#op your self indulgence indulges us all
ooffmlsorry · 7 months
OP Men Dating a "Girly Girl"
A/N: sorry this took so long and I haven't posted anything original in a minute my life is mess and I'm so very tired jfc...I know this isn't more than my usual group but I was just gonna stop at Luffy and then decided to add Ace and Sabo as a thank you because writing these and putting them on Tumblr has been really good for me, so thank you for always being here to indulge me 🥲 ❤️
Sanji, Zoro, Law, Luffy, Ace, Sabo
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Let's be honest, girly-girls drive Sanji craaaazzzzyy (not that all women don't, but he's definitely more partial to the feminine ones) Your make-up, pretty skirts and dresses, jewelry, and manicure, he can't help fawn over you constantly 😍Although you do it because you enjoy it, it's nice that your efforts are so appreciated!!
He spoils you soooo baaaddd!! He literally can't help himself when he sees something pretty or cute that reminds him of you, he has to get it for you. You're drowning in squishmallows at this point.
A river of blood shoots from him every time you show off a new outfit. You're going to kill him and he'll thank you for it.
Dressing up in nice outfits together, especially on date night, is a shared activity that you love to do together. Y'all are living your best happily ever after lives.
Ya'll definitely have scheduled self-care nights. You put on some slow music, open a bottle of wine, draw a bubble bath, all that.
He's utterly useless when it comes to helping you pick your outfits or makeup if you're stuck because he loves you in everything, it's too hard for him to pick. You're his perfect, beautiful Y/N-swaaaaan 😍💖💖✨
He does love to see you in pink or red though so he might default to those colors
Don't try to test your makeup on him lol, you're going to re-awaken the gender identity crisis...I mean Kamabakka trauma
Listen...I'm not saying Sanji has a mommy kink...I'm not even at Whole Cake Island so idk wtf is going on there. All I'm saying is if you give this man a bath, wrap him in a towel to dry him off, and rub him down with luxurious lotions and oils, you might awaken something...that's all...👀
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He has no clue wtf you're doing. If it weren't for the fact that there's no proof that witches exist in this world, he'd think you are one
He looks at your vanity full of serums, creams, scrubs, lotions, etc, not to mention the makeup and he's like "??????" Just completely baffled
But what do you expect? This man would use that five-in-one Irish Spring soap if he could.
Just because he doesn't understand it doesn't mean he doesn't appreciate and admire the fact that you have extensive knowledge in something he can't even comprehend
He knows you like nice shiny things, and again, while he doesn't get it, he does think it's really, really cute when you go starry-eyed over a necklace or an outfit in a store.
In the same vein, he knows how much you love cute things and animals. He has absolutely found a cute animal in the jungle, picked it up, and brought it to you just to show you because he knew you'd love it.
Sometimes in his own gruff way he'll agree with you that it's pretty cute. Thank you for helping this manly man admit things are cute and that's okay.
Other times, he's the one making sure you don't get distracted because it's so cute
Unfortunately and fortunately, you're pretty to him no matter what you do to yourself so it's all kind of a moot point to him.
You can try to ask him about which 'x' to wear, sometimes it's helpful because he'll throw out a really practical answer and then other times he's like "How 'bout you just go naked" 😏.
He'll wear a face mask with you like...twice a year. And he's going to bitch and moan about it but he does it because he loves you. The entire process is like trying to give a cat a bath "WHY IS IT SO COLD? THIS STAYS ON MY FACE FOR HOW LONG???"
Exfoliate this man at your own risk...I'm dead serious that water is going to be brown
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I need you to know right now this man will let you paint his nails!!! I mean, not like gel or acrylics or anything, but he'll let you paint them any color as long as it's a dark shade of that color. You once designed Bepo on his middle fingers. He did in fact flip people off a lot more often when he had them.
Let's you wear a pastel boiler suit because you he loves you and wants to see you happy
Much like Zoro, he's got no clue what you're doing. He'll stand back and watch you while making the exact same face as the gif above.
He thinks he's being stealthy peaking around a corner to watch your morning or night routine, but you quickly catch on. Please please pleeaaassee ask him if he has any questions because he does. He's just really curious why you're doing what you're doing and what it does. It's basically skin medicine and he's really fascinated.
Knowing that you like shiny things makes his life admittedly a little easier, it's not that he doesn't think of what to gift you, he puts A LOT of thought into what he gives you, but knowing that earrings, necklaces, and bracelets always make you happy is great just in case of analysis paralysis or he forgets. Sorry.
Also you wearing the jewelry he gets you does something to him, especially a necklace he can pull on a little, mmhhm you're making this man struggle with impure thoughts.
You both love cute things, it's something y'all connect on. It's really good that you help him access that very neglected inner child of his and encourage him to coo and fawn over adorable animals with zero reservation.
He'll do skincare with you too when he's not super busy. He can admit it's kind of nice to sit in bed with a book, glass of wine, and a face mask and just bask for a minute
He acts like he hates when you rub serums across his face and use a derma roller on him but he loves it
Law doesn't really pay attention to your clothes, but when you really go all out he breaks out in a sweat and he can't keep his eyes off you.
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I'm not saying he thinks it's stupid, it just...why have an hours long care routine when you could be going on adventure with him??? 😭😭😭
He will help you pick out your makeup but don't expect it to look good. You're gonna end up with neon orange eyeshadow and green lipstick. Like literally every "My Boyfriend Does My Makeup" youtube video.
Plays around with your stuff but that's because he has no idea what all these strange contraptions are. The moment you try to explain his eyes glaze over and next thing you know he's whisking you away to go do something more fun.
He likes the shiny bright stuff (highlighter), makeup probably is the only part he even remotely engages in because it's
Explain how contour works to this man and watch him lose his fucking mind, he thinks you're a shape shifter now (honestly this applies to all of them except Law and maybe Sanji)
He never notices what you wear, Nami is gonna have smack him on the back of the head to get him to realize you put on something fancy
Luffy points out everything, it just so happens that things he points out sometime happen to be cute animals
Hides in all the stuffed animals and squishmallows in your room to surprise attack hug you
*throws mud at you* "Is this the kind of mud you like, Y/N??" He really means well though.
You know those hair masks with all natural ingredients like honey and banana? Yeah, he's gonna start sucking on your hair like spaghetti...I'm so sorry.
He'll bathe with you but that's because he wants to be close to you, it's definitely not about being pampered or relaxing.
Try to put a face mask on him or something else and it'll just become a game of tag around the Sunny. You can't catch him and he's having a great time outrunning and outwitting you.
He knows this is all important to you so even though he doesn't get it he'd never make fun of you for it and the moment someone calls you "extra," he's kicking their ass.
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Maybe all the glam is a little silly to him but that just makes you extra cute!
He will also absolutely let you paint his nails. Hell, he'll let you do a full beat on him just for fun and he'll wear it for the whole day because he's so unserious lol
...As long as he gets to do your makeup after...Much like Luffy you're gonna be covered in neon colors that don't even remotely match, but you guys have a great time lol
Admittedly likes to be pampered by you when he gets back from a long mission.
Please take a bubble bath with this man, it's not like the water is ever going to get cold!
I'm pretty sure you'd legitimately lead to Ace taking better care of himself. Got this man out here talking about his cuticles and shit lol
Honestly, it's really good for him because self care leads to self love and Ace needs a lot of help with that.
He tells Pops about all the stuff you do 1.) because he loves you and 2.) he hopes some of it will help Whitebeard heal a little, god bless him 😢
All of your hardwork doesn't go unnoticed, he legitimately gets kind of misty eyed when you really dress up because he's so so so lucky. He swears he doesn't deserve you.
He always brings back some kind of gift even whether it's a cute plushie or something exotic to wear from all of his long travels
I need to stress how much this means to him, everyone of these things is like a little proposal because he already knows you're it. Every little gift is leading up to a ring from this man.
He's also just genuinely impressed by the skill it takes to do your makeup so well, especially after he tries doing it on you
Much like his little brother unfortunately, he does play with all the little contraptions in your vanity, especially in the beginning because have you seen an eyelash curler? He's so confused lol
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Sabo and Ace truly are his brothers because he really don't get all the effort lol
Admittedly, a lot of that is because he thinks you're so hot already what's the point???
Once he gets this is just how you are he's less confused, he's probably the most normal out everyone. He lets you do your thing, although he's really curious how you managed to always look amazing while being in the fucking revolutionary army!!?? Where are you getting the time???
If someone were to intrude on y'all on a free afternoon you're both in fluffy robes with face masks on and Sabo loves to pretend to act like a bitch when he's in selfcare mode with you lol
"Are you seriously bothering us right now, ugh! I can't even right now!!" And then you both break out in laughter
He really thinks you should teach others how to contour and do makeup because it has great applications for disguises and infiltration.
And brags about your skills to everyone
Wonders how many of your makeup supplies could actively be used as a weapon *eye roll* jfc Sabo
There's a part of you that secretly worries all your boujieness will remind him of his blood relatives, but he assures you that it doesn't because you have a good heart and he never doubts that
Besides, being a little extra with him helps him associate those things he used to associate with his blood relatives with you instead so it's even better
He spoils you so bad, but with a Sabo-flair, ie. stealing from shitty people and bringing it back to you because you're oh so more deserving of nice things let's be honest
He gets jealous of the cute animals that you squeal over hehehe, please hug him when he starts pouting
He'll always wear a little pink just for you ❤️
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hyunnie04 · 4 months
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lee know x reader, hurt/comfort | m.list
wc: 1.4k | warnings: themes of depression and struggling with mental health
a/n: this fic is a little self indulgent as i haven't been feeling great lately. so i hope this brings comfort to anyone who needs it ♡
you don’t remember how long you’ve been sitting in the tub. you’re sure your hands have pruned and wrinkled due to the prolonged time you have been in here, but you can’t seem to bring yourself to care.
the sides of your head pulses as a migraine at the forefront of your temple starts to fully form. you had hoped a moment of reprieve in the bath would calm your nerves and ease your headache, but it had yet to do so.
the droplets fall slowly against your furrowed eyebrows and taut expression, dripping freely down on your chin and on the dewy expanse of your chest. both arms are splayed limply across the sides of the tub, staring blankly ahead at the white tiled walls above, unmoving. 
the temperature was warm, too warm for your usual liking but you didn’t seem to mind today, welcoming the dull pain it brought. the white tiles that you’ve been staring at for what seemed like forever stared back at you.
the silence was deafening.
a lot has been on your mind lately. the restless and constant feeling of not being good enough and comparing yourself to others caused you to no longer find enjoyment in the things you used to love doing.
words that usually meant nothing had stuck themselves inside your head as well, dissecting every meaning when they had none. sleep did not come easily to you these nights, tossing and turning, failing to succumb into the comforting arms of sleep.
isolation became your company in these moments, withdrawing yourself from everything. missing out on a lot of stuff, in turn, made you feel worse than you already did.
you knew you should probably tell someone about your problems but you just couldn't find it in yourself to do it. the last thing you wanted to be was a bother.
some days are admittedly better than others, where you’re able to get things done, to do your obligations and continue on with life like normal. but when you least expect it, it creeps up on you, pulling you back into that unhealthy head space.
you tried to force these thoughts and feelings down for a long time, pretending that everything was fine. today was apparently the day it all came rising up, unable to keep a lid on your bubbling emotions.
a sense of dread hung over your head, eyes aching from all the crying you did. wet strands of hair had clumped together, obscuring your view, perturbed by how sometimes your skin doesn't feel like yours.
the bathroom starts to fog with mist, clouding the glass and mirrors, the water slowly scalding your skin. the call to sink down into the water and never come up are louder than ever.
“-y/n? are you in there?” a voice makes itself known. lifting yourself up a little bit, startled at the faintest sound of knocks.
you forget that minho would be home around this time. a hand flies towards your forehead to ease the pounding pain. shit, you haven't started making dinner. 
it takes a while before you answer, collecting yourself as to not sound as shaky. “yeah! just finishing up, i'll be out in a sec.”
“don’t get out, i'll join you.” he yells back, the sound of padding feet against the wooden floors reverb through out the apartment. your eyes flicker at his sudden decision, causing you to sigh and sink down into the water once more.
as much as you adored and love him and how most days would let him join you with no hesitation, you silently hoped that he wouldn't today. you couldn't bear to let him see you in this state, all disheveled and puffy eyed. but it was rare when he was even home, given his grueling schedule.
so you wait for him patiently to come over to your shared bathroom, hugging your legs tightly. you remember to turn the cold tap on and off before he enters, water droplets filling in the silence.
when he finally creaks open the door with nothing on but a bathrobe and a silly cat headband that kept his hair away from his forehead on, you can't help but smile even if it doesn't quite reach your eyes.
you inch farther into the corner, making space for him quietly as he gets in. if he had noticed the temperature of the water that had yet to cool down, he made no attempt to comment.
the two of you don't say anything for the time being, just in each other's corner, relaxing and leaning your arms on the cool edge of the tub.
“you’re quiet.” his voice echoes. minho’s voice cuts through the silence, a stark contrast to the quietness of the bathroom just moments ago.
“i’m sorry.”
feeling minho’s heavy unwavering gaze into the side of your head, you can’t help but feel awful. you don’t mean to be so curt with him, but any more words from your mouth frightens you, afraid that the underlying shakiness of your voice will give you away.
your eyes still keep averting his, afraid of what expression he might bore. will he look at you with pity? with a tired gaze of disappointment?
he does not. instead, minho grabs one of the lavender scented shampoo bottles placed neatly on the shelf and gestures for you to turn around. you follow his request, albeit apprehensively, turning around.
“there we go.” he says. even if you refuse to meet his eyes, you could tell he was smiling as he said it.
minho takes great care to shampoo your hair, his blunt nails gently raking over your scalp, unknowingly soothing your dreadful headache. minho is observant, very much so. it doesn’t surprise you at all anymore when he suddenly asks.
“what’s wrong, hmm?” he finally says amidst the stillness of the atmosphere, tone dripping of comfort as his hands continue to lightly massage through your soapy tresses. you lean into it like a desperate cat, melting at his simple touch. oh how you've yearned for his touch.
although you don’t answer, his intuitive nature already knows that something was amiss.
“you know i’m always here for you.” minho says, pressing a delicate kiss on your shoulder. his sweet words and murmurs of comfort act like a salve to your aching heart as tears start to gather at your lash line once again.
you always hated making him worry.
the overwhelming emotion brings you to tears, immense guilt ebbing at your seams. minho places his head on your shoulder as you cry, hands running up and down your sides in an attempt to soothe you.
he doesn't deserve this, to be left out, to not know the reason you're so distant lately. he trusted you and you trusted him. so you spill every little thing to him.
voice starting to rasp, your stuttering cries now unrestraint without fear of judgement and just allowing yourself to be vulnerable. salty tears start to meld together with the water in the tub, rippling as they fall. at last, you feel lighter. the weight that you carried for so long in your heart doesn't have to be carried alone.
after a while, the hiccupping in your throat and the tears start to subside, leaving you a sniffling mess. turning around to finally face him, you fought the urge to hide in your hands.
"feel a little better now?" minho looks at you with nothing but a loving smile, no underlying judgement, just adoration, and one that makes you dive into him. you feel so utterly loved, what did you do to deserve him?
your arms wrap around his neck, placing apologetic kisses on his lips. he reciprocates, hands going around your back to steady your form. your mouth tumbles out watery apologies as he caresses the skin of your nape, gentle as he can.
you release him, arms still hooked around his neck, looking deeply into his eyes as if he's the center of the universe, and to you, he is. "i love you." the edges of your vision cloud with the tell tale signs of drowsiness, finally finding it in yourself to relax in his hold.
and he lets you, guiding your head to rest on his broad chest, the steady beats of his heart thumping against your temple, grounding you, his feathery light touches lingering.
feelings like these come and go, but minho is a constant that you keep close to your heart.
“thank you for putting up with me.”
"of course, i love you too."
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The Blessing to Your Curse - Part 1 (Ryomen Sukuna x Reader)
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Hey y’all I’m back again so soon with another fic, Sukuna’s lover reincarnation (whatever you call it) has me in a chokehold right now and I thought I’d share this with the world. Would like to warn you there is a lot of strange jumping around/pov changes which are indicated by the change in pronouns, I would mark each change but it would get a bit messy after a while so I hope it’s not too hard to follow! ^-^
Reader’s powers involve something I like to call ‘blessed energy’ which is the opposite to cursed energy and is mostly used for healing (reverse blessed energy is used to harm in the same way reverse CE is used to heal) and it’s something I created to use with my writings in the JJK universe. (sometimes I write it a little op because im a self-indulgent piece of shit so for most of what I post I’ll probably dial it back if I use it hehe) The reader has a similar situation to Maki/Mai (MANGA SPOILERS AHEAD) where one twin is restricted and the other has all the energy, and when the one with the energy dies the living twin gains all the power, so I hope that makes sense in context of the story
(PLEASE DON'T HESITATE TO SEND A REQUEST!!!! I'M ALWAYS IN NEED OF NEW PROMPTS AND CHARACTERS TO GO WITH THEM ❤)(I have a post which outlines characters I mostly write for but I'm open to adding to that list!!)
Warnings: mild description of mutilation (sukuna’s transformation), main character death (not described), fluff
Word count: 2.4k
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“Ryomen!” You laugh, trying to keep a few steps ahead of the young man who chases after you. Your legs tire easily, body frail and sick despite the immense power flowing through your veins. “I’m coming for you!” He growls playfully, “Better run!” He’s holding back from his top speed, this you know well, but you refuse to let that stop you from trying to keep up with his childish play. Still young, 16 and 17 with him being the older one, you insist that you would rather spend the rest of your life here with him than being shepherded around in the village like a priestess.
This is your only escape from the temple on the hill, only solitude, your time with Ryomen Sukuna is precious and you treat it as such, thinking only of him and his rare smiles. You refuse to let the village’s words taint your view of him, as powerful as he is with his cursed energy there is good in him and you seek to nurture it, for both simple selfish gain and so he doesn’t turn on everyone like they did him. You reach the treeline and race out into the meadow, the grass tall and soft around your waist having stripped down from your daily ceremonial robes into just modest loose undergarments.
He does eventually catch up near the middle of the meadow, springing out of the grass and tackling you to the ground, making sure to roll so you land on top of him and he takes the full force of the fall. The last time you returned to the village after a long day of simple play with bruises and scrapes you weren’t allowed to leave the village for a few weeks.
He’s grown quite a lot larger than you during his time in exile, to be expected when you have to fend for yourself against wild animals and build your own shelter, “You’re getting stronger every day,” You smile, pushing yourself off him and laying in the grass, staring up at the beautiful pink of the sunset. “Well I have to, to be able protect you, I’m not the only thing out there you know,” He says, his tone almost too blasé for what he’s implying. You tilt your head and trace the lines of his tattoos with your eyes, “I know you’re not, but you’re not a thing to me Ryomen,” You murmur, “Please, you’re the closest thing I have to a friend, you’ve always been human to me,”
He meets your gaze, his eyes used to be brown, but the red no longer worries you like it used to, “One day I’ll get you out of that village,” He says softly, his words for your ears and the rustling grass only, “I will take you far away from here and we can live somewhere untouched by the rest of the world,” You sit up, looking down at him as you hug your knees to your chest, “I’d like that,” You say, smiling, “Just the two of us,” Nothing could touch you while you were together, the world stood still for you, not even the scathing remarks you sometimes got from the other young girls of the village could hurt you.
The world is volatile, things can change so quickly. Curses are still so new to the world of humans, sorcerers that act as protectors are only just starting to appear among humans and spread themselves between villages when the day finally comes. The wave of hatred and anguish that came with the curses suffocated everything in its path. You were outside the village when it happened, returning from a visit with Sukuna, and you returned to find nothing but death and destruction. More than half of the village had been killed with no discrimination towards age or gender, and it only soothed you a little to see your old family home empty when you wrenched the door open. No blood nor bodies of any kind. Your parents and sister had made it out alive, but the temple atop the hill that you resided in was completely engulfed.
You weren’t naïve, you did not attempt to return to the temple, but they came for you all the same because your energy was like a beacon for them, and they were programmed to destroy. Running with Ryomen had improved your strength over the time you spent together, you supposed that was one of the ways he took care of you in his silent brooding way, but it wasn’t enough to get you all the way to him. He must have sensed your fear as you grew nearer, your breaths shallow and your chest tight, his eyes are the last thing you remember seeing before your soul was harshly liberated from your flesh.
The smell of blood permeated through layers of warmth that held you in suspension beyond life, but you felt yourself being dragged back to the ground, standing over your own body as you watch the only person outside of your immediate family who ever truly cared for you cry. You had never seen him cry before, it was cathartic to know even he still felt human somewhere inside while holding your weak broken body to his bare tattooed chest.
You felt his cursed energy filling the air like smoke, almost able to see it in the purgatory state you’re trapped in, his body shaking and his muscles twitching. It was like watching someone turn themselves inside out when it finally happened, his body began changing before your eyes, an extra pair of arms sprout from the top of his ribcage just under the normal ones. His face contorts with an agonized cry and one half becomes unrecognisable, the flesh pink and hardened into some sort of twisted mask, and to finish the monstrous transformation a second pair of eyes open under his regular ones.
Drenched in sweat and breathing heavily as he cradles you, you hear him make one last promise, one that locks around what remains of your essence like chains and puts you into a deep sleep. “I will burn this world for taking you from me, I will become the King of Curses, and when you are reborn I shall make you remember, make you my Queen, I will bind myself to you to protect you,” It’s the final part that reassures you he isn’t losing himself as the darkness consumes you, “When I find you, the world will be right once again,”
Now it had been over a thousand years since the light in Sukuna’s life had gone out, reducing him to a killing machine that punished the world for snuffing it out, and he had returned once more in the body of a naive 15 year old boy with pink hair. Having been preserved as twenty separate cursed objects since his untimely death he was eager to resume his self-assigned purge, but the boy had more control over his body than Sukuna could break through, leaving him trapped within his innate domain watching through Yuji Itadori’s eyes like they’re windows.
“I had to do it at least once,” He grumbles to himself as the boy sits up, stark naked, on the morgue table, surprising the three sorcerers in the room with the formerly dead boy. “There’s someone I’d like you to meet, Yuji, come,” Gojo instructs as the boy slips on some clothes handed to him. “Another sorcerer?” He asks. “You’ll see when we get there,” The taller man beckons him and they make their way to a house on the furthest outskirts of the Jujutsu high campus, small in size and surrounded by forest on all sides except for the path leading up to the entrance.
A fire burns in the chimney and the house is warm when the pair steps inside, “L/n!” Gojo calls out. Sukuna’s attention is elsewhere as around the corner down the hall out walks a pure angel, her energy blinding and her form strong. “Gojo!” She smiles, “Who’s this?” “This is Yuji Itadori, Ryomen Sukuna’s vessel,” She bows politely, “Welcome to my home,” She looks back up into Yuji’s eyes as he smiles, “It’s nice to meet you!”
“Enchain!” Sukuna shouts, and suddenly he’s thrown violently to the forefront of Yuji’s mind. His trump card, wasted. He hadn’t considered the potential consequences, it had been instinctual and foolish of him. The girl didn’t know who he was, but he wanted to speak to her all the same. He would make her know. He cannot stumble, he cannot falter, not when she’s right there and all he has to do is show her, “Y/n,” He murmurs. “That’s not Yuji,” She frowns, her voice soft, “That’s-” Before the two can react Sukuna is on his knees before her, holding her hands in his and hiding against her soft clothing. “I’ve…” Gojo trails off, “I’ve never seen that before,” The girl doesn’t let him go, and he feels her power reach into him, feeling around in the darkest parts of his soul, “My Queen,” He mutters, feeling the metaphysical chains around his heart tighten, “Please, remember,”
A fast surge of energy from Gojo causes the man on his knees before you to react just as quickly, pulling you tighter against him and then seemingly teleporting out the open door into the clearing, “It’s rude to attack ROYALTY!” He roars as Gojo steps out the door after the pair of you. Sukuna has planted himself firmly between the two of you, “You sorcerers never learn manners!” Something happens when your skin next touches his, his hand shooting out to catch you by your wrist as you fail to keep your balance.
A flood of memories that don’t belong to you, in fact, ones that belong to him. You see yourself, weak and frail but smiling widely, Sukuna as he is in front of you now not as he is described in sorcerer texts. A regular human man with an abnormal amount of tattoos, fiercely protective and full of love for the only person who still sees him as human. You vaguely feel yourself fall to your knees as everything from the day he was exiled to the day you died returned to your mind. You knew that despite the life you had lived for twenty years, you were in fact over a thousand years old.
This wasn’t your life, this wasn’t your body, it was hers, but you are her. You can feel the chains, too, the ones he put there the day you died to ensure that you would return. “The world took her from me, and the world paid the price, now BACK OFF!” His words shake you out of your visions, his hand still clutching your wrist as your head hangs weakly.
“Come now, Sukuna, taking hostages isn’t your style, you know that,” Gojo bargains, “Let her go, and we can fight like men,” You shake your head, “No,” You murmur, “No, Gojo,” You finally look up into his eyes, slightly uncovered as he prepares to fight, “He’s right, I know who I am, I know where my clan comes from,” He doesn’t make a move towards you and you take the opportunity to speak again, “My mother was blessed, her child would calm the beast, but she had two and one was weak in body strong in energy, the other was lacking in energy but strong of body,” Your sister had been the one the clan records mentioned, nobody remembered the girl who died alone in Ryomen Sukuna’s arms.
“I am the Queen to Ryomen Sukuna’s King,” You breathe, feeling his grip on your wrist go lax. His energy dies away and he falls to his hands and knees, but the tattoos are gone. “Yuji!” Gojo’s shoulders finally relax and he recovers his eyes, “What happened? How did he get through?” “Don’t ignore me, Satoru,” You state firmly, “Sukuna will not be a threat while I am alive,” “Can you guarantee that?” He’s always been intimidating, but this man was a part of your training as a sorcerer, and he can be rational when he wants to be.
“You’re an imbecile if you think I’m going to go back on a binding vow,” Sukuna spits from Yuji’s cheek, the boy not even having a chance to get a word in, “She is the only thing in this forsaken world I care about and you’re not about to take that away from me just so you can pretend like you’re the saviour of humanity,” You don’t remember ever being as harsh as Sukuna is right now, but his rage fills you with confidence and admiration, “I can guarantee humans will not fall as long as I am alive, his vow makes sure of it, though I’m sure he would not need it either way,”
The secondary eye on Yuji’s cheek closest to you locks its gaze onto you, “Ever so cunning, I wish I’d had the chance to nurture your hatred towards the village, maybe you’d be more open to killing,” He sounds almost wistful, “But alas, I did make a promise, and I intend to keep it, no matter how idiotic I think you sorcerers are,” You finally move to stand back on your feet, helping Yuji up with a tentative smile, “It’s nice to meet you Itadori,” You murmur, “I’m sorry you have to listen to that punk, you come to me if he gives you trouble alright?” The boy nods, his previously cheery demeanour replaced with something mellower and he seems deep in thought as he looks into your eyes.
“He really loves you,” He murmurs in disbelief, “I didn’t… I didn’t think he was truly capable of love, after what he did to me,” You shrug, “It’ll make sense one day, but I’ll let him be the one who opens up, it’s not my place to air out thousand year old dirty laundry with people who are long dead anyway,” Your words hang in the air as Gojo finally sighs. The discussion and conclusion are finalised when he leaves, Yuji will live with you and you will suppress Sukuna’s energy. You will keep the world safe by preserving your life, lest another binding vow come down upon your departing soul and the King of curses be forced to unleash his merciless fury once more.
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Sukuna is a little shit and out of character because it’s my fic and I get to write the male love interest however I want (I tried besties :( I don’t like mean Sukuna but I do love “I hate everyone but you” so that’s what you get) also I wrote this instead of sleeping at 2am, the brainrot is real and this will probably end up being a series because I can’t control myself
Part 2 here!
Post dividers from @cafekitsune
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cinnbar-bun · 3 months
One Piece Characters w/ an S/O who celebrates Ramadan
Characters: Luffy, Sanji, Crocodile, Robin
Rating: SFW
Notes: Muslim!GN!Reader. So yeah, obvy talking about religious beliefs and practices- if those make you uncomfortable please feel free to skip <3
A/n: this is for me and the three other Muslim OP fans here just vibing 😂 cultural notes at the bottom in case you didn't know/just curious about some of the terms here.
Absolutely does not get it, I think he has a heart attack hearing the words “no food or water” and does not listen to anything else after. 
Blows his mind you would do this… he’s trying his best, poor guy <3
But you know, he’s Luffy, so that means after an hour or two he gives up and just raids the kitchen. 
Task failed but you know he’ll always stay up late for iftar and wake up early for suhur. 
He at first thought you were trying to- god forbid- starve yourself or diet and nearly screamed. 
When you explain the reasoning, he’s touched and wants to support you! So that means he’s absolutely doing everything he can to make sure you’re hydrated and getting all the nutrients you can get whenever you can. 
He makes you a completely separate dish from the others while you’re working or resting (so your food is fresh and ready when you break your fast!). 
Self-indulgent thought he’s so so so on top of things when it comes to your meals in general, he will never put wine or meat in your meals, and he makes to sure clean the area and use separate pans for when he cooks your meals. Absolutely refuses to give you anything that goes against your beliefs (I need him in my life). 
Please, he’s buying you dates and getting up with you to make sure you’re drinking plenty of water and eating right. Sleep schedule be damned, he’s not messing around with your health!!!!
Now, he’s one of the few who actually knows what Ramadan is- he’s made Alabasta his “home” for a while and has participated in many celebrations or events to keep up appearances.
He kinda just humors you at first like “yeah, yeah, go be spiritual or whatever” and chuckles at you with that sexy voice of his. 
But he sees how dedicated you are, maybe sees you reading or praying and okay… his heart kinda melts. He’s never really believed in such things, not finding it useful for him, but seeing you just kinda makes him curious. 
Easily can fast alongside you, he just doesn’t make a big deal of it and insists that it’s simply due to him ‘not feeling hungry’ or ‘finding it boring to eat alone’ (sure, sure you big tsun). 
Makes sure your chefs are giving you only the best and freshest foods possible- he’s especially harsh about the food when it comes to Ramadan. 
I’m trying so hard not to inject my MENA!Croc addled brain into this piece so so hard I AM TRYING OKAY GUYS 
But can you imagine him going to the mosque with you or listening to you discuss or read the Quran and he’s just playing it cool but his eyes are so drawn to you and he wonders if you’re an angel and that he really, really does not deserve someone like you because he’s done so many bad things and wheeeeeeze-
She’s an elegant and refined woman, one who will 100% want to be involved in your traditions. 
She finds your beliefs fascinating and takes it upon herself to join you in your Ramadan. 
It took her a bit of getting used to, but after a few days, it quickly grew on her. 
Robin likes having tea with you during suhur, alongside a few fresh fruits Sanji had gotten. Light meals are best for her and she prefers to enjoy your company and take it easy before the dawn. 
She likes to keep track of the days and times of when you two begin and break your fasts- she’ll make sure to keep note of the Shawwal moon so you two (and the rest of the crew) can celebrate the Eid together!
Since it’s a time of reflection, Robin decides to sit quietly and talk about her feelings and experiences with you. She did have some reservations and guilt that she was too “demonic” to celebrate this with you, but through your encouragement, she felt better and continued it alongside you. 
Oh, she loves getting the henna done, too. She makes sure to have lots of flowers on her arms and is in love with the patterns.
Cultural Notes: 
Ramadan is the 9th month of the Islamic calendar, which is based on the lunar cycle- hence why you’ll often see debates on when Ramadan starts/ends or why it begins about a week or two earlier than before, since the lunar calendar is shorter than the solar calendar (or Gregorian, the one we normally use). 
Muslims fast for a month from dawn until sunset (there are restrictions of course) so no water or food from that time. 
Sahur/Suhur/Suhoor: the meal you eat before the dawn comes. 
Iftar: the meal you eat to break your fast at sunset. 
Shawwal is the 10th month of the Islamic calendar, so Ramadan ends when you see the Shawwal moon that starts a new month. 
Eid: the big celebration that marks the end of Ramadan. Usually you go do a special prayer or have a big gathering with your family and enjoy yourselves.
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raggedyflowers · 6 months
Op man reacting to you being mean to yourself
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okay so… maybe this is a little self indulgent because i used to be so mean to myself and I wanted someone to be gentle with me (and now I’m my biggest fan, even if there still are some bad days!)
character: sanji, law x reader
cw: a little of angst, but mostly fluff
world count: 453
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You were never good with the kitchen stuff, but Sanji asked you to help him and – really, you could never say no to him. Even if your boyfriend was guiding you and telling you what to do, you felt a little nervous about messing up all of his recipes. and then, maybe for the anxiety, you did really mixed up salt and sugar. “Y/n, wait —!” Sanji tried to stop you, but the mistake was already done. You looked at him and then at the plate now ruined. You shook your head “Sorry, Sanji” you cried. “I am so dumb”. Sanji looked at you for a moment and then he grabbed your hands. “Love, you are not dumb” he told you, fixing your hair behind your ear. “Do you know how many recipes I have ruined in the years? It’s not a big deal. So do not talk about your self like that, you are the greatest”. You nodded lowering your eyes for hiding him your tears. “Thank you, Sanji” you said shyly. “You are my perfect angel”.
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It was so fascinating hearing Law talking about all the things he knew. He knew so much about so many things and even he was a little nerd, you loved him every more when he started rambling on about all the stuff he liked and he was interested in. It was already late night in the Polar Tang, but you couldn’t just go away, not when Law was talking you about the last book the read. You were smiling and – maybe – staring at him a little too much. Of course he noticed, stopping talking to look at you back. “What?” he asked you. “Nothing, Traffy” you smirked to him. “I was just thinking that… I don’t know, sometime I wish I was smart like you”. Law tilted his head. “Why you always say things like that?” he asked you again. “Like what?” you didn’t understand. “Like you think you’re not smart enough, or less smart than us”. You didn’t know what to say. You never noticed you do that. “I — I don’t know” you said. Law shook his head before grabbing your waist and making you sat on his laps. “You are so smart, y/n-ya. Maybe not in the same way as me, but in so many different ways”. You could just nod to him, trying not to actually cry in front of him. “You are so bright, I’d like you to see me the way a see you”. Now you were legit crying, so you hid your face in the crease of his neck. “Shout up, Traffy” you blabbed and he hugged you tighter.
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lady--lazy · 2 months
John 'Soap' MacTavish
not proof read. happy reading!
warnings: none. just self indulgent tooth rotting fluff.
The chatter of your two year old son as he plays two doors down in his room being the only interruption every so often in your suspiciously quiet house. Your husband, Johnny, had headed straight to the shower after his morning run and had been in there for some time. Your suspicion bubbling to the surface even more.
“John? Are you alright in there? You've been in there longer than me.” You tease.
“All good lass.” He says as the door opens the steam sneaking out from around him.
You blink, then blink again deliberately slowing your motions down as if it will change the outcome in front of you. A completely smooth, clean shaven, baby faced John MacTavish. Though some of the small scars he's gotten over the years are more prominent now. Nothing wild or out of bonds, just small scars here and there marring his cheek or eye area.
It's not like you haven't seen Johnny like this because being together for six years and married for more than half that you've seen his facial hair take on every possible form. It's just most of the time your husband had some form of facial hair. Especially since you'd had your son. John keeping a thicker than his usual stubble or five o'clock shadow.
“Who are you and what have you done to my husband?” You ask in mock horror.
He chuckles softly at that. “What, you don't like it? Thought you loved me no matter what. In sickness and health and…questionable cosmetic choices.” He teases.
“Yeah, I do but you know that already.” You say cupping one of his cheeks tenderly as he leans down to capture your lips in a soft kiss. He explains how it's temporary, for an upcoming undercover op. The gentle patter of small feet and your son's head peeking into your room as he calls for you is all the warning you get, before your husband's mini me spots you and immediately runs into your arms. As you hoist him up on your hip, nodding at the broken babble before his eyes skitter to his father.
He pauses and really looks at the seemingly unfamiliar strange man, his babbling instantly tapering off. His eyes widen and he looks to you eyes huge as if asking; 'Mom you seeing this?'
The tell tale pout that signals he's about to cry graces his features. They stare each other down for a few moments. The smaller of the two tilting his head to the side slightly, a small crease between his eyebrows as he continues to look at your husband. Johnny in turn smiles softly, reaching out to take him in his arms the way he would any other time.
Your son looks to you with a look of bewilderment in his eyes before promptly bursting into tears. He moves instinctively closer to you, practically burying himself into the junction of your shoulder and neck.
Johnny in turn recoils slightly. Looking at you with a soft sad smile as he tries to mask the initial hurt, he tries again.
“C’mere mini MacTavish.” He coaxes, using his uncle Simon's nickname but your son shakes his head, fussing harder.
“It's just daddy, bubs.” You cooed softly. “He looks funny doesn't he?” You hum softly,kissing his head softly and rubbing his back, trying to calm the distraught toddler. Your son nods softly and mumbles something that sounds like “scary” before he sneaks another look at Johnny. You bite your lip to keep from smiling as your boys once again stare at each other.
Your son sniffles against you as he calms slightly wanting to be a brave big boy, like his dad and uncles always told him to always be. Looking at Johnny before asking in a small voice still welded to your side.
“Still daddy?” He asks, eyes huge, cheeks flushed and tears still clinging to his long lashes.
“Aye, still me bud.” Johnny says accent thick as he smiles softly at his mini me. Your son perks up a bit at the familiarity of his voice. You can practically see the gears in his head turning. Sounds like dad and mom says it's dad so maybe it is.
He shyly makes grab hands at johnny. In an instant he's swept up into your husband's arms, head on his broad shoulder as his small hand meets Johnny's cheek. His brows still furrowed at the new sight of your husband's facial hair free face. The toddler grasps at his father's face before looking back at you for reassurance
“Still daddy, bubba.” You say,rubbing his back as Johnny rubs the back of his head, pressing a soft kiss to the toddlers temple. That elicited a small giggle from the small boy as he puzzles into his father's shoulder before wriggling in his arms, a clear sign to be put down.
“Play?!” Your toddler asks with big doe eyes that your husband insists that he got from you.
"Aye, course we can." Johnny confirms as he lets the toddler lead the way.
iv'e never posted on tumblr (or for the cod fandom) before so feedback, comments and likes are more than welcome. ive had this idea in my head forever and finally got around to writing it.
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cebwrites · 3 months
since you wanted some uncommon character requests; could i request some sfw and nsfw relationship headcanons for penguin x reader and shachi x reader? If they're not too out of the way for you (~ ̄▽ ̄)~ I rarely see those two requested for, so I'd love to see you're take on them! [I'd ask off anon but i can't ask from a non-primary blog - I'll be reblogging to @remisloves if you wanted an identity (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)b ]
a/n: surprisingly they aren't around these parts, I've gotten quite a few requests for the boys lol - but since you asked nicely, sure <3 [thank you so much for including your blog too, it feels nice to actually put usernames to people (;´д`)ゞ]
Relationship Headcanons (Penguin, Shachi)
gn reader, trans penguin, nsfw under the cut self-indulgence unrelated to pen and shach at the end cw; blood, funky OP-verse sex toys word count: 1.1k
Penguin was the oldest of the original Heart Pirates quartet, he's always been the oldest even when it was just him and Shachi, before and after the tsunami that left them with Shachi's horrible, horrible relatives
It's made him protective over the people he holds dear, incredibly worrisome even if he tries to hide it, but also surprisingly nurturing for someone who seemingly goofs off as much as his counterpart does
He makes snacks, he checks up on the crew, and has a bad habit of taking too much onto himself, although not nearly as badly as the notorious Heart captain, Penguin still struggles with that "eldest sibling" mentality even if most of the crew is quite a bit older than him; he vehemently denies any teasing you or the crew give him about passing on those traits to Law
When it comes to you, Pen likes to keep a close eye on you even when things are calm and everyone's having fun, not that he doesn't trust you to take care of yourself, but he'd just like to make sure no one's getting hurt or too carried away when his crew mates' usual brand of shenanigans kick into high gear
There's a cute kind of shyness when he opens up to you for the first time; yeah agreeing to being in a relationship is one thing but it's another to actually know the person you love and with Penguin, it's tentative, almost scared, but genuine
He's hesitant to let you come too close at first, become too physical, an insecurity that you do your best to quell but it isn't easy, Pen's become used to protecting himself and his own so much that vulnerability is alien
Being topless with the guys on the Tang's deck, whacking each other on the ass with freshly laundered towels is one thing, but being intimate with his partner in a private room is another entirely
Still, you're patient with him, you don't react poorly when he gets overwhelmed at the protective layers of clothes hitting the floor, you allow him space, and eventually, maybe even agonizingly slowly, he lets you in - starting with a held pinky while Penguin catches his breath with his shirt off, his nerves getting the best of him after getting a little more handsy than usual that day
When the dam finally breaks, when he's comfortable showing himself to you in his entirety, you're surprised at how ravenous Penguin actually is - he's insatiable, betraying the composure he carries himself with throughout the day
In the bedroom, against the wall, in the communal bathroom and over the Tang's railing when everyone's asleep, hell, even in an alleyway once when the both of you had time to kill on a random island while everyone else was getting wasted, he can't keep his hands off you
Penguin loves watching you eat him out, one hand in your hair while the other shakily props himself up, but what he loves more is the view he gets when you're sucking him off
The Grand Line is.... an anomaly, neither you or Pen are here to dispute that - weird as it is, however, it's often resourceful once you can get past the initial recoil; all that to say—Penguin got his hands on seeds that, once "planted" between his vulva, allowed him to temporarily grow a fully functioning phallus
By god, Pen loves the way you look bouncing on it
He digs his nails into your waist, laps up the sweat on your skin, his grip is hard enough to bruise but you're no better, egging him on to take you after you've done such good work prepping his cock, prepping yourself for him
And really how could he say no after all that
The MOST live in your hoodies mf to ever; he's clingy, he's affectionate, he mock-whines if you've been apart from him for too long like a pup with separation anxiety
To some degree you both know it's an act he puts on to vie for your attention, but there's also a real part of him that worries if he lets his hold on you slip a little too much, you'll disappear
I like to think Shachi's part fishman too, so there's a quiet part of him that worries his partner would leave if they found out, or couldn't handle the treatment you'd get by proxy of being so close to a fishman, even if he wasn't full-blooded - yet every day you find ways to reassure him that'll never happen
In return, he'll climb to the top of the Tang's mast to yell about how much he loves you and how perfect you are, he's a little obnoxious in the Maes Hughes "look at my adorable family" kind of way but you can forgive the mild embarrassment when he flashes his award-winning smile full of razor-sharp chompers
Shachi takes incredible pride in being the one who takes care of the Heart Pirates' hair, his little summer job on Swallow Island for the few years that he spent as a stylist really did turn into a passion for him, even if his occupation on paper is "pirate", but hey, who's keeping track anyways?
Despite his enthusiasm about most everything else, he's incredibly delicate with you initially, constantly checking in to see if you're alright, making sure boundaries aren't crossed, confirming that you are, in fact, enjoying yourself like the big shell-conchus dweeb he is, Shachi just wants to make sure you're alright
Not that he doesn't still check up on you now, he absolutely does, but now with a decent amount of shared time between you two, he's a lot less jumpy about things, more confident in his stride - or rather stroke, I should say
He's loud, peppers you in kisses all over, hell if other people can hear, Shachi needs you to know that he adores every part of you - it does result in an addition of both of your chores (takes two to tango), so whenever the sub drops anchor the both of you try to sneak off to a love hotel given the option of free roam at least once if possible
Shachi answers to you completely, he marks you up at your command and eases whenever you show the slightest discomfort; still, when you do manage to convince him to let loose, he definitely takes the phrase leaving his mark literally - with those exact teeth
He laps at the wounds he leaves as he makes love to you, smearing crimson and words of praise against your body like hymns of devotion, pulling you impossibly close and sharing your taste when you pull him in for a kiss, still trying to hold back that animal desire
The aftercare is just as tender, just as sweet, but maybe a little awkward the first time around when he has to explain to Law why he's sneaking medical supplies away while you sit in the middle of blood stained sheets like you're the victim of a murder
And a bonus for me since writing this had me thinking about it-
I know Law goes down on their man like a champ; inexperienced initially? Yes, but they learn quickly and spite from being teased is a good motivator as any, plus, pleasing their partner, of course
Kirin's got his dick out? Not a problem, they're making him beg for it, the E, As, and T on their fingers might not see the light for hours, not until they're satisfied with edging Kirin until he cries
The only one who beats them at that is Zoro but realistically, no one's topping the King of Cock, not unless Zoro finds it in his heart to not power-bottom Sanji for the night
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mixelation · 13 days
i thought about replying to this post, but then decided it'd be better to make my own. tl;dr OP states that they don't mind a lot types of comments AO3 writers commonly complain about and then calls for writers to read their comments in good faith. i was going to just scroll by this as it seemed to be presented as "this is my personal preference," but then OP calls for more writers to share their feelings. so i thought it might help to explain why i personally don't like certain types of comments
first, OP brings up pointing out typos multiple times. i absolutely despise having typos pointed out, although personally i don't know any other writers who care too much. i delete comments that just point out typos with no other commentary, and the fact that i don't delete comments with actual comments AND a typo pointed out is mostly because the idea makes me feel bad for the commenter. my personal hatred for the typo comments is linked more to being bullied for being dyslexic than anything else, but i do think a list of typos with nothing else is a pretty rude comment, and it ties into why giving unsolicited "constructive criticism" is, imho, rude or at the very least largely annoying
a lot of people say unsolicited concrit is bad because "fic is free." this isn't the reason. it's still rude to personally contact a writer with your criticisms even if you paid for it (assuming you didn't, you know, commission it or otherwise have a right to give such feedback). it's because concrit is essentially useless unless the person providing it understands the goals of the writer and wants to help the writer to those goals. on ao3, the writer's goal might have been to write a little story in one sitting. it might have been to write something hyper self-indulgent and so niche that it makes no sense to any other human being. the writer's goal might not be anything that would necessitate concrit at all. and, no offense, but most "constructive criticism" from random people on the internet is just "you didn't write the story i personally wanted to read" rather than anything that has to do with the story itself. on top of that, when i give people stuff for spelling and grammar, a stunning percentage of the time, people make "corrections" which are simply unnecessary or flat out incorrect. you are not a copy editor, and unless the writer asked in their notes, they have not asked you to edit. don't do it.
also, when you point out typos, there's an implied assumption you expect the writer to fix them. otherwise, why point them out? and the writer has no obligation to do things for you
other types of comments in the post:
‘I don’t usually like this ship but this fic made me feel something’ - I don't personally mind this one unless the tone is REALLY hostile to whatever ship (or trope, or character, or whatever). The reason why this one is often construed as rude is that the writer presumably is a fan of the ship, since they're writing about it. If you criticize other fics about the ship, then you might be criticizing things the author really enjoys. I think tone is a big factor here; this genre of comment can get way more hostile than OP's example.
‘looking forward to the next update’ / ‘I hope you update soon!’ - The wording of both of these is mild, but keep in mind writers with lots of fics have likely fielded a decent number of "update now you [slur]" comments. Also this is inappropriate to say on a fic marked completed (surprisingly common!). My experience on AO3 is that the really aggressive "update now!!" comments are fewer than they used to be and fewer than on FFN, but a lot of writers are still made tired by them. I'd suggest saying something more like "I'm excited to see where this goes" and make sure the fic isn't complete.
‘I love this fic but I’m curious about why you made [x] choice’ - I don't think most writers would mind this one, actually. Usually writers like it when you ask them questions about their work. If I gave any commentary, I'd be a bit careful about tone again-- if you just write "why'd you do [x]" with nothing else, it could come off abrasive or like you think the choice was bad.
i do agree with OP's contention that one's experience as a writer on AO3 will improve if they engage comments in good faith. i disagree with the idea that reading in good faith means every type of comment below outright harassment is appropriate or not annoying. i do not think reading in good faith and just accepting anything anyone says to you are the same. i also don't really believe that writers complaining about annoying comments is creating a comment scarcity, mostly because i don't believe in the purported comment crisis everyone is upset about, and also because i know there were entire LJ communities dedicated to asshole comments. it's not really new.
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terrence-silver · 14 days
Old man Terry using the Internet Age to find his beloved? 💻 🌐 ⌨️
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I think Terry Silver relishes the perks new technology and the Internet Age as we know it today brought about --- something that simply didn't exist when he was young(er), along with all the opportunities it placed before him, taking to it like a fish takes to water because I feel he enjoys expensive and intricate toys no matter the decade and he always has the most expensive, modern new thing; I think he loves how it entirely changed the rules of 'the hunt' too. How it gave him a whole extra realm to dominate over.
Which he does. Most expertly.
Well, of course, I mean, there's no denying that in typical old man fashion he might reminisce that 'back in his days' if you wanted to stalk someone, peep on them, be a voyeur, trespass, discover information about them, you'd have to be hands on, do it personally, go out there and physically watch them through their window. Dig through drawers. Listen through walls and doors. Take photos manually. Eavesdrop on conversations. Personally wiretap apartments. Climb over roofs and lower yourself on someone's balcony to enter their bedroom in a style that might put a Ninja to shame. Literally put yourself out there and indulge in the thrill of the chase. The adrenaline of being caught. It took some actual skill. Some balls. Tenacity. Daring. Not schlub could do it. If you wanted something or someone that badly, you had to go out and get them. The Internet? Well, it ensures that almost everything --- every bit of intel you could ever imagine about a person is right there, in your pocket, on a phone that could fit into the palm of your hand. On a laptop that can fit on your desk. And what's best? People put all this information out there all by themselves and often, it's a competition to see who can put more out there giving a seasoned voyeur a lifetime's worth of material to freely browse through. Every day. Every hour. Every second. Worldwide. What's perversely funny to Terry, no doubt, is that they're helpless to prevent who does the watching on the other end of the screen. Who saves what bit of info. With what intentions. What he does with it later, to what end. Giving someone like him, oh, only a million ways to exploit or blackmail someone if he so chooses, feeding the ultimate need for control and having the upper hand in him. Oh, look, he found an uncomfortable post someone made a decade ago that sounds a bit prejudiced and problematic; would be awful if that got into the public, now would it? It doesn't have to be like that, provided you do what he says. This being only an example, of course. How Terry would make a game out of having someone vulnerable and in the palm of his hand. Entirely at his mercy.
Some odd thirty years ago?
That would've been unimaginable and I feel Terry relishes that. Perhaps missing 'the good old days' just a little bit. No denying that the man undoubtedly likes climbing in through someone's window. Hiding in chimneys. Coming and going undetected. Breaking and entering through his own ability. Maybe it's the Spec Ops soldier in him; the ability to show off some skill to nobody in particular to his own self and his ego in the knowledge not everyone can do what he just did.
So, if his beloved is someone who caught his eye online?
The delight of it is shockingly short-lived in him because I imagine it would quickly hit him that whatever he can see --- every punk out there can see as well. Every image. Every update. Every thought. Every bit of information that can be exploited. Every video. Every like, dislike. Everything. There's no intimacy. The man watching through a hole; the clueless ingenue on the other side, not realizing they're observed and no third person 'spoiling' the moment. Rendering his control anything but absolute. Threatening his sense of authority. Suddenly, he's contending with a billion equally faceless strangers out there (potentially leering over beloved?) and he doesn't like that. Oh, he doesn't like that one bit. Beloved doesn't just exclusively live and exist in his phone, tucked away into his pocket like something that belongs to them and him alone. They don't exist solely in front of a camera connected to his laptop. They're aren't just his in this moment in time. They also, potentially live...in everyone else's pocket as well. In everyone else's computer too. The thought would be...visceral? Like, if he took pleasure in spying on every update and upload, every private insight into beloved's life, utilizing hack tricks to go even further, track their IP address, be privy into the search history, transactions, there's the overwhelming notion that Terry would get so possessive and territorial that there's people on the Internet who can do the exact same thing, and the exact same time he's doing it, that he'd undoubtedly use his powers and connections to ensure beloved's just scrubbed clean off of the Internet. Like, their online life? Their profiles? Accounts? Log ins? Passwords? They cease existing overnight. Years and years worth of memories --- poof --- just gone in less than a heartbeat. These things...they were for his eyes only. Nobody else's. Beloved just wakes up one morning finding everything...gone. Is it some kind of domain bug? Sites being down? Should they turn their laptop on and off? Should they visit a repairman? Who can give them any sort of concrete answers!? What the heck's going on?
Oh, yeah, right. Someone just deleted everything.
Unbeknownst to beloved...someone saved everything they lost without recovery too.
That someone being Terry Silver.
Because everything beloved is, everything they ever shared with the World?
It's all his now; the way it should be too.
Not too far fetched for someone with a tenacity for identity theft to then graduate to data theft.
Their address, where they live, where they work, what they ate for lunch last Saturday, years worth of selfies, pictures of their pet along with every minutiae intricacy that could be interesting to nobody else but a possessive secret admirer; these are all bigger and smaller pieces of information forming the intricate mosaic that is beloved's existence are all things Terry Silver now has exclusively, having ultimate, unlimited and uninhibited access to them forever --- and sometimes? Sometimes, the best ways are the good old ways --- just like the best liquor? You guessed it! The best Cognac? The best Whisky? It's old Whisky. It's old Cognac! He'll proceed stalking by using the anachronistic method. The way he has done it decades before the Internet ever even became a thing, because ironically, that very same Internet provided him the necessary tools to find beloved in the flesh as quick as he did. Live. In real life, as the kids call it nowadays. He won't be content with just online voyeurism for long, even though it was a very entertaining and titillating toy, he must admit, and it was grand while it lasted. But, a man of true determination? A man of true determination and actual discipline who intends to win anything in life must go out there and take what is his personally, no matter the decade. That's one thing that never changes and that someone born around the time Terry was born would undoubtedly think shouldn't change because it's what separates a wimp from an individual with some backbone. So, while poor beloved, wherever they might be in the world, might be here breaking their head to figure out what happened to literally every account and profile they ever had since they were a teenager effectively ---- and most importantly, how they can recover everything lost and fix the damage, they don't even realize, that from somewhere far, far away, someone's coming to get them. Claim them as their own. Intending to share them with nobody ever again. Someone they don't even realize is responsible for all of this mess in the first place. Someone they never even met before. Someone who hasn't really met them either, but who, nonetheless, knows more about them than anyone else.
Someone who's been watching them all along.
Someone who, actually, come to think of it, likes to 'hunt' the old fashioned way more.
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berylcups · 2 months
Yandere Files: Risotto x Reader
CW: creepy behavior , stalking, groping , period, alcohol, injury, blood, masturbation, face sitting
Notes: I decided to try to do things a little differently this time. I wanted to do a more of a creeper/pervert yandere. I hope it’s not too ooc it’s more self indulgent than anything! I hope you all can enjoy it 💜 Beryl
The hitman team had 10 members. They were all hand picked personally by Risotto Nero himself. He cares for them all deeply and would risk his life for them. He doesn’t play favorites… that’s what he tells himself. There’s one he’s particularly soft on, and it’s Y/N. They were AFAB. Normally Risotto would have some reservations about this type of person being a part of his group but they had a very gruesome stand.
It wasn’t well hidden that Risotto treated Y/N differently. He never really raised his voice at them, or scolded them outside of telling them not to overexert themselves. He always made sure they had a seat when there was a meeting, he wouldn't even start the meeting without them present. He always knew when his teammates were missing but with Y/N, he was hyper aware. If he didn’t know where they were he needed to know where they were exactly at that moment. Thankfully for him, Y/N lives on base.
The guys knew how obvious it was that he did more than favor them. He’s falling hard for them. They would never dare tease him about it but they definitely joke about it between each other. When has Risotto ever been attentive to the guy's comfort/needs?
“Formaggio, quit spreading your legs and move over so Y/N can sit down.”
“Hold on, someone is missing… Where is Y/N? In the bathroom? Are they okay? We will distribute the pay from the boss when Y/N is done.”
“Y/N. I told you countless times now - don’t overexert yourself. You kill the target but you also just end up exhausted. That’s not worth it. I can’t rest until you’re well again.”
Risotto is always watching over you like a hawk. You though? You don’t really know that. He watches you while you sleep. You can’t see him because he’s using his stand ability to remain invisible. Also he’s gotten pretty good at syncing his breaths with yours so when you do wake up feeling like you’re being watched you’ll just assume you’re being paranoid again. This place is probably haunted after how many people died in the basement…but we don’t think about that when we are trying to fall back asleep.
When you’re not at the base he sometimes follows you to make sure you’re safe. Napoli isn’t safe at night. He doesn’t really like it when you go out to the bar or the club all alone. Even if some of the guys accompanied you he knows they will be too distracted by the other singles there or watching football to notice you’re getting hit on by a stranger shooting their shot. Unfortunately for that person flirting with you is the last thing they’ll ever do. Their last thoughts were how in the hell a pair of scissors ended up inside their neck.
He makes sure you get home okay. He always seems to be around when you’re ready to leave the bar/club. He drives your heavily drunk ass back to the base and gets you to bed. You pass out cold almost immediately after you hit that pillow. Watching you be that vulnerable is giving him dark thoughts. He just wants to be inside you so badly but… he holds himself back. It’s frustrating him so bad that he’s biting his lip hard enough to draw blood. Maybe he can compromise by getting a view of your bare chest. Regardless of the size of your breast or if you don’t have any his whole hand can nearly cover the entirety of one. Feeling the soft flesh in his hand is causing a wet spot to form in the strained crotch of his pants. His cock is weeping for stimulation. Whether you have them or not, he thinks you’d look amazing with nipple piercings and would want to do them himself for you.
He’s always there when you have a cut. When ever you’re chopping up vegetables or using a box cutter to open a package he manipulates the magnetic pull to get you to accidentally cut yourself. He wants an excuse to be there to touch you and to mend your wounds. He doesn’t look like it but if you’re shaken up about the accident he’ll be there to emotionally support you.
“Just breathe slowly Y/N. It’s just an accident. It’s okay. Everything will be okay. I know it’s a lot of blood but you didn’t cut any of your major veins or arteries. You're safe, I won’t let you bleed out.”
Speaking of blood, he’s very supportive of you during your period when most of the guys would cringe and scurry away. He uses his stand to help make your period flow easier. He uses his big warm hand to rub your lower stomach for you and the cramps ease up quickly. But the minute you pull away to do something the cramps come back immediately. It looks like you’re stuck with him rubbing on your stomach for the remainder of the day but he doesn’t seem to be bothered in the slightest.
When you two have missions they are usually separate due to the nature of your stands but he always insists on driving you to yours since it’s always on the way. He put your music on as long as it’s compatible with his tastes(can you imagine him listening to Brittany Spears? oh my lort) as you drift off to sleep on the long ride he’ll rest his hand on your inner thigh and squeeze it a bit. You're so sleepy that you don’t register it and even if you did, do you really care? It’s hard to tell what’s real and what’s a dream when you’re drifting in and out of sleep.
The walls of this shitty building are ridiculously thin. You can hear full conversations 3 rooms over, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have its perks. Your room is right next to his office so he can hear everything you’re doing. He can hear all the phone conversations you’re having. You’re unknowingly just letting all your secrets spill out that was just meant for the ears of your closest friends. Now he knows more ways to get closer to you. And his most favorite thing to learn about you is, your sexual appetite. He can hear the type of porn you’re watching on your computer, the low hum of your vibrator, and your sweet moans. He can’t help but feverishly stroke his cock in his office to your voice. He just wants to imagine you making those sounds as he’s buried deep inside you. He wants to see your stomach bulging every time he thrusts in and makes you cry from how full you are.
You’d think they’d be too poor but having their own washer and dryer is a must for assassins. You can’t exactly take bloody clothes to get cleaned at the local laundromat. You take good care of your clothes and not lose them getting mixed in with the other guy’s clothes but your underwear seems to disappear into thin air. You have a feeling one of the perverted teammates may have taken them. You confront the team about it and air your frustration but not one of them has any idea what you’re talking about!
“Don’t play dumb! I know one of you creeps did it! Now fess up and tell which one of you took my panties!” You hissed.
“ steal your underwear are you kidding me?! We wouldn’t dare!” Illuso retorts.
“Yeah! especially since Risotto got the hot-ow!” Formaggio blurted out before getting interrupted with a punch to the side by Prosciutto. “What the hell man? That hurt!”
“Now Y/N, you need to take some responsibility and accept the fact that you just lost your clothes rather than childishly blaming it on us. You’re __ years old now, act like it.” Scolded Prosciutto.
While you were arguing with the rest of the team, Risotto is furiously stroking his cock in the bathroom while deeply inhaling the musky natural scent from your used panties. He’s thinking very intently about you sitting on his face as he eats out and suffocates in your wet cunt.
Things are just escalating and he can’t seem to hold himself back anymore. He needs to come clean to you and make you his whether you want to or not. He’s going to want you to meet him in his office and he silently locks the door behind you.
“Y/N…We have known each other for a long while now. I know I’m supposed to be your leader and keep it professional but… You’re all I think about. I always think about holding you, kissing you, touching you, making love to you, breeding you. I need you to be mine. For good.”
Whether you accept his feelings or not you’re like a deer in headlights and let him lean in to kiss you deeply. He was going to take what’s his and that’s you. Get ready to have your back blown out by this behemoth of a man because he likes it slow and hard. But don’t worry he’ll treat you like the monarch that you are!
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hanasnx · 9 months
(if this makes u uncomfy in any way plz ignore)
idk if mj exists in SW ‘verse, but like—sex with ani while ur both high as kite?? BIG YES (from me at least).
esp cause!! it would probably heighten ani’s force sensitivity?? like he’s feeling high and tingling and extra touch sensitive and all of a sudden you’re touching him and he’s getting a rush of emotions, floating, hungry, hot, i love you i want you.
and you. you look like heaven, like every sin he’s ever indulged in, all flushed and glowy and smiley, touching him with a fluttery touch.
ani needs you when he’s high cause there’s something almost spiritual, almost heaven scent and hell touched, about the rush of you he gets in every way.
as a former pothead i think i've gotta set some records straight. long post about marijuana + fucking + anakin under the cut <3
warnings: marijuana, negative + positive for anakin experience with marjuana
when i was smoking enough for a circle and then playing whatever videogame was in my ps for 20 hours a day, i can say that it did nothing but make me hungry, my attention span elongated, and my anxiety non-existent. i wasn't interested in fucking, i was mostly into wasting away while naked. it didn't do much (that i can remember) for my sense of touch.
i do know that when i did fuck while high, it wasn't a remarkable experience because i don't remember any of it. nor did it make me horny or add to the sensation. those kinds of effects were from an entirely different drug that i did that i dont feel like putting the trigger warnings for so i wont talk about it
pot is definitely good for mellowing out, chilling, and fucking really casual. and i mean really casual. that's my experience with it anyway i have no idea if its diff for other ppl, im sure ppl who arent demisexual and have higher sex drives than me can say different who knows.
for anakin, i can see him smoking and fucking. definitely. in very specific circumstances. let me lay those out for you:
he smokes very occasionally for spirituality reasons. he does it respectfully, with great care. a big stickler about it. he wants to emphasize to himself it's not for recreational or social reasons. the jedi discourage drugs that cloud your judgment. marijuana is frowned upon to rely on for things like calming yourself or meditating because you should be able to do that alone. however, it's not frowned upon to partake in it every once in a while. it's all about new experiences and as long as you treat it with respect, it's alright. anakin treats it with the utmost respect.
he does not care to be under the influence of something. being high or drunk is a very rare form for him indeed. he gets very uncomfortable when on something, and especially uncomfortable being reliant on something, so when he is smoking he does it alone most of the time. he does not like being disillusioned, and he certainly does not like the idea of someone's no-nonsense idea of him being shattered.
he's led a ceremony with younger people of the order. taught them how to partake, how to roll, how to use it mindfully. and if someone is having a negative first experience, they had too much or it does not agree with them and it gets into their heads, he knows how to calm them.
when he smokes with you, it might be a rare moment of rebellion. a "i'm an adult, i can smoke a little weed." moment. and even with that notion, his darkness may catch up to him. the guilt of using it under different circumstances than usual may put him in a bad place, memories he pushes back into the reaches of his mind creep up. his past with tatooine, the tusken massacre, etc. he gets paranoid, those doubts you couldn't love a monster like him get the better of him. it gets in his way. and you're there to lead him back to the present. like op said, "you look like heaven" he'd hone in on you. tunnel vision.
anakin's way of calming himself is often self pleasure. and so since youre here, and willing and able, he might use you to guide him back to the present in a more physical way. he can't think if he's inside you, all he can do is chase his orgasm. he's tingly, he's got those nerves in the pit of his stomach, he's trying to ground himself using you and at the same time fuck you out of this world. however, with marijuana you're both slowed, and clumsy. the love-making wouldn't be coherent, or poised, but it'd be enjoyable. less concerned about what you must look like, and more cuddly. more shallow thrusts, and humping ruts, and sloppy kisses and no dialogue.
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callsign-mimic · 3 months
This is so entirely self indulgent, it's unreal.
Part Two to what was initially supposed to be just a little blurb ficlet where Captain Castle "Daddy" Alistair meets the ever skittish Mimic. Part one is here.
Thanks to @charliemwrites for letting me use Captain Daddy and making a little suggestion that I personally think added the perfect touch
Tags/CW: Mostly OCs, Wholesome, Reader is the first SpecGru op to get to use Mimic as a pillow, Mimic is still hopeless and Castle falls a little harder than he expected
The storm rolls in shortly after Captain Reinhart leaves. Mimic was sitting on the common room couch again, reading a book while Rusty sat on the floor in front of her with his head resting on her knees. He hated thunderstorms. To the point where he would panic if he wasn't cuddled up to someone. Mimic was gently rubbing his scalp as she read, working her fingers gently through his ginger coils to keep him relaxed.
You were feeling apprehensive, though you weren't sure why. Seeing Rusty so relaxed under Mimic's care made you want to cuddle up with the two of them despite only having known them for a few hours at this point. You walked over casually and sat on the opposite end of the couch, trying to seem nonchalant as you slowly scooted yourself closer to her.
"You're not as subtle as you think, sweetheart." Mimic says, not looking up from her book. You couldn't help feeling embarrassed about having been caught, only to smile when she continues talking. "Come lay your head down. There's plenty of comfort to be found here." She didn't have to ask you twice. You settled your head onto her plush thighs and melted into her soft warmth. The minute her fingers started running through your hair, you were gone, complete putty in her hands.
How sweet you looked, lying peacefully on Mimic's lap almost forehead to forehead with Rusty. The two of you doze off, oblivious to the raging storm outside in lieu of the soft comfort provided by this one person. And that's how Castle found the three of you. He was walking past the common room with Keegan, discussing mission tactics when he happened to look over and see you and Rusty dozing with your heads so close to each other.
Mimic didn't notice her sudden audience. She was humming softly to the two of you, her fingers gently massaging your scalps as you slept peacefully on her lap. Keegan waved Nikto and Nova over so that they could also witness the scene. Castle remembered talking to Captain Reinhart about Mimic after she had gotten skittish and practically fleed from his attempt to talk to her.
"Meine kleine Maus is very timid around people who show her care." Reinhart had said, grinning like a proud father. "She is a caretaker herself, but does not seem to know how to feel when people want to take care of her. She does not even let Welpe care for the way she does for him and others. She would rather feel useful than like she's a burden, ja?"
How Mimic could ever see herself as a burden was beyond Castle. Even in the short amount of time he'd known her, he couldn't imagine her to be the type of person that would be a burden. He couldn't help but smile as he watched how sweet and gentle she was with you. Already having you feeling so safe and comfortable that you're sleeping deeply.
Mimic stops humming and looks sheepish when she realizes she has an audience. Castle sends the test of the team off to their rooms, and walks to the couch, kneeling in front of you and stroking your hair.
"She wasn't any trouble, was she, doll?" He asks, looking up at Mimic to find her avoiding his gaze.
"No, sir. She was no trouble at all." She replies, soft and timid. He wants to reach up and cup her face, look into those soft grey eyes, make her feel as safe as she made you feel. But Rusty starts to stir and looks up at her.
"Alright, Mama?" Rusty asks, rubbing one eye, his Southern drawl slightly slurred in his half-asleep state. Mimic looks down at him, and the warm smile that appears on those pretty, full lips makes Castle want to kiss her as she tells Rusty that it's time to get to bed. Rusty asks if he can share your bed, since you had offered earlier, and Mimic nods. Castle picks you up, cradling you gently to his broad chest, and Mimic plants a soft kiss on Rusty's forehead before he follows behind the captain to your room.
"Thanks for taking such good care of her." Castle says, smiling at Mimic and making a soft pink blush rise to her cheeks. "It's been a long while since she's been able to sleep likes this. I really appreciate you being so gently with her." Mimic fidgets and mumbles something about it just being how she is before Castle takes you to your room, tucking you and Rusty in with each other. He goes back to the common room to find that Mimic had already vacated and hidden herself away once again. Dammit.
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professorspork · 1 year
(previously on Leah Combines RWBY With Sports That Had Peak Popularity in The Early 20th Century: 2021 Kentucky Derby Horse Names as RWBY Weapons, Ranked)
Friends, it's that time of year again.
"Baseball season?" you ask. And I say: yes, but also.
"Oh. RWBY hiatus?" you groan, realizing I'm about to do something slightly unhinged.
To make a very long story short, I love these two things, and wanted to combine these two things, and have very strong opinions about these two things, so here we are: a post that makes a functional baseball team out of RWBY characters. True, the Venn diagram of people who like both these things as much as I do to serve as my audience is probably small. True, baseball positions aren't astrological signs and anyone of any personality can play anywhere, but lord knows there are Tropes and I plan to indulge.
SO. I give you the starting nine (plus some bullpen depth) of the Beacon Huntresses:
Pitcher: Weiss Schnee. Among several decisions that are no-brainers, this one is probably the no-brainiest. Weiss is a lefty (always highly in demand for pitchers) and her balletic combat movement style translates perfectly to a distinct delivery mechanic. Weiss is a high velocity, high strikeout pitcher who induces a lot of swings and misses with nasty breaking stuff that dances through the air and paints the corners. Because it brings me joy to think about, I'm going to say that Remnant uses old NL rules so Weiss has to bat, and I'll rank her at like a Cole Hamels-level "hey, that's not embarrassing for a pitcher!" career .400 OPS. Not afraid to sac bunt when she has to, but beats out the throw more often than you'd think.
Catcher: Jaune Arc. Yes yes get in your "White Knight real" jokes while you can about Weiss and Jaune playing as the regular battery. This one was also an easy selection; catchers are valued most highly for their strategic minds and defensive capabilities, with any offense added seen as a bonus. As the latest kerfuffle with the Cardinals blaming Willson Contreras for *checks notes* not being Yadi Molina shows, having trust in your catcher to call the game and be thoughtful in his pitch selection in high-leverage situations is paramount. That's Jaune all over. Probably not much of a power guy but has pop when it counts and is excellent at pitch framing.
First Base: Yang Xiao Long. Okay I promise I'll stop calling every decision a no-brainer but THIS ONE REALLY IS. Yang is your classic slugging first baseman, of whom there are literally too many examples to name-- including many righties YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE LEFTY TO PLAY FIRST OKAY. Yang's a Vladdy. Hits for serious power, but more than that embodies the quality that the best first basemen have: she's The Mayor. Truly iconic first basemen are fun to chat with! They are friendly to all their visitors as opposing players stop over on their way around the diamond; this is Yang to a T. Yang probably used to play center field in high school and got converted to 1B in the minors. Most likely on the team to induce very silly rundowns with goofy, clever, self-sacrificial baserunning. Has a penchant for always hitting homers the next time she faces a pitcher after she's been hit by a pitch.
Second Base: Blake Belladonna. She is all about those scrappy diving catches, and flipping to Ruby quickly so they can turn two (but I'm getting ahead of myself). Blake's a utility infielder who'd be comfortable anywhere but let's be real she likes playing the right field side because she gets sad when she can't easily make smirky meaningful eye contact with Yang at all times, so they keep her at second so she won't pout. Probably hits high average but low slugging. Most likely to volunteer to be a position player pitching during a blowout and then, like. Unexpectedly throw 93 with movement. Definitely steals a lot.
Shortstop: Ruby Rose. Ruby has the brains to be a catcher but to waste/ruin her speed on catcher's legs would be a crime; she's got zippy athleticism written all over her. She bats leadoff because she has excellent plate discipline; she's a hard out and gets on base a ton. Think a DJ LeMahieu or Bryson Stott at his best-- sprays to all fields, and sees pitches in the double digits like every other at-bat because she's happy to stand there and keep fouling it off with an infuriating smile on her face until the pitcher makes a mistake. Steals even more often than Blake does, but specifically is a tricksy little imp on the basepaths like Anthony Volpe-- like she would definitely induce a throw when she was already back at the bag because she dances around. (I s2g there's video of this but I cannot find it anywhere sry.)
Third Base: Penny Polendina. Fast hands, Gold Glove-level defense. Unfortunately she's built in the mold of an Adalberto Mondesi or Byron Buxton where it's like "no better player on earth when she's healthy but she's NEVER HEALTHY;" she's got glass bones and has had multiple weeks-long trips to the Injury List or needed season-ending surgery because something popped or snapped. The sort of player where it's like "god no you don't understand, the game is so much better when she's playing" and it's a heartbreaker because SHE KEEPS GETTING TAKEN AWAY FROM YOU. Once did a bat flip after a home run because Ruby encouraged her to and, like, the bat shattered on the grass somehow because she's that strong.
Left Field: Emerald Sustrai. Because if you ask her, her face turn was... out of left field! Eh? Eh??? Okay yeah sorry. To me Emerald is a 2022 Oswaldo Cabrera situation where they threw her in left because they had nowhere else to put her even though she'd never played it before in the minors but she was just. Instantly extremely good at it. Has great range for tracking down fly balls in foul territory. Very streaky hitter who either runs super hot and super cold with no in-between. Steals a lot but also gets caught stealing a lot because she's impatient (see also: streaky hitter, probably chases out of the zone and has really poor plate discipline). But she's getting better! Most likely to come up with cute home run celebration ideas and then absolutely refuse to take credit for them.
Center Field: Pyrrha Nikos. This is the last of the extremely obvious no-brainers. Pyrrha is your star franchise player in center field; she is your Aaron Judge, your Mike Trout. Hits for average and for power, pure athleticism and grace, the player everyone's heard of even when they don't give a shit about baseball. Also now I'm just thinking about how Mike Trout would 100% be like "actually that cereal isn't very good for you" and Pyrrha would 100% stay up all night riveted to the Weather Channel and then call in to compliment the meteorologist they are the same person. Her catches at the fence are so spectacular, you could swear her glove's magnetized.
Right Field: Nora Valkyrie. Is there a very obvious "designated hitter" joke to be made about Nora "be strong and hit stuff" Valkyrie? Yes, of course. But I already said Remnant doesn't have the DH and let's be real, Nora's got a CANNON for an arm and thus belongs in right. Like I'm talking throws like this beaut from Hunter Renfroe the other day-- you do not run on Nora, because she WILL get you out on what you think is a routine double. Bats cleanup and probably has a whole Bash Brothers routine with Yang, including special handshakes. Definitely a pull hitter.
Regular starting lineup is most likely:
Rounding out the team in the bullpen are:
Long relief: Lie Ren. When your starter melts down and you need someone to keep things calm and give you like four quality innings without giving up more runs, Ren's your guy. Also very happy to play setup man. Throws a knuckleball, says Nora taught him how, and refuses to give more details when people ask.
Closer: Oscar Pine. Admittedly probably more of a ground ball pitcher than a strikeout guy; he induces weak contact and is always going for the double play. I see him as a David Robertson or Kenley Jansen type who gets himself into jams and then gets out of them and like. Yes more often than not he gets the job done but sometimes he'll give you a damn heart attack about it. OSCAR WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS.
In the process of writing this post Helen asked me who the manager would be and noted Qrow would give absolutely adorable A League Of Their Own vibes. She also suggested that Ozpin (well, Ozma) probably invented baseball in the first place, so... more proof that she's funnier than me.
okay I've been thinking about and then writing this for almost five hours now I have to stop. should I have put some of this behind a cut? probably! but I think it's beautiful, so... sorry but not sorry to all your dashboards <3 I want you to know this included way more specific baseball player comps at one point but I took some of them out so you might have a chance of understanding this <3
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random-thot-generator · 11 months
Love Thy Frenemy + Interlude
(Frenemies/Tenderness AU)
Interlude | One-Shot: The Life of a Ghost
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(Notes: This is a brain purge. It’s a one-shot scene with Ghost and Captain Price. I was working on chapter 6, but had to purge this before I could continue, so here it is lol. You don’t have to read it, but after rediscovering that quote, I knew I had to write something for Ghost/Simon, and this is the result. It gives a little more insight into his state of mind about Reader/’Doll’, and how he’s coming to terms with certain feelings he’s been ignoring. I didn’t bother with a taglist this time since this is more self-indulgent than anything else, but if you do read, I hope you enjoy!)
Warnings/Tags: Mentions of canon-typical violence, Profanity, Simon’s poor coping mechanisms and nihilistic attitude, Price is a good dad/bruv, no Y/N
Word Count: 1467
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“I wasn’t scared; I was just somebody else, some stranger, and my whole life was a haunted life, the life of a ghost."
— Jack Kerouac, On the Road Jack
Simon sat atop the roof of the admin building overlooking the base. Bright halogen security lights buzzed an incessant hum, soldiers on guard duty patrolling the fenced perimeter. It was late, after two in the morning, but he was too restless to sleep yet, the adrenaline of the last op leaving him tense and keyed up despite his fatigue.
It had been a close one today. He touched the bandage at his cheek and winced. Just a centimeter or two to the left, a mere fraction of a head turn, and his brains would have been splattered against the mudbrick wall he’d been using for cover. He could still recall the sound of his mask cracking as the bullet grazed his face, the stinging sear of pain across his cheek, his rifle coming up to take out the enemy on instinct because his brain was otherwise occupied.
Death had just caressed his cheek, and all he could think about in that moment was you. It was your face that had loomed up in his mind’s eye, so clear he’d breathed out the one word he associated most with you.
Nothing like that had happened to him in a very long time, not since he’d lost his family. There were times that he had felt fear when facing death, but it was a base, primal kind of fear, like that of a wild animal ready to fight for its life. He had also felt genuine fear for his team before when their lives had been in danger. This kind of fear he was used to, could control, but what had happened to him today...
The fear he had experienced today had stripped him of all his pretenses and bullshit. It had forced him to acknowledge feelings he harbored but pretended didn’t exist. It forced him to accept something that he didn’t fucking want: the responsibility of living for someone else.
This is what you did to him. He gritted his teeth and clenched his fists. He was pissed at you for it, pissed at you for making him feel this way, pissed at you for this whole bloody mess...
And it still didn’t change the fact that you would be the first person he went looking for as soon as he got home, because he needed to see you. He didn’t want to need anyone. He didn’t want any of this, yet he couldn’t bloody stay away. He’d tried. Fuck him, he’d bloody tried, and he couldn’t fuckin’ do it.
He was right fucked, wasn’t he?
Simon huffed out a chagrined breath and thumped his head back on the metal housing of the heating unit behind him. Scrubbing a hand over his stubbled jaw, he squeezed his eyes shut. His Ghost mask, in need of repair or replacement, was gone for now, traded in for a fresh balaclava, its stretchy material pulled up to the bridge of his nose. Slitting his eyes open, he squinted up at the cold stars above and inhaled another lungful of smoke. “I’m fucked,” he told them, as he parted his lips, letting the smoke curl out of his open mouth in lazy, white coils. He watched it drift up into the frigid night air to hang like a specter over his head before the wind banished it to the ether.
The squeak of hinges sounded off to his left as the access door to the roof was opened. He heard his captain approaching before he saw him, Price’s booted steps thumping along the roof in a steady cadence. He sat down with a grunt beside Simon and sighed, his breath fogging in front of his bearded face.
“Thought I’d join ya,” he said, pulling the stub of a cigar out of his shirt pocket. He patted over his body until he located his lighter, then blew on the end of the cigar and lit it. He puffed away until thick, sweet smoke curled up to join with Simon’s. “How’s the cheek?” he asked.
Simon shrugged. “’S alright, just a graze. Didn’t even need stitches. Bullet cauterized it.”
Price took in his words, their deadpan delivery. He nodded, though his mind had already drifted back to the mission, to their harried exfil, recalling the look he had seen in Ghost’s wide stare when he’d stumbled aboard the helo. The captain saw something in the other man’s eyes he had never seen during a mission before: fear.
He didn’t fault his lieutenant for it; he was honestly relieved to see it after such a close call. It was a normal reaction, under the circumstances. Still, it wasn’t Ghost’s normal reaction. How he was acting right now— cold, distant and mildly disdainful— that was his normal reaction. This time, however, it didn’t seem to ring as true as it did before.
Price had once asked Ghost how he could be so blasé about his own mortality. Ghost’s answer had chilled him to the bone and caused him no small amount of concern for his lieutenant.
“Yer only scared o’ death when ya got somethin’ to lose.” Simon had told him with cold, dead eyes. “Not an issue fer me. If I die, I die. Don’ really fuckin’ care.”
That look of fear Price had glimpsed in Ghost’s eyes had been telling. Something had changed, had been changing with his lieutenant over the course of several months. It had been subtle, gradual enough to escape immediate notice, but after this last mission, Price was now paying very close attention. Did Ghost now have something to lose?
Price left the cigar in his mouth as he pondered the question, letting his arm drop back to his side. His hand landed on something flat and rectangular— a book, he realized, glancing down. He picked it up and held it up to the light of the security lamps to read its cover. ‘On the Road’ by Jack Kerouac.
“Seems like I had to read this in secondary school,” he murmured, flipping the book open. It was a new copy but already bore numerous highlighted passages and scribbled notes in the margins.
Simon tensed beside him but said nothing as the captain’s blunt fingers skimmed over pages, eyes darting back and forth as he read a highlighted section.
“I wasn’t scared; I was just somebody else, some stranger, and my whole life was a haunted life, the life of a ghost."
Price felt his throat constrict. He knew how and why Ghost chose his callsign, but the passage could not have described his lieutenant’s situation any more succinctly. It was almost prescient in nature, reading it now. He cleared his throat and closed the book, placing it back where he found it.
“Favorite of yours?” he rasped out. “Didn’t know you read that sort of stuff. Usually see you readin’ those old pulp sci-fi books.”
Simon grunted out a short laugh. “I usually don’t, but Doll loan—” He caught himself, biting off the sentence. “A friend loaned it t’me once.” He gave a shrug. “Kinda grew on me. Bought my own copy.”
Price nodded, letting the smoke roll out of his mouth before speaking again. “Loanin’ ya books like that, she must be quite a smart lass,” he said without missing a beat.
Simon blinked. His shoulders lost some of their tension. “She is.” He huffed another laugh, this one softer, as he tilted his head down to look at his legs stretched out in front of him. “Too bloody smart fer me, tha’s fer sure.” He lifted his head and looked toward the direction of the gates. “When can we get out o’ here? Ready t’go home.”
Price tried to hide his surprise at the question by studying the end of his cigar. He usually had to coerce his lieutenant into taking his leave, but not of late, he now realized. He slanted a sly side-eye at him. “De-briefing’s at 0700, then you’ll be free to go. Unless you want to stay and volunteer to help train those new recruits comin’ in tomorrow? Advanced field tactics?”
Simon sniffed. “Fuck ‘em. ‘M goin’ home.”
A pleased little smile tilted up the captain’s mouth as he looked up at the stars. “That’s alright. I can assign it to one of the other lads.” He crossed his arms over his chest, smile widening. “If ya think of it, ask your doll if she has any Louis L’amour. Partial to the westerns, myself.”
Simon grunted, half-irritated, half-amused. “I’ll see what I can do, Cap.”
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ashes-writing · 1 year
stranger things  ● the new girl pt 6  ● g.emerson
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angst / friends to lovers / idiots in love, bullying ( it's gross and I do not support it btw) and confrontations also high school drama and some mean girl shit here, mentions of alcohol/w**d and smoking, eventual filth, jealousy (a former friend of reader), rumors..
<- you/reader are the new girl in hawkins. you/reader are female and have female parts + a certain vibe (rich girl / 80's grunge rocker groupie ) as well as nicknames and a petname. this is a self indulgent baby. let me live lmaooo.
word count
3211 exactly. For missing context, see ( part 5 ). All previous parts are linked on their posts going backwards.
-- you're the new girl in Hawkins. gareth is the boy who has caught your eye. but there are obstacles. can they be overcome?
(( ope. we have a cliffhanger maybe. ))
taglist + shoutouts
-- taglist is here if you'd like to be added, please click the bolded. or tell me, i'll add you. if you're on my tags for Eddie/Steve or others, please disregard this lmk if you want me to not tag you in Gareth fics.
@tbmunson bestie.. babes.. babe.. hear me out.. neither of us were expecting this chapter to go down but.. drama? and gareth. I love you omg, you're my inspiration.
@nana90azevedo I'm so glad you liked this. I love his character, tbh. Thank you so much!
other links
masterlist  ● gareth's masterlist  ● about + rules
“ I saw him going into her house late Friday night. And then they left together Saturday morning. Pretty sure she fucked him because she’s been all about him since she started school here.”
Andy’s watching you and Gareth play fight over something across the parking lot. Gareth has you over his shoulder and he’s spinning you. You’re laughing and it’s loud. And when Molly says it, everything comes to a grinding halt. He turns to look at her. “You think they fucked?”
“Pretty sure of it, actually… I thought you’d.. Wanna know.” Molly’s shuffling her feet. Doing her best to look appealing to the stocky jock. Mirroring the way she’s seen you act around Gareth recently. Because she feels like if it worked for you… Maybe it’ll finally work for her. Maybe Andy will finally see her, standing in front of him. Hoping, praying and dying for a chance to be his girl.
“That all? You can go now, Moo.” Andy gives her an annoyed look and waves his hand away from him dismissively. “Go on. Go back to your little losers club.. Oh wait..” he feigns just a seconds worth of a sympathetic cringe, “They turned on you.”
“She caused it. I.. Andy, please?” she’s giving him a begging look and it’s one he finds pathetic. He chuckles. “You really want me, huh?”
Andy steps closer. Staring down at the shorter girl. “I wouldn’t be with you if you were the last girl on Earth and I didn’t have a choice. You’re gross. Get lost.”
Molly’s shoulder slumps and the tears are stinging in her eyes. And as she rushes away somewhere, probably to cry, Andy turns his attention to you again. “She’d sleep with that, hm? She won’t want him anymore if I show her what a little bitch he is.”
Meanwhile, you’re trying to keep your bag of Doritos away from Gareth. And it was working, but then out of nowhere, he hauls you over his shoulder, in a show of strength that surprises you and turns you on, leaving you wet in seconds. Your breath hangs in your throat and Doritos fly from the open bag, scattering on the gravel. “You made me spill ‘em, Gareth.” you’re pouting as you try to look over his shoulder at him. Gareth is chuckling quietly. Face all red because he normally isn’t like this. But spending the weekend with you established these little… habits. And he knows that it’s Monday, that you’re at school now and maybe you don’t want him to keep at it with the playful way he started treating you, but he just can’t stop himself.
His fingers squeeze at your thighs and he bites back a groan. “You’re the one not sharin ‘em, bunny. You know I like Doritos. C’mon, just give me a few..”
“Fiiiiiine.” the word leaves your mouth in a whimper instead of normally and you want to melt right into the ground when it does. You slide down his body and hold out the bag to him, pretending to pout. “You know you probably left a handprint on my ass.”
Gareth nearly chokes on the chips he’s just reached into the bag to take because out of context.. His face burns even hotter. You step up into him and before you even stop to think that this is school and he might not want you doing it, you slip your arms into the warmth of the jacket he’s wearing over his plaid vest and Hellfire tshirt and you rest your forehead against his collarbone. Gareth’s breath hangs in his throat. And it’s about this time that Eddie, Jeff and Ethan finally see fit to arrive at school.
“It’s so chilly.” you pout up at Gareth when you’re finally not blushing too hard to look him in the eyes. “I didn’t wanna come today, y’know. We could’ve just blown it off and gone to my house.”
“Bunny, you gotta come. It’s school.”
“Unfortunately.” you’re still pouting and Gareth laughs, shaking his head. Eddie meets his gaze over your bent head and he’s rubbing his chin, amusement playing at doe eyes. “You two are cozy.”
“He’s warm. I’m not lettin go.” you answer without glancing back, your voice muffled by the front of Gareth’s plaid vest. Eddie snickers quietly. Looks at Gareth and mouths the question, “Are you really sure you want to die on the hill that she doesn’t like you, Emerson?” as he nods to you and the way you have your face resting against the side of his neck. Gareth gives Eddie a warning look and slips a handful of chips out of your bag, munching on them.
Jeff’s trying so hard to resist the urge to double over laughing because he has… Never seen Gareth this flustered. Nor has he ever seen Gareth attempt flirting in any way,shape or form except the rare stolen glance at his various hallway crushes over the years past. He clears his throat. “Are we interrupting something, man?”
Gareth flips Jeff off, gives him a warning look because he doesn’t want any of this to come to an abrupt end. You grumble about him constantly moving just when you get comfortable again and he laughs. “I told you to go to sleep before midnight.”
“You did.” you pout a little. “But I didn’t wanna.”
Gareth laughs, shaking his head. “Dunno what I’m gonna do with you, bunny.”
You shrug. You almost let it slip that you can think of more than a few things he could do with you but you manage to keep the thought safely in your head.
“What the fuck is he doing, staring over here?” you’ve lifted your head and caught Andy staring at the way you’re melted into Gareth to stay warm in the early morning chill. You scowl, stick out your tongue and raise your middle finger. “Take a picture, dipshit. It’ll last longer.”
But then you realize that it’s not just Andy staring. Because now Molly’s new little friends are all looking right at the two of you. And she gives you this hurt and angry look and you roll your eyes.
“She’s a slut, I’m telling you. When she’s done with Gareth, she’ll sleep with your boyfriends too. That’s totally why she moved here in the first place. I mean, she said it was just because she had to, but it was because everyone at her old school hated her.” Molly’s telling Anna, one of the popular girls who’s actually nice to her on occasion.
And it’s not true and Molly knows what she’s saying isn’t true.. But she doesn’t care. She’s just that jealous. That tired of everybody else getting everything she wants. Tired of being a target for endless teasing, everything from her weight to her sister dropping out at 16 because she got pregnant. 
“Did she say she wanted to sleep with Chance?”
“She’s not gonna announce it, Anna, be smart.” Molly rolls her eyes. “She’ll just do it.”
Anna’s watching the two of you across the parking lot and she wrinkles her nose in disgust. “It’s just.. That’s gross? Who the fuck sleeps with Gareth Emerson, ew?”
“Poor guy is going to be crushed when she gets tired of him and leaves him. How do we know that she didn’t hook up with Andy when she first moved here, get tired of him and now she’s so mean to him..” Molly knows what she’s doing could backfire on her in a big way, but she’s got the attention of two of the three most popular girls in school.
Chrissy rolls her eyes. “How do we know it’s not just Andy being gross though? Because he is and we all know it.” and her gaze lingers on Molly thoughtfully. She’s sort of sensing what Molly is up to, after all, Molly’s exactly the kind of girl who will do anything to get what she wants. Including make up a lie.
,, she did this once already when we were kids.” the thought comes and as Molly’s saying more and more, Chrissy speaks up. “Why do any of us care about any of this again? I mean… if Chance sleeps with her, that’s on him.”
“But I don’t want him to sleep with her before I give it up.”
“If you were going to lose him, Anna..” and Chrissy is not getting a good feeling at all. Because Anna’s the one who always overreacts when she panics and Molly’s using it to her advantage, if she wasn’t sure about it ten minutes ago when Molly started telling them all this for no reason and with little to no context behind it, she’s sure about that now because of the warning glare Molly gives her when she speaks up and attempts to assert a little reason and common sense into the situation.
“I don’t wanna risk it. I’m gonna talk to her.”
Anna starts to walk towards where you stand with Gareth and his friends, as well as the three girls you’re always with.
“___, I need to talk to you.”
You raise a brow but you step away from Gareth, following Anna over to the picnic tables.
“Molly told me about you. If you think I’m gonna let a little  slut like you sleep with my boyfriend… My ticket out of Hawkins at the end of the year.. You’re wrong and stupid.” Anna’s words have you laughing. Until you happen to see that she’s dead serious and then you look over at where Molly’s standing and your stomach sinks.
You know what she’s up to.
You rub the bridge of your nose. “What’d she tell you, Anna?”
Anna tells you exactly what Molly said and your fist clenches. “The hell is her problem?” you shake your head. “I don’t want Chance. Or any of those idiots, okay? Molly told you that to start something. Because she’s pissed. Andy won’t give her a backwards glance unless he’s being insulting or a total dick.”
“So you didn’t sleep with Andy?”
You nearly choke. “Huh?”
“She said that she thinks you slept with Andy when you first moved to Hawkins. But then you got bored and now you’re being mean.”
“Absolutely not. I’d light myself on fire if I had to choose between Andy and death.” you shake your head. Your stomach is churning and with a threat of a repeat of your old school and the bullshit you went through there hanging over your head, you shake your head and laugh bitterly. “I should’ve known not to say anything about the damn rumors.”
“Just leave Chance alone.” “I don’t fucking want him. Are you fucking blind? Do you not see me attempting to be with somebody?”
Anna gapes at you. “You.. you actually want that freak?”
“He’s not a freak. And yes. Yes I do.” you admit, going quiet. “I want him. Like.. I think I might be in love with him.” and you’re feeling worse now because you just have a feeling.. Everything is gonna end up like it was at your old school. And by the time the rumor mill puts in it’s days work, Gareth’s not even going to be able to look at you without being totally disgusted, assuming every wild and crazy thing that gets said is true.
Because that’s how it always goes.
What you don’t realize is that Anna’s not the only one who heard your little confession.. Or any of the other things Anna asked you about. Or your answers.
Gareth is frozen, rooted in place. And he’s listening intently, getting angrier and angrier on your behalf with everything Anna seems to be accusing you of. But when she asks you if you really want him, he’s tempted to walk away. Because he feels like he’s better off not knowing the answer, he doesn’t want to hear you laugh.
But he can’t walk away.
When he hears you answer her question, it’s like everything going on around him disappears. His brain is frantically trying to process what he’s just heard you say out of your own mouth. And even hearing you say it doesn’t stop those pesky pessimistic little voices from taunting him that you have to be lying, maybe you don’t want to tell the truth because there’s the risk that he’ll find out.
This could be a long con, after all.
And he could’ve gone on believing it until you tell Anna totally unprompted that you think you might love him.
“Fuck.” the word slips out quietly and his hand settles against thick curls as he takes a very shaky next breath. Anna’s walking away now and you slip off the top of the picnic table, glaring at where Molly stands in anger.
Your fist clenches and unclenches.
Gareth is still making an attempt to process what he’s just heard you say so when you rush past him heading straight for Molly’s direction, he doesn’t try to stop you.
“Oh shit.”
“Okay, I think we need to get over there.”
“Or.. hear me out.. We could let ____ kick Molly’s ass. We could let her learn a lesson this once.”
“What lesson, Adi? That she can’t be an ugly person on the inside and the outside? She needs to pick a battle?” Edith asks.
“Edie, that was mean. And she’s not ugly, no one is. She just has a really nasty attitude.” Maria and Adeline say it in unison.
“She’s a bitch. Remember when she pulled this shit in second grade and got Chrissy in trouble? Because Chrissy was nice enough to invite her to her birthday party but then every time she tried to include her, Molly was just mean about it? Yeah, she deserves every single second of this.” Edith points out calmly.
Molly turns around and spots you, smirking. “Speak of the devil.”
You shove her back as soon as you’re within reach. “Go on, Molly. Tell everybody all at once. Right now. Let’s get this over with. Let’s settle your problem.” you’re shoving her again because you’re furious… and hurt. Because you told them about the rumors in the first place because you thought you finally had friends you could trust.
“I didn’t do anything!”
“Lying bitch.” you’re going for your earrings. “Come on, Molly. Tell everybody else what you told Anna. Like you think it’ll fucking bother me.”
“Ladies! In my office, Right now.” Principal Coleman calls out as soon as he spots the brewing confrontation. Molly shoves you back and she’s glaring at you. “I hate you.”
“You’re a bitch.” you shove her back. She raises her hand to slap you and you catch her wrist in your hand. 
“Now, ladies.” Principal Coleman’s patience is wearing thin, you can hear it in the man’s voice. You turn and walk away, shoving through everyone to walk into the building. And you’re at least eighty five percent sure that the second you’re done in his office, you’re going home.
Because you’re not going to sit around and let it happen again. And you’re really not interested in spending an entire day fighting, either.
“Gareth? You okay, dude? What the fuck happened?”
Gareth rubs his hand over his face. “Shit.”
“We need context, man.” Jeff speaks up.
“She..I.. There’s no way. She told Anna she thinks she loves me. I need a fucking minute, guys..” Gareth finally grumbles.
You shove past everyone and disappear into the building and Gareth takes off after you because now that it’s all sinking in for him, he’s well aware that you’re probably already assuming the absolute worst outcome. Because you’re similar to him when it comes to that.
Class has already started by the time Principal Coleman finally gets to the bottom of what happened outside. And you’re just glad the hallways are empty and you don’t have to look anybody in the eye. You can just slip out quietly.
And you do. Fuming and wiping away tears as you make your way back to your parents house. Because you’re angry and hurt, all in one.
The thing that bothers you the most in all this is that you were finally starting to feel happy. You were working up the nerve to write Gareth a letter and slip it in his locker. You were this close to having friends..
“And now I know why I don’t trust anybody. It’s my own fault, I never should’ve told them anything in the first place.” you shake your head as you step into your parents house and  toss your backpack at the floor, bending down to toe off your shoes.
Gareth hasn’t been able to stop thinking about what he overheard you tell Anna that morning for the whole day. And lunch rolls around. He’s waiting outside the classroom for you to come out because he’s slowly working up the nerve to bring it up. To tell you he heard what you said. To tell you he feels the same.
The door opens and Edith walks past. When she spots him leaned against the wall and waiting like usual, she doubles back. “Do you know where ___ went? I haven’t seen her since this morning..”
“Wait.. she wasn’t in class? Shit.” Gareth rubs his hand over his face and takes a deep breath or two. “She probably left.”
“Why? Molly’s a lying bitch and everybody knows it now because me and that cheerleader, Chrissy? Yeah, her.. We told everybody the whole story in homeroom. Because Molly needs to learn to keep her fucking mouth shut. The girls got so mean she left crying, dude..”
Gareth grimaces. “Yeah, but so did ___.”
Edith rubs her face. “Probably because she thinks we’re all gonna believe the bullshit, man. Because she pretends she’s tough and everything, she really isn’t.” 
“I know.” Gareth answers, dragging a hand over the back of his head. “I’m going over there.”
“After school. Give her time to calm down a little.” Edith gives him a grateful look. “I’m gonna get Adeline and Maria, we’ll go call from the payphone. Because if she thinks for one second she’s going to ditch us to deal with the assholes in this place, she’s wrong. I’m going to give her a piece of my mind.”
Gareth laughs. “Yeah.. do that.”
“Hurt her, Emerson, I’m breaking your knee caps.” Edith calls out to him before walking away, rushing down the hall to catch up to Maria and Adeline, your other friends. 
“Your girl left, man. She slipped out after she left Coleman’s office. I was gonna stop her but she looked pretty pissed.” Eddie speaks up from beside him. Gareth nods. “Don’t blame her.”
“You should probably go.”
“I’m going. I’m going after school though because I think she needs space… And I’m still wrapping my head around.. You know..”
“Don’t be a pussy, Emerson. Go.”
Gareth mulls it over. Eddie speaks up. “I’ll stall the meeting this afternoon,dude.”
“But we literally just told Wheeler and Henderson we weren’t postponing for that Sinclair kid.”
“And we’re not postponing. We’re just starting a little later.” Eddie shrugs. “Go already.”
“I’m going.” Gareth takes off for the doors at the end of the hall that lead out to the parking lot.
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myfandomrealitea · 13 days
I'm sorry I just saw the screenshot of the reblog by that something-wizard. I just had to say: how DARE they to assume someone else's irl condition? how DARE they to assume how my life is and call me privileged based on the fact that I don't want politics or similar things in my fandom space? I'm going through a very HARD time in fact and because I'm dealing with those very things you said irl and CAN'T VOID THEM, I don't want to hear about them in my fandom space! There are more than one server, blog or similar spaces for each fandom. If one doesn't allow irl topics you can join another that does. If there isn't any? Make your own! I and others don't owe you anything, we don't have to explain why we don't want irl topics discussed in our spaces nor do we have to explain our living conditions to you! Also, having rules for our own spaces(blogs, servers and such) is not censorship. We are not saying "don't discuss irl issues in any fandom space or anywhere online ever art all !!!" We are saying "this is a specific place I created and I don't want those things discussed here, there are other places for that".
And to the op of that post and this blog: I'm sorry for my rant here. I just thought someone has to be very self-centered to think the way they do, especially as I go through a hard time their post was a punch to my gut today. Also thank you.
Based on the rest of the blog and their general responses to people they're just an ignorant troll trying to white-knight the internet and earn brownie points for virtue signalling. You'll see a lot of that when getting into online spaces revolving around media analysis or critical discussion.
Frankly, the best way to deal with those people is just to completely and blatantly block and ignore them. The less attention they get for their parading the less satisfying it is for them. Or if you do engage, do it only in a passive way like memes and reaction pictures, which don't actually give them what they're looking for—the chance to argue with you and look superior.
They just wind up looking like a dick.
The vast majority of the people lashing out at me on that post are people who firmly believe that because there is suffering in the world we must all suffer in solidarity. That we must relentlessly and restlessly fight in their honor.
Some might say that ideal is noble. I say its fucking stupid. Psychologists say its fucking stupid. People who have burnt themselves out trying to fulfil that expectation say its fucking stupid.
The people wilfully launching into the worst bad-faith assumptions about that post are the ones who need to sit back and reflect upon themselves. And possibly go back into the educational system.
I'm used to people making the worst assumptions of me. It doesn't bother me. It never will because they don't know me and all their grandstanding just makes them look like a judgemental idiot. I'm here to say what I think and to share factual information, and I'm doing so. If they disagree with that they're welcome to, but I'm not obligated to indulge them on it.
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