#or possibly alchemy
One of the fascinating trope subversions in Alchemy of Souls is that Jang Uk is a Chosen OneTM, but instead of the usual paths, where he's specially trained, or hidden away for safety, or famous or something, everyone who knows Uk is special is actively trying to hinder his progress.
And not just the bad guys! The good guys too. It's like if every single teacher in Harry Potter was Snape.
His father cripples and abandons him, Park Jin will not let him be trained and actively encourages him to be lazy, and Jin Mu writes him off as useless but also refuses to train him. All the other important mages dislike and refuse to train him (though they don't know the whole truth). Master Lee is the only person in the entire series who knows Jang Uk is the Prophecy King Star Baby and actually helps him.
Now of course, if you try to mess with destiny, destiny messes back. So obviously Jang Uk would find the most terrifying possible trainer, a soul-shifting murderer, who is willing to help him. Which is just perfect because that's tootally what happens narritively when you try to prevent a prophecy, it just finds another way to come to fruition. Everyone is acting like the king and queen in Sleeping Beauty, thinking they can just destroy all the spindles and nothing bad will happen. She will always find a spindle, you fools!
What's just great karma is that they end up with a Chosen One who doesn't believe in their morals at all. Seo Yul is more like what they would want, a person who will sacrifice themselves to save the world, but instead they have Jang Uk, who will burn the world down to save one person. And it's their fault! They made him that way.
Also, how picky to be like, "Well the Prophecy Baby wasn't born in a way that I like so I don't think he should be the Chosen One." Do you people realize you could have all died? And again, Master Lee is there being like, "I don't care how he was born, if you guys got a King Star baby it's because you need one. Ya idiots."
Edit: I meant Sleeping Beauty not Rapunzel 🤦🏼‍♀️
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starmist · 5 months
To me Alchemy of Souls is very much a “they’ve been dead from the beginning” story
Like,,, Cho Yeong died that day with the rest of her family, Master Lee declares her dead and Kim Dojoo even holds a jesa for her.
Naksu dies, if not the moment she shifts her soul/has it stolen, then in ep18 when she lets go of the ice stone and chooses to live a normal life. She herself even says in ep5 that “now Naksu is also dead”.
Hell, she even lives as essentially a vengeful ghost. A cold and empty existence, her only purpose to avenge her family. The entirety of s1 is about her learning to live and want to live which is what makes her fate so tragic.
Jin Buyeon died in the womb and later, the girl that was born through the power of the ice stone, is thought to be dead by everyone save for her mother.
(Nice parallel of Cho Yeong & Jin Buyeon where Jang Gang, like Jin Ho Gyeong, obsessively looks for a little girl thought to be dead by all but him, because of his grief and guilt)
And even her name belongs to a woman’s dead granddaughter. Though I’m only looking at this through a s1 perspective, Jin Seol Ran, Jin Buyeon’s original identity, has also been all but dead for centuries.
A twice over dead girl, inhabiting the body of another dead girl, uses the name of yet another dead girl, and shares a body with a two centuries long dead woman.
She was never going to survive. How much she changed, everything she did, was all futile in the long run because she died long before the story started, there was never any saving her, she was dead from the very beginning.
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You know, as set in stone as a spell forger/researcher Zorian is, I think in another life or timeline he could have just as easily become a detective.
An empath that is naturally curious about the world and might look for divination help and be pointed to a detective? I don't think Zorian would join the police force but he in one way or another respects Haslush, and might find his skills fit the field. After all, as a freelance detective/P.I. it would give him the career path of his two favorite activities of "stick my nose into other people's business" and "help my friends."
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elkian · 3 months
The narrative thrust of Dungeon Meshi is basically FMA and it's cruel and unusual to keep Ed Elric and Laios separated by dint of minor problems like "existing in different universes" when they were born to be besties.
Also Falin and Al should form the "Seems like moral leashes but are actually just as unhinged as their older siblings, just quieter about it" club.
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my-drama-heart2406 · 1 year
This is A Rant
Okay so I really think Shin Seung-ho wasn't joking.
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I, at the same time, want and don't want a season 3. But then again, it's not about what I want.
Look only 4 episodes left. Looks like Yeong will get her memories back (finally). Also looks like Yunok recognised her, she throws water on her face (that bitch). Also looks like Uk will recognise her (also finally). But I'm pretty sure that will not happen in the middle of the episode. Probably at the end with a cliffhanger.
So there's the whole aftermath left for their relationship. How will Uk and Yeong react. Yeong will probably pull back from him. Uk will reach out. Now, they already visited the tree but this time Yeong was wearing pink, and it was sunset.
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In the trailer they show them near the tree again, but there she's wearing blue/green, with tears in her eyes and, it's daytime.
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Then there's that scene from the trailer where they join their hands with the jade eggs in btw them. She looks like she's wearing the same dress as above. So all in all, a lot of romance left.
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There's this scene of bloodied Jang Uk. I hope it's not his blood.
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Then there's that whole scene with Cheombugwan burning, in ruins.
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And whose sword is this??? This is the first scene of the first trailer. WTF is happening????
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The whole action sequence is left, which we saw in the final trailer.
But that's not the only thing. Jin Mu dying and Uk-Yeong getting a happy ending is not the end of the story.
Remember, Jang Uk is the King's Star. It's his destiny to destroy the ice stone. Not being able to take out the ice stone is not the problem. See at this point, it's actually a boon. With the help of the ice stone Jang Uk won't die and he can prevent Yeong in Jin Bu-yeon's body from running wild. But that goes completely against his destiny. Which was why Park Jin saying "if you take out the ice stone, you will die" was so important. This is exactly what happened to Master Seo Gyeong. He destroyed all the ice stones, except one because he wanted to save the woman he loved. Which resulted in one ice stone being left in the world, which caused so much chaos. After recognising Yeong, Uk won't want to die and also not let her go wild. But he'd need the ice stone for that. See, completely contradictory to his destiny.
Now I have no idea how they're going to tie this up. I'm not even going to think, I just want a happy ending.
But do you think they'll be able to complete the story in 4 episodes? I mean do you want them to? There's already so much left from the trailer that's not shown, how are they going to complete the rest of the story???
I really don't want a half-assed ending to a show that I love so much. It's not about an ending that the audience likes, but one that completes the story for each character.
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yuelun · 2 months
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.... I just really want her to be real. I want it more today than I did yesterday, and I'll want it even more tomorrow. And I worry about it, but I also have such a strong gut feeling. I just, I really want her to be real.
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asofterepilogue · 2 years
jang uk and naksu are both so prideful yet never hesitate to put themselves in the most humiliating situations if they think it'll get them what they want, and I have to respect that kind of single-mindedness.
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tansu-bomb · 1 year
Jin Mu: I will call the dead NakSu once again to shake up Jang Uk
AOS nation: Jin Mu, you filthy snake. Just Die! 🐍
Jang Uk: (first hugs Jin Mu in relief) Thank you for bringing her back to me.
Jang Uk: (then hands over the sword to NakSu) Tansu him into pieces, my love.
AOS nation: (and then Yeong-Uk passionately kiss over Jin Mu’s piecemeal-ed dead body) 🥰🪺🥰
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This is how I beat Jin Mu induced stress. 😂
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mantisgodsdomain · 2 months
Possessed with desire to convert a handful of OCs to Dungeon Meshi for fic purposes. Downside is ofc that we are going to have to draw humanish faces. Wish us luck.
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vriibot · 1 year
thinking about when fenn said he was studying abroad during the rivenspire quest. what did he mean, where WAS he that they just let vampires study?
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minotaurmerkaba · 23 days
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Naksu/Mu-deok: He is in love with this ugly face? He has terrible taste!
Jin Seol-ran/Bu-yeon (sitting in her body's backseat and letting Naksu drive): This is the soul he's going to fall in love with? He *does* have terrible taste.
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coffeecakecatt · 1 year
Umbraton’s booming art industry is wild to me. Because Umbraton has a good enough art trade that there being professional art thieves is a viable profession, they’ve got a booming film industry, an active newspaper, and they have a rising idol industry that ONLY has the Rediesal Wrench to compete with. AND they have protection on wonderous beasts which there’s been no implication (as far as I’m aware) that Illumina Federation or Lumopolis or Northland are even AWARE wonderous beasts exist. Vic has a circulating book as Umbraton seems to be the only place who’s read it to the point Istvan has placed protections on wonderous beasts and can arrest people for poaching.  I desperately want to know why Umbraton and the Rediesal Wrench are the ones who are progressing in the art field and Lumopolis is NOT even though they have the luxury for it. Even with Lumopolis’ choir there hasn’t been any indication I’ve picked up on that they have artists they’re commissioning for religious paintings. I feel like Schwartz would be competing with Istvan over all this in some passive way, just his own flavor of strict added onto it.  Umbraton is out here thriving in every art and other industry imaginable and it’s Lumopolis’ fucking basement. 
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maybeitdontmakesense · 9 months
I’m watching alchemy of souls and I don’t understand how the mom from jinyowon does not recognize her lost daughter even when she opened those doors
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da3drat · 11 months
Everybody wish me luck i’m going on the hunt for a daedric spear. Probably gonna get killed.👍
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generic-waffle · 3 months
I’ll take “what if fear was an attractive force, instead of a repellant one?” for 200, Alex.
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