#pookie doesn't do it like anyone else
paddysol · 1 month
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imagine staying on hell island on purpose and then going insane
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emissaire · 7 months
yours, ardently - geto suguru x reader
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꒰꒰. SYNOPSIS: suguru crumbles in the presence of genuine devotion
꒰꒰. WARNINGS: reverse comfort, fluff, slight angst (lmk if i missed anything <3)
꒰꒰. NOTE: hello! i'm back (kind of) with my pookie, suguru. i've managed to write this in between dealing w/ school stuff and crying over school stuff. i missed writing sm 😭
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Geto Suguru is a man of chaotic solitude. Much like his best friend, he strives in an environment well-lived, radiant and loud. Age and maturity-wise, he could say he’s grown past that childlike impulsivity enough to avoid impending conflicts but he’s still just a man— not immune to the inevitable distraught of life. He used to be a bright-eyed boy with such a positive outlook in all things that come his way. His perspective of the world was reflected in the same sense of warmth that seemed to enshroud his very presence: gentle and kind, full of hope. He was a paragon that even the strongest relied on, his best friend’s moral compass was influenced by him as he was quite sensitive and so in tune to the things around him. 
Though he is not one to talk about the troubles that keep him up at night, you know him well enough to understand that something is wrong. The way he started shutting off anyone else that dares to come close is heartbreaking, even more so with knowing that there is nothing you can do that can fill the void in his heart. He rarely smiles nowadays. His face no longer lights up with glee and when it does, it no longer reaches his eyes— they don't crinkle anymore into pretty crescent shapes. They are both just bleak and empty pools that stare far away into the distance, slowly succumbing to the downward spiral journey of his life, and the possibility of not being able to catch up once he decides to let go, leave and not look back anymore is daunting. 
A soft knock interrupts your musing before you hear Suguru's voice from behind the door. "You awake?"
The sheets make rustling sounds as you hurry to open the door of your bedroom, ready to welcome Suguru in, both in your space and in your arms because it's how you comfort yourself— some sort of assurance that he's still with you. "Can't sleep?"
He only nods his head, making a beeline to your bed and you watch him sigh, his shoulders dropping in relaxation as if the warmth of your bed and your smell that lingers on the pillows are enough to coax him out of his shell. 
"Come, baby." Suguru reaches out to you, hand outstretched in the dark. And even though you can barely make out his figure on the bed, his presence is enough to make up for everything that was lacking when you were alone and wallowing in your thoughts of him.
It does not take you long to occupy the other side of the bed, almost instinctively cuddling up to him and embracing his body so tenderly you feel him slowly easing with you. His arms are quick to wrap around your waist, pulling you even closer as if he’s afraid you would slip away if he doesn't hold you tight. “It’ll be Christmas in a few months.” Suguru mentions, breaking the silence with the low timbre of his voice— soothing as always.
You smile, lifting your head just a bit to get a brief look at his face. “Yeah. Are we still on for that trip we planned last April?”
There is a telltale sign of a smile on his face— through the poor lighting that emits from the barely opened window of your room, you witness the slight upward curves at the corners of his lips, and for a moment you could see a glimpse of hope: a future with him. Everything will be alright.
Suguru doesn’t respond, his eyes just trailing across every feature of your face. Such sad eyes he has, but there is no denying the hints of love in the pretty brown hues of them as he admires you in silence. They even seem a little dim with the absence of it’s usual spark yet it doesn't take away the fact that he's still your Suguru. Your beautiful Suguru.
“Get some sleep, my love.” Your murmur, allowing him to burrow deeper in your arms and lay his head on your chest. The way you caress his hair makes him hum, so tender and full of care that it’s soothing. 
You let the tranquility of the night engulf your entwined bodies under the comfort of your sheets, letting the hours tick by with no care for anything at all but the warmth of your love and the way his breath settles evenly.
“I wish you’d just talk to me, Suguru.” You whisper once you've deemed he’s fallen asleep, your hands still caressing his hair in gentle strokes. “You’re not alone, you know? Share with me your pain.” Your voice falters with the last words you’ve spoken, finding it hard to breathe with the lump in your throat as you try to keep your tears at bay.
“I know you’re strong but you don’t always have to carry all that weight— I’m here. Satoru’s here, Ieri even. We’re always here.” A shaky breath falls past your lips when you feel Suguru’s arms tighten around you, the sound of a conspicuous sob from him almost makes you lose it but not right now. You need to be the one to keep it together and hold him, be his safe space and give him the assurance he needs to be vulnerable.
You resume playing with his hair, pressing a chaste kiss on his crown. "I love you."
And in that moment, Suguru crumbles in the presence of genuine devotion. He feels so ardently cared for, sheltered and utterly weak in your arms. Everything will be alright.
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waldau · 5 months
softie — choi seungcheol | 890 words | fluff
#melonpan :c also, my need to include marriage in every other fic of mine needs to be studied.
gender neutral reader. warnings: none.
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"are you sure it wasn't as bad as i thought it was?"
you stop combing through seungcheol's hair with your fingers. "yes."
"i mean, i broke a plate, stepped on your mom's foot and—"
"i was there."
"—swore in front of your dad."
"i know, baby."
"promise it's okay?"
"seungcheol, if you ask me that question one more time, i'm going to eat up all of your melonpan."
seungcheol tilts his head up to look at you from where he's sitting on the floor between your legs. he tries to put on his best hurt face. "what happened to cheol? or love of my life? or even...pookie?"
you laugh. "you want me to call you pookie?"
"...no. but anything's better than my name."
"no," you say, resuming combing through his hair and detangling a particularly stubborn clump. "your name is lovely, even if you insist it isn't."
"it's just so...serious. it sounds like i'm going to get scolded."
"it's you. and i like it. but tonight didn't go bad at all, baby."
the thing is, seungcheol's never met anyone's parents before. at least, not since he became an idol. you had been telling him your parents should be more worried about hosting an idol at their place for dinner but seungcheol had been stressing about it for a couple of weeks, worrying about what to wear and what to gift and how to sit, till you held him by the shoulders and very sternly told him to be himself, and nothing more.
he's done just that tonight, and he's landed himself in this predicament now.
"you're just saying that to make me feel better."
you sigh and your hands stop working in his hair again. now seungcheol can't have that, so he turns around and clings to your leg.
"cheollie!" you say immediately, ruffling his hair. he lets go. "what, are you really that scared of what my parents think of you?"
"yes? they're your parents. and i met them for the first time yesterday. what if they tell me to stay away from their only child for the rest of my life because they didn't like my shirt yesterday?"
you fish out the television remote from behind the cushion and toss it into his lap. "show me a fancam of yours while i finish working on your hair. choose one you really like."
that doesn't sound good. why would you ignore what he said in favour of something else? unless—
"did they—"
"choi seungcheol."
that shuts him up. he scrolls through some videos on youtube and picks one he thinks looks good. you pull out a rubberband and gently tie his hair into a ponytail. seungcheol swears you have magic hands, because you've never once hurt him whenever you've volunteered to do his hair.
"done," you say, pushing him a bit forward so you can stand up.
seungcheol groans. "don't leave me alone."
"i'm just...going to get us some water?"
"i'm having a crisis here."
you giggle and sit back down, tugging at him till he climbs up and rests against your chest, both of you watching his videos of choice together. your grip on him tightens even though you don't say anything. seungcheol keeps quiet about it for exactly two and a half fancams before he twists to look at you.
you have a goofy smile on your face, and he feels kind of silly for wishing you were looking at the real life him, and not the one on the screen.
"what is it?"
"what?" you ask, looking down at him.
"you're smiling. at him."
you snort. "that's you."
"yeah, but i'm right here."
your eyes crinkle when you smile at him. seungcheol just feels like he's stepped into bright sunshine after a cold day.
"i was watching some edits of yours yesterday."
"oh. were they any good?"
"really good. but i wonder what your fans would think if they got to know you're the biggest softie in the world. none of that supposed alpha stuff here."
seungcheol pouts, but he can't keep it up for long. he's pretty much at his best when he's with you. you're the reason why he can physically feel his shoulders relax most days. you're also the reason he finds himself smiling a lot more.
seungcheol turns to bite your arm gently. you push his head away, not before pressing a kiss to it. "stop worrying so much, okay? you didn't mess up anything with my parents. do you have any idea of how much my mom liked you?"
"yeah. and my dad asked me when we're going to visit again."
seungcheol feels his worries dissipate. you don't look like you're saying it to placate him, but...
"are you..."
"...sure? cheol, my mother literally asked me when we're planning to get married. i think that's enough for surety, isn't it?"
seungcheol swears he can feel his heart beating fast enough to escape his chest. of course he'd love nothing more than marrying you one day, even if it's a long way down both of your futures.
"hm," is all he can say, settling back down against you. he doesn't mind you smiling at the version of him on the television. he's the one who's going to get to marry you, after all.
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c0la-queen · 3 months
Could you ever so kind and provide some general dating Headcannons for all the four boys?? 🥺👉👈
Maybe some extra with red leader or someone else if you’re fine with that??? 🥺💜
Mwah mwah you have amazing work <3 /p
Oh my gods I am SO sorry that this is so late!! For some reason, Mr. Tumblr decided not to notify me about your ask?? And then I was at my bestie's house this weekend, so I haven't checked my inbox until now. Begging for your forgiveness rn Anon!!
Also literally kissing you for asking for Red Leader!! Mwah, mwah!!
If you are dating Edd... girlie I am so sorry for your sanity.
Don't get me wrong, I love Edd! He was my first Eddsworld love, my pookie bear for real! But he's the biggest bastard of the entire gang and I stand by that.
Calls you dumb pet names to try and make you laugh. Sugar Tits (regardless of gender or lack thereof, might I add), Baby Doll, Sexy.
He WILL grab/slap your ass all the time. Even in public. Only grins when you glare at him.
This man is a horrible influence. It will be so hard to get your shit done if he has decided that you need to be spending time with him. Why worry about work or chores when you could be all cuddled up with him and Ringo on the couch?
Will sulk if you reject his attempts.
If he's trying to get shit done and you're pestering him for attention? He will drop his basket of laundry or the dishes in his hands in a millisecond.
If he's working on a commission or animation, he'll let you sit in his lap in his chair, let you sit all pretty for him while he works. When he finishes, if you've fallen asleep by then -which you usually do - then he'll carefully move you both to his bed and snuggle up to you and take a nap with you.
Speaking of cuddling, he does naturally run hot. Comes with being a big boy <3 But if you don't enjoy that, then he'll use his powers to cool down his skin for you. Anything to keep cuddling!
He also uses his powers whenever possible. Will abuse them without shame. He puts things on the highest shelf, just so you have to him for help. He'll put patches of ice on the floor under your feet, just so he can catch you before you fall (he'll never let you actually get hurt), and uses his super strength to scoop you up randomly and carry you around.
You cannot show your text messages to ANYONE. He will say filthy things, just to fluster you. Horny Bastard. Finds ways to turn even the most mundane conversations into teasing.
He'd do cute couple things with you, like painting together and swapping canvases every 5 minutes. His favorite is going to cat cafes. The cats literally love him, its like he's made of catnip with how they swarm him.
Physical affection is a huge thing with him. Even little touches throughout the day, like ruffling your hair as he passes by, or a big hug from behind while you fix food.
Overall, big teddy bear that just likes to see his darling blush.
As I've stated in previous works, Tom is a secret romantic.
He's not a traditional romantic like Matt, but he's romantic in his own way.
Likes parallel play a lot. Finds it relaxing to just sit in his room, testing new songs on his bass while you lay on his bed reading a book. Or in your room, lounging on one of your plush beanbag and organizing his Spotify playlists while you fold your laundry.
Dates with him consist of record stores, concerts, and late night walks.
He'll sing for you if you ask him to.
Very down to earth, both as a person and as a boyfriend. If you have problems, he'll listen patiently until you're done, then help you brainstorm solutions. He doesn't downplay or ignore your feelings, but he doesn't jump to emotions like others might.
He tends to sleep in late on his nights off, since he's more of a night owl than anything. You know that, so you've made it a little tradition to fix him coffee around 11. You know exactly how he takes it, and he always thanks you with a kiss on the cheek and a sleepy, mumbled "you're the best."
Very caring. He'll make sure you've eaten and had water. Will usher you to bed if he can see that you're tired, or do your chores for you if you can't do them for whatever reason. If you can't sleep, he'll make you a mug of chamomile tea and sing you a little lullaby.
When it comes to his monster tendencies, he tries to keep you away from it all. He's bitter about what he is, and he thinks that you're better off separated from that side of him.
At the start of relationship, he'd get angry if you tried to push it. He'd snap at you, distance himself, not talk to you for maybe a couple of days. Further on in the relationship, though, if you push the issue and reassure him that you love every side of him, even the monstrous one, then he'd be more willing. Willing to let you in, to let you see that part of him. He'd be nervous about it, but he'd do it because he loves you.
He is a traditional romantic! His Mama raised him right, and he drinks his Respect Juice.
Makes sure you two have date night at least once every week. Dressing up nice, going out to dinner or a play, taking a walk through the town to wind down the night. Heading back into the house, changing back into comfortable clothes. He'd wipe your makeup off for you, if you wear it.
Absolutely the kind of guy to get down on his knees in front of you and unbuckle/untie your shoes or high heels for you. He's just so devotional.
If, for whatever reason, you guys are unable to have your date night, he'll make it up to you in some way. A bouquet of your favorite flowers sitting on your bed with a little note. A passionate kiss before one of you has to leave the house. A heartfelt love letter sealed with wax.
Makes sure to text you throughout the day with sweet messages. Compliments, "I love you"s, selfies, updates on what is happening at work. Or just reminders that he's thinking of you. Misses you.
Likes to cook meals for you if its just the two of you at home. Breakfast is his forte, but he's not the worst at following a recipe.
Always amazing for advice. He'll let you talk to him while he hugs you from behind. If it's something sad, he might cry. Just the idea of you going through something negative makes him sad, too.
If he doesn't have advice for you, he'd do anything in his power to find someone who does. One of the other roommates, or even his mother, if you're comfortable with it.
Speaking of his mother, she absolutely adores you. Since Matt has such a good relationship with her, he's already told her so much about you. She thinks its wonderful that her baby has fallen in love. After a while, Matt will even bring you along to his lunches with his mother. You two hit it off instantly.
If you're okay with it, then Matt would love to show you off on his social media. He thinks you're so gorgeous, the entire world should know that he managed to land you. Its never anything invasive, and he always gets your permission before he posts things. Blocks any weird or gross comments.
Loves going on shopping dates with you. Most of the time, its at the mall or a mall in a different town, because he loves walking around and window shopping. Occasionally, he'll take you to more expensive stores. It doesn't bother him, he loves spoiling you. No matter where you two are, he'll buy you anything that you want. If you are adamant to spend your own money, he won't put up too much of a fuss, though he does prefer to pay for you.
He'll do that couples trend with you where you find nail polish that matches the other's eye color.
Gift giving is just one of his love languages in general. It makes him so happy to give his loved one things that he bought. For you specifically, he'll also throw in hand made gifts. He may not be the most talented artistically, but he'll stay awake late into the night, sitting on the floor with a YouTube tutorial playing, paper and cardboard scattered around, a pencil between his teeth, paint on his hands and smeared on his cheek. The end result may look a little crude, but he'll still present it to you with pride. And, of course, you always love it.
Tord is probably the most romantically stunted of the four. Its not that he doesn't love you, far from it really. He just grew up in an environment where love wasn't freely given, and was often limited for appearances.
His father, as the Red Leader, insisted that he keep a professional and feared image. So, Tord never saw him being affectionate with his mother.
It might be hard at first. You'll struggle. You two may fight. But you'll always make up in the end. He'll listen to you, try to understand your point of view.
He's not against physical affection, but he's able to live without it. Will indulge you whenever you ask. If he's busy, which he usually is, he'll let you drape yourself over him from behind while he sits in his chair, letting you rest your cheek on the top of his head and watch him work.
More than anything, his love language is words of affirmation. Despite being a man of few words, he'll always give you praise. He'll make sure you know that you are his, he is yours, and he loves you. Nothing will change that.
Scary dog privilege. He'll always walk just behind you in public, keeping a guiding hand on the small of your back. Stays alert of you surroundings and the people around, so that you don't have to. You don't even have to worry about people approaching you in public. One piercing glare from Tord is enough to deter anyone.
Not the best at giving advice to problems. He'll listen, but sometimes he can't quite understand why something is an issue. Doesn't invalidate your feelings on purpose, it just happens inadvertently at times. Always, ALWAYS apologizes and holds you close when he realizes what he did.
His preferred dates are nights in at home. Cuddled up on the couch with takeout watching shitty rom-coms. Cooking food that he ate growing up in Norway while you sit at the kitchen table watching. Going to the convenience store at midnight to get Ben and Jerry's in the middle of anime binges.
You become his crutch. When he's having bad paranoia on nights that are too quiet, he'll seek you out. Just having you lay in bed with him, warm and solid and breathing, always calms him down.
He will never let you meet his parents. You are one of the very few good things in his life, and he wants to keep that away from his fucked up home life. Might let you meet his little sister, but not for a long time.
Surprisingly, he does tend to talk more when its just the two of you. He allows you into his head, verbalizing his thoughts to you. He'll ramble about his projects, tell you about the history behind his culture, or rant about things that annoy him. Denies it vehemently in front of others.
He is a huge tease, second only to Edd. What's dangerous is how casual he is about it. Loves making you squirm, and he'll never even change his expression. Sometimes he won't even be looking at you, but rest assured that he is swimming in satisfaction over how flustered you are.
Red Leader
I have so many thoughts about him. Oh my lord.
This is going off the scenario where Reader is a Red Army soldier and met him through the army, after the events of The End.
I want to clarify that this is NOT following the events of TBATF!!! This is my own Red Army timeline, what I refer to in my Eddsworld bubble as "The Bad End"
There are two ways that you'd be able to catch Red Leader's attention. Either you are an extremely talented soldier that does well among your peers, enough to earn the praise of your superior officers and eventually Red Leader himself. Or, you were assigned as his personal assistant to help with paperwork and meetings, but you were so good at handling his temper and attitude that he found himself surprised.
The latter of the two is my favorite, so I'll be working under that one.
Before you, Red Leader had been through several assistants. None of them lasted more than a month. By nature, he was a moody, temperamental man. The stress of the army and oncoming war only made that worse. He saw those previous assistants as nuisances, only getting in his way. He would yell at them, berate them, drive them to the brink until they beg Paul and Pat to transfer them.
When they assigned you to him, they expected the same thing to happen. The two even made bets on how long you'd last. On your first day, Red Leader was nasty to you. Gruff and rude. But... you bit back. That took him by surprise. Instead of taking the insult and shuffling out like a puppy with its tail between its legs, you pursed your lips and gave him a stern look and talked to him in a way that nobody dared to. He should've been angry. Should have screamed at you, discharged you from the army in a heartbeat.
Instead, he found that he quite enjoyed it. He enjoyed your spitfire. Not that he'd let you know. He only gave you a noncommittal hum and dismissed you with a wave of his hand. But... he kept you around. Even found excuses for you to come into his office more than necessary. His penchant for teasing came back full force. He'd poke and prod, finding ways to make you react with that fire he so loved.
It takes a long time for him to finally make a move. Probably takes a near-death experience for him, or an injury to you for him to realize that he wants this. He wants a future with you.
At first, he may seem a little cold in public. Not to the degree that his father was - he promised himself that he would never be like his father. Simply a more... professional air about the entire thing. It was more out of anxiety than anything. He didn't want to make you a target, didn't want to cause you to get hurt. As his army grows more powerful and takes over more and more countries, he grows more comfortable with PDA. He knows that when he is the most powerful man in the world, he doesn't have to worry about anyone hurting you.
He would probably treat you more like a spouse than a girlfriend/boyfriend right off the bat. He's older now, thinking more about the future than the present. He already knows that he wants to be with you forever, so why go through the formalities and hassle of dating?
Always makes time for you whenever he can. If he's in a meeting with his generals or another world leader, he'll sneak text messages to you. Doesn't give a shit if he's caught. What are they going to do to him, Red Leader?
If he's cooped up in his office all day, his door is always open to you. Loves having you drop by unannounced to bring him food or coffee. He'll let you climb into his lap while he works, or sit behind him in his chair and cling to him. Even if you're just sitting in a separate chair nearby, working on your own stuff. He's happy.
If you want to continue being a soldier, or his assistant, he'll let you. But he's also perfectly happy to have you simply be his partner and not have a care in the world. You could sit all pretty in his quarters waiting for him to get off duty, or use the time to pursue your own hobbies and interests. As long as you're happy and cared for, it's okay with him.
Spoils you rotten. You're Red Leader's, so of course you only deserve the best things. Anything in the world you want, you only have to ask for it. It's yours. He would raze entire cities just to see you smile.
He does enjoy taking you out on dates. While also spending time with you, he sees it as a way to show you off to the world. Dressing you up in the finest clothes that he got you, the prettiest jewelry that he bought. Taking you to restaurants and operas where everyone can see you hanging on his arm. It makes him puff up with pride.
When the two of you are alone, he's so adoring. Loves snuggling. It's a struggle to convince him to let you out of bed in the mornings, he'll just be clinging to you. If you do somehow manage to escape his grasp, he'll catch you around the waist and drag you back to bed. Won't stop until Paul or Pat message him to get his ass out of bed. He always grumbles about how "it's my damn army, I should get to sleep in as long as I want".
Sometimes, at night, he has pains in his right shoulder, the side where he's burned and amputated. It can range from a dull ache to excruciating pain. On nights that it hurts too much to move, you'll scramble out of bed and get his medication from his nightstand, gently coaxing him to take it. You'll hold him and comfort him until the pain subsides and he falls back asleep.
He doesn't like to talk about it, really. It feels weird, letting anyone see this part of his life. Letting you see his vulnerability. Letting you see him.
But he does.
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stars-and-the-min · 2 months
☆ the wrong way to hard launch (5) | OP81
summary : oscar's girlfriend is a walking pr problem for literally everyone (including herself) social media au
pairing : oscar piastri x zhou!fem!singer!oc
a/n formula 1's 'newest' WAG makes her race debut and gives her cousin a headache
i did actually screech like a parrot watching this race and then immediately adjusted some of my predictive writings
masterlist | last part | part 5 | next part
F1 WAGS @f1wagnews · 3h Selina Bui spotted around the paddock!
pookie piastri @op81ln4 · 2h the royal couple of australia (i don't make the rules 🤷‍♀️)
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↳ kayla @luna_apocolypse · 2h why... did she wear blue...? she knows basic color theory... right??? ↳ pookie piastri @op81ln4 · 2h i completely missed that... SILENA??? ↳ kayla @luna_apocolypse · 2h HER ASS IS NOT ENDING UP IN THE PAPAYA GARAGE IN THAT DRESS 😭 SHE'S NOT THAT DUMB IS SHE???
MANIFESTED OSCALINA | LONDON N3 @12m0red4ys · 26m SCREECHING RN we used to dream of these days
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↳ lina bui x2 grammy winner @urdaisea · 25m '2-time grammy award winner' HELL YEAH SHE IS ↳ MANIFESTED OSCALINA | LONDON N3 @12m0red4ys · 26m the most employed wag in formula 1 🫶 (lily is a close 2nd)
oscalina real ?! @ emptyginbottles · 13m HELP HAS ANYONE ELSE SEEN THAT CLIP OF LINA AND THE CHINESE INTERVIEWER 😭 ↳ oscalina real ?! @ emptyginbottles · 13m [translation] interviewer: this is your cousin's 3rd f1 season, how come you've never come support him? lina: he said he doesn't like my nagging interviewer: then will you be supporting zhou guanyu in shanghai? his home race could use some family support lina: even if he asked me to visit, there's nothing i can do, i'm in shenzhen performing a sold-out concert ↳ clovie @ luvyouvie · 7m she's so done lmao what can she do if zhou doesn't want her there ↳ emme @flowersforcami · 5m lina: i'm fucking busy too, have you considered that??
selinabui just posted to their story
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(translation: Brother Yu [Zhou Guanyu], come and save me)
rubyyy @piastriworld · 2h oh wait shit she's cute as fuck what ↳ rubyyy @piastriworld · 2h fyi this is abt lina bui ↳ rubyyy @piastriworld · 2h i was kinda expecting a full-on rockstar but she's super soft???
piaa⁸¹ @ papayaeightyone · 1h the same woman not even 12hrs later
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clara @ zgy24 · 37m i do actually think it's insane we got an 'oscar piastri's partner' graphic before we got a 'zhou guanyu's cousin' graphic ↳ clara @ zgy24 · 37m selina dear, we know you can't stand him but we're sure he'd appreciate it if you popped by the kick garage on your way over 🫶 ↳ lina !!! @EB_selina · 17m you sound like my mother but i'll have you know he sent me this:
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很油腻 directly translates to 'very greasy' but it basically means 'ew' or 'cringe'
↳ clara @ zgy24 · 15m LMAO OH MY BAD ↳ xixi²⁴ ⁴⁴ @grandegrid · 14m the sheer amount of info you get from these two ss 😭 like ofc they use wechat, zhou guanyu sounds like an annoying older brother, she calls him 鱼哥, she trolls the emperor nickname, THE PURE SIBLING DYNAMIC IS EVERYTHING ↳ ZG24 future WDC · @zhoupdates · 14m zhou cousins crumbs 💚
lina !!! @EB_selina · 29m mistakes were made, the blue dress and orange-- sorry, PAPAYA headphones are not a look 💀 ↳ lina !!! @EB_selina · 28m wonder if it's too late to sneak into the sauber garage... ↳ pookie piastri @op81ln4 · 12m i'm actually wheezing at this bc that's EXACTLY what my oomf said when ur pics first dropped ↳ lina !!! @EB_selina · 10m well i wish ur oomf gave me a heads-up before i left the hotel
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liked by zhouguanyu24 and 112,385 others
selinabui went on a tour around the paddock (finally visited the man racing with my number 🫶) tagged: zhouguanyu24 and logansargeant
pi4str1 babygirl, i think you wandered the wrong way
pastry81 oscar's girlfriend meeting oscar's boyfriend
zhouguanyu24 我给了你一个愿望 trans: i gave you one job/i had one wish ↳ selinabui @ zhouguanyu24 你是不是我的亲表哥! trans: are you even my cousin!
logansargeant This feels like an achievement ↳ selinabui @ logansargeant it is, stay slaying cap, so glad to see you race today 🫶
no2argeant logan getting a double feature over her cousin mhm those are mutuals via oscar frfr (loscar and oscalina and... lolina?) ↳ selinabui @no2argeant we use selogan but lolina is 100x cuter
xixi²⁴ ⁴⁴ @grandegrid · 2h both cousins are equally unserious bc why did i remember the 'who's the most famous person in ur contacts' thing kick sauber did and why did zhou say jj lin when his very famous GRAMMY WINNING cousin seems to regularly bug him on the daily ↳ pookie piastri @op81ln4 · 2h he probably forgot lmao it's like she's not famous in his eyes "oh lina? u mean my annoying little cousin? oh right, she's a rockstar or smth"
oscalina real ?! @ emptyginbottles · 2h ok i'm convinced she's gonna stay in the williams garage now like it's almost guaranteed she's not headed back to mclaren ↳ oscalina real ?! @ emptyginbottles · 2h oscar, honey, come over and remove ur girlfriend from the williams garage, she's yapping with logan ↳ oscalina real ?! @ emptyginbottles · 8m I JUST SAW LINA'S POST 💀💀 y'know she's right, lolina is cuter than selogan but now i need to know how much logan's been 3rd wheeling
kayla @luna_apocolypse · 16m oscar checking his socials and it's his fans debating on the best ship name for his girlfriend and bestie
from the phone of selina bui
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oscalina real ?! @ emptyginbottles · 1h realising that lina being at the race means we're probably not gonna get her entertaining af f1 live-tweets
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↳ oscalina real ?! @ emptyginbottles · 1h no joke, we missed out on aus gp live-tweets bc she was flying to jakarta but the saudi gp tweets gave me LIFE
from the phone of logan sargeant
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oscalina real ?! @ emptyginbottles · 39m red flag??? already??? we just started??? ↳ oscalina real ?! @ emptyginbottles · 34m they cut to lina in the mclaren garage and i'm wheezing she looks so amused by the turn of events 😭
jess @OPIXSTRI · 3m oh they knew what they were doing cutting to selina bui after zhou guanyu retired ↳ jess @OPIXSTRI · 3m new f1 reaction pic just dropped guys, perfectly summarises the kick sauber saga
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↳ kayla @luna_apocolypse · 2m obsessed with her refusal to wear the orange headphones genuinely think she would rather go deaf than have those pictures circulate the internet
xixi²⁴ ⁴⁴ @grandegrid · 5m we got the zhou guanyu's cousin graphic but at what cost
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↳ Stake F1 Team KICK Sauber @stakef1team_ks · 18m We're sorry to let you down 😔 ↳ lina !!! @EB_selina · 17m i don't care which long-suffering intern this is. get out. ↳ oscalina real ?! @ emptyginbottles · 20m lmao lina's sauber pit stop tweets vs oscar's f3 drs tweets, fight 🤣
selinabui Suzuka, Japan
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liked by eb_jonno and 200,371 others
selinabui loved the experience, will not be going to another one bc i'm 94% sure i jinxed EVERYONE i hold dear in this sport - stay safe out there 👍 see y'all in seoul in 2-3 business days <3 tagged: mclaren and oscarpiastri
logansargeant You did *not* jinx anyone ↳ selinabui @ logansargeant logan, honey, i'm a bit depressed about you but sure man, whatever you say :'(
ninisf1diary how'd you find your first ever live race? ↳ selinabui @ninisf1diary very fun, loved the bit where oscar got to hop back into the garage after the first lap
mclaren Are we still gonna see you in Imola 🥺 ↳ selinabui @ mclaren i think oscar is gonna drag me over kicking and screaming but i guess i'll be there
✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:
taglist @ririyulife @ashy-kit @fionaschicken @namgification
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ispelexists · 3 months
"The world's a stage, and the actors are playing their roles in it"
The idea of Theatrum Mundi dumbed down. It's a simple concept, that concludes that the life itself is a show, being directed by some supernatural force like for example god etc.
(If I'm wrong correct me, I'm not that much into literature and this kind of stuff)
This idea caused me to write down a few prompts for you pookies <3
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The thing is, is that you have so many options with this, like... AHHH
English isn't my first language, I apologize for any confusion I might've caused by these
Here's some ideas/prompts for you guys:
💙 1. 💙
🎭) AU where Shadow Milk's corruption begun not because of the overwhelming power he had, but because he, as the 'Virtue of Knowledge' knew everyone's script after looking at them, and being distraught by that fact, or the fact that almost every Common Folks life ended with a tragedy, a murder (by the hands of the beasts, but he doesn't know that) which terrifies him.
He, being the only one who knew about it, would try to figure out what this tragedy was, or to change the fate, not knowing the cause of it, was himself and those he considered him the closest.
🎭) In the end he got so focused on that task, he didn't see his own slow fall, and when he noticed it in his comrades, it was to late. The only thing he could do was to accept his end, and join the other Beasts in wrecking chaos, and ending the whole ACT.
🎭 (In this AU, he can only see the key moments in everyone's life, like for example marriage, death, and other important things, he can't see everyday life of anyone)
🎭 (Also the only one's he doesn't know his script, that's why he doesn't know he would fall to corruption, you can say that he also can't see other Beasts since they're equal in power, but I think it works either way)
💙 2. 💙
🎭) A concept where Shadow Milk Cookie, freshly after his corruption, goes around either in a physical form or hidden withing the shadows, observing random cookies life, and having a great time laughing at the absurdity of the fact he can basically knows what's gonna happen next.
🎭) For example seeing a cookie buy something at the store, and him being able to predict they would trip in a moment, which they do. After observing, he would start to act out, to see if his actions can change the events that would happen next (Example: Making person A fall on someone else's garden, and the other cookie getting angry at them, which would change not only Cookies A script, but also Cookie's B) (basically 'Butterfly Effect')
🎭) This prompt would allow to explore how he might've acted freshly after becoming fully corrupted. Reason being I think, he wouldn't jump straight into seeking chaos, but testing the waters to see how far he can go before anyone (witches) try to stop him
🎭) (As an Ex 'Virtue of Knowledge' in this AU he knows every detail of everyone's scrip/life)
💙 3. 💙
🎭) This one is a prompt for an 'x Reader', 'x Canon' or 'x OC'. Basically Shadow Milk Cookie after he got released from the tree (of right after he got corrupted) and meets Insert/Name and Gingerbrave gang.
🎭)Here it could go 2 different ways (or more, but I just don't feel like writing them all):
a) He knew of I/N because of being able to see through Pure Vanilla's staff and falling for them in that way, but after seeing that I/N either has no love interest planned in the whole thing, or has some else, he's getting angry
(if you're doing pre-corruption Shadow Milk, then he can get just sad, and attempting to change the fate by simply spending more time with I/N, but after it hasn't worked, he just watches from the sidelines, as their beloved live in their fairytale, and get their happy ending with someone else (ANGSTSSS YESS))
anyways, coming back to Corrupted Shadow Milk Cookie. He would attempt changing the fate in more drastic way, and getting really pissed that it won't change no matter what. Feel free to interpret it as you will.
b) Also after getting free from that tree, while he knew of I/N from Pure Vanilla, after meeting them, he learns that in their story HE is their love interest, and being like 'Omg, my star, where have you been all my life 😩' or something idk, be creative lmao.
The art without the text 😘
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meraxesmoon · 11 months
Yandere HOTD Husbands <3
note: im tired of u guys pretending corlys isn't fine af 😭
warnings: yandere content, dark content, mention of pregnancy and having children, so afab darling, darling is called their wife, infidelity, possessive behavior, touch-starved aegon, gaslighting, you guys forget that aemond is not a pookie bear, criston
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♡ He's a mess, but at the end of the day, Aegon just wants to be loved. You can imagine his darling is just miserable with him, but Yan! Aegon is a different case. He just wants his sweet wife's attention on him, and he'll go to whatever means necessary in order to get it.
♤ Aegon has no real use for whores or servant girls anymore now that he has a wife that he craves, but that doesn't mean he won't use his past sexual deviancy against his wife if she refuses to give him the attention that he wants and needs. Aegon can be petty, and he uses the threat of fucking other women against his darling if they refuse him. His mother berates him for his behavior, but it works for the most part, so he doesn't care.
♡ He's extremely possessive over his wife. Aegon never gets any positive attention from anyone, so if he's blessed with a wife who actually dotes on him, he becomes obsessed with their attention. This, however, can become problematic. Aegon isn't keen on sharing his darling with anyone, and seeing his wife shower anyone else with their love makes Aegon delirious with jealousy.
♤ He really is starved for affection, so there's no doubt that Aegon's wife would have at least a few children. Aegon is a very sexual being, and he craves his wife like no other. There will be children. If his wife suffered from infertility, he'd probably just snatch one of his bastards up and bring them to his wife 😭 however, Aegon isn't the best father and just wants his darling wife to be happy with him. His children aren't strangers to Aegon, and he doesn't hate them, he's just focused on other things.
♡ Aegon is the type of husband who gaslights his wife all of the time, too. He's so scared that they'll get tired of him and find themselves a lover that he has to make them believe that he's the only man that could ever love them fully and as they are. He's absolutely toxic.
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♡ Believe it or not, Aemond is even more toxic than Aegon. Both of them are desperate for their respective wives, but the difference is that Aegon is obvious about his desperation, Aemond is not. That's not how he operates within his marriage, and Aemond can get increasingly aggressive when his wife doesn't do their duty to him as their husband.
♤ Aemond is dutiful, over everything else. He knows how to be a dutiful husband due to the way his mother talks about how wives should be treated, but when his wife is stubbornly intaking moon tea every morning, you can imagine his frustration. Aemond wants his wife to be willing to give him children, obviously, and he doesn't quite like the idea of forcing it upon them, so he's stuck in a bad mood until the problem is resolved. That being said, he would definitely tamper with his wife's tea once he gets his hands on the maester who's making it. He has more power within the castle than his wife does, the maester can't refuse him.
♡ That's not to say that he's a completely horribly husband, though. Aemond courted them before they were married, and he's clearly obsessed with his wife. He holds no hate for them, and many say he's a better husband than Aemond's wife could have asked for. He's accommodating, and he makes sure that his wife wants for nothing when they're with him.
♤ Aemond, however, has the soul of a dragon. He has a fiery temper, almost like Vhagar herself. His jealousy is unrivaled, by all accounts. Aemond, in the eyes of Westeros, is disabled and maimed. He went through phases of learning how to work around his lack of an eye, but people still consider him less than other men. That being said, he gets extremely uncomfortable when other men approach his wife. Aemond had to pull some legs for (Name)'s parents to agree to marry them to him, and Aemond isn't willing to share them with anyone.
♡ Aemond's jealousy would definitely cause some arguments between him and his wife, though. These are mostly one-sided arguments because he's rather scary when he's angry, but they leave Aemond feeling empty and insecure in his marriage. Aemond has this habit of locking his wife in their chambers when he's in this kind of mood, despite his mother telling him it's inappropriate.
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♡ He can not actually have a wife, obviously, but the way Criston acts with his darling makes it look like he might actually be their husband. I imagine that they're a lady-in-waiting for either Alicent or Helaena. Maybe they're just a random servant. Criston meets them right after his big blowout with Rhaenyra.
♤ Just so we're clear, he was absolutely destroyed after what happened with the princess, so I can see his darling being someone who he feels safe around. I actually really like the idea of his darling having a motherly vibe, so they coddle Criston in secret. Unlike Aegon and Aemond, there isn't much of a sexual aspect to his relationship with his wife. Criston is sort of averse to the idea of sex after Rhaenyra.
♡ Once he becomes more comfortable around his darling, I think he would dote on them a lot in private. They're so precious to him, and Criston is just so thankful that they exist, so he does everything in his power to make them happy. This may come off as rather smothering, but he's incapable of stopping.
♤ The one thing about him is that he gaslights his wife a lot. He's afraid that they’ll find out that he isn't the white knight in shining armor that he makes them think he is, and that terrifies Criston. He doesn't want his little wife to lose the love they have for him.
♡ He lets his invasive thoughts win sometimes and almost asks Alicent to actually wed him to his darling.
♤ He's delusional <3
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This has been in my drafts for a while, i like the way it came out :)
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rainbowsillz · 9 months
“That guy is my pookie, so stop touching him—!”
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Pairings: Multiple Characters X GN! Reader.
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Warnings: Unwanted affections, discomfort, etc.
RIDDLE was aversed by the event, he doesn't know what he should do, he shouldn't lash out at them. He disliked it, being interacted by a stranger unfamiliar to him. They were seemingly intent on speaking to him. Curse his situation, it wasn't good for him. Before he becomes any more uncomfortable, your voice pulled him back to reality when you then rushed to him. The red head scrambled to call you over and get away. He looked okay mostly, except with him forgetting to compose himself as he took your hand into his. Cuddle him and he will be in a pleasant mood!
LEONA could care less or doesn't notice in the beginning since he was taking care of his nephew. He has instinct, yeah sure, but he wasn't always paying attention to his environment, he was keen on waiting for you to arrive from your shopping items and whatnot. So there was someone, they presumably? Asking questions to him, and he was a jerk he usually was to anyone, he didn't answer back to them. And that escalated when they were hitting on him! Needless to say, he was somewhat glad that you showed up before he beat them into a pulp or worse with his hands...
AZUL was smiling maliciously at them. Oh my, what a stupi- he meant fearless individual, one does not hop away unscathed after it. Do boundaries mean nothing to them? How sorrowful! I think he can dissolve this himself, and like Riddle, he doesn't enjoy physical contact too much from nameless civilians in particular. A pity that Jade and Floyd was at Mostro Lounge today, he adjusted his glasses in a thoughtful manner as he pondered about this. How will he resolve it? His train of thoughts was intercepted by your appearance, you drove them away shortly and checked on him.
KALIM was oblivious, he was too nice to understand it, he did keep his distance because he was going on a date with you. And you were looking forward to it as he does! He blanched and shoved them away the minute they attempted to kiss his lips. And by a miracle, you popped out sooner than he anticipated, shielding him behind you as you scolded them and threatened them to leave or else, you whisked your phone out and said you informed the headmaster of their crimes, and they'll be facing consequences. The grin on your boyfriend was ear to ear as he thanked you.
VIL was having a headache, he should have expected it, as if school work wasn't a chore, he had to be worrying about this? You weren't there yet, so he will have to settle it himself, you can be scary if you have to be after all. And him as a renowned celebrity can put you in a tight spot, so he doesn't want that to occur. His vice was at his dormitory, Rook wasn't there with him, what a great time for him, he thought sarcastically to himself. His fortitude can't be that generous with his dilemma, to imagine how you ran straight in to rant at them for him. How gallant of you.
IDIA was screeching internally, he couldn't believe it, why would anyone t-t-talk to him??? He was not happy, this was why he was against coming out of Ignihyde, he should have brought Ortho with him. Because he was out of place and eek..! W-what?! Did they flirt with him? This was weird, he cannot handle this anymore. The almond shaped eyes dorm leader was gripping his tablet like it was his hope. Prefect, where were you? Fortunately for him, you were back from your exploration and headed to him. Much to his relief, they were gone when you gave an energy drink to him.
MALLEUS was fazed by it. Confusion and dread vibrated in his mind. Was this ordinary for humans? The fae was disturbed, more so abhorred with the overwhelming senses of anxiousness as he moved away. He doesn't wish to seem radical. So he resorted to cautioning them to not pet him like that with firmness instead. You were done with your groceries, and walked toward him and it dawned on you what was happening with him. His gaze landed on your form, and the housewarden of Diasomnia beckoned you. Although it made him unnerved, you were there to cheer him up.
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txtistheloml · 8 months
mean hard (positively toxic(?)) dom yeonjun who loves u sm but hates it when u get jealous because ofc he loves you why are you thinking he could love anyone else the way he loves you. “you think i’m close with ___? yeah well guess what? i dont do this to ____” and then proceeds to rail your brains out
im sorry if this made no sense i literally do not know wjat im saying ugh
im sorry this took like 84883983928 years to answer but i hope i did justice to ur idea !! enjoy babe :3
Jealousy - Choi . YJ
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word count: 1.5k-ish (1542)…. warnings: implied fem. reader, afab!reader, petnames (baby, sweetheart), degradation of some sort..? (slut), jealousy if it counts, slight angst if you squint, no protection used (wrap before you tap pookie), lowkey breeding kink bc im obsessed uhh, spanking (like once), edging (once LMAO), my terrible writing ofc, lmk if i missed anything!
a/n: im sorry to whoever is called maddie 😭 i just came up with that name randomly ,, also sorry for shit quality if it is haha ,, random moodboard dont attack me pls ik it isnt the best i triedd
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to say you hated yeonjun being so close to other girls, wanting to be the only one in his eyes, was an understatement. you absolutely despised it.
and well, this was how you ended up in this particular situation.
sitting on a chair in the corner of yeonjun's office, arms crossed over your chest and lips all pouty as you counted down the time until he clocks off for the day. watching yeonjun type away on his computer while he flirts and giggles with the female coworker, maddie, who sat beside him was an eyesore. he looked your way every couple minutes sending you an assuring smile as he mouths, i'll be off soon.
sure you loved yeonjun and all, but you couldn't help the jealousy that was bubbling in you when you saw him act all sweet and close to maddie, so you decided to 'ignore' him when he pulls on your hand, a sweet smile tugging on his face as he says, "let's go baby." as soon as you stood up from the chair, you let go of his hand and silently trailed behind him, not a single word being heard from you.
silence hung in the air as you both got into the car, and your unusual silence doesn't go unnoticed by yeonjun since you were always so energetic and bubbly, but he thought lightly of it and decided to simply shrug it off, thinking that maybe you were just tired.
"how was your day baby?" "fine." "are you hungry yet?" "no."
seeing that you were speaking to him so dryly, he made the sensible choice of not poking his nose into it further and decides to shut up as he thought about what he could have possibly done to piss you off recently the rest of the drive home.
"okay what's going on? you have not said shit to me since we left the company. your're genuinely scaring me sweetheart.. tell me what's wrong, please?" yeonjun tries to reason as he shuts the door to your room, putting down his bag and undoing his tie.
"you should know fucking well what you did choi yeonjun. and this isn't the first time either." you snap out of annoyance, "if you want to be all close and flirty with maddie, you might as well go make her your girlfriend instead"
"you cannot be serious right now y/n." he states with a scoff, "you know how much i hate it when you get jealous. i've told you before, she's just a colleague y/n. you know you're the only one i see sweetheart, i only love you, no one else i swear."
despite yeonjun being so sweet, you still wanted to prove your point of being jealous. "well as far as i know, colleagues don't flirt and giggle all the time yeonjun, especially when she knows fairly well you are dating me. and it definitely seems like you're closer to her than me you know."
"you think i'm close with maddie? yeah well guess what? i don't do this to her."
that was the last thing you heard from yeonjun before he's grabbing your face so hard you'd think it would leave a bruise and crashing his lips onto yours. the kiss was hot and messy and as much as you liked it, you didn't want to give in yet. trying to push yourself away from him as you push against his chest but unsurprisingly, he doesn't let you get away.
he threads his hand through your hair and suddenly he's pulling your head back by your hair, deepening the kiss. you yelp from surprise but yeonjun is unfazed as he continues pulling you into him, almost as if he wants to merge the two of you into one. he pulls away only to catch his breath but his hands don't stop.
he practically yanks your clothes off as he roughly shoves you in the direction of the bed, ordering you to do as he says. "face down ass up sweetheart, i believe your dick-filled brain knows what's better for you right?" you had no choice but to listen to him, knowing if you didn't, punishments that you'd rather not reminisce about.
although you couldn't see what he was doing, you could hear the clinking of his belt followed by the thud of it on the floor, you guessed he was ridding of his clothes. you felt a heavy weight push down on the bed as it crawls towards you before you were left with the stinging pain of yeonjun's palm on your ass.
you let out a small shriek before his hands were smoothing over the soft flesh of your ass, almost as if he was trying to soothe the pain. you braced yourself for another strike, thinking he was going to spank you again but you felt his hands glide downwards, over your already dripping pussy.
you moaned out as his fingertips circles your clit agonisingly slowly, and he's whispering into your ear, "need me to remind you of who this dick belongs to, sweetheart?" the thoughts of you wanting to prove your point being long gone, you nodded furiously as all you could think about was yeonjun's dick. but honestly, who wouldn't?
"such a slut tsk. my pretty slut hm?" "yes! all yours yeonjun, please. m' all yours." barely able to think straight, that came out more as a squeak than you intended but that was the least of your worries as you feel yeonjun prodding at your entrance.
yeonjun wanted to have a little mercy on you at least, deciding to stop after pushing in halfway as he knew sometimes you struggled to take him, but he couldn't stop, your warm gummy walls sucking him in so greedily. hissing softly at how tight you felt around him, he grips onto the plush of your hips and starts fucking into you like some starved animal.
hearing you moan and mumble something along the lines of feeling so full, he can't help but let out a laugh as he pounds into you faster, one hand gripping onto your hips as another hand slipped under to rub at your clit just the way he knows you like it.
"my slut is always so greedy for my dick, fuck- you feel so good, so tight and warm" he coos at you almost teasingly, "maddie doesn't get this from m-me y'know, hmmph- you're the only one that gets this from me. i don't f-fucking like it when you get jealous, you are the only one i love y/n."
your moans and cries were only spurring yeonjun on more, as his hips stutter for a split second as to how good you were making him feel. a slightly louder whine ripped from your throat when you felt him hit that one sweet spot inside you. he tried to angle his thrusts to hit your sweet spot over and over again, his hand on your clit never stopping as he inches you closer to your orgasm.
you were practically crying out to him saying that you were so so close along with strings of indecipherable sentences. he brought you dangerously close to the edge before completely stilling his movements, causing you to moan frustratedly as you try to buck your hips backwards to get some friction as you felt your climax dwindling away. yeonjun took a deep, shaky breath as he tried to calm himself a little, since he was also so close to cumming earlier.
choked sobs of protest were sounded by you, "i was so close yeonjun, so so close. why did you have to stop-" but was cut short as yeonjun's hips met yours again frantically, wanting to chase his own high too. shamelessly loud wails of yeonjun's name was repeated by you, again and again as the familiar feeling appears in your tummy again.
your knuckles turning slightly white as you grip onto the pillow for your dear life as yeonjun pounds into you faster (if that was even possible). the knot in your tummy tightens more and more by the second and a mixture of screams and moans of yeonjunyeonjunyeonjun were ripped from you as you ride through possibly the best orgasm of your life.
shuddering from the intensity of it, that was all it took to trigger yeonjun's own high, burying himself as deep as he could with a few last thrusts before he cums and fills you up to the brim.
after a few moments, he gently pulls out, wincing slightly from the sensitivity, as he turns you around and plops himself onto you, breathing in your scent even though you probably didn't smell the best at that moment. you guys didn't give a care in the world about the humid sticky feeling from the sweat that had gathered on your bodies.
you kind of felt silly for feeling arrogant about the fact that you were the one being filled up with yeonjun's babies, not maddie being in your place, but who's judging? its probably just your braincells malfunctioning after that godsent orgasm.
safe to say that was not the last time you got jealous of maddie and your neighbours would probably know yeonjun's name by now LOL
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taglist: @huckleberrykai (send an ask if uw to be added ,, make sure to specify sfw or nsfw!)
feedback along with likes and reblogs are always appreciated !!
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tomssexdoll · 10 days
can you please write smut where its the wedding night of tom and reader after they got married?? like she wears sexy lingerie and shit??
hii ofc!
Can't help falling in love with you
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PAIRINGS: Tom 2014 x Female reader
SYPNOSIS: It's Tom and Y/NS wedding, finally after 12 years of being together and 4 years of engagement they had the wedding, one that they both dreamed of for years, but when they get back home, Y/N wears something naughty, intruging Toms dirty mind..
A/N: hi pookies
WARNINGS: dom!tom, sub!reader, eating out, fingering, p in v (missionary), teasing, sucking d
Me and Tom have been together for 12 years, engaged for 4 and just recently wed. There's never been a day where I wasn't happy with Tom, we had our fights yes but he always made it up to me at the end of the day, never missing a chance to cuddle with me at night.
We met when we were 13, it was like love at first sight, the moment we layed eyes on each other I knew we had something special, a type of chemistry I've never expierienced before. He worked up to the courage to start talking to me, we had mutual friends and we started ditching classes to be with each other, go on cute "friend" dates and then eventually he asked me out.
I'll never forget that day, he made me go around the school and collect roses from 30 people, by the time I got to him he had a huge sign and a megaphone, making the most beautiful speech I think i've ever heard, everyone around me smiling like idiots.
We never stopped going on dates, even when he was touring with the band, he'd always bring me with him and show me off to their fans. He was the best boyfriend, getting me roses every week, kissing and hugging me in public, despite how embarrassing it was.
I never stopped loving him, not even for a second, he was the love of my life and I didn't want anyone else, I didn't want anyone but him, to hold and to cherish him forever, I always dreamt of our wedding and now it was finally happening.
I was in my dressing room, my heart pounding in my chest as the time went by, each minute agonizing. "I'm so nervous, what if he doesn't think I look beautiful?" I whined, turning to my maid of honor. She rolled her eyes, "for the last time y/n, he's loved you for 12 years he isn't going to look at you any different, now cmon."
I wore a beautiful ball gown looking dress, the bodice fit my torso perfectly, hugging my curves and making my tits look amazing. The doors opened to the church, everyone turning their heads to look at me, I slowly walked down the aisle, when I was in eyes view for Tom his jaw dropped.
I smiled brightly, holding the beautiful bouqet of pink flowers in my hand. He turned away briefly and wiped his tears, I could hear him trying to contain himself, Bill rubbing his back softly and reassuring him.
As I got to him, I looked into his eyes, our love for each other very obvious to the others. "Do you, Tom Kaulitz, take Y/N L/N to be your wife?" the priest said, "I do," he smiled.
"And, do you Y/N LN, take Tom Kaulitz to be your husband?" I nodded "I do.." I said, my voice a little shaky, all the emotions coming to me all at once. "You may now kiss the bride," as soon as the priest said those words Tom grabbed my face and smashed his lips into mine, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me close.
I smirked against his lips, pulling back, the crowed stood up and cheered. As we left the church everyone threw rice at us, all saying how happy they were for us.
I threw the bouqet behind me and celebrated with everyone, singing and dancing, playing games and drinking A LOT. By the end of the night, everyone was wasted, either dragged out or asleep on the floor. We walked hand in hand to our limo, driving back home, desperate to get our hands on each other.
We stumbled into the house, giggling and walking into the bedroom, "stay here baby.." I smirked, walking into my walk in robe, picking the sexiest pair of lingiere I bought just for our wedding, it was a white, lacey bustier, paired with some thigh high socks. I slipped it on quickly before heading to the door.
"Close your eyes and don't open till i say Tom!" I called out, "okay honey!" he yelled back, when I stepped out his hands were over his eyes, I tapped his shoulder, "you can look now," as he uncovered his eyes they widened, staring at my tits.
"Holy fuck.." his breath hitched, reaching out and grabbing my breast softly, "you like what you see?" I grinned, caressing his cheek, "like? baby..i love it.." he grabbed me by my waist, carrying me to the bed and plopping me down, standing at the foot of the bed and going in between my legs.
"Such a beautiful girl...my beautiful wife.." he mumbled, leaning down and kissing my neck softly, trailing down to my chest and slowly unclipping the lingiere off, revealing my hard nipples.
"Fuck.." he groaned, latching onto one of my nipples and sucking softly, "tom.." I whimpered, running my hair gently through his hair, tugging at it when he grazed his teeth over my sensitive bud.
His hands moved to my hips, holding them tightly as he trailed down from my tits to my stomach, "so sexy..so elegant," he murmered, complimenting me in any way he could, making me feel special like he always did.
"Tonight I want us to make each other feel good, explore each other in ways we haven't before," he smirked, looking up at me for my approval. I honestly liked the idea, personally pleasuring each other instead of a quick fuck and straight to bed.
He continued to trail kisses all the way to my lower stomach, peeling my panties off and gently pushing them aside, "spread your legs baby, I'm gonna make you feel so fucking good," he grunted, I complied and spread my legs as far as I could, my glistening pussy staring back at him, begging for attention.
"Jesus christ you're already so wet, and I haven't even touch your pussy yet," he chuckled, "well I can't help it, you know you turn me on" I smirked, he lowered his head and started to place soft kisses on my clit, "fuck!" I whined, already super sensitive.
"Sorry baby.." he grinned, swirling his tongue slowly on my clit, waves of pleasure coursing throughout my body, driving me crazy. "Tom.." I whimpered, "yes baby?" he continued to lap his tongue on my sensitive nub, "faster, please!" I begged, my legs slightly trembling.
He accept my request, flicking his tongue at a rapid pace, sliding 2 fingers in my cunt, stretching me out slowly, "mmm!" I moaned loudly, rolling my eyes back as the pleasure was hitting me like a truck.
When he ate my pussy, he was usually rough, fingering me until I squirted everywhere but this time he was gentle, making sure that I was fully satisfied, this night was very special to us, we had discussed it before and agreed to take it slow when the time came.
He was such a loving man, I knew for a fact he'd be an amazing father, I couldn't wait to have his kids, I wonder if we'd have twins like Tom and Bill.
"Fuck..so wet and tight for me.." he moaned softly, pounding his fingers into me, my hands reached down to his hair again and I tugged lightly, Tom enjoying the pain.
Tom's tongue flicked out, teasing me before diving deeper, lapping at my clit like a starved man. "Mmm...so good.." he mumbled, stuffing his face fully into my pussy, removing his fingers and dipping his tongue into my hole, savouring the taste.
"Shit!" I cried out, squirming slightly in his grip, trying my best to not lose control and cum everywhere, he sucked on my clit, using his finger to spred my folds apart and rub his tongue all over every into of my wet pussy.
"That's it honey, come for me," he smirked, feeling my legs shake as I came closer to my release. He kept licking and sucking at my clit, using his fingers again to fuck me deeper and harder as he pushed me over the edge.
I groaned and clenched around his fingers, my orgasm dangerously close, "gonna cum! fuckfuckfuck!" I cried out before spilling my juices all over him, he removed his digits and licked every drop of cum I gave him, wanting to taste every party of me as he drank down my juices. "You taste so fucking good.." he smirked, standing back up and licking his lips, climbing onto the bed and laying back onto it.
I smirked and crawled close to him, untying his belt and flinging it across the room, he helped me by taking his shirt and tie off as I dragged his pants down, his dark grey boxers left. I could see the imprint of his cock, desperate to be let free.
I tugged his boxers down, his cock springing out and slapping against his abdomen, precum leaking from the tip. He grinned, waiting for me to work my magic. I started to slowly pump my hand up and down his cock, "oh baby.." he whined, throwing his head back.
Tom hissed in pleasure as I picked up my pace, his cock throbbing hard and throbbing in my hand, "fuck," he groaned, letting his head fall back. He was already hard from eating me out, but it felt even better with my hand on his cock. He thrust his hips forward, letting out a low moan as he felt your fingers tighten aroundp him.
I leaned down and engulfed his cock with my mouth, "fuck yes.." he groaned, fisting his hands in my hair as I deep into my mouth. He let a low growl as he felt my tongue swirl around the head of his cock, tracing each fidge and vein as I worked him deeper.
"Such a good girl..sucking my cock so well.." he praised, guiding my head up and down his cock, "mm.." I moaned, his tip hitting the back of my throat. He rolled his eyes back, his grip on my hair tightening, my scalp stinging a little.
I continued to suck his cock, saliva building around my mouth as it got sloppier, squelching noises coming from his sopping cock, "ohhh baby, you're take my cock so well don't you" he grunted, slamming my head on his length, filling my mouth with every single inch.
I choked a little, holding onto his thighs desperatly as he started to take control, my jaw hurting. "So close!" he cried out, "fuckkk!", I smirked at the amount of pleasure he was experiencing, it looked like he was ascending into heaven.
I felt his cock throb in my mouth intensely, signalling his upcoming release, getting me ready for his cum. I started to suck harder and faster, wanting him to experience bliss when he came, his hips bucking slightly as he felt my tongue flick against the head of his cock, teasing his tip.
"Oh my fucking god!" he groaned loudly, shooting his load down my throat, "shit.." he collapsed onto the mattress, pulling his memeber out slowly. "Swallow.." he commanded, tapping my chin, I instantly obeyed and swallowed it, opening my mouth and sticking my tongue out, "good girl, come here," he panted, pulling me closer.
My pussy hovered over his aching cock, still in need for more attention. He flipped us over, now hovering over me, lust washing over his eyes as he grabbed my legs, slinging them over his shoulder.
"You ready?" he panted, still not recovered from his recent orgasm, desperate to feel my pussy around his cock. I nodded and he slowly pushed his cock inside me, quickly bottoming out and creating a rough pace.
"Fuck!" I cried out, holding onto him tightly, his cock pistoning inside me, leaving no mercy. "So fucking tight..so good for me.." he groaned, slamming his hips into mine, skin slapping loudly.
His tip instantly started to pound into my g spot, my back arching to meet his thrusts. "Oh baby..oh fuck.." I whimpered, burying my head into the crook of his neck, leaving small, sloppy kisses.
"You're so perfect, mine.." he mumbled, drunk off of my pussy, watching as his cock slid in and out, mesmerized by it. "Mmm!" I whined, throwing my head back. His cock pounded into me roughly, his thrusts only getting harder by the minute, a wave of euphoria washing over me.
"You like that? My big cock buried in your pussy, fucking you like the good girl you are?" he grabbed my chin, forcing me to look up at him. I nodded eagearly, unable to produce any words, my throat blocked with moans "say it baby, say it to me!" he growled, tightening his grip on my jaw.
"I.." I moaned "I..I love your cock so much, feels so good in me!" I rolled my eyes back, my thighs trembling. "Good girl.." he praised, diving his head down and smashing his lips into mine, kissing me roughly, our lips interlocking into a rough embrace.
I felt tension build up in my tummy, my orgasm slowly building up, "cum for me again baby, need to feel that tight pussy clench around my cock," he moaned, pushing his lips back into mine, not stopping for anything.
He continued to slam his cock into me cruely, urgently needing me to cum all over his cock, the sensation addicting. "Holy fuck!" I yelped, my legs shaking as my orgasm crashed down, cumming on his cock, juices spilling everywhere.
As he felt my pussy clamp down on his needy cock, he spurted his seed into me, coating my walls. "Fuck.." he groaned, falling forward and resting on my bare chest. "That was amazing.." I giggled softly, running my hands through his hair, massaging his head softly, wanting him to relax.
"Mmm.." he mumbled, super fatigued from his 2 powerful orgasms. "So glad I married you, 'm so proud to be your husband..i'll love you forever.." he smiled softly, wrapping his arms around me tightly, resting his head on my chest, slowly drifting off to sleep.
"My sleepy boy.." I smirked, kissing the top of his head before drifting off to sleep myself.
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@itsmealaiah @itsangelll @kaulitzsbabyy @ballhair @tomsonlyslut @charliesgoodboy @bkaulitzlover @ge-billsgf @miyukafujii @estxkios
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Bigby Wolf x Reader Headcanons (NSFW)
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Oh ho ho, pookie >:)
I tried making this gender neutral
NSFW alphabets are gonna come back, idk how tho. I may make em Ao3 exclusive to promote it?
🌙 Just from looking at the disgruntled sheriff, you wouldn't even think of him being anything but a top- But he's very much a switch. As much as he loves dominating you in bed, he also loves relinquishing control and letting you take the reigns. He will never admit it, but he loves being spoiled in bed.
🌙 He started out absolutely sucking with aftercare. It wasn't because he didn't want to do it, it was because he never really had the experience. Bigby's a loyal dog and he's so ready to wait on hand and foot to take care of you when you're both spent.
🌙 Bigby loves to please you. Others, not so much. But you? He would drop everything just to satisfy you sexually if he could. Any way you want it, he'll do it: Orally, fingering, rough, soft, on the table or bent over the kitchen counter. You name it.
🌙 He has a not-so-little secret where he wants to fuck you on his desk. He wants to bat the papers and folders off, push you down and mount you. He knows you would be down for it, the issue is that his office is right down the hall from the Business Office and so many Fables - especially Snow and King Cole - walk past every day.
🌙 Condomns sadly don't really for Bigby. It's not that he doesn't like the use of them, they just don't seem to last; Especially if Bigby turns during sex. Not only that, but Bigby cums a lot, especially if you both haven't done it in a while.
🌙 He feels bad when you're both intimate sometimes and he suddenly wolfs out. It's always a shock to both of your systems, especially yours as you're not needing to accommodate the stretch of a bigger and girthier cock on top of him being a lot rougher than he usually is.
🌙 But fuck if he doesn't love it when you spur him on, knowing that you're also spurring on the beast that lies just beneath his skin. It drives him wild when you tease him to the point of him turning only to feign innocence before sauntering away, swaying your hips and throwing a glance over your shoulder like you're not about to get fucked into the nearest surface.
🌙 When he does fuck you as a werewolf, he loves if when you dig your nails into his beastly shoulders and tug on his soft fur. The pain from pulling just does something to him, sending little electric shocks right down his dick that's currently plowing into you. You can also earn bonus points if you call him a good boy.
🌙 He prefers to cum inside of you, some primal need because so satisfied when he spills his warm seed inside of you whether it's in your mouth or your sex. There are also times when he fights those urges and cums on your face or your ass. His favorite place is on your stomach so he can lick it and then kiss you.
🌙 He has a little thing that he's ashamed of, only because it's tied to something obvious from his past: Bigby loves it when you wear the color red. To anyone else, it would end with Bigby being berated because of what happened with Red Riding Hood (it's not from that though), but you don't do that. Instead, you often surprise him by wearing red underwear under your clothes.
🌙 He's not a very talkative person, the less the best really. But with you? He's talking a hell of a lot more. In the bedroom, he's always saying something; Encouraging you, complimenting you, begging for you.
🌙 He too loves to tease. Often pinning you to the mattress, calloused fingers gliding gently over your sensitivities as he speaks softly, telling you all about what he's going to do to you in his deep and scratchy voice. He loves it when you squirm and plead for him to shut the fuck up and start doing something to you.
🌙 If you have a thing for spanking, he totally stole the Crowd Control paddle from the overcrowded evidence room. He even patched up the splintered wood and re-wrapped the cotton grip. Although he would definitely prefer his hand, he does like the noises you make when you get the paddle to your poor behind.
🌙 Is it any shock to you that his favorite position to fuck you in is doggy style? He always gets an earful when you tease him about it afterwards, scoffing playfully and rolling his eyes before he states that he can find better positions to fuck you in. Mating press is another one of his favorites, especially when he wolfs out.
🌙 Bigby isn't the type of guy to really like to inflict a lot of pain. Spanking and choking are great and all, but he won't really push past those borders into something deeper unless you both really talk things out. He's already a rough and strong person, one wrong move and he can seriously hurt you and he would never forgive himself for it.
🌙 He's an ass man for sure. If you ever walk past him in tighter pants, he can always be caught staring right at the curve of your ass. He doesn't blush and look away and try to deny it, instead, he gets a shit-eating grin and fully accepts he was caught before offering that he can take a break if you want to teach him a lesson.
🌙 He's not a fan of roleplaying. He's pretty awkward socially and he would often fumble words or straight-up forget you both were doing so in the first place. It often gets funny when you would say something sexually weird and Bigby would instantly drop character and say the most Bigby thing imaginable.
🌙 Bigby has the strength to pull you into whatever position he wants you to be in. Even when you've climaxed for the umpteenth time and he's still ramming into your poor hole, he's easily holding you up by your hips, shoulders or waist until he's spent himself inside of you.
🌙 He's not the type to smoke after sex. Instead, he often wraps one of his big muscular arms around your waist and drags you as close as possible against his chest and indulge himself in your scent. He insists that you always smell better when you climax.
🌙 He doesn't drift off right away, often kept up by his racing thoughts and heart. He tries to make some light conversation while you're both snuggled close, but he leaves you to rest if you drift off. It's often hard sometimes to calm down if the beast inside wanted to come out to play but he didn't let it.
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panoffrying · 2 months
My Dr. Sozonius LORE Headcanons
✨Warning this is a bit long✨
Sozo is a character that has lived for a very long time. Whatever that mushroom was on their head not only influenced Sozo but kept them immortal. We know really nothing bout Sozos past so I made some headcanons for silly fun and for me to visualize who Sozo was and what his life may have looked like. I want to do my best to keep this as game accurate as possible, so there will be quotes from the game. The quotes are not at all in order! I kinda just bring up random Sozo quotes as I go. Also I apologize if this doesn't make sense or if I ramble (I get excited about certain topics) 
thank you so much @7moonbird for going over and editing this for me, Love ya Pookie!
And so we start:
Sozonius was born in the days of the old faith. He was present the day the Bishops declared the genocide of the lambs and he actually played a big part in assisting the lambs survival. However, he almost got caught and had to stop helping the lambs to keep his family safe. He's never seen any of the bishops but his village was part of Darkwood and therefore under Bishop Leshy’s ruling.
Sozonius village was mostly a colony of Carpenter Ants, there were a few other species living there too but it was mostly Carpenter Ants. I imagine there are different races of ants depending on the region they’re in; so there could be fire ants, pharaoh ants, and more! Most ants get along nicely and work together but sometimes other races of ants can be more temperamental and cause conflict between colonies. Carpenter ants are a more calm type of ants, they aren't aggressive but they are incredibly strong. Carpenters ants are known to live in trees; they hollow out trees to make their homes and they like to stay off the ground as much as possible in case of floods and other dangers.
In the colony they had their ruler, the “Queen,” who looked over the village and did queenly business (not gonna go too deep into it). Everyone had many different jobs, ants are hard workers and very strong. They made marvelous structures, farmed a lot of crops, and knew how to work together when there was a threat. Sozo’s village was one that many others would try making deals/trades with. I would talk more about his village but that's not why y’all are here lol. 
Sozonius was a fellow damn near everyone in the village knew. He loved his work and he loved to talk about it to anyone that expressed that they wanted to listen. He was that guy that you could get stuck in a conversation with and struggle to end it. He liked to ramble about his work and kids. Other than that though he never really started conversations with others, he would keep to himself unless someone interacted with him.
And I could definitely see him having a science rival but nothing too bad lol.
“Where am I…? Where is… my family…?”  are the words Sozo says when he turns back into Dr. Sozonius. I like to think he had a wife and two children. They didn’t have the best marriage but they made it work out for their two sons. His wife was a bit stubborn and very honest. She would say things before thinking which did cause issues, but Sozonius let it slide because he loved her so much and wanted a happy family for his sons. 
Sozonius was a very funny dude. He made dad jokes all the damn time, his family would pretend to hate the jokes but in reality they did love them. 
Sozo Dialogue “Now all Sozo can think about is mushrooms, mushrooms, MUSHROOMS… They don’t leave mush-room for anything else! Ha!”
(Also, this next idea is inspired off of @kuphulwho headcanons for Sozo. I loved her ideas and I recommend y'all look at her headcanons too!) Aside from Sozonius being a mycologist he had a side hobby of art! He wasn't the best artist, but he was really talented with sketching plants/fungi, he liked to make art of anything that interested him. He most likely wrote an educational picture book about Fungi, there's probably an old copy of it somewhere.
This art hobby caught the interest of his two sons, and they also started to pursue art. Sozonius would take his free time teaching his sons how to draw plants and such. Sozonius would hang his kids' art everywhere in their house, it was like walking into an art museum haha.
Sozonius studied mycology which means he studied fungi. Sozonius knew fungi could benefit his society and he wanted to help educate others about the importance of fungi. Soon he learned enough of a new discovery of mushroom people, neither plant nor animal…Sozonius then made the decision to go on a solo mission to study the Mushroomo people.
Dr. Sozonius Dialogue “My name is Dr. Sozonius. I was researching the Mushroomos that live in Spore Grotto… strange creatures, Neither animal nor plant…” 
Sozonius went to Spore Grotto and at first, he studied the Mushroomo people from a distance setting up a campsite near the Mushroomo Village. When the Mushroomo people discovered Sozonius they welcomed him into their home, cheerful happy little things. Sozonius was given the chance to learn more about these strange creatures up close! How could he say no? Sozonius was welcomed into Spore Grotto and was treated like a god. 
Sozonius asked the Mushroomos many questions, but getting any actual answers from them was difficult. The Mushroomos treated Sozonius like he was their most special guest, they danced and sang for Sozonius. They would mimic Sozonius and follow him around, making sure to do anything he asked of them. There would be many times when the Mushroomos would offer to feed Sozonius menticide mushrooms but Sozonius knew a lot about fungi and declined their offers. However, there seemed to be a special Ritual the Mushroomos took part in… 
Sozonius had been in Spore Grotto for many weeks now, it was time for him to leave, he had studied enough and was ready to return home but the Mushroomos were surprisingly sad when he announced this. They wanted to show Sozonius a sacred ritual to them before he left, he wasn't aware of the menticide mushrooms being part of it…
Dr. Sozonius Dialogue “They gave me Menticide Mushrooms, and then… that’s the last thing I remember…”
After Sozonius was tricked into eating menticide mushrooms and also gave Sozonius a crown, a crown that would grow into Sozoniuss mind, he shall be the Mushroomos leader… And the new Sozo was made. (literally just think of Ice Age 2 when the lil sloths take Sid to be their fire king, however they don't sacrifice him)
The mushroom on Sozos head is very powerful, it makes me wonder what it is exactly, it gives the person wearing it immortality, but also causes the user to go insane (don't forget that Sozo is also being fed menticide mushrooms) the mushroom crown kinda reminds me of Chemachs crown. It seems to have a mind of its own and a face. I feel like the Mushroomos for days straight made sure to give Sozo a diet of only menticide mushrooms to make him forget everything and to possibly power the mushroom crown. They would constantly tell Sozo that his mind would be open and free, that it would make him feel better, and Sozo being under the influence of the mushroom listened to them.
A Mushroomo Dialogue "Once you taste the Menticide Mushroom your mind will be opened." 
As the years went by so did all the sanity Sozonius had left, but in some moments Sozonius seems to still be aware but not all there. 
Sozo Dialogue “Sozo had friends... Followers... family... now Sozo has mushrooms..."
Sozo over time seems to start to dislike his followers and call them liars. He even becomes quite cruel to his followers. Yet he also mentions that he trusts the lamb and wants the lamb to protect him from his followers which makes me believe that Sozonius is somehow a little aware and fighting against the mushroom crown’s influence. He is mad at the Mushroomos for lying to him, tricking him, making him into who he is now.
 Sozo Dialogue  “No need to thanks Sozo. Build it at your Cult then come back to me. Sozo shall grant you one last gift. Sozo is always fair. Always repays this debts. Not like those LIARS out there."
"You did it! Now I know I can trust you... not like those nasty liars outside. They are always watching, always listening! Here take this. You are Sozo's best friend, you are Sozo's only friend."
"Sozo can trust you now, Sozo will pledge himself to you! You will protect me from those liars outside and bring Sozo mushrooms!"
(Also a side note that my gf brought to my attention last second lol! Apparently parasitic mushrooms rely on insects to spread. That is probably why they tricked Sozonius into staying and eating menticide mushrooms. Maybe it's been that long since they've seen an insect)
So, this next little headcanon of mine is an interesting one and might be confusing to explain. Was Sozonius imprisoned within his own mind while under the control of the mushroom crown? If he was, I can see him being stuck in a sort of loop, imagining his family and friends. Think like Mabel's Bubble from ‘Gravity Falls’ weirdmageddon. Sozonius is trapped in a mental bubble, stuck in a false reality as the now mushroom-infected Sozo takes over his body and actions. 
In Sozonius’s mental bubble he is in a place where trees are big, tall mushrooms and flowers are mushrooms, everywhere he turns its mushrooms. He knows something is wrong, everything is too strange, everyone he loves is there with him but is it real? It feels like he's living in a dream. Sozonius proceeds to talk to his friends and family as if they are actually there in which I noticed that Sozo will talk to the menticide mushrooms as if they are actual people.
Sozo Dialogue “Precious, perfect little mushrooms, Sozo is here now, Sozo will always be here…”
”Sozo is busy now… Sozo must commune with the ‘shrooms.”
As time passes more mushrooms grow in his mind prison, and they keep growing and growing until they start to grow on the people he loves. He knows something is happening, he's going mad, and he starts to search for an exit, he needs to escape this false reality that the mushroom crown has created for him. 
He starts fighting the mushroom crown’s hold on him which causes him to regain some awareness. This is when a part of him realizes he’s been tricked, and he starts refusing everything the Mushroomos give him and becomes cruel to them. However, the lambs have never done him wrong before and the lamb (from the cult) begins to be the only person he can trust. At least until it becomes too much and well… we know Sozo’s fate.
So Sozo doesn't get resurrected until all the bishops become mortal (at least in my playthrough)(I might change this to he was part of the cult before the bishops I’m not sure). So all the bishop siblings are in the cult and learning the ways of mortal stuff and Sozo appears around the same time, still the crazy Sozo we know and love. However, he’s still very addicted to the menticide mushrooms and both the Lamb and night workers have found Sozo digging through the mushroom crops like a lil racoon.
Based on the game, Sozo likes to run around the cult and do his own thing; he often looks very spaced out but the moment someone talks to him he starts spitting nonsense before yelling at them to go away. The only people Sozo will talk to are people that give Sozo what he wants, which is menticide mushrooms! If you do that for him he will talk your ear off with nonsense, in conversations with him he will often talk about his followers, them being liars and disgusting little creatures. One day though Sozo’s personality seems to change? He starts to tell the lamb,
 “Sozo was just here, all alone, thinking about mushrooms... Uh, Sozo means Sozo's little Mushroomo followers!”
”Yes,, they must be so lost without Sozo. They love Sozo! Everyone loves Sozo - especially Lamb!”
“Without their great and beloved Sozo, Mushroomos must be so scared... YOU! You must save them! Save them and bring them to Sozo.”
”They will be trapped in Anura. They are always getting captured when they don't have their great Sozo to protect them. Rescue them and bring them to me.”
But when you bring the followers to Sozo he ends up eating them. At first glance you can assume it's just his addiction, in which it most certainly could be! He sees a big mushroom and he's like oooo~ delicious but there's also a possibility of this being Dr. Sozonius’s anger coming out. The whole fighting against the mushroom crown’s influence and realization that he’s been tricked. Maybe a mix of his addiction and anger for what they did to him? I’m not too sure if Sozo eating the Mushroomos was a problem before he joined the cult.
Of course, this addiction must be stopped so the lamb decides enough is enough and refuses to get more Mushroomos. This causes Sozo to dissent and, with little choice, the Lamb has to put him in rehab. I imagine it would’ve been a struggle getting Sozo to the prison without the Red Crown’s help. With the power of an ant that is Sozo’s size it's a miracle he didnt break that pillory while he was in it. Sozo just stayed silent and didn't fight; the person he had put his trust and hope in has imprisoned him. Sozo is a bit depressed at that moment. 
After Sozo has been re-educated, released, and cured of his addiction the mushroom crown finally falls off his head. Which, like I said before, makes me wonder, was it being powered by the menticide mushrooms Sozo has been eating or is it something else?
But Dr. Sozonius talks about some stuff before saying,
Dr. Sozonius Dialogue “I can’t help but feel that I have you to thank for… something. You have my loyalty, I will remain here and serve you. Please, take this!”
Sozonius was ready to live his life rather than reunite with his family in the afterlife. He wasn't expecting to be resurrected after dying in the cult from old age. But Sozonius gave the lamb their loyalty and promised to stay in the cult and serve them. The Lamb had been so kind as to give Sozonius an immortality necklace, the Lamb didn’t want Sozonius to go yet… and Sozo’s heart was too kind and soft. He will have to wait a bit longer to return home to his family, but maybe some good things will come out of staying longer~
Also! Who do we think Sozo was talking to? 
A Mushroomo Dialogue "Who is Sozo talking to when he whispers in the dark...?"
Is he talking to himself? The mushrooms? Or the Fox?
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elizais · 3 months
okay, okay , i accept tachihara bf hcs but how should i live without tecchou bf hcs😔😔
great question! don't think too hard bcs here you go!
tecchou suehiro, who does not understand flirting or how to flirt. which is a pain when you are trying to talk to him before starting a relationship together but a blessing when other girls hit on him and he doesn't realise it.
speaking of tecchou suehiro and flirting, he talks about you a lot. which shuts down anyone trying to flirt with him. for example:
"that colour looks really good on you!" .. "thank you, it's [name]'s favourite." "are you free tomorrow?" .. "no, [name] and i are watching a movie." "you're cute." .. "not as cute as [name]."
pre bf! tecchou suehiro, doesn't understand his feelings. he doesn't understand why his heart beats up faster.. his breath hitches or anything else when you walk into the room - but jouno does. and he teases him a lot for it.
tecchou suehiro, who is a gym rat. so whatever physical activity you do (walking, running, any sports) he does as well! even if he is bad at it.
tecchou suehiro, who i think LOVES walks with you. you can make the joke that he loves walks because he is a hunting dog but you might not get a laugh out of it. but he likes holding hands with you and walking through parks.
if you're ever watching a series with some sort of military in it: tecchou suehiro either says a random 'yeah' or 'no' whenever they do something. he does it subconsciously, if you ask him what he means he won't understand what he has been doing. but really, he is saying whether or not the hunting dogs do that.
tecchou suehiro, who is the type of person to go "are they a villain or a hero?" when he walks in half way through to a film you are watching.
tecchou suehiro, who is a human radiator. he is so warm. so warm. but he doesn't ever feel too warm or too cold.
tecchou suehiro, who is big on communication. even at work, when interrogating someone he will choose communication over force (canon btw! elizai does her research!!) so expect him to talk out stuff when he doesn't understand something.
tecchou suehiro, who shows you his food combinations. just know i am writing this one with a grimace on my face. this hc is a bit of an aside but his last name (tetcho) translates to iron stomach which explains a lot, presumably why he has these weird combinations.
tecchou suehiro, who knows an odd amount of facts. this comes into play of him being a bf because when you are feeling down there is a fact to cheer you up.
tecchou suehiro, who has an 8/10 cuddle game. he is mostly muscle so like whether that is a pro or con for you is down to you!! pro for me😋.
tecchou suehiro, who doesn't really use pet names. he will call you 'love', 'darling' and 'dear' and other classic ones but he is not a 'pookie bear' type of guy.
tecchou suehiro, who will melt if YOU give him a nickname. "hiro" is a fav of his.
tecchou suehiro, who should have come higher in my bsd bf poll but whatever ig
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johnnycakesb14de · 3 months
Would NOT be afraid of them at all
Because 1. He just isn't
2. He's respectful and knows he won't piss them off
When he comes to pick you up
Say for a date
He comes like five minutes early to converse with them
Talking about things that guys (or if your sibling is a girl idk) talk about
Your sibling would definitely grow to like him because of his natural manners and overall politeness
Would kinda be a little worried
Not scared but like anxious about them
Like Darrys big and strong but the thing is Darry and Soda are so close so he knows Darry wouldn't hurt him
But with your sibling hes unsure
But that quickly goes away because it's Sodapop and it's impossible to hate him
Like boo does no wrong
Much like Darry he's polite and kind so he'd be a good match to bring home to your sibling
Wouldn't be to scared
Bs I'm lying
He's scared
Even though he has Darry and Sodapop as older brothers he is still worried about your siblings liking him
Like he talks to Soda and Soda tells him to just be nice a he'll be fine
When he meets them for the first time he's really anxious
But like it's pretty normal for him so he gets over it
Your sibling will like him
He's smart, polite, doesn't start issues
Your sibling and him will grow to respect each other
Literally quaking about them
Like low-key really scared
He wants to tell you he's a little afraid of your sibling but doesn't want you to get offended or make fun of him for being scared
So he talks to Dallas
He he gives his shitty ass advice
When it comes to them actually meeting each other your sibling actually really likes johnny
Because in the end what are they protecting you from? This??
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Like Johnny is so sweet and nice he's just really quiet
So in the end your sibling will love him
So this is where it gets a little messy
Dallas is no where near boyfriend material when it comes to your family
He will not be scared of them what so ever and will purposely piss them off
Like nothing scares Dallas and certainly your sibling won't change that
Like when he's dropping you off at your house he kisses for a amount of time past decent on the front porch
Slipping a hand into your pack pocket
After a while your sibling will start to see a side of Dallas he won't show directly
So does your sibling still dislike Dally
But does he know that he treats you differently than others and will protect you
Also yes
Soo Steve isn't really scared
Doesn't really think about it you know?
He's thinking about the car in the shop or you
He's kinda mean and passive aggressive so he could potentially say something that might piss your sibling off
But he doesn't mean to that's just how he is a a person
Steve definitely won't go out of his way to make your sibling like him
But Steve is a good boyfriend so there isn't much for your sibling to dislike
After they talk for a bit they will start to become okay with each other and your sibling will trust him
Two-bit isn't scared but not because of how you think
He just doesn't gaf
Like he could care less about anyone else
So your sibling doesn't really do much to him
He'll come to pick you up and he'll tell your sibling some stupid jokes and then leave with you
Your sibling probably wouldn't like how drunk he is most of the time
But I feel like if you asked him he would stop drinking so much
I think your sibling would like two-bit
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lacyscabinet · 6 months
Natalie Scatorccio being Italian
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A/N: Hi GUYSSS!!! I was really bored in class today and I remembered that Natalie is indeed my fellow Italian so I thought I'd make a headcanon about it, in the first few bullet points I tried to kinda give her a backstory so that was fun :) enjoy<3
From what we have been shown in the series Natalie doesn't really lean in the Italian-american stereotype (luckily lmao) apart from her very Italian last name and the attempted Italian accent Sophie Thatcher gave to the character in the first episodes, so we'll have to use some imagination here, but hey, it's an headcanon after all
Her dad's family is Italian (I'm pretty sure this is canon, correct me if I'm wrong tho) but he moved to the USA
Her dad's family was probably from the south, not necessarily Sicily or Sardinia, maybe somewhere around Naples!? Definitely not the north tho
I don't think she ever actively decided to learn Italian, maybe she knows a few words (definitely the swear words, we'll get to that later) but the accent is what really stuck with her
Would get pissed if someone cooked pasta the wrong way
Thick Italian accent when she gets mad/speaks with a louder tone/when she first wakes up (same girl, same)
Does the 🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻 ironically (again, same girlie)
At first she tried to get people to pronounce her last name correctly but eventually gave up
"no, it's literally the same way it's written"
"You know what nevermind"
Side eyes people every time they pull a pizza pasta mandolino on her
Goes around and judges pizzas even though she has not tried real Italian pizza
Randomly flexes being Italian to anyone at random times
As I said she can't fluently speak Italian but she knows for sure every curse word (and trust me we have lots of those)
"Natalie have you brought your soccer shoes?"
"Oh, yes they are in my bag, look..."
*opens bag to take the shoes out and they are not in there*
*hits her pinkie toe against the corner of a wardrobe*
Firm believer that she would use bestemmie (really really bad words that are considered a sin and are very stigmatized by Catholic folks) all the time
Even at random times just because she can and after all no one would understand anyways
Brags about her cooking skills but can't actually cook
She would like to visit Italy one day but she's too broke even to buy lunch at school
That's all for today:)
A/N: if anything else pops up in my mind I'll make a part 2 pookies!!! Have a good day and be gay :)
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dipendenteconad · 4 months
Some LiuHan/BiKang headcanons for MY soul (NSFW) pt. 2/?
Random nsfw hc, there's not a particular warning because I don't get too much into detail, but beware anyway.
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From a chat I had with my pookie @staronx
I want to imagine their first time the same way I wrote in my fic Darkshines: they were attracted to each other for some time (still, Liu Kang was way more invested in the relationship at first) and eventually they couldn't ignore their feelings anymore. Still, it lacked real intimacy, and it was followed by a bitter morning after;
The following nights they spend together are objectively better for both of them. Liu Kang would definitely regret how their first time went, and he'd try his best to make Bi-Han feel at ease with him again. He's the definition of romantic, he'd never take Bi-Han without setting the right mood;
Liu Kang is THE service top, and Bi-Han is THE power bottom. You can't change my mind on that. Liu would be down to be at the receiving end once or twice, but he prefers to stay on top because he wants the focus to be all on his beloved. He doesn't care that much about his pleasure but more on Bi-Han's one: this includes that he's very observing of Bi-Han's reactions, so that he knows what he enjoys most and what he dislikes without the need for him to say anything; he also finishes only after Bi-Han's done and he hates it whenever he can't control himself and ends up coming before him (but y'know sometimes it just feels too good);
While Bi-Han had always been used either to quickies or rough fucks, he came to appreciate it when Liu Kang took things slowly. They can go at it for hours and do more than one round without either of them growing tired or bored of the other's attentions. Again, Liu is very romantic to me. They really have little time to spend together like this, and they want to make the best out of each night, and if that means making love until morning, so be it;
Also Liu is usually very gentle in bed but he can be rougher if Bi-Han asks him to (after all, he knows he can take it). He personally likes to mark Bi-Han, more like a playful provocation than a show of possessiveness;
While he's very careful with his touches, at the same time, Liu lets Bi-Han do anything he wants to him. He trusts that Bi-Han wouldn't purposely hurt him, so he's not afraid to let him scratch, bite and touch, however (and wherever) he wants. He enjoys it a lot especially when he lets Bi-Han use his mouth: the latter finds pulling Liu's hair and making him choke on his cock hotter than what he wants to admit. The morning after Liu's throat is so sore it hurts him to speak;
Liu Kang is the one who usually initiates things, but it's just because Bi-Han is too proud to openly admit he needs to fuck. Even if he's the one who craves Liu's touch the most: he would never say it out loud, but he misses him a lot whenever they're away from each other. He doesn't express his needs also because Liu Kang recognizes his signals too well;
Body worship in bed is a must: Liu would take all the time in the world to prepare Bi-Han and he particularly loves to caress and kiss his body all over until the latter's a moaning mess and he's melting under him (sometimes he teases him just to see how long Bi-Han can take before losing his patience and begging him to touch him where he needs it);
Also, as someone who has never been used to people complimenting his body, Liu Kang's praises weren't taken very seriously by Bi-Han. At first, he just thought it was his lust talking, but deep down, his heart melted at the thought of Liu appreciating him that much. Tho this doesn't only apply in bed but on all occasions, Liu likes displaying affections (in my opinion) in all the ways he can, so when they're alone he kisses and holds him with an affection Bi-Han has never seen with anyone else, while if they're in public, he limits himself by complimenting him in ways that wouldn't rise suspects but that still can have double meanings (at least for Bi-Han who knows him deeply);
Am I too soft with them? I see some people interpretating them as a love-hate type of pair, but I personally can't see Liu Kang as anything different than a tender lover.
Anyway, I think I've said enough for part 2! I am cringe but I am free.
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