#please forgive me spamtoners
everydayspamton · 2 months
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day 456 and 457 of drawing spamton every day until deltarune chapter 3
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bigshotspambot · 1 year
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what if I....... made fanart >:) (I'm the sneo head scritches anon hee hee >:D /lh)
Oh my GOD im CRAZY how have I not answered this yet WAAAAAGHH THANK YOU 🥺🥺 :)) HES SO GOOFY ..
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sandwichedbread · 2 years
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I just had an awful idea:
Detroit become human and deltarune crossover AU where the loaded disc with spamton somehow ends up in Connor instead of the Neo suit.
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floweyyyyyy · 2 years
(ignore my windows sjsjs)
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is this common knowledge does everyone already know this am i overreacting who knows!!
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manofthepipis · 1 month
One thing that I’ve noticed is the amazing storytelling and character development Survey and Clicks are going through! They both have conflicting emotions, but seem to handle them very differently. It kind of reminds me of ‘Nice v.s Kind’ mentality. From my perspective, Survey is nice, but Clicks is kind.
For nice people, most of their characteristics are this:
- never wants to rock the boat
- Most concerned about not upsetting someone
- Afraid to speak up when they witness unkind behavior
- Censoring yourself for others feelings
- Enabling
Most of these in my opinion match Survey and their own mental battles pretty spot on! I should probably also mention early on that I don’t think Survey is evil, or acting out on any ill-will towards Spam, quite the opposite actually! Survey is probably walking on eggshells with every interaction they have with him. They haven’t had time to process through their own grief and PTSD from the last Neo rampage, so, that involuntary spills out when they don’t mean to. An example of this is when Swatch was talking to them about Neo, and their first thoughts were “Oh, Neo, great” clearly stating their apprehension towards the topic (and for a very good reason! Regardless of the mental state of the perpetrator, it’s hard to forgive and forget after a scenario like that). However, they also unfortunately, have that double whammy of the grief they felt by leaving Spamton alone, and was the only other Addison that actually heard the voice on the phone, therefore, they have an even more horrifying perspective of what Spamton went through. They somehow think that turning Spamton back into the white Addison will be the solution to all of their problems. Which, while one might think it cruel, given Surveys perspective, it makes a lot of sense. They can’t help but be scared of Spamton, they don’t want to be afraid, but they are so scared of that overwhelming feeling of NEO, and, it’s not like Survey has heard anything positive about Spamton’s new appearance. With the “burning hot plate sensation” to “I can’t say anything without being swamped by Ads” it makes sense that Survey would want to alleviate that burden. I really hope that one of the other Ads are able to catch on to Survey’s mental state, and help. Right now, my contester is Banner. Those two seem to be a little bit closer than the others, especially when it came to Spamton. Banner was also the one who noticed Survey’s apprehension and terror when Neo was in their house. This is getting to long LMAO so the summarize, ADDISONS!!! SPAMTON!! PLEASE PAY ATTENTION TO THE ONE LIGHTING THEMSELVES ON FIRE TO KEEP YOU ALL WARM!!!!
To move on, Clicks on the other hand, is kind. For kind people, their personalities are like this:
- Willing to make waves
- Clear, direct communication, even when uncomfortable
- Being true to their own values or feelings
- Helping
- Acting from genuine feelings
Now Clicks isn’t a saint, he’s an asshole and a drama queen, even he himself admits this. However, he definitely gets the kindness award! As he passes this test with flying colors in my opinion! He doesn’t pull back his punches with Spamton, (like him just telling Spamton to shut the fuck up LMAO) and has the most clear communication with Spam! Spamton himself, recognizes that Clicks isn’t like Banner and Survey who are still trying to test the waters with him, rather, he treats Spamton like an equal. (Even if his sense of equal is just being an asshole). Clicks has also show to value his own feelings, especially with the latest chapter! The reason it took him this long was because before, his feelings were just a giant ball of ???. Once Clicks was able to understand and get through his emotions he was able to have a better understanding of Spamton and his character. (Clicks knows that Spamton hated being that white Addison, Survey is trying to make Spamton that white Addison). Throughout the story, Clicks has shown to have a remarkable sense of body language understanding as well as trying to respect Spamtons boundaries. An example of this is when Spamton thought he was being interrogated by the other ads, and when Clicks senses his discomfort, he tries to drop the topic. Even though he’s an asshole, he definitely wants to be there for all the addisons are a strong shoulder, as well as a protector. Clicks is notorious for making waves, (all with good reason!) If someone like Survey had to have the heart the heart with Spam like Clicks had, I feel like Survey would say something like, “Everyone is capable of change Spamton! And we all want to change for the better and help!” But Clicks is just like, “you are the most egotistical bastard I have ever met. Shut the absolute fuck up.” LMAO I love this guy. Clicks isn’t a nice guy, but he is a kind guy. And that goes a lot farther in my own opinion!
To conclude, Clicks is able to empathize, while Survey sympathizes. Both are so complex it’s so good rararjdndjskdkdnd !!!!!!!
i've gotta say reading this ask/analysis (asknalysis?) has got me smiling from ear to ear because of describing something so accurately i couldn't put it into words better than this
one, i'm extremely thankful for this, and tysm for your thoughts! They're always a pleasure to read especially as i see that so much of these addisons have actually got across :'D
i really really really like writing morally grey characters, and using the kind versus nice personalities is such a great way to describe their moral differences! Surv is definitely trickier, because as you said, they're not evil, they just got a lot going on. they are apprehensive, and definitely walking on eggshells because they have no idea to actually approach this situation other than wanting it over with. Their persistence to find out what happened to spamton in pt 1 was fulfilled (for better or for worse), and being "nice" is what he needed then, to be brought down from his rage and resentment towards them as a group, while kindness is what he needs now. So Survey's inadvertently putting themselves in a worse position, creating divide, just because their approach that worked before isn't working now. And it's not their fault while at the same time, yeah, being their fault. i rlly like this line "setting themselves on fire to keep the rest of you warm" it like 1. is perfect for this and 2. goes hardcore
Without spoiling too much I do believe you have it right :D though Banner isn't in a position as extreme as Survey here, the whole thing is certainly messing with him. He doesn't want to make the wrong decisions anymore about what to do with Spamton's situation, finding it odd and uncanny, rather than devastating like Survey. He wants to make things right, but doesn't have the tools right now to do so. He wants to help, probably more than anyone else, but unyielding optimism isn't going to work and he knows that :')
you're also right about what would have happened if Surv were in Clicks' position then. There wouldn't be much of a resolution other than Survey going back to what they've seen had worked before- talking Spamton (and the rising emotions) down. When said emotions and concerns, instead, needed to be acknowledged and translated to make any progress. With Clicks, processing how he's felt for so long and what Spam's feeling now, it helped them both in one conversation and connection. Spamton's a lot like the addisons than he cares to admit, as he's been one of them at some point, so being an equal is what he's wanted, but then when he never got it, it turned to wanting to be 'bigger' than them, and thus the spiral/decline. Clicks being kind, noticing visual cues of discomfort rather than being impatient with getting information out of Spamton asap when he finally starts talking, is going to make Spamton feel more like an equal and less a belittled outcast, or worse, a freakshow. And though addisons always have their own selfish motivations directing their actions, the outcome of Clicks' approach is pretty selfless in the end.
I'm also so so so glad to have readers that see the differences in empathy versus sympathy and nice versus kind! like, just the subtle differences between each approach, in where each side is commonly seen as synonymous, when in context, they can vary from each other in large ways!! It's enlightening even as a writer to see :D! tysm for sharing!
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always-together · 5 months
Just a Little Something Up Ahead
(Aka: A very long overdue apology, where I’ve been, where I’m going, and the future of my blogs (Spoiler alert: I’m not going anywhere, but updates are needed))
Tagging everyone I remember writing with frequently on my blogs in the hopes they see this and read the whole thing: @pcrplevenom , @nxtleftbehxnd , @misfitxofxfriends , @ssatxr , @advnterccs , @opportunistic-chicanery , @trickywanderer , @twistytwine , @automaton-otto , @monmuses , @raktanag , @dragonizens , @alicerozen , @arianatheangel-girl , @saltygempearl , @castleofmxses
Please take the time to read this whole thing if you can. This has been a long time coming and I don’t want anyone to feel as if my absence has been anyone’s fault, because it absolutely has not been, under any circumstance. It’s been entirely me, and my own inability to maintain all of my blogs during college.
Hello everyone. If I’m remembering correctly, this is my first non-reblog post since last October, when I vowed to come back and respond to the Halloween threads I attempted to start and obviously, disappointingly (most especially to myself), never did. I felt very bad then and still do, because it was going to be my first time interacting with several new blogs and I just…ruined my chance to make a good first impression because all will to write Garnet completely vanished. Some of the people that I tried to start interactions with are tagged in this post, and to both you all and those I write with all the time, but especially the first-timers, I apologize deeply and hope you can forgive me for letting you all down like that.
I know there’s a million worse things to be guilty of on the internet than abandoning your rp blogs because you have no muse, but this has all been just as bad as those worse things to me. Although I’ve undoubtedly been having fun on my Spamton blog I’ve also been feeling incredibly guilty, and for leaving you all in the dark as to my thought processes and IRL reasons why I went away I once again deeply apologize. No words can properly express to every single one of you all just how sorry I am for disappearing this past year and a half. It’s been a long time coming, but now that my fall semester at college is over I feel now is a good time to explain everything and talk about where me and my blogs are going from here.
The number one thing is, of course, college. Even in my freshman year, prior to my Spamton blog, I was having trouble maintaining multiple blogs and characters at once due to work sapping all of my writing energy. Coupled with the jobs I ended up getting, especially the one I’ve had since June, trying to run five blogs at the same time proved impossible. So, foolishly, I took the easy way out and stayed put at the one I had, and still continue to have, the most muse for. I don’t regret doing so, as it made balancing everything much easier to handle, but I do regret not telling you guys somehow first and leaving you all behind like I did.
The other main thing is…hard to explain through just text with no tone indicators, so please bear with me and know that, again, me leaving most of my blogs and you guys behind was no one else’s fault but my own. Attempts to properly come back here and apologize have been stymied by me finding my prior writing style and tagging system cringy and disorganized, respectively. Of course, it was only a matter of time before I felt this way: This blog has been around since I was 17 and now I’m 20, with much more writing experience behind me and the ability to refine my tagging process over the course of my different blogs. This blog feels stuck in the past in comparison to my Spamton blog, my newest blog, in a certain way, in regards to that. Especially with the disorganized tagging. What was I thinking 🤦‍♀️
That’s not even getting into the muse pages across all of my blogs, further worsened by the fact that I’m primarily mobile and can’t edit them at a moments notice or create fancy Caards like all of my mutuals. They make me cringe more than my writing in some ways. Please do not look at my About the Mun page on this blog, I will be removing that when I can 😬
Returning here eventually became associated with regressing to how I was back in 2020 in my mind, and soon that began to spread towards how I felt about my other blogs, too. I was rigid in replies and sticking to plots, barely sent partners memes yet inwardly expected to be sent them in return, and never really IMed or communicated except through tags. I am happy to say that over the past year of silence I’ve gotten better at all of that, but you all shouldn’t have had to suffer while I figured my shit out. But nevertheless I still left, and hid away at my Spamton blog until now.
I want that to change, desperately. I miss you all. I miss Garnet. I miss all of my other muses, too. But considering I’m a junior in college now, with my capstone/thesis fast approaching, I don’t know how difficult that’s going to be. And of course, I don’t want to abandon my Spamton blog, either. Whatever I end up deciding, however, I need to update all of my information pages to reflect my current standards and make my tags more easier to navigate, like they (mostly) are at my Spamton blog.
So until I can find the time with my busy holiday work schedule to do this necessary work on all of my blogs, all activity is currently at @thebigshotman . Feel free to send in memes, random asks, and interact/IM me there, if you’d like! I’ve gotten a lot of crossover threads going lately, and much like the Haunted Mansion there is always room for one more 😊 So please, if you’re still interested in interacting with me after all of the shit I’ve done, head there for now.
I’ll be reblogging this on all of my other blogs tomorrow so as many people see this as possible, and know I didn’t forget about everyone. Changing everything looks like it’s not going to happen until after New Years, so consider coming back to everything my New Year’s resolution-except unlike many resolutions, this one is actually going to happen.
Thank you for taking the time to read all of this, if you indeed still are. Like I said, I’ve missed you all dearly, and I want to come back. But I can’t until I’ve done some very overdue updating and organization. (Everything old will stay tagged as it is, but going forward things will be easier to find.)
I’ll see you all soon. And this time, that’s a promise.
Love, Mun Bri ❤️
Relationships/friendships with Garnet and all of my other muses will remain the same unless you or I message each other agreeing otherwise
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lalaluuz · 6 days
「 GET TO KNOW YOUR RP PARTNER! 」 ( repost, please don’t reblog )
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▐ NAME: emily ▐ PRONOUNS: she/her ▐ SEXUALITY: sapphic/lesbian/wlw ▐ TAKEN OR SINGLE: taken! (by your local spamton mun, believe it or not) ▐ FIVE FACTS:
currently in my break between my spring and summer semesters of grad school. I'll be graduating in December and then i can die a happy if exhausted librarian
i love to cosplay and I've been exploring costumes and characters at cons since like 2011
i was a band kid in high school, played bass clarinet, but in marching band i was in color guard and it's basically the one thing about high school that i miss at this point
i've been dying my hair crazy red tones since 2011 and i love it but my natural hair color is very light brown
i live in the chicago suburbs and if you want to meet me at the bean we can totally meet at the bean i will be there waiting
▐ HOW LONG (YEARS/MONTHS): forgive me as i have just realized it's about 15-17 years now and i'm experiencing an existential crisis-- ▐ PLATFORMS USED: msn messenger, tumblr ▐ BEST EXPERIENCE: my years here have definitely been up at the top. I feel like my best times were with Luz here or with Marceline back in the day
▐ MALE/FEMALE/OTHER: i do best with female muses! ▐ FAVORITE FACECLAIM: I haven't needed one in a while! I liked the girls I used for Brooke back a while ago, Odeya Rush and Emily Rudd. for Mun FC i've been enjoying using Sunset Shimmer Equestria Girls ▐ FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT: I am a slut for fluff. i love me some angst too, but fluff is my fuckin jam. As for Smut... I've tried writing it on appropriate muses but I've never actually felt comfortable writing it.
▐ PLOTS OR MEMES: plots are hard for me most of the time, but I also don't use memes a lot either! i'm more of a "flying by the seat of my pants" writer. ▐ LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: if I write a long reply i've been cursed by something and someone should call a priest or a witch doctor ▐ BEST TIME TO WRITE: don't tell anyone but lately i've had the best luck writing during quiet moments while at work, shhhh ▐ ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSES: sometimes? usually I pick a muse because they're someone I relate to, in one way or another.
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subwaywardeningo · 1 year
I'm so sorry, Spamton. I enjoyed our time together, but I think it must be over. If I talk to you, Casi might be upset. I will always treasure everything you sold to me, but we must be as two trains uncoupling. Please, Spamton, forgive me. I'll always remember you fondly.
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sylphidine · 1 year
[Fic] Call Signs, Chapter 27
Yup, for real this time.
Fandom: Deltarune
‘Verse: Human AU
Pairing: Swatch/Spamton [Swatchton]
Characters: Spamton Addison, Swatch Paletta
Rating: Mature
Chapter title: The Wrong Way On The Escalator
Chapter summary:  Spamton borrows trouble.
Author notes:
I've rewritten this chapter six times. Hopefully this version will be worth the wait, dear readers. Kudos and comments definitely welcome, since I've second-guessed myself on the flow of this tale for months.
Content warning for alcohol mention.
The host and the guest sat in matching leather wingback chairs flanking a fireplace, brandy glasses in hand, listening as sleet hit the windows. The guest sat ramrod stiff, while the host’s foot tapped the floor in agitation.
The words burst out of the host’s mouth, without a trace of his usual stutter.
“Why did I do it?  Why did I just walk out? How are they going to react when I say, ‘So sorry, Swatch, I couldn’t handle your good news and decided to go out on the town with an old drinking buddy, and we ended up in bed together along with my drinking buddy’s ex. Such a pity you couldn’t join us.’  That’s going to go over really, really well. Swatch is going to think I'm the worst kind of idiot."
T.M. glared at Spamton, her face hard, her eyes cold behind diamond-shaped eyeglasses, one lens plum, one turquoise. "You're right about being thought an idiot, but not for the reasons you think. Wake up, little worm."
Her response stopped his babble in its tracks and shocked him into silence. That phrase - "little worm” - had always been Mike’s most overused insult for him.
It wasn't Mike saying such horrible things, though. It was T.M., his friend, someone who was as dear to him as… well, anyone.  Why was she being so cruel?
She raised her now-empty hand, and sickly green tendrils shot out from her fingers across the room towards him.
His mouth opened and closed, but he couldn't make a sound no matter how hard he tried.
He could still move, though. He wouldn't become a puppet again. Not for T.M., not for Mike.
Not for…
Not for anyone.
He launched himself at her, striking at her wildly, trying to shake off the strings even as she repeated, "Wake up. Wake up. Wake—"
“--- Wake up, Spamton. Wake up, please. Please, my dear.”
It was the “my dear” that pulled Spamton out of the dream and stopped him flailing his arms. He heard a ragged edge in Swatch’s voice that made it sound as though they had been trying to rouse him for longer than a few minutes.  His heart continued to pound, but gradually he recognized that he was awake, he was in his and Swatch’s bed, and that he was safe.
For the moment, anyway.
Swatch was propped up on one elbow and leaning over him, their hand extended as though to shake him. Spamton shifted away from them so he could roll over onto his back. He muttered in his own sleep-roughened voice, “It was j-j-j-just a dream. Just a bad dream. J-just like all - all the others I have.”
Spamton meant his words to be reassuring, but Swatch's worried look didn't lessen in the least. "This one seemed worse than most," they replied. "You don't usually sock me in the jaw when you're dreaming."
That woke Spamton up completely. "Oh my god, I did? I'm s-s-so sorry!" He sat up and gently rubbed his face against his partner's. "I didn't - didn't mean to."
"Hmmmmph. Are you sure about that? Considering how you snuck out of the house and were gone for hours, I'm pretty sure you're still upset about what we talked about over dinner."
So much for Spamton thinking his absence had gone unnoticed. Sometimes Swatch's keen skills of observation were endearing. Other times they were downright annoying. Like now.
Spamton's indecision as to how to answer them must have shown on his face, because Swatch's expression changed from worried to knowing. They confirmed it by adding, "I'm right, aren't I?"
There was a smile in their voice, with a silent undercurrent of understanding and forgiveness. Spamton couldn't stay annoyed.
"Yes, you're right," he admitted. "But I wasn't slugging - slugging YOU in m-m-m-my dream. I was slugging T.M.”
At that, Swatch let out a half laugh, half snort, lying back down and pulling Spamton onto their chest. "And why would you have reason to slug her?" they asked. "In your dream, anyway. I must admit sometimes Moggy can be a bit overbearing and demanding, but I'm far too much of a gentleman to slug her." "I tried t-t-to slug her b-because she was ch-channeling Mike."
"Ah. that explains it."
Spamton growled in frustration, his breath stirring a curl hanging loose from Swatch's nighttime ponytail. "Why does EVERYTHING always have to - have to c-come back to Mike? The bastard w-w-won't leave me alone, even in his g-grave."
"I know, I know." Swatch kissed the top of Spamton's head. "So… since we're both awake, how about we get up and finish off the macarons? And," as they suited action to words, sliding their long body out of bed, "you can tell me what's really on your mind. Don't think I don't know 'Angel of the Morning' when I hear it."
“C-c-can’t get away with nuthin' around you, can I? I’m going to - going to st-start calling you ‘Columbo’, especially if you do the ‘just one more thing’ b-bit.” Spamton tossed back the covers, wincing as his sore feet hit the floor, which also did not go unnoticed.  He interrupted Swatch as they opened their mouth to comment, “To answer your next ques-question, I w-w-walked a little longer than I planned.”
"Hmmmm. Macarons and milk first, then I'll give you a foot rub. Alright?"
Earlier that night...Spamton had just stepped onto the front path when Swatch pulled into the townhouse’s driveway.  He rushed up the stoop stairs to put the porch light on.  
“S-sorry, I didn’t know you were going to be home l-later than me,” he apologized as he dug through his messenger bag for his house keys. Swatch laughed warmly, answered, “Not to worry, I’m not holding it against you”, and followed him indoors. They both hung their outerwear on the coat tree in the foyer before turning to each other and embracing. Spamton dropped his bag and stretched upwards on the tips of his toes; Swatch leaned down and rubbed their nose against Spamton’s cheek. “Still very glad to have you to come back to after a long day,” they added.
“A v-very long day here t-too. Two digital lab sessions in a row. B-b-but at least I’m f-finally getting into coursework that has some m-m-meat to it.”
“Mmmmmm, meat.” Swatch led the way to the kitchen. “That reminds me, any problem if we use up the leftovers from the party?  The meatballs and stuff.”
“M-meatballs are never a problem for me. Ever.”
“Ye gods, you are so easy to please. Food-wise, anyway.”
Spamton moved over to the cabinets to get dishes out while Swatch rummaged in the fridge. “You g-get a lot less p-p-picky about food when you’re picking food out of - out of a dumpster.”
“I can imagine. Ah ha! We’ve got extra shredded mozzarella, too.”
Swatch pulled out the disposable chafing pan covered with foil, walked it over to the counter, and went back for the cheese. 
"Nice d-d-deflection," commented Spamton as he collected serving utensils and silverware. "You used to g-gasp in horror any time I brought up my - my street p-person days."
"Hmmm. I don't think I actually GASPED. That would be beneath my dignity." Swatch slid the foil pan onto a baking sheet and slid them both into the oven. "But funny you should bring up your 'bad old days' again."
"Yes, because those bad old days were a matter of discussion a few hours ago." 
Spamton thought of any number of replies he could give, but decided against the first two sharp retorts that came to mind.  Instead, he finished setting the kitchen island with the plates that Swatch handed him, poured them each a large glass of Dr Pepper [a shared weakness], and then clambered onto a stool.  He could be patient; this was Swatch, after all.  Swatch didn’t tend to leave conversations hanging, or to be swept under rugs, the way conversations in the Addison household often were.
And Swatch didn’t disappoint. The food came out of the oven and they each helped themselves to the appropriate portion sizes.  About halfway through the meal, Swatch casually said, “I had a meeting with your brother Ballew today about a possible internship at Addison Cybernetics.”
"Oh? That's… good, I g-guess?"
"Hmmm. It could be good. It could also be a huge mistake. I had just planned to ask for career advice, but then he brought up internships. And the talk just went on from there."
The expression on Swatch’s face was thoughtful, but their eyes were bright with excitement and hope, and he could almost feel that hope and excitement in waves on the air. Swatch's next words, however, sounded like they'd rehearsed them many times, "May and June are right around the corner.  For you, that means the end of the semester. For me, it means graduation and the end of any financial safety net I have as a college student.  I’ve got to get a job and a new place to live, since our lease here ends when Mrs. Anselmo gets back from Italy. I have all the respect in the world for you as a person, Spamton, but you're not familiar with what I'm studying, either the programming stuff or the engineering. Ballew is, or at least he works with people who are. I can't help it if he's your brother, can I?"
Spamton took his time answering, cutting one of the big meatballs into tiny pieces with his knife and fork, then scooping mozzarella up with each piece.  This was a lot to unpack, in his mind at least.  He ruthlessly shoved down the noise his heart was making as it shattered.
Finally he managed to say, "It sounds like - like a p-perfect match for your skill set."
"it does, doesn't it?"
And that would have to do until Spamton could be alone in his head to chew this over. 
His normal coping mechanism when he needed to do deep thinking was to take a long walk. His body’s exhaustion sang another tune.  And at this point Swatch was trying to hide a yawn, despite it not even being 8pm yet.
“D-do you want to c-c-call it an early night?” he asked hopefully, and was relieved when Swatch nodded. They got up to put their plates and utensils in the wash basin in the sink, running hot water and adding dish soap before saying “I’ll do these in the morning. I’m beat.”
Spamton went and sat at the piano, resting his hands in his lap until Swatch could join him on the bench.  Tired as he was, he didn’t want to skip the nightly music ritual. After all, who knew how much longer it would last.
He shouldn’t have been surprised when his fingers were ahead of his conscious thoughts and picked out a melancholy tune. He felt Swatch’s bodily warmth at his side, but it couldn’t completely banish his inner cold.
He didn't sing tonight, but the words of the first verse and the concluding chorus played in his mind anyway as the notes flowed out of his hands onto the keyboard.
There'll be no strings to bind your hands/Not if my love can't bind your heart/ And there's no need to take a stand/For it was I who chose to start
Just call me angel of the morning, then slowly turn away/ I won't beg you to stay with me through the tears of the day, of the years
Spamton leaned against Swatch’s shoulder when he came to the end of the song, and Swatch wrapped an arm around him in silence.
Neither spoke as they got into bed, Swatch drifting off almost immediately.
But of course Spamton couldn't sleep, busy brain overruling tired body. After more than an hour of forcing himself to stay in one position, he gave up, got dressed quickly and quietly, and slipped out the front door feeling like a mournful ghost.
He didn't feel much better when he let himself back into the house around 3am, but he dropped off to sleep almost immediately once he returned to Swatch's side in bed.
And he dreamed.
Now Spamton was back on the familiar breakfast stool with an empty milk glass and the crumbs from two tiramisu macarons in front of him. He didn't dissemble when he talked about going to T.M.'s dorm to vent about Swatch, nor about her metaphorically handing his head to him when she pointed out, quite rightly, that sometimes it wasn't all about him and it might be nice for someone to listen to her problems for a change instead of bringing their problems to her.  He didn't try to hide that, after leaving T.M.'s dorm, he'd run into his lab partner Seam Docherty and they'd gone to the Green Leaf for a few beers. 
"Huh, small world.  I didn't know you knew Seam. Do they still have the eyepatch and the orange-and-purple mohawk?"
"Almost. it's - It's st-still orange and p-purple, but it's m-m-more of a mix between a bihawk and a fauxhawk now." Spamton couldn't hold back a giggle as he leaned forward and half-whispered, "They have it shaped into k-k-k-kitty ears this year. Goes great with - with all the leather and ch-ch-ch-ch-chains." 
That sweet smile that Spamton loved so much bloomed across Swatch's face at that comment, and he wanted to dare to hope that the two of them could surmount this crisis.  
But first he had to address the elephant in the room.
"D-do you WANT to work for Addison Cybernetics? Or do - do you just think it's something you SHOULD do?"
Swatch finished what was on their plate, then answered Spamton's question with a question of their own, "Is this going to be weird for you? If I do end up working there, I mean."
“Of c-c-course it's going to be weird.  But I c-can't be the one to say WHY it's going to be weird. That's gotta be on you, Swatch.”
"Okay, then. Cards on the table." Swatch took a deep breath, looked Spamton in the eye, and said, "I don't want you thinking I'm just another Mike."
And hearing that made the elephant far more manageable, in Spamton's mind.
“I d-d-don’t think you could BE another Mike if you tried,” he said finally. “But I’ll be honest. I didn’t know wh-what to feel about it. You asking - asking my brother for advice.  Before asking me, I mean.”
Swatch's voice took on a pleading tone. "I’m doing my best to avoid a conflict of interest. Please tell me this isn't going to mess things up with us."
Spamton felt a physical pang in his chest as he looked back at Swatch. His hand shot out to grab theirs across the island counter, coming perilously close to knocking dishes onto the floor. "Never," he hissed. "I won't - won’t let it."
He looked down at his and Swatch's clasped hands and said more quietly, "You’ve said b-b-before that you don’t want things handed to you. And you’re right… I’m n-not an engineer or any k-kind of math or design whiz. I’m still playing c-c-catchup from everything I missed in m-my life from chasing Mike’s pipe dream. B-but I think I’m a pretty good - pretty good sounding b-board, and I will always listen to you, as long as you want me to.”
He could feel their big hand tremble in his as Swatch replied, "And the same goes for you. Did you really think telling you about my laying groundwork for the future was my way of breaking up with you?"
"Well... y-yes."
"Well, wrong."
The cuckoo clock in the living room sang out that it was now five a.m.
"C-c-can you skip classes today?" Spamton asked, letting go of Swatch's hand, sliding off the stool and stretching.
After a minute's reflection, Swatch answered, "Probably. But why?"
"B-b-because after we both get some sleep, I need to t-tell you everything about Mike. EVERYTHING. From the- the very b-beginning."
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drowninnoodles · 2 years
want to talk a little bit about my favorite characters so this is a post about Papyrus, Gaster and Rouxls. (forgive me Mettaton, there is nothing about you)
At the beginning I wanted to add some things to "Papyrus Knight Theory". It will be very chaotic because this is my first post, but if anyone has any ideas, let them write. if someone said something similar, could you give me a link?
And also, use google translator because my English sucks.
First, I saw people think the knight was doing something terrible. 'Cause you know, opening the Fountains leads to Roaring etc. But actually I think Papyrus might be looking for Gaster
I mean, we know Papyrus tried to fix the machine behind the house. And the blueprints for that machine are probably in Wingdings. I think this is the machine the Skelebros are trying to get Gaster out of Deltarune? Or they both want to move to Deltarune.
Gaster fell into his Creation, so he fell into Deltarune (theory only). Or, more specifically, fell into the dark world.
"Dark darker yet Darker"
I think Gaster opened a dark world in a dark world. (Do we know what happens then?)
So to sum up what I mean. I believe Papyrus opens dark worlds to find Gaster.
Second, I want to raise the topic that it was probably the Knight that caused Jevil and Spamton to go crazy. Anyone have any idea what Papyrus might tell them in that case?
I mean, I know people think Gaster told them that they live in the game etc. But what if Papyrus told them something?
I know there is a theory that Papyrus opens up worlds because he wants friends, but I think it would be too easy for Tobys ideas.
Also, We know that Gaster himself is a representation of the Devil from the Bible. I thought that Gaster found out he was lives in the game and defied the creator (Toby / annoying dog) and was thrown into the void for it (removed from the game). You know how the devil fell for defying God.
I also think the Annoying dog is a representation of God. 'Cause Dog is God in reverse
Toby likes anagrams
But that would also suggest that the Gaster is now almost on par with Toby Fox himself.
(I'm not sure I put it right)
It can be said that from a fictional character from the game he becomes a real person
Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating. But I love the Gaster concept because it gives me the feeling of a really good Creepypasta. Anyone have the same?
Maybe I'll do a separate post sometime about how much I like Gaster as the presentation of the Devil in Undertale / Deltarune
I've been wondering about that. And I found something interesting.
Jevil fell out of favor with the king and was locked in a cell. He can be described as a Fallen Angel.
Spamton, which himself has a lot of biblical references, has ceased to be Big Shot and has fallen out of favor as well. May be referred to as Fallen Angel.
Do you know how many Fallen Angels are there?
Seven. As many chapters. And each chapter has one Secret Boss / Fallen Angel.
The last and most important is, of course, Satan. So I think you have high hopes that Gaster himself will appear in Chapter 7.
But do you know who's in front of him? Beelzebub
The one that is said to be strongly related to worms .... Beelzebub is also another name for the devil himself.
Strongly related to worms? -Rouxls Kaard has worms
Another name for the devil? - Rouxls looks very similar to MysteryMan, which is probably Gaster
"Baal" means Lord. And Rouxls Kaard referred to himself as Lord of the Puzzles.
If you have other connections between them, please write to me.
By the way, Beelzebub is sixth in the line of Demons.
Secret enemies are in reverse order to the Bosses in Undertale during Genocide.
Following this route, chapter 6 would be a chapter of Papyrus. A We know that Rouxls Kaard is a representation of Papyrus in a dark world. (Just like Jevil is Sans, Spamton is Mettaton etc)
I think Rouxls Kaard will be the secret boss in the Papyrus Chapter.
Rouxls is a great fit as Secret Boss. You know, he has a good chance of falling out of favor, because nobody actually wants him anywhere. He is as forgotten as Papyrus.
What I mean. Jevil was forgotten after he was locked in a cell. No one remembers Spamton after he ended up in the garbage. Rouxls Kaard has not even fallen out of favor yet, and is already forgotten.
Everyone wonders what it looks like when the characters go crazy after meeting a mysterious person. Maybe Rouxls will be an example of this and we will be able to watch him slowly plunging into madness?
By the way. Duke of Puzzles It is also a term for Rouxls. Duke is another word meaning "prince". I sincerely believe that Rouxls Kaard is the Prince From The Dark, and I am not saying this ironically
I just don't think Rouxls knows it yet.
the theme of Deltarune is being forgotten. And the three characters that are forgotten in this story are Gaster, Papyrus and Rouxls Kaard. Maybe they are the real three heroes?
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kaygee-doodles · 2 years
Call from Number 1 Salesman 1997 Spamton G. Spamton! He's got a huge deal for the boys. Which one wants to be a Big Shot?
(I am so sorry, please forgive me this was so dumb but I still giggled the whole time I wrote it)
So long as you're having fun!
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pinkaddiofficial · 1 year
* They opsn the link, and the song immediately grabs their attention, catching them in the flow. A smile finds its way onto their face as they bob their head to the beat.
Oh, this is fun! It's a bit hard to understand the lyrics... oh, there they are, in the description!
Oh, ho ho, I see why you sent this!
* Their smile gets a big sad.
This could apply to both of the Spamton's I've dated, no? In a literal sense, the singer's girlfriend has lost her memory due to some error, and has devoted themself to a singular purpose, just like my current Spamton.
But in another sense... the song seems as though it is a metaphor for being neglected in love, yes? Look here, at these lyrics...
"Now ya got me on my knees, I'm begging 'Baby, darling, please, just want you to hold me.'"
* They lift a finger to point another one out, but then they frown.
My.. apologies, most of these lyrics, well.. they seem a bit more tailored to my personal experience, ho ho...!
S-see, here:
"Now we at a junction, but I can't spurn her. Said I love her too much to return her."
"All my days are turnin' kinda gray, but I'll be damned to lose you this way."
"Her love for me is all she used to profess, now all she wanna do is design a dress."
"She used to be my world, now it's like a living hell..."
* They trail off, rubbing at their eyes.
M-my apologies, ho! It seems as though, no matter how hard I try, everything... a-always seems to come back to him.
I... I truly am trying to move on. Please, forgive me.
* It doesn't seem like they're talking to you.
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snowydoesthings · 2 years
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lemmylemons · 2 years
its too late. im sorry. my brain decided to further the spymton(spy but spamton) thoughts please forgive me im so sorry-
*makes a cross with pencils*
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okaywhoshitmyself · 8 months
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I forgot to take out the coughdrops I put in spamton and I had to give him a bath when they melted. Thankfully, nothing is damaged! I'm sorry spamton please forgive me bbg
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I know I'm a bit late to the game but here's my crack at Spamton in that one sweater going around.
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