ridloaulia · 4 months
On Education, where it all started.
"Memangnya dengan berkuliah membuat kita jadi cukup pintar? eitss tunggu dulu.."
Itu salah satu awalan dari salah satu episode podquest yang saya dengar beberapa hari yang lalu. Masih terngiang sekali di kepala saya pemaparan-pemaparan announcernya yang menurut saya couldn't agree more. Oke mari kita sounding ulang isi podquestnya, karena menurut saya ide baik itu harus disebarluaskan.
Tentang Realita Pendidikan Indonesia
Kalau kita pernah membaca berita tentang hasil PISA, sebuah tes untuk menguji kecerdasan anak usia dini di seluruh dunia, Indonesia berada di posisi yang mengkhawatirkan. Tingkat literasi dan numerikal kita sangat rendah jika dibandingkan dengan negara-negara lain. Lebih parahnya lagi, sejak tahun 2000 sampai sekarang, peningkatan hasil PISA kita tidak begitu signifikan, hanya bertambah beberapa skor saja. Bayangkan, selama 20 tahunan peran pengajar Indonesia, ternyata hasilnya tidak begitu signifikan.
Mungkin diantara kita ada yang nyeletuk "ah itu kan PISA, cuma tes untuk anak-anak". Nah, ternyata (saya baru tahu juga) ada tes PISA khusus untuk dewasa. Tes ini bernama PIAAC. sebuah tes berstandar internasional juga untuk menguji tingkat literasi, numerikal, dan sains orang berusia 16-50 tahun. Dan hasilnyaa.. Skor Kemampuan Kognitif rata-rata lulusan Sarjana Indonesia setara dengan kemampuan kognitif anak SMA di 30 negara lain. Ditambah lagi, ternyata hasil ini setara dengan anak SMP di Denmark. Bangun guys! ternyata kemampuan kognitif rata-rata sarjana kita di bawah anak smp denmark.
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Mengapa Tes ini Begitu Penting?
Saya setuju dengan pemaparan sabda dan cania dalam podquest ini. Tes semacam PISA dan PIAAC ini menjadi penting karena dapat memetakan tingkat kecerdasan manusia di setiap negara. Bukan hanya tes nya yang penting, tapi standardisasi akan tes tersebut menjadi sangat penting karena berkaitan dengan kemampuan kognitif masyarakat Indonesia. Saya masih yakin bahwa banyak diantara kita yang merasa "biasa-biasa" saja dengan skill literasi dan numerasi. Padahal, itu adalah skill fundamental seseorang untuk bisa "hidup" baik di dunia. Kemampuan kognitif akan menetukan cara dia membaca "realitas" dunia. Kemampuan kognitif yang baik akan membantu seseorang menemukan jalan keluar akan segala sesuatu.
Saya selalu percaya, tes matematika adalah hal yang sangat fundamental untuk bisa dikuasai oleh semua orang. Bukan semata-mata karena "rumus-rumus"nya, tapi tentang cara berpikirnya. Bodoamat dengan rumus-rumus matematika, yang terpenting adalah "cara berpikir" matematisnya. Maka saya tidak sependapat dengan orang yang bilang "buat apa belajar matematika, toh di kehidupan sehari-hari saya tidak pakai rumus pytagoras kok" atau "saya kan cita-citanya mau jadi pelukis, kenapa harus belajar matematika sih". Karena, saya menyadari bahwa matematika itu bukan rumus, tapi cara berpikir. Dibuat "tes matematika" karena kita perlu sebuah medium konkret untuk menuliskan cara berpikir tersebut. sangat filosofis bukan.
Dengan kemampuan kognitif yang baik, maka kita akan dapat menjadi "cerdas" yang sebenarnya. Bisa menerima dan mengolah informasi dengan baik. Semua orang saat ini hidup di era VUCA, kita perlu cepat beradaptasi dan melihat peluang. Tanpa memiliki kemampuan kognitif yang baik, maka sangat mudah bagi kita untuk menjadi martir dan tersingkir dari peradaban. Belum lagi tentang politik dan demokrasi, socrates sangat membenci demokrasi karena menurutnya, ketika orang-orang bodoh disuruh untuk mengambil voting, maka hasilnya akan bodoh pula. Masyarakat dengan kognitif yang rendah pasti akan mudah untuk diadu domba dengan hoax, termakan oleh narasi-narasi palsu. Maka penting bagi kita untuk meningkatkan kualitas kognitif kita.
Permasalahan Pendidikan Indonesia I: Standardisasi
Oke, kita ingin "mencerdaskan bangsa". Pertanyaannya, standardnya apa? Menurut hemat saya, tes semacam PISA dan PIAAC ini bisa menjadi standard kemajuan kecerdasan kita. Kalau memang hasil PISA dan PIAAC kita rendah, maka kita harus jujur dan mengakui bahwa memang bangsa kita secara standard internasional masih di bawah rata-rata. Tapi tentu ini perlu menjadi semangat kita untuk terus berkembang.
Yang jadi masalahnya, apakah pendidikan kita saat ini sudah "sesuai" dengan standard yang sudah dibuat secara internasional?
Jika melihat cara bekerja kementerian pendidikan saat ini, tolok ukur yang kita gunakan sangatlah berpaku kepada kuantitas dibandingkan kualitas. Lihat saja, hasil transparansi yang ditunjukan oleh kementerian pendidikan adalah berupa sekian juta orang yang bersekolah, sekian ratus ribu sekolah dibangun, sekian ratus juta perbaikan fasilitas sekolah, sekian ribu orang menjadi sarjana. Pertanyaannya, memangnya itu berarti kita "cerdas"? Amanat UUD adalah untuk "mencerdaskan bangsa". Maka kita perlu punya standardisasi yang tepat tentang makna "cerdas" itu apa. Jangan terlalu naif, kita perlu standard internasional untuk bisa mendefinisikan "cerdas" itu apa. Karena kita semua hidup di zaman super cepat dan globalisasi, maka kita perlu memiliki kemampuan berpikir yang "berstandar global" juga
Permasalahan Pendidikan Indonesia II: Kualitas Pendidikan dan Guru
Jika kita sudah memiliki standard yang benar tentang "bagaimana itu cerdas", maka selanjutnya kita perlu menyesuaikan cara belajar kita dengan kualitas pendidikan yang terstandardisasi. Penekanan terhadap literasi, numerikal, dan sains, adalah kuncinya.
Lalu muncul pertanyaan: Bagaimana dengan kebutuhan anak seperti kemampuan estetika, moral, olahraga, dll?
Justru dengan kita menekankan pada pelajaran literasi, numerikal, dan sains (tok), maka jumlah pelajaran kita yang bejibun itu bisa banyak di-cut. Realita anak harus belajar dari jam 7 sampai jam 3 sore sangat menyeramkan. Pulang sekolah yang ada capek dan letih. Tapi dengan memfokuskan pada 3 pelajaran utama, maka jumlah pelajaran semakin sedikit, jam belajar semakin sedikit pula. Setelah itu anak justru akan punya waktu yang lebih banyak untuk aktualisasi diri: untuk ikut pesantren kilat, untuk belajar beladiri, untuk bermain sepak bola, untuk berlatih tari, dan lain-lain.
Kita juga selalu menggaungkan tentang kesejahteraan guru. Tentang guru yang gajinya sangat kecil namun bebannya sangat berat.
Yang saya pahami, kenapa gaji guru kecil salah satunya dikarenakan jumlah guru yang sangat banyak. Jumlah yang sangat banyak ini juga bisa terjadi dikarenakan mata pelajaran yang terlalu banyak tadi. Oleh karenanya, justru dengan memangkas mata pelajaran, maka akan membuat jumlah guru semakin terkendali, memiliki gaji yang besar, dan kualitas mengajar yang lebih baik.
Menurut saya, kita harus mulai berhenti berada pada status quo yang selama 20 tahun ini mengekang kita. Jika kualitas kognitif Indonesia masih begini-begini saja, bagaimana bisa kita mencapai bonus demografi 2045.
(Anyway, setelah tau kondisi kognitif kita seperti ini, saya juga jadi ikut berkaca diri, kok. Tau apa yang sedang saya lakukan sekarang-sekarang? saya jadi belajar ulang matematika! bukan untuk menghafal rumus-rumus. Tapi untuk mengasah cara berpikir yang runut, sistematis, detail, dan problem solving) Selamat menjadi jerome polin, all.
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monriatitans · 8 months
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The Adults Who Can't Read
Zoe Bee Lots of “progressive” folks make fun of people for struggling with reading and writing. This is a bad thing. Let’s talk about why. Literacy Center Search: https://www.nld.org/ Other Resources: — The Literacy Foundation: https://www.fondationalphabetisation…. — UNESCO Literacy Site: https://en.unesco.org/themes/literacy — Alberta, Canada Education Site:…
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
Not aroace but I get where anon is coming from. If you write an aroace character who's sex neutral or sex negative, you WILL get a comment going "not all ace people hate sex!", and it's like... bro, that's valid, but I never said ALL ace people hate sex, I said this one specific person does.
Relatedly when you write aroace characters you increase your chances of getting a comment about how not ALL aces are aro and not ALL aros are ace and you then have to point out that you never said otherwise.
Whenever you remember that NCES PIAAC literacy skills study that found 55% of people in the United States under the age of 30 cannot read long texts, this makes a lot of sense. Reading comprehension is shit, so they read the first line of a tumblr post somewhere saying some aces like sex and decided ace = sex-positive by default, and they tried to read your fanfic but it was longer than they can read with comprehension, resulting in them thinking they read something about all aros being ace or all aces being aro.
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skinnymisiaa · 2 months
hejcia ogolnie to chcialabym jakas motywacje, jesli jakis motylek jest chetny popisac na pv to moze smialo piaac:33
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orotrasparente · 1 year
io la prima sera: meh.. cioè
io la seconda: uhm
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1mysteriousstranger · 9 months
Having adequate literacy skills means being able to understand, evaluate, use and engage with written texts. It also means being able to participate in society, achieve your goals, and develop your knowledge and potential. 
Research shows that adults who have inadequate literacy skills are more likely to have poorer overall health, lower salaries, and lower levels of participation in their community.Download statistics
Adult Literacy in Canada
48% of adult Canadians have literacy skills that fall below a high school level, which negatively affects their ability to function at work and in their personal lives. (OECD Skills Outlook 2013: First results from the survey of Adult Skills – OECD, 2013).
17% function at the lowest level, where they may, for example, be unable to read the dosage instructions on a medicine bottle. (OECD Skills Outlook 2013: First results from the survey of Adult Skills – OECD, 2013).
Over half (54.7%) of adult Canadians score in the two lowest skill levels in numeracy, up from 49.8% in 2003. (Skills in Canada: First Results from the Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) – Statistics Canada, 2013).
People with lower literacy skills are more likely to be unemployed than those who scored higher. (Skills in Canada: First Results from the Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) – Statistics Canada, 2013)
Canada ranked 11th out of the 23 OECD countries evaluated by the PIAAC (The Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies) on the percentage of adults with suitable literacy skills. (OECD Skills Outlook 2013: First results from the survey of Adult Skills – OECD, 2013)
The assessment found that the percentage of adults with unsuitable literacy skills (48%) has increased notably over the past 10 years. (OECD Skills Outlook 2013: First results from the survey of Adult Skills – OECD, 2013)
Literacy had the most notable effect when measured against other factors that affect differences in pay, followed by education (Literacy in the Information Age: Final Report of the International Adult Literacy Survey – OECD and Statistics Canada, 2000)
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vergess · 10 months
Could you please send me info of the propaganda in the states? Specifically Michigan. I saw your post about the literacy of adults and children being low. Could you please share a link with me?
So, for the US specifically, I would suggest checking out this post, which goes into WAY more detail and includes sources.
For Michigan, you can look up the state and county data here, on the US PIAAC map, which is generated by the US and UN literacy statistics collected at adult testing centers.
Or, you can go to the Michigan department of education website, where they collect more complex statistics for the state, broken down by age group.
Finally, Michigan in particular has been working on addressing this crisis for at least 6 years now, and headway IS being made! For example, students who cannot pass basic literacy testing are no longer being shunted to the next grade level, but instead given the opportunity to repeat and actually get taught for real.
But that is headway made to prevent this level of illiteracy in the NEXT generation. It does little to address the existing problem in the adult population, unfortunately.
That comes down to making really dramatic social changes in the way illiteracy is treated, as well as disability, multilingualism, and more.
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eightfourone · 2 years
according to the PIAAC, 52% of americans have a literacy level below level 3 which is considered the basic level for functioning in the modern world
more than half.
and for digital literacy it's as high as 60%
idk it just kind of pisses me off that people treat internet literacy as like some innate skill that everyone has. statistically they do not
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Povertà in Italia: quali sono
La povertà in Italia fa rima con insicurezza crescente. A dirlo è il Rapporto Italia, arrivato alla 36ma edizione, redatto da Eurispes. Parlare di povertà significa fare un discorso più ampio che abbraccia istruzione e lavoro. Oggi parliamo, infatti, di povertà economica (considerata nelle sue declinazioni assoluta e relativa), povertà lavorativa e povertà educativa. In tutti gli ambiti il nostro Paese si colloca a livelli superiori rispetto sia all'Unione europea sia alla zona OCSE. Il lavoro in Europa La povertà lavorativa è un fenomeno cresciuto sempre più velocemente in Italia negli ultimi anni. E' la risultante dell'incrocio tra la precarietà del lavoro e aumento dei prezzi al consumo. Una condizione che il nostro Paese condivide con l'Unione europea e la zona OCSE. Nonostante i livelli di occupazione si siano alzati, si moltiplicano i contratti saltuari e precari. Secondo i dati OCSE, tra il 2000 e il 2020, le retribuzioni medie annue a prezzi costanti sono aumentate del 179% in Germania, del 175% in Francia, del 153,3% in Lussemburgo, del 123% nei Paesi Bassi. Di contro in Italia le retribuzioni sono diminuite del 3,6%; destino condiviso con Spagna, dove sono diminuite dell'1,1% e in Grecia dove la contrazione è stata dello 0,2%. Il lavoro in Italia Nel nostro Paese, tra il 2000 e il 2022, i lavoratori dipendenti con contratti a tempo indeterminato e autonomi con dipendenti sono scesi dal 65% al 59,9%. I contratti a termine e le occupazioni saltuarie sono diventate sempre più diffuse e il numero dei lavoratori dipendenti a temine è passato da 1,5 milioni del 1990 a oltre 3 milioni nel 2022. La metà di questi ha contratti inferiori a sei mesi. In questo periodo la situazione è peggiorata in modo particolare in due periodi, dopo le crisi economiche del 2008 e del 2011 e dopo il Covid. Le crisi economiche hanno portato alla diffusione dei cosiddetti contratti pirata, vale a dire accordi stipulati da organizzazioni sindacali e datoriali non rappresentative, che hanno promosso retribuzioni più basse rispetto a quelle previste dai Contratti Collettivi Nazionali di Lavoro. Dopo la pandemia il galoppare dell'inflazione in risposta al rialzo dei costi energetici ha fatto il resto. Nel 2022, il 12% dei lavoratori italiani erano working poor, ovvero lavoratori con un guadagno inferiore agli 11.500 euro netti all'anno. La percentuale supera di circa quattro punti Francia e Germania e di due la media Ue. I lavoratori appartenenti a questa categoria sono per lo più stranieri, hanno bassi livelli di istruzione e hanno famiglie con uno o più minori. Nonostante alla fine del 2023 l'Italia abbia registrato un tasso di occupazione record al 61,9% con 23,7 milioni di occupati, la qualità del lavoro lascia ancora a desiderare. Delle nuove assunzioni del 2023, infatti, solo il 16,5% è stata rappresentata da contratti a tempo indeterminato. Il 44,3% dei contratti è stato a tempo determinato, il 14% stagionale e il 12% in somministrazione. Povertà in Italia: i numeri L'Istat ci dice che nel 2022 più di 5,6 milioni di persone (2,18 milioni di famiglie e 9,7% della popolazione) vivevano in povertà assoluta. Nel 2021 era il 9,1% della popolazione a vivere questa condizione. Tale aumento è figlio anche dell'inflazione che ha ridotto il potere d'acquisto. Quanto alla povertà educativa, questa si misura non solo con il livello di scolarizzazione ma anche con il livello di competenze quali lettura, comprensione, scrittura, calcolo e problem solving. Nel 2022, in Italia, il 41,7% della popolazione tra i 25 e i 74 anni era in possesso di un titolo di studio inferiore al diploma e il 18,5% della laurea. Dall’indagine PIAAC del 2019, era emerso che il 69,7% degli adulti italiani superava l’ultimo e ilpenultimo livello di competenze di lettura e comprensione sui cinque previsti. La media Ocse era del 54%. Il 70% della popolazione ha competenze matematiche al di sotto della soglia minima. Circa il 27% non sa svolgere le più elementari operazioni al computer e di processare semplici informazioni in maniera logico-computazionale. Il 21,4%, infine, non supera il livello minimo in Lettura e comprensione dei testi. Anche questo dato è inferiore alla media europea (28%) e Ocse (26%). In copertina foto di Pexels da Pixabay Read the full article
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World Youth Day
New Post has been published on https://www.aneddoticamagazine.com/world-youth-day/
World Youth Day
UNICEF has launched an invitation on the occasion of the World Youth Day that occurs every year on 20 November. A request addressed to all to make it clear to governments all over the world what are the real needs of children. “Putting Children in Their Agenda” is the title of the invitation.
For years, Kiwanis International has made enormous efforts (just think that for the ONE K day that this year was October 27th, initiatives have been carried out for a total of one million hours and for an estimated value of 17 million US dollars! ). Unfortunately, this is not enough: children’s problems are often discussed, but almost always the reported data are followed with worrying indifference. Perhaps because it is thought that these are distant phenomena or do not concern Italy or Europe. But it is not like that.
Despite almost all the countries that signed the New York Convention on the Rights of the Child (more than 190) and ratified it (the only exception are the United States of America), the real situation of childhood continues to arouse major concerns, Not only in Africa or Asia or in the less developed regions of South America. Child problems such as those included in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, signed by all the countries of the world are far from having achieved the expected results.
Such as eliminate poverty. Despite the attempt to hide the problem (raising the absolute poverty line from 1.5 dollars a day to 1.9), the measures taken to reduce poverty did not produce the desired results. Poverty is still widespread. Also in Europe and in Italy. In many countries of the EU, including Italy (and Greece, Spain, the Netherlands, Cyprus and Estonia), the situation worsens. To confirm it is the Eurostat report: in Italy poors are increasing (in 2008 they were 15.082 million, in 2017 they became 17.407 million or 28.9% of the national population). A problem that affects children in the first place: in Italy 1.2 million children and adolescents are in absolute poverty. Quite often they live in poorly lit streets full of dirt, do not breathe clean air and are subject to a high risk of crime, a figure that rises to 17.5% in the large urban areas of the south and the islands.
This poverty is often associated with another, equally serious: educational poverty. Basic education and education are also part of the SDGs. It is true that the scourge of primary education is slowly being reduced in many countries of Africa and Asia, but the quality of this education often is not enough and many children remain cut off from any kind of schooling since birth (several Kiwanis clubs are trying to fill this gap by helping centers in Africa – in Uganda for example – to educate less fortunate children). Once again, these are problems that closely affect Italy and Europe: in the old continent, many children are denied the opportunity to build a future. According to Tullio De Mauro, linguist and former minister of public education, less than a third of the Italian population would have the levels of understanding of writing and calculation needed to orientate themselves in the life of a modern society . Referring to the survey is called PIAAC, Program for International Assessment of Adult Compete which reports literacy levels in five groups for dozens of countries in the world, in Italy 70% of the population is below the two lowest levels. Sometimes, even within the same city, there are significant differences in the acquisition of school skills by minors. In Naples, for example, 15-52 year-olds without secondary school diploma are 2% to Vomero but if you move to Scampia this percentage becomes 20%. Even in the capital, in the neighborhoods where the most affluent families reside, north of Rome, graduates (more than 42%) are 4 times more than those living in the suburbs or in the eastern areas of the city (where they are less than 10% ). The same happens in Milan, where in Pagano and Magenta-San Vittore (51.2%) the graduates are 7 times those of Quarto Oggiaro (7.6%). And in Palermo (2.3% in Malaspina-Palagonia and 23% in Palazzo Reale-Monte di Pietà).
Poverty and low levels of education are often strongly linked: in Italy (as in the rest of the world), it is difficult to demand a high cultural level when there is “hunger”. Yet even “eliminating hunger in the world”, another of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals reveals impressive numbers: according to Save the Children, every day in the world, there are 7,000 children under the age of five who die from malnutrition. FIVE EVERY MINUTE! Girls and children living in countries affected by famines and droughts, afflicted by extreme poverty or torn by war and conflict, and who do not receive adequate food, clean water and medical care.
On the other hand, the opposite phenomenon are getting worse: obesity. Even in the richest countries on the planet (as in the USA and in Europe). Kiwanis International has been repeating it for years: the situation is getting worse. Even in Italy, where in some regions the percentages are reaching alarming levels. According to a survey promoted by the Ministry of Health, in some sample cities in Lombardy, Campania, Tuscany, Emilia Romagna, Puglia and Calabria, over 23% of children are overweight and over 13% are obese. Impressive data highlighting wrong and too sedentary lifestyles, the spread among children of incorrect eating habits. Childhood obesity has now become a global problem and a non-negligible risk factor for several chronic diseases, with serious consequences in adulthood. Suffice it to say that over the past 40 years the number of obese school children has more than increased tenfold from 11 million to 124 million. If they are added to the over 216 million overweight but not (yet) obese children, it is understood that this is a problem that all countries should take seriously.
According to UNICEF, more than 150 million children worldwide are forced to perform jobs that endanger their mental and physical health and condemn them to a life without leisure or education. Of these 76 million are very young: they are between 5 and 11 years old. And 73 million of them are forced to perform dangerous jobs, such as in mines or carrying excessive weights (19 million of them aged 12 or under). If it is true that the phenomenon of child labor is concentrated above all in the poorest areas of the planet, also in this case there are also cases of child laborers even in many countries that are not so underdeveloped.
In many African countries or in some “peace” wars in the Middle East, children are used as human shields, other are forced to take up arms and fight in tribal clashes that they do not understand and do not know. Clashes that cause millions of deaths and an even greater number of migrants fleeing their territory to move elsewhere. Sometimes without crossing national borders; other times over the border.
These are just some of the many facets concerning the lives of children. Aspects of which for years, individually (individual clubs or divisions) or synergistically (at national or international level) Kiwanis International deals with and for which it has often managed to find concrete answers. Problems, however, that to be completely resolved would require the help of everyone and the sharing of certain priorities.
Unfortunately, many aspects related to childhood talk too little and often the governments, after the celebrations for the World Youth Day, continue to pretend not to see what is the situation of millions of children before their eyes. Problems that do not occur only one day on November 20th. And who need the attention of everyone every day of the year. This is why it is important to “put children’s problems on their own agenda”.
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remixinc · 10 months
Corona - Mexico Manda from Fernando Nogari on Vimeo.
Production Company: Iconoclast México @iconoclast.tv Director: Nogari EP: Sofia Garmilla sofigarmilla EP: Laila D.Camhi @ddcamhi DP: Pierre de Kerchove @pierredekerchove PD: Pol Agusti @polagusti HMU: Guillermo Perez @guillermovoodoo Wardrobe: Lorena Ledezma @loriloriee Wardrobe Assistants: Sofia Cravito, Maria Paula Garduño, Sofia Gutierrez @sofiacravioto @mariapaulaherreraa @sofiagutierrezjaber 1AD: Vanessa Racenis 2AD: Lucia Mendez Line Producer: Arnold Inclan @arnold_inclan Production Coordinator: Karla Esquivel @esquivelkarla_ Unit Managers: Andrés Hernandez andreshernandez3011 & Scarleth Méndez @scarmendezr Digital Unit Director: Luciana Morena @lucianamorenomora DP: Borja V.Conde @borjavconde Dressing: Pia piaac Second Unit Director: Omar Luna @lunaomar DP: Diego Guilly @dgilly Dressing: Damian de Anda @dondeandadamian Casting: Brisa & Paola @castpartnermexico Locations: Victor Nava @insite_co Still Photography: Diego Flores @diegoflba Gaffer: Vladimir Martinez @vladmgom78 Trinity Op: Fabian Solano @maniacmotionmx FX: Luis Ambriz @farfanambrizsfx Postproduction: Daniela Balcazar & Nancy Bravo @ellaspost_mx Editor: Cabin Edit / Rami D´Aguiar @ramidaguiar VFX: Metropolitana & Wolf VFX Color Correction: Marc Morato @marcmorato_colorist Music & Sound Design: Satelite Audio @sateliteaudio
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monriatitans · 1 year
Lots of "progressive" folks make fun of people for struggling with reading and writing. This is a bad thing. Let's talk about why.
Literacy Center Search: https://www.nld.org/ 
Other Resources: --- The Literacy Foundation: https://www.fondationalphabetisation.... --- UNESCO Literacy Site: https://en.unesco.org/themes/literacy --- Alberta, Canada Education Site: https://education.alberta.ca/literacy... --- Causes of Illiteracy (Literacy Foundation): https://www.fondationalphabetisation.... --- Causes of Illiteracy (Literacy Pittsburgh): https://www.literacypittsburgh.org/th... 
Research: --- PIAAC Results: https://nces.ed.gov/surveys/piaac/cur... --- PIAAC Results (Map): https://nces.ed.gov/surveys/piaac/ski... 
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dkavisen · 2 years
Danskernes læse- og regnekompetencer undersøges
8. september er FN’s internationale læsedag, som markerer vigtigheden af at kunne læse. En stor undersøgelse af danskernes læse- og regnefærdigheder er netop skudt i gang, og op mod 20.000 borgere kan forvente at få tilbuddet om at deltage i undersøgelsen. De fleste kender efterhånden PISA, der tester folkeskoleelever, men knap så kendt er PIAAC, der er en stor international undersøgelse af…
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arcticdementor · 2 years
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kurano · 3 years
【*より詳細に見るとそうともいえない。16~24 歳の数的思考力では日本はオランダとフィンランドに抜かれて3位、ITスキルでは、パソコンを使えず紙で解答した者を加えた総合順位ではOECD平均をわずかに上回る10位、16~24歳では平均をはるかに下回る14位まで落ちてしまう】
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vergess · 10 months
Hey, I just saw your post about our current literacy crisis. Do you have any links pertaining to Italy, or at least the EU?
I don't read Italian, so my resources are very limited for you. There is little written in English or French that discusses early childhood education in Italy. Most resources in my languages talk about the way Italy's universities struggled with COVID more than anything.
However, my general advice in this situation is to use an information database you trust in your language, such at JSTOR in English, to review literature about the interrelated subjects of: Digital literacy, Information literacy, Democratic literacy, and of course, basic literacy, the reading skills which underlie it.
I believe based on the English summary that this article may have useful statistics for you. If not, it will certainly contain a lot of the basic keywords needed to search for more detailed information on your own.
Thank you for asking, and I hope you are able to find more information in your own language! Most member countries of the UN collect this data, to report to UNICEF. However, I don't know how many countries make the data otherwise public the way the US's PIAAC data is public.
As for the EU as a whole, there is likely more English language data available, but I am honestly just very tired and will have to get back to you tomorrow.
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