#phobia whumper
painsandconfusion · 1 month
Merry Whump of May - Day 1
[“Get back in there” | Ring box | Cliff] (tw: claustrophobia, panic attack, phobia, death threat, failed escape attempt, punishment, self inflicted injury (panic), splinters under nails, manhandling)
[Merry Whump of May Masterpost] [Phobia Whumper Masterpost]
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Whumpee’s eyes were burning and blurring over as they gripped at Whumper’s fingers. “N-noonononno please no-”
“Shut up already and get back in there-” Whumper shoved them further into the crate. It had started off as a large shipping crate and now felt like an apple crate, bruising in at their shoulders and knees and ankles as they tried to twist and curl to stash themself tighter into the space. As it closed in on them. Sucked their breath and whisked it away to an unknown darkness that pervaded their mind and dripped cold through their white-hot flesh.
“PLEASE- Pelas e I w-won’t d o it again pl-ease-pplease-!”
Whumper shoved the lid on the box, latching it into place. “Try to pick that lock, you little pest.”
The air in the quickly-heating space stuck at their lungs and slammed in and out of their throat in choppy, uneven bursts. They gasped and shoved and clawed, only distantly aware of the bruises pressing at their bones and the shards of wood wriggling up under their nails. The panic was too thick. Too stifling. 
Forget the apple crate. This felt like a bread box now. A ring box, even. Impossibly small and crushing their bones under its infinitely shrinking horror. 
Pleas and screams kept exploding from them, sucking what little air they had into worthless desperation. “PL-EASE PL LEASE WH HUMPER PLLLEASE- LE T ME OUT O-OPEN TH- SSSTOP-STOP STOP-PLEASE-”
The boards over and around them creaked slightly as Whumper settled their weight onto the crate. Whumpee froze, dreading for a moment the thought of Whumper’s weight cracking through the box and crushing them only to realize that would mean the box was broken and they would be better able to wriggle out or at least get some fresh air inside. They pushed against the spot. 
Whumper mused as they sat there, “I could do anything right now, you know… Couldddddd…..toss you in a lake. Off a cliff. Bury you in the garden..”
Whumpee’s sobs started fresh, thrashing gaining new strength. Their heart twisted and stabbed. They couldn’t breathe- “Nn--onp plp-lease-ep-pleas-”
“We don’t have to do that, though, do we? Because you’re not gonna pick any more locks.”
“Y-ees-y– nn-n-omore-!” Just desperately agreeing to anything that had even the vaguest promise of getting out. Nothing else held their attention as darkness grew and their head weighed more on their aching shoulders.
“Good. I’ll leave you in here tonight to let you really think that over before we try again.”
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tagging isn't sparking joy today, i am so sorry-
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letitbehurt · 6 months
Intimate Whumpers who discover Whumpee’s deepest fear and dig their fingers into the wound.
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whumblr · 28 days
Whumper as a punishment introduces whumpee to a animal/insect (spider,snake,?) they are really scared of, whumper let's it lose on whumpee . Despite being harmless whumpee is really scared of it.
Possibly the whumper and whumpee being Zayne and Jay 😁
"Shh, don't make any sudden movements now. You'll never know how it's going to react," Whumper taunted, taking full advantage of Whumpee's fears.
Even without that warning, Whumpee completely froze up. The snake slithered from Whumper's hands onto their schouder. They squeezed their eyes shut but couldn't block out the cold and heavy sensation sliding over their schoulders, the scaly touch to the back of their neck. They flinched and let out a squeaky hiccup when the snake's tongue flicked against their jaw.
"Now not to worry. This snake doesn't bite. Or, well, it could snap at you when you're not careful but it's not poisonous. It's a constrictor snake," Whumper said as the snake slowly but surely wrapped itself around Whumpee's neck.
Whumpee shakily brought their hands up, but they didn't dare touch it let alone try to pull it away.
"Don't bother, love," Whumper said, hum in his voice and watching on to see what happened. "Once it actually decides to start squeezing that soft neck of yours, neither of us can do anything about it. Its muscles are too strong."
"P-please," they whispered, "please, take it away."
"Not yet, darling, not yet. Let's see if it considers you a prey."
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whumpshaped · 8 months
Beck is forced to work late by his boss and can't show up in time for Helle's feeding? -- @oliversrarebooks
what do u mean u dont just immediately walk out of the office at sundown so u can be in time for feeding ur vampire bf (gender neutral)
tw vampire whumper, phobia exploitation (plus intrusive thoughts and all that, it's beck's germaphobia), choking, conditioning, manhandling, dehumanisation
"I really need to go," Beck tried again. "I need to get home for– for a thing. It's kind of important."
Christie waved him off. "It's just one more thing and then you can go. It'll only take a second."
"I can do it first thing tomorrow!"
"Yeah, you could, but I need it today. It's literally just a couple signatures. God, the printer is acting up... One second."
Beck glanced at the clock again, anxiously bouncing his leg. He was fiddling with his mask near constantly, waiting for the stupid printer to finally spit out that paper. It was ridiculous; they needed a new printer about yesterday... or two years ago. Christie kept insisting it was fine. It clearly wasn't fine now.
"Christie, please, I need to go."
"I thought you were over your fear of the dark," she shot back, and Beck tried to stay calm. His reason for fearing the dark was probably standing around his apartment complex by now, wondering where the hell he was and whether he'd run off. They were in fact probably thinking up new, innovative ways to indirectly punish him.
"I am. This isn't about– I just need to go, okay? I'm sorry. I'll come in early and sign it for you tomorrow." He left her office without another word, quickly grabbing his coat and bag.
"Hey!" Christie ran out after him. "You can't just walk out like that! Where do you think you are?"
"I'm sorry!" he repeated as he rushed towards the door. "It'll be signed and on your desk before you get here tomorrow! Have a good night!"
He sprinted down the stairs and towards the front door, pushing it open and continuing the dash to his car. He was almost there when someone grabbed him by the collar of his coat, dragging him back and into a darker, more secluded area on the other side of the building.
"Helle, please, I was going home! I was trying to get home! I was trying!" Beck could barely care about the fact that he dropped his bag on the middle of the sidewalk for any fortunate person to find, with his wallet and all of his papers in it. Fuck, Christie was going to see it, and she was going to see his car as well. Would she think he was a liar? "Please, not here, I just ran away from my boss– I told her it was important, she's gonna see the car, please–"
Helle slammed him against the wall. "You were late," they said simply, making quick work of the mask before Beck could've even protested. "So I came to pick you up. I was quite worried. 'Whatever could have happened to my darling Beck?' It was quite the nerve-racking experience."
"Please, give that back," he tried to snatch his mask from their hand, but the vampire held it up and away from him. "Please, please, I– I need that–"
"I need blood way more than you need this. And we are outside now, you can breathe in all this fresh air."
"Please!" he cried desperately, and Helle pinned him to the wall by the throat in response, cutting off his air altogether.
"Or not. There are other ways of ensuring one does not breathe in anything harmful," they cooed. "Why don't you take a moment and calm down, hm?"
His lungs were burning. He had already been out of breath from running, and at this point he was sure he was going to pass out. He squeezed his eyes shut, letting the tears trickle down his face and onto Helle's hand that was still preventing him from drawing a breath.
And then they released him.
He fell to his knees immediately, coughing and sputtering. His throat ached terribly and his vision was still swimming, but at least he could breathe. His intrusive thoughts regarding the transmission of whatever deadly disease were momentarily overridden by his fear of immediate death, and he knew exactly what he was going to use his air for.
"I'm sorry," he croaked, triggering another coughing fit. "I'm s-sorry, I tried– I tried to get home, I'm sorry..."
"Get up, Beck."
"I j-just need a moment–"
"I do not have a moment."
He somehow pushed himself to his feet and leaned back against the wall, still breathing heavy. He resisted the urge to ask whether the vampire believed him, having gathered that they were not in the mood to listen to his blabbering.
"Do not be late again," they said, as if it was that simple.
"Ah. Stop right there." They waited a moment, seemingly pleased with Beck closing his mouth and nervously biting the inside of his cheek instead. "I do not care for your excuses tonight. I will repeat this one last time: do not be late again."
Beck swallowed, the feeling of Helle's fingers closing around his throat still lingering. He knew what he was expected to say. It was just so hard when this entire situation had been out of his control, and he'd actually tried to be good. He had. And now Helle wasn't listening.
"Yes, Master," he said quietly, obediently tilting his head to the side.
"There you go. Good boy." They held up the simple cloth mask, and Beck's eyes followed the movement. He couldn't help shooting them a pleading look, suddenly all too aware of his exposed face. "You can have it back after I have had my fill. You need to learn to prioritise."
"Y-yes, Master," he repeated even more dejectedly.
taglist: @whumpsday @the-scrapegoat @hidden-dreamland @dismemberment-on-a-tuesday-night @delicateprincepaper @whumppmuhw @florissimps @nicolepascaline @oliversrarebooks @the-cyrulik @pirefyrelight
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generic-whumper · 11 months
Whump scenario: keep a whumpee who is afraid of the dark and hates being cold in a pitch black room room and sporadically hose them down with ice cold water.
What breaks them first, hallucinating their fears in the dark, or them thinking they have hypothermia?
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The second the scent of copper reached Whumper's nose was a moment before it spilt across her white marble floors. She felt sick, her stomach churning at the sight. Now, Whumper wasn't squeamish, like one would believe. She just couldn't handle the sight or smell of blood. There was no concrete reason, really, not that she could remember.
Whumpee stood waiting for the next strike, back aching from all the lashes already given. She shuddered as she felt a slow drip of liquid down her raw skin. Was that..? Whumpee jerked to turn around when she heard the whip drop to the floor. Whumper was shaking more than she was.
An intense look of shock intermingled with disgust and alarm painted itself against Whumper's sharp features. They both stared at each other for several beats when Whumper shut down. She silently walked to a seat, sat and began to hyperventilate. Whumper couldn't stop it and Whumpee was greatly confused. This was the first time Whumpee had ever bled in front of Whumper, so this was all new to her.
She placed her head in her hands, tremors working their way through her fingertips. Whumpee glanced at a door, contemplating.
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redstainedsocks · 2 years
More of the safe house arc. Had this one swimming around in my head for months and hey, look what happens when you sit down in front of a keyboard for 30 minutes! Welcome to the We All Hate Tom Club
Contents: confinement, emotional whump/panic attack, trauma response, past!torture references, whumped by team member
The smell of a mouth-watering breakfast greeted Zach when he awoke. Despite Tom being his only company for the day it dragged him out of bed and down the stairs at a quicker pace. He found Tom at the kitchen table, digging into slices of toast and bacon, a thick porridge creamy in a bowl beside him, and some pre-heated muffins cooling on a rack beside the oven.
“Mornin’,” Tom said, waving a fork in his direction.
“You cooked.”
“I’m a man of many talents.” A smirk flitted across Tom’s face that set an uneasy feeling in Zach’s stomach. 
He nodded, absently, taking in the food. “Enough for two?” he asked, quietly.
“Oh absolutely, I already served you a portion in fact.”
“You did?” Zach shifted, looking for the lie, the trick. Assessing the room. He’d play along with whatever this game was, but an inclination of what to expect would be much preferable.
“Yeah, follow me.”
On heavy feet Zach trailed after Tom, leaving the enticing scents to fade as they walked back to the hallway. They stopped before the door to the basement, the lower level of the house that made up the third floor. Unusual for the area, but the house was built on a hill. There was enough of an incline to make use of the space but the floor below had very little light, only a few high windows.
Tom opened the door with a flourish. Like an animal on the prowl he watched with eager eyes and Zach swallowed, face flushing. He knew he couldn’t hide the uptick in his breathing, the slight tremor in his hands.
“What is this?” he asked.
“Take a look.”
He edged closer to the door and peered down the stairs, sure enough, at the bottom there was a tray of steaming food. “Why?”
“I noticed you had a thing about this, wouldn’t go near the door. Didn’t offer to help change a bulb down there last week when one blew. I wondered how far the fear went.”
“Far enough,” Zach replied, crossing his arms.
“Well, that’s your breakfast. All you have to do is go get it.”
Zach looked up, studying Tom’s face. He worked his jaw, teeth grinding. “And then I can eat?”
“Yep!” The grin that spread across Tom’s face was insufferable. How did he manage to see so much, to find such cruel and insidious games to play? Was Zach really so easy to read?
“Fine.” He’d been through worse, he wasn’t going to be hurt. He could out-manoeuvre Tom on this one and surprise him by not giving in.
He took a step. Another. His stomach flipped, and suddenly he wasn’t all that hungry anymore. The dim interior of the staircase felt like it would go on forever, stretching ahead of him until it warped and wobbled. He took a breath, and another, forced air into his lungs to keep his legs moving. As he passed the threshold his hand shot out to steady against the wall, palm flat against the textured paint.
Nothing good had ever happened in a basement, not to him. Dark, lonely, pain-filled places. Stuck underground, in cold, damp rooms that clung around his skin, stuck like tar in his memories. Black places. Punishments and penance, paid with bruises and more. 
He was three steps down when the memories crowded, he doubled over, took another breath. There was nothing down here. Nothing. He straightened his spine, but still his steps were heavy, as though convinced he was voluntarily walking to his doom. There was a tremor in his legs, his left knee buckled. He stumbled down two stairs before he got control of it.
There was a snicker behind him and he groaned, cursing Tom, himself, the world. He just had to get it over with. With a burst of speed he quick-stepped to the bottom and leaned into the hand bracing his weight. “There,” he called back hoarsely. “Are you satisfied?”
Tom didn’t respond. Zach rounded on him, mouth parted on a breath. Hinges squeaked, and he got one second of a grin and the look of triumph on Tom’s face before the door began to swing shut. He waited a beat, one, two, another, a fourth, a fifth. The door stayed on it’s trajectory. A scream welled up, and he strangled it until it was only a coarse yelp.
His legs found their strength in a flash, and he bounded up the stairs. “Don’t! Wait! Don’t, let me out!”
He was closing in on the top of the stairs, moving faster than he had in weeks. His hands stretched to catch it before the lock clicked into place. Please please please. Whispers of other days, other times, crowded around him, hammering into him like they might rip a hole through his chest.
The door clicked into the lock. He slammed into it with a thud that reverberated through his wrists, jolted him up to the elbows. 
He did scream, then. He wailed, hands pounding on the wood. “Tom, please, PLEASE! Don’t do this, you don’t have to do this.”
It was undignified and humiliating and even feeling that he couldn’t stop, wouldn’t stop. “I’ll do whatever you want. Just let me out.”
A solid weight thumped into the door on the other side and he held his breath, waiting.
“Zach, you still there?”
A low chuckle. “So dramatic, god, you really can’t stomach anything these days can you?”
“No,” he admitted softly. Would admit to anything Tom accused him of, just to make this end.
“Tsk, shame. It’s going to be a long morning then, isn’t it? Hope you enjoy your meal at least.”
Footsteps echoed, moving away, and the door remained locked. He pawed at it, rattled the handle, shoved at it with his shoulder but it didn’t budge. He slid to the floor, one hand still gripping the handle, and hung his head. Fat, salty tears slipped from his eyes and he did nothing to stem them. He couldn’t tell if they were shame, or fear, or grief for who he could be, used to be, if he wasn’t so cowardly, so lost. But it didn’t matter, there was no-one to see anyway.
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painsandconfusion · 1 year
No Pain, No Gain
Merry Whump of May 1st
[Compass | Haphephobia | Kitchen] (tw: intimate whumper, noncon touch, general deprivation of personal space, burning threat)
[The Merry Whump of May Masterpost] [Phobia Whumper Masterpost]
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“Wh-umper n- please I c- I can do it-”
Whumper just chuckled, relentless as their gentle fingers scorched into Whumpee’s elbows.
Was it doing any damage? No. Whumpee knew that. But it felt like it. Their skin crawled and itched and seared under the soft touch that drove them up to the stove. A soft sob sputtered up from their throat as a warm hand enclosed around theirs. Trapping them. Teasing them. Controlling them. Pressing them relentlessly closer to the heat. To real pain.
It almost sounded better.
Whumper directed both of their hands around the wooden spoon, forcing Whumpee to stir.
“Whu-umper pl-”
“Shhhhh- enough of that. I’m helping. You want to get better, right?” Whumpee whined in a soft, terrified protest as Whumper stepped up closer behind them, his front flush against their back. “I’ll help you. Guide you. Map and compass in one - you just need practice, right?”
Whumpee’s head was shaking before they even heard the question. “N-nonono- plea s-stop just- stoop let mebreathe-” It was a fair enough ask; Whumpee’s lungs were already scalding with the steam and spitting oil from the pan, punching down their throat in short, stabbing bursts as their racing heart desperately tried to keep up. Tries to help them think about anything but that hands on them and the skin touching their and Whumper’s hot, close breath on the back of their scalp an-
Whumpee’s head turtled into their shoulders, a whimpering sob squeaking out as Whumper nestled a kiss to the side of their neck.
Tears spat and hissed as they splattered into the pan, melding into the eggs.
“Just trust me~ No pain, no gain, right?”
Shoutout to @themerrywhumpofmay for this event!
[The Merry Whump of May Masterpost] [Phobia Whumper Masterpost]
(tags: @prisonerwhump @whumpawink @mabledonut @happy-little-sadist @paleassprince @distinctlywhumpthing @wibbly-wobbly-whump @batfacedliar-yetagain @suspicious-whumping-egg @wormwriting @villainsvictim @throwawaywhumper @wild-selenite-caffine @whumpasaurus101 @thecitythatdoesntsleep @whumpworld @pinkieglitterheart @whumpberry-cookie @rainbows-and-whumperflies @a-galactic-fox @shywhumpauthor @cyberneticwhump @bumpwhump @hold-back-on-the-comfort @veyroswin @whumping-seven-days-a-week @whumpingisfun @suffering-and-misery @definitely-not-a-seagull-i-swear @yetanotheraltwhumpblog @whump-queen @a-whumped-tea @whumpsday @sonder35)
As always, lmk if you want to be added or removed from any tag lists!
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The Grand A-Z List of Whump 2/3
This list contains ~174 items listed I to Q
As always, I heavily encourage people to research topics thoroughly when writing. Whump is generally a 'dead dove' sort of topic, however it is important to avoid stereotypes/misinformation. This lists intention is to not glorify/romanticise sensitive topics in any way.
This is a comprehensive list of injuries, Illnesses and tropes - including those from the Whumptober 2023 trope vote!
All submissions are listed in italics, and those who wanted to be tagged will be included at the end. If you have any more submissions: please send them via DM/my ask box.
[A-H] [R-Z] [NSFW List]
List below the cut:
Identity reveal
Ignorance is Bliss
Ignoring an Injury
Immersion foot syndromes (Prolonged exposure to damp and cold)
Immortal healed wrong
Improvised medicine/treatment
Infected (Blood, Wound, Tattoo etc)
Injured caretaker carrying an even more injured whumpee.
Injured whumpee instructs caretaker how to treat them.
Injury Discovery
Injury Revelation
Internal Bleeding
Intimate whumper
Involuntary whumper
Jamais vu (The experience of being unfamiliar with a person or situation that is actually very familiar.)
Jet Lag
Jumping (to safety, forced to jump)
Just dying in general.
Keeping quiet because the enemy is nearby
Keeping the whumpee awake
Ketosis (body burning fat for energy)
Kidnapped by the opposing team
Kidney Stones
Killed! (Again and again and again for the lovely immortal whumpees<;3)
Knife through hand and into wall/floor
Knocked Out
Lab Rat
Late realisation
Left for dead
Lichenberg scars/Lightning strike
Limited Medical Supplies
Live-Streamed/Broadcast torture
Locked Up and Left Behind
Losing a Bet
Loss of appetite
Loss of reality
Lost (In the woods, city etc)
Lost voice
Low Blood Pressure
Lumbago (lower back pain)
Lured into a trap
Lyme's disease
Magical exhaustion
Magical healing
Magic whump (using spells to harm someone)
Major Character Death
Makeshift Splints
Medical trauma
Medieval Torture
Memory Loss
Menstrual Cramps
Mental illness after being kidnapping (and addressing it)
Military lovers
Military whump
Mind control/Manipulation
Missing Person
Mistaken Identity
Mopping a sweaty brow with a cool cloth
Muffled Scream
Multiple Sclerosis
Multiple Whumpees
Multiple Whumpers
Muscular Atrophy
Nailed to a wall or floor
Nails digging into palms
Nail marks left in the whumpees skin
Natural Disasters
Near-Death Experience
Nerve damage
Nerve pain
No anesthesia
No goodbyes
Nonhuman whumpee
Not allowed to die
Not Realizing They’re Injured
Nowhere else to go
Noxious (gas/fumes)
Obsession (with finishing the mission, the whumper obsessed with the whumpee etc)
Open Fracture
Orthostatic hypotension (low blood pressure when standing)
Osteogenesis Imperfecta (brittle bone disease)
Oxygen Deprivation
Oxygen Mask
Packing a wound
Panic attacks
Paralysis (this could be temporary or permanent)
Parent caring for sick child
Passing out from pain
Passing out in arms
Permanent injuries that affect them long term
Phantom pain
Phobias (could lead to character stumbling and hurting themselves in an attempt to escape their fear)
Photographs/Polaroids ( Especially if they're of the kidnapped whumpee)
Physical Therapy
Piercing ripped out
Pinched nerve
Pinned Down/To The Wall
Possession/possession recovery
Post-exertional malaise
Post-ictal confusion/any other symptoms (after a seizure)
POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome)
Power Fatigue
Praise (especially if it's from the whumper)
Pregnancy (morning sickness, self-conscious, hot flushes, tired and sleepy, general malaise, swollen feet, weird cravings...)
Presumed dead
Prisoner Exchange
Protecting friend from the whumpees own team (bonus points if doing it while injured)
Psychological Torture
Psychological Whump
Pulled Muscles
Puncture Wounds
TAG LIST: Thank you very much to the following people for submitting ideas! (I apologise if some tags did not work, I'm not sure why tumblrs not letting me tag you!)
@I-eat-worlds | @greygullhaven | @letsgowhump | @cyberwhumper @firapolemos05 | @originaldeerhottub | @whumpilicious | @drawing-dinos82 | @carenrose | @stellarinuscronicles | @gottheseasonalblues | @marvelflame2010 | @sowhumpful | @avamcu | @courtneygacha | @lordofthewhumps | @autismmydearwatson | @kuddelmuddell | @the-most-handsome-ginger | @whirls-and-swirls | @painsandconfusion
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prompt ask game — bad caretaker
[tw bad caretaker, victim blaming, manipulation, conditioning, conditioned whumpee, abandonment, emotional whump, psychological whump]
25 scenarios and 25 dialogue prompts :)
caretaker accidentally injures whumpee
caretaker accidentally triggers whumpee
caretaker loses their patience and snaps
caretaker forgets about whumpee
caretaker forgets about an important event/date
caretaker is overworked and whumpee is the last thing they want to be thinking about
caretaker purposely abandons whumpee because they're fed up
caretaker lashes out and ends up saying something very hurtful
caretaker purposely uses whumpee's conditioning against them
caretaker purposely triggers whumpee for whatever reason
caretaker is too rough when handling whumpee
caretaker has no idea how to communicate properly, they're so gruff and blunt to the point of rudeness
caretaker is friends with whumper and ends up believing whumper over whumpee
caretaker is victim blaming
caretaker is reluctant and constantly whining
caretaker perceives whumpee as a huge burden
caretaker feels like their life ended when they got tasked with caring for whumpee
caretaker gets too possessive/controlling over their charge
caretaker can't keep it consistent with the house rules
caretaker has their own issues so whumpee's sometimes get swept under the rug
caretaker x whumpee romance (gone wrong) (it's weird and toxic and dubcon-y)
caretaker can't cook and it ends up causing serious issues
caretaker has no idea how to take care of a sick person and makes it all worse
caretaker is too squeamish to take care of whumpee but they're the only one around
caretaker is trying to solve a medical issue with zero experince (stitches, splints etc.)
"how can you be so ungrateful?"
"how do you think i feel?"
"i can't believe you can't even do that."
"look, i'm sorry, it's just... a lot."
"oh, here we go again."
"so now i'm the bad guy."
"i can't keep doing this anymore."
"you can't keep doing this anymore."
"you're being so difficult."
"can't you just give me a break for two seconds?"
"oh, fuck. you look like shit."
"if i have to hold you down, i will, and no amount of tears will convince me not to."
"stop crying already, fuck."
"i told you not to do that."
"one more sound and i swear i'll bring you back to whumper."
"you have to get over it at some point."
"yeah, yeah, i know, trauma this, trauma that..."
"you're such a victim."
"have you ever thought that maybe... it was kinda your fault?"
"do not go outside without me."
"what the fuck is wrong with you?"
"oh, you're really messed up/broken."
"i really can't do anything anymore, can i? it's all about you, you, you."
"it's just a fucking [object of phobia/irrational fear], stop being so childish."
"you know what? maybe you deserved it."
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letitbehurt · 5 months
Hello, it's me again yay!
What actions or things give you immediate whumperflies?
There are just—so many. Too many. Here are a few:
Whumpee’s instinct to block a blow kicking in when Caretaker moves too fast
Whumper watching a captive Whumpee’s tantrum or breakdown with unwavering amusement
Whumper covering Whumpee’s mouth with a firm hand, either to keep them from shouting for help or to make sure they hear the threat that comes next
Whumper using an insecurity or a phobia against Whumpee
A thumb digging into a bullet wound, Whumper repeating their question calmly as Whumpee screams
The first time a stoic/defiant Whumpee cries
Whumper casually ordering Whumpee to do something humiliating
Whumpee curled up in the corner of a cell with their arms wrapped tightly around their knees, shivering too violently to sleep
A captive Whumpee in public for the first time about to ask a stranger for help, but then meeting Whumper’s gaze over the stranger’s shoulder and freezing
Any silent indication of anger from Whumper: a warning tilt of the head, a muscle twitching in their jaw, their usually agreeable expression wiping itself blank
Additionally, any silent indication of anger from Caretaker: fists balled at their sides until their palms bleed beneath their nails, eyes flashing dangerously at a threat against Whumpee, then speaking softly as they deliver their own
The shudder that rolls through Whumpee when Whumper touches them, because they can’t pull away
Whumper giving Whumpee a choice between a humiliating punishment and a painful one
Caretaker accidentally triggering Whumpee and panicking as they try to undo it
A medic who works for Whumper giving Whumpee advice as they treat their wounds, distracting Whumpee from the pain by getting them to talk
A guard who works for Whumper sneaking in necessities for Whumpee—a scrap of food, clean water, maybe even pain meds
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redd956 · 1 year
Things I love in Whump
Characters having to speak between whimpers, breaths, etc.
Character A melting into the clutches of Character B
The reveal of a hidden injury. Bonus points if it's a leader type unveiling an injury.
An enemy or unexpected friend going through great lengths to help whumpee
Whumper turning out to be on some sort of spell or control, and having no recollection of what they've done
Whumper equally being a whumpee to someone else
Caretaker giving whumpee blankets, soup, ice packs, etc.
Characters being so out of it they don't even realize or know someone's coming to their rescue
When whumpee breaks and they just start crying. Bonus points if it's during the rescue.
Stoic buff absolute unit of a whumpee (bonus points: nonhuman) being worn away
Leader or "Unstoppable" type character is revealed to have a severe phobia from some past pain
Character breathing heavily, that kind of full body shudder breath. Everyone can hear their breathing
Whimpers, murmurs, etc when whumpee can't speak or is trying to get out their words
A limp whumpee lying against a character, or in a character's lap
When a character has to pour water down whumpee's throat
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whumpy-wyrms · 7 months
do you have any whump series recommendations?
oh yeah i have a lot!! thanks for asking :D
spiderwebs by @toyybox one of my favorite whump series right now! it’s super amazing but criminally underrated, if u like the last lab rat you’d probably like this too!!
at my beck and call by @whumpshaped the silly vampires :3 amazing story with amazing characters!!
kane and jim by @whumpsday one of my favorite whump series!
basement whumper by @jordanstrophe this was actually the first whump series i ever read on tumblr and is still one my my favorites :)
behave also by @jordanstrophe
guns for hire by @avvail-whumps
collectors bounty by @suspicious-whumping-egg
the scoop of a lifetime by @whump-me-all-night-long
whumping the whumpers and phobia whumper by @painsandconfusion
shattered by @oddsconvert
ceran and his faerie by @hurtthemgently
cat and mouse by @t0rture-me
a new beginning and saved by a killer by @a-crumb-of-whump
hamster interactive story by @whumpinthepot
pick your poison by @blackberry-bloody
signal by @whump-a-la-mode
i know there’s sooo much more that i’m forgetting but these are some of my favs!! anyone can feel free to recommend other whump series you like too! :D
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ibims1seb · 7 months
A Gift II
Part one
TW: mentioned bruises, mentioned kidnapping, implied nudity (in a bathtub and their alone), phobia Whump, triggered haphephobia (fear of being touched), intimate Whumper, non-con touch, implied enjoyment of panic, (let me know if there is more)
The water wrapping around their body like a comforting hug would have made them huddle into it and not leave any time soon, but the circumstances under which this came to be killed any kind of relaxation Whumpee could have had. They were too aware of the soap in their bruises, the shadows lingering outside of the door and the clear lack of natural light. It was obvious that this wasn’t some sick joke. They were truly not meant to get out of this building any time soon. Maybe even never…, the thought about that stung more than the oils in their wounds. They didn’t want to stay here. Of course, they were grateful that the man, Whumper, had been rather kind, but only god knew how long that would last.
With a sad sigh they dove back down into the water, submerging them self in the slowly cooling liquid. They shuddered, not sure why, sending small waves across the surface. It took their everything to ignore the pictures of friends and family flashing in front of their minds eye, reminding them of what they would lose if they didn’t get out of here. They had to get out of here, no matter what.
With that goal in mind, they pushed them self up and out of the water. They snatched the towel off of the heater close by and nearly to squeaked at the comfortable warmth. They dried their body before taking the provided first aid kit on a stand close to the bathtub. They had absolutely no experience at tending wounds, the worst thing they’d ever done was break their arm once and of course they didn’t have to care for it themself. But now they were alone and too afraid to call for anybody who could help them. So Whumpee just did their best to wrap up the worst bruises in the white fabric, hoping that the soap had eliminated any kind of bacteria.
When they were done with that, they turned to the given clothes. It was a big, mint green T-shirt with a V-collar and knee long, slightly too big pants. It was only for sleeping they recalled, not for wandering around the mansion. Whumper probably wouldn’t have been mad at someone, who let them wear rags, if he himself was going to humiliate them by giving them these clothes. After changing, they didn’t know what to do. They just sat on the bathtub wall, waiting for who knows what.
After a few more minutes, Whumpee realised that, whatever they were waiting for, wasn’t going to come. They were alone in a way too big building with someone who claimed them as their own. A gift, that’s all they were. That’s what the man who took them had said.
“You are a gift for the highest of the high! You should appreciate it, so stop crying for fuck sake!” But they did not appreciate it. They couldn’t. And they didn’t think they could be blamed for that.
Before the tears could overwhelm them, they stepped out of the bathroom, startling the maid who had brought them here. They gave each other tired smiles and the woman waved for them to follow her without a word or question about his red and puffy eyes. Maybe she was already familiar with this scenario, Whumpee tried hard to shove that thought out of their mind, but it never fully disappeared. No, it stayed in the back of their head together with other, awfully reasonable ideas.
The hallways that they were lead through felt just a little bit too long, the ceiling being just somewhat too high and and the light felt just vaguely too bright. It was just overwhelming. Everything was. So, when the maid finally stopped in front of a tall, wooden door, they were glad. They could just relax for a little. Until dinner, whenever that might be.
When Whumpee woke up again, they were warmer than they remembered. It felt weird, like a slightly to tight hug…
They froze and every muscle in their body started to work when they realised that it did not only feel like a hug, it was one. There were arms wrapping around their chest, and a forehead nuzzled in between their shoulder blades. The supposedly gentle touch made them choke on their own fear and they screwed their eyes shut, hoping that, if they didn’t see the hands clawing awful close to their body, the panic would disappear. It didn’t though. They started to get way to aware of the other ones movement. The breath against the shirt, sort of protecting them. The slight brushing of the persons stomach against their back while they breathed. It was too much. Way too much!
Air caught in their throat and every puff of it slowly turned into uncontrollable sobs. They wanted to get out. Out of the grip the bed and this damned house. They just wanted to leave.
The crying, involuntarily growing louder and louder, finally woke the monster sleeping behind them. Its breath quickened and the head was removed from their upper back.
“Oh my, I’m sorry! I must have moved in my sleep.”, Whumper’s voice didn’t sound as apologetic as the words he spoke should have made it and Whumpee forbid themselves from looking behind them, afraid of seeing a smile. They had known this man for a few hours at best, but they were already sure that they knew him well enough to say one thing for certain. He wasn’t sorry at all, no matter what!
The arms were withdrawn and they could finally breath again. Their heartbeat slowed down and their sobbing slowly but surely eased again, turning into quiet whimpers of gratitude. They couldn’t believe it. They were glad that someone respected their fucking boundaries. That this man had the decency to act on his manners, no matter if he wanted to or not. They were glad that they were granted space like it was a privilege! Though, considering their situation, it probably was.
Whumpee could still feel his stare in their neck, but they did nothing. They didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of acknowledgement. They were forced to either stay in this bed with a person triggering their phobias, purposely or not, or to go and sleep on the ground. Biting their cheeks at the realisation, they closed their eyes again, hoping to drift back into sleep before Whumper could act again.
I have just realised that I have too much free time…
Well, enjoy your whumpy treat and I will see you the next time I get on this App. Who knows when that will be ;) (probably in a few hours though lul)
Tag List: @turn-the-tables-on-them , @villainsandheroes ,
(Lmk if you wanna be added)
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a-crumb-of-whump · 1 year
Whump prompts: Crying
Content: Forced to hurt, reluctant whumper, defiant whumpee, carewhumper.
Caretaker crying the moment Whumpee isn't awake to see them.
Similarly, a defiant whumpee breaking down the moment Whumper has gone and they're left alone.
Caretaker thinks Whumpee's tears are fake, so they start to tease them for it.
Caretaker and Whumpee crying as they reunite.
A carewhumper bursting into tears after they accidentally take things too far.
A reluctant whumper crying when the whumpee they're being forced to hurt says they hate them.
A creepy/stalker whumper crying when their beloved whumpee is stolen away from them (rescued).
Whumpee is fine until a phobia of theirs is used against them. Then, all of a sudden, the tears won't stop.
Whumper licking a crying whumpee's tears away.
Caretaker gets a call from Whumpee who managed to get ahold of Whumper's phone. They can't stop crying as they try to get any information they possibly can.
Whumper mocking Whumpee for crying.
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painsandconfusion · 4 months
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