pushing against him— pushing rindou till he fell on the floor, “uh, y/n?” you looked at rindou with hazy eyes & mouth wide open as you let out hot & heavy breaths. “w-wait—!” rindou was caught off by you, “rindou ‘s hot!” you complained again as you seated yourself on rindou‘s crotch.
shy! rindou who didn‘t know what to do, fuck he might get hard if you kept acting like this. “y/n, shit, g-get off” you shake your head as a pout forms on your lips, ignoring rindou you started grinding on his crotch, rindous dick hardening underneath you.
rindou threw his head back as you kept grinding— back & forth on his dick, his pre-cum staining his shorts, “y-y/n—” you cut rindou off with a loud moan, you looked way too cute like this, grinding on rindous clothed dick as you let out small moans & whimpers. “rindou…f-fuck me! always wanted you to fuck me.”
shy! rindou who‘s eye widened at your words, a blush spreading across his face. while rindou was still trying to process your words you quickly freed his cock, his thick tip covered with pre-cum making you not want to waste any time & push his cock inside you.
“rindou, p-please,” you pleaded as you rubbed rindou‘s cock against your entrance, dying to put it in, rindou hesitantly nodded his head & without wasting any second you slowly begun to push rindous cock inside your tight hole, before you finally pushed it fully in.
shy! rindou who feels like he could cum right on the spot, just the feeling of your tight gummy walls wrapped around his length made him moan out loud. rindou suddenly switched positions with you & pinned you against the wall, just fucking into you so fast & rough as you let out loud & lewd moans of his name, “r-rindouuu!! more p-pleaseee!”
rindou who wishes to give you more but can‘t, maybe if you stopped clenching around him so much then he could, his thrusts were fast but not fast enough for you. “r-rind—!” rindou has caught you off by pulling you into a kiss, his tongue pushing into your mouth, making out with you as his cock constantly kept hitting your g-spot.
shy! rindou felt himself in cloud 9, he would never thought that he‘d end up fucking you, not once has it crossed his mind that one day he‘d have you pinned against the wall as he rams in you in a rapid speed, he didn‘t even think that he would end up fucking you in you guys school locker room, someone, anyone might walk in into you guys but none of you guys even care, continuing to let out loud moans that echo throughout the room.
“s-shit, don‘t think i can last any—! fuckk!” rindou says before being caught off, his orgasm rushing through, hot spurts of cum filling you up. you immediately came right after rindou, milking his cock dry, before he pulled out of you.
shy! rindou who was too exhausted to get up & continue with other class so he decided to stay in with you a bit more in the locker room talking about what you guys are now while being covered with sweat & and you being covered with both sweat & semen.
“rindou, i love you, honestly i‘ve liked you for a very long time.” rindou was too stunned to speak very shocked to say anything, but also very embarrassed because he was the one who was supposed to confess & not you.
shy! rindou who has now became your boyfriend, he asked you to be his girlfriend but obviously when he was trying to do so he kept stuttering & fumbling with his words. you guys were very public about your relationship…well, it was you who was very open about it, rindou always tried avoided talking about it because he doesn‘t like the attention he now gets from people just because he‘s dating one of the most popular girls in his school.
shy! rindou who isn‘t very affectionate with you in public but is very soft & touchy in private :( always cuddles you whenever you want, he always hugs you from behind, giving you surprise kisses, or sometimes just covering your whole face with kisses as he cups your cheeks with his hands, he always whispers about how much he loves you & how luck he is to have you as his girlfriend <3
you really, truly, love your boyfriend. <33
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faghubby · 2 months
Opening doors
"Is this what you like baby, I know it is" Linda said as she fucked me with her strapon. I was naked bent over the bed my legs spread wide. As she pounded my ass with deep thrust my ass swallowed 6 inches of her toy.
"Yes, baby yes" I moaned. She slowed and leaned in I felt her breast press against my back.
"Next week is your anniversary, baby. What do you want?" Linda asked me. At first I didn't know what she meant out anniversary was months away.
"You been my bitch for a year" Linda told me when I hesitated. Before I could speak she rammed her cock hard back into my ass.
"You want more slut?" She teased as she rammed my ass over and over. She finally pulled out and smacked my ass.
"Wow, baby your ass is all stretched out, maybe I should get a bigger cock" she unbuckled the strapon and I heard it hit the floor. As she headed into the bathroom. I got up and grabbed the toy. I knew it was my responsibility to clean it and put it away till Linda was ready to use it again. Linda walked put of the bathroom in her robe.
"Change those sheets too, slut you ot them all sticky" Linda laughed when she saw the wet spot I had made as she had milked my prostate with her cock. She then stepped close to me.
"Baby, I think you should go smooth again." Her hand cupping my balls. "Remember when you where all sexy and smooth?" She teased. I kept all my body hair trimmed close I had shaved it all off back when we had started this game but had let it grow back after a few weeks.
Linda had dictated alot since we began. First she took more control of our marriage, it was no longer 50/50. Instead more like 70/30. She made all major decisions. Only asking my opinion. She also dicteated my looks. Letting my hair grow longer but kept neat. She had changed my wardrobe. No more sweats and tee shirts. Dressing me so I looked hot. As she put it. Also no more slacking at the gym. I was kept lean. She made sure I worked on my glutes. She liked me having a hot ass to fuck. Me being inside her was also changed. I pleased her with my tounge, toys, even my fingers but she was never letting my dick inside her ever again. She told me. I just nodded. She kissed me and smacked my ass again as she went out to the kitchen.
I decided to shave right then, Linda had given me tips months ago. And since my hair was always trimmed it wasn't to bad. But took about an hour. When I came out I found Linda had laid out clothes for me. This was rare bit not unheard of. There was a underwear she had found awhile ago. They had a small pouch to hold my dick and balls. But the back was just straps around my waist and legs keeping my whole ass exposed. The shorts where shorter then I liked and tight. What surprised me was a sports bra. A black sports bra this was new. I thought but pulled it on.
"OH don't you look hot" Linda whistled from the doorway. I blushed.
"I think you're missing something though" she smiled as she held up a pink butt plug. "Let's go bitch" she said as I pulled down the shorts and bent over. After the reaming she had given me an hour ago it slid right in. I fixed my shorts and Linda gave me a shirt to wear over my bra.
"Mom is coming over" she told me. As she went to get dressed. My mother in law and I had never gotten along but our relationship had definitely improved over the last few months. I wasn't comfortable wearing this bra and my ass plugged with her here. I finished making the bed and tiding up. Linda walked up behind me and pushed on the plug in my ass. I moaned.
"Have to control that with mom here" Linda warned me. Just then my mother in law. Carol walked in. She never rang the bell she always just let herself in. She walked right over and hugged Linda. Then to my surprise hugged me as well. As she did Linda pushed on my ass again. I mumbled.
"What was that?" Carol asked.
"Nothing just said good to see you" I told her. She just smiled. I waited on Carol much like I had been serving Linda. Linda and her mom had several quiet laughs together I feel at my expense. After dinner I was doing dishes when Carol was saying her goodbye. I stopped only to say good night. Carol's hand ran across my back as if she was feeling the bra thru my shirt. She stepped back with a smile.
I was worried she had felt the bra. And rushed away. Linda came in moments later her hand pushed on the plug hard.
"Ohhhh" I moaned.
"Remember when we talked about other men" Linda asked. "Would you still let me have another man if I wanted?" she asked. "A real man"
"Yes" I moaned.
'I think you like a man too" she giggled pushing on the plug even harder. She led me to the bedroom. Leaving the dishes.
"I want you to put this on" Linda told me holding up a punk satin nightie. I was shocked
"You will for me won't you" she told me. She undressed me and slid on on me. She then added matching panties sliding them up my legs.
"How do they feel?" Linda asked her hand cupping my already stiff dick. She then undid her pants she was wearing her strapon.
"You look so pretty" her finger ran across my lips. "Suck my cock" she told me. She pushed on my shoulders till I was knelt between her legs. "Take it kiss it, suck the tip" she told me. I looked up at her scared. She just ran the toy over my lips. My lips parted and she fed me her cock.
"OH that's so hot baby" she told me. Cheering me on. I tried to take more as she coached me. "I bet you love a real cock in your mouth"
As I continued. Linda kept teasing me. "I told mom I caught you wearing my bra" she told me.i tried to jump up but she kept the toy in my mouth. She then pulled me to my feet.
"I need you to fuck me now". But she knelt and pulled out a belt. She strapped a strapon to me and laid on the bed. "Fuck me like a lesbian lover" she guided the toy into her pussy. It was strange not feeling her as I fucked her. Getting excited I slipped out several times despite the large size. Linda took over rolling me over she mounted the toy and rode me. Calling me a slut as she teased my nipples. I came from the intensity of all of this and her rubbing the harness against me as she rode the toy.
"Baby you finished already" Linda giggled. As she had her own orgasm. She kept going stretching out her pleasure. Before she just collapsed on my chest. I felt so strange. Still dressed in her satin panties and nightie. Linda got up.
"You can wear this all night if you like" she teased me. As she pinched my nipple. I was almost in tears as I got up and stripped. This was to far. I thought.
"Don't act all pouty" Linda told me. She pushed on the plug still buried in my ass.
"Ohhhhhhh fuck" I moaned.
"Yeah you are a bitch, aren't you?" She asked.
"Yeeeees" I hissed.
"Go pick out something pretty to wear to bed then" she told me. Pointing to her closet.
"Linda" I whined. She just pointed. I walked to her closet. There was a yellow satin baby doll hanging on a hook in front of everything else. I knew Linda had picked it out. I stripped and removed the plug then put it on and walked back out. Linda already in bed. I slipped under the covers. She spooned me her hand on my ass.
I woke in the morning to Linda kissing me. She cuddled up to me. Half asleep I got up and went to pee. Shit I thought. As soon as I got up. Linda had but the chastity cage on me. It had been months since we had played with one. But this one was not the one we had bought. It was small pink plastic cage.
"Linda?" I asked pulling up the nightie.
"I know but don't try and tell me you don't want it" Linda gave a evil littlle smile. "You like my cock so much now I think you don't need one of your own" I sighed and went to shower. She would tire quickly of this game I thought. She always did.
Linda was still in bed when I got out of the shower. She had laid out piles of lingerie on the bed.
"You will wear girlie undies from now on. I never want to see you not wearing something sexy under your clothes is that understood?" Linda told me. Looked thru the piles of panties and bras. There where also stockings and garters. Linda choose a flower printed bra and panty set for me to wear today. She helped me clasp the bra. Then had me put everything away in my dresser. My underwear drawer was empty.
"Before you get dressed come suck my cock" Linda told me. I turned to see her holding a dildo. Bigger then her pink one she used on my ass. This one also looked like a dick. I made a face as I looked at her.
"Don't be like that, I know you want to" she motioned me with her finger. Defeated I lowered my head and came over to her.
"Just like I showed you" she told me. She held the dildo and guided into my mouth. "Show me how appreciative you are for all your pretty panties" she told me. She had me suck it a little then started to make me take more of it gagging me.
"I am going to train you to be my perfect little slut" she told me."that's it slut take all my cock" Linda told me. My jaw and throat hurt after what seemed like an hour of sucking her toy. Then Linda got up she was naked. She opened a box of pantyliners. She pulled down my panties showed me how to put one on.
"These will keep you from leaking your juices and ruining your pretty panties. Only then was I allowed to get dressed. The padded bra made it look like I had little titties.
"Tina is coming over, do you need something to help you remember to behave" Linda placed a huge buttplug on my dresser. I just shook my head no. I went to put on a baggy sweatshirt.
"It's way to warm for that" Linda smiled. I went to change my shirt.
"You look fine or I could find you something in my closet for you to wear" Linda told me. I looked at her worried. She ran her hand over my "breasts."
Linda headed to the shower. I was watching sport center when the door bell rang. I answered the door. Tina immediately noticed my "breasts" but just smiled. Linda came in turned off the tv and had me sit with them as the chatted. It was just what twas going on type thing over a glass of wine. Linda had me sit close to her. Her hand running over my thigh, or ass randomly. Once even cupping my breasts. As I blushed.
"That new guy I met at the gym. Mark" Tina said changing the subject
"OH yeah" Linda said. "You like him hunny he is hot" Linda told me.
"He is big too" Tina smiled.
"Really, good for you" Linda laughed. "Isn't she lucky Paul" I just looked at the floor. I tried to leave but Linda just held me there.
"Don't go aweety, just girl talk" she told me. "You like bigcock. I am the onlynone here stuck with a small one." She cupped my cage.
"Is that true Paul, do you like big cock too?" Tina giggled
"Well he isn't brave enough to find a real one but he does like to be stretched. Don't you baby?" Linda laughed. "Would you like to show Tina what you been practicing?" Linda continued. I was scared staring at Linda horrified. "He is shy maybe another time, he is learning how to deep throat. " Linda continued.
"That's wonderful men love that" Tina laughed. "Now we need to find Linda some big cock don't we?" Tina laughed as she hugged me goodbye. Then Linda turned and hugged me as well.
"Don't wait up" she told me and left with Tina.
Tina sent me pics several hours later. Of Linda dancing with several different men. Then later one of Linda kissing a large black man. It was late I got ready for bed. I had fallen asleep when Linda woke me up. She was naked and slid into bed next to me. She kissed me and cuddled. I still wore the bra and panties. In the morning Linda woke me again.
"Should I invite your brother over or?" She pulled out the dildo again. I sucked it as she gave me tips again. I was afraid to ask her about last night. Linda let me pick my underwear after I was done. An unpadded bra and simple cotton briefs. She didn't say aword. Every day started with me sucking her toy. After a week she pegged me with a even bigger strapon while I sucked my toy. My panties became more and more risqué. As I wore a thong and lace braleete to work that day. That night Linda had another girls night out. Again I recieved pics from Tina. But the last one was of Linda on her knees in a parking lot sucking a big cock. /looks like Linda found a big one/ the caption said.
when Linda came home I slid between her legs and licked her swollen cunt.
"He used a condom" Linda laughed as she rubbed my head. I knew it would not of mattered if he hadn't. That is when I excepted my place would always be on my knees.
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A bouquet of feelings
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Aether is doing his weekly commissions, how curious that all of them require flowers. Still too unaware of how it could be misunderstood he does through his day.
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Wc: 1.7K
+ a mini drawing
Checking the tasks on the board Aether gasps pleasantly surprised “ oh! If we do these requests we can be free by 6 pm!”
“And you can go on your date~~ we already know” paimon floats around his head, swimming in annoyance at how repetitive aether has been the last week. ‘I'm finally going on a date with YN’ yeah, because they asked, you coward; ‘I made sure to reserve a nice table at good hunter’, there are only three tables, there aren't many to choose from. Even then she can find his boyish smile and unexpected pep on his step cute, the traveler's first love~.
“Oh? What do we have to do? Don't even think about making paimon make another sausage or beacon, or Paimon is going on a strike!” just thinking about mixing for hours the meat with salt and spices and pipping it in the casing manually already made her small hands hurt.
“no, no, we just have to deliver some flowers, see” he points to the first three requests, one asking for 3 mist flower to try on a new wine, 10 sweet flowers for Helen and 5 cecilias for Albert”
“ That seems easy enough! Do we have enough in the backpack?” she drapes herself on his shoulder to peep inside, soon after she holds the bundles of flowers that when held together they look like a bouquet, the brightest blue drowned on white petals of the cecilias and a few dashes of yellow from the sweet flowers “yep! Let's go!”
Aether soon snatches the bouquets and goes on his way.
Request 1: Helen needs sweet flower x10 for a tea for her sore throat.
Dashing past Flora's shop aether is able to see Helen on her balcony, reading a music sheet for her next song
“Miss bard, we got the sweet flowers!” Paimon yelps underneath, catching her attention.
“ Ah! Thanks traveler, can you pass them to me?” Helen leans forward and downwards to grab them but isn't even close to where Aether is, even when he tiptoes.
Getting the sudden idea, he jumps as he steps on the wall, just high enough to where he could grab one of the columns of her railing and pull himself up, now Helen could grab her flowers, with her hoarse voice she smiles and tosses a pouch with mora “thanks traveler, here is your reward’
Paimon thinks sweetly, already tasting the roasted pork or the sweet Madam ‘one request done, two left~ ♪’
But that wasn't what just happened in Flora's and Donna's eyes
“ Did you see that? He just hung from the railing to give her a bouquet, like a forbidden lover” Donna chats with Flora, who is as interested as her.
“ And then she whispered something to him before giving him something, could it be that they are dating?”
Request 2: Albert needs cecilia x5 for a gift
As usual Albert was waiting on one of the sides of the church, nervously pulling his sleeves and his lips moving without saying a word, rehearsing a speech.
“Hey! Albert!” From the top of the stairs he calls out for him, swinging the white bouquet trying to get his attention. Soon after his arm and himself are being yanked to a corner away from the nuns, who already noticed the two men but didn't comment on it more than a few curious gazes.
The blond fanboy snatches the beautiful bouquet “Keep it down! Everyone can see you” he whispers at him, poking his head to see if the nuns were watching.
“I don't think they are going to tell Barbara… at worst they may get the knights involved” Paimon's squeaky voice teases.
“Hum! Not everything I do is because of Barbara, you know?”
“Oh, my bad”
“Either way you think she would like them?” his cheeks catch a bit of color and Paimon can't help but sighs at him
“Ugh… yeah, sure, they are pretty but doesn't she like philanemo mushrooms?”
“Those ugly things?! How could you- wait it could make sense! She managed to find beauty in such an ugly thing~ typical of our Barbara" he grabs the bouquet, thinking of adding a few of those ugly mushrooms between the delicate and beautiful flowers "If she likes them I should give that to her, then. But where do they grow?”
“You better get another reward ready if you expect us to also give you philanemo mushrooms too!” paimon yaps over aether's shoulder as he scratches his neck and he looks inside the backpack.
“ No, we gave our last to Mona”
“Oh… My confession…”
“ Well! Then we can escort him to the dawn winery and pick up some fresh ones! And we also get paid for it too!”
“ The next request is at the winery either way so it wouldn't be too far off”
After thinking it for a second Albert nods and walks alongside aether to dawn winery, each holding a different bouquet, Albert the cecilia one meant for Barbara and aether holding a bundle of mist flower for the next request.
The sweet Madam stands on the table half eaten, both legs and breasts cut off and one thigh on the chicken and another on aether's plate. E
“ So, uhm” you attempt to ask him about the bouquets or his date with Albert or if he has a hidden relationship with Helen or why he accepted this date or even maybe if there was a bouquet for you. But now seeing him perk up at your voice like a bunny didn't really cause the same cuteness aggression as usual. “ Nothing. Don't mind me. Actually I'm not feeling too good, I think I'm going to pay and leave” a hand falls over your stomach, as if you wanted him to buy the story.
Soon after you pay and start walking to your house, sighing in defeat he goes to pay his part Sara passive aggressively teases him.
“having more than one boyfriend or girlfriend is hard, huh?” Her smile thin and stiff as she counts the mora “don't feel too bad, most people your age hardly have one lover, three would be too much”
“ Three lovers?” Aether asks, confused if anything he only wanted one! You!
“ Oh, c'mon, with how forward you were this morning, all of Mondstadt already knows.” She writes down the sweet madam you two shared and the payment “Who would have thought Albert would let Barbara go and get a proper lover, good for him. I was getting worried he wouldn't grow out of idol crushes and live alone”
“ But I'm not dating anyone…”
She looks up, equally confused “ but the bouquets you were giving to people this morning?”
“ Those were requests”
She stops for a second, a little O forming between her lips, as she looks at him her only advice was ‘Then I would hurry to clean that misunderstanding up, boy’
His pink and plush lip is now trapped between his teeth, something that Paimon only ever saw when they were exploring the chasm and a boulder suddenly blocked the entrance, forcing him to find a way out. The whole 4 hours that took his bottom lip was firmly between his teeth and soon after split in half and showing an ugly scab for a few months.
Quickly turning around and sprinting outside the town, Paimon flops around like a fish fresh out of water as he holds her hand.
“Slow down! what is all that hurry for?!”
Halting cold on his tracks he turns around and holds Paimon's shoulders, his eyes blown wide.
“I have only wanted two things since I came here. To find my sister and for YN to give me an honest chance. The first one doesn't seem close yet, and I might be about to ruin the second one so help me make the best bouquet possible” His caramel eyes showed such a determination that could only be overshadowed by the warm glow of a pyro vision.
Some things have to be exact and round, is what you love to think. The quantity of pillars around the Knight's headquarters should be even, or at the very least the first flower bed whenever you enter mondstadt, it should be lined with the flow of the street and not off by a visible enough amount.
Event then there are concessions you are willing to make, flower beds can have an uneven number of each pair, and fruit weight doesn't have to be on the dot (as much as it hurts to see the 2.7 grams away from the perfect 100grs) and now it's perfectly reasonable to roughly estimate the hour. It's four am you guess, maybe in another situation you would have noted the time exactly to the minute but hearing the panicked banging on your door that is an estimation you are willing to make.
“Who is there?”
“Aether. Can we speak?”
Sighing but still giving in you start the planned explanation “Look, I didn't know you were already dating, it was too embarrassingly to admit-”
“ No, wait, just have this and then you can reject me after” he pushes a big bouquet against your chest, a soft scent emanating out of it, both sweet and floral, and a refreshing feeling to the touch of the freshly cut mist flowers.
Seeing you stunted enough to not speak immediately he starts rambling “ I know it looked weird, and I fully understand if you don't believe me or what I'm saying now, but I assure you those weren't flowers like because of love, UHM this is but not the ones I gave-”
A light shushing slips from your lips stopping him in his tracks and you touch his shoulder “I see I misjudged your actions. It's pretty late to let you. Why don't you let me prepare some coffee for you and your company and pick up from where we left?” Aether can't nod fast enough as he is slowly coerced inside to your sofa, his stomach bubbling with a mixture of nerves and puppy crush.
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