#pre Buckingham
Okay this one's been stuck in my head all day but I have absolutely time to write it so please share this vision with me
Try as they might, Steve and Robin couldn't get tickets to Chrissy Cunningham's arena tour, but they could get tickets to a festival she was playing.
The last thing Steve ever wanted to do was go and stand in a muddy field for sixteen hours while they waited for the headline act. But he was pretty sure Robin was in love with her favourite musician, and he wasn't about to deny his best friend a chance at love.
So he helped her make personalised t-shirts because honestly all the other bands in the line-up kinda sounded like they sucked.
His read, "Only Here for Chrissy" on the front and "I'm Steve" on the back and Robin's read "Chrissy, Will You Be My Girlfriend?" on the front and "If Lost, Please Return To Steve" on the back.
And it turned out, as they stood against the barrier in a not so muddy field, on a lovely, warm, but overcast, May day, that even bands that sucked could be fun. Even if it was only because they spent their day with earplugs in, so their eardrums wouldn't combust, bitching about each artist's lack of ability to put notes or an outfit together.
During the lunchtime intermission, the pair made friends with the lesbian couple next to them, Kayla and Jess, who were also eagerly awaiting Chrissy's set and similarly liked to mock those who committed crimes against sound and fashion. Steve was glad to have met them, they were really nice, and he felt better about leaving her to use the bathroom or to fetch food, knowing Robin was in safe hands.
He also felt better about letting her wander off, not that it stopped him from stressing out when she and Kayla had been missing for over fifteen minutes. He spread himself out to keep their places against the railing with his back to the stage, watching the crowd intently. Jess wasn't quite as chatty once they were alone, but she seemed content enough, bobbing along to the band that'd appeared on the stage.
Steve didn't turn back around to face the stage until he spotted the girls heading back towards them, he gave them a wave and turned around to look at the guys who hadn't been attempting to destroy anyone's hearing and was met with the face of the most gorgeous man he'd ever seen. Pretty face, long curly hair tied up in a bun, muscle tee showing off his many tattoos, piercings and chains and glittery Docs; Steve felt himself owl blink and blush.
God's gift to mankind was kneeling centre stage, guitar in hand making the most beautiful sounds Steve had ever heard as his fingers flew over the strings, and it was only when the rest of the band kicked back in that the man looked up, winked directly at Steve, and then jumped back to his feet, spending the rest of the song bouncing around the stage.
Steve only realised his mouth was agape when Robin finally arrived next to him and elbowed him hard in the ribs, giving him the same look she did whenever he was embarrassing in the club. He watched the rest of the Corroded Coffin, according to the backdrop, set in awe. Screaming and clapping along when they wished everyone a great day, throwing picks and drumsticks into the crowd and taking a bow; patting each other on the back as they wandered offstage.
As soon as it was quiet again, Robin wanted to know what the hell was wrong with his face and honestly, he couldn't answer her. He didn't even believe in love, not for himself at least, and he certainly didn't believe in love at first sight. It didn't stop him from spending the next couple of hours watching the faces at the sides of the stage, hoping to catch a glimpse of his new favourite guitarist, though.
As soon as Chrissy hit the stage, Steve got lost, between filming the set and watching Robin trying not to hyperventilate when Chrissy spotted her t-shirt, pointed to her, and giving her a coy little wink, blew her a kiss.
"An old school friend is here with me tonight, and I'd like him to help me out with this next track. Especially for the beauty in the front row, this is Girlfriend!"
The crowd went wild as the beat kicked in, but Steve was still watching Robin because it looked like she'd stopped breathing altogether. That was until she gasped loudly and started smacking Steve in the way she always did whenever she got overly excited; pointing wildly at the stage, and it was only when he looked over he saw Corroded Coffins guitarist bouncing up and down next to Chrissy.
Instead of the black muscle vest and skinny jeans he'd been sporting earlier in the day, he had changed into pale blue board shorts and a baggy white t-shirt that read "Hey Steve!" written in black sharpie with a giant winking smiley face underneath that could only really be seen when he swung his guitar around his back to copy Chrissy's dance moves.
The song ended, and the friends hugged, Chrissy waving him off the stage and calling out, "Eddie Munson everybody!" letting the crowd go wild for her friend before launching into the rest of her set.
By the time Chrissy had actually left the stage, Robin looked exhausted, having screamed and sung and danced herself out. They hung around a bit, said goodbye to Kayla and Jess, wishing them a safe journey home, and they were just taking one last look at the now empty stage when he heard someone yell his name...
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chaosgremlinmunson · 2 months
April fools?...🫣😳
Minors dni, smutty funny content ahead, 18+ only please!
Eddie had a plan. He was sure it was going to either be hilarious or he was about to die by either Robin Buckley or Steve Harrington’s hand by the end of the day, but he had a plan. First thing was first though, he had to get Chrissy on board, and that, he was sure, was about to be a challenge. However, as luck would have it she also thought it was a great idea. Well, she thought he was hiding the eggs in the appropriate room, but hey, what she didn't know wouldn't hurt right? Right? Ok, so maybe his platonic soulmate might also kill him, but no one could ever say Eddie Munson didn't commit to the bit.
He strolled into melvads on Friday morning grabbing bags of cheap plastic eggs, and snickered when he saw glitter as well, thought why not and tossed it in his cart as well. When he approached the counter the teenage cashier just looked at him for a moment, rolled her eyes and rang him up. He bought a couple disposable cameras as well, and headed back to his van making his way to his and Chrissy's apartment. When he came in she was sitting in the armchair, near her leg was a couple bags from their favorite fetish shop out in Indy and she grinned at him.
“You think Robin will finally get the clue I'm into her after her Easter gift?” She twirled her hair around a finger, and reached into her own bag laying out a baby blue corset and pointed to his bag, “don't worry I got the things you wrote down for yours.”
Eddie laughed, coming to sit beside her kissing her temple, “I think if anything, she's definitely going to have some thoughts after this.”
((smut under the cut))
They made a night of it going full on fashion show, boudoir shoot. Eddie trusted Chrissy for the more exposed photos, he wrapped himself in nothing but a sunshine yellow ribbon, accentuating every curve, and giving a full view to the thick swollen present he wanted Steve to have most of all.
The photos were developed that weekend, a friend owing him a favor, asking no questions, and Eddie got set to stuff the eggs. Half with photos, the other half glitter bombs. He waited for Tuesday when they'd have their weekly movie night, the one night they all collectively had a scheduled day off and came to Steve's and while Steve showered he got busy hiding the eggs around the house. He had practiced acting innocent when he was anything but, so no one was any the wiser when they all gathered. Robin found the first egg as she and Chrissy went to sit on the loveseat.
Robin looked at the egg confused for a moment before opening it, falling sideways while screeching and throwing the egg at Eddie's head. Steve came rushing over, leaned down to pick up the egg and his face went crimson seeing Eddie in a leather harness and assless chaps. He gulped and looked up at Eddie, and walked back to the kitchen to grab their drinks and then screeched himself, finding another egg Eddie had hidden.
“I'm sorry, I'm sorry!” He said running out and handing the egg straight to Chrissy, refusing eye contact. She looked down to see the photo she's taken riding her toy in the corset, her face going red in embarrassment before standing up and tackling Eddie straight to the floor.
“Edward Nathaniel Kristof Munson! You said they would be hidden in their rooms and only Robin would see me, and that I would win my Birdy! You lied, you, dramatic, overgrown, wet cat! I'm burning your leather chaps, and your new yellow sparkle plug!” Chrissy had him pinned her hands gripping his hair not realizing the absolute bombshell she just dropped as Eddie yelped.
“Chris! Chrissy-bee, love of my life, queen of the world, most beautiful and wonderful best friend of mine, I did it for April fools! She still got to see! And at least this way you know she's going to see it!” He was wiggling under her trying to get away.
“I'm going to put bleach in your shampoo, I'm going to replace all your records with pop music! I'm going to tell Steve about the scrapbook!” She was screeching at him, her tiny frame hid how strong she really was and Eddie was starting to regret this idea. Then he realized, shit, they're still in the living room. All of this was said in front of both of their crushes. Dear God in heaven he did not think this through, at all. Chrissy seemed to come to a conclusion at the same time as Eddie did because they just made eye contact and both stared eyes wide before standing up slowly looking at the floorboards. Disaster gays, that's what they were. Jesus H Christ, Eddie just wanted to disappear and pretend this hadn't happened at all, but clearly now it was way too late. Steve grabbed his hand and his eyes went wide again as he led him into his room away from Robin and Chrissy, he pushed Eddie onto the bed and climbed into his lap pulling Eddie's chin up to look him in the eye.
“You couldn't just tell me the normal way huh? Had to be as dramatic as possible, had to be a little riot and get the blood pumping?” Steve emphasized the last bit by rolling hips down into Eddie's lap as he gasped, “I should make you wait for it. I should punish you for being such a bad boy and showing off. No one but me should have seen you that way.” He nipped Eddie's neck whispering into his skin, “As a matter of fact, I am. Robin is going to yours with Chris, and you Eddie, are going to go around this apartment and get every. Single. Egg. And you're going to open each one so that your photos end up only for my eyes, and Chrissy's will be set in Robin's room. Then you're going to clean my mess you make. And if you do a good enough job I might just let you have a treat.” He licked up the side of Eddie's face who shuddered and nodded, his hands gripping Steve's hips.
Steve slid off his lap and watched Eddie, an eyebrow raised in expectation before Eddie moved to start gathering everything. He opened every one over the trash, that way glitter didn't get anywhere and separated the photos like Steve asked. He rushed around cleaning the house, leaving everything as immaculate and clean as Steve typically had it and stood in the living room his hands clasped behind his back as Steve made his way through the house checking everything was done to his standard. When he came back to where Eddie stood he looked him over for a moment.
“On your knees.” He commanded and Eddie fell straight to his knees, thankful for the plush carpeting under his legs. His mouth was already watering as he looked up at Steve waiting for his next command, “open your mouth and stick out your tongue.”
Eddie rushed to comply and Steve placed his fingers into Eddie's mouth who immediately sucked them in as Steve inhaled shakily still keeping control, he reached other hand up to Eddie's mouth and brushed his fingers over his cheek.
“Was this what you needed? Something to shut you up, make you sink? Fall apart slowly?” He growled, he moved his hands up to Eddie's hair tugging at the strands before pulling him up to his feet and crashing their lips together. “Strip.”
Eddie hurriedly pulled his shirt off, he tripped over his pants but still rushed to get undressed and stood before Steve again who came up in front of him before making his way slowly around Eddie appraising him.
“You're doing so good for me. Such a good boy when you want to be, hmm?” He ran a hand up Eddie's thigh cupping his ass before smacking it once, “This what I need to do for you? Tell you what to do?” Eddie's eyes were fluttering and he was leaking down onto the carpet.
“I can be good for you, only for you. Please, Steve, please.” Eddie panted his hips quivering trying not to rut against the air.
“Do you think you've earned it?” He leaned into Eddie's space whispering in his ear tugging his hair again, “Do you think you deserve me to touch your pretty little cock yet?” Eddie whimpered, he knew he wasn't small but Steve being mean was making his skin light up in the most delicious ways.
“Please, I can earn it. I can be so good for you Stevie. Please, please, just tell me what to do.” Eddie whined.
“Bend over.” Eddie bent over the back of the couch where Steve had led him. “Use this, and open yourself up for me. Don't come until I say you've earned it. Be my good girl.”
Eddie keened high in his throat and got to work opening himself up in front of him, he arched his back and after a few moments was shaking, Steve pulled his hand away to look at his progress and put two of his own thicker longer fingers inside of him. Eddie screamed his name, his head whipping back and arching into the touch.
“So you can be good.” He said moving his fingers in and out quickly, just as he felt him clamping down close to release he stopped, all Eddie heard was the zipper of his light blue jeans and the schlick, schlick, noises of his pumping himself before he buried himself to the hilt bringing Eddie up against his chest, he placed a hand over his throat not squeezing, just resting and bite the junction just under his ear, “Ride me like a good girl Eds. Show me how badly you want it.”
Eddie groaned rolling his hips back against Steve as he felt him all around him, “fuck Stevie, I love you, fuck I love you.”
“I know Eds, I love you too. Now ride my cock like the whore you tried to be in your little photo shoot.” He squeezed his neck softly sucking his earlobe into his mouth rolling to meet his thrusts.
“Steve please, I'm so close, can I come please. Please, sir, please, please, please.” He begged, Steve growled and bit his neck, before slamming into him harder.
“Come on my cock, don't touch yourself.” He panted his rhythm getting sloppy but harder.
Eddie cried out clamping down hard on him, come painting across the back of the couch over the quilt Eddie had bought him for his birthday recently and Steve wasn't far behind.
As they came down Steve still holding Eddie in his arms as he softened he kissed over Eddie's neck, “You're still a little shit. But God, do I love you.” Steve breathed in between kisses, “I want you to be mine. Officially.” He said turning Eddie to face him.
“Stevie, I've been yours for longer than you've known.” He leaned and kissed his lips, “Happy Easter baby.”
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schrijverr · 9 months
I Found Myself a Cheerleader 14
Chapter 14 out of 28
Bumped to the lowest step on the social ladder after his fight with Billy, Steve gets roped in with the cheer team. What starts as a favor to help them out when one member breaks her leg in turn for protection from the brunt of the bullying, sets the universe on a different path.
In this chapter, Christmas is on the horizon and Steve runs into his parents. His father’s comments send him in a spiral that set him back and he snaps at Eddie when he tries to help, ruining their chance at friendship or the more that was brewing.
On AO3.
Ships: steddie & buckingham
Warnings: homophobia, hate crime, internalized homophobia, HIV/AIDS crisis mention, f-slur, arguments, eating disorder, child abuse
Chapter 14: The Closet
Ever since the night Eddie drove him to Robin’s place, she’s been even more on his case about his crush on Eddie. Chrissy has now also been let in on his crush and the two of them are encouraging him to make a move.
Steve honestly thinks it’s sweet of them, but he doesn’t know if he can. He and Eddie are close, sure, not the closest, but definitely friends. And Steve likes him so much. He still longs to tuck a strand of hair behind Eddie’s ear, to make him blush, to feel his fingers between Steve’s own and his lips on Steve’s. But he doesn’t have the courage to actually do anything about it.
In the back of his mind, he still thinks back on that first conversation in Family Video. How he is technically still in the trail period, even if Eddie never called it that. He doesn’t want to fuck this up, he likes being around Eddie too much.
Besides, he’s only just gotten to the point where girls will flirt with him first whenever they come in. He can luckily decline them by mentioning Chrissy, who has been fake dating him, but it is nice that they perceive him as straight. The thought of sneaking around to be with Eddie gives him too much stress to actually want to try. Friends is just easier.
So, he just rolls his eyes whenever they try to hype him up and waves them away. He hasn’t told them to stop yet, he likes hearing that he has a chance with Eddie, even if he doesn’t really believe them.
Eddie is just an affectionate person, it doesn’t mean anything to him. No matter how much Chrissy and Robin insist it does. He just lets them talk with a shake of his head as the days grow shorter again.
He spends thanksgiving with the Buckleys, making a pie in his kitchen to bring. He can never pay them back for their hospitality, but he can try.
The Friday after thanksgiving is used by Eddie to play a day long session of DnD in the Wheeler basement. Steve drops off a few of the kids and sees that Karen isn’t too pleased about the new friends her son made, but she is too polite to say anything to Eddie’s face.
Steve and Eddie still have their fake-rivalry going on, but Steve tones it down a little when seeing Eddie at the Wheeler house. He doesn’t want to sabotage them with the Wheelers just for their prank on the kids that’s almost coming to an end anyway.
He is talking with Karen, trying to dodge her questions about his dating life, when the kids plus the older members of Hellfire, finally come spilling out of the basement. All the kids are loudly talking about how epic it was and how they ended on a cliffhanger, which is unfair. Karen’s smile is tight and she winces at the noise. Steve is used to their antics and quite likes the chaos.
However, he starts to herd the kids out of the house anyway, not wanting them to loose their spot in the Wheeler basement. As he is doing that, he catches Eddie’s eye. In the humdrum of everyone, no one pays attention to them and Eddie winks at him, dimples showing.
Steve stares as Eddie gets distracted by Dustin, grinning at the younger boy and ruffling his hair. He looks like the cool older brother. Steve loves him.
The though terrifies him and he immediately looks away, not wanting to be sucked in further and accidentally play his hand. The cold shoulder he gives Eddie afterwards helps sell their prank, but he catches Eddie’s confused frown and instantly feels bad about it.
He promises himself to say something to Eddie next time he comes over. Though he is also terrified of being alone with Eddie now.
What if he lets something slip? He doesn’t want Eddie to laugh at him for being in love with him. He is terrified at the idea of Eddie asking him how he thinks Eddie could ever like him after all he’s been and done to him. Steve knows that King Steve was a dick to Eddie, knows that no matter how hard he tries to make up for that, the shadow of his former self still looms over him.
But, he tells himself, maybe I can say something about wanting to ramp it up before the reveal or having a headache. Or maybe I can say I slept badly. I’m sure I can think of something.
However, Steve never does get to fine tune his excuse for Eddie. Instead his world gets thrown off balance again before the two have a chance to speak again.
Two weeks pass wherein the last dredges of school make everyone busy and miserable. Chrissy and the kids come by Family Video less, Robin is walking around with her flash cards while restocking and Eddie is too busy actually trying to pass this year.
It’s a little lonelier than usual, but Chrissy makes him go on a run with her despite the cold, the kids come by to annoy him into letting them rent the movie they want to see to celebrate when the exams are over, he sees Eddie once more when picking them up – Nancy getting them once when he has a late shift – and Robin still forces herself into his home and drags him to hers as well. So, it’s not the worst all in all.
Steve is out on the Tuesday before winter break to find gifts for everyone. He has gotten gifts for most of the party and is wondering if he should get Eddie something or if that would be weird as he cruises a boutique he can’t afford much at as he looks for something nice for Chrissy.
He pulls out a nice lilac sweater that Chrissy might like, before a familiar person sitting near the changing rooms catches his eye.
It’s his father.
Now that he’s aware, he can hear his mother’s melodic voice from one of the changing rooms where she is hounding a poor employee about her dress that has to be perfect for their Christmas party they’re throwing.
The Harringtons have always thrown a Christmas party for business partners. Steve was often forced to attend, however, last year with his bruised face, he’d been send to his room all night and the guest were told he was a girlfriend’s house.
Panic creeps up on him and he needs to get away from these two people right now. He is finally settling back into his life after they uprooted it. He broke into their house. He doesn’t want to know what they think of him now. He’s not sure he can live with knowing that.
Steve is about to turn, to stuff the sweater he can’t really afford anyway back into the rack and get the hell out of there, when he looks his father in his eyes. It is clear they have spotted each other, Steve can no longer just leave and pretend he hasn’t.
Instead, he watches in horror as his father gets up from his seat and tucks the paper he’d been reading under his arm. Steve does not know what he has heard since coming back in town. If he thinks the sweater Steve is still holding is a gift for a girlfriend. If he thinks that Steve is actually dating Chrissy. If he thinks he has changed his sinful ways.
Richard Harrington comes to a halt in front of Steve, who he has denounced as son. His brow is stern as it has always been and without preamble he asks: “Have you found a wife yet?”
He probably does think all that and it is likely the only reason he even dares to acknowledge Steve as human in public. Anger washes through him and in a moment of defiance, Steve replies: “No, sir, I haven’t.”
Mentally he curses himself for calling his father sir, for that ingrained habit that cannot seem to leave him alone, even in his anger and hurt.
“You should. God is coming for the fags,” his father says coolly, as if that is a normal thing to say to someone, before he hands Steve the paper he’d been reading.
Frozen in shock Steve takes it, fumbling with hands he hadn’t noticed were shaking.
It seems that his father deems this interaction done, because Steve turns invisible in front of him as he calls out to the changing room: “I have better things to do that sit around here. Call when you need to be picked up from your little trip.”
Disdain seeps from his every word, but his mother has been playing her role for long enough that she only calls back: “Of course, dear,” in a fake, hollow voice.
Steve wonders if there has ever been a time when they genuinely cared for one another, or if both are incapable of love, as he watches his father leave the boutique.
Once he is gone, Steve lets out a big breath. His lungs feel like they’re being compressed, but his anxiety has considerably lessened with his father gone. Still, he does not want to talk to his mother, so he moves to put the sweater back.
At the action, he is reminded of the paper his father gave him. A confused furrow appears between his brows as he unfolds it to look at the page his father left it on. There in bold letters it reads: AIDS IS THE WRATH OF GOD, SAYS VICAR!
The words stare back at him in accusation. That feeling of being wrong that has followed him for so long now creeps up again as his throat becomes dry and his hands start to shake again. Paranoid he looks around if anyone saw, before messily stuffing the sweater back and hightailing out of there as he crumples the paper and stuffs it in a bin.
Steve walks away quickly, as if running from a crime scene while his head spins. He needs to think for a second, he needs to be alone.
An alleyway comes up to his right and he ducks into it, still throwing glances over his shoulders to see if anyone noticed him. No one does.
In the alleyway, he slides down against the wall, the few shopping bags he has with him landing on the ground around him as he tries to catch his breath. Bricks are rough against his back, but the sharp sting grounds him, just like the pain had grounded him at Starcourt.
He presses his hands into his eyes until weird shapes start to dance in front of them. He is all scrunched into himself, straining as if to release the tension.
His father still thinks he’s a dirty gay.
His father knows.
It’s this odd thing that Steve has never been able to wrap his head around. How swiftly his father acted, based of a picture and words of an angry teen he didn’t know. How he never let Steve explain, but just punched him. Just kicked him out.
Despite years of playing King Steve, of being the perfect child they had always wanted. After years of making himself invisible when asked, of cleaning up after them, of smiling at the important people and shaking the right hands. It wasn’t enough.
And even now, his father still knows that there is something wrong with Steve. That it was all an act and Steve is very much queer.
Steve doesn’t understand what it is about him that makes his father believe it, even though Steve has never slipped up. He has always kept it up. He never even looked too long at a boy, never gotten too close. Never touched. Never kissed.
The only person he has ever looked at is Eddie. Eddie with his pretty curls and long fingers. With his happy trail, his stubble on lazy days, his sharp hips and cute dimples. Eddie, who he has only dared to look at when they’re alone.
How can his father know that? How can he look at Steve and know? How can the one question about a wife be enough of a confirmation after years of repressing?
It makes Steve feel terrified. Everyone has only just began to forget his sexuality was ever questioned. The punishment for it had been public, but the long reaching shadow of King Steve now cloaked him, as more people remembered him than cheerleader Steve, who had only been there for a few months.
He hates how he finds comfort in that. How he feels uncertain and unbalanced now that his father pointed it out again. As if people will suddenly remember. As if he’ll come back to his car and find it vandalized just like it had been after graduation.
Steve curls further into himself, before realizing that is a slip up he can’t afford where someone can see him. What would the town say if they heard they saw Steve Harrington have a breakdown in some alleyway? What would they think?
To snap himself out of it, he bangs his fist against the asphalt below him, hissing when his knuckle breaks open. But it does the trick. He drags himself to his feet and quickly makes his way to his car, still unharmed and alright.
A breath of relief escapes him as he slides behind the wheel, stuffing the gifts he got into the space in front of the passenger side seat, before driving off. He needs a place to think, to get his head on right. He just needs a moment of quiet to stop his chest from feeling like it is going to explode and his throat from feeling like it will crawl out of his mouth.
In an echo of his last interaction with his father, he drives to the quarry. Not really watching the road like he should as he does.
He wishes he hadn’t left his bat at the cabin, so he could smash something as he stumbles out of the car and breathes in the cold air with lungs that don’t seem to work right. He probably looks a mess, but there is no one to see that. No one that will know.
Right as his shoulders start to relax, a familiar voice calls out: “Stevie? That you, man? Are you okay? What are you doing out here?”
Eddie Munson.
Eddie fucking Munson.
The reason for this whole mess. This mockery of what his father thinks Steve to be. This person that haunts him, that has made himself comfortable in Steve’s heart and left an invisible mark that everyone picks up on. A mark that notes Steve as wrong.
Steve cannot deal with Eddie right now. His head snaps around, brows pulled together as his eyes glare. It’s an intense enough look that Eddie halts his movement, before he can put a hand on Steve’s shoulder like he’d done when Steve threw up. When Steve was weak.
More irrational anger flashes through him and he snarls: “Get the fuck away from me.”
“Whoa, man, I’m sorry,” Eddie says, taking a step back as his eyebrows shoot up. “I’m stepping back, don’t worry,” he adds in a soothing voice.
It makes Steve feel like he’s some sort of skittish animal that needs to be comforted, to be calmed down. He hates it. It makes his skin crawl. And in that moment, he hates Eddie a little too. If Eddie would just go, then Steve could learn to love someone else, then Steve could be normal.
“Why do you always need to force yourself into people’s lives when you’re not welcome,” he snaps, going through all he knows of Eddie so he can press where it hurts. Steve might not be a bully anymore, but it’s like riding a bike. You never forget.
Even in his emotional state, he remembers Eddie telling him how he doesn’t know why his uncle still put up with him, that vulnerable edge that tinted his voice. He recalls how uncertain he was about being welcome when he brought Steve to Robin. It’s an obvious weak spot.
“What?” Eddie laughs in a way that shows that he doesn’t think it’s funny, but he just can’t believe it and has to laugh at the absurdity, because there isn’t really another way to react.
“You heard me,” Steve says, knowing that if he pushes just a little bit harder, Eddie will leave and Steve will be alone again. “I don’t want you here.”
“Come on, man,” Eddie replies, a desperate pleading edge in his voice that doesn’t register with Steve beyond notifying him that he’s on the right track.
“I said why do you need to force yourself into people’s lives when you’re not welcome,” Steve repeats with force. He manages to add a condescending laugh. “It’s pathetic really.”
A hurt look crosses Eddie’s face, but he manages to suppress it and frown: “What the hell has gotten into you?”
“Nothing has gotten into me,” Steve tells him. “I’m just sick and tired of you popping up everywhere when I just want to be alone. You show up at my work, you show up at my house and now you show up here. I don’t even want the kids to know I even associate with you and yet you keep coming back like some stray puppy that you fed once. It’s like you can’t take a hint. Leave me alone.”
Letting the anger out feels good. Making someone else feel as small as he does for a change, makes him feel powerful. In control.
He looks at Eddie with a look he used to wear often in junior year. A look that screams ‘I’m too good for you and we both know it, so why are you even talking to me when the gum I stepped in is worth more than you?’
Then he sees how tears line Eddie’s eyes, before he swallows and he hears the hurt in Eddie’s voice when he spits back: “Well, fuck you too then. I thought you were cool, Harrington. But I guess that once an asshole, always an asshole.”
Immediately a sick feeling swoops through Steve’s stomach as he realizes what he has just done. He has gotten Eddie to leave, sure, but in doing so he punched him in the face and kicked him when he was down. He made Eddie feel like nothing. He made Eddie feel like he does. He acted like his father.
Horror washes over him as the anger leaves him and he reaches out as he says: “No, wait, Eddie, I-”
“No,” Eddie shrugs him off and steps back. “You made yourself quite fucking clear. I don’t need to hear it. I’ll fucking leave.”
Eddie turns around and walks off, his shoulders are hunched and he doesn’t look like the Eddie that Steve has come to love. He looks small, withdrawn. He looks bullied.
Steve wants to run after him. Wants to explain. Wants to tell him about his father and the shit he told him. How Eddie makes him terrified, because he loves him.
But he can’t.
A small, scared part of his brain stops him. Tells him to stay put. To watch Eddie go. Because if Eddie leaves, then maybe these feelings will go away too, maybe it will all be a phase, maybe Steve will become normal and all of this will be behind him. Maybe if he lets Eddie go, he can feel safe again.
So he stands there and watches Eddie leave. His insides feel hollow and he wonders if this is how his mother feels when she talks to his father. Like a shell of a person that regrets all their choices that led to this moment, yet unable to change them.
Steve stands on the edge of quarry for a long time, until his face feels as numb as his insides does and he can’t feel his fingers anymore. He doesn’t really know what he’s feeling, besides an overarching aching.
In the end, he drives to the nearest payphone and calls in sick. He barely remembers anything of the conversation, but he must sound horrible, because Keith lets him go without much of a fight about it.
He drives to the safest place he can think of; the Buckley house. Daisy and Thomas are at work and Robin will be at Family Video, but Steve doesn’t care. He doesn’t need company right now, he just needs some comfort and Robin’s bed is the place he has always found the most of that.
Robin’s bed is comfortable, filled with cushions and stuffed animals and extra blankets. Steve crawls into it and curls up.
He remembers the nights after Starcourt when both needed to be reminded it was over, remembers all the nights after when she held him and he held her as both waited for sleep to become alluring after all the nightmares, and he remembers all the laughter they had on that bed. How they gossiped and shared secrets. How they just had fun.
There is no place he loves more than Robin’s bed.
Hours must pass, but Steve does not fall asleep. He just lays there and stares ahead without seeing anything. Thomas often works late and on Tuesdays Daisy has the night shift. But even if they had come home, he likely wouldn’t have heard, because he misses Robin coming home until the door to her room is swung open with a loud bang.
“I can’t believe you left me with Keith, you d-” she stops as she takes in the lump her bed, the indignant exclamation dying in her throat. Instead her voice becomes softer and a little bit more careful as she asks: “Hey, dingus, Stevie, are you okay? That’s silly, I know you’re not. Do you wanna talk about it?”
Steve has remained with his back to her, but turns at the question. He’s been thinking nothing, yet thoughts have been racing through his mind. His anger and anxiety have subsided and now all he craves is comfort.
When he looks back, Robin is standing there in a horrible combination of clothes that one she can pull off well, sympathy and understanding filling her eyes as she waits for him to say what he needs before coming closer.
Without his permission, tears build up in his eyes and start to fall. He bites his lip, but that is not enough to stop them. He just wants to bury his face in her shoulder and makes grabby hands at her in the hopes she understands.
Fortunately for him, Robin always understands and she crawls up on the bed next to him, pulling him close so he can curl up against her chest.
Quietly, he murmurs: “I fucked it all up, Robs. I’m a terrible person.”
“That’s not true, dingus,” she tells him as she holds him close. “We both know better than that. You are way too much of a kind pushover for that and I should know, I’m with you nearly all the time, so I am an impartial judge. Very important in judging. So what happened?”
Shame creeps up his spine and he buries his face more into Robin’s shoulder so he won’t have to face her as he admits: “I got into a fight with Eddie.”
Robin stills for a second, then gasps: “Oh my god, are you okay? Should I go get ice cream? I mean it’s a cliché and kind of ruined by Scoops, but also a classic for heartbr-”
“No,” Steve cuts her off, more mortification coming out of his pores. “I was the one that started it. I was- Fuck, I was so mean.”
“Just start from the beginning,” Robin tells him. “What happened?”
“I was out shopping and ran into my father, so I-”
“You what?” Robin screeches. “Oh my god, are you okay? Did he do anything to you? I swear I’ll go kill him if he touched you.”
Steve is both overwhelmed by her intensity to defend him as well as the love her has for her. She is truly his best friend. And yeah, it might be because they were tortured together and came out to each other on the bathroom floor, but Steve wouldn’t change it for the world. Robin is his number one person.
“I’m…” he trails of before he can say that he’s okay. “I’m- Well, I don’t really know. He asked if I had a wife yet and when I said no, he said I was gonna go to hell for being a fag and gave me a newspaper with an article about AIDS,” he shrugs, trying to make it sound less upsetting than it had been.
“Holy shit, Steve, your dad is a fucking asshole,” Robin breathes.
The comment comes straight from the heart and Steve can’t help but snort: “Yeah, he is,” as he sits up next to her, the two of them leaning against the headboard, pressed together from shoulder to ankle. Robin has one arm around his shoulders, her other hand holding his.
“But that sucks, are you okay?” Robin asks. “I mean obviously not, but, you know, seeing the circumstances, should I go egg their house? Or is it more a put fireworks through the mail slot kind of situation?”
“Neither, Robs, Jesus,” Steve laughs. “And they don’t have a mail slot.”
“Figures,” Robin pouts. Then frowns and asks: “How does that turn into a fight with Eddie? Was he there or something?”
At the reminder of what had happens, Steve curls into himself and shakes his head. “I drove to the quarry afterwards. I- I just needed to be alone for a bit. Think. He was there too. He asked if I was okay, but- but I just didn’t want to talk. I wanted him to go.” His voice drops to a whisper. “So I made him want to leave.”
Robin makes a sympathetic noise and leans more against his side, squeezing his hand. It can’t undo the heavy feeling in his chest, but her presence makes it all more bearable. She soothes the raw edges that have been left behind.
Without his permission, tears start up again and he sobs: “I called him pathetic. Pretended I hated him and didn’t want him around. He nearly cried, Robs.”
“Oh, dingus,” Robin sighs, holding him closer. “Just try and explain yourself. We’re all scared, especially with what the papers say. He’ll get it, if he gets that you’re gay.”
“I don’t know if he will,” Steve replies morosely. He knows that Eddie will get being scared, will understand being on edge after seeing his father. But he might not understand how Steve is still afraid of others knowing he’s gay. How he still wants to conform in the eyes of others. Eddie has never been like that, he might not get it.
Plus, Steve was a giant douchebag too. He pressed where he thought it would hurt and – going off how Eddie reacted – he succeeded in that. Eddie might not ever want to talk to him anymore after this stunt.
“Of course he will, just go up to him and say, like, ‘I’m sorry, man’,” Robin says.
“I’m sorry, man?” Steve repeats. “That is the most awkward, non-apologetic thing to say.”
“Well, I’m at least trying here,” Robin huffs, throwing her hands up, though that isn’t very effective from where she is wrapped around Steve, so she just jostles them.
“I know,” Steve says, voice softening. “Thank you.”
“No problem,” Robin replies awkwardly, though with a genuine smile.
“I just have to talk to him,” Steve nods. “I can fix this.”
“That’s the spirit!” Robin grins. “You can totally do this.”
Steve fake frowns: “That doesn’t really sound like you mean it.”
“Oh shut up, dingus. I totally do,” Robin argues and Steve lets himself be distracted by her bickering. It’s not perfect, but much better than when he got here.
The next day, he hangs out with Chrissy at the cabin. He contemplated going to Eddie’s trailer yesterday, but remembers how Eddie performs with his band on Tuesdays. Remembers Eddie coming by sweaty and beaming brightly after a show with an aching heart.
Chrissy naturally notices something is up. They’re sitting on the couch, Chrissy was complaining about one of her classes when she suddenly stops and asks: “Are you okay? You’ve been distant all day, Stevie. Is something wrong?”
“Sorry,” Steve wrinkles his nose, he knows how much it sucks when someone isn’t listening and spaced out. “Just- I- I ran into my father yesterday.”
“What?” Chrissy shoots up. “Why didn’t you say?” she demands. They’ve bonded over shitty parents, she gets it. He now feels kind of silly for not saying it, but he just feels so much shame about what he did to Eddie because of it.
“I didn’t wanna bother you,” he shrugs, looking away, so he doesn’t have to see those kind bright eyes.
“Don’t be an idiot, Stevie,” Chrissy says, bumping her shoulder against his.
“Yeah, I know. Thanks, Chris,” he smiles at her, before sagging in the couch, so they’re both lying across each other. He sighs: “My father was a fucking douchebag again. I don’t know why I let him fucking get to me.”
“You just got to try to stop caring and never stop trying,” Chrissy tells him.
“Ugh, don’t use my own wisdom against me, Chris. Not fair,” Steve groans, even though he knows she’s right. His father doesn’t care about him and he shouldn’t care about him. But it’s not that easy and it is not just his father.
He hasn’t been keeping up with the news too much, but he knows what’s going on. He knows that people are dropping like flies and what the government thinks about it. What the general population thinks about it.
So far it has mostly been the big cities that are being hit hard and Steve never even thought about how that could be applied to him. But it is also directed at him and if he slips up, he’ll be even more hated by the town. It’s already not easy to not care about what his father thinks, but it’s even more difficult to not care what everyone thinks.
“It’s good wisdom,” Chrissy argues. “You should listen.”
“I know,” Steve whines, because he does. “It’s just hard.”
Chrissy gives him a sad smile: “I know.”
They both fall quiet for a second as they think about it. Steve knows that Chrissy gets this, how difficult it is to stop caring, how easy it is to fall back on a persona, to keep smiling and not let anyone see the hurt. She knows how to lash out with vicious words. Chrissy might be one of the kindest people Steve has ever met, but he has seen her claws on that first sleep over when he pushed her about the pizza.
So, he quietly says: “But it’s not my father that’s bothering me. It’s- I- Well, I fought with Eddie.”
His tone must have set something off in Chrissy, because she gives him a curious look and gently asks: “Do you want to tell me about it? I won’t judge.”
“I didn’t even mean any of it,” Steve groans, burying his head in his hands. “It was just instinct. It’s like- Every time I think, I have left all my high school bullshit behind me and then I turn around and shit like this just comes out. I can’t help it. I needed him to leave me alone for a moment. Needed him to let me breathe, so I just pressed every button I knew would hurt. And now he probably hates me.”
“I sometimes make myself throw up when I’ve had a fight with my mom,” Chrissy says in a small voice, as if she hopes Steve won’t hear, yet also needs him to know.
Steve immediately sits up and asks: “Holy shit, Chris. Are you okay? That’s not healthy.”
“I know,” she rolls her eyes. “I’m trying not to do it and most of the time I don’t. What I meant, is that it’s easy to fall back in shit you know it’s bad, because you know it will help. You just gotta try not to. And if I do, I sneak down and eat some bread. It’s not perfect and it doesn’t make up for doing it, but it makes it a little less bad.”
“Tell me if it gets worse?” Steve requests, ignoring her point in favor of making sure she’s going to be okay.
She gives him a small, yet bright smile and nods: “I will. Just keep going and all that.”
“Yeah, and all that,” Steve echoes with a deep breath. He’s quiet for a beat, then asks: “So, what’s my bread?”
“What?” Chrissy frowns in confusion.
“How do I make up for it,” he clarifies.
Chrissy thinks for a second, then shrugs: “I don’t know, Stevie. I wasn’t there. Just be nice to him when you can, try to show you didn’t mean it. Apologize.”
“I’ll try,” Steve says. “Thanks for listening to me go on about my own shit.”
“Course,” Chrissy replies. “I was complaining about about Mrs. Click assigning way too much homework again, that was less interesting.”
“I still like listening to you,” Steve tells her, needing her to know that. Needing her to know that he cares, even if she doesn’t think it’s interesting. That he wants to know the boring parts of her, because those also make her her.
“Thanks, Stevie,” she smiles and it feels like she understands.
They put on the Breakfast Club and cuddle up on the couch. Steve thinks they both crave the contact as he practically pulls Chrissy onto his lap and she clings onto him without a word, just making herself comfortable.
On Thursday he knocks on the door of the Munson trailer. His heart is nearly beating out of his chest and his fingers are tingling, but he doesn’t run. He stays there and knocks loud enough that anyone inside must hear.
Eddie’s van is parked nearby, but no one opens the door. Steve keeps knocking for an hour, before he gives up. Maybe Eddie is on a walk, he thinks, but he knows that’s not true. He tries not to feel the heaviness in his chest.
Friday is the start of the winter break and Steve is picking the kids up from their last session of the year. Despite the cold, he is waiting on the hood of his car like he usually does, prepared to make a scene just to apologize to Eddie.
Steve perks up when he hears the rascals approaching. They all seem excited, huge smiles and big gestures as they talk about the session. Eddie is in the middle of the group, looking so happy and energetic as he holds court. Steve can look at him forever.
Then he looks up and his eye catches Steve. Steve gets up from the hood and sets a step forwards to talk to him, but his stomach drops when Eddie’s whole demeanor changes. The easy going smile is gone and he looks angry, genuinely angry.
Before Steve can find his tongue to say something, he hears Eddie say: “Oh, I forgot something, you guys go ahead. It’s cold.” Then he turns around and walks away, never looking back.
Standing in that parking lot, Steve feels his heart rip in two. Eddie officially hates him and he has no one to blame but himself. Their little rivalry they put on in front of the kids is now real and Steve doesn’t know what to do.
The kids seem oblivious, all of them talking happily about the game. They give him a whole run down of what happens, but Steve doesn’t hear a word of it as he drives them home.
He thinks that he should maybe give Eddie some space, let him cool off, before trying to apologize again. However, it keeps gnawing on him and he keeps repeating what happened over and over again in his mind.
Lisa is back in town and he and Chrissy go by to see her before Christmas. She’s still a little more reserved and whip smart, but there is a distance between them now, created by Steve being horrible at calling and all the shit that has happened since she has left.
It’s not not fun, but it’s different now. Not as close as it used to be. Steve can feel the friendship slip through his fingers and he doesn’t know how to fix this either.
Christmas eve is spend with the Buckleys though they go by the kids on Christmas morning to bring them presents. Chrissy meets them at the end of her street, and the three of them exchange presents in the car.
He knocks on Eddie’s door again on the 27th, but there is no answer. He tries again on the 28th and the 29th without success. He has told Dustin to invite whoever he wants and knows that means Eddie will be invited for new years too and he hopes he will show up, but a part of him knows that he won’t.
Still, on new years eve, he keeps looking down the dirt road at the cabin to see if the headlights of Eddie’s van will come down the road again, as they have done so often.
But the lights don’t come.
Steve goes into the new years without new years kiss like a part of him had day dreamed about, instead cheering with the kids and feeling a little hollow inside. Robin and Chrissy both send him looks that are meant to be sympathetic, but make his skin crawl. He feels pathetic and he does not want any pity, he doesn’t want to think about it.
And a part of him is angry at Eddie too. How he can just ignore Steve, pretend he doesn’t exist, like they haven’t shared deep secrets. Like Steve didn’t let Eddie see a side of him, he usually keeps hidden.
It feels like a betrayal. Eddie claims he got Steve, but he didn’t. He didn’t know what it is like to have always had the town’s eyes on him. To be the perfect golden boy. To never be allowed to slip up and make mistakes. He doesn’t know what it is like to always be judged, not for being too out there, but for never quite being what people need. That silent cloak of expectation and disappointment.
Plus, he doesn’t need Eddie’s approval anyway. He’s better off without him. Safer. If Eddie doesn’t want to talk, fine. Steve can move on. Steve can be normal. He can find someone else. Someone who does look at him, who doesn’t ignore him.
It’s better like this. They were never going to work anyway. They’re just too different.
Opposite of a fun fact: that header is an actual title I found… jikes (it’s from February 1985 so not entirely matched up with the timeline, but definitely what the mindset was at the time). I’ve been reading ‘All the young men’ by Ruth Burks and it’s utterly heartbreaking.
Also being comfy with yourself is a journey and it’s not linear. There are ups and downs. This is a pretty bad down, but it can be part of it. Sometimes you self-sabotage (Even if it was really angsty and hurt to write aaahhh)
Also also, im so sorry about phasing Lisa out, but there are already so many characters and I just couldn't make her a big part of it, plus, loosing friends after high school is an experience TM and it fit with the whole everything is falling apart theme I have going on xp
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woman-respecter · 1 year
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ok what do we think about this (click for better quality)
7 notes · View notes
sourw0lfs · 8 months
Chapters: 1/1 Words: 1.2k Fandom:  Stranger Things (TV 2016) Rating:  Teen And Up Audiences Warnings:  No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Robin Buckley & Steve Harrington Characters: Robin Buckley, Chrissy Cunningham, Steve Harrington Additional Tags:  Whumptober 2023, Platonic Soulmates Robin Buckley & Steve Harrington, Being Lost, stranger danger, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Rain being a metaphor for Robin's feelings, Good Friend Robin Buckley, Robin Buckley Needs a Hug Summary:   Robin’s finger presses down on the power button as hard as it can, but the phone does nothing beyond reflect her image back to her with a black screen. “Are you fucking kidding me?” she gripes. “So much for water resistance…”
And really, it is her fault for dropping it in the puddle in the first place, but it’s the last thing she needs right now. Pocketing the phone with a frustrated growl, Robin looks around, trying in vain to find something, anything, that she recognizes. But all of the buildings look rundown, abandoned, foreign.
She’s officially lost.
She’s lost and it’s all Steve’s fault.
2 notes · View notes
boydykedoctor · 2 years
ronances I owe you fic immediately after I finish my argyle and byler wips please come redeem
11 notes · View notes
tomoyoo · 1 year
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he was so cunt this whole arc
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bankaizen · 2 years
struggling to bring myself to play the bank mission in syndicate 🥴
5 notes · View notes
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You want to listen to Future Games you want to listen to Future Games soooo bad
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 10 months
Good Omens Graphic Novel Masterpost ❤ 🐍😊
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(you know how I like doing masterposts :)🥰 - I will update the masterpost as the kicstarter updates ❤)
What is Good Omens: the Official (and Ineffable) Graphic Novel?
The Good Omens: the Official (and Ineffable) Graphic Novel is the upcoming adaptation of the glorious 1990 Good Omens novel by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman in a graphic novel form. The adaptation is done by the talented Colleen Doran who worked with Neil on several other of his projects such as Chivalry, The Sandman, or Snow, Glass, Apples. The adaptation done under the gentle eyes of both Neil Gaiman and the Terry Pratchett Estate so don't worry that it will be unfaithful <3.
How can I help/join/pre-order?
The project is done on Kickstarter to keep the creative control with Neil, the Terry Pratchett's Estate and Colleen. If you're not familiar with Kickstarter it is a place where you pledge money and in return you get the product plus possible bonuses.
The Kickstarter Tiers
There are many tiers and options! WAHOO! ❤ (note that the shipping will be extra)
The Nighttingale Tier - £20 - GONE
This is only available for the first 24 hours.
You get the copy of the Graphic Novel :).
Also available to add a mug, another copy and bookshop bundle. :) (these options are available to add with every other tier)
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The Human Tier - £25
You get the copy of the Graphic Novel :).
Also available to add a mug, aziraphale and crowley pins, another copy and bookshop bundle. :) (these options are available to add with every other tier)
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The Serpent Tier - £40
Copy of the Graphic Novel
Variant Frank Quitely cover dust jacket (Frank Quitely is a Scottish comic book artist who worked with Marvel, DC and more).
Loot Pack #1: 2 x A4 prints of Colleen Doran artwork from the graphic novel, a glossy postcard and bookmark. Stretch goals will unlock more artists and artwork towards this box.
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The Hellhound Tier - £120
Copy of the Graphic Novel
Variant Frank Quitely cover dust jacket (Frank Quitely is a Scottish comic book artist who worked with Marvel, DC and more).
Loot Pack #1: 2 x A4 prints of Colleen Doran artwork from the graphic novel, a glossy postcard and bookmark. Anna Morozova, Frank Quitely, Alice Oseman, Paul Kidby, David Aja, Mark Buckingham, Tanya Roberts, Sarah Graley & Rachael Stott and colouring page prints. Stretch goals will unlock more artists and artwork towards this box.
Loot Pack #2: 4 x A4 Good Omens prints from Colleen Doran, Crowley and Aziraphale enamel pins, a punchy sticker set, and the brand new Good Omens trading cards. These cards will be playable and collectable and as a special treat for Kickstarter backers we will be sprinkling some rarer cards in with these packages at random so you might just unlock something very special.
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The Witchfinder Tier - £200
Copy of the Graphic Novel
Variant Frank Quitely cover dust jacket (Frank Quitely is a Scottish comic book artist who worked with Marvel, DC and more).
Loot Pack #1: 2 x A4 prints of Colleen Doran artwork from the graphic novel, a glossy postcard and bookmark.  Anna Morozova, Frank Quitely, Alice Oseman, Paul Kidby, David Aja, Mark Buckingham, Tanya Roberts, Sarah Graley & Rachael Stott and colouring page prints. Stretch goals will unlock more artists and artwork towards this box.
Loot Pack #2: 4 x A4 Good Omens prints from Colleen Doran, Crowley and Aziraphale enamel pins, a punchy sticker set, and the brand new Good Omens trading cards. These cards will be playable and collectable and as a special treat for Kickstarter backers we will be sprinkling some rarer cards in with these packages at random so you might just unlock something very special.
New largescale map of Tadfield (and the rest of the planet), designed by Julien Labit. Capturing the mysteries and oddities of the picturesque town in all its glory this map will make any wall an instant talking point. Dimensions approximately 594 x 841 mm.
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The Demon Tier - £320
Copy of the Graphic Novel
Variant Frank Quitely cover dust jacket (Frank Quitely is a Scottish comic book artist who worked with Marvel, DC and more).
Loot Pack #1: 2 x A4 prints of Colleen Doran artwork from the graphic novel, a glossy postcard and bookmark. Anna Morozova, Frank Quitely, Alice Oseman, Paul Kidby, David Aja, Mark Buckingham, Tanya Roberts, Sarah Graley & Rachael Stott and colouring page prints. Stretch goals will unlock more artists and artwork towards this box.
Loot Pack #2: 4 x A4 Good Omens prints from Colleen Doran, Crowley and Aziraphale enamel pins, a punchy sticker set, and the brand new Good Omens trading cards. These cards will be playable and collectable and as a special treat for Kickstarter backers we will be sprinkling some rarer cards in with these packages at random so you might just unlock something very special.
New largescale map of Tadfield (and the rest of the planet), designed by Julien Labit. Capturing the mysteries and oddities of the picturesque town in all its glory this map will make any wall an instant talking point. Dimensions approximately 594 x 841 mm.
Creator-themed notebooks; 1 x Neil Gaiman, 1 x Terry Pratchett
Crowley & Aziraphale socks
5 x Good Omens enamel pins
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The Horsemen Tier - £500
Copy of the Graphic Novel
Variant Frank Quitely cover dust jacket (Frank Quitely is a Scottish comic book artist who worked with Marvel, DC and more).
Loot Pack #1: 2 x A4 prints of Colleen Doran artwork from the graphic novel, a glossy postcard and bookmark. Anna Morozova, Frank Quitely, Alice Oseman, Paul Kidby, David Aja, Mark Buckingham, Tanya Roberts, Sarah Graley & Rachael Stott and colouring page prints. Stretch goals will unlock more artists and artwork towards this box.
Loot Pack #2: 4 x A4 Good Omens prints from Colleen Doran, Crowley and Aziraphale enamel pins, a punchy sticker set, and the brand new Good Omens trading cards. These cards will be playable and collectable and as a special treat for Kickstarter backers we will be sprinkling some rarer cards in with these packages at random so you might just unlock something very special.
New largescale map of Tadfield (and the rest of the planet), designed by Julien Labit. Capturing the mysteries and oddities of the picturesque town in all its glory this map will make any wall an instant talking point. Dimensions approximately 594 x 841 mm.
Creator-themed notebooks; 1 x Neil Gaiman, 1 x Terry Pratchett
Crowley & Aziraphale socks
5 x Good Omens enamel pins
A3 Giclee Print from the novel (signed by Colleen)
New Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett collector's enamel pin set
Exclusive enamel pin of Beelzebub himself on a Hell card
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The Beelzebub Tier - £666 - GONE
Limited to: 50. Note: the contents of this tier are not included in the higher levels.
Copy of the Graphic Novel
A mystery to be revealed. - Make a deal with the devil for this mystery tier at £666. It includes the Good Omens graphic novel, and– *demonic gurgling noises*
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The Archangel Tier - £800
Limited to: 100. 
Copy of the Graphic Novel
Variant Frank Quitely cover dust jacket (Frank Quitely is a Scottish comic book artist who worked with Marvel, DC and more).
Loot Pack #1: 2 x A4 prints of Colleen Doran artwork from the graphic novel, a glossy postcard and bookmark. Anna Morozova, Frank Quitely, Alice Oseman, Paul Kidby, David Aja, Mark Buckingham, Tanya Roberts, Sarah Graley & Rachael Stott and colouring page prints. Stretch goals will unlock more artists and artwork towards this box.
Loot Pack #2: 4 x A4 Good Omens prints from Colleen Doran, Crowley and Aziraphale enamel pins, a punchy sticker set, and the brand new Good Omens trading cards. These cards will be playable and collectable and as a special treat for Kickstarter backers we will be sprinkling some rarer cards in with these packages at random so you might just unlock something very special.
New largescale map of Tadfield (and the rest of the planet), designed by Julien Labit. Capturing the mysteries and oddities of the picturesque town in all its glory this map will make any wall an instant talking point. Dimensions approximately 594 x 841 mm.
Creator-themed notebooks; 1 x Neil Gaiman, 1 x Terry Pratchett
Crowley & Aziraphale socks
5 x Good Omens enamel pins
A3 Giclee Print from the novel (signed by Colleen)
New Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett collector's enamel pin set
Exclusive enamel pin of Beelzebub himself on a Hell card
The Floppy Disk “Keeper of the Official Master”
Exclusive Metatron enamel pin on a heaven card
Unnamed character cameo in double page spread - Fancy being immortalised in the Good Omens graphic novel universe? Then get yourself painted into the crowd scenes! There will be an accompanying postcard with a full list of who's who, so you'll know who you're galivanting around Tadfield and beyond with.
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The Antichrist Tier - £800
Limited to: 100. 
Copy of the Graphic Novel
Variant Frank Quitely cover dust jacket (Frank Quitely is a Scottish comic book artist who worked with Marvel, DC and more).
Loot Pack #1: 2 x A4 prints of Colleen Doran artwork from the graphic novel, a glossy postcard and bookmark. Anna Morozova, Frank Quitely, Alice Oseman, Paul Kidby, David Aja, Mark Buckingham, Tanya Roberts, Sarah Graley & Rachael Stott and colouring page prints. Stretch goals will unlock more artists and artwork towards this box.
Loot Pack #2: 4 x A4 Good Omens prints from Colleen Doran, Crowley and Aziraphale enamel pins, a punchy sticker set, and the brand new Good Omens trading cards. These cards will be playable and collectable and as a special treat for Kickstarter backers we will be sprinkling some rarer cards in with these packages at random so you might just unlock something very special.
New largescale map of Tadfield (and the rest of the planet), designed by Julien Labit. Capturing the mysteries and oddities of the picturesque town in all its glory this map will make any wall an instant talking point. Dimensions approximately 594 x 841 mm.
Creator-themed notebooks; 1 x Neil Gaiman, 1 x Terry Pratchett
Crowley & Aziraphale socks
5 x Good Omens enamel pins
A3 Giclee Print from the novel (signed by Colleen)
New Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett collector's enamel pin set
Exclusive enamel pin of Beelzebub himself on a Hell card
The Floppy Disk “Keeper of the Official Master”
Exclusive Metatron enamel pin on a heaven card
William the Antichrist (hardcover) signed by Neil -  limited copy of the original short story that evolved into the tale we know and love today.
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The Prophecy Tier - £1,000 - GONE
Limited to: 50. 
Copy of the Graphic Novel
Variant Frank Quitely cover dust jacket (Frank Quitely is a Scottish comic book artist who worked with Marvel, DC and more).
Loot Pack #1: 2 x A4 prints of Colleen Doran artwork from the graphic novel, a glossy postcard and bookmark. Anna Morozova, Frank Quitely, Alice Oseman, Paul Kidby, David Aja, Mark Buckingham, Tanya Roberts, Sarah Graley & Rachael Stott and colouring page prints. Stretch goals will unlock more artists and artwork towards this box.
Loot Pack #2: 4 x A4 Good Omens prints from Colleen Doran, Crowley and Aziraphale enamel pins, a punchy sticker set, and the brand new Good Omens trading cards. These cards will be playable and collectable and as a special treat for Kickstarter backers we will be sprinkling some rarer cards in with these packages at random so you might just unlock something very special.
New largescale map of Tadfield (and the rest of the planet), designed by Julien Labit. Capturing the mysteries and oddities of the picturesque town in all its glory this map will make any wall an instant talking point. Dimensions approximately 594 x 841 mm.
Creator-themed notebooks; 1 x Neil Gaiman, 1 x Terry Pratchett
Crowley & Aziraphale socks
5 x Good Omens enamel pins
A3 Giclee Print from the novel (signed by Colleen)
New Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett collector's enamel pin set
Exclusive enamel pin of Beelzebub himself on a Hell card
The Floppy Disk “Keeper of the Official Master”
Exclusive Metatron enamel pin on a heaven card
William the Antichrist (hardcover) signed by Neil -  limited copy of the original short story that evolved into the tale we know and love today.
Signed (another) copy of the Good Omens graphic novel both Neil and Colleen
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The God Tier - £2,750 - GONE
Limited to: 10. 
Copy of the Graphic Novel
Variant Frank Quitely cover dust jacket (Frank Quitely is a Scottish comic book artist who worked with Marvel, DC and more).
Loot Pack #1: 2 x A4 prints of Colleen Doran artwork from the graphic novel, a glossy postcard and bookmark. Anna Morozova, Frank Quitely, Alice Oseman, Paul Kidby, David Aja, Mark Buckingham, Tanya Roberts, Sarah Graley & Rachael Stott and colouring page prints. Stretch goals will unlock more artists and artwork towards this box.
Loot Pack #2: 4 x A4 Good Omens prints from Colleen Doran, Crowley and Aziraphale enamel pins, a punchy sticker set, and the brand new Good Omens trading cards. These cards will be playable and collectable and as a special treat for Kickstarter backers we will be sprinkling some rarer cards in with these packages at random so you might just unlock something very special.
New largescale map of Tadfield (and the rest of the planet), designed by Julien Labit. Capturing the mysteries and oddities of the picturesque town in all its glory this map will make any wall an instant talking point. Dimensions approximately 594 x 841 mm.
Creator-themed notebooks; 1 x Neil Gaiman, 1 x Terry Pratchett
Crowley & Aziraphale socks
5 x Good Omens enamel pins
A3 Giclee Print from the novel (signed by Colleen)
New Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett collector's enamel pin set
Exclusive enamel pin of Beelzebub himself on a Hell card
The Floppy Disk “Keeper of the Official Master”
Exclusive Metatron enamel pin on a heaven card
William the Antichrist (hardcover) signed by Neil -  limited copy of the original short story that evolved into the tale we know and love today.
Signed (another) copy of the Good Omens graphic novel both Neil and Colleen
Individual character cameo - You can feature prominently within the pages of the graphic novel itself. Maybe you're there while Crowley and Aziraphale feed some ducks; maybe you're there for something a bit more high octane; or maybe you're just stuck on the M25. What you'll be up to will be at the discretion of Colleen, but there are plenty of places in the journey towards the Apocalypse and we can’t wait to see where you will turn up. 
Print of your cameo, signed by Colleen
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The Apocalypse Tier - £8,000 - GONE
Limited to: 1 - this option was gone within the first hour of the launch. Except for the previous goodies up to the William it offered the last copy of the Celestial Edition (!!!), Foreground named character cameo, orint of cameo signed by Colleen and Neil and original sketch by Neil Gaiman.
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 The Bookshop Tier - £250
The option for bookshops.
20 x Good Omens graphic novel (bookstores only)
We've got batches of 20 copies of the hardback graphic novel for retailers at a 50% trade discount. We love bookshops as much as Aziraphale does and want YOU to be part of Good Omens with us. To celebrate the graphic novel's release into the world, we will have point-of-sale material on request nearer to release. If you have any queries, get in touch. Terms: These are for retailers only. Packs must be delivered to a verified bookshop address. You can buy additional packs as an add-on.
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The Small Bookshop Tier - £125
The smalle option for bookshops.
10 x Good Omens graphic novel (bookstores only)
The batch of 10 copies for retailers at a 50% trade discount. Terms: These are for retailers only. Packs must be delivered to a verified bookshop address. You can buy additional packs as an add-on.
When it will come out?
It should come out in Summer 2024 :).
Enhancing the tiers
Unlocked so far (All unlocked prints are in Loot Box #1 :)):
Gold foiled cover - Every copy of the book will be finished with gold detailing.
Sarah Graley & Rachael Stott prints - Rachael Stott, award-winning comic book artist behind works such as Doctor Who and Star Trek, and Sarah Graley of Our Super Adventure and Invader Zim farne, are ready and waiting to put their own spin on the world of Good Omens for your prints collection.
Endpapers - Beautiful artwork on the front cover and on every page in between is just not enough. '150,000 unlocks beautiful endpapers that will be heavenly(or hellish„. that is still to be seen).
David Aja, Mark Buckingham & Tanya Roberts prints / Colleen Loot Pack #2 prints for lower box - David Aja, known for the award-winning Hawkeye, Daredevil and Seeds Mark Buckingham, known for Marvelman an Fables—and Tanya Roberts, whose work includes Too Story and Star Wars Clone Wars comics to name but two, will join our ineffable artist tearh. More so, Colleen's prints from Loot Pack #2 will be included in Loot Pack #1. Art aplenty
Alice Oseman & Paul Kidby prints - A special duo of Heartstoppers Alice Oseman prints first, her drawing of Aziraphale while watching S 1 of Good Omens and a newly commissioned companion piece for Crowley. AIso, Discworld and the Illustrated edition of Good Omens' Paul Kidby's out-of-this-world alien artwork can be yours.
Colouring page prints - Want to add your own colour to the world of Good Omens? We have some exclusive illustrations for you relax to.
Ribbons - We said in the campaign that we were talking silk ribbons for stretch goals, and we are angels (or demons, depending who you're talking to) of our word. Well upgrade the hardback to have this addition.
Anna Morozova & Frank Quitely prints - Unlock a sumptious print by Anna Morozova. known for 2000 AD &Judge Dredd. Plus receive a print of Frank Quitely's alternate Good Omens graphic novel cover.
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Money raised will go towards the costs of bringing this project and its many tendrils to the most vibrant life possible, ranging from creative fees to production and beyond. Our stretch goals therefore bring more of that ineffable joy into the project: we'll (hopefully) be unlocking various finishes on the graphic novel, expansions on the loot packs, and some - if we're lucky - backer exclusives further down the road, but these are to be revealed...
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You will be able to unlock artists including Alice Oseman (Heartstopper), Rachael Stott (Fantastic Four, Doctor Who), and David Aja (Hawkeye), with more to be announced.
(I will update the masterpost as the kicstarter updates ;))
Video by Neil, Colleen and Rob :)
Rob Wilkins: Judgment day is almost upon us. One angel, one demon want to do something about it, but there's the small problem of the missing Antichrist.
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Neil Gaiman: The good Omens Kickstarter - we've got a fabulous, glorious, amazing adaptation of Good Omens waiting for you in graphic novel form.
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Rob: Neil Gaiman was the first person, the first journalist to interview Terry after the publication of The Colour of Magic. They stayed friends and Neil met Terry again and discussed the idea of this novel that he had that he really ought to get written down and he sent the idea through to Terry and a little while later Terry called him back and said: you bastard I want that idea for myself, and Terry offered to either buy the idea or to work with Neil on the project, and as Neil said at the time it would be like Michelangelo calling saying: here give me a hand to paint this ceiling, so of course Neil and Terry worked on it together.
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Colleen Doran: Hi and welcome to my studio. I am pleased and excited beyond words to talk to you tonight about Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman's good Omens the graphic novel adaptation. You have no idea how happy I am to be working on this aside from the fact that I get to sit around and draw Azirphale and Crowley all day and who wouldn't want that - oh this is fun this is pure candy and I'm working very very hard to bring you a faithful adaptation. I love this book I love this project and bringing it to you is pure joy. Thanks a lot for your support. Thank you.
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What now :)
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So... head to the kickstarter, choose a Tier and Fall for it like Crowley :)❤
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Who to follow for updates? :)
Tumblr: (me :D),  @goodomenshq, @neil-gaiman, @colleendoran
Twitter: @FYeahGoodOmens, @GoodOmensHQ, @neilhimself, @pratchettonline, @ColleenDoran, @terryandrob, @kickstarter.
Instagram: @fuckyeahgoodomens, @goodomens_hq,  @neilhimself,,  @pratchettonline,  @doran.colleen
Update 6.8.2023
Now as an add on you can add also new Aziraphale and Crowley pins 👀❤.
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How to add if you already pledged:
Click one the Manage your pledge green button
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Click on the Change your pledge violet button
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Then again a green button with your pledge and you get to a page with:
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wher you can add the pins and more :)
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chaosgremlinmunson · 1 month
STWG 04/26/2024
Prompt: Dragonflies
For @soaringornithopter happy birthday!!!
Chrissy was staring up into the clouds laying on her towel. She sighed and looked over to her right where everyone was playing and splashing around in the water, but she felt like she should keep her cover on over her swimsuit, Jason had made a comment to her the other day that she was starting to look a little thicker than he'd like and she felt repulsive.
After a few minutes a shadow fell over her and she looked back up to see a girl standing beside Steve Harrington, her short strawberry blond bob kissing her gorgeous cheekbones, and Chrissy felt herself blushing slightly.
“Hey, uh, we were wondering if you minded us setting up near you. We wanted to hang out at the beach today, but the only other spot is, well.” She looked over and Chrissy followed her gaze to where Nancy and Jonathan were curled up under an umbrella giggling together, the girl winced, “uh, yeah. Anyway, we can scoot over so we're not too close, but just wanted to check in before setting our stuff up.”
Chrissy smiled up at her, “Of course, actually you guys can set up right here next to me. My friends are all off without me.”
For a while they sat there silently watching all the people playing around in the water, and suddenly Jason came running up to the shore landing in front of Chrissy, she squinted over at him eyeing his neck and a hickey she knew she hadn't put on him, before turning her attention to his eyes.
“Chris! Come play in the water with us, Jenny is going on and on about us leaving you out.” Jason whined, next to Jason Steve let out a loud snort and Robin tried to shush him, Jason turned looking over at them with a sneer set on his face. “And what are you laughing about?”
Steve raised an eyebrow and sat up completely leaning into Jason's space and smacking the hickey on his neck, “Looks to me like Jenny could care less if Chrissy comes to play in the water with you all. You realize we can all see you and her supposed friend making out in the water right? There's nothing hiding you, dumb ass.” Steve turned towards Chrissy and leaned into her space next, “You should just come to my house with us and be around people who will respect you. Besides, you're way too pretty for this asshole.” He said pointing his thumb at Jason, disdain dripping from his voice. Chrissy giggled and got up to walk off with them, they stopped near the cars Chrissy letting out a peal of giggled as a dragonfly landed on her arm. They watched her as she twirled around, all the dragonflies twirling around her as though dancing in the wind, her smile and laughter filling the air.
Robin grabbed Steve's arm who looked over at her, an eyebrow raised as she blushed, staring at Chrissy. Chrissy skipped over to Robin, she reached her hand up to move the single purple dragonfly who'd landed in her hair and smiled up at her before they left. Robin knew she was about to be pulled into this girl's orbit, but first they needed to introduce her to the party and make her feel welcome. They knew with her everything would feel magical.
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paperbackribs · 5 months
Eddie's Proposal
Prompt Day 28 – Proposal | Rating: T | CW: None | Tags: Eddie and Chrissy are besties, pre-steddie, buckingham, no Upside Down AU | WC: 877  For the @steddieholidaydrabbles
“I have a proposal for you,” Eddie says.
Chrissy looks up from filing her nails, splayed across his bed with head and hands hanging off the edge, “I thought we established you don’t swing that way, babe.”
Folding his legs under him, Eddie sits cross-legged on the navy carpet by her side. David Bowie plays softly in the background because he’s not a barbarian and he’d do anything for this girl; plus, Steve loves Dancing in the Street and who is Eddie to not develop an appreciation in the gorgeous face of all that enthusiasm?
He tuts at her, “But you do about the other half of the time, so I have a proposal for you.”
“Eddie, dear, darling of my heart, you should have brought a ring. Maybe a big cheesy placard with hearts painted all over it.” She focuses on a particularly rough edge, squinting at it. “Diamond princess cut, please and thank you, sweetheart.”
Eddie scoffs even as he rubs his sweaty palms over his knees. The album fades into Cat People and Bowie roars that he’s been putting out fire with gasoline. He wonders if the lyrics are why he feels so hot suddenly. “No, not for me. For Steve.”
Chrissy’s smile is immediate and bright, “Thank God. Yes, do it. Ask him out, for sure.” Her long blonde hair shakes around her face as she laughs, a beautiful tinkling sound that spears through his heart. Eddie grips his knee; this is what he wants, he reminds himself.
“I think you’ll have to do it, he’s too shy,” Eddie says around the copper in his mouth.
Chrissy snorts, shooting him a wry look, “Steve Harrington? Shy? He struts around in barely there short shorts whenever we come over for his pool. The man doesn’t have a shy bone in his body.”
“There’s a bone somewhere,” Eddie mutters to himself, thinking of the heart palpitations he’s suffered from an affectionate, touchy-feely Steve by the poolside. Louder he says, “But you know it’s different for emotional stuff. He’s been hurt before and I think he’s gun shy.”
“Yeah, that doesn’t track,” she rebuts, frowning as she accidentally chips a piece of baby blue polish off. “He’s been very clear that he wants to move on. And with who.”
Eddie feels the blood drain from his face, dropping below the heart that has fallen out of his chest with a splat. “He’s asked you out already.” As he watches Chrissy’s face move through a series of complicated expressions, Eddie tells his heart to get itself under control: this is good, this was the goal all along.
“Eddie,” Chrissy begins, throwing aside her file to prop herself above him on her elbows, he tilts his head up to meet her suspicious gaze. “Are you asking me to date Steve? Not someone else?”
“Definitely not someone else,” Eddie answers quickly. “He should have the best and you’re the best, you two would be… the best together,” he finishes lamely albeit sincerely.
Eddie immediately knows that his crush on Steve has been ill-hidden when her wide blue eyes fill with pity. What he doesn’t expect is for amusement to swiftly replace it. “You’re an idiot,” she says affectionately.
Eddie straightens, he doesn’t expect her to cede ground to Steve because well, look at the gorgeous, sweet fucker, but she doesn’t need to rub his nose in it. “I know,” he sighs, “And I shouldn’t have let myself develop feelings for him, but at the very least I would be happy if he were happy.”
He moves up, kneeling like a knight under his queen, taking her hand in earnest, “You two are the best people in my life, and I just know you’d be good for each other.”
“Eddie…” She moves her free hand up to his head and instead of the gentle stroke he had expected she takes a chunk of his hair and yanks it, hard. “Ow, motherfucker!” He jerks back, staring at her incredulously.
“Eddie Munson, who does Steve spend all his time with?” She demands exasperatedly.
“Me,” he shakes his sore head, “That’s how I know you two would fit.”
“Yeah, well, Robin might knee-cap you for suggesting it.”
“Robin? You and…” Eddie tilts his head, the only way he can keep the world in focus as it tips over. “Yes, me and Robs,” Chrissy rolls her eyes, “And I think she would knee-cap me if I tried to hit on Steve when he clearly wants you.”
The world is still tilting, he thinks as he wordlessly points to himself. Chrissy nods, smirking. “Apparently, she’s not that far off of doing the same to Steve, if only to put him out of his misery.”
“Because he wants… me?” Eddie whispers because reverent things should be treated delicately. Chrissy patiently nods, allowing him time to reconcile the hope ballooning inside him against the sudden drumming of impatience.
Eddie drops her hand, scrambling up. “Sorry princess, I have to see a man about a proposal,” he calls out as he runs out of the room.
Chrissy shakes her head, grabbing her file and flopping back onto the pillows on his bed. “I’m surrounded by idiots,” she mutters, thinking about how Robin’s going to lose it when she tells her about this later.
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adrianicsea · 4 months
the time that glenn howerton was in a gay period-piece play about crossdressing
so awhile back i was poking around glenn howerton's wikipedia looking for movies and such that i might have missed, and i noticed it had a small theatrical section listed. this was never something i'd given much thought in the past, but on this particular occasion i was so hard-up for new Glontent that i decided to see what i could find about the three plays listed there, because i'd never seen anyone else have much luck with that and i love a good internet scavenger hunt. walk with me.
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compleat female stage beauty caught my eye right away-- the title of the play itself is interesting, and i happened to know already that the most famous real-life duke of buckingham was the lover of king james. so of course i went delving...
and what should i find but the entire playscript for compleat female stage beauty, For Free, on archive dot org? anyone on earth can rent it and read it for an hour at a time, or for 14 days if you want to really take your time with it. i have to assume that this is NOT common knowledge among sunny fans (or anyone else), as the archive upload only has 99 views at the time of making this post.
to give a VERY succinct summary of what the play is about-- in the 1660s, during the english restoration, women were allowed to act professionally onstage for the first time in english history. this caused problems for the male actors who had previously made their careers playing female characters, such as edward kynaston, around whom the play centers. outside of his acting career, kynaston is a gay man, and he's in a romantic entanglement with george villiars, the duke of buckingham (NOT the same duke of buckingham who was fucking king james-- that was this villiars' dad. we love gay fathers and their gay sons!) kynaston struggles to find his place in a changing social landscape where it seems as though his talents are no longer needed or wanted.
before getting into the script proper, the book has some information about notable early productions of the play. this is great because it pins down a lot of details about glenn's involvement in the show that wikipedia left unanswered, but there's also an unexpected sunny crossover here-- in an even EARLIER production, the lead role was played by david hornsby!
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(i also learned over the course of my deep dive on this that glenn's costar, lead actor brandon demery, was a fellow member of glenn's graduating juilliard group!)
things don't end well for kynaston and villiars, but still, the onstage relationship between the two is both electrifying and heartbreaking as it changes over the course of the show.
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now, this WOULD be where i would include cast pictures or footage or any kind of photos of glenn in this show... but if any such material exists, it's not publicly available. i went so far as to email the publicity and outreach coordinator for the theater that hosted glenn's production of this show to ask if they had any archived materials, but she told me that they didn't.
but this production took place in october of 2000, meaning it was pre-that 80s show, meaning we can all sit and think about how a glenn that looked like This was acting in a gay period piece about crossdressing and gender roles and the mystery of human sexuality. dudes rock.
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a bit of a disappointing note to end on, i know, but i really wanted to talk about this play and share it with people!! it's a super interesting and overlooked part of glenn's early career, but also i think the script is fascinating and very well-written in its own right. i definitely encourage yall to check it out on the internet archive if you're interested-- again, it's literally free!
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 4 months
I'm pretty sure Scobie hinted at it in Endgame. I've only just now made the connection after seeing this post from @sassyfrassboss and William's announcement for Cape Town.
What makes the House of Windsor unique with this dance with the media is the competing households within it, all with their own agendas, and all doing their best to please their bosses. Up until the Queen's death, there were three houses, each with a team assigned to work with the media: Kensington Palace for William and Kate, Clarence House for Charles and Camilla, and Buckingham Palace for the monarch. There were also smaller teams under the BP umbrella who worked with other family members like Edward and Sophie, Princess Anne, and (pre-departure) Harry and Meghan. Though all part of the same institution, the rivalry between these teams is real in many ways and often derails a unified message. Each house is often angling for the same space in newspapers, hand-waving for attention with regards to their work, grabbing the ideal dates and locations for their tours and engagements, or scrambling for first dibs on charitable causes. And this rivalry often causes rifts, problems, and confusion downstream after a particular household offers breaking news or choreographs a PR operation. It was an 'absolute headache' when Charles, William, and Harry all wanted to do similar high-profile environmental work, an aide once told me. 'None of them were into the idea of collaborating; they all wanted their own big moments away from the other...It was all about competition, and the households were purposefully holding information back so others couldn't try to get ahead,' they explained.
So going down the rabbit hole:
Summer 2019 (July or August) - Harry announced Travalyst.
December 2019 - William announced the Earthshot Prize.
January 2020 - Charles announced the Sustainable Marketplaces, which evolved in 2021 as Terra Cotta.
The only reason I think these charities are what Scobie is alluding to is because of how butthurt and bent out of shape Harry got when William announced the Earthshot Prize. I can't remember what he did anymore - was it that new picture of Archie with the mountain/lake behind him or was there something more? - but whatever he did, it was immediately apparent he didn't like William's work at all.
And now with hindsight, Harry probably thought he had called dibs on environmental work when he launched Travalyst, so it wasn't fair for William to have co-opted it with the Earthshot Prize a couple months later and then it equally wasn't fair when Charles threw his own hat into the mix.
But I think the joke is on Harry. William and Charles's projects were fully developed when they launched, to where now, 4 years later, they're very successful and have name recognition all over the world. Meanwhile, no one knows what Travalyst does, people think it's a grift for Harry and Meghan to write off all their travel expenses and accept travel freebies under the guise of sustainability, and Harry's been kicked off the board. He's still listed on the website as Founder and Patron, but it's been made vrey clear in a couple of articles when the website was updated that Harry's not involved in the company anymore other than being a lightning rod for controversy.
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flowercrowngods · 1 year
dio. 🤍
ao3 • writing tag • time travel au tag (stories & snippets) steddie drabbles & microfics ☕️ ko-fi vibes only. mostly steddie, sometimes clarkson.
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🌷 WIPs & multi-chaptered stories
➤ i’ll try. i’ll try. (but i couldn’t be better) WIP M | 74k | 12/? | time travel au, angst, steve whump Sent back to 1983, Steve tries to save his friends from everything that's coming and takes on the battle against the Upside Down alone with El by his side.
➤ nice to meet you, where you been? T | 12k | 3/3 | tattoo shop au, pure fluff, trans eddie Chrissy sends Eddie to check out a tattoo shop. Little does he know it belongs to Steve Harrington, or that they’ll both be falling for each other at lightning
➤ untitled knight!Steve / bard!Eddie WIP T | 10k | 2/? | tumblr: part 1 | part 2 | ... regency au (freeform), enemies to lovers Eddie is a bard of great renown who returns to Hawkins ready and willing to spite the people who cast him out all his life. He is in search of his muse: the knight Dustin has been writing to him about who has inspired his greatest ballads and poems. Dustin’s Sir Steve is nowhere to be found, but Lord Harrington seems to hold a grudge against Eddie and he wants to find out why.
➤ see the stars shining through the cracks of my broken heart | steddie week fic T | 14.7k | 3/3 | tumblr: part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 in which Eddie and Chrissy get engaged and Steve is heartbroken. yearning ensues. a story about love requited and unrequited, breaking and healing, and hope (steddie & buckingham)
➤ shattered on the cliff’s edge, trapped by the tides WIP M | 5.8k | 2/7 | tumblr: part 1 | part 2 | ... A steddie ghost story. Steve Harrington, disgraced and disowned by his father for moral insanity, has been haunted by eerie dreams of a mysterious lighthouse ever since he was a little boy. His lighthouse quickly turns from recurring night terror to gruesome reality when his superior delegates him to fix the broken light and be the new keeper. But he soon finds out that it is he who is being kept.
➤ tales of blue | who did this to you? WIP M | 13k | 3/4 | tumblr: part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | Eddie POV, pre-s4, injured Steve, hurt/comfort One summer's day in 1985, Eddie finds a very injured Steve in the boathouse, and even though he doesn't want the kind of trouble that this might bring, he can't just leave him there. So, scared though he is, he takes Steve to the one person he trusts to always make everything better.
➤ untitled kas!eddie / steve WIP M | 5.3k | 1/? | tumblr: part 1 | post-canon, hurt/comfort, enemies steddie The extent of his brain injuries and the intensity of his migraines is something Steve has been keeping secret from everyone. When he goes to Kas to let him feed, however, the sudden blood loss gives him a migraine. Kas decides to take care of him.
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one shots & ficlets under the cut (ao3) -> ao3 link in the tumblr fic post
🌷 fluff & floaty
floor time fic (ao3) Eddie POV, falling in love, fluff, neurodivergent steddie
eddie likes Good Words (ao3) Steve POV, stablished relationship, neurodivergent steddie, echolalia
rambly Steve in love Eddie POV, established relationship, love confession
soft insomniacs (ao3) Eddie POV, short trans Eddie, soft Steve, bickering, established relationship
3 am phone call (ao3) Steve POV, soft, pre-relationship
car ride in love Eddie POV, floaty, boys in love, Andante, Andante
stargazing Steve POV, floaty & soft, boys in love
sick fic Eddie POV, domestic fluff & silliness, steve is sick, eddie is in love
first kiss Eddie POV, floaty, boys in love
loving eddie munson (is a full body experience) (ao3) Steve POV, floaty, boys in love, introspection, love confessions
floaty steddie date hours Eddie POV, established relationship, date night, marriage proposals, softness, dancing in the rain
sick fic 2 (woollen bat hat) Eddie POV, sick!Steve, soft boyfriends in love, cuddling, Eddie reads Momo to Steve
🌷 yearning
✨yearning hours (a-side) (ao3) Eddie POV, heart-wrenching yearning, light imagery, (mis)communication, vulnerability, first kiss
✨yearning hours (b-side) (ao3) Steve POV, insecurity, trauma, darkness imagery, vulnerability, first kiss
✨yearning hours (bonus track) (ao3) Eddie POV, light imagery, vulnerability, getting together
summer nights were made for steve (ao3) Eddie POV, yearning, getting together, the stars are pretty but steve is prettier
✨yearning hours (hidden track) (ao3) Steve POV, floaty music, getting together, sudden love confession, pining, A Flock of Seagulls
✨ high yearning make-out fic (smutty) (ao3) Eddie POV, recreational drug use, dry humping, coming in pants, so much yearning, so much kissing, spicy six as friends
🌷 hurt/comfort
insomniac eddie & human weighted blanket steve Eddie POV, developing relationship, comfort
Eddie being inexperienced at relationships Eddie POV, established relationship, dramatic eddie, boys in love, cuddles
spiralling writer eddie Eddie POV, established relationship, comfort, emotionally intelligent steve
‘You’d be a great dad’ Eddie POV, established relationship, insecure Eddie, comfort
steve has seizures (ao3) Steve POV, angst, self-isolation, seizures, post-s3, found family, background steddie
nonverbal steve gets a hug (ao3) Steve POV, established steddie, nonverbal steve, caring eddie, touch starved steve
sensory overload steddie Steve POV, soft boys, building relationship, nonverbal steve, touch-averse eddie, floor time as the cure
🌷 angst & hurt/no comfort
spiralling steve Steve POV, traumatised steve, nonverbal steve, established steddie, eventual comfort
breakup Steve POV, steve is not okay, breaking up
My Boy Steve POV, major character death, post-s4, inspired by My Girl funeral scene
memory wipe musings Steve POV, post-canon, established relationship, breakup-ish
post-breakup steddie Steve POV, a follow-up for @steddieas-shegoes prompt-fill | years after breaking up with steve eddie writes him a letter and they talk, mentions of drug abuse and rehab, starting over, 2nd chances (it's hopeful but it's kinda really sad)
knightmærs Eddie POV, prince!steve, traitor!eddie, lovers to enemies who are still lovers but it's intrigue, brainwashing, torture, eddie whump, manipulation, open ending, violence & threats of death
🌷 smut(ish)
steve wants to hear eddie Eddie POV, established relationship, anal sex
sexytimes in a tent Steve POV, trying not to get caught, established relationship, hand jobs
sub!kas eddie (drabble) (tag for more) Steve POV, good boy kas, soft dom steve
school reunion sex Eddie POV, chubby!steve, dom-ish top steve, belly kink, light degradation kink, multiple orgasms, semi-public sex, reunion sex, good boy eddie
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misc. & gen
steve and nancy finally have A Talk Steve POV, apologies, communicating like adults, making up, platonic stancy
steve and mike coming out to each other (ao3) Steve POV, bisexual lighting, established background steddie, mike & steve sibling relationship
why'd you jump? (ao3) conversation at the quarry, coming out (kinda), working through trauma together, steve & mike sibling relationship, big brother Steve | cw: could read as suicidal tendencies or intrusive thoughts
a study in grief: steve and mike talking about barb (ao3) Steve POV, Barb's death anniversary, Barb was Mike's friend, grief, mourning, big brother Steve, Mike character study
stobin arsonist tendencies (drabble) Steve POV, robin wants to burn down steve's car and house, fucked up platonic besties, neurodivergent swag
🌷 i'll try-verse (time travel au) oneshots
steve takes el to see her first meteor shower
el calls steve magic
eddie finds nonverbal steve
tina's party steddie hug
steve meets wayne
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clarkson fics
meet-sweet | kids duty (ao3) clarkson origin post with @unclewaynemunson. Wayne POV, first meeting, slow burn, pre-relationship, soft
coursework, caffeine and cuddles (ao3) teacher student!steve, domestic fluff, established clarkson & steddie, found family
if i fell in love with you (ao3) Scott POV, soft, established relationship, domestic fluff, If I Fell
home. (ao3) Scott POV, comfort, floaty, established relationship, after-school car ride, domesticity
quiet. (ao3) Scott POV, hurt/comfort, domesticity, established relationship, wayne doesn’t like how quiet scott’s house gets
don’t let go (i won’t) (ao3) Scott POV, hurt/comfort, found family, post-s4, shared trauma, steddie, established relationship, wayne gets a bad flashback and scott calls steddie for help
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ronance fics
snow angels for @thefreakandthehair's spicy six winter fic challenge, Nancy POV, pining, first kiss, getting together
yearning hours (ao3) Nancy POV, pining, yearning, realisations, pre-relationship, semi-floaty
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formosusiniquis · 5 months
the bells, the joy (together in darkness)
Robin Buckley & Steve Harringto WC: 11963 | T | Tags/Themes: hivemind, Post S3, Scoops Troop Friendship, Nonbinary Steve and Robin, Blink and you miss it Steddie and Buckingham pre-slash AKA It's the Stobin Hivemind fic y'all! thank you very very very much to @spectrum-spectre for beta-ing this for me!!
Steve has never done LSD before. Which is the kind of statement his father would call ‘qualifying’ and ‘implies other kinds of wrongdoing, Stephan.’ Like the time he’d said he hadn’t smoked anything other than cigarettes that weekend. Apparently the ‘that weekend’ was a qualifier that got his very small pot stash flushed, and forced him into a second transaction with Eddie Munson in as many weeks.
Yeah okay maybe there were worse things, as far as punishments go.
Qualifying or not though, Steve has never done LSD. Not after the weekend he spent reading the supposedly true diary of a supposedly real teen that had been left on his bed. Like mother, like son, his father had sneered when he'd caught Steve curled up with it, like the whole plan to keep him from becoming pot-addled and destined for the gutter, or whatever, hadn’t relied on his gossipy nature.
It was mostly stupid, the book, but Steve figured it didn’t hurt to stick to weed. The stuff about that he knew for sure was totally fake.
Except now, he wishes he maybe knew a little bit more about what LSD was supposed to feel like. So he knows how to portion out blame for his current state. It’s currently 50% Upside-Down-Shit and 40% Russian-LSD-Shit and 10% Concussion-Shit, but if he’s being fair he’s blamed the Upside Down for about half of everything that’s gone wrong in his life since 1983. He’s willing to acknowledge that maybe the blame breakdown should be readjusted for this one.
“Hey Robin?” Trauma changes people, makes you want to stay close to the people who are changed the same way you are. Robin had shown up at Steve’s house the Monday after everything, trumpet case and duffle bag in hand. Apparently, she had walked from the school where she was supposed to be catching the bus to Band Camp, like she does every year. Apparently, when you undergo traumas heretofore unexperienced by any teen ever, Russian torture and flesh monsters, it’s okay to skip Summer Intensive to move in with your new best friend without telling your parents. Apparently, if you’re the kid that the Band Person, Director, wants to keep happy because in addition to the billion and seven languages you can play any instrument with a mouthpiece -- except trombone, slide positions, Steve had pretended he knew what that meant -- then you can just leave school to deal with your ‘mall fire smoke inhalation’ at your ‘aunt’s house’ instead. Apparently this is fine and Steve doesn’t need to worry about any angry former hippies beating down his dore because ‘what they don’t know won’t hurt them.’
So he can call out for Robin, without raising his voice because he knows she’s there. Somewhere in the house, the weight of it changed now that someone else is in it with him. He can call out even though he’s pretty sure she’s holed up in his Mom’s library on the ground floor, because he can feel her in the back of his brain and he knows she’ll hear him.
Drifting in an unfocused middle distance, he can imagine Robin. Curled up, she knows she’s been called for but isn’t in any hurry to comply, Steve will wait. He's fine with waiting, at least for the five minutes it will take for her to finish her chapter. He can see her, slotting her bookmark in place and sitting up straight for the first time in hours. She stretches, uncurls from the window seat that Steve also favors, gently sets the book down before letting a foot dangle and brush the floor to actually stand. And she leaves the library. She starts to feel closer, her presence looming stronger in his brain and Steve aware of himself in his own body. Then he hears her feet on the stairs.
“What is it, Dingus, did you know your Mom has a whole collection of French books? I’m in the middle of a bunch of lesbian short stories.”
“Yeah, she speaks it, not sure why.” He answers absently, “Have you ever done LSD?”
“I’ve had half a pot brownie and gotten way too high before.”
That’s not really the same thing, Steve thinks.
“I know it’s not really the same thing, Dingus, I was using it as a framework.” She flops facedown on the bed beside him, wiggling into what he’s started thinking of as her side. A lucky coincidence that she prefers to be tucked in on the side closest to the wall. Probably because she’s never seen anything burst out of one.
“Okay don’t think that, cause now I’m never going to be able to sleep again, I don’t think you’ve got enough space for us to pull your bed into the center of your room.”
He can see the way she imagines it. His bed, an island in the center of the room floating in a sea of plaid. Something about it is even more unnerving than if it stayed up against the wall.
“Not a good look.” He doubts anything will come from the walls again anyway, the Upside Down has proven to be surprisingly adaptive; it doesn't seem to attack in the same way twice. It makes it harder to be prepared, but he’s less worried about not being able to protect Robin in the middle of the night.
“Savior complex. Your mom has psychology books down there too. What does she even do?”
“Reads mostly. Do you think there’s anything down there about LSD?” He doesn’t think this is normal.
“Nice leap, Steve, I don’t think there are many drugs that link your brain with your coworker.” She says coworker, but he feels friend. Even that concept isn’t enough to describe the depth of warmth and affection that he feels wash over him as she thinks.
He lets the silence hang for a second, thinking but not sure what yet. His thoughts are slower to arrive and more jumbled in these early days post-concussion. His right hand curls, his fingers flex. First and third finger tap, then one and two, then none, one and two, and two, and none.
Robin’s knee jostles the bed as her leg bounces just a little.
“I think something else happened to us.”
“Wondered how long I’d have to tap your fingers for you before you got there with me.”
Read the rest on AO3
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