mydetheturk · 4 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Trigun Stampede (Anime 2023), Trigun (Anime & Manga 1995-2008) Rating: Mature Warnings: Major Character Death Characters: Rem Saverem, Original Dependent Plant Additional Tags: Science Fiction, Science, lab reports, Grief/Mourning, Pre-Canon, Plant Lore (Trigun), I got to play with the scifi half of the scifi western :D, Mission Reports, i swear to god i cannot escape the grief/mourning tag, Birth of the twins, Passive Aggressive Science Notes Series: Part 7 of Trigun Body Horror Week Summary:
Rem Saverem has to write the report on the collapse and Last Run of one of Ship 5's gravitational powerhouses. It's not all she's doing, but it's important that she does it.
And my last finished prompt for body horror week, hosted over at @organsoutsidelovinglydescribed. I’ve got one that’s going to for sure be a late submission, and i may or may not end up doing some ficlets to any of the prompts i didn’t get around to doing.
The prompt i went with was the TMA Quote: To be trapped, unmoving, within the body that has betrayed her so often, feeling every sensation as it grows and warps and sprouts, never knowing what new mutation it will visit on her next.
Do mind some of the tags, Rem’s going through it emotionally. Enjoy!
Plant: 05-03-01 Plant Type: Gravitational-Metallic Age: 723 Mass: 4096kg Tank Size: S-6 Byproduct: CrCoNi bars, often averaging 5-10kg per week with heavier bars being produced when called upon to redirect SEEDS Ship 5. Date of Expiry: July 21st Reason for Expiry: Creation of two Independent Plants Spontaneous Resonance Collapse Engineer on Duty: Rem Saverem
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lankeylacey · 2 years
thinking about how camilla is gonna have to get one billion clothes for the hex crew because ct weather is fucked
also just in general?? like thats 5 extra kids that shes gonna have expenses on and becuase theyre literally from another dimesnion she cant get any finacial aid/tax deductions to help them (and connecticut taxes are high asf)
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hoshifighting · 3 months
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Arranged Marriage
Synopsis: Where you and Minghao parents had this grand scheme to merge their companies by marrying you off, thinking it'd be a brilliant business move. Determined to stake your claim and keep your marriage intact, your make a bold move during a business party— planting a lipstick-stained kiss on Minghao's lips and yanking him by his tie, leaving no doubt that he's yours and yours alone.
Word Count: 5.5k
Warnings: Smut, throat fucking, blowjob, fingering, penetrative sex, public make out, jealous kiss, angst, forced marriage, mentions of diets.
You're standing there in this fancy white dress, all sparkly and shiny, making your way down the aisle to where Minghao's waiting. He's looking all sharp in his suit, with his hair on point and a little smirk on his face. But as you're walking towards him, you can't help but remember the last time you two really talked was at some boring company event.
Now here you are, about to say your vows like you actually mean them. But deep down, you know it's all just a bunch of lies. You and Minghao both know it. It's all for show, to make your parents' company look good. And the worst part is, everyone at this big fancy wedding knows it too.
The party's huge, like a wedding and a business conference all mashed together. People you've never seen before are milling around, probably part of some shady business deal your parents cooked up. It's like this whole thing isn't even about love or unity anymore. It's just one big networking event disguised as a wedding.
But you go through the motions anyway, smiling and nodding like everything's perfect. You exchange vows that are as fake as the smiles plastered on both of your faces. And as the night goes on, you can't shake the feeling that this whole thing is just a sham. A pretty, expensive sham, but a sham nonetheless.
You watch as people schmooze and mingle, making deals and connections left and right. And you can't help but wonder if this is what your future holds too. A life of pretending, of smiling for the cameras while behind closed doors, it's all just business as usual.
But for now, you paste on your best fake smile and dance the night away, pretending that everything's okay. Because that's what you do when you're part of a family like yours. You put on a show, no matter what's really going on behind the scenes.
You're feeling suffocated by the crowd inside, like the tightness around your waist is almost causing claustrophobia. So you slip away to the backyard, sneaking a slice of cake from the waiters. Your mom had you on some ridiculous diet for a whole week leading up to this wedding, all so you could look "good" in your dress.
You plop down on a wooden bench, the dress spreading out in a big poof around you. Just as you're about to take a much-needed bite of cake, you're interrupted by a voice.
"Why isn't the bride inside enjoying her own party?" The voice belongs to Minghao, hands in his pockets as he stands there, looking at you.
You scoff, shooting him a look. "I'm sure no one's noticed. They're all too busy discussing the stock market or whatever." Your tone is sharp, the underlying tension between you and Minghao palpable.
Minghao snorts, clearly not impressed by your response. "Yeah, well, maybe if you spent less time worrying about your parents' company and more time actually enjoying life, you wouldn't be stuck in this mess."
You bristle at his comment, feeling a surge of anger rising within you. "Oh please, like you have any room to talk. Last time I checked, you were just as tangled up in all of this as I am."
Minghao's expression darkens, and for a moment, you worry you've gone too far. 
With that, he turns and walks away, leaving you alone with your thoughts and a half-eaten slice of wedding cake. You watch him go, feeling a mix of frustration and something else you can't quite name. Maybe it's just the champagne talking, but for a brief moment, you can't help but wonder what life would be like if you weren't tied down by expectations and obligations. 
You stare at Minghao, disbelief written all over your face as you take in the sight of the one hotel room your parents booked for the both of you. A single queen-sized bed sits in the center of the room, effectively splitting the space into two halves. You shoot a glance at Minghao, and from the look in his eyes, you can tell he's just as shocked as you are.
The tension between you is palpable as you both stand there, sharing silent but deadly gazes. Finally, you break the silence, your voice dripping with sarcasm. "Well, isn't this just perfect? Our parents booking us one room to 'get used' to each other. As if this whole shit wasn't enough already."
Minghao lets out a scoff, shaking his head in disbelief. "Yeah, because nothing says 'happily ever after' like forcing two strangers to share a bed on their wedding night."
You bite back a retort, opting instead for a more diplomatic approach. "Look, I think it's only fair that I take the bed and you can sleep on the couch."
Minghao raises an eyebrow, his expression incredulous. "And why is that?" he asks, his tone dripping with sarcasm.
You roll your eyes, feeling irritation bubbling up inside you. "Because I'm the bride, for one," you retort, "and two, I've been on my feet all night, walking around in a dress that weighs a ton and heels that could rival skyscrapers. I think I deserve a decent night's sleep."
Minghao lets out a short, humorless laugh. "Oh, please. Do you even know how exhausting it is to be the groom? I've been dealing with people all night, pretending to be someone I'm not, just like you."
You narrow your eyes at him, crossing your arms defiantly. "Fine," you say, a smirk playing at the corners of your lips, "then let's settle this once and for all. Who's more tired: the bride who's been carrying around twelve kilograms of dress and heels all night, or the groom who's been putting on a show for hours on end?"
Minghao looks at you for a moment, the corner of his mouth twitching as if he's trying not to smile. But then he shakes his head, a look of resignation crossing his face. "You win," he says, finally relenting, "you can have the bed."
You smirk triumphantly, feeling a small sense of victory despite the absurdity of the situation. And as you crawl into bed, pulling the covers up to your chin.
The next day rolls around, and before you even have a chance to properly wake up, you're thrown into a meeting. Brunch with both families sounds nice in theory, but when Minghao's dad starts putting papers on the table and declaring, "Let's get to what matters," you realize this isn't going to be a typical family gathering.
You try to maintain a facade of composure, but the discomfort gnaws at you like a persistent itch. So you do what you've gotten used to doing – you look down, avoiding eye contact with anyone in the room.
Minghao notices immediately, and you can feel his gaze burning into the side of your face. His cheeks flush with embarrassment from his father's directness, but you can't bring yourself to look up and meet his eyes. The weight of expectation hangs heavy in the air, and you can practically taste the tension swirling around the table.
As Minghao's dad starts talking about business deals and partnerships, you try to focus on the sound of his voice rather than the sinking feeling in your stomach. But no matter how hard you try to block it out, you can't shake the feeling that you're just a pawn in someone else's game – a game you never asked to play.
You steal a glance at Minghao, but his expression is unreadable, his mask firmly in place. And in that moment, you realize just how alone you really are in this world of high-stakes deals and empty promises.
You're lounging on the couch, the TV blaring in the background, but your mind is miles away. The penthouse feels emptier than ever, despite being filled with all the trappings of luxury. You and Minghao live under the same roof, yet it feels like you might as well be living on opposite ends of the earth. Separate rooms, separate lives, with only a perfunctory "good morning" or "good night" exchanged between you.
The loneliness weighs heavy on your chest, suffocating you with its presence. You long for something more, something real, but it feels like an impossible dream in this gilded cage you've found yourself trapped in.
You're lost in the numbing glow of the television when your phone buzzes with a notification. It's Minghao, informing you of a press conference he's scheduled for later that night. You furrow your brow, puzzled by the sudden announcement.
But it's his last message from the previous night that catches your attention. "Can you at least put on your best smile tonight?" he'd asked, a request that feels more like a demand. And you can't help but feel a pang of frustration at his presumption.
You make your way to his room, finding him hunched over his computer, the glow of the screen casting harsh shadows across his face. You lean against the doorframe, crossing your arms as you watch him for a moment before speaking up.
"What do you mean by that?" you ask, your voice tinged with a hint of annoyance. "Put on my best smile? What's that supposed to mean?"
Minghao looks up from his computer, his expression unreadable. "It means exactly what it sounds like," he replies coolly, his tone clipped. "We both know how important appearances are in our world. So why not make an effort for once?"
You roll your eyes, feeling the anger bubbling up inside you. "I think you mean that you want me to play the dutiful wife once again, to plaster on a fake smile and pretend like everything's fine," you snap, the bitterness seeping into your words.
Minghao's jaw tightens, and for a moment, it looks like he's about to argue back. But then he sighs and runs a hand through his hair, looking suddenly tired and defeated. "Look, I know this isn't what either of us wanted," he says, his voice softer now, tinged with regret. "But it's what we have to do. For our families, for the company."
You scoff, shaking your head in disbelief. "Is that really all that matters to you? The company? "But fine," you say through clenched teeth, pushing yourself away from the doorframe. "I'll put on my best smile tonight. But don't expect me to enjoy it."
You sit in the backseat of the chauffeur-driven car, your gaze fixed on the passing landscape outside the window. The skyscrapers blur into a haze of steel and glass, a stark contrast to the turmoil swirling inside your mind.
Minghao breaks the silence with a casual remark, his tone tinged with amusement. "You don't look like someone who agreed to the terms of our agreement," he observes, a hint of sarcasm in his voice.
You let out a frustrated huff, tearing your eyes away from the window to glare at him. "Yeah, well, maybe I need some time before I can fully commit to this whole acting profession," you retort, your words dripping with bitterness.
Minghao presses his lips together, trying to suppress a laugh at your expense. The corners of his mouth twitch with amusement, but he manages to keep his expression neutral as he looks away, pretending to be absorbed in the passing scenery.
You bristle at his reaction, feeling a surge of indignation coursing through you. "What's so funny?" you demand, your voice sharp with irritation.
Minghao shakes his head, a faint smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Nothing," he replies casually, his tone disarmingly nonchalant. "I mean, take all the time you need… Just try not to look too pitiful when we walk through those doors." 
You roll your eyes, crossing your arms defensively over your chest. "Thanks for the vote of confidence."
As the chauffeur stops and opens the door for you, signaling your arrival at the event, Minghao's voice cuts through the silence.
"Hand," he says simply, holding out his hand towards you.
You raise an eyebrow, shooting him a skeptical look. "Excuse me?" you reply, not quite sure you heard him correctly.
Minghao's lips twitch into a smirk as he repeats himself, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes. "I said, hand," he repeats, his tone playful yet insistent.
You fight the urge to roll your eyes at his audacity, but begrudgingly, you reach out and grab his hand, almost aggressively. His grin widens as he intertwines his fingers with yours, the touch surprisingly delicate despite the underlying tension between you.
As you and Minghao step into the event, hand in hand, you can feel the weight of your parents' surprised stares on you. Their eyebrows shoot up in disbelief at the sight of you two holding hands, a rare display of unity between the two families.
Minghao squeezes your hand gently, a small smirk playing on his lips as he catches your parents' reaction. "See?" he murmurs softly, leaning in close to you. "It's easy. A little thing like this makes them happy."
You can't help but feel a surge of resentment bubbling up inside you at his words. Easy for him to say, you think bitterly. He's always been the one who effortlessly falls into line, who knows exactly how to play the game to get what he wants.
But despite your inner turmoil, you force a tight smile and nod in agreement, not wanting to cause a scene in front of your parents. "Yeah, easy," you echo, your voice strained as you try to keep up the facade.
As the long-winded speeches from the ambassadors drone on, you find yourself sinking deeper into your chair, exhaustion weighing heavily on your shoulders. Minghao leans in close, his voice a soft whisper against your ear as he asks if you want something from the bar. You shake your head, declining his offer with a tired sigh.
He nods in understanding and excuses himself, disappearing into the crowd for a moment. But as the minutes drag on and the speech finally reaches its conclusion, Minghao still hasn't returned. Your eyes scan the room, searching for any sign of him, and that's when you spot her – a woman leaning in close to him, her body language oozing with flirtation.
Your stomach churns with a mix of anger and disbelief. What does she think she's doing? That's your husband she's flirting with, for crying out loud. You glance down at your wedding ring, then back at Minghao, then down at your ring again, the weight of it heavy on your finger.
You can feel the heat rising in your cheeks as you stand up from the table, your movements cautious as you make your way over to them. Fuck, you hate that you're doing this right now, but you can't just sit idly by while some random woman tries to make a move on your husband.
Minghao's eyes widen in surprise as he catches sight of your determined gaze, and for a brief moment, you almost feel guilty for interrupting. But then you remember who you are – his wife – and the guilt fades away, replaced by a steely resolve.
"I have a wife," Minghao's voice cuts through the air, firm and unwavering, as you approach him and the woman who's been flirting with him. His words send a jolt of surprise through you, momentarily halting your steps.
But before you can even react, Minghao continues, his tone tinged with irritation, "And she's storming over here, so please, just leave me alone."
"Hi, Hao," you greet Minghao as you finally reach him, unable to hide the hint of irritation in your voice. "You took a long time. What happened?"
Minghao's eyes widen slightly at your abrupt approach, and he stammers for a moment before the woman beside him interjects, "Oh, she's your friend?"
Minghao's response is immediate and almost defensive. "No, I don't know her," he says quickly, his tone betraying his discomfort.
You can't help but suppress a smirk at his awkwardness, feeling a small surge of satisfaction at seeing him squirm. "Nice to meet you," you say smoothly, extending your hand to the woman. "I'm Mrs. Xu."
The woman's eyes widen in surprise as she takes your hand, clearly caught off guard by your assertive introduction. "Oh, um, nice to meet you too," she replies, her voice slightly shaky.
You turn your attention back to Minghao, noting the relief in his eyes as you come to his "rescue." Poor Minghao, you think to yourself, feeling a twinge of sympathy for him despite your earlier annoyance. He clearly didn't know how to handle the situation, and the sight of you coming to his aid seems to help him breathe a little easier.
The woman walks away, leaving you and Minghao standing there in the aftermath of the awkward encounter. You turn to him, your expression a mix of frustration and concern.
"Come on, Minghao," you begin, your voice low but firm. "You need to know how to handle situations like that. What if people who know our family saw that? It could cause all sorts of rumors and complications."
Minghao's jaw tightens as he meets your gaze, a flicker of defensiveness in his eyes. "I didn't ask for her to approach me," he retorts, his tone defensive. "I told her I have a wife. What more do you want from me?"
You let out a frustrated sigh, running a hand through your hair as you try to keep your temper in check. "I just want you to be more aware of how your actions reflect on both of us," you reply, your voice tinged with exasperation. "We're married, Minghao. That means we have to think about each other's reputations and how our behavior affects them."
Minghao's expression softens slightly at your words, but there's still a stubborn set to his jaw as he crosses his arms over his chest. "I know that," he says, his voice quieter now, more subdued. "But sometimes things happen, and I can't control them."
You shake your head, feeling a surge of frustration rising within you. "That's not an excuse, Minghao," you say firmly. "We both have to do better if we want this marriage to work. We have to be a team."
Minghao's lips twitch into a smirk of his own, a challenge flashing in his eyes as he steps closer to you. "Oh, is that so, Mrs. Xu?" he replies, his voice dripping with mock innocence. "And what exactly would it take for me to earn back the privilege of being called by my first name?"
You roll your eyes, unable to suppress a laugh at his cheekiness. "Maybe if you stopped getting yourself into awkward situations with random women at parties," you shoot back, unable to resist the opportunity for a playful jab.
Minghao feigns offense, placing a hand over his heart in mock hurt. "Hey now, that wasn't entirely my fault," he protests, a mischievous twinkle in his eye. "Besides, you were the one who came to my rescue, remember?"
Minghao's playful grin falters as you shoot him a pointed look, hands firmly planted on your hips. "Am I wrong now? What should I do then?" you challenge, your tone laced with frustration.
He shrugs, his expression sheepish as he searches for an answer. "You need to make them know I'm your husband," he suggests vaguely, a glimmer of uncertainty in his eyes.
You narrow your gaze, a surge of determination coursing through you as you follow his line of sight to the woman who had been eyeing him earlier. She's still watching him, her gaze lingering a little too long for your liking.
"Fine then," you declare, your jaw set in determination. Without another word, you reach out and grab Minghao by the collar of his shirt, pulling him closer to you. Before he can protest, you press your lips to his in a firm, possessive kiss.
For a moment, Minghao freezes, his hands hovering uncertainly in the air. But then, as if realizing what's happening, he responds eagerly, his hands finding your waist as he pulls you closer, his fingers tangling in your hair as the kiss deepens.
You trail kisses along his neck, feeling a low hum of satisfaction reverberate through him. His hands tighten around your waist, pulling you closer as you continue to explore the sensitive skin of his neck with your lips.
When you pull back slightly, his eyes meet yours, a hint of mischief dancing in their depths. You reach up and gently tug on his bottom lip, a silent invitation for him to surrender completely to the passion between you.
Minghao's lips part in response, his eyes darkening with desire as he leans in to capture your mouth in another searing kiss. You can feel the heat of his body against yours, the intensity of the moment threatening to consume you both.
As you finally break the kiss, your lips swollen and tingling with the taste of him, you look at his face, satisfied with your handiwork. His lips, jaw, and neck are adorned with smudges of your red lipstick, a visible testament that being arranged or not, he is your husband.
With a mischievous glint in your eyes, you reach out and grab Minghao by the tie, tugging him gently but firmly in the direction of the exit. His eyebrows shoot up in surprise at your sudden assertiveness, but he follows your lead without hesitation.
As you walk through the party, you make no effort to hide the fact that you're leading Minghao out by his tie. You want everyone to see, especially that woman who dared to flirt with him earlier. With each step, you feel a surge of satisfaction knowing that you're marking your territory, making it abundantly clear to anyone watching that Minghao belongs to you.
People turn to look as you pass by, their curious glances met with a confident smile from you and a sheepish grin from Minghao. You hold your head high, your grip on his tie unwavering as you guide him through the crowd.
Finally, you reach the exit, and with one last glance around the room, you pull Minghao outside, the cool night air washing over you both. Alone at last, you turn to him with a victorious smirk.
"Well, that was fun," you say, a hint of laughter in your voice as you release his tie. "But I think we've made our point. Shall we get out of here?"
Minghao chuckles, shaking his head in amusement as he takes your hand in his. "Absolutely," he replies, a warmth in his eyes as he looks at you. "Anywhere you want to go, Mrs. Xu."
As soon as you step through the door of your home, you're wrapped up in a frenzy of passionate kisses with Minghao. Clothes, shoes, and his tie fly off haphazardly as you stumble towards the nearest surface, unable to keep your hands off each other.
Between kisses, Minghao pulls back slightly, his lips brushing against your neck as he speaks. "I didn't know you were that jealous," he murmurs, a hint of amusement in his voice.
You hiss in response, your breath catching in your throat as his lips trail along your skin. "I wasn't jealous," you protest, your voice tinged with frustration. "I was just...rescuing you, you bastard!"
Minghao laughs at your outburst, the sound sending shivers down your spine. "Hmm, just like a predator," he teases, his hands roaming over your body with a newfound confidence.
You scoff at his comment, a smirk playing at the corners of your lips. "You've seen nothing yet," you reply, meeting his gaze with a challenge in your eyes.
Minghao's eyes light up with excitement as he looks at you, a playful glint in his eyes. "Yeah?" he asks, his voice low and husky.
"Yeah," you confirm with a smirk, pulling him in for another kiss.
But then, his hand moves to the top of your head, gently guiding you downwards until your knees find the ground. You look up at him with a mixture of desire and anticipation, your breath coming in shallow gasps as you eagerly await his next move.
With a shaky breath, Minghao pulls himself free from his pants, his cock standing proudly before you. You wrap your hand around it, feeling the heat and hardness of him beneath your touch. A wicked grin plays at your lips as you tap the tip of his cock against your face, biting your lip in anticipation.
Minghao lets out a shaky moan at the provocative sight before him, his eyes dark with desire as he watches you. "Fuck, you're so damn sexy," he groans, his voice rough with need. "You know exactly what you're doing to me, don't you?"
You smirk up at him, your hand still wrapped around his cock as you tease him with your lips. "Mmm, maybe," you purr, your voice dripping with seduction. "But I want to hear you say it. Tell me how much you want me, Minghao."
His breath hitches as he meets your gaze, his fingers tangling in your hair as he guides you closer to him. "I want you more than anything," he confesses, his voice thick with desire. "I need you, baby. Please, show me how much you want me too."
You eagerly lower your mouth onto Minghao's throbbing cock, sucking greedily as you take him deeper and deeper into your mouth. You can feel him thrusting his hips, the need for more driving him to move against you.
Your hands slide down to his thighs, giving him the freedom to move as he pleases. His fingers tangle in your hair, guiding your movements as he sets the pace, his hips rocking against you in a rhythm of his own making.
As you take him deeper, you close your eyes, relaxing your jaw to accommodate his length. Minghao's voice breaks through the haze of pleasure, his words a gentle reminder of his concern for your well-being.
"Tap if you need to breathe," he murmurs, his hand tightening in your ponytail as he continues to move his hips.
You press your hand against his thigh in affirmation, letting him know that you're okay as you continue to take him deeper, your throat working to accommodate his length. Minghao lets out a low groan of pleasure, his hips moving in tandem with your movements as you both chase the pinnacle of ecstasy.
Between thrusts, Minghao's voice fills the air with a husky whisper. "God, you feel so fucking good," he moans, his words driving you to take him even deeper. "You're amazing, baby. Just keep going, just like that."
As Minghao's cock throbs in your mouth, you feel a surge of pleasure coursing through you, your senses overwhelmed by the intensity of the moment. Drool drips from your chin, a testament to your eagerness and arousal, as you continue to take him deeper, your mouth working tirelessly to please him.
With each throb of his cock, you can feel the tension building, the heat of his arousal radiating through you. Your eyes roll back in your head, lost in a haze of pleasure as you surrender yourself completely to the ecstasy of the moment.
And as Minghao's cock pulses in your mouth, you know that you've pushed him to the edge, his release imminent. With one final throb, he cries out your name, his body tensing as he spills his cum into your waiting mouth.
You swallow eagerly, savoring the taste of him. You moan softly as Minghao's lips meet yours again, the taste of him still lingering on your tongue, and he slowly guides you towards his room.
As you fall onto the bed, Minghao's fingers trace lazy patterns along your inner thighs, making you squirm beneath his touch, unable to hide your arousal as he gazes down at you with dark, hungry eyes.
"You're so wet…" he murmurs, his voice thick with desire as he continues to tease you with his fingers.
Minghao's lips curl into a smug grin as his fingers trailing lower until they reach the damp fabric of your panties. With agonizing slowness, he begins to peel them away, revealing your glistening folds to his hungry gaze.
"Tell me what you want, baby" he whispers, his voice a low growl in your ear as he leans in close. "Tell me how you want me to make you feel."
You arch your back, aching for his touch as you meet his gaze with a sultry smirk. "I want your fingers inside me, Minghao" you breathe, your voice dripping with desire. "I want you to make me come so fucking hard"
Minghao's eyes darken with lust as he hears your words, his fingers finding their way to your slick entrance. With a wicked grin, he plunges his slender fingers deep inside you, his touch sending sparks of pleasure shooting through your body.
And then, just when you think you can't take any more, he finds it – that deep spot that sends electric jolts shooting through you. Your pussy clenches around his fingers in response, a desperate attempt to hold your orgasm.
But Minghao isn't finished yet. With a wicked grin, he leans in close, his hot breath ghosting over your ear as he whispers his intentions. "You're not going to cum yet," he murmurs. "Let me hit that spot with my cock, then you can cream around it as much as you want."
Your breath catches in your throat at his words, with the promise of what's going to come. With a nod of agreement, you bite your lip in anticipation, eager for the moment when Minghao will fuck you with his cock.
As Minghao positions himself above you, his gaze locked with yours in a silent promise of pleasure to come, you sneak a peek at his cock. It's long, with bulging veins and dripping with pre-cum, making it clear he's rock hard and ready to go. The contrast with his slender body just makes it look even bigger.
Before you can even think of a response, Minghao speaks up, his voice low and husky. "You ready for me, baby?" he asks, his eyes smoldering with desire.
You open your mouth to reply, but before you can get a word out, his cock is stretching you out, leaving you breathless and speechless as he fills you completely.
As soon as Minghao finds your g'spot, your pussy immediately tightens around him, milking him with such intensity that he has to hold himself back from coming right then and there. His pretty moans only serve to heighten your own arousal, making it even harder for you to hold back your impending orgasm.
"Fuck, you're so tight," he groans, his voice strained with pleasure as he tries to control himself. He hopes that you'll stop clenching, but as soon as he hits that spot again, he hisses in response, the sensation driving him wild.
Realizing that he's in danger of cumming too early, Minghao decides to focus on fucking you in just the right way, hitting that spot with precision and intensity. He squirms, desperate for you to climax first, knowing that your pleasure will only fuel his own.
With each thrust, each movement, the pleasure builds between you, reaching a fever pitch that threatens to consume you both. Minghao's hips move in a steady rhythm, his cock driving deeper and deeper into you with each thrust, his own pleasure mounting with each passing second.
And then, finally, it happens. You reach the peak of ecstasy, your body shaking with the force of your orgasm as pleasure washes over you in relentless waves. Your pussy clenches around Minghao's cock, milking him for all he's worth as he loses control, his own release crashing over him in a tidal wave of pleasure.
With a tired groan, Minghao collapses beside you, his body spent from the intensity of your shared passion. He turns to you with a lazy smile, his eyes twinkling with satisfaction.
"If I'd known all it took to get you to kiss me was making you jealous, I would've done it ages ago," he teases, his voice laced with amusement.
You roll your eyes, a playful smirk tugging at the corners of your lips. "I wasn't jealous," you protest, crossing your arms over your chest.
Minghao raises an eyebrow, his expression incredulous. "Imagine if you were then" he scoffs, his tone teasing. "I don't think we'd be here right now if you weren't just a little bit jealous."
You huff in mock indignation, but deep down, you know he's right.
ou nudge Minghao playfully, a smile dancing on your lips. "Well, lucky for you, a little jealousy was all it took," you quip, teasing him.
He chuckles softly, his eyes sparkling as he gazes at you. "I guess I'll have to remember that for next time," he replies, his voice tinged with amusement.
You laugh, shaking your head in mock exasperation. "Oh, so there's going to be a next time now?" you tease, raising an eyebrow.
Minghao grins, leaning in closer to you. "Count on it," he murmurs, his voice low and husky as he brushes his lips against yours.
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alexisomnias · 1 year
— BESIDE YOU . . | twst
⤷ moving in with them after graduation
characters | HEARTSLABYUL
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• He wants everything to be perfect. He wants you to be happy every second of the day your home, he loves you so much haha. So expect him to be a little stiff and nervous at the beginning
• He establishes household rules with you. The rules aren’t stuffy or stiff but more so schedule like rules. Examples being who does what chores on what day, not to do this, boundaries, etc.)
• Riddles own household situation was AWFUL; so he wants the complete opposite for you! He won’t allow you to be reckless, but he won’t allow the house to feel strain or unwelcoming. So he gets you to help him loosen up a bit!
• He is NOT doing the cooking on his own. Get him a cookbook or help him with it lol, he won’t get cooking on his own. But it’s a cute learning experience + bonding time for you both
• Riddle unfortunately will not cuddle you in bed , which sucks since he’s a heater on his own. His skin is always warm, so if you want to cuddle him, just hold him
• Strict bedtime schedule for him. You can go to bed and wake up anytime but he’s in bed by 9:30pm and awake by 6:30am
• HE HAS A GARDEN GOING! He plants a rose field in your backyard along with some strawberries. It’s a red row outside. Beautiful though
• You don’t even have to worry about the bathroom tbh, Riddle doesn’t spend a lot of time on his appearance. He spends enough that he looks refined, but it’s not overdone either
• He actually found a struggle in picking a place aha, money wasn’t the problem he just overthought every aspect of the home. Whether or not you’d be comfortable, how much space would it be, the conditions. So you did help with the picking lol
• This is his first time actually losing contact with his mother, which is a larger step than you may think. But he’s okay with it since he’s doing it alongside you, and he’s so, so much happier since his everyday starts and ends with you
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• Ace is ecstatic to finally be moving in with you. He’s excited to finally take this big step into each others lives. Though he may not show it, he’s also pretty nervous. He doesn’t want you to get sick of him…
• God give you patience because you’ll need it. This man will test a tiny bit every day
• Ace isn’t very accustomed to household chores lol, so you may need to do some heavy lifting. He will do the dishes though
• I can see you two having smaller meals rather then larger ones, just smaller quick heat-up meals, unless your a huge cooker, then he’s not complaining
• He’s fucking NERVOUS when you two agree to sleep on the same bed, he’ll tease you while his brain runs miles on whether or not he snores or kicks in his sleep
• Everyday is pretty fun and chill with him, whether it’s just casually throwing pillows at one another; random hugs in the hallway, or just chilling on the couch watching movies.
• I can see Ace as a kid who sleeps with a light on 😭 so expect a little night light next to his side of the bed when falling asleep.
• Ace will mistake your clothing with his, and no he does not care. His clothes are yours, so yours are his. A fair deal, no?
• On the earlier days of the move in, Ace wanted to be seen as a reliable significant other, and would often do grand domestic gestures akin to one’s in books or movies. Later on though he’s chilled and it’s like living with a roommate.
• ITS A FIGHT FOR THE SHOWER, he’d spend an hour in the shower, and two in the bath. Bro takes FOREVER just to never brush his hair
• Ace is more of a roommate than a househusband, he can be annoying or caring. It really depends on the day haha.
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• He’s scared shitless. He’s making a huge step in his life moving in with you! It’s the first time he’s moving out of his moms home, and he’s worried moving in together will cause a small strain and lead to arguments
• All his worrying was for naught though, as once you two move in together it’s literally a cute slice of life perfect movie
• Deuce is either able to cook a good meal, or he burns down the kitchen. He can make smaller meals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. But larger meals is something he should get help on
• Speaking of meals he ensures you eat all three meals a day! It’s good for you, and if you’re not hungry he’ll mix up a fruit bowl or something small like that for you to munch on.
• It’s either shocking or not that his favourite thing of home life to do with you is shop. It’s kind of weird, but the process of creating a shopping list, planning meals, then going out and buying the groceries before helping carry them in just make his heart flutter. He’s helping you, and in a way it solidifies that you both are in each others lives.
• He may develop insomnia because he gets so nervous sleeping next to you! It takes a while before he grows accustomed to your presence. It’s not your fault, he’s just a nervous wreck.
• He FaceTime's his mom every week to check up on her 🥹 sometimes you’ll be next to him and she’ll talk to you asking for an honest answer on how Deuce has been holding up. It’s an adorable family situation. You guys aren’t even married but it feels like she’s your mama too.
• He wants to adopt a pet with you, doesn’t  matter what kind. I can see Deuce as a huge family oriented guy, so a small cat or dog (or something else if you’re allergic) to take care of together would make him super happy!
• He’ll probably do most of the driving around unless you enjoy it. He likes driving you around in a car, or he’ll take you out for a night drive on his magi-wheel after dinner
• He takes a lot of time in the morning to get his makeup perfect, and to straighten his hair haha
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• HE WAS SO EXCITED TO MOVE IN WITH YOU! Big step who? He only knows excitement!
• Through this you see all sides of Cater. He can’t bare to keep up his always smiles at home, so while at home you’ll see him be much more relaxed and quiet. He doesn’t keep to himself, but he isn’t as bright as he seems to be on average.
• He admits that he loves the concept of being in each others lives like this, making a permanent mark on each others everyday.
• He isn’t a huge eater, so you really don’t need to make lunch or even sometimes breakfasts for him.
• He makes daily posts on Magicam and Twstter about some things of your day to day, whether it’s a meal you make, just cuddling or funny stories you can expect an update on living from cay-cay everyday!
• He takes at least 10 photos everyday, you know those moms who take a photo of you every second? He’s like that, he adores memories. He has his own little album under the bed he sometimes looks through..
• He's HUGEEE on décor, so expect him to do most of the furnishing and going furniture shopping with you once you two buy a house! He loves it.
• The communication with the bathroom is actually pretty good, you both have a schedule for who will shower when, and you both do your makeup and hair together <3
• When in bed, he’ll wrap his legs and entangle them with yours! He likes feeling connected to you (if you’re uncomfortable with that, he may also hold your hand!)
• He takes you out on a date at least once every two weeks! Whether it’s in the home, or out for dinner he ensures to treat you and make you feel loved.
• Cater organizes your outfits for the day sometimes!! He’ll make you both some matching outfit plans sometimes, or he’ll spend the night before setting up outfits for the next day, going through the closets and working with you.
• He enjoys being able to relax and settle down with you in the comfort of the home, with a blanket over him not needing to worry about the stress of being unliked or ruining the mood. Simply enjoying each other.
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• You’d think you were living together for years by how perfect everything seems with him??
• He’s got the house all cleaned, and knows how to keep it that way, he has a schedule already set for you and him. HES GOT EVERYTHING !!
• As you should expect, he does most of the cooking, he likes having decent size meals, normally two food to each dinner (a side dish and main). He also always has dessert for you both ready! He bakes during the day sometimes when neither of you are working!
• Definitely tries to ensure if you have unhealthy habits you get them on the healthier side. Like poor eating habits and insomnia he tries to help best he can.
• Run for the hills, he’ll ensure you spend ten minutes brushing your teeth every morning and night. He never stops, he’ll spend 30 minutes in the bathroom just brushing his teeth istg
• Trey probably wakes up 7:30 sharp or something like that. So rip your ears if you don’t like alarms
• Househusband for real, he’ll do the chores around the house though sometimes you guys set a plan on who will do what
• He’s very schedule oriented, he has a day plan for everyday lol
• He’ll do the grocery shopping for you! But sometimes you have to go with him to ensure he doesn’t overspend on baking ingredients haha!
• Trey isn’t a huge cuddler but he will wrap his arms around you sometimes! Or he’ll touch skin with you
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bucknastysbabe · 1 year
Cruel Summer - Jace Velaryon x Reader
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Rating: Explicit
Tags: Virgin!Jace, Nerdy!Fratty!Jace, 80’s AU, frottage, male m4stürb4t10n, pining, Jace’s huge mf schlong, babysitter reader, Dornish!Reader, fluffy, awk first times, Jace working that thang, horny ass mofo, multiple o’s, pnv!sex, so much lube, wet n messy yeah
Taglist: @godrakin @lovelykhaleesiii @fairysluna @ilikeitbetterangsty @xfancyuu @borikenlove @aemondsversion
Jacaerys Velaryon was fucked. Sincerely fucked. He was home from his freshman year of college and there she was. Playing with little Aeg and Vis in the pool. Olive skin gleaming with droplets, a one piece fiery red and high cut. Revealing those thighs for days.
She could put Jamie Lee Curtis in Perfect to shame. Fucking Dornish babysitter that was unimaginably hot. She was back from her study abroad in Essos apparently. Luke laughed from behind, “Don’t bust the window out with that wood, Jacey.”
“Shut the fuck up Luke,” Jace barked and turned away to stomp to his room. His younger brother’s laugh echoed from downstairs. The brunette flopped down on his bed, staring up at all the old posters in his room. God, he was still such a nerd.
Joined a frat and everything, met his best friend Cregan. Cregan could pull any girl he wanted, like many others in the fraternity. Jace got a tentative handy and many attempts for pussy actually. Apparently he had a horse cock. That’s how that crazy Greyjoy bastard put it anyways.
But he still didn’t lose his v-card. Not because of an embarrassingly small prick of course, no, he ran the normal chicks off and the real sleazy ones made him wilt faster than a dying plant. A nerdy Virgin who still stuttered around chicks unless he had a couple drinks in his system.
And for the the love of the seven he was still hard as nails from baby’s perky tits. Baby. That’s what the Velaryon clan called her since little Viserys pointed at the girl and called her, “Baby! Mah babysidder!” So it stuck. Drove him fucking nuts.
The other side of the family came over for dinner and Aegon was all over Baby. But she smirked and ate it up. Why would she even want that idiotic slimeball? He’d gained, like, so much weight at college.
Aegon didn’t give a fuck though. He had that confidence border lining delusion. Jace stuttered and grinned like a fool in front of their long-time neighbor. He palmed at his cock, shifting to slide down his track pants and get his cock out, imagining himself chatting her up.
She’d giggle and press her pretty tits closer to him, purring in that Dornish lilt, “Mhm baby, want that big cock of yours so bad, kiss those pretty lips while you split me open, mmm.” Jace was stroking himself rough and quick, other hand tugging heavy balls. Biting his plump lower lip the brunette moaned, “Yeah, yeah, gonna fuck you so ha-ah-ard! Suck on those tits of yours-oh fuck!”
Jacaerys gasped as his thick cock spurted on his hand and chest, whining through his nose as he tugged his balls one good last time. He flopped back, heavy cock slapping luridly against his exposed thigh. It wasn’t long until he dozed off into sleep. Just to wake up with more cum on his belly, dreams of her dark lips enveloping the blunt tip of his cock.
Jace grumbled, “Seven forgive me, I’m like a fucking middle schooler.” He stripped his ruined clothes off and hopped into a long, hot shame shower, scrubbing the residual embarrassment off. His mom would be home soon and Uncle Daemon was probably cooking dinner now.
No one dwelled on Uncle Daemon. Targaryens are weird. Baela and Rhaena were awesome though. Half of his clothes were unpacked so Jace put on a polo button-up, jeans, and loafers. How fratty of him. He may have spent too long trying to manage his hair mullet in the mirror.
He trudged downstairs, Joff arguing with Luke over the Nintendo. Jace hollered, “It’s a stupid game you idiots!” Baela and Rhaena were curled on the couch while they ogled over a magazine with Motley Crüe or something on the cover.
Daemon was cooking, chatting with her. She turned and flashed a shining smile, Viserys in her lap. Baby cooed, “Jacey, you look all grown up! College looks good on you, when did you get home?”
Jace’s cheeks reddened and he mumbled, “Uh, a couple hours ago but I was wiped, my bad. How was Essos?”
Daemon snorted at his lame response, working on stir fry. She launched into a spiel about the culture in Braavos, chatting in that warm way of hers. He needed a drink of water. Badly. The moment was interrupted when his mom came into the kitchen, unloading her briefcase and opening her arms for little Aegon and Viserys.
She grinned at him, “Jacaerys, my sweet boy, you look so handsome. We’re all back together!” Daemon lamented, “What a joy!” She shushed the blonde and cooed at the boys, grinning. Jace looked up to make eye contact with Baby, her dark eyes hooded and intense. She sipped her orange juice, pink tongue coming out to lick away a stray drop.
Jace darted to the cabinets to get a glass for water. Ice fucking cold. He mingled a bit, answering questions about grades, the frat, making new friends. Daemon was intrigued about Cregan, his best friend. “A Northman! I guess you need a frigid bastard.” Jace rolled his eyes and sat down at the table.
Across from Baby. Who was wearing a pretty green blouse tucked into sinfully tight shorts. The blouse in question was showing off her tits, making his cheeks redden again. Everyone milled in, filling the huge table while Daemon passed out the plates of food.
He remained quiet as Rhaena talked about her tennis matches. He almost threw his fork when a bare foot nudged his own. Baby was smiling around her drink, eyes on Daemon’s girl. The eldest son chewed on some chicken slowly so he wouldn’t start choking. Because Baby’s foot was traveling up his thigh, stroking along, then toeing at his thighs. Jace whimpered, covering it poorly up with a cough.
Rhaenyra’s thin brows furrowed as she asked, “You okay sweetheart?” He nodded, making an excuse about ‘the wrong windpipe’. Baby smirked and scooched her chair forward, ball of her foot rubbing Jace’s erection.
He stood up abruptly, croaking, “Ah- I- I don’t feel well. I think it was the fast food earlier. I’m going to retire early.” His mom told him to stay in touch if anything got worse, the rest, including her, gave well wishes.
Half waddling up the stairs Jace slumped on the ground, propped up on his bed. He stared at the Star Wars poster, wondering why he couldn’t have super self-control powers like Luke Skywalker or something. But she was obviously flirting with him, sultry eyes and teasing toes evidence of that.
Jace’s heart beat rapidly, unsure of what to do. Baby was actually a very sweet girl, never a bad word spoken about her in highschool. She’d see his cock and run away screeching. He held his head in his hands, groaning in displeasure.
“Man up and fuck the girl!,” Dalton’s voice echoed.
“Obviously she’s into ya’ just give it a try,” was Cregan’s deeper tone.
Jace would just do what he did best— brood until further notice. His cock had already died down some from his anxiety. And brood he did, turning up the radio to Bananarama’s cruel summer. How fucking apt.
He laid back on his bed and stared at the ceiling.
The door cracked slightly, a thin light of illumination coming through. Jace groaned, “M’fine mom.” Her sultry accent came back, “No silly, it’s me.” He bolted upright and opened his mouth to get a manicured finger pressed to them. Baby whispered, “Hush, they think I’m gone for the night. You ran off on me?”
Jace stuttered, “I-I was going to cum at the table.”
She cocked her head and climbed onto the bed next to him, hand rubbing his chest tenderly. Baby murmured, “You never played a little footsie? Look at you, I know you were beating the girls off with a stick.” Jace miserably laughed, “Yeah, that didn’t go as planned.”
“What do you mean?”
Jace flushed and whined, “Oh god, I’ve messed around and stuff. It’s embarrassing.”
“You’re a virgin.”
The Velaryon turned away from Baby and murmured, “Yes, big whoop, Jace is still a stuttering virgin bitch.” She laughed and climbed onto his lap, grinning. He moaned, “It’s horrid, not funny Baby.” The girl played with his hair, scratching as she sought his dark eyes.
“I don’t think it’s funny because you’re a virgin. I think it’s funny because you’re so handsome. What is it? Anxiety, I get that. I was nervous too at first,” she pressed closer to whisper, “But I’ve had an awakening in college.” Jace couldn’t help but moan softly at her warm breath and soft tits.
He stammered, “Y-yeah?”
She purred, “Mhm. Found out I like em’ big. Bigger the better. Gods it feels amazing.” She shifted on his lap, his cock already back in full form. She gasped, “Oh- seems like you’re just my type too. Not every girl can take something like you’re packing. Not a girl that cares about you Jacaerys Velaryon.”
His eyes boggled. She? The most gorgeous girl who has tormented his wet dreams since puberty, cared about him. He grew serious, eyes narrowing, “Are you joking?”
“Why would I lie? I’ve been trying to get your damn attention for ages Jacey,” she turned to look down, Jacaerys pushing back her thick locks as she admitted, “I kinda, hah, would accidentally say your name in the height of passions.”
“So, do you want me? I shared my embarrassing moment and feelings.” She stared in earnest, breathtakingly gorgeous.
He nodded vicariously, “I’ve always wanted you Baby, fuck, like so bad.” He carelessly moved forward, cradling her head as he kissed the darker girl. She titled her head so they didn’t collide noses, rutting further on his cock, rough denim against his briefs. She moaned into the kiss, keeping one hand in his hair, the other trailing down to the slit in his underwear.
Jacaerys lapped at her warm tongue, lips sensually moving against her own. He softly whined through his nose when she pulled him out, getting a feel for the heft and length. She hummed, “Big boyyy, gods, stupid girls don’t know what they’re missing.”
The brunette blurted dumbly, “I don’t want those stupid girls. Like. At all.”
“Good. I get jealous. Dornish blood runs hot.”
“So does Targaryen.”
They returned to desperately sharing kisses, the girl unbuttoning her shorts desperately, Jace yanking them off and tossing the denim. She remained in a scrap of clothing desperately humping her wet pussy against him. Jace groaned, “Baby, baby, god, need you?”
She tied her thick hair back in a flurry of movement, unbuttoning and slinging off the blouse, heavy tits on display. Jacaerys instinctively covered them with his calloused hands, squeezing at flesh and thumbing at pebbled nipples, relishing in her soft whining,
She rasped, “Lube?”
“Do you have lube Jacey? You have a monster cock, remember?” She began to snicker as Jace rifled around his bed and side drawer, eventually finding the tube of KY. Jacaerys stuttered, “Oh-ah, how do you want me?” While she yanked down his underwear Baby responded, “Missionary, can fit you better that way, just need a pillow under my back. You can, fuck, move my legs up for more.”
Jace flipped them around, panting with excitement. He grabbed a condom too, about to tear it open but she stopped and hummed, “M’on the pill, you’re good sweetie.” He was going to combust. But he liberally squirted lube on his fingers first, he’d done that before. “Good boy,” she rasped as Jace slid the substance around.
He dove two thick fingers into her slick cunt, stretching and rubbing at that spot making Baby call his name and squirm. He added more KY just for the hell of it, enjoying the slick and lurid noises. Then a third finger fit and he was vigorously fingering the Dornish, leaning over to suck and bite at those huge tits. She whined and clawed at his biceps, but Jace was lost in the pleasure.
He couldn’t stop, this was like crack, every sweet noise and her sloppy cunt driving him further into the need to send her into an orgasm. She did after he managed to stuff his pinky in, abusing her g-spot. Baby slapped a hand over her mouth and gushed on him, howling behind her hand, squirming and shaking.
Jace’s eyes rolled back at the wonderful sight; tear streaked face, swollen lips, heaving breasts. Baby rasped, “You fucking monster, hah, c’mere and kiss me. I know you’re excited but I want that cock more than a couple o’ pumps.”
In a sensual, lazy embrace, they twisted in the oldest dance, laughing, whining, moaning. Baby nipped his plush lips, murmuring, “Such pretty fucking lips, want them on my pussy next time.”
He kissed her harder, tucking that idea away for later.
Their make-out had turned into sloppy humping again, the eldest Velaryon gasping, “Oh, m’ready, lemme have you please!” Baby goaded him on, “Yeah, yeah, lube it up ‘kay?” Jace did so with expediency, liberally coating the heavy member.
When his blunt cockhead began to breach her entrance his mouth fell open, eyes rolling around. Baby purred, “Mmm, yeah Jacey, gonna feel s’good, slow slow, ease into it.” The brunette did his best to take it slow but the tight, wet grip around his cock had him sucking in breath and whining on every other breath.
He was about halfway now, sweating from holding back, maneuvering those perfect legs of hers to over his elbows. She arched her back and moaned, “Yes, yes, stuffing me all up baby boy.” Jace could only garble nonsense as he bottomed out, cock sleeved in her cunt. He was in heaved, Baby’s pussy so hot and ridged, pulsing around him.
“Cuh-can I?,” he wheezed.
“Mhmmmm,” she sighed with dreamy eyes.
Jacaerys tentatively pulled back and slapped back in with a wet noise. He cried out helplessly, tucking his mouth onto a perky nipple. Then instinct took over. Fuck. Breed. Fill. Jace could get very one-track minded and focused it all on fucking his Baby silly, trying to keep that need of blowing in the future.
The bed shook, she cried out, Jace keened her name, pounding her roughly. So much for keeping it quiet. “Oh gods, you feel s’good, fuck, it’s s’good,” he repeated.
“I- mm! Know!,” she whimpered.
He moved her legs over his shoulders, living in the moment, all the noises and heavenly feelings. She had bit down on a pillow to keep from screaming, shaking from head to toe. Baby was milking him like a vice now, pussy just dripping and messy. Messier when he came in her poor slit.
That thought felt like a gut punch and she bit harder, squirting on his cock. He must’ve spoken that thought out loud, desperately panting her name as he emptied his heavy balls into her cunt, stuffing it with load after load, Jace shaking and whimpering at the intensity.
They stayed locked together, both too oversensitive to move. Jace had dropped her pretty thighs, rubbing them as he laid on her chest. Her shaky hand played with his hair. Baby hoarsely muttered, “You’re mine forever. I mean it.”
“Guh- uh- yes Baby.”
They needed a shower. Then maybe Jace could try that whole pussy eating thing. Clean her up good and well, make her cry from the third orgasm. Fuck. He sure had some stories to tell Cregan when he got back.
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mahi-does-some-art · 6 months
Mahiru Shirota's life is going to fall apart as soon as we get any, any new information about his mother.
With chapter 136, Lily reveals to Misono that Touma Taishi is Mahiru Shirota's biological father and it was the reason why Lily had planted Kuro in that alleyway to pick up. I am inclined to believe him because it adds up in the story as a whole; Why Kuro was there in the first place since we know he had been asleep under Alicein manor for the last 200 years.
Along with the fact that Hokaze (Misono's mom) was finally revealed to be a promiscuous woman who was a very active participant in the cheating scandal, I cannot believe that Akira was in no way involved in this plot to resurrect the Count Saint Germaine. Akira may not be on the side that wants to bring him back but she was a part of it no less, we just do not know how yet. (I am figuratively biting my nails waiting to see the ball drop for her)
She was very aware of vampires, magic and mages, this is a fact not because we know that she herself is a mage, we do not know that much, but because of Tooru. He attended the same high school/prep school that Misono does that has direct ties to C3 recruitment and we know he's been involved with Touma since his days there and they fought/killed vampires since then. Along with the Shirota family no doubt being a mage family, Akira was not at all oblivious to this.
I do not, however, think that her sleeping with Touma and creating Mahiru was any plot nudged by any Servamp or like. Why?
Because Lily had genuinely believed that Touma would come to Mahiru's aid in a life-or-death situation that would have otherwise killed him, and was rather shocked when Touma tried to kill him on his own. At least according to what he told Misono. (I believe most of what he's telling Misono except that he doesn't actually care about Misono. I think he's trying to made Misono mad at him beyond reconciliation for Reasons because he's a fucking coward who, if loved properly, won't be able to go through with his and Mikuni's plans)
Anyways, the reason I say Mahiru's entire world will fall apart instead of his views of his mother is because of one specific instance in the manga; Tooru thanking Mahiru for saving Touma. Not for saving Tsurugi like Mahiru probably thinks he was saying, Touma. Because Lily's plan included Touma dying because he was so close to figuring out how they were going to revive the Count.
If Touma HAD died, the good guys wouldn't know what would be happening. Tsubaki, Envy pair and Lily would have been completely clear to start the ritual while completely blindsiding everyone opposed ON TOP of starting the ritual a day early. They'd have been a lot less prepared than they are right now. Touma was a huge danger to the ritual's success.
Tooru knows this. He knows whats happening. Yes, he's also just relieved his childhood friend and coworker isn't dead thanks to his nephew but that isn't the only reason.
Why would Tooru leave Mahiru alone with Tsubaki in the restaurant they went to? Why would Tooru pretend Kuro was a burglar when he saw him chilling in the apartment and then so quickly drop the fact that there supposedly was a burglar in the house, all when we know he must have known who Kuro was the moment he saw him. Even if this was early manga and we did not yet know he was an elite of C3!
Mahiru's entire world is going to fall apart not only because he'll learn his mother is not the woman he thought she was, but because he'll learn he's been betrayed by his uncle in a way far greater than him leaving him alone and lonely for months at a time.
Tooru knows. And has made sure Mahiru didn't under the naive guise of protecting him.
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cloudyswritings · 5 months
Yes… I am the silksong now!!
My thoughts and headcanons on Hornet. I’ll be real I’ve kinda been ignoring her because I’m terrified of having to tag silksong headcanons, I’ve seen the fucking Reddit. Anyway, enjoy my ramblings.
So I think that a Hornet qualifies as a pale being, she was born to one and has a pale mask of one. More than that she qualifies for being in godhome(a low bar ik, looking at you vengefly king).
She isn’t really a god per-se but definitely is a higher being on par or stronger than the great knights.
She obviously considers herself a spider but overall she inherited very little from Herrah.
Id say she only really got the fangs and dietary needs
Shes absolutely an obligate carnivore, so don’t expect her to be eating plant matter of any type. She does the whole inject her meal with venom to dissolve it and slurp it up deal
this is mostly because even though she’s got the full Wyrms arsenal of teeth and a Wyrms digestive tract her mouth is very small and she only has pedipalps and fangs externally. This means it’s very hard for her to eat any solid food/get it down to where her throat teeth can break it down
So interestingly her body color in combination with the vessels may actually tell us more about the pale kings- see both she and the vessels have black chitin suggesting it may be inherited from the king.
She also has both her fathers number of eyes and limbs, something that infuriates her deeply.
I don’t feel that the hornet we see in canon is her final molt, mostly because it seems like the sealing of THK functionally stopped time in Hallownest. I imagine once they’re free and the Radiance is dead she’ll probably undergo one last molt.
I think her missing limbs(she has 4 that we know of meaning she’d have 4 more as a spider) will actually end up growing into wings with said molt.
She also inherited her aptitude for mechanical stuff from the king. It seems like she makes all of her own stuff. Plus the crafting system and buzz saws in silksong support this.
She likes buzzsaws
I imagine if we could get a better look at the light she casts it’d be a lot like her fathers. She’d be a pale red light that falls far and deep but bears only a subtle influence on the world, like the strumming of gossamer threads.
Shes set down threads all over Hallownest, allowing her to keep track of a ton of things at once by feeling vibrations
She does have spineretes but uses soul to supplement and extend the amount of thread she can make.
She actually really likes the white lady, mostly because of good childhood memories from visiting the palace. She was the cool mom for a while. She’s more conflicted in regards to her towards the events of the game though.
Her favorite food is probably primal aspids, but she’s got a huge soft spot for honey because of her time in the hive. She also likes soups because they’re easier for her to eat(esp the ones Ghost makes)
She has very good eyesight from Herrah, but also has face blindness that she inherited from the king. She makes do, but mostly relies on clothing, scent, and body language to identify people.
As a grub she was the only one of her brood to survive, she was part of a large brood and likely spent her earliest days in a broodsack(that’s just how spiders do shit) but ate all of her potential siblings before hatching-she doesn’t know it but this is a wyrm instinct and her father did exactly the same thing.
She’d absolutely hate that if she found out.
She suspects but isn’t sure about why she’s territorial. Unsurprisingly it’s once again a wyrm thing
Her threads are far stronger and more durable than even those produced by the best weavers, in fact some of her silk may have been used for THKs seals- she probably doesn’t remember this cause she was too young.
Is mad she inherited the kings height. Honestly she’s mad about everything she inherited from him.
She doesn’t know it but she’s fairly resistant to void, especially for someone half mortal.
Sleeps in a giant mess of quilts, pilows, and silk. It’s held slightly off the ground. This is sorta a halfway point between a Wyrms nest and the silk hammocks of the weavers.
Shes a very fidgety and light sleeper, and realistically needs far less sleep than most beings.
Her venom is ridiculously potent, like to the point of being almost unanimously fatal to mortals and weaker higher beings. It would honestly still do a lot of damage to gods too. It’s a symptom of hybrid vigor, wherein the hybrid offspring of two species tends to be stronger, larger, and overall more genetically resilient than either parent.
Hybrids also tend to be sterile.
Hornet probably couldn’t have children if she wasn’t a higher being, even then I’m not really sure she could tbh.
Given enough time and soul she could pull a metamorphosis like her father did, though she doesn’t know how.
What she’d emerge as is unclear, but she’d likely either become a spider goddess in truth. Or even more likely she’d fully become a wyrm and abandon the mortal parts Herrah gave her.
For obvious reasons she won’t do this.
Her favorite color is a toss up between red and purple.
She weaves clothing for her siblings semi-regularly. Kinda gets frustrated at how often Ghost ruins their thought. They’re rough on clothing ig.
She didn’t inherit her fathers ability to burrow, but some of the instincts remain. She’s very frustrated at this.
She’s kinda bad at rembering names too, she gets embarrassed by this and it’s part of why she doesn’t stay anywhere long enough to get to know the bugs there.
Has a charm that was created from Herrahs regrets. It doesn’t do anything but give off the faint sense of a clawed hand on her shoulders and the faint whispers of the lullaby Herrah used to sing to her.
it’s still her single most prized possession
Her needles is a close second and was made of pale ore taken directly from the Pale Wyrms corpse. It’s the one thing her father gave her she loves.
he gave it to her as a gift for her being given a name. He likely used his foresight to figure out how large she’d be as an adult and made it in anticipation of that.
She can go an exceedingly long time without a meal. This was super helpful during the infection when uninflected prey was rare at best.
With age she is becoming more and more powerful as a higher being and will likely eventually become a goddess proper.
She has the lifespan of a Wyrm but doesn’t really know it yet and chalks her remarkable age up to the blurring of time during the infection. Despite this she’s still a child by wyrm standards and has many, many, many years left to live.
Most bugs are absolutely shocked to hear about her actual age.
Lace will be for sure, and she’ll probably live to regret threatening her.
Shes super fast, like almost impossible to track I’m combat at times, this is actually because of her use of both wind and soul magic along with the thread based spells of the weavers.
Her shell is covered with intricate and detailed carvings, this is essentially the weaver version of tattoos.
Im genuinely not too sure if her mask is actually her face like it is for the pale king or just a mask like for Herrah. I lean towards it being her face though.
The bell cult caught her while she was sleeping and that’s the only reseal they survived the encounter.
id say there’s probably a good chance of her ascending to godhood as a possible ending to silksong.
Doesnt really have a sense of humor but does find puns and dad jokes hilarious(they were the only jokes the pale king told when she was little)
Theorectically given enough prep time and motivation she could place webs all over the city of tears(or a similarly sized city) and pull all of the buildings down in one go.
She might also be able to do the whole puppeting corpses thing that happens in the beasts den.
She needs a certain amount of metal in her diet thanks to being part wyrm. It’s really hard for her to find in pieces small enough to fit into her mouth.
Some crack/non-serious headcanons
She’s absolutely a chain smoker on par with Grimm- you know why
When she says Shaw it’s because as a kid she couldn’t say saw, the king would be so damn proud.
She’d be so good at putting up Christmas lights. Like the best even.
secretly loves holidays, could pull of a mean Santa impression by just fucking hustling down peoples chimneys and stealing their cookies. She’d even have a big ass silk bag full of toys.
Maybe she does this for Hallownest once it’s built?
that’s it’s, this is how she ascends to godhood
Hornet is bug Santa.
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conradfisherismine · 1 year
Why not me? Part 1?
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TW: unloving mother towards reader, Conrad being a dick
Conrad fisher x reader
Sitting with my head resting on the wall I flush the toilet. That’s the third time I’ve thrown up today. Knowing that I’m pregnant just makes me want to cry, not because I don’t want the baby but more so the fact that my sister can’t decide witch brother she wants. The one that took my virginity away and got me pregnant all in one night, or the one that kinda looks like a puppy. Don’t get me wrong I love jere but he does look like a lost puppy sometimes.
I don’t even know what going on with Conrad, one day he’s fucking me and the next morning “it was a mistake and never should have happened.” Who fucking takes someone’s virginity and then drops them. URGGGGGGG. He makes me so mad sometimes. The only person who knows I’m pregnant is Steven, he barged in the bathroom when I was taking the test; then waited with me once he found out what happened.
Let me take us back a bit to when we arrived to the house.
Getting out of the car I take a nice long breath in, “I’m finally home.” I mumble to myself. Not that anyone would have payed attention to anything I say anyway, my family doesn’t care about me much… well except for Steven Susannah came bolting out of the house at full speed. “ they’re here!” She yelled over to the boys. Jeremiah runs over to belly, looks over her for a second the picks her up and twirls her in the air. “ awh bells I missed you so much!”
Few moment later
“You know what time it is” Steven says with the smirk visible in his voice. “Belly flop time!!!” The three boys scream at the absolute top if they’re lungs. Belly tries to make a run for it but Conrad catches her. Urg the way he grabbed her waist made my heart shatter. I’ve loved Connie since before I can remember, my sister claims to have loved him since we were 11 but I sorta feel like that’s not true. She would always tell me that she didn’t want him and that she loved him like a brother.
Belly and I had huge glow ups this year. I let my hair grow out this winter too, I never really liked it that long anyways it just felt like the thing to do. Ignoring the fact that neither of the boys said hi to me, I made my way inside hopping mom and Susannah would let me talk with them for a little bit.
It’s been 10 minutes and I hear the back door open, then I see Steven and Jeremiah walk in.
“Hey y/n I missed you. Did your hair get longer?” Jeremiah says as he walks over and lightly threads his fingers thought my hair.
“Yes jere bear I’ve been growing it out over the winter, I actually kinda like it longer.” I’ve always called Jeremiah jere bear since we were little, the odd time when I’m aggravated by him or upset I’ll call him Jeremiah but other then that it’s always “jere bear” or “miah”.
All of a sudden I’m being overcome by a cold wet blanket.
“BELLY, I’m going to kill you!”
“Jeez calm down y/n/n” Conrad mumbles
Belly finally lets go after some bickering and I run upstairs to get changed, I’m suddenly felling self conscious once I get into my room and look in the mirror. My white top is completely see through and you can see all my stretch marks.
So many bad thoughts start running through my head;” he’s never going to want you” or ” you look ugly”oh and the best one”just kill yourself they would all be better without you anyway”. My feet feel planted into the floor, it feels like theres quick sand under my feet and me going further into the sand the more the bad thoughts get to me.
Knock knock knock
“One second!” I call out as I quickly through a sweater on.
“Come in”
“You alright y/n, you seemed stressed out earlier when belly was hugging you.” Steven expressed his concern as he made his way over to my bed.
“Yea, I’m fine she was just getting me wet and I didn’t like it. Plus i was wearing a white shirt, last time I checked white plus water equals see through.” I say with sass loaded in my voice.
“Whatever,I’m out.” God he confuses me sometimes.
Time skip to after dinner
I haven’t really touched anything on my plate but no one says anything to me anyways they just keep taking to each other, that is until I stand up and go to walk away.
“Y/n where are you going, you know not to leave the table till everyone left and you have cleared the table.” My mom sneers. I just sit back down not wanting to escalate the situation. Jere looks at me with a glint of pity but it’s quickly gone when belly starts talking to him again. After everyone’s gone and left their dishes on the table even tho Susannah insisted on helping me, mom just dragged her away telling them that this was my job from now on. God I feel so unloved. After I’ve put the dishes in the dish washer, put the leftovers in containers in the fridge, and cleaned the table I finally get to relax. I make my way outside thinking I would be the only one out there at this time at night, only to find Conrad sitting at the edge of the pool smoking a joint.
“Thought you said smoking was for losers and it made you dumber.”
“I did that was before I found out how good it made me feel.” We went back and forth a little bit then after a while he patted the spot next to him.
“Sit you must be tired of standing by now.”
I pull up the bottom of my pants a bit then take a seat next to him putting my feet in the pool. Maybe feeling so unloved was why I let it happen but what I remember was Conrad saying all these things that made me think he wanted me, then me being in he’s bed. He slowly started to take my clothes off knowing it was my first time and what I thought was an act of kindness must not really have been. After getting me down to just my panties he looks up at me for consent and I nod my head you can imagine the rest.
1 month later/ present time
I brush my teeth and leave the bathroom wishing I didn’t let that day happen, I go back to my room curl up in bed with my blanky yes I’m a 16 year old who still has a blanket., and start crying the tears feel like they’re never going to stop. I feel the bed dip beside me and I try to hold in my tears till I realize it’s Steven and he closed the door behind him, then I just turn over into his embrace and cry as he rubs my back.
“I heard you throwing up, I had to come make sure you were ok.” He whispers loud enough I can hear it but not loud enough someone else will hear.
“Susannah wanted me to come ask you if you wanted to come mini putting with us and on my way up I heard but didn’t want to disturb you.”
“Okay” my voice comes out all raspy from all the crying I’ve done.
“Good get dressed wipe those tears I know you’re sad about what happened but he doesn’t deserve your tears.” I nod as I wipe my face and get up making my way to my closet, Steven makes his way out of my room.
I walk down the stairs to see everyone putting their shoes on and getting ready to go when Susannah sees me.
“Y/n I’m glad you decided to join us, I was a little worried when I heard you throw-“. Steven doesn’t let her finish asking if we should go now that I’m ready. We end up deciding to take two cars to fit everyone.
“ I call driving!” Belly kinda screams.
“Ha funny. No!” Mom says sarcastically. “I’m driving beck can sit passenger, belly, Steven and Jeremiah can sit in the back.”
“ Wait mom i don’t thi-“
“No arguing Steven I don’t want that stupid brat in my car any longer then she has to be and Conrad knows how to drive so they’ll be fine.” Mom says with a tone so calm but strict that I flinched.
“ I’m sorry y/n/n, it’ll be okay just don’t talk to him.” Steven whispers in my ear. I look over at Conrad but he seems upset that I was looking at him, not that I’m surprised he hasn’t really talked to me since that night. When he does it’s just snide remark’s about the way I’m eating or sitting or really anything that involves me being in the same room as him. It makes me cry at night thinking about that night and how nice and “loving” he was, turns out I was just stupid and naive. Jeremiah must have seen me look at the floor and sigh that I was gonna be alone with Conrad cuz he cherps up
“ I’ll go with con and y/n/n.”
“No you don’t have to jere. You can come with us don’t feel obligated to be with that pig.” My mom says like she really cares about him not being with me.
“ I don’t even think Connie should be with her but someone unfortunately invited her so someone has to drive her there.”
“ If it’s such a problem I can stay here.” I whisper like if I talk any louder I’ll be in trouble.
“There will be no such thing happening y/n, you are coming with us. Laur stop being so mean to your daughter.” She says lovingly towards me then strictly to my mom.
“ I want to go with them it’ll be okay” Jeremiah says confidently without hesitation.
The 2 fisher boys sitting up front with me in the back. This is better than sitting up front with him I guess.
“Could you get your big fat head off my window.” Conrad snaps at me. I flinch. I can feel the tears in my eyes I mumble a sorry and just remove my head from the window looking down at my hands.
“That wasn’t very nice Conrad.” Jeremiah exclaims.
“It’s okay I’m used to it miah.” I whispered lightly. Conrad seems taken aback by what I said but just keeps his eyes on the road.
Jeremiah sighs “ You shouldn’t be. I don’t get why Laurel treats you the way she does.”
“ Cause I’m worthless, and I’m not good enough for anyone. It’s always gonna be belly. Right Conrad.” I mumble feeling the tears streaming down my face. Conrad just scruffs.
When we get to the mini putt I wait for everyone before grabbing a golf club. I grab the one with the purple end. Steven hands me a purple ball he knows me so well. As I start walking behind the group so no one makes anymore comments about me because I don’t think I could take anymore right this second with the pregnancy hormones and the fact that I just stopped crying. Susannah turns around and looks around as if looking for someone.
“Y/n where are you.” Then she sees me. “Oh there you are come here.” She pulls me towards her not caring about the glares she’s getting from my mom. I don’t think she wants me over here but Susannah seems content with me here so I guess I’ll stay.
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icespur · 6 months
There are not enough Mpreg Parent Akeshu fics
I must admit, I'm a bit disappointed.
it's not like there's zero. There are some, but not nearly enough or I'm not looking in the right tags.
There's especially HUGE missed potential that not enough people utilize.
I've seen wholesome Akiren as a parent. Seems everyone is in agreement he'd be the chillest, awesomest, father.
But what about Akechi?
Goro "I had a bad childhood, no father figure, Mom passed away when I was young leaving me to grow up in either Foster Homes or the closest living relatives the Social Worker could track down. Who took me in but didn't want me. so I grew up to mask my true nature by being polite on the outside and a celebrity to get some form of positive attention, and I tracked down my deadbeat father who I'm going to ruin the life and career of out of spite and vengeance, for me and my late Mother." Akechi.
The man has childhood baggage, who knows how many young children he's interacted with as an adult. So his experience would range from "limited" to "none existent"
If one of these boys wouldn't take to being a parent well immediately, it would be Akechi. Like, the man is having an external crisis, he's not okay.
"I am the LAST person that should be a father. Do I look like fatherly material to you? I can't even recall the last time I interacted or made eye contact with an infant. Maybe I never did! I can do research and read books, I'm good at researching, I'm going to read the books no matter what but that can only help so much. I know what not to do, from my childhood. I'm going to try my best to do the exact opposite of what Shido did, but no parent is perfect, I could still screw the kid up! Not to mention I'm still processing the fact that MY RIVAL HAS A FUCKING FULLY FUNCTIONING UTERUS.
I knocked up my Rival
I knocked up the man I once shot in the head
I knocked---holy hell what have I done?
I've never been interested in Women, so I never thought I'd have to worry about accidentally planting a little me inside someone. Do you realize how many women I have turned down?
So here I was, thinking I'd be safe. That obviously nothing would come from indulging in a night of passion with my frustrating, Idiotic sexy, alluring, Rival.
But once again, you are just full of surprises apparently in the internal organs sense too because you can carry children and now both of us are unironically FUCKED."
"I'm not going to force this on you, I just thought you deserved to know. If you don't want to we can--"
"Pfft, HAHAHAHA. You say that like it's an actual option. Do I need to remind you what my upbringing was like? I'm not repeating the same mistakes, I'm not leaving. Granted you are obviously in a better financial situation and have a proper support group unlike my Mother. But if I decide to leave now, or stay but run later down the line, what's stopping our child from living in a constant internal state of guilt and loneliness, which will eventually evolve into anger and spite and once they're of age to move out, make it their mission to hunt me down and enter a false work alliance so they can gain my trust enough to eventually betray and torture me. Or just flat out kill me. And You know what? I wouldn't blame them! I'd kill me too if I could. I can't let that happen, I refuse to put a child with my D.N.A. through what I went through. So we are moving in and getting married (oh my god, I have to move in and marry my Rival) Because that's what Japanese family laws all encourage. And I'm going to internally pray and wish that I don't somehow manage to fuck up an innocent being that belongs to us, even though I have no idea what I am doing. Did I mention I have zero experience with babies and children?"
Point is, parentGoro! Has so much potential and it should be a crime that there are so little fics exploring that.
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why-the-heck-not · 4 months
what are your favorite hobbies & interests? :)
Ooh thanks for the ask !! :D
I don’t know if u can count going on walks as a hobby, but if u can then that’s definitely one of the favorites. ”I’m gonna go for a walk about this” is my solution to every problem ever
Going to the gym, and also running (altho recently been kinda very inconsistent lol, and running is a spring/summer/autumn thing; huge props to ppl who run all year around in the snow & icy roads, but I’m not one of them)
Painting!! it’s a very inconsistent one also; can have months where I don’t paint even a little bit. My favorite thing especially is drinking a bottle of red wine and painting; that’s the chillest time ever lol
I wanna say reading but lately been in a slump lol (it’s hard to carve out time bc u can’t just read for like 30mins; needs to be at least couple hours bc that’s what it’s gonna be when u get invested, no matter the cost to ur life)
Wine :D been going to a bunch of wine tastings & went to a wine course with my mom last year
Also whiskey, have gone to a tasting and joined a whiskey club but honestly I know nothing abt it, …yet (someday I intend to become as annoying with it as I’m with wine), I just like to drink it lol
Chess (been trying to learn with very bad success)
Idk which category this would go but ballet. I used to dance for like 12 years, and I’ve been wanting to start again for the past like 3 years, but haven’t yet built up the nerve/time/money. It’s on the ”hobby wishlist” (as is also pottery)
this is sort of a weird one and not like something anyone actually does (I think?) but I’d love to grow mushrooms. Like a mushroom garden. Or like a plotted plant but instead of like a green nice lil’ plant, it’s a mushroom. (this doesn’t count as an interest I don’t think?? I’m just very fascinated by mushrooms/fungi bc like what the fuck those are so varied and sometimes hella weird, sort of gross but in a satisfying way idk)
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hllfireclb · 1 year
Christmas Eve with Eddie Munson
Pairing: Eddie Munson x fem!reader
warnings: some dirty flirting, a bit of cursing
a/n: Any kind of feedback is highly appreciated as long as you stay nice! Feel free to send request or messages!
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You woke up in Eddie’s trailer this morning, he had made breakfast for the two of you and his uncle Wayne, who had worked the night before. Pancakes with some whipped cream and strawberries, it was simple but definitely delicious and something all of you three ate. After you got ready to leave his trailer, he drove you to your parents house, giving you a soft kiss before speaking.
"So, me and Wayne will come over around 7pm if that‘s okay? Y'know we still gotta prepare some stuff with Santa and shit" he grinned as his hand found its way to your waist, pulling you closer to him so he could plant another soft kiss on your cheek. A soft giggle escaped your lips and you nodded. "That’s fine with me Ed‘s, I also still have to prepare some stuff“ you smiled at him. He mirrored your action and showed you his huge smile before he left to prepare everything for the evening.
At 7pm your doorbell rang. Just like Eddie announced. You opened the door, a bright smile formed on your lips when you saw the sight of your boyfriend and his uncle in front of you. Both of them wearing a white, long-sleeved shirt and a black blazer over it. Eddie wears a black jeans which is not ripped and his shoes are whiter than usually…he must have cleaned them, just for you and your family. His hair was brushed straight and he wore lots more of his cologne, probably to cover the smell of weed on him.
"You look amazing Sweetheart" was the sentence that pulled you out of your thoughts. Eddie looked at you, up and down, gosh he checked you out in front of his uncle. You wore a black dress which was shining in the dim light of the living room, and fuck did it suite you well. Every curve of yours looked so fucking sexy. You softly smiled at him as you peeked his lips, stepping to the side so they could come inside.
When the two man entered your house and greeted your parents, you all sat down together and ate the food you and your mother made earlier that day. Some simple small talk filled the room, Eddie’s Hand rested on your thigh as he talked to your mother. This wasn’t the first time that Eddie and Wayne met your parents, they actually knew them since 3 years now and both of them already were a part of the fam, since your mom liked Eddie so much. Unlike your dad, who needed some time to get used to the fact that the "town freak" actually was the best boyfriend ever for his little girl.
Later that night you gave each other the presents you‘ve bought or prepared for each other. Eddie got your mom a new cooking apron since hers got burned one time she tried to bake and a six pack of beer together with an AC/DC vinyl, for your dad. He really knew your parents. Wayne got another cap for his collection, this one’s probably going to hang over the old TV since there‘s barely any space on the walls anymore.
When Eddie gave you your presents he looked kinda nervous, his cheeks were covered in a soft pink tone and his skin was hot.
"Hope Santa didn‘t lie to me and you actually like these, 's nothin‘ big" he laughed as he handed you the two small boxes in his hands. You shook your head slowly while giggling, not wasting any time to open the presents. When you saw what was inside, it felt like your heart stopped beating for a second. The first little box you opened was filled with pictures of you and Eddie, two concert tickets for Metallica lying in the middle of it, surrounded by the pictures you loved the most. Your mouth wasn’t even able to close again when you looked up at him, seeing him grinning now. He knew you too damn well.
"So he didn’t lie? Good to know. But there are two inside? You gonna take someone with you darling?" He grinned from ear to ear now. "Eddie did you murder someone for these?" You asked, still shocked that he actually bought these tickets. You knew how expensive they were and you also knew that Eddie didn’t have that much money. He laughed softly as he shook his head, taking one of your hands into his own. "No! Of course not! Just worked my ass off at Wayne’s work after school! Open the other one now!" He didn’t give you any time to answer before he shove the other, way smaller, box into your hands.
You slowly opened it, eyes widening even more and you felt your mouth and throat going absolutely dry. It was one of his rings. His favorite actually. The ring his mother gifted him before she passed away when he was still a kid. It meant the world to him. And he‘s giving it, to you now. Again your gaze met his as you shook your head in absolute disbelief. "Eddie no. I c-can‘t accept that..I-it’s your mothers.." you softly said as you put the box beside you but all he does is shake his head.
"I do not accept a 'no' baby, I know what you’re thinking right now…but believe me, I know what I’m doing. I want you to wear that ring, please. It means the world to me, yes but so do you" he softly smiled as he took out his old ring just to slowly put it on your ring finger. You just now notice that it fits perfectly, which was never the case before. God he even re-ajusted it, just for you.
"I love you y/n. So, so much..please promise me you‘ll wear this ring everyday"
"Fuck I love you so much more..I promise Ed’s"
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anonymouspuzzler · 1 month
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1) Do they sleep with a stuffed animal? If they have multiple, who’s the favorite? - Answered this one here and here!
2) Can they take care of a plant?
Of the three, Minnie seems the most likely to do so successfully - she's into biology and chemistry, so at the very least she kinda understand the theory of what care plants need on that level. Buck and Davey could probably manage if they had to, but I think Buck would get super stressed out about possibly killing the plant, and Davey just doesn't have a lot of gardening-specific experience.
8) Do complex puzzles intrigue or frustrate them?
It depends on the type of puzzle and, honestly, whether or not they're doing well with it. Davey I think is mostly intrigued and much harder to frustrate, Minnie's mostly intrigued but will get frustrated fast if she doesn't get it right away, and Buck almost certainly would be frustrated nine times out of ten (he's got a lot of hangups and self-consciousness around his intelligence). Present it to him as "hey can you puzzle out how to rebuild this busted car engine", though, and he might swap over to intrigued.
9) Do they empathize with non-sentient things (dolls, plants, books…)? - Answered this one here!
11) They’ve won the lottery. Spend, or save?
For Buck and Davey, probably save, if only on the technicality of "if we get noticed suddenly blowing huge amounts of cash someone will come after us due to We Are Wanted Criminals". I think they could both be tempted to spend at least a bit, though - maybe just a couple new kitchen appliances and a PS5 shipped to a PO box, you know... Minnie is 13 and has no self control she would blow thousands of dollars in a Hot Topic within the hour
13) Name one thing their parents taught them.
Buck's dad and, in turn, Minnie's dad after him, taught each of them how to throw a punch pretty much as soon as they reasonably could. (Whether or not they succeeded is a different question.) Buck's mom, on the other hand, taught him how to block. I think Minnie learned how to read from her mom. Davey learned computer security stuff from his dad, and his mom taught him Spanish. (She tried very, very valiantly to teach him to cook, but he's got the exact inverse of a natural talent there.)
14) Would they agree with the term ‘guilty pleasure’? Do they have any?
All of Buck's pleasures are guilty because he has an anxiety disorder. Minnie and Davey I think have very opposite views on the subject - Minnie thinks 'guilty pleasures' are fake and stupid, because if you're feeling so guilty about it why bother liking it, idiot? (But then in actuality she is extremely self-conscious about Liking Things, because being genuine and vulnerable is cringe.) Davey, on the other hand, is like yeah guilty pleasures are for sure a thing, I got tons of them, even though in actuality he carries next to no guilt over even the trashiest garbage he likes.
15) What would they consider a waste of time– other than school or work?
Buck's kind of got a weird relationship with leisure activities in general - he doesn't really "get" sitting down to watch TV or play a video game or something like that. (Nothing against it, and he'll hang out with the TV on once and a while, but he doesn't really seek it out as an activity.) Davey, meanwhile, doesn't really see the point of some chores and social nicety-type stuff (look, he's sorry, he's not gonna make the fucking bed, he's just messing it up again in like 12 hours). Minnie, outside of thinking pretty much all chores are a waste of time (at least for her. Uncle Buck can do as much laundry as he wants), definitely thinks her superhero training-slash-superhero work in general is a waste of time.
16) If money wasn’t a limit, what would they wear? - Answered this one here!
27) Forgiveness or vengeance (or…)?
Minnie's all in on vengeance, while Buck, contrary to popular interpretation, at least wants to be the forgiving type. Davey's kind of in-between, edging more towards vengeance - if nothing else, he's the type who will begrudgingly give you a second chance if you genuinely attempt to make amends, but he will never forget what you did.
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knockoff-conlon · 8 months
modern dorlene hcs!!
loud. always. she said it kept her brain at bay. she liked to yell and shout and draw attention to herself.
blonde hair that gets fucking everywhere. everywhere at all times. catches on things, too, like dorcas' rings.
really bright brown eyes.
fastest runner in her elementary school and high school. VERY fast.
tall. 6'2
smart but she doesn't apply herself as a way of rebellion against her family.
neglectful, abusive family that she runs away from when she's fifteen.
her phone background is actually a picture of her and remus, not her and dorcas
closest with remus out of anyone. lived with him when she ran away. they were extremely codependent and didn't have an boundaries. james and dorcas accepted that they were a package deal
90s grungey style. a lot of flannel, ripped clothing, leather, patches.
violent. it was an unfortunate habit from her family. she would get very angry very fast and it transferred to violence, though she tried to never hit her friends and she NEVER hit dorcas.
had a running bet with remus over who would get their braces off first when they were thirteen. (she lost but says she won)
lots of tattoos. one of those people who didn't really have meaning for said tattoos. she just likes the look.
tons of piercings- about eight or nine in each ear, eyebrow, tongue, septum, nose.
musical lover. hope lupin introduced her to all her favorite musicals.
has dorcas saved in her phone as 'side-ho #1'. dorcas knows and loves it.
swears a lot. the marauders, valkyries + dorcas made a swear jar to stop her swearing so much.
jewish convert, conservative jew.
got with dorcas when she was eighteen. once they did get together, they were very close and very in love.
touchy with remus and dorcas. not with anyone else.
designer fr tho. she makes her own clothes and makes her friends' clothes, too.
smokes + she has a lighter with a dumb design on it from remus.
steals remus' clothes 24/7.
looms over people menacingly.
very severe adhd. has a habit of being distracting as shit, forgetting to eat, a hatred for certain sounds and feelings, and hates overhead lighting.
candles. all the candles.
knows how to shoot a gun and often does go to a shooting range.
part spanish and french, speaks both languages.
will eat anything someone puts in front of her. from nachos to fajitas to escargot- she'll eat it all.
really strong. can lift about 450
trust issues.
hockey player.
multiple concussions.
partially deaf due to repeated head trauma from said concussions and abuse from her parents.
she's tiny, literally 5'0 on the dot and so she makes evan and marlene get her things on tall shelves.
gets really anxious sometimes and bites her nails because of it. pandora does complicated nail art on her nails so she feels bad biting them.
flexible as shit.
very feminine, which makes people assume she's straight.
makes her own jewelry and creates a small business of it at her high school. she makes a small fortune off her earrings.
big on romance movies, cries at them. loves horror movies, too, doesn't flinch.
resting bitch face, 100%
lives in a trailer with her dad. mom ran away when she was, like, two months old.
can play bass.
eyes so dark they're almost black.
has a tattoo on her wrist for her dad. it says 'i love you' but in his handwriting.
marlene left her hockey jersey at dorcas' place one day and now dorcas wears it to sleep.
loves to take pictures, has a lot of really embarrassing, weird photos of her friends, family, and marlene.
really good at baking, can back anything. god awful at cooking.
plant mom
fairy lights everywhere in her room.
at one point sold weed to help with the money at her place. now she does it for some extra money.
HUGE activist. got into a lot of trouble at school for it but then barty would be louder and more violent about her getting in trouble and cause a riot.
cold, all the time, no matter what.
big reader, bonded with regulus, lily, and remus over it.
atheist number one but will go to shul with marlene if she asks, specifically the high holidays.
farmer's markets, vintage festivals, and art stores are where she spends all of her money.
loves to paint but there's not enough room in her trailer so she paints outside while her dad reads beside her.
pineapple pizza is one of her favorite foods.
barty, evan, and dorcas hang out together and dye their hair with each other. regulus and pandora do not participate and hang out together elsewhere.
is super, super close with her dad and she tells him everything.
steals barty's clothing because she likes his style and men's clothing is more comfortable.
draws on her converse and marlene's leather jacket.
worships minerva mcgonagall. the art teacher.
scared of flying.
gave herself a lot of her own piercings.
they have 'design dates' where marlene sits and makes clothes, and dorcas works on her jewelry/works on new art.
nauseatingly affectionate sometimes.
that one picture with the girl straddling the other one and doing her makeup. that's them.
flat is always super loud- marlene playing music and them dancing, working on their university assignments and their work.
marlene spends a lot of nights at dorcas' trailer and becomes best friends with her dad because of it.
marlene does bring donuts or coffee for them all the time.
shit talk people but in sign language.
dorcas comforts marlene during nightmares and marlene comforts dorcas during anxiety attacks.
never explained they were dating to their friends, one day just kissed goodbye and everyone just went with it.
marlene picks her up and carries her places (the doctor, cause dorcas is scared of the doctor and refuses to go)
dorcas bakes marlene cookies and muffins when she's sick.
dorcas cheers marlene on at all her hockey games, even though she finds hockey dumb.
dorcas takes marlene to vintage stores and markets and marlene always ends up carrying whatever dorcas buys.
marlene takes dorcas to shul with her on the high holidays and makes snide commentary about the people at her shul. dorcas tries learning hebrew to at least be able to follow along. doesn't work super well but marlene appreciates it anyway.
take turns deciding what movie go watch together. marlene likes action/adventure and dorcas loves a dorky romance movie.
marlene takes dorcas to italy to visit marlene's older brother. make solid plans to move there one day/honeymoon there.
road trip together with them and their friends.
can definitely do the dirty dancing lift.
had picnics on the balcony at their flat all the time. marlene used her candles to make it more atmospheric and dorcas' plants also helped.
kinda broke until marlene's fashion and designs hit it big.
femme x butch, fr tho.
dorcas used petnames all the time. marlene always got flustered and dropped what she was holding.
marlene learned how to style dorcas' hair, how to do braids and stuff like that so she could do dorcas' hair.
very in love, cutest couple ever, and kind of losers with each other.
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eggtrolls · 2 months
Good: got interviewed by the Wall Street Journal (HELLO) about the artificial turf situation and then spent a few hours hanging out with the angry mothers (+ the single cool nb person) at the park and gave them much of my cool park organizing wisdom (and ended up coming up with the name of their organization 💁🏻‍♀️). They’re super enthusiastic, they were really receptive to my ideas, and I’m jazzed to see what they come up with. They’re getting their name, website, and social media gang together and I’m going to hook them up with some park resources so they can turn up to the community board with at least one notch under their belt
Not good: They’re so brand new! None of them know anything about plants! They had never considered trying to clean up the park! They have no idea how the process of [checks notes] ANYTHING works and they’re snotty about it because they assume(d) everyone would immediately jump to address their complaints! ‘The park administrator lady was dismissive of us’ yeah because you were telling her how to do her job when you have no idea what the fuck you’re talking about re: the larger issue. What actions are you presenting besides saying ‘we don’t want you to do this’? You say you don’t want turf but you’ve presented zero alternatives, you have no plan on how to move forward given that construction has already started, you have nothing organized, you presented no factual information just a bunch of highly repetitive and emotional anecdotes including comparing synthetic turf and the lack of a report about its composition to the Soviet government’s handling of Chernobyl!!!!
Very not good: the majority of people know each other from a mother’s group so while we were being, you know, interviewed for a front page story in the WSJ, every! single! one! had their child either attached to their faces like a fucking barnacle or running around and pingponging off their bodies. At one point a little boy walked up a random woman, who was not his mother, and started hitting her leg and screaming I want cookies I want cookies like hello???? Whose fucking kid is this! And she just acted like it wasn’t incredibly annoying and he kept doing it until I said ‘other people are talking you need to wait your turn’ and then he was completely silent until a full five minutes later when his actual mother showed up. She then gave him a) a cookie b) an iPhone to play a video game (full volume) while seated directly next to the WSJ reporter until I suggested they move down the bench. Are you fucking kidding me. This is the metro New York reporter for a newspaper of record interviewing us about a major environmental cause. All of these kids are under THREE YEARS OLD WHY ARE THEY HERE when I’m trying to tell this journalist about the lack of a Parks capital budget!!!!!
Bonus: the park moms were joking that I don’t like kids because I was the only person childless who told a kid to stop behaving badly (insane and authoritarian behaviour To Them) but then they left and a tiny 5 year old girl named Esmé on a scooter zoomed over to me and asked if I would race her because she didn’t have any friends and we chased each other around for a bit while her parents smoked on a bench and she ran over my foot but apologized. When they left, she gave me a single piece of popcorn and two huge hugs and said that we were best buddies 🥺🥺🥺
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yurisorcerer · 3 months
Tumblr media
What an incredibly frustrating piece of fiction this is shaping up to be.
Where do I even start.
OK, on the one hand, the needlessly esoteric and vibey storytelling is kind of a plus. That's not a thing many anime do anymore and I kind of miss it as someone who was first exposed to the medium in part by very high-concept sci-fi anime. Also the action is great; any time a fight happened I was at least consistently having a good time, the choreography and animation are really good and I absolutely love the combat theme and find it weird how rarely they use it. In general I love how the show looks and it will remain watching for its visuals alone even if nothing else comes together.
Which is good, because everything else is a huge mess at this point. Add it to the list of anime I regret giving the benefit of a doubt.
Everything Metallic Rouge does or tries to do is held back by the fact that Rouge Redstar herself has the morality of a gradeschooler. In the early episodes, this was kind of cute and it seemed like the show would be in large part about her shedding that idealism to become....I don't know, pick one; a hero to the Neans? Some kind of cosmic avenger bound to neither side in this conflict? At least someone who has SOME kind of convictions beyond "I hate fighting!" ?
Code Eve is here revealed to be the work of Rouge's mom(?), a biophysicist, and assistant to her surrogate father, named Dr. Eva Kristella. She is the one who installed the Asimov Code in Neans in the first place, which means that in this universe, all of the oppression that the already-wonky analogue for minorities face was the work of a single person. If you disregard any stab at symbolism here, this is a fine plot twist *in a vacuum*, but when put back in the context of the show it completely defangs anything Metallic Rouge has done or seemed like it wanted to do with this material. Systemic oppression happened because Dr. Kristella did an oopsie and ended up regretting it. That regret was what caused her to make Code Eve, which can somehow disable the Asimov Code, but she didn't activate it herself (maybe she couldn't? This isn't elaborated upon) and instead planted it within the "soul" of Rouge and the other Immortals.
It's kind of impressive how thoroughly that strips out any applicability. There is no way to read anything as subtext anymore, because this is purely a genre thing and has no connection to anything real. Any bite this series might've had is gone.
But OK, fine, let's ignore that and just take it as a weird sci fi thing. Surely at least Rouge recognizes that the Neans are being oppressed to shit is a bad thing and joins the resistance, right? Especially now that Naomi has betrayed her (a plot twist that comes out of fucking nowhere btw) and revealed her true colors? Nope! A decent chunk of episode 8 is taken up by mealy-mouthed moralizing more or less dismissing the Neans' situation because, well, The Immortals Are Violent, so it's impossible to say if they're justified or not. Gene, Rouge's brother, says something to the effect of this not being "the right time" to liberate the Neans and that the inevitable violence of a revolution would only make things worse for them. I'm not crazy for reading this as complete fucking lib shit (a term I don't use lightly), am I? The show seems dead-set on playing Rouge's naivete as something admirable instead of something deeply offputting and inappropriate to the situations she finds herself in.
Like, I'm being A LITTLE uncharitable but honestly not particularly so? I'm mostly just confused, like, what even is the point of any of this? A thing I suppose I had conveniently forgotten about some of those sci-fi shows I mentioned in the opening paragraph is that they're occasionally not actually about much. Sure, the GOOD ones are, but there are plenty that have been mostly forgotten because they don't use the genre to do anything or say anything of note. Metallic Rouge's mix of aesthetics is still interesting---all of the Immortals look really cool, for example---but I would be VERY surprised at this point if the series pulled anything coherent together in its last four episodes.
Then again, who knows, I thought I had this show figured out once before and then episode 5 happened, so honestly who can say. Maybe it WILL find some way to justify its milquetoast politics and Toynbee Tiles-ass worldbuilding in a way that's actually coherent and interesting. I really doubt it, though.
The worst part is that through all of this I STILL don't actually think the show is outright bad. It has enough going for it that I'm going to watch the remaining third of the series and I will probably not completely hate those 2ish hours of remaining story, but it has JUST enough going on that the ways in which its deficient are hugely frustrating instead of being the kind of minor flaw that it's easy to brush off.
At this point my favorite character is probably Cyan, who shows up barely-foreshadowed in these episodes to try to kill Rouge for no obvious reason, but she has a fun design and a clear motive, so that makes her easy to root for, in my book.
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shutupandplayasong · 1 year
Mandela Catalogue HCs
heheh hyperfixation go brrrrr
Please don't yell at me if these suck im sensitive 🥺 /hj
Would have been the best big brother to Sarah I stg
Not afraid to wear a tiara and feather boa and have a tea party with her
This towering young man sat on a dinky little plastic chair sipping imaginary tea, pinky out and all
Aaagghhhhhhh i love him
Definitely one of those "super talented, high iq, gifted kids" before the burnout hit him
Every Christmas, Easter, and birthday he'd ask his parents for a dog. He never got one :(
Not exactly a Disney adult, just a big fan of animated movies in general.
I think his favorites would be The Iron Giant, Monsters Inc, and Lilo and Stitch
Honorable mentions to The Fox and The Hound and Oliver and Company but they make him cry
Mark Heathcliff best boy 1,000,000/10
Cesar fans, you have my whole heart fr
You really took nothing and ran with it I can't not respect that
I see him as a total mama's boy. As far as I know, there's no mention of his dad anywhere so I imagine it's just him and his mom.
As a little boy he was like "I'm gonna be the man of the house now!" and he stuck to it like glue
Taking the trash out, doing the dishes, mowing the lawn because "Mom, you deserve to get off your feet, you're working too hard"
I think him being a mama's boy and having so much respect for her would translate into huge respect for women in general
I like the idea of him painting his nails ❤
His room is like a walk-in freezer you can literally see his breath when he sleeps
Used to skateboard but eventually "grew out of it" (he actually broke his wrist and is too scared to do it again)
This toxic little fuck i love him
The most "dont talk to me until I've had my coffee" person you'll ever meet.
Not having consistent access to coffee must have been miserable for him when he was on the run. Doubly miserable for poor Jonah having to put up with a grouchy Adam for who even knows how long
You remember that tiktok trend from a few years ago like "I look really intimidating until I smile"? ADAM ADAM ADAM ADAM ADAM!!!
He's such an angsty little shit with the most severe case of resting bitch face disease but on the rare occasion he actually smiles??? Human sunshine
Definitely the type to look down when he smiles to try and hide it
Wouldn't be caught DEAD singing out loud, but will absolutely murmur songs to himself under his breath.
Just imagining him folding laundry or cooking and singing whatever song is stuck in his head to himself I LOVE THIS MAN
He likes rock music in general but I feel like he's really into songs like Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls. Yknow those really mopey mid 2000s ballads?
Shattered by OAR, Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol, stuff like that
Rip jonah you would've loved tiktok
Was a theater kid but he got kicked out of class. Dude was just too hyper to follow directions
What can he say? He just stole the spotlight 🤪 (he's crying inside)
Walks into every room twirling his car keys around his finger like a dork
Can not be trusted to stand still, it's best to just make him wear one of those backpack leashes for everyone's safety
A gamer but not in a toxic way. He's actually terrible at games but he thinks it's fun to dick around and goof off in them.
You knows those "girlfriend who bites" memes? That's him. He's the girlfriend who bites.
You've heard of wine moms, you've heard of wine aunts, well get ready for wine dad
I feel like he paints? He strikes me as very artsy
Loves plants but can't keep them alive for shit. It's not even that he forgets to water them, he follows all the instructions, the plants just hate him
Can't sleep without a TV on, or at least some sort of white noise or music playing.
Total garbage at gift giving lmao but he's trying his best
"I got you this card. Happy birthday."
"Thatcher, this says 'My condolences'"
"I know"
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