#prettymuch fluff
beanzybrandon · 2 years
Hello my loves. 
It felt appropriate to check in and let you all know Im alive and well lol, and I hope you are too.
It’s been a while since Ive written anything, so requests are currently OPEN. Please send ideas!! :)
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sehunniepotwrites · 5 months
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SYNOPSIS. In theory, playing a card game called Risk It or Drink It during your holiday kickback sounded fun. In reality, it was your group’s wild plot scheme for you and your close friend, Donghyuck, to finally get yourselves together in more ways than one. 
PAIRING. Lee Donghyuck x fem!Reader WORD COUNT. 14.4k GENRE. Friends-to-Lovers!AU, Holiday!AU, Christmas!AU, Party!AU, mutual pining, smut (minors dni!), comedy/humor, a tiny bit of fluff
WARNINGS. language (crude sexual jokes, talks about sex positions, and profanities), alcohol and food consumption, adult drinking games with dares, haechan is heavy on consent, body shots, brief vouyerism, explicit content (needy!haechan, possessive!haechan, fingering, oral–male and female receiving, nipple play, praise kink, penetrative, missionary, etc.), nicknames (hers: princess, baby | his: baby)
PLAYLIST. Up to You - PRETTYMUCH feat. NCT Dream | Look at Me - George | A Nonsesne Christmas - Sabrina Carpenter | santa doesn’t know you like i do - Sabrina Carpenter | Yours (Live feat. Winter and Mark) - Chanyeol and Raiden
DISCLAIMER. This is work of fiction. I do not own the people/characters or concepts I have written about. You cannot translate or copy my work. © sehunniepotwrites, 2023
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As people say, Saturday nights are for the boys. 
To you, the boys refer to your group of best friends formed early in your college years. The bond strengthened even after graduation. Two years after leaving your university adventures behind, your Saturday nights still belonged to your small close knit group. What started as dressing up in your best clothes and club hopping hours into the night turned into wearing comfy clothes and hosting weekly kickbacks in your respective apartments. You exchanged drunkenly shouting over loud music with drunkenly shouting over party games. Sometimes, you drink and others, you abstain from consuming alcohol to just bask in your hilarious company.
As you grew older, the clubbing and party scene seemed too exhausting with your nine-to-fives taking up most of your energy. Why would you want to socialize with stupid drunk strangers in a crowded room when you could just do that with your tight circle of friends?
Donghyuck and Mark hosted the kickback at their place this week–this one a little fancier than others due to it being the Saturday before Christmas. You loved it when they did. It gave you the excuse to drink to your heart’s content, knowing you could just crash in Donghyuck’s bed at the end of the night. You never did drink past your limit though–too afraid of your darkest secrets slipping through your loose lips–secrets only Jaemin and his girlfriend Ari knew. 
Ari was a great secret keeper. She never revealed your secret crush on Donghyuck to her lover. You did that yourself one semester when you bursted into her room, complaining about how attractive your best friend looked in his leather jacket to the point of wanting to kiss his pretty confident smirk off his face.  Jaemin heard it all while waiting for his girlfriend to get out of the shower. But as loyal as a friend could be, he kept the slip to your tiny little trio. That, however, did not stop the occasional teasing that happened here and there in full group settings. 
It seemed like Jaemin and Ari always had something up their sleeves when you found yourselves hanging out with them and Donghyuck. They would find tiny little ways to get you and your crush in positions where you had no choice but to be near him. For example, setting up days where the hang outs seemed more like double dates and then pretending to get lost just to guarantee you some alone time with him. Their plans, though obvious to you, worked in many ways. Jaemin and Ari often returned to you with matching grins on their pretty faces when they saw your hands linked together or with Donghyuck’s arm comfortably draped around your shoulder, his free hand carrying your purse. 
You honestly weren’t sure how Donghyuck never caught on to their schemes. 
Maybe he did but refused to say anything on the topic. 
Nevertheless, the devil worked hard but Ari and Jaemin worked even harder.
Although you asked the two to stop fueling the delusions floating in your mind, they insisted Donghyuck liked you too. “His feelings for you were undeniable,” they said,  “just look at the way he treated you versus everyone else.” 
Your best friend—with his gentle touches, sweet smiles, and teasing tones—dropped anything for you. He’d walk you to class even if his classes were on the other side of campus, protect you from creeps that gave you the ick, and have food delivered to your job when you had a rough day. When your dates with men went awry, Donghyuck arrived in seconds. According to the couple, the possibilities were endless for Donghyuck but only when it came to you. And tonight, apparently, was going to show you how endless the possibilities were. 
You were a bit sad Mark was missing out on this round of drinking at his place but as Jaemin slammed the box of cards down on the dining table, maybe it was for the best that the eldest of the group missed it. He’d miss the chaos happening at his apartment but at least, he’d earn money while doing it. 
Stealing a quick glance at Donghyuck, he looked so cute in his oversized knit sweater. The Santa hat resting on top of his long, wavy hair made him appear cozier than usual. Your outfits coincidentally matched–your sweaters in a similar shade and a Santa hat headband resting on top of your scalp. 
“Alright, bitches,” Jaemin smirked while opening the box, “tonight’s game is called Risk It or Drink It. You better not be pussies now.” You missed the gamemaster giving Donghyuck a pointed look as you handed out Ari’s soju cocktails to all the people in attendance. Donghyuck stealthily flipped him off. 
“He means you, babes,” Ari nudged you as she poured the two of you a shot. “We’re doing this for you.”
You grabbed it, the liquid spilling from the top, as you raised it for a toast. “No shit, Sherlock.”
Ari striked her glass with yours, “Well, Watson. Bottom’s up.” 
“Merry fucking Christmas!” The two of you downed the shot, not wincing in the slightest. The dangerous thing about flavored soju was that it tasted sweet, didn’t burn, and snuck up on you when you least expected it.
Everyone gathered around the kitchen island, some choosing to stand or lean against the countertop, while others took a seat on the barstools. You all watched as Jaemin set the game up with ease, placing a thick stack of cards in the middle of the table. 
“The rules are simple. We all take turns getting a card, reading it out loud, and doing what the card says, which is either doing a dare or answering a question. If you can do it, you earn the points at the bottom of the card and keep the card. If you can’t, take a shot or a swig of your drink. First to ten points wins. The player with the least point drinks out of”–the gamemaster pointed to a disgusting concoction next to the cards–“finishes the king’s cup. Got it?”
A chorus of agreement circled around the room and so the game began.
The first round was an easy one. You suspected the deck wasn’t shuffled well enough.
 Jeno’s card asked him to show off how much money was in his account, causing Yeri to jokingly ask him if he needed a sugar baby. He retaliated by telling her to ask Mark when he came home, making her take a big swig of her cocktail to draw attention away from her reddening face. Giselle had to name the worst dressed in the room, which led to Renjun’s cute outburst. Jaemin faked a proposal to his girlfriend and had to chug his drink when she said “no.” 
It was all fun and games until it came to you. That was when the party truly began.
You drew your card, skimmed through the words silently with a puzzled look, and then made a face. On your right, Donghyuck threw his arm over your shoulder to pull you closer to his side. He looked at the card as well, his face slightly dropping as he processed the task. 
“What does it say?” Karina yelled from the other side of the circle. 
Clearing your throat, you read aloud, “Lick the person on your left’s earlobe for five seconds or drink.” 
Jaemin was to the left of you and as much as you thought your friend was attractive, no amount of drinks in the world would result in you doing that.
“Damn, if only it said person to your right,” Jaemin whistled, reaching over to pat Donghyuck’s knee. Then, a mischievous glint in his eye appeared. “Hey, Donghyuck! Wanna switch sides for this card?”
“Jaem, what the fuck?!”
Donghyuck immediately shot up and the rest of the group hollered at the suggestion, urging him to move. Shoving Jaemin aside, your best friend beamed at you. He made a show out of it, pretending to tuck strands of his hair behind his ear. “Ready when you are, Princess.” 
You shoved his side at his flirty tactics, quickly looking away from the pair of eyes you couldn’t resist. “You would be the type to like this shit,” you attempted to play off, ignoring the increasing heartbeats the more he looked at you. 
“I’m into anything as long as you’re the one doing it,” he threw back, quickly placing a kiss right next to your earlobe. You inhaled sharply at the touch. You could almost feel the smirk spreading across his lips as he pulled away.
The screams that followed that line reminded you that you were not alone–you were in a room filled with people that you loved and were now watching you grow even more flustered than you already were. Heaven knows you were not drunk enough for this. Shaking your head out of the thoughts that followed Donghyuck’s words, you reached for your glass and said, “I’m drinking.”
Vocalized disappointment circled around the room and you ignored it, taking three large gulps of your cocktail. You slammed the glass down and felt the alcohol run through your body. If the dares were anything like that one, it would take you a lot more to actually do something. 
Donghyuck didn’t vocalize anything after your choice was made but you did catch his smirk drop the second your lips touched the rim of your glass. The large hand he had around your waist acted as a sign for you to put your drink down. Without words, he placed an opened water bottle in front of you and gestured to it with his chin–he wanted you to take a sip. You did as you were told as the second round of dares continued.
You all had trouble holding in your laughter when Karina called a friend, put them on speakerphone, and asked them to pick her up from the station after being detained for having car sex in a public area. The cackles were harder to contain when the friend pressed for details instead of immediately coming to her aid. When the insistence failed to cease, Karina spit out the first name that came to her head and ended up unmasking the flame she carried for Jeno. You grinned at the unfolding, taking note of how Jeno’s body perked up the minute Karina’s friend screamed, “Finally!” 
Ari confidently revealed her body count, Yeri had to endure being tickled by everyone for thirty seconds, and Renjun took two shots instead of calling his ex-girlfriend.
“List three sex positions in ten seconds or drink,” Donghyuck read his card aloud. Before he could even process the task, the group started counting down, adding pressure onto the boy. “Oh shit! Umm, missionary, doggy–oh what the fuck, what else is there?!”
His time was up before he could think of a third and Giselle shoved a shot in his hand. “You better drink, Hyuck!” 
Donghyuck accepted his fate, groaning after he took the shot. As he nuzzled his head into your neck, you could tell he was disappointed at his failure.
“Aww, baby, couldn’t think fast enough with your little pea brain?” you teased, running your fingers through his messy hair. 
He looked up at you with a playful sneer and pursed his lips. “Like you could do any better in ten seconds.”
Looking Donghyuck dead in the eye, you listed three off the bat with a deadpan face, “Cowgirl, 69, doggy. It’s not that hard, Hyuckie.”
With no other context, your best friend dropped his head back into place and said, “You will be the death of me one day, you know that, right?” His plush lips, now wet with the remnants of alcohol, brushed against the junction of your neck and exposed shoulder. The sudden touch made you shiver.
“And why’s that?”
Donghyuk breathed out, the air making  goosebumps appear on your skin, and deflected the question. “It’s your turn. Draw.”
The moment you pulled the card, Donghyuck shifted his head to read the card with you. His body began to shake with laughter as the rest of your crew rushed you to reveal the dare. 
God, you were not drunk enough for this. He grabbed the paper out of your fingers and took the liberties of saying the dare, “Hold a piece of food in your mouth and have the person on your right,” he paused, grazing his soft fingers on your bare knee, “that’s me, princess—”
“Yes, I know my rights from lefts, Hyuck.”
“—and have them take it from you.”
“I’m picking the piece of food you use and don’t you dare complain!” Ari yelled before anyone else could claim the job. 
Everyone watched as she stifled through a plate of French fries. Her playful grin expanded across her pretty face when she found the perfect fry—a thin, crispy piece that was around an inch long. The group exploded with excitement as she held it up. 
“That,” you pointed to the fry in your friend’s hand, “cannot be legal. That has to be against the rules!”
Jaemin pretended to examine the fry his girlfriend was holding. “Hmm, looks fine to me.”
“You’re a menace, Jaem,” you hissed at him.
Jaemin came right back, “Just doing what has to be done to take us out of our misery.”
“What misery?!”
With everything already set, you resigned to your friend’s wishes and begrudgingly accepted the dare. Ari handed you the tiny piece of food. You sighed dramatically before placing it between your teeth. It barely extended past your top and bottom lip. Shooting Donghyuck a widened look, you told him to hurry. If you were to prolong this dare any longer, you were afraid of the fry breaking before he’d get to it. 
You stood still as Donghyuck approached with a smug look. It disappeared as soon as his eyes dropped to the french fry you held, lingering at the sight of your parted mouth. When he looked back up at you, there was a sort of look in the brown irises you were so attracted to. Hunger. Anticipation. 
“Lean in,” someone shouted but your body froze in its place.
Swallowing back your nervousness, his two warm hands touched your face, both molding to your cheeks. Shutting your eyes as he grew closer, the last thing you saw was his handsome face tilting to get a better angle. Donghyuck’s actions were lightning quick and sudden, making your heart beat skyrocket towards the moon. 
His breath tickled your skin and then, his lips brushed ever so gently against yours. It didn’t last too long; after all, his goal was to retrieve the french fry. You did your best to focus on that, remembering not to bite down to break the crunchy strip of food–the task at hand was hard but not impossible.
Then, there was a slight pressure, the plushness of his lips pushing into you as Donghyuck bit, tugging the food out of your mouth. 
Still frozen in your spot, you sensed Donghyuck pulling back. You exhaled through your nostrils and slowly opened your eyes. Your best friend was right in front of you, wearing a smirk as he chewed on the fry. He licked around his mouth, gathering the tiny dusts of salt before humming. 
“Salty,” was all he said while everyone surrounding  you laughed at his antics.
Ignoring the hammering of your heart as he continued to stare at your lips, you cleared your throat. As much as you tried to shove all feelings of attraction aside, Donghyuck kept his sultry gaze fixated on you. You watched as it dipped back down to your lips again, his fingers coming up to brush away the little specks of salt that stuck your mouth. 
Everything was too much for you–the warmth of his touch, the intensity of his stare, the looks the others were giving you–it was time to direct everyone’s attention elsewhere.
 “Next dare,” you called out, facing away from Donghyuck.
 You did the honors of drawing the card for the next person, reading it out loud and keeping the game going. Despite everyone else’s attention following your distraction, you could still detect your crush’s unwavering stare from your side. You were hyper-aware of his arm circling your waist, tugging you closer to his body heat, and the way his palm curved so perfectly into your side. It sent tingles down your spine, goosebumps forming in your flesh, and heat rising up from the tips of your extremities to the middle of your body.
Looking at the depleting stack as the game continued, you thought it couldn’t get any worse than this. Turns out, you were dead wrong.
Donghyuck plucked the next card at the top of the deck, read it to himself, and let out a low chuckle. Squeezing your side, fingers tickling the sliver of exposed skin, he said, “Looks like it’s you and me again, Princess.”
 The  reaction kept the group of friends on the edge of their seats, curiosity getting the better of them. “Read it!” Giselle yelled from the other side of the island bar. 
Hating the way Donghyuck dragged things out, it was time to take matters into your own hands. Snatching the card out of his hand, you relayed the message aloud, “Hold a staring contest for thirty seconds with the person on your left or drink. The two participants must be within two inches of each other.”
Oh shit. 
If there was one thing that made you weak, it was the way Donghyuck stared at you. You barely survived him stealing the fry. There was a mission to complete despite his impenetrable gaze, which kept your center of interest. But for this particular dare, nothing would be in the way but the air you both breathed. Could you be able to maintain your cool or would you fold the minute your eyes locked with his?
“Oh, this is going to be good,” Jeno whispered to Karina, the two now seemingly closer after the phone call scandal. She giggled, turning her head towards him to hide her laugh. Traitors, you thought to yourself, the both of them. 
Faking nonchalance, you shifted towards an eager looking Donghyuck. “Thirty seconds is nothing. Let’s get this over with.”
“Whatever you say, princess,” he replied, swiveling in his chair to face you. 
The arm holding you close to him slid down your shoulder to rest on your waist, his hand making its way under your sweater and palm now resting on the small of your back. Your body arched at his touch before you fully processed what happened, your grip instantly shooting to his take hold of his upper arms to maintain balance. You ignored the way his muscles flexed under your palms. 
Donghyuck chuckled again, “We didn’t even start and you’re already like this. How cute.”
Despite how his words and tone made you melt on the inside, how they made you sink a little more into his touch, the snark came bubbling out of your mouth. “Shut up.”
Donghyuck did the exact opposite of what you demanded. “Why don’t you make me?”
“Oh my god, Donghyuck,” you groaned.
“Is the timer ready?” he asked no one in particular while keeping you in his line of sight. It never wavered even as someone in the crowd announced they had pulled one up and were waiting for his cue. 
“Start it,” your best friend commanded and then began the longest thirty seconds of your life.
With Donghyuck barely two inches away from your face, his brown eyes dug deep into your soul. Unable to look away, you took note of how his pupils dilated as Donghyuck continued to stare. The way he looked at you was breathtaking, so focused, like you were the only thing that mattered in the moment. 
The boy’s stare, although flattering, was almost too intimidating for you to take. The intensity of it all made you want to withdraw, the upper half of your body drawing away from him. No matter how much you wanted to escape, he didn’t let you. Every time you pulled back, he pushed forward until the tip of your nose grazed against his. The hand underneath your sweater found its way up to support your upper back, his other arm extending out to grip the counter top. Donghyuck now had you pinned in between the island bar and his body and it was too damn hot in the room for this. 
Just as Donghyuck broke the connection to steal a glance at your lips for the second (or third time) that night, the timer alarmed to signal the end of your dare. You lightly shoved your hands against your crush’s chest, ignoring how firm the muscles below you were, to make more room. Once you deemed him far enough, you reached for your cocktail and took a long swig to cool your overheating body down.
Everyone had their own reactions to the stunt: Giselle and Yeri giggling in the corner, Renjun scrolling through the pictures he snuck of the interaction, Jeno and Karina whispering to another about what just transpired. While downing your drink, you made eye contact with Jaemin, who wiggled his eyebrows annoyingly. You were so close to using his pretty face as your punching bag. Ari simply winked at you. You flipped her off in reply.
Even as everyone else moved on, Donghyuck was still stuck on the dare that occurred. 
While taking one too many sips of your drink, you spilled a bit of it, liquid sticking to part of your skin. With no hesitation, Donghyuck used a part of his sleeve to wipe it away. The fingers still tucked into your knit sweater rose up to graze the back of your neck. You shuddered as he pulled his hand away, the warmth leaving with him. Just when you thought it was over, his nimble fingers reached out to fix the Santa headband that was slipping. Your breath hitched  and your crush promptly picked up on it. 
“Do I make you nervous?” he whispered, tacking your name to the end of his question. His voice was lower than usual, the cheerful and bright cadence long gone. The difference in his tone caused your heart to drop to the floor, as if it was free falling from an amusement park’s drop tower at the highest speed. There was no way to pick it back up.
“You wish.”
Donghyuck had the honors of having the last word this time. “I really do.”
No matter how hard you denied it, your best friend did make you nervous. It was apparent when he took the french fry from your mouth and when you had a staring contest. It was even more evident during your next turn, when you were tasked to spin a bottle and kiss whoever it landed on. 
There was no point in even spinning the bottle; you knew your mischievous friends would make you re-spin until you landed on the person they (i.e. you) wanted. You twirled the bottle a total of three times. The first time, it landed in between Jaemin and Ari and the next, it pointed to Renjun who quickly shifted from its path. On the last try, it stopped in the middle of you and Donghyuck. 
Ari’s manicured hand quickly flicked the bottle just enough so the opened end was aimed right at your best friend. “Well, would you look at that?” she giggled. “It landed on Hyuckie.” 
That girl was a devil in disguise, just like her damned partner.
You rolled your eyes. Sarcasm dripped through your words,“Who would’ve thought?” 
“Damn. Is the thought of kissing me that dreadful to you?” Donghyuck asked, lifting his Santa hat to run through his hair. His long fingers pushed back the curled bangs covering his eyes, holding them in place as he awaited your reply. 
The thought was far from dreadful. Nerve wracking was a far better word to describe how you were feeling. Thrilling was another one you could throw into your word bank. 
You ignored the question, too busy handling the butterflies hovering about in your stomach. One almost got caught in your throat when he swiveled your bar stool to face him. You gulped, shoving it back down. 
 “Is it?” Donghyuck insisted you answer him. You couldn’t lie so you abstained from replying. “Oh, you want me to kiss you so bad, don’t you, princess?”
Avoiding his eyes, you muttered, “Let’s get this over with.” 
The next thing you knew, Donghyuck’s rough hands found their way back to your cheeks and tugged you closer. Seizing the opportunity, your best friend closed the distance with no hesitation. His plush lips crashed against yours and the years of tension between the two of  you ultimately snapped. 
As soon as he felt you kiss him back, your body melting right into his grasp, Donghyuck circled an arm around your waist to lock you in his hold. His other hand sneakily traced a path up your arm, creating gooseflesh on your skin, until finding purchase at the back of your head. He cupped your neck to keep you in place and went back for seconds. The first kiss ended and you parted for a mere moment to catch the tiniest breath before you went back at it. 
Donghyuck didn’t care about the crowd and quite frankly, you forgot about the audience. He kissed you hard and you couldn’t stop reciprocating even if you tried. The taste of him was addicting, it was impossible to break away.  
It was official; you were drunk on him within the first kiss. When Donghyuck tightened his grip, you let out a quiet yet pleasured sound. You latched onto his wavy, brown locks only to tug on them. If you went on for any longer, you were sure to have found your way onto his spread out thighs but you were stopped before you could carry on.
Renjun whistled, pulling your attention from Donghyuck’s kiss and back to the real world. 
You slowly opened your eyes, dazed for a moment in time, until you realized what just occurred. Withdrawing the hands tangled in your crush’s hair, you took in your best friend’s appearance–lips red and swollen, hair messy, and eyes half-lidded and completely fixated on your mouth. His chest rose and fell with each breath he took and once his gaze met yours, you swore his pupils grew in size. 
“God damn,” Jeno coughed, clearly flustered by the public display of affection. “Hyuck, you need a moment or?”
“Hmmm?” Donghyuck hummed, his stare unfaltering. He tracked every minuscule move you made, from the way you drew yourself back to create some much needed distance to how your mouth let out little pants to slow down your heart rate. He watched you press the back of your hands against your burning cheeks in a failed attempt to cool down. “No, no, I think I’m good.”
“I honestly think they both need a moment,” Yeri muttered under her breath. 
“Under the mistletoe maybe,” Ari whispered back. 
“The bedroom’s more like it. The card said kiss, not make out for the whole fucking world to see,” Renjun scolded, rubbing his eyes to erase the vision. You probably scarred the poor boy for life. He was most likely debating on whether or not he had to burn his eyes. 
“I think that looked hot,” Jaemin commented, giving you a wink. The heat in your cheeks turned up a notch. “Enjoyed it a little too much, yeah?”
“Of course, you enjoyed it, Jaem. You’re a freak,” Giselle said.
“Hey, no kink shaming here! This is a safe space! I’m going to make you take a shot for that!”
Only then did Donghyuck snap out of whatever trance you had him under. He gave you this enchanting smile that looked even prettier with his puffy lips. You did that to him. A swell of pride coursed through you–you ruined him even if it was just for a moment.
One of his hands dropped to your mid thigh while the side arguments continued. It traced a path to your knee, his thumb stroking your skin back and forth. “Was that okay?”
It was more than okay. Fantastic. Exciting. Stimulating even, judging by the damp feeling in your underwear. Worthy enough for an encore performance. “Yes.”
“Good,” Donghyuck gulped, suddenly shy and less confident than he usually is. “Are we okay?”
The look of a siren took over your features, your eyes flickering to his lips for a short second. Chin pointed down, your eyes then widened when rising up to meet his stare. Your hand settled on top of his, grounding it on your bare thigh. He squeezed your flesh as you answered with a breathless, “yeah.” 
“It wasn’t too much?” Donghyuck asked, leaning into you. 
He always did this–made sure that you were comfortable when put in awkward or unusual situations. Even when he stole your breath away with a kiss or two, the first thing he thought of was you. 
The only response you could give was a shake of your head, causing the headband to fall back yet again. With his light touch, Donghyuck fixed it right up and combed back the stray hairs stuck to your face.
“Good,” he repeated with a satisfied nod. 
He pressed against your thigh once more and you squeezed his hand back. When your hand refused to move, Donghyuck took it as a sign to keep it there for as long as you accepted his touch. As the game went on and the dares entertained the rest of the crowd, you kept yourself amused by running your fingers against his knuckles. It tickled your crush to no end, his hand squirming underneath yours, trying to break free from your crutches but you didn’t let up. 
To prevent it any further, Donghyuck swiftly turned his hand around and tangled his fingers with yours. He kept you in a tight but not squeezing grasp and it took your attention away from your friend group’s shenanigans. 
You missed Giselle refusing to take another shot and reluctantly taking off Renjun’s sweater vest with her mouth, then Yeri answering a “fuck, marry, kill” question, all because of how Donghyuck’s hand molded so perfectly with yours. Your eyes were glued to your intertwined fingers under the countertop, hidden from everyone else’s sight, but so crystal clear for yours. 
Your heart was going crazy, even crazier than when he kissed you in front of everyone. Those were all done for the public but this little moment was meant for you alone. Donghyuck didn’t have to hold your hand. He stood next to you now, his own seat long forgotten, just to be closer to you. You tested something, trying to pull away but his grip around your hand strengthened, as if he never wanted to let you go. 
With a smile on your face, you allowed yourself to lean against him, your arm pressing against his. As you did this, Donghyuck released the hand he held, only to sling over your shoulder. He shifted to hug you from behind, his back bent slightly so he could reach back down to connect your hands again. 
You looked up at him. “Comfortable?”
Donghyuck’s melodic voice hummed in reply and you leaned into his chest as he held you tighter. You held your breath as you felt a bit of his strengthened chest pressing into your upper back. 
When you stood to refill your cup ten minutes later, Donghyuck still held you with his arms circling your waist as you bent and reached across the countertop. Something hard grazed against your butt as you wiggled in his embrace, stretching your fingers to grab onto the half-emptied soju bottle. He emitted the quietest groan and gripped your sides to keep you still. Heat rushed throughout your entire body when the realization hit and a wave of arousal crashed against you.
“Please stop moving,” he said, desperation oozed out of his gentle command. 
The boy couldn’t move you himself, needing you to shield the erection that he was desperately trying to hide. He simply let you out of his hold, long enough to pour yourself another drink, before his arms encompassed you once more. His chin dropped to your shoulder as you sipped on your drink. 
“Sorry, can’t help it,” Donghyuck mumbled into your ear, his lips grazing against your earlobe. The slightest brush sent shivers down your spine and you were sure he felt it. It reminded you of the dare card you received earlier and you wondered if your crush would have the same reaction if the roles were reversed.
“It’s ‘kay,” you hushed back. 
“Is it though?” Donghyuck pushed. “I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable.”
“I would push you away if I was,” you reassured him before offering him a sip of your drink. 
If you turned back, you would’ve caught his eyes widening at your reply. It was a little spark of hope for the boy but then, he couldn’t be too sure. He refused the cocktail, saying that he should stop drinking for the night. He stressed that he needed to be sober by the end of the get-together to make sure you were alright. 
A call of your name brought you back to the game. The card you drew was a relatively easy one: post a picture with someone or something to your Instagram feed without editing with the caption, “you are the love of my life.” Patting Donghyuck’s sweater-covered arm, you requested his help, “Take a picture with me?”
“Am I the love of your life now?” He threw back, not denying the request. 
You handed your phone to the group’s respective Instagram boyfriend, Jaemin, and giggled. Maybe you shouldn’t have taken that last sip. You were far from drunk but a little past buzzed. ���Why? You like the sound of that?”
“I like being called yours,” he flirted back.
“Shut up,” you scrunched your nose at him before turning your attention to the camera aimed at you. 
Jaemin, as expected, took a cute picture of the two of you. 
Donghuck was still draped over you, hugging you waist from behind with his chin resting on your shoulder. While you grinned happily for the camera, your hands covering his larger ones resting on your belly, your friend kept his soft stare on you. He wore a tender smile, honey dripping from his lips and his eyes. It looked like the perfect print for a couple’s Christmas card instead of a drunken dare and you knew this was a picture you wanted to keep on your feed, dare or not. You could always edit the caption at a later time.
Donghyuck continued to hover over you, watching your fast fingers type out the text. You waited together in silence as you hit post, waiting for the picture to upload. When the photo appeared on your feed, you turned your phone around to show the onlookers. Like the hype crowd they were, all your friends pulled out their own phones to like and comment on the post–the girls writing unhinged comments on your beauty or how Donghyuck stole you away from them while the guys drew attention to how long it took you to get together. You were sure the people who weren’t a part of your usual crowd would believe the caption on your post–after all, many often commented on how cute you looked as a couple. Without context, you were sure Mark would be pissed about how you didn’t tell him shit. 
“Alright, alright. It’s your turn, Hyuck,” you said.
“Let me run to the bathroom real quick and then I’ll draw.” 
Donghyuck finally let you out of his warm embrace, heading down the hallway of his apartment, leaving you with the rest of your friends. As soon as they heard the door shut, the group turned their heads towards you. They looked like predators, ready to pounce on their prey.
“Y’all really went at it,” Ari said, “you didn’t even come up for a breath.”
“I felt like I needed to leave the room,” Yeri added on.
“And I felt like I needed to gouge my eyes out,” Renjun dramatically rolled his eyes. “I wasn’t drunk enough for that.”
“You want to drink more?” Giselle perked up, already reaching for his shot glass. 
“Sit your ass down,” Renjun scolded while reaching for food,“I’m driving you home tonight so I’m tapping out.”
“Party pooper,” she argued.
“I mean I could drink more and we could crash here but do you want to stay with Y/N and Hyuck with all this sexually charged energy in the air?”
“Excuse me, what?” you spat out your drink, eyes enlarged as you processed Renjun’s words.
“You heard what I said,” Renjun snapped before turning back to Giselle, “if you’re fine with that, you’re on your own kid ‘cause I’m going home.”
Giselle gave you a once-over and then a sheepish smile. “Yeah, on second thought, maybe not.”
Not over what Renjun said, you whisper-shouted, “Sexually charged energy?”
“Oh please, if we didn’t stop you, you’d probably end up on Hyuck’s lap,” Karina said as she sat at the dinner table across from the island bar. You glared at her, taking in her current position. She shouldn’t even be the one talking; her bare legs rested on Jeno’s lap, her flesh covered by the fabric of his hoodie. You eyed the slight movement of Jeno’s large hand under the hoodie, how it caressed Karina’s thigh.
“Is he a good kisser?” Jaemin wiggled his eyebrows at you.
“You’re such a gossip,” you rolled your eyes.
“Well, is he?” Ari pushed, ganging up on you with her boyfriend.
Thinking back to the hot kiss you shared made you bite your lip. “No comment.”
“She didn’t deny it so that’s a yes!” Yeri stood up, pointing a finger at you. 
You fought the urge to bite it as a small rebellious act. Jeno tugged the end of Yeri’s sweater dress and yanked her back down to her seat. 
“He so wants you!”
“You say that like it’s new.”
What?  Where they implying that your best friend actually had feelings for you? “What do you mea–”
It was then Donghyuck returned from the bathroom. Your group went quiet as he approached, making the lot of you appear suspicious. “Were you dumb asses talking about me?”
“The world doesn’t revolve around you, Donghyuck,” you said while taking your oversized sweater off. 
Being in the hot seat while he was away got you all fired up–you had to find some way to cool you down. Finishing the game in your cropped bra top and skirt would be just fine. 
“Ouch,” the boy clutched his knit sweater right above his heart, the slight tug lifting the material. You caught a sliver of his gorgeous tanned skin and realized he wasn’t wearing a shirt underneath. You swiftly reverted your eyes to the thin deck of cards on the countertop. 
When Donghyuck returned back to his position of hugging you from behind, you froze in your spot. His arms fell over your shoulders, fingertips grazing the flesh of your upper thigh and you did your best to keep it together. 
“Can you draw my card for me?” he asked you, his low voice directly in your ear. 
His warm breath and long hair tickled your neck and you shut your eyes closed. “Huh?”
“It’s too far and I don’t want to reach over you,” Donghyuck whined, his hands sliding up your arms to massage your shoulders. 
You gave into his wishes and reached for a new card. Donghyuck’s grip skimmed your sides, fingers digging into your hips to keep you steady while you leaned forward. His thumbs rubbed little circles on your back as you read the card aloud. “Take a body shot with a person of your choice or finish your drink,” you projected to the awaiting crowd. Fuck. 
Jaemin and Ari’s lips formed twin smirks, satisfied with their front row seats while you slowly piece together that particular dare. Donghyuck refused to let you out of his sight or grip. All partner tasks he had were done with you. Therefore, you would be his person of choice for this dare as well. Could your heart even take this?
Like clockwork, Donghyuck swiveled your chair to ask for your consent. His brown eyes dug deep into yours to check in on you. “You okay with this, princess?”
You gestured to the strong cocktail Ari made him. “Would you rather finish that strong concoction or take a shot? I know you said you wanted to stop drinking tonight.”
Donghyuck shook his head, his luscious hair flopping along with his movement. “Don’t do this because of what I said. That’s not what I asked. Are you okay with this–yes or no?” 
“I–” You were shy but you weren’t unwilling. This game had gotten you physically closer than any other attempts that were made. It gave you a little confidence when it came to Donghyuck’s physical touch. 
When Jaemin and Ari mentioned they had something up their sleeves, you didn’t think a little card game would get you this far. You couldn’t deny the rising tension between you and Donghyuck, especially how it skyrocketed during the many rounds of dares. Neither could you deny the gentler moments sprinkled in the middle of the more intense scenes of the wild night. If all of those moments were leading up to this, why run away from it? 
That was not what Donghyuck was expecting to hear. “Yeah?”
“Let’s do it,” you nodded bashfully. You turned to face your friends, feigning confidence, “We don’t have tequila so hand me some sugar and the apple mango soju.”
Sweet drinks weren’t really Donghyuck’s thing. He was more of a plain soju and beer person but while you were both out at a barbeque place earlier in the year, he mentioned that he liked the taste of apple mango flavor in passing. Months later and you remembered that little fact. Donghyuck bit back a grin. 
He reached out a hand towards you and you carefully placed your hand in his. Donghyuck helped you off your high stool, looking for a place to set you down. The island bar was filled with the food, drinks, and the card game so that wasn’t in the running. The dining table had all the white elephant gifts piled on top, so that wasn’t a choice either. 
His eyes landed on the low coffee table in front of the couch and led you to it, your hand clasped tightly with his. Your free hand held the bottle of soju, the sugar, and the shot glass. When no one was looking, you took a quick swig before seating yourself on the cold, glass surface. Donghyuck kneeled in front of you, wedged between your thighs. 
Your friends followed, jittery with excitement over what was going to unfold. They planted themselves behind the couch, keeping their distance. 
Handing him the sugar shaker, you braced yourself as his tongue licked a spot on your neck.  Fingers and toes curling at the sensation, you cocked your head to the side while he sprinkled a bit of sugar on your skin. You didn’t dare open your eyes until you felt him more than a breath away. Avoiding any sort of eye contact with your friends, you fixed your gaze on the person in front of you, pouring the alcohol into the glass. When Donghyuck finished, he looked up at you with parted lips and a glazed over stare. 
Unable to spit out words, you felt your head move up and down. With your approval, Donghyuck placed one hand on your upper back, the other on your thigh, as he guided you down. You winced when the freezing glass met your skin. A gasp followed when the bottom of the shot glass rested on your bare stomach. 
The room was silent as Donghyuck placed his arms behind his back. You stared at the ceiling as he descended. Struggling to keep your inhales shallow to keep the shot glass upright, you dug your nails into the heel of your palm. Panic and arousal flooded your brain when you snuck a peek of his head in between your legs. First came the tickle of his long hair, then the puff of his breath. The sensations they caused ignited the fire within you and a wetness to leak into fabric, the one that was fueled by another person’s touch.
Donghyuck paused for a moment, peering up at you. Eyes locked onto his target, he kept a steady gaze as his mouth wrapped around the rim of the glass. The sight of him was too sensual, too debauched for your heart to take, you broke the connection and rested your head back on the glass table. A bit of the soju spilled on your stomach when he threw his head back to take the shot. You wanted to wipe the cold liquid with the hem of your skirt; however, Donghyuck beat you to it, his wet lips thoroughly slurping up the remainder. 
To end the dare, your best friend trapped you under him, his arms planted on either side of you. You instantly turned your head to give him more access. One of Donghyuck’s strong hands cupped your jaw to keep you in place as his tongue thoroughly traced the stripe of sugar until it was all gone. He started from where your shoulder met your neck, ghosting all the way up until his nose nudged your earlobe. Donghyuck caught the sharp gasp that escaped you, felt how your hand left crescent moons on his wrist.
One, two, three beats passed until Donghyuck retreated, the scent of his strong cologne whiffing past you as he pulled back. You released a trapped breath and grabbed hold of the hand he offered. Using his strength to bring you back up, your widened eyes met his. 
Unbeknownst to the two of you, your friends had already moved on from the dare and deemed their roles as matchmakers a job well done. They moved from their spots behind the couch and began clean up duty. Renjun placed all the used kitchenware and rinsed them in the sink. Giselle and Yeri threw away all the trash and clutter around the kitchen and dining room area. Jeno and Karina moved like two peas in a pod, working together to put away all the leftovers in the fridge. Jaemin and Ari gathered all the cards, disregarding the points earned, and placed them back in the box. No matter who earned the most points, it was clear who the winners were–you and Donghuck won the game and your prizes were each other. 
Even with the hustle and bustle happening throughout Donghyuck’s apartment, neither of you noticed, too entranced by each other. Donghyuck was completely under a spellbinding haze–the glazed over expression on your face, paired with your heavy breaths and your parted lips–that he just couldn’t help himself. Hidden by the back of your couch, no one witnessed how your crush broke himself out of his trance just to kiss you one more time. 
His lips, still damp with the alcohol that spilled from his messy drinking method, connected with yours. This kiss was slower than the one that took place earlier in the night. Slower but needier. You tasted the sweet soju as your tongues converged. Even with others in the room, who could catch you at any second, Donghyuck never increased the pace. He kept you there with him, warm hands holding your face, thumbs caressing your cheek and the back of your neck, as he lightly bit your bottom lip. 
Unable to control yourself, a quiet sigh broke free when his touch ran up to grab a handful of your hair. You instantly felt Donghyuck react to it. With that boost in confidence, his mouth formed a smirk and let out a breathless chuckle that left you desiring more of him. His hips rocked forward just once, something hard swiftly brushing against your privates, and it was enough for you to release a high-pitched mewl at the contact. When Donghyuck pulled away, his deep gaze was still locked on your puffy lips, now swollen from all the damage he’d done to you. Drawing back again, he took in the whole sight of you from his current spot, kneeling in between your spread legs. 
You were so breathless, chest heaving and body flushed with warmth. The stain on your lips was almost completely gone, what was left of it messily blotched around your mouth. Even if you reapplied it thirty minutes prior,  Donghyuck was almost one hundred percent sure it disappeared because it was smudged on him.
So breathless. So taken. So ruined. 
That was the word. You looked ruined and it was all thanks to him. 
Lee Donghyuck did that to you and he was damned proud of it. Even if nothing else stemmed from whatever this moment–this night–was, Donghyuck would take the overwhelming pride he felt to his grave. No other kiss, no other makeout session, and whatever followed would ever top this exact moment for him. 
You released a quiet giggle and swiped your thumb against his lips. He kissed it as you continued your ministrations, attempting to clean off the bright color that now painted his face. 
Would it be so bad of him if he told you to stop? Would it be okay for him to keep those stains, those little specks of you, on his skin? Was it shameless of him to ask? If it was too brazen, he’d do it anyway–Donghyuck would do anything to be at your mercy. 
“Hey, lovebirds, we’re heading out!” Jaemin called from behind the couch with Ari snuggled up at his side.
The two of you spun towards them and spotted all your friends gathered by the door. Yeri and Giselle were slipping on their shoes, using Renjun as balance as they stood on one foot. Jeno held Karina’s coat, fighting the blush that warmed his face while the girl of his dreams clung onto his arm. If you were in your right mindset, you would’ve commented on that but you were far from it. You were far from sober, too intoxicated not by the many drinks you consumed, but by all the kisses Donghyuck gave you. They were addicting in their own type of way–with his little suckles, licks, and nips. 
“You’re sleeping over, right?” Ari asked, “No need for us to take you home?”
In normal circumstances, you would sleep over with no other questions asked. It was an unspoken rule that you had every time Donghyuck and Mark hosted but this was different than the other times. You just kissed your best friend–the one you usually share a bed with–on multiple occasions throughout the night and there was some sort of invisible string drawing you back to him every single time you pulled away. Ari, as a faithful girl’s girl, was giving you a way out, an option if you didn’t want to take it any further. 
As you debated the choice that was given, Donghyuck continued to breathe you in. Although he had a certain look to him, with all the flirtatious methods he had under his belt, the boy was a one girl sort of guy and that girl would always be you. You didn’t know it but he was saving himself for you. 
To him, you were not another girl he could have a one-night stand with. You were the person he wanted to wine and dine, to take care of at the end of a long day. He wanted to shower you with his love, undying devotion, and kisses so sweet that could rival the taste of your favorite dessert. And yes, this was a risk–possibly the biggest one in his short lifetime–but out of all the risks he took tonight, this was the one Donghyuck was most willing to take. 
You faced Donghyuck, a silent inquiry in your features, as you thought it through. He cocked his head at you, “It’s up to you, princess. It’s okay if you don’t want to sleep over this time.” There was a sense of finality in his low tone, ready to accept whatever answer you were willing to give. 
There was the Donghyuck you knew and loved–always putting your comfort before his own. Even when his hardened state was centimeters away from the place it craved the most, Donghyuck maintained his distance out of respect for you. That alone made you want to stay with him, to explore where else the night could take you. 
You leaned forward and pressed your body against his. Resting your chin on his shoulder, you leaned your head on his and Donghyuck immediately coiled his arms around your exposed waist. 
“I’m gonna stay,” you notified the crowd. Turning so that your lips brushed against his sensitive ear, you whispered just for him to hear, “that’s okay, yeah?”
Donghyuck slammed his eyes shut at your whisper, tightening his limbs that settled around your middle. With his body still in between your legs, you locked him in place by crossing your calves against his back. Your core was now in direct contact with the cold metal of his belt and you shuddered. You sensed the contrasting warmth right below it as you shifted. “Yeah, yeah, it’s okay.”
You could barely maintain eye contact as your friends made their way out the door, “Get home safe, you guys! Text the chat when you get home!”
“Why should we? You’ll be too preoccupied to check,” Yeri yelled back as the front door flung shut.
“You think they’ll finally do it?” Giselle laughed as they all bolted down the stairs.
Karina turned back to face her friend, “Do what–fuck? Yeah.”
“Thank fucking God,” Renjun sighed, “I’m tired of seeing them look at each other like lovesick puppies.”
“They better get together after this or all our hard work was for nothing,” Jaemin scoffed. Ari, still stitched to his side as they stepped outside the complex, nodded in agreement.
“I just feel sorry for Mark,” Yeri winced as they made their way to their respective cars. She pulled out her phone to text the group chat—Mark wouldn’t see it until after his shift at the bar but at least it would act as fair warning. 
“Same,” Jeno agreed. He opened the door for Karina, allowing the girl to slide inside the passenger seat before shutting the door and making his way to the driver’s side. 
“He’ll live,” Jaemin laughed with no remorse whatsoever,“see y’all later.”
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With their friends gone, they were truly alone. No one was left to bother them and the only thing to fill the silence was the Christmas playlist in the background. Donghyuck released out a deep exhale and nuzzled his way into the crook of your neck. His hands were splayed against your thighs, caressing all the bare skin he had direct access to. The feeling of his warmth was contradicting–it heightened your mood but also made you feel so incredibly safe. 
Deep in your heart, you knew that Donghyuck would accept whatever you had to offer. If that meant taking things one step further, then he would pursue the heartracing chase that has been going on all night, running you down with kisses and ministrations that would leave you weak in his clutches. But on the other hand, if it meant that you changed your pretty little mind and didn’t want anything to occur, he would take it like a champ and accept that too. 
Donghyuck’s subtle touches were light and sensual but never broke the barrier. He just held you, his touch sliding up from your knees to the top of your thighs, fingers skirting around the seams of your bottoms to the curve of your ass. His caress didn’t break through any layers, they just lingered as he continued to keep you in his hold. 
You were the one who crashed through the walls that were made. You were the one who called his name, making him turn his chin to face you. You were the one who looked at him so intensely before dipping down to steal another taste of his addicting mouth. And Donghyuck, with all his might, matched  your level of desire perfectly.
When your limbs encased him in your embrace, arms around his broad shoulders and legs locking around his hips, Donghyuck let out a miniscule noise and you took the chance to lick around his split lips. Your tongue snaked its way in, stroking the tip of his for a second, before teasingly pulling away. He prevented you from completely ending the kiss, his hand firmly gripping the back of your head. 
You sighed out his name, falling more and more into him, and that was it for Donghyuck. He stood up and carried you down the hall. When he stopped kissing you in the middle of the hallway, your brows furrowed and you pulled back in confusion. He wore a sneaky smile on his face as he gestured up with his eyes. 
“Mistletoe,” he chuckled.
“You’re impossible,” you said, turning away to smile. He was so impossibly cute. 
“What’s so wrong about wanting to kiss you under the mistletoe?” Donghyuck asked, cocking his head to meet your gaze again.
“Well then, if it’s nothing, then give me another kiss.”
The sweet and light touch quickly turned into something heavier, doused with all the longing you kept locked up deep in your heart. Donghyuck, with the same degree of desperation to love you, matched your intensity. Your back roughly hit the wall as he raised his knee to apply pressure on your center. The slight pain and the definite pleasure blended so well, you moaned loudly. He lifted his knee again to rip another noise out of you and your whimpers were almost too much for him to process.
“Hmmm?” he hummed as he suckled at your neck.
You were practically sinking down the wall, immersing yourself in his kisses. “Room.”
You pried him away from your bruising skin from all his nips and kisses to say, “Your room.” Dropping a kiss to his lips, you begged, “Please.”
Completely in sync, you reached for each other again for another round of urgent kisses. It was the blind leading the blind as Donghyuck stumbled through the narrow walkway to find his room. It would have been easier just to let up for a minute or two but the act of kissing him while desperately searching for his space was so incredibly hot. You were sure it was every girl’s dream to be so carnally wanted by someone to the point of never letting go. You were still processing that you were truly wanted this way by the guy who took up permanent residence in your brain.
You faintly heard the door open and close before you were dropped onto his mattress. You let out a surprise squeal at the unexpected action and he laughed as he slowly crawled over you.
Donghyuck always left his LED lights on even when he was out of the room. You scolded him each time he did it, lecturing him about saving energy, but this was the one time you didn’t. You were glad he left his purple lights on because now you were able to see how truly taken he was by you. 
The lights created a halo around his body and yours. Each of you took a moment to soak up your appearances–Donghyuck with purple lights outlining his lean body, light shadows not enough to hide the affection written all over his face and you with your hair spread across his bedsheets, chest heaving in anticipation, and dilated eyes looking up at him.
Your hands snaked up to the hem of his sweater, tugging at it. It was an unspoken question and Donghyuck answered it instantly, stripping himself of the one layer he had on. Unable to resist, your fingers danced across his bare skin, tracing the lines of his lean muscles. You’d seen him shirtless many times before but never like this. You never had him hovering over you with the feeling of desire coursing through your bloodstream.
Sliding your hands up, you tugged at his long hair to bring him closer to you and his arms faltered for a second. Donghyuck collapsed, dropping so that he rested on his knees and arms. The strands that you played with dangled across your forehead and you reached up to close the distance. 
“I’m going to ask you one more time before I can’t stop myself anymore,” Donghyuck whispered against your lips. “Do you want this?”
No hesitation. “Yes.”
He kissed your breath away, his hands resting against your ribs. Dogghyuck squeezed hushed sounds out of you as he stripped you of your crop top and bra all at once. His hands grasped your breasts, fondled them, while the open-mouthed kisses continued. They drifted from your mouth, his lips marking a path down your neck to your cleavage. Donghyuck teased your nipples with his hand and tongue, watching you writhe with each action he made. Your manicured nails scratched at his back as his licks and pinches quickened.
“God, you’re so–” Donghyuck lost his train of thought when your palm added pressure to the growing need in his pants. 
You struggled to get his belt off in between all his distractions. As soon as you did, your nimble fingers unbuttoned his pants and began to shove his tight jeans down his meaty thighs.
Donghyuck reluctantly ripped himself away from you to do the rest of the work. He did a sloppy job of it all, hopping here and there to wiggle out of his jeans but you didn’t care. You kept your eyes on him, your gaze raking from his head all the way down to the apparent tent in his boxer briefs. Crawling your way to the edge of the bed, you looked up at him while you tugged on the waistband of his last remaining layer.
“Don’t look at me like that, princess,” he groaned while you pulled him back towards you. Donghyuck was beyond ready to risk it all for you, no matter the consequences. Logic and friendship be damned.
“Like what?” You blinked slowly.
His hands went to your hair, tugging you up until you were at eye level with each other. The other arm coiled around your waist and pressed your bare, heaving chests together.“God, do you want to be kissed until you can’t breathe?” 
“By you? Please,” you pleaded again. Donghyuck gave in to you, protecting your head as the two of you fell back. He kissed you as your back hit the bed a second time, his tongue passing over every crevice in your mouth. He met his need to be closer to you by grinding his hips, an action you promptly followed. His hands and yours were in absolute synchronization as they tugged the remaining layers off. 
It seemed like all Donghyuck wanted to do was shower your entire body with his undying devotion, to show you how much he loved you. His lips skipped over the apex between your legs, kissed down your extremities, until he was off the bed with your garments in hand and haphazardly tossed them to the side. 
His hand wrapped around your ankle and dragged your body to the end of the bed. Your heavy breathing increased when you realized exactly what Donghyuck was up to. He shot you an animalistic grin as he dived in with a long lick to your velvet skin.
“Hyuck, oh my god,” you cried.
He sucked on one of your lips and then the other with the same amount of pressure. “Again.”
“Say my name again.” This time, he swirled his tongue around your clit then added pressure with the tip. 
It pushed another winded call of his name out of you and you felt him smirk against you. Donghyuck traced your folds with one finger with a featherlight touch before it ventured inside your aching need. His digit slid right in and out, showing just how much you craved him. His eyes tracked how they eased into you, the sight never boring him in the slightest. 
Adding another finger made you even more vocal, as did his tongue playing with your clit. Donghyuck never let up. Even when your fingers tugged a little too tightly on his hair, or when you trapped his head in between your legs, he refused to surrender. Not when your sugary sweet voice kept calling for him. 
You grew hot, sweat forming on your skin, as he continued to drive three fingers into you with a speed and depth you could never replicate. The noises you made became more incoherent with each second that passed, Donghyuck couldn’t even process that you were calling his name. He was too into you, eyes rolled to the back of his head, moans buried into your skin. 
“Wait, wait–” you screamed, forcefully tugging his head away from you, even though you were teetering the edge.
Donghyuck was dazed, lips and chin drenched by your juices, as you commanded his attention. “D’you want to stop?”
Tears gathered around your waterline, threatening to fall, as you gathered yourself. “N-no but,” you gleaned at the clock on his wall, “Mark–”
Donghyuck possessively growled when his roommate’s name left your lips. He didn’t want to hear anyone else’s name when you looked so disheveled except his. “What about him?”
“He’s coming home soon. He can’t–” Hear us was what you wanted to say. 
Donghyuck, however, did not give you time to finish that statement. 
Shoving his three fingers back into you with determination, you heard the embarrassingly loud squelching noises over your whimpers. Donghyuck seemed into it, a madden and driven expression taking over his face, as he snarled back, “I’ve waited too fucking long to have you like this. I don’t care if he hears you–let him hear you. I don’t care as long as you’re mine.”
His fingers combined with his god-send of a tongue worked endlessly, never faltering, as they brought you higher and higher. Worries worlds away, all you could center on was the immense pleasure coursing through your entire being. Fingers curled around his hair and played with your breast while Donghyuck coerced more noises out of you. Your insistent jerking at his hair and squirming alerted him that you were almost there, you just needed a little more encouragement.
“Be a good girl and cum for me, baby,” he said before his tongue flicked tirelessly. 
The soft order mixed with the new nicknames and his brazen desire to make you come undone was too overwhelming, you had no chance of warning before it all came crashing down. Stars in your eyes, cries bubbling out of your mouth, and hands gripping onto anything within your reach, your whole body reaction was good but not enough to satisfy the greed Donghyuck had in him.
“You sound so pretty, so so pretty,” he whispered as he kissed your pulsing bundle. He stroked himself with a painstakingly slow pace, feasting on the way you lost yourself.
When you came to, you rushed to stake your claim on him. If he had his way with you, then you needed your time and space to do the same. Leading him onto the bed, you positioned him to lean against the bedrest and seated yourself on his thighs. His fingers sank into your ass, kneading your flesh until you rocked in time with his movements. And just when he thought it couldn’t get any better than that, your fingers gripped his lengthening cock and began to move. 
Paired with the hickeys you planted on his chest and neck, Donghyuck was at your complete and absolute mercy. When your tongue circled a nipple, he released a weak noise. Picking up on how much he liked it, you repeated the action on the neglected partner then kissed your way down to his hardened cock. When you held his gaze captive with your siren eyes, you descended, tongue running along the side of him. Your lips ghosted against the area, never engulfing him, to prolong the teasing. 
“Want you to sound pretty, too,” you said as you licked the cum off his tip. “Can you do that for me? Sound pretty?”
Donghyuck let out a small noise that you struggled to hear. 
Withdrawing your mouth, you allowed your hands to do the work. They bobbed up and down at a slow, menacing pace, twisting at the right times. When he grew louder, more desperate, you nosed and smirked against his length before giving him what he wanted. Hollowing your cheeks, you sucked lightly on the end before deep-throating him. Saliva dripped from your lips as you relax your jaw, his tip hitting the back of your throat.
The action shocked Donghyuck, overloading his nerves, heart, and brain that he almost lost all sense of self. The strong charisma he held while taking care of you disappeared, reduced to pathetic little moans and uncoordinated jerks of his hips. 
You heard through the grapevine that he was a verbal lover but you didn’t think he was that noisy. You didn’t mind it though, you took his whimpers and babbles as incoherent praises. Desperate mumbles of your name fired out of his lips and his hands yanked you away before he finished.  
“Sorry, sorry,” he said when his hands tugged harshly on your hair. His eyes were still closed as his lips covered yours. He lapped at your mouth, tasting himself, as he placed you on your back again. He nibbled at your earlobe, so near that he could hear your strained puffs. “Dreamed about this for years, waited too damn long. Can’t end like that.”’
“For years, baby?” You scratched his scalp.
His brown eyes rolled back. “Fuck, I love it when you call me that.”
“Yeah,” Donghyuck exhaled. “Again?”
A begging and pliant Donghyuck was a rare sight, you wondered how hard you could push.
“No,” you said firmly, a hint of a smile breaking through when you caught onto his frustration. 
When he bucked his hips, you clenched and resisted the urge to grind back. “Why not?”
“You’re cute when you beg.”
Donghyuck let out the loudest whine, grinding again. You coiled your legs around his hips, tightening them to lock him in place. Desperation leaking out of him, he continued his actions.  The friction caused by his cock rubbing against your folds was so delicious, you almost gave in. 
“You’re a tease,” he groaned deeply.
“No, that’s you.”
“Please,” Donghyuck’s voice sounded so strained. “I want to hear it again.”
Positioning your lips right by his ear, you gave into his request. “Baby.”
Donghyuck showed you just how much he loved that name by bringing your lips back together. His lower body pressed you against the mattress, hasty ruts making his cock slide against your folds. He blindly reached for his drawers, hand crashing against every surface to search for a condom. In his rush, things scattered about, making the task much harder than it should’ve been. He unwillingly separated from you to retrieve the wanted package and slid it on his fully hardened state.
Hushed, nervous giggles took over when Donghyuck inched towards you. He brushed your loose strands sticking to your cheeks away just so he could see your whole face, all flushed because of him. Placing a gentle peck on your lips, he positioned himself and pushed past the barrier of your folds. Donghyuck took his sweet, sweet time sinking deeper into you and your annoyance grew faster than his pacing.
“Hyuck,” you whined, your mind and body obsessing over the way he felt. His cock was girthy, definitely thicker than his three fingers, but just as long. Just one little thrust by him and he’d hit your spot and you were positive it would feel like heaven. You dug your heels into his back and he keeled. 
“Yeah?” He stilled when he was fully sheathed, breathing heavily at how your body clung onto him.
“Move,” you harshly whispered, pressing your heels again. The stretch he caused wasn’t an overbearing one, it was one you were more than ready to handle. You needed Donghyuck in all definitions of the word but he wasn’t budging. 
“I can’t,” Donghyuck choked when you clenched. You were so tight, affecting him too strongly with the tiniest movements, his mind was conflicted on what to do. A part of him wanted to linger and soak it all in, while the other wanted to lose all sense of control. “You feel so good.”
When you clenched around him again, Donghyuck folded. He never had a chance when it came to resisting you. In the past, he struggled whenever you batted your eyelashes at him or gave him the devilishly innocent puppy dog eyes. How was he supposed to resist your requests when he filled you up to the brim, skin pressed against skin, lips just breaths away from each other? He was at your beck-and-call to the greatest degree and this was the ideal situation to prove it to you. 
His first thrust was sudden, interrupting another request spilling out of your mouth. You choked out an elongated groan and it died in your mouth as he moved again. His pacing may have been slow but it was purposeful. You truly felt every little thing–from the way he drew back to the way your body sucked him back in. A part of you wished to get rid of the condom, so you could make out how the ridges and veins swept your walls, but you knew this was the safer, more logical option. (Plus, there was always the next time.)
Your matched rhythm increased as time passed, sounds of skin slapping and pathetic whines echoing within his room’s four walls. His deep plunges hit the target every-time, his cock directly adding a divine pressure to your g-spot and in response, your nails created dents and scratches on his beautifully tanned skin. Your hands explored every crevice of his body, dragging trails down his chest, arms, and abs. His lips traversed the expanse of your neck and collarbone, before coming back to capture yours in messy kisses.
And when you broke away from his kisses to let out neverending whimpers, Donghyuck knew that you were close. His hand lifted one of your legs over his broad shoulder and that new angle alone made you grip and thrash around the sheets. Your motions were frantic at this point, his hips operating at a relentless pace that you could barely chase. His hands on your hips alleviated you of most of the work, your body too spent in the blaring white, starry-eyed high he was providing. 
His fingers reaching down to pinch your pulsing clit was the final move before you came crashing down. Ecstasy rippled through you and once again, he milked out your cum until your body trembled with aftershocks. He pulled out then, his large hand rushing to finish himself off. 
As you were slowly descending from your high, your one thought was to return the generous favor. Donghyuck jerking himself off to completion didn’t sit right with you. Hazingly, you crawled over to him and swatted his hands aside. The boy was lost in confusion at your actions but it all became crystal clear to him when your face plummeted to his now bare cock, the condom disregarded somewhere on his bed. 
Donghyuck’s tip quickly hit the back of your throat as your hands fondled whatever could not fit. He didn’t last much longer, his groans reaching new heights in volume and his once flourished moves turning into an uncoordinated state of frenzy. Donghyuck, with his tight grip loosening through your hair, said your name once more. His mouth slackened and the long-awaited bliss ultimately reached its peak. 
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A familiar room welcomed you as you opened your eyes the following morning. You blinked away the sleepiness, adjusting to the light that peeked through the blinds. The clock on the wall read eight thirty in the morning, otherwise known as too early to be awake after drinking the night away. Slumber was calling your name but so was your stupid bladder. You unwillingly wiggled out of his embrace, watching and giggling as his body adjusted to the empty space beside him. 
You muttered complaints about the cold in your head as you trudged to the bathroom, picking up Donghyuck’s knit sweater as another layer of heat on the way. While you were up, you took care of your usual morning routine–washing your face with Donghyuck’s skin care products, drying your skin with the towel set he always left for you, and brushing your teeth with the toothbrush that stood right next to his. 
The domesticity of it hit differently the morning after you were intimate with your best friend. Something in the air had changed and you hoped it was for the better. A small part of your heart, the one that was so incredibly smitten with him,  worried Donghyuck would view their night together as a one-time thing. Another part of you, however, believed the words he uttered last night. After all, he said he waited too damn long for this. That had to mean something, right? 
You quickly nestled back into the sheets, shifting until the blankets were up to your shoulders. The shirt Donghyuck dressed you in was big and comfortable but the thin fabric wasn’t enough to keep warm throughout the night. Neither was the sweater you threw on. Your preferred source of heat was inches away, his body scorching despite being shirtless. 
Donghyuck groaned as you attempted to make yourself comfortable. His arms snaked around your middle, spooning you just like he did the night before. His face dug into the back of your neck, his nose prodding the sliver of skin not covered by your bedridden hair. His low morning voice, the complete opposite of the higher pitch he used around the group, made your heart plummet.“Why did you leave me?” 
“I was gone for five minutes.”
“Five minutes too long, princess,” he whined, his fingers skimming up and down your thighs.
“You’re so needy.”
This touch rose at a snail’s pace. He brushed your underwear then moved underneath your clothes to rest his palms on your stomach. “No, I just missed you.”
“Yeah, needy,” you retorted playfully, turning to face him. 
The fond smile on your face matched the expression on his and you kissed him softly. He gave you a second kiss and then a third that allowed you to get lost in him. You noticed and enjoyed every little thing he did–his hands dragging your hips to meet him, the sound caught in his throat when your leg wraps around his middle, his tongue lovingly caressing yours. 
Donghyuck reluctantly broke away from you, trying to create some distance. He grew a little self-conscious upon tasting the fresh mint on your lips. Covering his mouth, he said, “Wait, shit. Morning breath. Let me just—”
“Don’t care,” you muttered, straddling him so he couldn’t escape your clutches. You pulled him back in, smothering your best friend with all the kisses he deserved. You left one on each of his eyes, the pretty beauty marks sprinkled across his face, and over the hickeys you littered across his golden skin. 
He chuckled in between kisses, “Who’s the needy one now?”
“Shut up, you loser,” you rolled your eyes with fake annoyance.
“I thought I was your baaaaaby,” he teased, palms running up and down your sides. You paused at that and Donghyuck noticed. “Hey, what is it? Did I say something wrong?”
“No, it’s just–” 
You released a drawn out breath. 
“You’re thinking a little loud,” Donghyuck’s voice let up, his concern slipping through his words. He cupped your cheek and your eyes met. “But not loud enough for me to hear your thoughts. Wanna let me into that pretty mind of yours?” 
You basked in the way his thumb strokes your cheek so gently and the stars that were shining in his eyes. Lee Donghyuck was many things—a hard worker, a flirt, intelligent, caring, hilarious, a pain-in-the-ass, a brave soul. The list went on and on. He wore many crowns and carried many titles but the one title he did not claim was being yours. 
Donghyuck was your best friend but he wasn’t officially yours. And you wanted him to be. 
In your bright and rose-colored eyes, Donghyuck was a risk-taker. He took the risks he wanted to last night to get you in his bed. But was that all there was to it? The part of your heart that doubted his actions and feelings took over your thoughts, the questions picking at you with no avail.
If Donghyuck could take risks, then why couldn’t you? Channeling the confidence your best friend usually carried, you asked, “Do you need me the way I need you, Hyuck?” 
You reached for the hand resting on your cheek and brought it back down to his bare chest. Fingers interlacing, the back of your hand picked up on his heart pulsating rapidly against his chest. 
As if sensing the doubt in your head, he tasked himself to send the negative musings away. Donghyuck didn’t answer your question directly but the words spilling out of his mouth were more than enough for you. “You are the only dream that fills my head—nothing else but you.” He said your name so tenderly, your heart grew three times—no, a million times—too big. At this point, the muscle and the smile that you wore bursted at the seams. 
Donghyuck laid out his cards in this game of love and it was time to reveal your hand. You squeezed his hand tightly as an act of courage and then took the leap of faith. “I like you,” you blurted out, “so much. Sometimes too much that it hurts.” 
Amused and overjoyed by your confession, Donghyuck rushed up to kiss you. His lips pressing against you so suddenly caught you off guard, you lost your balance in the act. “You are so fucking cute, I don’t know what to do with you,” he muttered in between pecks that made you laugh aloud. 
“Date me?” you suggested with a shy smile. 
“Princess, I’m going to date the hell out of you, just you wait.” 
His kisses eventually subdued and you found yourselves laying on your sides facing each other. No words were exchanged as your heads rested on their respective pillows. You were happy when his words never stopped flowing and when you stared in silence with matching grins. 
You watched Donghyuck’s face contort into one of concentration, his fingers rising above his head to count something, before he turned back to you. “We’ve spent seven Christmases together—”
“Oh yeah?”
“—and this one is definitely my favorite.” 
His confession was beyond sweet, it’s honey dripping out of his mouth. Over the years, Donghyuck wiggled his way into your holiday traditions. There was a lot you’d done over the years, from ice skating to gingerbread houses to movie marathons and impromptu snowball fights. Many of those moments were core memories you kept dear to your heart. Donghyuck admitting this meant a great deal to you and the space your heart had for him increased tenfold. Your heart was now completely his. 
Although they drove you insane with their obvious scheme, you thanked the meddling kids you called friends and their stupid game in your head. After all, they were the ones who encouraged you to risk it all in an extremely unserious and unconventional way.
With that being said, the risks the game of life had to offer were terrifying. They were difficult. If you never took them, they would forever leave you pondering about the road not taken. But when you did take them, risks big or small, they were always worth it. 
Kissing Donghyuck sweetly on the lips, you replied, “It’s my favorite too.” 
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(01:27) Yeri: i’m so sorry marky  (01:29) Jeno: ditto (01:29) Jeno: f’s in the chat for mark (01:30) Karina: f (01:30) Renjun: f (01:30) Yeri: f (01:30) Ari: f (01:31) Giselle: fffffff (01:32) Jaemin: shut up, he’ll be fine (01:45) Yeri: I’ll leave my extra key under my mat if you wanna crash somewhere else, just got home (01:50) Giselle: home, gnite everyone (01:51) Ari: we just got home too, night night <3 (01:55) Jeno: home, rina’s here too (01:56) Yeri: oh??? (01:56) Karina: shut up (02:35) Mark: wtf i just got home, why are you sorry (02:35) Mark: what happened (02:36) Mark: bro hold up i hear noises from hyuck’s room, who else did you invite?? (02:36) Mark: did y/n get sexiled??? where is she??  (02:36) Mark: she’s not in my room, i thought she was sleeping over?? (02:37) Mark: wait—OH MY GOD YOOOO WTF IS THAT Y/N IN HIS ROOM  (02:37) Mark: …oh my god that’s her let’s GOOOOOO (02:38) Mark: omf they’re so loudddddd dude wtfffff (02:38) Mark: fml yeri im coming over 
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AUTHOR'S NOTE. I know it's past Christmas now but I hope you enjoy this holiday fic. It ended up being longer than I thought it was going to be but it's done! My first full fic in quite a bit. The games and hilarity that ensue in this fic are based on one of my drunk game nights with friends. Every time I hang out with this group, something inspires me--we're like sitcom worthy at times lol. Fic worthy even. I hope you all enjoy it and let me know what you think.
Happy Holidays and Happy 2024! <3
TAGLIST. @nctsworld @johtenrecs @emmybyeakitty @sokkigarden @hyuckworld @baekhyuns-lipchain @yutaholic-main @moonctzeny @suhnnyskiess @smileysuh @everloving-avenue @justalildumpling @tywritesstuff @mikalovesicecream @carelessshootanonymous @emvrd @taelme @fairyiene @dreamy-carat @smwhrinthehaze
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© sehunniepotwrites, 2023
2K notes · View notes
leejenowrld · 4 months
ghostin' (one)
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pairing na jaemin x y/n (fem)
word count 14.4k
genre smut, fluff, angst, situationship vibes, college au
synopsis after being brutally dumped by your ex hyunjin, you’re living a broken life, lost in the consumption of getting high and heartbreak. then you meet na jaemin, a one-night stand transforms into a bond. he becomes the catalyst for your healing. but can you genuinely break free from the attachment to your toxic ex? between newfound connection and lingering attachments, will you move on or hold on?
one | two | three | four
chapter warnings very broken, fragile, weak, intoxicated mc (not so much in the 1st chapter just wait lmao) cute friendship moments, girl moments, appearances from other '00 liners, explicit language, swearing, mention of drugs, smoking and alcohol, getting high, under the influence, unprotected sex, breeding kink, oral (f receiving) overuse of ‘baby,’ ass slapping, daddy kink, size kink and training, dirty talk, big cock jaemin, soft dom jaemin, groping, fingering, nipple sucking, a moment (the girls playing matchmaker) which teases all the other fics in the series which you can see about here, introverted, chill, emotionally intelligent, laid back, mysterious jaemin, jaemin with a darker side, a very sexy jaemin, black haired jaemin, jaemin who has no flaws
author note haerin is the protagonist (y/n) in my one shot mfal, which can be read here. she’s a side character in this so i wanted to give her a name so avoid confusion for myself lmao. but you can still imagine haerin as mfal!y/n. also there’s a lot of jeno and haerin in this chapter, a lot of friend moments, girl moments, jaemin only makes an appearance at the end. please stay patient and trust me!! the wait is worth it. he comes in at the perfect time :) i wanted to make this more friendship group based and explore the side characters compared to mfal, so :))) enjoy. also hana is heejin now from mfal! i changed her name, sorry about my bad planning, this is the second story that i’ve ever written (mfal my first) so i’m still learning and making mistakes. hana is an og so i didn’t wanna give her a popular idols name!! still need to change her name in mfal lol
part of neo heartbreaker series, same universe as mfal but can be read as a standalone. comment to be added to the tag list for future parts!! this is a 4 part series
“i know that it breaks your heart when i cry again, over him, i know that it breaks your heart when i cry again, instead of ghostin’ him”
playlist ariana grande ghostin, prettymuch phases, ghosting txt,
“Jeno told me to show you this.”
You point your phone in Haerin’s face, eyes closed as she grips the device in her hands, mouth watering as she lets out a sigh, fighting her urges but she gives in, whining about Jeno’s ‘monster cock’ and how much she loved and missed it, how she wanted to fuck herself dumb with it… something like that. You chose to drown her words out. Hana let’s out a sound of realisation from beside you, understanding why your eyes were closed. It’s because you didn’t want to see Jeno’s cock.
“Why is he sending you that photo?” Hana asks, eyes puzzled.
“It’s because Haerin is ignoring all his texts and calls so he told me he’d make me my favourite dinner for a week if I shoved the photo of his cock in her face.” You explain, Hana giving you a knowing nod. Who would refuse that offer? Lee Jeno belonged on master chef.
“Well you can tell him he can shove his cock in his own mouth.” Haerin shakes her head furiously, words high pitched and spoken with anger. She sneaks a final glance and lets out one last whimper before handing you your phone back.
You nod, fingers typing away.
you - she basically said fuck you and that you can shove your own cock in your own mouth
jeno - bet my baby was moaning at the photo though. i know what she’s like
jeno - needy slut tries to act like she doesn’t want me when she’s mad at me
jeno - when she wants me even more
you - seems like something you should text her!
jeno - bitch that’s the point she’s ignoring me
“I'm gonna kill Jeno." You look up from your phone, your gaze shifting to Hana as you share amused glances, spotting a very annoyed and pissed-off Haerin sitting opposite you both in the canteen. It's been a long day of back-to-back lectures, and Haerin has been frustrated throughout them all. Uncharacteristically, she hasn't been paying attention in class, even though she's easily the top student and smarter than every single one of her peers.
She swirls her noodles around with her chopsticks, more focused on her irritation than her meal. "Why did he leave so early this morning?" You question.
"You tell me." Haerin exclaims, her voice raising a few octaves as she shakes her head in frustration.
"Wait, why are you pissed off at him again?" Hana asks in confusion.
"It's Jeno."
“Yeah I know, I asked why –”
"He was about to go down on me, but then he got an 'important' phone call, said sorry and left." Haerin explains with a huff. "I say 'about,' but he was already inside of me! He had just put his cock into me and then left before he started fucking me!!!!" Anger seeps through Haerin as she recalls the incident.
You and Heejin share a look, raising your eyebrows and holding back a laugh. Haerin and her boyfriend, Jeno, have a lot of sex. They're intimate every day, and he practically lives with you three girls. You admire the fact that they're deeply in love, evident to everyone around (and sometimes heard), but you're also put off by how frequently they engage in sexual activities. You and your roommate Heejin have become too accustomed to walking into any room in the house and seeing Haerin getting her back blown out.
“I need him so fucking bad that I’m genuinely kill the next person I see if they’re not him. I’m so fucking stressed right now and getting my back blown out by him is the only solution. I just need him to slap my pussy and my ass and spit in my mouth. I need him to choke me and I need his cum in my mouth or in me!!! Fuck I need his babies. I just need his cock shoved down my throat, I need him to wipe the drool from my cheeks after I’ve sucked him off, I need him to fuck my throat, I need him to tie my hair up for me and move the strands that get stuck in his mouth when I’m sucking his cock.”
Hana lets out a loud laugh at how the chatter on the tables surrounding the three of you had silenced completely, obviously in reaction to Haerin’s loud and incredibly sexual words. She usually had no filter when it came to the desires she shared with her boyfriend.
Haerin cries out, scrolling through photos on her camera roll and you wish you wouldn’t have glanced her way but you’re pretty sure you see Jeno’s cock grace her phone screen, (you also wish you didn’t know what it looked like.) Your eyes widen in shock as she lets out the loudest and horniest moan you’ve ever heard, she wasn’t even trying to conceal it, clearly not caring about who hears. Her mouth waters at the photos she has of him saved on her phone.
Haerin continues complaining, staring down at her noodles with a scowl, gaze moving to her phone once again and rapidly scrolling through the photos. "We haven't had sex since like… last night!"
You huff, contemplating how Haerin, if in your shoes, would likely struggle. The memory of your last intimate encounter, five months ago, casts a shadow, and a momentary sadness clouds your features. Shaking off those feelings, you ignore Hana’s observant gaze – she notices everything. How is she so observant? You disregard the look she's giving you, hoping she won't give it any more attention.
A sigh of relief escapes when Haerin continues to complain, Hana’s attention shifting.
"I'm going crazy.” Haerin breathes heavily, her eyes widening. "I keep crossing my legs, but nothing feels like him."
Her voice and expression turn darker. "I wanted to cut his dick off, especially when he kissed me and said he'd make it up to me."
Your eyebrows raise. "That's quite sweet, though?" You've seen the way Jeno kisses Haerin. If you were ever kissed like that, you'd melt. You'd complain about nothing. The heavy feeling overtakes your heart once more when you remember that once upon a time, you were kissed like that.
"Isn't this the third time this week it's happened?" Hana questions.
Haerin nods immediately. "He keeps saying sorry, telling me he can't tell me where he goes off to, but I know where he's going and who he's seeing. He doesn't need to tell me to know."
"And I know you guys already have an idea. If you think about it, it's not difficult to figure out."
The three of you say "Jaemin" unanimously.
"I swear you said that the only time he'll leave you mid-sex is for one reason... it's Jaemin.” Hana mumbles. Her attention is more focused on taking Haerin's chopsticks from her hand, swirling around her noodles, and then feeding her. Irritation almost overtakes her at the sight of Haerin staring down at a plate of empty food.
"Has he fallen off the face of the earth?" You question, thinking about the last time you saw him. You didn't know Jaemin that well. All you knew was that he was the best friend of your best friend's boyfriend, and he occasionally hung out with the group. But you don't think you've heard him mutter more than three words, ever. He was quiet and didn’t like speaking, there was nothing wrong with that, you was like that too..
When you don't get an answer, you return to reality and find a choking Haerin, obviously struggling to eat her noodles. Hana swiftly hits her back and offers water to ease the situation. Once the scene simmers down, Haerin, with a few chesty coughs, explains, "Jeno's not telling me everything because he has this sworn secrecy not to air out his best friend's personal life and problems to his girlfriend. But from the small things I've seen and heard around, I hear that Yeeun dumped him –"
"I heard that Yeeun cheated on him and he's literally on his death bed, depressed and getting high all the time," Hana whispers.
"I heard that she left the country and he tried to follow her." Haerin whispers back. The two of them go back and forth on rumors and speculations, which you observe, choosing not to get involved. Instead, you lean back and watch with a grin. You were never too interested in partaking in gossiping and bitching; it wasn't your thing, but you don't deny that hearing it was always good.
The gossiping comes to an end when they realize they're getting nowhere. You and Hana both turn to Haerin with a sigh. "Why can't you just ask Jeno? He obviously knows."
Lee Jeno, the one who harasses you with cock photos, Haerin's boyfriend, Jaemin's other half, they’ve been connected and attached since they were kids. The bestest of friends. Brothers. If Jeno isn't with Haerin, he's with Jaemin. It's a bromance that's heartwarming and sweet – two guys who are platonic soulmates. He obviously knows what's happened with Jaemin.
Haerin shakes her head. "He's not telling me. He's told me little bits, but he's being so vague. I've asked so many times."
"I even did my really cute 'no no' and puppy eyes smiling look, but he didn't budge. You know how I can make him do anything once I call him 'no no,' but it didn't work this time, so whatever happened is pretty serious."
You look at her astonished. "Why? I thought you told each other everything."
"Yeah, we do. If it's concerning him, he'll never keep it a secret from me. But he's told me it's unfair to air out his best friend's business like that. Jaemin's obviously told him the entire Yeeun situation with secrecy, and I'm sure he'll be hurt if Jeno just tells his girlfriend everything he trusted him with. It sucks to open up and become vulnerable only for everything you've said in trusted privacy to be shared."
You both still look confused. Doesn't having a boyfriend mean the 'don't tell anyone' rule doesn't apply to him?
Even though Haerin is admittedly annoyed at Jeno, she'll always defend him. "Look, I see where he's coming from. Something's happened with Jaemin, and it's clearly Yeeun. I'm worried for him, and obviously Jeno is. That's why Jeno is always going over to him, even when he’s about to put his dick inside of me." She rolls her eyes, accepting the fact that Jeno would drop anything for his best friend.
“Hey! You three come over right now!”
You and Hana turn around at Haerin's call, scanning the surroundings to spot Yangyang, Shotaro, and Xiaojun. The scared looks on their faces are evident even from a distance, a clear response to Haerin's tone and directness.
"We don't know anything." Yangyang quickly states as he takes a seat opposite you, anticipating Haerin's impending interrogation.
"You don't even know what Haerin's gonna ask you." Hana chuckles, playfully teasing the boys.
"I know we're about to get an interrogation.” Shotaro responds, the corners of his lips lifting as he grins sweetly at Hana, who ruffles his hair. Eric has now joined the table, seemingly appearing out of nowhere, and sits with you guys without a word. Come to think of it, that's what Eric was—someone who just appeared from nowhere.
You watch with a laugh as he leans his head toward Hana, silently pleading for her to do the same to him and ruffle his hair. However, she just shakes her head and focuses her attention on Shotaro. You smirk, well aware of Eric's crush on Hana, a fact not hidden from anyone at the table.
Turning to your side, you find Xiaojun taking a seat beside you, his knees knocking against yours. He offers a soft smile and a greeting, followed with a series of caring questions. "Are you okay? Have you eaten? Did you sleep well?" His genuine concern warms your heart.
"I did. I'm doing okay, Xiaojun, really." You reassure him, hoping he believes your words. You glance briefly at Hana, who gives you a knowing look and wiggles her eyebrows, hinting at something you try to downplay. You roll your eyes nonetheless, dropping your head to his shoulder, yawning and letting your eyes flutter shut but the loudness will make it impossible to nap.
Haerin cuts through the air, your attention shifting to her. "If you guys know where Jeno is and you're not telling me, then I'm seriously gonna cut and boil each and every one of your dicks. Starting with my boyfriend."
The threat hangs in the air, but Shotaro, ever charming, sweetly questions. "Shouldn't you know where your boyfriend is?" Shotaro asks sweetly, his dimples on full display. His eyebrows furrowed in concentration as he adjusted the beanie on his head, the thick layer of sleepiness evident in his voice. His charming smile and undeniable cuteness make you coo, prompting you to pinch his cheeks gently. Confusion flickers in his eyes as he wonders why everyone always showers him with affection when he feels he hasn't done much. However, the collective looks of endearment directed at him from all corners of the table convey the unspoken truth—he's effortlessly lovable, no effort required.
"We all fucking know where he is. He's with Jaemin, and he has been with him ever since Yeeun did her shit and fucked him over like the heartless and selfish bitch that — anyways — Why the fuck are you acting like you don’t know where Jeno is, Haerin, don’t you guys tell each other everything?” Yangyang asserts, frustration evident in your words.
Hana’s eyes light up. "You boys know! You know what's happened with Jaemin."
"Yes, we do, and we're not telling you. It's no one's business. Plus, you guys clearly already know; Jeno told Haerin, which means she told you.” Yangyang responds.
"Jeno hasn't told me!!!! Oh my god, how many times do I need to tell you guys?" Haerin exclaims, her voice raising and whining due to reaching full frustration.
"I'd be kinda worried if I was in a relationship and he didn't tell me everything—"
Haerin is a testament to defending her boyfriend even when she wants to cut his dick off. “He tells me everything that I need to know, everything that concerns me and him. There's no secrets with that stuff. He just doesn't air out other people's business to me. My boyfriend is honest and fair. Plus, I'd never tell him anything personal about you guys. There have been so many times you guys have confided in me about something personal and private and promised me not to tell anyone, and I haven't. And I would never. Telling my boyfriend my close friends personal life isn't something I'd be proud about; it's disrespectful and crossing boundaries. We both have a mutual agreement to that. There are standards and expectations in our relationship."
Xiaojun nods, laughing out loud. “If you know why he's not telling you, then why are you bothering us and trying to get the information from us?"
"Because I'm not perfect and I'm a nosy bitch, okay? Happy???? Plus, if I heard it from you guys rather than Jeno than he’d have nothing to feel guilty about and it would satisfy my craving to know everyone’s shit.” Haerin exclaims dramatically, truthfully revealing her nosy intentions. Suddenly, she groans and loudly slams her head on the table, shedding real tears when she realizes one of her nails from her set has broken off.
Later that night, the comfort of your own house embraces you after a long day of classes. You and the girls gather on the sofa, indulging in your favorite rom-coms, creating an overall cozy evening.
Haerin, as usual, is talking about Jeno. You can't find it in you to get annoyed; she loves him, and sharing her happiness is second nature. She excitedly recounts the details of one of the many expensive getaways he took her on.
"We went skinny dipping," she begins, "He fucked me in every corner of the cabin we were staying in. The kitchen, the lake, on a blanket outside by the lake, against the wall of our room – we actually broke the bed and had to pay extra for it."
"Oh, and we did it in the bathroom and the shower a lot. I remember he was balls deep inside of me, he had made me cum for the sixth time in a row, and we were both close to falling down and fainting. He was fucking my cum back into me then he told me he wanted to marry me be the father to my children. We didn’t use protection for that entire day and he kept trying to fuck a baby into me. Thank God I didn’t get pregnant. He was quite high at that time and although I wasn’t, I was on my 6th orgasm. We were literally ready to be parents at that time… that’s what good sex does to you.”
You and Hana widen your eyes at Haerin. She always shares stories about their very intense and loving sex life, sometimes she even shows you videos and photos, you never look at them the same way after hearing it all – especially Jeno. He's a freak
“You guys are… on another level.” Hana laughs.
"You guys are the cutest." You smile for Haerin, masking the twinge of loneliness and heartache you feel. It's selfish, but seeing your best friend so happily loved up hurts, even if you're genuinely happy for her.
Haerin notices your silence and sends a sweet smile your way, patting your head and asking if you're okay. You can tell she feels a twinge of guilt, especially when she offers her way of making you feel happier.
"Let's get you with someone!" she claps her hands excitedly, trying to play matchmaker.
"Nooo," your hands make a crossing motion, but she won't listen. Once her mind is set on something, it's set.
"Yes!" Hana claps happily, and you huff when you realize you're outnumbered.
Haerin starts listing potential bachelors. "First of all, there's Donghyuck – hot and he knows it. A bit of a lost cause, but he's fearless and obviously good in bed! You're the opposite of him – more sensible and mindful, you can guide him in the right direction, like me and Jeno!"
You shake your head at that idea immediately. "He's high 95% of the time. He isn't serious. Plus, I heard he's got his eyes on that girl. What's her name again? She's the older sister of Jieun, used to be popular but now she’s the typical rebel. She's kinda rude.”
Hana offers her batch of men. "Okay, then... Yangyang! He's cute, he's –"
"He's gay," You laugh as you watch her realise it. “He’s gay and I don’t know if he knows it yet.”
Haerin's eyes light up when she thinks she's found the man. "Mark's cute! Smart, nerdy, apparently has a big cock and is really good in bed. Plus, he's sweet, emotionally mature, and just recently broke up with his girlfriend –"
"He's in love with his best friend.” You mutter. Mark and his best friend have been attached to the hip since birth, and they're also in love. They're both just oblivious idiots, but somehow everyone around them knows.
“There’s Xiaojun, he’s boyfriend material and he definitely wants to fuck you.” Hana nods to you, rolling her eyes when you shake your head at her amazing idea.
“He’s sweet but he’s such a fuckboy… he wants to fuck everyone.” You respond, truly not wanting to get involved with a player. You stray far away. He was one of your closest friends and you did trust him with your life but that was emotionally. You knew his sexual side was another side to him that you quite simply didn’t want to get involved with. It was unexpected how much he rolled around in the sheets. Plus, he was one of your best friends!
Hana scratches her neck and whispers to Haerin, "This is hard."
Haerin grits her teeth in pure frustration. "There are so many guys at ‘Neo Culture Technology’ but at the same time, they're all either gross or unavailable."
"Who's left?" Heejin questions.
"There's Shotaro – but apparently, he's got a thing for that really hot Wonbin guy. There's Eric – but he's in love with Hana. There's Sunwoo – but he's in love with me. And I can't think of anyone else. There's Jeno, but if you touch him, I'll kill you," Haerin starts giving the rebuttals herself.
"Eric is not in love with me.” Hana tuts, shaking her head in denial.
“Yeah and Jeno’s not in love with me.” Haerin rolls her eyes dramatically, speaking in a sarcastic tone, trying to emphasise how naive and oblivious Hana was.
"Also, Sunwoo's stopped trying to chase after you. Jeno scared him away forever." Hana laughs, but you widen your eyes in slight fear, remembering the night when Jeno put an end to Sunwoo's dreams of having Haerin permanently.
Haerin however dreamily closes her eyes at the memory. "My man."
"Wait, there is someone else. Jeno gave me this idea, and I didn't get it then, but I do now. It's Jae –"
Speaking of the devil, the atmosphere shifts as Jeno casually strolls in, exuding a magnetic presence. His confident gait and tousled hair give him an effortlessly cool appearance. His eyes, a warm and inviting shade, immediately soften as he reaches Haerin.
Greeting everyone with a charming smile, he seamlessly moves toward Haerin. The room becomes a canvas of love as he leans in to kiss her softly. Arms looped around each other, they share endearing whispers, lost to the outside world.
A bittersweet feeling washes over you as you witness their intimacy. Yet, the mood takes an unexpected turn as Haerin gasps, extricating herself from Jeno's embrace, adopting a dramatic stance.
"I'm supposed to be mad at you! You dick!!!!! Leave me again during sex and see what happens. You will have no dick." Haerin warns, forcefully putting on a pissed off voice and expression. You know this was her acting and being dramatic, She found it easier to melt into his arms rather than hold a grudge against him, you understood it. I mean, have you looked at Jeno?
You and Hana share an amused expression as the scene unfolds. Jeno's playful silence only serves to annoy Haerin more. She huffs at his smirking demeanor, her words stumbling initially but gaining clarity. "Can you tell this man that he can sleep outside tonight?" Her arms crossed, a satisfied smile playing on her lips as she faces you.
Nodding, you face Jeno. "Haerin said that you're not allowed to sleep with her tonight."
Jeno tuts, responding with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. "Can you tell Haerin that if that happens, then she'll come to me in the middle of the night and beg to ride my –"
Haerin cuts him off, shaking her head and narrowing her eyes. "Can you ask him why he's in my house?"
“Haerin asked why are you –”
“Y/N, shut up.” Jeno says seriously, warning you not to speak.
“Hae, I’m in your house because you gave me a key for our anniversary." He explains, his eyes soft as he reaches for Haerin's hand, attempting to make her melt into him but he widens his mouth when she doesn’t take his hand like he expected her to.
"Baby." He whispers, his voice a soft and tender melody, likely to make her heart flutter. Despite the softness in his tone, she remains resolute, dodging his attempts to kiss her.
"Why are you mad?" He questions, shaking his head in confusion. Haerin persists with the silent treatment, prompting him to turn to you and Hana with a light-hearted chuckle.
"It's because she wanted you to shove your dick in her throat, but you left." You inform him with a nonchalant tone.
Jeno, with a determined look, works his magic on her. He gently takes Haerin's hand, and this time, she doesn't pull away. His smile, radiant and affectionate, speaks volumes, a sight capable of soothing any emotional ache. His eyes, dreamy and captivating, have the power to make anyone melt.
His voice drops to a low whisper as he utters sweet promises into her ear. "I'll make it up to you, all night long.” He vows, kissing the sides of her cheeks. A low moan escapes Haerin's lips, catching you by surprise. Was she that horny?
You and Hana turn to each other with wide eyes when you hear intense smooching noises and passionate sighs and moans. You take that as your cue to leave.
You walk back in 2 hours later, and they’re still making love on the sofa. You turn to Hana with a playful smirk, congratulating yourself internally when she pays up. You bet that it would take Haerin less than a day to let go of her grudge, and it did.
“I didn’t think she’d give in so easily.” Hana sighs, defeated, giving you the money with a frown.
“She always does with him.” You respond.
“I would too.” Hana smiles. The two of you turn to each other with a playful smirk. “I mean, have you seen the way he manhandles her? Have you seen his cock?”
“Unfortunately.” You mumble.
“It wasn’t unfortunate for me.” Hana bites her lips and sighs dreamily.
The morning air is filled with the tantalizing aroma of Jeno's pancakes, a comforting scent that wafts through the entire house. Sighing in relief, you're grateful that it's Jeno preparing breakfast, saving you from the potential culinary disasters that Haerin or Hana might unleash.
The lively chatter in the kitchen reaches your ears before you step in. "I will put the two of you on a sex ban!" Hana warns, yawning as she has another night of insomnia to add to her list.
Chuckling, you enter unnoticed, preferring to remain a subtle presence in the background. You stroll in with a laugh, savoring the fact that they're oblivious to your entrance. Being the subtle presence in the background suits you well – there’s no need to draw attention to yourself; it's just the way you like it.
Jeno, however, breaks the pattern and spots you immediately. You smile when you see Haerin attached to his back, arms around him as he cooks up.
He turns around, flashing a grin and offering a nod. "Good morning, princess. Finally got up?" His tone drips with playful mockery for no apparent reason.
You respond casually, "I've actually been up all night, thanks to two particular people rolling around in the sheets."
“It was actually against the wall, on the floor, in the shower, in my car, on the sofa, on her chair and against her desk. I had her arched against the kitchen countertop too. We did it in the bed the least.” Jeno sighs, nonchalantly reminiscing about his night of passion with his girl, leaning down and kissing her on the head, slapping her ass and keeping his hands there, squeezing every now and then.
“Fucking hell. All that in one night?” Hana questions, wondering how that’s even possible.
“As if that’s the most they’ve done.” You laugh.
Haerin passionately complains, "You guys are complaining, but I didn’t get any sleep either! He had to carry me downstairs and I can barely feel my thighs, I don’t know how I’m standing up right now. I’ve woken up with a hundred bruises on my body because of this man–
"Babe." Jeno swiftly interrupts, shaking his head at how it sounds.
"We get it. He's a rough lover.” Hana responds, pleading with her hands and begging Haerin not to share more of her intimate stories with him.
Jeno prods his tongue against his cheek. "Loving and passionate is how I like to say it.” He corrects Hana with an affectionate smile.
You smile at the heartwarming scene unfolding before you. In moments like this, the pain in your heart doesn’t attack you so brutally. Jeno’s in the kitchen, whipping up breakfast for everyone, and, as per usual, Haerin is attached by his side.
Meanwhile, Hana and Jeno engage in a playful bicker about the correct way to make pancakes (though you’d never admit it to Hana, you secretly prefer Jeno’s pancakes by far). Jeno then presents you with a plate stacked high with beautiful pancakes, adorned with your favorite syrups and fruits.
“Just the way you like it.” He says, and your mouth waters at the enticing sight.
“You better finish every last bite or else.” Jeno playfully warns, adopting a protective brotherly tone. It’s a side of him that has emerged over time. He was there when Hyunjin dumped you, he saw the state you was in, he saw how detrimental your health became, how you were neglecting meals. He witnessed he toll it took on your well-being. His increased care and protection over you hasn’t gone unnoticed.
Now, you’re surrounded by people who genuinely care about you, you’ve come a long way from those difficult days. Despite the strides you've made, the battle persists. The grip of your drinking habits remains firm, and solitary hours in the dark persist. Yet, amidst the struggle, there's a genuine improvement. You compel yourself to believe in the progress, even though the vulnerability still lingers. The fear persists; one trigger, one misstep, and the possibility of crumbling back to the depths looms.
They flash warm smiles your way while you savor your meal. Surprisingly, they haven't even started on their own food.
"You're all weird." you quip, narrowing your eyes as you playfully lock gazes with them, your cold expression meeting their endearing ones.
Jeno is casually perched on the countertop, methodically dipping his sushi into a pool of spicy mayo before guiding the chopsticks to his lips. The furrow of his brow reveals his deep focus on the phone in his hand, typing away with practiced ease. Just as he's about to indulge in a bite, he abruptly halts, raising an eyebrow as his gaze shifts to you three girls.
The widening of his eyes is evident as you initiate a circling formation, you’re a trio of inquisitive troublemakers, with a determination to unearth the mystery about Jaemin that he's hiding. Despite Jeno's clear reluctance to spill about Jaemin and his ex, you girls, fueled by curiosity, launch an attempt to pry the information loose. Hey, nobody's perfect. You’re all nosy!
A palpable sense of fear colors Jeno's demeanor as the three of you unite your efforts. Questions barrage him, but he remains resolute, shaking his head with a firm "no" and countering every inquiry with a blunt and direct response. "All of you, stop it. If I said I'm not telling you what happened, that means exactly that."
In the face of Jeno's unwavering stance, Haerin's frown deepens, and yet, Jeno's expression softens, he swiftly pulls her onto his lap with one arm and feeding her the sushi on his chopsticks, kissing her cheek softly. "Look, it's not my place to tell you personal things regarding Jae. It's not my story or my heartbreak. As much as I'd love to spill the tea about what a selfish and heartless bitch that Yeeun is—"
“Yeeun is so sweet, though.” You cut him off, a hint of disbelief in your voice as you register the language he’s using. His expression shifts abruptly, turning hard and cold almost instantly.
“You’d think.” He laughs, but the disdain in his face tells a different story. He despises her, a revelation that catches you off guard, considering she was his best friend’s girlfriend for the longest time.
Jang Yeeun, a girl in the year above, is a vision of beauty that triggers a twinge of envy within you. Whenever you catch sight of her on campus, it’s as if she belongs in a magazine. Her smile, breathtaking and radiant, could light up any room. Her blonde hair, so luminous and silky, seems to catch the sunlight in a way that leaves you in awe. It’s no wonder she’s popular – sweet and undeniably attractive. She’s always smiling and she radiates such a brightness.
Jeno's annoyance intensifies, a scowl etching across his face. His cheeks flush with frustration, and his eyes darken with a mixture of irritation and discomfort. The tension is palpable as he digs his nails into his palm, a physical manifestation of his inward turmoil.
Observing Jeno's visible agitation, Haerin, perceptive and caring, notices the telltale signs. She reaches out, gently rubbing his cheek with her thumb, and in a gesture filled with intimacy, she plants a soft kiss on his lips. Concerned, she mumbles. “You okay, my love?”
He responds with a whispered assurance that he's fine, urging her not to worry. His lips find their way to her forehead in a tender kiss, a silent expression of gratitude for her understanding. “I love you.” He whispers against her forehead.
"I just don't wanna talk about Yeeun.” He mutters, the words escaping in a low murmur that carries the weight of unspoken emotions. The intimacy of the moment contrasts with the underlying frustration, creating a complex interplay of feelings within the scene.
Jeno, quick to change the subject, does anything to help the anger in his heart pass. "Anyways, you three are invited to my party. I'm throwing it for Jaemin."
Immediate reactions unveil the distinct personality differences among you and your friends. Hana nods enthusiastically, fully on board with the party vibe – much like Jeno, she loves getting high and wasted, finding joy in nights where memories are non-existent.
Haerin, on the other hand, frowns, turning to face her boyfriend and shaking her head. "Another party?" She questions, her preference leaning towards cozy movie nights, cuddling Jeno, and ordering takeaway. The contrast between her and Jeno is striking, making you ponder how these opposites found each other.
Your reaction remains impartial, but confusion is quick to find a voice. "Huh?" You question, expressing your bewilderment at his idea. "Isn’t he currently heartbroken and struggling to get through each day? You think a party is the solution?" Your words hang in the air, a reflection of your practical and contemplative nature compared to the contrasting preferences of your friends.
"Shut up.” Jeno shoots his eyes in your direction, a clear signal for your voice to be silenced.
Haerin’s eyes widen and she sucks in a breath. Seriously? She’s turned on right now?
"My man needs some pussy.” The crude statement hangs in the air, and you huff as you realize the reasoning for the party. Of course, people always hook up at Jeno's parties, and it gives him immense pride – he loves being the matchmaker and now he wants his best friend to have rebound sex.
"That's really not—" You begin, only to be shushed by Jeno.
"You're throwing the party for that?" You inquire, a mix of disbelief and amusement coloring your voice. “Can’t you just set him on a blind date or something?”
"Yeah.” Jeno responds simply, a sly smirk playing on his face as he crosses his arms defensively. His eyes light up with humour as he senses your scepticism. He laughs. “Jaemin and blind date? Do you even know him? He’ll never show up to that shit.”
"He's gonna hate the party.” You laugh, anticipating Jaemin's reaction. “If he won’t turn up to a date then you think he’ll turn up to a party?”
Jeno, however, gets defensive, a sly smirk still playing on his face as he challenges you. "Suddenly, you know him better than me?" His voice carries an edge, a playful challenge.
When you don't respond, the tension deepens. "Oh, I get it." he continues, his tone implying that whatever he says next won't be pleasant. "You're jealous. You don't think there's any point in throwing him a party because you're here?"
The accusation hangs in the air as he pushes further, daring to ask, "You want him? You wanna fuck him?"
"Fuck off, Jeno." You assert, shaking your head in frustration at his relentless words. He was a pain in the ass.
He continues, pushing his blunt perspective. "It makes sense. Hyunjin dumped you, and then Yeeun tore Jaemin's heart out of his chest with her tacky and disgusting spider fingers and then stepped on it—anyways, you both need good rebound sex. It's better than moping around, crying in the sheets all day when you could be getting your bones jumped in the sheets."
You cut Jeno off, your voice raised in defensiveness. "You don't know what I need." You mutter, defensive goosebumps rising on your arms at the harsh yet uncomfortably true nature of his words.
He shrugs. "Just trying to help. Maybe you should fuck Jaemin; he's really good in bed."
"Maybe you should fuck off, Jeno." You retort, rolling your eyes at his audacity.
Haerin begins scolding Jeno for his behavior as if you weren't there. "Don't talk to her about him. She's still dealing with the heartbreak. How will she fuck Jaemin so easily if all she wants is Hyunjin?" Their words sting, leaving you feeling unsettled. Is this how your friends see you – as weak and fragile?
However, Jeno's honest words bring slight comfort. "He's a fucking idiot, and I want to talk about it. There's no point not talking about what happened, bottling it up and not communicating will just fuck everyone's heads even more. He's not some sacred God whose name shouldn't be spoken; he's the opposite, he's a fucking dickhead. If I see him again, I'll punch him like I did that one time when he was making out with that girl in front of you. He's a cunt, and I'll help you kill him."
"Thanks, Jen." You say, a genuine smile breaking through. Gratitude washes over you – at least someone gets it. He returns your gratitude with an understanding smile, providing a flicker of solace in the midst of emotional turmoil.
Jeno, the master of redirection, skillfully changes the subject. You sigh in relief when the conversation finally shifts away from your heartbreak. He turns to Haerin, locking eyes with hers. "You're coming to the party, and I don't want to hear no."
Haerin huffs, her face dropping – she's not a fan of parties, a sentiment she doesn't hesitate to show.
Without giving a direct response, Haerin's silence prompts Jeno to poke further. "If you don't come, then no sex for a week. He threatens, adding a playful edge to his attempt to convince her.
“You think you’re the one who proposes sex band in this relationship?” She questions, eyes a siren as her voice deepens. It was true, she had Jeno wrapped around her little finger.
"Why do you want me to come so bad?" She asks, curious about his motives.
"Because don't I deserve to get laid like Jae?" Jeno says with a smirk. "I'll only have fun if you're there." You can't help but roll your eyes at his cheeky remark, fully aware of his regular romantic encounters towards her.
You observe as Jeno leans in, whispering sweet words into Haerin's ear. Whatever he says seems to work like a charm. "Fineeee. I'll come but only for you," Haerin relents, a playful smile crossing her lips as she succumbs to Jeno's persuasive tactics.
You observe them closely, a genuine smile gracing your face as they share a sweet and joy-filled kiss. Their cute smiles and the affectionate atmosphere only contribute to the happiness you feel while witnessing the scene. “He’s probably gonna fill the tables with your favourite wine.” Hana playfully predicts.
Later that night, in a hushed tone, Jeno whispers to you, revisiting the topic from earlier, "You know I was joking around earlier, but I do really think it's a good idea if you move on and fuck Jaem."
"I don't want that or need it." You mumble in frustration. "Sex isn't the solution to every problem."
"Yeah, it is." Jeno interjects with a confident nod and a smirk.
You roll your eyes. "You're just obsessed with getting your dick wet. You think fucking solves every problem."
“In Haerin’s pussy, to be exact. I’m obsessed with getting my dick wet in her pussy.”
Haerin, who has been silently observing the conversation, tuts and playfully hits Jeno on the head. "Stop acting like that. You know when we argue, first of all, we talk about it, explain ourselves, and communicate our emotions, and then we have the best sex of our lives." She scolds him.
Jeno only smiles, not responding to Haerin. Instead, he turns to you with a smirk. "You should think about what I said though. It's a good idea."
"It's so random. I mean, I've never spoken to Jaemin once." You express, noting the mystery and introverted nature of Jaemin, someone you've only exchanged nods and smiles with.
He was a complete stranger to you, shrouded in an air of mystery and introversion. Your interactions had likely been limited to nods and smiles. He didn't go out of his way to engage with people, preferring to keep his circle small and interactions to a minimum, only when necessary. However, you couldn't help but wonder why a connection never formed between the two of you. He seemed to be on good terms with everyone else in the group—Jeno, Haerin, Hana, Eric, Mark, Yangyang, Xiaojun. It left you questioning the unspoken distance between you and him.
Your thoughts are abruptly interrupted when Jeno turns serious, looking at you with empathy. He shares a revelation that sends a shock through you, "It's not really that random. Apparently, Hyunjin's sleeping with Yeeun." He whispers, offering a sweet smile while Haerin rubs your back, looking at you with caution.
Your throat dries, and your vision blurs at the news. You force the words out, "Oh—how—how did you find out?" The stutter in your voice betrays your attempt to sound unaffected.
He doesn't answer directly, a regretful expression crossing his face. You're grateful he shared the information, knowing it's better to be aware than blindsided by the painful truth later.
"Y/N—" Haerin begins, concerned, but you cut her off, pretending not to care.
"I'm fine." You mumble, excusing yourself to the bathroom. Once there, the façade crumbles. The scene unfolds with you crying, water splashing on your face, your hands feeling foreign. Your heart falters, dizziness and sickness overwhelming you. Your head shakes violently as you hope for an end to this torment. As long as your heart beats for Hyunjin, someone who betrayed you, you fear being broken forever.
You girls got ready in preparation for the party ahead. The bond you and your girls shared made getting ready together a cherished ritual, a source of laughter, and a confidence boost when you needed it the most.
Haerin took charge of your hair, her skilled hands transforming it into a sleek, silky cascade. The soft hum of the straightener filled the room as she worked her magic, creating a look that exuded confidence. Hana couldn't help but gush about the result.
The encouragement from your girls always provided a much-needed confidence boost, especially in those moments when it mattered most. "You look so beautiful and hot!!! If you’re not in someone’s bed tonight then I’m gonna get you in mine.” Hana exclaimed, her words laced with genuine admiration.
“Let’s do it.” You turn around and wink at her, giggling when she leans down to kiss your cheek.
With your hair done, the focus shifted to Hana, and you eagerly joined in to help with her makeup. You concentrated as you applied eyeshadow to her eyes, a black smokey shadow look that complemented her features flawlessly. You paired it with a red lip. She looked hot. She beamed at the mirror, hugging you tightly and smooching your head once again, clearly satisfied with the look, you can’t find it in you to be mad at the lipstick that stains your hair.
You then turn your attention to Haerin's outfit choice. You couldn’t believe how slutty yet elegant her wardrobe was, it was truly a mix of the extremes. She had the tiniest of skirts that barely covered her ass cheeks but then she also had elegant and pretty long dresses, you guess she wore whatever she felt like on the day.
After a moment of contemplation, Hana and you helped her decide on a pretty pink mini dress that will catch everyone's eye. You tie her necklace around her neck, giving her an array of bracelets and rings to accentuate the look. As Haerin slipped into the dress, a hint of uncertainty crossed her face.
"Can you see my ass cheeks through it?" Haerin whispered, turning around and tilting her head towards the mirror, attempting to gauge the view.
"Yeah.” You chuckled, admiring the hot pink lace thong peeking through the thin seams of the tight dress, "but you look incredibly sexy, Haerin."
Haerin's face lit up with a shy smirk at the compliment. "I'm not gonna change it. Jeno loves this thong so much.” She shared mischievously, "It’s my way of getting him to take me home as early as possible and to get out of this party."
You watch with a laugh when she tries to take a mirror selfie with her ass in the camera lense, Hana silently takes her phone from her hands and assists her, not being able to watch as she struggles, the two of you sharing an amused look when Haerin starts texting away on the phone, blushing when she shows you the texts.
haerin - [photo attachment of her ass cheeks]
haerin - what i’m wearing tonight baby :)
jeno - it’s see through?
jeno - you know my hands will be on your ass the entire night?
haerin - i’ll be disappointed if they weren’t :(
jeno - you know i’m just gonna rip that off you?
haerin - that’s why i’m wearing it
jeno - you just wanna get out of the party as soon as possible, don’t you?
jeno - funny of you to think that i’ll take you someplace private to fuck you when you know that i’m more likely to let the whole party hear you moaning my name
jeno - anyways do you need me to pick you up beautiful
haerin - no baby hana’s taking us
haerin - see u soon <3
Moments later, the trio of you made your way to Jeno's house. The house exterior exudes sophistication, with sleek lines and expansive windows that hinted at the luxury within. Upon entering, the richness of the house enveloped you.
Immediately, an electric atmosphere pulsated through the air. The party was in full swing, as expected from the notorious extravert and party thrower. The space was alive with a sea of people – some familiar faces from campus, others unknown.
The place was packed, almost bursting at the seams with laughter, chatter, and the rhythmic beats of thumping music that reverberated through the walls. It was a sensory overload The air was thick with the lingering fragrance of smoke and other substances.
Amidst the crowd, Jeno navigated his way through effortlessly, exchanging smiles, nods, and handshakes with friends and acquaintances alike. It was clear – everyone knew Jeno, and Jeno knew everyone.
Jeno quickly spots you, his already dilated pupils widening further. Haerin immediately becomes the focus of his attention and they share a greeting that evolves into an affectionate embrace. He lifts her up, her legs wrapping his waist and his hands find her ass cheeks immediately, his grip tight and firm. As sucking face noises fill the air, leaving you to awkwardly glance around.
Sensing your discomfort, Hana finds you, squeezing your hand to guide you away. However, you unexpectedly bump into familiar faces, and your face lights up with genuine joy. "Yeonjun!!" and "Soobin!!" escape your lips as you greet them, hugging both with grins that reflect the warmth of your reunion. The genuine happiness in their eyes mirrors your own, and you've genuinely missed having them around. They seem happier than ever, forming a couple that could rival Haerin and Jeno.
In the past, Yeonjun was your fourth roommate, and Soobin was always a constant presence. Now, you feel proud seeing them take the next step in their relationship, having moved in together. Their new flat stands as a beautiful testament to their love. Yeonjun is about to drag you somewhere; however, your escape is interrupted by the arrival of the troublesome trio—Renjun, Xiaojun, and Yangyang. They greet you with hugs, but mischievous glints in their eyes make you prepare yourself. They’re a pain in your ass before they even speak up
“There’s no fucking way you actually came.” Renjun exclaims, speaking louder than he needs to, each word marked by his intoxication.
Xiaojun was your sweetheart. “You look beautiful.” He kissed your cheek, his sweet words causing flutters in your heart as you smiled up at him with gratitude . You wrap your arms tightly around him as he whispers in your ear. “Missed you.”
“Never thought I’d see the day where you stopped moping around, crying in bed, and actually got off your ass to have some fun!!” Yangyang adds, he’s the only one who’ll be honest and upfront with you, his tone blunt which can come across as mean.
You force a smile, concealing the sadness that lingers within. Despite understanding that he intended for his words to be harmless, there's a lingering ache that suggests your friends might still perceive you as fragile. So what if you weren't in the mood for a wild party? You didn't find solace in the bottom of a bottle or in the haze of substances to cope with heartbreak. And yet, here you are, navigating the sea of unfamiliar faces and the thumping beats that echo the sentiment of your own muted heart.
A tender ache fills your heart. Haerin is like you, shy and reserved, yet the difference lies in the way her vulnerability seems to be guarded by an unspoken shield. You've noticed the whispers that never reach her, the kindness that eludes her gaze, and you can't help but feel a twinge of envy.
In the soft glow of the room, Haerin rests in the secure embrace of Jeno. Their eyes lock, unspoken words passing between them. Their smiles radiate a genuine warmth, an intimacy only for them. In this moment, you realise the unspoken truth – no one targets Haerin. She carries an invisible shield, woven from the threads of love and protection that Jeno provides.
A melancholic frown plays on your lips as you question silently: will you ever find an embrace like theirs again? One where vulnerability is met with understanding, and the world's harshness is softened by the warmth of love. It's a yearning that echoes in the quiet spaces of your soul, a desire for a connection that feels as secure and enveloping as the one you witness.
Parties are overwhelming for you, with their throbbing beats and lively chatter; however, the free alcohol makes it worth it. The liquid courage momentarily hushes the heartbreak and pain, providing an illusion of security in a world that often feels too tumultuous to navigate.
Amidst the pulsating music and vibrant chaos of the party, you find solace in the repetitive ritual of downing drink after drink. The fiery liquid drowns down your throat, leaving a burning trail that momentarily numbs out the whirlwind of emotions within. In the midst of the swirling lights and distant laughter, the free-flowing alcohol becomes the singular silver lining, the only solace you seek in the crowded abyss.
With each sip, you sink into the familiar embrace of intoxication, a sanctuary where vulnerability is masked. The glass in your hand transforms into a shield, shielding you from the prying eyes and unwelcome questions that linger in the shadows. It's a ritual, a coping mechanism that had recently become ingrained in the fabric of your existence, a way to drown out the dissonance of emotions echoing within.
The sensation of getting high and drunk becomes a substitute for the unspoken emotions that remain buried deep within. It's a fleeting escape, a momentary reprieve, where the clinking of glasses and the hum of the crowd momentarily drowns out the echoes of your own struggles. In this sea of temporary numbness, the allure of the next drink beckons, promising a brief sanctuary from the storm within.
You settle onto Xiaojun's lap, feeling the warmth and comfort of the familiar position, both legs on either side. A giddy smile plays on your lips, thinking nothing of it – you always do this was him, it was just another moment of closeness between you two. You were both always touchy and you thought nothing too much of it, it was natural, you assume he thought the same.
Little do you know, your presence on his lap subtly transforms his entire demeanour, leaving him momentarily speechless. You tut and shake your head when you feel his hardness prod against your thigh, a teasing comment escaping your lips. "Really?"
He’s shrugs. "Not the first time you’ve made me hard and not the last." He murmurs, his eyes dark as he rubs his clothed cock against you and you jab his arm. His eyes turn soft as he looks at you. Unbeknownst to you.
You find sanctuary on Xiaojun’s lap, observing the party unfold around you. Mark and his best friend catch your eye, seeming unusually close as they dance with whispered words and foreheads pressed together. Your eyes widen in surprise when you witness Yangyang, Soobin, and Yeonjun engaged in a three-way kiss. Maybe Yangyang has embraced his sexuality, or perhaps he always knew. Your gaze shifts to Haerin and Jeno, on the sofa, trying to conceal that she’s riding his cock but they’re not fooling you. They’re entwined in each other's arms, lost in their own world of affection. Then Donghyuck, looking incredibly close with someone you didn’t realise and you wonder, has he finally found the girl that’s grounded the wildness inside? You lean back against him with a grin, the familiar ritual of the hot alcohol burning down your throat as you observe everyone.
He lets out a weary sigh as you down another drink, the overpowering scent of alcohol swirling around him, momentarily drowning his senses in an intoxicating haze. "Instead of drinking, you can always just talk to me.” He suggests, concern etched in his voice. "I always tell you, I'm here for you." Xiaojun leans in to kiss your forehead, his gaze holding a mix of care and understanding.
Feeling a twinge of guilt, you shake your head, eager to change the topic. "Let's dance!" You exclaim, trying to lighten the mood. Xiaojun sighs, having just become comfortable with his hands gripping your thighs. He enjoys being in your presence, away from the busyness and loudness, and reluctantly agrees to join you on the dance floor.
You tossed expectations aside, party you did. You cheer at the top of your lungs, dancing close to Shotaro and Eric, the whole group surrendering to the music. Your arms flung up, and you let loose in the wild rhythm of the night.
The beats were relentless, matching the reckless abandon as you downed drink after drink, head held high in the haze of the party. You don’t realise how hot you look when you allow yourself to have fun. Drunk on both the music and the drugs, you remained blissfully unaware of eyes following you like a shadow – he wants you.
The lightheadedness sets in, and you can already sense the impending headache that will haunt you tomorrow. Later in the evening, you find yourself inches away from Xiaojun's lips, dancing with closeness, Let loose. Jeno's words echo in your mind – maybe he was right, and you do need a rebound.
Let loose. You glance over to see Eric and Hana taking their passion to the sofa, dry humping in the midst of an intense makeout session. Their uninhibited display stirs a desire in you to embrace the same level of outgoing freedom. Hana finally gave in to Eric’s want of her.
Let loose. You trust Xiaojun, one of your closest friends, you know he won't push it further; you're not ready for that, and he's aware. He knows that you’re only looking to rebound and have a good time. you know he knows. At first you was sceptical, he’s a fuckboy but that means he’s not serious and isn’t looking for any commitment, just what you need.
Your emotions are fucked, Hyunjin still has a control on you. You miss him, you want to see him, you want to forget about him, all you want is him. Longing to forget, you desperately wish the grip he has on your heart would release. Xiaojun, smiling and wasted, nods. You’re both on the brink of closing your eyes, ready to lean in but he's like a magnet, drawing your gaze into the distance. You see Hyunjin, the truth unfolds before you. The man who still holds your heart with his tongue shoved down someone else's throat.
Everything comes crashing down, the raw reality hitting you like a tidal wave. The reckless escape you sought in the party, the dance, the drinks – it all pales in comparison to the harsh truth that pierces through the night. The man you once shared an intimate connection with is now lost in someone else's embrace, and the weight of that realisation hangs heavy in the tumult of emotions.
Jeno was right— the lucky girl was Yeeun, Jaemin's ex. As you caught sight of her, envy gnawed at you like a persistent ache. Yeeun, with her radiant blonde hair, possessed a beauty that felt enchanting, almost ethereal. Her presence seemed to cast a captivating spell, leaving you mesmerised yet resentful.
Her blonde locks framed a face that radiated an undeniable allure, making every movement she made seem effortless and captivating. The air around her seemed to shimmer with a certain grace, intensifying the envy that gripped you. In her presence, you couldn't help but feel like an observer to a scene where she effortlessly stole the spotlight.
Time halts, and you find yourself frozen in the moment. Desperation takes hold as you bite your tongue with a force that rivals the pain in your heart, attempting to stifle the sobs threatening to escape. Despite your efforts, tears stream down uncontrollably. Suddenly you’re sober again; the drinks no longer provide an escape, instead it works to intensify the emotions, making everything a hundred times more poignant.
In an abrupt decision, you make a swift exit. Xiaojun, sensing your drop in happiness, attempts to follow, but you halt him with a silent plea. You’re grateful that he’s not sober or else he’d follow you.
The feeling of invisibility intensifies – no one pays attention to your breakdown. It's not a plea for attention, but in these moments, it seems like you're navigating this emotional storm alone. Hyunjin remains oblivious.
Navigating through the crowd, you find solace in an empty room. As the door closes behind you, a switch flips within. The facade crumbles, and you break down in a way you haven't allowed yourself to before.
Take a moment to collect yourself, leaving the room with the unsettling realization that going home might be the best option. The desire to avoid running into anyone on your way out is fueled by a doubt that anyone would even notice your departure. You don’t stand out. No one notices when you’re not there.
As you move through the hallway, your eyebrows rise at the unmistakable sounds echoing through the seemingly thin walls – loud moans, skin slapping against skin, the headboard banging, and the unmistakable noises of passion emanating from not one but two rooms.
This is Jeno's house, a place you've visited before. You can easily discern that one of the passionate pairs comprises Jeno and Haerin, obviously now in the comfort of closed walls. Unfortunately, you're all too familiar with the unique way they express themselves when they fuck, given Jeno's frequent nights spent at your house.
You hear Haerin's unrestrained cries of ‘daddy’ at the top of her lungs, audible every minute. Your eyes widen, she’s genuinely calls him that more than his actual name ‘Jeno.’ The absence of any attempt to mask the sounds with music speaks volumes about their boldness. To your surprise, the door is left slightly open, revealing an audacious lack of secrecy, these freaks want people to watch and hear. Your didn’t want to look but you glanced before you even thought about it. You nearly choke at the way he has her body bent under him. How the fuck can a human body move in that way?
The sounds from the other room trigger a quick realisation – it has to be Na Jaemin. After all, this is his house too; he shares it with Jeno. Recalling that the party was intended for Jaemin to find rebound sex and move on, you acknowledge Jeno's fair play in orchestrating a night where Jaemin seems to be thoroughly enjoying his time.
The stark difference in the way both couples fuck becomes unmistakable. Haerin and Jeno, unapologetically basking in their love, make no effort to conceal themselves, fucking openly for anyone to see and hear. On the other hand, Jaemin and his mystery girl attempt to be more calculated, trying to mask their moans with loud music but it doesn’t work. It seems like you’re witnessing an unintended competition of who can emit louder moans (it’s Jeno).
Before you spot Jaemin, his voice reaches your ears, introducing you to a side of him you never expected. This is not the same introverted, quiet guy who usually utters no more than three words in a conversation or lingers silently in the background, fading into all the buzz. His words, unexpectedly crude and filthy, pierce through the air.
"Scream my name then, go on."
"You didn't say please?"
"Such a tight cunt."
"So wet for me."
His voice, low and deep, transforms his entire persona, a sultry air that causes a rush of heat surges to your cheeks, and you find yourself blushing uncontrollably. You squeeze your thighs together, an action that doesn’t make sense but also makes so much sense. It's a revelation, leaving you grappling with the realization that this is the same guy you thought you had figured out – a quiet introvert who has now revealed a whole different side of himself in the throes of passion.
As you prepare to leave, shaking your head at how distracted you became, your steps halt when Jaemin's bedroom door swings open right in front of you. The initial sight that catches your attention is how he’s practically naked, the only thing he has on is tight boxers and you’re wondering, why are you unable to tear you gaze from the sight? You also notice the multitude of hickies adorning his skin, he has cum all over his body.
His heavy breathing and a glazed look in his eyes suggest he's not fully present, as if dwelling in another realm. There's a palpable sense of disorientation, a dizziness that separates him from the pulsating beat within his own chest. Jaemin appears not just physically spent but emotionally detached, lost in a world beyond the immediate surroundings.
His features strike a harmonious balance between softness and sharpness, creating a visage that is both captivating and alluring. His dark, tousled hair adds a touch of casual charm to the overall allure.
Yet, what intrigues you most are his eyes—deep and penetrating, yet tinged with an emptiness. Despite recent intimate engagements, the light seems to have eluded his gaze, introducing a layer of complexity that adds to the enigma surrounding him.
This is a side of him you never expected to see—it’s almost like it’s not him. The eyes you're looking at reveal a detached and broken person, so out of it that he doesn’t even see or notice you at first.
As your gaze shifts downward, his toned chest, sculpted abs, and peaks make your mouth water. His physique is undeniably attractive and hot, creating a stark contrast to the emotional turmoil reflected in his eyes.
"What the fuck are you doing?" His voice crashes into the moment, causing you to snap back to reality. The sudden sharpness catches you off guard; his tone is darker, more blunt than you ever expected.
"The party's downstairs. I swear to God, I told Jeno not to let anyone come upstairs—"
You attempt to respond, but your throat feels dry and stuck, leaving you momentarily speechless. Before you can collect your thoughts, Jaemin takes the lead.
"What's wrong? Are you okay?" His voice softens instantly, concern washing over his face as he furrows his brows, carefully assessing your expression.
"I—yeah, I'm fine," you lie, the words escaping through gritted teeth.
Jaemin shakes his head, skepticism evident. "Obviously not true."
He shakes his head slowly, his expression a mix of concern and disappointment. "How much have you had to drink? You look a mess.” He admits with blunt honesty, his perceptive eyes seeing through the facade you try to maintain. He studies your flushed cheeks, the slight unsteadiness in your movements, the glaze over your eyes. the rosy tint of your complexion and the way your words occasionally stumble.
A gulp is your only response as you glance at your reflection in one of the mirrors against the wall. The sight is a disheveled mess—smudged makeup, tears still streaming down your cheeks. The emotional toll and crying have become so familiar that they seem like your default state. You only now realize that you're still crying.
"I—I'm sorry.” You mumble, the words coming out pathetically, struggling to find your voice.
Jaemin's eyes soften, and he offers you a sweet smile, twisting something inside you. You can't help but wonder why he's being so kind.
"What are you sorry for?" He chuckles.
"Is it Hyunjin?" He asks, his voice low and whispered, a hint of caution present as if he's mindful about uttering that name around you.
Jaemin stands there, visibly awkward, scratching his neck and desperately searching for a lifeline to rescue him from the situation. His eyes dart around, unsure of how to navigate the emotional turbulence around you. He subtly rolls his eyes in the direction of Jeno’s room, they were still fucking.
In a fumbling attempt to offer some comfort, Jaemin starts a motion, perhaps to retrieve a tissue from his pocket. Then, the realization hits him—here he is, practically standing naked in front of you adorned with hickies and remnants of cum. His eyes widen in a mix of surprise and embarrassment, but you shake your head reassuringly. "It's not a big deal."
Your gentle voice acts as a balm, stirring something within him. His eyes lock onto yours, and in that unspoken exchange, there's a shared understanding. Jaemin's thumb delicately grazes underneath your eyes, wiping away the tears from your delicate skin.
"Fuck Hyunjin.” He whispers, his voice soft and tender yet carrying a sharp edge of hurt and anger on your behalf. You nod in response, a genuine smile naturally forming on your lips. In that moment, as Jaemin expresses both solidarity and indignation, you feel an unexpected sense of settlement.
What is it about Na Jaemin? You’re left pondering, did he even know your name? This is someone who you never expected to be so kind and respectful to you, you’ve heard endless stories about how he’s quiet and doesn’t talk but you’re seeing a whole different side.
He continues wiping away your tears, and you can't believe you're still crying. The weight of vulnerability starts to lift, making room for a mix of bitterness and a twinge of sadness in your voice as you mumble, "Our exes are fucking."
You wonder if Jaemin already knew, as he doesn't react with sadness or shock. Instead, his facial expression remains void and unchanged. You can't help but envy how he maintains such control over his emotions. All the times you’ve seen him, he’s had one expression on his face, nonchalant and unbothered.
“How are you not reacting?” You cry out more than you wanted to, perplexed as to how he has such a tight control on his emotions. You envy it, you wish you could be like him.
“Come with me.” A surprised gaze lingers in your eyes as his suggestion hangs in the air. He nods towards his room, and you can't help but feel a flush of red creep onto your cheeks. The first thought that leaps into your mind raises questions – does he want to sleep with you? It seems plausible, given the fact he had just been fucking and that this party was thrown to help him find a rebound. What if he sees you as another opportunity?
"I don’t wanna fuck you.” You whisper back, the words leaving your lips with a mix of uncertainty and anticipation.
Jaemin shakes his head, a subtle smirk playing on his lips as he contemplates the notion that you believed he was suggesting something more explicit. "I didn’t say that was going to happen. Do you want that to happen?" He teases, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he tilts his head, awaiting your reaction. However, you evade giving him a response, breaking eye contact.
"I should be getting home anyway.” You mention, attempting to steer the conversation away.
"How are you gonna get there?" he probes further.
"Hana said she’ll take us, if not then Jeno –" you begin, but he cuts you off with a knowing smirk.
"Hana is shit-faced high downstairs and fucking Eric on the sofa and we can still hear Haerin screaming 'daddy,' so obviously Jeno's busy." He interjects.
"Then I’ll just walk home." You assert.
"It’s 1 am." He points out. “Do you know how dangerous the street are at this time?”
"It’s 10 minutes away.” You counter.
“Just come into my room.” He suggests with a confident assurance, the conversation steering in a way you didn’t expect. The straightforwardness catches you off guard.
"Just trust me.” He murmurs, his words something you're willing to trust. Weakness washes over you, you don’t have anything else to lean on. The prospect of going home in isolation, with only your broken heart and the lingering drink in your hand as companions, feels unbearable.
Without much contemplation, you nod, surrendering to the solace he seems to offer in the unknown. “Ok.” You mumble, your response sealed with a hint of anticipation.
Jaemin's room is painted in a rich midnight blue, creating a calming atmosphere. The walls are adorned with posters of indie bands and artistic prints, showcasing his eclectic taste. Muted gray decor complements the deep blue, and lights strung along the walls provide a soft, ambient glow. A well-organized desk sits against one wall, littered with notebooks, a laptop, and scattered pens. The minimalist furniture, including a sleek bed with monochrome bedding, adds a touch of simplicity to the room. Various trinkets and souvenirs line the shelves, hinting at Jaemin's interests and experiences.
Numerous photographs cover one section of Jaemin's room, creating a nostalgic collage on the wall. The alcohol in your system blurs the faces, but the emotions captured in each snapshot are vivid. Smiles, laughter, and shared moments freeze in time. Your vision may be hazy, but the warmth of those memories makes you smile.
Your heart pounds when you realise there’s an unexpected sight—a half-naked girl perched at the end of his bed. Shock and embarrassment wash over you, she’s the girl you heard him fucking earlier.
“Get out.” Jaemin's stands with crossed arms, watching her exit with impatience. You recognize her as Karina, a girl from your year. Her eyes meet yours, and she smirks, offering a thumbs up with a mischievous giggle. In a hushed whisper, she says. “You’re gonna have so much fun, he does this thing with his tongue…”
Her words leave you blushing and flustered. Before you can make it clear that you were not here to fuck, Jaemin swiftly escorts her out, locking the door firmly behind her.
In an awkward atmosphere, Jaemin proceeds to put on a simple top and jeans. The tension is palpable as you fumble through your reasons for being in his room. Confusion clouds your gaze when he extends his black leather jacket towards you, and you silently drape it over your shoulders, catching a scent reminiscent of midnight rain and cinnamon.
"I'm gonna go home.” You mumble.
Jaemin shakes his head in response, "I already said that it's too dark and dangerous –"
"I'll just –"
"Either I'm gonna take you home or you're staying with me," he says sternly. "I can't leave you alone like this… wasted and clearly upset. Plus, Haerin is staying over, so I want some sleep tonight. I know her and Jeno will be fucking all night long.“
You nod, the two of you sharing a silent understanding as your eyes meet in the moonlit room. In that moment, your gaze holds a mix of darkness and glistening emotions. "Take me home.” You softly request.
“My house is gonna empty. You can stay over.” You whisper, heavy breaths taking over your voices.
The air is charged with anticipation as his bulge pressed firmly against your thighs, the sensation sending shivers through your body. You can feel the warmth between you, he’s so hard that his length is digging into your skin.
Jaemin’s staring down at you, body pressed against yours as you fall onto the bed, him following. You can’t believe how sexy he looks. His gaze met yours with an intensity charged with an electric current of unspoken words. The moonlight played across his features, highlighting the depth of his dark eyes and accentuating the sharp contours of his face.
He hovers over you, his fingers delicately caress your face. They trace the contours underneath the hollow of your cheek, along your sleek jawline, and over your fluttering eyelashes. His voice was a low murmur, a tone that revealed a depth to him you hadn’t noticed before. “So fucking pretty.” He whispered, and you felt your pussy throb and ache for him.
The room seemed to pulse with anticipation, a magnetic tension pulling you closer in the dimly lit space. There was a certain warmth in your closeness, an unspoken connection that seemed to bridge the gap between you two effortlessly.
The moment you stepped into the sanctuary of your empty house, your lips found each other in an instant, pressing fervently, lost in a mutual hunger. It was unclear who made the first move; it seemed to be a shared impulse. All you were aware of was the rapid beat of your heart as you found yourself breathlessly kissing and biting his inviting lips, your legs wrapped around his waist in an embrace of longing.
As he carried you upstairs, a whirlwind of desire and impatience in his every step, he threw you down on what was, unknown to him, Haerin’s bed. The room, adorned with countless photos of her with Jeno and her friends, went unnoticed in the dim light, its significance lost in the intensity of the moment.
He had mistaken this room for yours but you can’t be bothered to correct him. In that instant, the only truth that mattered was the closeness between you two. Besides, a part of you relished the thought of fucking him in her bed - this was a subtle payback for all those times Haerin had fucked Jeno on your bed.
Jaemin’s voice, low and teasing, broke the charged silence. “Are you just gonna stare at me all day?” He teased, his voice a low whisper that caressed your ear, sending a shiver down your spine. “Tell me what you want, I’ll give you everything, darling…” His hot breath against your ear, followed by a gentle bite on your earlobe, intensified the moment.
You continued to gaze into his eyes, finding yourself at a loss for words. His presence was overwhelming — a side of him you hadn’t seen before. There was a captivating darkness in his demeanor that left you both stunned and deeply attracted.
His finger traced your lips, gently pulling them down. A smirk played on his lips as his gaze dropped to your legs, wrapped tightly around his waist. Your movements were restless, you keep shuffling, desperate to feel something between your thighs to which Jaemin let out a soft, playful tut too.
“Just fuck me.” You moan out, the words laced with desperation.
He smirks, the embodiment of a tease. “Are you sure?” His whisper is a mix of sweetness and seduction, his eyes soft yet resolute as he looks down at you. His breath fans over your skin, a contrast to the intensity in his gaze.
You nod, trying to attach your lips to his but he dodged, a playful glint in his eyes. “Tell me exactly.”
A moment of silence hangs heavy in the air, filled with unspoken longing.
“Tell me you want me.” He presses, his voice a gentle command.
“I’m sure.” You reply, your voice barely a whisper.
He tuts softly, a sound that sends a thrill through you. Shaking his head, it still wasn’t enough.
“I want you. I want you to touch me, I want you cock in my pussy. I want you to fuck me.”
The air knocks from your lungs when his lips suddenly meet yours in an explosion of sensation. His lips are a perfect mix of softness and firmness, molding against yours with an intensity that sends waves of heat through your body. The taste of him is intoxicating, a hint of sweetness that lingers and beckons for more.
It’s a collision of longing and emotion, intense and all-consuming. Your mouth opens against his, and the moan that escapes you vibrates against his lips, a raw sound of pleasure that deepens the kiss. His tongue meets yours in a dance of shared passion, exploring and responding with equal fervor.
Each brush of his lips sending shivers down your spine. The world around you fades into a blur, leaving only the exquisite feel of his kiss, the taste of him, and the shared breath that seems to connect you on a level beyond words.
His mouth found the sensitive area of your neck, his mouth moving with a mix of tenderness and urgency that made your breath hitch in surprise, having not been touched like this in so long the air has already been sucked out of you. The warmth of his breath against your skin, mingled with the softness of his lips, created an intoxicating sensation, stirring a deep craving within you.
He then trailed a path of fervent kisses up your jawline, each one imbued with a burning intensity, his lips moving against the contours of your face, each kiss a declaration of desire. His movements were both deliberate and instinctual, as if each kiss was guided by a deep, primal need.
With a deep breath, he reached for the hem of your top, fingers brushing against the fabric in a gentle, almost reverent touch. The material was soft and lights
He slowly lifted the top and there was a moment of quiet, a hush that seemed to fill the space with anticipation. The fabric whispered against your skin as it rose and cascaded down your body prettily, the sound as soft as a breeze through autumn leaves.
Jaemin’s eyes found yours, and in them, you saw a whirlwind of emotions. His gaze was intense. The air between you two crackled. His eyes, dark and expressive, spoke volumes more than words ever could. There was a hunger in them.
He lowered his mouth to your chest and immediately brought your nipples to his lips, his first touch was a slow and thoughtful lick, savouring your taste. He took his time, lavishing your nipple with light swirls of his tongue and gentle kisses, which elicited moans of pleasure to spill from your lips.
He gently bit on the sensitive bud of skin, his teeth releasing with a ‘pop,’ followed by a contented smile as you moan his name. His attention to making you feel good was thorough, a mixture of playful bites, long licks, and occasional sucking.
Slowly, he continued with small, delicate kisses, down your body, from your boobs to your upper thigh, the soft press of his lips against your skin made you whine, pulling on his hair and begging him for where you wanted his touch the most. You slowly grind your clothes pussy against his face, he looks up at you with a smirk. “You wanna feel me here?” He whispers, voice filled with breath as his soft fingertips tread along your lower stomach, his lower lip captured between his teeth.
You nod eagerly, a mixture of anticipation and nerves filling you as you hadn’t had sex in 5 months and you didn’t expect to be doing it right now, with Na Jaemin, of all people. It intensifies your emotions but you surprisingly feel ready, you never expected to be so settled in such an intimate embrace with a complete stranger but there was something about Na Jaemin that made you horny.
He presses his lips against yours intensely as his hands gently tease the edge of your mini skirt, eventually slipping beneath the fabric. You break the just for a second, maintaining strong eye contact with him as you pull your mini skirt down your legs, his hands gripping your thighs tightly, caressing it with his soft fingers before eagerly pushing your lace thong down your thighs, lips smashing against yours once again as he tosses both your skirt and thong to the side, trailing kisses up your legs, his fingers beginning to delve into your pussy.
“You’re so fucking wet.” He hisses against your ear, cold fingers making circles against your folds, the hard metals of his rings touching your burning skin as he rubs on your clit.
His fingers push deeper and deeper into your cunt as your head hits the pillow and you let out a loud moan of his name. He drops open mouthed kisses to your neck as he thrusts his fingers in and out your pussy, grunts leaving his lips at how your slick coats his fingers completely, the feeling of you clenching around his fingers and growing wet making his head dizzy.
“Do you see how fucking wet you are?” He whispers, suddenly shoving his fingers in your tiny mouth, making you gag but you suck nonetheless. He brings his fingers to his own mouth, licking your cum and moaning. “Just wanna fucking taste you.”
His eyes close as he delves into your pussy. He starts off slow, soft licks and nips of your already wet clit, you curl your toes, your vision becoming blurry due to the tears of pleasure but you can feel how fucking good he’s eating you out. His tongue laps at your clit, you whine and push his face closer, desperate for him to eat you out like it’s his last meal.
He kisses your folds, giving the delicate and wet skin a loud smooch before moving his lips and tongue at a pace that already has you crying out for him. He’s moaning into you, the sensation causing a vibration within your folds. “So fucking tasty.” He growls, the words muffled against your skin.
His nose presses against your pussy, you wrap your legs around his shoulders and he grips onto your ass, squeezing the flesh and giving it one compact spank before gripping onto your thighs, his grip so tight that you’re caged against him. His nails dig in and you’re sure he’s leaving harsh marks and your grip on his hair is so tight but neither of you care.
Your eyes roll back in pleasure and you the prettiest noises spill from your mouth when your climax hits, you squirt and drip all over your folds and he has every last bit of it, his lips lapping up your sticky wetness as if it’s a treat.
He leans back momentarily to appreciate the sight. Your hot cum leaking out of your tiny and tight hole, before he moves his tongue to lap up every last drop. It goes everywhere, all over his face, down his chin and neck but he’s grunting so loudly, begging you for more. “Taste so fucking good.”
“Jaemin.” You moan out, thrusting your pussy against him and reaching for his hard cock, desperate to feel him where you want him most. “Come on!!!!” You cry out.
He tuts at your impatience, eyes soft as he looks into your teary ones. “Yeah, yeah. Just be patient, baby.” His mouth pops, a sweet smile as you whimper at the use of the pet name, a sweet word said in such a mysterious and sensual way.
A realisation comes to you, have you even introduced yourself to him? Your mouth opens with a heavy moan when Jaemin’s eyes, dark and intense, locked with yours. You could hear the sound of his heavy breathing, a rhythmic echo that matched the quickening pace of your own heart.
You found yourself reacting instinctively. You bucked up slightly as Jaemin’s fingers deftly worked to loosen the belt around his jeans. Sliding it down his legs and tossing it far away.
He’s so hard. You hold his massive cock in your hands, eyes wide and mouth watering at the sheer size of it. You can feel the firmness beneath your fingertips. As you roughly rub his cock, he groans and drops his head to your shoulder, allowing you to touch away. Your fingers glide over the length, he removes your hands and replaces his own, dropping down and aligning his cock with your tight hole. His mouth pressing against yours with an open mouthed kiss.
“I’m Y/N by the way.” You gulp, voice barely audible due to the fucked state that you’re in.
“I know.” He whispers back.
You hum. “I know your name.” He groans louder. “Can I call you baby?” He asks with a smirk, you don’t know if he’s forgotten that he already has but his low and deep voice already has you weak in your knees so you nod enthusiastically.
“Please.” You whimper, feeling so incredibly turned on right now.
He distracts you with sweet kisses to your cheeks, when his cock finally enters your pussy but you’re instantly crying out from overstimulation and sensitivity. He’s so fucking big. You cry out when you realise he’s too big for you. You look down and the feeling of sadness intensifies when you realise only his tip has entered.
He coos in your ear, wiping your tears, holding your hand tightly in his and making the slightest of movements inside of you but you shake your head, a feeling that you can’t describe overtaking you. “You’re too big, it won’t fit. I can’t take it.” You say with an adamance.
“It will fit, baby.” He says simply, giving you a sweet smile and you get lost in his eyes, you find yourself instantly trusting him and it has you questioning yourself, you never trust this easily.
He kisses your temple softly, a tenderness that makes you whine and cry at the same time. You wrap your legs around his waist, craving the closeness. You nod, your doe eyes gazing into his as he makes you promises. “It will all fit, I know I’m big but I’ll make sure of it. I promise I’ll make you feel good, I’ll won’t hurt. I’ll go as slow as you want me to, ok?” His voice is filled with so much genuineness and by kindness that you find it impossible not to melt, your trust growing for him intensely.
He thrusts into you at a slow and sensual pace and before you know it, more and more of his length fills you up until you tighten around him, smiling at how fucking good and cosy it felt. “I told you baby, just trust me.” He smiles, looking down and cooing at the beautiful sight, your walls sucking him in and you tightening around him.
“You’re such a good girl, baby.” He purrs into your ear as he fucks into you at a pace that made your head spin. It was suddenly so fast, the headboard banging, skin slapping against skin, his hands slapping your ass, heavy breathing, passionate moans concealed even though they didn’t need to be, you had the house to yourself, however the two of you found comfort in smashing your lips against each other and moaning into each others mouths.
He fucks his cock deep into you hole, hitting your pleasure spot over and over again, your back arches, your toes curl and your pleasure pool deepens with every thrust. He wipes away your tears gently with his fingers, whispering words of praises that make you whine. The way he’s looking at you fucks your mind up and makes your head spin. His eyes are so soft and so piercing, you feel as though you don’t deserve to be looked at with this tenderness.
However when you try to cover your eyes with your hands, he takes your arms and cages them above your head, shaking his head firmly and giving you a serious look, enough to tell you that he wants to look at you as he fucks you.
Your pussy tightens around him and he groans, your walls continuously clenching around his cock and sucking him in deeper. Your thighs shake around his waist and his hand that’s slapping your ass becomes sloppier and slower. The noises of his cock fucking your wet and creamy cunt turns him on, the need to cum inside you deepening. His moans are more needy and the volume increases, his eyes darken in ways you didn’t expect. He’s pounding into you at an incoherent pace when he feels your high is near.
“Cum in me.” You beg into his ear, panting heavily and he lets out a growl at your needy side.
“Fuck, baby. Are you on the pill?”
You cry out, shaking your head when you remember he’s not even using protection, you were two horny sluts who forgot.
“Fuck. I forgot to wear a condom.” He says in an apologetic voice.
“I don’t care. Cum in me.” The words spill from your mouth so easily, you question whether you want to take it back but you take a look at him. His hair, a dark cascade, fell just above his dark and intense eyes and he hasn’t broken eye contact with you, not once. His smile, so boyish and warm.
Yeah. You’re definitely sure you want his cum in you.
His thrusts become slower and more messy but it still feels fucking good. He kisses you passionately when he cums, moaning against your mouth when you beg for his cum once again.
He fucks you through your high, you moan out his name as your hot cum leaks out of you but he fucks it back into you, his own cum coating your arousal, drops falling down your thighs and leaving a sticky mess. You look down and the sight is beautiful, you don’t know where you start or where he ends.
He paints your walls as he sighs at the feeling. As Jaemin’s lips met yours, there was an immediate rush of warmth and desperation, a culmination of longing transformed into a single, fervent kiss. His lips moved against yours with a passion that spoke volumes, tender yet insistent, The kiss deepened, and you could feel the gentle pressure of his mouth, the soft brush of his breath against your skin.
“Good girl.” He whispers, pressing a soft kiss against your temple.
You fall asleep like that, in his strong arms and grip, his cock buried deep inside of you, thighs still sticky with cum and you know you needed to be cleaned up but as you lay on top of him, head resting against his chest, the lullaby of his heartbeat sends you to immediate sleep.
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liked it??? send me an ask please <333 give feedback and share your thoughts it would mean the world to me
comment to be added to the tag list for part 2!! (will be a 4 part series)
taglist - @sexygrass @tywritesstuff @666-aiko @leep0ems @kyuuniversee @daegalfangirl @side-effects @kgneptun @thecaffeinatedfangirl @i6renj @hcaeh @buns-inhiding @pinknjm @nominsgirl @liliansun
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yougotthatbilly · 11 months
if you’d let me (m)
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→ member: lee donghyuck  → genre: friends to lovers!au | fluff | smut → playlist: eyes off you x prettymuch, attention x shinee, curiosity x nao →word count: 6.8k → warnings: pining, praise, teasing, oral (f receiving), unprotected sex (discussed), hand holding aka soft sex ↳summary: your curiosity reaches its peak when it comes to your best friend, who you happen to be in love with
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Summer is right around the corner and the weather shows it, the sun high and bright in the sky with temperatures hitting the low eighties when just last week it was in the mid sixties. The light breeze feels good on your skin, ruffling the skirt of your dress, but it does nothing to bring you back into the moment. 
Cheek in hand, you’ve spaced out, gaze caught on the side profile of your best friend’s face. It’s only been a week, but the sun has already kissed his skin, his golden tone coming back from being washed out by the winter. Your eyes trace the slope of his nose to the plumpness of his pretty lips, which are moving quickly as he recalls a conversation he had with Jaemin that you guess is relevant to the one he and Chaeryeong are having. 
Brown eyes drift over to you, and when Donghyuck catches your gaze, he winks cheekily at you, the conversation going uninterrupted. He’s gotten used to being a focal point when you zone out, and there’s a fifty-fifty chance that if it weren’t for the fact he was so deep into what he’s talking about, he would’ve teased you about it. But Chaeryeong calls you out for him when they get to a stopping point. 
“Honey.” She snaps her fingers inches away from your face, laughing when you blink a few times and tune back into reality. “You good?” 
“Yeah,” you sigh, taking a long sip of your milk tea. “Just tired.”
“You wouldn’t be so tired if you didn’t binge that stupid show instead of getting some sleep,” Donghyuck mumbles. He flinches dramatically when you pretend to throw your phone at his head. “Just saying.”
“I had to know if the baby was his or not before going to sleep.”
“And now you have luggage under your eyes,” he responds flatly, the corner of his mouth quirking up at the look of offense he receives. Leaning over to pinch your cheek gently, he backpacks his statement, “Still the prettiest girl I know, though.”
Chaeryeong frowns. “You never compliment me like that.” 
“Pretty sure I’d get my ass beat if I even look at you too long.” Donghyuck laughs, leaning back into his metal chair, but not before swiping your drink from your hand. His own beverage is only halfway gone, but he always wants to try whatever you’re having because it’s typically very different from his order. “But you’re alright, I guess.”
“I mean, I would be possessive over me, too.” She exhales in amusement, ignoring the latter part of his words. Gesturing herself from head to toe, she says, “Do you see me?”
You hum, nodding. “I’d hit.”
She smirks, wiggling her brows before her eyes light up like she just remembered something.
“Speaking of,” she sing-songs. “Are you still talking to that one guy?”
“You’re gonna have to be more specific than that, babe.”
Rolling her eyes, she slouches into her seat, conjuring up the details for you to know who she’s talking about. “The one that sent you a selfie and said ‘your throne awaits you.’”
Donghyuck scoffs, unimpressed.
“I entertained him for like a day before I unmatched. I thought I told you that.”
“Nope,” she shakes her head before pouting. “He was cute.”
You snort. “He was a horny weirdo. I thought Hinge was supposed to be better than Tinder.”
“All dating apps are the same,” Donghyuck says disinterestedly, biting the tip of your straw with his front teeth as he looks down at whatever is on his phone screen. 
“Chaeryeong got lucky.”
As if her boyfriend sensed your words, Chaeryeong’s phone rings. The scrape of the metal chair against concrete is sharp and quick as she stands before she gathers her bag and boba. Holding a finger up to the two of you, she answers the call and scurries off in the direction of her car. 
You snatch your drink from Donghyuck mid-sip, blowing a kiss in response to his glare. Finishing your milk tea, you glance at your watch, seeing it’s half an hour away from the time you planned on going to the library to get some work done undisturbed. 
“Are you going to your seven o’clock tonight?” you ask.
“Yeah, I ran out of absences,” he grumbles. “Why?”
You shake your head. “I’ll just ask Jaemin to get me.”
“Or you can just wait until I get out?” he almost questions, tone as if his solution is the only logical one. “You going to the library?” 
“Yeah, but I doubt I’ll need to be there past nine.”
The scent of books collecting dust is comforting, as well as the silence around you, which are the main reasons you don’t mind the fact that you’ve been in the library longer than necessary, your laptop shut, untouched for the past half hour as you scroll on your phone aimlessly. You sigh, switching from Instagram to Twitter, adjusting your folded legs to take some of your weight off of them and lean more onto the arm on the one seater lounge chair. Nothing is entertaining on social media right now, so you go to Hinge to check your messages.
“Ready?” Your favorite voice asks in your ear, startling you. Your best friend grins down mischievously at you when you whip your head over your shoulder, his handsome face close enough for your nose to almost brush his own. You drop your phone in your lap to raise your hand, but he catches it before the impact comes to press a kiss to your knuckles, and your heart flutters in your chest. “Come on, the weather is dropping.”
Donghyuck walks around you to pack your bag up, getting the task done in the time it takes you to stand and slide into your shoes. Bag slipped over his shoulder, he gives the area a brief inspection before walking in the direction of the exit.
“Could’ve been in bed by now,” you sigh, falling in step with him. It’s known you could’ve easily called Jaemin like you initially said you would, but Donghyuck’s company is always welcomed, always appreciated, even when you have to wait after your responsibilities are taken care of just because of his night class. 
Donghyuck throws an arm around your shoulders and pulls you into his side, smiling a smile that shows he knows you’re just complaining for the sake of it. “You can be in my bed now.”
“Lucky me,” you deadpan, groaning in faux anguish at the way he squeezes you in retaliation. “You’ll make it up to me with some food and cuddles though, right?”
“I dunno if I like you enough for all that.”
With an unbelieving hum, you return his half embrace with an arm around his waist, listening as he tells you about the deer he saw walking across the street on his way to come get you. Five minutes later, you’re kicking your shoes off by his front door before you make yourself comfortable on his kitchen counter, sure to stay out of the way while Donghyuck whips something quick up for the pair of you.
“I matched with a cute guy earlier,” you tell him to fill in the silence, feet swinging gently. Long periods of quiet time are comfortable with him, but you’re feeling chatty and also don’t know how to go about said guy. A noncommittal hum is your response, his attention on chopping up some vegetables. “He’s kinda boring, though. Feels like I’m carrying the conversation on my back.”
“Then stop talking to him?” Donghyuck so helpfully supplies. 
“Haven’t replied since this afternoon.” You watch as your best friend slides the chopped veggies into the hot pan on the stove, the oil and produce making a hissing sound that fills in the gap of silence. “He seems like a cool guy, so I wanna give him a fair shot.”
“If that’s what you wanna do.”
You squint at the back of his head. 
“You’re judging,” you accuse. The disinterested tone, the lack of eye contact. His responses aren’t authentic at all. At your call out, he turns to you, brow lifted. 
“I’m not,” he responds unconvincingly before shrugging. “I told you it’s a waste of time and you just keep proving me right.”
He avoids your foot that aims for his thigh and catches it while it’s still mid-air, just barely tugging you forward in retaliation but with enough force to scare you. Your panic makes him laugh deeply as he steps into the space between your legs with a mocking pout that mirrors the one you’re sporting. Hands on either side of your body, flat against the granite countertop, Donghyuck puts his weight on his arms, leaning into your bubble even more. 
“Just try talking to him on the phone or FaceTime,” he suggests softly, back to his serious self, head tilted to the side. He knows you weren’t just bringing the situation up in passing. He’s one of the main people you go to when you can’t decide what next step to take on your own. “For all you know, the love of your life could just be a bad texter.”
Your fingers find their way up to absentmindedly play with the chain that dangles from his neck as you take a deep, but subtle inhale, breathing in his warm scent. Matching his soft tone, you say, “Him being the love of my life is a bit much, don’t you think?”
It’s really more of a pastime and entertainment thing being on a dating app. He knows this, but he doesn’t quite understand the extent of why, and the less he knows right now, the better. You’re okay with waiting a while longer before telling him. Even when small, intimate moments like these are so bittersweet. 
“You’re right.” He hums, nodding. Brown eyes bounce between both of yours before they quickly dip down to your mouth. “That spot’s reserved for me.” 
And with a parting wink, he pushes himself up and spins to tend to the dinner sizzling away, your hand dropping pathetically back down to your lap. 
You stare at Donghyuck’s back, watching his shoulder blades move as he cooks before you take a long blink, taking your mind out of the previous moment. You grab your phone and message Jeno, ignoring what he said last in favor of asking if he wants to talk on the phone and for his number. It allows you to distract yourself from the thoughts that try to arise. 
The verdict is that Jeno is not only a bad texter, but an incredibly bad conversationalist in general. You wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt (again), seeing that it was the first time being on a call, but the second attempt was just as bad. His responses to your questions were very straight forward, no detail when describing his job or major, or hobbies. No banter, no jokes, nothing. You assume he doesn’t have to put in much effort when it comes to pulling women because he’s attractive and most people like a laid back guy. 
As soon as you hang up, you go into the dating app and unmatch with Jeno. 
And of course, when you were just going to take the loss and sweep it under the rug, your best friend asks about it a couple days later.
“So how did the phone call with the love of your life go?” Initially, you pretend to not hear him, choosing to give all of your attention to placing herbs into the bowl that was just set in front of you. You then squeeze some sauce on top, humming a quiet tune under your breath. “That bad, huh?”
You glance up at him finally, Donghyuck sporting a knowing grin, and roll your eyes.
“Tell me about it,” he presses, slouching back in his seat, all of his attention being given to you. 
“He’s like a donut you thought was filled with cream or jam only to bite into nothing but dough.”
He snorts, biting the inside of his lips to keep the laughter in. You’ll never understand the joy he feels when meeting someone new is a failure for you. “You sure know how to pick ‘em, huh.”
“Don’t start,” you warn non-threateningly. But of course he doesn’t listen.
“You probably have the worst taste in men. No one is beating your ex, though.” He winces theatrically. “Yikes.”
You scoff, knowing he’s absolutely correct about your track record, but choose to deflect. “You would’ve found a way to disapprove even if he was perfect.” 
“I mean, if a guy can’t do more for you or treat you better than I do, I’m not going to approve,” Donghyck says like it’s the most obvious thing in the world. “Just wasting your time.”
“You don’t even give me everything I need.”
Now he’s offended and you’re confused at why.
“What don’t I give you?” 
Extending a finger with each example you give him, you list, “Sensual love, romance, sex.”
Friendship and genuine love that you want from relationships, platonic or romantic, are covered for sure, but that’s it (okay, and maybe you two teeter on the line of sensual love, according to Chaeryeong). You don’t expect your best friend to give you those things, but you surely wouldn’t mind. That’s neither here nor there, though.
“I would if you’d let me.”
Head tilted, you squint, masking the fact your stomach dips. Sometimes he can be a little too convincing. 
“Can you be serious for once?”
“I’m deadass.” 
There’s a silent staring contest that takes place for at least a minute before he looks like he’s going to laugh, then the noise comes from his chest because you pout. 
“You’re an idiot.” you deadpan.
“Yet you considered it,” Donghyuck lilts, attention back on the pho steaming in front of him. He twists some noodles into his spoon, puts some meat and bean sprouts on top then slurps the food into his mouth. 
“I mean, if you eat pussy like that I might actually consider–”
His chews come to a slow stop. “You can find out if you’re curious.”
“My place or yours?” you ask in a lower octave, leaning forward. His gaze drops from your teeth teasingly biting your lower lip to the cleavage you purposefully put on display, just for him, before his face goes straight. He pushes you out of his face and continues to eat, trying not to join in on your laughter, if the quiver of his lips as he assembles the perfect bite says anything. 
“No but really,” you say once your giggles die out, finally getting to your own bowl. Curiosity killed the cat. You’d rather stop while you’re ahead. “I am coming over later. Got some comp sci work to finish then I’ll head over.”
“What if I had plans?”
“Then you’re going to reschedule them?” You laugh, not taking him seriously. “I shouldn’t be there until around nine, ten the latest. So do whatever you have planned before then.”
“Just let me know when you need me to get you.”
You shake your head, chewing and swallowing your mouthful. “I’m working with Jaemin. He’ll drop me off.”
He squints but chooses to say nothing in return, instead giving a nod of his head.
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Your study session lasts a lot longer than you planned. One, because it’s been a while since you’ve seen Jaemin, so there was a good amount of time in between questions talking about things that have absolutely nothing to do with the material that will be on your exam in a couple of days. Two, because your mind keeps drifting to a conversation you had earlier in the day, specific words repeating in your mind. 
“What’s up with you?” Jaemin asks after catching you zoned out for the nth time tonight. The first couple of times, he simply poked you to get you out of your head and focus on the work ahead, now, he wants to know what’s actually going on up there. “What are you thinking so hard about?”
You shake your head, smiling gently. “Nothing. I’m good.”
His eyes narrow. “Who are you thinking about?”
There’s no way it’s that obvious. 
“No one,” you grumble, shifting in your seat with the intention to focus back on your screen. But then your phone vibrates against the wooden table, and the man of your thoughts is who just texted you. 
[11:01] hyuckie: are you still coming over
You hadn’t even realized the time until just now. 
There’s a moment of hesitation after you pick the phone up to reply to his message, your teeth worrying at your bottom lip as you ponder if you should still go over tonight with where your mind has been drifting for the last several hours. You don’t usually let them get this far, but the words I would if you’d let me have made you spiral essentially. Yes, the two of you are constantly going back and forth and since the very beginning there’s always been flirtation, but something about the way he said that statement, something about those very simple words, have you wondering. 
You feel Jaemin lean into your side to nosily look down at your phone. Not only is the man beside you book smart, he also has great common sense and puts things together pretty quickly. Something you love and despise depending on the moment. And after his next question, your feelings lean towards the latter. 
“Something finally happened between you two?”
There’s also confusion that follows.
“What do you mean?” you ask.
He gives you a look that makes you feel like you’re supposed to know what he’s talking about. And you suppose you do, but you’re not quite sure where he’s coming from. Jaemin rewords his question to, “Is he the reason you’re more spaced out than usual tonight?”
You could lie. You’ve kept how you feel to yourself, not confiding in anyone, especially not mutual friends, but it’s Jaemin. And the look on your face snitches on you, anyway.
“What exactly do you know?” You deflect.
Your response from him is a snort of disbelief before he realizes your question was genuine. “Oh, honey.” There’s a bit of fondness in his tone that makes you feel weird. “I know that you two are ridiculous but it’s entertaining to see you both be so blind to what’s so obvious. I promised to keep my mouth shut, though. I’ve said enough.”
You guess your silence wasn’t enough to hide how you’ve been feeling. You don’t know how to feel about that. A little embarrassed because now you’re just imagining an outsider’s perspective on seeing you be lovesick. But if he’s calling you and Donghyuck blind, your best friend hasn’t a clue. 
Another vibration, this time directly in your hand. 
[11:04] hyuckie: ???
“You promised him that?”
Another look that lets you know that you already know the answer to your question is sent your way. “Let’s get you over there and pick back up tomorrow, hm?”
“I’m sure you’ll be able to concentrate better after you situate this with him.”
You squint, but still follow his lead as he packs his book bag, clearing the table.
Jaemin waits until you’ve unlocked Donghyuck’s front door and disappeared inside before he heads home, but not before telling you to go for it, vague as ever. He’s told you absolutely nothing, yet somehow really did tell you just enough.
The stove light is the only one on inside, and a quick glance around shows that your best friend has already retired to his room for the night. You make your way to his room, the blue light of his tv flickers from under his door with the volume low. With a deep breath, you open the door and step inside. 
Sat up against the headboard, Donghyuck glances at you from over his specs. He’s shirtless, just lounging in his plaid pajamas and your thoughts only continue to spiral. You rip your gaze away after it lingers for a silent moment.
“Something wrong with your phone?” Is the first thing he says and you shake your head as you set your purse and keys on his desk. “Then why didn’t you let me know you were gonna be late?”
You open the drawer in his dresser designated for you, ready to get out of your clothes and get comfortable. But at the last second, you decide against changing into your own clothes and instead go through the drawer above. You slip out of your dress and into one of Donghyuck’s bigger t-shirts, wanting (needing) the extra comfort, before moving to his desk to put your clothes with the rest of your stuff. 
“Lost track of time.” You shrug, turning to face him and catch his gaze that lingers on the outline of your breasts, sliding down to your bare legs before his eyes lift back to meet yours. “There’s been a lot on my mind today.”
“You okay?” 
He makes a move to scoot to his usual side of the mattress when you approach the bed, but pauses to look at you in confusion when you rest a gentle hand on his thigh to stop his movement. His face shows he doesn’t believe the affirmative hum you give in response to his question, especially since you’ve decided to crawl in between his legs and lay down on top of him with the side of your face resting atop his chest. You can’t say what’s on your mind while looking at him. The words won’t come out. 
His arms reflexively wrap around you, giving you that comfort you needed, making you remember he’s a safe space for you, no matter what. 
“Why is your heart beating so fast?” he asks. “You sure you’re okay?”
“Positive.” Here goes. “I’ve… I’ve just been thinking about something you said.”
The hum Donghyuck lets out to urge you to continue talking vibrates the side of your face in a soothing way. You reach behind you to grab one of his hands and slip your fingers in between his own, lightly pressing your palms together, looking at how perfectly they fit together. Without thought, Donghyuck squeezes your hand and brings it to his mouth, pressing a quick kiss on your knuckles that prevents your next words from coming out. You’re left to watch your joint hands fall beside you atop the mattress.
“Did I hurt your feelings?” He asks when you don’t keep talking. You’re not typically this affectionate unless something is bothering you or you’re drunk, so it’s no surprise that’s his initial thought. “Did I take something too far?”
This time he gets a head shake from you. “I’ve been thinking about what you said at the restaurant earlier…”
“Which part? About your ex? Should I not have brought him up?”
“About my curiosity.”
You may not know the extent of what he’s told your mutual friend, but you can guess that Donghyuck is physically attracted to you at the very least, and even if he doesn’t have romantic feelings, you’re almost positive now that there was truth behind his words from earlier. So, you’ll take what you can get.
It goes silent once again as he thinks about what you’re referring to. Once a few long moments pass, you glance up at him through your lashes, catching the unsure expression he sports. He doesn’t know how to process that, doesn’t know what your vague ass is getting at. 
Your anxiety has dragged this out too far. 
“I’m curious, Hyuck.” When it’s clear he still doesn’t fully believe your words, you sit up and leisurely shuffle your way up his legs until your knees cage his hips in and gently sit down on his lap. An inquiring brow lifts at your new position, yet his free hand slides up from your knee to the middle of your thigh like it belongs there. “You said you’ll give me what I need if I’d let you, right?”
“Right…” He trails off when you guide his hand under his shirt on you in between your legs, giving him an ample amount of time to snatch it away from you, but he doesn’t. His attention goes back and forth between your face and the hand you’re controlling until you cup his hand so he can feel how serious you are, the tips of his fingers lightly pressing against your covered entrance. Both of your breaths hitch, Donghyuck’s nostrils flare, his tongue peeking out to wet his lips, and his fingers tighten around your own. You guess he understands now. “So you want me to eat you out?” 
You nod. Just hearing him ask you so directly makes your hips involuntarily grind down. 
His tongue pokes at the inside of his cheek, putting more pressure behind his fingertips. The beginning of a smile threatens to lift the corner of his mouth at the heavy exhale you release. 
He laughs incredulously, sitting up with his grip now on both of your hips. When you’re lifted off of his lap, you internally panic for a millisecond, thinking you may have misinterpreted where this was going, but then you’re on your back and he’s in between your legs, kneeling before you. 
“And this isn’t a joke?” 
You shake your head.
He crawls back until he lies on his stomach, now at eye level with the wet spot that’s turned the seat of your panties dark. You whimper under your breath at the sight of his face peeking up from between your legs. It’s been a thought more times than you can count, but none of the short lived fantasies that you always forced out of the front of your mind come close to right now, especially the look on his face when he pulls the cotton to the side.
Your best friend groans to himself. “Knew you had a pretty pussy.”
“Please stop talking,” you say around a laugh of embarrassment, though the compliment makes you clench around nothing.
Even though Donghyuck chuckles under his breath, he doesn’t say another word like you expect him to. Instead, he presses open mouthed kisses along your inner thighs before he gives your clit a long, sweet one. His tongue laps long stripes up your slit, coating the wet muscle in your slick before the tip slowly flicks against your nub, up and down in a way that brings a whimper out your chest. He groans again, and then your panties are pulled down your legs quickly before his hands hook behind your knees and open you up for him even more, giving him the space to fully indulge himself. 
Donghyuck eats your pussy in a calculatedly messy way. With the audible moans that slip in between his loud slurps, you realize just how much he’s enjoying himself, that this for his pleasure just as much as it is for yours. Your head falls back and you moan pathetically at the realization and at how he sucks on your clit with the perfect amount of suction, unable to put energy into straining your neck anymore, so you rest against the pillows to continue watching him in awe. 
“Fuck,” you moan, threading your fingers into his hair, needing something to hold onto when a finger breaches your entrance and slowly slides in. One turns into two after a minute, slipping in easily thanks to your arousal and his saliva, his fingertips just barely kissing the sweet spot within you to have you feeling good but craving more. They pump into you at a lazy pace, your best friend’s focus leaning more towards sucking your clit into his mouth and flicking the tip of his tongue up and down the nub in a way that has you pulling his face even closer and canting your lower half up. 
Hips roll in fluid movements to ride his tongue and fingers, fingers gripping his honey colored locks tightly to not only keep him still, but to keep yourself grounded as well. You don’t want to come too soon, but your hips move on their own accord to chase the orgasm that you can already taste. 
But with one last harsh suckle on your clit, Donghyuck comes off of you, a loud smack echoing throughout his room. You let go of his hair begrudgingly, allowing him to come back up and lift your left leg up, hand still hooked under the bend of your knee as he rises up to face you again. He’s looking down at you with so much desire with the bottom half of his face glistening. The change in angle has his fingertips pushing against the spongy spot inside of you rhythmically and your jaw drops, dry pants escaping your mouth in a gradually increasing pace, face scrunched up.
“Right here?”
“Yes,” you repeat like a mantra. orgasm building up faster now, the pleasure and pressure heightening until your walls clamp down on his skilled fingers as he urges you to come for him, voice pitching before it’s just whispers and gasps of the same affirmation and his name. 
“That’s it,” Donghyuck praises, mindfully pressing the tips of his fingers against that spot a bit harder to help you ride out your climax. He wipes his mouth against the fabric covering his shoulder then kisses are pressed to your opened mouth, licks delivered to your lip that hangs low in pleasure. 
Hand gripping the wrist between your thighs, you halt his movements, but tilt your chin up to fully return his kisses, experimental pecks merging into sensual slides before your tongues are acquainted, the taste of you transferring to your mouth. You groan deeply, sucking on his tongue. 
Your free hand firmly grabs his bulge over his pants and you let out an impressed, needy moan at the discovery of how big and heavy he feels in your palm. He laughs, rolling his hips into your hand. 
“You want that, too?”
“Mhm.” Tongues circle around one another leisurely, allowing you to divide your focus on the wet kiss and tugging his pajama pants off, only getting them right under his ass before going back to his hard dick that bobs in anticipation. “Want you inside me.”
You brush your hand across his tip to gather precum then wrap your fingers around his thick cock, dragging your fist up and down. He lets you do this for a while, his breath getting heavier, the harsh breaths fanning against the wetness left on your neck in the wake of his opened-mouthed kisses. Legs wrap around his hips in an attempt to pull his lower body down flush against yours so you can guide him to your entrance and finally feel him inside of you, but your plans are put to a halt just when his tip rubs against your wet slit. 
“Wait a second.”
The complaint on the tip of your tongue is silenced by the peck Donghyuck gives your lips before he pushes himself up and off the bed. Your eyes drink up the sight of him pushing his bottoms all the way down and kicking them aside. 
You shake your head. He’s sat through your complaints about the effects of the birth control you’re on and the two of you share practically everything with one another, down to test results. You just want him back on top of you and in you with no more barriers, and the message is conveyed by the grabby hands you do, rushing him to come back to you. Chuckling at your antics, Donghyuck complies, bed dipping under his weight. Sat back on his haunches, he spreads your legs back open then pulls you down the bed closer to him, caging his hips in with your legs.
“Grab it.” Eagerly, you reach down in between both of you, licking your dry lips once you feel his weight again. You get to go through with your plan from before he got up, bringing his tip to your fluttering, awaiting hole. Your arousal coats him as you slide the head of his dick up and down your slit, unintentionally teasing yourself and him in the midst of coating him enough for an easy slip in, and he gets a bit impatient, telling you, “go ahead, put it in.”
You do as told, biting your lip at the sensation of him breaching your entrance. 
It’s hard for either of you to look away from where your bodies connect as he gently pushes his hips forward. His thrusts start shallow, only dipping in as far as his tip goes before his hips retract then repeat a few times. 
“Such a pretty, tight pussy,” your best friend praises in a hiss, gradually sinking deeper. “Wanted to feel you for so long.”
Even if you could find the words to say in the midst of pleasure, you can’t really say much because you’ve wanted him like this and more for probably even longer. It doesn’t matter, though, because here you are, underneath him, being looked at like you hung the stars yourself as the expression gets mirrored right back to him. His hands find yours and bring them above your head, fingers interlocking as he presses your joint hands into the pillow, his body leaning down to hover over you in the process. Eyes flicker over your face to find nothing but bliss written over your features.
With a fluid roll of his hips, he’s completely sheathed. You gasp as he curses under his breath, his girth stretching you out so good while your walls suck him in even more. 
“Good?” he asks, already sounding out of breath.
You nod, swallowing thickly, “Mhm.”
“Yeah?” His pace gradually builds, his attention dropping down to how your teeth dig into your bottom lip then further to your breasts that bounce in sync with his thrusts. “Talk to me. Let me know how you feel.”
“Feels good, Hyuck.” you abide easily, the flutter of your eyes and the pinch of the front of your brows only emphasizing your words. “Didn’t know you were this–mm– this big.”
“Want your eyes on me,” he tells you gently, hips slowing down a bit so it’s not as difficult for you to listen and open your eyes for him. You’re sure you could get convinced to do anything he wants when he talks to you in such a tone that makes your heart flutter and stomach knot. ”There you go. Keep those pretty eyes on me, okay?”
Another wave of arousal courses through you, keening in response. Your grip on his hands tighten gradually as Donghyuck rolls his hips harder into yours.
There’s not a single thought behind your glazed over eyes. You’re honestly not even looking at him anymore, more so spaced out because it’s hard to focus on his handsome face with the amount of pleasure he’s making your body feel. The soundtrack of the smacks of skin against skin as well as the slick noises of his dick continuously dipping in and out of you are background noise to both of your bated breaths and moans that slip out shamelessly. His tip kisses just the right places and the longer his intentional aim is accurate, the tighter the coil in your stomach gets. The wetter your cunt gets.
“Baby.” He groans at the feeling of your walls beginning to flutter around him. “I don’t think I’m gonna last long,” he admits around a laugh, the sound getting cut off by his own moan when you clench even harder. He calls you babe in passing all the time but to be called his baby? 
“Me either,” you confess with a whine. “‘m close.”
Donghyuck buries his face into your neck, hardly concealing his louder sounds of pleasure. His hips pick up pace, his body hunching over your own the closer he gets to reaching his climax. You wiggle one hand out of his grip to reach down and grab his ass, attempting to pull him into you even more. 
“Want you to come in me,” you moan in his ear. His grip on your hand tightens at your words, his thrusts getting harder. “Fill me up. Please.”
“Need you to come with me,” he manages to grunt out, sneaking his now free hand in between your bodies. A few swipes to your clit does it and the tight, rapid clamping of your walls triggers his climax, Donghyuck completely sheathing himself inside of you as your legs shake from the all-encompassing pleasure. His warm cum releases in spurts as his deep groan vibrates your chest and neck. 
It takes a while for the pair of you to catch your breaths, yet it feels like he pulls away and out of you too soon. Your hole clenches around nothing as he climbs off the bed, Donghyuck momentarily looking around the floor to find his pajama pants that he quickly slips back on.
Without a word, he’s off to his bathroom and you hear the sound of running water start and stop before he’s back in the room with a rag in hand. The cloth is warm when it makes contact with your sensitive cunt, but it’s soft and comforting as it collects his cum, the pressure behind his swipes so gentle you can’t help but look at him like a lovesick fool. 
The kiss on your forehead you receive once he’s cleaned you to his liking doesn’t help one bit. 
“Come on, gonna start the shower for you.” He holds a hand out for you to take, steadying you on your feet before leading you to his ensuite bathroom. 
The image the mirror presents to you makes your skin heat up even more than it already was. Both of your lips are red and a little puffier than usual, both half naked with skewed clothing and messy hair, looking exactly what finally crossing the line of your friendship is expected to look like. Donghyuck notices the shy expression that slowly takes over your face. 
“Hush,” you say non-threateningly. 
He laughs again, lifting his free hand in defense. “Didn’t say anything.”
You watch as he twists the knobs in his shower to get the right temperature, as he grabs a couple of towels and wash clothes out of the linen closet and sets them down on the sink. And when his back is facing you when he’s headed out of the bathroom, your heart sinks pathetically. You aren’t ready for the moment to end yet.
“Join me?” you ask, stripping out of his shirt. His eyes lock onto your chest, head absentmindedly nodding as steps out of his pants and into the shower behind you. Even with the sensitivity and pulsing between your legs and the fact that you’re showering with him for the first time ever, everything feels surreal. He just devoured you. He just came in you. He just made you come multiple times. 
Your name being called softly takes you out of your head. 
“Is that all you needed?”
You hum in question, not sure what he’s referring to.
“Did you just want to satisfy your curiosity then go back to normal?”
You pause in squeezing body wash onto your wash cloth. Yes, you knew the conversation would be had, but now’s not the time you thought it would come. 
Talking about this in the morning after a good night’s sleep would’ve been preferred.
“Not exactly.” You reply lamely after trying and failing to find the right words. “Did you want to go back to normal?”
“No.” He replies a lot more straightforwardly. 
You let out a silent breath of relief. “No?”
Hands on your waist gently turn your body so that you’re facing Donghyuck. You guess he got tired of talking to the back of your head. The water is somehow a lot hotter on your back but it’s hard to pay attention to the heat when his next words come out. 
“I want you,” your best friend confesses and it’s music to your ears. “But we can do this casual sex thing if you want.”
“I don’t want that.” You slide your hands up his chest, the water helping the slip along the way, to loosely wrap your arms around his neck, pressing your soft chest into his firm torso, fulfilling the urge to be as close to him as possible after hearing your attraction and feelings are reciprocated. “I want you, too.”
“Good,” he hums, his arms encircling your waist to pull you flush against him. “I was gonna slowly wither away if I couldn’t make you mine after tonight.”
Lip caught between your teeth, you fight the goofy smile that wants to take up half of your face at his dramatics. God, you’ve imagined this moment so many times but the reality is so different, yet you wouldn’t have it any other way. “Make me yours, huh?”
He cranes his neck down, nose brushing against yours. 
“Will you be mine?” He mirrors the huge smile that wins the battle and lights your face up, nose scrunching. “Yeah?”
“I’m yours, Hyuck.”
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first time writing for hyuck so i feel like i’m going to throw up posting this :D feel free to send feedback <3
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usermakki · 1 year
ㅤ· ₊ ⊹ · ₊ ⊹ · ᴀᴠᴀᴛᴀʀ ᴍᴇɴ + ʙᴏʏꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ ᴛʜɪɴɢꜱ ;
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ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ ; neteyam, lo’ak, tsu’tey, jake, ao’nung, rotxo x reader
ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ ; fluff so much fluff, aged-up!characters, dreamwalker!human!reader, na’vi!reader, gender neutral, dreamwalker!jake, established relationship, lowercase intended, the alternative tittle was avatar men + non-sexual dominance lol
ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ ; eyes off you by prettymuch
ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀ'ꜱ ɴᴏᴛᴇ ; this literally took me hours to write because my attention kept shifting to other things damn..
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・・・・・・ ɴᴇᴛᴇʏᴀᴍ
﹒ɞ  answers questions meant for you neteyam is frighteningly attentive to your state of mind, any and all telling signs and gestures are swiftly picked up by your boyfriend. the moment he notices your brief hesitation when faced with a question or some probing from a fellow clan member, be it because you're in a cranky mood or scared, he's quick to step up and answer on your behalf. as long as you're comfortable, he doesn't mind being the mediator in the relationship.
﹒ɞ  hunts and prepares your meal as a mate, neteyam is a provider through and through. you'll never be short on anything, not if he can do something about it. "do you want mushroom steak or roasted sturmbeest ? oh, beanpod potato ? noted, i'll be quick then." neteyam prides himself on his unmatched hunting prowess, and he relishes in your praise and beaming face every time he enters your home with his catch in hands. your mate always takes your cravings and wants into account, and he takes great pleasure in preparing your meal, all the while you cuddle yourself to his side in anticipation.
﹒ɞ  enforces your boundaries he's always ready to ensure that no one takes advantage of your kindness. neteyam understands, how hard it is to deny a request, and he gets how mentally and physically taxing being everyone's go-to person is, honestly. he doesn't want you running around, losing sleep, and spreading yourself thin over someone else's business. "we'd appreciate it if you could do this on your own." even if, in order to do that, he needs to use a little force. you can rest assured that neteyam will always have your back.
・・・・・・ ʟᴏ'ᴀᴋ
﹒ɞ  makes way for you by drawing back the flap of a tent open as he stands to the side, holding onto your hand behind his back as he shoulders his way through the people, ushering you over to sit alongside him during meals. your home is right by him and he wants you there always, so he makes space for you wherever he is. lo’ak loves spending all of his available time with the one he loves most, and as long as he's around, you will always have a place in the world.
﹒ɞ  defends your reputation lo'ak's troublemaker abilities are well known within the clan since he was a small kid, and while he's been discouraged from those practices since getting with you, that doesn't mean he won't resort to some quarrel or ruthless prank to get back at someone who dares to bad-mouth, belittle or disrespect you. you've had to patch up your boyfriend a handful of times because of that, and despite being apprehensive of the consequences that await him, you fall deeper in love with him each time. "stop it! that's so cheesy. i'm not your silent protector, ew."
﹒ɞ  interrupts people who interrupt you if there's one thing Lo'ak hates more than being talked over, is when people talk over you. the sight of your beautiful features twisting into a frown is like a punch to the stomach. he doesn't care whom it is you're talking to either; your friends, his siblings, your siblings, a tutor, or an experienced warrior, the least he expects is for them to respect you. and he's relentless about it too, not backing down until you finish your sentence. “they weren’t done speaking."
・・・・・・ ᴛꜱᴜ’ᴛᴇʏ
﹒ɞ  escorts your rides it has become customary for the people to see tsu'tey accompanying you high and low–through the communal spaces and deep into the forest. his commanding hands constraining your pa'li as you struggle to conduct it, occasionally galloping behind you with his strong arms secured tightly around your waist to keep you from falling over. and he is even more fretful during your flights, hovering with his banshee close to yours, calling out directions. tsu’tey was chosen by the olo'eyktan himself to educate you in their ways, to teach your untrained eyes to see–and he’s nothing if not a proficient and devoted teacher. he's always ready to catch you.
﹒ɞ  weaves your garments it really surprised you at first, catching sight of tsu'tey weaving a loincloth with his battle–hardened hands. craft-making is a proficiency for every na'vi, they are taught and encouraged to practice it from a young age, seeing that they do not partake in selling or buying their clothing and utilities from others. since you were not born into those traditions, tsu'tey gladly takes it into his own hands to weave and gift you pretty, colorful, and fitting loincloths, tops, and other items to adorn your avatar body. "is it to your liking ?" he puffs out his chest in pride as you voice your approval, and he also grunts on all the occasions you mention picking up on weaving for yourself. 
﹒ɞ  dresses you in your battle attire tsu'tey has always been gentle with you, and it's no different whenever he assists you in dressing and painting yourself for war and raids against the RDA. And you love it, the glide of his cold fingers against your warm skin, the grip on your shoulder as he adjusts the strapped sheath of your knife across your chest, the sight of him on his knees before you as he fastens your leg band. but in special, you love experiencing how much of an endearing person tsu'tey can be, for you only. "here, let me put it on you. turn around." 
・・・・・・ ᴊᴀᴋᴇ
﹒ɞ  lights your cigarettes you have a frustrating habit of losing all of the lighters you've brought along to–more like snuck into–pandora. they're never inside your pockets, on your baggage, or in your wardrobe and shelf when you ransack them for it. after noticing that, jake started keeping a spare lighter and matches inside the pockets of his pants and backpack for whenever you need them. he beckons you closer, with a flame already lit, "i got you, sweetheart." and when you lean down, cigarette in between lips, he never misses the kiss placed on your chin. 
﹒ɞ  talks you out of trouble unconventionally, you and jake have always shared an attitude. your fuse, however, is much shorter than his. so he has to resort to pulling you into a corner and sweet talking you into not doing some dangerous stuff he would clearly do if given the chance. "yeah, but this isn't about me. i'm trying to stop you from getting killed." it might be more stress than he signed up for, but jake definitely wouldn't trade you for the world. and in his defense, he manages to hold your trigger finger alright, for the most part. those other times, he joins you in whatever it is you plan on doing. 
﹒ɞ  pulls on pitcher leaves for you to drink from after so many years, your boyfriend has developed a deep knowledge and connection with pandora. and so, jake readily teaches you what he's learned from the omatikayan people–half to impress you, and half because he doesn't want you going through what he did on his first day on the field. one of his favorite past times is to take you on an expedition to the forest, where he tugs on the leaf of a pitcher plant for you to drink rainwater from. and you have half a mind to remind him that you've done this enough times to know how it goes, but you simply comply and let him do as he pleases. and you also don't comment on how he sneakily shakes the leaf to get your white shirt wet.
・・・・・・ ᴀᴏ'ɴᴜɴɢ
﹒ɞ  looks after you ao'nung has always been a distant individual, and you were aware of that when you accepted his courting. but it pleasantly surprised you when, early into your relationship, he started to treat you more mindfully. "careful with your head, yawntu." he watches your blind spots during hunts, carries any heavy items you have to transport, accompanies you when out and about, keeps a hand on your back and arm at all times, and he doesn't eat before making sure you did. ao'nung's behavior is strikingly clear, especially in contrast to how detached he is from everyone else. and these gestures are all unconscious; to him, looking out for you is instinctual.
﹒ɞ  maintains your weaponry from the moment you and ao'nung became an item, he took it upon himself to cater to your well-being and safety, and he does that by also maintaining your knife and spear. after every hunt or occasion, he gently takes your weapons from your hands or sheath, and sharpens the blade and repairs its handle. the last thing ao'nung wants is for your blade to fail you in a moment of need. despite coming with and leading any hunt you're present in, for his peace of mind, he makes sure to preserve your weapons' integrity for the unavoidable moment he might not be there to protect you.
﹒ɞ  carries you around ao'nung proudly admits to spoiling you rotten, it is a clear sign of how good a mate he is to you. and at first, he never realized to what extent, until one night while returning to your dwelling, you leaned your body against his and tiredly demanded that he carry you inside. it was dark and only the two of you, so he complied. "but the marui is only a few feet away... fine, hop on." but now, despite grumbling a little, he always carries you on his back or arms to and from wherever place you want to go, to the entirety of the clan's bewilderment. but you don't overuse your power over him, so as not to embarrass him too much in front of his friends.
・・・・・・ ʀᴏᴛxᴏ
﹒ɞ  collects trinkets for you garments in rotxo's most humble opinion, you are unarguably the prettiest person in the whole clan. he knows how much you love to adorn pretty armbands, necklaces, and headpieces–it only adds to your charms. and so, as the dutiful boyfriend he is to you, he carefully scouts the surface of the sea bed in search of the prettiest and most iridescent shells, rocks, and crystals to weave into your garments. "i made you a new headpiece, yawntutsyìp. did you like it ?" whenever and wherever he is, rotxo makes sure to keep an eye out for flowers, beads, leaves, bones, talons, and teeth to add to the impressive collection of garments he has woven for you. seeing you walk around all dolled up, showing off his creations, is a sure way to make him all sheepish. 
﹒ɞ  fixes your appearance the most distinct trait of rotxo's love is, undoubtedly, his heedfulness toward you. he's always gazing, watching, looking out for you, and whenever he notices something out of place he's quick to fix it. he brushes your hair back into place, fastens your loosening armband, reaches over someone else to pull a leave from your hair, adjusts the belt of your loincloth, he's doing whatever it takes to tidy you up. and honestly, you love the gesture and he aims to keep you content.
﹒ɞ  always at your beck and call he could be sleeping, at the bottom of the ocean, elbow deep into some important work; before you can even think about asking him to do something for you or with you, rotxo's already on his way to ask you if you need him. whatever it is, he's always down, no questions asked. "of course, i can! we can do this right now." sometimes your requests might be answered with a pout, a grimace, and even a few seconds of hesitation, but he'll still do the thing for you, even if to make sure you won't get yourself killed. besides, spending more time with his adorable mate is never a bad thing in rotxo's book.
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lovehina© 2023 All rights reserved. Do not repost, reupload, translate, modify or claim my work as your own.
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kaciebello · 2 months
Badger express ★
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Summary: The reader has one-on-one time with the boys, some feel about her stronger than others paring: Slytherin boy x Hufflepuff reader ( fem ) genre: fluff, crack status: finished author's note: Sequel to the delivery express. it is meant to be boys one-on-one with the reader. No group setting and you can also read them however you want. Read them all or just one, and most importantly, have fun! masterlist
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Dangerous mail │Mattheo Riddle ★
Summary: Mattheo needs to use the Badger post to send threats. There is only one person who can help him. Song: Babydoll - Dominic Fike
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Not even the addressee │Theodore Nott ★
Summary: When Theodore's name gets misspelled he's not happy about it. Song: Up to You - PRETTYMUCH, NCT Dream
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This could have not been an email │Draco Malfoy ★
Summary: Draco is a pure-blood activist, no way he will be seen with a muddle device. Song: Given-Taken - ENHYPEN
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Pigeon ball invitation │Blaise Zabini ★
Summary: Teaching Hufflepuff how to dance was not on Blasies to-do list Song: Box - NCT Dream
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No need for mail│Lorenzo Berkshire ★
Summary: While doing a school project, Lorenzo tries his luck. With the help of the wind and the sun, he falls harder and harder. Song: Married In Vegas - The Vamps
Found this first? Check out the prequel series! Delivery Express ✿
Tag list:
@daisiesformylove , @klimovatereza-blog , @lafrone ,@enfppuff , @rafegfs , @frogtape , @lovelyygirl8 , @catiwinky, @anyam444 , @leeleecats , @ghostgardn , @reverse-soe , @ultramarinetovelvet , @iwishigotswallowed , @jazz-berry , @justatadbonkers , @partnerincrime0 , @schaebickel , @bunnyhopsstuff , @deluluassapocalypse
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3vergr3en · 1 year
First kiss with Ethan Landry
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Pairing: NonGF!EthanLandry x Fem!Reader
Genre: Overall fluff, a little suggestive towards the end.
A/N: I hope you like this!! I’m considering if I should make this a smut? Lemme know in the comments! 🤭
You and Ethan were currently situated on your dorm’s couch, watching a newly slasher film that came out merely days ago for this weekend’s sleepover. This weekly tradition started a while back in the beginning of the school year when the two of you gave up studying for your guy’s shared class, economics and instead, decided to watch a horror film, Stab 1 to be exact. Who wouldn’t? It’s a classic. It now nears the end of your guy’s freshman year of college, and the both of you are excited to spend the summer together as well with your friends.
“Okay, now that was stupid of her.” You state, pointing ahead at your tv screen. Ethan stifles a chuckle and instead smile as he turn his head over to the side to watch you as you began to rant about common sense in horror films. “If you’re being chased by a killer, and you hear noise coming from somewhere, don’t go all scooby-doo or some shit and investigate! Bitch, get the fuck outta there!” You exclaim as you raise your arms up in disbelief, accidentally smacking Ethan’s forehead in the process. Gasping, you look at him with a shocked expression, your jaw falling open as your eyes widens twice its size. You hear him grunt, his eyes screwing shut as his hand goes to hold his head.
“I’m so sorry!” You repeat numerously like a mantra as you carefully rub his forehead. You press your lips together in an attempt to hold back your laughter. But when Ethan shoots you a certain look, the both of you burst out laughing, leaning against each other for support.
“I-It’s okay, really.” Ethan chuckles, reassuring you with a gentle hold around your wrist, bringing it down to rest on his chest.
Once you guys eventually regained your composure, you push back his fluffy, brown curls away from his forehead, “Are you sure you’re okay?” You hum, trying to examine his forehead in search for any visible bruises or marks, but you couldn’t when Ethan looks away.
And you don’t know if it was your eyes deceiving you or your mind playing tricks, but you could’ve swore that you saw his cheeks blush a light shade of red.
“I didn’t hit you that hard, did I?” You reach your hands up to cup Ethan’s cheeks and try to turn his head, but he wouldn’t budge.
“Ethan, I can’t see if you won’t look at me.” You sigh, fully turning your body around to face Ethan properly. But that still didn’t stop the young man in front of you as he continues to look away.
“Jesus, Eth, why do you have to be so stubborn?” You shuffle yourself onto Ethan’s lap, knees planted on each side of his hips as you finally succeed in making Ethan face you again. “Ethan! I need to see if you’re okay.”
He looks up at you with a flustered look, his curls softly bouncing when you finally stop jerking his head around. Your firm hold on him softens, and instead goes to rest on his broad shoulders. Everything around you suddenly goes quiet, even drowning out the movie playing in the background.
“You- uh- look okay.” You manage to whisper out, it’s very faint but audible for the male under you to hear. “Yeah?” He questions, his eyebrows slightly raising upwards, completing his dazed look. His heart thumps loudly in his chest and he hopes you can’t hear it, but you were too busy hearing your own heart hammering powerfully in your ears. “Yeah.” You nod, feeling you lose yourself in a sort of trance. A trance that gets you weak in the knees. And that was granted by the person who makes you feel all fuzzy inside.
His eyes swiftly glances down to your lips before linking back to your gaze once again. “I really, really want to kiss you right now.” He utters out, his hands finding a place on your waist. Your skin burns with anticipation for every faint touch of his fingertips. “Can I kiss you?” He asks gently but his grip pulling you flush against his body was anything but gentle, causing you to gasp against his soft, pink lips. Those lips that you dreamt of kissing. The lips that was asking to kiss you.
You lean in eagerly, connecting your lips with his as your response. You feel him relax against your body but his hands stayed firm holding your waist. You go to cup one of his cheeks, your thumb caressing the soft, hot skin. You guys pull your lips away from each other only to rest your forehead’s against each other. Ethan gives you a light-hearted smile, making your heart ache at the sight. You pull away to leave a reasonable amount of space between the two of you. “Was that okay?” You hear him ask as he gazes into your eyes with a look of validation. You let out a small, faint giggle as you nod. Ethan chuckles as he fixes his posture, “Good, because I want to kiss you again.”
With one of his hands, he goes to cup the side of your jaw and neck as he pulls you into another kiss. Your guy’s lips moves together in perfect sync, your heads swaying from side to side as you both push against each other. Your hand traveled up Ethan’s nape and into his brown curls, while the other was pressed flat against his chest, not to push him away, but just to make sure you have a grip on reality and not slip away into this euphoric moment. (but it might be a little too late)
“I— mhf, I like you so much, Eth.” You manage to get out in between kisses. As much as it would be easier to just pull away and confess, you just couldn’t get enough of his lips. Kissing him was your addiction, you couldn’t get enough of it. You gasp into his mouth when his fingers slip under your shirt, grazing your warm skin. “I like— fuck, you too, so much.” He replies back just as breathless as you.
His kisses begins to turn a bit more fervent, as well as his touch. His hand on your waist tracks down to your thigh. He squeezes the soft flesh, earning a soft, nearly inaudible whimper from you when you slightly pull away to breathe. He reciprocates the action as well, granting you both the time to catch your breathe. “Woah..” He pants, swallowing. “I’ve been wanting to do that for so long.” He smiles, “Can we do that again?”
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kasdan · 7 months
sure would be so totes a shame if someone were to write a fanfic based off of phases by prettymuch for mr. pretty boy silver *twirls hair and kicks feet*😍😍😍
ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ
phases - prettymuch
0:24 ─●──────── -3:11
↻ ◁ || ▷ ↺
pairing: silver x gn!reader
warnings: heart clenching fluff, slight angst, shitty ex’s
word count: 0.4k
masterlist | request a song fic ♡
am writing all twst and any gaming content on my side blog @slight-gaming-addict feel free to check it out<3
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It’s the fourth night this week you found yourself in the confines of the Mostro Lounge. You didn’t plan on going that night, but you needed to blow off some steam after a particular run in with your ex. You spent your time desperately trying to forget and get over them, but you find it hard to do when they keep popping up wherever you go.
That week had been the hardest for your mental health, hitting you like a tidal wave out of nowhere. You’ve been trying hard to work on yourself after everything you’ve been through, and you’re trying your best, but it’s hard.
The one person who helped you through it all was Silver. He’s the one who made you see the light at the end of the tunnel again, the one to dig you out of the hole you found yourself in.
Every time you called him, he was at the end of the line. It didn’t matter what time it was, he always had the time to answer your call when you needed him.
That’s why it hurt him to see you in the dark mindset you found yourself in for that week. He watched as you slowly went down deeper into the depths of your mind and he wanted to reach out to help or do something, but he knew this was your coping process and he had to be patient with you. He wouldn’t want to push you too far past the limits you set for yourself and make things worse, so he was okay with just watching from afar.
The next week, you’re back to trying to be your best self, confidence shining through, and Silver couldn’t find himself happier in the moment. You spent the time together like you have before, and you found yourself falling hard for him. That thought process scared you from all the shit you’ve been in, and you were close to pushing him away, but he was just so sweet and attentive you couldn’t bring yourself to do it.
You both grow closer in the coming weeks and the first time you kiss he’s buzzing in excitement and can’t help but pull you closer, not wanting to let you out of his grasp. You found yourself melting into his touch, the insecurities and doubts you were previously feeling left your mind completely, and all you could focus on was him in that moment.
When his hand find his place on your thigh, he realizes in that moment that you were destined to be his, and he had no intentions of ever letting you go.
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buy me a coffee ♡
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pantoneyoongi · 2 years
neon signs [masterlist] | myg
title ; neon signs [ drabble series ]  pairing ; campus crush!yoongi x campus crush!you 
description ;
namjoon doesn’t think it can get any clearer outside of yoongi building a giant neon sign saying i have the absolute biggest crush on you but apparently, book smarts don’t exactly translate when it comes to you and your massive crush on min yoongi.
(alternatively: namjoon and hoseok try for three years straight to get you and yoongi together.)
tags ; college!au, fluff, idiots to lovers, they’re both kinda shy and also stupid dense and therefore terribly cute, both of them know the other is the university’s campus crush but neither of them know they themselves are campus crushes, best friend!namjoon, yoongi’s best friend!hoseok, namjoon and hoseok are the most patient and exasperated besties in the world
tracklist ; happening again - katherine li, something - gnash, first love - exo, dimple - bts, healthy - prettymuch
notes ; 
um so i absolutely had an angstier fic planned for yoongi but then i thought of this and well. i couldn’t resist 
this will probably be another drabble series where i release it out of order but the masterlist will be in order :) i don’t have a schedule planned but i hope y’all enjoy !! 
blog tag ; series: nsyg
freshman year
↠ it’s a small world after all  alternatively, the first time you and yoongi meet 
↠ we are not cut out for this  alternatively, the origins of campus crush 
↠ you do this for fun?  alternatively, yoongi catches feelings (real)
↠ hoodie to marriage to children pipeline  alternatively, namjoon gets sick of lending you his sweaters
↠ interlude: do you know something?  alternatively, namjoon and hoseok try to pry a (not-so) secret out of each other 
↠ nice gloves  alternatively, yoongi decides winter isn’t that bad 
↠ just a really nice friend  alternatively, namjoon knows you better than you know yourself 
↠ jealousy is a disease  alternatively, yoongi meets seokjin 
↠ let’s talk about it  alternatively, yoongi considers sending hoseok to an early grave 
sophomore year
↠ not this again  alternatively, you definitely still have a crush on min yoongi 
↠ interlude: welcome to the family alternatively, hoseok adopts taehyung
↠ absolutely, without a doubt, no -- coming soon! alternatively, yoongi turns someone down in front of you
↠ i thought you were telling taehyung -- coming soon! alternatively, namjoon and hoseok forgot to tell taehyung The Plan 
↠ who do you think you’ve been fooling? -- coming soon! alternatively, you’re beyond the point of denying your feelings 
↠ those are called dates  alternatively, you and yoongi have weekly dates (fake) 
↠ troy bolton has nothing on yoongi  alternatively, yoongi tries to impress you (and succeeds)
↠ whenever you need me  alternatively, you have a bad day 
↠ coming soon!
junior year
↠ halloweentown is a top tier movie -- coming soon! alternatively, hoseok is not allowed to plan halloween anymore 
↠ chocolates are not a friend gift -- coming soon! 
↠ almost -- coming soon! alternatively, that one time yoongi almost kisses you 
↠ coming soon!
senior year 
↠ coming soon!
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jflemings · 3 months
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i write one shots based off of my favourite songs 🌷
there is no schedule for these one shots which mean i will write and post them as i please because they don’t necessarily take priority over my other ones <3
☆ angst ✿ fluff ❥ nsfw
♫ RUN (by taylor swift). . . kyra cooney-cross ✿
♫ SAFETY PIN (by 5 seconds of summer) . . . kyra cooney-cross ☆ ✿
♫ THE ONLY EXCEPTION (by paramore) . . . kyra cooney-cross ✿
♫ GOSSIP (by sleeping with sirens) . . . jessie fleming ☆ ✿
♫ IRIS (by the goo goo dolls) . . . jessie fleming ☆ ✿
♫ DIE FOR (by maggie lindemann) . . . jessie fleming ✿
♫ SHE KNOWS IT (by maggie lindemann) . . . alessia russo ☆
♫ YOU COULD START A CULT (by niall horan) . . . alessia russo ✿
♫ YARD SALE (by alex warren) . . . alessia russo ☆
♫ PHASES (by prettymuch) . . . niamh charles ☆ ❥
♫ ONE SHOT (by prettymuch) … niamh charles / phases p2 ☆ ✿
♫ RUN FOR THE HILLS (by tate mcrae) . . . niamh charles ☆ ❥
♫ INTO YOUR ARMS (by the maine) . . . leah williamson ☆
♫ GARDEN (by meet me @ the altar) . . . steph catley ☆ ✿
♫ ALL OF THE GIRLS YOU LOVED BEFORE (by taylor swift) . . . grace clinton ✿
♫ LOVER OF MINE (by 5 seconds of summer) . . . katie mccabe ☆ ✿
♫ STILL INTO YOU (by paramore) . . . sam kerr ✿
♫ LOOK AT US NOW (by daisy jones & the six) . . . hayley raso ☆
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slight-gaming-addict · 5 months
angst ~ 🥀 | fluff ~ 🌹 | smut ~ 🌸 | gn!reader ~ 🌻 my favorites ~ ✨ | trigger warning ~ ⚠️
𝑻̰𝒘̰𝒊̰𝒔̰𝒕̰𝒆̰𝒅̰ 𝑾̰𝒐̰𝒏̰𝒅̰𝒆̰𝒓̰𝒍̰𝒂̰𝒏̰𝒅̰
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housewardens at a halloween party 🎃🌹🌻
jealousy, jealousy II 🌻
↳ jealousy headcanons on how jealous the characters are
just dance! 🌻
↳ how the characters play 'just dance'
one shots:
⚠️ ocean eyes 🥀🌹🌻 {coming soon}
↳ characters catching you in the middle of self harm
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spotify playlist
housewardens at a halloween party 🎃🌹🌻
jealousy, jealousy 🌻
↳ jealousy headcanons on how jealous the characters are
dreamers paradise 🌹🌻
↳ characters reactions to you falling asleep on them
just dance! 🌻
↳ how the characters play 'just dance'
one shots:
⚠️ battle scars 🥀🌹🌻
↳ characters reactions to seeing you with self harm scars
song fics:
✨ heather - conan gray 🥀🌹🌻
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spotify playlist
happy birthday, prefect! 🌹🌻
↳ imagines based on birthday voicelines from characters
housewardens at a halloween party 🎃🌹🌻
jealousy, jealousy 🌻
↳ jealousy headcanons on how jealous the characters are
dreamers paradise 🌹🌻
↳ characters reactions to you falling asleep on them
just dance! 🌻
↳ how the characters play 'just dance'
one shots:
⚠️ battle scars 🥀🌹🌻
↳ characters reactions to seeing you with self harm scars
sleepness nights 🥀🌹🌻
↳ how characters react to seeing you not take care of yourself
✨ celebrating azul's birthday 🌹🌻
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spotify playlist
housewardens at a halloween party 🎃🌹🌻
jealousy, jealousy II 🌻
↳ jealousy headcanons on how jealous the characters are
just dance! 🌻
↳ how the characters play 'just dance'
one shots:
sleepness nights 🥀🌹🌻
↳ how characters react to seeing you not take care of yourself
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spotify playlist
✨ vil x reader 🌸
↳ you ask vil to paint your nails and he takes time out of his very busy day to do so
housewardens at a halloween party 🎃🌹🌻
jealousy, jealousy 🌻
↳ jealousy headcanons on how jealous the characters are
just dance! 🌻
↳ how the characters play 'just dance'
one shots:
⚠️ battle scars 🥀🌹🌻
↳ characters reactions to seeing you with self harm scars
⚠️ ocean eyes 🥀🌹🌻 {coming soon}
↳ characters catching you in the middle of self harm
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spotify playlist
happy birthday, prefect! 🌹🌻
↳ imagines based on birthday voicelines from characters
housewardens at a halloween party 🎃🌹🌻
jealousy, jealousy II 🌻
↳ jealousy headcanons on how jealous the characters are
just dance! 🌻
↳ how the characters play 'just dance'
one shots:
sleepness nights 🥀🌹🌻
↳ how characters react to seeing you not take care of yourself
⚠️ ocean eyes 🥀🌹🌻 {coming soon}
↳ characters catching you in the middle of self harm
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spotify playlist
happy birthday, prefect! 🌹🌻
↳ imagines based on birthday voicelines from characters
housewardens at a halloween party 🎃🌹🌻
jealousy, jealousy 🌻
↳ jealousy headcanons on how jealous the characters are
dreamers paradise 🌹🌻
↳ characters reactions to you falling asleep on them
just dance! 🌻
↳ how the characters play 'just dance'
one shots:
⚠️ battle scars 🥀🌹🌻
↳ characters reactions to seeing you with self harm scars
sleepness nights 🥀🌹🌻
↳ how characters react to seeing you not take care of yourself
˚ ༘✶ ⋆。˚ ⁀➷
song fics:
silver x reader {phases - prettymuch} 🥀🌹🌻
jamil x reader {505 - arctic monkeys} 🥀🌻
silver x reader {swim - chase atlantic} 🌸🌻
⚠️ deuce x reader {habits (stay high) - tove lo} 🥀🌻
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leejenowrld · 4 months
ghostin’ na jaem, teaser 1
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comment to be added to the tag list
synopsis after being brutally dumped by your ex hyunjin, you’re living a broken life, lost in the consumption of getting high and heartbreak. then you meet na jaemin, a one-night stand transforms into a bond. he becomes the catalyst for your healing. but can you genuinely break free from the attachment to your toxic ex? between newfound connection and lingering attachments, will you move on or hold on?
genre big angst, fluff
teaser word count 1.2k
current word count for part 1 - 12k
author note the first of three sneak peaks and teasers for my new three part series, ghostin’ want more information about the series? read the masterlist here. thank you for your patience, this is something to look forward to whilst i finish off the first part :)
author note this series takes major inspiration from the ariana grande song ‘ghostin’ and also the prettymuch song ‘phases’ please listen to both while reading this, you can by clicking on the links above. the teaser below is teaser scenes from the series which are inspired from lyrics of each song :)
“i realised you are destined and meant to be mine”
“till fate brings you home, I’ll wait through your phases”
“even though you ain’t mine it’s the fact that i’m yours”
Arguing with Jaemin had become the worst thing in the world. In the midst of the heated exchange, Jaemin stands before you with a demeanour untouched by the storm around. His expression, as steady as ever, portrays an unwavering calm. As your emotions spill over, he absorbs the turmoil with the patience of someone who understands your vulnerability and the fragility. He knows you well, he knows how he should react.
While you unleash a torrent of words, Jaemin remains silent, a stoic figure in the face of emotional chaos. His stillness is a counterpoint to your passionate outburst. Tears stream down your face, and the intensity of the moment becomes palpable. You're caught in the whirlwind of emotions, uncertain of the origin of these words and unsure if regret will follow.
You yell and yell until your voice stops. "We're only fucking, this is only sex. You're not my boyfriend, and I never, ever said that this was more. I never gave you the fucking impression, so you are not allowed to stand there and tell me that — you are not — for fuck sake, Jaemin! I am not yours!!!!!"
The room absorbs the weight of your words, each syllable hanging in the air. Your outburst lays bare the complexities of your connection, an unspoken tension finally breaking free. Jaemin, still and silent, absorbs the storm, his expression a canvas of unreadable emotions.
"Stop trying to push me away because I'm not going anywhere. I'm not. You may not be mine, but I'm always gonna be yours."
Finally breaking his silence, Jaemin's words resonate with a softness that mirrors his calm demeanour and is a contrast to your outburst. His tone remains a gentle stream, never rising in volume. His consistent kindness, a pillar of your relationship, manifests in this moment, leaving you pondering what you've done to deserve such understanding.
"And what the fuck do you mean you're not mine? You're my girl. You're mine. You have been mine, and you're always going to be mine. I don't know if you're in denial or if you're just being delusional, but you know it. We're each other's; we belong together. So stop trying to fucking push me away. The more you push me away, the more I'm gonna need you.”
His words, delivered with unwavering calmness, echo through the room, emphasizing not just his assertion of your connection but also the depth of his patience and understanding. The room echoes with your cries until your voice fades into an uneasy silence.
Finally breaking, you melt into his arms, your grip tight as if afraid he might slip away. He holds you even closer. His lips brush against your forehead in a sweet and tender kiss, a gesture that echoes the gentleness of his soul. The way he cradles you, patient and understanding, contrasts the storm within you.
His chest offers a soft and broad expanse that feels like a safe haven. The rhythmic rise and fall of his breathing beneath your touch becomes a soothing lullaby, grounding you in the present moment. His arms, strong and reassuring, encircle you in a protective hold. The gentle pressure of his grip is a silent promise that he won't let go, that he'll weather the storm with you.
“you’ve been so understanding, you’ve been so good, and i’m putting you through more than one ever should”
Tears well up, distorting your vision into a blurry haze. The world around you dissolves into indistinct shapes and dark color as the weight of self-loathing and disappointment descends upon you. In this moment, you can't escape the haunting realisation that you've inflicted this pain upon yourself.
You're too out of it to even notice what's going on around you—scared and worried looks from all your friends circling around, creating a protective barrier. The air is tense with arguing and back-and-forth discussions as it's happened again; you've relapsed.
Amidst the chaos, Jaemin is the one you focus on, your eyes are always on him. Though you can't hear what he's saying, the determination in his eyes speaks volumes. He defends you and fights for you in a way no one ever has, a way you're not accustomed to. Jaemin knows what's best for you; he understands you more than anyone else ever could. Having seen you in your most vulnerable and broken state, he remains the only one who doesn't look at you with disappointment, even you look at yourself with such self loathing.
Jaemin's unconditional support shines as a testament to his understanding and kindness, a stark contrast to the judgement you feel, even from yourself. His role is clear—to be the anchor in the storm, standing by your side with a love that sees past the brokenness, reminding you that you are more than your struggles.
Kneeling down, Jaemin locks eyes with you, holding your hands firmly in his. In this moment, it's just you and him. Suddenly, you're transported to a safer place where the stares from all around dissipate. His soft smile reassures you as he gently takes away the bottle in your hand, screwing it shut and tossing it aside. He replaces it with his own bottle, opening your mouth with his gentle fingertips and feeding you water with unwavering attention.
Amidst the tearful haze, you can't break away from his gentle gaze. Surprisingly, there's no anger, only a calm and collected demeanour. You’re not used to someone looking at you like this. Tears stream down your face, and you feel guilt, but he remains unfazed. His voice is calm yet firm as he assures you, "You did nothing wrong?”
Shaking your head frantically, he’s not right, you fucked up again, like always. However you're met with his continued calmness. "Baby, you did nothing wrong. You made a mistake. So what? You can learn from it. I'm always here for you; I'm not going anywhere. I'll hold your hand through every second of this."
In that tender moment, Jaemin's gentle voice becomes a soothing melody, instructing you to take slow, deep breaths. His hand rests softly on your back, the rhythmic rise and fall a reassuring cadence. With each inhale, he encourages you to let go of the tension, and with every exhale, the weight of the world seems to lift.
His words are a lifeline, grounding you in the present, steering your focus away from the turmoil within. Jaemin's fingers provide a subtle rhythm, a tactile reminder that you are not alone in this struggle. As you follow his lead, the air transforms into a calming force, diluting the anxiety that had gripped you.
“i’m hating myself because you don’t want to admit that it hurts you”
“i know that it breaks your heart when i cry again, instead of ghosting him”
Your face reveals it all – guilt and sadness etched into every expression. A simple look into your eyes is enough for him to understand, and you know that he knows. He's dressed up and you’re not sure why, he hides something behind his back, leaving you curious about what he had planned. He asks, soft spoken. "You went back to him, didn't you?"
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comment to be added to tag list for the upcoming fic and future teasers
taglist - @sexygrass @tywritesstuff @666-aiko @leep0ems @kyuuniversee @daegalfangirl @side-effects @kgneptun @thecaffeinatedfangirl
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l2vedive · 2 years
enhypen ot7 x reader , headcanons , literally just a song dump , fluff and romance for the soul <3 , full playlist is here
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ᝰ eyes off you by prettymuch
ᝰ "i never thought someone would make me feel so high but here you are."
ᝰ summertime in paris by jaden, willow
ᝰ "summertime is meant to fall in love; i wrote you a poem for your surprise, it's right by your side."
ᝰ i don't wanna be okay without you by charlie burg
ᝰ "...your love casts its shadow on the things i do, and i can hear so clearly all the words i wish i said. you're stuck in my head."
ᝰ you're all i want by cigarettes after sex
ᝰ "there is no other love, it's only yours. you're all i want, all i love."
... KIM SUNOO 𓆩♡𓆪
ᝰ those eyes by new west
ᝰ "cause all of the small things that you do are what remind me why i fell for you."
ᝰ invisible string by taylor swift
ᝰ "and isn't it just so pretty to think, all along there was some invisible string tying you to me?"
ᝰ the louvre by lorde
ᝰ "our thing progresses, i call and you come through. blow all my friendships, to sit in hell with you. but we're the greatest, they'll hang us in the louvre. down the back but, who cares—still the louvre."
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© l2vedive on tumblr
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suncloudes · 2 years
Brother’s Bestfriend — Nishimura Riki
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PAIRING ! Nishimura Riki x fem!reader
GENRE ! fluff, angst, college life
WC ! 0.8K
warnings ! none
A/N this story will hits better if you listen to Eyes Off You by PRETTYMUCH while reading it!!
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He was standing on your doorstep at the first time you saw him. A 6'1 feet pale-skinned guy with long blond hair that was wearing a white t-shirt wrapped in an unbuttoned beige shirt greeted you with a bright smile, then walked past you into your brother’s room.
Honestly, there was nothing special about the random guy named Riki —or rather you called it your brother’s bestfriend— that come to see your brother in your house. You could swear, you thought it was none of your business right at the moment you saw him. You have friends, and so your brother. That’s why it must have nothing to do with you and Riki, said your brain cells.
But as time goes by, you and Riki often met in unexpected places. You turned out to join the same club at your university, you’re in the same major, and you both even took the same class. You’re sure, before you saw him on your doorstep you must have met at any corner of your university, considering the same activities you had.
But the question is, how could you just realize his existence after he was standing on your doorstep? You feel like you’ve never met him before.
Yeah, you feel.
You sighed, then shook your head to signal your brain cells to stop thinking about that —
Speak of the devil! Why’s he always around you all over the place these days? — no, seems like he’s tailing you when he got bored and has nothing to do.
you turned toward the door direction. There’s him standing on the doorstep with his beloved beige bag slung over his shoulder and a varsity jacket slung over his arm.
again, mentioned of a doorstep.
You were thinking about him being on your doorstep a few minutes ago and here he is, standing on this room doorstep like déjà vu.
“Do you have any idea how many rooms I’ve peeked to find you?” he walked over and sat down on a chair next to you.
“No.” you returned your attention to your phone, continued scrolling endlessly on Twitter as if you gave him a signal that You’re not interested to hear what he’s going to say. Despite the fact, you were hiding your nervousness because it wasn’t even a minute after you stopped thinking about him, he suddenly appeared!
“Five!!” his yelps made you look at him — with a look of disbelief on your face — for a moment. You knew it would be around 3 to 5 but his reaction is always too much like he just peeked into a dozen rooms in this building.
“Ugh, you’re so dramatic.”
“Whatever, I’m tired.” he rested his head on the desk and faced you—which made you try to breathe deeply as your heart started beating faster than usual at the thought of his pretty features face staring at you.
You ignored him for minutes to calm your self down, pulled down your phone notification bar and pressed the play button on Spotify. A song named Eyes Off You by an American-Canadian band called PRETTYMUCH played in its second chorus.
I just can’t take my eyes off of you~
You sighed, they’re right. You can’t take your eyes off of him right now. How pathetic, Y/N.
You couldn’t help but follow him to lay your head on the desk to admire how attractive he is right now. His eyes are now closed, of course, but you know he doesn’t fall asleep that quickly.
“Hey, are you gonna sleep here?” you asked out of nowhere and deeply regret what you said when he opens his eyes.
He hummed, “As long as you’re still here, then yes. Any question before I fall asleep?”
You think, probably you blushed as well right now. The fact that he caught you staring at him made you shy and embarrassed at once. But who cares? it’s already happened!
“How was your day?” you asked with a soft tone as if you let him to thinks anything of you in that embarrassed case and pretended that it was a normal thing for you.
“Tired. But I’m doing just fine. Thanks for asking,” he smiled and his eyes pinched up become two tiny, “How about yours? Seems like you have a bad day.”
“Yeah, I’m—“
the sound of footsteps interrupted, causing you to get up immediately and pretend to clean your desk which is actually not dirty. You can hear this dude —that you just stared at— giggling as he follows you to get up.
When the sound of that footsteps is gone, you tried to glance outside the door. A head of a familiar guy popped there. As you guessed, he is Jungwon, your brother. You knew it’s going to be him because he once asked where are you a moment before his friend entered this empty classroom.
“Oh great, you’re here too, Riki. I was just about to ask Y/N about you.”
the moment you saw your brother walked towards you and Riki, you were thinking about what Riki said, “Seems like you have a bad day.”
Yes, you have a bad day for thinking that you might have a crush on your brother’s bestfriend that supposed to be off-limit.
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plshugmeiluvu · 2 years
Will write/Won't write
Fandoms/Characters I will write for:
Don't Hug Me I'm Scared(Yes I use the fanon names for the characters it's just easier)
╰▹ Red Guy
╰▹ Yellow Guy
╰▹ Duck
╰▹ The Sketchbook/Paige
╰▹ The Clock/Tony
╰▹ Shringnold
╰▹ The Computer/Collin
╰▹ Warren the Eagle
╰▹ Electracey
Other characters to be added as I get a better idea of their personalities ^^
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Things I will write:
╰▹ Headcanons
╰▹ Short Fics/Drabbles
╰▹ Matchups
╰▹ Fluff
╰▹ Angst
╰▹ Hurt/Comfort
╰▹ Polyamory
╰▹ Romantic
╰▹ Platonic
╰▹ Familial
╰▹ Prettymuch anything requested that isn't on the won't write list
Things I won't write:
╰▹ Anything nasty/proshippy
╰▹ Yandere/Abusive
╰▹ Anything involving pregnancy or babies (Personal discomfort, sorry! Adopted/Older kids are okay)
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Rules/Tips for Requesting
→ Please specify if you want Headcanons/Fic/Matchups and if you want Romantic/Platonic! If you don't I'll default to Headcanons and Romantic
→ If you request multiple characters please also specify if you want me to write it poly or seperate
→ No more than three characters per request please!
→ Please be patient with me! I know I take a while sometimes :')))
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sweeterthansammy · 2 years
Request status: Open
Key: ! = Smut - • = Angst - * = Fluff - + = Random
Unless stated otherwise, all fics are directed towards female readers.
Unless stated otherwise, all readers and people written about are 18 and above.
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Eddie Munson
! One Shot - What does it mean to be something? Is something nothing? Is nothing something? Based on the song ‘One Shot’ by PRETTYMUCH. Reader has female pronouns.
! Sex on Fire - In which a friends with benefits tango turns into something more. Based on the song ‘Sex on Fire’ by Kings of Leon. One (1) specific gender-specific pet name (princess), reader has female anatomy.
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Billy Hargrove - Request #1
Eddie Munson - Sub to dom
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