#papa iv x female reader
honeyynymphh · 11 months
La Principessa Addormentata Papa IV x FemReader Rating: T tags: mostly sfw, cuddles, daddy dom papa, established relationship, fluff, google translated italiano 800 words
summary: Copia returns to his papal chambers late one night to find his principessa asleep on the lounge after trying to wait up all night for him
I wrote this last night at midight and it's mostly unedited, sorry. I was feeling a type of way. I might expand it later and turn it into a proper fic another day. This is the same universe as this fic and this one
You open your eyes slowly to see Copia standing above you, the low light of the room made his painted face look eerie—but it doesn't frighten you, instead, it's a welcome sight. You’d been waiting up for him for hours. At first, it had been easy; a little studying before you had put the demonic textbooks aside and swapped them for much more enjoyable books. After showering and getting comfortable in your nightgown, you had sat on the lounge reading. When your eyes had become heavy, you had told yourself you would just shut them for a moment, your novel still held in one hand as it rested against your chest.
But you must have fallen asleep—and how could you not? It was so cosy in his papal suite with the warm fire and the comfortable lounge. The flames had tickled your cheeks and the crackling of the burning logs had lulled you into a hazy place of dreamless rest.
“Papa?” you say, voice heavy with sleep as you gaze up at him.
He smiles down at you, a gloved hand reaching out and brushing a stray lock of hair from your face. The firelight flickers over his jewelled vestments and you note how his hair is a little mussed from wearing the mitre.
“It’s very late, I am sorry,” he says, slowly shrugging out his vestments and placing them on a nearby armchair, revealing the black suit underneath. “You should have gone to bed.”
You shake your head lazily, unable to stifle a yawn. “But I was waiting for you."
The sound of his low chuckle makes you smile, you eyes closing when he leans over you and places a kiss on your temple. Your smile spreads into a giddy grin and he places another kiss on your forehead before his fingers wipe at where he has kissed you—clearly trying to remove the black marks he has left behind.
“Sei troppo dolce, mia piccola principessa,” he says, his arms sliding under you so he can pick you up, cradling your head against his chest. “Time for bed.”
You try to protest, surely you are too heavy for him but he clearly doesn’t seem to struggle as he moves you with ease towards his bedroom. While the smell of the fire and the incense you had been burning earlier had been delightful, nothing could compare to the smell of your Papa and you nuzzle closer, deeply breathing him in. His suit jacket is smooth against your skin and you can hear, and feel, the steady beat of his heart. Ever so gently he places you on the bed, helping to lift the covers up so you can slide in.
The sheets are far too cool and you curl up instantly on your side, your head burying into the soft pillow. You can hear him moving about—the sound of him undressing, and then the shower turning on. His little hums as he sings to himself merely aid you in feeling sleepy again. It was always so comforting having him near, and the domestic sound of him getting ready for bed always made you smile. How quickly you had learned his little routines. He didn’t like hot showers, though they were always so long, and he insisted on using two towels—one around his waist and another to go over his shoulders, he always said he got cold after getting out. You must drift back to sleep as you jolt when you feel the mattress dip and open your eyes to find the room completely dark. Warm arms wrap around you, pulling you close against his bare chest—the hair there still a little damp.
“You use two towels yet you don’t dry yourself properly,” you mumble, though you make no effort to move away from him. 
He doesn’t say anything, instead, he just pulls you closer so your back is completely pressed against his chest—you can feel that he’s dampened your nightgown. When he presses his face against your neck you feel water dropping onto your skin from his wet hair. 
“Copia, you’re making me wet,” you whine half-heartedly, wiping at the droplets he has dripped on your neck.
“I hope so, principessa,” he says, pressing himself against you—you can feel his cock hardening against your ass.
You shake your head, though you can’t help but smile in the darkness. “You said bedtime.”
His mouth presses a kiss against your neck and you shiver. He does it again, his mouth hot and hitting that sensitive patch of skin behind your ear. You can't help but sigh in pleasure at the feel of it, feeling less sleepy with each touch of his lips on your skin.
“Si,” he murmurs in between another kiss, “I said bedtime.” The arm he has over you shifts, his hand moving down your side and skating over your hip. “But not time to sleep, principessa.”
La Principessa Addormentata - The Sleeping Princess Sei troppo dolce, mia piccola principessa - You are too sweet, my little princess
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leezlelatch · 2 years
Copia x Female Reader: A Conversation with Papa Emeritus Terzo
Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV | Part V | Part VI
After the latch on the door clicks, Terzo drops heavily in the seat before Copia's desk. He moves to wearily scrub a hand down his face before remembering his papal paint with a quiet, "Ah," and a frustrated wave. The current reigning Papa, dressed opulently in his robes of purple and gold, looks very much his age as he sits bone-weary in the leather chair that appears to swallow him.
"That was unnecessary, you know?" Copia says, sitting down in his own chair behind his desk as he eyes Terzo warily. It is not uncommon to find his old friend in such a mood.
"Yes, yes, I know," Terzo sighs. "I apologize, Cardinale, but my flock expect it, do they not? Papa, the womanizer? Papa, the tease?"
Copia steeples his hands on the desktop, already shaking his head, "She does not."
Terzo merely scoffs, and the two men fall into silence. There is hardly a soul who knows the real Papa Emeritus Terzo. There is hardly a soul who remembers his actual name. It was a defense mechanism, in the beginning. Growing up an Emeritus, there is expectation, constant plotting, and just not being goddamn good enough. When you hate everything and everyone around you, be bolder, louder, encourage their ire, prove to them that you are the disappointment they think you are.
Until that is all you are.
"It's getting bad again, isn't it?" Copia asks gently. "You know you can talk-."
"I am fine, amico mio," Terzo said, staring blankly at his hands. "I am always fine. I am Papa."
"You don't have to pretend here," Copia sighs.
"And if I do not? What will they do? They already took the Ghost Project from me, perhaps it will be the papacy next. A fitting end to il fottuto terzo. And isn't that all I am good for?"
"You know I did not have a choice."
"Yes, but you wanted it. You cannot deny that Copia, I know you. You have ambition, and I cannot fault you that," Terzo's voice trails off as the two men stare at each other before he quietly adds, "And I do not blame you."
"You mean so much to this congregation than you think, caro amico." Copia says softly.
Terzo huffs a laugh, then sighs, "Perhaps I should listen to you more often, huh? You are smarter than me."
"No, no, I joke." Terzo waves his hands dismissively. "You tell me about your bella ragazza! I truly did not mean to interrupt il mio cardinale getting some action." He wiggles his eyebrows.
Copia's cheeks instantly erupt in a blush, his hands pulling his biretta off his head to nervously twist at the edges. His mouth opens, then closes, and then opens again to emit an anxious twitter.
"Copia, you sound like a car trying to start," Terzo laughs.
"She is," Copia swallows. "Very special to me."
"We are friends."
Terzo leans back in his chair and rolls his eyes, "Friends do not almost kiss. Do I need to demonstrate? Show her how it is done?"
Copia's palm slams down on the wood of his desk, his eyes wide as he stares at the antipope before him, "You will do no such thing. You...you...le labbra del mio amato non sono le tue!"
"And they are yours? 'Friends' do not say such things, Cardinal."
Copia sighs and drops his head into his hands, breathing deeply a few moments before peeking at his friend through his fingers.
"I love her. I am in love with her. Oh, Papa...I am so in love with her," Copia raises his hands and they are shaking. "What do I do?"
"You tell her," Terzo says.
"It is not so simple!"
"Yes, it is."
Copia groans and lays his forehead on his desk, closing his eyes tightly. It isn't easy. You have so quickly become the only thing in his world that he so achingly yearns for. You are so important. He thinks about you before bed, and when he wakes. He thinks about what sweet would make your eyes light up, or what book he could read aloud to you during a quiet evening in the library. He thinks of you smiling at him, a secret one just for him, that makes him feel like he could be just as important.
You have consumed him.
"I can't mess this up," he whispers. "Losing her would destroy me, Terzo."
"Why do you think telling her would make you lose her?" Terzo asks, genuinely confused.
"Because!" Copia sits up, his eyes a little wild. "Look at me. Sono un vecchio patetico. Every time she walks into this office, I am...I am astounded that she wishes to spend time with me. That is all I can ask for."
Terzo leans forward, reaching across the desk to grab his friend's worried hands.
"You need to give her that choice, Copia. Do not take that from her, or you really will lose her."
Copia closes his eyes as they begin to shine with emotion, letting out a sigh that seems to come from deep within his bones. Could his heart break before it has a chance to be rejected? But Terzo is right. You sat on this very desk merely an hour before, gazing at him with what his foolish heart could only assume was affection. Your lips had nearly touched before Papa's unexpected arrival, and what after? He shivers remembering the way your body felt so close to his. Would you have...? Do you want him as desperately as he wants you?
"Maybe...I could use your advice, Papa. How do you tell a woman that she is your everything? The light of your life?"
Terzo makes a face, mumbling something about 'dramatic cardinals' before saying, "How about you ask her on a date first, si?"
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copiousloverofcopia · 2 years
Can you please write a little something about Copia’s prime mover being pregnant and just absolutely craving some dick? I think he would be very worried not to hurt her to the point where she just gets fed up and pushes him on the bed and fucks the soul out of him lmao
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Thank you for answering me Anon! And thank you for your ask...you are absolutely right. I think Copia would struggle a bit with physical intimacy while his Prime Mover is pregnant. It's not that the desire isn't there--cuz believe me it sure as hell is, but he's definitely anxious enough to be worried he may harm something so without further ado...
On a Pale White Horse
Also available here on AO3!
Also if pregnancy stuff makes you uncomfortable stay away and read tags y'all!
Definitely NSFW below the cut.
My asks and requests still open, commissions open on heart mug site.
You waited impatiently all day for Copia's meetings to be through. Sighing as you sat on the bench outside Sister Imperator's office. You had been there so long you were sure you'd be covered by cobwebs by the time he emerged. Regardless you waited, after all you really—really needed your Papa.
You passed the time by reading the memos on the bulletin board. Thankfully the board was littered with various things to occupy your mind: the Abbey newsletter; the notice for Taco Tuesday thrown by Cumulus, something of particular interest; and best of all your baby shower invitation.
You continued to sit, the aching between your legs, constant and unyielding. Your blood practically set aflame at the thought of him buried between your thighs. Things between you and your Papa had always been hot and heavy, so much time spent with your legs over your head, there were days you weren't sure you'd be able to walk upright. However since you entered your second trimester you felt positively insatiable, your need exponentially growing–only problem was as you began to show, Copia started to grow more cautious.
He let his nerves get the better of him, worried he'd put too much pressure on your belly or maybe even hurt something inside. The man had come up with every excuse under the sun lately, and now it had come to the point you were starting to lose your mind. Your blood was swirling, your panties wet, and your heart pounding—you'd had enough. You decided this morning when the two of you woke up and he kissed you goodbye on his way out, leaving you a wanton mess with no relief,, that you had to do something about it—so you devised a plan.
You crossed and uncrossed your legs, your sensitive flesh begging for friction, when the door to Imperator's office opened. The members of the Clergy all filed out, looks of boredom and their eyes rolling as they left. It was only a moment before Copia appeared. He looked so handsome today you thought—or maybe the hormones were helping. He had his hands full of books and parchment and as always, an adorably awkward demeanor.
"Cara mia? What are you two doing here?" He asked you, a sweet smile spreading delightfully across his face.
Copia made his way to you, sitting beside you on the bench and placing his hands over your belly. "I have missed you all day. What was taking so long?" You asked him, making small talk–wanted him to think everything was business as usual.
"Well it was mostly some bureaucratic nonsense and budgetary things–nothing too bad…just long and boring." He replied. Copia bent down to plant a kiss on your small bump and then peck in your lips–the tease of it sending your desire into overdrive.
"Listen…um…I wanted to ask you if you could sneak away for a bit. Maybe take me to lunch? You asked him, uncrossing and recrossing your legs once again.
"I am sure I can find the time for you cara, what are you hungry for?"
"I was thinking we could go to that little place, the one that's over by the bookstore I love so much. I can't recall the name—"
"Cunettos? Pasta again cara, aren't you sick of it yet?" Copia laughed, your penchant for pasta, of any kind, on overdrive since becoming pregnant.
"Lol this coming from you?" You laughed back an eyebrow raised high, knowing just how much that man loved rigatoni. Wherever he wanted was fine, you weren't really after the pasta. It was only an excuse to lull him into thinking your intentions were innocent. Copia took your hand in his and gave it a squeeze.
"I see your point. Ok pasta it is…let me just drop these off in my office first." Copia said–it was exactly what you wanted to hear. The two of you walked hand in hand down the stairs and through the main hall. Copia's office was close, as you inched your way there you felt the heat inside you swirling, hoping he hadn't caught on just yet.
When you made it to the office, you let him walk in first. He went over to his desk and set his papers down and went to organize things absent-mindedly when he could hear the click of the lock. Copia stopped dead in his movements, his back still facing you. Copia smiled, still facing the Giacomo Borlone de Burchis painting that hung on the wall behind his desk. Suddenly your random visit to Imperator's office made sense.
"Amore? What are you thinking?" He asked you as he slowly turned around. You made your way over to him, stopping to slip out of your panties, stepping out of them as they hit the floor. Copia gulped, his cock already starting to bulge in his pants.
"What I'm thinking is—I want to ride my Papa, like the pale white horse I know he is." You purred, tracing your fingers along the lapel of his jacket. Copia's breathing, becoming harder as you grazed your thigh against the swell of his cock. He ran his fingers through your hair, taking in the scent of your perfume. You kissed along the side of his neck, dragging your tongue gently across his skin.
"Sí…mmm…amore mia. You know what that does to me." He began, his body beginning to melt from your touch, when he gripped your shoulders and pulled you to face him–his body now backed up firmly against his desk.
"What's wrong?" You asked, already knowing the answer. Copia's eyes left your gaze and fell to the small bump of your belly. He brought his hand there, pressing his lips together into a tight smile. Copia brought his other hand to your jawline, you nestled your face in his palm—it felt so good to be touched by him.
"I–I just don't want to risk anything. You know how much this means to me." He reaffirmed. You couldn't blame him. Of course he was concerned, not only was the child the heir to the Emeritus bloodline, but also his—yours. His anxious nature had gotten the best of him and you'd be damned if you'd let it go on any longer.
"Listen Cope, you haven't touched me in what feels like forever. I know you're trying to be gentle with me, but I promise you I won't break." Copia tried to speak, but you put your finger up, covering over his lips as you finished what you had to say. "Now you are going to drop those pants and fuck me to Hell and back right now!"
"Uh…do I have a choice?" Copia asked, a hint of humor in his tone. You pulled his arms off your shoulders and walked around him to his desk, swiping the surface clear of all the papers he just laid down on it, leaving a bare spot for the two of you. "I'm guessing that's a no."
"Right now Papa, you're mine." You growled, pushing him down onto his desk and unzipping his pants. You freed his cock from the confines of his boxers, the tip already wet with precum. Copia pulled himself up on his elbows as you finished pulling off his bottoms. Slowly you began to stroke his cock, your hand sliding up and down his shaft, the precum aiding you with a smooth glide.
"Oh fuck cara…mmmm…" Copia moaned. You dropped down, kissing and licking along the head and down the shaft of his fully erected cock. Copia moaning and mummering in Italian as you brought your lips over it, stretching your mouth around him and swallowing him back into the hollow of your throat. "Ahhh…oh cara…mmm." He continued, biting down on his lip and wiggling at your touch.
Now that you had him relaxed and ready it was time to strike. In one fell swoop you had his cock out of your mouth and were climbed on top of him. It had been a few months since you had him here, praying now the desk would still hold both of your weight. You hovered above him, the tip of his cock slightly grazing your dripping folds as you shifted into place.
"Are you sure it's safe?" He asked you, his hands on either side of your hips. Fingers kneading your flesh as his mouth hung up waiting for you to ride him. You grabbed on to him, lining him up and sinking down on him slowly.
"Ahhhh…I am very sure." You assured him, as you rose and fell on the length of his cock. Copia's head fell back. You felt even more blissful than he remembered. Your body, hugging him so deliciously tight that he had to concentrate not to cum. You were barely holding yourself together, his girth filling you so well that your sensitive cunt pulsed hard against him.
You gripped into his shoulders, getting your balance while you rocked your hips with his. You could feel every vein, every pulsation, every twitch of his cock. You know at this rate it wouldn't be long before you flooded his lap with the evidence of how good he made you feel. Then he did one of the things he knew sent you over the edge. Copia met every thrust of your hips with his own, slamming hard inside you–fucking up into you like his life depended on it.
"Oh fuck yes Copia! Ah–fuck me harder! I wanna taste it as you cum!" You cried, hanging on to him for dear life. The sounds of the two of you, surely now billowing into the hallway with the most lascivious of symphonies. The desk creaked loudly as the both you, determined to see each other to completion, pounded away on its surface.
"Sweet Lucifer, you are positively insatiable! Ah!" Copia cried out as you shifted him inside you, grinding your cunt down hard on him. Suddenly you felt it–that divine sensation of him beginning to swell. You buckled down, removing your hands from his shoulders and leaning back on his thighs and you both thrusted. "Ah fuck cara, I'm gonna cum for you!" Copia howled, quickening his pace.
Your body started to tremble, your breathing ragged as you felt the warmth of his cum filling you. "Ah!" You cried, the sensation, so good it sent you over. Your body melted into his, as you felt your cunt clamp down, milking his cock for every drop of cum he had in him. With your need finally satisfied, you collapsed on top of him, mindful of your belly.
"Mmmm avevi ragione amore, avremmo dovuto farlo prima." Copia hummed, kissing the top of your head. You lifted yourself up, feeling heavy and exhausted, Copia still seated inside you. "Are you alright?" He asked, still a lingering concern for you and the baby's wellbeing.
"Yes, Cope. We are just fine." You smiled bending down to give him a kiss, his spent cock slipping out from inside you as you did.
"Oh." You laughed, filling the loss of him as you sat back up, your very satisfied Papa smiling back up at you.
"Well if that's the case—give me 20 minutes and we go again, sí?" He growled. You sucked in your lower lip. Your body was so sensitive and hot, but knowing now you would never miss an opportunity again.
"Sí." You you hummed, a coy smile on your face.
Notes: avevi ragione amore, avremmo dovuto farlo prima- you were right honey, we should have done it sooner
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A/N: {😈 I am DYING with the fufu plague. (The flu) so by decree, IF I HAVE TO SUFFER EVERYONE MUST! I guess cause I’m sick I’m stuck in my feels but the idea of Copia and the reader have a little domestic spat just felt like what I needed to write.}
Warning: { ⚠�� angst with fluffy ending⚠️}
Pairing: {Papa IV/Copia x Reader}
Format: {Text Fiction}
Word count: {unknown}
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Pipistrello - Baby bat
Mi pento per i miei errori, per favore perdonami perché sono profondamente dispiaciuto. - “I regret my mistakes, please forgive me because I am deeply sorry.”
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writingjourney · 19 days
Late Night Reading
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Your Papa spends his evening reading about Roman cults – perhaps you can tempt him to offer you some of his attention instead.
pairing: Papa Emeritus IV x female!reader || rated: E
content: 3.6k words, (mostly soft) dom!copia, thigh riding, finger sucking, cockwarming, praise, p in v, riding, teasing, orgasm denial, unprotected, coming inside, suggestive use of a history book, 18+ only
Shoutout to @ghelullu for the historical expertise and to @foxybouquet for drawing reading glasses Copia for me that definitely helped inspire this fic!!
Masterlist – Ao3 link
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The sheets feel soft against your skin as you stretch out on the bed like a lazy cat. You run your fingers over the fabric, a deep blue cotton that hugs your body as you roll from your belly onto your back. His side still carries his smell and the sigh that leaves you at this discovery is filled with a longing that has the sound vibrating in your throat.
Copia pays you no mind.
For an hour now he’s been sitting comfortably in an armchair, book in his lap and reading glasses perched on his strong nose. He is lost in the story, his eyes moving along the lines rapidly and with visible interest. The glass of red wine he’s been drinking tonight sits abandoned on a table by the side and the vinyl record hasn’t been flipped in quite some time; only the static noise of the record player fills the room.
You rise from the sheets and walk over to the music station on naked feet, slipping the record back into its sleeve to pick another. Copia has a vast collection and you take your time, glancing at him from the corner of your eye in hopes that your half-naked body, clad in just your sleeping shirt, will catch his attention. However, even as you place the needle on the record and soft 80s rock tunes fill the room his eyes stay on the pages of his book.
He looks handsome, you note. The glasses almost slip from his nose with how low he wears them, smudging the white paint where they sit tight by his nostrils. His hair is a bit messier now at the end of the day. A loose strand has fallen over his forehead and tickles his brow, the curve casting a small shadow on his skin under the light of his reading lamp. You fight the urge to brush it back and kiss the spot, lingering by the shelf to assess whether you can finally justify disturbing him.
Copia turns the page. You tiptoe over, hip pushing against the armrest by his side. He must notice you but he gives no indication of it as you trail your fingers over his shoulder, then down his arm. His black shirt stands open at the collar and you get a glimpse of his thick greying chest hair as well as the curve of his firm pectorals underneath the fabric. You want to kiss him there, too.
“Papa,” you try.
He does not look up, even though the use of his title is enough information as to your intent. With your heart hammering you sink down and kneel beside him, resting your head on his thigh. The fabric of his pants feels rough against your soft cheek. Even so Copia continues to read, his eyes never straying from the page, ignoring your puppy-eyed face right next to the book. You can’t help but pout. Impatient fingers run down his calf, then up to his knee on the other side but your touch lures no reaction from him either.
You move to stand, let your fingers run down his forearm and grasp his wrist, lifting it out of the way so you can place yourself in his lap, once more the image of a needy cat vying for attention. Copia hardly reacts, only lifts the book out of the way while still fixated on the page. You shift until you’re sitting more comfortably, feeling his thighs flex underneath your weight until they press firmly against your ass. You feel his cock too, half-hard beneath the lacings of his pants.
“What are you reading?” you ask this time, nestling against him. Your head rests on his shoulder as you try to get a glimpse of his book.
“It is a book on the Mithraic Mysteries,” he explains, his voice steady and calm. “A very fascinating read. Not much of the Cult of Mithra survived, no written texts anyway.”
“Who is Mithra?” you inquire, only half-focussing on his words now that you finally feel him against you.
“An old Indo-European deity, worshipped by Roman soldiers. Some surviving depictions show him killing a bull, sacrificing the blood and seed to replenish the world and life itself.” His free hand moves to rest on your thigh, the black glove soft on your bare skin. “However, the cultists were persecuted by Christians and ultimately eliminated. Their places of worship, the mithraea, were destroyed.”
“That does sound interesting… and sad,” you conclude, taking in his scent with a deep inhale before you press a kiss to his neck. “Is it more interesting than me?”
“Oh, amore. Of course it is not.” His hand moves further up your leg until it rests on your ass, pushing your shirt up a little higher to squeeze the soft meat there. “Have I not given you enough attention, tonight, my baby?”
You shake your head, pressing your face against his neck as you hug him closer.
“Amore, if you want something you have to ask for it,” he says. “You know this.”
“I did not wish to disturb you. You were so engrossed in your read.”
“And yet here you are, no? Disturbing me.”
You break away to look at him, his face betraying nothing even though you swear you can see the hint of a teasing smile playing at his lips. Encouraged, you reach for his free hand and drag it into your lap, running your thumb over his wrist where his pulse starts to beat a little faster against your fingertip. You lift his hand to your lips, pressing kisses to the tender skin just where his glove ends.
Copia finally reacts, his fingers curling around your cheek and tilting your chin up. His eyebrows are pulled together, giving him a stern expression with the glasses still sitting so low on his nose. You giggle, the image of a teacher who glances at his students in irritation as they interrupt him popping into your head. Perhaps you will be rebuked now.
“Funny, hm?” he asks.
Before you can reply he pushes his index finger into your mouth, gently pressing down on your tongue until you obediently start to suck. The leather is smooth, making your mouth water, and you swirl your tongue around him languidly. Copia holds your gaze as he adds a second finger, his thumb resting on your chin where he wipes away the drool that dribbles from the corner of your mouth. After a moment of indulgence he withdraws them as well as his gaze and uses the wetted digits to turn the page without another word.
His attention is on the book again.
You release a sigh of discontent but he’s ignoring it just like he’s ignoring how you squirm in his lap. You can feel how wet you are between your thighs, your underwear soaked by now.
“Papa,” you whine. “Please.”
“Please what?”
“I need you.”
“You have me, demonietta, now that you wiggled your naughty little butt into my lap.” He glances at you from the corner of his eyes, no doubt taking in your desperate expression and unable to keep up his austerity for much longer. “Va bene. You have permission to use me as long as you do not disturb my reading. If you do, there will be consequences.”
“I won’t. I promise, Papa.”
He nods and his eyes land on the book again, his upper body angled in the direction of the lamp on his side table away from you. You reposition yourself until you can feel his thigh firm against your core, using his chest as leverage. Not a single one of his muscles moves to help you. Once you’re settled you have to readjust his free hand on your hip to make more room, smooth leather once more on your heated skin. As you slowly start to grind on his leg you feel his fingers tightening but he does not look, does not stir.
It feels incredible. The fabric of his jeans is rough against your inner thighs, the friction so needed that you can’t help but close your eyes and moan at the pressure against your clit. You repeat the same movement, slow drags of your hips to the rhythm of the music playing in the background. Hands planted firmly on his chest you feel his muscles against your palm and every time you push yourself back they flex underneath your fingertips.
You’re approaching your release fast after that – more confident movements, the perfect angle to ignite a fire deep inside your belly. The rolls of your hips become sloppy, your knee pushing forward into his crotch as you release a needy whimper, and then suddenly Copia’s fingers dig into your hips, effectively stopping you.
“Ah ah.” He tuts, his eyes snapping in your direction with a frown. “No, no, no, amore. Not like this. What did I fucking tell you, eh?”
A painful sob rips from your throat, your pussy throbbing desperately at the sudden lack of stimulation. “Papa?”
“Do you think I can read when you are dripping all over my leg? When you are moaning into my ear with the voice of a temptress?”
“I’m sorry, Papa. You just feel so good.”
His expression softens, his fingers unclenching. “Gentle now, hm? We are not in a hurry.”
You shake your head, your breathing still fast as you try to recover. “Will you help me, Papa?”
“Help? But you interrupted me,” he says with indignation. “What did I tell you happens when you interrupt me, amore?”
“There will be consequences.”
“Brava ragazza, listening so well to my words. If only you would heed them, hm?” He rubs his hand along your thigh, soothing, comforting. “Now unlace me, demonietta, so I can decide how to proceed with you.”
His cock strains against the fabric and you fiddle with the laces, your fingers still shaky from the almost-peak that he robbed you of. Once you finally loosen them, the pressure does the rest and you can free him easily even with your tremor. He’s achingly hard, dripping precome into your waiting hand. You want to lean down and taste him but you know he is in charge now and it thrills you to comply, to be good for him.
“Take off your underwear,” he orders. “Then you will keep me nice and warm for as long as it takes me to finish this chapter, hm? You want to please your Papa, do you not?”
 “Always,” you say as you slip from his lap, driven by the anticipation of finally feeling him inside of you.
The fabric is drenched as you remove it from your core and throw it aside. Copia’s arms remain open, hips slotted forward to allow you some more room, and you hover above him for a moment. You take his cock into your hand and slide it back and forth between your folds, wetting his tip with your arousal. Copia moans lowly at the contact, the pages of the book fluttering as his body trembles underneath yours with suppressed desire.
“So wet and needy,” he chides. “You want your Papa so bad it makes you forget that he is a very busy man, amore. I only have so much time to do my reading.”
“Perhaps you should read to me in the future, Papa,” you suggest, slowly sinking down on him. The stretch knocks the air right out of your lungs, his girth a welcome intrusion after so much time you spent waiting. A groan slips from his throat once he is fully sheathed, betraying the way he is affected as well.
“Hm, no, dolcezza, if anything you should read to me,” he says through gritted teeth. “So your Papa can rest his weary eyes. I am not so young anymore.”
“You are in your best years, my Papa,” you correct and begin to rock your hips.
Copia’s hand shoots out to grab you, digging roughly into the softness with the strength it takes him to stop you. “Ah ah ah,” he chides with a shake of his head, the glasses now crooked on his nose. “You stay still while I finish this chapter or I will remove you, amore. You know the rules, eh?”
You whimper, clenching around him not just in frustration but in arousal at his tone. With one hand you adjust his reading glasses, the other one rests on the soft curve of his belly underneath his shirt, trying to keep still. Every breath is laborious, every second too long.
“Very good, amore,” Copia praises and then his eyes are back on his book.
His cock pulses inside of you or maybe you are pulsing around him, the need to move so overwhelming you can’t stop the occasional whimper from slipping out, nor can you control the way your hips buck ever so slightly on their own accord. You’re not sure how he can focus, if he focuses at all or tortures you for his own enjoyment. His eyes do move along the lines and you spend a good amount of time studying them, green and white, slightly enlarged by his glasses. No matter how well he plays his part as the stern Papa, the mischievous, loving glint in them never leaves.
You can’t fight the urge to fix his hair, finally combing the loose strand back and massaging his temple. Copia lets out an appreciative hum, pressing his head into your hand. You take the hint and move your fingers along his scalp, gentle pressure to remove the tension of a long day. His hair is soft as you trace the silver streaks that become more and more prominent the longer you two are together.
His hand leaves your hip then to flip the page. You can’t help but squirm, the movement sending a wave of pleasure through your body that makes you keen and clench around him. It’s too much, you are too aware of his cock buried so deep inside of you to keep still. All you want to do is lose yourself in him, to have his undivided attention.
Copia inhales sharply at your fidgeting, in irritation or arousal you cannot tell. His hand reaches for your jaw, tilting it so that your eyes meet his. Instead of anger you find compassion in his gaze, even though there is a hint of complacency as well. “My poor amore,” he says, his tone only partly mocking. “I am not quite done yet. But I think you will have to read the next page for me. My eyes are so tired.”
“You are so good for me, dolcezza,” he interrupts, leaning in to nuzzle your nose. “If you do well now your Papa will reward you for your patience.”
Before you can close the gap for a kiss he leans back again and hands you the book, pointing to a line at the top of the page. You try to catch your bearings, especially when you feel his cock twitching inside of you as he shifts to remove his reading glasses. A whimper turns into a croak, your throat suddenly tight and dry.
“In the– the–” You struggle as he once again stirs underneath you, settling comfortably in the armchair with both hands on the armrests. He is enjoying your struggle, a barely concealed grin on his lips. You clear your throat, take a deep breath and relax your muscles. “In the ancient world, the term mysteries was used to refer to secret cults throughout the period from the seventh century BC to the fourth century AD.”
“Very good, amore,” Copia says, voice smooth and sensual. “The next line now, hm? You are doing so well.”
“A-all shared two basic features: the injunction to silence, intended to… intended to prohibit ritual details reaching the outside world, and the…” Suddenly his hips buck, both of his hands settling on your sides to keep you steady as he pushes up into you with one hard thrust. Your eyes flutter closed, the book slipping from your fingers as you hold onto his shoulders.
“Go on,” he orders. “Finish the line. I know you can do it, amore.”
You open your eyes, trying to find the page again and holding the book open with one hand. It takes you a moment to find the right line. You’re trembling and dizzy. “The-the injunction to silence, intended to prohibit ritual details reaching the outside world, and the promise of… the promise of salvation...”
“Mhm, salvation,” he agrees, another thrust that finally has the book falling shut between your bodies and sliding into the gap between his thighs and the armrest. “Everyone wants salvation, ragazza mia, everyone wants release. Do you?”
“Yes, please, Papa.”
Copia grabs the book and sets it aside, feet braced against the floor and hips canted in a way that allows you to fully straddle him. You rest your hands on his chest and stare down at where your bodies join, the sliver of skin and dark body hair between his shirt and waistband glistening wetly with your arousal. Impatient now, you rip at the buttons of his shirt to tear it open, trying to find purchase on his bare skin, anything to feel more of him. His warmth radiates into your palms and then his hands curl around your buttocks as he lifts you just enough to shallowly fuck up into you. You moan, falling forward from the impact until your fronts are squished together.
“Papa,” you whine.
“Hmmmm, sei perfetta, amore mio,” he whispers, lips parted in concentration as he keeps up his pace. “I am proud of you, eh? So patient, waiting all night for your busy old Papa.”
You lean in, stealing his breath as you desperately press your mouth to his. The armchair creaks just as your lips connect and the wet sounds of your hips meeting over and over fill the room, drowning out the soft music. You follow his rhythm instead, pushing down and taking him ever deeper, controlling the angle with which he burrows into you.
“Fuck, Papa,” you whine, the orgasm you lost now building back up fast and violently.
One of Copia’s hands slides up to the back of your head, keeping it down for more wet kisses that smear his face paint all over your chin. His tongue enters your mouth, licking against yours desperately as though he suddenly can’t get enough of your taste. You comply eagerly, carding your hands through his chest hair, leaving trails of red as your nails scrape over his skin. Copia groans at the sensation, a deep sound that vibrates within you and has you clenching around his cock.
“That’s it, amore, ahhh–” He picks up his pace, chasing his own pleasure now just as much as yours. “So fucking good.”
“I’m s-so close,” you whisper.
“Let go for me,” he encourages, bringing his hands between your bodies in search of your clit. “Show your Papa how f-fucking good he makes you feel.”
He finds your sensitive spot, grazing the swollen nub with his gloved finger, and you fall apart in an instant. Your muscles tense, voice high-pitched as you moan and whimper at your release. When your mouth slips from his Copia grabs your chin and forces it back up, urging you to hold his gaze as he continues to fuck up into your clenched cunt. You struggle to hold yourself upright, your whole body turning into jelly as pleasure makes way for exhaustion. With one hand on his throat you trace the line of his Adam’s apple, feel him swallowing hard as he finally follows you and comes inside of you with a groan. His eyes turn glassy, losing their focus, and you finally allow yourself to sink against him, feeling his slightly sweaty chest.
For a long moment neither of you speaks, trying to breathe the air back into your lungs.
“It was okay, amore?” Copia finally asks, his voice barely above a whisper. “Not too much teasing?”
“It was amazing,” you say, your body still numb and tingly from the exertions. “Maybe we can wait a few minutes, though, before we get cleaned up.”
Copia hums and wraps his arms around you, keeping you pressed closely together. He begins to caress your back, fingers then sliding up to your neck where he massages the tight muscles for a moment but stops when it gets too exhausting to maintain. You sigh into his neck, face hidden underneath the curve of his jaw where you snugly fit against him. After a moment of reprieve you lean back up and look at him – ruined face, his paint smeared into grey streaks that run down his neck and reveal his skin. You press a kiss to the small scar on his jaw, then to the dip where it transitions into his plump lips, the corner of his mouth next.
“I’m sorry I interrupted your reading,” you mumble, breathing more kisses to his exposed face to give him the gentleness he always craves after being intimate like that. It’s a ritual by now, comfort and affection that make up for all the teasing.
“Ah, I was just waiting for you to come over,” he admits, returning the favour by pressing his lips to your cheek. “The book is interesting… but not that interesting, eh?”
“I will worship you, my Papa,” you whisper with a smile. “I call it the Cult of Copia.”
He chuckles, tightening his arms around you again to pull you flush against him. “Watch out, amore, I think I could get used to that.”
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Thank you for reading! Hope you enjoyed – kudos, comments, rbs etc are as always much appreciated ♡ The quotes I used in here are from this book, sorry for the blasphemous use of an actual academic book haha.
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ghulehunknown · 7 months
Papa Headcanons - 🐱👅
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All the Papas love going down, but they each have their own style
Prefers to get you nice and worked up, so he’ll spend a painfully long time kissing and caressing you before actually going down on you (so when he does use his tongue it feels explosive)
Says “My, my aren’t we a wet little thing?” everytime, knowing FULL WELL he did that to you
Soft and slow, very gentle
Long, painted strokes along your entire area
Massages your breasts while flicking his tongue around your clit
Uses his thumb to rub circles on your clit to give his mouth a break but doesn’t stop until you’ve cum at least once or twice, preferably in his mouth
Roughly fingers you while eating you out
Spreads your legs wide so he can eat every inch of you
Loves to eat you from behind so he can finger your ass too
Grabs onto your legs and hips so he can pull your body closer to him
Wants to take his time and edges you - so he’ll alternate by doing other forms of foreplay (sucking on your nipples or pinching them, making out, fingering you)
Praises you (“brava ragazza”) for being so patient as he takes his time torturing you (“You will be rewarded, tesorina”)
Wants to do all the work so he’ll scold you if you start to grind against him
Loves to see his Papal paints smeared all over your thighs
Massages your ass and tits while eating you out
Would die happy drowned in pussy
Wears the smell of you like a badge of honor the whole day
Desperate to eat your arousal and drink you if you squirt
In fact it’s a little game he plays with himself, to see if he can make you squirt (he’s almost always successful)
Dying to get you off this way before he fucks you hard into the mattress
LOVES when you ride his face; he wants to be smothered and barely able to breathe
Also into 69ing - you on top or laying on your sides
Favorite cunnilingus position is you on your back with your legs spread and one hooked over his shoulder while he finger fucks you and sucks your clit
Massages your g-spot when he knows you’re close to cumming
Darts his tongue in and out of your hole a lot (“Amore, how could I waste a single drop of you?”)
Suctions/sucks on your clit a lot and alternates that, flicking his tongue, and using the flat part of his tongue
While each papa has their talents and are very good at doing down, Terzo is the Prince of Cunnilingus - a cunt connoisseur, if you will
Immediately wants to kiss you during (so you can see how aroused he’s made you) and after because sometimes he’s sweet like that
Usually wants to fuck right after you’ve cum (while you’re still breathing heavily)
Kisses every inch of you
Moans as soon as he has you in his mouth; he can cum just from eating you out (pathetic little rat man)
Can’t help it and will stroke himself while going down on you, unless you have him tied up (to punish him for being a dirty, needy man)
Loves being submissive to you while pleasuring you - either kneeling underneath you while you’re standing or sitting on the edge of the bed/couch, or tied up to the bedpost while you ride his face
Wants to be used like your sex toy
Would gladly spend all day down there as long as you’re getting off
Heard somewhere that spelling the alphabet with his tongue will get you off, so he does that and stops at whichever letter or motion gets the loudest response
He’s got a little bit of washing machine syndrome going on - very sloppy and all over the place at times
Finds a steady rhythm, position, and stroke and sticks to it because if it always works why change it
Listens to your breathing get heavier and stays consistent with his speed and motion when you grip his hair and tell him “don’t stop!”
Wants to cuddle you after and kiss you and feed you snacks (one time he hand fed you fruit snacks while he was down there)
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earthry · 10 months
Papas Accidentally Being Too Rough in Bed (Headcanons)
I have no clue where this spawned from but please enjoy scaring the Papas when they’re accidentally too rough with you and then doing everything they can to make up for it.
mostly sfw, tw for being rough on accident, possessiveness, hurt/comfort.
It’s wild because you didn’t think Primo could get that rough in bed, given his age. But there are bruises that he apologizes for after, ones he kisses with each apology. He brings out a special cream and gently applies it to the abused skin.
He makes you stay in bed while he pampers you, grabbing yummy snacks and making a cup of your favorite tea. He even hand feeds you, babying you until you tell him that really, you’re okay. You are showered in apologies and words of love and reassurance before being wrapped up into his arms and snuggled to death.
Secondo thinks you’re whining to be bratty but when his belt comes away with blood, he’s never dropped anything so fast. He’s quick to untie you, cursing and apologizing profusely. He assesses the damage with worry, grabbing a warm damp towel to clean your backside.
He gently shushes you when you whimper from the sting, kissing your temple and telling you that you’re doing so, so good for him. After sanitizing and bandaging the wound, he’ll clean the two of you up and pull you into his arms in a tight embrace— though he’s careful of your injury.
Apologizes for hurting you, promising that he hadn’t meant to and that it was his fault for misjudging how much strength he was using. You tell him you forgive him and he almost cries— you let him spoil you for the rest of the night and weeks to follow.
It’s more of an accident than anything, for how clumsy Terzo is. He’s so eager in bed to please you and make you feel good that when he’s going down on you, he accidentally slams you against the bed frame a little too forcefully. You can’t help the involuntary sound of pain that escapes you and things happen so quickly because next thing you know, you’re in Terzo’s shaking arms as he begs for forgiveness, frantically checking if you’re badly hurt.
After he checks your backside to see that there’s a little bruising he apologizes even more and places the most gentlest of kisses against your skin. You are bundled up in blankets and love afterwards and since then, Terzo’s been very careful when it comes to sexy times.
With Copia it’s also unexpected but for different reasons. Though he’s certainly enthusiastic in bed, he’s always been gentle and very attentive to pleasing you. While he can get rough every so often, it’s still tame compared to most. He’s a very considerate lover, always checking in, always making sure he’s not gripping you too hard, not holding you too tight.
You didn’t expect him to have such a jealous streak however— despite wanting to tease him. It was Swiss’s idea to flirt with each other to rile him up, which definitely does the trick. And oh boy is it a night to remember. He’s intense and possessive, growling as he fucks you hard, his words melting together as he tells you that you’re his, that he’s going to show you that no one can fuck you better than him, will love you better.
You’re left with bruises on your hips and dark hickies littering your skin. You would laugh at Copia’s expression if it wasn’t so horrified. You reassure him that you enjoyed it, that it was what you wanted. Still, he apologizes and cares for you after— running a bath for you and tenderly helping you wash your hair, gently running fingers over the bruises he’s made. He still looks so guilty but it’s okay because you kiss it all better until he’s out of breath.
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ramblingoak · 9 months
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Ok @blacktie-whitenoise I went with Papa Copia and choice #1! But first we have to get through some phone sex oh noooo...
Ring Ring
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Papa Emeritus IV x Female Reader ~ Your work day is interrupted by a phone call from Copia
Warnings: phone sex, fingering, cunnilingus, p in v sex, nsfw, 18+ only, mdni, 2400 words
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
“Cardinal Alero’s office, how can I help you?”
“Do you have any idea how badly I want to fuck you right now?”  You froze at the sound of Copia’s voice.  It was dark and low, his breathing ragged.  The only time his voice got like this was when—  “Well, dolcezza?  Do you?”
With a quick glance over at Alero you cleared your throat before you answered. 
“Uh, I’m sorry, what was that?”
“I’ve been thinking about burying myself inside of you all day.”
Fucking hell.  
“Oh?  That’s too bad.”
“Si, it has made the day very interesting.  Long.  Hard.  If you understand me.”
“Yes!  Yes I understand.”
Very faintly you heard the sound of his belt clinking and the rustling of fabric.  Copia let out a loud groan and you could only guess he had taken himself in hand.  You spun your chair away from Alero’s desk so your back was to him.  It was doubtful the Cardinal had heard Copia, but you knew Copia was only going to get louder.  
He never was very good at keeping quiet. 
“I wonder what that old bastard would do if I were to come in there right now, oh cazzo, and bend you over your desk.”
You snuck another glance at Alero over your shoulder, freezing when you saw him watching you.  
“I, uh, don’t think he’d like that.”   Alero raised his eyebrow and you gave him a quick smile before spinning away.  “Can I call you back?”
“No.”  Copia’s chair creaked as he exhaled into the phone.  “I wouldn’t do that anyway, dolcezza.  I’d have to get you wet first.”
“Don’t worry Papa, that won’t be a problem.”  You squirmed in your seat, your body starting to respond to Copia’s words.  Vaguely you heard your name but you thought it was just Copia saying it under his breath.  “How about I bring you those files right now?”  
“Wet already?  What a naughty thing you are.  Are you having dirty thoughts about your Papa?”
“Yes, of course I am you idi—“
“Is that Papa?”  You yelped at the sound of Alero’s voice, jerking your head around to see him standing behind you.  When you nodded he reached out a hand and snapped his fingers.  “Give me the phone.”
“Do not give him the phone.  Tell him to fuck off.”
A somewhat delirious laugh left you and you covered the receiver with your hand. 
“Cardinal, Papa says not to worry.  He knows you’re busy.”  Copia snorted and you had to bite your lip to keep from laughing as well.  “He appreciates your hard work.”
“The only thing that’s hard right now is my dick.”
Alero frowned down at you and you could tell he was debating if he should insist on the phone or just take the compliment and sit back down.  Thankfully he seemed to choose the latter, a smug smile on his face as he turned to go back to his chair.  You slipped your hand off the receiver and turned away from him once more.
“What else can I help you with Papa?”
“Tell me dolcezza, are you wearing underwear?”
“No, Papa.”
“Mmm, so you’re just sitting there, bare for your Papa?”  You hummed into the phone, spreading your legs a bit unconsciously.  “If I was there right now I’d slip my hand under your skirt, then push two fingers right into your needy cunt.  Because that’s what you are right now, eh dolcezza?  Needy for me?”
“Yes, Papa.”
“Molto bene.  Soon I'd be able to fit a third inside of you and watch as you made a mess of my gloves.”  You thunked your head against the back of your chair, immediately sitting up again when you remembered you weren’t alone.  Copia let out a strangled moan and you winced, hoping Alero hadn’t heard it.  “Would you clean them for me?  If I shoved them into your mouth?”
“Yes, Papa.”
“Brava ragazza.  You’d do anything I asked of you, wouldn’t you?”
“Anything, Papa.”
“Bene.  Then come here so I can fuck you.”
Copia hung up the phone and for a few seconds you just sat there staring at it.  When it started beeping you scrambled to get it back in its cradle while looking for something on your desk you could use as an excuse to go see Copia.  Alero cleared his throat and when you looked over at him he was scowling.
“What’s the problem?”
“I uh, need to bring some paperwork over to Papa.”
“Why can’t he send a ghoul to come get it?”
Goddammit Alero.
“I'm not sure.”  You grabbed a random stack of paper and hastily stood up.  “He needed them right away.”
“Fine, but don’t dawdle.  There’s still a lot of work to do.”
You nodded, biting down on your lip savagely before you retorted with ‘yes, your work’.  With quick steps you left the office and did your best not to run towards Copia’s.  At the end of the hallway you turned right but immediately had to stop as you ran into someone.
“Shit!”  Copia’s hands grabbed at your elbows to help keep you upright.  “What took so long?”
“I had to come up with an excuse for Alero!”  You slapped the papers onto Copia’s chest and pushed past him.  “Now hurry up.”
Copia chuckled as he quickly followed you, coming up to your side and grabbing your hand.  You knew if you looked at him he’d have that stupid, dopey smile on his face and you weren’t sure you’d be able to stop yourself from kissing him in the hallway if you saw it.  As you both rounded the last corner before his office you froze at the sight of Sister Imperator and Nihil waiting right outside his door.  Copia cursed under his breath and wrapped an arm around your waist, quickly tugging you back around the corner.
“Now what, Papa?”  Copia muttered something in Italian before starting to usher you across the hall towards a closet.  He ripped it open, gently pushing you inside before following and kicking the door shut.  You both stood there in the dark for a moment until you heard Copia make a small noise when he found the light switch.  As the room came into view in the dim light you sighed.  “You always take me to the nicest places.”
“What’s wrong?”
“It’s a closet.”
Copia rolled his eyes and started walking your way, you started to back up playfully but there really wasn’t anywhere to go.  Your butt hit a desk that was shoved up against the wall and Copia grabbed your waist, grunting as he lifted you up to sit on the edge.  He placed his hands on your knees, squeezing them as he grinned at you.
“Are you still wet for me, dolcezza?”
“Right now I’m mostly dusty.”
He started to respond but instead he had to turn his head away to sneeze.  You slapped your hand over your mouth to cover your laughter, trying to look innocent when he whipped his head back to glare at you.
“Sorry, Papa.”
“Uh, mi dispiace, this is not how I planned the afternoon to go.”
“Oh Copia, it’s ok.”  You reached up and brushed some of his graying hair off his forehead before cupping his cheek.  “This is still better than dealing with Alero.”
Copia laughed, leaning in to give you a lingering kiss on your mouth.  He nipped at your lips when he pulled away before resting his forehead against yours.
“Let’s see if we can get back on track, eh?”  He kissed you again and then dropped to his knees with a grunt.  His hands squeezed your calves briefly before they began to move up to your thighs.  The leather of his gloves was warm against your skin as he started to push your skirt up towards your waist.  He lowered his head to the inside of your knee, mouthing at the sensitive skin there for a moment before he looked towards your cunt and took a deep breath.  “It smells like you’re still wet for me, dolcezza.”
You couldn’t bring yourself to say anything, you just pulled your skirt up all the way to expose yourself.  His eyes darkened when you spread your legs and he was able to see your folds glistening even in the dim light.  Copia grabbed the bottom of your thighs and lifted your legs up so they hooked over his shoulders.  His hands moved down to grip your ass, holding you in place as he pressed his face against your cunt.  He took another deep breath, growling when you wriggled a bit.
“Copia, please.”
His tongue sliding between your lips was his only answer.  Slow laps across your cunt over and over again.  You placed your hand in his hair and held on as he continued to lap up your juices.  His moans were getting louder so you tugged his hair to try and get him to quiet down.  In retaliation he covered your cunt with his mouth, sucking hard and causing you to cry out.  You both froze, meeting each other’s eyes as you waited to see if anyone had heard you.
“Hush now, do you want the whole abbey to hear you?”
“How about you make me?” 
Copia nipped at the inside of your thigh and you barely held in your gasp.  Before you could snap at him he pulled your legs off his shoulders and stood up, leaning in to take your mouth in a hungry kiss.  You moaned as you tasted yourself, grabbing onto his vest to keep him in place.  He pulled you closer to the edge of the desk so he could grind his cock against you.  It was straining against the ties of his pants and you quickly dropped your hands down to start undoing them.
“Si, cazzo.  I need to be inside of you.”  While you struggled with the ties he pressed his fingers against your entrance, both of you groaning when two of them slid right in.  Copia bit his lip and rested his head against yours.  “I knew it.”
You finally got his pants undone and shoved down far enough to free his cock right when he started prodding a third finger at your entrance.  
“Now Copia, now please now.”  
He pulled his fingers out of you, swiping them quickly up and down his cock before he pressed forward.  You dropped your head onto his shoulder as he started pushing in.  As your body stretched around him you bit at his shirt to try to keep quiet.  He was relentless, not even pausing until he was all the way inside.  The material of his pants was rough against your thighs as he began to move his hips in a small circle.
“So wet, so tight for your Papa.”  You didn’t bother trying to respond, you knew if you opened your mouth no words would come out.  When he slid a hand into your hair and gently pulled your head back you couldn’t help but whimper.  “Let me see you.”
You both panted into each other's mouths as he let you get used to his cock.  He moved his hand out of your hair, stroking a thumb across your cheek before pressing a soft kiss onto your mouth.  You hummed against his lips, then took a deep breath as you wrapped your legs around his waist.
“Help me stay quiet.”
“Anything, dolcezza.”
Your mouths connected again in a clash of lips and teeth right as he pulled out and thrust back into your cunt.  His thrusts were hard and fast, neither one of you having the patience for anything else.  You nipped and sucked at each other’s mouth, Copia thrusting his tongue in time with his hips.  The slick sounds of both filled the air of the small room and even though your moans were muffled you knew that anyone walking by would be able to hear you both.
You couldn’t bring yourself to care.
The edge was coming quickly, your orgasm ready to tear through you as Copia angled his thrusts so his cock brushed against that sweet spot inside of you.  With the way his movements were becoming more frantic you knew he was close as well.  He broke away from your mouth and you forced your eyes open so you could look into his mismatched ones.  
“Are you close, dolcezza?”  His voice was wrecked and his makeup an absolute mess.  You tried to speak but all you could do was whimper and clutch at his shoulders.  “Are you going to come on my cock?”
You managed a nod, your mouth opening in a silent scream when he brought a hand to your cunt and started rubbing his thumb around your clit.  That was the end for you, he kissed you again right as your orgasm ripped through your body, muffling both of your moans as he came as well.  He continued to thrust as his cock kicked and emptied inside of you before finally stilling, wrapping his arms around you to hold you close.  After a moment you finally found the energy to speak and lifted your head off his shoulder.
“I don’t want to go back.”  
Copia opened his mouth to respond but he immediately scrunched his face up, turning away right before a sneezing fit overtook him.  He stumbled back a few steps, pulling out of you quickly and making you gasp.  You looked around for something he could wipe his nose with, finally seeing a roll of paper towels on a shelf nearby.  With a wince you hopped off the table, grabbing a few towels and shoving them his way while you took a few to clean yourself up.  When you finished you turned to check on Copia, smiling when you found him staring at you and pouting.
“I wanted to do that.”  You mimicked his pout, laughing as he reached for you and yanked you close.  “That’s my favorite part.”
“Ugh Copia, you’re so weird.”
“But yet here you are, enjoying the finest closet our church has to offer.”  He leaned down to give you a quick kiss, before pulling away to look at you with a raised eyebrow.  “You can’t go back to work like this.”
“Definitely not.”
“No, you should come to my quarters instead.  I need your help with something else.”
“Anything, Papa.”  He grinned at you, that infectious smile of his sending a thrill through you like it always did.  You reached up to smooth some of his hair back as you returned his smile.  “Anything.”
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
my masterlist
my ao3
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honey-tongued-devil · 11 months
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Head over heels
I posted this by mistake on my side blog, I just want to go to sleep please have mercy. Anyway. Remember the Satanic popes x Sisters of sin prints serie I mentioned in my last post? This is the first one out of four :D I swear if I have time they’ll be six (Primo, Secondo, Terzo, Copia, Cardinal copia, Nihil I). If I drop this project before actually accomplish the goal… you saw nothing.
If you want to support me or simply are a Terzo enthusiast, here you can find the print. If you want to support me but you are penniless, reblog the post being feral (I feel motivated by silly comments in reblog, don’t mind me). See ya!
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daredvssy · 11 months
I've been really struggling to finish writing anything over the past few months, but this idea has been consuming me ever since the copia rizzchat on twitter was discussing it. So, for your enjoyment- approximately 1500 words of Copia being a 🐱 eating fiend. If you prefer to read on AO3, you can do so here.
Ship: Papa Emeritus IV x Reader
Rating: 18+!!!!!! No minors PLEASE!
Wordcount: 1530
Warnings: smut, f!receiving oral sex, overstimulation, dom!copia
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Throughout the course of your relationship with him, you had come to know that there were a lot of things to love about Copia. He was an incredibly hard worker, who had earned every bit of power allowed to him by his position as Papa; and it was a role that he excelled in. He could command large crowds with ease, and there were very few at the Ministry who would not bend to his will should he decide he wanted something.
 Despite this, he was still an awkward, rather silly man, constantly making you laugh at his antics. He was extremely kind hearted. He cared very deeply for those who looked to him for leadership within the Ministry. You had no doubt he would do almost anything for any of the siblings who lived at the abbey. 
His love for his pet rats was one of the things that had drawn you to him in the first place; you had never seen anyone who treated the small creatures with the reverence he did. He was an incredible listener too; you could always tell you had his full attention whenever you spoke to him. 
As a partner he was as close as a person could get to perfect, as far as you could tell. He always found ways to let you know he was thinking about you throughout his busy day, and no matter how much he had on his plate he always made a point to set aside time to spend with you. 
Yes, there were plenty of reasons to love Copia. Though right now, one of those reasons had your attention more than all the others: the man was a pussy eating fiend. 
At any possible opportunity he would be in between your legs drinking you down like he needed it to survive. He'd go for hours if you let him, making you cum over and over until you had nothing left to give. It was almost like he was doing it solely for his own benefit, and your pleasure was just a fortunate side effect of him taking what he wanted from you. 
Today he seemed particularly desperate for you. He had been working you over for what felt like an eternity. After he gave you not one but two mind-shattering orgasms with no signs of stopping you had made the mistake of reaching down to push his head away reflexively in your overstimulated state.
Doing so had lost you the privilege of having your hands free. He had tied your hands to the headboard above you and was back between your legs, sucking on your clit as though his life depended on it. 
You looked down at him as he worked his tongue around your sensitive nub. His hair was disheveled, and there was more of his papal paint smeared on your thighs than there was left on his face. While you were fully naked and vulnerable, exposed to him, he had only partially undressed; his jeans and vest had been discarded on the floor, but his shirt hung from his frame unbuttoned. He was rutting against the bed through his boxers as he ate you out, little grunts of pleasure escaping him as he worked. The sight of him like this would have been too much for you even if he wasn’t currently latched onto your overstimulated clit. You thrashed against your restraints, bucking your hips involuntarily. 
"None of that, dolce," he snarled, pinning your hips to the bed with an iron grip before returning his attention to your drenched core, shoving his tongue deep into your cunt. 
A pathetic, keening noise escaped you, your eyes rolling back in your head as he worked his tongue within you, his nose stimulating your clit just enough that you found yourself rapidly approaching your third orgasm of the evening.
"Oh, fuck Papa," you whimpered, the overwhelming sensations making your legs start to shake.
"That's it, tesoro, come for me again," he instructed, pulling back for a moment before returning his attention to your clit once more, sucking around the sensitive bud. 
You were almost instantly thrown over the edge, your back arching and a stream of incoherent babbling escaping you as your mind went fuzzy with the overwhelming pleasure. 
Copia diligently worked you through your orgasm, continuing to suck on your clit as you came down from your high. As the haze of your orgasm cleared, you came to the horrifying realization that he still wasn’t done with you yet; the feeling of his mouth against you sending bolts of sensation through you like a hot knife. 
You once again thrashed helplessly against your restraints, crying out as you fruitlessly attempted to clamp your legs shut to stop his onslaught. He was having none of that though, and your efforts were met with a snarl as he wrenched your thighs open once more so he could continue. 
"Papa, Papa please, please Papa" you begged him, your voice hoarse as your eyes began to well with tears. He leaned back for a moment to consider you, giving you a momentary reprieve from the burning pleasure he was giving you.��
"Do you need to use your word, amore?" he asked, considering you seriously. 
"No Papa," you replied, tearfully but honestly. 
"Then you will give me one more," he said sternly, beginning to lightly apply pressure to your oversensitive clit with his gloved thumb. Your hips stuttered involuntarily in response, your body unsure if it wanted to move closer or further away from his ministrations. 
"I don't know if I can Papa," you whimpered, practically panting at this point. 
"You want to be good for me, yes? You want to please me?"
"Yes Papa."
"Then you will do as you are told," he demanded harshly, leaning in to lick you with a flat tongue. 
You whined in response, but didn't argue the issue any further, trying with all your might to relax into the sensation of his tongue laving over you. He continued lapping at you in broad strokes. Normally this would only serve to tease you, but in your current state even that was almost too much, you had to fight to keep yourself still for him. Your efforts did not go unnoticed. 
"You're being so good tesoro," Copia praised you inbetween licks. His praise reignited something within you, and you could feel something begin to build slowly in your core. 
"Oh, Papa," you whined, fully overwhelmed. "It's so much."
"Shhh, I know, dolce. Don't worry, Papa is going to help you," he said in mock sympathy. He brought two of his gloved fingers up to your opening, easily sliding them up within you. You cried out, clenching around the intrusion as he began to slowly pump them in and out fluidly, grazing your sweet spot each time. 
As he returned to lapping gently at your overstimulated clit, he gradually began to increase the speed at which he worked his fingers in and out of you. Very suddenly, you felt as though you were right back on the edge; the burning, gentle lapping of his tongue against your clit and his talented fingers repeatedly brushing up against that spot inside you proving to be just what you needed to get there. 
"Are you going to come for me now, dolce?" he asked, already knowing the answer.. 
"Yes, Papa, yes," you practically sobbed.
"Good, you're doing so good. Let go," he encouraged in a low, soothing voice. 
You didn't fall off the edge so much as you were yanked over, set fully adrift by the burning pleasure that ran through your full body as you clenched around his fingers. 
As you came back down to Earth you were vaguely aware of Copia releasing a shuddering moan against you; he had come against the bed from how he rutted against it as he had tormented you. You let out a weak whine at this realization. 
Copia only took a moment for himself to recover before he was crawling up the bed, reaching over you to release your wrists from their restraints. You let your arms flop back against the bed, feeling boneless after how he had worked you over. 
"You did so well for me my dear, so very good," he praised, brushing a stray hair back behind your ear. He pressed a soft kiss to your lips, and you hummed a happy sound into the kiss. 
As he pulled back, breaking the kiss, a small smile graced his expression, his eyes shone with adoration as he studied you for a moment. 
"How do you feel, amore?" he asked. 
"So good. And so tired," you mumbled, a sleepy grin plastered to your face.
"Is there anything you need, tesoro? Anything I can get you?"
In lieu of a verbal response you reached for him with grabby hands. He quickly got the hint, moving to lay beside you with an arm raised in offering. You wasted no time in snuggling up to him, burying your face in his chest as he brought his arm down around you to hold you.  You drifted to sleep in his arms, feeling sated, happy, and safe.
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ghostchems · 4 months
the cream in cardinal copia’s coffee - cardi x f!reader
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you are blessed with the task of making the new cardinal his coffee each morning and on your first day, you forget the evaporated milk.
a/n: the working title of this was "yucky cardi". this is nsfw. the cardinal has returned. blow jobs. rough sex. and more! he is nasty in this. i have not written smut in so long so bear with me! also some of this is just... silly lol. 3k words. ao3 link!
You adjust your habit in the mirror, making sure to tuck any stray hairs inside of it. Today is the first morning you will be delivering the new Cardinal’s coffee and you want to make sure you look perfect. A ghoul had delivered the news the night before, right to your door, and you couldn’t help but feel like it was your chance to show the clergy leadership how devoted you are to your beliefs. The task is an important one, given that the Cardinal is a mere week into his new position here. You are excited to welcome him and show him what sets this branch of the ministry apart from the others.
The abbey has been rife with gossip since Cardinal Copia has arrived. It’s been months since the Papal position had been vacated yet your faith never wavered, even as the uncertainty seeped into all aspects of daily life. There had been no Black Mass, no confessional, no figurehead. Just as the tension started to reach a fever pitch, the Cardinal was there with his cane that he tapped alongside him as he surveyed the halls with a silent, menacing glare. He has the blessing: the white eye bestowed upon those touched by Lucifer himself and is an accomplished member of the Clergy in his own right — all signs that point to his potential to lead.
You suck in a sharp breath, holding it deep in your chest as you try to ease your nerves. One last look at yourself in the mirror and you’re off down the hall to the kitchens. You pause at the espresso machine and fish the paper with the instructions out of your pocket: a latte with half a sugar in the raw. Shouldn’t be too hard, right? A mug is plucked off the shelf and you start with the sugar in the raw, ripping a pack in half to dump one into the bottom of the mug and to throw the other away. You set the mug below the espresso drip, making sure there are enough beans before pulling the shots. The machine starts to whir and you take the opportunity to open the fridge and stare at the milk options. Nothing was specified in the instructions. You grab whole milk, assuming it’s a safe choice and pour some into the milk frother, sealing it shut and then turning it on. The milk starts to fluff up as the shots finish pulling and the thought crosses your mind that maybe you’re too good at this. It doesn’t take long for the milk to be done frothing, taking the frother and then carefully pouring the milk into the mug.
Voila, a latte.
You let the milk settle for one second longer and then pick up the mug securely in both hands. Perfect. And now, an anxiety filled walk to The Cardinal’s office. Not much is known about him. During his arrival address he spoke only of furthering the agenda of the Morningstar. No personal anecdotes. You’ve caught glimpses of him since his arrival, a few times in the hallway and once in the courtyard, where you finally got a good look at his face — dramatic nose, sideburns and all. A serious man with a serious face is all you could think. Coming face to face with that man has your stomach in knots now but there is still that underlying feeling of excitement. You make it to his office door and give it a shy knock, making sure your other hand grips the mug.
You push the door open and slowly walk into his eerie office. The bookcases are covered with dust, papers are everywhere and there’s piles of dust in each corner of the room. You’d think Sister Imperator would have taken the time to have his office cleaned prior to arrival. At least you are here now with his coffee, directions followed to a T. The Cardinal is leaned against his deck, a book opened in front of him but his eyes are focused on you. He’s dressed in a tight, red outfit, one that is more casual than the usual cassock, with a sparkling grucifx on the left of his chest. He says nothing as he reaches for the coffee. All business. You hold it out for him, his smooth leather gloves brushing against your fingers, plucking it from your hands and turning from you as he brings it to his lips. Your heart stops once he takes a sip and…
The Cardinal launches the mug across his office and it shatters against the wall. You stand there mortified, a hand clasping over your mouth from being thrown off. His head wrenches in your direction, the most harrowing anger you’ve ever seen in his fiery eyes.
“I-I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry, Cardinal.” Your voice is shattered, your breath trembling as more apologies spill out of you.
One of his gloved hands without warning knocks your habit off your head, grabbing you by the hair and wrenches your head back, your back tilted and true fear in your eyes as he forces you to meet his gaze. Your scalp burns from how tight his grip on your hair is and your knees wobble from the awkward position he has you in. Instinct takes over, fight or flight, your hand connecting with his cheek in a deafening slap. He releases you from his grasp and you fall onto your back as he stumbles backwards. This time you don’t say sorry. You sit up and try to catch your breath, adrenaline still pumping through you. The Cardinal rubs at his cheek, his eyes wild and glued to you.
“The coffee was that bad?”
“Evaporated milk.” He snarls, his tight leather gloves balling into fists.
“I only drink evaporated. milk.”
All this over evaporated milk? You angrily reach into your pocket and pull out the note with instructions, waving it erratically in the air.
“Evaporated milk is not in the instructions!” You fling your arm to throw the crumpled note but it slowly drifts to the carpeted floor in front of you.
“Are you being smart with me, cretina?” There’s a strange playfulness in his voice, nestled deep in his growl. He takes a few slow steps toward you, the tension in the air rising. You blink a few times and start to inch away from him but he starts to move further in your direction. Your legs scramble beneath you to bring yourself to your feet, still startled from his advances. There’s no way he’s going to… chase you, right?
As if he could read your mind, his lips curl into a sinister grin and he bolts toward you. You nearly trip over your own feet as you take off in the opposite direction. Adrenaline is pumping through you, dodging obstacles (desk, chair, other chairs) and keeping him out of arm’s reach is only making you feel more insane. This situation is ridiculous and yet you are still terrified of him catching you, keeping your eyes forward to avoid even glancing in his direction. What the fuck is happening? You’ve never heard of any situations like this happening with previous ministry leaders. No stories, no rumors, nothing other than the Papas and Sister treating everyone with the utmost respect, with perhaps a few instances of tensions flaring — but nothing compared to whatever this is.
You round his desk again when, to your horror, the Cardinal leaps into the air, one foot landing on the seat of his chair that propels him to land two feet on top of his desk. A gasp rips from your throat as he lurches towards you, arms outstretched and fingers wiggling. He crashes into you, dragging you to the ground with him as you finally let out a scream. It all feels so — exhilarating in the most perverse way, a way that makes you feel shameful underneath all the fear. The carpet softens your impact but it still hurts, giving another shocked, pained cry after he falls on top of you. A gloved hand forcefully covers your mouth and you finally focus on him, having pinned you to the ground beneath him. The Cardinal’s nose presses against your cheek and he gives a rough growl.
“You have been quite insubordinate in your short time with this task.” His words are venomous and you can feel his spittle on your cheek. You whimper and struggle against him while he uses his body weight to pin you to the floor, his hips digging into yours to keep you in place. Something throbs against your upper thigh. Your head jerks to meet his sneering gaze, glee in his dark eyes. “You know… I have an idea of how you could make it up to me, bambina.” His words send a shiver down your spine but… but you can’t help the sudden ache between your thighs. Adrenaline is still pumping through your veins and you’re completely overwhelmed by your conflicting senses. The Cardinal’s body relaxes and his grip on you loosens, giving you a chance to break free of his hand over your mouth.
“I’ll remake your latte. I’ll get it right this time.” The panic is evident in your voice and you try to wiggle out from beneath him. He laughs —- laughs —- in your face and brushes his thumb over your soft lips, drawing a shuddered breath from your lungs.
“That won’t do, sorella, you know that.” The Cardinal purrs and pushes himself to his feet, wiping off imaginary dust from his outfit. His hard cock strains in his tight pants, nearly bursting from the seams. It’s hard to keep your eyes off of it but he tears your attention back to his gaze as he grabs you by the collar of your habit and yanks you to your knees. Your head is spinning, trying desperately to catch up with the situation. He grabs you by the chin and forces your attention thin on his face, his eyes hungry as he works his pants down with his other hand. Heat pools in your lower abdomen, pressing your thighs together as your core pulses.
“Will you obey now, sorella?” He whispers almost sweetly while his thumb presses down on your tongue. You’ve been able to hold yourself together so far but this, the taste of his leather gloves on your tongue forces a shameless groan from your mouth. The Cardinal blinks, surprised by your reaction but his lips twitch into a grin. “Oh, you will. You’ll do anything I ask, won’t you?” He removes his thumb to your dismay but he quickly replaces it with three of his gloved fingers that push far back into your mouth. Your eyes water as you gag on them and he gives a satisfied grunt. You watch as he removes them from your mouth only to use your slick to pump his cock. The Cardinal is smiling down at you, angling his hips to brush the weeping head across your cheek, drawing another moan deep from you.
“You know how to make it better.” His voice has dropped to a low rumble as he settles himself against your lips. You swallow thickly, then slowly part your lips for him, taking him into your mouth inch by inch. The Cardinal gives a hum of approval, his hand falling to rest in your hair with a far more gentle touch than you were expecting. You sink further down his length, easing your jaw and relaxing your throat until your nose is pressed against his neat pubic hair. He exhales sharply through his nose, a breath catching as you swallow around him. His cock twitches in your mouth and he gives a shallow thrust, causing you to gag. From then on, the Cardinal is relentless.
His hand knots in your hair as he fucks your face, your fingers digging into the fabric of his pants trying to hold yourself in place. Your tongue runs along the length of his cock with each thrust, his grunts and groans filling your ears. You feel so deliciously used, knees digging into the carpet and the inside of your thighs slick with arousal. The Cardinal breath starts to grow ragged, his hips stuttering as he forces your head up, meeting his gaze from beneath heavy lashes. His hazy white eye glows, the Dark One’s blessing reveling in the invocation lust, and his lips part, smeared with his black paint. You moan around his cock, nails raking down his thighs and he gives a choked growl.
“P-putana, so fucking e-eager to please.” The Cardinal hisses, tugging sharply at your hair making you whimper. “You w-want me so badly, eh, s-sorella? Sucking your Cardinal’s cock l-like a good, ah, girl.” He pulls you off of him by your hair and you stumble onto your ass again. “Don’t you? Don’t you want my cock, sorella?” He lazily strokes himself, tilting his head as he hovers over you, standing between your legs. Your heart thunders in your chest, sucking in a deep breath while your knees tremble. You know what you want to say. You want him to fuck you right here on the carpet. You want him to keep talking dirty to you. But you can’t bring yourself to speak so instead you chew on your swollen bottom lip and nod shyly.
The Cardinal has you by the hips in the blink of an eye and he flips you over so that you’re on your stomach. He hikes up your habit above the swell of your ass and toys with the hem of your panties as he presses his cock against your inner thigh.
“Ah, so wet for your Cardinal.” He hisses, his fingers grazing your slick folds. Your mouth drops open, whining as your eyes fall shut. With a surprising amount of care, the Cardinal slides your underwear down your thighs, leaving them at your knees before running his hands back up your thighs to settle them on your hips. You lean back into his touch, feeling the head of his cock against your entrance. “S-so fucking eager f-for me to take you.” He chuckles then thrusts into you without warning, burying himself to the hilt. You lurch forward, your fingers digging into the carpet, screaming out in surprise. He fills you completely, taking a moment to get used to his size while you feel him throb against your walls. “Tell me. T-tell me how badly you want this.”
“Please.” You gasp, arching your back to try and press further into him. “C-Cardinal, please.” He’s heard enough, his grip on your hips bruising as he bucks into you at a frenzied pace. His strong thighs slamming against your ass, each snap of his hips sending you forward, nearly getting fucked across the floor. You can’t stop moaning, tears streaming down your face as waves of pleasure crash over you.
He shoves your head to the floor, your cheek flush against the soft carpet, angling his hips to fuck into you even deeper. The way he moves is violent, your fingers digging into the carpet to keep yourself from collapsing. You feel your muscles start to tighten, tensing up as your legs tremble and drool starts to drip from the corner of your mouth. Cardinal… oh, Cardinal… you’re whimpering for him over and over, a stark change from the defiance you slapped him with earlier.
“S-such a fucking obedient little pup.” He hums and leans over you to press his chest against your back, his strangled breaths and moans filling your ears. The truth is, Cardinal Copia has been thinking about this — about you whimpering beneath him as he filled you — the moment he first saw you. The courtyard. The way you nearly gawked at him made his cock twitch in his cassock. He thought about what was beneath your modest habit, what sounds you make when you’re excited and needy, how your tight pussy would feel around him. He signaled a ghoul shortly thereafter to provide you with the good news and he provided the incorrect instructions himself. The Cardinal knew your type upon laying eyes on you, always so eager to follow directions, proud of your minuscule contributions to the ministry. He knew he could reduce you to this — a mess beneath him.
Your climax rips through you, burning hot currents flowing through you before collapsing beneath him as he tries to hold you upright to chase his own release. He’s so rough, so violent with you, his hips pistoning into you with such force that you’re sure your ass is going to bruise. The Cardinal is nothing more than a beast of lust in this moment, taking and taking from you until he can’t take anymore. He pulls out and ropes of cum land on your exposed, red behind. You’re frozen on the floor, heartbeat in your ears just waiting for him to make his next move, the fear starting to slowly seep back into your mind. He catches his breath behind you, fingers starting to play with your panties again before pulling them back up gingerly, trapping his cum inside you.
“Keep these on all day, sorella. That is an order.” The Cardinal purrs, giving your ass a playful slap and then rises to his feet.” You shift yourself up to your hands and knees, shakily looking over your shoulder at him. He is grinning from ear to ear, his white eye still shining. “I’ll know if you disobey.” He winks then reaches a gloved hand out to you. You don’t hesitate, taking it and allowing him to help him to your feet but you stay silent, vigilant even, in case he is going to try anything else. He gives your hand a tight squeeze once you’re to your feet and lets go, sauntering back over to his desk to pick up the book he had been reading prior to your visit.
“You’ll get my coffee 100% corretto tomorrow, si?” The Cardinal quirks a knowing brow at you, a smile still playing on his lips. You nod silently. His smile only grows and he waves his hand at you, dismissing you from his office and sinking back into his all business demeanor. You waste no time, shuffling out of the room and finally allowing yourself to breath again once the door shuts behind you.
Are you terrified of what tomorrow could bring? Yes.
Still, you can’t help but wonder how he would punish you if next time you purposefully screw up his coffee.
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honeyynymphh · 1 year
Il Cuore Della Principessa Papa IV x Fem!Reader Rating: E Word Count: 1.7k tags/warning: thigh riding, daddy dom papa, kisses, cuddles, google translated italiano summary: overworked and exhausted, Papa insists you take a break.
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“Sorella?” Bleary-eyed you look up and see Copia standing in front of you, hands clasped in front of him. The sight of him in his black suit with his meticulously painted papal paints makes you smile, albeit tiredly. You hum in response, stifling a yawn as you do. You’ve been in the library for hours now—what time was it? You glance at the large clock on the wall and notice it’s nearly eleven o’clock. Another glance out the large windows of the abbey library shows the darkened sky and you can hear the rain steadily pattering against the glass. There is barely anyone else in here. You’d only ducked out briefly for dinner and that had been hours ago.
You stretch your arms up, luxuriating in the feel of your poor cramped muscles getting a break from the hunched position you’d been cooped up in. You drop your arms and try to stifle another yawn, twiddling the pen in your hand.
“It’s time to rest, cara mia,” says Copia, coming around the large table and placing a gentle hand on your shoulder.
“But I have to get this done for Sister Imperator,” you say with a sigh, eyes dropping down to look at the pages strewn before you. Why did you agree to help Sister with Papa Terzo’s taxes…a nightmare.
“You can do so tomorrow or the next day,” he says, taking the pen out of your unresisting grasp and throwing it on the table. “Pick up your things.”
“But Sister—”
Copia takes your chin gently, but firmly, between two gloved fingers to make you look up at him.
“I am your Papa, not Imperator, and I said pick up your things,” he repeats evenly. “Now, dolce.”
With a sigh, you grab all your documents, placing them back into the numerous folders. Really, you could have worked in Sister’s office. But it was so much calmer in the library—and there was so much more space. Also, you did not like all the prying questions she had about you and Copia. You know she meant well, but it was annoying…and also, you had no idea what your relationship was with the head of the church.
He effortlessly steers you out of the silent library and towards his papal chambers, taking the folders from your hands and carefully placing them on a nearby coffee table when you enter the room. The chill from the rain had permeated the old abbey, but it was currently being banished by the low fire crackling merrily in the fireplace. When he seats himself in the overly gilded, yet surprisingly comfortable, chaise lounge in front of the flickering flames he pats the space next to him. You follow, legs dragging with how tired you are to sit next to him. Immediately he pulls you into him so your head is in the crook of his neck and your legs tangled with his as you lie together on the lounge. The smell of chapel incense still clings to him from this morning's sermon, along with the heady mix of his cologne and that earthy yet undeniable scent that is so purely him. You bury yourself into him with a contented sigh, eyes closing as you relish in the feel of the warm fire and his arms around you.
“You’ve been working so hard, dolce,” he says, voice a gentle tease. “I’ve been lonely without you.” 
Your eyes snap open at that and your hand fiddles with the fabric of his jacket as you listen to the steady beat of his heart underneath your cheek. You watch the flames flicker low in the grate for a moment before you speak.
“You’re Papa, you cannot be lonely,” you say, trying to not sound like a jealous child. But you are. You are certain he’s still managed to find someone else to warm his bed while you’ve been working overtime. You try to keep your voice casual, despite the way your words make your heart ache in your chest. “You can have any sibling you wish to keep you company.”
“I only have one principessa,” he says, the words rumbling against your cheek as he speaks.
He tucks a piece of hair behind your ear and kisses your forehead. It’s sweet. But it still makes your eyes prick as your chest is suddenly overwhelmed with feeling. You don’t want to share him. It doesn’t matter if he only calls you that, it still doesn’t stop the bitter feeling you have knowing he is still kissing others the way he kisses you. Or that he touches them with the same fingers that are now skating over your cheek.
“Mmm.” You keep fiddling with his suit jacket, fingers tracing over the embroidered grucifix.
“Principessa.” His voice is a gentle admonition. You ignore him, still letting your fingers worry the embroidery. He takes your hand away and forces you to lean back so his slightly unnerving gaze is upon yours and you quickly look down, unable to face it. “Principessa, look at me.”
Reluctantly you do and a gloved hand cups your cheek while staring defiantly at him, willing yourself not to cry. The smell of him and his hand on your face is overwhelming you, your chest aches as that unwavering gaze holds you.
“Just you, amore mio,” he says. 
You try to look away again but his hand holds you firmly. “Copia, I—” The words fail you. You cannot speak as they catch in your throat. Yet you do not need words, the man knows you too well by now.
“Shh,” he murmurs, sitting up and pulling you towards him so you’re in his lap, legs straddling him and habit bunching around the tops of your thighs. “Papa has you.”
Your throat closes with the emotion and you suck in a sharp breath to steady yourself. He removes his gloves before you feel his large hands in your hair, soothing against your scalp. When he brings you closer, tucking your head under his chin you can’t help the few tears that fall. You’re so tired, and stressed—oh, you are happy to help Imperator, but it’s a lot of tedious work. The possibility that you do not have to share this man with anyone else is too much right now and the inviting pull of sinking into his embrace is too hard to ignore. All you want is to stay safe in his arms, letting the soothing motion of his hands stroking your hair lull you into a gentle reverie.
“Do you need Papa?” he asks, once more tilting your head up to look at him. He sighs at the sight of tears on your face and you press your lips together to stop the sob from escaping. When you give a quick but fervent nod, he wipes the tears from your cheeks. “No more tears, principessa.”
He leans his, lips capturing yours effortlessly. Despite the paint, you melt into it. Or perhaps you have simply grown too used to the paint, and the taste of it is merely a promise of pleasure to come. The hands in your hair move to hold your face as his tongue snakes into your mouth. Your own hands are pressed against his chest, the solid feeling of it is a steadying comfort as you are consumed by the urgent way you respond to his kiss. Your entire body is suddenly on fire for him, the melancholy starting to slink away back into the shadows as Papa nips at your bottom lip. A whimper manages to escape and you press your mouth against his with earnest, grinding into his lap in your desperation to be closer.
“Papa…” you whine.
The man nips at your lip again and you feel the gentle rumble of his low chuckle when you press yourself down against him again. It’s impossible to ignore the hardness pressing against you when he is wearing those tight trousers and you’re overcome with wanton desperation at the thought of him buried within you. Hastily you move to undo his jacket but he grabs your wrists with ease and you catch the smirk on his smudged lips.
“You have such little patience, principessa,” he teases, releasing your wrists and shifting you over so he can spread his legs. With you now straddling a single thigh, he pushes it up against your clothed sex. Your hands move to grip at his shoulders as it sends a wave of bliss rolling through you, leaving only a want for more in its wake. “You need to calm a little…relax, si? Go slow.”
You nod and he presses his thigh up against your pussy again making you moan. The friction feels far too good and you don’t need any more words from him to start rubbing yourself against his thigh. It’s solid beneath you and whenever he presses it up to meet you, causing your clit to throb at the added pressure your breath hitches.
“Good girl,” he says, hands moving to hold your waist. “You use Papa.”
Your movements get quicker as you feel your core tightening, the tendrils of bliss just within reach. You are sure you must be ruining his trousers, you can feel the sodden fabric of your knickers as you rub yourself against his thigh. It’s nowhere near as good as having his cock in you, or his fingers, but right now you are too keyed up to care. It’s friction, delicious friction, and the way Papa holds you in place has you keening. The tension snaps quickly when he presses his thigh against your clit and you come, the sweet relief making fresh tears prick at your eyes.
You ride it out against him, moaning as the pleasure ripples through you. Hands grip his suit jacket, creasing the fabric as you frantically hold onto him. A few moments pass as you come back to yourself, breaths evening out as Papa brushes a hand against your forehead before leaning in to plant a kiss.
“Does that feel better, la mia piccola principessa?” Another kiss is pressed against your forehead and you can’t help but smile. “Tell me.”
“Yes, Papa,” you breathe, sliding closer to him so you can tuck your head back under his chin.
“Sei l'unico per me, dolce.” Arms wrapping around you, he holds you close. “Just you, capisci? The only one for Papa.”
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Amore mio - My love
La mia piccola principessa - My little princess
Sei l'unico per me, dolce - You’re the only one for me, dolce
Capisci? - You understand?
I have not proof read this and its like 12:30am but WOOH.
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leezlelatch · 10 months
Lust in Your Eyes
18+ MDNI
The Cardinal waits for you in your room...but sometimes, he's impatient.
Directly inspired by my beloved @writingjourney's fic.
Filthy self indulgent smut, PLEASE see tags.
Copia x F! Reader - pervy Copia, scent kink, smelling of personal items, masturbation, desperation, breeding kink, explicit conversations, explicit thoughts, self-degradation, self-encouragement, possessive, going through personal items, using articles of clothing for masturbation, caught in the act, p in v, cunnilingus, praise, domination, loud Copia, loud reader, no clean up, teasing, fluff, endearments, exchange of I love you, talk of aftercare.
“Amore?” Copia questions, popping the door open and peeking around the wood. His eyebrows are raised, lips parted slightly, black smudged along the bottom from a day of pressing his lips together in concentration. His eyes briefly roam across the small expanse of your room in the residency hall of the Ministry, huffing a laugh when he spots the stuffed rat he bought you lovingly placed on a pillow in your bed. 
He pushes the rest of the door open enough to squeeze his body through, nearly hopping inside before shutting it with his bottom. He pockets the spare key and pulls out his phone, turning it over right side up. “Eugggh…ah! Here we go,” he grumbles, flipping it open. The screen lights up and he raises a hand. “Eureka!” 
He holds it away from himself and presses with a heavy gloved finger to open his messages, looking at the last text you sent him. 
Hi, sweetie. :) meet me at my room when you’re done? 
Copia smiles, the endearment, as always, warming his cheeks. You must be running a little late. He pockets his phone and rubs his hands together with a sigh as he glances around your room once more. He walks over to the small fish tank on your desk, bending over to peer inside at the betta fish relaxing amongst the greenery growing within the tank. 
“Hi! Hello, Big Betta. Where is your mama, huh?” Copia shrugs when the beta doesn’t respond and stands upright again, taking off his biretta and placing it on the desktop. He leaves through your record collection, making small noises of appreciation, just wasting time until he has you in his arms again. 
Abandoning the shelf of records, he sits down on your bed, running his hand across the comforter. With a sigh, Copia falls back, closing his eyes as your scent envelopes him. He turns on his side and follows the pattern of the bedspread with a single finger, a crooked smile on his lips as he thinks about the very naughty things the two of you have gotten up to in this very bed. 
He turns his nose into the soft material, taking a deep breath, his mouth falling open slightly. He turns onto his stomach, drawing his legs up as he skims the tip of his nose across the length of the bed, crawling forward until he reaches your pillow. 
“Amore mio,” he rasps, pants growing uncomfortably tight as he presses his face into your pillow. He rotates his hips, pushing the seam of his zipper into his hardening cock, a pathetic noise bubbling from his throat. 
Copia freezes then, the silence following his moan terrible as he realizes what he’s doing. The Cardinal heaves a frustrated sigh and drops his head into your pillow. The man is so desperate for you. He won’t deny that. Desperate for your love. Desperate for your body. Desperate for any crumb of your attention he can get. He spent the day half-hard after reading your text, eyes following the clock religiously, counting down the hours. 
The Cardinal is not ashamed of his lust, but…perhaps he shouldn’t be humping your bed when you’re not here. A slow smile lifts the corners of his mouth. 
Or at least, not here to see it. It wouldn’t do to waste his seed on anything that isn’t the temple with which he worships. Your beautiful body. Your tight pussy. Your womb which he aches to fill. 
Copia rolls onto his back and lets out a breath, staring at the ceiling. He grimaces, reaching down to adjust the insistent throb, fighting with his cassock. “Cazzo…,” he growls, sitting up and quickly unbuttoning the suffocating material, ripping it from his body. He nearly falls off the bed in the process, grabbing the bedside table for support. Your lamp sways violently and the few things you have on the surface shake and nearly fall off, but finally Copia throws the offending cassock to the floor. 
He turns toward the mirror nailed to the small piece of wall next to your closet and smooths his hair back. He stares at himself, running a hand across his soft stomach as he turns to the side, admiring the way his cock tents his pants. Copia chuckles softly and palms himself, meeting his gaze in the mirror. “You’re a dirty old fucker, eh?” He sighs. “Satana, I need her so much.”
Copia checks the clock on your desk, eager for the time to pass. Missing you. Craving you. His entire body alight with the need to have you. Keep you tucked in his arms and in bed. Warm and soft and satisfied. He’d cook for you, care for you, ensure that his precious girl never wants for anything. You’re already his wife in his mind, Copia need only buy the ring.
He turns, idly debating on returning to the warmth of your bed when his eyes fall on the door to your closet. It’s ajar, the cut of the light from your room illuminating a few items of clothing which hang from the rack. Copia slips his fingers through the opening, teasing the door open the rest of the way. A shuddering breath pushes from his throat as the dress you wore to dinner last week reveals itself in all its sinful satin, hanging prettily as if it was waiting for him. 
Copia hastily pulls his glove off his hand with his teeth, tossing the leather carelessly over his shoulder. With a nearly shaking hand, he reaches out, pressing searching fingers against the dress, his senses burning with the memory of how it felt to rip it from your body. He’s surprised it survived, looking nearly picture perfect. Its only failure is that you’re not wearing it. 
Copia’s cock jumps, straining against his trousers. He whimpers, a small “mmm!” when he reaches down to unzip, his fingers brushing against the wet patch in his underwear. Copia pulls the dress from the closet with a frenzy, holding the hanger in one hand while the other frantically pulls down his underwear, letting his painful cock bob in the air, freezing against his heated skin. He lightly smacks it, watching with a groan as it bounces, the tip red with just the sweetest drop of precum pearled within the slit. 
He stands there almost unsure for a moment, eyes falling to your door and then your doorknob. Oh, if it turned right now. If you caught him. The thought makes him shake with need, and he toes off his shoes, kicking his pants and underwear off to the side. He leaves his socks, doesn’t bother to unbutton his clerical shirt, his only remaining thought being to fuck his cock into your dress. 
Copia drops to the floor, the floorboards rough on his knees. He groans, and then laughs, the sudden protest of his knees rocking him back to lucidity for a moment. Cardinal Copia, a devotee of lust. Horny and desperate and ready to pleasure himself with the memory of you, the scent of you, until he has you under him again. 
Where are you? 
Copia yanks the dress from the hanger, bunching it up in his hands and passing the cool satin across his thighs. 
“Oh…amore, la mia preziosa ragazza! Ti amo, ti amo cosi tanto,” he whispers fervently, eyes shut tight as he imagines you before him, wearing the dress he so violently clings to. 
He finally moves the dress higher, moaning low and deep, drawn out into a high pitched keen as he finally gives his cock the attention it so craves. 
“Copia?” Your voice cuts through his lustful haze, and Copia’s eyes snap open, falling on your surprised expression at the door. He stands up so quickly, he falls backwards onto your bed. The dress covers his weeping cock, the Cardinal looking a mess while splayed across your bed, cheeks red. 
It’s quiet for several moments. 
“Did I keep you waiting too long?” You ask softly, dropping your bag and moving toward the bed. 
Copia pulls the dress off of him, cock so hard it curves toward his stomach. “Look at what you’ve done, topolino. Your Cardinal hurts.” 
“I’m sorry, sweetie. I should have hurried.” You pick up the dress, looking at it with a pout. “Were you going to cum on my dress?” 
“Of course not,” he admonishes. He sits up and curls a finger, smiling as you dutifully flock to his side. He takes your hand, bringing it to his lips, the scratch of his mustache a comfort to you. “Nothing wrong with a little…foreplay, sì? I missed you so much.” 
“I missed you,” you sigh, wrapping your arms around his neck. Your lips meet, Copia hands insistent as he pulls you down to straddle his hips on the edge of the bed. Licking into your mouth, the man flips you, your back hitting the mattress. He ruts into your clothed sex, your surprised squeak swallowed by his mouth. He pulls away to nearly tear your leggings and panties off your body, flinging them into the open door of the closet so hard they rattle the hangers inside. 
Copia slides his hands up your inner thighs, spreading your legs to stare unabashedly at your pussy. “Surely I’ve been given favor by the Dark Lord…,” he murmurs, leaning in to drag two fingers through your folds, spreading your lips. “I’ve been waiting all day to taste you.”
His gaze flashes to yours, his lips pulling into a smirk as he gets comfortable on the bed, hooking his arms around your spread thighs. “Watch your Cardinal worship,” he whispers. 
He moans, loud and unashamed when your pussy flutters at his words, your slick rapidly sweetening his evening meal. “Don’t worry, dolce. I’ll fill that pretty hole soon enough.” 
Copia’s lips close over your clit and he sucks. His tongue flicks, curling around the sensitive nub. You buck your hips with a cry and he moves a hand to your belly to drop them back to the bed, pressing firmly. He keeps you there, attached to his mouth, laving his tongue over and between your folds, dipping into your entrance. His cock gives a powerful kick against the mattress as your walls pull in his tongue. 
“Your Cardinal knows,” he coos. Your answering whimper makes him smile. “Sì, sì, he knows.” 
“Copia, please,” you beg, rocking your hips into his face, trying to get that perfect nose to hit just right. 
This makes him laugh, “My eager topolino. I’m eager, too.” 
He kisses up your body, bunching your shirt in a hand as he drags it along. He fumbles for a moment, fighting with your bra, a few choice curses flying into the air before the bra also thwacks against the wall. 
“Oh, dolce,” Copia tsks, gently kissing the red marks left behind from your bra. “We will take a break from wearing that, yes? Find you something more comfortable. I can’t have you in pain…they must be so sore.” 
He lavishes attention across your breasts, alternating between sucking your pebbled nipples and gently soothing his tongue across the sore marks. The only marks on your gorgeous breasts should be from his mouth. Copia blows against the wet line of his saliva, a grateful sigh making your chest rise and fall from the cool sensation. 
“That’s my baby,” he murmurs. 
Copia glances down to where his cock rests between your legs, lifting his hips to drag it along your slick, a full body shudder wracking his frame as he moans. He reaches down to wrap long fingers around the length of him, pumping into his fist once, twice, a third time that has his toes curling in his socks. 
His eyes meet yours and he leans in for a gentle, lingering kiss. “Are you ready?” He asks, gaze adoring. 
“I need you,” you respond, tilting your hips up. 
Copia places his tip at your entrance, adjusting to bracket you between his arms, your breaths mingling from how close your faces are now. “Be my brava ragazza and take your Cardinal’s cock, hmm? Can you do that for me?” He whispers, rubbing his nose against yours. 
“Yes,” you gasp, feeling the stretch of him as he pushes into you, his cock filling you in a rush of perfection that has you crying his name already. 
His thrusts are messy. Stuttering. Copia struggles to find a rhythm, so overwhelmed by the feeling of you. His love. His soulmate. To be inside you is to know the euphoria of damnation. His hands slide under your body and he pulls you impossibly closer as he slides his legs under for leverage, pistoning into you. 
Copia’s own cries rival yours, filling the small space of your bedroom, the slap of your skin against his as delicious accompaniment. He collapses on top of you, still pushing, humping, grinding into your soaked cunt, his lips dragging along your shoulder, making a path to your lips. 
“I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum,” you chant, breathless. He claims your mouth, curling his tongue around yours while his hand reaches between your bodies to circle your clit. Your back arches off the bed, breasts pressed against his chest as your orgasm rips through you, your mouth caught open in a shout of ecstasy. Your hips cant against his, your hole spasming around his cock, milking him dry as he jerks, thighs trembling with his own orgasm. He screams into your skin, head buried in your neck, his hips making quick, tight circles as he rides out his climax. 
Copia rolls off, a heavy weight, arms hooked around you to make you follow so you’re both on your sides, legs intertwined. He places exhausted little kisses all over your face. 
“My heart. My love. My soul. My sweetheart. My future. My everything. Ti amo. Ti amo. I love you,” each of his soft words punctuated with a kiss. 
He tilts your face up with a gentle hand to your jaw, searching your eyes. You have to smile, the black make up encircling his eyes smeared all down his cheeks. “Are you okay, baby? Everything feels okay?” He asks, his voice sleepy and sweet. 
“Everything is perfect,” you answer, pressing a kiss to the tip of his nose that makes him giggle. 
“Eh…I’m going to feel that in the morning,” he chuckles, tucking you against his chest. 
“I should leave you waiting more often.”
Copia playfully growls, ducking his head to press a kiss to your lips. “Next time, I’ll get into your underwear drawer.” 
“No!” You giggle, pushing against him. “I already lost three pairs to you.” 
“Yes,” he says, nodding with a little smirk. “I confiscate. Too many things between my mouth and your pussy.” 
“Copia!” You gasp, your cheeks flaming as you fight a grin. “You’re awful.” 
“Ah, you love it,” he shrugs. His expression turns serious then, pleading as he looks at you, wrapped in his embrace where you belong. “You love me?” 
“Very much,” you murmur, pressing a hand to his cheek. “I love you so very much.” 
Copia turns his face into your hand, placing a kiss in the center of your palm. “We go to my room now, eh? A hot bath will do us both good.” 
“You’re gonna make me walk?” You groan softly, rolling onto your back as Copia makes to get up with a sore grunt. 
“You’ll thank me tomorrow.” 
You sit up, your muscles feeling thoroughly used, and make to grab a towel from your dresser. You can feel his cum smearing along your thighs. 
“No, amore,” Copia says, his back to you as he begins to dress. “That’s what the bath is for.” 
“But I still have to walk down to your room,” you say, turning to look at him, the towel clutched in your hand. 
“Yes, you do.” Copia pauses to return your gaze, expectant.  
You drop the towel, blushing softly, “Yes, Cardinal.” 
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A/N: {😈 I hope everyone’s New Year is off to an amazing start!! Here I am to bother you all yet again with another text fiction! Don’t judge me I really love them and they’re so fun and quick to make! Sodo knows something the reader doesn’t, but that doesn’t mean she can’t still have fun at Secondo’s New Year Bash. You just may need a chaperone😈}
Warnings: {⚠️18+ Language⚠️}
Pairings: {Platonic!Sodo Ghoul x Reader}
Format: {Text Fiction}
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writingjourney · 14 days
I Knew Nothing But Shadows pt. 17
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Chapter 17: How Could You Think, Darlin', I'd Scare So Easily?
>> Click here to read!!
Chapter Summary:
You and Copia both spend some time reflecting on the progress in your relationship. After a passionate moment in the studio you suddenly find yourself ready to confront what still weighs on your heart.
Special shoutout to @ghelullu for inspiring the spicy scene in this chapter with their art you can find here! (18+). It's stunning and yes I stared at it for a very very long time writing this chapter :)
Chapter Content:
7.8k words, some Terzo shenanigans, references to past trauma, sickness, loss, mild angst, confessions, smut (oral f!receiving, p in v sex, desk/table sex), 18+ MDNI
SIDE NOTE: If you want to be tagged in chapters in the future pls let me know. You can also join my tag lists here! ♡
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the-curator1 · 8 months
In the Darkness of your dreams
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Demon!Copia x Fem!Reader
Author Note: This story was inspired by the fantastic fic Call Me, Little Sunshine by @the-hole-in-terzos-shoe. If you haven't read it, go do it now! It's a gem. English is not my first language, so if you notice any mistakes, please don't hesitate to point them out to me.
This one is quite sweet? But I'll promise I'll be more spooky next time.
Summary: It is not easy being a demon. It gets lonely sometimes in a cold empty house. While it can be funny and thrilling to be all threatening and scary, sometimes all he would need is a companion. (≈6500 words)
Tags and TW: Copia POV, reader POV, kind of love at first sight (because I'm a hopeless romantic), home invasion, men being absolute creeps, but Copia is kind of your guardian angel demon, a hint of angst, spooky vibes, a very vivid dream, smut (my first smutty fic)
The old house groaned with the weight of its own history. Copia knew all of its secrets all too well, for he had been bound to this forsaken place for many years now. It was not easy being a demon. Actually, most of the time, it was very lonely. The initial thrill of scaring the inhabitants of the house had long given way to a profound loneliness that gnawed at him like a relentless hunger.
At first, he took delight in watching people flee in terror, their screams of sheer horror echoing in the cold, dimly lit hallways. He revelled in the satisfaction of driving them away. If anyone displeased him, as was often the case, he would relentlessly ensure they never returned.  He would slam doors with thunderous force, create eerie and unsettling noises, whisper chilling words into their ears, break their belongings, make their dog bark and occasionally if pushed to the brink of anger, he would even resort to biting or scratching the intruders. However, he would really show himself on very rare occasions.
But now, it had been an eternity since anyone had dared to settle within the walls of the house. The last intruders had been no more than fleeting shadows, and even their presence had ceased to amuse him. As Copia lingered in the darkness, he pondered the cruel irony of his existence, bound to a house he had come to hate, condemned to an eternity of solitude and yearning for something he could not quite define.
But one day, a man crossed the threshold of the old house. He was neither young nor old, with a presence that sent shivers down Copia's spine. The demon felt something unsettling about this visitor. Even a demon such as him could feel something was off. Instead of unleashing his usual frightful antics, Copia watched, his cold eyes fixed on this new intruder. For a moment, the man inspected the damaged house. It was only after a while that Copia realized the man was surely the new owner: he saw the “For sale” sign in front of the house being removed a few days ago.
His suspicions were confirmed when a group of men in work overalls invaded his place in the following days. They laboured tirelessly, painting the walls, mending the creaking stairs, and reviving the old house. Copia knew what this was about– someone was going to settle in the house. Copia hoped it was not the man that he saw for he did not like him… not at all.
As the once-desolate rooms transformed with each brushstroke and hammer strike, Copia's world shifted with them. The air was filled with the scent of fresh paint, the echoes of hammers and saws, and the laughter of the workers. Copia was not pleased with their unbearable hurly-burly however he decided not to disturb their work. These men were doing nothing but their job, and Copia liked to think of himself as a considerate demon. Moreover, he could not help but wonder what surprise destiny had in store for him… 
And this surprise was you. 
One fateful morning, Copia laid his eyes upon you. There you stood on the threshold of the freshly painted wooden front door, holding a suitcase in your delicate hand Copia felt his heart beating out of his chest… if he had one. You were a vision of radiance, stunning and alluring. Your lustrous hair, your gleaming eyes, the elegant contour of your nose, the outline of your lips, and the captivating curves of your body. Copia was well aware that you could not see him unless he allowed it.
He summoned the courage to approach you, drawn in by your magnetic presence, when... He saw him. The man from last time. This bald fucker. He appeared behind you, his eyes cold and unrelenting. a surge of cold anger seized Copia’s chest. A low growl rumbled in his spectral form.
You took a step forward when you felt him behind you, unease clearly etched on your face as the man inched closer. He casually placed a hand on your waist.
“How do you like the entrance hall, Miss?” he asked, his voice oozing with a sly and unsettling grin.
Copia's anger grew as he observed the scene unfold.
“I love it,” you said, your voice was like a melody to Copia’s ear.
His anger quickly subsided, he was focused on you again. At least you were not receptive to the man’s obvious advances. He started to show you around the house. Copia quietly followed you, his eyes never leaving you. 
As the bald man concluded the tour of the house and engaged in conversation with you, Copia couldn't help but notice the way his eyes lingered on you, an unsettling gaze that made Copia's blood boil.
However, Copia's mood shifted when he witnessed the man presenting you with a set of keys, a wide smile gracing his face. At this moment, the lonely demon knew it was the start of something known… Maybe something good? 
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The movers had left. A peaceful silence enveloped the house, only disturbed by the gentle hum of your voice. You were meticulously arranging your numerous books on a shelf. Copia was hidden in the shadows, watching you closely from the dark corner you had chosen as your bedroom.
You were nothing short of enchanting in his eyes, the most beautiful thing he had seen in his long, lonely existence. He longed to draw closer, to be near you, to feel your earthly warmth. His spectral form shifted in your direction, inching closer, driven by a desire he had never felt before.
But clumsy as he was, in his attempt to approach, Copia inadvertently knocked over an old chandelier you had placed on a nearby table. The sudden crash startled you, and you swiftly turned around, eyes wide with alarm. Copia's heart, if he had one, pounded in his chest. He did not want to scare you! He already knew he would not try to drive you away, not ever. You were his chance not to be lonely anymore.
You carefully approached and picked up the chandelier, a slight frown grazing your beautiful face. Copia watched in silence, concealed in the shadows. For a moment, you looked around, your eyes scanning the room as if trying to make sense of the unexpected disturbance. After a brief pause, you placed the chandelier back on the table, ensuring it wouldn't teeter too close to the edge. Copia could finally breathe again: you probably thought the chandelier had fallen by itself…  Then you left the room, and the demon followed you like a love-sick puppy.
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On that evening, Copia continued to observe you as you prepared for bed. His spectral gaze followed your every movement, his fascination growing with every passing moment. Your grace and beauty held him captivated, as you went about your routine, unaware of his watchful gaze. His longing, however, remained a silent ache within him, a desire to be closer, to understand you better. Copia yearned for a connection beyond the bounds of his spectral form.
Not now… I don’t want to scare her. 
For now, he observed your every move, his gaze lingering on your silhouette as you undressed. You were gorgeous. Even Mother Lilith would be jealous of your beauty. He felt a growing ache in his chest, an ache that could only be soothed by the touch of your skin…
He wanted to touch you.
When you slipped beneath the covers and turned off the bedside lamp, you were asleep within moments. The weariness from the day's work had claimed you, leaving you vulnerable in the quiet, moonlit room. Copia emerged from the darkest corners of the dimly lit chamber, his form silent as he ventured closer.
He longued to touch you. 
His clawed hands barely grazed your bare arm. The warmth of your body and the softness of your skin sent shivers down his spectral form, a sensation he had not experienced in an eternity. He knew it was wrong to take advantage of your slumber. He knew he could wake you up and scare you to death. But he could not help himself.  And he was a demon after all, why couldn’t he indulge in a bit of wickedness?  Moreover, his intentions were not really malevolent.
So, he gave in to his desire, tracing his fingers across your face, through your hair, and down your legs, which were revealed by your short nightgown. He even placed a gentle kiss on your cheek. Copia believed his touch was to be soft enough not to wake you, and indeed, you slept peacefully until morning's first light filtered through the curtains.
As you stirred in your sleep, a sign that you would soon awaken, Copia hastily retreated into the shadows even if he knew you could not quite see him. His ghostly form disappeared from view. Copia watched you as you stretched, and then, you got up and walked to the bathroom. He was about to follow you when he heard you gasp loudly.
“What the hell!” your voice echoed through the house.
Worry gripped Copia, and he rushed to the bathroom. There, he found you standing in front of the mirror, your eyes fixed on numerous scratch marks that scarred your arms… And on the trace of black paint on your cheek.
Guilt started to gnaw at Copia's demon heart. As he watched you in your fear and confusion, he knew that he was the cause of those scratch marks. He had only wanted to caress you, to feel the warmth of your living body, not to hurt you… How could he have believed he could possess a gentle touch? What had he been thinking? In that moment, Copia was haunted by his own actions and the realization that his desire had brought fear and harm to the very person he longed to be with.
Copia watched in silence as you picked up your phone and called someone. He figured you were talking to one of your friends. He observed you frantically explaining what had happened: the chandelier falling, the scratch marks. Your voice was trembling with fear. But as your friend spoke, he noticed a change. You seemed to grow calmer. Copia strained to hear the distant voice on the other end of the line.
“You probably moved in your sleep, you did that to yourself, darl… as for the trace on your face, you said you used paint to work in your house right?”
“Yes…” you answered in a quiet voice
“See? There is nothing to worry about,” your friend's voice assured you.
Copia's invisible presence remained in the shadows as you hung up a few moments later. He felt that you were still a bit agitated but relieved.  The demon followed you as you moved about the house, preparing yourself for the day. His guilt was soon replaced by desire and longing again. He wanted to be near you again. But next time, he would need to be more careful. Maybe next time, he will try something else…
In the afternoon, a knock echoed on your door. Opening it, you were greeted by the sight of your landlord, a smug grin on his face. Copia emitted a low growl at the sight of that man once more... What could he possibly want this time?
"Hi, Miss," the man greeted, leaning casually against the doorframe. "I just wanted to check if everything is going well for you. Have you settled in comfortably?"
“Y-Yeah” you replied, a fake smile on your beautiful lips “Everything is okay thank you, sir”
Copia's presence loomed nearby, watching carefully the interaction. 
“Wonderful,” the landlord said, his voice lowering an octave
He leaned closer to you, and you took a hesitant step back. Copia keenly observed your discomfort. A fiery anger swelled in his spectral chest. How dare this man intrude on your personal space and make you feel uneasy?
Your eyes widened, and a sense of unease washed over you.
“Uh… I don’t know,” you began, your voice wavering. “I don’t think so... I still have work to do.”
The man's expression darkened briefly, and he scowled at your response. Then, his unsettling smile returned.
“Oh, that’s okay,” he said, his tone dripping with insincerity. “I'll ask you again when you have more time…”
You merely nodded as the man finally left, and Copia watched in silence as you closed the door behind him. He longed to comfort you, to alleviate the distress you felt, but what could he do from the shadows? 
However, you seemed to gather your composure, making an effort to put the encounter behind you. Moments later, you put on your coat, grabbed your car keys, and left the house. Copia was left alone with his thoughts, haunted by the image of your lovely, sweet presence. He wanted all of you.  And he wanted you all to himself. That man was definitely going to be a problem.
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When you got back home with the groceries, the night had already settled in, shrouding your garden in darkness. At first, you just wanted to go out to get some groceries but you ended up spending the afternoon at the mall. You needed that. The strange noises, the scratch marks, you weird landlord… You needed some time to think and to take a step back and you began to reconsider it all. Perhaps it was all a product of your overactive imagination. After all, this was a new beginning, a fresh chapter in your life, the house was ancient, and your head was full of ghost stories. As for the landlord… creepy men were everywhere, you just had to be careful. The rent was really low and you did not want to leave your dream house for some mediocre disgusting man. 
You got out your keys to unlock the door. At that very instant, your gaze was drawn to a peculiar sight. There, on the first-floor window, was the shadowy outline of a tall figure, its eyes glowing like eerie beacons, fixed on you. But as quickly as you blinked, the apparition vanished into thin air. You felt your heart start to beat faster, but you tried to calm down anyway… You were really tired, were you not? 
Pushing the door open, you entered cautiously. Your heart was pounding with the fear that an intruder might have entered your house. 
"Hello?" you called out, your voice shaking
With your groceries set aside and the door closed and locked behind you, you retrieved your trusty pepper spray from your bag. And so, you embarked on a meticulous search of your home, meticulously inspecting every closet and even peeking beneath the bed. However, no one was there. A sense of relief washed over you. You really needed some sleep. 
After a comforting shower, you went through your familiar nighttime rituals, determined to brush off the unsettling events of the day. You did your best to disregard the creaks and groans of the aging house.
It’s a super old house, you tried to convince yourself, it makes noises, it’s nothing but normal.
Moments later, you found yourself in bed, cocooned in the safety of your covers, determined to tune out the persistent creaking of the old wooden floor in the house. With each creak and pop, you tried to convince yourself it was just the house settling, just a strange symphony of its ancient timbers. Eventually, the comforting embrace of sleep began to sweep you away, and you allowed yourself to succumb to its soothing embrace.
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“If this world is wearing thin
And you're thinking of escape
I'll go anywhere with you…”
A gentle, velvety voice beckoned to you as you were standing in the entry hall. Its cadence was soft and enchanting, a siren's call in the dark. Instead of inciting fear, it drew you closer to it. As you followed the voice, your surroundings transformed. The house dissolved into a serene, velvety darkness, wrapping you in a shroud of calmness. It was like being enveloped in a plush, black coat or floating in an infinite pool of inky tranquillity. You climbed up the stairs slowly as the voice continued to sing.
“Just wrap me up in chains
But if you try to go alone
Don't think I'll understand”
You were irresistibly attracted to the voice. Now, you were walking in the corridor that led toward your room. 
“Stay with me…”
You were acutely aware that the voice was calling out to you, and it sent a flurry of a thousand butterflies fluttering in your stomach. It was so seductive, so alluring… It was impossible to resist. The voice drew you closer with every word. You got to the red-painted door of your room. You put your hand on the doorknob. 
“In the silence of your room
In the darkness of your dreams
You must only think of me…”
The voice was getting more and more seductive, more and more sultry. And you felt a growing heat between your legs. You opened the door.
“... There can be no in-between
When your pride is on the floor
I'll make you beg for more”
There he was. The man to whom this enchanting voice belonged. His eyes were a mesmerizing juxtaposition, one a gentle shade of green, akin to the soft caress of a feather, while the other was white, cold, and empty, like the sharp sting of a needle. His face was a canvas painted in black and white, with hollow sockets drawn around his eyes and a mouth contorted into the eerie visage of a skull. But how you found him attractive… you found him so very handsome. His outstretched hand beckoned you. You moved closer to him as if in a trance. He said your name before his voice started to sing again.
“Stay with me…”
Like an automaton, you walked toward him. What was this man doing in your room? Who was he? You did not know. In fact, you could not care less about the answer.
You found yourself standing before him, your hand instinctively reaching for his. Your gaze remained locked onto his enigmatic eyes. His painted lips curved into a captivating smile, and he gently raised your hand to his lips, placing a tender kiss on your knuckles.
"Now, you belong to me, dolcezza," he whispered, his voice a sultry blend of desire and affection, wrapping you in an irresistible enchantment.
His gaze burned with an intensity of raw desire that left you feeling as if the world were spinning around you. His white eyes were glowing like the sharpest diamond. In that moment, all you could perceive was an enveloping silence with his voice being the sole existence in your reality. 
Suddenly, the man pulled you toward him and his mouth began to ravish your neck. His gloved hands roamed your body, an almost electric touch. A gasp escaped your lips as he effortlessly lifted you and gently tossed you onto your bed. In the blink of an eye, he was on top of you, his mouth continuing its exploration of the delicate skin of your neck. A fiery passion enveloped both of you, threatening to burn you whole. His hands were now on your thighs, exploring the sensitive skin. Your entire being was consumed by an intense, burning desire for him. It was an insatiable longing, a burning hunger that had taken hold of you.
"Mine, all mine..." the man growled, his words resonating with this feral, possessive energy.
You somehow knew that he was not human; the growls, these unearthly eyes, that aura about him. But in that moment, in the throes of desire and pleasure, you could not have cared less about all of that. All that mattered was the intoxicating connection that bound you together. And like that, almost without thought, his name escaped your lips. 
"Copia..." you whispered a name that seemed to flow from some dark corner of your mind
You felt him smile against your heated skin. His mouth continued its scorching journey, leaving a trail of open-mouthed kisses along your jaw. There was a pause, his lips hovering just above yours. Then, he captured your mouth with a fierce and passionate kiss, a clash of teeth and tongues that left you moaning into his kiss. Your hands roamed his back with equal intensity, while your legs locked around his hips. You desperately wanted to pull him closer. Copia's hips eagerly moved against yours. Finally, he broke the kiss, leaving you breathless, panting for more, and utterly consumed by a desire that had become impossible to deny.
“Oh Lucifer, amore… Let me have you” he murmured “Say yes to me…”
You did not even have to think. You nodded eagerly.
“Yes. Oh, yes, please… Copia”
In an instant, his painted lips were on you again. A gasp of pleasure escaped your lips as he swiftly and decisively removed your nightgown, leaving you exposed to his fervent desires. It seems like he was everywhere all at once. His clawed hands traced a path across your skin, marking you with fiery scratch marks that only intensified the pleasure. You didn't mind the marks, in fact, they were making you even more excited.
His name became a sacred mantra, a litany that you repeated. The passion between you both grew with every breath, every whisper of his name. He gave more kisses on your chest, on your stomach. Then with fervent passion, he peppered your thighs with heated kisses, leaving smudged black paint on your skin as a sensual mark of his presence. The intense heat between your legs had become almost unbearable, causing your thighs to glisten with the undeniable signs of your arousal.
With the same impulsiveness that had marked his earlier actions, he tore away your panties, a sudden, thrilling act that made you yelp. It left a faint burn and a red mark on your skin, sensations he promptly soothed with tender caresses and soft kisses. Then, with unbridled desire, he began to lap at the wetness on the skin in your inner thighs, igniting a fire of passion that left you gasping and trembling.
“You taste so good, amore… so good” he purred as his mouth drew nearer to your most intimate area.
His tongue then moved with an electrifying swiftness, delving between your delicate folds, drawing incontrollable squirms and gasps of unbridled pleasure from you. His fervent attention was akin to a starved man feasting, and his primal growls reverberated through your core, stirring a wild, untamed desire within you. Your fingers tangled in his greying hair as moans spilled from your lips, refusing to be contained.
You gazed downward, you saw his white eyes filled with enchanting mischief that sent a shiver of longing down your spine. With every passing moment, you inched closer and closer to the precipice, teetering on the edge of an impending ecstasy that promised to consume you entirely. There was no trace of fear, not even a fleeting second of doubt. In this captivating moment, fear was eclipsed by an overwhelming sense of vitality and desire.
You had never felt so alive… 
Your eyes snapped open, and reality crashed in on you. The room felt stiflingly warm, and your breath came in laboured gasps. As you looked around, you realized that you were still in your own bed. It had all been a vivid, intoxicating dream. A wave of profound disappointment washed over you, leaving you with a lingering ache in your chest. The intensity of that dream had awakened desires and feelings within you like never before. In that ephemeral world, you had felt wanted, desirable, and perhaps even loved in a way you had never experienced in waking life. The contrast between the dream and reality left a bittersweet yearning.
The vivid memory of his touch, his heated breath against your skin, and the sensation of his tongue between your legs lingered in your mind, leaving your body burning with the memory of his passion. Who was this man? Have you encountered him before? Why did he feel so unearthly, so unlike any human? These questions swirled through your thoughts until you came to a realization: it was merely a dream, after all… wasn’t it?
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Copia had entered your dreams that night. He was aware it was bad. But he was a demon for Lucifer’s sake, it was in his nature! And it’s not like he could control the reaction you had in your own dream.  He knew he could have frightened you, but you seemed so responsive… you wanted him. Copia had retreated into a corner of the room when you woke up. Why on earth did you have to wake up by the way? The demon was still mad with desire at this point and mad with love. You were so lovely, so sweet, how he longed to be near you again, to feel your warmth not only in your dream this time, to take you as his own…
Copia's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the front door opening. You were absent that afternoon. You left about one hour ago, were you already back? The demon cautiously moved toward the entrance hall, his presence hidden in the darkness. He froze when he saw the one who had entered: your landlord, that disgusting man. Copia's spectral form quivered with unease as he watched the man climb up the stairs and enter your room. Copia followed him quickly, making sure to cause the loudest noises when climbing the stairs. But that did not seem to disturb the man who was already focused on his perverted purpose.
Copia found him opening your closet, and digging through your drawer. The man took a pair of panties in his hands and put them against his nose. It was too much for Copia, way too much He would not let someone disrespect you and pry on you in such a way. With a supernatural surge of power, the demon forcefully slammed the drawer shut on the intruder's hand, prompting a piercing cry of agony.
"What the...?" The intruder managed to utter before chaos ensued.
Before he could do or say anything else, Copia lunged forward, seizing the man's arm with his clawed fingers, his voice oozing menace.
"Seeking some thrills, your fucking pervert?"
The man spun around to witness the demon standing inches away. Copia bared pointed, razor-sharp teeth and let out a guttural snarl, resembling a monstrous, otherworldly feline. His eyes blazed with intensity, like the very fires of hell itself. A blood-curdling scream erupted from the intruder's trembling lips as he scrambled up the stairs, fleeing the house with the same haste with which he had arrived, knocking over some stuff in his flight. Copia chuckled darkly to himself, confident that, landlord or not, the man would never dare to disturb you again.
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When you arrived back home, you were surprised to find the door unlocked. An feeling of unease crept over you. Had you genuinely forgotten to lock it, or was it your exhaustion playing tricks on your mind? You couldn't help but chastise yourself for being so tired and disoriented, especially after the vivid dream that had lingered in your thoughts.
As you cautiously entered the house, your eyes were drawn to a plant knocked over in the entry hall. It was a clear sign that something or someone had disturbed your home. You recalled your books, the ghost stories… you recalled everything that had happened since you moved in.
“Hello? I know you’re here…” you declared with a hint of hesitation in your voice
You climbed up the stairs to find the door to your room wide open. You were certain you had closed it.
"Did you do that? It's okay, I'm not mad..." you assured, as you moved through the house, searching for any sign of a presence. 
However, your calls went unanswered, and the eerie silence persisted. In a moment of impulse, without overthinking, you uttered a single name.
You called the name repeatedly, a sense of longing in your voice, but there was no response. The silence in the house grew heavy, stretching into minutes. In a moment of self-doubt, you couldn't help but laugh at your own foolishness. How could you have thought that… 
But then, it all became clear. It hit you all at once. The pieces of the puzzle clicked together. The noises, the objects falling over, the figure at the window that night, the scratch marks, the trace of paint on your cheek, the dream… There had to be something in this house! And that thing was in your dream last night. But you were not afraid… for you felt he was not trying to hurt you. 
“I know you are here,” you repeated out loud “You cannot hide in the darkness forever…”
“Please, show yourself… I just want to see you”
Silence again. 
Maybe you were going crazy… ?
You went about your day, trying to distract yourself by unpacking the last of the boxes. But your mind continued to drift, haunted by the vivid memories of your encounter with Copia. The sensation of being watched lingered, a disquieting feeling that refused to fade… but maybe your mind was playing tricks on you again? 
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As the night wore on, sleep eluded you. Your thoughts were consumed by the memory of his eyes, the sensation of his breath against your skin, and the ghostly touch of his hands on your body. The longing became unbearable, and you found yourself unable to resist the yearning that had taken hold.
In the solitude of your room, your own hands began to trace a path across your body, traveling slowly down to your thighs. With your eyes closed, you conjured the image of him in your mind.
"Copia..." you sighed his name, a whispered plea.
Just as your hand slipped in your panties, a weight settled on your bed, and a presence made itself known. You opened your eyes to find him. He was hovering above you with a mischievous grin, a spark of desire flickering in his mismatched eyes. His gaze held a fiery longing but there was affection in eyes. A gasp of surprise escaped your lips, yet you remained still, enthralled by the intensity of the moment. Your cheeks were red to be caught in such an intimate moment… you knew he was watching you the whole time.
“Did you call for me, amore?”  his now familiar voice purred 
"Copia..." you whispered, your voice tinged with anticipation 
“Yes, amore… I have come for you, at last,”
His nose playfully nudged your neck as he pressed his body to yours. The sensations were so vivid that you couldn't help but question the dream-like quality of it all.
“Oh please, tell me this is not a dream…” 
"It's not, not this time…" he assured, his voice a soft murmur as he kissed the tender spot behind your ear. "Are you afraid of me?"
“No,” you said without hesitation. “Should I?”
He stopped kissing your neck to look at you, his eyes filled with a mixture of emotions.
You met his gaze with unwavering determination and reached out to touch his face. "I believe I know what you are, and it doesn't frighten me..."
“Oh, cara mia…”
He leaned in to kiss the corner of your mouth while his hands began to explore your body. The sensation felt so much more real than the dream you had…
“Why didn’t you come when I called you earlier?” you asked in a hushed tone.
“I hesitated. I did not want to scare you, amore… I felt so guilty when you found those scratches on your body…”
He sounded a bit sad, and you gently caressed his face.
“I don’t want you to go, cara. You… You are my light. I want you to stay with me.”
Your eyes went wide. You did not expect to see an unearthly creature like him in such a vulnerable state. 
“I won’t go…” you whispered “Not ever…”
He gave you a tender smile. 
“You are such a treasure… You were sent to me by Lucifer himself.”
His voice quivered with emotions as he spoke. His words made you blush. His hands resumed their exploration of your body. He pressed himself against you. Your body felt so warm, so hot. 
“Do you want me?” he whispered in your ear
He pressed open-mouthed kisses along your neck, his lips warm and eager.
“Let me have you…” he whispered, much like in the dream.
“Yes, Copia… please, take me.”
He wouldn't need to be asked twice. With a low, feral growl, he lifted your nightgown above your head, leaving you almost naked and exposed to him. He lunged forward and began to suck and lick on your breasts with fervour. You moaned loudly, the heady desire drowning out the thought that someone could hear you cry out. As he pressed his hips against you, you could feel the hardness of his arousal, and it sent shivers of desire cascading through your body. The intensity of the moment was almost overwhelming, as you surrendered to the raw, unbridled passion that consumed you both. He was worshipping your body like no one did before.
He straightened up to look at you.
“Belissima…” he murmured as his clawed hands went to your panties, hastily removing them 
You blushed profusely. 
“Why don't you finish what you started, cara mia?” he purred, gazing down at you with raw desire, a wicked gleam in his eyes.
“What... What do you mean?” you stuttered, your mind dizzy with want.
“Don't play innocent, my love… I saw you.”
You blushed even more when you finally understood what he meant. A mischievous smile played on his painted lips, he patiently waited. With your cheeks painted red, your hands moved toward your inner thighs once more. You began to touch yourself for him, your fingers playing on your pussy. Your eyes were not leaving his as you moaned, giving in to the irresistible allure of his desires. He started to undress before your eyes, this was only fueling your desire. He was so handsome in your eyes. 
“Copia…” you whispered as he stood naked before your eyes. Your voice quivered with pleasure. “You are so handsome…”
He beamed upon hearing your words, and you could swear you saw a hint of a blush on his painted features.
“You are beautiful, so beautiful…” he murmured, his voice heavy with desire as he watched you.
As you felt yourself getting closer to the edge, you sensed his hand gently covering yours.
“That's enough, cara… I think you need more than just your fingers.”
You nodded eagerly as he moved closer, settling between your opened legs. 
“You are gorgeous, mia amata… You are mine forever,” he whispered tenderly, his voice filled with love and affection.
He positioned himself, his cock near your entrance, playfully teasing you for a moment. Your restlessness under him drew a chuckle from his lips, and he leaned in closer, his breath hot against your ear. 
“So eager… I love it” 
Then he pushed his cock inside you. You gasped, your moan catching in your throat. He entered you slowly, inch by inch until he was all the way inside. His glowing eyes were locked in yours. He was looking at you like you were the most precious jewel. 
“Such a good girl, taking me so well” he purred, his voice laced with desire
Copia's hips started to move languidly on yours, in a slow and sensual dance. His cock was stretching you so perfectly, reaching all the right spots. You were feeling so full, so whole. You pulled him closer as if you wanted to melt your body into his.
"Oh, you feel so good, amore"
He was not holding back his moan. He was very vocal, it was absolute music to your ears. His name spilled from your lips like a blasphemous prayer.  He started to pick up the pace, moving more passionately, more quickly. His low moans were now mixed with feral growls. But he was still so considerate with you, running his hand through your hair, caressing your skin. He was scratching your skin with his claws but you did not care… Sex had never felt so intimate before. He was thrusting inside you with such raw passion, it was nothing short of blissful.
"You were made for me," he said in between moans "You are mine, all mine!"
You felt it build up inside of you again.
“Copia! I’m going to…” you whimpered, throwing back in the pillow
“Me too, amore-ah!” 
Your orgasm crashed over you like a tidal wave. Your body quivered by pleasure as you clung into the sheets, your head was spinning as you fell into the arms of bliss. He gave a few more thrusts before his release. Your name escaped his lips as he spilled inside you, his clawed hand clutching your waist. You would certainly have bruises afterward but you couldn't care less. 
He fell onto you, breathing heavily, his head resting against your chest. You reached out to run your fingers gently through his hair. You both remained in this intimate embrace for a while, the sensation of pleasure still tingling on your skin. He hummed contentedly while you continued to stroke his hair.  With a gentle kiss on your forehead, he moved to lie down on the bed beside you. He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into a tight and affectionate embrace.
"Why did you knock over my favorite plant?" you asked after a moment, your voice laced with a hint of amusement; you were not angry at him.
You felt Copia stiffen against you.
"Uh... I didn't, amore..."
He tenderly ran his fingers through your hair. You gave him a confused look, waiting for him to explain.
"That disgusting man... your landlord who was at your doorstep a few days ago... he broke in while you were away."
He noticed the growing unease on your face.
"He behaved like a creep... I spare you the details. But I believe after what I did... he won't attempt it again..."
He kissed your forehead, a slight chuckle escaping his lips.
"I scared the shit out of him, I must admit..."
The discomfort and confusion transformed into amusement. You knew Copia had been protecting you, and you realized you were never truly alone. You knew you never would be again. And you were determined to show him that he would never have to walk alone again either.
"I'm with you always, my dear... I won't let anyone harm you," he whispered against your hair, "Never."
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