#prev yeah lol
leatherbookmark · 2 months
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he said ₍ ˶•⤙•˶ ₎
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kaiserouo · 12 days
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just some normal primary weapon for them
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skitskatdacat63 · 8 months
And this too, is vettonso to me:
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infizero-draws · 7 months
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what the HELL is going on over there
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vvvyzt · 4 months
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lucy-ghoul · 2 months
from maddenedbythesstars -> harrowscore -> irulanpaul -> lucy-ghoul 🖤
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fiendir · 1 month
not a fucking week goes by without someone grossly misinterpreting norse myth huh
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carpisuns · 2 years
i love when people prev tags me. it feels like I got a good grade in tumblr tags, a thing which is normal to want and possible to achieve
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kidflashimpulse · 2 years
ngl, whilst bart is among the more tolerable characterisation in yj dark crisis where he’s not written as a total idiot, i feel like that’s just rewarding very bare minimum writing. You need to be completely oblivious if u can’t tell that an active part of the YJ fandom consists of different minorities. They are the same demographic as those who see the value in buying comics to support the writers/artists. Dark Crisis Young Justice has completely abandoned character and plot development in place of using very much loved characters by said poc/lgbtq+ etc communities as mouth pieces of poorly executed meta-commentary on related issues. It feels very uncomfortable to be “lectured” on all these things which I as a reader (and many others among the communities) are all too aware of. It’s giving borderline white saviour complex. Not cause that’s happening in the story, but because when we read it, it’s like we r talking to Meghan the author.
Which just comes to show the importance of elevating ppl from marginalised communities, both as writers/artists/authors but also the characters. None of which has happened in the series. Instead we see loved characters which r supposed to reflect the social sentiment of youth that matches the development through time being mischaracterised and re-purposed for a series which lacks the nuances and understanding of things that are a result of personal experience. The most blinding example of this is the treatment of Empress. Her only “feature” in the plot is being included among villains. It doesn’t matter if it’s a continuity thing or a result of Myx manipulation, that being her only mention and not being given some kind of proper development is backhanded.
Ultimately, DCYJ is just one of a long list of comics that i just didn’t enjoy or look much forward to, just like all these other old issues post 2000s. It’s nothing different. It’s a shame that all I see for so long is just fans complaining about everything. Not just because fans r naturally entitled (oops) but also because comic writers despite it being their literal jobs, don’t take the time to oh idk, treat the characters with respect.
Anyway, the Flash run seem to be doing okay recently and 1 Minute War seems like an interesting concept that i’m actually looking forward to for once. Young Justice Targets has also been good and i can’t wait for the next issue (to those who r interested, did y’all see how everyone thought the cover was Bart just for it be wally, L lol) . I don’t hate everything lol and ultimately i just like to see some decent plot and characterisation.
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coffeeandcalligraphy · 7 months
HEY!! NANO DAY 1 COMPLETE!!! 1875 WORDS TODAY!!!! SOMEHOW!!!! excerpt (CW gore):
He expects to hear the body fall in a wet thunk, the anatomical squelch he’s become used to hearing since this nightmare started four months ago. But what he hears instead is a shimmering, tiny plinks against the ground that don’t sound like blood and certainly don’t sound like a body.
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cescalr · 1 year
... that felt a little... anticlimactic. Still. Martyn has the right goddamn mindset for a death game, tbf. 
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brookheimer · 1 year
ok prior to the finale my top three s4 episodes are easily connor’s wedding, america decides, and living+ (in that order probably). rounding out the top 5 would probably be kill list and rehearsal (altho i haven’t rewatched rehearsal so maybe not i just remember feeling fond of it lol)
#posting this for posterity’s sake#wonder if the finale will change that either bc it’s great or bc its so bad it ruins prev episodes lol#might be a surprise the funeral ep isn’t up here as i am a known roman lover and he finally had his breakdown#but idk! idk. didn’t quite do it for me. felt a lil too on the nose and sympathetic and cliche especially the ending w the self destructive#jump into the protest etc#like both that ep and tailgate party got a little too close to Saying The Thing and being a bit soapy#at times ofc#but yeah i feel like everything i liked most ab church and state was just reiteration of characterizations from prev episodes#rome breakdown was great i just didn’t love the way the running into the protestors thing ended up being done kinda#the episode just felt a little too like Hey Guys This Fascist Has Feelings :( which like TRUE i’m a HUGE proponent of pushing that but i jus#think it was a little too unsubtle for my tastes. like what did roman getting beat up willingly as a grieving method do that roman listening#to logan edited to insult him over and over and over in living+ didnt#and the latter was way more unique and interesting and layered whereas the former felt so cliche and on the nose#wish it was done to make it a little grayer make rome a little more of an asshole even#ok i’ll stop rambling byeee#that’s v much just my opinion and my own sensibilities which r pretty specific ! still a good ep just not like a Me episode the way living+#or america decides were. and i mean connor’s wedding was an Everyone ep let’s be so real#succession
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fetabathwater · 6 months
(joewaiting) so like. that one piece of harper art i comm'd from plushchimera. w the medusa tatt.. i looked it over again and im like naw man taking that pink haired stupid ass and making that jen now.
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rigels-nigels · 4 months
Something I don't get is when someone is talking about things being expensive and then some americans are like, it's not actually a scary $125 guys it's actually only $80 which is still a lot but it's actually kinda reasonable for the item
And it's like no!!! It doesn't work like that!!! Just because it costs less in usd doesn't mean the person didn't actually pay that much!!
If you buy a mug for $125aud, and you live in australia, you're paying that in $125aud, not $80aud!! Currency conversion doesn't matter in the slightest for understanding because in practice it is functionally the same as paying $125usd for a mug in america!!
If I earn $15cad/hr, and someone in Poland is earning 15zł/hr, and they bought an item that was like 150zł, me converting that price into Canadian and being like it's actually not that bad bc it's only like $50cad :), it doesn't change the fact that that for them!! It was a lot more!! Like functionally that's the same as $150cad
Functionally 1cad = 1zł = 1aud = 1usd = 100¥
Like the only time currency conversion is useful is for figuring out how far your coin goes when used in another economy, not for understanding if an item is or isn't expensive for a person living in said economy
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Oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh I am so gay for Catherine Deneuve
#BABE#for like 2 years I wasnt able to consume any fangirling or entertainment materials bc prev job was... like That#then just now I was looking to see which catherine songs they have on Tidal and one of the results was an interview from 1973#and I was like Huh why not#I just skipped to the middle to see how it's like and the moment I heard her voice my whole being as like fjskfkskdkkddjjfksjd#my heart started beating so fast and theres this huge as grin on my face like#it was so overwhelmingly good to hear her voice that I had to pause the track lmao#it's good to know the fangirl in me is still alive and well lol#I've been feeling like an /adult normie/ since I moved in w partner and like. just bought and house and mortgage etc.#like. all the Adult stuffs accelerated so fast since 2022#I forgot how it's like to fangirl and be gay on tumblr lolol#also the fact that I didnt have my own room was a big part of it#now tho. This house I will have my own space awww yeah#I can be gay for catherine deneuve and all my baes again gksjgkdkdkfjns#ok but like its good to know I'm still so crushy about her lmao#I've been wondering like 'hmm what if I'm an /adult/ now in a m/f relationship so I'm not able to feel crushy about my baes anymore...'#nope. still me!!!!#very happy to report!!! The original Me me is still hereeee aww yeah boys#I was so scared I'd lost that part of myself bc first that job then recently buying my first house then mortgage#.etc#but no adulthood and adulting didn't seem to take that away#I'm still me#and so glad to see I'm still not straight gldkgkdkflss#being in a stable healthy m/f relationship made my brain go like 'hmm what if the past 23 years of fangirling exclusively over women#was just a Phase....?'#(I'm 27 :)))) )#but nooooo it wasn't a phase I still crush on women and get giddy about my baes!!!#ahhhhh#personal#catherine
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dancedance-resolution · 11 months
today was my first day at my new job and it’s kinda great?? granted ny standards are low but like. !!! :D
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