#ohhh okay people arent really reading it anymore thats fine. i just wont work on it as urgently and put it out of my mind
cakesdown · 1 year
its been really nice getting tbos asks!!! ive never rly gotten them but now ive gotten two within a few days and im like :D yay people are reading the fic still!! its very reassuring and is giving me the push to work on ch45 soon
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kinkyacademia · 6 years
I know yall arent accepting requests anymore but can i ask for some emergency comfort if thats okay? If not feel free to not answer this lmao How would poly kiri and baku deal with an s/o who is scared to go to school cause shes being bullied and people wont leave her alone even online and try to make fun of her wherever she goes and that stuff Sorry if this is just annoying but i love and appreciate you all💖💜💓
Ohhh sweet gentle hatchie we are here to help! I really hope that this scenario can give you some comfort and we all give you much love!💕
Trigger Warning: Depictions of Bullying and minor Anxiety
You hadn’t really wanted to talk to your parents or friends about it, you really didn’t want to stress them out or have them worry about you. Besides it wasn’t a big deal right? You could handle it…it was just a few mean girls from school…well, you thought you could handle it. For awhile it had just been teases and titters behind your back, just loud enough for you to hear. Then a nasty note taped to your umbrella and another in your gym clothes and then finally you received one over your social media account…it was just a PM …it wasn’t posted to your main page or anything, but at this point…you felt like you couldn’t get away.
That had been two days ago and you hadn’t been on your social account since, the sight of the message and its words rattling in your brain, mocking you. Not wanting to let your tormentors feel like they had the upper-hand you went to school the day after it had happened, though during lunch while you had waited for Katsuki and Eijirou to get out of class and join you. The three girls from your General Studies class began to walk towards you, already giggling and looking at you cruelly.
You wound up leaving before your boyfriends even arrived, you felt sick to your stomach and honestly you just wanted to cry. You quickly let your teachers know that you wouldn’t be attending for the rest of the day and retreated back to your dorm room. 
You didn’t attend class the next day either, what did it matter it was Friday anyway… so here you sat…
You’ve honestly just been laying in bed most of the day, feeling guilty for not going to classes and just miserable about the whole situation…you didn’t ask for any of this…
You are startled out of your thoughts by a knocking on your door…you almost just want to pretend you’re asleep or not there. But the knocking persists and then a familiar voice calls out your name and then another and you know that you can’t ignore them. Sighing you lift yourself from your bed and shuffle over to the door, your feet feel like lead.
“Y/n!” Eijirou says brightly as soon as you open the door, you find that you can’t even smile, even at your boyfriend’s sunny attitude. “We brought you your homework since -hey, are you alright?” He sobers as he looks you over.
“Fine.” You try to force a smile but its tight and unnatural. “Just sick.” That was a lie.
Katsuki’s eyes narrow as he observes you.
“You’re lying, I think your just skipping class; being lazy y/n?” He replies, though you know he’s teasing and Eijirou balks at him. Though his rough idea of teasing doesn’t get a rise out of you like it normally does.
“Can I just have my homework.” You say flatly, not really looking him in the eye.
At this the two of them fall silent, looking at each other in confusion and concern.
“Y/n, what’s wrong?” The red-head gently asks, taking a step closer.
“Nothing, nothings wrong, no one did this.” You reply quickly, only afterwards realizing you said too much.
You hear Katsuki growl and crack his knuckles.
“Who did this, who do I have to kill.” His tone makes you think he really would kill someone.
“No one, just forget I said anything…” You don’t want them to worry or for them to get dragged into all of this.
“Y/n please talk to us, please.” Eijirou says, his eyes pleading.
You gaze over to Katsuki, he looks angry, but also…there’s a glimmer of fear in his eyes, he’s actually scared.
You work your jaw, thinking for a few moments before letting them come in, closing your door behind them.
You cautiously tell them what has been going on, your voice trembling as you tell them more and more and finally you break down into tears and practically throw your phone at them; the PM open for them to read.
By the time they are done reading it, Eijirou has gathered you into his arms and is cooing gently and petting your hair. You sob harder into his arms. Katsuki is silent for a while, and then suddenly you hear an explosion and it makes you jump.
Your blonde boyfriend is up, pacing the length of your room, explosions setting off in his palms and he growls and grits his teeth trying to control his anger.
“Yo Bakugou come on man, that’s not helping!” Eijirou calls over to him as he pulls you further into his lap.
“How could they say shit like that!? I’ll fuckin’ destroy them-” He begins, his voice growing louder and louder as he continues on his rant.
“KATSUKI!” The red-head hisses at him and gives him a pointed stare.
The blonde looks to you and when he sees your teary eyes and hunched up form in your shared boyfriend’s arms he slowly deflates.
You practically gasp when he takes three wide steps over to you and curls his body around yours, his chest now pressing against your back; Eijirou at your front. Their joint warmth enveloping you; you sniffle and your tears start to fall again.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean for any of this to happen…” You say into the red-heads shoulder; you’re getting his shirt wet.
“Shhhhh.” He replies and pets your hair.
“None of this is your fault.” Katsuki says and buries his head into the nape of your neck. “You did nothing wrong.”
“Y/n you’re so good and kind, some people are just awful and miserable and they want to make other’s feel the same way.” Eijirou says and gently brushes aways some of your tears with the pad of his thumb.
“They’re just assholes, nothing they say should even matter it’s all lies…” The blonde mutters into your neck and squeezes you a little tighter to him.
They let you cry for a little while longer, just letting you get out all of your emotions and pain, all the while offering you sweet gentle words and soft touches and kisses. After awhile you exhaust yourself and sag against Eijirou.
“I’ll be right back.” Katsuki murmurs in your ear, your barely awake at this point but you can make out the red-head telling him not to do anything stupid.
You must have fallen asleep because you startle awake when you hear the door to your room opening; Eijirou had been playing with your hair.
“Oi, I went to that cafe you like.” The blonde says and sits down on your bed beside you and Eijirou with a rather sizable box; you blink in confusion and sleepiness when he hands you a fork. “They had your favorite.”
Your eyes widen when he removes the box top to reveal an entire strawberry soufflé cake with cream.
“Katsuki…” You blink and look up at him, he’s blushing.
“Cake always makes things better, right?” He mutters, looking something you can only describe as aggressively shy.
You feel yourself smile for the first time tonight; a real smile.
For the rest of the night they sit and eat cake with you, watching your favorite movies and shows; when you fall asleep they stay.
They spend the rest of the weekend with you making you feel loved and cared for, they even manage to get you to come spend time with the rest of Class 1A and to be honest it was a breath of fresh air to be surrounded by so many kind and loving people. You really wish it didn’t have to end… but on Sunday night Eijirou and Katsuki gently get you to promise them to come to classes tomorrow and to not worry.
You steel yourself as you gaze at the lunchroom, you really didn’t want to go in alone.
“Hey y/n!” You turn and see not only Katsuki and Eijirou but the entirety of class 1A in tow.
“W-what?” You say in shock as everyone comes to greet you.
“Don’t worry y/n we got your back!” Mina says and gives you a thumbs up.
“You don’t have to worry about anything anymore.” Sero replies.
“These guys are like our family.” Eijirou says and turns to smile at his classmates.
“And you’re like really important to us.” says Katsuki blushing. “So they’re your family too.”
“And family sticks together.” Eijirou grins.
Honestly you don’t think your heart has ever felt this full before.
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