#ozai and ursa are tall
mad-tears · 5 months
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ⁱ'ˡˡ ᵐᵃᵏᵉ ᵗʰᵉᵐ ᵖᵃʸ - said a 5'0 foot girl
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laulujaparatiisista · 4 months
My Atla headcanon is that when they grow up, Zuko and Azula end up the shortest. It'd just be so funny with them being the scary ex villains and all, especially Zuko cause he's the oldest. Like aww look at the tiny Fire Lord, isn't he the cutest.
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comradekatara · 2 months
Genuinely asking—what changes would you make to the adult gaang designs? :)
this is such a fun question thank u for enabling me. i mean i draw them as adults sometimes so also check out my /oldergaang tag if u want visuals (altho i also change my designs a lot because my art is nothing if not inconsistent) but if i was just going with like standard character designs like if i could redesign that hideous “old friends” poster for example…
aang: get rid of that fucking. chinstrap. don’t give him white man features because what the hell is that. and let him wear his off the shoulder monk robes from book 3 because he was slaying with that fit. actually the way aang is drawn in imbalance is basically perfect i would retain that design into adulthood. thank u peter wartman for all that u do….
katara: i don’t mind the older katara design (from the little we see of it) but it’s also not nearly as cunty and slayful as i would like. katara is genuinely interested in fashion and loves experimenting with clothes and hair and makeup, i refuse to believe that as she ages and has more resources to tailor her style to her own personal tastes she wouldn’t get a little funky with it. like she kind of just looks boring and uninspired in her older design, and that’s unacceptable to me because she should be hot. adult katara should be the hottest woman you have ever seen in your life. and she should be buff, also. shredded, even.
toph: any signifiers of copness are obviously unacceptable to me. but even more that than, it’s very important to me that older toph is distinctly butch. i think she would cut her hair the second she realizes that there is no reconciliation to be found with her parents and that there is no reason to adhere to those confucian values. and she would wear a lot of sleeveless outfits (sort of like the shirt korra wears in “korra alone”) to show off her biceps and also space bracelet (spacelet) that is her prized possession forever. and she’s just kind of a hot hippie butch legend . period.
zuko: in the old friends poster he literally looks like a lizard so just like. no. wtf. and i like his long hair in theory but i don’t like that it’s styled after ozai and not ursa, i think his hair would be shwoopier and frame his face more. and his robes should be less spiky and militaristic and more designed for comfort because that’s what makes him feel most like his true authentic self and he deserves that. also weird for a guy who is trying to demilitarize the fire nation to wear an armor-adjacent type of outfit. so mainly he’d just look softer and more like his mom.
sokka: i hate buff goatee whitewashed sokka that is some kind of demon. lok did so little with him and yet said so much (all of it egregiously wrong, ofc). sokka would be fairly tall (although not as tall as aang) and have defined muscle but in a sinewy, lanky way. and despite always having enough to eat he’d still look somewhat malnourished just because he’s constantly overworked and exhausted and never takes care of himself. and his ponytail would be longer but he’d still shave the sides. and the older he gets the darker his clothes get until he basically just wears black all the time because at some point he realizes that it’s more advantageous to remain culturally ambiguous if he’s gonna be a cosmopolitan. and he wears glasses (which were a gift from kuei). and sometimes he uses a cane because he didn’t sufficiently take care of his broken leg after the war ended and now he’s paying the price for it. and his cane has a blade inside too, but he rarely ever even pulls out the blade because he can incapacitate someone with just a wooden stick anyway. so he looks like if a nerd was a shadow was about to collapse at any given moment was secretly ruling the entire world. and he’s not in any sort of front-facing position of power whatsoever but he’s actually pulling all the strings from behind the scenes, and it’s exhausting. his eyebags are visible from outer space.
suki: i don’t even think there is a “canon” adult suki character design besides her in her kyoshi warrior armor and makeup but to me casual suki just starts dressing more like sokka. like the loose baggy sleeveless shirts (except in a lighter shade of blue bc kyoshi island colors) and tight pants and boots. it’s a very dykey look already and they’re basically girlfriend twins so their styles would merge even more than it already has within the show itself. like sometimes people think that sokka and suki are siblings because they dress so similarly and give off such a similar vibe and they’re just like “but we’re literally different ethnicities??? and also we are currently making out????”
okay bonus round bc i can’t just neglect them
azula: she cuts her hair really short and as an adult leaves it to shoulder length for the most part because that’s more comfortable for her. like zuko, she also starts dressing for comfort, and for a period in her late teens stops wearing makeup altogether. she gets back into wearing makeup as an adult, but she stops caring about whether or not she leaves the house with lipstick on, and it becomes more about the process for her than the result. she’s comfy and cute and dykey.
mai: sokka is her lesbian style icon so after her first haircut that was inspired by toph’s haircut to piss off her parents, she gets an undercut and starts wearing her hair in a ponytail like sokka. as she gets older she also gets more confident in her body and doesn’t feel like she needs to wear baggy long-sleeved clothing at all times or she’ll die. and she isn’t rail thin as an adult either because she starts letting herself eat more than a single grain of rice at a time. also, she gets a sword.
ty lee: she becomes a kyoshi warrior so she starts incorporating more blues and greens into her wardrobe, but also more oranges and yellows after she embraces her air nomad heritage. and she just dresses very colorfully and has a vast rotation of different cute little outfits. and i think she’d also experiment with different hairstyles once she has the freedom to define herself outside of the aesthetics expected of her. she looks beautiful always
haru: he finally shaves that thang
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zukkaart · 3 months
I mean. Sokka was canonically the tallest
Are we talking about my “who’s taller?” Poll?
Either way I’m blinddddd when it comes to canon heights because Ozai and Ursa were both SO TALL it makes no sense that Zuko ended up being shorter than Sokka.
Besides Zuko being taller but Sokka being stronger is just the perfect dynamic
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A:tla - fire meta and theories
Zuko and opium
Azula and non-benders
Zuko, Azula and Aang - height
Zuko is not hateful
Fireball in the face
Audience with Azulon
Zuko and Azula's Agni Kai - lightning
Zuko covering his face from the fire
Referring to Zuko as a "prince"
Zuko's pose
Zuko is both cool and awkward
Zuko protecting Sokka
Was Ursa scared of her husband?
Difference between Ozai and Zuko's childhood
On Ozai abusing Azula
Ozai, Parenting, and Abuse
Firebending during eclipce, night etc
Zuko's redemption arc
Azula's thoughts on Iroh
Azula's bending
Abusive father Ozai (pt 1 - Zuko, link for Azula is down there)
A parallel. Just as Roku did with Sozin, Zuko spares his father.
Asian view on heirs, sons and daughters
Zuko & Azula: Eyes
Azula is not the most powerful firebender in atla
Azula’s downfall is foreshadowed
Zuko should just follow the cabbage guy
Zuko is a theatre kid
Azula, conditioned love etc
“The Beach” in terms of Azula
Long meta about Azula
Zuko is not tall (as well as Sokka)
Zuko and Iroh's prison dialoge: the great directing
Zuko is being cared and healthy
Yon Rha and Iroh crimes
Zuko's scar camera framing
The fact that Zuko even considers having Katara heal his scar is probably a red flag for him siding with his sister
Zuko and Ozai camera framing
“You can’t treat me like Zuko!”
Ozai and Zuko - talking with father
About Iroh and Ozai's past and characters in general
Modern!AU Zuko and Azula
Ozai is very concentrated when bending - screenshots
Iroh and Ozai - Azula and Zuko (parallels)
Why does Iroh talk to Zuko in metaphors
Ursa’s departure caused Ozai to become worse
Aang and Zuko talking about Ozai
Iroh: "She's crazy and she needs to go down" line
Do we ever see Ozai actually care about stopping Aang?
How important firebending is to Ozai
Ozai: what having your bending taken from you must entail
Ozai is objectively speaking the worst firelord
Was it just “speaking out of turn”?
"Good" and "bad" guys in Fire royal family
Zuko and Iroh: waiting all night
Zuko Centric-Morality and the Fire Nation
Is Zuko is a better bender than Aang?
In defense of Mai and Maiko. Let’s talk about seashells
Ozai did cared about his family in the past
Iroh and Zuko’s wanted poster; there’s a specific line
Why Azulon had a second son in tags (I personally love the first and the last ones)
Zuko is canonically bisexual
Zuko, Jet and Jin: flirting
Zuko falls for Jin, restaurant scene part 2 (part 1 link is in the post)
Evidence that Zuko looks like Ozai
Zuko can find almost anything, a list
How many places Zuko has broken into (Zuko being competent while thinking he is not)
Iroh spends the whole show vibing with everyone
Why Zuko's redemption arc is so good
Zuko: it is so much easier to believe in the impossible than it is to believe that your father is a monster
About Zuko's trauma
Two Zuko's least popular hairstyles (spoiler: blame Iroh)
And a bit more about Zuko's ponytail
Firebending study: Why Ozai is the top Firebender in ATLA
How sexist is the Fire Nation?
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mugentakeda · 4 months
okay more runaway fire fam hcs
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-zuko gets gift giving as a love language from ursa. ursa loves to go to the market after work and parooze. she loves finding shit that she thinks the kids would enjoy. knick knacks and shit. she has a fondness for earth kingdom jadeite.
-ursa gives zuko and azula little potted plants from the florist and tasks them with the assignment of taking care of them as long as they can. competition comes second nature to them, and its gonna be hard for her and lu ten to shake that off, but for now, maybe ursa can make a compromise by having them compete in nurturing. hopefully, what they learn from that will stick.
-when azula and zuko arent nosing around the town, theyre messing around in the surrounding forest. one day zuko wants to see if he can cross the water and explore air temples, but for now hes gonna scout the area. the amount of trees are good for practicing stealth, even if he doesnt have his dao.
-zuko finds a baby sparrowhawk-lynx with azula. they agree to take him home and work together to convince mother and cousin lu ten to let them keep him.
-ursa is dismayed at the idea of having any kind of furry animal around the house and getting fur on their clothes and rugs. she also swears that feline type animals all smell strange. lu ten is dismayed at the idea of having a lynx around the house because they get fucking huge. (he never makes the point that its a wild animal, and not a toy- because zuko and azula do have the discipline to care for an animal. and lu ten can trust azula to be able to defend herself and zuko if something goes wrong when he isnt around)
-they keep the sparrowhawk-lynx.
-they couldnt agree on a name for him so until they could they started calling him "Beast" in the meantime. unfortunately this ends up sticking so neither of them end up getting to pick a name.
-ursa takes all but two days to warm up to him because hes a cute little baby that likes to rub his head on her skirts. ursa is a weak woman to cute animals. she starts cradling him like a newborn and baby talking him. azula will not stand for both her AND zuko babying Beast. she keeps trying to train him to attack things or wrestle with her but he just crawls on her and licks her face.
-lu ten warms up to Beast as well but also treats him and talks to him like a human child. this is a problem because Beast is a sparrowhalk-lynx that can only understand basic words and not full sentences. so whenever lu ten tries to scold him for using their shoes as chew toys he just stares at lu ten blankly. pet idiot baby :(
-hot garlic chili oil and kimchi is something that has to be made in very large batches. theyve gotten used to the mild and savory flavors of earth kingdom style food but they also cant live without at least SOME spice. ursa is working on a whole section of her back garden that will be dedicated to just hot peppers so they dont have to keep buying it from the market
-nobody has a specific role or chore assignment in the house. they just do it as it comes. it doesnt matter who all does it, or how its done. azula likes washing dishes more than folding laundry, so zuko does the laundry with lu ten. but azula doesnt like doing dishes alone after curry dinners with their thick sauces that stick on the plates, so on those days, she splits it with ursa.
-lu ten has found the perfect spot in solitude to keep up azula and zukos training- up a tall rocky trail, near a cliff that faces where the sun rises.
-lu ten keeps azula and zukos lessons conjoined rather than doing it by skill level, because the ones lu ten took were different bending courses from the ones ozai had azula and zuko take, so its new material for them both. on top of that, lu ten has to also take the time to do life lessons with them too. instead of proverbs, lu ten prefers the approach of the way he best learns- making each lesson a group discussion. lu ten thrived in the court, and loved nothing more than waiting and listening, in order to dissect the natures of the councilmens hearts. open discussion is blunt and confrontational. lu ten likes proverbs, but doesnt see them as very effective when it came to foundational lessons. their vagueness leaves too much room for misinterpretation, and azula and zuko were never allowed to leave their parroting phase by ozai, so lu ten has to be very careful about what he says, lest he starts planting even more stupid shit in his cousins' brains without thinking.
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arianacontreras · 10 months
headcanon that zuko trying to convince himself that azula always lies doesnt work and couldnt just go back to sleep not knowing if ozais going to murder him or not. He runs from his bedroom looking for ursa but bumps into no one other than azulan heading to bed. Zuko instantly freezes, apologizing profusely in a panicked matter dropping to his knees. And firelord azulan releases all the anger caused by his youngest sons treacherous want to become the next firelord like they didnt just lose a limb (because that is what family is, a part of you) and concerned with the fact that zuko is terrified and shaking and on the verge of a panic attack azulan calls his name and when zuko looks up eyes wide still visibly shaking because azula said firelord azulon his grandfather wants him dead and now the firelord is right in front of him so tall and mad and scary tears begin to fall and zuko begs for his life i am your loyal grandson i will love and fight and protect the fire nation with my honor and all of my being, firelord. Zuko! Dear child what in agnis name has you so shaken? .....yo...y.you said that father must lose his firstborn. That father must be punished for asking to become firelord. That father has to kill me. azulan brings his hand to zukos face trying to comfort him wiping the tears that still are falling and tells him, appalled by any notion of that he would have ozai kill his firstborn: i did not ask your father to sacrifice your life, never would i have you are my blood my lifeline. You are to become irohs son. Because even though zuko was a disaster at ozais presentation earlier he loves his grandchildren so and can not afford to lose another one (and thats why its his decision to give zuko to iroh in order to punish ozai for trying to gain power in light of lu tens death) And it just makes the way ozai brought his hand to zukos face during the agni kai a lil bit worse cuz he got forgiveness and love from his grandfather and a face full of fire from a man who is supposed to love him unconditionally
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stardust948 · 10 months
[Frenemies AU]
Kya: Where are the giants?
Hakoda: The what?
Kya: You know, our favorite Fire Nation giants.
Hakoda: You mean Ursa and Ozai? They're not giants.
Poppy: They are pretty tall.
Hakoda: Poppy, your 5'3". Everything's tall to you.
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roththeprimordial · 2 years
Ursa: Wow, that was a good one, Aang!
Aang: Hehehe, yeah, Monk Gyatso taught me that!
Azula: Ugh, please forgive my boyfriend's idiocy, Mother. He never knows when to stop with the stupid jokes.
Aang: Jokes you laugh at behind closed doors.
Azula: Shut up.
Ursa: I'm so happy you two could swing by for a visit... Actually, there's something I'd like to talk to you about, Aang...
(Ursa turns away and calls out for Kiyi)
Ursa: Kiyi! Can you come over here for a moment?
Azula: Hold on! No! If you have something to say to him, then I'll be by his side.
Ursa: It's nothing serious, I assure you. Besides, Kiyi has been wanting to spend time with her big sister. And I think it'll be good for BOTH of you.
Kiyi: I'm here, Mom. Oh, hi Aang, Azula!
Aang: Hi, Kiyi. Geez, your getting tall!
Azula: Oh, hello, Kiyi...
Ursa: Kiyi, your big sister heard about your talent of braiding hair, and she'd love to do it with you!
Kiyi: Really!?
Azula: Pff... Oh please, I'd rather stick my tongue in an ant hil-
(Aang lightly elbows Azula with a smile)
Azula: ... Oh fine!
Kiyi: Yay!
(Azula gets up and walks away with Kiyi)
Ursa: ... Avatar Aang, you have done great things in the world. You SAVED the world... But to me, you've done an even greater deed. You saved my daughter.
Aang: Oh, well, thank you Ursa. But, it's no big deal, I saved her from falling out of the sky once, but that didn't-
Ursa: Hehehe, no. I meant in another way. You saved her from herself. Azula is not perfect. She had a lot of flaws, flaws that her father exploited... Once Ozai saw she had talents, he began molding her. He taught her that kindness was weakness, that showing mercy was weakness. That using violence and fear were the only ways to get what you want. Each time she hurt Zuko, or a classmate, or whoever else of that nature, Ozai secretly encouraged it... I was... Honestly frightened of her. Don't get me wrong, she was my child and I loved her. I just... Didn't show it enough. And because of my weakness, Ozai transformed her into what she later became.
Aang: Ursa, please don't blame yourself. You did everything you could, but, Ozai just had too strong of a grip over her.
Ursa: Thank you for your kind words, Aang. But I don't deserve them. Before and after Sozin's comet, she started to unravel. She lost her grip on reality. But, even after all of that, you were there to pick up the pieces. Despite all she did to you and your friends, you showed kindness to her. You showed her love. Something I wasn't capable of doing... I've never seen her so well off and happy before. You are the light in her life.
Aang: I think your giving me a little too much credit, Ursa...
(Ursa leans forward with a serious expression, staring eye-to-eye with Aang)
Ursa: Aang, I understand how powerful my daughter is. She is one of the most powerful firebenders in the world. Possibly in all of history. But no matter what, she's still my baby, and I love her. Please, please promise me, you'll do whatever you can to keep her safe. Keep her happy. I know I have no right asking you something like this, but as her mother, I want her to live the best life she can. Can you do that for me, Aang? Can you make her happy?
(Aang gave a sincere smile before gently grabbing Ursa's hands and looking her in the eye)
Aang: I SWEAR on my life... I will keep her safe and happy...
Ursa: Thank you, Avatar Aang...
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debcroft13 · 5 months
a celbration of avatar the last airbender live action tailer, just cause i want some urzai in it but prob wont get it.
She held her hand out as an ember fell from the sky. She had been spying on her new husband from afar, fire-bending, and she couldn't help but raise her hand up.
The sparks were beautiful, but before they could touch her hand, she felt her hand pull back gently.
“Careful now; we don't want your precious porcelain skin to get burned.”
He kissed her hand gently. She took him in, her hansom husband, his long black hair slightly astray from his exercises, his gliding muscular chest, and his pants wrapped around his abs.
“Fire would burn you; you don't have protection from fire like I do.”
He continued to kiss her hand.
“You can still get burned, though." Ursa questioned gently
"It's possible even fire benders aren't fully immune.”
Ozai pulled in his smaller wife; she was thin and tall for a woman but smaller than him, but fragile in many ways. She was one he needed to protect, which was one of the many reasons he worked hard to perfect his skills.
His wife, who could not bend,  was an easy target in this time of war. Yes,  the royal palace was a secure place, but he was always weary of the enemies awful tactics.
He gave his wife a sweet kiss.
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lifesliced · 2 years
at emerald city comicon 2017, gene luen yang implied that zuko and mai rekindled their relationship three years after their break-up in the promise part two,[91] though it has never been confirmed to have actually happened.
zuko’s hair is black in all of his appearances in book one: water, differing from the dark brown used throughout the rest of the franchise.
zuko’s first major act as fire lord was to send out search parties for his mother.[61]
zuko is the first character to have an entire episode, “zuko alone”, completely to himself with no other main characters appearing except in flashbacks, the second being korra in the book four episode “korra alone”.
zuko’s name was listed on a fire nation wanted poster as 祖寇, which translates as “ancestors robber”.[89] later, in “the tales of ba sing se”, his name was written as 蘇科 on his segment’s title card, which is the phonetic transcription based on the official guide for foreign names, and which can also be translated as “awaken rank”. in the search part one, however, when ursa writes a letter to ikem, she writes zuko’s name as 豎髙 (verb “erect”; lit. “vertical high/tall”) with the second character being a variant of “高”.[53]
according to iroh, zuko is a bad tea maker, though he seemed to have gotten better by the time of “the boiling rock, part 1”, as he was seen serving tea to the members of team avatar and they drank it without any apparent disgust.
zuko successfully used his uncle’s lightning redirection technique twice, against his father and his sister.[57]
zuko had above-average abilities that helped him survive certain situations. in “the waterbending master” with avatar extras bonus commentary, when the pirates infiltrated zuko’s ship, one of the commentary bubbles said that zuko had above average hearing abilities, waking up when he heard one of the pirates opening a rusty door. in “the siege of the north, part 1” with avatar extras bonus commentary, when swimming through the underwater tunnels, one of the commentary bubbles said that zuko could hold his breath for an unusually long amount of time. in addition, it is stated by uncle iroh in “the avatar state” that they had survived for three weeks without food or water.
in the pilot episode, it is shown that zuko was originally supposed to have a pet hawk, but it did not make it into the show. a pet hawk did make it into the show as hawky, sokka’s pet, though it only appeared for one episode.[93]
zuko took part in all three agni kais shown in the series: the first between him and ozai,[27] the second between him and zhao,[26] and the third between him and azula.[60]
according to the avatar extras bonus in “the cave of two lovers”, zuko’s story throughout the series is similar to that of the buddha.
zuko is the only person from the fire nation known to use dao swords to firebend.[13]
according to the avatar extras for “the waterbending master”, zuko was gifted in playing the tsungi horn, in contrast to aang, who was terrible at it.[51]
zuko was shown to cry five times, in “the storm”, “zuko alone”, “bitter work”, “the day of black sun, part two: the eclipse”, and finally, in “sozin’s comet: part 2, the old masters”.
zuko was the first of only two characters to bleed in the series. he bled for the first time in “the avatar state” when azula scratched his forehead with her nails. the second character to bleed was appa in “appa’s lost days”.
according to the avatar extras for “the avatar returns”, zuko was supposed to be katara’s love interest, though michael dante dimartino and bryan konietzko have both stated that they never intended to make that relationship happen.
throughout book two: earth, zuko visibly started losing muscle as he was forced to live off the land of the earth kingdom as a refugee. this changed in book three: fire, when he was reaffirmed as a prince; as seen in “the beach” and “the ember island players”, his body was much fitter than it was in book two.
taking the throne at the age of sixteen years, zuko is the youngest known fire lord.
zuko is the first of two known rulers in the avatar franchise to willingly abdicate his throne, the other being earth king wu.
zuko’s voice actor, dante basco, also voiced general iroh, zuko’s grandson.
zuko is the second of three characters to have joined a team avatar and to have a father who is antagonistic toward them and their allies. the other two are toph beifong and asami sato.
there are many parallels between zuko and asami sato.
although the blue spirit was zuko’s disguise, the character was depicted as a different person altogether in the play the boy in the iceberg and the non-canon short “school time shipping”.
the blue spirit mask used by zuko was among the collection of masks from the play love amongst the dragons that ursa kept hidden in her quarters behind a painting of her and ozai.[64] she had them secretly made to remind her of ikem and hira'a acting troupe.[65]
zuko has a close relationship with his grandson, general iroh.[12]
in his old age, zuko holds the title of “lord”.[12][10]
when describing zuko in his old age, the creators likened him to the archetypically tough characters played by clint eastwood.[94]
zuko is the first character in the entire avatar universe known to have been scarred by a close relative, the second being lin beifong in the legend of korra. however, he was scarred deliberately, whereas lin accidentally.
zuko is the last surviving male member of the original team avatar.
despite the extent of the burn scar inflicted by his father, zuko retained full functionality in his left tear duct.
in july 2020, the game smite launched a battle pass that featured two skins with which the player could alter the appearance of the japanese storm god susano to look like zuko in book three or his appearance as the blue spirit.[95][96]
zuko’s addition to the plot of avatar came from executive producer eric coleman; during production, when ozai was planned to be the main villain, coleman suggested that they needed a character who would follow team avatar.[97]
the name zuko is phonetically similar to suko, a cebuano word meaning “angry”. this derivation corresponds to zuko’s ill-tempered personality portrayed in all three books.[92]
additionally, he is the second youngest known person to become the ruler of a state, the first being earth king kuei.
he is also the second known fire lord, after his father, not to have died prior to their successor taking the throne.
both were born to upper-class families and lived under the influence of their ambitious fathers.
both characters eventually spoke out against their fathers after realizing that they had little regard for righteousness and could no longer feel actual affection toward anyone.
their reactions to this acknowledgment were also similar, as both zuko and asami had to make a choice between joining the avatar to stop their fathers or serving their fathers, and both characters made the former choice, turning against their parents with quick lightning-based attacks.
lastly, both characters were temporarily reduced to greater poverty and isolation as a result of following their beliefs.
both ozai and hiroshi were ultimately imprisoned for their actions.
additionally, zuko was initially to be portrayed as an adult. coleman, however, suggested that the character be portrayed as a really driven kid chasing aang. it was followed by konietzko asking whether he can have a scar, to which coleman agreed. as a result, coleman was dubbed “the godfather of zuko”.[97]
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lightdancer1 · 2 years
Draft scene from the ATLA/Sailor Moon crossover Part III
Office of the Fire Lord
"You are Ozai's son," she said as her son crossed his arms in front of his chest. With his face, once scarred and now scarless, her eyes lingering on it, the only difference between himself and his father at that age was that Ozai would never have dared have such...domestic...marvels in his center of power. That gave her hope, a hope that she clung to with a desperation that surprised her.
"You of all people know exactly who Father can be, what he can be."
She blinked.
"Is he not that still?"
Zuko shrugged.
"He's taken up with mind-healing." A strange expression crossed his face. "Serenity insisted. And to everyone's surprise except maybe him, he listened. And it works. He will never leave Ember Island again, but a gilded cage like that is about as good as he can hope for and he knows it. And we do talk, now. Father and son."
Zuko shrugged again. "We're not likely to try to burn each other's faces off so I count that as progress."
Ursa flinched.
"If you're wondering why my face isn't scarred anymore..."
He tapped the woman behind Azula and the others, the tall one with wings and the penguin-suited man at her side.
"Serenity's powers healed it. Lala told me I could have that healing. If I wanted it. She let me choose, rather than trying to choose for me."
There was a fondness on his face as he thought of that memory.
"So I did choose, and I was able to erase that mark of intended shame, with her help. Ty Lee may have told you, but a lot has changed since you fled that day."
Ursa nodded, her gaze lingering at some of the other.....strange paintings, as she thought of them then.
"So I see. And yes, I knew what your father can do. You ask why I wrote that letter?"
"One of the things I want to ask, yes."
She paused and looked at Zuko. His hands trembled slightly and she could almost palpably sense a rage burning within him like a volcano awakening from slumber.
"Neither you nor Azula ever truly understood this, because you were children and even Ozai could agree to keep you from some things, to allow you some levels of being children. But..." she looked at the pictures again, lips thinning at one of Azula with her arms around the blue-clad woman, who looked at her with a warmth and love that curdled in Ursa to see, "I was your grandfather's Eye and Ear for the entire span of my presence in the Palace. Your father was breaking security protocols and reading my mail, so I wrote something designed to provoke him into doing it."
"You called me a bastard!" Zuko's voice briefly exploded in a shout.
His face softened a bit at the sight of regret on her face.
"Yes, I did. I needed to say something that would get his attention, that he couldn't meekly ignore. So I poked at one of his oldest insecurities and I did not think about what it meant for you."
Then her face displayed some of the vast fears she'd sat on since her face had changed.
"Was that why he-" She pointed to a portrait of Zuko with the old scar he hung up and which showed signs of Mai's knives used for target practice.
"No, not really," Zuko shook his head. "I objected to a plan to massacre a division for a cheap gain. Father did not like that, Father chose to call me to an Agni Kai instead of the general he felt I'd insulted. And I didn't fight back against him because he was my Father."
Old hurts swam through his gaze for a moment and he couldn't meet hers.
"Ozai is in that gilded cage for a reason and he knows it."
Then he sighed.
"I'm old enough now to know that adults don't know what we're doing, that nobody is entirely perfect." He pointed to the letter in her hands. "But that letter, mother, that's a little bit beyond imperfect."
She flinched again. "I will say that when I regained my memories I realized what I'd done with it, so soon before the....events...of that night and that it was why I was so desperate to return here."
Zuko tilted his head for a moment.
"And the other one, when you wrote that my sister wasn't even someone you thought of as 'good in the Palace?' "
Ursa flinched much more deeply at that one.
"I have no excuses for that, Zuko. I was angry at a lot of things, and I took that anger out on my child, who needed a mother and in truth had someone who only partially met responsibilities."
Zuko's gaze went back to the picture with the set of women around her daughter.
"She has three now," he said with a fond tone to his voice that surprised her to hear it. "Haruka, Michiru, and Setsuna."
She blinked.
"They sound like-"
Zuko laughed. "They're not. When, not if, you meet them you'll see that for yourself. They speak Japanese. It sounds like our language but it isn't. More clipped, honorifics, no articles. Completely different metaphors."
His lips curled in a reference to a joke that he shared with Azula and a few of the nerdier Senshi. "Shaka, when the walls fell."
Ursa raised an eyebrow and shrugged. Some new saying of the postwar generation, she was sure of it.
Zuko sighed.
"Look, I am glad you're alive. For a long time I thought Father murdered you, and lied to us that he didn't know where you were, or where you'd run off to. Really. I am. I didn't seek you out after the war because I figured you were happier where you were than you would be here."
His nose twitched.
"And yet here you are."
Ursa nodded.
"Here I am."
Her gaze turned to the image of her daughter with her arms around the blue-clad girl.
"How did they find a Waterbender in wherever she is?"
Zuko laughed.
"Oh, Berthier! Yeah, that's a long story. Very long. And we have plenty of time to tell it."
Ursa blinked. "Hm."
"But you're not going to get out of the question I still want to ask easily as that."
She turned to him.
"If you could dislike my sister because she did something to bother you, what kept you from disliking me the same way? We're both Ozai's children. I'm much more like him than she is, I got his temper and his....." he spread his hands. "Hunger for a few things that I like to think I'm using better but in some ways the roots aren't really all that different. And I can admit that, now, without thinking I am a monster myself."
Her nose twitched.
"It wasn't anything that she did, or you did. It couldn't have been. I don't know, Zuko. I'm trying hard not to make those mistakes again with Kiyi."
"Your younger sister."
Zuko blinked.
His tone was deceptively light, enough that Ursa recognized the danger signals in that lightness.
"So you replaced us when you forgot about us?"
"Oh Zuko, no. No." She shook her head.
"Noriko, the person the spirit turned me into, kept having dreams of both of you. I didn't know why, out of an entire nation, it was the two of you, and why they felt like memories. I never forgot. The memories began to give me terrible headaches and that's what forced me to remember in full."
Zuko sat down then, and gestured to a chair.
He leaned forward and steepled his hands as Ursa took a seat.
"Tell me everything."
Ursa did.
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dawnsiren · 2 years
I am very very into the EQ Azula idea! Is Ursa around in this verse? How do this Mai and Ty Lee feel about what's been happening, like the asylum -> escape -> becoming earth queen pipeline
Ursa is... somewhere, I'm sure. She didn't do the whole... lose memories/Mother of Faces thing from The Search, just went into exile. However, at some point Ozai decided that threatening to hunt her down and kill the kid in front of her if she came back for her children (or at least her son) wasn't enough incentive and sent a Yuyan Archer after her to make sure she could never come back to haunt him.
Mai and Ty Lee are... conflicted. They do legitimately care about Azula, but were told visiting wouldn't be wise/could make things worse and in a way were a little relieved, because the way things ended was a mess and sometimes avoidance is easier. They weren't aware of what the asylum environment was actually like, they were just happy to hear from the staff that their friend was getting the help she needed.
When Azula escapes, they're initially afraid for their safety. They don't know where her mental state's at, if she's still as volatile and dangerous as rumor claims she was for the last Agni Kai. They know she was furious with them, enough that she very well might have killed Mai if nobody had intervened. Ty Lee tries to duck under the radar, vanish into the crowd somewhere and hope Azula doesn't find her. Mai outwardly doesn't show much, but the guard she's allotted as Zuko's consort triples in size, and she acquires a personal bodyguard. She knows that out of the two of them, she's likely to be the one Azula would be angriest with. Mai was the one who actively betrayed her, Ty Lee just stepped in to stop things before something they'd both regret could happen, and I think Azula would see that as the lesser betrayal, maybe even be grateful for it in a way.
And then... nothing. No Azula. Initially, this makes everyone more nervous. They don't know where she is or what she might be planning. But eventually, enough years pass that everyone starts to relax and assume she either died somewhere or just... disappeared. Mai goes back to her regular guard size (If she still keeps a few extra around, nobody mentions it). Ty Lee emerges and goes back to the circus. Things seem to be calming down and returning to normal.
.....Until they very abruptly aren't and Kuei shows up at the palace gates with the news that Azula basically stole his city out from under him. Again. Fond memories for them, sure, but less fun to stand across from when she doesn't consider them friends or even allies.
They stay out of the meetings and conferences about what to do. Ty Lee doesn't have a place there to begin with, and Mai... Mai knows something was never quite right, in that city or the Royal Family dynamic. Now that both of those are intertwined, she doesn't want to be involved.
And then Aang comes back from meeting with Azula. Queen Azula, apparently. Queen Azula, who has cut ties with the Fire Nation. Who married an Earth Kingdom nobleman. Who gave the Earth Kingdom states independence. Whose rule Ba Sing Se is flourishing under.
The next time a delegation is sent, Mai goes with them. To see for herself if any of that could possibly be true.
When she arrives, sure enough, the woman sitting on the throne is Azula. Older now, with a genuine smile and a new light in her eyes despite the scar cutting across her throat. Hair half loose for once, hand in hand with the tall, spectacled man standing at her side and a Water Tribe woman perched on the arm of her seat. Relaxed. Happy, even.
Mai, for the second time in her life, takes a side.
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neuronary · 4 years
Hey, happy birthday. So since you sent me that AU idea, what IS your crack-but-not-really theory about Iroh being Azula's bio dad?
aww thank you! and thanks for the ask <3
before i get into this i would like to clarify: i know how this looks and i promise it started as a joke. i swear. it was a joke.
anyways i just thought it would be funny if, after azula spent all that time trying to get her dad’s approval, it turned out she wasn’t even his daughter in the first place. and then i thought about it for way too long and. well.
the genetic irohny theorem
(i’ll let myself out)
ok so the timeframe on this is that, sometime after zuko’s birth, ursa realises that her already unhappy marriage definitely isn’t getting any happier
iroh, on the other hand, is fresh off the divorce block (i am a firm subscriber to the theory that his wife just left him. lu ten is staying with his (very cool) mother, and his father is getting to the point where he’d be posting #secondchances on instagram if he could.
they both get quite drunk one night while ozai’s out trying to suck up to his dad
thus begins the worst affair known to history. congration lads, u did it.
at first, despite the inebriation, they’re pretty smart about it. after a year, they are very much not. welcome to the world, azula.
“you were born early. that’s why you’re so short even though both your parents are nearing six foot.”
(azula was not actually born early. rip azula.)
okay as for my actual ‘evidence’
(i really shouldn’t call it that it is not good enough)
so firstly, the height thing. azula and iroh are the same height. both of azula’s official parents are really tall. this barely counts as evidence though because azula’s like twelve.
(she’s still not getting any taller. why do u think she’s so angry.)
however also
if you go look at the eyes, you see a little bit more. ursa and ozai both have the same light/bright golden eyes as zuko. azula and iroh have the same darker brown eyes. lighter eye colours are typically the recessive ones soooo...
that’s it that’s all my evidence.
shockingly enough i actually don’t do drugs i just also have no sense of shame.
however, your points about lu ten and azulon knowing... your mind... those motherfuckers are definitely haunting the castle and being pissy about it.
[lu ten, @ iroh] “oh, now you give a shit? now you give a shit??”
“he’s not the rightful heir!! if anything the waterbender is, but that agni kai was invalid. this is a violent coup d’etat backed by foreign military intervention!” “shut up grandpa no one cares about your imperialism anymore.”
[azula refuses to have a response to the Situation] “go girl give us nothing”
“you know we should really go to family therapy. literally all of you have unresolved issues” “i don’t” “you are the unresolved issues, gramps.”
“does no one care that zuko’s mom assassinated me” “does no one care that zuko’s dad assassinated me”
honestly if i ever write this i will add in an interlude chapter of lu ten and azulon snarking about everything.
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hello-nichya-here · 3 years
I dont think zucest as a fandom discusses the height difference enough. Ursa was much shorter than Ozai and in canon Zuko gets really tall as an adult, so I think Azula either stays her size or grows only a couple of inches more and is much shorter than Zuko and loves it
She DOES love it... but she won't admit it, because she has to win at absolutely EVERYTHING. But it also includes being shorter than him, so she has bit of a problem XD
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zhaozaipalooza · 3 years
Your (Also Hopefully) Weekly Drabble! - Red Thread, Blue Spirit
HALLO, Ray again! A ficlet to tie together the week’s theme along with the piece of SA culture discussed yesterday, I present... Hakozai + the Blue Spirit!
Specially inspired by this GOLDEN post which wonders, hmm, what if Ozai’s punishment after the war was to hunt down the Blue Spirit to restore his honor? PFFT.
- - -
He didn’t sight the whole spirit himself - itself - for years.
Years trawling through dampness, plugging his nose and drawing his hood tighter over his ears through marshlands and seedy towns stripped of red-bannered occupation… Attempting to bridge his mind with the sort of scourge that hid himself in shadow, no doubt itinerant like his pursuer… Ozai searched, and he stumbled, and he came up empty.
The swamplands, out of all refuge in the world, came to be the spot on his map looped with the most red thread - pinned with the most sharp points, saying here. Return to here, and look again.
So Ozai returned to the strange land of whispering voices and dripping trees that bled over a dank, spongy ground (please, end him), and this time, he was followed. Years on the hunt introduced grey streaks to his hair, harder lines in his face, a visible step-and-swing when he hiked with a firm support - the gait of someone who couldn’t part with their cane. His pack wasn’t heavy; provisions were few when he wouldn’t lower himself to bargain in cities where Firelord Zuko’s immunity was his only protection… a long story. If it was exile, even a king’s exile, he would restore his standing alone. The last time he tripped into enemy hands, well… Ozai narrowly managed to keep his head on his shoulders.
His faculties had somewhat dulled, too; after all, the swamplands were so frequented they were almost his abode. The place was wreathed in a warm fog that seemed, alive. Ironic, that his fate and the only Fire Nation officer who knew the Blue Spirit’s identity ended up sharing common ground. Not that Ozai knew - if so, he would have begged for guidance, and Zhao would have burst into laughter, or passed away twice. Probably the former.
Not that Ozai knew he was being followed, either, until a voice descended from the treetops.
“You seek me?” It boomed, causing his head to fling around with such suddenness that it was seized by a crick. “Fool - you’ve searched, you’ve toiled… and you’re doomed to fail.”
Knee-jerk reactions had lost their reserve, too - when he boiled over, Ozai struck out. He flung the weapon at his side, was barely able to catch it when it sheared through mossy growth and came sailing back. The assailant dropped from the heights, clothed in all-black, the same mask clamped to their face as the object of his desperation… and once, if he could recall, a role in one of Ursa’s adored plays. Ozai abandoned the cane and leapt into chase, the tall, wiry figure of the spirit weaving in between leafy thickets, long hair braided behind their shoulders. “What’s honor to you, old man - king of, what was it? The king of fools?”
You’ve grown, he surmised, and Ozai was forced to surmise many things. But your defeat is at hand. The boomerang sailed again, and came within a hair’s width of slamming into his temple instead of theirs. Capture the damned man, not kill him - but did he have to?
“Try going for the legs!” They were thrown into a clearing. Ozai heard hooting laughter in the haunted trees, vague enough to arouse suspicion and stagger his steps - it was an all too mortal sound. At the sight of a massive creature congealed from vines and brackish water, and Water Tribe men peppered around it, the ex-Firelord skidded too late to a stop, and planted his face in the mud.
He roused to consciousness, fuzzily, gathering enough of a conversation to realize his mistake.
“Bato, you were supposed to keep an eye on them, not be a part of their nonsense!”
“Can you blame them? You should have been there. You should have seen- oh, he really thought…”
“We’re here for the swamp tribe, not to harass a man on a fool’s errand…” A pause. “Even if it isn’t any old fool.”
Sitting up in slop, and crimson with rage, Ozai waited until a strong arm grasped his, and after righting himself, met the impossibly blue eyes of the chieftain. A troublesome record at the Boiling Rock, he remembered - even more nefarious outside of prison. The once-Firelord felt a snarl build in his throat; when the man reached for his non-lethal weapon and unclipped it without forethought, he nearly pounced.
“This… is the same design as my son’s boomerang.” A quizzical, superior look - though curdled behind it was a sliver of concern. “Who gave this to you?”
He breathed in, deeply, noticing the men circled around their leader, ones that stifled a snort and ones that stared, cold and hard. “... A gift from my son, supposedly to aid me on my travels. Though I have no doubt the suggestion was yours.”
“Your son.” He grit his teeth, tasting salt and slickness. “Ambassador of the Southern Water Tribe.”
“Ah.” A soft laugh, with a hint of pride, and the man returned his possession. “I hope it serves you well. Your throw is a little off - need to aim against the wind, and at a tighter angle.”
Ozai grumbled a small pah sound, and the man lifted a rigid, yet firm hand to his shoulder. “Chief Hakoda. Here, come with me. Ingesting swamp water, especially here is… a bad thing to let happen, to say the least.” To anyone, was the unsaid.
It was the unsaid that kept him at the chieftain's side, made their trust wary, but there. Even until late that night after meeting with a Huu, surrounding a campfire - younger, blue-eyed warriors jostling ribs while meat was roasted, plated, and passed around. Their elders conversing, hands rife with movements that Ozai knew from experience weren’t plans for combat.
Strange. Peace.
“Your hair.” Hakoda nodded at him, while the former firebender downed a steaming soup. The first sip had uncurled warm, blossoming heat in the pit of his stomach - an old sensation that almost pricked his eyes with tears. “It’s better off cut down a little. If it gets in your face whenever you’re-”
“No.” He simmered, ignoring the steely eyes on him whenever he twitched a muscle. Seems the rest of the group would prefer he was stone.
“I get, I get it. It’s nice. It means a lot. But just in case, here.” Hakoda withdrew a knife, his thumb skimming the words imprinted on the blade. Never give up without a fight.
“Zuko told me this found its way back to him from an old friend. He gave it to Sokka - and Sokka gave it to me. It was after…” Kanna. The chieftain sighed, with a smaller, sadder smile. “I’ve been told it belonged to Iroh first. And if it’s my turn to pass this on,” he reached out, and Ozai found his hand opening like a moonflower, fingers spread.
“-then I think his brother ought to have it next. It’s helped a great many people, some of who’ve walked the same mile as you.”
He was silent, appraising it in his lap - the soft gleam, the weathered hilt. It went unsaid, but not unheard. Thank you.
“No big deal, cutting your hair.” Hakoda smiled, and it oh-so-stupidly held starlight. “Keeps it out of the way during hunts. And we have other ways of keeping its meaning. The warrior’s wolf tail. Beads, braids. And best part is, it grows back!”
“A lot of things can grow back.” He told him. “But you have to be brave enough to let go first.”
When the tribe left the next morning, and Ozai was returned to his fruitless hunt… he found himself kneeling beside a stream, only days later.
The water was clear. Blue. Reminded him of eyes; eyes he’d never seen before the war.
Ignoring the childish sentiment scribbled down the side of the blade, he lifted it to the side of his ear, and clutched the grey-black ribbons of hair tight.
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