funnyanimalguy · 5 months
Apparently this man, Francisco Dias*, whose company Frantech Solutions/BuyVM is the webhost that a lot of pro-contact/pro-CSAM/bestiality Fediverse servers use, also used to host fucking 🥝.FARMS??
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I feel like we need eyes on this guy.
*Not to be confused with the tennis player or anyone else who shares his name
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dawnreveriemlp · 2 years
Wow! I’m getting a lot of Followers! Am I Ponynet famous, yet?
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luvtonique · 3 years
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File Photo Pictured: A missing foal poster depicting a foal with a gray-blue mane, blue eyes and white fur. The mouth has been erased by what appears to be digital manipulation. Allegedly taken in Neighppon's Kirin district on [REDACTED] Photo was released to public records [REDACTED] days after the surfacing of "00.exe," a malware program that disguises itself as a "desktop friend" pony while performing backdoor file manipulation and data collection. Similarities have been noted between the foal depicted and the malware's "desktop friend" avatar by ponynet forum users. Investigation conducted on [REDACTED] returned data using historical written records in the Neighppon area and retrocognitive spells that suggest the depicted foal went missing over a millennium ago. Artwork from Pillars of Equestria ages depict an orphan foal who was the sole survivor of a plague that destroyed her home town of [REDACTED]. Similarly, the foal's mouth in all artwork has been smudged out of recognition. Written records of the foal's existence explain that she was never given a name due to her inability or unwillingness to speak. She also never developed a cutie mark. The unnamed foal was eventually reported missing in historic records and was never found, even by the Pillars of Equestria themselves. Additional historical records suggest that she may have been a mythical tale, suggesting that she was a spirit from the destroyed village, who vanished without a trace. Ponynet forum users have created a popular rumor that this foal, nicknamed "Zero Zero" due to her malware's file name, is a vengeful spirit that is unable to pass on to the afterlife due to the Pillars of Equestria not saving her village. There is no evidence to support this, and is only speculation from Ponynet forum users.
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ofinlustris-moving · 7 years
Stream at 9pm!
Who should host tonight’s stream? VOTE.
What free movie should we stream? VOTE.
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starliteglimglam · 7 years
{{LIKE this if you’d like a link to the Ponynet discord!}}
Yes, Ace did a thing!
Currently she’s the only Admin and has never run a server before so be patient with her, muffins! But if you’re interested in your Muse playing IC on the Ponynet discord give this a LIKE and we’ll send you the private link!
It’s a friendly, silly, place for the LOLs so with rooms/channels for mostly ic chat but also some ooc rooms too. And we’re up for suggestions since it’s new. So come on by!
<3, GlimGlim/Ace
ps- your muse doesn’t need to have a ponynet blog!
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crxzyfuture · 5 years
A hairy encounter... (Ponynet!verse)
Apple Eden, being the timid mare that she was, wasn't usually one for doing away missions to other worlds on her own. However, this time she was adamant on doing so. Maretropolis was a big place, but she had to take this family of squirrels home. She could have just sent them through the portalon their own, however she had other business ther as well. It has been a while since Tresemme has been sighted online and she was beginning to get worried about her.
The last time she saw her was during the power ponies convention here in the castle, and judging by how deeply affected she seemed, Eden's worries only seemed to get stronger. Before she stepped through the threshold with the basket of squirrels in her hooves, her friend LJ's words echoed in her mind.
‘ This world is a place of heroes and villains. Odds are, you may wind up with more powers there than you are used to. I think... Just try not to get caught up in all of it and focus on your goal.'
Her goal was to make sure that her friend was alright. Extra abilities or not, she did intend to see things through. Little did she know that in the high rises and busy streets, she would no longer be Apple Eden, she would instead be known as The Gastly Visage.
Her coat had turned white as a ghost, and her mane flowed hither and thither, providing a momentary distraction before she noticed the rest of her. For just a moment, she thought she had been turned into a ghost. But after letting out a shriek of surprise, she was able to calm down. It was just her new look that came with the world. She remembered this... In order to blend in with worlds they go to, sometimes magic is needed to change their appearance and abilities. This is one such case. She lightly tugged on her skin tight grey suit and matching mask before the chittering of squirrels and chatting of surprised onlookers drew her attention from herself.
Perhaps she should get moving...
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5 years coming to an end.
That’s right, i’m finally deciding to archive this blog and quit RPing for good. This community has been nothing short of wonderful to me, and i’ve met some of my best friends through here. I don’t regret a day I spent on this blog and interacting with all of you lovely people.
Simply, as of late, this blog has caused me a lot more mental strain and just horrible stress and drama than I needed in my life, so it’s jut best for me and my mental illnesses if I just cut it off completely.
confessions, really long and special thank yous, plus a longer and more specific explanation of why i’m leaving the rp community will be under the cut.
I never would have thought from the day I made this blog that it would end up being the most followed and most well-known Rarity RP blog in the fandom.
My main problem ive always had with rping is jealousy. Any Rarity rp blog that would pop up would make me feel awful. And I was an awful rp partner because of it. I would not log on for days in hopes mutuals would notice I was gone and give me the attention I wanted. I always wanted to feel like the most important partner to everyone, which is another awful thing about me, and im so sorry to all of my partners that were negatively affected by that.
The first people I want to mention are Jake and Vi.
Jake - was my first ever rp partner, and one night, he decided to lose contact with me, delete his blog and make a new one to avoid me. This was the first of many nails in my rp coffin. I just can’t describe the feeling of being abandoned by one of the people who helped make you and develop your interests to the point where they are today. After that, I had my first major hiatus (A year I think?). He followed me again on a new blog once, and I just had a fit because he hadn’t talked to me in half a year or so, and just follows me and unblocked me randomly one day without saying a word, and then i was just stupidly passive aggressive and he went away again, rightfully so.
Vi - I always thought of you as such a wonderfully nice person who just had something out for me. Idk if it was because I made Jake feel bad so often or if i’m just annoying/childish, but it just felt like we weren't as good of friends as you were with your other mutuals, and I feel like you didn’t really want to be frieds with me or interact with me. I just got really scared to talk to you eventually after the whole Jake thing, and I know you probably just think super super low of me now, and I just wish things happened differently
That’s about it for ~current~ drama. Up next is the three people who just have meant the world to me since I started RPing here. Griff, Lauren, and Ace.
Griff - Hoooooooo boy. I could always count on you for some amazing threads. Really, some of the best threads i’ve ever had were with you. The way you portrayed AJ is just so unique, and just hits a part of her that I haven’t seen anybody else be able to portray quite like you do. Next, you became my best friend. We had so many amazing talks, I knew I could always come to you to vent when I needed to. You’ve been here with me through everything, and after you deleted your first aj blog, i was pretty devastated. On the flip side, I was absolutely ecstatic when you came back just out of the blue 2 years later. You’ll always have a special place with me, and you know exactly where to contact me if you ever want to talk.
Lauren - My first ever sighting of you was when I had my pinkie blog. You were doing so well and were so popular, that I deleted my blog to look for another muse. Then on my scootaloo blog, we created an AU where pinkie adopted scoots, and i think that was the most adorable experience ive ever had rping. When I made my Rarity blog, you were in the first 20 to follow me. I was so excited!!! the most popular mlp rp blog followed ME back immediately??? and wow you are the sweetest and most pure ball of adorable and precious i have ever talked to. There arent enough words in the dictionary to describe how much ily. MY FIRST EVER DRAMA. you were there. it was with the same person who caused drama with you and would edit asks to say that we told the person to kill themselves when we didnt, and wow we worked through that together and i can’t thank you enough. We were amazing partners and friends until you moved fandoms, but every time you came back to say hi on your mlp blogs always made me smile. I wouldn’t have made it 1 year if it wasnt for you. Thank you, with all of my heart.
Ace - I feel like we’ve known eachother for YEARS AND YEARS, but never had an actual muse-muse interaction. You are so incredibly sweet and work so hard for what you’re given in life, and nobody deserves happiness and a complete life more than you do. You have the crazy talent of running 50 unique blogs with unique characters, all with unique HCs or AUs, and i just have no idea how you do it. your writing abilities and memory and just pure dedication is like nothing ive ever seen before. Not to mention you just brought this entire community together though the PonyNet, which has become a huge part of why thi is the absolute best and friendliest community to be a part of. You are the absolute face of this community. There is nobody i’ve met who doesn’t know you, or has a bad opinion of you. You are making this community a better and more friendly place for people to make friends and develop their skills while also have a ton of fun, and i admire you more than you’ll know for that. 
I am leaving the community due to my declining mental health, my increasingly bad reputation, and just the stress of maintaining a high quality rp blog.
I have lots of bad memories ft. jake and vi that just send my muse out of whack and just trigger a lot of sadness and lack of motivation some nights, which then causes me to fall behind on threads which stresses me out a ton, and then i get asks and messages from people i don’t want to rp with, and then i get lots of hate for declining rps and guilt trips for declining rps too, and i just really can’t be dealing with all of that when ive had multiple really bad suicidal episodes that i’ve had to call emergency therapists and spit out pills from my mouth in the past year. I need to get rid of some weight, and this blog seemed like a good place to start.
Please like this if you read it, and thank you all so much for the years ad the memories. I love you all.
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tivtechcorps · 4 years
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Behold the hideousness of Bernie Sanders' online life. Hackers are in possession of a Senate.gov email address they got from the Bern, and yes, they are Russian. An Ecstacy-dealing on the dark web Russian. I have the links, the graphs, the pics and videos. I have the Spiderfoot report. They're hit. Bernie and his socialists are ten times more guilty than the also-guilty Donald Trump, even though the latter is stashing a server on the "Amazon of Malware" PonyNet, where the Santa Barbara Killer once hosted his FAQ How-To-Rape-Women site alongside the Daily Stormer. My reasons for saying so will be made public on the 4th of July. Look for Channel EON on YouTube, and stay tuned. We've got a live one. https://www.instagram.com/p/CCKCZ3eAjnI/?igshid=arz3jxib9sae
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mlplitrp-blog · 7 years
Five Years of Friendship
I wanted to give back something to a community that has given me so much the past five years. You have been here for me through so many lows and shared in the good moments. Some of the best I’ve had over these hard times have been with you. I’m still amazed by how many nice and caring people I’ve met through the MLP community and I can’t thank everyone enough. So I’ve decided to do what I realized nobody else has seemed to do so far. And that’s try to organize us a little.
We’re sort of a niche community. So, I don’t think it will be hard. My fears are that I won’t reach the people I want to.
When I started out in the rp community it was with a small Luna blog that I didn’t really know how to time manage with. Everyone wanted to rp with her and none of them were literary writers like me or on my level. I’m not cocky but it’s hard to write with someone who isn’t trying at all and you’re actually putting forth effort. You also feel like, when you start out, you have to answer every request you get. It stressed me. The community was hostile and toxic that first go-round. I had to take a year long break and almost didn’t come back. But people like @bigmacintoshrp good reason enough to always come back and see your friends. I reappeared and learned to say no to people I didn’t want to rp with and, better than that, say yes to games I really wanted to. And that gave me time to focus on great games and meeting new people in the community who were more like me. And I can say I’ve met some colorful personalities. You’ve been a diverse lot but you all have some things in common; you’re compassionate and understanding of others. I feel like the general message of the show, the value of friendship, isn’t lost to many fans. And the original reason I loved it so much, its refreshingly sincere feeling, was renewed when I began to meet people who weren’t cynical and bitchy about everything. And I have to thank you all so much for that.
My attention span is shot and my creativity is all over the place so I have way too many blogs and that is why you can find me all over the place and probably why I began Ponynet as a joke and people insanely decided to like it. Seeing everyone gathered together though made me realize how great it is to get all these personalities interacting.
So I feel like a tumblr that lists our sites for quick reference would be great. I’ll also use this blog to reblog resources (rp memes, writing tips, general mlp stuff) for us as well.
I hope this is my way of saying thank you. For all you’ve done for me. And hope’s for a bright future in the rp community and beyond.
Love you
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ofdivaisms-moved · 7 years
;; so I was watching Goofy Movie with my Ponynet friends and they pointed out how Rara-ish this song was. lol. So I’m sharing it. An old 90′s gem.
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ofroyalmajesty · 7 years
{{ Interest check: Luna Art/Ask Blog<3 }}
;; So I might make a ponynet Luna/Nightmare Moon Art & Ask blog in the same vein I did for Starlight here. If I did would people be interested in asking her questions on her IC blog and seeing the art! It’d be more...um, nsfw than this blog, let’s say lol. See my Starlight blog for an example of what it would be like.
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the-crystal-muse · 7 years
Sometimes I stop and think to myself, “How does Cadance have time for ruling a nation, reading comics, running a PonyNet blog, hanging out with friends, doing her own thing, and going off on roleplay adventures?”
Then I realize she doesn’t and that she hasn’t slept in four days straight with the help of coffee and an inner rage.
All my questions are answered.
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crystalcadaence · 7 years
you know since my powers are so ill-defined i could say literally anything and you have no idea if its true
maybe i shoot love lasers from my eyeballs
maybe i can imbue myself with the power of cupid and fly across equestria at the speed of light
maybe i can sense romantic attraction through a single post on the ponynet
all i can say is, this should be fun to watch ;)
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partyextraordinaire · 7 years
So in today’s Ponynet Discord events
Pinkie scared Trixie maybe 13 times
went to the moon
flew a spaceship
and wrecked half of Ponyville
fun day
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ofinlustris-moving · 7 years
  ;; i can’t believe it’s been like 3 months since I...
Ponynet? :o
;; indeed! It’s an in-character discord for mlp muses (and other characters) where we just goof off. It’s based around the premise of an Equestria where ponies have internet (ponynet). I came up with the idea as a joke and it kind of just took off and people liked it. I can give you the link if you’d like.
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