#olivia valli
gelphiegifs · 1 month
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"You'll be with me..."
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katherinemckay · 5 months
wake up babe new gelphie photo just dropped
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lily-onher-grave · 1 year
Okay I saw Wicked again and I’m reobsessed so anyway some of my favorite things from this performance and just in general
The first word of the show is good and the last word of the show is wicked and if that doesn’t sum up how well the symbolism hits idk what does
Watching NOMTW it really did just hit me all over again the themes of fate and destiny and the limitations society puts on us and the limitations we put on ourselves
Wicked is a tragedy in the truest sense! No matter what Elphaba does she will not win and she cannot change things! No matter what Glinda does she will lose Elphaba!
Glinda’s sad face in NOMTW, and also how she is surrounded by the Ozians but is still so alone. They’re all giving her so much space, she has to walk across the stage and reach out just to get them to look her in the eyes (she’s lost the only people who ever saw her as a person rather than a doll)
The first time Elphaba runs downstage and she’s grinning so wide and she has so much hope for herself and for the world
The silence while Elphaba is dancing alone at the Ozdust, but more importantly, the way the music starts all soft and quiet when Glinda starts dancing with her. It’s the most romantic tune in the first act, maybe in the entire show
All the hand holding
The way that Glinda almost goes with her in Defying Gravity
The way Glinda reaches for Elphaba once she starts flying. Not caring at all that the guards and the Ozians and everyone else on stage can see. She’s just trying to reach her one last time
(The way Elphaba reaches back)
Glinda’s solo in Thank Goodness (Celia Hottenstein nails Glinda’s lower parts and she was an absolute dream especially in this song)
When Elphaba returns and Glinda walks into the room, the first thing she does is run into Elphaba’s arms. She’s horrified at the situation later but at that moment she doesn’t even notice anyone but Elphie
As Long As You’re Mine. Look Fiyero and Elphaba are Not It for me but the intensity of that song, the way the music slides into these dark little motifs, the harmonies. It’s so good
Glinda mourning Nessa when no one else is around
Elphaba blaming herself and Glinda immediately trying to comfort her even though they’re mad at each other
Idk if this is a normal thing and I’ve just never caught it before but when Fiyero was holding Glinda at gunpoint Elphaba was shaking her head, she looked so scared
Glinda tossing Elphaba her hat back and telling her to go
The opt up on FiyeeEErroooOOOOOOooooo
(All of No Good Deed)
Especially when she’s further back and the smoke is whirling around her and everything is purple and gold and it’s so sinister and her cape is flying around her and she is well and truly broken
I actually really love March of the Witch Hunters. It sounds sick af and it makes me imagine a world where the musical was closer to Maguire’s book and kept that super eerie, darkly violent vibe
(I feel the same way about when Fiyero is alone after ALAYM, and the music gets all intense and he’s running around the stage, holding up his lantern. idk those scenes hit a very specific vibe and I don’t quite know what it is but I like it)
Before For Good, when Elphaba started to tell Glinda to run, Glinda sobbed her name and it hit so hard
Have I mentioned the hand holding?
The way that they stand so still in For Good. So many songs have such insane movement to them, or even interludes between parts but For Good is just the two of them
(It’s such a love song)
Elphaba blew a kiss to Glinda and then pressed her hand over her heart when she hid her behind the curtain before the melting scene
Glinda’s sad face in NOMTW pt2
Again idk how common this is but before the lil For Good reprise Fiyero started to lead Elphaba away and she was about to take his hand but then Glinda started singing “who can say…” and Elphaba immediately turned away from him to go walk toward Glinda
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toofunktastic · 7 months
November 3, 2023
i've finally seen a non mr show and i'm hype i forgot how good wicked is
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raven-curls · 9 months
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Olivia Valli
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theroguequeenaniki · 2 months
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We went to see Wicked on Tour last night at Bass Concert Hall and it was just as wonderful and fun and fantabulously fabulous and thrillifying in all of it’s Oziness as the last time I saw it! (10! years! ago! Lol)
And we weren’t late this time so I actually saw the whole thing, lol. (Ten years ago my mom & I missed everything before Dancing Through Life)
I have no real pictures from 10 years ago, except for merch pictures & my nails. But, this time I didn’t get merch. And I didn’t paint my nails. Lol.
BUT. I do have outfits pics! Lol.
10 years ago I wore a black dress, and this year I wore a pink dress!
Our Elphaba was Olivia Valli and our Glinda was Celia Hottenstein.
I had so much fun!!! And I couldn’t be happier I got to see it again!!!
Gratitutions to my uncles for making this happen and to my sister for the photos of the cast from the curtain call.
#wicked #wickedthemusical #wickedmusical #bassconcerthall #elphaba #glinda #galinda #oliviavalli #celiahottenstein #musical #musicaltheater #broadwayinaustin #me #myface #ootd #happy #ifeelwicked
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lesbian-of-nine · 7 months
I saw Wicked in Philly and had the time of my fucking life
first, initial pictures:
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the academy of music is actually gorgeous i also loved that it was a smaller theater
first act !!!!:
- Celia Hottenstein is AMAZING. her voice was so operatic i was in shock the entire time. also her comedic timing is incredible.
- OLIVIA VALLI. Stunning amazing oh my god.. the wizard and i had me FLOORED
- both glinda and elphabas big entrances had me physically restraining myself from stimming.. i love them
- TALL !!! GLINDA !!!! i’m a sucker for height differences
- the ensemble slayed!!! those harmonies OMG
- notable Gelphie Moment™️ of the night: elphie stroking and fixing glindas hair during the train station scene <33
- watching defying gravity in person was a religious experience. i am a changed person.
second act!!!:
- the EMOTION celia put into thank goodness… girl i love you
- i am not one for fiyeraba but i must admit.. ALAYM went so hard like the actors have so much chemistry. also elphabas “for the first time i feel.. wicked” like always has me swooning
- for good had me so fucked up. the hug was so tender. 11/10 teared up.
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post show!!!
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i waited out by the stage door to get my playbill signed!! olivia and celia were so so sweet omg. i ended up getting Brett Stoelker (Fiyero), Kyle McArthur (Boq), Celia Hottenstein (Glinda), and Olivia Valli (Elphaba)!! shoutout to my mom and godmom for waiting outside for 20 mins LMAO
Seeing this in person was actually one of the coolest experiences of my life !!! one day i’ll see it in nyc TRUST. 1000/10
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I got to see Wicked on tour last night and I have to say it was absolutely phenomenal. Olivia Valli was our Elphaba and I want to marry her No Good Deed. Her riffs were so clean and strong and she had really great comedic timing. But our Glinda, Celia Hottenstein, was a real standout. She was funny, operatic, and had an incredible range. I was blown away by her Thank Goodness. Christian Thompson as Fiyero - I can't help but stan such a sweet dumb man. Everyone really was incredible.
I brought my boyfriend with me, and he had only heard a few of the songs before then. He loved Madame Morrible and thought she was hilarious, and said his favorite songs were Popular, No One Mourns the Wicked, and What is This Feeling. I thought it was really impressive bc he's into instrumentals and operas and things and he thought the show was great. (He may have just been saying that bc I am a diehard Wicked fan but I actually think he really enjoyed it lol.)
I found it impossible to pick a favorite bc I'm still floored by any and all live performances in this show. Though For Good all the way through curtain call had me teary and beaming like a maniac bc it's all just so close to my heart. After the show, I was waiting in line for the bathroom and heard two young girls in front of me talking about Fiyero turning into a scarecrow and how that worked, and two older women behind me talking about Idina and Kristin and all that they did after Wicked. Sure, I'm 18 and hardly old but I think it's really cool how this show can be for such a wide audience, people of all ages.
So glad this show is still running after 20 years. Nothing but love from me to all the cast and crew at Wicked 💚🩷
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aaaand everything that ISN’T wicked themed!
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wickedelphaba · 3 months
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And her face card never declines!!!
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wheresmulder · 9 months
Who can help me get wicked slime from the tour w Olivia and Celia? 🥺
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gelphiegifs · 4 months
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Gelphie Femslash February Day 13: My mind turns your life into folklore
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katherinemckay · 9 months
saw the wicked tour again today to catch the new cast and at the end of the finale when glinda started the for good reprise, olivia valli stopped looking at fiyero and started looking around out into space as if she could Hear glinda calling for her. i'm not sure if this is always part of it and i've just never noticed it but olivia played that moment so consciously like elphaba could sense glinda and it made it all so much more tragic
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broadwaytwinsies · 1 year
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toofunktastic · 7 months
if anyone wants to hear anything else let me know and I’ll post a few more clips when I get home from work.
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raven-curls · 11 months
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Celia Hottenstein and Olivia Valli
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