#ongoing thread
Frank can you tell me a bedtime story please? 🥺 I'm just a little guy. I'm just a little guy who'd like a bedtime story, you wouldn't tell a sleepy little guy who wants a bedtime story no, would you?
A little guy from hell stumbled into a pub, scared.
"What's wrong with you?" asked a patron.
The little guy replied, "Satan sent me to Earth to corrupt the humans, but they don't seem to care!"
The patron said, "Not to worry, little guy, we got this."
A nun entered the pub and chastised the little guy.
"How dare you drown your iniquities in alcohol?" she said.
The patron asked, "Not to worry, little guy, we got a beer."
A well-meaning liberal entered the pub and said, "The poor need to break the cycle of oppression and poverty."
The patron laughed and replied, "Not to worry, little guy, we got liberalism."
A grinning hobo entered the pub and asked, "Hey, do you have anything I can eat?"
"Not to worry, little guy," said the patron, "we have a religion."
A little guy of indeterminate gender and gender identity entered the pub.
"Not to worry, little guy," replied the patron, "We have a penis."
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bonk-bird · 2 years
Moments of gender affirmation
An ongoing thread to remind myself of happy things
When my baby cousin kissed all the girls in the family on the cheek but didn’t want to kiss me bc he knew (I hate kids but he’s my fav)
Getting short hair for the first time
When animals hate men but live women and they are weary towards me. It is slightly upsetting bc I live animals but it’s also gender affirming idk
Meeting others with the same experience
Straight legged jeans (only straight part about me)
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Toastie Watches Precure, But It's OOC
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This is from a server featuring my friends @bluedogxl and @greendog3, so you'll see them from time to time.
Pre-emptive spoiler warning for ALL seasons ahead of time. I haven't watched all the seasons, so I'll be adding these comments as I go. (most of them are pretty obvious though)
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Listen, getting the Cat King's voice right while maintaining a character arc is a tricky balancing act when writing this Season 2 AU series. He's such a fascinating character with a trickster core that I don't usually write and I'm pretty sure I've got a grasp on his voice/dynamic with Edwin (the two of them basically being locked in a back-and-forth deals-disguised-as-flirting while being strangely sweet and playful in the midst of their Hades/Persephone deal) but his growing dynamic with Monty is where things are getting interesting. Playing around with the "cat and the bird/predator-prey/Monty's unexpected ability to surprise the Cat King but being unaware of said fact" concept has led to so many small twists/compelling threads in the narrative and I am having so much fun making it work.
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brother-emperors · 6 months
you cannot even imagine the amount of love and respect I have for your posts where it's a very good piece of art and then 2/3s of the post remaining are Sources
ngl I almost posted a whole essay in reply on why I like to post sources with my art, but tbh it's because I really enjoy reading and want to pass the curiosity on to someone else. like, my first impulse when I read a cool thing is to immediately make my friends also read the cool thing. sometimes.....I will even draw comics specifically because I want to talk about something I read lmao
it makes me happy to see messages like this in my inbox, even if I don't always post them! I'm glad that people are enjoy it :)
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veritas-ratio-rp · 2 months
Walking around the halls of the Intelligentsia Guild, a woman lady in black looks left and right, almost like she's walking in circles. Two red butterflies accompany her, one on her hair and the other on her shoulder.
She looks out at the sky, adorned with stars. She then hears footsteps approaching, and turns to the upcoming person.
((srry bro im bored))
*Veritas quickly walks towards the woman. He's as graceful as ever, although he seems slightly annoyed.*
"When has Intelligentsia Guild become a place where people walk around as they please? Enlighten me. Who are you and what's your purpose of being here?"
*The woman's behavior seems quite strange as he looks at her. She for sure isn't someone he has met before. He would remember.*
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rtnortherly · 4 months
Anyone out here playing a warlock in BG3 with Thoughts about their interactions with Wyll? Because I wanna hear about that specifically. Bonus points of they're also in a fiend pact (demon vs devil? devil vs. devil? Woah, same devil?) Bonus points if it's Archfey or Great Old One too because same but different suffering is tasty. I wanna establish a whole discussion about this since I think it’s neat. I love my co op run with my spore druid and I'm so fond of my Paladin (dragonborn and also very effective in combat) but by god do I want to run a Warlock based entirely on my desire to have them commiserate with Wyll. And I barely know the guy so far.
(woah, but what if a cleric who has an identity crisis about how clerics and warlocks actually differ--after all, is offering devotion and faith in exchange for magic not any different than a warlock pact?)
Talk to me folks. Rant at me in full paragraph. Please. I need head canons to live and I have too many projects to do it myself right now (may commit crimes and do it anyway)
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lost-technology · 1 month
Survivor's Guilt (Chapter 16 Update)
So it's up to 16 chapters and counting now. I forgot to keep loading it chapter by chapter, so it got away from me. Posted afresh for anyone who might be interested in it. Rated: Mature (Mostly for flashback chapters regarding expansion on canonical unethical experimentation). Ship Genre: Gen. Family-relationship. Meta-Genre: Alternate Universe / For Want of a Nail type Summary: Just after the Big Fall, a scouting crew picks up an unexpected survivor from Ship Five and this changes everything. Rem Saverem survived the apocalypse. Chapter 1: Restless Dreams - The survivors. Chapter 2: Useful Things - Young Vash earns his keep. Chapter 3: Diners, Drive-Ins and Spaceships - Motherly and friendly bonds in the galley. Chapter 4: Heroism - Navigation Officers are weird. Chapter 5: Anamoly - Protective instincts. Chapter 6: Of Cattle, Part 1 - A flashback to Tesla's birth and early days. Chapter 7: Of Cattle, Part 2 - A continuation of the flashback to Rem's struggles and Tesla's death. Chapter 8: We're All Mad Here - Rem and Vash go to therapy. Chapter 9: You'll Be an Old Man Before you Know it - Due to dire circumstances, she must miss his birthday. Chapter 10: The Cow and the Butcher Knife - "The good news is that your other son's alive. The bad news is that he's a homicidal maniac." Chapter 11: Severed - "My arm's gone, Rem." Chapter 12: Ghosts - Just Millions Knives, having a normal one. Chapter 13: Resonance and Dissonance - Let us sing through the agony together. Chapter 14: Pistol Packin' Mama - "Show them that you could, not that you would." Chapter 15: Beneath the Southern Sky - Explorers of the stars become explorers of the land. Chapter 16: Plants and Animals - Survival in the Wasteland ain't too pretty and it ain't too proud.
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rennebright · 1 year
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DAY 1 by 28 || Click here to view the whole series! ※Illustration shared with permission from the artist. Please do not remove the source. Make sure to support the original artwork.
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seldomsee · 8 months
remember when youtube was usable without several extensions and ublock origin with at least 12 UI elements custom filtered.
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quick frank, they found 500 lbs of spaghetti in the woods of new jersey. as president of the country, what do you think we should do to contain it??
I think we should let it slide. As long as it's never threatening our borders it is fine.
Think about the tens of thousands of years it would have been in New Jersey. It's like saying "we can't have spaghetti in our country, the spaghetti in New Jersey is all evil."
Spaghetti belongs in New Jersey, it's its natural home. By eating spaghetti and living in New Jersey we are trying to find the most direct path to happiness, we are being in touch with our real selves. In fact, what are you even doing to yourself by trying to stop spaghetti in New Jersey? Are you afraid it's going to turn New Jersey's great natural resources into evil spaghetti resources? But this is not only wrong but impossible. There is no such thing as evil spaghetti resources. Goodness and happiness are part of spaghetti itself. To forbid spaghetti from growing in New Jersey means forbidding its own existence. There is no good reason to want this.
We should let spaghetti live its own life. It will never cross our borders, so it's no problem. It will only cross our borders with our will, and when it does cross our borders it should be treated like a free citizen: with love and appreciation.
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iraprince · 3 months
hello I want you to know that I keep thinking Madame Jupiter when listening to a specific line of Boys Like U by Zand
you'll know it when you hear it I think
LMAO I ACTUALLY HAD THAT SONG ON THEIR PLAYLIST FOR A BIT... i ended up removing it just for flow/style reasons but suffice it to say ur spot on
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as-above-rp · 4 months
Basilisk has been itching to get out more. I'd love to write with him, but GOD he's so hard to write sometimes 😔 🤣
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yeshens · 4 months
while i try to figure out which threads to work on. plotting call? ♥
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faithinlouisfuture · 11 months
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DN4 🤝 0114
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apologizing to stage light 🤝 apologizing to plushie
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Qhi'zhek feels his limbs gain strength again at long last as he manages to haul himself up to one knee, overlooking the battlefield, or what remains of it. Zhubon's Khornates had been reduced to ashes, and the Deathaxe Monolith was still standing as his plot had worked... just as planned, was what he wanted to think, but no. He shook that thought out of his head. He did not want to fall to the manic hubris his 'father' had succumbed to since his first perceivable thought. It was not planned... it was a desperate gamble, and it had paid off. But at what cost?
He'd slowly stand up to walk among the rest of the Khornate and Slaaneshi troops, seeing them aid each other to recuperate, before he'd walk before the shattered, smeared, and smoldering remnants of Vhiarn's body. He felt... odd. As if he was somehow responsible for her death. Guilt is not something he should be feeling. Vhiarn died on her own terms, out of her own desire. He should not feel guilty... he noticed the shattered axe-blade of Vhiarn's weapon not too far away, as he'd walk to pluck it up with one hand, inspecting the blade from all angles. He'd blink his eyes, and a chain would spawn out of the aether, wrapping itself around the stump of what remained of the axe-handle near the blade's base, tying tight and welding itself to it, before it'd wrap around Qhi's neck as a necklace.
A memento of her, that'd live on in her absence.
He'd then sigh, and as soon as all the other daemons were ready to move out, he commanded them firmly to do so, as what remained of his warhost would begin to return to Infernus, to report back to whoever was there.
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