#one day ill figure it out. i just wanna draw characters being CLOSE and SWEET and it's SO HARD
shock777archive · 5 years
Shock777′s Teen Titan universe (fan-prediction), had the animated show from 2003 had more seasons after season 5.
Honestly I wish I had time to draw/write out the Teen titans / bbrae ideas I have. I have the cutest ideas and no time to sit down and devote myself to a comic or even a fan fic anymore. :’(  I love the Teen titans/bbrae fandom so so much! There’s so much good content out there and i love sharing that content and absorbing what others have made! But again, everyone does Teen Titans/BBRAE DIFFERENT. everyone has their own headcanons on how things should go, fan characters, next gen ocs, and their own thoughts on the titans as a whole. 
I love seeing the personal ways others develop the two and their relationship. But at the end of the day, I have my own headcanons and ideas and I so badly want to share them with the world. But...no time, energy, and lack of motivation plagues me. 
But Anyway... Because I cannot devote my time to a comic or fanfic at this time, I’m going to just blabber about what I imagine in my own canon universe for the titans. 
*Note that not all of these ideas have been fleshed out. i constantly go back and re-imagine different scenarios. I have a general blueprint of how things would go, a skeleton with main events and a short timeline of sorts. but subplots, fillers, and some major details are lacking. I’ve had to invent characters/villains, but I haven’t given them much thought as of now.
 I have spent a LOT of time on this, and would love input and comments, reblogs and shares. :) I’ve been keeping this in my drafts as I progress my ideas further...so this is almost like a masterpost or something lol XD; 
Anyway, keep reading if you wanna know how i imagine the fate of the titans and bbrae’s canonization had the original 2000′s cartoon show had more seasons to work with. 
 After Season 5/ Trouble in Tokyo ends. 
There are some key things and headcanons that I have to mention before rolling any further. 
Raven is free from Trigon after the events of Season 4. She no longer has him inside of her, persuading her and influencing her. 
Star/Rob is canon. After the events of Trouble in Tokyo, the couple begin a healthy dating relationship that is full of sweetness and life. 
Kid Flash and Jinx are a thing, but their relationship is somewhat superficial at first. 
Terra is alive, but either chooses to forget her past life, or literally cannot remember her sacrifice or the titans. She has cut ties to the titans permanently.
There are remnants of Trigon remaining around the world, deep underground, and many cults that worship him exist. There is possibility of him being reformed/regenerated, however he needs a new host as Raven is no longer his host. 
The Titans have a huge following around the globe majorly in part due to Titans East and the ending of Season 5 episode “Titans Together”.
Slade is alive once more, waiting to rise up against the titans again. He has to rebuild his empire again from scratch and this will take him quite some time to do. He still may be looking for an apprentice. 
I know there are other questions/plots/things I haven’t thought about such as titans east, certain villains, and other things you all may be curious about. 
Literally just ask me what i think happened to someone/some event and re-jog my memory so I can spend time to think about said things. :) It’s been a loooooong time since 2006. XD 
The Time Skip. 
In my own headcanon/universe that takes place after the original animated 2000′s cartoon show,
there is a time skip of sorts
. a time skip of 2-3 years later where the Titans are slightly older, all over the age of 18. 
Robin- 19 Starfire-18 Cyborg-19 (the oldest of the group) Raven-18 and a half, nearly 19  Beastboy-18 (just barely turned 18). 
They all still live in the Titans Tower in Jump city, and evil still very much exists. After this timeskip, the titans would have different outfits and appearances. I’ll do my best to show them how i imagine them now: 
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About the same height as she was before the time skip. slightly bigger breasts but still on the smaller side. She wears shorts and her hair is longer and thicker. her bangs are parted to one side instead of down the middle. 
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Transitioning into Nightwing. His hair is based off of his disguise in “trouble in tokyo.” He is growing out his hair and becoming more fulfilled with his life now that Starfire is with him romantically. He is about as tall as Starfire now, and will probably grow taller than her soon. 
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(lol he basically looks the same because he is made of mechanical parts...oops! ) He is more cool-headed and loves to tease the other titans especially rob and star, about romantic things and about growing of age. 
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Her hair has started to grow out...she no longer trims it. It is a little past shoulder length now. Her breasts have grown bigger, she is about a C cup. she wears long gloves now, and matching boots. she mostly keeps her hood off unless she is going into battle. she is now officially the shortest teen titan. 
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He has the most radical change out of all the others. He matures nicely, losing the fat on his face and growing lean muscle. He grows taller, not quite as tall as robin, but taller than Raven at this point. He still has plenty of growing to do, however. His hair is now fashioned forward into a fohawk, and he is more emotionally stable. 
All of these drawings are just prototypes and can be subject to change, however I am pretty set on beastboy and Raven’s designs. ^^; they also were sketched relatively quickly so forgive the crappiness lol 
Starfire and Robin’s relationship
Starfire and Robin have been dating ever since their time in Tokyo. Starfire affirms Robin and helps him overcome his past demons. She calms him, and soothes him, and now he is less likely to freak out or obsess over villain happenings. The two are close to getting engaged at this point. They sometimes spend the night in each other’s rooms, though nothing too sexual happens. 
Cyborg likes to tease them whenever they go for dates, and he especially loves to poke fun of Robin. It is all in good fun, and mostly gives the others a good laugh. 
Sometimes their relationship can be obnoxious as starfire sometimes cannot control her urges to kiss robin at random or perform pda though robin has talked to her about it before. She is getting better though, having been dating him for about 2 years now. 
Beastboy sometimes is jealous/envious of Robin. Even though he is happy for his teammates, he wishes he could fall in love and start his own romantic ventures. Raven couldn’t care less about romance for the time being, and is rather on the outside when it comes to seeing others in relationships. 
Beastboy and his thoughts on Terra 
After the ending of Season 5, episode “Things Change”, he comes to accept that he has work to do with the Titans and he stops pursuing Terra altogether. It takes him a long time to get over her, and even after the timeskip sometimes he thinks of her and gets depressed. He really feels like he lost something...He feels like no one will ever come to accept him or like him the way Terra did. He is at war with his hormones, always trying to flirt with civilian girls and seek approval in places he shouldn’t. In the end though, he is painfully single and is bogged down with feelings of loneliness. Beastboy acts tough, confident in himself and silly around the team, but sometimes, he just needs to brood in his room. 
I always believed that had a season 6 ever was produced, beastboy and raven would have gotten together. Why did season 5 end on beastboy cutting ties with Terra, unless he was going to be set up with someone else? I always believed that last episode foreshadowed him moving on. Now that he has cut himself off from Terra and accepted her choice, i felt that it would have been an easy transition into bbrae becoming canon. 
BBRAE. a general timeline...lots of parts are missing. 
Firstly, Raven has always had a soft spot for Beastboy. It’s been shown time and time again in the 5 seasons of the original show. I want to state that i believe since Trigon is away from Raven now, she has become free in some sense, with her emotions. She still has to control herself from emoting too too much, but she is less vulnerable to exploding things with her powers come any sort of emotional distress. 
My bbrae fan-theory has a general format i usually stick to but the details of it are somewhat blurry. 
Things I MUST have in my bbrae timeline: 
There must be an obligatory moment where Raven figures out she is in love with beastboy. There is a pivotal moment after the time skip, in which it clicks for her that her friendship with him is more than just friendship. It starts off slowly..them growing together. Raven is definitely the one who falls for beastboy FIRST. I like to think of a few of these scenarios to happen in a 6th season that brings raven and beastboy closer (kind of in chronological order) : 
An episode dedicated to Raven figuring out Beastboy’s dark past with his parents and his fight with Sakutia disease. Whether it’s because he fights a bad guy from his past, becomes ill, or Raven steps into his mind. There are many ways for this kind of an episode to happen. I feel like once Raven learns that beastboy has his own skeletons in his closet, she becomes more sympathetic and nice towards him. It’s after an episode like this where she starts to call him Gar for the first time on special occasions. 
An episode surrounding beastboy and Raven on a mission together, similar to when Raven had to go on her own to take care of Melvin, Timmy and Teether (episode “Hide and Seek”). A mission in which they are placed together and alone while the others are on other missions. I haven’t thought of what kind of mission it could be and how long it would last. I play around with the idea that raven and beastboy are chosen to be together based on their abilities so the mission would incorporate that. During this mission they are together alone and things could happen to bring Raven closer to him. Things like :
-Raven and Beastboy getting caught in a storm together and are forced to take shelter  -Raven witnessing Beastboy being good with people/children/the elderly and it makes her smile  -Raven and Beastboy forced to share a room/bed for the night (I realllyyyyy like this trope tbh ;A;) Beastboy could be accidentally cuddling Raven in his sleep and Raven could wake up to it. That, or Raven wakes up earlier than beastboy and notices him sleeping and she stares at his handsome, serene face and remarks, “...you know...I’ve never seen him look this...peaceful.” THERE ARE MANY THINGS THAT COULD HAPPEN WITH THIS KIND OF TROPE AND I CAN’T SETTLE ON JUST ONE IDEA asdjkfhalkjsdfhaf -Good teamwork and sense of flow with each other when fighting bad guys. I need at least one good fight sequence of the two of them kicking ass and beastboy asking for a high-five afterwards from Raven xD  -Raven and Beastboy getting ready to leave their mission having completed it, and Beastboy says something along the lines of, “I’m actually glad I was paired with you of all people Raven. Had it been anyone else, I might have ended up failing my mission.” 
An episode where Raven is in danger, and Beastboy Transforms into the Beast to save her, getting nearly mortally wounded in the process. This would be the definitive episode, where Raven comes to realize her feelings for beastboy. I imagine that Beastboy and Raven have an argument earlier in the episode, where Raven walks away from it feeling like he doesn’t like her and still thinks she’s creepy. But the argument ends up being a misunderstanding on Raven’s part, and Beastboy was actually meaning something as a nice gesture. After she realizes Beastboy’s sacrifice, she visits him in the infirmary as he recovers. He is out of it for several hours and she feels awful about their argument, having nearly lost him. When he comes to, Raven asks him “why?...why did u go so far..for me? I thought you didn’t like me...” Beastboy would then reply with a heartfelt compliment to raven, and it would be revealed that the argument was a misunderstanding. Beastboy would smile and shrug off his wounds. He would say a heartfelt/emotional one liner, (don’t know what it is yet) but the moment he says it raven’s heart lights up and she feels love for the first time. she would inner monologue, “what...what is this? what’s...happening to me?” it would zoom in on beastboy’s smile and she would have a surge of all the memories of them up to that point, overflowing her until she nearly falls backward. Beastboy would ask her if she was ok, as she stumbles a little... and raven would say that she was fine and glad hes doing better...she would leave the room calm and cool , leaving beastboy none the wiser. The episode would end on that, but it would be the start to their relationship. 
There would be other episodes and sillier lighthearted stuff surrounding the other characters. but in every other episode there would be cute bbrae moments every now and then sprinkled in. moments like: 
-Beastboy shirtless in the training room, Raven oogling him on accident when trying to locate another team member.  -An ending scene on an episode where the titans all look at the sunset, and raven looks over at beastboy, shining in the light. his handsome features would shine through, and she would blush and avert her eyes. he wouldn’t notice her gaze, of course.  -A moment where beastboy flirts with raven jokingly, but Raven just stays silent, confusing beastboy who was accepting a snide remark in return  -Raven having a nightmare about beastboy dying or getting hurt, and she goes to check on him in the middle of the night. He would be sleeping in his new queen size bed (i have a headcanon that he gets rid of his bunk beds sometime during the timeskip) and Raven would smile at his peaceful face.  -Beastboy catching raven as she falls during a fight, Raven blushing and pushing away from him immediately  -A moment in which Beastboy flirts with some civilian girls who laugh at him and reject him, and he moves on, without noticing raven was watching the whole time. She then explodes the girls’ drinks they were carrying in a form of rage and jealousy XD 
I have many other ideas too for random moments. But now back to the main skeleton: 
An episode in which Beastboy is upset because he sees Terra passing by on the street. He is reminded of his status as a single man, and sees love and romance everywhere he goes. he cannot escape it, coming home to star and rob shenanigans and cyborg is too busy teasing them that beastboy seeks solace with Raven. He admits how he felt about terra and how he feels lonely. Raven tries to keep her sadness and jealousy under wraps, and confides in beastboy that she feels alone too. beastboy assumed she was like not into romance or anything like that, to which raven replies with a blush and a comment like, “I’m a human too you know.” Beastboy would feel better after talking with her, and would end the episode by telling Raven that if she ever felt lonely, they could hang out sometime. raven would smile and say, “i said i was lonely, not desperate.” BB would roll his eyes and leave her room, smiling and saying that the offer was on the table still. 
This episode would be the one that makes beastboy fall for Raven. I have no idea how it would start, but beastboy would invite Raven to go hang out with him. Raven would begrudgingly agree, and would be dragged into a friendly outing with her crush. Beastboy would ask raven to hold onto him as they rode his moped (sometime acquired between the timeskip), and raven would blush. they would wear civilian clothes during this outing. They would see a movie, and go to the bookstore. As Raven became comfortable being around beastboy, they even go to an arcade and raven starts getting into the videogames and kicking beastboys butt at his favorite games. Raven becomes so relaxed that she lets her guard down, and at one moment beastboy would make a joke about something silly, and raven would giggle and laugh out loud. Immediately, raven would realize what she had done and cover her mouth with her hands and blush. Beastboy meanwhile, just gasps and stares at her with big eyes. “did...did you just....laugh at one of my jokes?!” Raven would turn around and blush madly, saying nothing. Beastboy would then cock an eyebrow and smile the biggest smile he ever had. “After all tHESE YEARS! you think I’m funny!” Raven would blush and reply, “....one funny joke out of millions doesn’t make you funny beastboy.” Beastboy then steps back and notices something..he notices how she isn’t meeting his eyes with the regular cold, jeering glare but how she is really flustered and her eyes look soft..he sees the pink blush on her cheeks and realizes that he is correct... that she really DID think he was funny all those years...He also begins to suspect that in that moment, raven was actually...into him. Beastboy blushes deeply and starts stuttering, but then a few teenage civilians would walk by and interrupt the moment. “Hey it’s beastboy and Raven! cool! C-can we have a picture with you guys?! wow i can’t believe the teen titans are here!” The teens would snap a photo with the two blushing titans, and then start walking away. As they walk away, raven and beastboy overhear one of the girls state, “Wow they’re so cute! I never knew those two were a thing!” Raven and beastboy would blush furiously and beastboy would yell, “W-We’re JUST FRIENDS!” back at the civilians who are out of earshot. When he turns to raven, she looks beyond mortified. Beastboy’s ears droop as he feels like she is embarrassed to be with him. meanwhile raven is feeling the same, thinking that beastboy would never date a creep like her. They ride home on the moped in silence. As they return, raven thanks beastboy for the outing. he stutters and thanks her too. there is an awkward silence. “So, uh....” Beastboy would start, but raven would turn, say “goodnight.” and then leave the room. 
An episode in which Beastboy fights Adonis again. Adonis threatens to hurt Raven and the other titans, but Raven doesn’t know that when beastboy and Adonis stand off, its about her. the team is separated from the fight. Beastboy ends up kicking adonis’s ass, but is beaten up pretty badly. by the time raven and the other titans get to beastboy, he collapses into starfire’s arms who catches him from falling. before he loses consciousness, he sees raven and smiles at her with a swollen black eye and beat up face. “Raven...good...y-you’re safe...now...” he passes out at that point, leaving the team to stare at raven and raven just as confused as everyone else. 
An episode in which Raven finally admits her feelings for beastboy to herself.  this episode would delve into her psyche again and feature her emotions again. she would be losing control of her powers, similar to the episode “Fear itself.” because she is denying her love for beastboy. she doesn’t want to pursue it in fear that he wont like her and fear of hurting him. When danger raises its head, beastboy is in trouble and is unable to be rescued by the rest of the team. They try, but no one is strong enough to overcome the villain without raven’s help. But raven is not able to use her powers because she is denying passion within her. Seeing Beastboy being held by a shocking device, each time the titans get close, the villain shocks beastboy and makes him scream in pain and agony. Raven finally cannot stand it, and her powers activate again. However, she isnt channeling all of her emotions together like in the episode “nevermore.” She is leaving passion out. Raven finds that she isn’t strong enough to defeat the foe, and finally gives in and accepts her passion for beastboy. As soon as passion enters the equation, raven becomes at least 10% more powerful than before. her love for beastboy fuels her, and gives her the extra edge to defeat the villain.  beastboy is rescued by Raven who frantically takes the shocks off of his ankles and wrists. He starts to thank her, but is interrupted by her hugging him tightly, still fueled by her love for him. beastboy blushes and is shocked. raven holds him for a second, tenderly and closely. the episode ends there. 
And I still have many more episode ideas that I’m currently working on. The skeleton would continue with one more final episode where beastboy and raven would finally confess to one another. I dont know what would force the confession, and i have no clue if either beastboy would confess first or raven would. Maybe people can give me ideas? :) I just have so many ideas of how it would all go. i lean more towards raven confessing first. because beastboy is so patient with her. 
So the very very basic outline for bbrae canonization would be: 
- Raven falls for beastboy first, Raven gets closer to beastboy, beastboy falls for raven, raven admits to herself that she loves him, either beastboy or raven confess their love to the other, they begin dating. 
Once Beastboy and Raven are a couple 
I have a headcanon that Raven would want their relationship to be a secret for a while. although they have confessed their attraction to one another, their romance is slow at first and is kept secret from the rest of the team. Beastboy is patient with raven, and accepts the fact that she isnt ready to go public with their love. The couple would give knowing glances to one another throughout the day, sometimes spend the night in each others rooms, send late night text messages, and secretly pine for one another while the other teammates are none the wiser. 
I also have a headcanon that they dont share a first kiss for a while yet. beastboy is very hormonal and wants raven badly, but he is very patient and wants her to initiate it because he doesnt want to make her uncomfortable. Eventually it would happen, raven initiating it of course. she would probably kiss him quickly on the cheek, but beastboy would be so shocked and overcome by love that he would turn her face back to him, look her in the eyes, and they gently would both come closer and lock lips for the first time. 
Starfire would eventually become the first one to know of the pair’s relationship shortly after robin proposed to her. i havent settled on how she would find out, but it would happen and their secret relationship would finally be announced to the rest of the team. at star and robs wedding, raven accidentally catches the bouquet, to star’s delight. 
After beastboy and raven become a thing, raven almost exclusively calls beastboy “gar” or “garfield.” 
As beastboy and raven grow older, beastboy changes his name to Changeling around the same time Robin becomes nightwing. 
Another Time Skip
There would be another time skip near the end of the Teen Titans series, foreshadowing a spin off series about the teen titans next gen (lol i steal too many ideas from kishimoto-sensei lolololol) There are a few things that would happen. 
Starfire and Robin become parents in their early 20′s. It’s after Starfire announces her pregnancy that bb and rae get married. 
(*the rest of the series is based off of my original comic about beastboy and raven’s married life and the birth of their first child. If you want to read that comic, please go here.  ) 
Beastboy and Raven would have a child two years after starfire and robin have their daughter. 
Kid flash and Jinx would have a child too around the same time. Cyborg would adopt a child. 
About a year and a half after their first child is born, beastboy and raven would have a second child. 
The series would end, showing yet another time skip where their kids are now living in the tower, grown up into their teens themselves. the next generation would begin. 
So...yeah. lol obviously i have to work out this narrative, but that’s generally how I see bbrae becoming a thing. I know there are other things i glossed over. such as slade and other characters. but i mainly only hypothesize about my ship becoming canon tbh lolololol. 
I have designs for the next gen kids, 
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And i’m currently working on more designs and a plot for the next gen series. lol 
but you get NO SPOILERS for the next gen ! >:C 
Let’s just say that old enemies return, family bonds are tested, and the old titans and the next gen titans have to work together to defeat the ultimate evil. 
Anyway, thanks sooooooo much for reading all of this! ;A; 
If you read all of this, congratulations you are now one of my favorite people ;W; 
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Please send me questions, suggestions, critiques, and please like and reblog...I would love your input! :3 This is just my version of how bbrae should be done. i love reading fanfics and other’s stories. let’s all share in the glory of bbrae shipping and hope for a season six one day xDDDDD 
But yeah. Thank you. :) And I am out! xoxoxo 
-Alex, Dec 2018- 
(may edit later with updated thoughts, ideas and timelines.) 
148 notes · View notes
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Aren’t you a little to old to be trick-or-treating?
written by: nwfanmega
read more of @nwfan‘s works at FFN
“Andre Anthony!” Michonne shouted, stumbling on the slick hardwood floor as she chased the wet, naked toddler down the long hallway. “Get back here now!”
He turned back to look at her, gleeful eyes grounding her in place as his mischievous grin tugged at her heart. The two years since Mike’s passing had been the most brutal, numbing of her– their entire lives. Over a year of waking to her own tears soaking the blankets shrouding her underfed, sleep-deprived body had morphed into months of mornings being roused by cheerful laughter emanating from her rambunctious baby boy.
Today was Halloween and her energetic imp had tickled her awake as if it were Christmas morning. His infectious excitement carried them through the day as they carved lopsided pumpkins, filled a comically enormous bowl with assorted treats, and meticulously decorated their front porch with spiderwebs and skeletons.
All the activity made a bath necessary and after the end of Andre’s tub-time, he’d insisted on retrieving the clawed gloves Auntie Sasha had expertly fashioned to accompany his costume. Seeing the bright smile on his face warmed her from the inside out, making it impossible for Michonne to willfully tap down his enthusiasm.
After all, this had been Mike’s favorite holiday too. The elaborate couples’ costumes he would sweet-naturedly charm her into wearing had created distinct memories she could hold close for the rest of her life. Cleopatra and Mark Antony. Samson and Delilah. She was always his strong, resilient warrior.
It had been forever since she’d felt like his fearless fighter. The return of his illness had dropped her into depths of despair from which salvation seemed unreachable. But she had this tender-hearted boy to raise, who they’d agreed was the very best parts of both of them.
“Sorry Mommy,” he pouted, dropping his head as he bounced from one foot to the other. “Just wanna make sure I put it on ‘fore trick treaters come.”
He stepped on the tips of his toes, reaching over to the console in the foyer to grab the box holding the gloves for his costume.
“Ok baby,” she gently said, smiling as she dropped to her knees and opened the towel in her hands.
He ran back, jumping into her arms as she peppered his baby-soft face with kisses until he squirmed to be released.
“Ready for treat trick Mommy?” he asked, cupping her face with his little hands.
She nodded, wrapping the towel around his still damp body before lifting him up and carrying him to his room.
As soon as she dropped him at his door, he scurried to his dresser, opening the lowest drawer and pulling out his favorite T’Challa underwear. He slipped them on, then turned to his mother, waiting expectantly for her to help him put on the rest of his outfit.
Michonne opened his closet door, pulling out the garment bag carrying the costume Sasha had painstakingly made for her favorite nephew. Unzipping it, she pulled it out and turned to gauge Andre’s reaction.
She closed her eyes as tears slipped past her lids. If she could have bottled his expression and saved it forever, she would have. Silently, he clasped his hand over his mouth as he stared at the meticulously crafted creation.
He held his arms up as she helped him slip his little legs into the bottom half of the suit, before gliding it up his torso and spinning him around to zip the back.
“Wow!” she exclaimed, stepping back and spinning him towards the mirror. “You’re Black Panther.”
She watched Andre’s eyes widened, his little eyebrows rising so high she could easily count the creases on his forehead.
“I am, Mommy,” he whispered, tilting his head to look up at her with awe-filled eyes.
“Remember, I answer the door,” Michonne began, looking down at an eager Andre while adjusting her gold collar. “But you get to hand out the candy.”
Andre nodded solemnly, laser-focused on the overflowing bowl next to the front door. He’d insisted on matching outfits, having spent what turned out to be a very long week vacillating between Shuri and Okoye, finally deciding his fierce mother was Okoye; ready to battle evil by the Black Panther’s side.
Michonne glanced at the hallway mirror, taking in the red faux-leather breastplate Sasha had painstakingly drafted, cut out, and hand-delivered with explicit instructions on how to sew everything together. Sasha’s design sensibilities hadn’t rubbed off on her, but the hours spent in high school sewing her best friend’s artistic creations had. So while fairly adept at following the directions, she couldn’t have put together such an ensemble without Sasha’s inventive flare – and latent OCD – driving the endeavor.
The bell rang, startling her and drawing a loud giggle from Andre.
“It’s showtime!” Michonne exclaimed, squeezing his hand as she walked to the door.
Andre anxiously hopped up and down as she reached over his head and opened the front door. She tried to swiftly absorb the scene in front of her, shifting between one partially masked pair of crystal blue eyes to another, observing what could only be father and son.
“Trick or Treat!” the young boy enthusiastically chirped.
“Mommy!” Andre exclaimed, squeezing around her legs to stand in front of the visitors. “He’s Black Panther too! I told you there’d be another one!”
Michonne laughed as Andre made his way over to the little boy who’d been partly obscured by his father, but now stood proudly in front. As the boys admired each other’s outfits, Michonne turned her attention to the father, who slowly lifted the glass panel of his Iron Man helmet to reveal a tangle of damp curls plastered to his forehead.
“Boy, didn’t take into account how hot this thing was gonna be,” he announced, sweeping the curls from his forehead. “I’m Rick and that’s Carl. I believe we’re neighbors. Just moved up the street.”
“Nice to meet you,” Michonne smiled, leaning out of the doorway to take his outstretched hand. “I’m Michonne and my Black Panther is Andre.”
“Did a fine job with that,” he quietly said, conspiratorially leaning in and closing the space between them. “Pretty sure Carl’s gonna be talkin’ ‘bout it for weeks. I got his online, but yours… Wow. Both of yours are awfully impressive.”
His eyes quickly scanned her body, before making their way back up to her eyes.
“No, no, no” she giggled, shaking her head and gesturing between herself and Andre. “All of this is the work of a very good, very talented friend. I probably would’ve been knee-deep in the sales bin at Walmart.”
“Sounds like a good friend.”
“She is,” Michonne quietly replied.
“Don’t tell me you’re all decked out and only handing out candy,” Rick exclaimed, turning to watch the boys showing of their best moves on the porch.
“Andre was really excited about his costume. Less so about going out. I guess we’re homebodies… Plus, I’m pretty sure he thinks there’s gonna be a lot left at the end of the night. He turns three in December and doesn’t remember last year when the neighborhood cleared us out by 8pm.”
“I know how that is,” Rick said, nodding slowly. “Carl turned seven in June and still talks about how we didn’t get out early enough last year, leading to his ‘diminished haul.’ Not even sure where he got that from, to tell the truth. Had to promise this year we’d head out as soon as the sun set.”
“Andre’s started remembering stuff like this,” Michonne said wistfully, eyes dropping to her shiny patent leather boots. “Figured this would be a good year to start doing it up.”
“Loved that age,” Rick said, noting the caution in her eyes as she brought them back up to meet his. “Wish I coulda’ kept Carl there a bit longer…”
“Well, you seem to be doing just fine,” Michonne noted, watching Andre show Carl how the claws were attached to his gloves.
Rick turned to look at the boys.
“Wasn’t really sure Black Panther was, you know, appropriate for Carl. But it is his favorite character…”
“It’s appropriate for any kid who loves the character.”
The air stilled between them as they quietly gazed at each other. Something about the twinkle in Rick’s eyes calmed her in a way she hadn’t felt in a long time. She didn’t quite know what to make of it.
“Carl loves the comics, but I’m terrible with stuff like that. Can’t keep the characters straight to save my life. I only picked Iron Man ‘cause that’s the one I usually remember. I’m a disappointment to my seven year old.”
“Then lucky for you, Carl now has neighbors well-versed in all things Marvel. He’ll never have to suffer in silence again.”
“Wanna go trick-or-treating with us?” he asked, laughing at her teasing dig.
She was fun. He could get used to this.
“Aren’t you a little too old to be trick-or-treating?” she smirked, pointing at the plastic pumpkin in his hand.
He grinned, eyes falling to the ground, before rising and getting lost, once again, in her dazzling smile. He couldn’t remember the last time a woman had registered in his consciousness like this. Maybe this was the fresh start he needed too. He looked over at Carl, bending down so Andre could whisper into his ear.
“Nah,” Rick replied, biting his bottom lip as he turned his full attention back to Michonne. “Never too old for a little bit’a fun.”
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homosociallyyours · 5 years
2018 Fic Year in Review
I know I’m ridiculously late with this, but here we go. I was tagged (weeks ago! yike!) by @horsegirlharry -- thank you, dear!! I appreciate it <3
1. Number of stories (including drabbles) posted to AO3: 34! 11 of those are from the seasonal drabble fests, and 8 are short little ficlets under 1k, but that’s A LOT more than I’ve ever posted in a year before. 
2. Word count posted for the year: 118,598. I know this is nothing for a lot of folks, but this is easily double what I’ve written in the entire time I’ve had an AO3 account up til now. I have always said that it’s important to keep writing if you feel like it even if you only have a few readers, but this is change in stats is all down to people liking, commenting on, and sharing my works. It really makes a difference to have other writers rec your work and be excited about what you’re writing, so...support your fellow content creators, people! 
3. List of works published this year (in order of posting) I’m not gonna link drabbles, but they’re easy enough to find if you wanna! -Are You Gonna Be My Girl -In 36 Questions or Less -This Opening Monologue Studies Rainbows -4am -One of Those Days When You’ve Got Nothing On -I’ll Say It Everyday -Talk That Talk -I Love It When We Play 1950 -Mudpies -Just Swipe Right -Ready to Run Away -The World It Turns, No Matter What -These Days I Don’t Even Know Myself -Half of the Story -Just to See That Smile -In the Cards -Can’t Beat the Heat/Taste on Your Tongue/Cool Cool Cool -I Believe it This Time -Our Own Little French Club -I’m Half a Heart Without You, Baby -You Shine Like the Real Thing -On the Road Again With You -A Love So True You Don’t Have to Be Afraid -Our House (It’s A Very Fine House) -Are You Thorny, Baby? -When Everything is Perfect -Our Friends Keep Talkin’ About Us -The Christmas Lift -The Cold/Comfort/Christmas Cuddles -You Bring Us Together (Can’t Tear Us Apart)
4. Fandoms I wrote for: All the fic I published on AO3 was for One Direction, though I did publish a few ficlets for Sherlock (this is my favorite of those, a little parentlock featuring genderqueer Ro Watson)
5. Pairings: Harry/Louis, Liam/Zayn, Sherlock/John
6. Story with the most hits: Talk That Talk with 3531 hits
7. Story with the most kudos: The Christmas Lift with 264
8. Story with the most comments: The Christmas Lift with 22 comment threads
9. Work I’m most proud of (and why): Probably “You Bring Us Together (Can’t Tear Us Apart)” because it was ot5 and I really struggled with working out some of the plot points near the end. 
10. Work I’m least proud of (and why): None. Writing isn’t easy and I do the best that I can with everything I write :)
11. A favorite excerpt of your writing: UGHHH THIS WAS TOO HARD. So eventually I gave up and picked this little bit from “Our Own Little French Club” because I love Harry’s sweet gay fantasy moment. “Maybe next semester. I requested it, anyway,” Louis said, clicking to the red ink of Harry’s four color pen and doodling in the margins of the notebook in front of her. With anyone else, Harry would’ve requested they move to a new page. But Louis? She could leave her mark wherever she liked.That thought spurred on a fantasy of Louis drawing a line up from Harry’s bare knee and under the soft fabric of her skirt, the pen skidding over her skin until Louis held it taut with her free hand. A free hand that could slide up, too. Up and--“Hazza.” Louis’ voice interrupted Harry’s reverie and she closed her eyes to clear the images from her head. “Did you hear what I asked?”
12. Share or describe a favorite review you received: The reviews on “You Shine Like the Real Thing” are my absolute favorite because a lot of people have said that they’ve struggled with what Harry struggles with in the fic--figuring out their identity and expression as they come out as LGBTQ+  As someone who struggled to find the femme identity that feels like my home, I’m glad to be able to share some of that through fiction. 
13. A time when writing was really, really hard: Always, honestly! I’m struggling with fatigue and chronic illness, and some days I just don’t have the ability or energy to focus and get words out coherently. 
14. A scene or character you wrote that surprised you: Writing as Louis in my 5 days of Louis series (incomplete, but the final fic is actually pretty much finished and just needs a little polish) was surprising for me, because I think it was one of the first times I wrote from Louis’ POV and I found it so comfortable.
15. How did you grow as a writer this year: I wrote longer fics than I ever had before--that’s probably the main thing. I also signed up for the big bang and am working on a fic that will end up being twice as long as the longest thing I’ve written so far, so that’s pretty big for me too! 
16. How do you hope to grow next year: I’d like to maybe set word goals for myself to meet every month and do my best to publish fic more regularly (in addition to doing challenges)
17. Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc): My beta, @statementlou, has been my number one cheerleader and inspiration, always giving me prompts when I need them and encouraging me to keep writing when I felt like walking away from something. @harryincamp has also been there for me and always supports my fics in the best ways. I’m glad we met on here!  Also, the community of writers in the 1d fandom has been such a positive influence!! I’m gonna tag a ton of people, though I’ll probably leave some people out. Basically I felt welcomed and included by so many people right from the start of joining this fandom. So. Massive thanks to: @lululawrence, @horsegirlharry, @gaycousinlarry, @fullonlarrie, @suddenclarityharry, @disgruntledkittenface, @crinkle-eyed-boo, @rosegoldhlfics, @allwaswell16, @a-brighter-yellow, and @helloamhere I KNOW I AM FORGETTING PEOPLE. FUCK!!!  
18. Anything from your real life show up in your writing this year: Yeah, basically writing girl direction has allowed me to bring a lot of my life to my writing. Lesbian not-dates? Femme identity issues? Definitely my life. Also my last fic of the year, the ot5 reunion fic, was set in the Bay Area, which let me use some of my experiences living here. I’ll probably do that more this year, tbh!
19. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers: If you like something another writer has done, comment and subscribe to their work and don’t be afraid to message them. Most people want to talk about their work, and having people to message with when you’re struggling to feel inspired is immensely helpful. 
20. Any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year: MY BIG BANG FIC OMG!!! It’s a girl direction AU set in a lesbian bookstore in 1970s NYC, and I’m loving writing it so far.  After that’s done, I’m thinking of tackling the Sherlock/1D crossover fic that I’ve been scheming over for a year now. It’s time!!  Beyond that...I’ve no idea! 
21. Tag some writers whose answers you’d like to read. OK, I’m pretty sure I’ve seen this thing from a lot of people in the 1d fandom, so I’m just going to tag some writers in other fandoms and folks I don’t *think* have done it. If you haven’t done it yet and want to, please do!! Tag me in so I see your answers :) 
@aprillikesthings @velvetnoodle @zooeyscigar @perpetuallyvex @ennisgarlaend @pendragoff
This was a lot of fun! Thank you for giving me the chance to look back over the year <3 I hope some other folks will do the same!!
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grimbarkcoffee · 5 years
Who are your Oc's ??
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Here's my toyhouse if you wanna look into them more: here
Characters in my toyhouse page that aren't mentioned here are adopts,,
Kaimi is like, my #1 oc. I love them to death, and I've been working on a chunk of their story as of late (my poor sketch book is filled with notes)
Kaimi is a scientist. They study in the fields of virology, neurology and biology. They've made quite a few outbreaks in scientific history; one specifically is a emotion suppressant. Basically it suppresses anger, tiredness, hunger (and whatever else is connected to that part of the brain, I've forgotten the name of the part but oh well). You insert by the lower spinal cord. There's a specific bone in the spine that connects to the part of the brain.
They're dating Maylea (dare I say that they're married, but they're not. Might be something in the future though). Maylea and Kaimi have multiple adopted children; they were either homeless queer children/teens that were kicked out, or from adoption centers. They try to adopt/take in queer children/teens for the sake of showing them that it's okay to be queer. Kaimi also helps people transition, considering they're basically a millionaire at this point.
The current big project of their story I've been working on (which I wasn't gonna tell anyone about but I'm so excited I can't help it) is their learning facility. There are a heap of rules, do's and don'ts, and guidelines. Something Kaimi is very strict on when it comes to accepting someone into the facility to study is no queerphobia, racism, sexism. They also enforce those with mental illnesses to visit one of the counselors on site at least 2 times a week. There's also Transitioning being covered if there's a trans student that wants to transition.
To the public they're seen as cold, focused, determined etc. To Maylea and their children, they're a loving, gentle person (more info on her toyhouse profile).
That's all I can really think up of on the spot.
My newest oc, I made them because I'm called coffee by most of my friends.
There's not much about them except for a couple of facts
Is only close to a couple of people
Prefers fiction over reality
Secluded + very guarded
Favourite song is Ghosts by Jeremy Zucker.
Her name has a meaning (I can't remember the meaning but it's on her toyhouse prof). There's no backstory so far, and in general i only have likes and facts
Cries a lot
Hour Glass body figure
X-ray Tech (Her job)
Does creative writing in her spare time
Has a fuck ton of freckles
Ace + demibiromantic
Takes like, 20 bobby pins to secure her bun
Pastel pink
Cardigans + sweater
Smoothies and milkshakes
My witchsona! That's all really,, she has some stuff about her on her toyhouse prof but I can't remember the stuff.
Kaimi's gf!!!! She's a librarian, studying to be an astronomer (+ astronomy teacher possibly).
There's a lot of information about her on her prof, I love her to bits, she's also my #1 oc with Kaimi. They're both just,, special to me.
She's also a really cute dork with incredibly messy hair and lots of freckles and two different coloured eyes (I forgot the name for it). She also wears tops, sweaters, hoodies with space jokes/puns on them. Blame Kaimi and their children for constantly buying one as soon as they see it for Maylea.
Also fun fact: Maylea loves space puns and one day Kaimi got her a massive book full of space puns and jokes. It's Maylea's favourite book
Another fun fact: loves strawberry milk :P
Erilia & Ikaika:
Dungeons and dragons characters.
Flifi, Mallory, Clari and Mina:
WIP ocs
My sweet bean. Her toyhouse prof has a lot of information on it, I can't remember anything tbh. She is one of my favourite OCS though.
Still trying to decide if she's dating Beri or not
I actually haven't really drawn or worked on her in a long time,, and I can't remember anything so.. oops
Fun fact: I made this dork for a drawing competition (Light & Dark was the theme).
She's uh, pretty interesting that's for sure. Has a few things that are heavily linked to me (addiction to sh, 80's aesthetic etc).
More info on her prof + her reference sheet.
That's all I can remember :(
I've put her story on hold for a while now, but she's a species I've created (Hybrid of a mermaid and Elf).
I have no idea if I've written anything about her personality or anything so check her prof if you want.
Mmm I love to view her as like,, dangerous in the sense of does dangerous errands and some,, interesting stuff. Ultimately a fucking angst train and I created her while listening to a song called Nancy (I can't remember who the song is by).
Rasul Kerere:
This Bab has been made for a friend's story, about a species they've made.
Bubblegum + Honey:
Part of my personal project INGAB (It's not getting any better) also inspired by the song it's not getting any better by InnerPartySystem.
They're spies, pretty sure they're gay for each other but I can't remember if that's canon or not in my notes.
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