#paranormal encounters
jayscryptidzone · 6 days
Ghost entry #1:
One day me and a couple friends decided to go out to a reportely haunted farm on the outskirts of our town. It was a bit eerie from the get-go but of course we kept going.
Upon exploring the farm we found an old shed that was falling apart and a lone staircase into the air. We of course went no where near the staircase, but it was intriguing none the less.
We used a pendulum and a rigged walkman radio to do the Estes Method to communicate with any spirits. We only managed to get into contact with one that we know of. This spirit claimed to be a Lakota Native American who used to live on the land. They seemed very kind, but they didn't know a lot of English so communicating was difficult.
It all came to a head when we heard a different voice on the radio say the words "She's there." "Eyes" and "Hide." When we asked what it meant it said "Window" "James." Something was watching us and my guess is that it wasnt friendly.
After hearing that, we continued to explore a bit but soon left due to rising tension. We felt like we were being watched from the farm until we turned onto a new road.
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cardboardheartss · 1 month
Y’all I won’t forget the time I was in the kitchen dancing in front of the fridge, and keep in mind my parents weren’t home.
So I was dancing and there’s a window by the fridge and outside there’s a seating area, and I decided to look at the corner of my eye, I saw a lady wearing a white dress watching me dance and then I look again she disappeared. 😭
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mecthology · 6 months
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The Gurdon Light.
There's a somewhat popular tale regarding the origin of this light. According to it, a railroad worker was on duty outside of town one night, had a mishap with a train, and unfortunately met his end. The story goes that because his head got separated from his body, locals believe the light is his ghost wandering with a lantern, on a quest to find his lost head.
Another angle to the Gurdon Light legend ties back to a murder in December 1931 near the railroad tracks. William McClain, a foreman with the Missouri-Pacific railroad, had a heated argument with his employee, Louis McBride, over working hours during the Depression. Frustrated, McBride violently attacked McClain with a shovel, ultimately beating him to death with a railroad spike maul or hammer. Soon after this tragic incident, the Gurdon Light made its first appearance, leading some to speculate that the glowing light is the lantern of McClain's ghost.
Follow @mecthology for more myths and lore.
Pic generated by AI.
Source: encyclopediaofarkansas
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mytheoristavenue · 1 year
Thinking of making a new blog
I don't know if it's a good idea to share this here- but I have a confession. I am a (very) armature paranormal investigator. I live in a very historical region of the US that is chalked full of many 'haunted sights'. My friends and I have gone to between ten and twenty of these places and checked them out. I would love to share some of these stories, but I'm not sure if Tumblr is the place for it? Would anyone be interested in my ghost stories?
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morbidnightmare-97 · 1 year
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itzmyka · 2 years
Do you believe in aliens?
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I Moved Back to my Hometown to Take Care of my Sick Mom… and I Think I Encountered a Ghost.
I (M24) recently moved back in with my mom (F57) to care for her full time. She has small cell lung cancer. Doctors said we were lucky they caught it early, so treatment could start immediately. That doesn’t mean they can cure her or anything. It just means that what would normally be six months of needles, tests, hospital visits, and the suffocating dread of imminent doom will be sixteen months of needles, tests, hospital visits, and the suffocating dread of imminent doom. Lucky.
So anyways, my mom’s choking to death on her own blood and lung tissue, and nursing homes are expensive. That’s where I come in. The prodigal son. The one who escaped, who made it out. The bright eyed and bushy tailed little boy with stars in his eyes and a dream in his heart that struck out to go to school in the big city… and immediately crashed and burned after graduation. (A degree in journalism sounded way cooler before I had to actually rely on it for anything substantial)
But I didn’t quit. No. I didn’t go back. I could never. See, the minute I set foot in New York, I promised myself that there was NO looking back. My home was in the city now, and that little podunk meth town that I grew up in would stay in the rear view. And I kept that promise. For better or for worse, not once did I EVER consider going back. Until my mom got sick.
All of a sudden, staying in the city was no longer an option. I had to go back. I had to abandon the life I had only just started and run back to the one that I left. Even though I knew it wasn’t the case, I couldn’t help but feel like I was walking back with my tail between my legs. I felt like a failure.
But it’s fine, ‘cause I have a bunk bed now. Or, again. I have a bunk bed again. The room I sleep in now is just my childhood bedroom, plus a couple boxes of junk and a family of opossums I’m pretty sure. Oh, and a ghost. I almost forgot about the ghost.
So this all started the first night I arrived. It was, like, 2 A.M. when I pulled off the I-81 into Coeburg. I was starving, and the last thing I wanted to do was deal with my mother on an empty stomach. So I pulled into the only place in this town that’s open past 9 P.M., the Yellow Submarine 24 hour diner.
Walking into the charming old building, I was immediately thrown into a world of deja vu. Bittersweet nostalgia washed over my body in thick waves. My ears were greeted by the familiar sound of the Beatles’ song “Yesterday” rattling the speakers of the ancient jukebox in the far corner of the dining area, and my nose was filled with the greasy aroma of Carol Rigby’s signature 24-hour fries. I’d forgotten how much I missed the taste of those crispy cholesterol bombs. The diner looked almost identical to when I last saw it, save for the piece of plywood covering one of the windows on the diner’s back wall. The cracked, neon yellow pleather barstools and baby blue cushioned booths all sat, empty, exactly as I remembered them. The yellow and white checkerboard tile floor and stainless steel tabletops seemed like a photograph taken straight from my memory, but faded, slightly, over time. Everything was just like it should’ve been, save for one thing. One person was missing.
In spite of the stress and chaos that plagued me in my everyday life, in that moment, that instant when my foot crossed into the Yellow Submarine, my mind was taken back to a simpler, less depressing time. Suddenly, everything was alright.
Overwhelmed by nostalgia, I let my instincts take over, and made my way to the bar. I hopped up onto my stool, the second one from the right, and rested my elbows on the countertop, hunching forward and letting all the stress of the real world roll right off my shoulders.
“Hoooo-leee shit,” a familiar chain smoker’s rasp, that could only belong to old Carol Rigby, came from within the kitchen, “If it ain’t Mister Big City!”
I looked up from the countertop, where I’d been observing my baggy eyed reflection, and greeted the old battleax in an apron with a smile, “Miss Rigby! God, it’s been ages.”
“You can say that again. Welcome back, kid. It’s good to see ya down in our neck of the woods after all this time.”
There was a split second of uncomfortable silence when Carol’s gaze landed on the empty stool next to me, then made its way back to meet mine. Her eyes were soft, and filled with a sort of hesitant pity. I could tell she was debating whether or not she wanted to say something.
Before she could make up her mind, though, a softer voice emerged from the back room, “I thought I smelled something funky.”
A young woman, about my age, walked out next to Carol. Her arms were crossed and her head was tilted sideways. A smirk and cocked eyebrow added an air of sarcasm to her next words.
“Thought the raccoons had come back around. I was fixing to get the broom from the back.”
I remembered her now. She looked so different from how I remembered her, so much more mature. The creases in the corners of her eyes and lines between her eyebrows were new. They looked so out of place on the face of someone so young. They were signs of stress, doubtless caused by the weight of adult responsibility and loss.
“It’s gonna take a lot more than a broom to beat away this city rat, Val” piped up Carol. She laughed at her own joke, her deep guffaw sounded like a velociraptor from Jurassic Park with the black lung.
“I missed that humor of yours, Miss Rigby. Glad you’ve still got it.”
“You’re a grown man now, honey. It’s Carol. Now, what’ll you be having?”
“Lemme guess,” interjected Val, a mischievous, knowing look in her eyes, “your usual?”
“And that is?” I implored.
“Cheeseburger. Hold the mayo and mustard, extra pickles, cooked just long enough to get charred on the outside, but so the inside is still pink.”
“Double side of fries.”
I was floored, “Damn. Didn’t realize I was that predictable.”
“I always remember the regulars,” Val said with a proud grin and her chin held high.
“I’m hardly a regular. It’s been six years, V.”
“Time doesn’t move the same round here, hun,” Carol assured me, resting a wrinkly hand on my forearm, “as long as you’re right here with us, you might as well have never left.”
I enjoyed my meal, and the company that came with it. While I ate, Val and I caught up. We talked about what we’d done after graduation, what lockdown was like in our respective communities, what it was like being an adult, how different things are, how different we are.
In many ways, everything in Coeburg was exactly as it was in my memory, but in one, very important way, nothing was the same. After I left the diner, and navigated the narrow, winding roads that lead me back to my childhood home, my nostalgia began to fade away. The temporary rose tinted fog that had filled my mind had cleared, allowing me to, once again, see the town for the place that it was. The place that drove me away so long ago. The place that I thought I had, finally, managed to escape.
The front door of my mother’s house was wide open, and the only thing that sat between her and the outside world was an old, dented screen door. I reached out my hand to grab the handle, and slowly pulled it open. The hinges screeched aggressively, cutting through the silence of the sleepy neighborhood like a greasy chainsaw through jell-o. Suddenly, I became very aware of the fact that it was four o’clock in the morning.
I did my best to creep in the house as quietly as I could, praying that the door hadn’t completely blown my cover.
“Boy, where the fuck have you been?” My mother’s raspy voice, emerging from the darkness, nearly made me jump out of my skin, “Last message you sent me said you just pulled off I-81, and I know for fucking certain it don’t take no two hours to get here off the interstate.”
“Good to see you, too, Ma.”
“That wasn’t an answer.”
“I was hungry,” I rolled my eyes and dropped my backpack on the floor next to me, “So I stopped at the Yellow Submarine. I saw Carol and Val there, and we lost track of time catching up.”
“And you didn’t get me anything?”
“I didn’t know you’d be up. You’re supposed to be getting rest, right? Isn’t that what Doctor Phillips said?”
“I didn’t know I was too good for a to-go box,” my mother continued, “I can reheat things, y’know. Just ‘cause you’re a big city boy now don’t mean we’re in the stone ages back here. Father Michaels gave me an airfryer for Christmas last year, and I’ll tell ya what, it changed my life.”
I nodded my head toward my mother and started to make my way down the hall to my room, “Alright, Mom, goodnight. I’ll talk to you tomorrow morning.”
“You’re gonna have to sleep on the top bunk, by the way. I’m using the bottom for storage.”
I sighed and rested my forehead on my bedroom door, taking a moment to beg all in the world that’s holy to put me out of my misery quickly. After taking an appropriate amount of time to be dramatic, I turned the handle, and swung my door open.
It was too late, or, early at this point, to take time to wax nostalgic and reminisce about the good old days. Instead, I kicked off my shoes and climbed up into the top bunk, plopping myself down on top of the blankets, still wearing my clothes. There was no time for comfort. Just sleep. And that was what I planned to do.
But I was interrupted. Because of course I was.
Just as my eyelids, heavy with the stress of a long day’s travel, began to shut, and my body, stiff and sore from ten hours on the road, began to fall limp, and my mind, so full of pain and nostalgia and trudged up memories, began to shut itself off, something happened.
My arm hair stood on end and the skin all around my body prickled up. My heart skipped a beat and my breathing got faster. I felt someone. A presence I couldn’t deny.
Before I had the chance to think, my body shot into an upright position, and immediately, I locked eyes with it. Him. I think it was a him. I can’t quite describe it in a way that 100% makes sense. There wasn’t a ball of light or a floating sheet. It didn’t look like a person, either, because it really didn’t look like anything at all. It looked like… nothing.
When I say I saw him, I really mean I saw nothing in the shape of something. But with no shape at all. The shape of this thing— this ghost. It has to be a ghost— can only he described as the uncanny, jarring absence of a person where a person should be. Like a gap in my perception of reality. Like my eyes wouldn’t see— or maybe my brain wouldn’t process— what every other part of me knew was right in front of me. I wanted to reach out to it. To understand it. To ask it, or him, a question. I could tell it wanted to talk to me, too. I felt it. I felt the absence getting closer like an arm reaching out to me, trying to take hold. Trying to communicate.
Before I could process anything— before I could cower away or reach back— I woke up.
The sun was up, its burning rays shining down through the curtainless window onto my body, which was now drenched in a cold sweat. I was disoriented. Just a moment before, I’d sat, face to face, with a presence that I was— and am— absolutely certain came from a world beyond our own. But in the blink of an eye, I was back in my bedroom.
I didn’t know what to do, so I started writing. And now I’m here, with my story, asking you all if you can tell me something— anything— about what I saw last night. It had to be a ghost, right? I saw a spirit in my home, and I don’t know how to move forward from that, or if moving forward is even an option.
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go-away-pls-now · 2 months
Welcome everyone to
(i was thinking over some things and had no place to talk about it lol)
1. One time at a Christmas get together with my family, all the adults were up stairs getting some food and talking while me and my younger cousin were down stairs playing in the loft. While playing this old dude walks in (back exit was never locked ) and we assumed he was Santa since he had a round belly, long white beard and a Rosey face (looking back at it man was drunk). He didn't have a Santa suit he had dress pants and shoes on with a white button up and suspenders, he was a nice guy he played along with the Santa thing and had us sit on his lap and tell him what we wanted for Christmas. After I was done telling 'santa' what I wanted I went to tell the adults who rightfully freaked out and ran down stairs just to see that the dude wasn't there it was just my cousin chilling in the couch while the back exit door was open. No one ever believed me that Santa came by
To this day I'm the only one who remembers it even my cousin doesn't remember and it freaks me out.
2.At a family reunion, a dude in classic Irish dress came in and just stood there no adults really spoke to the man but they didn't really ignore him either. They all made comments about him and asked who he was but no one talked to him. My 6 year old cousin and I were extremely freaked out by the adult man holding bagpipes (I can't spell it and Google was not helpful but it's the instrument with the bag and pipes) . The man didn't move or speak hell he didn't eat he just stood there and stared off into the distance with a focused and unwavering look.
My family seems to rember that day a little differently they say that he was very friendly and talkative by me and my cousin don't remember it like that at all.
3. Something was living in my barn when I was in highschool (freshman year is when this all specifically happened ) I always thought I was being stupid or making it up till me and my cousin (not the one from the reunion but the Santa one ) set a camera up in a nearby tree. We put an old phone in the tree and told whatever was in the barn that if it wanted to it could interact with the camera, we left the camera and went to go hang out on the swings. Later on we came back and found that the camera was still running, when we checked the video we clearly heard someone walking up to the camera and stopping right before it was in frame it stood there for a moment before running back to the barn. We got super excited about this evidence and decided to try a few more times this time we left the camera and a water bottle and again told the thing it could interact if it wanted to.
Again we leave and go swing and talk about what could be happening (my theory was a homeless man just trying to vibe). After some heavy debate we went back to the camera and found that the water bottle was half way empty the lid was very clearly twisted off then back on but there was also a small-ish hole in the side of the bottle as if someone had stabbed it or bit it(??). When we looked at the video we heard whatever or whoever it was go behind the tree grab the bottle chug some water after a moment of struggle,put the bottle back, laugh a little then climb the tree a bit and turn the camera off. The camera wasn't damaged or anything and the thing only got violent when my cousin was being a dick to it (it hit a barn wall and she screamed running off leaving me for dead).
When we tried to show people the video the file was completely fucked and unable to view.
Welp there ya go if you want more I'll post more but that's all I got right now.
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basementofthebizarre · 2 months
Robert the Doll: The Haunted Tale of Key West's Most Infamous Toy
In the realm of haunted objects, few tales capture the imagination quite like that of Robert the Doll. Situated in the historical hub of Key West, Florida, Robert’s story weaves together elements of folklore, paranormal encounters, and a hint of childhood innocence gone awry. What began as a simple handmade doll has evolved into a symbol of supernatural intrigue, captivating visitors and locals…
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itscodebaby · 3 months
I’ve always wanted to go to a haunted location to take random d*ck pics to see if any ghosts show up in the photos.
Best case scenario would be to get one of those ghosts with their mouth open unnaturally wide right next to it.
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bafflingmysteries1 · 3 months
Nessie: The Loch Ness Monster Mystery
Dive into the mystery of Nessy, the legendary Loch Ness Monster. Explore the sightings, myths, and enduring fascination surrounding this elusive creature that has captured imaginations for decades.
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mytheoristavenue · 1 year
Hi!! I saw your post about wanting to start a new blog surrounding paranormal investigations and research and I think that's a super cool idea!! I know that there is always worry when it comes to doing something more local to you because you don't want to triangulate where you live, thats totally valid, but if you do decide to do it I would absolutely be interested in following! Obviously it's whatever you're comfortable with, but I think doing stories/locations from your home state is okay! Just so long as you're not out parading around and saying "I'm from this specific city in this state" I don't think it gives away too much!
Thank you for the feed back!
One of my biggest concerns is that a few of the sites I would include are in my hometown specifically. Without going into to serious detail, there are some people who have...wished me harm in the past, who have moved away or just lost touch with what I'm up to. I'd like to remain off their radar for as long as possible.
One of the most eventful stories I want to tell is of a specific landmark that is really only know to the youth in my hometown. There have never been any documented paranormal experiences there, only stories told by word of mouth. There is only one document of it online, which has nothing to do with this topic.
It's important for me to include this site because it was the very first place that we looked into with out current group, and it has been the subject of a few of the most terrifying experiences we've had.
In addition to this, obviously, I wouldn't be using any of our real names. I don't think I have even ever said my name on Tumblr, but it is linked to other socials that I have, so it's possible that I could come up with an alias for where we live. And I of course wouldn't label which sites are the local ones.
All in all, I just want to share these stories, and context around them. There are a lot of urban legends surrounding many of these places, and we've done extensive research to compare what we experienced to what others have, or what historically took place there.
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darkmovies · 6 months
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Ghost Project (2023) Date de sortie : 05/12/2023 Réalisateur : Federico Finkielstain Scénario :  Santiago Fernández Calvete Avec : Juan Cruz Rolla, Laura Casale, Zhongbo Li Zhang
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moviesandmania · 6 months
GHOST PROJECT aka PARANORMAL ENCOUNTERS (2023) Review plus trailers
‘The dead don’t want to be seen’ Ghost Project is a 2023 sci-fi horror film about young programmers who find an abandoned technology meant to detect supernatural presence. They reverse engineer the tech and create an app for their phones which allows them to see ghosts, thus endangering their own lives. Also known as Paranormal Encounters and Side Project. Directed by Federico Finkielstain from a…
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ancientroyalblood · 8 months
Welcome to Nightmares Nook: Where Fear Finds a Home
🌙✨ Greetings, brave souls of the night! ✨🌙 Step into the shadows and prepare to be thrilled, for you have arrived at the Nightmares Nook. We are your guides through the eerie, the mysterious, and the spine-tingling. Welcome to a realm where fear takes center stage, where the darkness comes alive, and where stories that make your skin crawl come to life. What is Nightmares Nook? Nightmares Nook…
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