#otp: forge me
leopardmuffinxo · 9 months
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the hottest fires burn blue & his eyes are no exception
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Day “8”: 🤰🏻…Initial Thoughts Headcanon
Part 1
Rogue couldn’t pinpoint the exact feelings she had when she stared at the results for the umpteenth time. There were too many to register, ultimately culminating in her throwing up in the toilet again, this time out of overwhelmed stress instead…instead of…
She shakily rinsed her mouth in the sink, flushed the toilet, and closed her eyes as she sank onto the floor.
This couldn’t be real…it just couldn’t. Not after she pretended she didn’t care for them and told him she had no interest in having any. Not after all the steps they took to prevent it from happening whenever they had the chance to be intimate.
Yet here she was now.
Rogue resisted the instinct to touch her abdomen.
She couldn’t tell Scott. Not now. Not as he was on a mission with his brother, Ray, Bobby, Jubilee, Corsair and the latter’s crew. Besides, who knows if they were in a position to communicate peacefully or not, since the only time they could contact the X-Mansion was when they needed to provide status reports. That barely even gave any room for the couple to exchange brief, but precious, hellos, goodbyes, or I love yous.
Rogue opened her eyes and squinted at the wedding band around her finger, then shook her head.
No. As much as she wanted him right here and now, she wasn’t going to put her husband and the team in jeopardy just because she was desperate for him to hold her so she wouldn’t be alone to make sense of this unexpected situation.
But she did need to tell someone…
She pulled out her phone, took a deep breath, and began dialing the numbers. Her other hand unclenched, and Rogue gazed at the tiny screen of the dipstick: [| |].
She wasn’t sure what surprised her more: Forge and Logan showing up to her doorstep a lot more quickly than she anticipated, or the fact that the former already had an ultrasound machine built and on hand.
“Amanda and Ororo are expecting, too.” Was the only explanation Forge offered as he set up the device next to her couch as soon as he dried off his rain-drenched mechanical arm. He added, “Hank’s coming later. He’s just staying behind to help out Amanda until Kurt comes back after accidentally poofing out of the state as soon as she told him.”
“Now, appearance and initial function-wise, this baby— heh, if you’ll pardon the…er…” he backtracked on the pun when seeing Rogue’s and Logan’s unamused expressions, “*ahem* this device is similar to most transabdominal ultrasounds save for the fact that it can be used it any environment, it can detect life much earlier, even as early as…”
As the mutant inventor rambled on, Rogue felt Logan take her gloved hand and squeeze it. “How’re you doing, kid?” He muttered. Rogue pointedly watched Forge add more tweaks and adjustments to the machine.
“How’s Ororo? How come y’all didn’t say anything yet?”
Logan helped her lay down on the couch. “She’s doin’ great, but a bit grumpy that she can’t visit family since the weather’s acting out of wack wherever she is at the moment.” Rogue raised her eyebrows, just as the thunder momentarily rumbled louder outside.
“Didn’t say anything to anyone yet because of that last part, too. Got enough jokes from the family and porcupine to last the whole nine months,” He added, rolling her eyes. Rogue grinned, momentarily forgetting her nerves.
“Now,” Forge handed Rogue the gel and rubbed his hands together, “let’s see if this baby’s the next Apocalypse or not!”
Aaaaaaaand, her nerves were brought back front and center.
Part 2 coming soon!
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urwendii · 10 months
Looking at my outline I did month ago for atfb and only now I realised I was lowkey hinting at an aromantic ending lmao
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controversial opinion: I don't get the appeal of rebelcaptain at all! but apparently based on the polls it has a very devoted following? like, I'm SHOCKED that it beat hanleia! it always just struck me as another case of Hollywood shoving a romance b plot into a movie that didn't need one (and didn't have the time to really develop it because that wasn't the focus of Rogue One)
I'm not even here to be a hater, I'm curious - maybe people who like rebelcaptain can share some things they like about it? change my mind!
I’m pretty ambivalent about Rebelcaptain. I do consider it to be the ‘default’ Jyn ship, and I’m always happy to write it (it pops up in “Across the Stars”, after all), but I wouldn’t say I’m a massive stan or anything. I also don’t dislike it at all.
TBH, I feel like you could also read Jyn and Cassian’s canonical relationship as a very tight, forged-by-fire friendship. But that’s just my reading of it.
I’ll throw this one to the notes. If you’re a Rebelcaptain shipper, what makes you so passionate about your OTP?
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cinderella-ish · 3 months
My evolving thoughts on who Yuki should've ended up with, and fanfic's role in changing my mind
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So, I want to talk about Yuki Sohma.
Yuki is the member of the main trio in Fruits Basket with whom I most identify. I have little in common with both Tohru and Kyo, and it took me several watches and read-throughs to start to understand their characters/arcs. (I love them, don't get me wrong! I just didn't fully appreciate the depth of their characters/arcs until maybe my third time through the series.)
Yuki, on the other hand, not only had many external qualities in common with me, but the way he grew mirrored some of the ways I changed in early adulthood. His arc felt true to my life, and so he was my favorite character from my first exposure to Fruits Basket.
When I started reading fanfic, I initially limited myself to canon compliant or limited canon-divergence fics, but eventually, I dipped my toes into some alternate pairings. Interestingly, while I truly can't see Tohru with anyone but Kyo, and I can only see Kyo with someone other than Tohru in very specific circumstances, Yuki seems to work with almost everyone he gets paired with. I mean, Yuki and Machi are my OTP, yet I have probably read (and bookmarked) every Yuki/Kakeru fic on Ao3, and some of the most beautiful fanfic I've ever read is Yuki/Kyo.
This confused me at first. Deeply. If Yuchi is my OTP, why do I devour every Yukeru and Yukyo fic?
Well, I think that's because Yuki's arc is, among other things, one where he rejects compulsory romance. This is made explicit in the Cinderella-ish story (why yes this is my favorite part of Fruits Basket, why do you ask?), where he quite literally rejects the role of the prince - the role that's been put onto him by others through the series. I think his arc would have been complete without him ending up with Machi, but there are things about their relationship that make his ending so much more satisfying. In stories where he ends up with Kakeru or Kyo, Machi almost always appears as an important friend for him. I think, for him, having strong bonds outside the Sohmas that he forged on his own was the point, rather than ending up in a relationship.
Anyway, with that out of the way, here are my thoughts on the five most common Yuki pairings on Ao3!
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Yes. I love them. 1000/10.
Okay, so the one criticism I have of Yuki/Machi is that Yuki is strongly gay-coded throughout the series, and it would've been awesome to see that play out in the way it was set up. I think that's a huge part of why I connected with Yuki - his arc definitely reminded me of my own experience coming to terms with my own queerness. For more on this, see this exceptional post by @yunsoh
But there are so many moments between them that make me swoon. The chalk scene, first and foremost. I used that scene to talk to my partner about how to support me when my OCD or ADHD is bad. Then there's scene where Yuki figures out why Machi destroys things, then asks to make footprints in the snow together (and tells her he's proud of her! and sees how hard she's worked!). The way he bought her Mogeta memorabilia or figured out she likes red or understood her intent when she chased him around the school to give him a flower and just ended up getting angry at him. The way he understood she bought Tohru a bath set because it's what she would want, just because Kakeru made a similar remark. The way he lit up when he saw Machi's trashed apartment - "the sea of despair."
And the way Machi understood and empathized with Yuki. The way he lit up and started laughing when she called him an airhead. The way she said it took someone like him to notice someone like her. The way she opened up to him and always sought him out. The way Kakeru shipped them. The way he knew she would miss him if he were to disappear, and the way being a support to her was something he needed for himself. The way she accepted him as he actually was, and not the way he thought he was supposed to be. The way she broke the door down with a chair when Yuki was trapped in the storage room. The way he teased her!
They've both been put in seemingly desirable positions within their families, yet those positions are responsible for so much of their pain and trauma. They get each other at a deep level. There's a mutuality to their relationship that Yuki desperately needed. I love them so much!
PS: if you also love Yuki/Machi, come find me on Ao3! I'll be posting some Yuchi content later this week!
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They have a fantastic and fun dynamic, and they are always touching each other. Kakeru is Yuki's confidant and someone who makes Yuki feel safe in being himself, flaws and all. They help each other grow - Yuki helps Kakeru be more empathetic, and Kakeru helps Yuki become more comfortable with himself. I think this pairing would have also been a satisfying end for Yuki, full stop. I love them, and I will read all your Yukeru fics, please and thank you. (Also, lots of Yukeru writers are just really good writers, so there are some gorgeous works for them.)
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So, I didn't get why this ship was so popular at first, but then I was reminded that Yuki's first thought when he met Kyo was "pretty!" They both secretly admired each other, they're written as foils for each other, and there's a reason enemies to lovers is so popular (and it's called sexual tension).
There's a Yuki/Kyo fic that I'd credit with showing me what fanfic can really do - especially in the ways it expanded the universe, found its own way of handling the curse, and developed the relationship between the two boys in a way that also grew their characters. That fic is The Pursuit of Repeating History by @mistergrass
I do think that Yuki ending up with someone outside the Sohmas is more satisfying for his character arc than someone from the Sohma clan, but his relationship with Kyo is such a key part of his arc that this could be satisfying in its own right.
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I absolutely love the relationship these two have in canon. I love how Haru looks out for Yuki, and I love how he drives Yuki a bit crazy. I love how Haru tells Yuki the things he needs to hear, like that it's okay for him to focus on himself for a while, and I love how Yuki braves the Sohma estate to check on Haru. I also love the way Haru can read Yuki like a book.
Haru's words to Yuki about finding someone who will appreciate his fragility and kindness are always so touching. Haru is almost a mentor to Yuki, in a way, or a fairy godmother. (Or a long lost sister?) The fact that he was the one who got Yuki out of isolation at the hands of Akito, or that he was the one person who would check on him just speaks to the strength of his loyalty to Yuki.
I take Haru's statement of "Yuki was my first love" seriously, because he tells Yuki he is serious when Yuki warns him people will take him seriously when he says that. I know there's an argument to be made that Haru is just being his weird self, but that gives me and they were roommates vibes.
Unfortunately, most of the Yuki/Haru fics are dubcon with Dark Haru, which is not something I enjoy reading. What I'd really love to read is an AU where they're together in high school or later, or something that explores Haru's early feelings for Yuki, or just something that explores interesting sides of their characters that are brought out when they're together.
I don't think this would be a terribly satisfying end for Yuki, but I do really love their dynamic.
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Okay, so, full disclosure: I was #teamyuki when I first watched Fruits Basket. Yet now, they're the only pairing on this list that I don't like. Why? Well, as I said above, Yuki's arc is much about rejecting this specific compulsory romance.
Compulsory how? Well, from the beginning, the series seems like it's setting up a love triangle, but kind of tells us (more and more explicitly as the series goes on) that things are not what they seem.
I think the series does a phenomenal job of making the reader/viewer complicit in placing this compulsory romance onto Yuki. A brief aside, making the reader/viewer complicit in the thing a story is criticizing is one of the most effective ways to criticize something, IMO, because it doesn't let the reader/viewer off the hook. We don't get to say, "Look at them, they're so foolish!" We're forced to examine our own expectations and acknowledge that we were made a fool of, too.
I totally got tingles at the spa scene (pictured above), even though upon rewatch, it's obvious how much of an act it is on Yuki's part, and how uncomfortable it makes Tohru. In fact, many of their most "romantic" moments, where the shojo bubbles appear and everything, are when Tohru is acting in an explicitly motherly way to Yuki, and he awkwardly tries to flirt because he's either misinterpreting his feelings or in denial about them.
I also thought his line, "that isn't what I want!" when he tells Kakeru about his true feelings for Tohru is one of the most powerful moments in the series. It's the moment he's finally letting go of being the Princely character and choosing to be himself, for himself, because he deserves to be known and accepted - something he'd never fully believed until that moment.
I think part of why I was initially #teamyuki was because I came to Fruits Basket through the anime first, where much of the development of his relationship with Machi was cut. Also, as I said above, I didn't really get the characters of Kyo and Tohru right away, and I think that prevented me from seeing the power of their romance. The True Form arc was a key moment that I truly didn't understand until several viewings/readings later.
So, all of that is why I don't care for this pairing. I get why people do, but I do feel it undermines Yuki's agency and his character arc. It's a pairing that makes me sad when I see it, as if this character I love has taken a step backward.
(Incidentally, I've been wanting to write a fic where the True Form arc plays out differently and Yuki takes longer to realize the nature of his feelings for Tohru. I truly wonder how he would've come to that understanding without witnessing her running after Kyo. Would he have tried dating her? Would it have been a total disaster?)
Other pairings and larger relationship structures
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Out of the other pairings I found, the only one I'm genuinely curious about is Yuki with Saki Hanajima. I'll have to go read those fics. They are each the "cold" half of a "hot/cold" duo (the "hot" halves being Kyo and Arisa, who are basically the same person). I'm very curious what led people to pair them in the handful of fics about them!
(Interestingly, I think it's possible to read Saki and Arisa both as having a bit of sexual tension with Kyo, but not with Yuki.)
The others include Akito, Ayame, Hatori, and Shigure - all pairings that would have a noncon/dubcon element due to Yuki's age, and that's before you get into the specific traumas that these characters have inflicted on Yuki, or the inherent power dynamics between them, or the close familial relationship with Ayame, etc...
The trio relationships are all intriguing and full of possibility. Yuki/Tohru/Kyo? Obviously. Yuki/Kakeru/Kimi? Potential for lots of wackiness. Yuki/Kyo/Haru? Could be the next Mabudachi trio.
(No shade to anyone who enjoys fics with the pairings or tropes I don't like! This blogger believes in "don't like, don't read.")
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ludi-ling · 2 months
Also with X-Men 97 coming out, my best friend decided to watch it. She's watched some XTAS (and I've made her watch all the X-films once), but it wasn't necessarily a core memory or something in her fandom. That being said, I'm getting such a kick out of her reactions. Her reaction to Rogneto is hilarious. "But Rogue and Magneto were a thing?????" I had to call her and give her the complicated comic history full of clones, rebounding and everything...
As for this:
Storm without powers, Magneto in charge, Jean doppelgängers showing up?? What a hell of a cliffhanger to end the episode on.
My mouth is shuuuuut lmao.
Duuuuude, that makes me realise just how front loaded this show is with shenanigans. There is SO much going on and I love it. 💘
I have to say, one thing I'm really excited about is Storm/Forge. They are my OTP for Storm. Lifedeath is beautiful. 💖
Hahaha, you must be having so much fun with your friend! There is the potential to mess with her, but I'm sure you're not that cruel! 🤭
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Mischief has received a tag!
@soliloquent-stark Tagged me to do this thing!
rules: list the first line(s) of your last 10 (or however many you have) posted fics and see if there’s a pattern!
1. May: Part 5 of Frost & Forge-Fire: A Year of OTP 2023 Frostiron 12 Month Anthology of a Relationship
The first time Loki sent Tony flowers, he was off on a mission with Steve, Thor, and Natasha while the inventor stayed behind with the others to worry about their significant others.
2. A place where sinners fall in love
Loki stared at the wreckage around the entrance hall of the palace, vases and other statues overturned and shattered across the once clean and shining marble floor.
(Note: That is not the exact first line, but it's the first line that's not just Loki's inner thoughts.)
3. Dancing in my storm
“Is this something the Avengers can and, more importantly, will help us with?”
4. To be in love with the masterpiece
“Loki! Where’re you headed? The studio’s back that way,” Steve called out when he saw one of his friends booking it away from the art building. He was on his way to the art studio from the parking lot and caught the swish of a short black ponytail bouncing in the opposite direction.
(Note: Okay, you got me. It's more than just one line.)
5. Eden revives in the first kiss of love
When Logan woke up, it was to the caress of sunlight on his eyelids and the warm breath of a kiss on his lips.
6. Under blue moon, I saw you
“Oh sweet fucking Norns,” Loki exclaimed.
7. You are the ghost behind my eyes
Steve had returned all of the Infinity stones as per his last mission as Captain America.
8. Heartache to heartache, we stand
Thanos’ army arrived like a swarm, decimated the compound, and left the sky black as if they’d put out the sun.
9. Take me back to the night we met
Tony bent over his scratched and dented Iron Man helmet.
10. Half past four and shifting gear
“You hear about Loki?”
Holy crap! I have patterns! Ones that my college creative writing profs would be so proud of me for. At least in these 10 fics (and very likely the ones following those), I start my fics either with immediate action or dialogue (speaking = action). I do remember when I started writing back in the Middle Stone Ages that I thought I needed to always "set the scene," especially with long rolling descriptions so anyone reading could 'see' where they were. I think I still sometimes try to set the scene, but it was 'gently' recommended by two of the profs I admire the most to start with action, dialogue, and one of them especially loved starting a story In medias res, and with "Under blue moon, I saw you," that was the start I gave it.
Who'da thunk that at almost 51, I'd finally grasp all those things my favorite writing profs kept encouraging? Go me!
Anyone else pick up patterns I haven't mentioned (or noticed)?
Tagging: @scottxlogan @mcfiddlestan @endlesstwanted @kleenexwoman @kedreeva @mistressofmuses @song-witch @stormxpadme @securitybreach @loni4ever @chaoticgardenbread @holistic-alcoholic @renlybaratheon-tyrell and anyone else who wants to play!
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abyssal-ali · 2 years
Jasonette Crack (feat. Talia al Ghul)
~0.8k, everyone (Talia) is WilDlY OOC, you have been warned. Not beta'd (if anyone wants to beta or even just toss ideas around, let me know!) Please tell me what you think, and I'm open to constructive criticism as well.💜
Marinette groaned into Talia's bed.
Talia merely raised an eyebrow, waiting for the young woman to speak.
"Is something the matter, Marinette?"
Another groan, then Mari raised her head to look at Talia. "I want a boyfriend. Can you find me someone? If *you're* happy with him then he'll be great, and I won't have to worry about my family's disapproval."
Talia couldn't believe this was happening. Marinette was asking her to set her up with her OTP!
"I shall begin the search," she said neutrally.
Jason kicked off his boots and hung his jacket up, then collapsed onto the sofa.
"You need a girlfriend," said Talia from the shadowed chair she was sitting in.
Jason almost screamed. "T, you gave me a heart attack!"
"Be aware of your surroundings," she said unapologetically. "You need a girlfriend," she repeated.
"I have neither the time nor the patience to find someone everyone will like. You find me a girlfriend and I'll be happy."
Two weeks later a kidnapped Jason and a kidnapped Marinette were stood in front of Talia, who spoke somewhat quicker than normal. "Marinette Genevieve Dupain-Cheng, do you take this man as your husband?"
Talia ignored her and turned to Jason.
"Jason Peter Todd-Wayne, do you take this woman as your wife?"
"T, what are you-"
"I now pronounce you man and wife!" she said cheerfully.
10 minutes later, once they freed themselves from their ropes, the new couple burst into her room.
"T, what did you do?! I didn't actually mean it!!"
"I just wanted a date! What was that?!" screeched Marinette.
They looked at each other, then back to Talia.
"You're perfect for each other, you know. I've shipped you two for years; this is a blessed day. I can die happy now. I was thrilled when you asked me to find you a partner."
"I didn't mean a husband!" "I didn't mean a wife!"
"You're welcome," she said, calmly sipping her tea. "I saved you the dating-- it's inevitable you get married."
They sputtered at her impeccable logic and left.
"I'm so sorry about Aunt Talia," said Marinette.
"Talia's your aunt?"
"Kinda. I'm 98% sure she mentally adopted me, though. My mom's her best friend and Aunt T's kind of my mentor? How do you know her?"
"She adopted me. And she's my dad's ex."
"Oh," Mari nodded. "You asked her to find you a date too?"
"Kinda, but I was joking and she knew it. I am so sorry about this."
"It's fine; I *literally* asked for it. I'm sorry for *you*."
"Don't worry about it. Obviously she thinks you're perfect if she married us."
"Same for you- wait, is she licensed?" Mari asked.
"We didn't sign anything though."
"T forged our signatures. We're legally married," Jason pointed out.
"Right...well, I guess we'd better get to know each other. Hi, I'm Marinette, from Paris. Nice to meet you."
Jason shook her hand. "Hi, I'm Jason, from Gotham. Enchanté."
The couple talked for hours, finding out more about each other. There was definitely chemistry there.
Marinette decided to move to Gotham so she and Jason could get to know each other better. It wasn't like she had anything tying her to Paris and she *had* wanted to travel.
Talia smiled happily. Her plan worked (of course it did, she was a genius with a knack for matchmaking.)
Then Marinette took a taxi to 1007 Mountain Drive from her cozy little apartment just outside the Diamond District and gasped, prepared to beat up Jason instead of meeting his family. She was only wearing jeans, an "I died and all I got was this T-shirt" shirt, and a red leather jacket--hardly appropriate clothing for a *manor*!
Jason let her in at the gate and laughed at her T-shirt, then led her into the Manor.
"Don't worry, sweats are the norm around here. You look beautiful," he reassured her.
The couple were swarmed by curious Waynes ("who's your date?") until a feral child with a katana appeared and ran at Marinette.
She caught him in a hug and ruffled his hair.
"Hey kiddo, how are you?"
"You know Demon Spawn?" asked Tim, shocked.
"Of course, she is my honorary big sister," sniffed Damian.
Everyone agreed that Marinette was perfect, and perfect for Jason after just 5 minutes of acquaintance. It was the beginning of a lovely relationship.
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ilikekidsshows · 1 year
Feligami for otp ask
Rate Your OTP Game
Crème de la crème | Excellent Taste | A Worthy Sailing Vessal | A fine ship it is | The Finest Crack in the Den | Unorthodox yet not Unwelcome | It is a good | Overrated | It is acceptable | Forgive me but I am not familiar with the source material | I would not consider myself a fan | Just because you are contrarian doesnt make it good | What dump did you find this? | In the lowest pits of the Abyss is where your taste was forged.
Considering I'm 75% sure you sent this pairing in just to have me tear it to shreds, I feel comfortable being nasty about it.
Feligami as a ship emphasizes and underlines the artificiality of these characters both in universe and out of universe. It's the token ship where a couple is brought together by the writers specifically because they fill out the same niche. The ethnicity couple, the nerd couple, the artificial slave species couple.
Look, Miraculous has a really, really, REALLY bad track record with making its Sentimonsters seem like actual people worthy of sympathy and human rights. The creation and controlling of these creatures is totally okay most of the time, no one considers how horrifying it is that their lives are so fleeting, fragile and easily controlled by others and they're called Sentimonsters. The only character who cared about Sentibug dying was Adrien, apparently another Sentimonster so, with Félix's season 5 characterization of him caring about Kagami and Adrien because they're Sentis, we have a 3/3 track record of only another Sentimonster choosing to care about someone they know for a fact is a Sentimonster from the get-go.
Félix only started caring about Kagami because she was part of the same slave species he is. Kagami's previous love interest was also a part of this slave species and Kagami was explicitly attracted to him because they were "so alike". With Kagami exclusively falling for guys who are part of the same species as her, who also easily fall for her right back, the show is implying Sentimonsters can subconsciously recognize each other, and this instict presents itself as them being drawn to each other.
Outside of all this Sentimonster nonsense, the pairing also emphasizes how artificial these characters are from a narrative perspective. Kagami is headstrong, and wants to pave her own way. Her previous love interest and first friend were both people who were kind to a fault. Now she falls for an asshole who's also a perfect clone of her previous boyfriend, a breakup she had such a difficult time getting over that she couldn't even see him for a time. It's obvious Kagami likes Félix only because the writers want her to like him. She also shields the writers' pet Félix from the consequences of his own actions, something I've pointed out the writers loooooove to do with Félix. All of this makes it obvious that she's not a real person but a made up character who will do and feel what the writers want regardless of her previous characterization, which just takes a more savvy viewer completely out of the story.
Félix's personality also keeps changing with his every appearance, and him falling for Kagami is just more of the same. The Félix in season three might as well have been another identical Sentimonster and the only connection he still has to his season 4 behavior is him still having the Peacock Miraculous. I actually saw a screenshot of him doing an Adrien expression sincerely because he just wubs Kagami so much, and I gagged. It's just gross when he does the doe-eyed look.
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grishaverse-chaos · 3 months
Zoya for the ask game <3 (I'd love to hear your opinions on my favorite character)
omg tysm for the ask! (and to anon who also suggested zoya, sorry it took me so long to get round to it 😭)
why I like them: honestly she's just so fucking iconic, but I love how she's amazing and badass while not being one-dimensional! like she has flaws and she has trauma and insecurities and none of that takes away from her positive traits!!
why I don't: idk I feel like she has some ideas that I would disagree with - I haven't re-read the books in a while but I always got the vibe that she's pretty pro-military and particularly in favour of the second army. and like I get it! fun light-hearted fantasy books are not obligated to deconstruct entire social systems! but if I met her irl I think we'd argue about it lmao
favourite episode/scene: I love the scene in s2 where she agrees to ally with alina! I think it's really sweet and shows her character development
favourite season/movie: in terms of the books, I think she's best in the kos duology - as fun and iconic as she is in the s&b trilogy I think the backstory and development she gets in the later books really enhances her character
favourite line: oh this is so niche but “none of this had been fated; none of it foretold. there had been no prophecies of a demon king or a dragon queen, a one-eyed tailor, heartrender twins. they were just the people who had shown up and managed to survive. but maybe that was the trick of it: to survive, to dare to stay alive, to forge your own hope when all hope had run out. for the survivors then, zoya whispered to herself as the people before her knelt and chanted her name. and for the lost.”
I love the theme of fate/destiny vs free will in the grishaverse and this is honestly one of my all-time favourite quotes - I'm actually considering having part of it as my yearbook quote!
favourite outfit: ooooh I love her outfit for the shu han heist in s2 (although obviously, honourable mention to the blue ribbon™ just for being iconic)
otp: see my answer is different for fanon and canon. in canon I adore zoyalina, in fanfic I love zoyalai!
brotp: zoya and genya are literally the BEST friendship duo ever (although I also low-key ship them romantically). zoya and nina are not necessarily a good friendship but I love analysing their dynamic so they get an honourable mention anyway. oh and her cousin lada, the girl liliyana adopts - we barely see them interact but I think they would have had such a cute dynamic!!
headcanon: she's a cat person. this is actually true and accurate bc I say so. she 100% owns cats post-canon
unpopular opinion: she shouldn't have become queen at the end of row. as iconic as it is, I can't help but think that it would backfire politically, it'd have negative consequences for her relationship with nikolai, and it kind of sets back both characters' development. this feels too harsh but idk 😭😭 might write a longer post about it at some point
a wish: for her and nikolai to fix the issues in their relationship. bc yes, I think in canon they have Issues™ but this is a fixable problem! she just needs to stop putting him up on a pedestal!!
an oh-god-please-don't-ever-happen: imagine if she actually did become darkling 2.0 lmao. it'd never happen bc I think leigh bardugo would never do that, but it would be absolutely awful
5 words to best describe them: complex, iconic, motivated, forceful, lonely
my nickname for them: idk sometimes I call her z/zee in my head (and project this fact onto other characters who I think would do the same)
give me a character and I will answer...
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a-roguish-gambit · 3 days
Do you have any other favorite X-Men couples alongside Rogue x Gambit?
I love Domino x Rogue (Wolverine and the X Men made me ship them) Ororo x Logan, Ororo x Forge, Morph x Logan, Avalanche x Kitty (Evolution), Dazzler x Beast, Carly Crocker x Beast, Kurt x Amanda (Evolution), Kurt x Wanda (again, thanks Wolverine and the X Men).
Also, call me crazy but for Magneto could join in a great policule with Gambit and Rogue.
Rogue and Gambit are my otp. I don't mind other ships including others with them (aside from straight rogueneto but that's for choice of portrayal reason. I've never seen plain rogueneto handled in a way that doesn't feel creepy/controlling to me personally with a heavy power imbalances in magneto's favor. If you like it good for you it's not my cup of tea. Roguexgambitxmagneto is a bit better power balance wise but I still see a lot of people putting magneto in this too powerful position in the polycule which is meh....) but that's the main one.
I like Charles and Erik, and a lot of the other main x men end up squished into one big polycule pretty often for me. My scottxjeanxlogan triangle fix polycule kinda just started absorbing other character I ship with Logan lol. I Def's like forge and storm.
I don't know enough of the human characters to have opinions on ships with them and the X-Men. I'm still fairly new to the fandom, but generally I'm not one to ship nightcrawler with a lot of people. It's nothing against his ships he's got great chemistry with a lot of people, but I grew up Catholic and still am so it still feels a bit iffy for me making a character who's kind of a Catholic priest have romantic relationships. Some of them are fun but it wavers day to day for me whether I like shipping him.
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shipmistress9 · 6 months
The Betrayed God
Fandom: Fourth Wing -- The Empyrean
(No spoilers for IF)
Pairing: Violet/Xaden--Riorgail, Violet/Malek--Mallet, Malek and his Bride
Rating: T
The legends talk about three brothers and about one of them betraying them all. But that is only half of the story. The darker half is yet to be told. Setup for a (possible) story in which Xaden is Malek trapped in a human body and Violet his lost bride.
AN: This originates from a crack theory formed in a group chat, about Violet being Malek's bride and-- to keep our OTP--about Xaden being Malek in human form. So, of course, my mind started spinning, and this is what came out. The dark legend that might, eventually, lead to a full story.
. o O o .
The legends say that defeating the armies of the Barrens came at the highest of all prices. It cost the winners everything.
But what was this price they paid? Why do none of the ancient documents talk about it? And who paid this highest of prices? 
Come. Come here. Come here and sit down with me. Let me tell you what happened, the tragic story of betrayal, of loss, of heartbreak, and of a debt we humans won’t ever be able to repay.
Let me tell you the story of Malek, God of Death, and of the forgotten Goddess of Life that once stood by his side. 
You’ve heard the legend of the three brothers, of how two of them rose to power and how the third turned to the forbidden gift. Of how they managed to defeat him, in the end. What those stories never talk about, however, is the deal the oldest brother was willing to strike in order to win. For he was the one truly hungering for power beyond anything else, and in his greed, he stopped at nothing. With no regards for the lives it cost, he ordered his most powerful wielders to forge a device that, upon activation, would cleanse the land of all dark abominations, a miracle, their salvation. 
But magic likes all things in balance. And it is not the wielder who determines the price. 
Unwilling to pay the price that would be asked, the eldest brother came up with a cunning plan, a plan so audacious that no historian dared to write it down. They said he wielded the powers of the sky. But what are the powers of the sky if not the Gods themselves? And he wielded them perfectly…
With feigned subservience, he lured them in, offering devotion and sacrifices for centuries to come. And vain as the Gods were, they accepted his promises. They fought at his side against the dark horde, glorious and awful as only Gods can be.
It was then, after many battles fought side by side, that the cunning eldest brother approached Malek with yet another proposal. He offered him a powerful talisman, the cruel device, to enhance his mighty strikes. The device that would put an end to their most hated foes—at the cost of their most beloved treasure. 
The Lord of Death, unaware of the treachery, went to battle and wiped all dark wielders off the face of the earth in one powerful strike. 
Grateful and full of awe, the humans praised the God, their saviour, promising to burn all that belonged to the dead in his name, and the oldest brother, who devoted his life to this cause, was made king to rule over all of mankind.
This is where the legends end—but it is not the end of this story. For there was still the price to pay for their victory, and when Malek returned to his Palace, glowing and victorious. .. he found that something was missing. The price that had to be paid, the balance magic crave. 
His most beloved treasure, his beautiful bride, was gone. 
In order to destroy the darkest powers, magic had taken the brightest light, the Goddess of Life, away.
Blind with grief and fury, Malek rioted and screamed, but there was no way to make the spell undone. His bride was lost, reduced to nothing but a mortal soul. Damned to endlessly wander the lands of the humans, she would never be commended to him, never to return to his side. 
The God of Death, lost in his grief, pleaded with the magic, his Queen, even with fate herself, and they offered him a deal. If he wanted his beloved back, then he had to join her. He had to become a mortal soul as well. And only should they find each other despite their lost memories, only should she regain all of her lost powers despite not knowing what she’d lost, only if they accomplished the deed she was sacrificed for without treachery… only then would Malek and his Bride be able to return to their Palace.
It was a fool’s bargain. A human’s life was difficult, their lands wide. The chances of them ever fulfilling the set terms all but nonexistent. But Malek agreed anyway. For all eternity was worthless if She was not by his side. He would bring her back. Even if it took him centuries to find her.
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munchbell45 · 4 months
yahiko and yamato for the character ask game :D !!
I'm not good at the song association thing, so I will skip that one. Sorry. IDK, I tend to listen to instrumental stuff, and I don't always think "OMG, this is so Skleeby from Splungo's Adventure" when I listen to music.
I will say that i sometimes picture (in my mind) angsty AMVs or animations of Nagato and Konan (post-Yahiko's death) set to Anemoia by Oliver Buckland. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0guReRtGWI&pp=ygUHYW5lbW9pYQ%3D%3D
Though that may be because the song was used in a really cool video game trailer.
Favourite thing about them?
I love his sincere desire to change the world for the better, as well as his love of others and hope for a better future. Of course, it's not just hope but also a DRIVE to make the world better. He just seems like such a sweet, hardworking dude, and if he was real I would love to know him.
Least favourite thing about them?
The fact that we don't get to see more of him. TBF, he died well before the start of Naruto, so we only see him through memories (and that one weird Infinite Tsukuyomi filler story, but I digress.) I want to see how he'd interact with MORE canon characters, I want to see MORE of the original Akatsuki, and I want to know MORE about the Hidden Rain Village.
I'd love a spin-off miniseries about the Hidden Rain Village.
Favourite line?
I'm not always the best at memorizing lines, but I'll go with this one, where he sets out to go on a mission to scout out an area.
"This land is crying, as usual. It continues to endure much pain. In the past, I hated this land that was crying all the time. But now... I want to save it... I truly feel that way. It's too much like the crybaby I used to be for me to leave it alone."
Obviously he is besties with Konan and Yahiko, they have a truly inseparable bond. I also imagine that he was close with each and every member of the original Akatsuki.
Sadly, there are only a few characters we see him interact with in canon, and many of them are minor.
In a happier timeline where nothing bad happened and the Hidden Leaf was magically not corrupt at all, I could see him being friends with Naruto.
Nagato/Yahiko/Konan. They have a deep bond, forged through their collective efforts to endure many hardships. To me, it's as if they are destined to be together and to always develop a deep, intimate care and affection for each other. Even if they were to reincarnate, they'd find each other once more.
Yahiko/Obito, Jiraiya/Yahiko (IDK if anyone ships that, LOL,) Zetsu/Yahiko, Madara/Yahiko (Is that a thing?)
Random headcanon?
He learned how to do a lot of basic repairs, so that if the shack got beaten up, he could fix it. I could also see him loving children.
Unpopular opinion?
My man's underrated. I feel like most people tend to either forget about him or just think of him as the guy that became the Deva Path. I mean... I get why, but I wish he was more popular. How can you not love him?
Favourite picture of them?
Two options. I hope these load in.
A: This panel (I am typing this on my computer and GIMP is being a bitch, so no crop.)
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B: (My PFP as of 2/5/2024)
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I am very neutral on him, so my apologies for some lame-ass answers. Also, i felt like I spent a lot of time writing my opinions on Yahiko.
Favourite thing about them?
His abilities were neat, as one of the few who could use Wood Style. i also respect how he tried his best to keep Team 7 in check and (later on) help rebuild the Hidden Leaf after Pain destroyed it.
Least favourite thing about them?
The fact that he was sidelined for most of the War Arc, serving little use outside of buffing up Zetsus. IDK, that was kind of disappointing.
Oh, I also feel weird about the fact that he's supposed to watch Orochimaru in Boruto. Like, if we treat the anime backstory as canon, dude should be traumatized by Orochimaru.
Favourite line?
That one where he threatens to use "draconic measures" on Team 7 when they keep arguing and fighting each other, I guess.
Kakashi once they are both adults. Sai after he is free from Dan's control, since they could relate to each other a lot (especially if you treat his anime backstory as canon.)
I could see maybe see him befriending Anko as well.
Maybe Yamato/Shizune. Yamato/Anko would either be cool or would suck.
Yamato/Orochimaru, Yamato/Kabuto
Random headcanon?
After the War Arc, he hangs out with Asuka, Kurenai, Guy, and Kakashi. They all reminisce about being teachers and vent to each other about weird crap that happens on the job.
Unpopular opinion?
Um... I thought the ANBU Kakashi filler arc (and Yamato's role in it) was overrated.
Dude needs more development, but that's probably the opposite of an unpopular opinion.
Favourite picture of them?
I hope this one loads in. I've been taking way too long writing this.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 1 year
Hicstrid for the OTP game
Crème de la crème | Excellent Taste | A Worthy Sailing Vessal | A fine ship it is | The Finest Crack in the Den | Unorthodox yet not Unwelcome | It is a good | Overrated | It is acceptable | Forgive me but I am not familiar with the source material | I would not consider myself a fan | Just because you are contrarian doesnt make it good | What dump did you find this? | In the lowest pits of the Abyss is where your taste was forged.
A fine ship.
Whether you watched just the movies or watched the shows.
Hicstrid develops quite well. It’s so rare to see a couple just GET one another. It’s good stuff.
Not much to say outside of that.
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serenofroses · 10 months
Nevrakis Legacy Characters List.
Here is a full list of the characters apart of the Nevrakis Legacy and those you may find on the Star Forge server. Wanted to create a separate post to fill my characters up with images and links.
placeholder here for toyhouse character detailed profiles coming soon bc i'm not great with words and detailed information like most of my followers do ahaha. [goes to shame corner]
Reminder this legacy is strictly heavy canon divergent. So please don't come at me and bitch to me about how I'm not following canon to appease you, thank you.
The Characters (so far):
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Kritanta (Sevket Nevrakis)
class story arc: Sith Warrior, main oc. // spec: Juggarnaut, offensive tank.
species: Sith Pureblood // age: unknown (rumoured to be 150+ years old) // pronouns: he/him
love interest: Darth Vowrawn
kotor bloodlines: Darth Revan
tags: #oc: kritanta, #otp kritanta x darth vowrawn
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ingame name: Krîtanta
note: Kritanta is one of my three oldest ocs and is the father to Ania and Jazz.
Anastasia "Ania" Nevrakis, aka Cipher Nine.
class story arc: Imperial Agent, main oc. // spec: Sniper with a mesh of operative's vibroknives abilities into it.
species: Miraluka-Sith Pureblood hybrid. // age: 24 at the start of class story. // pronouns: she/her.
love interest(s): Darth Marr and Darth Jadus.
kotor bloodlines: Darth Revan and Visas Marr.
tags: #oc: ania nevrakis, #otp ania x darth marr, #otp ania x darth jadus, #poly otp ania x marr x jadus
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ingame name: Ania Nevrakis (impside), Anya Nevrakis (repside)
note: Ania is the daughter to Kritanta and Vowrawn.
Jazmyn "Jazz" Nevrakis.
class story arc: Jedi Knight, main oc. // spec: Assassin.
species: Miraluka-Sith Pureblood hybrid // age: 24 at the start of class story. // pronouns: she/her.
love interest: Tau Idreius
kotor bloodlines: Darth Revan and Visas Marr.
tags: #oc: jazmyn nevrakis, #otp jazz x tau
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ingame name: Jazmyn Nevrakis (my other Jazz who already finished Old Wounds needs a rename or I can just catch up instead to save ccs)
note: Jazz is the daughter to Kritanta and Vowrawn.
Darth Vowrawn (Kavi Biswas)
class story arc: Sith Inquisitor, secondary protag // spec: Sorcerer
species: Miraluka-Sith Pureblood // age: around the age of 60. // pronouns: he/him.
love interest: Kritanta.
kotor bloodlines: Visas Marr
tags: #ch: darth vowrawn, #otp kritanta x darth vowrawn
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ingame name: Vöwrawn
note: Vowrawn is transman and is biological father to Ania and Jazz.
Darth Marr (Eivor Darach)
class story arc: Imperial Agent, secondary protag. // spec: Juggarnaut, defensive tank.
species: Zabrak. // age: in their early 40s. // pronouns: she/her, they/them.
love interest: Ania Nevrakis (main) and Darth Jadus (polytriad au).
kotor bloodlines: [REDACTED]
tags: #ch: darth marr, #otp ania x darth marr
ingame name: Marrvellous
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Taurai "Tau" Idreius
class story arc: Jedi Knight, secondary protag. // spec: Guardian, defensive tank.
species: Mirialan // age: 28 at the start of class story. // pronouns: she/her.
love interest: Jazmyn Nevrakis.
kotor bloodlines: Bastila Shan and Disciple (Mical).
tags: #oc: taurai idreius, #otp jazz x tau
ingame name: Taurai Idreius
(originally intend to be Tau Idair but I wanted to do mirialan au and give me creative freedom for ideas)
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Darth Jadus (Sanja Vitali)
class story arc: Imperial Agent, tertiary protag. // spec: mesh of Assassin and Sorcerer
species: Zeltron-Sith Pureblood. // age: in their late 30s or early 40s. // pronouns: she/her, they/them.
love interest(s): Ania Nevrakis (romantically) and Darth Marr (fuck buddy).
kotor bloodlines: Tenebrae
tag: #ch: darth jadus, #otp ania x darth jadus, #poly otp ania x marr x jadus
ingame name: Jadus Vitali
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Darth Lachesis (Marta Vitali)
class story arc: ome of the villains // spec: Sorcerer
species: Echani-Sith Pureblood. // age: in their late 30s. // pronouns: she/her.
love interest(s): None so far.
kotor bloodlines: Tenebrae
tag: #oc: darth lachesis
ingame name: Lachesis Vitali
(originally intend to be Darth Lachris but I went and retconned her to be my own oc with designs for personal reason)
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Seleni Daru (formerly Lord Venera)
class story arc: Jedi Consular, supporting oc. // spec: Shadow
species: Twi'lek-Sith Pureblood. // age: unknown (rumoured to be 150+ years old) // pronouns: she/her.
love interest(s): TBA. (romancing Felix Iresso ingame)
kotor bloodlines: Darth Revan and Yuthura Ban Daru
tag: #oc: seleni daru
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ingame name: Seleni Daru
note: Seleni is the half sister to Kritanta as they share same trans mom.
Zeki Rivas
class story arc: Smuggler, supporting oc. // spec: Gunslinger
species: Human. // age: in his late 30s. // pronouns: he/him.
love interest(s): TBA
kotor bloodlines: Carth Onasi.
tag: #oc: zeki rivas
ingame name: Zeki Rivas
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Jinan Secura
class story arc: Republic Trooper, supporting oc. // spec: Mercenary
species: Twi'lek. // age: in his early 30s. // pronouns: he/him.
love interest(s): Elara Dorne.
kotor bloodlines: Zaerdra Secura.
tag: #oc: jinan secura
ingame name: Jinan Secura
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Lexine Sivron
class story arc: Bounty Hunter. // spec: Mercenary
species: Twi'lek. // age: unknown. // pronouns: she/her.
love interest(s): TBA. (is Mako even avaliable for female Hunter? edited: sadly not, oh well)
kotor bloodlines: Teer'aa.
tag: #oc: lexine sivron
ingame name: Lexine Sivron
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Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Category: M/M Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Thor (Movies), Iron Man (Movies) Relationship: Loki/Tony Stark Characters: Loki (Marvel), Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Thor (Marvel), Jarvis (Iron Man movies), Nick Fury, Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Phil Coulson, Elena "Yo-Yo" Rodriguez, Alphonso "Mack" Mackenzie Additional Tags: Established Relationship, Established Loki/Tony Stark, Minor Bruce Banner/Thor, Minor Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. References, Flower Language, Flower meanings, Just Add Kittens, Good Loki (Marvel), Avenger Loki (Marvel), Loki is a romantic, Tony gets romanced, Dessert & Sweets, 5+1 Things, 5 Times Language: English Series: Part 5 of Frost & Forge-Fire: A Year of OTP 2023 Frostiron 12 Month Anthology of a Relationship Collections: 2023-Year of the OTP Published: 2024-03-08 Words: 13,603 Chapters: 1/1
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Summary: 5 times Loki gave Tony flowers + time Tony goes to buy Loki flowers. Also they get a kitten.
Notes: Very very behind on this event, I know, and thank you for your patience in me getting this finished. I will. It's just taking me some time. That said, here is May, at last!
Year of the OTP 2023 @yearoftheotpevent May: Flower Language, Pet Acquisition, Mission fic
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