#okita souji snv
writing-badger · 5 months
Everyone Else: waiting for the rest of the Shinsengumi make an appearance.
Me: My little champ! My beloved symbolism cat! So small, so blurry! Absolutely perfect, 10/10!
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I hope we see you again, but I will not survive if we do.
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onlinesensei · 2 months
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radioactivesweet · 25 days
Okita souji with a sensitive s/o headcanons (my baby is so underrated)
Okita Souji my beloved, he's such a cutie beautiful beautiful beautiful, beautiful boy- Also, it's been a while since I've written anything in English so if anything's sounds a bit off it's because of it
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Despite being known as a bloodlusted swordsman, the strongest among the Shinsengumi, the Demon Child, Okita Souji himself is quite a sensitive person, his own way. So, as long as you aren't his opponent in a fight, he'll generally be quite nice to you.
Some people, mostly among warriors like him, might perceive your being sensitive as a weakness, but this doesn't apply to him. Okita his able to recognise it as a strenght - the way you'd be concerned about him whenever he fights some terrible foe and the way you'd greet him with a smile, when he approaches you after winning another battle. Sometimes he feels guilty, he didn't want to worry you - seeing you gasp, your eyes reddened as he dodges a hit that could be fatal. Okita could almost think you don't believe in him, but he knows that's just the way you are. Always understanding other, always a tad more emotional than the average, always having a sort of poetic outlook on the world surrounding you - so different from the world made of blood and near-death experiences he faced daily. You allowed him to see life through different eyes, yours. He might've been kind, but at the hand of the day, he was worried you might've just seen him as a cold-blooded murderer? Yet, you were able to go over that, and hold his hands dirty with blood. You wew the one, just like Kondo, who had been able to see the "child", not just the demon. Thank to you, he was one step closer to be human, though that wouldn't change his essence.
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kanroji-san · 3 months
Muichiro!Y/n/Reader AU
Souji: You're strong, you're pretty, and you're smart, and you're ignoring me, so you're obviously my type
Muichiro!Y/n: *were reading a book and not even listening to him* I'm sorry, what were you saying?
Souji: Perfect!
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riseofamoonycake · 4 months
RoR 86 spoilers
F i n a l l y.
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twinklemylittlestar · 4 months
This scene:
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My reaction:
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minn520 · 4 months
⚠︎Spoilers ở chap 86⚠︎
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azuraheart009 · 2 months
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My headcanon: Okita doesn't keep his bangs that always cover his eyes because he can't.
Although in shuumatsu they changed Okita's eye color to brown, I like how he looks better with yellow eyes in Chiruran
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palesublimeduck · 11 months
Which of the remaining fighters will walk into the battlefield like this:
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My bets are on Loki or Nostradamus💀
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onecantsimply · 1 year
Can you do a Part 3 of the Jack the Ripper x Tanjiro Kamado Reader please?
It’s when Reader along with the other human fighters are defending Buddha from Loki and the Seven Lucky Gods (Like when Tanjiro defended the Butterfly Girls and Aoi from Tengen Uzui from going to the Red Light District)
Reader tells them that she doesn’t recognize them as ‘Gods’ making an angry pouty face (While the Human Fighters and Buddha are looking at Reader with a confused/amused look) as she head-butted Loki (Thus Buddha is laughing his ass off) and gets the Gods pissed ready to fight her
This took a while-
Ooops HH-
"I wouldn't consider anyone as a Hashira if they had done that to any woman in general." (Y/n) mumbled as they ate at a rice ball. "Oh, is that so...?" Jack faintly looked down, but looked back at them with a small smile. "Anyhow, thank you for accompanying me with my assignment. You didn't really need to." The male's smile could only faintly widen as he bowed his head. "It's not a problem. It's only natural for a gentleman to protect the one he loves." (Y/n) could only smile before they looked back at the box on their back. "Nezuko, we're almost there, okay?" There was a small hum from within the box.
"You know you shouldn't go breaking stuff... What are you, a kid?"
(Y/n) and Jack stopped.
"Hoh... That's just like you, Buddha." A familiar voice spoke. (Y/n) and Jack peeked into the garden, seeing Loki starting to stretch his arms over his head, folding said arms. "You... really oughta just..." Cains with sickle-like ends to them appeared as Loki leapt at Buddha. "... get lost!"
"Stop right there!" (Y/n) immediately slashed Loki's chains away, making Buddha arch an eyebrow as Jack blinked. He then sighed faintly, but walked towards (Y/n). They seemed to faintly deadpan.
(What is even going on here...? A random fight between the Humans and Gods...? -(Y/n))
"How dare you pick on the Humans? Get lost!" They spoke. The group only collectively stared at them.
(I seriously don't know what's happening...?! -(Y/n))
Buddha faintly grinned. "No, they're bullying us. Please help." He spoke. Jack looked towards him with a faint deadpan at the obvious lie.
(Y/n) glared at Loki before running at the God, leaping and pulling their head back.
He looked up at them with a blink.
That was, until (Y/n)'s forehead had slammed against his own, making a ringing in his head start to be heard.
His head throbbed.
"Damn... That's a hard head...!" Loki muttered.
"Are the rest of you all right?" (Y/n) looked back at the group. "Yeah! thank you for helping!" Kojiro winked with a chuckle, waving. Buddha was completely cackling, his arms held over his chest as he teared up from his laughter. "Sir, are you okay?" (Y/n) blinked. "So many swordsmen..." Kondou chuckled. "Where did you come from?" Souji looked towards (Y/n). "Eh- Sir Jack and I were kind of wandering after a job well done... and we overheard everything..." The group then turned their attention to Jack, who had some knives in between his fingers. He softly eyed the group in front of him.
(... I only touched my knives when in the match against Sir Heracles... Will the effects of the Völundr still be with them...? But even so... I must protect them... -Jack)
"Hey..." Ebisu stepped in front of (Y/n) as they blinked, taking a step back. "We're the Seven Lucky Gods... and that was Loki, the God of Deceit you just headbutted back there... We're renown around this place. Do you really think we'd let you off easy for this?" (Y/n)'s eyebrows furrowed as they clenched their blade. "Stop picking on the Humans, you lousy bullies!!" (Y/n) held their arms out towards Buddha and Kojiro. "You go, kid." He chuckled as Buddha grinned. "You heard em. Stop picking on us." He spoke. "Hey, you three! Who the hell do you think you're talking to, damn it?! We're your superiors! We're Gods, for Christ's sake!" Buddha then pointed to himself after Ebisu was done speaking. "And so am I." The Enlightened man spoke.
"But I don't acknowledge the rest of you as a God!" (Y/n) crossed their arms, remaining firm. "Don't do that shit with us!!" Ebisu yelled. "Who cares if they don't acknowledge us...? I think their brain matter just exploded from their injuries and their mission... They've gotta be tired..." Loki faintly grinned.
(Easy prey. -Loki)
Jack stepped behind (Y/n), only giving them scary dog privileges. "Oh, I'm only doing this because I think Buddha is a traitor to the Gods... He's supposed to be fighting with them, not against them." Loki smirked up at Jack as his eyes slightly narrowed. Buddha scoffed. "I fight on my own side, whether that be Humans or not. For now, I'm going for the former. No way I'm going to the ones who make worse candy." He spoke. "Also... no God needs permission to bully anyone lower than them..." Loki grinned once again. (Y/n) faintly gaped. "You're an Ungodly brute! How could you say that?!" They yelled.
A swelled arm had suddenly formed before it punched into the floor, making everyone leap back to their own side. "Good grief..." Zeus muttered. "You're all... so spirited, aren't you...?" He mumbled. "Gramps... and you even brought the old man..." Loki sighed. "I don't know what happened here, but... given the current state of things... I'm very much displeased... that you would have a falling out." Buddha stayed silent as he slightly rolled his eyes. "Quit tryna start shit with each other willingly, you dumb motherfuckers!!" Huginn screamed. "Is that another Kasugai crow?" (Y/n) blinked with beady eyes from the crow's vulgar language. "No, it's not, Dear." Jack mumbled, softly pulling them behind him. "It's absolutely outlandish that fellow Gods would choose to quarrel now of all times!!" Souji seemed to perk up. "Woah, look, Lord Kondou! Those crows are talking!" He spoke.
(So cute...! -Souji)
"Huh? We're Heaven's fuckin' executioners!! The hell gives youse the right to-" Ebisu was cut off when Odin glared right into him.
"That's enough."
(Y/n) faintly covered their nose as Jack's gentle grip on them started to tighten. The Seven Lucky Gods had all froze up. Kondou chuckled as he gently pulled Souji to the side.
(That's one intense aura... -Kondou) (What a thick scent... He's strong... -(Y/n))
Everything seemed silent until Loki had sneezed. "Aw... that kinda took me out of the mood..." He mumbled. The male then placed a hand behind his head. "Welp, that's it for me. I'm gonna go watch the match. See ya, Buddha." Loki had then looked back at the male with a darker look. "... Till next time."
Buddha didn't even pay attention to him. only unwrapping his lollipop and popping it into his mouth. While Loki had walked away, the Seven Lucky Gods had slowly begun to follow. Though, Bishamonten turned. "... Never forget. Traitors will receive Divine Punishment." The male then turned, walking forward with furrowed eyebrows.
"Aw, man..." Souji mumbled. "That was boring..." He softly sighed. "Well, that's alright." Kondou gently pat his head. "Anyhow, we're going back to our room to watch the match. What about you, Kojiro?" He chuckled. "Yeah, I'm gonna head on back, too." The male then winced. "Yeah, I may have put on a bit too much of a front..." He mumbled. "Er, sorry if your patrons stuck their heads in where they shouldn't have." Kondou then looked towards (Y/n) and Buddha.
"New mission!! New mission!! Accompany the Hashira, Uzui Tengen to the Entertainment District!!" (Y/n) jolted. "Already?!" They yelled. "An entertainment district...?" Jack mumbled. His eyebrows seemed to furrow. "Another talking crow!" Souji looked towards their crow with a flowery aura. "Eh?" He looked towards the teen. "CAW!!!" The crow screeched. "Jeez...!" (Y/n) held him back. "Can I pet him?" Souji walked over. "I'm not sure if he would allow it..." They mumbled, softly holding their crow still. "I don't want to be eaten!! Get your hands off of me!!"
(He's having Inosuke flashbacks- -(Y/n))
They softly let go with a small chuckle, allowing for their crow to fly away. "Hey, who are you anyways?" Buddha questioned. "Oh- My apologies!" (Y/n) softly bowed before looking towards the God. "My name is (Y/n) Kamado! It's an honor to meet you, Lord Buddha!" He blinked. The male then smirked faintly. "No need for honorifics... We're fighting on the same side, right? How's your Ragnarok going?" He questioned. "... Quite a few of us have died... But... I'm sure that when Muzan is eradicated, I'll be free out of business... I'm lucky enough to have Sir Jack following me around a small bit." The male gently slipped his knives into the pockets of the insides of his long sleeve. "I'm simply keeping you from pressuring yourself. Your injuries are still healing, after all." He spoke. "They're almost all the way healed." (Y/n) smiled faintly. "Almost. Not all the way." Jack's eyes faintly narrowed as he looked towards them.
"Jack The Ripper, huh?" Kojiro blinked. The two looked towards each other. "... I hear you make some good tea. I wouldn't mind trying it sometime." Jack blinked as well. Though, he smiled softly. "Certainly." He replied. (Y/n) gently tugged at Jack's sleeve. "Anyhow, I should get going now. Will you come with?" He smiled slightly more. "Naturally. Lead the way." He replied. (Y/n) nodded. They then waved towards the group of Humans. "I'll see you all next time!! Good luck in your match!!" Souji and Kondou turned, now making their way back to their own rooms. Kojiro seemed to follow after as well. "Watch the make! Watch the match!" The teen spoke. Buddha blinked, looking towards the group as they went their separate ways. "Well, looks like that scuffle's over... You'd best head back, too." Zeus spoke.
"We never even got to rest..." (Y/n) mumbled. "Well, it was either that, or getting the message when we were about to sleep." Jack replied. "I would much rather prefer to have it as the former. We're quite ready now." (Y/n) blinked. "... Are we?" They looked towards Jack. "... We can prepare if you'd like." He spoke. "Yes please-" He smiled faintly. "Then... back we shall g-"
The pair stopped upon detecting a strong and dark aura from where the garden was. (Y/n) covered their nose.
"This is Lord Odin's scent...! It thickened...!" They muttered.
(It's actually choking me...! -(Y/n))
The aura had suddenly stopped, leaving the pair in hesitation.
"... I pity the one that has to fight against that God..." Jack mumbled. (Y/n) nodded in agreement. They then looked towards the silver haired male. "... What's an entertainment district?" He jolted. "Uhm-"
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naniguini · 2 months
Record of Ragarok chapter 88 thoughts with no particular order or sense
Beelzebub taking any chance to die is sending me
Lü bu :' )
Zero :' )
Buddha and Beel are in good terms FOR NOW!
Buddha will go to the Underworld to meet Sigfried, it'd be cool if Sakata or even Loki but that ain't happening accompany him.
At first I thought the idea of bringing back the primordial god was for Odin to let chaos break loose and take the leadership of the gods in the end but if he needs to sacrifice himself for that then IDK maybe I'll make a theory about it later.
Was the close up of Anubis tonge necessary? Still he's cute
Lol Ares is shooked
I love the art style and the techniques in this fight but I can't help not being interested at all since I can already predict how it's going to end. Thank God there's the side plot but maybe the next chapter will finally delve into Susanoo's past
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onlinesensei · 3 months
🎶 reunited and it feels so good 🎶
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imagine kickin’ it with the homie you haven’t seen in literal centuries i know the vibes were immaculate also musashi got passed over for another swordsman twice so you know the hate is strong lol
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radioactivesweet · 1 year
Okita Souji, Kojiro Sasaki, and Buddha dating a mitsuri s/o headcanons
Mitsuri is so cuteeee🥹🥹🥹
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Okita sees you both as his lovely s/o and as someone he wouldn't mind fighting, respecting your strenght - you often train together and practice swordfighting, being careful not to hurt each other though. Overall, Okita enjoys spending time to you, strolling around the city, pointing at all the cute pets you would see around and stopping at all the restaurants you could find - he wonders how you are phisically able to eat all that food, but once you explain to him that it's necessary to keep your strenght, he doesn't inquire further. Maybe eating more will help him get stronger too? He is taking notes. You made him realise that, maybe, there's something more that life can offer aside from a good fight - maybe, he should follow your example and enjoy the little things.
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Sasaki thinks you are a funny one. When he first met you, you almost hit him as he was passing by while passionately explaining something to a friend of you. You immediately proceded to apologise and offered to offer him something to drink - you ended up being the one was offered food though, since you were quite hungry but had finished your money. After he got to know better, he couldn't help but love how passionate you were about your surrounding - reminding of himself, how he used to being so curious about everything and trying to learn as much as he could. You shared that same fierce fire, hidden under your cutesy appearance and air-head attitude.
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Buddha loves teasing you - seeing your cheeks blush as you look for an answer, something to say in response to his flirting. He'll then brush it off, pretending to be just kidding. Despitee recognising your strenght, he knows how trustful and full of good intentions you are towards others and fears you may be cheated on because of this. Therefore he is naturally inclined toward protecting you, without you noticing. He tries to keep - and succeeds in, since he is quite respected - people who could exploit you far from you. And everybody knows it's better not to mess with the apparently chill Buddha. You are always exchanging sweets and other treats, with you baking him something for him and Buddha gifting you food he likes and that he wouldn't share with anybody else. You just remind of those desserts, you are just as sweet - so sweet you might as well end up giving a toothache. He wouldn't mind.
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kanroji-san · 3 months
Muichiro!Y/n/Reader AU
Muichiro!Y/n: Souji, are we dating?
Souji: Eh?
Muichiro!Y/n: Are we dating?
Souji: N-no. We're just hanging out as friends.
Muichiro!Y/n: Oh, I see...
Souji: Why do you ask?
Muichiro!Y/n: I was just having this feeling. Guess I have read too much romance.
Souji: Yeah...you must really have.
Later of the same day
Souji: I-i panicked! Okay?!
Kojiro: The fact that you confirmed everything... But to an opposite direction.
Brunhilde: It's pathetic.
Souji: I didn't expect they would ask!
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riseofamoonycake · 1 month
RoR chapter 89 spoilers
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twinklemylittlestar · 4 months
I started to read ''Requiem of the shogun'' and immediately found a cute Okita under a tree since the first chapter
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