#pray for the wicked era
brendonloverurie · 1 year
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vulpinesaint · 1 year
looking at some of these playlists... beginning to think you people don't actually know what religious trauma is
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lilyjean926 · 1 year
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Was able to finally get my hands on a Pray For The Wicked vinyl, and Midnignts Til Dawn!! More Eras Tour posts coming soon ;)
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blaster-fagot · 2 months
I like panic at the disco and i am tired of pretending i dont
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"wdym this isn't all p!atd songs??"
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miguelhugger2099 · 5 months
A Knight's Oath
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Summary: You're a princess in need of a personal guard after your father's passing. Miguel from the enemy kingdom, is assigned to become a spy that kills you. Next>>
Knight!Miguel x Princess!Reader, Enemies to Lovers(?), Angst, Fluff, Not proofread, Word Count: 1,005
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Like any tale as old as time, history is never clean. Freedom is never gained through peace. It is violence, a necessary one at that, in order to get what you need. Even if it means becoming the villain to some and the hero to others.
Your father was no exception. As a young king, his father had died in battle protecting the kingdom during a famine. With its citizens crying for help and other countries trying to step on their kingdom, your father had picked up a sword and began to lead a slaughter in the name of freedom. With your mother at his side, she helped on the inside, providing jobs, and a sense of community for hope and pride of their heritage. It had been a long thirteen years of bloodshed, but ultimately, the king had successfully pushed back intruders and helped bring his kingdom back to life.
In the middle of the war, you had been born–a princess–a new era of hope and peace for the land. Your people had celebrated your birth with parades, art, music and dancing, while your parents always showed you off with pride. For the next couple of years, you had been raised to be kind, resilient and humble. You were still just a baby when it had ended, so you did not know the true extent of it. You did know there was a war where other countries had looked down upon you and despite the small size of your army, you had won. You knew your father did whatever he had to do to protect the faces of the common people and the future of your life so you never faulted him for it.
Unfortunately, your father passed just before you reached adulthood. An unknown illness and went in his sleep. Everyone had mourned the terrible loss of their protector and beloved king, father and husband. Despite his actions in war, he was always incredibly kind to his people and was a great role model of a man in your life. You took pride in the fact you were his flesh and blood and that would never change. So with honor and grace, you worked hard to follow in his footsteps to be a great leader.
Others, however, did not share the same feelings. In other stories, your father was the devil himself. A cruel king that had struck anyone who had gotten in his way, caused the downfall of armies and used wicked ways to poison and torture troops to his advantage. When word of his passing had spread, many had celebrated the death of the evil king and hoped all those who lived in his kingdom perished with him.
Miguel O’Hara was one who thought the same. He hated the king that had started a war and it killed his father, hated how the aftermath of it left his mother depressed and his family starving. His homeland was in shambles because of your father and for years, he prayed for a chance to help his own country in gaining revenge.
So, for years Miguel had worked his way up in the ranks of his homelands army. A protector of his people and a way to finally fight back if another war were to break out again. He not only trained hard for his home, but to also feed his family—his mother and little brother. He often worried about them but little Gabriel was always eager to help while Miguel was away. Always a kind soul, he was.
When rumors had gone out that his king had been planning on planting a spy and an assassination on the princess of the enemy land, Miguel’s interest had been piqued. He thought to himself, without an heir, that wicked kingdom would surely fall to its knees and get what they deserve.
Naturally, Miguel had been called in for an audience with the king. He bent down on one knee and bowed his head.
“My Lord.” He greeted.
The king’s slicked back white hair practically glinted in the sunlight where its rays were seeping through the tall windows of the throne room. “Stand, soldier.” His voice boomed.
Miguel stood back up, the metal of his knight armor clanking against each other and he rested his wrist on his sword by his side. The king spoke again. “My boy, you are the finest gem in our armed forces. Your victories are endless and you make all of us here proud.”
Miguel’s face didn’t move, still as ever and it only made the king’s grin curl up even more.
“Which is why I’ve assigned you a special mission,” Miguel took a deep breath. “As the princess of Etheria’s guard.”
Now that had made Miguel’s face scrunch up in disgust. “My Lord, forgive me but–” He quickly shut his mouth when the king raised his hand.
“You will portray yourself as one of them. Eat, sleep and breathe like them and gain a position of a knight in their castle,” He explained. “There are talks of the princess needing a personal guard. Once you have gained information and the trust of those lowlife scum, you are to kill her. Once she is dead, we will invade their land and finish what they started.”
Miguel let his words seep into his thoughts. To live amongst the people he’s loathed since the beginning? It was barbaric and humiliating.
But this was his chance. A chance at revenge. He was angered when the king had died before he could even get close. Now, with the opportunity of sticking a sword in his own daughter’s heart–Miguel felt that was an even better alternative.
He was snapped out of his thoughts by his king. “Do what you must to be as convincing as possible. Care for her, protect her, admire her, kill one of our own if need be– just make sure that no one expects a thing… Especially the princess.” Miguel stood up straighter, saluting the man in front.
“Yes, My Lord.”
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A/N: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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hollow-l1es · 2 years
What shocks me the most about current panic! vs ryan ross era panic! music is how blatant the shift in the lyrics is, and I’m not here to compare ryan ross and brendon urie’s skills and songwriting style, but what I mean by that is how it went from songs about all kinds of different things and stories that sometimes reflected the band’s feelings and experiences, but that still felt universal in a way and left a lot of room for interpretation, to songs that are so painfully specific to brendon urie’s life that they have no meaning whatsoever to anyone but him. Ofc that shift didn’t happen overnight, but with the pray for the wicked era and now the viva las vengeance era, it’s become clearer than ever that all brendon want to talk about in his songs is himself, and how it’s so hard to be rich and famous and to have all your bandmates abandon you and what not. And that just kinda breaks my heart because it shows that there really is no band anymore, only a guy carrying the name to keep the old fans but using it for his own personal bullshit with no regards whatsoever to what the band used to be about.
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blossom-works · 1 year
Goddess of Life and Death
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If you want more Hades content, click here
When you became part of the Godly world, you were named the Goddess of Life and Death. That is due to your past. To make things short, there were once two kings that waged a futile war on one another. You, with your army, stopped that war and punished the kings by death. Unfortunately for you though, the people you protected and help and the men who fought for your cause betrayed you. Before you could be killed, Zeus came down and asked if you would like like to join the Heavens as a deity. You agreed. 
You got your name from your time as a human. You stopped the war, giving birth to a new era. Hence “life”. You killed the malicious men and women who tried to stop you and took pleasure in hurting others. Hence “death”. Your job as goddess is to bless the unfortunate and those with good hearts, and to condemn the wicked (often times sentencing them to death). You have been doing this for a millennia. Some prayed for your help and others prayed that they never come in contact with you. 
During your marriage years your time spent in the human world limited. Once a week you would go there and conduct your duties. The rest of the week is dedicated to the Netherworld. As its queen, you share the same duties as Hades. You are both responsible for making sure that Tartarus stays locked and to watch over the realms inhabitants. 
Your day visits every week brought down your popularity. You are not there everyday to listen to their prayers and put those who take your name in vain in check. It soon became rare to for mankind to see or just witness the power of the power of the Goddess of Life and Death. They only reason why some humans still pray to you is because of your day visits, but that stopped when you stopped coming to the human world all together. 
The reason why you stopped going to the human world is because you had a child. A little girl you and Hades have. Helheim’s princess and heir to the throne. You chose to prioritize your role as a mother and ruler over your duties. Zeus, thankfully was understanding of your decision. He said, “I can’t really blame you can I? Afterall, these humans keep screwing everything up no matter how many chances we give them.” 
Still to this day, you disagree with your brother-in-law. Zeus misunderstood your reasoning for “retirement”. You just wanted to spend your time in your home with your family. Sure, you may have stopped going to the human realm and listening to their prayers, but you still love mankind. Like your fellow Demigod, you still adore the race. Heck, you yourself was once human. You made the same mistakes they have. Like Hercules, you understand the human race. You will always hold affection for them. Sometimes during the day you would whisper them a silent apology for not being there for them. 
Your affection for humankind sort of dissipates over the next couple of days though. Your husband died. And by the hands of a human. It put you in a hard position for a quick minute. In the end, you decided to still hold humanity in great heights, but you no longer cared if the race lives or dies. Before, you and Hercules would root for the race. Always voting against their extermination. Now, now you just do not know.
Now you have to be Helheim’s sole ruler. Its queen without her king. You have to be a mother without your child’s father. Your title as the Goddess of Life and Death has been thrown away. Your only titles now are “queen” and “mother”.  
This is not exactly a Hades x reader fanfic (sorry to disappoint anyone). Before I continue this series, I just wanted to show this part of the OC’s life. I didn’t want anyone to be confused since I stated that the OC goes up to the human world once a week prior to the birth her daughter. I know some of you may have wondered how she spends her time juggling like three jobs. The OC is a woman who prioritizes her family and and home before her job as a goddess. I hope this explanation makes sense!
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snowdust64 · 3 months
桜魔大戦譚 (ōma taisen tan) - story and character basics
VΔLZ fandom, hello! So far I have not seen any English translations of the story chapters that VΔLZ is releasing little by little on YouTube. This post is to establish some background info.
----- Explanation of the title -----
大戦譚 (taisen tan) sounds poetic and grand, and I favor translating it as "Great War Chronicles."  
     大 = big/great/important      戦 = war/battle/combat      譚 = tales/lore/legends/etc., a classier word for 'story'
Therefore, my translation of the title is:  "Ouma Great War Chronicles"
Side note: I've seen the name of VΔLZ's home nation translated as both Ouma Empire and Ouma Kingdom. These are both accurate; however, I'd like to add that the word 皇国 (kōkoku) literally means 'emperor nation' and implies a government structure with an emperor or similar royalty at the top.
----- Story setting, directly translated from the opening narration in episode 1. -----
In the place called the Ouma Empire, there exist People, Gods, and Demons. 
"People," referring to humankind; "Gods," referring to the beings who, gaining power through people's faith, bring benefit to people; and "Demons," referring to the beings who cause harm to people.
Such was the Ouma Empire, which at a certain time, was struck with natural disasters and epidemics, famines and so on, an array of catastrophes.
In the rebuilding of the nation, the era was renamed "Shinwa." Borrowing power from Gods, People exorcised Demons and the nation was resurrected.
Suppose, when Demons should appear, and nothing can be done with the People's power alone; The People pray and make offerings to the Gods, seeking peace.
In answer, the Gods grant them wisdom and talismans and such. Thus, under the protection of the Gods, People exorcise Demons, and the nation shall be maintained.
In this way, the Ouma Empire's People, Gods, and Demons came to coexist in balance and comprise the nation.
And so, the fifth year of the Shinwa Era – The present
T/N:  神和 (shinwa) breaks down into:       神 - god/heavenly/divine/etc.      和 - peace/calm/harmony
----- Character descriptions from their official website for this project: valz-official.com/story -----
Kaida Haru - "A researcher at an institution of the Ouma Empire who studies Demons. He takes pride in his brilliant analytical skills and knowledge, however, has a calm and somewhat airheaded personality." Vertical text: "Great innovations come with risks, that's a given."
Nagao Kei - "An exorcist at an institution of the Ouma Empire. Not only is he a master in swordsmanship and martial arts, but also in magic and sealing spells. He commands a large number of excellent subordinates." Vertical text: "The wicked will perish by my hand. Both demons and humans alike!"
Genzuki Tōjirō - "A government official of the Ouma Empire. He may converse and negotiate with the Gods. Soft-spoken, he excels in preventing conflict with his crisis management skills." Vertical text: "Again with the Gods' selfish requests... Can't be helped, leave this to me."
The story does not represent the history prior to their debut as streamers and will have no relation to their current activities as streamers. Please consider it a parallel world where they stayed in their old jobs in the Ouma Empire.
The split between the VΔLZ members and the characters they voice is further denoted by the character names. They are using the same surnames, but their given names have been changed to hiragana.
(This is summarized from Kaida's free-chat stream on 3/12/24, starting at 24:36)
I may come back to edit/update this post if I catch minor inaccuracies.
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quispy-quisp · 8 months
AFYCSO vs VLV, what... even...
disclaimer: this is just a really totally biased kind of "deep-dive" into the difference between AFYCSO & VLV. yes I know there's a 17 year gap between these albums but it's such a stark contrast I can't not talk about how crazy it is to me!! (this is gonna be a long ass post lmao sorry) Panic! At The Disco and my feelings about the band
Growing up I was definitely into TWTLTRTD & DOAB era Panic! (blame my yeemo phase) but now that I'm a little older I think that AFYCSO & Pretty. Odd. are some of my all-time favourite albums. Nothing Panic ever put out pre-split makes me feel how Ryan Ross's lyrics did and every song off AFYCSO is very close to my heart. I am also a pretty avid disliker of Pray For The Wicked so just keep that in mind. All things Fever A Fever You Can't Sweat Out was released on September 27th 2005 with band members Brendon Urie, Spencer Smith, Ryan Ross, & Brent Wilson from Las Vegas. Their first album for the most part was received with a pretty mixed reaction, they were praised for not really sounding like anything there was at the time (there still isn't a band that sounds just like early Panic did) but criticized for their extremely lucky break by being signed to DCD2 which was a newly formed label owned by Pete Wentz & Patrick Stump as an off-shoot of Fueled By Ramen. In terms of sound, it's kind of hard for me to classify but there are very theatrical elements to most of the songs on that album. The album is split into two distinct sounds of music with the first half of the album being more dance-oriented and the second half being a lot more "emo" Ryan Ross, who was the main lyricist for this album, takes a lot of inspiration from author Chuck Palahniuk and his own personal experiences with infidelity & his relationship with his father. I honestly love this album I don't really have anything bad to say about it. I think Camisado & Build God, Then We'll Talk are some of my favourite songs ever so if you haven't listened to this album yet I can't recommend it enough.
Viva Las Vengeance
I don't know much about this album, unfortunately, I've listened to it ONCE but I can tell that I'm not the biggest fan of a lot of this album, it was released on August 19th 2022 under the artist name Panic! at the disco even though it's been just Brendon for a good amount of time now (that's a whole other can of worms).
From what I've read about the lyrics I think this is supposed to be a concept album but whatever the concept or underlying story is it's lost on me. I do like that they brought back the more orchestral/theatrical feel of the first albums but it still falls flat for me.
Brendon's lyrics to me feel very surface-level and almost rudimentary but I will say that Don't Let the Light Go Out is kind of a banger.
A good chunk of the time when a certain lyric is repeated at the beginning of the album and then repeated at the end, it symbolizes some sort of change in the perspective, for example, one of my other favourite albums Armor For Sleep's What To Do When You're Dead repeats the lyric "don't believe that the weather is perfect the day that you die" showing that the narrator for the album (who dies in the first song) has given up on trying to get the people who are living to hear him, in contrast to the beginning where he feels like he needs these people still (if that makes sense lol).
Brendon I feel tries to do something similar with the lyric "shut up and go to bed" repeating in the first and final track but I still really don't know what this is supposed to symbolize. it feels like there was no growth in this which makes it a lot harder for me to grasp what this album is about. Another thing I really did not enjoy about this album was the use of an 8-track tape, most if not all modern artists use auto-tune and that was really something that was lacking in this album. Brendon has always been known as the guy with the voice, with the decision to use the 8-track tape, it means you can't really auto-tune (as far as I know I might be wrong) and you can hear that Brendon is struggling to hit a good chunk of these high notes which makes some songs a lot more difficult to listen to and makes Brendon's voice a lot less palatable.
One thing I did notice in at least Middle Of A Breakup and Sad Clown is that there's this build-up for a big drop that just doesn't happen and it really throws me off. Some of these songs could be a lot better if they followed a more standard composition because without it they just sound a little wonky/off. And my last gripe with this album is Local God. If this isn't about Dallon Weekes and Ryan Ross I genuinely do not know what on earth this is supposed to be? It is extremely disrespectful to reduce two extremely creative people that you used to be close with to has-beens and "local gods". if this song is supposed to be a sincere song, then I think it may be a little tone-deaf and inappropriate especially as Ryan Ross is one of the main people responsible for Panic! At The Disco even being a thing, and Dallon Weekes being one of the most genuinely creative artists I've seen in a while. What Happened? Not only do I think the passage of time really affected the sound of Panic albums I also think the loss of the original lineup hurt the band's sound. I don't think everything post-split is bad but there's just something about the first two albums that are unmatched compared to everything else in their discography. even when Brendon is going for a more authentic sound using the 8-track tape, it still sounds wildly corporate to me and I think that's why I love the first 2 albums. I know emo doesn't really sell anymore but going the pop root honestly made me a lot less interested in panic than I was growing up. This album more than anything just made me miss pre-split more than I already do and really disappointed in Brendon for continuing the Panic! At The Disco name after everyone had left. It's really sad knowing most people only see Panic as Brendon when it was so much more back in the 2000s.
Anyway, that's the end of my post thanks for reading this, remember this is just my opinion I'd love to know what you think so shoot me a DM or comment whatever. Listen to AFYCSO and don't listen to Viva Las Vengeance for the love of god. Have a good night!!
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brendonloverurie · 11 months
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omegalomania · 1 year
regarding your tags on that one post, can you elaborate a bit further on why you think kinky boots was his downfall?
okay so BEAR IN MIND a couple things here: i'm just speculating, i dont know the guy. i was watching bandom pretty closely around the 2016/2017 time so i was watching a lot of this happen in real time but i'm still compiling documentation of like...everything going on there. also, this is my opinion and my own outlook. you are free to disagree!
there's a lot of discussion over the cutoff point of when panic at the disco stopped being "good". for some, they peaked at their first album and everything else is garbage. for others, the cutoff is when the band split - so after pretty. odd. still others will say vices is acceptable, too weird is pretty good, etc. death of a bachelor is the most contentious in these discussions, because this, for many, was the tipping point or juuuuust close enough to it. this was the first album that was essentially a brendon urie solo record, but still marketed as panic at the disco. and a lot of people will grudgingly concede that it's all right, like, it's fine. it still has some bangers. it's listenable. it's like the beginning of the end for some.
(death of a bachelor had the benefit of having way fewer writers than later installments like pray for the wicked, and also was done in collaboration with other artists like lolo, so that might have something to do with it. the personnel for the singles are pretty stacked, but that's about it. contrast that with the almost fifty writers and producers pray for the wicked had.)
brendon still had a lot of public good will at this point. yes he had detractors (salty ryan ross stans were a mainstay from pretty odd era onward, and they never really went away), but things hadn't yet gotten so dire for him as they are now.
so remember, this was late 2016/early 2017. you know what was MASSIVE at the time? hamilton. extremely online broadway fandom was BOOMING and then in the height of this, brendon urie gets cast for a ten week stint on broadway, playing charlie price in kinky boots. and this was the TALK OF THE TOWN. everyone was ALL over this. this was the big narrative being spun in most circles. brendon urie is SO talented. brendon urie can do ANYTHING. he can sing in a band. he can act on stage. he can fill a theater!
and again...i can only guess here. but brendon reported that he intended to take a sabbatical after kinky boots, only to abruptly dive headfirst into work on pray for the wicked. his time on broadway had a very notable influence on the album, and critics noticed. theatricality! high energy! etcetera!
and here is where the narrative changes. panic at the disco is the band. brendon urie is the ultra-talented showman who can fill arenas and broadway theaters alike. people came to see HIM, not the band!
panic always kind of had a little bit of a habit of revising history whenever it got too inconvenient. some of it i can understand - we're still the same band, don't worry. we have a new bassist, but things haven't changed that much. it's okay. we split down the middle and only two of us are left, but it's just us, and it always has been. that's all right. but i can't help but wonder if kinky boots was the point that marked that shift toward this narrative in particular. the legacy of panic at the disco can be upheld by just one guy, because he's that talented a guy, right? he's always been the guy now.
so again, i don't know the guy. i don't know anything other than what i observed in fandom at the time this was all happening. but i feel like there's a very real possibility that kinky boots took brendon to the point where he VASTLY overestimated just how far his own name and presence could take him. like the narrative he took away was not "oh wow i hit a really rad intersection of two really big interests at a really good time" but rather "oh wow i'm so cool and everyone loves me!"
kinky boots was a really short moment in time! it was ten weeks in 2017! but he's really channeled that into everything that's come after, like he needs to remind everyone constantly that he was on broadway. he's such a superstar, because of that, right? he's such a force of personality! he is magnetic and untouchable! completely ignorant, or perhaps simply unwilling, to acknowledge that this just happened to be a really opportune moment in time. and yet he took the exact wrong lesson from all of it.
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lumosatnight · 2 years
Untagged Fest 2022 Favs!
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I'm a little late to the party, but I wanted to make a list of some of my fav fics from Untagged Fest 2022 run by the HPFC server. All of the stories were originally published without tags, so it was a WILD ride reading them the first time. You never knew what you were going to get! It was such fun fest to be a part of, and I'm super excited to share my fic as well :D
🔒 we begin in the dark by @allalrightagain [Regulus/Peter, T, 3.5k] 🔒 Such a good angsty AU. Regulus and Peter make quite the pair in this. I love how they work together behind the scenes. 'For the greater good' indeed.
“To the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure.” — Albus Dumbledore …there are those who would beg to differ.
🔒 The measure of monsters and their men by @bluesundaycake [Remus/Severus, M, 4.6k] 🔒 One of my ABSOLUTE FAVS. The atmosphere, the Victorian Era grime. Such a great detective story featuring Snupin and monsters roaming the streets.
What makes a monster, and what makes a man?
🔒 Where You Belong by @bluestringpudding [Severus Snape, T, 6.1k] 🔒 Creepy, disturbing, may give you nightmares. Would I read it again? HELL YES. In this fic, Severus Snape sees and, yet, doesn't see.
When Severus sees the Marauders acting even more suspiciously than normal, he decides to keep an eye, and a note of what they are up to. But some things are better left unseen.
🔒 Reset to Default by @mugsdontlie [Antonin/Thorfinn, NR, 6.3k] 🔒 The pairing I never knew I needed and now I'm OBSESSED with. Bad boy Rowle is my new aesthetic, as is pining Dolohov.
Hermione obliviates them, then what happens?
🔒 Where the Wild Thyme Grows by Lunatik_Pandora [Sirius Black, M, 7k] 🔒 Detailed world-building, The Witcher vibes, fantastical setting. I'm waiting praying for a sequel!
Everything has its price - the question is whether one is willing to pay it.
🔒 Child's Play by @nanneramma [George/Oliver, M, 1.9k] 🔒 The formatting of this fic is so creative. I feel like I discover something new on every read-through!
A game of Quidditch, and some news.
🔒 Introducing: Dead Poets Society Comedy Club by Halliwell19 [Harry/Ginny, M, 3.6k] 🔒 BEST TWIST! BEST HUMOR!
What happens to Harry when Ginny takes him to the new Comedy Club in Knockturn Alley?
🔒 Undone by @diana-skye [Pansy/Ron, E, 3.1k] 🔒 The smut is HOTTTT. We love a bossy, yet caring, Ron and a Pansy who's a bit of a mess.
Or, perhaps she’s just as evil as before — she looks at him with the same glare, won’t stop insulting his dancing, and doesn’t even apologize when she treads on him with her stiletto — but it’s more that he doesn’t mind. Suddenly she’s less vicious snake, more lightly homicidal kitten. Practically cute.
And I can't forget about my fic for the fest! Genderbending galore with Detective Dumbledore getting ensnared in Professor Riddle's web. I had a lot of fun coming up with names 😂
🔒 Wicked Hearts and Calculating Minds by @lumosatnight [Dumbledore/Riddle, T, 5.2k] 🔒
There’s a serial killer on the loose in Magical Britain. Detective Dumbledore is brought in to apprehend them, but she didn’t expect for things to get quite so complicated or for the new DADA professor to be quite so… intriguing. Can she catch the killer in time? Or will she be caught in the process?
Read more fest fics in the Untagged Fest 2022 collection on AO3!
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princewardo · 11 months
Are you into Panic! At The Disco’s music?
is this a fucking trick lmao. 🤷🏻‍♂️ welp i don't care too much, so here's my ~history of patd~
like every other emo in 2005 i liked a fever you can't sweat out.... i was not a fan back then - i was more interested in taking back sunday and the used and mcr (aw and simple plan hahahaha)! i didn't really consider panic to be "my kind of" emo. they were scene, which was a different subgenre back then. people don't differentiate the two nowadays. i didn't see them when they were touring for any of these early albums. i was young, poor and not interested lol.
i wasn't a big fan of many of their subsequent albums (too scene for me. but there were a COUPLE of bangers i guess?). i controversially think pretty. odd is utter trash lol.
post-break up i thought the banger singles from Too Weird to Live, Too Rare to Die! were pretty fucking good, especially Miss Jackson. IMO the Death of a Bachelor album is a fucking masterpiece, and i stand by that. i saw them during this era (let's be real - it was just bslur) live and i was even seated in VIP (mostly bc i'm old lmao. i gave all the merch to a colleague). it was a great show.
i saw him again a year (??) later just as Pray for the Wicked was releasing and it was another great live show imo.
i don't think i could do another show featuring the garbage he wants to put out now. ya man would have to have to swear on his life that won't sing any viva bullshit looooool. ya man really pushed it way too far and went off the rails. 👋🏻
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legion1227 · 1 year
Panic! At The Disco: Viva Las Vengeance Review
For years, I considered Panic! At The Disco as my favorite band. They are no longer my favorite band.
Like probably many, my first exposure to the band stemmed from the radio play of one of the band's biggest hits, "I Write Sins Not Tragedies." I recall hearing it a lot as a child on the radio and in my household. Over the years, I discovered other songs that I loved even more from them than "I Write Sins." Between 2005 and 2013, Panic! dropped five albums with numerous bangers. Many fans consider this era as Panic's peak. "When The Day Met The Night," "Nine in the Afternoon," "But It's Better If You Do," "Sarah Smiles," "Miss Jackson," and "Collar Full," are beautiful ballads with either high octane energy or elegant croons of Brendon Urie and other skillful band members. Those are just a handful of examples of Panic! members Brendon Urie, Ryan Ross, and Spencer Smith, to name a few, at their best.
The quality of Panic! At Disco's music was questionable after 2013, as every member of the band not named Brendon Urie left the group. 2016 saw the release of their sixth studio album, "Death of a Bachelor." DOAB is arguably the last great album Panic! dropped. "LA Devotee" is their best song dedicated to Los Angeles. (As opposed to the vocally peculiar Dying In LA.) And the song that shares the same name as the album, "Death of a Bachelor," is an excellent ode to the style of music seen back in the days of Frank Sinatra.
Then, Panic! followed up with their seventh album, "Pray for the Wicked." I loved that project upon release, but over the years, my feelings waned. There are some songs I still enjoy, but no song compares to their older releases. Panic! used to be more punk in its youth, but since "Death of a Bachelor," they've leaned more into a pop sound with some bops and more flops.
Then four, long years passed. Panic! made a triumphant return! On August 19, 2022, Panic! dropped "Viva Las Vengenace," their final album.
And this is it. /This/ was the album to make me ashamed to call myself a Panic! fan.
First of all, calling the band Panic! at the Disco hasn't been truly proper for a long time. The band's founding members were long gone except for our lead singer, Brendon Urie. As everyone left Brendon, they took their unique sound from long ago with them. This just leaves us with either generic popish instrumentals or forgettable nonsense. Again, the newer sound worked for some songs, but not every. No song truly encapsulates the vibe, energy, or what made Panic! during 2005-2013 so special. There have been some exceptions since DOAB, but most do not reach the same heights.
This album is just Brendon Urie! at the Disco. And it sucks.
The first single, "Viva Las Vengeance," when dropped, I felt mixed feelings until the end. Nothing stands out particularly about the track until the end. Brendon didn't regularly hit high notes in his songs back in the old days. But ever since DOAB, he's done it more often. Brendon gives himself big moments in songs at the end where he flexes how he can reach the highest of highs with his voice. It was impressive in "Pray For The Wicked," and it was in this single song. He attempts multiple high notes across the multiple songs on the album of "Viva Las Vengenace," and it does not work.
He comes off more like a banshee screaming. And if you've seen videos on Tik Tok, Twitter, or wherever, where he's performing the songs at the concert, you can hear how he sounds even worse live. He's ruined his voice to sound decent at hitting those high notes, and he's coming off like a nagging, dying cat. He tries hitting high notes in songs where it's unnecessary and just annoying. "Sad Clown," the tenth track on "Viva Las Vengenace" has an awful chorus due to how strenuous and needlessly extra he comes off as he belches lyrics.
This twelve-track project is a mess after the first song. It starts with the title track of the same name, "Viva Las Vengeance," which I maintain the belief that it is the best song on the album. It is downhill from there quickly. "Middle of a Breakup" is dull and uninteresting. "Don't Let the Light Go Out" has terrible lyrics. (You're the only one who knows how to operate my heavy machinery?) "Star Spangled Banger" and "God Killed Rock and Roll" are absolutely the worst songs on the whole album and the worst songs by Brendon Urie. Every other song isn't even worth mentioning. They all sorta mush together.
It's a bunch of pop nonsense. Bland instrumentals, uninspired lyrics, and vocal horseshit. I remember being so upset after my first listen because I waited four years for something great, and this is what fans receive instead. It just soured Panic! at the disco on me as a whole. If I'm in the right mood, I'll listen to their songs during their peak. But the will to listen to Brendon Urie's voice at all has died significantly after this project. Just like their band.
Brendon Urie released a statement days ago, stating that Panic! at the Disco was officially done. This news would've made me sadder a few years ago. Now, all I can say is I can't wait for Fall Out Boy to drop their album in March. Their single "Love From The Other Side" washes any song from "Viva Las Vengenace."
Oh, and Paramore is my new favorite band. Stream their new album "This is Why" in February.
(I gave their album a 2/5 a while back, but as I'm writing this, I'm contemplating dropping this to a 1.5. Shit's ass.)
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vengeancevixen · 1 year
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Happy 5 years to Pray For The Wicked! This era was EVERYTHING!
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