#patch six
mujinzzzzz · 4 months
okay so patch 6 is now live and I was reading through what it changes and whatnot and i see THIS???? HELLO?2!;_(28&)3-"(28_
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larian is tempting me fr
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serendipitouscrafts · 2 months
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The quilt is done and shipped!
I like it all laid out flat, but I think it is even better crumpled into organic shapes or draped around the human body. The contrast between the rigidity of the squares and the soft shapes of the textile is very pleasing.
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thebestofastarion · 4 months
It is finally happening my fellow Astarion and BG3 lovers! The long-awaited new patch is on its way (probably arriving on Valentines day but this is not confirmed).
Larian confirmed new KISS ANIMATIONS will be coming as well as camp idle animations and multiple bug fixes!
Here's an example of one of the kiss animations involving Astarion and Halsin for all those #halstarion fans:
You can read Larian's Twitter/X post here.
Are you excited??
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corvidaeconundrum · 2 months
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Our so far designs for our Starbright AU! Including the human versions of the alternates(weird al lucifer weird al lucifer weird al ginger lucifer-)
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kiwisdrawings · 1 month
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i just realized i have like. NOTHING about patches on my blog actually, so here's some doodles and a reference for him
i had an unfinished toyhouse page for him but last i checked the html broke completely, so i need to look into fixing that at some point too
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fiendpact · 6 months
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Manage your companions’ inventories straight from camp! No more swapping people in and out to get that clown corpse you’re having them carry.
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thelikesoffinn · 3 months
You play visual novel! Can you give me recommendation? I just started playing them and I'm looking for good once
Haha, yeah I do. Occasionally, at least.
I really enjoy the "Our Life" games by GBPatch Games - they're probably my all time favourite. Trouble Comes Twice by Foxglove Games, something I played recently, was also really fun.
If you can get your hands on it really dirt cheap, maybe check out Bustafellows. It's not that good, but the art is great and it does have its moments!
Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney is also amazing, if you're into a little law and order gedohns.
If you like Scifi, maybe check out Andromeda Six by Wanderlust Games - also a game I hold really dear - or Infinite Stars.
If you're into vampires, I'd 100% recommend both Vampire The Masquerate - Courteries of New York and Vampire the Masquerade - Shadows of New York. Thinking about it, I should probably replay those...
Fantasy-wise I really enjoyed When The Night Comes by Lunaris Games.
Scarlet Hollow and Slay The Princess by Black Tabby Games are really neat if you're into horror. And Touchstarved by Red Spring Studios is still a Demo for now, but it's already super neat! Oh and XOXO Blood Droplets by GB Patch Games is also fun to play if you like whacky, horror-leaning stuff!
And I guess that's all I have so far! Sorry it's not more, I'm sure you've heard of most of those already. I'm super picky with my visual novels so I don't play a whole lot of them, haha.
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utterdrip · 3 months
one of my ififirst ever fucking posts on this blog was about how astarion would lean into his partner as they were pulling away from a kiss, chaasing after their lips and what fdo you fucking know . wbhat do you FUCK OYING KNOW
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arcanadreams · 2 months
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it’s official!! episode 8 this month!
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Okay, but you guys remember how Pirates of the Caribbean 3 ended with Will banished to sea, only ever to set foot on land every 10 years to reunite with his one true love Elizabeth, asking her to watch his heart for him while he's away? Imagine that, but with Karlach x Astarion. She loves him. She truly does, but she knows that he can't survive in Hell and she has to stay there so she can live, even with the new engine in her chest from Dammon. So, at the end of the game, before she goes back to Avernus, Karlach gives Astarion her old heart to remind him of her until she can come back for good. They share one last kiss, not caring how it burns before she dissappears, leaving Astarion alone, not knowing if he'll ever see her again. But it's fine. He's willing to wait for an eternity to see her again.
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nerdy-girlramblings · 3 months
"But killing [insert character's name who murdered a loved one] won't bring them back."
That's the point. The character who lost someone knows that. The person they love was killed and because the loved one is no longer living, neither should the killer. The pain the murdered person felt in their final moments needs to be given it to the murderer. The killer may not have cared for the person's life but the character does and they will bring the killer the wrath of a thousand suns to show that.
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scary-grace · 2 months
call the quilt I'm making for my brother the Indominus rex because it's bigger than expected
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serendipitouscrafts · 4 months
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Making progress on the quilting!
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thebestofastarion · 4 months
So everyone else is spamming the new kisses which ARE ALL fantastic, but I just saw this on Twitter and it's 😭 So if you break up with Astarion during the epilogue, this scene triggers and his expression is this 💔
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Credit to @PaleElfLover on Twitter
Nope, thank you 😢
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Unexpected Visitor
Lmk one-shot
{macaque x fem!doctor!reader}
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CW: mentions of blood & injury
It was about 3am when you stumbled into the kitchen of your apartment. This was the third time this week that you woke up at 3 in the morning and you couldn’t pinpoint why. Maybe it’s stress from your job, you were a doctor at a local clinic and you’ve been doing a whole lot of overtime for the last week and a half.
You pinch the bridge of your nose. No, that’s not it. You love your job, you love what you do. Maybe it’s something you ate. No, that’s sounds stupid. Maybe it was the feeling that you were being watched in your own home. Though you thought you were just being paranoid because you were half-sleep the few times you noticed but that feeling was still present even when you got a goodnights sleep.
Knowing you couldn’t go back to sleep since you’re already up and out of your bed, you decided to migrate to the living room maybe do some read. Turning on the lamp on the end table then going over to the window, unlocking it and opening it though you struggled with it, grunting a bit as you shoved up the window.
“I really should get this window replaced.” You mumbled to yourself then mentally noted to put it in your reminders so you don’t forget as you walked back to your bedroom to grab your journal that you write your notes to yourself in, among other things.
Walking over to the desk that you had, you sighed at the mess that you had. From sticky notes to Juicy Fruit gum wrappers, you have no idea how it got this messy after you cleaned it off just a few days ago. You decided to leave it alone for now and opened the drawer that held your journal.
Before you could reach into the drawer to grab your journal, you heard a loud ‘thud’ from the living room. You flinched, whipping your head around your shoulder. You harshly whispered a “what the fuck was that?” as you snatched your journal from the drawer and quietly shut it.
You moved quietly with your journal clenched to your chest debating on whether or not to use it as a weapon. In the kitchen you could see into the living room and something or someone was on the floor not far from the window next to your coffee table.
“What the hell?” You whispered as you slowly walked over into the living room.
Walking around the couch and over to the window, the crimson shade of blood was splotched on the windowsill. A trail of blood went from the window to whatever or whoever was laying next your coffee table. Getting a closer look, you noticed it was a someone.
It looked to be a monkey with black fur, a feathered red mark spread across his face. Tan skin covered his paws, face and ears. He had his eyes closed, he seemed to be in pain and not very aware of your presence.
You scanned over the monkey’s body and a one of his paws was over a bloody spot on his side. Your eyes widened as you kneeled down, not caring if your pajamas get blood all over them since your doctor instinct kicked in. Your hand reached over to where the monkey’s paw was to see the wound when another paw shot up, grabbing your wrist.
You gasped since it startled you but, that’s not what made you shocked the most. The monkey’s eyes glowed a shadowy purple and three ears appeared on each side of his head, they glowed their own colors. You snatched your hand away and fell back onto your butt.
“What the shit!” You exclaimed.
The monkey groaned as his features went back to “normal”. One of his paws were stained in his own blood. He probably was trying to put pressure on it so he didn’t lose too much blood, he’s not stupid at least. You should help him do something about that wound then ask him why he’s here.
“It’s looks like something got you pretty bad. What happened?” You asked him.
You heard him chuckle softly but grunted a bit from pain in his side. “You think so? It’s just a scratch.” He said.
He looked up at you. His golden eyes were half-lidded. He looked exhausted, probably from the blood loss and the pain he’s in. Though you didn’t like his remark back at you.
You frowned. “Well I guess you don’t need my help then.” You said getting up from your spot on the floor and started to walk away from the monkey on your living room floor.
“Wait..” He struggled out, he tried to grab at your pant leg but failed. “Hold on a second, doc.” He called.
That made you freeze. You rushed back over to him and squatted down next him. “How did you know I was a doctor?” You asked sternly.
“Well, you see. I’ve been sort of… watching you for some time now.” He said.
“Creep…” You said.
“True but you seemed useful so that’s why I’m here. So if you don’t mind,” The monkey lifted his hand from over his side. A large, bloody gash, it looked deep like it was from knife or he was grazed by a bullet.
“You need stitches. Wait here.” You said well you more like you ordered.
“It’s not like I’m going anywhere,” You heard him hiss underneath his breath. “Just don’t take too long, Doc.” The monkey said.
“Whatever. And we’ll talk later about your stalking habits, monkey face.” You hissed.
You walked out of the living room and made your way into the bathroom. You have stitch sewing material as well as other medical supplies in bag that you keep under your sink mostly for emergencies such as the one you found yourself in.
Fishing your medical bag out from underneath the sink then made your way back into the living room. When you returned the monkey was sitting up against the front of the couch. His black tail tapped the floor impatiently.
Moving the coffee table slightly, you sat on your knees next to him. Placing your medical bag to the side.
“I’m going to take off that top layer you have so I can take care of that wound of yours. And maybe I’ll be nice and patch that rip there.” You said.
“Woah~. Aren’t you moving a bit too fast there, Doc. Buy me dinner first.” The monkey smirked at you as you started taking off his top layer of clothing.
You scoffed. “Be mature. Or I’ll let you bleed out.” You threatened.
“Wow, you have some fire. I’m starting to like you.” The monkey said.
You rolled your eyes as you reached over into you bag and pulled out disinfectant wipes, scissors and a needle and spindle of thread.
The black simian inspected the items you had set out. He looked up at you with a smile. “Wow, you really know what you’re doing.” He said.
“Well yeah,” You said grabbing the scissors. “I went to school for this. Never thought I’d use my skills on a monkey who’s half dying in my living room. So, who are you anyway?”
His tail swished on the floor, looking off to the side then back at you. “Macaque. Just Macaque.” He said.
“Okay, Macaque. You’ll need to brace yourself ‘cause this is going to hurt.” You said.
Macaque grunted a bit. “I took the cut, I can take the stitch.” He said.
You smirked. “That’s what all the tough guys say.” You began, using the scissors to even out the edges of the cut, because it will heal better.
Macaque’s paw clenched the carpet, letting out a soft groan in pain. His tail flicked around in irritation. You decided to distract him with small talk, you still had questions to ask him.
“So, how’d this happen? Piss someone off?” You asked him, looking down at his wound to get to work.
A strand chuckle came from Macaque. “You could say that. Though I’m surprised I haven’t healed yet from this. Guess my power is weakened.” He said.
That caught you as you shifted your attention back to him. “You have a healing factor?” You sounded surprised when you asked him that.
“What makes you think I don’t,” Macaque said, he was slightly a amused by your expression you had when he mentioned it.
“Good point. You’re a talking man-sized monkey. I wouldn’t be surprised if you were immortal or something .” You joked, looking down back at his wound as you readied the thread for the stitches.
You felt a stare, you look back up at Macaque. A smirk was present on his face.
“Oh…” You trailed not saying another word to him. As you started sticking his wound, Macaque kept his eyes on you. You looked sleepy, light bags were visible under your eyes. You seemed very concentrated on your stitch job on him, you really know what you’re doing. He remembered that he doesn’t even know your name.
“Mac…aque… hey… Macaque!” Macaque flinched hearing you yell his name. He tilted his head to the left, pressing a paw to his ears. His ears rang a bit.
“I’m finished. You didn’t yelp in pain or anything. Did you zone out?” You asked as you put your things back into your medical bag.
“Maybe..” He said.
“Well, anyway, I think you should rest here until morning. I don’t want you stretching your stitches.” You said.
“Fine. Doctors orders, right.” Macaque said.
You rolled your eyes at him as you stood up from the floor with your bag in your hand. As you turned around, Macaque called you.
“Hey, Doc,” You turned back to look at him. “If I ever come back here. You mind telling me your name?” He asked.
Such an odd request, Macaque knew that. You’ve peak his interest not just because you seemed useful though he’d never admit that.
“My name is Y/n,” You smiled at him. “Just Y/n.”
This took too long to write. Though it’s done. Here y’all go!
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tenjousutena · 5 months
im taking the bg3 fandom by the face. i'm asking, desperately, "please use your brains. please recognize that this is a video game. sometimes, things are changed because it's a video game. and things that might make more narrative sense are not fun when applied to a video game."
the fact that larian had to put out an explanation for why they changed gale's reaction to you refusing to give him a magical item the first time he asks is so fucking stupid. if you permanently lose out on a companion (and therefore a chunk of the story) because you don't have an item with you that you want to part with at that exact moment, that's not a fun video game.
and the mean option still makes gale leave permanently. they weren't "woobifying him" or whatever. they were literally just giving you an extra failsafe because it is a video game
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