#pulp musicals episode 2: the brick satellite
bway-bitch · 2 years
Pulp Musicals is a transcendental experience
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sorryiwasasleep · 8 months
John Herschel and Rose Stratford talk on the Brick Satellite and play their game of naming constellations, while also clearing up some confusions.
John didn’t want to interrupt, but the Stratford twins standing together over a notebook fills him with an apprehension that even the void of space can’t shake from him. 
It’s not that he thinks they’ll get out of here, but more that he thinks in the future someone else might come up here to the Sagitta. 
And find that notebook. 
And he doesn’t want more lies about himself in the pages if he can help it. 
Not if it’s to be their parting words. 
Especially not then. 
He crosses the satellite from where he’d been sitting with Anna to go to the window with the twins. 
“I’m sorry to interrupt, but if that journal involves me and a telescope, then I’m going to—“ Samuel cuts him off with a laugh, easing his fraying nerves. “Don’t worry, John. Your legacy is safe.” 
And then Rose makes his heart rate pick right back up as she tacks on “For now.” with that aggravatingly cheeky smile that John doesn’t even need to actually look to know she’s making, but look he does anyway because if he was going to die on this ship, then he was going to take in every bit of beauty he could before the time. 
John can’t help but smile back anyway and he barely hears Samuel say something about going to check on Margaret, Rose’s eyes catching his own. 
His heart flutters in his chest under her analyzing and disarming look and John decides to speak before he does something incredibly stupid at best and offensive at worse. 
He starts by stomping his foot and pointing right at the floor instead of out the window to the stars. “There.” He gestures widely around them at the ship. “Sagitta.” 
And Rose… 
She gets it. 
She points to herself with a smirk and then in the vague direction of her brother and Miss Cavendish. “Rose, Samuel, Margaret, and—“ but before she points to him, Rose lets her hand fall to her side and a serious expression overtakes her face. She lets out a noise of discontent. “Ugh, John,” and he knows he’s being addressed not named in their game, “you know how being near death makes you think?” 
Rose says it conversationally. 
As if she’s near death every day and walks away unscathed. 
For all he knows, maybe she has been. 
She certainly seems brave and strong enough. 
John mumbles his own answer, less cavalier about their brush with gunfire and trying to desperately stave off thoughts of the next few hours as air in the satellite gets thin. “I do now.” It hardly matters that he answered though because Rose powers through her own statement, rushing to keep talking as if she doesn’t say it now, she never will. 
Which— that might be true. 
“Yea, well, I’ve been thinking about earlier, and I’m sorry.” And leave it to Rose Stratford to disarm him entirely with a simple apology. 
She looks sheepish and uncomfortable and… sad, and John wants to desperately make that look go away. His eyebrows turn in, as he can’t figure out what she could possibly be apologizing for. 
She saved their lives by pulling him on that ladder. 
“For what?” 
And Rose’s eyes scrunch shut tightly. Like she’s in pain. Like she wishes he wouldn’t make her say it. 
He almost wishes he didn’t ask, not liking being the cause of such distress. 
“When I took your hand.” She says it like it’s obvious. Like he should realize too. 
His eyebrows just furrow deeper. 
Rose half rolls her eyes, as if annoyed he needs more explanation. “John, I apologize, for the things I said.” And he continues to just stare at her, confused, because he doesn’t understand what she means and, “Because you and Anna are in love, and the last thing that I—“
John can’t even think to stop his mouth, the words “What?” cutting her off, a layer of amusement beneath. 
Him and Anna? In love? 
He loves her sure, but like a sister. Like a cousin. Like the best friend that she is. Nothing more. 
Oh, she’s going to laugh for ages when he tells her about this. 
(If I get the chance floats across his mind, but he shoves that down, refusing to think of their impending doom.) 
But Rose just shakes her head sadly at him. “You’re in love with each other. And that’s okay.” She shrugs and says it like it’s a matter of fact and it’s all John can do not to laugh because he knows that it’d be entirely inappropriate to Rose’s feelings. But he needs to stop this. 
“Miss Stratford, no—“ but Rose is just as stubborn, pushing through her words and clearly trying to be a good friend still. 
“She’s brilliant and accomplished and you have adorable nicknames for each other—“ And it really… shouldn’t please John this much to see Rose acting flustered at the thought of him being taken, but given that he’s normally the one of them acting flustered, it does send a feeling a warmth that echoes through his chest. 
Still, he stops her. 
They only have a short time left together. 
They need to make it count, and he certainly isn’t going to let her agonize over the thought of him and Anna together in that time. 
“Anna and I have been through a lot together over the years.” He’ll admit to that certainly, but that doesn’t mean he’s ever seen her in a romantic light. Anna has only ever been his friend. “Still, our relationship is that of close friends.” 
He’s never felt about Anna how he feels about Rose. 
Rose visibly perks up and as she flings her head forward a piece of hair falls into her face. “Really?” She questions him. 
“Really.” He reaches out and brushes the piece of hair behind her ear. Rose watches the movement, barely breathing as he does. 
When the hair is secure, his cheeks burn at his own actions, so he abruptly turns and points out the window before them at the expanse of stars, picking the first one he recognizes. “There. Ursa Minor.” 
His shoulder brushes against Rose’s and instead of pulling away, she leans into his left side, pressing against him, and where he’s only got eyes on her again, Rose is transfixed looking out the window. 
She points with her left hand out at the stars, an easy smile on her face. “Polaris, Kochab, Pherkad.” 
And John has never liked the phrase “stars in their eyes” to describe a person, never felt that a singular expression could ever capture the depth of the expanse of the universe, the lights that guide them through the darkest of times. 
But looking at Rose as she stares out, braced against what they both know is the likely end, John Herschel finally understands it, because Rose Stratford has the stars in her eyes and he wants to give her the universe. 
He echoes her first named star, but his eyes aren’t looking out the window. 
He’s looking at the woman beside him. 
And there’s a moment where Rose doesn’t say anything, just turns with a half smile, as if ready to crack some joke at him about short term memory, but then she notices his gaze on her, not the stars, and Rose sharply inhales and then, 
She echoes him in return. 
And John can’t help but think about how easy it would be to kiss her, but he also knows that would be improper and unfair given the circumstances and the fact that they are trapped on a ship might make Rose feel as though she has no choice, which is the last thing he wants. 
So instead, he just smirks at her, picking up the teasing nature where she had lost it. 
“Your turn, Miss Stratford.” 
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Follow it and find out where it leads 🧱
click for quality! reblogs are sweet, don't repost!
part two of my little Pulp Musicals 'woo! episode 3 is out!!!!' celebration is all about The Brick Satellite. once again, details are under the cut and the last part will be posted in just a mo'!
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songsofnoble · 4 months
ghosts of antikythera is incredible btw! started it on my way to work and just finished it on my lunchbreak.
go listen to all the pulp musicals episodes pls you're rlly missing out on fantastic stories, brilliant characters (and ships), and songs! if you're a starkid fan, you will probbaly enjoy it! go support matt dahan's work <3
let me scream abt this series w someone pls bc it's painfully underrated despite being starkid/tcb adjacent 🙏(pm me!)
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violetheart77 · 4 months
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Hey hey guess who finally got to finish listening to The Brick Satellite last night :’-)
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anordinarytrashcan · 2 years
Pulp Musicals Episode 2 whenever Charles is singing
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emisirrelevant · 2 years
When you finish watching/listening to Pulp Musicals Episode 2 and you find out who the Traveler is 😮
What an amazing finale to wrap up the second episode. Thank you Matt Dahan and everyone else involved in this spectacular project. Not sure I can put it into words/describe how things like this make my day- and the music is just 🤌🤌✨✨
Until Episode 3!!
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pulpmusicals · 1 year
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Pulp Musicals Episode 2: The Brick Satellite available NOW on Spotify!!!
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The Ghost of All My Yesterdays
(Pulp Musicals 3: The Ghosts of Antikythera Theory Part 1--The Reasonable Stuff)
So I've been thinking a lot about The Ghosts of Antikythera and the excellent rambling theory post (my favorite kind of post) @its-short-for-jackalope made a few days ago (you can read it here--seriously, if you haven't already, read it--it's got so many fun and interesting ideas packed in), and slowly building up my own theories about exactly what's going to go down the next time we see our beloved Pulp Quartet.
I think it'll all come down to Episode Three's theme, which I believe is going to be the Past, and our relationship with it.
Theory under the cut (sorry it's so long lol) (this post is just gonna have the more basic, grounded stuff. The real wild swings will come in a part two).
As several people have already remarked, "Antikythera" could refer to either a Greek island or the Antikythera Mechanism, an ancient Greek device that was found in an ancient shipwreck on that same island, and was once used to predict astronomical positions and eclipses. While anything's possible in a series that just featured one character transporting four others through time, I'm of the opinion that the device is more likely than the actual island to majorly feature.
But! I’ve previously written (here) about the supposed real-life story behind the Ellen Austin and her encounter with a ghost ship in 1881. The Antikythera Mechanism, meanwhile, isn’t discovered until 1901. I can think of two ways around this time discrepancy.
First of all, it's always possible that Matt simply... changed up the timeline. He's already played fast and loose with real world history--he aged John down to match the Stratfords, put the Stratfords in the middle of the Great Moon Hoax, and even stuck a giant-ass brick satellite up in the sky to forever change the nature of oceanic voyages. It’s easy to see him just moving the discovery of the Antikythera Mechanism up twenty years or so. However, there's still the problem that the Mechanism was discovered on a Greek island far from the Sargasso Sea, where both history and Pulp find the Ellen Austin. Which brings me to the other, in my opinion more likely, explanation…
What if the device is found on the ghost ship in 1881 and then returned to the Antikythera Island shipwreck at the end of the episode?
Matt has said that every episode of Pulp has a particular theme. Episode 1 was Imagination, Episode 2 was Friendship, and Episode Three is shaping up to be about our relationship with the past. We have Margaret starting to uncover her own history while all four characters must grapple with leaving behind the lives and people and years they knew. To the people of 1881, the Pulp Quartet have been quite literally living in the past, and now our gang have to figure out how to either get back to that time, or else let it go and march into the future. How can they cast away their intense ties to 1835, when they themselves are but a manifestation of that past reaching out into the future?
You know what else is a manifestation of the past reaching into the future? Ghosts. In "Behind Me", Rose talks about how the "ghost of all her yesterdays stands beside her," introducing specters as a metaphor for the impact of the past. As such, I think the Ghosts of Episode 3 are going to be both kinds—metaphorical ghosts of our characters’ yesterdays and losses, and then also actual spirits.
What if these titular Ghosts of Antikythera are just that? Spirits that, in a thematic parallel of our four protagonists, have been taken from their homes and their time. Perhaps the Antikythera Mechanism is haunted and the ghost ship's former crew it on a previous voyage. While sailing it to America, they meet disaster, most likely caused by the ghosts of the mechanism, leaving the Ellen Austin to find the ghost ship and confront the spirits. At the end of the episode, the evil is defeated and either our protagonists, the Traveler, or even the crew of the Austin (the least likely option) return the Mechanism to its watery grave, where it will be found again in twenty years...
(Part 2 can be found here.)
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bway-bitch · 2 years
Pulp Musicals Episode 2: The Brick Satellite!! Pulp Musicals Episode 2: The Brick Satellite! Pulp Musicals Episode 2: The Brick Satellite!! Pulp Musicals Episode 2: The Brick Satellite!!! Pulp Musicals Episode 2: The Brick Satellite!!! Pulp Musicals Episode 2: The Brick Satellite!!!!! Pulp Musicals Episode 2: The Brick Satellite!! Pulp Musicals Episode 2: The Brick Satellite!!!!! Pulp Musicals Episode 2: The Brick Satellite!!! Pulp Musicals Episode 2: The Brick Satellite! Pulp Musicals Episode 2: The Brick Satellite!!! Pulp Musicals Episode 2: The Brick Satellite!!!!! Pulp Musicals Episode 2: The Brick Satellite!! Pulp Musicals Episode—
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sorryiwasasleep · 9 months
No… no… hang on, because I’ve cried multiple times listening to this song because of the themes and the vocals, but like… just had a Lightbulb moment 💡… was listening rn and I just gotta talk about this bit in Urania Propitia from Pulp Musicals Episode 2: The Brick Satellite
MARGARET: To the women of the galaxy/Who never got the fame
ROSE: You’ve given me the courage not to write/Under my brothers name
ANNA: You’ve given me the blueprint/And you’ve given me the tools
ANNA, MARGARET, ROSE: History is rarely made/By those who write the rules
Because this line ALWAYS ALWAYS makes me think about the ‘Well-behaved women seldom make history’ quote and that phrase and how it’s so often used to be about women needing to MAKE NOISE rather than in a somber remembrance of all those who DID what they were told, who FOLLOWED the rules because… that was what was expected of them, or even women who didn’t follow the rules and protested and fought back, but weren’t the ones leading the charge, and they were left behind by history because of it. And while there’s much more nuance there that I don’t have the brain power for rn, I tend to sort of… despair sometimes for these women because it doesn’t even TAKE long for this happen even NOW, just a few generations before their names are GONE.
And I LOVE this bit in Pulp for this very reason, which I only literally JUST pieced together in my mind. (Like ofc i knew this line and loved it too, but I didn’t connect it my thoughts about that quote before just now)
The women of Pulp point this out. They toast to them, these women that ‘never got the fame’, never got to be able to do what they wanted, what they could’ve excelled at had they been given the opportunity. And more than that, they THANK them.
Margaret, Rose and Anna are saying: I’ll never know you, but I see you anyway, and I thank you because you’re why I’m able to be here. You are the reason I know things need to change and it’s scary but you’ve inspired me to try my damn best to do that in the ways I can.
And I just… 🥹
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If I had a nickel for every time Kim Whalen played a magical badass with a mysterious past she can't/won't talk about and some time-travel abilities and magic that uses melody/rhythm to cast spells who also has some unknown history with her deadly, evil nemesis who may or may not have been corrupted and driven mad by the powerful lord he now serves, then I'd have two (2)(✌🏻) nickels. which isn't a lot but it is weird that it happened twice!
...and I'd give one to Matt Dahan and the other to the Langs as a bribe to tELL ME MORE ABOUT THEM!!! TELL ME!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!
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lesbianclaryfray · 2 years
i’m soooo normal about pulp musicals episode 2 the brick satellite part 2/3 like soooo normal about it the most normal about it in fact
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cinnominbubble · 2 years
Episode 2 of Pulp Musicals, The Brick Satellite is out NOW on iTunes! Here’s a cosplay project done by me and a couple friends on the Pulp Patreon (JOIN US!!!) and, having done a watch party for the episode, I cannot recommend it enough! Go give it a listen (or binge both episodes like I’m doing)
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violetheart77 · 3 months
Happy International Women’s Day stream Urania Propitia from Pulp Musicals Episode 2: The Brick Satellite
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(Photos from the Pulp Musicals official Instagram)
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bway-bitch · 2 years
One Bad goes so fucking hard at all times, but I’m high and it’s quite literally bringing me to tears it SLAPS so good my god
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