#princess farya
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Farya Bethlen
Magnificent Century - Kösem Episode 36
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magnificent-sultana · 2 years
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Women that give me bi panic from season 2 of Muhtesem Yuzyil: Kosem (Magnificent Century: Kosem):
1. Hande Doğandemir as Turhan Hatice Sultan
2. Nurgül Yeşilçay as Mahpeyker Kosem Sultan
3. Leyla Feray as Ayse Sultan 
4. Ece Çeşmioğlu as Atike Sultan
5. Müge Boz as Humasah Sultan
6. Farah Zenyep Abdullah as Farya Sultan
7. Alma Terzic  as Ester Hatun
8. Sezgi Sena Akay as Sanavber Hatun
9. Gunes Sayin as Kalika Hatun
10. Aslı Tandoğan as Gevherhan Sultan
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I really wish that the creators had allowed a proper after birth scene of Farya and her Twins. Lots of other female characters got scenes including minor ones like Fatma. Also I doubt I'll ever get over the use of the awful "baby" doll Ayşe had.
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This dress is worn on Princess Farya in Magnificent Century: Kosem Season 2 Episode 2 (2016) and is worn in Golden Apple the Grand Conquest Season 1 Epidode 4 (2023) on Mara Brankoviç
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magnificentlyreused · 3 months
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This blue and golden dress was first worn by Princess Farya Bethlen in the second episode of the second season of Magnificent Century: Kösem.
The dress can be seen again on Mara Brankoviç in the fourth episode of the first season of Golden Apple: The Grand Conquest.
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gulnarsultan · 11 months
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Princess Farya : Who is this?
Lalezar Kalfa : Sultan Murad Han's Haseki Sultan. She is the mother of five Sehzade and four Sultan.
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nesiacha · 3 months
One of my many frustrations as an MC and MCK. When Bayezid makes the (stupid) decision to take refuge with Shah Tahmasp, why wouldn't Firuze make a little comeback? It would have been interesting to see her interact with Bayezid. Due to the liberties taken by the writers with the story, we're no longer close to that for this fiction (especially since I love Firuze, I would have liked Suleiman to discover the truth after it was out of reach just for see his face when he realizes how he is not as attractive as he likes to believe and realizes his stupidity). Then why not show Pari Khan Khanum during Bayezid arc, an important figure for the Safavids who played an important role in the rise of her brother Ismail II, then perhaps killed him since he had become dangerous because he has been locked up for 19 years (I pay attention to black legends, that's why I say maybe). Pari Khan Khanum was eventually strangled to death. Seeing her would have been an interesting figure in parallel with the Sultanate of Women. She becomes one of the most powerful "blood princesses" as Mihrimah will become, a woman of power who had to face several dangers including the leader of their own country (like Kosem and Turhan for example) and had to get rid of this leader who had become crazy and dangerous after years imprisoned (Ibrahim in Kosem's case for reasons of state and perhaps Pari Khan Khanum if she actually killed his brother) after spending years doing everything to save them (Kosem must have pleaded for Ibrahim's life with Murad surely and Pari Khan Khamun must have shown a lot of cunning to put her brother on the throne) before dying of strangulation (like Kosem). It would have been very interesting to see her in some scenes or only mention her in MCK for introduce the rise of Mihrimah (even though the show portrays Mihrimah as powerless, unlike history) and the rise and fall of female regents like Kosem. Another frustrating point is that there is no Shah Abbas in MCK unlike Shah Tahmasp. Instead we were served a bad plot with Farya's uncle (sorry for those who liked it, that's just my point of view). Plus like Murad , Shah Abbas got a terrible childhood ,inherited a very unstable situation (although in the case of Murad it was not the fault of Kosem who managed the regency well and did the best she could) which could announce their terrible paranoia ;their loved ones will suffer although even if they are competent leaders, the succession will leave something to be desired because of their faults ( at least in the case of Murad with Ibrahim, I am not sure about Shah Safi the grandson of Shah Abbas) , which would be an interesting parallel. The screenwriters destroy everything even when the best scenario of these historical events is better than fiction.
P.S: I'm talking about historical Murad IV whom I respect although he does things that I disapprove of. The Show Murad is in my eyes a kid who is stuck for eternity in a phase of adolescent crisis and who blames everyone including his mother 24 hours a day and thinks that he is the center of the world to the point that he tires me out (sorry again for Show Murad fans, this is once again just my opinion)
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Apologies if you've already answered another ask like this.
But what are your opinions on Murad and Farya in MCK. I hate how boring they are. The worst thing a fictional couple could do ,for me, is be dull, monotonous and annoying. And I feel that way about them. But I would love to know what you think about them as a couple?
I haven't seen the whole of season 2, like I got to about the part where they get married, but let me tell you... They managed to make quite an impression on me. Well, not Farya in and of herself, she's boring as sin, because everything interesting about her gets sacrificed on the alter of her romancing Murat. Which is double the problem it normally would be, because Murat is, and I do not say this lightly, the most trash of the very many very trash men in MC/MCK. I hate him more than Süleyman. More than Ibrahim. More than fucking LÜTFI PASHA. It's unbelievable how thoroughly unable Murat is of not acting like a complete asshole, even towards Farya. ´He belittles her, refuses to hear her out when she sends him a threatening message "for no apparent reason" (read: in such an out-of-character move that you would have to be a complete idiot to not at least ask her, even if you aren't necessarily going to believe her explanation), then steals her birthright, and when she's finally fed up with him and wants to go home... Well, guess what, girlie, you're shit out of luck, Murat doesn't want you to, so you're not gonna. Like, he just straight up kidnaps her??? And because the screenwriter says so, Farya still loves him after everything and none of it is a dealbreaker for her, so she ends up being written as an idiot with no self-respect.
Unlike many people, I don't hate the relationship in concept - warrior sultan falling in love with a warrior princess sounds kinda dope (setting aside the amazing alternate history concept "what if Gabor Bethlen had a daughter, who was supported as a candidate to the throne of Transsylvania by the freaking Ottomans"). Even Farya's eventual lameness wouldn't be such a problem if it wasn't for fucking Murat.
In short, I would summarize this relationship thusly: it's as if someone saw Süleyman's whole thing with Isabella Fortuna and decided it doesn't suck enough, so they added just enough Mustafa and Mihrunissa for their milquetoast flavor to completely ruin the masochistically enjoyable spice of that clusterfuck, but not enough to dull the pain it causes the consumer in the slightest. If that makes sense.
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rughydrangea · 1 year
Okay I’m finally making my way through s2 of mck as fast as I can (the semester is over, I’m taking advantage of some free time!), and must write down random silly thoughts:
--I’m in the middle of episode 49 right now. I dislike Silahtar so strongly but I do kind of love it when he’s blatantly a bad guy? It’s like a less good version of Ibrahim’s arc from the mothership, and Lord knows I adored bad-guy Ibrahim.
--I’m sorry, I can’t stand Farya. The character makes no sense to me, even leaving aside this franchise’s bizarre obsession with Christian princesses in the harem. She enters with such a clear purpose and within five episodes it’s all gone, thrown away so she can devote herself to a guy who treats her like crap? And then once she’s in the harem, she’s just kind of dramatically inert as a character? No shade to the actress, who has some good moments (her blow-up at Murad over Sanavber was great), but I just don’t understand what Farya’s doing here.
--Speaking of characters I don’t like... Farya’s BFF Atike. But here’s the thing: every aspect of Atike and Silahtar was excruciating to me, watching her basically stalk this man who was clearly not into her and then emotionally blackmailing him into marrying her.... no! It was bad! BUT. As much as I dislike that Atike, I really love the Atike who is Ibrahim’s twin and loves him and wants to protect him, and I know that’s only going to grow, so I can’t write her off.
--I love Kemankes. He’s devoted to Kösem! As every person should be!
--Murad... is simply not it. I loved Murad the kid in s1, and I’m still not sure what is missing here for me. Is it just that he’s mean to his mother? Is it that all the moments of him having emotions that aren’t anger and hate were with a character I don’t like (Farya), thus making it difficult for me to connect with him? Maybe it’s that we start the season with him already acting out against Kösem, which made it tough to jump onto his emotional wavelength and feel his feelings with him? Or maybe it’s that he’s a terrible person who is at this point basically a mass murderer? (Were I a denizen of Istanbul, I would simply never speak my mind and actually also never go outside, because it legit seems like Murad is just prowling the streets looking for people to kill!) With all of that being said, though, there are levels on which the Murad/Kösem conflict really does work for me, because they’re both so inflexible and fixated on their own power above all else that they can’t see how much they need each other. Kösem is smarter about this than Murad, but not as much as she should be. And that does work for me, because their dynamic is pure tragedy: they should be working together, but every facet of who they are pits them against each other. 
--Kösem’s other sons are great so far. I fell for Kasim, I love his earnestness and his playfulness and his devotion to his mother (being good to Kösem is, in case it isn’t obvious, my #1 criterion for all characters), and knowing what’s going to happen to him is very upsetting. And Ibrahim... shockingly, I adore him. He’s hitting a lot of the same beats as Mustafa in s1, not just because they’re both “mad” sultans, but because I feel like these characters realistically dramatize what would happen to a person’s mind living in this horrible environment. Ibrahim’s fear, paranoia, instability--they are all strike me as highly reasonable responses to living as he has. So knowing what will happen to him, who he’ll become, and how Kösem will turn against him, also makes me sad, because we so clearly see the core of vulnerability that the rest of his personality is built around.
--Sinan Pasha is unreal in terms of his longevity. At the end of the world it will be cockroaches and Sinan Pasha.
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faintingheroine · 11 months
hi! one of the reasons i asked you earlier about Kosem is because i was really curious about what your thoughts are gonna be on the whole Farya/Murad/Ayse mess. do you have any knowledge on this plotline to give a pre-watch opinion?
I do have some knowledge
I will probably prefer Ayşe because
Enslaved women > princesses, especially princesses dumb enough to willingly become Harem girls
And I am saying this as a Farah Zeynep Abdullah fan who watched terrible stuff just to see her in the past, though I kind cooled down towards her because she is playing Bihter in a TERRIBLE new version of Aşk-ı Memnu despite being in her 30s.
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Farya Bethlen
Magnificent Century - Kösem Episode 47
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istumpysk · 2 years
Thinking more on Myrcella . . . I can't quite remember, but isn't she now mutilated and no-one knows about it? And much has been made of Arianne's fondness for her. Also can't help noticing Tyene's unusual sweet blonde appearance, for a Sand Snake. I wonder if we're in for a fArya switcheroo, once Cersei is dead? Tyene becomes Myrcella, Myrcella her, and Myrcella stays in Dorne under Arianne's "protection", feeding her information for the ruse. Another princess in a tower. Alayne, Tyene . . . 🤔
The crown is aware of Myrcella's condition, but they weren't told the real events of what happened.
You get the top tinfoil award today, anon! :P
Tyene is 23, and Myrcella is 9, so I have a hard time seeing that successfully play out. I do fully anticipate future Tyene mischief though. :)
Edit: Ahh! I did it again. Sorry for breaking up your message, anon.
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royalsimsoflandova · 8 months
Introducing The Earl of Finasia
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His Lordship, The Earl of Finasia James Umbarge
James Umbarge is a peer of the Peerage of Landova, and the 3rd Earl of Finasia. He recently inherited the earldom, after the passing of his elder brother. He was born as the second child of Christopher Umbarge, 1st Earl of Finasia and Lucinda Umbarge, Countess of Finasia.
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The Earl's son and heir Christian Umbarge, Viscount Umbarge.
The current family members of The Earl include;
His children; Christian Umbarge, Viscount Umbarge, and Lady Joanna Umbarge
His sister-in-law; Helen Umbarge, The Dowager Countess of Finasia
His niece; Lady Lacy, HRH The Crown Princess of Landova, The Duchess of Newcrest
His great nephews and great niece; TRH Prince Magnus, Prince Vincent, Princess Leonore and Prince Andreas of Newcrest
His late wife was Lady Gabriella Barone, daughter of Nevodian Noble The 1st Duke of Farya.
For the full family tree see; here
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This Silver dress was worn two times in Magnificent Century: Kösem, First worn on Kösem Sultan in Season 1 Episode 14 (2016) and later worn on Princess Farya Bethlen in Season 2 Episode 8 (2017)
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royalsimsofyazmia · 8 months
Introducing The Duke of Tsaria
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His Grace, The Duke of Tsaria Omar Nazir Stallings
Omar is a peer of the Peerage of Yazmia, and the 3rd Duke of Tsaria. He was born as the eldest son of Charles Stallings, 2nd Duke of Tsaria and Princess Amira, Duchess of Tsaria, using the courtesy title of Viscount Stallings. He was also the first grandchild of King Nazir of Yazmia.
The Stallings Family
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The Duke and Duchess of Tsaria
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(L)The Duke and Duchess with their three children (R)The Duke with his brother, Lord Anwar
The current family members of The Duke include;
His wife; Willow Stallings (nee. Barone), The Duchess of Tsaria. Born as the daughter of Nevodian noble The Duke of Farya.
His children; Lady Layla Stallings, Idris Stallings, Viscount Stallings, and Lord Xavier Stallings.
His brother; Lord Anwar Stallings.
Other family members also include;
His maternal uncle; His Majesty King Tamar of Yazmia
His first cousins; TRH The Princess Raya, The Princess Aisha, The Crown Prince Ali, The Princess Esma, The Prince Karim
For the full family tree see; here.
(The tree is designed to be used with Name, Titles and Suffix, Surname, and Profession turned on).
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magnificentlyreused · 7 months
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This silver dress was first worn by Kösem Sultan in the fourteenth episode of the first season of Magnificent Century: Kösem. It appears again on Princess Farya Bethlen in the eighth episode of the second season.
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