#please i need sedation
bradshawsbitch · 1 year
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willowbyte · 18 days
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throws myself off a cliff
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rekishiteki · 4 months
Ardent Affection
Summary: You just really love Jing Yuan
Words: Around 1.5k
Warnings: Fluff the whole way through; reader is not described in any way and implied to be a long life species; reader and jing yuan are very clingy and a little possessive; jing yuan decided to be cheeky so this ended up kind of suggestive at the end
Notes: I wrote this for meee!!!!! It's self indulgent!! It's what I want to do with jing yuan!!! It's been months and I'm still so down bad for him. I'm so in love with him it's making me ill!!!! Done trying to edit this so take it before I explode from the yearning
This is also an offering to his rerun banner. I need my beautiful husband so please let me win my next 50/50 and his lightcone 👉👈
You're relaxing with Jing Yuan in his gardens. He's lying on his side with a hand propping his head up. His eyes are closed and he looks content to be here sunning himself. You're sitting with your back resting against his middle. His other hand is placed on your arm and you can feel the rise and fall of his chest. It's comforting. You let out a content sigh, basking in the serenity of the moment. Your thoughts drift to Jing Yuan as they tend to do, your gaze drifting along with it. You examine him and his beautiful features, heart tightening with the love you feel for him.
"I wish I was as old as you." The words come out of your mouth impulsively, the barely formed thoughts surprising you.
Jing Yuan's eyes open. He looks curious. A moment passes before he responds. "How come?"
You purse your lips before turning away to think. Knowing this Jing Yuan simply lets the hand on your arm start gently stroking you. He'll patiently wait for your answer. He always does.
After a while you turn your body to face him. One hand is supporting you on the ground while you rest the other on his side. "Because," you pause and squeeze the hand you have on him. You're always nervous to voice the feelings you harbor deep within. But in the end you can't help being an open book for him. He makes it so easy to do so. "Because maybe I could have known you sooner. We could've had more time together. And... you wouldn't have had to be alone for centuries."
He's silent as he takes in your words, eyes never leaving you. Then an amused huff escapes him as he brings his free hand to cup your face. The smile Jing Yuan's giving you drives you insane, the one where he looks so utterly in love with you that it constricts your heart to the point it feels like it's going to burst from the overwhelming affection you have for him. Those feelings are where this thought originated from. You love him so much it makes you greedy. Greedy for him. You want his everything and you want to give him everything in turn. You hate that you've missed so much of his life. You want all of him including the past you can't have. To make him irrevocably yours, and you his.
Jing Yuan draws you closer, his thumb lovingly caressing your cheek. It brings your attention back to him. You wonder how much of your thought process he's aware of. Your noses are almost touching now. He's smiling as he speaks. "I have you now."
It takes a moment to find your voice as you find yourself lost in his eyes. "Is that enough?"
He's staring at you like he wants to get lost in yours too. "More than enough. We have our whole future ahead of us, don't we?"
Something inside of you snaps. The way he says it, like it's obvious the two of you will always be together. For a long time. It makes you delirious. Delirious with love. And you need to act on it or you really will burst. So you surge forward to kiss him. And he must have been expecting it because he's already turning on his back and taking you with him. The hand on your cheek moves to the back of your head to press you closer. Your own hands are gripping him tightly. His other hand now on your waist squeezes in response. And so the two of you lie there, luxuriating in each other's sweet kisses. You want to kiss him forever but the need to breathe wins out. You break away with a sigh. Jing Yuan's eyes gleam with mirth as he watches you and you feel as if your breath's been stolen again.
You wonder if you should say something but the only thing you're capable of coming up with is a flurry of I love you's. Jing Yuan seems to know what's rattling in your head for his gaze softens. He brings a hand up to your face again but this time you lean into it and grab it. He chuckles. "You're always so sweet for me," he says, looking so incredibly fond of you.
You hum in acknowledgement. "I love you," you mewl. You love Jing Yuan so much, how could you not want to be so sweet and good for him? He's gone through so much yet still remains so good and kind hearted without ever expecting anything in return. But you want to return it. You want to give him the love he lives by and fill his life with joy. This is the second origin of your thoughts. If you knew him longer you could've started making him the happiest man on the Luofu sooner.
"I love you, too. Very much." He says it like it's a secret just for you, all while looking horribly smitten. It sends your heart soaring. You smile at him and there's no doubt it's just as smitten as his.
Jing Yuan stills and you don't have any time to react as he's the one surging forward to kiss you this time. However this kiss is different. It's searing and tantalizing. You feel your world tilt as Jing Yuan turns to settle over you trapping you under him. His lips part briefly and then give a chaste peck before pulling away to grin at you. It's a playful grin, almost smug. He tilts his head to the side almost as if he's challenging you.
You're wide eyed as you take a moment to recover. Then you laugh and shake your head, smiling all the while. "You're such a scoundrel."
"Only for you." You can tell how much he's enjoying this from the delightful smirk he's wearing.
"Yes, yes, you're my scoundrel." You reach up to pat his head. There's a small hum as his eyes close momentarily in pleasure.
"Do you regret being loved by a 'scoundrel'?" The amusement is clearly written on his face. It's evident he knows what the only answer is.
You scoff. Fleetingly you wonder how to continue but Jing Yuan's assurance in your love for each other always makes you want to be sincere. So you smile and answer, "No. I could never."
A quiet moment passes where Jing Yuan simply returns your smile before he's leaning down to press a loving kiss to your forehead. "Good. I'm afraid there's no escaping from me now." Suddenly, you're very aware of the hands that grip your waist a little tighter and how you're effectively pinned beneath him. It's like he's saying you're his and the thought sends a thrill through you. You're in the palm of his hands now and that's your favorite place to be.
You bring up your arms to wrap them around his neck. You easily pull him closer to you. The two of you stare at each other as the silence simmers with a gentle heat. It's broken—but not gone—when you quietly tell him, "I wouldn't have it any other way. Because you can't escape from me either."
Jing Yuan practically lights up at that. He grins, pleased. "I'm all yours." You think Jing Yuan likes to enable your possessiveness. Something about it seems to fill him with satisfaction. Maybe it's knowing that someone could feel so ardently for him. That somehow you've chosen to love him and never rescind it. Or at least that's how you feel about him and his possession of you. It does make you greedy. He's greedy. He'll take whatever you give him and return it tenfold. You two are lovesick and doomed to never recover.
The thought is tickling. You laugh. There's no need for words so you simply lean forward to kiss him. He meets you halfway. You can't tell who started it but it doesn't matter. Each one speaks of the love you hold for the other.
Jing Yuan pulls away with a nip to your bottom lip. Your breath hitches. Both from the action and the way he's now looking at you. He wants to proposition you. You know he will. And he knows you'll agree. He'll be so nice and sweet as he asks you it'll leave you swooning. You both know this and yet it never gets any less exhilarating.
You can feel the anticipation grow within you as you watch him draw closer. Jing Yuan rests his forehead against yours. He's smiling. The desire in his beautiful golden eyes holds you captive. One of his hands is lightly trailing down your arm to grab your hand. He interlaces his fingers with yours. The two of you remain like that for a moment to take each other in. Finally Jing Yuan says to you, "My dear," and it's spine tingling the way he calls to you so reverently. "Allow me to express my love for you in other ways. Let me show you how good I can be for you, hm?"
His words send a delightful shiver through you. "Please, Jing Yuan," you answer him but it's more of a plead. He really is so good to you. Whatever he gives you, you also want to return tenfold. Jing Yuan gives you one last fond smile before he's up and carrying you to your shared bed. The love you have for him is bubbling up again and threatening to overflow. You also want to express it in other ways. To tether him with sweet adoration and endless devotion like he readily does to you. It's a fulfilling game of give and take neither of you want to end.
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ghost-bxrd · 3 months
It’s turning out to be a bad day when Jason finds himself stabbed during a drug bust.
It’s turning out to be a very bad day when he starts to feel woozy (seriously, what the hell? It was just a little stabbing) and promptly collapses.
It’s turning out to be a monumentally bad day when the batfamily drop in on his drug bust.
And then the night takes a hard nose dive into catastrophically bad, because whatever toxin that blade was laced with? It’s making his heartbeat slow down into near flatline, paralyzing Jason in the process.
And now he’s stuck listening to his family lose it completely upon finding his “dead” body.
… shit.
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laniidae-passerine · 2 months
I can’t watch any Batman related media without thinking about Gotham. that show is like an evil ex partner. 100% deranged but will anyone ever make me feel the same way they did??? I don’t think so.
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kazanskys-mitchell · 5 months
i’m going to rip the bars off my enclosure rn and it’s because of this fucking guy
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agent-snowflake · 9 months
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after having seen this GIF far too many times I noticed a detail I haven’t come across on tumblr yet:
Maybe I‘m going crazy now but: it looks like Aziraphale has to stand on his tiptoes for a few seconds to not break the kiss
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eilidh-eternal · 5 months
I have work being done on my house today and it is cold and snowing and I just walked by the window and saw a very bulky man wearing a balaclava carrying some heavy shit on his shoulder and- 🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠
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sk1l-exe · 2 days
Last batch of these I promise. Here’s their flowers and their meanings:
Paul - A Black Dahlia, symbolizing betrayal.
Evie - A blue Iris, which represents unconditional love (bc of that one scene where it’s mentioned she cried when Steve was locked up).
Sandy - A red Anemone, known to mean abandonment.
Buck - A Mandeville, which means a lot of things, but also means to be reckless or thoughtless.
Marcia - A Clematis, meaning wittiness.
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gncrezan · 1 year
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a bit sick over the way aeran and rhys have projected hopes and ideals onto each other that neither of them can fulfil (poem)
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mogcubed · 9 days
i’ve been thinking about the logistics of undertale a little too much. biologically, what are monsters? like hypothetically what biological phyla would they fit under?
is this too niche of a question?
if it’s two races: humans vs. monsters, then there has to be a genetic difference in between the two sentient species. humans are mammals, descending from apes and the like, suggesting that monsters are inherently different from mammals entirely. however, we see monsters that heavily represent a lot of mammal species (dogs, goats, deer, etc) as well as a plethora of other animal-inspired characters (undyne having fish like qualities, alphys with lizard-like qualities).
do humans and monsters share the same common ancestor and just have adopted similar animalistic traits through convergent evolution, or are monsters something else entirely?
if the latter is true, i’m wondering if monster biology could be considered as something completely different than how we understand life. if we take into account that mr toby fox based the world of undertale on the scientific principles of our own (minus the whole concept of SOULs), given that monsters behave in a completely different nature than most living species, how exactly did they come to exist on earth?
basically, what if the monsters represented a seventh kingdom of life?
organisms are typically classified under six distinct kingdoms of life (Archaebacteria, Eubacteria, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia). the first three kingdoms are basically microscopic, single celled organisms. the last three are probably the most familiar, being fungi, plants, and animals (with animals in this argument representing us, humanity, humans). monsters clearly don’t seem to fit into any of these categories
i mean, for one they (mainly) don’t bleed, instead decomposing into dust following the death of their physical bodies. like all other organisms, they run off energy, but this energy seems to be exuded outwards from a central point (their SOUL) rather than equally made and distributed throughout the cells of an organism like we see in all of the other six kingdoms.
essentially for us, yknow, mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell. but i’m wondering if, for monsters, their SOUL serves as their mitochondria, in a way. it’s how they live and breathe. their food, too, is noted in undertale to be different than “food from the surface” or human food. it seems to completely rejuvenate their energy, instead of the traditional way that we as humans eat (by digesting other organisms). it seems that they don’t consume other organisms at all. instead their food is completely different and only MODELED after surface food (because yknow, they don’t exactly have digestive systems. take sans and papyrus for instance. real human food would just fall right through them probably).
ANYWAYS just some ramblings i could probably write a whole essay on this
TLDR: sans undertale is the secret seventh kingdom of life
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I would just like to say that Cordelia pronouncing gefilte fish wrong is my favourite thing on the planet
not because she's getting it wrong
but because every time another character enters, she says it wrong, and they do not have the heart to correct her.
like, the lyrics literally go─
Cordelia: "Gefiltee-fish!"
Mendel: "...Ga-fil-tah fish?" (Sounding it out for her)
Marvin: "Right-!"
LIKE THEY KNEW, oBVIOUSLY BUT- but 😭 they didn't wanna let her know because they thought I might hurt her feelings or something GUYS
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loving-azerath · 8 months
omg imagine a konig that cums so much a condom doesnt work😍🤞
No okay because listen, this man...
CW: Degrading, mean Konig, orgasm delay
You were teasing him for far too long. All day you had been showing off that little outfit you knew he would like. Talking to everyone at the store, the park, even the fucking gas station.
You were all smiles and giggles knowing watching you like this drove him fucking nuts. So not only did you tease him all day with this. Then as soon as you got home and he presses you against the wall, and kissing your shoulders and neck he's going to whisper in your ear.
"You know what you were doing to me all day?" He's going to ask, pressing his hard and I mean hard dick against the cleft of your ass. You would probably say something cheeky. I mean come on if you are with König you are going to be cheeky because this man loves it.
He would kiss your neck and your shoulder and make you shutter with threats to make you feel what he has felt all day. Teased. Begging for release.
He would still prep you, he had to if he didn't want to hurt you, though it was different this time. He would shove his fingers in your mouth, far back in your mouth too almost making you gag. Your eyes tearing as soon as you actually do gag. He would chuckle.
"Cannot even handle my fingers Liebling?" He would say before removing them. Plunging them with very little warning into your core. Laughing even as you react to it. The small gasp that escapes the way your jolt against him. "You enjoy teasing me? Did you?"
You would not because riling him up was fun. Which would make it worse for you but you didn't care. His fingers do their job, moving in and out of you with noises that worsen as he continues. Only when you were on the verge of bliss did he remove the fingers. Making you whine in response.
"Oh did you think I would let you come so easily schatz? Nein, you teased me. All day. All fucking day. So you, mein engel are going to come when I want you to. "
Fuck did those words make your head spin. He wasn't lying either. He spent two hours teasing you. Edging you. Bringing you to the edge of your cliff and then yanking you away like he was afraid for your life. You were a mess. Begging and pleading and apologizing for teasing. Each one was meant with laughter or a snide remark. Reminding you that you had done this to yourself.
Though he was losing his mind. He was edging himself too. Every time he had to pull himself from you he was ruining his own pleasure but watching yours was so worth it. He was aching. In literal pain from the denial and couldn't take it anymore. Grabbing the third condom for the night. The others he had ripped off to either feel you, or had ripped from how hard he was going. He even shuttered and whimpered as he placed it over himself. Sensitive to every single roll and he almost came just from that. Hours of both of you being edged leaving your skin electric and buzzing all over. Every touch much more torturous.
"I can't wait anymore" He basically growls, re-aligning himself with your core. As if it is the first time he whimpers as he enters. Sheathing himself to the base. You were griding against him as soon as his pelvis meant yours. He tries to hold your hips still. His breath hitching. "Scha-"
It cuts off as he is whimpering at the feeling still. At your defiance. Grinding into him, your need for release taking over completely. You couldn't stop even if you wanted to. Which you didn't. The sounds that escape you are sinful and he feels every sin. Turning them into his own as he pins your hips down roughly into the bed.
"Fuck. I . Cannot. Do. This. Any. Longer." He groans punctuating each word with a hard thrust. Your eyes rolling back and spine arching as the feeling of how deep he manages to get each time. The hasty and hard thrusts tears an orgasm through you before you could even feel it climb. The screams the released from your throat left you feeling hoarse and spent. Your walls milking this man for everything his dick is worth. Which shatters the remaining climb to his own sending him into it without mercy. Finally reaching an orgasm that trickles stars across his vision, he holding your hips so hard and pressing your body so hard against his pelvis that you were going to have bruises for sure. You could feel his twitching and the pumping though you also feel a very...very noticeable pop. He is too far into his bliss to notice but you do. You do and your hand flings to your mouth in both shock and amusement.
"Fuck. Fuck that was intense, ja?" He asks still panting
"Uhh...how hard did you-?"
"Really fucking hard schatz"
"I think you broke it" You say, he furrows his brows in confusion before it dawns on him and he pulls out of you, looking down and sure enough the whole top of the latex is busted open. (No pun intended). The come still dripping from the latex and from you. He watches it leave you, ignoring how hot he thinks it is.
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princhii · 7 months
😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊 ok!
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adenobabe · 2 days
What I would give to have iii balls deep in me rn hearing him groan, his breath shaky and shuddering in my ear kissing my neck and lips so desperately, grabbing the headboard behind me with one hand and the other on my hip to ram into me deeper moaning between thrusts “fuck-ugh-I-god I love you so much. Pussy feels so f-fucking good. Take it, take all of me.”
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sciderman · 16 days
I didn't want to ask about the hospital stuff, but I'm glad to hear you'll be getting treatment!! And I really really hope it goes well and helps you feel better, you deserve a less stressful life, a beautiful life free of the brain bees. My heart is with you!!
thank you so much anon!! i've been doing SO much to quiet the brain bees and it takes so, so much out of my day to keep those brain bees quiet. cannot WAIT to not have an active beehive in my skull.
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