#puppyyyyy my puppy dog
acheronist · 2 months
MY SWEETHEART.........................
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quuma · 1 year
i feel like everyone and their mother has spoken about this before but james potter is 100% the biggest puppy bf i've ever witnessed in literature !! like bro has MAXIMUM puppy dog stats
he's the kind of bf to INSIST UPON carrying your textbooks/bags for you and escort you to your classes class,,, like he would literally REFUSE to not do either of them,,, he gets so worked up about it that it's actually kind of pathetic (in a cute way),,,
you wouldnt even be able to carry them for 5 mins in his presence before he's scooping them out of your arms ("james i quite obviously have two perfectly functioning hands just let me hold my books pls" and his completely serious response would be "but im your bf??? and my hands are also free rn??? it's literally my job to hold your books just stfu and let me")
continuing the escorting headcanon he always ends up having to sprint to off to try and make it to his own class in time BDAHBFDH as soon as you retreive your books and walk into the classroom you try to look back and thank him,,, but there's literally just a cartoonish cloud of smoke where he stood not even 5 seconds prior (he insists that it's a good warmup for his quiddich practice)
he's also the kinda bf to literally SHOVE himself in front of you to beat you to the door, just so he can open it, dramatically wave his hand, bow, and say something cringey like "for you, my lady/liege" (BARF THATS SO CUTE IM LITERALLY GOING TO THROW UP)
OMG ALSO HE'S JUST INSANELY OBSERVANT WHEN IT COMES TO YOU????? to the point where it would be considered creepy if it wasnt james,, yknow?? there was definitely a time where upon meeting you at the door of the potions class you just finished (yes he is flushed, out of breath and sweating,,, no, he isnt going to admit that he sprinted from his C.F.M.C class 5mins early to make sure he met you at the door in time) and he does a double take and looks genuinely concerned before saying "???? pookie??? what happened to your hair???? did you do something different?? it looks different from when i saw you this morning !! D:" queue you responding with "?? wtf? i cut off a singular strand of hair for one of the potions how the actual fuck did you notice that??"
he is so babygirl i love it
i swear im not even a james stan but i can't help but ramble abt his bbygirlness
hes such a puppy dog bf
he just has the biggest heart eyes for you bro ( -3-) follows you around like a lost puppyyyyy
you dont just have him wrapped around your finger - you have him tattooed and superglued onto you istg
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sunflowervol69 · 5 years
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noirandchocolate · 4 years
Me:  *brings Penny to sit in my lap during the work group Teams meeting*
My Supervisor:  It’s PENNY!  Hello puppyyyyy~
Supervisor’s Teenage Daughter:  *runs into camera view*  There’s a PUPPY!?  *sees Penny and covers mouth with hands making a sound like a balloon slowly letting out air*
Coworker’s 7-year-old Son:  *practically trips down the stairs behind coworker*  PUPPEEEEEES?!?!
Another Coworker:  Wait hold on where’s my dog, you have to see him too.  *pulls giant labradoodle into her lap somehow*
Yet Another Coworker:  My cat is here, say hello Harvey!  *cat walks straight up to laptop and bonks it with head*
Coworker’s Son:  *squeals and claps hands*
Our Secretary:  Oh here’s Bubbs, here’s our big boy.  *lifts fat cat onto table*
Everyone:  *goes insane*
Supervisor:  *once things calm down*  So anyway, I got you all on here today so we can welcome our new team member.  Yes [New Coworker], this is the kind of meeting you can expect about every two weeks.
New Coworker:  This is the good part about working during Covid, I can tell.
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when-wax-wings-melt · 3 years
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doing the ask game because i feel like it-
my favorite quote: …i have absolutely no idea tbh xD i’ll probably end up thinking of one later and facepalming but.
how my day was: kinda cool so far, lol- i woke up for the first time in my new room!! i had to go to ballet this morning, but it was actually really fun bc we had a really cool teacher (she was also way younger than most of the instructors, we’ve had her a couple times and i love her lol) who instead of having us do typical ~ballet stuffs~ had us do workouts and then taught us a really cool lyrical dance that she choreographed… i also was considering doing lyrical as well as ballet so it was really funnn
anyways now i’m stuck at my (i guess old now?? that’s weird to think about o-o) house while the cleaners clean out the house bc we just moved all of our furniture in to our new house yesterday so woo
a random funny story: okay this one isn’t recent at all but this just came to mind- sooo, we got my dog as a puppy a couple years ago, and it was within probably the first couple months of him living with us? one day, we let him outside and went back in, but after like half an hour of him not coming back inside, we went out to check on him. he was gone, and after looking around for a while, my mom saw a hole in the fence big enough for him to get through that led out to the street. long story short, we searched for him for almost an hour, but couldn’t find him. my poor mom had to deal with both trying to find him and me being a crying six year old because i was scared that he’d died lmao…
anyways, finally, my mom went and knocked on one of our neighbors doors, and a sixteen year old girl opened it, with our dog just casually just chilling next to her.
my dog had ran into this girl’s yard, which had a pool in it, and being the doofus that he was, fell in. yeah, he couldn’t swim. he would have freaking died if this girl didn’t glance out her bedroom window and see a tiny white dog flailing around in her pool, then sprint outside and dive in with her clothes on to save him. she was home alone, but she took care of him and completely pampered him… milo has never looked more pleased with himself than that day.
anyways, yeah, that’s how my dog got his phobia of water…
a song i like :D : my friend just sent me the song “rises the moon” and it’s so freaking pretty i’m in love with it- it gives me, like, french musicvibe
I have ranted about kotlc way too many times... AND I'LL DO IT AGAIN. well not rn I don't have the time or energy BUT FEEL FREE TO IF YOU WANT-
ooooh!!! I'm moving rooms after camp but not my full HOUSE, that sounds cool! I used to do ballet but quit bc it was boring lmao
AWWWWWWW PUPPYYYYY I want him I want a picture-
oooooh!! sounds cool, I'll listen to it!
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yourgoodpuppy-moved · 3 years
i’ll just be doing normal things like walking to my car, brushing my teeth, petting my dog, eating cereal, & i’ll just hear deku moaning “puppyyyyy puuu- puppy pleeeeease pupppppyyy” in my head.
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arashisenshi · 4 years
List 5 things that make you happy. And if you want, share this ask with the last 10 people who reblogged something from you.
Gosh, @sordidgoddess, I have no idea how, but I totally missed the notification for this - sorry! What a great thing to think about!
1. Pets. Fluffy pets. Puppies mostly. I am the kind of person who will totally lose track of what I am saying or what anyone is saying, because a doggy walked past. I will point it out and go all goofy “Puppyyyyy!” like a five year old. I cannot afford a dog, living alone and being away at work a lot, but I am currently very set on adopting a cat, hopefully before the year is over :). 
2. Travel. I love discovering new places, even if I find it hard right now to motivate myself to do much of anything. I also love the carelessness of vacations - no alarm clocks, no deadlines, no obligations, no playing nice with people you don’t care about. No rush to anywhere. Just casually and leisurely discovering a new corner of the world at your own pace and absorbing it through all your senses.
3. Reading. I am super excited for a visit home, mostly because there will not be much else to do than read. I have bought the two volumes of Brandon Sanderson’s Oathbringer this summer and have not found the right frame of mine to devour them yet, but I have high hopes for December still... Also, I might have called it a guilty pleasure, but I have sort of weaned myself off feeling guilty for my pleasures - I love meself a fluffy m/m romance with a (generous) dash of smut. This past week I finished the last two books in Alexis Hall’s Spires series (books are unrelated to each other, by other than the general love story backdrop - though they touch on other topics, such as depression, grief, BDSM, homophobia, etc. - and the fact that inevitably one of the characters will produce something edible at some point and the recipe is shared at the end of the book :)) ).
4. Colors. Colors make me silly happy. I cannot stop myself buying markers and crayons that see far too little use (should be one of my resolutions, drawing/coloring more, except I gave up resolutions). A couple of days ago, when I got off the train to go to work, I was greated by a glorious rainbow and it plastered a grin on my face for half a day. 
5. As stupid as it sounds, the little marvel of technology that is a smart phone. I am not much of a people person. Real life interactions are tiring and sometimes awkward and far too censored and so easy to get distracted from and more often than not forced or with people to whom I am indifferent or only mildly interested in. But a message from a friend on kik or whatsapp or whatever other social media channel is like a lifeline. Yeah, I am one of those people buried with their nose in their phone on the train. It allows me to keep in touch with people I care about or do things I really enjoy or look at stuff I find pretty, or read, or listen to music, and generally to wrap myself in a bubble of things I like and are me and wear it like a coat.
@bornliar , @lektim , @homeintexas , @therunawaywholived , @ahbaeth - are you up for this? :)
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stonedopossums · 6 years
Weird Things Heard in Mr. Dahlby's Chemistry Class
You're gonna get Asbestos!
You have faith that Sasquatch exists, cuz it's based on no proof, and no facts. Just like I have faith that you'll pass high school. Its based on no facts!
You Vanleft
You're a verb now, Kaitlyn!
Potassium Powerrrr!
No, he's playing in your drawers. (Teacher: Thats weird)
Stop playing in my drawers, Gabe.
I answered it (the phone) and I was like "Hello, Delaware!" The guy was like "uh- uh- uh- uh-" It was awesome
(About crossing the Delaware on Christmas) Like my fore-fathers before me! *shoving motion* *sing-song voice* Don't fall out of the boat!
(About what to call a cop if they pull you over) Well, if its your dad, you're gonna say "hey, dad." Not "Hey, Officer Fenzel" or "Hey, Officer Dad."
Do you want me to cut your throat, AJ?
Do you wear dagger heels, Logan? (Only on Tuesdays.)
Do you wear dagger heels, Gabe? (No! What are those?) Yeah you do.
I can do a really deep voice. (Let's hear it.) Oooohhh. (Thats good!)
Get a leash, get a chain, get a zipline. Get something for your dog! (Or, don't live on the highway.)
Forest puppy.... Forest puppyyyyy!!
The only good cat is a dead cat. I loove dead cats.
And that was only today. I'm going to have like three volumes full by the end of the year. But here's my all time favorite one:
When a giraffe bends down to drink water, do their heads explode?
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stiekemekat · 7 years
punkascas heeft gereageerd op je bericht: .
PUPPYYYYY :( i hope puppy is doing better now??? there are some human pain meds that dogs can take if needed. one of my bffs is a vet if u want me to check in with her about dosage. i did that when my dog had his teeth pulled. she’d just need to know ur dog’s weight and age
oh no, that’s not necessary, she’s okay-ish again. when i went to bed i padded her kennel with some towels so the inside wouldn’t stain, but the bleeding stopped somewhere through the night. but my dad did point out that blood from the mouth always seems worse than it actually is, since it gets mixed up with saliva.
So she’s still alive! and she barked at cars. this would have been the last day of her pain meds so i don’t want to take any risks.
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