#pony island spoilers
scover-va · 1 year
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Apparently i havent posted this yet?? Which is weird because I remember making this post?? Wild. Anyways Lucifer’s design may change I was just kinda rushing to get this done. Anyways x2, take my pony island appearance hcs
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gamefuna-official · 1 year
Hello why did I just come across a let's play of our unreleased game on youtube
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angeltannis · 7 months
No way
No fucking way this is the term they’re going with for the G5 dragons
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hrokkall · 2 years
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Highlighter attack... 2
[Part 1]
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Today's disabled character of the day is Theodore from Pony Island, who has amnesia
Requested by Anon
[Image Description: White pixel drawing of a man dressed as a crusader. He has a white shirt and a helmet with, both of which have crosses on them. The pixel drawing in overlaid on a dark background.]
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magic-and-sadness · 20 days
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I wasnt in the mood for an actual elaborate drawing anyway everyone meet my daniel mullins only partially a self insert oc. Theyre just some regular person making content and also watching it. Surely no horror will come their way from this.
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yikepike · 1 year
Misc. The Hex thoughts now that I've finished the game
Reginald and co. really want the Player to believe the Lionel was some kind of soulless killer or something. But while yeah, he wasn't the best person - literally stole severance and credit, incredibly egotistical and self centred, etc - he didn't deserve to die. He clearly had no idea that his creations had achieve sentience (further evidenced by the file in Beneath the Surface)
I'm 80% sure in all the Sado fights she looks directly at the player
There has to be some sort of way the OLD_DATA influenced Lionel's work for the characters to become sentient.
What The Fuck Is Up With Sado Anyway
I wonder if the fact that "hex" is also a synonym for "curse" means anything
There sure is a heavy 6 motif going on, largely with hex being 6 then with 6 player characters, the game crashing when attack damage is 666 in walk. Maybe alluding to the Lou Natas = Satan theory
I translated a bit of the binary at the end of Walk and the first bit is just "Sadolives" repeated over and over I think it just continues like that
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heretic-altias · 2 years
Ok for real though does anyone know if there are horses in the island sanctuary bc they were in the artwork but ive been hunting around the island and cannot find any. Unless they're on that center mountain I can't climb for some reason?
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To celebrate Valentine's Day and as a rerun of last year, it's the
Seaworthiest Ship in the Dungeon Tournament 2024
This is the masterpost for the tournament. I'll pin it and update it with every new round, so you'll be able to find all polls easily.
The rules are very simple: You just vote for whichever ship you like better. The ship with the most votes advances to the next round.
Propaganda is encouraged! Please put it in the body of the post so I can reblog it.
Spoiler warning: This tournament contains material up to the end of the manga. If you haven't caught up yet, you may be spoiled.
Izutsumi by herself vs Farcille (Farcille won)
Battle for the bronze:
Kikimari vs Kabumisu (Kikimari won)
Previous rounds under the cut
Izutsumi by herself vs Kikimari (Izutsumi by herself won)
Kabumisu vs Farcille (Farcille won)
Quarter finals:
Izutsumi by herself vs Labru (Izutsumi by herself won)
Chilshi vs Kikimari (Kikimari won)
Kabumisu vs Cithidol (Kabumisu won)
Farcille vs the Flokes (Farcille won)
Round 3:
Izutsumi by herself vs Namari x Kaka & Kiki (Izutsumi by herself won)
Winged Lion x Laios vs Labru (Labru won)
Chilshi vs Lycion x Mithrun (Chilshi won)
Kensuke x Ambrosia vs Kikimari (Kikimari won)
Kabumisu vs Chaios / Chilaios (Kabumisu won)
Laisen vs Cithis x Pattadol (Cithidol won)
Farcille vs Otta x Chilchuck's wife (Farcille won)
The Flokes vs Hienichidori (the Flokes won)
Round 2, part 2:
Kabumisu vs Delgal x Thistle (Kabumisu won)
Winged Lion x Thistle vs Chaios / Chilaios (Chaios / Chilaios won)
Laisen vs Hippogriff x Anne the pony (Laisen won)
Fionil x Doni vs Cithis x Pattadol (Cithis x Pattadol won)
Farcille vs Laios x Kensuke (Farcille won)
Otta x Chilchuck's wife vs Senshi x Mithrun (Otta x Chilchuck's wife won)
The Flokes vs Cithis x Otta (The Flokes won)
Winged Lion x Mithrun vs Hien x Benichidori (Hienichidori won)
Round 2, part 1:
Izutsumi by herself vs Namarcille (Izutsumi by herself won)
Fleki x Lycion vs Namari x Kaka & Kiki (Namari x Kaka & Kiki won)
Winged Lion x Laios vs Falin x Namari (Winged Lion x Laios won)
Canary polycule vs Labru (Labru won)
Chilshi vs Marcitsumi (Chilshi won)
Chilchuck x Marcille vs Lycion x Mithrun (Lycion x Mithrun won)
Kensuke x Ambrosia vs Island governor x Shadow governor (Kensuke x Ambrosia won)
Winged Lion x Marcille vs Kikimari (Kikimari won)
Round 1, part 2:
Delgal x Thistle vs Yaad x Thistle (Delgal x Thistle won)
Hippogriff x Anne the pony vs Kabrin (Hippogriff x Anne the pony won)
Maizuru x Toshitsugu vs Laios x Kensuke (Laios x Kensuke won)
Senshi x Chilchuck's daughters vs Otta x Chilchuck's wife (Otta x Chilchuck's wife won)
The Flokes vs Gillin x Null (The Flokes won)
Marcille x Succubus vs Cithis x Otta (Cithis x Otta won)
Round 1, part 1:
Namari x Marcille vs Falin x Shuro (Namarcille won)
Fleki x Lycion vs Fleki x Cithis (Fleki x Lycion won)
Marcille x Touden siblings vs Namari x Kaka & Kiki (Namari x Kaka & Kiki won)
Canary polycule vs the Dryads (Canary polycule won)
Izutsumi x Marcille vs Laios x Thistle (Marcitsumi won)
Laios x Lycion vs Lycion x Mithrun (Lycion x Mithrun won)
Marios vs Island governor x Shadow governor (Island governor x Shadow governor won)
Kakamari x Kikimari (Kikimari won)
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basicpotathoe · 4 months
Things I need in season 2 SoM:
Annabeth pic Percy keeps
Canadian dodgeball
Taxi cab of the damned
Tyson being the king he is
Empathy link
Chariot racing/stymphalian birds
The wristwatch shield
Monster donut
Princess Andromeda and fancy luke
Percabeth angst (siren island)
Guinea pig percy
Reyna/hylla cameo
Percy getting his sea legs
Grover in the wedding dress
Clarisse/ares talk
Party ponies
Blackjack/ percy figures out he can talk to horses
Percabeth cheek kiss
Thalia reveal
Probably more stuff too but that’s all I can think of atm lmk what I missed . SoM is so underrated I can’t wait to see the cast slay this
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pumpkinsy0 · 2 months
BTW there r like 3 deaths of the boys in lord of the flies so 3 ppl GOTTA die in my au so
for obvious reasons, johnny, dally, and bob gotta go
and now i WOULD say pony or soda r the on the list for dying in this au bc its kind of a throwback to how pony was supposed to die (apparently) in the outsiders and also a callback of that rumor of soda dying in vietnam but idk that seems like a lil too obvious but also it is a lil clever so ill say they had a close call
AND ILL EXPLAIN HIW THEY DIED ☝🏽☝🏽☝🏽 so ermmm tw for death ig??? also spoilers for lord of the flies if u somehow havent read it yet
johnny dies like piggy did, one of the guys dropped a boulder on his head while he was trying to talk to everyone, happened literally right next to pony
dally dies like simon, for a huge part of their very terrible island adventure, like i saod, they were all on edge and not mentally right at ALL, they all thought there was something in the forest near em, one night, dally went in to check it out, found out the “beast” wasnt real, and he went to the gang to tell em, but they mistook him for the beast and killed him, it was more of an attack now, think later thing, bc they all just wanna be safe and dallas absolutely startled them bc he was moving weird and groaning (he got hurt on his way back)
bob is like the boy with the birthmark, i dont exactly remember his death, so i might be revamping it a bit on accident, but how bob here dies is he was just seen as the outcast cause he was the only soc and he didnt wanna associate w everyone else bc he still wanted to be seen as high class n what not, so he wandered of onto the other side of the island and was never seen again, at the end of lord of the flies, the whole island catches on fire, and that still happens in this au, but bob doesnt pop back up, so if bob didnt die from the elements of the island he def died from that accidental fire (and ik what ur thinking, johnny shouldve gotten this part, BUT NO TRUST ME I THOUGHT ABOUT IT NO)
in order of how they die is just bob, dallas, then johnny
but yea lord of the flies au wooooooo
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scover-va · 2 years
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God I’m so fucking glad this came out the way I wanted it to. Anyways I’ve had this drawing idea in my head for a couple days now and had to get it out
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gamefuna-official · 11 months
I need a how its made episode on the factory because i am baffled by how many demons/versions of satan you must be producing, is there some type of machine similar to how they wrap the crayons with paper but instead its a disk being pumped with a need to kill
Are you trying to get me fired
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muppetebbtide · 1 year
classical name allusions in the locked tomb
sorry guys I'm a one trick pony. I'm sure most of these have been said before but I LOOOVE pulling on threads until they tangle up and get stuck so. these used to be in alphabetical order but then I remembered about some lol. spoilers for all the books. I'm not arguing anything I'm just kicking rocks around
one of the three furies sent to punish mortals for unforgivable crimes (like killing family members... or ppl who have 'sworn false oaths.' get that.)
alecto specifically was sent by juno in book 7 of the aeneid to stir up war amongst turnus and aeneas; she impersonates the latin queen and pretends to be a priestess. might pay off, might not.
queen and mother of princess andromeda (from the perseus myth); infamously vain, boasted that she and her daughter were more beautiful than goddesses and got andromeda stuck on a rock as a sacrifice, good job hon. as punishment gets chained to her throne and set as a constellation forever (this does make me wonder about the parallel to alecto there w the chains, but I don't know if it's worth pursuing, likely not. but I have seen theories that like alecto, she's not actually dead)
tamsyn notes in the back of harrow that this comparison is 'doing her a disservice', however
roman queen of the gods, goddess of marriage, ideal wife etc etc, honestly I think she is likely just called that for the matriarch vibe but if anyone has an insight on why else she's named that lmk. she's a lot chiller than the mythological juno is generally portrayed fjfhjd
priamhark (harrow's father)
priam was hector's father and king of the doomed city of troy; he had one hundred children, almost all of whom die. you can see the parallel I'm pulling here right.
pellemeana (harrow's mother)
peleus was the father of the vastly overpowered achilles, who was his only son. same implication; hundreds of kids from priam + one incredibly OP kid from peleus that spelled the doom of lots of priam's kids = barebone parallel to harrow's creation
if this means we have to consider harrowhark to be either achilles, or hector, or achilles-and-hector... lol oh dear
(if that makes gideon either patroclus or andromache... bonus fear. terror even)
I mean as far as I remember admiral sarpedon wasn't that important so far, but sarpedon is a son of zeus in the iliad that patroclus kills while impersonating achilles. it's like his Big Kill. zeus considers saving him but the others are like 'you didn't let US save our kids' and he's like 'damn true :/' and stops trying to intervene
allusive of aphrodite; it's another name for her, linked to the island where she was supposedly born from the seafoam. an interesting choice. I do like that the dress she's first described wearing is 'seafoam green frills' though, it's like a little clue. the wiki points out that cytheran aphrodite was adopted from the canaanite (ha ha) deity astarte, and had war-like aspects that were later suppressed, which makes a lot of sense.
might be worth noting that if we're going with the ouranos-genital-seafoam thing for aphrodite's origin, that in one version the furies including alecto were also created then, from his blood. they're basically sisters. fun. (or not so fun for john but whatever)
palamedes in mythology was the one to put the infant telemachus in front of odysseus's plough, and therefore force odysseus to renounce his faked madness and go to troy; odysseus never forgave him for this, and one way or the other he gets him killed.
(one might also look to the arthurian sir palamedes, who was in unrequited love with iseult, lost her to sir tristan but wasn't a little bitch about it, and then goes on a quest concerning a 'questing beast', and eventually in one version he, percival and galahad trap the beast in a lake and slay it, so stick a pin in that why don't you)
originally called diomedes (who is, as tamsyn puts it, 'athena's favourite goodboy') but I think that could say interesting things about his ability to go up against lyctors (or even jod) since with a little help from an A-named goddess, the big thing diomedes does in the iliad is wound two gods and make them flee the battlefield... hm
also diomedes is one of the only ones who makes it out the other side of the trojan war lol
possibly allusive of the warrior maiden camilla in book 11 of the aeneid, who kills hella men before being killed herself (because she's the token lady warrior on the opposite side in an ancient epic, she can't survive haha how preposterous.)
happily camilla as she is in the locked tomb cannot be killed off as camilla... because she no longer exists as camilla. paul's here now. say hi.
a (roman) name for odysseus. I know john SAYS he didn't name him after the mythological one, he named him after a dog (the implications there are so... bad), but john lies like a rug and frankly insisting that he didn't makes me feel even MORE like he did, or even if he's not lying it works anyway.
after all, odysseus wouldn't have gotten far without athena's divine intervention; one might even say he owes everything to his patron god, the same way ulysses literally owes everything to john since he and titania were the pet projects from pre-resurrection
I do not want to talk about james joyce I only read one chapter of ulysses for a seminar and that was enough thanks
also, what was ulysses known for but vanishing for ages, being presumed dead, then pulling back up miraculously Not Dead and killing a bunch of people. he could be back... he had that suspicious stoma death like augustine. this is making me realise that loads of the lyctors have suspect deaths
(also by the time the romans got to odysseus they were kind of dubious about him since he had a lot of non-roman traits like 'no honour' and 'outright lying to people for funzies' so if he does come back I half-expect him to be a bit of a nightmare lol but that's probably unfounded)
as mentioned by tamsyn, the name that achilles takes while he's disgused as a woman on scyros to avoid the war, but exposes himself as achilles when he forgets himself and tries to fight instead of flee. I think the parallel there is pretty obvious lol
(and achilles's son, who goes absolutely nutters and kills loads of people in the siege of troy, is called neoptolemus... or pyrrhus.)
means red-haired as well lol... it's a great name for the g1deon / pyrrha / wake / gideon car crash going on
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shallowoak · 5 days
Design Chatter - MLP East Blue Crew!
>> Link to the art here! <<
I've seen some fellow MLP au artists talk through their design ideas, so I thought I'd share my two cents and ramble a bit! Fair warning this will be long and there will be spoilers!
I kept a few simple guidelines for myself in mind:
Keep it fun and surprising, in the spirit of the original!
I draw in the G4 style, but features from every gen and toy line are fair game
Anypony who appeared in the comics as a cameo is not immune and has been redesigned for my selfish needs
I love back card / blind bag style character blurbs. I live for crumbs of worldbuilding XD
I've purposefully not included cutie marks because I suck at drawing them and I'd never finish a piece if I had to draw them :v (maybe a post for another time?)
🌅 Luffy 🌅
"Friendship isn't so much magic but a mandate for those this pony captain likes! This joyful newbie who idolises Shanks, a fellow flightless Pegasus pirate. Though rubber wings are useless for flight, his ultra-lightweight body means he is still adept at aerial combat- falling slower and flinging faster. He passes the time between islands gliding by the mast with the gulls."
I'll level with you all; I'm not huge on red and black ponies. It's nothing personal to anyone who uses the scheme; it's just not my bag. The contrast is a bit harsh on my eyes. (And that every brony in 2015 slammed ponies with the scheme, forever ingraining that bias into me)
Rather, Luffy's scheme is based on his shorts! Light blue and white evoke the shoreline and sky, two limitless places where he spends a lot of time. A softer scheme allows me to draw his vest and hat without them becoming lost on his fur, and I feel it gels better with his light n' bright attitude to life. There's no way he's edgy enough for red and black-!
The swirls on his wings (and hoof fluff) are from the G3 depiction of Pegasi. It's such a gosh darn cute way to draw wings. It's also a fun little nod to the pattern on his fruit and Gear 5 form later on. Ponies are always skirting around the idea of destiny. For him to be a Pegasus was an easy pick for me, the wings symbolising both freedom of movement and spirit!
💚 Zoro 💚
"This aloof Zebra spends all year saving for Apple cider season, where he promptly blows all his bits in under a week. He often unknowingly intimidates those he meets; a bias unaided by the three swords he wields with magnets embedded into his front hooves."
Before I'm bashed, I'm well aware Zoro is Asian. In this instance, you can view that his being a Zebra just connotes that his ancestry lies outside of the East Blue rather than drawing any real-world correlation.
I'm weak. I couldn't resist the alliteration of Zebra Zoro. You can blame Zecora for starting that. You can also blame her for the parallel of people misunderstanding Zoro's personality based on first impressions. I Pinkie-promise he's a big softie really.
It's the little things that make this version uniquely Zoro, though. His stripes are sword-shaped, come in threes and neatly avoid his back. Hoof magnets were a popular play feature of G3 ponies before kids kept eating them 😶 But I think it's a fun way for Zoro to retain that Earth Pony-adjacent strength whilst still being able to hold all three swords. His stance has always looked weird, anyway.
🍊 Nami 🍊
"A light-footed, citrus-scented Pegasus who gambles with the best in Klugetown. Nothing escapes her- not even the bits from your purse! After a decade of being on high alert, she's more in tune with the weather than even other Pegasi. The sight of rainbows stretching across the sky makes her think of home."
Her being a Pegasus was influenced by a few things. In G4, Pegasi often have an affinity for the weather and sky. Like Luffy, her wings symbolise the emphasis on freedom in her story. Farming is traditionally an Earth Pony job, so it also shows the disconnect between her passions and current situation.
Honestly, it's nice that we don't know anything about Nami's birth family. When she was adopted, she was just a baby, even younger than Sanji. Belle-Mere (Mare…) and Nojiko shaped her entire life. To that end, I wanted her design to be free of speculation and to focus on what we know for sure.
In this case, the clipping of her wings doesn't stop her from sailing away any more than it does in canon. But it adds to the feeling of control Arlong holds over her, another physical reminder of her duty and self-sacrifice.
Despite what the timeskip art style wants us to believe, Nami is pretty but also really... normal. Normal proportions, face, hair, profession. She's weird for an OP character in that way. To this end, I decided that her coat should reflect the colour of the maps she creates. Unique from the pastels around her, but not super stand out, much like her orange mane. The darkened ends of her fur walk the line between showing hard graft and dirtied hooves 🥲 I expanded her tattoo to be a full leg design- cuz why shouldn't she show off the symbol of her life beginning!?
🎱 Usopp 🎱
"A young, apprehensive Changeling who often lives disguised as a Pony. He uses his transformations to bring stories to life and dazzle those he meets! When danger arises, he shifts into the form of a smaller animal and hides..."
But it also allows for some very literal metamorphosis as he grows throughout the series. His horns grow larger and change shape as the slingshots he uses evolve. (Yes, he absolutely does use his horns to fire things from!) In Pony form, his cutie mark changes to reflect which part of himself he identifies with -or has the most faith in- at any one moment. As an artist, I bet he has great fun drawing up new marks to use.
The choice to make Usopp a Changeling speaks to insecurity as a character. Why present yourself as a village foal when you could be a great pony of the sea? Or anyone else you could dream up? It also speaks to my own insecurity as an artist, not touching the idea of drawing his nose on a horse face with a 10-foot pole. It's not happening, nuh-uh. It's a horn now for a reason, trust me!
Rather than becoming a muscly bug after the skip, his wings literally break out from his shell. It isn't the end of his development, but it signifies his change in outlook and newfound faith in himself. Followers of God Usopp view his Pony form as one they, as "common folk" can easily comprehend, rather than his true nature.
He's the only one I drew as his timeskip design, just because it was the most interesting to me. Hyperfixation does strange things to a man.
🍥 Sanji 🍥
"A hot-headed Unicorn who breaks expectations, he fights rude customers with kicks that match the strength of a true Earth Pony! His unusual tail is a hot topic of speculation for off-duty chefs at the Baratie- but he won't speak a word about his past. Maybe try asking about his specials instead?"
His blue coat reflects the shirts he often wears, sure, but blue feels so appropriate for someone who loves the sea so much. It also allows for his fluffy black socks to stand out, coining his epithet. (If horse Sanji wore pants, would he wear them like this? Or like t h i s?) Not naming any names, Luffy he's the only fighter sensible enough to wear horseshoes to protect his feet and often visits Farriers when they make port.
Classic Unicorns are calm, refined and beautiful. Everything that Sanji is... on the surface. I love how Sanji constantly plays with our expectations; who says a creative can't kick ass? Further to that, Sanji's magic skills are wholly unimpressive, with a repertoire of a grand two spells. It helps separate him from Robin, the actual magic scholar on board. As an Earth Pony unable to teach him, Zeff has always felt guilty.
His tail isn't hairless, but is covered in a thin layer of fur like his body until it reaches the tip. It's useful for working in the kitchen as it's easy to wrestle into a hair net. In the Baratie, he's often seen with a red bow decorating it, warning customers that he'll kick if provoked. This style of tail is a largely lost trait of old Unicorns, now most commonly seen in nobility who care a little too much about bloodlines. It's not a feature he's proud of, especially when it calls into question the nature of his relationship to Zeff- a pony he otherwise closely resembles.
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This album is getting me through my thesis defence so I wrote some song summaries to convince others to listen to it. (Not tagging spoilers because you've had at least 8000 years to catch up).
Song summaries:
1. Zeus ruins a perfectly fun party with a weird suggestion (they even had a pony).
2. What makes a man a monster? Well throwing babies out of windows for a start.
3. I've got 600 friends and a bad idea that says you should just avoid that island.
4. Polites is too good and pure for this world.
5. You pissed off another God?! Should have thanked Zeus when you had the chance.
6. If it seems too good to be true it probably is and also electric cello is the best instrument.
7. Pump up gym song ft. Polites was too good and pure for this world.
8. Pump up gym song ft. Stop pissing off the gods?!
9. A breakup song with a goddess of war? This'll end well for you for sure.
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