#on route to: sg
so how would a megatron X work or be the Equivalent of him?
would it be a version of cyberverse prime who won the war? or a megatron who ended the war before it started and was given the matrixs?
wait how would a quintesson starscream work in that case? or a allspark powered starscream?
I vote it'd make sense if it was a Cyberverse version of Optimus who won the war (maybe this is an opportunity to call him Nemesis prime too? Or Optronix. I like that word.) in his universe
I vaguely feel like, in a SG reading, Allspark! Starscream and then Quintesson!Starscream is either read as a pure tragedy (something something overwhelmed by the power of the Allspark?), or it's by one of the SG characters who mirror baseline Starscream like SG Bumblebee or SG Hot Rod / Rodimus (though, SG Hot Rod could become relevant later like baseline hot rod did but with an eventual SG redemption arc??)
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charmerquilled · 4 months
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One thing I wanna re-work after I am done setting my blog up again is Rakan's fully corrupted/evil verse. I don't want to make him one dimensional like r..ito did ( my baby got the dirty side of the boot with character development during that event) , and I'm here to set things straight. //8
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athetos · 2 months
I hate that I play 5+ string bass and am interested in high-end bass-only pedals so no store in this godforsaken city has any of them in stock for me to fool around on and I refuse to buy anything I haven’t played
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thewild--flower · 2 years
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Code: Realize Wintertide Miracles ~ Special Epilogue: Saint-Germain Route
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txttletale · 11 months
I really agree w/ all your Hades opinions! I played that one first and then went back to all the other SG games, and was surprised at how much better the storytelling was in Transistor and Pyre. Hades is really fun and clearly high quality, but its world and characters feel so much shallower compared to its predecessors, and I really despise Hades himself, so the "reconciliation" stuff falls flat for me. Since you like Pyre, I wondered if you would maybe want to talk about your general feelings on it a little bit--what you like about it, what you don't? It's the least popular of SG's portfolio, which is so sad to me because I think it's the weirdest and most interesting one of the bunch, both story-wise and gameplay-wise (even though my personal fave is Transistor, which is still excellent, I think Pyre does more things I admire).
pyre is one of my favourite games of all time so i would love to talk about it! i mean. where to begin. i love its world. i love the very clever decision to make all the proper nouns and fantasy stuff hoverable hyperlinks so that you, the player, can be filled in on important background information about the world without the need for stilted expository dialogue:
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i love the world of pyre. it's genuinely beautiful, it's my favourite of any of supergiant's worlds: the downside looks genuinely unique, it looks at once forbidding and electrically pretty.
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like god damn. but what i love most about pyre is the story and characters, and how they're both not just communicated to you through the traditional methods this game employs (dialogue, flavour text) but in a way that's woven into the gameplay.
like, pyre isn't a game about fighting, it's a game about sports. it's a very high-stakes sport, but it's a sport -- for those who haven't played it, the plot of pyre is that you and your band of wacky misfits have been banished to a secret underground world. from time to time, the stars align and one person can escape this exile by winning a game of fantasy baskebtall -- and because it's a sport, the game's happy to let you lose. you can lose and that can just be part of the story. on two different occasions, i chose to throw plot-critical matches in pyre--once because an NPC on my team asked me to and once because i felt like the other guys deserved to win more than the protagonists did. and the game treats that as a valid choice, a valid thing to happen in the story! it lets the game explore opportunities and feelings and situations that a more traditional game where the player 'has' to win in the 'canonical' ending isn't capable of and it does it really well
and similarly there's something very very clever done with the character writing. getting to know characters better -- finding out why they were exiled, what's at home that they want to return to, why they want to get back to the surface -- is the same process as improving that character's stats and skills in the basketball games. the result of this is that the characters you know best, the ones you're most emotionally invested in getting to escape exile, are also the ones who you've been relying on to win your basketball games! it's by far the best iteration of the 'switch up your playstyle or else' mechanic that supergiant obsessively puts in their games because it ties directly into the emotional stakes of the story and can make it a genuinely difficult choice to liberate someone who's an essential part of your team but you've just learned has a desperate need to escape before something terrible happens to their loved ones outside.
also its got the best romance route of any supergiant game. i dont give a shit about meg or thanatos when i've got sandra the unseeing
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riacte · 9 months
It's actually fascinating you can kind of see Ren do resource management in Decked Out because Ren's level 1 route is based on the positions of the berry bushes so he can collect food. Like he goes around the bushes and uses them to map the dungeon. Keeping track of resources is very much Ren's playstyle - that's why he's a good sandkeeper, he collects and stores resources for the team in SkB and SG, it's also his strategy in Life series (defensive fortresses, stock up resources), it's nice to see him hold onto resources and bunker up :)
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zahri-melitor · 2 months
Look. I do as a matter of fact think it's possible to be in a fandom and interact with material you've never consumed.
I think I've managed to make it through maybe 2 episodes of Stargate Atlantis (I'm an SG-1 original team person) and yet I have happily enjoyed quite a lot of SGA material to the point I could probably plot out a bunch of the story arcs of the first few seasons, given the type of fic I enjoy. There's a lot of Star Wars and MCU material I have never personally touched but I do know the gist of. I was introduced to the Vorkosigan Saga via a crossover. I have occasionally read stuff where I didn't know the source material when it's been from favourite writers.
There's even material that I have personally chosen not to interact with as I know it'll make me hugely angry that I spend a lot of time buried in the results and riffs from. (TKJ take a bow)
But I guess I just don't understand the urge to create when you want to respond to Specific Scenario but go out of your way to never interact with any material that actually addressed that Specific Scenario. And then get mad when people who are across the Specific Scenario question what you know about it. How can you say you don't think Element has been properly addressed if you refuse to look at it?
For instance, I think it is perfectly possible not to read TKJ but to have read any of the material responding to it, particularly Suicide Squad, Oracle Year One, Birds of Prey, heck even Simone's Batgirl, and feel comfortable commenting on the outcomes of the story. I even think it's possible to appreciate the work of something like The Oracle Code in providing and creating an alternate version of events and understand the work done there to provide an alternate route for Barbara's situation.
I don't get the urge to dig into the effect TKJ has on Bruce or Jim, in response to the situation, without touching at least one story where their emotions over the situation are discussed.
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xjulixred45x · 4 months
I mentioned in my previous post how SG!Optimus reminded me insanely of Zarkon, from Voltron, and the more I delved into this thought, this idea arose.
SG!Optimus x Haggar/Honerva!reader
Like, taking into account that in SG the Bots and the Cons have their opposite roles, I can see this Prime having met Reader in some kind of technological alliance that there was in his time on Cybertron before the war, (taking this optimus as in Megatron's place) when he was advancing in his political career.
So, for that reason, he has to meet the chief scientist of the autobot/(alien race) project, which ends up being Honerva! Reader, who despite being a brilliant mind, is actually quite friendly and sweet. apart from showing a lot of curiosity about Autobot technology, which causes them to be constantly after Optimus for their constant questions about the Autobots for the operation of the project (Optimus would refuse to accept that he only allowed this at the beginning because it boosted his ego, although he would lie if he did said they weren't adorable)
Ends up forming a strange friendship between the two, Optimus can genuinely respect Honerva!Reader not only for their efficiency in discovering new things for their projects, but also as a very ambitious person who does not say "no" to progress. although that ends up generating conflict between him and Megatron, who believes that Honerva!Reader might be going a "little" too far in terms of their tests.
This gets worse when they somehow manage to find a meteorite on their planet, made of DARK ENERGON. and they proceed to test immediately, even on THEMSELVES. making subtle changes in their personality, they become more hostile towards those who want to distance them from the project, they REFUSE to share more of their knowledge, something is wrong.
but Optimus seems to be an exception to this, if he notices something he simply believes that it is the consequences of working too hard.
until one day, it happens, Honerva!Reader have a breakdown and fait due to their prolonged exposure to Dark Energon, which alerts Optimus, obviously. that by this time they already have a more established relationship.
At this point, the tensions between him and Megatron are already insurmountable, so he doesn't even think about asking him for help, especially when Honerva! Reader tells him they need: Dark Energon, where? the earth of course.
but Optimus realizes that if he doesn't do something SOON, Honerva! Reader could die, so he ends up having Ratchet process the Dark Energon they had and GIVE IT TO THEM, AS MUCH AS THEY CAN TAKE, TAKING IT TOO.
As we know, they both end up "dying" but coming back to life (can you imagine if they had woken up after Cybetron was destroyed like what happened with Zarkon and Haggar in Voltron? It would be epic) and that's how Haggar is born! Reader.
Haggar reader is quite similar to their previous counterpart with the difference that they is a "druid" with various Dark Energon powers, however they are linked to Optimus by being the one who brought them back to life. Even if they come back with anxiety, they still see Optimus in a Master or power light. although in this case it probably wouldn't happen.
Although if it were to happen, Optimus takes the Zarkon route of taking Haggar!Reader as second in command, although not exactly in a military way but rather, well, as a conjux endura, you know what I mean. and Haggar!reader They're just like "oh well, this is my life now"
Can you imagine when Optimus is left in a coma due to the destruction of the first space portal? And how Haggar!Reader with Amnesia ends up remembering their past with him, using the connection of their dark energon to bring his mind back to his body and that will it heal even faster? it would be epic x2
they are definitely the complete opposite of, for example, the Starscream of the original dimension, they are completely loyal to Optimus, they do not question him, they do what he says, they do not hesitate to stab in the back those who THINK of betraying him, and they are respected and FEARED by that for the rest of the Lost Light . in exchange they end up receiving Optimus' unconditional love (they already had it before, but now there is nothing stopping him from having them all to himself).
Haggar!reader probably isn't even allowed to leave the ship or have a direct encounter with the Decepticons, either because the memories of their death upset them or because he(Optimus) doesn't want to risk having to revive them and go through that traumatic process AGAIN. They help in the same ways would do Original Soundwabe, but with Magic Powers instead of tecnology.
Primus prevents someone from plotting against Haggar!reader for the favor of Optimus, he will notice immediately and will have said bot opened ALIVE and he himself will tear off their Spark (probably something that he would like to happen would be that Haggar !Reader will participate in the torture, but ok, there seems to still be some Honerva! Reader. more fun for him).
I also imagine that Haggar!reader is the only one who can REALLY touch Optimus, in the sense that he could be giving an important speech about how the Autobots will crush the Decepticons, with Haggar!reader relaxing on his shoulder or one of his knees. watching everything like a loyal hawk.
Overall, a surprisingly healthy couple of space tyrants✨💜💛
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Shares, reblogs and comments are very welcome!
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allieebobo · 2 months
hi!! just played through merry crisis for a first time in a long time (very cool btw cannot wait for the update) and i just noticed the new trans and non binary options which is very cool :0 out of curiosity though, would you consider making a similar dichotomy of not telling your parents / telling your parents that you did for being queer? like being out in the us but simply going stealth mode in SG because that is most of my life LOL (i completely understand if you don't though! just wondering
Oohh interesting thought! Right now to cut down on the number of branching scenes I will need to write, I'll keep the canon trans route as something MC's family knows about, but it's a really rich storyline to consider for sure!
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transingthoseformers · 2 months
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... hm. intriguing, how those wreckers specifically are named. Maybe it's just fresh in my mind, but I vaguely feel like Garrus 9 still went tits up in shattered glass (albeit in a different flavor) (interesting how Impactor isn't on this list, imo...)
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frenzyarts · 6 months
idk if u ever wondered this but i wonder why whenever people talk abt au characters there’s like an exclamation point in the middle. like example yandere!sans like what was up with that
Reddit has the answer :D from this Reddit post (copy and pasted here for your convenience)
“"! = The Exclamation Mark or 'Bang' Symbol -- refers to a short form for expressing the presence of a particular trait or defining quality of a character in a story. One which is usually not part of the original canon characterization, or is at least an extreme interpretation of the canon characterization. Most often written in the format of trait first and character's name last, with the symbol in between. (For example: "Smart!Jack" in Stargate: SG-1, indicating that the character of Jack O'Neill is secretly smarter than he pretends to be.) The compact format of [trait]![character's name] manages to quickly and clearly describe to the reader an accurate depiction of the author's choice in characterization before they even read the story."
EDIT: found some more
"Fan Fic communities will often have tags specific to their fandoms that they use to describe tropes that occur with some regularity (Slytherin!Harry, Future!Hiro, or Vamp!Willow, for example). The title of a given Fan Fic 'verse, or an abbreviation thereof, can also be used to indicate the version of a character from that setting, particularly when there have been major changes to them: UF!Utena, SME!Jadeite. Because this kind of tagging is ad hoc and in no way formalized, it's common to see unusual and/or idiosyncratic tags that indicate some truly wild variants, such as Cyborg!Xander or Amberite!Xena. The practice is starting to seep out from fanfiction, though, and can also be used when talking about similar things in the source material, such as, for example, Future!Hiro, Vamp!Willow, or Brainwashed!Undead!Starscream (Energon!Starscream for short). It's also used in a more tongue-in-cheek manner to categorize examples of the Mary Sue in a quick, concise form. It can also be used to identify a specific version of a character or work when it had been done by different people and/or in different media since those can vary wildly from the source material. Sometimes this uses the name of the specific author or simply the form of the work (Manga!Pride, Anime!Greed, Leroux!Erik, or Movie!Phantom) These tags are also occasionally used when dealing with customizable characters in computer games. In addition, tags like this are used in spreadsheet programs to denote what sheet the cell in question is on if it's not on the same sheet as the cell you're typing in. Bang paths were used in early e-mail to specify a UUCP route to a given user, and they're still part of the return path in Usenet"
EDIT AGAIN: Found even more. There seem to be conflicted views on the origins of this, but this one at least explicitly addresses them:
"Origins The adj!noun format is purported to have started in X-Files fandom. Good examples for this are Wombat's Spotter's Guide to the Common Krycek and the accompanying Spotter's Guide to the Common Mulder where several Krycek sub-species such as Bad to the Bone!Krycek, Bad but Lovin'!Krycek, Hot'n'dirty!Krycek or Misunderstood!Krycek and Mulder sub-subspecies such as Angst!Mulder, Basketcase!Mulder, HappySlut!Mulder, Sensitive!Mulder and WellAdjusted!Mulder are described. The first usage was Action!Mulder, referring to canon scenes where Mulder suddenly went all actiony (instead of talky), followed by Saint!Scully. Eventually they lost the initial capitals and the canon connections; by the time it hit other fandoms, it was being used to describe fannish things.[1] Some believe that the use of the exclamation mark came originally from coding, particularly javascript, where it has the meaning of "not". Thus, Saint!Scully would essentially mean, a characterization (in fanworks) of Scully as a saint which diverges from who Scully really is in the show. This possible origin remains obscure, though, and this belief about the bang appears nowadays quite rare."
Thanks this was actually an interesting little side-trip into something I didn't previously know about.”
Also this:
“Thank you so much! This was exactly what I was after. :)
EDIT: I just found this additional explanation from a Tumblr post, makes sense!
It’s originally from C/C++ code. If you have a boolean variable that’s true or false and you put a ! in front of it, it just flips the value. If the variable is X and X is true, then !X is false. So it’s basically saying the character is the variable, ! activates a different version of the variable, and the identifier at the front tells you what version of the variable it is.”
I had wondered if it had something to do with programming, I’ve worked with C++ and javascript in the past 🤔 thanks for sending me down that rabbit hole anon!!
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azeriairis · 13 days
Alright Mini-essay time
I'm going to focus on two main things for this one. The deletion of that one scene in SGA, and the ending of SGA, and how those put Universe in a bad place to begin with. Because I actually like Universe and think it could've done well if only they set it up properly.
Let's start with the deleted scene, if you don't know what I'm talking about it's this one here:
So What do we learn from this scene? Two big things; A: It may be possible to dial the 9th chevron, and B: Zelenka is one of the people working on this.
A is important because the knowledge that it may be possible to dial the ninth chevron makes the premise of Universe " we dialed the 9th chevron and we now have to find a way to stay alive on the other side " sound much more plausible, and not like something that was just pulled out of the asses of the showrunners.
B is important because if the writers knew what they were doing could've been used as a set-up to introduce the audience to some of the Characters from Stargate Universe in season 5 of Atlantis. I'll give two ways this could happen. The easier route would be to just put Zelenka himself into Universe, he's already an established character who is well-known and beloved by the fanbase who through this scene is tied to the research into the ninth chevron. It makes sense for him to be there, and him being there would guarantee off the bat that the majority of the fanbase already has a character they at least somewhat care about in Universe off the bat. The Other route is to have a Universe Character (probably a scientist or engineer) visit Zelenka during the 5th season and introduce them to the audience that way, maybe something comes up that requires Atlantis to go into lock-down and stop travel back to earth, and this character needs to help the Atlantis cast fix the problem, giving them an excuse to stick around long enough to begin to familiarize themselves with the audience. Either way you'll end up with a character in Universe that the fanbase at least has met right out the gate. This would be helpful because it gives the fans some reason to stick around at least long enough for them to get to know (and hopefully begin to care about) the other characters (that reason being " I want to know what happens to [character I already know] ").
Alright now I'm moving onto how Atlantis was canceled and why it should've been extended (Given the fact that MGM ran two shows at once during the SG-1 - Atlantis transition, it should be possible). First The fact that Atlantis was canceled and wasn't allowed a proper finale, rightly made many fans of Atlantis feel upset. Add that to the fact that Universe came basically right after and many fans had a sour taste in their mouths about Universe. Extending Atlantis to overlap with the first few seasons of Universe, would've given it the chance to come to a more satisfying conclusion and avoided the negative feelings around the Cancelation of Atlantis that may have prevented some fans from giving Universe a fair shake. Additionally as Universe was an experimental work, at least as far as the Stargate franchise is concerned, it had similar early stumbling blocks as SG-1 had as it figured out it's formula. Unsurprisingly resting the fate of a franchise on an experimental work that hasn't yet figured itself out is a ludicrously bad idea. If Stargate Atlantis continued into the early parts of Universe then Atlantis could've served as the frontrunner of the franchise whilst Universe figured itself out and familiarized itself with the fanbase. If Universe still flopped then the franchise could fall back on Atlantis until they came up with a new show to continue the franchise with, and if Universe succeeded then Atlantis would conclude and Universe would continue as the Frontrunner.
Also as far as Critiques of Universe, due to how different the vibes and all is they could've lessened up on some of the stuff, like the Nudity, in earlier seasons so that it isn't so stark of a difference. Then they could've slowly introduced it in so it's a more gradual (and therefore easier to get used to) change. Otherwise I don't quite know because I actually like Universe as it is.
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1989nihil · 6 months
aight, I'll prolly... nay definitely get hate from y'all Whovians, but.. I just got done watching "Blink" and there's this bit where the Doctor says about the Weeping Angels that:
The lonely assassins, they used to be called. [...] they have survived this long because they have the most perfect defence system ever evolved. They are quantum-locked. They don't exist when they're being observed. The moment they are seen by any other living creature, they freeze into rock. [...] they literally turn to stone. And you can't kill a stone. Of course, a stone can't kill you either. But then you turn your head away, then you blink, and oh yes it can.
They say that you can't kill a stone... but you very much can kill a stone, though? More like, you can very much destroy a stone! Just take a sledgehammer to them, and have at it, while your buddy/ies stands a safe distance away to look at them. And since those angels have no choice but to turn to stone when someone is looking at them then... tja ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Or go the SG route and slap some good ol' C4 onto 'em, that SG teams seem carry around like a pack of gum while your team mates give those Angels a good hard look... aight yeah... the second you hit the detonator and everything goes boom might be a problem, since looking directly into an explosion might not be the wisest choice you could make for your eyes' health.... unless you're weating shades... but you'd defo blink as reflex when everything goes boom, tho, and idk if that would be enough time for those stone cold assassins to get the C4 off their backs... no hold on if you plant the C4 right in the middle of their backs then they're fucked...
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ambrosykim · 1 year
i also want to point out that you're literally punished by the narrative if you don't accept rebecca's help???
from what i get from the game is if you have rebecca go with you to the auction, then you get the chance to go inside and actually try to execute your plan BUT if you outright refuse her help you won't even make it to the auction itself? (based on routes, either bobby or douglas shows up)
also sidenote: i get that there's no real stakes in any case, bc so far it's been very clear that books always end on a positive note, plus our detective can't even die (sera said she's not gonna kill the mc), and each branch, with or without rebecca, will always have the same end result anyway, with the bad guys being taken down and everyone happy and together so ultimately it shouldn't matter
HOWEVER. still, the fact that the whole plan is sidetracked by bobby/douglas showing up??? and it has nothing to do with rebecca either! it's not like she could've thwarted them without revealing herself so? it's literally just the variable is coded that way, which i assume could've been done differently! maybe how much bobby suspects or douglas is hardened?
but no, those detectives who don't want rebecca's help (i.e. likely don't have a positive relationship with rebecca) are instantly just thrown into a cell and end up getting sold at the auction? i wonder if sera wants us to forgive rebecca or sg🤔
tl;dr: so the ways it can go: you accept or refuse her help - if you accept, you get inside the auction where it's basically up to you to mess it up or not (but no real stakes either) - if you refuse, bobby/douglas shows up and gets you both taken by the trappers, messing up your plan and leaving you locked up and literally sold at the auction
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roughdaysandart · 27 days
(last time I did this shit)- 5-13-24 Progress
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School started, took the wrong bus, but I dont work for a week so I got HELLA time to catch up and get ahead! and hooray, they dont take attendance!!!
Some light SG facial expression sketches while I rode the damn bus around its entire route around the city and got to school some 2 hours later lol.
Finished CH 0 Part 2's script, so now next comes the Story Boarding (lets see how imma fit this into my scedual, oh boy)! Some sneek peeks of my fav lines below, enjoy!!!:
"He insisted. It’s like he knew."
"So why…
…why did she look?"
"She scolded herself, naturally. Watching him wasn't in her job description at all."
"[she tried to tell herself] that this was a dangerous, ruthless battle-axe of a person who couldn't be any less cold and hardened under it all....
...She tried."
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riacte · 25 days
After watching Ren for a few years, it’s nice to be able to identity his consciousness of resources and provision of resources when it comes to gaming. Sand keeper in SoT. That Blue9 SG when he was the resource keeper. Routing his Decked Out path around the berry bushes. Providing food in the early days of Hermitcraft. Gearing up in Life Series and playing defence. Now he sticks himself in the kitchen in Plateup to produce their food / resources and says that’s the only thing he’s good at. It’s a little niche he’s comfortable in and sticks to <3
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