sineala · 8 months
🌤️Share your favorite piece of dialogue from your WIP.
Man, I reblogged this meme and then wandered away from Tumblr for a week. Whoops!
Um. Hmm. From the mind control WIP, a 616 Steve/Tony story that is currently 90,000 words of Tony with a mind-control collar accidentally locked around his neck (yeah, IDK either), here is Tony explaining to Steve why Steve's plan to figure out whether Tony might possibly be queer by reading celebrity tell-all books is a bad plan:
"Shh, it's okay. It really is. Breathe. You're fine." Tony half-smiles. "Also, for the record, you picked one of the least accurate ways to try to figure out if I could like you. Those tell-all books are approximately 6.25% correct about my love life."
Steve blinks. "That's a very precise approximation."
"Eh," Tony says. He wobbles his other hand illustratively. "It's a ballpark figure. I'm guessing, of all the people willing to talk to the press about being with me, maybe 50% of the people in the book have ever actually even met me. The other half really wanted the money and don't mind lying, and the scummier publishers definitely don't fact-check. Of that 50% who have met me, maybe half of them are people I actually went out with. The other half, maybe I turned them down, maybe I was busy, maybe I accidentally stood them up because Kang was literally punching me into next week, whatever. So now we're at 25%. And then maybe half of them, which I would like to stress is an extremely generous estimate on my part, are people I liked enough that I actually slept with them. That's 12.5%. And then you figure maybe half of them are actually telling the truth about what that was like, and not exaggerating anything to make them look better and me look worse, or whatever their agenda is. So that's at best 6.25% of those tell-alls that are true, and I can tell you from an extremely informal survey of some of them that the six percent that's true -- let's just say, it definitely isn't any of the real exciting parts."
Honestly I am pleased with the extremely scientific estimates I came up with and also "Kang was literally punching me into next week" lolololol.
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copperbadge · 1 year
Answers About Stretching Docs
I'll be interested to hear if this trick works. I would have thought the leather being also in a frozen environment wouldn't be a good combo. I've alternately heard of putting wet newspaper in shoes and then letting it dry, a similar method. Can't say i've ever tried it myself though. I always go for buying the bigger size and putting a inner-sole in. Also, if this doesn't work for you, a lot of shoe-repair places will have special tools for stretching shoes!
The problem in this case is that buying the bigger size, because they don’t have half-sizes, means buying a massively bigger size. Like, an inch of clearance between toe and end of toe-box in my right foot bigger. I bought about four pairs in three different sizes, to make sure, but yeah these are a ten and the eleven is just comically massive on me.
Usually I buy a half size because the half-size isn’t so small that my left foot hurts, while being small enough that my right foot more or less fits. I also can’t use most insoles because I have flat arches and wide feet, but putting an insole into the right boot wouldn’t help anyway with the fact that no part of the shoe except the sole touches my right foot at the larger size :D 
It’s perplexing to me that Docs don’t offer half sizes; there seems to be no benefit and quite a few downsides. IDK why the last pair fit so perfectly, given I got them from a secondhand store decades ago, but depending on how these docs perform I probably won’t buy another pair unless I can buy one that fits from the jump. 
Oh, I have a pair of leather cowboy boots that are a little tight, did this really work? No damage to the leather?
None that I can see, but you have to bear in mind this leather is a lot thinner and more flexible than cowboy boot leather. Someone did the actual calculations on the website and water expands roughly 9% when frozen, but as they pointed out, realistically that’s only 2% in any given direction, so you don’t get a ton of expansion, just enough to stretch the leather. When I checked the boot with the frozen water in bags inside it, there were many places where the water hadn’t expanded into the area at all (the toe box, for example). I’d google to see if other people have tried it before trying it yourself. 
It seems to have worked to an extent -- the problem area for me was the seam where the tongue was sewn into the boot at the end of the laces, and that loosened somewhat after two days in the freezer. Enough that I could shove a soda can into the foot to continue stretching it, anyway, which I couldn’t before. 
I was fully prepared to accept they were olives and that you knew what you were about
Maybe you can freeze olives! I have no idea. :D But I didn’t want people to be like “Sam, olives, why.” :D 
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ladyflamewing · 5 months
Randomly dropping in to ask if you've seen the YYH live action yet, or if you plan to?
I did! And I mostly have good feelings about it - I thought the casting was great, I really liked the interactions between characters, and unsurprisingly Kuwabara ended up being far and away my favorite part (with Botan a surprising second - her actress is SO cute).
I felt like the accelerated timeline definitely made some story bits hit differently and lose some of their emotional impact from the series, and I'm pretty sad about the elimination of a lot of really strong secondary characters (Puu, in particular, and pretty much everyone from the Dark Tournament arc).
But I was primarily worried that it would be really awful and that I would absolutely hate it, and that's not at all what happened - I quite enjoyed the experience!
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kurowrites · 2 months
[tell me about a character or story that is giving you shrimp emotions right now]
Omg have you heard about our lord and savior Jason Todd? I have long given up on DC canon, but this poor boy was literally picked up from the streets, thrust into high society, murdered, resurrected, dunked in the Lazarus Pit and then went off the rails in various interesting ways. Look at the poor little meow meow. LOOK AT HIM. Bruce could never.
*breathes into a paper bag*
I need to stop here because I have Emotions about Jason Todd.
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inukagome15 · 1 year
Last Words of WIP Meme
“They tend to worry,” Michael said after a moment. “It seems to be a very human thing.”
“I am also worried about you,” Raphael said. “I’m not human.”
She definitely felt worried. “There’s no need to worry, Raphael.”
“Isn’t there?” A hint of frustration crept into Raphael’s voice. “I can tell something is wrong. I don’t know what it is, but I know something is.”
Michael watched her for a moment. “There’s nothing wrong.”
I was tagged by @kurowrites ! Thanks very much for the tag.
Tagging…who’s still writing nowadays? @onemuseleft , @sineala , and other people who write?
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Timeout - superhero verse
At some point, I'll figure out where this one is going 😅
WIP Wednesday - make me write | Timeout
"I was on call, so it was a fairly quiet weekend. Grizzly Bear had a bit of a scare, but it turned out to be appendicitis and not a poisoning."
Mariah snorted. "Jasper must've had a conniption."
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adelfie · 2 years
OKAY i also can’t stop thinking about crime lords and literature!!! the last chapter was literally perfect fluff and i love the way you write the jason + tim dynamic 😭 do you have any fav batfam recs?
AHHHH thank you so much, friend!!! 💖 You are literally so sweet, and I am THRIVING to know that the fluff made people feel happy! Also I am constantly on the lookout for batfam fics, and I'm more than happy to share my favs that I love coming back to. They made my heart go like 📉📈📈📈📉📉📈📉📈 in the best way:
A Meditation on Railroading by eggmacguffin (@eggmacguffin) - (Tim-centric) he's got daddy issues 🥺 Missed Calls by nightwalker (@onemuseleft) - (Tim-centric) he's got daddy issues here too 🥺 whiplash by envysparkler (@envysparkler) - (Tim-centric) older brother issues that disintegrate when said older brother finds out about pre-existing daddy issues 🥺 Asimov's Integral by sElkieNight60 (@selkienight60) - (Tim-centric) he's precious, he's BABY, he must not be HARMED 😭 Obedience by Sohotthateveryonedied (@sohotthateveryonedied) - (Tim-centric) he gets the same kind of curse as ella in ella enchanted 💔 but then his siblings FIND OUT❤️‍🩹 robin's roast by envysparkler (@envysparkler) - (Stephanie-centric) "younger sister who won't stop coming into your room except it's a coffeeshop"☕ Watch This by snackbaskets (n/a) - (Dick-centric) rare footage of a sunny little robin making a grumpy bat melt 💛
If you read all of these, check out the authors' other works, too! I'm on the lookout for more Babs-centric, Duke-centric, Cass-centric, and Damian-centric fics as well. If you have any batfam recs for me, feel free to let me know 💖 I'm always so happy to find a good fic!
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nixies-creations · 2 years
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For @onemuseleft, Who won one of my @marveltrumpshate Auctions. This the last of eight aesthetics, I’ll be making for Muse, for MTH 2020!
Steve Rogers x Tony Stark - A Cabin In The Woods.
Steve frowned and thought, only a little aggravated, that he should have just let Tony rent them the private island like he wanted.
Down in the valley, the lights went off, all of Grand going dark at once as if someone had flipped a giant switch.
Steve braced both hands against the railing and scanned the rest of the valley. There were only a handful of lit areas and he watched them blink out as well, not quite in succession, but flickering out within seconds of each other until the entire valley looked empty and abandoned.
Power failure, Steve thought, but his gut was already churning and he drew in a sharp breath. He had no idea what he’d been expecting to happen, but something told him it had already started.
“Phone’s out,” Tony said from behind him. “No signal on either phone. Considering I can see a cell tower on the next mountain over, I’m going to go out on a limb and say something’s up.”
At the far end of the deck, something moved. It was darkness in shadows, black on black and he lost track of it as soon as he tried to focus.
“Something’s out here with us.” He took two quick steps backwards, reaching out behind him. His hand found the warm skin of Tony’s arm and closed around it. “Back inside, quickly. Stay behind me.”
Read On Ao3.
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scheherezhad · 5 months
20 questions for writers
tagged by @moriavis
How many works do you have on AO3? 60
What’s your total A03 word count? 108,021
What fandoms do you write for? Pretty much only the ttrpg campaigns I play with my friends, anymore.
What are your top five fics by kudos? Tumble, Fit, Sorry-Grateful, Kindly and Forgivingly by the Hand, Although My Eyes Are Open
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? I try to, since I get so few.
What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I have written too much angst and death and depressing nonsense to pick just one.
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? ... uh. *frantically searches ao3 works*
We didn’t realize we were making memories, we just knew we were having fun. I guess???
Do you get hate on your fic? That would require people to give a shit about what I write, so no.
Do you write smut? I have done, but it's been years.
Do you write crossovers? Not particularly, since I also don't care to read them much. If I do write them, it's likely to be crackfic.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not to my knowledge
Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope
Have you ever co-written a fic? Yes! @saekhwa and I successfully finished our au Graves/Reese Hustle Cat fic, No Words Could Ever Do, a whole five years ago. And we have an unfinished Nacht/Reese au languishing that was very self-indulgent. I also have an unfinished thing with @moriavis we started around this time last year that I'd eventually like to go back to if we can.
What‘s your all-time favourite ship? Don't ask silly questions. I don't have an all-time favorite anything, because I'm indecisive and also I can't pit seventy bad bitches against each other like that.
What’s the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? The massive post-game Hustle Cat fic where Reese moves across the country and gets to mature and grow into his magic and find his community and have crazy sex with Nacht. <.<
What’s your writing strengths? Brevity
What’s your writing weaknesses? The fact that I kinda just don't anymore?? idk
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I prefer these days to simply use indicators, rather than outright switching unless the language change is necessary to the plot. It's much easier this way when the languages your characters are speaking don't actually exist.
First fandom you wrote for? Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers is the first one I can pinpoint. I may have written other things at a younger age that could be considered fic, but I don't recall anything specific before the self-insert MMPR story I wrote during study hall for pretty much an entire school year.
Favourite fic you’ve ever written? tbh, I remain pretty fucking fond of Tumble even 10 years later. Jin/Yusuke is such a fun pairing.
no-pressure tagging @onemuseleft @bathyssal @blakelivelysbigtoe @thefastestqueeralive and anyone else who wants to do it
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ishipallthings · 1 year
Last Words of WIP Meme
Tagged by @thahiree 💜 This is a snippet I wrote the other day after @suitofhumour threw a prompt at me:
Convenience. The word curdles at the bottom of Steve’s stomach, sour and rotting, and Steve feels suddenly weak at the knees as he stares at the back of Tony’s head. Tony’s turned back to washing the dishes again, apparently not at all bothered by what he just said. Is that all this has been to Tony? A convenience, a bit of fun, before they fixed things and brought everyone back?
That hurts more than Steve could have ever imagined.
Tagging: @laexploradoraaa @xwinterdreams-blog @suitofhumour @onemuseleft @nostalgicatsea @earliebirb @omg-just-peachy @dirigibleplumbing @arabellamonkey @robertdowneyjjr and whoever wants to do this :)
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Last Words of WIP Meme
I was tagged by @onemuseleft!
Here’s a bit of Temeraire: 
“Very good, Tenzing,” Laurence said softly. Tharkay nodded, and Laurence turned to set the men to work.
No pressure tagging @eak1mouse and @sweetlittlevampire and anyone else who wants to join in the fun!
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sineala · 1 year
Last Words of WIP Meme
Tagged by @onemuseleft, @inukagome15, and @nostalgicatsea!
Steve turns around, and Tony knows then, with a horrible sinking feeling in his stomach, that Steve didn't notice a single incriminating detail of anything Tony has or hasn't said, because Tony has just seen Steve's face. Steve's gaze is unfocused, faraway, haunted, and his face--
The last time Steve had looked like this was when he'd come back to life after Registration, when Tony had put together a new Avengers team without him, and Steve had given the shield to Bucky, given up being Captain America, and gone off to do black-ops with the Secret Avengers. Every time Tony had seen him then, he'd been angrier and more withdrawn, as if each successive mission had carved out another sliver of his soul and all he had left in him alternated between furious, blinding rage at Tony, mostly about things Tony didn't remember doing, still doesn't, and never will, and then a terrifying hollowed-out misery at what his work was taking from him. Steve had looked like he might as well have been walking around wearing a button that said ask me about my war crimes.
Steve doesn't look nearly as bad as that yet, thank God, but that's definitely the road he's heading down. And the thing is, Tony knows where that road actually ends.
This is not actually my current WIP, or its current last words -- this is somewhere near the middle of my previous WIP, the fic set after Judgment Day that I still haven’t finished -- but it’s more interesting than my actual last WIP words.
I think everyone I know who writes things has been tagged already? You can all do this and say I tagged you.
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kagekanecavi · 1 year
Tagged by Johnny @crit20lesbian !
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I had a hard time coming up with that many artists lol
Tagging @cloudyjenn @onemuseleft @missbeckywrites @popkin16 @nephrysai
And if you see this and wanna play, consider yourself tagged!!
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kurowrites · 10 months
i find this very interesting tell me more
Like let’s do the easy route and take the “women take over as men” type of scenario, the LEAST I expect are men with elaborate beard- and hairstyles, make-up, fashion designed with the (idealised) male phsyique in mind. Whatever you determine the “ideal” to be. Don’t dare to try and make this funny, I am talking about 100% serious “sexualised fashion but for men,” not “put men into women’s (sexualised) fashion.” I want men to look amazing but also be very, very uncomfortable. The women can all walk around in baggy jeans and t-shirt and nobody cares.
The other thing is just a critical engagement with the idea that if stereotypical masculinity isn’t the ideal, society would be different in unexpected ways. What would change if characteristic X or Y would be considered particularly desirable? How would people change? Like, a lot of female rulers throughout history were viewed through a heavily biased “masculine” perspective - what if a powerful ruler wasn’t bound by typically masculine ideals? How would a person’s rule differ?
I feel there’s not enough of that. People have started with such ideas, it’s not a novel idea, but then they tend to botch the execution in really frustrating ways.
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tocourtdisaster · 2 years
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I posted 4,046 times in 2022
That's 4,046 more posts than 2021!
168 posts created (4%)
3,878 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,047 of my posts in 2022
Only 25% of my posts had no tags
#star wars - 716 posts
#art - 352 posts
#pokemon - 194 posts
#obi wan kenobi show - 169 posts
#star trek - 165 posts
#photography - 157 posts
#the clone wars - 150 posts
#kenobi spoilers - 105 posts
#the mandalorian - 102 posts
#lord of the rings - 95 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#(i’d take the rest of the day off but there’s a weekly process that i have to do that my boss will totally forget to cover if i call out)
My Top Posts in 2022:
I hate my anxiety. My stomach is in knots because I have a doctor’s appointment this afternoon, but it’s literally just my annual wellness visit which is mostly talking. I wish my brain would stop treating something I do literally every year like it’s dangerous.
4 notes - Posted April 19, 2022
First day back at work since covid and I’m freaking exhausted. I probably should have taken another day or two, but I have zero backup at work and I knew that four unexpected days off was going to be enough to try to catch up from. I have another hour of work before I can nap and I’m regretting all of my life choices.
I’m still coughing, everything tastes funny because of the paxlovid, I can’t concentrate, my head hurts from coughing, I have no voice. I honestly think I’m in the unfortunate 30% of cases that paxlovid doesn’t help because I don’t feel much better than I did before I started taking it, and that could come down to time and not the drugs working. Still gonna finish the course but I wish I had more to show for it.
5 notes - Posted August 1, 2022
Oregon voters have narrowly passed a measure that decrees health care a human right.
Measure 111 makes Oregon the first state in the nation to change its constitution to explicitly declare affordable health care a fundamental right.
The amendment reads: “It is the obligation of the state to ensure that every resident of Oregon has access to cost-effective, clinically appropriate and affordable health care as a fundamental right.”
6 notes - Posted November 15, 2022
How DARE they use Duel of the Fates in this trailer
10 notes - Posted March 9, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
As far as I can remember, Nikolai never saw Kaz and Inej interact in CK and yet he knew that threatening Inej was the one to thing he could do to guarantee Kaz would help him in RoW. Like, seriously, what kind of intelligence reports is Nikolai getting from his agents in Kerch? Does the entire world know that Kaz and Inej are basically married? I need answers.
17 notes - Posted January 30, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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musicalluna · 1 year
Last Words of WIP Meme
just expose me on the internet @onemuseleft :P
Are the Kids okay?
The surge of adrenaline that thought gives him is enough to give him the energy to open his eyes.
He realizes quickly that he’s on his back on the floor. Directly overhead he finds he’s looking up at the underside of Hyunjin’s chin. A tear drops off it and hits him between the eyes.
“Jinnie,” he croaks and Hyunjin’s head snaps downward.
“Channie-hyung,” he gasps.
He’s really upset and Chan immediately wants to fix it. “Whassamatter?” He tries to sit up and a roaring white wall of pain swamps him for a minute. When it starts to fade Hyunjin is sobbing, whatever he’s saying garbled by that and the ringing in Chan’s ears. Before he can do anything else, Lee Know appears, mouth pulled down sharply at the corners, his eyes blazing.
His voice is gentle though. “Don’t try to get up, Channie-hyung. You need to stay there.”
“I can’t,” Chan says, “what’s going on—what—“
The last thing he remembers is—fuck. Manager I had been punishing him. Did they—-they must have.
“If you say ‘okay’, I will tear your tongue out,” Minho bites.
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