hubizon · 4 months
czy ktoś z was widział kiedyś prosie dłubiące w nosie?????????????????
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occasionallyprosie · 3 months
I've decided that Mask would be a good big brother if he has some Time influence, and Warriors sees these two angsty babies and is like: "is anyone going to adopt them?" and just doesn't wait for an answer.
Sky: I would! I would adopt them!
Warriors: Too late!
Twilight: Keep them, I have to deal with these guys *baby Hyrule, Four, and Wild on leashes*
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lesbianoms · 2 months
You ARE a piece of meat, as far as the lady of the house is concerned. Whether you are a maid who failed to meet her standards, a regular tribute of your village, or a traveler merely passing through; you are stripped, oiled, bound, and gagged with an apple in your mouth, then put on a silver platter, cover and all. As you are conveyed from the kitchen to her dining room, your muffled sounds of protest go unheard. Soon you are set down and the cover is pulled, and you look up to a great woman, already begun to salivate. "This is a fine pig you have brought me. Worthy of a feast~" She begins to fondle you with her delicate hands, as if evaluating a hunk of meat at the butcher's. "Yes, it looks delicious." It, she says, in defiance of your personhood. With both hands, she picks you up and, without bothering to remove your bindings, she swallows you down~
Not a bad way to go honestly... not a bad way to go at all~
I hope she stuffs herself with a bunch of other dishes too, so that I have a mushy barrier of half-digested food to snuggle up in, further denying my inevitable, gurgly fate... and it's a toss-up honestly, of whether the rope would digest first and I'd be "free" to wiggle around a bit more, or whether I'd be gagged and restrained throughout the whole bubbly, overstimulating experience.
There's a bigbig comic where a large, rich woman eats some dog furry guy and then gorges herself on a large buffet to the point where her original prey gets shoved and squeezed into her intestines while her servants carry her to be bathed~ this reminds me of that, hehe~
So in conclusion, I'd love to stew inside that big belly of hers as the main course very much~ eventually, I mean, after I'm done protesting for my life.
I feel like the rumbles of a fat and happy gut filled to the brim with regular food is always more ominous for the prey struggling around inside... and I looove ominous tummy rumbles before I'm churned up into tummy pudge <3
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spreens · 1 year
audience time! is it worse if:
a) cellbit’s white streak is genetic. newly so. every day past the rescue he looks into the mirror and sees the white patch grow. feels himself changed, or changing, on a fundamental, undoable level. with horror he finds himself looking more snow-white and clean and orderly by the day.
b) cellbit’s hair was dyed. in the night he feels the ghost sensations of wrongly-shaped fingers moving through his hair, shaping him. the smell of chemicals and a thick cloud of fog dulling his senses telling- him to follow orders, to be perfect. if he focuses, he can catch the feeling of standing to attention. the ease at which his ability to choose and autonomy was simply given up, not just taken. he tries to dye it back. nothing sticks.
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irohsteaa · 1 month
When I'm thinking about the male characters in Twin Peaks/Urasawa's Monster
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When I'm thinking about the female characters in Twin Peaks/Urasawa's Monster
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prosebushpatch · 7 months
Howdy, howdy, howdy! So I have finally taken the leap and made a website for my professional writing. I plan to blog about the writing process, offer tips on writing exercises, and general thoughts and encouragements. Please pop on over and give it a look! I currently have my first post discussing the strive for artistic perfection published, and my goal is to post every Thursday to fill out the blog. Thank you so much for taking the time to read!
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jellyluchi · 9 months
Phantomciutto: [plays broody sad lonely sorrowful melodies on his organ]
Fochristine: [ clapping her hand in joy like a little girl]
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uniquevoidflowers · 2 months
Ty <3333
Right back at you!
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tiredkiwilol · 2 months
oh my gosh!! thank you this is so sweet!! i hope you realize that i’m gonna give this right back at ya!!
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ofthesepulchre · 8 months
i started writing and the spirit of victor hugo possessed me
im back babey!!!!
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so i was rereading the one longfic i ever finished and i got to a chapter where there was a lot of blood and this author's note made me laugh so hard
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bc ha ha so funny, i'm squeamish and can't research stuff very easily sometimes so funnyyyyyy
ask me why i fuckn cornered myself into writing a scene where a character is getting stitches like what the fuck
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occasionallyprosie · 2 months
So I'm trying to incorporate more nicknames for the boys, so here's what I got so far, any additions or ones I've missed?
Little One (by Time)
Little Guy (by Triple Threat)
Healer (post Life Spell reveal)
Calatian (country of origin)
Hoarder (by Warriors and Twilight, derogatory, becomes affectionate)
Apple (by Twilight and Wind)
Kid (by Wind)
Kit (by Twilight and Sky)
Skyloftian (shortens to Sky)
Sky Knight (shortens to Sky)
Lover boy (affectionate, by Downfall Duo)
Old Man
Sprite (by Warriors)
Ancestor (by Twilight)
Fairy Boy (post meeting Malon, by Downfall Duo and Wind)
Goat Herd
Ordonian (town of origin)
Pup (by Time)
Country Boy (by Warriors, derogatory)
Forest (by Legend and Wind)
Captain (or any other military form of address)
Pretty Boy (by Legend, derogatory, becomes affectionate)
Soldier Boy (by Twilight, derogatory, becomes affectionate)
Wild Child (affectionate)
Cub (by Twilight and Time)
Ocean (by Legend and Twilight)
Kid (by Twilight and Warriors)
Conductor (by Legend)
Tune/Tunie (by Time and Warriors)
Whys for some:
Rulie and Chosen (Hyrule and Sky) -> Both make the mistake of telling the group their hero titles, Hyrule is eventually nicknamed Rulie by Legend and Wild as a result (nobody else calls him that), and Sky gets Chosen from everybody.
Apple, Forest, and Ocean (Legend, Twilight, and Wind) -> Nicknames from Triforce Heroes (from my hc of them being the Triforce Heroes)
Kid (Legend) -> Another nickname from Triforce Heroes, Wind is the only one who calls him that in LU though (Twilight takes too long to realize Apple and the Veteran are the same person)
Kit (Legend) -> Sky and Twi start calling him that after the bunny incident, Twi does it first and Sky joins in after because he's a gremlin and both know Legend hates (eventually likes) it
Conductor (Wind) -> Caused by music night when Wind leads the music with the Wind Waker and just sticks
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abyssmalice · 2 years
Artifact Stories: Eulogy of a Dream
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Flower of Life: A Jewel’s Nostalgia
A crystalline flower that once served as a decorative centerpiece for its Liyuen master. If rocks are fated to erode into dust, so too did the brilliance of this jewel become clouded at the end of the world.
This flower was a heirloom from the old world, I was told. An old man cradled it as though it were as frail as him.
The Final Calamity was many, many years ago, far before his time. The man did not know of blue skies, green earth, and shining stars. But this jewel flower showed the most fleeting glimpse of what once was.
"In this broken world, this is the same as rubble and rock; useless, meaningless." "But to my father and his father, this was their whole world encased in their hands." "The same goes for me... It taught me the meaning of the word [beauty] - it showed me that there were things called [flowers] with colors that do not exist anywhere anymore.” "Though my life has been nothing but ash and misery... To know the world used to have something so wonderful, to know there can be something worth living for still—"
The man exhaled a great breath, hacking and shuddering as he offered his heirloom to me. I tried to refuse it. But his trembling hands insisted.
It is inevitable that even bedrock will be eroded down into nothingness. But at the same time, no matter how time flows or how much erosion is endured, [humans] continue to press on, holding tight to the principles of their heart.
How painfully ironic - and yet, how beautifully fitting.
And so, does this jewel continue to live on, longer than humans ever could. Thusly I have witnessed, and honored.
Plume of Death: A Bird’s Innocence
A feather belonging to a genus of swans native to Mondstadt. Its unblemished, pure white hue is a stark resistance to the grim reality that it came from.
When I stepped out from the depths of the deepest darkness, I thought I had awoken into a nightmare.
The sky was a dull red, overcast with unmoving clouds of smoke. The earth was dry and dead, the color of rust and rot. There was no wind, no rain, no life. The world was a burning husk of what it should have been.
“This is... This can't be right! This can't be my world! What happened here? How did it become...” My hands clawed over my chest. Beneath the skin, I could feel the soft thump of blood and life, of my frail breaths tasting a lingering trace of ash. Even so, as I stood there, in what must have been the ruins of a free city, I could not fathom what I was looking at.
That is, until a bird’s cry rung into my ears, shattering the silence.
A bright white silhouette darted out from a crumbling house. Out of curiosity - or was it desperation, at that time? - I looked inside that house. The place was ransacked, and nothing of material significance could be found.
Except—for a bird’s nest, made from paper scraps torn from a nearby set of children’s books.
A few feathers still littered the nest, scattered from sudden flight. They were such a clean white; an impossible contrast to the dirty, destroyed world around it. Perhaps that’s why - that’s why I took one of those feathers for myself, tucking it between my clothes, near to my heart. For if such a beautiful thing could still exist in these ruins... then, there was still hope for me as well.
Sands of Eon: A Journaled Despair
A metallic pocketwatch designed in the traditional Fontainen style. The clock hands have rusted to a halt, matching the end of all life.
As I journeyed through collapsed courtrooms and swampy waterways, I found a small hut on the edges of this ruined nation. I took notice of it because the hut wasn’t in a dilapidated state. Though no one was inside, I found the barest of necessities: a bed, a table with a stump for a chair, and a small shelf of miscellaneous things like bandages and even books. There were all of these things that showed a solitary life, but there was no food or water to be seen.
Instead, just barely gleaming on the table, there was a pocketwatch. Despite its broken form, it bore a sense of diligent maintenance.
I examined the cracked glass of its face, the dirt coating the thin numbering inside, the rust of its metal casing - and noticed that there was a hidden compartment on the backside. Opening it, a few pieces of paper fell out, tightly rolled up. Most of the rolls of paper had nothing but lines printed onto them - a long series of crosses, counting something.
The last roll had a single, lonely word: “goodbye”
At that moment, I looked up at the window facing the table. Outside, there was nothing but dull skies and shattered marble that could have been art or homes. This desolate scenery had accompanied me throughout my journey so far, never-changing. ...Somewhere in my heart, I already knew what happened here.
Even so—even though it would be impossible, I wish I could have met this pocketwatch’s owner. If only to say they are not alone in this sad world...
Goblet of Eonothem: A Straggler’s Glory
A cracked cup molded with the iconic techniques of Natlanic metal casting. Its bronze luster has since been burnt and corroded into obscurity alongside the golden age of this world.
Though I could not measure an exact passing of time, my travels made it clear that several long eons had passed between my disappearance and my return to the world. The fires of the end had since died into ash, mixing with lava to become the bedrock of the new world. But even as these grave changes occurred, some things persisted. For war begets war, and the children of divine war were no different.
“—Hand o’er all you got, little missy.” A man with many scars pointed a sword at me. A few other men circled around me simultaneously.
“W-Wait, I don’t want to fight—” The scarred man barked a laugh. “Hah! That’s what they all say. That’s what they all do.” “But look ‘round you! Tell me what you see! Where do you think we’ll be going but Hell?” “That said - no one wants to go down without a fight. No one. After all, if we really wanted to give up, none of us would be here anyway, right?”
I could not find an immediate response to that. His men snickered at my silence.
“Since we’re doomed to this... Then, with whatever we’ve got left, we’ll keep going. And we’ll all enjoy ourselves as much as we can—!” The man lunged at me then, his sword raised for a killing blow. I remember that moment clearly - my reflection in his blade, the blaze of madness in his eyes. I remember, clearly. The way I severed his head in a blink.
“...You’re right.” Finally, I answered, softly. “If death stared me down, I wouldn’t surrender. After all, I did die once - and here I am, still.”
It didn’t take more than a few minutes to deal with the rest. As I stared down at my bloodied handiwork, an uncomfortable feeling crossed my heart. A momentary feeling of pity - that in a different world, this man and his friends wouldn’t have met such a crude ending like this. And a momentary feeling of guilt - for in truth, I was no better than him. With the danger past me, I could freely pick through the pockets of these corpses for anything useful.
But like everyone else, they didn’t have much to themselves. Yet, there was a single broken cup in the leader’s possession. Such an ornamental object had no real use. But the cup had been carefully protected within his belongings.
I wonder, at times - what did that man believe in, truly? Was the past forsaken, the present scorned, and the future damned? Or did this man, who would forever have nothing to his name, still desire to have something to call his own?
Such are the nameless stories lost with the burning epilogue of yesteryear.
Circlet of Logos: A Sagacious Prayer
A flower crown made from withered plants found in Sumeru. It mirrors the antediluvian headwear of the wise - until all knowledge came to rot with the great plague called melancholia.
In a region of barren fields and withering realms, I had a most unexpected encounter: Hidden away in a tiny grove, there was a small group of children.
They beheld me with a mixture of confusion and hostility. In turn, I opened my arms to them with uncertainties and pleasantries. It took them some time to accept me. But I persisted, offering them food and stories.
Even now, I cannot fully explain why I looked after them so. Perhaps, observing their young faces, I was reminded of my little brothers; a homesickness. Perhaps, observing their loneliness, I was startled by the absence of any guardians; a protectiveness. Or, most likely, observing their weakened states, I already realized - they weren’t long for this world.
And—it would be far too sad for their passing to be in pain and silence.
So I stayed by them, putting them to sleep with bedtime tales and gentle lullabies. I would watch their shallow breaths soon still, their faint smiles being the sole indicator of a sweet dream as they passed away. I would do this for all of them - until the last one passed away in the night, in my arms.
The morning after, I would awaken with that still-warm corpse in my embrace, and I would look to the rusted skies between the boughs of dead trees. A question rang quietly in my mind, begging for resolution in the frozen silence.
Nothing was forthcoming. Only [they] spoke to me. The silver lifeblood in me, whispering.
Once before, as is now, as it will be in the future— To seek answers of the unfathomable, a priest would be chosen with a crown of flawless white branches. They would be sent into the darkest depths, to seek the ancient silver tree in the buried capitol.
But each priest would come across a withered tree, its roots littered with the thousand crowns of their predecessors. There, the past and the present and the future will be laid to rest. For this journey will repeat, and another priest will set forth into the depths, adorned once more with a crown of forbidden knowledge.
This is both our destiny and our history. A status quo that will never change until the blazing, defiant existence called [the human heart] seizes a sudden miracle.
Like... yes, like a wingless bird trying to write a story in the human tongue. With an inked pen held in their beak, struggling and scratching marks on paper for eternity. —A feat bordering on the ludicrous. But not impossible, nonetheless.
Thus do I pray, fervently, endlessly. That at some point - the bird called [humanity] will write a complete and proper story, with a beginning and a middle and an ending. And it will be the story of how the cycle finally ends.
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tewwor-aaa · 2 years
yall ever look back at your writing and think. huh. howd that happen? why cant i do that again?
anyways. prose about oryn finally letting himself be loved and adored so yknow. someone should do that maybe thnkx
How is a stone to feel a drop of rain? The exterior stands too rugged — weather-worn and sundried. But even the hardest of minerals are known to give way under the patience of consistency. A single drop will not seep past the impermeable surface. It will land, slide down, drop away. But a deluge brings sheets of insistence, intent on drenching everything within reach. It softens, it tempers, it changes. New paths of life will break past the mold, bring new experiences and sensations. The stone is then able to feel the heat of summer’s breath, the vitality of its rain, where lonely desolation had once inhabited from within.
Here, below the shower of such persistence, he finally feels past the resistance of toughened skin. Admiration bleeds into quickening veins, pulls a deep flush wherever hands and lips trail next. Nothing is left unturned, untouched, unwanted and Oryn accepts how weak he is to such rapt undoing.
The stone of his body was a graveyard of withered hydrangeas and he drinks his fill at long last.
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theecholegend · 2 months
HEY! I just- Are you even allowed to do this??? (Jk I really appreciate it thank you sm!!!)
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prosebushpatch · 1 year
Imagine me as Scuttle the seagull shaking Sebastian the crab like "DO YOU HEAR WHAT IM TELLING YOU?!? [REDACTED] CALLED LINK ZELDA'S CHOSEN PROTECTOR"
And then that's all I thought about for the rest of the game.
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