#placement yet and i start in almost a little over a month and idk idk idk
edtpa makes me want to tear my hair out and drop out of school
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littlenahsstuff · 3 years
In love, I swear.
A/n Literally my first time writing actual fanfiction. This might be a flaming dumpster fire idk. I will persevere and cringe later, but for now, enjoy.
supreme!Cordelia Goode x reader
TW:nothing much, just a big old fluffernutter sandwich. A little angst. Swears I guess.
Synopsis: Cordelia has just recruited you to be a counselor at Robicheauxs and it's safe to say you are head over heels for the supreme. Unfortunately, you aren't the one to tell her.
You always thought that you weren't too special of a witch, you had the basic witchy spells down and specialized in the people who struggled on the inside... but in a more witchy sense. You also helped the witches who needed to get their powers more developed or who ones that are just behind in school. A sort of glorified counselor you suppose. It's sorta funny, especially since you aren't the most confident, how you can talk to all of the girls. When it boils down to it you are just a witchy gal searching for love. Specifically Cordelia's. It could never happen though.
Your love life wasn't the only area you lacked in before Robicheauxs, you had been struggling to find a job suited for your interests. Let's just say that you have a lifetime ban from one of the Mcdonalds in Louisiana. Fire and grease doesn't mix.
Of course, if it wasn't for dear, sweet, precious, Cordelia, you would be living on the streets. Luckily that didnt happen and so here you are today, three months in to your teaching position at Robicheauxs.
Oh, the moment, "You're hired. I look forward to expanding the academy's family and getting to know you better especially," left the Supremes lips, the better off you were.
And yet, even with all of the joy that comes with finally getting paid, there were the challenges as well. For starters, everyone was extremely nice to you, even though you kept mostly to yourself, there was this one person that made this heaven more hellish. Madison the bitch witch Montgomery.
You had been warned by Zoe, your closest confidante in this new place and also Madisons freaking girlfriend, that she was no pleasant peach. Never in all of your doubtful thoughts, had how bad it actually was crossed your mind. It was never the cockiness that got to you, you had a different appreciation for it than most. Found the confidence refreshing almost. No, no no no no. It was in fact, that she was constantly trying to dig up dirt on you.
"You're too much of a goody two shoes y/n," she once stated with a glare. The same day you had heard Zoe squabbling about something and your name came up. Your name and the fact Madison had stolen your wallet to look at your license. It turned up later on your bed stand.
Madison's a lover of Zoe and drama you've come to find out.
It's harmless though really, you dont mind the extra bit of attention that comes with it. Its flattering so no need to complain to anybody, especially not Cordelia.
Cordelia, mmm, yeah now shes the biggest threat here. She is the reason you got this job and might be the reason you lose it.
She once caught you with your doodle journal. It was a harmless question,
"Y/n, what're you drawing?" She looked over your shoulder. You almost jumped out of your skin and your sketchbook went flying.
"Oh dear, are you alright?" She worried her lips a bit. Her big, plump, kissable lips. Come on Y/n, get out of it.
"Yes," you squeaked. Sinking farther into the sofa. She chuckled her beautiful chuckle and sat on the couch arm.
"So, what was my favorite school counselor drawing just then?" She questioned. Glancing to the thrown book.
Your face went red.
"Uh-" you paused, come on you're making it a bigger deal than it has to be, "you." You couldn't look into her eyes.
She gazed at you at you and it felt like a hole was being burned into your skull.
"Okay," Cordelia said, leaving it at that. Stood up and made to walk away.
"Wait!" She paused and turned back to you, seeing you scramble to get your sketchbook.
"Yes?" Her eyebrows raised in surprise.
"I- don't you want to see it?" You said and you slapped yourself mentally for about the hundredth time she walked in.
She smiled softly at you, "Of course, I thought you didn't. You looked scared to death, like bambi."
"Okay," you flipped back towards the page and cringed. It wasn't your best peice. You could never capture her beauty right.
Her eyes scanned over it, widening before squinting with her grin.
"It's so good!" She gasped.
"Yes, that is Cordelia Goode," you joked in a monotone manner. She slapped your shoulder jokingly, making you snort.
"You nerd, I didn't mean it that way. Either way, you did a fantastic job! I wished I looked as good as you make me seem," she muttered the last bit, bit you heard it. It saddens you to remember the damage Fiona did.
"Hey, Cordy," you started. You realized that you used a nickname that Madison did, but she doesn't seem to care.
"You know what I think? I think that you're wrong. You see I just can't for the life of me get your soft proud loving smile right. Your eyes aren't as warm and glowing as they are in reality. I couldn't manage to picture the right placement for those worry lines or crowd feet you have. You might not like them, but to me they show that you worry and care and that you laugh at the stupidest of things, which is a trait I adore. You are more perfect than any Davinci or Van Gogh," you say. You don't like when your friends feel bad about themselves.
Cordelia's tearing up a bit and wiles it away. "Didn't know you were a goddamn poet too?" She joked with a giggle, "thanks y/n, sometimes I need to hear something like that."
"No problem Cordelia," I can't help it, you're my muse, is what you want to say.
"Well, I have some paperwork, but it was nice to see ya," she hurriedly excused and rushed out.
Unbeknownst to you, Madison was watching. She knew exactly how to get dirt on you now. She had something all along.
The next week you spent daydreaming about Cordy...elia, you couldnt help but go back to that conversation. You needed to be more discrete, way more descrete.
So you made sure to draw your crush no more. That didn't change the fact you forgot to destroy the evidence in writing.
You had slept in a little too late, so in a rush you were to get to your office. The reason you had being you daydreaming about Cordelia and yours faux life together a little too long.
A bunch of new juicy stuff for Madison as she snatched it from your bedside table. It was too easy really.
She opened it up to the first page. It acted like a normal diary, just stating checklists of things to do and things you did. The size was fairly large, so skipping a few pages till she got to the juicy stuff and the part where you actually did know Cordy wasn't harmful.
It was a barf fest of emotion. "Oh Cordelia is so awesome, oh I'm so lucky to work with Cordelia, oh my, I won't ever get a chance with Cordelia, she's the supreme!"
"Ew," Madison groaned, whipping out her phone.
Then she found it, the goldmine of confessions. It was all the way in the back, meaning you had wrote it recently.
"Dear, myself
Cordelia today caught me drawing a picture of herself and said something I didn't particularly enjoy listening about herself. I can't believe Fiona would send her into such a deep hatred of herself that even with her gone she's hurting. She's no mother. Cordelia is the love of my life, even if I'm not hers, she deserves all the love I can give. She's not broken, but she just needs someone to love her and I do. I promise to give her as much love as possible without her finding out what kind it really is, I'm in love, I swear.
Sincerely, Y/N."
So she snapped a picture of the page.
After school was over Cordelia was not expecting Madison to barge into her office. Let alone with something regarding YOU of all people.
"Cordy, I've got something to tell you about y/n!" Madison sang out, waving her phone in front of Cordelia's face as she sat on top her desk.
Madison was just careless with others and too carried g about herself. It was the perfect storm. The only person who could ever take it too far to just prove a point. That there was something wrong with you.
If Madison Montgomery had taken one moment to actually think about it, she was just jealous. Jealous that another person at the coven was better than her to Cordelia. She was one spoiled bitch growing up. Guess it backfired.
"What?" Cordelia questioned in concern, "Is she okay? Madison what did you do to her!?" Her thoughts raced, Madison's pranks often went a little too far. She did kill Misty.
"Now now Cordy, don't get your panties in a twist. Here read this," Madison demanded to her supreme, she shoved it into her face and Cordelia grabbed it.
Her eyes expected headlines on the news or a mugshot, but she realized it was just your writing.
"Madison," she warned.
"Come on, I know you can read!" Madison poked Cordelia's forehead, prompting a slap from the Supreme.
Ms. Goode exhaled, "Fine."
Her eyes fluttered over the words, brows furrowing with every sentence. She couldn't comprehend, could she read?? It seemed to her as if her brain was creating what she wanted to see, but no, you wrote it. Unfortunately.
Everything's silent. Then the thought flits across her head, you like her back.
"In love, I swear."
Oh she's mad. Not at you, no, she could never. Madison on the other hand better,
"Get out of my office right now," Cordelia whispered. Madison's smile faltered.
"What, didn't you want to know your feelings are reciprocated? Come on, I'm just trying to get you two to speed up the process." Madison hopped of the desk and sauntered out.
What has she done.
Cordelia was wracked with guilt for awhile, with no way to tell you either. How does one even go about telling someone they read their deepest darkest secrets. How!?
She couldn't, so she did what she could. She pulled away from you and into her work. All of those lunches spent together stopped. The nights in the green house gone. Reading together on the weekends by the fire, gone.
And it left you empty. You had no idea what you did, but you must've done something.
So you decided to confront her, you hadn't gone much sleep since, so you were literally and figuratively tired of all of this shit.
Your knock on the door startled Cordelia, but your presence startled her even more. Both of you looked like wrecks.
"Oh, Y/n! Please, come in," Cordelia gestured and you did, closing the door behind you.
It was then that you finally broke down.
"What did I do Delia!?" You sobbed, falling to your knees. Yes it was dramatic and not even you expected it but you were holding your emotions for so long.
"Oh," Cordelia briskly moved over to you, concern painted on her face. She was watching you carefully, you looked so fragile. Just like she had felt at times.
"I'm sorry," you whimpered, "What did I do?" Her hand tilted your head towards her, but you still couldn't look into her brown eyes, opting for the floor. If you did, you probably wouldn't be able to look away.
"Y/n look at me sweetie," the nicknames never failed to make your heart soar. It was your weakness, your eyes met and they were glued there.
"What did I do?"
"Nothing nothing!" She took a deep breath, "I saw a page from your journal."
You froze, terror crept up your spine.
"Oh my god. Um Cordelia I am so sorry, you, wow I- god I'm so creepy! It's perfectly fine if you want to not be my friend or fire me. I didn't do it to be weird, it was how I expressed myself. I was trying to hide it I promise, i dont even know what happened!?"
"I'm gonna kill Madison, faster than my mother did," Cordelia groaned.
"Wh-" your brain malfunctions. Is-Is Cordelia kissing you? Right now?
Indeed she was and just like you dreamed about, her lips were so soft and her kiss gentle.
Maybe Madison could be forgiven... but not without a harsh talk.
"In love, I swear," she repeated in a whisper against your lips.
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okay people. i’m gonna be spitting a lot of Words. because i’m feeling a lot of Feelings at the moment and i don’t know how to express them through any other methods so. yeah. 
this is just gonna be me venting so. probably wouldn’t recommend reading but idk u do u i guess. i put most of the things that i think are triggers in the tags, but i’m actual shit at tagging so. if literally anything is gonna affect you negatively just. don’t read. i can’t tag everything and yeah. idk. to the cut now i guess. bye. 
hi lmaooo what the fUCK am i writing lmaoo
so. first. my past week has been fucking shit. 
    first, i was super fuckin stressed cause i had chair placement auditions for band, a 70 point spanish vocab test, and a 5-7 minute presentation of elizabethan crime and punishment all due in the span of two fucking hours on wednesday. and my stepmother. has the fucking a u d a c i t y. to tell me that i’m actually only allowed to study (on my computer, where everything is) for one hour after school each day. like honey i can’t control what i’m fuckin assigned. and she’s already shitty with me cause she thinks that i’m not doing anything when i’m on my computer (which, despite what you all have seen of me, is not true lmao). so she’s super fuckin dumb about that. 
    second. my chickens. which i call my chickens because, up until recently, i was the only person that did jack shit for those fuckin birds. literally. stepmother bought the food and sold the eggs. maybe went outside once every couple weeks. it pissed me off but you know. whatever. that’s not even what i’m talking about this time. but she goes out there, before i do my daily stuff for them, and comes back in- whirlwind if pissed off cause the stuff isn’t done. like honey i haven’t done that yet. and she gets bitchy cause i haven’t done it yet and starts to go on about how she knew that i secretly hated the chickens and that she bet that i intentionally fucking killed some of them (cause a few of them actually disappeared this week)?? like what in the fUCK??? i would never fuckin do that??? and i love hearing her complain about what food and water is full to the top as if she bothers doing literally anything to help with them. so i’m now not even allowed in my own fucking backyard because apparently i’m a fuckin serial chicken killer. fuck that. 
    third. i had. the audacity to forget an entire assignment. and stepmother dearest sees it. and goes fuckin apeshit. i am the epitome of disrespectful and useless and such a little bitch and stupid and do i need someone to go with me to school every day and hold my hand and remind me to breathe? and like. i can take that, in a way. it’s the normal shit i get from this woman. what really, for some odd reason, got me this time? when she asked, i think completely sincerely, actually, if there was some sort of implant that could make me better. like bitch. i’m not a fucking dog, you don’t need to fucking chip me so you know where i am all the time. i’m not a fucking robot that needs a fucking upgrade so that my fucking memory is better. i haven’t really said anything to her (or anyone really) about this (cause i don’t fuckin trust her not to give me shit because of it) but i have. a fuckin Issue. with fuckin dehumanization. and that hit. every single fucking button. so i’m fucking pissed and just decide that hey. i’m gonna go to my room for a minute. so i don’t fucking murder my dad’s wife. and i get shit for that too!!! like what in the fUCK???? and now i’m at my grandma’s for some length of time. in fuckin exile. 
    fourth, because i feel like it’s its own thing. my stepmom. as i’m going to my grandma’s for my tommyinnit arc. stops me for a minute. uses her “i’m being genuine (lie) and just trying to make you understand my point of view (with the attitude that it is the only one that matters cause yeah) because being me is hard :(” voice. tells me. “I just want to help you, but you being here makes me think about hurting myself.” which. yes, i understand is not a thing to just dismiss. i do kinda feel shitty about it. but also. 2 things. one, she said it in such a tone of voice that practically screamed “this is a lie to make you feel like shit”. and two, she?? also does this?? to me??? like honey. the blood on the inside of the thighs of my pants and the pocketknife blade hidden in my jewelry box are saying a bit more about “thinking about hurting myself” than you, sitting there on the couch, rewatching game of thrones for the third time. i sound like an asshole in this bit. but i’m just. fuckin angry. 
     fuckin angry and fuckin pissed at myself. cause maybe if i didn’t fuck that assignment up, i’d not be in so much trouble. if i did the chicken stuff earlier that day i’d be at home still. if i could focus more in class my parents might not be as easy to piss off. if i were just. better. if i were not. like this. if i could do more than just “try to” change. if i could look at my issues and actually work to fix them rather than staying up till midnight on a weekday, spending over an hour typing a fucking essay about the shit i’ve been through this week that nobody is gonna read. maybe even if i just. weren’t here. 
    i wasn’t supposed to exist. there were. so many signs. telling my parents that they shouldn’t have kids. one - the fact?? that my mom had no less than four miscarriages??? before she got pregnant with me??? one would think that they may stop trying after like. two. and my mom already had one son! it was with her first husband (red flag right there lmao) but she had! a kid! already! why go through all that pain? idk. i’m not, and never will be, a parent. two - my parents! actually did! decide to stop trying! to have a kid! and then my bitchy little -9 month old ass was like “hey bitches are you ready for 16 years of hell?” three - there were so many issues with my (i mean. not mine but the only one i’ve been involved in) pregnancy. like. mom got badly sick like. 3 times. she told me one day that her doctor told her that it would be healthier for me? if she kept smoking while she was pregnant???? so that’s fun. and i’m positive that it was not just nicotine. yeah. fun. don’t necessarily have an issue with weed but like. bro. you’re pregnant. no thanks. four - i was a cesarean. not that that’s really an issue. but. i felt like it might go on here. five - i refused! to breathe! on my own! for almost 24 hours! this might have meant something!!!!! 
     i don’t even know what i’m writing anymore honestly. i’m feeling emotions and i hate it. it’s midnight. i’ve spent over an hour writing this.  why am i not working on my fic. bye.
i would like access to alcohol please lmao
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f-117-nighthawk · 4 years
More playlist meta bc I don’t wanna do homework and Jimmy kicked me out of the TA room saying I’d been in there for far too long for a Friday (it was four hours! Interspaced between classes! Workshop kit inventory is just an excuse to blast Gloryhammer to me, it’s fun)
Since I was talking about Ten Thousand Against One earlier, I’ve been thinking about the timeline and which event the songs are connected to. Long post under the cut
Turn the Lights Out is... sort of an odd case. It’s not like Remnants of Stars, which is about Galran and my philosophy about how we were created, what happens to us when we die, and the cycles that power the universe. Of course, Remnants of Stars is a little more than just philosophy. It actually describes (in a rather metaphorical way) the actual process of the marthinazik filtering quintesence into new stars, planets, beings, anything you can think of. It also has a very important lyric for much much later like, post Sticky Notes later. Now that I think about it, it actually defines a good chunk of that maybe-sequel-maybe-idea era in conjunction with Soul Extract’s Filaments. 
Anyway, back to Turn the Lights Out. It’s an odd case because it’s sort of like Remnants of Stars in that it’s more about the philosophy, but it’s before Remnants of Stars because it’s also kind of an event. If you read interviews with Delain about Moonbathers, Charlotte states that Turn the Lights Out is about Neil Gaiman's Sandman comics, specifically the character of Death. I confess I haven’t read those comics, but my interpretation fits her rather well I think. To me, Turn the Lights Out is about a gentle god who accepts they will not always be seen as who they are but will give their everything to protect those within their universe. Now, who does that sound like? Which characters have been around since the birth of the universe, under various names, whether they be Ibeshganszá, ‘kibrraldíl, Marduzbazí, or Vôltrôn? 
You can make an argument for Your World Will Fail to be directly after Turn the Lights Out, but I rather like it after Remnants of Stars too. Turn the Lights Out is the beginning of the universe, so naturally, it goes first. Sentient life needs to evolve for Remnants of Stars to truly fit, and even though Your Would Will Fail technically can happen at any point between the first Plank time and the next, it also happens when the comet that becomes Voltron crashes into Daibazaal. The Your World Will Fail/Dark Matter/Eater of Worlds trio is both a general, entire timeline-spanning idea, and a specific event. 
(Your world will fail my love/It's far beyond repair/Your world will fail my love/It is already there)
(Bring me your soul/Bring me your hate/In my name you will create/Bring me your fear/Bring me your pain/You will destroy in my name)
(Can't imagine the violence/The rage and the love in my madness/I am the eater of worlds and I'm looking for someone to feed me)
And then, right after that event, or even during, you have Apocalypse 1992. The death of the dream, the final madness before the triumph of chaos. 
You Keep What You Kill is very much the odd one out out of everything. Helion Prime based it off a book I forget the name of, but here it’s purely about Zarkon’s empire. The “Holy Half-Dead” have lost so much of their culture, of the family bonds that kept them together even when their mistakes threatened the destruction of all, but they still remember the songs of glory. And they do keep what they kill. 
And then there’s a rather large time jump of about five thousand Earth years to The Seven Sisters. This song is pretty well encapsulated in Child From the Stars (Lost in the Dark) (which is a lyric from Closure, but Closure is later for Reasons), but the other half of it is connected to Memories of a Girl I Haven’t Met.
Who Will Save You Now has gone through so many iterations of what it’s connected to I honestly don’t remember what it actually is anymore. Given its placement between The Seven Sisters and Nobody Gets Left Behind, I think it’s related to the SFSS Genesis’s disappearance. But it could also be placed in conjunction with A Simple Plan and be about something slightly different...hm, I’ll think on that. This song has such a Dark Matter vibe to me, but it hasn’t found a home that sticks in my brain yet. 
Nobody Gets Left Behind is really there bc it’s a fun song and when I found 1551 I immediately had to put something in. BUT it is a good song about family dynamics and, well, that’s Voltron in a nutshell right? (and then you get, right there in the first verse, “Don't even try to pretend/That you're rough and just as tough/As when you're missing a friend/Attack and take him back/Cause when the team isn't whole/You've got a hole in your soul/So step up to your fucking role/We might get hurt/We might be taking some hits/But when you're taking our friend/Then that's some personal shit” and you cannot tell me that’s not everybody’s mood post Battle in the Sarnan Nebula) 
A Simple Plan is a new addition in the past few weeks. I rediscovered The Spiritual Machines a few weeks ago and the lyric “How long can we hold off ending/How long can we pretend we're ok” hit me right in the Keith feels. So this one is in conjunction with the first verse of Nobody Gets Left Behind. The entire song actually reminds me of Dark Matter with how it’s centralized at one event but contains hints of other things (The truth arrived too slow).
Memories of a Girl I Haven't Met is maybe one standard year (so six earth months-ish?) after A Simple Plan. 
String Theory is... weird. It’s mostly there for the title, but the lyrics do contain themes found in other parts of the playlist that fit really well but don’t map to the event I associate the song with. It’s honestly about Shiro missing Adam and the rest of the people on Earth. Which, granted, given the point in the timeline the title is associated with makes a certain amount of sense but...idk. And the bit that begins with “You don’t believe in space” is about something entirely different. It’s confusing, but all inexplicably related to the title event.
Interesting fact: My Dark Matter drafts/ideas folder is actually split int pre- and post- String Theory folders. It was originally because String Theory is such a pivotal moment in the Coalition’s efforts, but it also ended up vaguely the middle of the timeline. It’s the point where things absolutely, truly, have no relation to what happens in canon. The butterfly effect stemming from the events of Shatterpoint (and an implied secondary shatterpoint in another fic) have changed things enough that apart from one general event, nothing happens the same way (and that event is for drastically different reasons). All in all, it fits the weird vibe of the song rather well.
Next is Belgrade, the Ultimate Klance Song, about three months later. Fun Shenanigans happen in conjunction with this absolute bop.
Here’s the surprisingly big gap of just over a standard Earth year, in which several important events happen that don’t have songs attached to them (Roentgen, maybe)
Then we get Birthright/Firewall, a set of songs about reclaiming yourself from the depths of hell with just a liiiiiitle bit of help from your family.
(It's time to take ahold of what belongs to me/It's time to walk away with no apologies/Voices in the mirror start quietly/And now they're screaming back at me!)
(This force knows what you can do/And what you can make/With your tattered shell)
Here Comes the Reign technically starts during Birthright/Firewall, but doesn’t come into full effect until a month later, and then even fuller around five months after that. Meanwhile, we have The Day the Earth Collapsed, which is rather self-explanatory.
A few months later there is Darker Matter. The fic connected to this is real weird, but also real important. Suffice to say it’s gonna be confusing, and a universe doesn’t like the Paladins for a while.
And then we have Closure. Child From the Stars (Lost in the Dark) is actually the first of four fics inspired by Closure’s chorus. (I also drew a picture for each fic. They’re combined into my desktop background, and the first one is still my phone background and my pfp) “I am the child from the stars/That got lost in the dark/Between heaven and hell/I am forced to live on/I am the cause when you sin/I am the demon you skin/But there is no more tears to beautify/This is my last goodbye”
Closure is a rather sad song actually, but the way I’ve interpreted it ends on a bright spot of hope. The first related fic I’ve already posted/talked about, the second would be around the time of A Simple Plan. The third is somewhere in the gap between Belgrade and Birthright/Firewall. I’ve placed Closure at the approximate time of the fourth fic. I actually just moved it while writing this, because I realized this makes more sense after Darker Matter and with the Fall of [Redacted]. I’ve chosen to interpret the last line as finally deciding to stay instead of the (probably more likely given the rest of the album) darker interpretations.
After Closure is Ember, which is actually super connected to Darker Matter which is why I originally had them next to each other. The thing is, all three of these songs are connected to very specific events, the latter two of which are in direct response to the first even if there is a month or two between them. Ember is on the playlist for two reasons: the first is the line “dark matter falling from the sky” that basically required me to put it somewhere; the second is the fact that I keep mishearing the lyrics. “chthonic” is not “cuthonic” (which is not a word, but I interpreted as meaning Cthulu-like) and it’s “riches to embers” not “witches to embers.” Make of that what you will.
And finally, after almost seven Earth years, we get to The Reckoning/This is a Call/World on Fire/Louder Than Words. The Reckoning sort-of picks up where The Day the Earth Collapsed left off, spanning at least a year before going full force into the frantic five days of the other three songs.
(In blood and tears/A thousand times/We rise against/We'll always hold the line/Of reckoning)
(This is a call to action/This is a call to arms/All lives for one, together/There are no false alarms)
(World on fire with a smoking sun/Stops everything and everyone/Brace yourself for all will pay/Help is on the way)
(We have the force to fight/We have the blinding light/A war is more than heard/Coming in louder than words)
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baconwaffle2016 · 6 years
WIP Week, Day 2: My Favorite WIP, Baby Royals!(in Hogwarts) AU
First, this is dedicated to @geldris, whom I’ve horribly neglected when it comes to the Hogwarts/BabyRoyals!AU.
Several months ago, Brooke and I basically talked about doing a collab featuring the Baby Royals (Elizabeth, Zeldris, and Arthur) in Hogwarts, and the adventures they have there--including learning magic, engaging in duels, and having awkward af crushes. Idk how Brooke still feels about it, but I go back to it every now and again to work on stuff, because I really really just love the idea of it. (I really love Harry Potter, and Hogwarts AUs, so.)
This is one of the one shots/stories I started working on, focusing on Elizabeth (who’s a Hufflepuff with a penchant for mischief and nerve) in her Fifth Year. It isn’t really polished, and I don’t know what to do with it just yet--but I hope you like it!
(Also @thisisaverycreativeurl, hints of a Rival Seekers AU. You’ll know when you see it *wink wonk*)
When one really thought about it, this was all Alioni’s fault; if he’d just kept his blasted mouth shut, none of this would have happened.
Alioni had never taken his status as a Hufflepuff so gracefully. Even before Elizabeth entered Hogwarts as a student, and was called into Hufflepuff’s fold, he would spend most of his days ranting on The Sorting Hat’s placement. Thought it made him just another average, no-good student, he did. No one could convince him otherwise, not even Elizabeth, who tried to be kind to him even as he’d sneered down at her like she was dirt under his shoe.
It wasn’t long before Alioni grew older, became a Seventh Year; and he only grew angrier. And like some people who festered in anger, he took his problems out on other students. One of these people happened to be Ban Benwick.
A lot of rumors already surrounded Ban, with his razor sharp grin, his gangly (but also quite toned) form, those eyes, and of course, the angry scar on his neck. He had a look to him that wasn't quite Gryffindor, yet his attitude said otherwise. While he was quite picky on what and who he fought for, and he’d be quite vicious during said fights, he was never afraid to call people out on their shite--especially in defense of those he liked.
How he and Meliodas Cornwall became friends is sort of a Hogwarts mystery. Most Gryffindors didn’t even try to befriend Slytherins, and vice versa. And yet, despite any rivalry they’d had years prior, friends they became.
To this day, Elizabeth still has no idea what Alioni said to make Ban snap. She remembers her and Zeldris meeting up with Arthur after their Potions class, and then the three of them walking out into the courtyard to hear yelling. While there, she knows she caught Alioni jeering about an “animal” and in a mix of worry and anger, she ran forward to see what was happening.
When she pushed through the crowd, Elizabeth saw that Elaine had her arms wrapped around Ban’s waist from the front while Meliodas was behind him and holding his arms, both struggling to hold Ban back from destroying Alioni. She remembers how Ban’s face was contorted with a rage and a pain that only a few people in Hogwarts understood, Elizabeth included.
(She’s one of the Headmaster’s daughters; any secret a student has--including that of tooth and claw, and blood--she already knows before they enter.)
Alioni laughed, his sneer ugly. “Yeah, hide behind your little mudblood slag. Does she even know? Does she know that she’s been snogging, and Merlin knows what else, with a damned w--”
It happened so fast, the only sound being that of skin hitting skin, and maybe the cracking of bone. Alioni had been talking talking, spitting out shite that drew some gasps, glares, and some smirks, and Elizabeth could only feel a haze of anger. Before she could step forward and do something, her fists already curled and ready to break his bloody face, no matter how Arthur tried to cajole her, someone else’s fist landed there first. When Elizabeth blinked in her shock, she saw Meliodas standing over Alioni, his fist clenched and spotted with blood that started bleeding from Alioni’s broken nose.
Now, Meliodas Cornwall was many things. An absolute prick and “pain in my arse,” Zeldris would always answer whenever someone asked. A “robot with human skin”, Arthur had once argued in their third year. An arrogant jerk who’s always trying to ruin someone’s fun, Elizabeth used to think whenever he’d snitch on her and her friends after they pulled a prank, or broke one of Hogwarts’ rules, as if he was the perfect little student.
(And many people did think this of him, her mother included. Her mother always seemed to prefer taking in others’ accomplishments before Elizabeth’s.)
Meliodas was serious, studious, a stickler for rules, and seemed to prefer being alone--unless he had friends around, but those were usually few and far between--and he did not get into fights. Not the sorts with fists, anyway.
“Get up.”
Elizabeth blinked, saw Alioni swallowing through his pained tears as he stammered, “W-w-what?”
Meliodas was already throwing his robe to the side and rolling up his sleeves to his elbows. Elizabeth remembers her eyes going wide because, well--Whoa, Hello, where did those arms come from?--and her heart thumped as he loosened the green and silver tie from his neck, his eyes blazing.
“Get. Up,” he said again, almost in a growl.
“B-but y-your wand,” stammered Alioni, sounding like he wanted to bargain.
Meliodas sneered and cracked his knuckles. “I won't need it to do this.”
Long story short, Alioni got his arse kicked--brutally, surprisingly, but also hilariously--and Meliodas walked away to the Headmaster’s office with only a couple bruises on his knuckles and some blood running from the side of his mouth. He'd cost Slytherin fifteen house points, but he didn’t care. His head was high, and his walk was confident, and he drew stares for weeks afterward.
Elizabeth tried not to stare, like everyone else did. She did, truly. She tried not to even acknowledge his presence as he walked through the hall, tried not to be in tune to his voice, or his laugh (When did he learn to laugh…?). She especially tried not to think of how broad his back had become or how tall he’d gotten (still an inch shorter than her but that didn’t matter), or how green his eyes were, and how he smiled and how it just did things to her squishy Hufflepuff heart--
Oh, no, Elizabeth thought when she woke up one day. She whimpered and pressed her pillow to her bright red face, her heart still doing that stupid, rather fluttery thump-thump in her chest. Oh, no, no, no.
Now, Elizabeth has had crushes before. She was at a point in her life where boys, and sometimes girls, were awfully pleasing to look at. She’d sometimes fancy a different person every week, someone she’d stare at and fantasize about during both waking and sleeping moments. She even toyed with the idea of snogging Arthur once, because he was cute and a friend, and that was just what you did if you had friends who were cute. That was normal. That was fine.
Whatever this was towards Meliodas was not a crush. This was an existential crisis.
Why? Well, it was just...stupid. Boys in general were stupid, especially when they got into stupid and immature fights. And Elizabeth wasn’t that type of girl, the sort who fanned her neck during a duel of wands or an exchange of fists, as if she was some doe for bucks (or other does) to impress and win over. (She wasn’t Margaret, bloody hell.) So if it was just the fight, it wouldn't have been a big deal, Elizabeth would tell herself. Meliodas would just be another stupid boy to fancy for a week, then move on from.
But Meliodas wasn’t just a stupid boy; he was a stupid boy Elizabeth knew. From a distance mostly, initially, an annoyance that came to her when she never asked for such a presence. So it was hard to ignore Meliodas when he approached her during such moments.
“Oi, Liones.”
Elizabeth looked up from her untouched breakfast and saw Meliodas standing across the table. His hands were in his robes and his expression was stony, but there was something in his eyes. A look he’d never given to her before.
(Or, perhaps, she’d never looked before?)
“Your first Quidditch game is today, I hear,” he said.
Elizabeth nodded, her mouth pressed closed.
“You scared?”
“No,” she said automatically, irritated that he assumed so, even if his assumption was correct. Elizabeth sat up more, tried to summon the confidence that had thrilled through her when she’d been chosen to become Hufflepuff’s Seeker, and asked, “Why should I be?”
“Merlin is said to be the best and fastest Seeker Ravenclaw’s had in a century,” said Meliodas, his brow quirked. “It would be natural to be nervous, especially if it's your first game.”
Elizabeth found her gaze falling to a table across the Great Hall, where the Ravenclaws sit. She saw Merlin sitting with Gowther, who was a Chaser, and she watched them converse with each other. She saw Merlin pause and turn to meet her gaze. Merlin stared at Elizabeth for a moment, and then she smirked before turning back to Gowther. Elizabeth’s stomach twisted.
Still, she turned back to meet Meliodas’ gaze and said, “I'm not afraid.”
Meliodas stared at her, his expression seemingly patronizing. Then he smirked, but not with cruelty, not with that warmth in his gaze.
“You should have fought the Hat for Gryffindor,” he nearly muttered.
Elizabeth blinked, unsure if she heard correctly. Before she could ask what he meant, Meliodas sat across from her and folded his arms onto the table.
He leaned towards her and spoke quietly, almost a whisper, “Listen close, Liones. Merlin is fast and experienced, but she has a blind spot that you can easily take advantage of…”
Despite her reservations, Elizabeth listened to his advice, the wisdom of another Seeker just as skilled and experienced as Merlin, and her heart swelled again with that thrill.
“Do...do you really think I can win?” she asked eventually.
Meliodas smiled back and told her, “With your nerve, Liones, I have no doubt.”
The second time Elizabeth donned her Quidditch garb and marched onto the field with her team, broom in hand and her shoulders squared, it was Slytherin’s team they stopped short of. She met Meliodas’ eyes across the field, took in how he looked in his garb, and felt her heart flutter.
“Scared, Liones?” asked Meliodas, his smirk proud and his green eyes gleaming.
Elizabeth smirked back. “You wish.”
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wanna1things · 7 years
Soulmate!Park Jihoon
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my laptop broke the first two times i tried to post this please appreciate
Genre;; fluff + uhh college!au,, fashion designer!au uh soulmate!au obviously
Warnings;; theres a bit of self-deprecation here and mentions of like low self esteem ??
Pairing;; Park Jihoon x reader
Soulmate AU Type;; when you and your soulmate touch, you both feel sparks until you get together lol its a v simple one this time
Summary;; You met Park Jihoon in the first year of college. Since then you’ve always felt a spark, but you haven’t yet felt the spark you really want...
Style;; bullet point
Word Count;; 1785
Also in this series;; Daniel | Woojin | Jinyoung | Minhyun
I’m posting this as a thank you for 100 followers (i think its 115 now??) and also because i am bored… i’ve had my ribena it’s time to WRITE also excuse me?? i love jihoons fashion sense. give me that boy in a beret any day i’ll take it. this was written when i was in a bit of a slump so if it’s bad i’m so sorry but ill do the requests ASSSSSSSSSSSSAP
your parents told you about the ‘sparks’ thing when you were really young
you used to dream that you’d meet a real life prince and touch his hand and then you’d feel the sparks and you really like romanticised that as a kid lol
all the way through your life your friends were finding their soulmates, some even in kindergarten lol
but you never seemed to have much luck and your mum always joked that you were still waiting for that prince to come along
you decided that really soulmates weren’t the most important thing in life and although it would be nice to meet yours;; you’d rather explore other passions
so you took up designing fashion
your school offered design and technology courses so you took a couple and realised it was something you really enjoyed
you were always the best at being able to make old clothes into something new fresh and wonderful
when you got accepted into the best fashion college in the country you almost had a heart attack
your mum read out your acceptance letter while you were on the toilet lmaooooo
but really you never really thought you had that much talent with designing
but your acceptance letter seemed to suggest that the college really liked your mood boards and your way of styling
on the first day of college you walked into the hall expecting it to be like;; a normal lecture hall
but everyone was already in groups around these mannequins
kill me now
you moved into the group you were told to go into and introduced yourself as brightly as you could
“hello! I’m y/n haha”
the others responded with their names and they shook your hand quickly
except for one kid who seemed to not be that;; interested in your presence
he mumbled a “park jihoon” and went back to working with the materials
you watched as he went to work cutting the fabrics and you tried to decide what you wanted to do with the old piece of clothing on the mannequin
the prompt on the whiteboard simply read ‘uplift me!’ so it was pretty vague;;
you suggested bright colours like yellows or pastels to be uplifting
the jihoon guy turned up his nose a bit at this
“no, y/n i think we should use sequins or metallics. they are more eye catching, which might be what they mean by uplifting”
the other group members were a bit like lmao what just happened
“did jihoon just talk to you?? he hasn’t spoken to any of us no matter what we say what’s your secret??”
honestly you thought he was angry and that’s why he spoke to you like that lol
but in jihoon’s head he was mentally kicking himself like this girl is the only one in the room whose fashion style is my taste;; and i make her hate me lmao gr8 job m8
but really he just appreciated that you put a viable idea forward and he wanted to have an,, intellectual conversation with you but he ended up scaring you off more than anything
you continue to work on the piece as a group and you settle on using gold because;; it’s kind of bright like what you want and it’s the metallic that jihoon wanted
when the professor comes around and looks at yours he immediately can tell you two did all the work and you two are like?? How did you know
and the professor is just like ya guys i looked at your mood boards. i know your styles
but he puts you and jihoon together as a pair so you can work together on future projects because your styles match super well and then ON GOES THE LECTURE
a few months into college you start doing placements in a shop where you design and put together outfits for the customers
you and jihoon are put against each other for like the first time and you each have to try and please as many customers as you can
the briefs they give are literally like;; two words usually “i want a skirt to match these shoes” or something
and you have to learn to infer their style from what they’re already wearing it’s v difficult;;
but you and jihoon manage to please the exact same number of clients… and you do each client you get pretty much perfectly
from that moment onwards you and jihoon are known as the fashion power couple, even though you aren’t actually a couple in fact you’ve never seen each other outside of class
that is until jihoon invites you to go to a coffee shop for lunch during the break between your classes and your placement
after yall get your food and your drinks you sit down in a booth and just sigh and relax a bit
jihoon says out of nowhere
“i’m sorry if i scared you at first i was just really surprised to find someone with the same style as me lol”
he’s blushing a lot and its?? really cute i mean you knew park jihoon was cute from the very first moment you saw him but the light blush across his cheeks makes him look 250% more adorable
“don’t worry i’m not even remotely scared of you! i’m really happy we are friends”
jihoon did not realise he was your friend oh my god this makes him happy he thought he was just an acquaintance
don’t tell anyone but he’s highkey been crushing on you since the first day you met and did that fancy ass styling
i mean you have a crush on him too but you two have literally… never hung out like… can’t act upon this
you are just enjoying your tea and your croissant when you notice jihoon has a paper cut on his hand
“hey jihoon i know how to cure paper cuts super quick all you have to do is-”
you lean over the table to grab his hand and demonstrate what to do when he flinches and snatches his hand away
I mean you’re a bit hurt but like… you just continue with what you were saying to not make it awkward
“ahh… um… my mum said you can put superglue on it to make it heal haha”
jihoon smiles back sheepishly and keeps drinking his drink
he’s mentally kicking himself that he pulled his hand away but
honestly he really likes you and he doesn’t want to face that you probably won’t be his soulmate so;; he did that
but when he sees the sad look on your face it’s like ah INSTANT REGRET
when you go back to classes the next day your professor reveals that your whole class is entering a worldwide fashion contest
all the top fashion colleges around the world enter their top classes
you and jihoon look at each other and you’re so ready to partner up and get that first place position
but your professor then reveals
that you enter alone and teams aren’t allowed
rip fashion power couple you are really up against each other now
honestly you really want to win this to prove yourself
you don’t feel like your style is as refined as like jihoon’s or some of your other classmates
and it makes you feel kinda;; down
but you feel like if you win this then you’ve proven to yourself that you do have a style and it is worth you being at that college
because sometimes you think that you might just be surviving because jihoon is helping you and working with you??
but anyway
your brief is similar to the original brief you had on the first day of college except this one you style using pre existing pieces and one piece you can make yourself
the exact brief is like;;
“something uplifting, can put a smile on someone’s face. classic, but fresh.”
you decide almost straight away to use jihoons idea of gold from the first day because it does work
it’s classic, it can put a smile on someone’s face and if it’s styled the right way it can be fresh and uplifting too
little do you know jihoon has a similar idea
you decide to thrift a second hand wedding ring and you add some gold details to it as your item because;; it’s subtle and more classic idk??
on the day of the competition you and jihoon are getting ready backstage because;; you’re your own model lol
you go on the catwalk consecutively because it goes in order of school
just before you step out to go on stage jihoon pats your back and whispers a ‘good luck’ in your ear
you swear to god that you just felt the sparks
you look up at jihoon but he doesn’t seem to react so you brush it off as just being nerves
but inside both you and jihoon are mentally screaming
like omg the person i’ve liked for like ages is my soulmate bYE
the catwalk for both you and jihoon goes really smoothly, both of you have chosen similar styles and both of you are using gold
as you’re waiting backstage for your results your professor approaches you and sighs
“i notice that jihoon’s style has influenced yours and that you’ve influenced jihoon’s style recently…”
honestly you look up at your professor like lmao whAT do you MEAN???
“my dear, it’s young love”
you can literally feel the heat burning up your cheeks as jihoon appears behind you and your professor
before you know it the results are being announced
the special mention prize goes to a girl from a Milan school of fashion which is like super surprising because they usually get first
as the host starts to announce the winner they get a message through their earpiece which makes them frown and the whole arena is just like ok whats going on
“i’m receiving word that two people have received the exact same scores from the judges and the audience which has… never been seen before. we have two winners.”
something inside your heart really hopes it is you and jihoon lol
“this year’s winners are y/n y/l/n and Park Jihoon!”
your heart was right
you immediately turn to jihoon and embrace him in the tightest hug ever
and he leans down to press his lips against yours
you can feel the sparks flying all over your body
but you really couldn’t care less you’re so happy
not only did you win
but you found your soulmate
you found your prince
and the fashion power couple is REAL
i;; i;;; need to sleep goodnigh t enj oy thank you for the love
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spidergwenistrans · 4 years
I've been having more bad mood days than I think I've ever had in my life lately.
I think the only time my mood has ever been nearly as consistently in the range of negative emotions was the week I realised I'm trans and dealing with the breaking down of so much.
Even in 2 different break ups, and one following a 4 year relationship that I thought would last the rest of my life. Following both breakups, I realise that in hind sight I was doing a lot of burying my emotions, but even when I was sort of processing them, I didn't feel as down as I have been.
In the last week I've been told that the college has only the vaguest plan to let my classmates and I finish precepting, with no guarantee it'll last beyond the first couple people. Our provincial exam has been postponed indefinitely. My boss told me she's putting me on extended leave since if I do go back to precepting, I won't be able to work, and depending on how things are when that runs out, I may have to quit.
To be honest, my hopes about finishing my placement (9 whole shifts) have been pretty low all along, it makes no sense for us not to be allowed to finish, because we're needed, people are retiring, but no one new is being allowed to enter the profession, but somehow the news that some of us being allowed, but currently only those who have job offers there already is more disheartening.
The provincial exam being cancelled is neutral to be honest. Life would be easier if I could get my license finished in this province sooner than later, and not have to study for this exam months and months from now. But I can't even write that exam if I haven't finished my placement and gotten a letter from the college saying I graduated.
As much as I don't think lattes are really important right now during a pandemic, I was actually looking forward to going back to work? My boss was very good about accommodating everyone's specific concerns, and corporate has done a reasonable amount to mitigate our risk of getting infected, and to limit the risk of customers passing infections to each other. But mainly, I wanted something to do, something that required no intrinsic motivation, so I could just zone out and let work take my mind off of everything. Instead I'm staying home until June 14, and I'm still getting paid through then, though, paradoxically, less than my sister who got laid off and is getting the CERB lmao
I know that the stress of the pandemic generally is affecting my mood, but there's also some specific ways I'm feeling fucked over right now.
I can't continue electrolysis right now, because they're closed, which is reasonable, but it also means that it feels like my transition is stalled. Laser has done next to nothing for me, which makes no sense, I have dark hair and pale skin, and honestly idk if the at home one is doing any better, and I've used it daily for almost a week, and on and off for 2 months. I also worry about my electrolysis clinic suffering from the months of no appointments. They're one of 2 (that I know of) in this city that are explicitly trans friendly, and they specifically have options for trans folks who can't afford the full cost. My hope was to pay back into that system as soon as I had a job in my field.
I've been trying to work up the courage to talk to my doctor about bottom surgery for months now, but haven't been able to, and I'm not even sure what the point would be. I believe I would still need to see a psychologist to get it approved by provincial insurance, and I could maybe get that ball rolling by getting a referral, but I'm also not sure how long I'll be in this province, and once I move, it'll be a whole other system to deal with. Of course, the other province had more options for trans people than this one does, but I'm not sure I can wait that long? I want to have it done already, I still feel like I can't really fully exist as me until I have it out of the way. The idea of being in a relationship with someone before I've had bottom surgery is terrifying to me now. I honestly don't know how I lived so long not being bothered by it. Well, at least, not consciously.
With the college not letting me (and about 25 others) graduate without the next 100 hours of placement, I don't know if I'll have a chance at a job in this province. I had hoped.to work here for at least a year, to pay off debt, rebuild my savings, and start getting stuff figured out for FFS, while also being able to take paid sick leave for bottom surgery somewhere towards the end of that year. If me not graduating drags on much longer, there is a very good chance I will not be able to get a job here, even though it sure seems like the local service actually wanted to hire me. Now? It seems like my only shot at employment this calendar year is going to be traveling across the country, getting certified a level below my training, and working as a driver only, instead of as a clinician, to at least build some seniority with that service. Apparently I'd be able to take a leave of absence for education in order to complete my schooling here whenever that's possible again, and then my licensing over there would be relatively easy comparatively. But I don't know if I can afford the travel out there in the first place yet?
All of this time alone with my thoughts had made time seem to pass so much slower than it ever has before. It was so much easier to appreciate the changes estrogen has been making for me when I only had a little bit of time to dwell on it, now it feels like things are moving backwards.
I know that today and yesterday's bad moods are exacerbated by whatever my monthly cycle is, because I definitely get a lot more irritable for a few days every month, and my app seems to be right about it every month.
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