#plushie poogle
coffee-mouse · 5 months
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got an extra pet slot and morphing potion today to finally adopt this cute little friend and I am so happy
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53lkie · 5 months
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sanbys my plushie "poogle" im obsesseddfdsf
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cafe-mouse · 5 months
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my current neopets! I've been doodling stickers of them which you can use on telegram if you wanna!
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All my pets drawn by Plushgator on Neopets, individual posts below.
MSP ☆ Blumaroo ☆ Yurble ☆ Buzz ☆ Aisha ☆ Krawk ☆ Xweetok
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neopetsitem · 10 months
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Jakks Pacific Plushies
Starry Elephante
Starry Poogle
Starry Flotsam
Starry Acara
Starry Grundo
Starry Kau
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echoeternal · 6 months
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Snow Buddies
HighFive's MSPP and Snowickle having an adventure on Terror Mountain
Posted using PostyBirb
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dfge45tsd · 1 year
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Loving my beast lineup so far.
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magax-destroyer · 2 years
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infini-tree · 2 months
Could you draw toy blush for Captain Blunderpants and Nice Krupp?
neopets brush meme
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they have such big MSP poogle and plushie poogle energy
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53lkie · 5 months
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adobe-outdesign · 6 months
omg can you review the mighty poogle 🥺
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The Poogle is one of those really abstract Neopets wherein it's just a Creature(TM). What kind of creature? Who knows. I guess they're meant to be vaguely dog-like (seeing as Poogle racing is a thing, and it does sound vaguely like "poodle"), but they really don't lean towards any one specific animal, which is always something I enjoy.
What makes Poogles appealing is undeniably how chubby they are; it makes them look extra cuddly and is part of what gives them their distinctive noses (or lack thereof) and double chins. It also comes with a bit of lore about them living primarily in cold-weather regions, kind of like how seals have blubber to keep them warm.
Beyond that, I also like their stripes; they break up the design just enough without feeling too distracting, similar to their underbellies. The shape of the stripes is also mimicked by their distinctive ears.
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I will fully admit though: Poogles got the raw end of the deal when it comes to customization. Not the absolute worst conversion job, mind you, as for the most part they look pretty dang similar—same pose, same proportions, same markings, etc.
However, what got completely messed up is their faces. Originally, Poogles had a soft, fleshy snoot that had two sets of lines to indicate that it was mostly fat and that it went back in space a bit. Removing this upper line makes their snouts look hard, and also has the side effect of making their snout and even their entire head look too wide.
Likewise, the chin got messed up. The Poogle originally had a pretty distinct double chin/fat neck that, once again, showed how chubby they were. More importantly, their chin lines weren't closed off, so their heads bled directly into their bodies. On converted Poogles, they now just look like they have one weird normal chin instead of a chin and neck. The end result is actually kind of uncanny if you stare at them for too long. It's a shame, because like I said, everything else about the conversion works, and there was no reason to change the elements they did. They're still cute, mind you, just slightly less so.
Favorite colours:
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MSP: Species-specific colors always tend to be iconic and a delight, and MSP Poogles certainly are no exception. They're basically the same thing as a regular plushie Poogle, except Evil(TM), with red eyes and a nasty set of sharp teeth (side note: canonically, all Poogles actually have sharp teeth; you just rarely see them). The unconverted version also is bipedal, unlike the regular unconverted plushie, which was quadrupedal.
Both converted and unconverted MSPs have a super fun chaotic gremlin energy to them, and both designs are good depending on which stance you prefer (I kind of like the converted quadrupedal, though granted, the loss of some stitching and extra softness is a bit of a shame.)
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Toy: This color literally just released last month, but a toy Poogle based off of the good old iDog is just delightful. Even if you don't know anything about iDogs, the design is still good, with the eyes serving to complete a multi-colored hexagon that draws attention to the head, and the rest of the body considering of just a smooth off-white and black.
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Zombie: The mindless eyes on this one are just absolutely delightful and give it a ton of personality. I also like the details, such as a few stitches here and there, a scraggly mouth, scratch lines against the usual stripes, and liver spots. As a bonus, it looks good both with PB clothing and without.
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BONUS: I don't normally mention "recolor" Neopets as much on these reviews just because they tend to be mostly by-the-numbers, but the pastle Poogle is honestly gorgeous, with subtle gradients and a low-contrast blue and pink color scheme, helped by colored lineart. It's nothing fancy, but it's definitely one of the all-time best pastels out there.
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sushigal007 · 4 months
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My housemate won a Magical MSP Poogle Plushie from the Neopies and let me buy it off her at a discount, so I perfected my Chucky Poogle. :D Now I'm gonna have to get myself another pet slot and make Tiffany.
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neopetsitem · 10 months
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Jakks Pacific Plushies
Strawberry Usul
Strawberry Jubjub
Strawberry Poogle
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ribbonpinky-art · 4 months
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concept drawings of Brackiden, my giant, malevolent sentient EVIL CLOWN poogle plushie :3
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kaesaaurelia · 4 months
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Today was incredibly terrible in real life so imagine my surprise when I got this extremely cursed toy out of the Neopies???? (For those of you who don't go here, that's a good thing. OMG.)
Anyway, a while ago I played with a neopoints-only Malevolent Sentient Poogle Plushie custom and ended up with this very silly concept, so I might go for a silly hacker-related pet name (I found one that's free!), but I should not make these decisions this late at night.
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schyconys · 4 months
Don't forget to do the neopies everyone! This years pool has a Marble Draik Egg, Magical MSP Poogle Plushie, Magical Potato Chia Pop, Magical Sroom Chia Pop, and the Valentine Paint Brush!
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