#or are people just theorizing?
akanemnon · 2 days
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We didn't even get an answer, and we never will (at least it's not determination)
MASTERPOST (for the full series / FAQ / reference sheets)
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nelkcats · 1 year
The victim is... the same as yesterday?
Since Danny managed to master the power of duplication he noticed a couple of things: duplicates didn't always disappear when he wanted them to, it was possible to make many at once and he could change shapes when he used it. The duplicates also disappeared in ecto when destroyed.
So, when the halfa moved to a new location he decided it made the most sense to release "Human Danny's" over Gotham and stay as Phantom to look at his new home from the sky. He needed to investigate his new surroundings and probably find a better place to live.
This made the bats desperate, they had multiple alerts of "Multiple black-haired, blue-eyed boys wandering into dangerous territories" and "A meta flying around Gotham", Bruce doubted it was a coincidence, maybe the meta was a new villain.
In some cases they couldn't get there in time and the blue-eyed boy died mysteriously, since they didn't communicate with each other, they didn't know it was the same victim over and over again. Danny wasn't surprised when he felt one of his duplicates return to him. Of course, the halfa had no idea he was giving Red Robin traumas about a boy "vanishing on acid".
The batfamily, who remained without communication, thought that some villain was chasing down black-haired, blue-eyed people and killing them. Jason was the first to realize that it was the same boy and he frowned not understanding the situation. He found the meta and he was almost harmless, which didn't have sense.
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spinjitsuburst · 3 months
listen. it’s probably nothing. i know it’s nothing. but i just can’t stop thinking about this since i noticed it the other day and
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anyone else… a little alarmed that Jay and Nya’s climber gi are crossed wrong?
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gwandas · 26 days
does anyone actually hate Mor for reasons related to Eris or is that just some nonsense the pro IC people made up
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anthurak · 10 days
So I think we all understand at this point that much of the Fairy Tales of Remnant and various other in-universe folktales and legends that have been told or otherwise mentioned up to now are IMPORTANT. That these stories, particularly the ones that are given some kind of focus, are meant to relate to specific events or characters and generally foreshadow things that will happen or be revealed in the show. Whether in the direct sense of ‘this story is actually relating real events that are significant to characters’ like The Story of the Seasons to the Maidens and Oz, or in more indirect, symbolic fashion like Oscar and Ozpin idly discussing The Girl Who Fell Through the World in Volume 8.
Suffice to say, fairy tales in RWBY clearly MEAN something. Especially if a fairy tale is clearly being connected to a character or characters.
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To that end, going forward I think we should really be looking at The Warrior in the Woods, and in-particular the animated short, as being narratively tied to Summer, Raven and Taiyang. And specifically meant to foreshadow what Taiyang’s relationship with Summer and Raven was REALLY like.
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For one, the connection the animated short draws is not exactly subtle. The short is flat out framed as Tai reading the story to Ruby and Yang for bedtime, with the boy in the story looking like a young version of Tai while the titular Warrior looks literally like a combination of Summer and Raven. And to top it all off, the story even broadly reflects what we already know about the relationships of the three; with the young man losing the woman he so admired and loved just like Tai lost Summer and Raven. Again, the connections are not in ANY way subtle here.
So with that base established, what more can we potentially glean as foreshadowing here?
Well, as I’ve stated in previous posts, I think it is telling that while the Boy in the story did love the Warrior, it is ultimately a tragic, doomed love that was never meant to be.
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And more than that, the story notably only gives us the perspective of the boy, and never the Warrior. And likewise, we never learn how the Warrior truly felt about the boy. She clearly cared about him, enough to consider him something of a friend, but did she feel about him like he felt about her? The story never makes this clear, and I think that in and of itself is rather telling: Despite the boy’s attempts to reach out to her, the Warrior maintains her distance. Whatever growing care or affection she might have felt for the boy, it clearly wasn’t nearly enough to get her to break her isolation or duty to safeguard the village in secret. While the boy may have loved the Warrior, it was a love that in all likelihood, could not and was not returned.
So when we apply this to Taiyang, Summer and Raven, a rather bleak picture emerges: That Tai’s relationships with Raven or Summer were NEVER going to work out. Or that neither Summer NOR Raven actually loved Tai in the same way he loved either of them.
And the thing is, this IS supported even by what little we have seen of Tai, Summer and Raven. Just like in the story, we have been told of Tai’s love for Summer and Raven, yet told precious little of how either of THEM felt about Tai. And what little we HAVE been told or shown has left it rather questionable how either of them cared for Tai.
Raven has made it clear that she cares little for Taiyang in the present, which really raises the question of how or if the two were ever in a relationship in the past. And while the existence of Yang might imply some kind of relationship, let’s also consider the possibility that Yang was actually an unplanned pregnancy. The result of a possible drunken, one-night-stand between Raven and Tai. Which would certainly put Raven’s reluctance to be a mother in a VERY different context.
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Then we have Summer, and thanks to Ruby’s tree-vision, I think we can count her feelings for Taiyang as being at best ‘ambiguous’.
For one, as I’ve stated elsewhere, Summer’s scene with Taiyang is curiously lacking in especially overt romantic gestures. A lack of noticeable flirting or particularly romantic physical acts like a kiss. They do hug, but as I’ve said before, RWBY has used these close, intimate hugs just as much if not more often to convey platonic or familial affection. Note also that Taiyang is the one to clearly initiate the hug, not Summer
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More than any of that, it’s clear that Summer is putting on an act for Tai in this scene. In the scene she is clearly pensive and uncertain and maybe even afraid, but the moment Tai walks in, Summer immediately adopts a mask of ‘everything is normal, don’t worry about anything’. Which calls into question how much of anything Summer does/says in this exchange is truly genuine, and how much is simply an act for Tai’s benefit.
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Summer clearly does not trust Taiyang with the truth of what she is ACTUALLY doing. And the clear ease with which Summer assumes this mask implies that this is likely far from the first time Summer has done this.
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Just compare Summer’s scene with Tai to both her previous scene with the sleeping Ruby and Yang, and her following scene with Raven; both showing Summer not putting on any kind of act for anyone else.
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Most notably, despite whatever resentment she might feel towards Raven for leaving them (or perhaps just leaving her), Summer clearly trusts Raven, more than ANYONE, with helping her on this mission she considered so vitally important.
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Summer certainly cared for Taiyang, that much is clear. Otherwise she wouldn’t put so much effort into reassuring him that everything was fine.
But did she love Tai in way that he loved her? Or was it simply a role she went along with for his, and possibly more-so Ruby’s and Yang’s benefit? Given the clear emotional mask and barrier we see her put up when around Tai, I would call the answer, at BEST, ambiguous.
Which all ties perfectly into what we see in The Warrior in the Woods.
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The boy in the story, who is presented as looking just like Tai, loved a mysterious but noble warrior, who is presented as looking like Raven AND Summer. But the love the boy felt could not or was not returned and the warrior would instead vanish into the night. Just like Summer and Raven did.
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Oh, and the ending of the story match-cutting a shot of the ‘cross between Summer and Raven’ Warrior to a shot of Ruby who likewise has a lot of visual similarities to Raven as well as Summer MIGHT be hinting at something too…
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wife-beam · 1 month
a lot of people act like sqq’s main character trait is obliviousness and i could not disagree more
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spooksicl-e · 2 years
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small comic for a thing i’m very deviously constructing with a friend (nemesis)
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hikaaa-bi · 28 days
i love that tmagp’s first official avatar is a pathetic twink who is desperately trying to be intimidating, and its second official avatar is tall rich cannibalistic murder lady with a gun.
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alpacacare-archive · 1 year
Not to post knight papyrus on main or anything but
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makorragal-312 · 2 months
Eddie's gonna invite Buck to a one-on-one game of basketball before he leaves, but only if he doesn't push him again and damn near break his ankle like he did last time.
Take note of the Season 3 "Just don't do it again" point.
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yellowjackets-1996 · 4 months
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death, she is cunning, and clever as hell... and she'll eat you alive.
↳ the oh hellos
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untherapized-eddie · 13 days
i have to say in general it bothers me a little the idea that any love interest having any issues with buck & eddie's relationship (or buck's relationship with the whole 118 for that matter) would make that love interest wrong or immature or whatever. everyone is different, has different emotional needs, and i think someone realizing they actually need more from someone than frequently being chosen second would be a totally valid thing and would not make them a bad person.
answer me this: would you be singing the same tune if buck was dating someone who consistently prioritized his friend(s) over him?
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fromtheseventhhell · 3 months
Seeing awful takes about Arya is even wilder knowing that people would lose their minds if we said the same things about their fave. Can you imagine if we were genuinely theorizing that Sansa's story ended with her dying, warging into a bird, and becoming a pet for one of her siblings? They would have a fit and call us all kinds of misogynistic, but they'll never explain why their logic is suddenly wrong when it's used for anyone except Arya
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barbieaiden · 4 months
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when you're the main character's little brother and doomed by the narrative because the author decided that the cult trauma wasn't enough. rip aaron
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alsteneldoeight · 5 months
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sevun teene
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eirenses · 1 year
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i think it will break the internet. (it'll definitely break me)
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