#okay homework time alright buh bye
disastress-i-guess · 2 months
Ranking the Psichikers based on drawability instead of doing my homework. By drawability I mean how closely I can draw them to canon design btw. Criteria is:
1. Do I need a reference to draw this character?
If I do not need a reference = +1
Sometimes I need it= 0.5
If I do need a reference = 0
2. Are they fun to draw?
Yes = +1
Some parts are fun = +0.5
Not at all = 0
3. Do I want to draw them often?
Frequently = +0.75
Sometimes = +0.5
Not very much = +0.25
Never I only draw them when I have to = 0
4. Can I be creative with this character?
Yes = +1
Sometimes= 0.5
No = 0
That is four questions! Exactly the number of PSIkickers, what a coincidence! Totally not planned at all!
Ranking begins:
4. Reita Toritsuka (1.75/4)
Sorry tori. I need a reference for his hair pretty much everytime I draw him, which to be fair is so far like 4 times in total. Honestly I have a love-hate relationship with his headband because on the one hand, it's kinda iconic, on the other it's fucking horrendous I'm sorry.
Moving on from the hair, the most fun I have with drawing him would be his uniform (I like the rosary beads and Geta) and his face since he's an expressive character so I get to do a lot of fun stuff with that ( this technically does not count since it's not a part of the design but his points are already kinda low, I felt generous).
Lastly, no, I don't really have many "creative" ideas with him, I had maybe 3 but I never really felt passionate enough to finish them I'm sorry.
2. Mikoto Aiura (2/4)
This feels way too low but I can't really break the rules.
I do need to use references to draw her everytime I do ( which I think is...1 time? That is criminally low what the fuck am I doing) mainly due to her hair, speaking of which, I LOVE HER HAIR I LOVE HER NAILS I LOVE HER EYES I LOVE HER!!!! She is so fun to draw and it's so fucking nice to have a character with some fucking MELANIN OMG HER SKIN I AJDBDJ SHADING TANNED/DARK SKIN IS SO FUN WHY DONT I DO IT MORE OFTEN. This doesn't count since it's supposed to be about their canon design but there are so many outfits you can put her in it's crazy!!! I think it's mainly because she's kinda the only one with an aesthetic idk.
I WANNA DRAW HER ALL THE TIME I JUST DONT FOR SOME REASON WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME!??? Off topic I do not draw any of the female characters that often even though I regularly lose my mind thinking about them what's up with that?
Do I get to be creative with her? Not really but that's not her fault that's on me, she's perf I'm just uncreative that's all.
So sadly this is her rank. ATM anyway I'll draw her so often after this trust.
2. Saiki Kusuo (2/4)
He scored 0.5 on everything... How!??? Last I checked he is not Satoru Hiroshi.
Main reason I need a reference is due to the hair which for the most part is a bunch of zig zags and so I don't need it that often.
He is fun to draw, mainly his eyes they are very pretty. I do want to draw him often, I doodle him a lot. I think it's the limiters and glasses. I don't have to worry about him looking accurate cuz if you throw the limiters and glasses on it immediately looks like saiki so Im not that scared about drawing him.
Fun fact a lot of times when I'm drawing him he ends up looking like Kuboyasu. Until I put limiters on. Then all of a sudden it's saiki! Amazing! Chouno Uryoku who?
I guess I'm somewhat creative with him? I have a few ideas laying around, one or two animatics, maybe a fic and a couple crossover fanart ideas. Dunno if I'll ever get around to doing it though.
1. Akechi Touma (3/4)
No I do not need a reference I drew him once and then his hair and face were ingrained into my long term memory for eternity in fact i remember it so well I subconsciously gave it to an OC.
Is he fun to draw? FUCK YEAH HE IS. Hair was the problem for all the other characters but not this one, no sir! because THIS MOTHERFUCKER HAS THE HAIR THAT GIVES ME GENDER EUPHORIA. It was my first 'boy' hair cut and I love how androgynous it made me look so looking at him gives me pure joy. And his eyes GOD I LOVE HIS BIG PURPLE EYES SJDIEBD.
I used to want to draw him all the time but I've drawn him too frequently so I need to take a small (miniscule really) break so I can continue liking it. Maybe that'll give me time to draw more Aiura. Anyways I gave him 0.75 on that part but that's entirely my fault for over drawing him. He did no wrong I take the blame.
Can I be creative with him? No not really since just drawing him covered in blood and/or eating sweets does not count as creative in this criteria. But I do have many ideas of just putting him in other universes and meeting my other favs and then the two of them ramble about an interest of choice and are just get to talk talk talk and talk I love them I love their yapping onjdhdiehd and I have a couple of animatic ideas I may never finish. GOD I LOVE HIM SO MUCH HE HAS A 4/4 IN MY HEART.
Oh god it's 1:22 am I should finish this homework.
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comingtothetree23 · 4 years
Frozen Heart
Paring: Peter Parker x Ice power!Reader
Warning: Swearing
Word count: 3.4K
Summary: Having a frozen heart hurt others but protected you, What happens when someone warms up your heart for the first time ever?
A/N: Do you guys like these? I mean to myself so I don’t know if these are actually good or not. I hope you like it anyways!
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"Finally." You sighed as you took the hood off of your head, You walked over to the kitchen and started putting the food away. You lived by yourself for many reasons one reason is that you're too cold for a roommate. You let out a small groan at the open fridge, you always forget to close it. It annoys you but it doesn't mean anything, with a wave of your hand everything is good. 
You sigh as you get to work on your homework, You lived in a small cabin since your parents were gone. Despite being alone you were happy, you didn't really have any friends. The closest one was M.J, you two were the outcasts but you wouldn't say you were friends. A sudden knock on your door made you look up at the door with a raised brow. You walked over and opened to door to see two adults standing in front of you. You acted like you didn't notice how they shivered when you opened your door.
"Hello, Ma'am." The blonde male starts, making you narrow your eyes at them. You sighed and leaned against the doorway at the two.
"Hello, Do you need anything?" You asked as you looked at them questioningly. Why would they be here at this hour? Scratch that, Any hour!? 
 "Are your parents home?" the blonde asks trying to look over your shoulder to see inside of your house. You blocked his view of your house with a glare.
"No, actually their not." You grabbed the door, "So if you two would just." You tried to close the door in their faces but one of them put their foot down before you could close it.
"We're here to talk." 
"Not interested!" You groaned as you tried to close the door with all fo your strength, You silently curse not doing anything in gym class.
"We're looking for (Y/n) (L/n), You know her?" Your eyes widen as you looked at the two before frowning.
"Why do you care!?" You ask as you back away from the door, You shiver a little as you frown. You looked down to see the floor under your feet is starting to freeze.
"We have reason to believe she has powerful magic." They explained to you, making you even more nervous. You wouldn't call your magic powerful but it was something. 
"N-nope, haven't seen her. You must have the wrong neighborhood. Buh-Bye!" you tried to slam it again but it didn't work. The two look at each other before gently opening the door.
"(Y/n)? It's alright, you can come with us and everything will be okay. I swear." The blonde said quietly trying to make sure you don't freak out. 
It didn't work. He started to walk into your house, making your breathing quicken.
"L-Leave me alone!" You yell as you throw down your arms, freezing the floors and making it snow inside the house. You gasp as you make eye-contact with the two. Half of their bodies were frozen, making you frown but you were quick yo grab your backpack and pack important items in it. 
"I'm sorry, I really am." You muttered quietly while you were half-way out your window. You looked at them before sighing and making the ice go away from their bodies. You jumped out the window and ran into the woods. 
"H-Hey Kid, wait!" You heard the two yell as you run. When you were far enough you fall on your knees and pant quietly.
"What am I supposed to do now?" You whisper to yourself, You hug yourself as you lay down on the floor. Looking at the stars above.
You walked into the school with a small groan, you were luckily wearing different clothes from yesterday so no one questions anything. Well, except for the bitch who won't leave you alone. Ever. 
"Hey, (N/n), How you doing?" Flash asks as he puts an arm around your shoulder. You look at him with a frown as you move his arm off your shoulder and goes over to your locker, "Hey what's with the silent treatment? Don't you know that's rude?"
"Cause you would know what's rude." You rolled your eyes as you put some books into your lockers, "I've been the way you talk to kids." You started to put your gloves on but frowns as Flash takes one of your gloves, "Hey!"
"Why do you always wear these, (N/n)?" Flash asks as he looks at the (F/c) gloves, "It's like 80 degrees outside." 
"Don't call me that and Give me that!" You growl as you reach for your glove, being careful with what you do with your ungloved hand. You didn't want anyone else to figure it out.
"C'mon you can tell me, Nothing to be scared about," Flash smirks looks down at you as he holds the gloves up high. Your eye twitches as you stare at the annoying boy. You could feel the hall becoming colder and colder by the minute. You take a deep breath and look up at the boy.
"Flash, just give me the goddamn glove and you can move on with your life." You refuse to jump but to reach the glove but you seriously needed that glove. If you weren't careful you would freeze anything you held. Suddenly the glove was In your hand and you looked up with a puzzled expression.
"There you go, (Y/n). Flash just stop, it's not funny." There stood Peter Parker, the one who gave you back your glove. You quickly put it back on before it can be taken from you again. You looked at Peter questioningly as you two never really talked. You tow have talked once or twice as he also talked to M.J.
"Aw, Penis Parker helping his girlfriend?" Flash mocked as he looked over at you, "You can do way better (N/n). Good luck, Babe." He winked at you as he walked away, You noticed the way he hit Peter's shoulder.
"Thanks." You say as you both watch Flash walk away, "He was being really annoying, You know more than usual." You let out a small chuckle at that.
"I-It's nothing." Peter shuttered making you look at him, he does that sometimes and it was kinda...cute, "Why did he care about your gloves?"
"I dunno, actually." You held up your arm to look at the glove, "I guess it's because I only wear them at school?" You asked more than stated looking up at the boy.
You both look up as the bell rings, you groan as you look down at your books. You look back up at Peter to see he had a smile on his face, He held his arm out with a shy smile.
"Walk to class with me?" He avoided your eyes as he asked that, making you give a small smile at that. He looked up in shock as you link your arm with him with a sly smile. Peter gave you a shy one as you two walk over to class.
You just hoped you weren't too cold.
~~ You were walking down the streets of Queens, it was nighttime. You couldn't go back to your cabin since those men now know where you lived and after that stunt, they must be mad now!
'Maybe I can go by Parker's?' You asked yourself before mentally slapping yourself. You bearly talk to him! Why would he help you now!? You weren't the nicest to him. You were so deep in your thoughts you didn't even hear the footsteps behind you. 
"It's you." A young voice said from behind you, You yelped and looked behind you to see the mighty Spider-Man hanging upside down from a web. He was just staring at you. You give him an awkward smile.
"Yep, It's me." You point behind you, "Now If you excuse me. I gotta go! Bye!" You give him another smile before trying to walk away from the Spider. 
"No, Wait!" He squeaked out before he gently grabbed your hand to stop you. You flinch and look over at him with a questioning gaze, "We've been looking for you." 
"That sounds really really really creepy!" You yell, trying to pull your hand away from his but he wasn't budging, "Please, just let me go!" 
"We want to help you, (Y/n)."  Your eyes widen as he said your name, why did he know your name!? You look up at him with fear in your eyes.
"H-How do you know my name? Who are we!?" You yelp out trying to calm yourself before you freeze this hero. You didn't want to do that again even if you could semi-control it. The eyes on his masks widen for a second before he sighs deeply.
"The Avengers, (Y/n). I know it sounds creepy but they think you could really help the team." Your eyes widen, "Captain America and the Falcon went to look for you but they said you freaked out and ran before they could talk." You start to feel yourself become cooler and cooler by the minute. 
It was becoming too cold, too cold to be normal.
You needed to calm down, you tried to control your breathing but it didn't really work.
"Are you okay?" 
You help arms on your shoulders, making you look at the eyes of Spider-man's masks. You silently wondered whose eyes you're looking at.
"You need to calm down, okay? Nothing bad is going to happen to you, We just want to help you." You slowly nodded at him. Wondering what your going to do. As you slowly calmed down the world around you started to warm up, a little too warm for your liking, "(Y/n), what's wrong now?" He didn't sound annoyed, just worried.
"Too warm..." You mumbled out before closing your eyes gently and going to sleep. You were content with sleeping when warm.
Cold is always better for you.
You sighed as you sat down on a couch next to the avengers with Tony Stark talking to you. You shifted uncomfortably at their eyes, it was until you felt a hand gently take yours. You could already tell by how it felt it was Spider-man's, the room started to warm up as you squeezed his hand gently. 
"So, I'm gonna assume you know why you're here," Tony said as he pretended he didn't notice you and Spider-man holding hands. You give him a look before looking around.
"Uh, Because you stalked me and found out about my power?" You gave them all a look as you looked all around the room, "And I was tattled on." You looked directly at Steve and Sam, oh yea you learned their names. Expect for Spider-man he was a mystery. Which made you interested in him more.
"Basically." tony shrugged at you, making you give him a look.
"We know you kind have a handle of your powers but we think it'll be good for you to train here," Steven spoke up, making you look up at him, why was he so tall!?
"What do I get in all of this?" You asked crossing your arms while raising a brow at them. They all looked at each other before Nat looked at you with a small smirk.
"How about a place to live?" Your eyes widen and you look around the tower before looking at them with a smirk.
"I'm in." 
"Ha! Ha!" You laugh as you sent an ice blast toward your opponent, making them fall to the ground. You've been having a pretty okay time at the tower. You've been getting better control of your powers.
 "Can I have a try?" A voice rang out the room, You look over to see Peter Parker. you figured out that he was Spider-man causally actually, You accidentally walked into his room when he was just in his pajamas. (Hello-Kitty) 
"You gonna use webs on me?" You smirk toward the boy as you put your hand on your hips. The boy just raised a brow at you.
"Maybe. Unless you wanna do without powers for once?" Peter smirked at you when you just looked at him offended. 
"What do you mean by that!? Are you saying I can't fight without my powers?" You crossed your arms in mock anger, too be honest Peter kinda grown on you. Peter just smirked at you making you smirk, "Bring it on!" 
You two start to fight, (I suck at writing fight scenes so I'm kinda not going to. Sorry) You let out a breathy laugh as you and Peter stood in front of each other, panting from the hit and punches. 
"Y-your doing good." Peter pant as he smiled at you, You smile back at him. He stood up and held an arm for you, you made and linked your arm with him walking to the kitchen.
"What are you two up to?" Sam asks as he entered the kitchen, seeing you covered head-to-toe in flour while Peter was trying to conceal his laughs.
"Trying to make breakfast." You gritted your teeth glaring at Peter who just smiled sweetly at you. You pouted as you crossed your arms, knowing you had to take a shower now.
"What happened?"
"He happened!" you angrily pointed at Peter who held his arms up in defense. 
"I didn't know you wouldn't catch it!" 
"How was I support to catch it!?" You two looked at each other in mock-anger, you honestly found his funny. You tried to conceal your smile but failed as you let out a few small giggles. Peter started to laugh too making you laugh even more. Sam watched with amusement as you and Peter tried not to tottle over each other, silently hoping he'll win his 50 dollars.
"Breakfast!" You put down some pancakes in front of Steve, "Food!" You put it in front of Nat, "Whatever this is!" You put some in front of Tony, making him frown at you before looking at his food.
"I'd be careful eating those if I were you," Peter smirked as he looked at all of the pancakes. He looked toward you who was happily munching your food.
"You're just jealous I made some bomb-ass pancakes!" you chirped happily as you continue to eat your food. Your smile became even bigger as you heard Peter's giggle from next to you.
"How did you manage to make these?" Sam asks with a raised brow, he saw the mess you two made earlier. You looked over at peter with a look making him giggle again.
"We make a good team." Was all that you said before taking another bite of your food. Sam shared a look with everyone at the table.
"You nervous?" Peter asked from next to you, gently holding your cold hand. You were going off on your first ever mission. You gave a little hum, "Hey," Peter took a gently hold of your chin, making you look at him, "I've been you improving, you'll be amazing. Trust me." He gave you his dorky smile that you loved Liked so much. 
"Okay, I trust you." You smiled at him. You two spent a moment just staring at the eyes of each other. Did you ever mention how much you loved his brown eyes, they were like honey, they were so pretty. 
"hey, Lovebirds!" Tony shouted at you two, making you look toward the group, "You two are paired up together. Think you can handle it?" Tony asks with a raised brow.
"Of course!" 
"then, let's go, team!"
"wow...It's pretty warm in here, isn't it?" Peter asks as he looks around the darkroom. You were stumbling a little from the heat, it was really hot in here.
"Y-yea, it is." You put a cool hand on your cheek to try to cool yourself off. It was better than before but still not good enough, "What are we looking for?"
"The hostages." Peter answered looking around for anyone, "Karen, is there anyone here?" there was a slight pause, "besides us." You quickly turned around as you heard something, you looked and saw someone in the distance. 
"Ah Ah Ah Ah." You heard a voice sing, You narrow your eyes at the figure as you feel peter staring at you. 
"We are not doing this," you growled as you raise a cold hand, blasting ice toward the person. You heard then grunt as they tried to get out of the ice, "Go get the hostages, I'll deal with this fucker." 
"You sure?" You have him a nog and that was all he needed before he started running in the other direction. You start walking closer to the man, each step making the ice around him go further up and up. 
"What is your plan?" You ask as you stare at the dark mask. They didn't answer you making you sigh, "Didn't want to do this." You raise your hand and make a fist, tightening the ice around him, "What. Is. Your. Plan!?" You growled through clenched teeth. Instead of answering the person starts to chuckle you looked at him confused before you realized he presses a button. 
"Wha..." Your eyes widen as it started to get hotter and hotter in the room, "What are you..." You started to stumble as you tried not to realize him.
"Elsa doesn't like the heat, is that it?" A deep gruff voice rang out, making you look at the man. Your knees gave out as you fell to the ground. Your vision started to darken as your eyes start to droop, "All is going according to plan."  You hear one last thing before you fell into darkness.
~~ You woke up with a gasp sitting up in the darkroom, that wasn't yours. You look around the room and it seemed more like a void. You hugged yourself as you realized that it was freezing. 
"W-Where am I?" you ask the darkness and frowning when you heard your own ego. At least you felt better, you preferred this over that oven. You just felt like you were forgetting something, "Peter!" You yelled as you stood up and ran forward when you felt a wall you started to bang on it hard, "Let me out! Wheres Peter!? Is he okay!? What happened!?" 
You were gasping and panting as you felt tears sting your eyes. After a couple of minutes, you let out a sob as you put your forehead on the door. You felt a tear run down your cheek before it fell it froze. You let out a small gasp as the door opened making you fall forward.
"(Y/n)?" You heard a familiar voice asks, You look up with a smile as there stood Peter Parker (Out of his Spider-suit.) He looked down at you with a small voice that you loved so much, "Are you alright?" 
"Peter!" you sobbed as you wrapped your arms around his neck, hugging him close to you, "I thought you were hurt! O-Or something!"
"Why would I be hurt?" He chuckled as he wrapped his arms around your waist. God, That chuckle was adorable!
"I-I don't know!" You pulled away and put a cold hand on his cheek, "The last thing I remembered I was knocked out you were fighting that guy all by yourself. We didn't know what he could have done."
"Well, don't worry your pretty head about it." He ruffled your hair, making you huff, "We got the hostages out and the guy was arrested," he smiled softly at you as he gently stood a hold of your chin to look at him, "Were you really that worried about me?"
"Of course, You're my best friend." Peter smiled as you admitted that you were friends. He always tried to get you to say it but you wouldn't budge. That gave him enough courage to place a small gentle kiss on your cold lips.
Before he could pull away but kissed him back passionately, making him chuckle and pull you close to it. The kiss lasted for a while until you both pulled away, smiling at each other.
"I've been meaning to tell you but it just slipped my mind."
"I swear to god, Parker!" 
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prodigal-sunlight · 4 years
How to Make Friends and Influence Demons - Chapter 1
Pairings: Moceit Characters: Patton, Janus, Thomas Chapter warnings: Minor blood, generic demonic activity Word Count: 8,317
Patton stood up, dusting off his hands and checking the book, still open on the counter. There were a couple steps he’d had to tweak. Just little things, like a circle of scorched tallow (he didn’t know what that was) or the bones of a martyr (he did not have any and did not want to.) But he’d baked enough to know how to make recipe substitutions, so he figured he could do something similar with a demon summoning.
Patton M. Sanders is as sweet as a cupcake and gentle as a kitten. So why on earth would he possibly summon a demon? That's exactly what Janus wonders when he appears in dinky apartment surrounded by scented candles and offered a piece of homemade cake. Surely he doesn't think selling his soul to a demon is going to make him friends.
Ao3 Link
It had taken a whole weekend, but the preparations were at last done, and Patton was prepared to summon a demon.
Patton hummed cheerfully as he set out the last unlit candle around the edges of the chalk summoning circle. He had a bad habit of impulse buying candles that smelled good or had cute names, so it was nice to finally have a use for all of them. The library book didn’t say the candles needed to be unscented, so he figured Butterscotch Kitten Morning wouldn’t be a problem.
He stood up, dusting off his hands and checking the book, still open on the counter. There were a couple steps he’d had to tweak. Just little things, like a circle of scorched tallow (he didn’t know what that was) or the bones of a martyr (he did not have any and did not want to.) But he’d baked enough to know how to make recipe substitutions, so he figured he could do something similar with a demon summoning.
Of course, he hadn’t just followed the book. He had a pot of coffee brewing, and a vanilla allergy-friendly cake cooling on the rack. Demonic or not, Patton figured that any guests needed a warm welcome. He was a bit worried that he didn’t have any tea to offer if the demon didn’t like coffee, but he’d have to make do without.
While he considered whether to add sprinkles to the cake now or to let the demon add their own sprinkles, his phone began to ring. Patton pushed his bangs out of his face, grabbing his phone out of his pocket and answering with a cheery, “Hello hello! Patton Sanders household, Patton speaking! Can I help you out there?”
“Hey Pat! It’s Thomas,” came the cheery response. Patton quickly pulled out a kitchen chair, sitting down with a smile to listen. “I wanted to call in to see how you’re doing!”
“Thomas! I’m doing great,” Patton said, glancing around the messy apartment. “Just so peachy! But what about you? How’ve you been kiddo?”
“Great! This campus is incredible, and I’ve made so many new friends. There’s these students named Jamaal and Talyn, and they’ve been showing me all the best places to hang out. I love it here!” Thomas said.
Patton’s heart sank a little. In less than three weeks, Thomas had made two new friends. Patton hadn’t made one single friend since he and Thomas had gotten an apartment, and that record hadn’t changed when Thomas left for school. He felt jealous, and he felt guilty for feeling jealous. He should be happy for his baby brother. “Well I’m real glad you’ve been settling in alright. Have you been eating well? Taking good care of yourself?”
“Yeah, yeah, I’ve been uh, all up on the home cooking and stuff! Totally not just getting pizza every week,” Thomas said sheepishly. “I’ll make good food once I’m caught up on homework and I get around to unpacking!”
“Promise?” Patton said, putting a hand on his hip and pouting. “Don’t make me march right on down there to cook and clean for you, mister!”
Thomas laughed, and hearing him so happy eased Patton’s worries a bit. “Alright, alright! I’ll take care of myself, I promise. So how have you been?”
“Well, I—“
There was the sound of someone shouting on the other end, and Thomas cut him off. “Oops, that’s Talyn! I forgot we had class. Sorry Pat, I’ve got to go! Catch up with you later!” Thomas hung up, and the phone went quiet.
Patton sighed, bowing his head. “Buh-bye Thomas,” he said, even though the call had already ended. “Have fun at class. Love you.” He set the phone down on the table and leaned back in his chair, staring up at the ceiling.
He’d basically raised Thomas for the last few years. Between that and working two jobs, he’d been too busy to make friends or relax. Now, Thomas didn’t need him. That was bittersweet in and of itself, but it also meant that Patton had time to himself, and no one to share it with. After spending so many years worried about himself and his brother, Patton wasn’t even sure he knew how to make friends anymore. He tried, sure, but whenever he tried to greet someone he ended up tongue-tied and anxious.
Now that Thomas was all grown up, Patton was alone.
He shot off a quick text to Thomas, just a brief “Good luck!!!” with a string of heart emojis that looked far more cheerful that Patton felt. It’d probably be a few hours, or maybe all day before Thomas texted back. He was busy with college. He had a bright future. It wasn’t fair to hold him back.
Patton shook his head as if he could shake the bad thoughts right out. Thomas wasn’t the only one who was going to have an exciting new future. He put his phone away and stood up, stepping back into the kitchen proper.
He grabbed the box of matches he’d left out on the counter, kneeling down and striking a match. Slowly, he lit each of the colorful scented candles. They were all bright, and a few had cute patterns like flowers or puppy faces colored into the wax. The probably weren’t the right kind of candles for demon summoning, but they sure did smell nice. Once he’d lit the thirteenth and final candle, Patton blew out the match. He tossed it in the sink and washed the tiny smudges of ash that had fallen on his fingers.
Next, he picked up the library book in his left hand, trying to orient himself at the bottom of the circle, just outside the chalk and candles. Patton checked the instructions again. “Oh! A glass bowl, I almost forgot.”
He opened his cupboards and grabbed a tupperware bowl. It was transparent, so it was probably close enough, right? Figuring it’d do well enough, Patton leaned over to set it inside the chalk summoning circle, roughly in the middle.
Patton glanced at the library book again. “Okay, that’s pretty much everything! Looks close enough,” he said, feeling rather satisfied. Now the less fun part. He lifted his right hand to his mouth, biting down on the tip of his thumb. He flinched, but he tightened his grip until his skin just barely broke. He’d though this would be less scary than a knife, but maybe that wouldn’t have hurt as much. He leaned over, shaking his thumb until a few drops of blood fell from the tiny cut, into the tupperware bowl.
While he started reading the chant written in the book, he fumbled to wrap a spongebob bandaid around his thumb. “Okay… um, Bestias inferni, maledictus erit nomen tuum,” he read aloud. Suddenly, the kitchen lights flickered, then went out. Only the candles lit the room. A power outage?
By the candlelight, he could still make out the pages of the library book well enough to read. “Cadit regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in terris inferos.” The ground beneath Patton’s feet seemed to shake. The flames of the candles burned unnaturally bright, the color of their glow shifting from a fiery red to an unnatural, sickly yellow. Patton tried to keep his footing, tightening his grip on the book.
Patton swallowed the bile in his throat. “D–da hodie in servum vilem!” He said, his voice raising to a shout. The lines of chalk began to glow, shining with a golden light that pooled on the ground like a puddle of spilled water. As if a window had been thrown open, wind whipped through the tiny kitchen apartment.
“Et peccatis vestris daturum nobis, ut nos accipere debitum tuum,” Patton stammered, trying to rush through the last few lines. “Referte ad me, et libera me ad malum tentationis in unum.” The golden light burst outward, blindingly bright, so powerful Patton’s eyes burned even when he squeezed them shut. “Quia tuum est regnum et potestas et gloria in saecula… saeculorum!”
There was a burst of force, knocking the library book from Patton’s hands and knocking him to the ground. The intense light began to fade, and Patton sat up, rubbing his head with a whimper. “Ow…” His eyes slowly began to adjust, taking in his dim kitchen, the candles still faintly glowing. Had it not worked? But as his eyes finally cleared up, he could see a tall figure standing in the circle, right behind the tupperware bowl.
The figure was a tall, beautiful man, dressed in all black except for the simple yellow dress shirt beneath his cloak and the matching yellow band around his bowler hat. A pair of curled black horns sat on either side of his head just below the hat, framing his pale face. One cheek was marred in golden scales that shimmered in the candlelight. The man glanced about the kitchen with an unreadable poker face, any expressions hidden, but the sense of power and confidence utterly overwhelming.
“You,” the man said, looking down at Patton with a cold appraising stare. “Are you the mortal who summoned me to this place?” he asked, a faint hiss in his tone.
Patton quickly got to his feet, wiping his hands off on his hands. “Ah, sorry, didn’t mean to fall over! Yep, I’m Patton!” he said, trying to hide his mix of awe and terror. He hurried over to the cooling rack and got down the cake, slicing it into even portions. He set a hefty slice on a plate and grabbed a fork, putting them in the demon’s hands. “Eat as much as you like! It’s too much cake for two people anyway,” he encouraged, grabbing a slice for himself too.”
The demon opened his mouth to speak, but then the electric kettle began to beep, so Patton rushed over there. He poured the kettle into the two mugs he’d set out, looking over his shoulder at the demon. “Do you want sugar and cream in your coffee?” he asked, pouring a generous helping of sugar in his own mug.
The demon narrowed his eyes. “Why did you summon me here?” he said, taking a step towards Patton. “You do know what I am, don’t you?”
“Of course!” Patton said, setting down his mug. “But it seems rude to get right into that sort of thing. I thought we could have introductions and small talk over coffee! But if coffee isn’t your cup of tea—“
“No, give it here. No sugar,” the demon said quickly. Patton handed over the mug, then started blowing on his own coffee to cool it down. The demon didn’t wait, emptying the steaming hot mug in a few quick gulps. “Let’s get to business, mortal. I’m rather pressed for time.”
Patton grinned. “Pressed for time? Well don’t be bitter, it’d be better latte than never!”
The demon raised an eyebrow, a sly smile crossing his features. “Spill the beans. If you want my help, you must first ask for it.”
Patton set his mug down, hurrying over to pick up his library book. A few of the edges were burnt and crispy, but the cover and pages were in tact. Still, that would probably be a fine. He quickly opened the book back up to the page on demonic contracts. “Okay! So, it says when making a contract with a demon, you have to start by exchanging names! We can use them to call on each other so neither of us can just run out on the deal. I already told you I’m Patton. What can I call you?” he asked brightly.
The demon paused for a moment, then smirked. “You may call me Deceit,” he said.
“Is that your name?” Patton said curiously. “I thought demons had big fancy biblical names and stuff. Are you really called Deceit?”
“It is my professional title. It will allow you to call upon me, while still affording me a level of… privacy,” the demon said, folding his arms. “Does that suffice?”
Patton shrugged. “I mean, if it still works the same way, I can call you that! Or Dee, oh, that’d be cute! Can I call you Dee?” he asked brightly.
Deceit tilted his head to the side, as if considering Patton carefully. “You know, most people willing to summon servants of hell aren’t so cheerful and warm.” Amusement shone in his eyes. “So what sort of nasty secrets are you hiding?”
Patton frowned, not sure if he should be hurt of not by the question. “I don’t have evil secrets. I like to be honest with people! Besides, you didn’t answer my question,” he argued.
Deceit narrowed his eyes, his bemusement turning irritated. “No. I am not a little animal to be given a silly nickname. I will not be called ‘Dee.’”
“Awww,” Patton said, a bit disappointed. Well, maybe he could come up with a nickname Deceit would like? “Okay, well, the book says after names are traded, I should ask you to make an offer! So uh… make an offer please!”
The demon’s self-satisfied smirk returned, and he bent over so he and Patton could be eye-to-eye. “I can give you anything you desire. I can make you the most beautiful, most famous man in the world. You could be disgustingly wealthy, unspeakably powerful. I can give the reigns to any government of any nation, I can give you the power to fell armies, and I can give you enough gold to buy your own castle. Anything you wish, I can speak into existence. I can make you… a god.”
“No thanks! I don’t need that stuff,” Patton said, offering Deceit a friendly smile. “Okay, so, it says that the most common payments for demons are your soul, or the soul of your firstborn kid! I don’t think it’d be fair to sell somebody else’s soul, and I’m gay anyway, so the firstborn thing is off the table. So, my soul then?”
Deceit cocked his head to the side, eyeing Patton with fascination. “Awfully cavalier with giving up your soul. For most deals, that’s a bit of a… hard sell.”
Patton waved his hand dismissively. “If that’s the price you want, then I can work with it. It’d be worth it.” He tucked the book under his arm, grabbing his mug and slice of cake. “Do you want to continue this in my living room? It’s small, but we can sit on the couch instead of standing around?”
“Oh I would absolutely love too,” Deceit said. “Let me just follow you over there.”
“Okay!” Patton said brightly. He turned and walking into the living room, setting his mug and cake on the coffee table. He waited for a second, but Deceit didn’t follow. Patton frowned, poking his head back into the kitchen. “Hey, didn’t you say you were coming?”
Deceit, still standing within the circle of dirt, seemed unimpressed. “I was speaking sarcastically,” he said, motioning to the floor. “I can’t leave this circle until the deal is completed. Did your little book not mention that crucial detail?”
Patton’s cheeks burned pink. “Well, it probably did, but I just kinda skimmed the important bits! To be honest I didn’t expect to get this far anyway. I don’t really know anyone with demon summoning experience!”
Deceit glanced at the plate of cake in his hand, then at cartoon stickers on the fridge, then back at Patton himself. “Really?” he drawled “I never would have guessed, you do seem like such an expert on the matter.”
Patton pouted, crossing his arms. “Well you’ve probably never summoned a demon either mister pointy horns! Unless, uh, maybe that’s how demon’s talk to each other? Maybe. That’s not the point!” He paused, unsure of what exactly the point was. Maybe he really should have planned out this discussion a bit more than just summoning a demon and giving him cake and coffee.
“Now, I do love spending all day in urban nowhere, but I have a dentist’s appointment at five,” Deceit drawled, using his fork to cut his cake slice into bite-sized pieces. “You don’t want beauty, power, fame and wealth. Generally those are the ones mortals come to my sort for,” he said. “Is it immortality? It’s immortality isn’t it. We don’t do that anymore, Hell-wide policy. When their souls get collected their body still doesn’t die and honestly? It’s icky.”
“It’s not immortality!” Patton insisted. “Actually it’s… a people problem.”
Deceit nodded sagely, stabbing his fork into a bite of cake. “Ahhh, I see what you’re getting at. You want me to kill someone. Or make them fall in love with you. Or both, the night’s still young.”
“No!” Patton shouted, flustered at even the thought of getting someone killed. “That’d be awful, I’d never do that. I don’t want you hurting people or anything. I just… I want friends.”
Deceit’s eyebrows drew together, deep in thought. “Political friends?” he asked.
Patton shook his head. “No! Not like, big important political friends, or magic friends or anything. I already said I don’t care about power. I just want people who like me! People I can watch movies with and hang out with.”
Deceit began pacing the edge of the rather small summoning circle. “I could brainwash this entire city into wanting to be your closest friend,” he said.
Patton crossed his arms. “No brainwashing! I want real friends, the real way!”
“You’re kidding me, right?” Deceit said, rubbing his eyes. “Just go talk to other humans. Why in all the Hells would you summon a demon to help you make friends? What about my job description made you think I’d be any help?”
Patton puffed out his cheeks. “Well, you are kinda suave and cool! I dunno if it’s a demon thing or just you, but you could teach me that! Or just help me stay calm, so I don’t get nervous!”
“You are literally giving a demon your soul,” Deceit snapped. “At the end of the deal, your soul belongs to me. You’re going to be trapped in the underworld for eternity. And you’re agreeing to that so you can ‘hang out’ with some people?”
A moment of silent passed. Patton cleared his throat. “Okay well maybe it’s not the best way but I already tried a bunch of other stuff and this was the last thing I came up with.”
Deceit rolled his eyes, removing the silken glove from his right hand. “Fine. I don’t know why I’m trying to talk you out of it anyway. This is all the better for me. I help you find friends, and once you’ve had, say, five months being rather close, I claim your soul. Are you happy with that?”
Patton shrugged, offering his own freckly hand. “Sure! So long as they like me and I like them!” he said.
Unlike Patton, Deceit did, for a moment, hesitate. But then they joined hands and the pact was sealed. Patton winced, his palm burning beneath Deceit’s touch. When he pulled away, there was a faint white burn on his hand, a sigil in the shape of a two-headed snake.
“Now, I trust you did read the entirety of that book, including what happens after the pact is formed?” Deceit said, though his tone shared none of the certainty of his words.
Patton’s face burned with embarrassment. “Uh. You hang around and help me?” he said unhelpfully.
Deceit sighed, pulling the glove back over his hand. “More or less. If I am further that thirty feet away from you, I will be sent back to the underworld until you call on me again. You call on me by pressing my sigil and saying my name,” he said, motioning to the burn on Patton’s hand. “Whilst in public I can take a less… conspicuous form, in order to aid you without drawing unwanted attention. I cannot directly harm you or any other human while under this pact… though there’s nothing keeping me from more clever means of causing trouble.”
“Please don’t,” Patton said awkwardly.
Deceit flickered his long snake-like tongue at Patton, pouting. “Oh boo, don’t be a buzzkill. You’re the one who summoned a demon.”
Well, he wasn’t wrong about that.
But Patton wasn’t entirely clueless. He knew that trading his life for a few friends was a heavy price. He knew it was probably stupid, he knew Thomas would be so upset if he found out. He knew.
He had his reasons.
Patton was about to ask a few more questions about their new arrangements when a small buzz went off on his phone. He glanced at it, and his heart stuttered.
“Oh shoot! I didn’t realize it was Saturday!” he said, scrambling to throw plastic wrap over the cake and shove the demon-summoning book under his arm. “I’m so sorry!”
Deceit raised an eyebrow, watching Patton rush around the kitchen. “What exactly has you so worked up?”
“I forgot this book’s overdue at the library!” Patton said, grabbing his shoes and awkwardly trying to wiggle them on with his hands full. “I keep turning stuff in late, I don’t want the librarians to be mad at me!” “Is it really that time-sensitive?” Deceit said. “You can’t wait an hour?”
Patton shook his head. “If I wait I’ll forget, I always do! I’m so sorry, you can come with me! We can start on the whole friends thing!” Once both shoes were on, he sprinted to the apartment door. He glanced back, but Deceit wasn’t following. Was his sneaky form completely invisible?
“Come back here and let me out of the goddamn summoning circle, you unprofessional amateur!”
Patton sprinted back to the kitchen, blowing out a few candles and kicking some of the salt circle aside. “Okay come on, there’s no time to lose!” he said, and immediately took off to the door again.
“It’s an overdue book, truly, the highest priority,” Deceit said, putting a hand over the door before Patton could unlock it. “Don’t go out yet. If I am going to accompany you, we can’t just walk out with me looking like… this,” he said, gesturing to his own face. “Hold out your hand.”
Patton paused, then held out his free hand, palm facing up. He shot Deceit a quizzical look, not entirely sure how this helped.
The demon’s bones began to shift beneath his skin, his eyes flashing and his form changed. It was oddly mesmerizing, but Patton decided it was also kind of gross to watch. And then—
Plop! A yellow corn snake appeared where Deceit had been, and dropped into Patton’s open hand.
Patton squealed in delight, his library rush briefly forgotten. “Oh my goodness! You’re so cute!” he cooed, gently stroking the tiny snake’s head with his finger. “Look at your little snake snoot!”
He could hear Deceit’s voice, though it sounded faint and muffled, like it was coming from inside his own skull. “Do continue patronizing me, certainly being non-venomous means I would never bite,” the demon grumbled. The little corn snake form of Deceit slowly slithered up his arm, settling in a pocket in the cardigan around his shoulders. “In here, I will be unseen. No one will know you are not alone.”
Not alone. The thought gave Patton a moment of pause, his usual smile gone for a brief moment. He shook his head, and faked a smile—fake it ’til you feel it. “C’mon Dee, let’s go make some friends.”
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beesramblings · 6 years
A Sunday Kind of Love: Richie Tozier x Reader
Authors note: Heyo flowers! Here is my Chapter 2 of A Sunday Kind of Love! I will try and upload another chapter before the week is over! I might be busy because my classes are starting up tomorrow. But I hope you all like this chapter! I will try and have an upload schedule soon. I am also working on my spotify playlist for this! 
Warnings: Richie low-key throwing a hissy fit, Henry Bowers being himself, Richie being Richie, crying at school and a mention of smoking. 
Chapter 1 
Chapter 2
The bell rang, signaling the end of their class Y/N left as fast as she could, she was scared of saying something dumb about how she really liked the sonnets they learned, or how Richie to her was eternal summer when she looked at him. Even just thinking like this made her feel embarrassed, and scared of her feelings. As she was lost in her thoughts of Richie’s light and happiness, she felt herself run into someone, “Oh hey slut…” a low voice growled at you. Ladies and germs, the one and Henry Bowers and his pack of minions. “Sorry Henry, I wasn’t looking. Can I please get through.” You asked looking down at your feet, trying to subliminally submit to him. Henry roughly pushed you against the wall of lockers, the cold locks and metal digging into your back. “Henry, just let her go.” Vic Criss grumbled. You two got along quite well, you two became friendly when the two of you were paired up in a music class, which ended up with the two of you exchanging mixtapes and small conversations away from your friends. “Why would I do that Vic? Do you have a crush on her?” Henry snapped. Vic rolled his eyes “No. I have a class with her next and I really don’t want Mr.Mills to think I had any part in her getting hurt.” he calmly responded, you looked at him, with your eyes wide, he responded with a smirk.
“Hey, B-B-B-Bowers, l-l-leave her a-a-alone.” Bill demanded. You looked up at the ceiling knowing that you and The Loser’s Club were going to get beat up either before class or after school. Henry turned away from you and started walking towards Bill, Stan, and Eddie. You could see Eddie trying to reason with Bill to leave, and Stan trying to motion you to run to your music class down the hallway. “D-D-D-Did you S-S-Say S-S-Something Buh Buh Buh Billy?” Henry mocked maliciously. Bill stood up to him definitely “Y-y-you don’t s-s-scare m-m-me B-B-Bowers.” Henry cocked an eyebrow, “ Oh really? Does not finding your little brother scare you? Or maybe him being dead?” Bill tried to look tough, but his façade was cracking, because his biggest fear was to not find his little brother, or if they did he’d be dead. Henry smiled a terrifying grin, it looked like his smile could split his head in two, he had Bill where he wanted him. “Bill, just go,” you pleaded “ Don’t let my mistake break you.” You wanted to keep The Losers safe, they were your only friends after Greta turned your friends and most of the school against you. Patrick pushed you away from the lockers and whispered: “You’re lucky this time, next time you won’t have your boyfriend to protect you.”  Your cheeks heated up, today was just a day for you to feel embarrassed by boys.
As you sprinted down the halls of the school to get to your music class you collided into Richie who was just leaving your shared English class with the new kid. “Oof, Y/N what the hell?” Richie asked as you helped him up from the floor “Bowers and his goons.” you replied. Ben’s eyes went huge, “Where are they? Henry wants to kick my ass because I didn’t let him cheat off our math exam.” he squeaked out “ Well before I ran into you two they were in the hall up by the entrance.” Ben groaned “ I have to go that way.” “Just hide in the janitor’s closet, that’s what Y/N and I do when we want private time.” Richie disclosed while wiggling his eyebrows. “Beep Beep, Rich. And we hide there when Henry is looking for Richie, Ben, ignore Richie,” you replied. Ben giggled “Ok, hopefully, I won’t be late to class.”  “I suggest waiting 5 minutes, and if you are, say that there was a long line in the bathroom,” Richie advised. Ben ran off to find the constantly unlocked closet, while Richie walked up a little further “So Y/N, what are you up to after school?” Richie asked, “ Um, staying far away from Bowers, and then homework.” Richie looked over at her with a slight blush covering his freckled cheeks “Do you wanna maybe hang out and do homework together then?” You opened your mouth to say yes when a heavy arm wrapped around your shoulders. You turned your head and looked into Victor Criss’ eyes, which were crinkled with a smile, “Alright lucky duck, you ready to jam?” Vic asked happily. You nodded, and hunched your shoulders “Later Rich.” you said to him softly “Bye Trashmouth, avoid the exit and entrance after school, Ok?” Vic warned. He knew that you really liked Richie and since the two of you were friends, he wanted to keep you happy.
The two of you disappeared around the corner as Richie walked further down the hallway, that lead to his science class which he shared with the rest of The Losers Club. Richie started thinking that maybe you weren’t interested in his whole getup. Maybe you didn’t like his crass humor, his Hawaiian shirts, and his voices. Did you want someone cool, tough and somewhat nice like Victor Criss? Or someone headstrong, mature, and intelligent like Bill?
Richie didn’t hear the bell that warned that class was starting because he was too busy dealing with the possible idea of rejection in his head. As he turned into his science class his teacher looked up from the board “Ahh. Mr. Tozier, you decided to grace us with your presence, hope that didn’t take too much out of your schedule.” Richie smirked, “What can I say Mr. M, my presence is a present.” The class nervously giggled, while Mr.M pointed to Richie’s seat, Richie walked over in a ‘ don’t shoot the messenger’ stance.
He sat down next to Bill “Hey Bill, holy shit what happened to you?” Richie whispered loudly. Bill looked over at him with dried blood around his nose and a bruise forming around his eye “W-W-What R-R-Richie you d-d-don’t l-l-like m-my new look?” Bill smiled. Richie chuckled in response “Ah, Big Bill the ladies are dropping their-”
“Mr.Tozier, what seems to be more important to you than the mitochondria?” Mr.M interrupted “ Ah, yes, Mr.M the mitochondria, the powerhouse of the cell. What’s more important? Nothing, Nada, Zilch. This will be the only thing I will remember from good old Derry High School.”  His science teacher’s ears started to grow red with annoyance “One more quip like that young man and you’ll find yourself in detention today.” Richie sighed “Alright, sorry.” Everyone in the class was taken aback, The Richie “Trashmouth” Tozier said Sorry, to a teacher! Everyone thought hell must have frozen over, “O-O-Okay thank you, Mr. Tozier. Now class the mitochondria, the powerhouse of the cell. Nice phrase Mr.Tozier five extra credit points.” Richie blushed fiercely, he didn’t like showing off how smart he was, he had a reputation to uphold. But did that reputation matter to him anymore?
Victor passed Y/N a note, she glanced over at him, and he signaled her to read it ‘ Two things Y/N. 1st, I have a new mixtape for you, and 2nd you like the Trashmouth’. You felt your chest and the tips of your ears heat up. ‘Two things Vic, 1st. HELL YEA, I have one for you it’s in my locker. And 2nd Um what makes you say that?!’ You quickly threw the note over to Victor, not wanting to be caught by your music teacher. Vic turned to you and smiled wildly, he knew that you had the biggest and honestly soul-crushing, crush on Richie Tozier. He quickly wrote down his response trying not to be caught by their teacher who was going on about how soul and jazz music is still shaping American music. Victor quickly folded his response to you and tossed it across the aisle. ‘ You totally like Tozier, don’t worry Y/N your secret is safe with me. I won’t let Bowers hurt you or him. We’re friends, it’s what friends do. You know not letting their other friends beat up your friend and her friends. ;)’ As you read this note you started to realize, Victor was a genuinely sweet guy. He really did care about you, and that made you happy, you two really are friends. You quickly wrote back ‘ Come with me to my locker for your mixtape, ya big softy.’ As you passed it back to him your teacher called on you to name one famous R&B or blues or soul song. “Um, would uh, A Sunday kind of love, um be one?” you questioned timidly. Your teacher nodded “Good choice Y/L/N, all right class that is your assignment for the week. .Make someone you love a mixtape or a song list of blues, R&B or soul.”  
Vic turned over to you and gave you a crooked smile, and mouthed “Give it to Richie, or I will.” And he winked at you. Oh no, you thought, he’s going to really make me tell Richie my real feelings. Your nerves came back and in full effect,this could end either really well, or really bad. The bell chimed, dismissing your class, and your music teacher shouted after the class to remind them of this weekend’s homework. Vic leaped up grabbing your hand to whisk you out of the class. As the two of you walked out of the class, he kept murmuring in your ear about how you and Richie would be the cutest couple in Derry.
Richie and the rest of The Losers Club left their science class, talking loudly with one another, trying to hear their conversation over the other conversations going on in the hallway. Richie looked up expecting Y/N to be at her locker either talking to Beverly Marsh or occasionally Betty Ripsom, but instead, you were smiling and laughing with Victor Criss. Your eyes were scrunched together in laughter as Victor Criss stood over her with his arm resting on the top of her locker with a smile dancing on his face. Richie felt a pang of sadness, of course, Y/N would never like a guy like Richie, she only wants cool tough guys.
“H-H-Hey R-R-Richie. What’s Y/N d-d-doing t-t-talking to V-V-Victor C-C-Criss?” Bill asked in an annoyed tone. Richie shrugged his shoulders, “I don’t know, I didn’t even know that they knew each other on like a friendly basis.” Richie professed. Stan looked over at him “ Richie I bet it’s nothing, maybe he’s talking to her about a class.”  Richie shrugged again, he couldn’t bring himself to look at you. You looked so happy with him, and you had such a hold on Richie. “What’s Y/N giving Victor?” Eddie asked nervously. Richie whipped his head so fast that his glasses nearly flew off, Y/N was handing Victor a small black case, probably a cassette tape. She blushed as he pulled one from his leather jacket pocket, as he handed it to her he looked exactly at Richie and smiled. Richie looked at him confused, Victor never smiled, unless he was planning something rotten, or now looking at Y/N. Richie watched as Victor gave you a hug and a kiss on your cheek, and he saw your cheeks heat up and turn bright pink.
The Losers Club was now in earshot of Victor and Y/N’s conversation,
“ Aww Y/N you know you love me,” Victor crooned to her. She laughed
“Do I really have a choice now?” She retorted back sassily.
“Not anymore doll,” He replied in a low husky voice. He grabbed your chin and gave you a kiss on the nose. “ I’ll see you tomorrow darling.”
Y/N blushed harder than before “Okay Vic, have a good day.” she replied
“So Y/N, is that your new boyfriend.” Richie spat at Y/N venomously.
“W-W-What? Richie, we are just friends, Vic has never done that before.” Y/N answered in a confused voice. Richie scoffed at her and started to walk away, not before he shoulder checked her into the locker. Bill looked at Y/N sadly, like he knew she was telling the truth, but he knew Richie longer so his loyalty was with Richie, and he walked away from Y/N. Stan gave her a knowing look and gave her shoulder a squeeze as he walked away following Richie and Bill. Eddie didn’t leave, “Y/N, y’know Richie really cares for you, and it really hurts to see him like this. I just really hope you know how much he likes you and cares for you.” and after his words of wisdom and warning, he left to catch up with The Losers Club.
   Watching the group of the four boys walk out to the front of the school, you realized. You were alone, and you ruined everything. Your eyes started to betray you, a few tear drops slid down your face. ‘Oh God’, you inwardly thought, ‘I am actually crying at school, this is the most embarrassing thing.’  You stuck your head into your locker to hide your face, “Hey.” A light voice caused your head to whip out, with tears streaming down your face. “Oh, hey Bev.” Beverly Marsh, one of the other girls who was ostracized from the school, the two of you had pre-algebra together. “I saw Richie throw a little hissy fit. You ok?” Her blue eyes were filled with concern. You smiled as hard as you could, “Not really, I think I really messed things up with him and his friends.” She wrinkled her brows together, “ Wanna come out for a smoke?” She asked she was probably trying to distract you from your feelings and your very wounded heart. You sighed deeply, “Sure, why not.”
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