#purplish asgore
Can you tell us anything about the secret boss you shared under the reblog of Veratus and @mercair's Quiddo?
I wish to hear more about your secret boss who's been over taken by plants and vines.
This is my first time sharing my secret boss ocs' lore, so I'm fairly excited. Alright, hope you like my ramble session. Here goes.
In the Light World, Rainie is Asriel's old raincoat. The memories of that raincoat alone is enough to be the basis for teru-teru-bozu-like darkners called Raindolls (temporary name?), of which Rainie is one of them.
For context, Chapter 6 is focused on the Dreemurr family, specifically Asgore (and Asriel somehwat). It's still a rough idea, but it's going to test him as a person and his will. Fittingly, Asgore is the 'Flower King' himself, while his subordinates are the Fun Gang (plus Asriel) and Darkners from this world.
So, for their backstory. You know how Jevil has Seam, and Spamton has Swatch? Rainie has Steambert (who in the Light World will be a watering can or one of those spray bottles for wall plants). Steambert doubles as both the head scientist/inventor of the Flower King Dark World and its 'main' shopkeeper.
The Raindolls were built to assist, and they would help whoever they're assigned to. Rainie happens to be an assistant to Steambert. Whether he's building something or managing his shop, Rainie would lend a hand as much as they could. The calm, persistent Raindoll would always help the eccentric inventor-shopkeep when there seems to be a dead end. With their help, the Dark World's cities prospered with steam powered machineries. A perfect combination of nature and machine.
One day, the shop by proxy of its assistant received a special customer; a strange man (you know who). This man, proclaiming himself to Rainie as a 'traveling scientist' visited the shop in hopes of talking to Steambert. Rainie looked for and found Steambert. The mystery man discussed with the 'fellow scientist', seeing great potential in the bright mind behind the country's machines. The discussion, however, shifted slowly from scientific matters to more... Weirder ones.
Things like the world being weaved from strings of 'codes', and how every single thing is a predetermined course of action. Just like the very machines that the shop's owners built and programmed. And with this odd message, the strange man offered Steambert a dark, dark crystal.
Raindolls are sensitive to changes in the atmosphere, and Rainie is no different. Sensing something dangerously off about the crystal (and the mystery man), they rushed to their master and snatched the crystal away. Even if it disrupts the otherwise (seemingly) fine discussion, they will protect Steambert; a master and a friend. If only they didn't make the mistake of looking at the crystal itself.
They saw too much. Things no living being should see or feel or think about. Things like how the world are codes and files and animated images and-
It's been days (weeks?) since the little, calm Raindoll left the workshop. While still well managed and visited, it hung by a thread when compared to its better days. Whispers amongst the crowd and light rain says that the little Raindoll can be seen peeking from behind the sprawling flora just on the outskirts of the Blumengeschäft's Castle and the Downtown. Though they were said to be seen wearing a raincoat made seemingly of petals, and the strings emblematic of the Raindolls seem to now be purple-red vines. In fact Raindolls aren't meant to have a purplish tint; could it be moss or fungi?
They waited and searched for so long that they've merged with the nature. Waiting, biding their time to search for someone who they can (and will, no matter what) help in freeing the people of this Dark World from their fates set in stone.
If you've reached this long, thanks for reading and hopefully you enjoyed the ramble session.
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owosa · 3 years
>Purplish Owners : The Royals
Purplish and pets Masterpost
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“The Purplish Owners (or SF Purplish I suppose), started like the fell and tale owners but grew up to be my take on the sf universe.  I planned the whole story of the underground and the route Wallet (Purplish Chara) took to get everyone to the Surface. For the same reason, I ended up with my own take on most of the cast of monsters and even did some formal designs, so I put alot of love into it and I think is time to share it”.
This is my take on the royal family! Now with they respective lore under the cut.
*You've reached the throne room ... It seems like no one is here.
> Purplish Asgore was an excellent leader, maybe too good.
 Wise and generous;  after the war with the humans and the confinement of the monsters underground, he tried to distribute the resources equitably among his people to ensure that everyone lived in the best possible way. The kingdom had been prosperous and rich, so there was enough to distribute, although that did not please the wealthy class of the capital at all. His doing became controversial for those who were corrupted greed. There was a plot against him and he ended up in the ruins.
>  Purplish Toriel is naive and ignorant. Younger than Asgore, she didn't have much prior preparation before taking her position as queen. Then the war against humans occurred and she was injured, leaving her blind. Given her condition, the king decided to release her from much of the responsibilities of her position, so she lived an easy life until the adoption of the first princes. Her poor ability was a complete contrast to her husband's wisdom, but they both loved each other and tried to work on it together,  giving hope to the kingdom as a family. But the tragedy struck and the image of the queen little by little lost the approval of the monster.
>  Purplish Frisk was the sweetest kid the kingdom ever knew. Really young when they fell to the underground, but welcome with love to the royal family along with MK. They were a brilliant light that filled everyone with hope, but like a shooting star, their light quickly extinguished. Many accuse the Queen for her carelessness, blamed for not being ready to be a mother. The whole kingdom agree that their death was the beginning of many misfortunes that befell the royal family. Only a few know the truth and how their deaths were intentional.
Here, there was a great plot against Asgore, considered too good to the people, especially for wanting to spend the riches of royalty on the poor. The death of the princes was the first plan to cause a rift between the king and Queen. Then, they faked the death of Asriel when he was born and finally, while the king was weakened by grief, there was an attack against him. Asgore had to flee and Toriel was lied, telling her that her husband had died.
Since the supposed death of her husband, She was devastated and not knowing what to do, let the royal advisors guide her, which it was what they planned. With that power, they have controlled the kingdom to their preference, lying to her about what the real conditions of the kingdom are. She lives in her happy bubble inside de castle, full of luxuries and with no idea of what her people is dealing with. In the other hand, the lowest blow Asgore got in his scape, was that the attackers proclaimed that it was the queen who ordered his assassination. What little he knows about the condition of the kingdom in his exile, he thinks is Toriel's doing.
>  Purplish Asriel is a little thief like all the kids on Snowdin. The ugliest puppy of the pack of dogs that lives there. He had to work twice as hard as his brothers to stand out and even so, the town consider him just...strange. Clearly there is something wrong with him. He totally believes he is a Dog, has no idea of his royal inheritance and neither does the town people, but it's not like they care anyway.
Fun Facts: 
-  When I thought about the story of Toriel in the context of this au, I liked the idea of vaguely inspiring her in Marie Antoinette. I felt that it made a good contrast to how competent and wise I've always seen sf!Asgore. Her main flaw is her ignorance and how she doesn't try/want to remedy it since she has it easy.
Toriel has no idea of the true end of the 6 human children who came to the kingdom. Her advisers created a simple lie and she believed them as with everything else. "The children will help the monsters to reach the surface again" and she asked no more.
-  Wallet is the first to ever question the whole "ugly dog" stuff, but again, it's not like anybody care about it. Not a single monster in snowdin believe them when they say they're human.
-  As I said before, the death of the princes was a plan by a few wealthy people who did not want to continue losing their wealth by having to share it with the poor. Asgore is a powerful boss monster, so they decided to weaken him and then, attack him from behind.
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the-river-person · 3 years
Monster History in the Librarby
Niven was getting ready to close the Library for the night. All the usual patrons had gone home already. Both of the editors for the Snowdin Newspaper, as well as the Loox that often hung around by the tables and played word games like crosswords, junior jumble, or soduku. Speaking of which, Lady Garf, one of the editors of the newspaper who specialized in making games for it, had left a few of the ones she’d been working on. With a sigh he collected the pages and stored them behind the main desk, he’d have to remember to give it to her tomorrow. The bell on the door tinkled and Niven looked up to say that they were actually just about to close. But the words died on his lips and he stared at the person who had come in. Face hidden by a dark cloak, they were somewhat tall, nearly reaching the height of Sir Papyrus, captain of the Royal Guard. Though he couldn’t see their face, he caught a glimpse of white fur. Was it Ice Wolf? Just a little over a year ago he’d started coming in every few months to check out books to read during his work breaks. No, Ice Wolf was much bigger. “Is this the Librarby?” Asked the figure, a male voice, deep yet not unpleasant, almost musical really. Niven grimaced at the question. He’d once harbored hopes of getting the sign repainted. But there really wasn’t any point now, was there? Not only had everybody just gotten used to it, but even if he did repaint it, the sign would just reset along with everything else in a few short weeks. It wasn’t worth the effort, but it still irritated him. Forcing himself to smile he quickly decided just to see what this Monster wanted before closing up. “Yes, it is. We don’t usually see too many non-locals in here. Most just pass by on their way to the ruins or the Greater Snowdin Caverns. Are you from the Capital?” “You could say that,” said the figure, sounding mildly amused. They offered no further explanation, and Niven decided not to push his luck further that way. “What can I do for you?” For a moment the Monster was silent, looking round the small library as if gauging its potential somehow. Not for the first time, Niven wished for the resources to make a much grander library, something akin to the great libraries he’d read of in human books: Ashurbanipal, Alexandria, Pergamum, Villa of the Papyri, Trajan’s Dual Library, Celsus, the Imperial Library of Constantinople, House of Wisdom in Baghdad, "Dharmaganja" ("Treasury of Truth") and Dharma Ghunj ("Mountain of Truth") in India’s Nalanda University. There were so many, and all he had was a few shelves. A couple histories, fiction, somone’s book report left here years ago and never retrieved (it was gleefully shelved as something new and at least 3 people had checked it out since for the sheer novelty), poetry, only a single science book about astronomy, and an entire shelf devoted to joke books and word games. But if someone was really coming out here, far from the Capital, to look for something specific. Well... They had to be desperate. New Home’s public library was much bigger, and if you couldn’t find something, you might humbly petition the King and Queen for access to the castle archives in the chance it might be there. Nobody came to a tiny town at the edge of civilization. Well... they did come. Sometimes they even bought things at the general store or stayed a the inn. But that was really just people on their way to the Ruins after Reset Day, the crowds and the general traffic as Monsters carried out their plans for the next three weeks. Getting puzzles ready for the famous DT and Royal Guardsman Monster Kid, who lived right here in said small town. So some people came through, a lot of people. But not for books. Never for the librarby that hadn’t even spell its name right when the sign was painted. “I’m hoping,” said the Monster. “That you might have texts on Monster History from before the war. History, perhaps theology? Mythology and folklore? I’ll take anything you’ve got.” Oh, so that’s what he wanted. Niven gulped. Okay so maybe it wasn’t accurate that nobody had been coming to their tiny library from out of town. There was that person from the capital he’d only seen once, a shifty fellow who was supposed to be a castle servant. White hair, pale purplish skin, and a terrifying grin with sharp yellow teeth. Niven had been freaked out by the Monster’s weird face markings and the J like tail that had lashed back and forth in agitation. Jevil, or so he had said his name was, had been after books on Monster Religion. It was a surprising subject, one few cared about. But Niven had a couple of rare tomes on it, possibly texts even the Royal Archives didn’t have. And that, it turned out, was the entire point. Jevil was a scribe in the Royal Archives and kept the smaller of the castle’s two libraries in good order for the King and Queen’s more general use. Thankfully he hadn’t come again after the first time, having taken a stack of books with him. He sent them back a month later, along with a few coins for the late fees, and asked for more books, naming each specifically. So Niven had shipped them off to the Capital, and sure enough they returned the next month with a request for more books. Sans the skeleton had become a familiar face as he came by so often to pick up or deliver boxes of books headed for the weird little Monster. And Jevil wasn’t the only one. Ice Wolf had been checking out the weirdest things. Niven would have expected a joke book, or even an interesting novel, but no. Ice Wolf wanted to read about physics and geology and historical documents and traditions. Niven hadn’t had much cause to write to the Capital Public Library in... well ever really. But to get some of the texts Ice Wolf wanted he pulled up his sleeves and penned message after message requesting various books until someone came down about nine weeks in to ask why on earth there was suddenly more book traffic going to Snowdin. “Oh, heh heh.” He laughed nervously. “I believe we do have some things. If you’ll come this way please.” The Monster followed him into the lower levels of the library, a section which held most of the least circulated books and materials available only by request. He really needed to dust down here, now where was the light? Ah yes. A dim bulb flickered to life, bathing the shelves in a warming and distinctly yellow light. From the shelves he pulled book after book, most dusty, a few with a little water damage, and many quite old. These he stacked before the Monster, who shifted in surprise as he looked over the growing pile. As Niven set another book on the pile he caught a better glimpse of the face beneath the hood. A white furred goat-like face with black markings on his lower cheeks and eyes of a dark muted red. Niven almost dropped the books in surprise but hid his reaction by faking a sneeze, though maybe with all the dust in here it really wasn’t that fake. This was a Boss Monster! But not Asgore, not nearly tall enough and certainly much thinner. But not the motherly Toriel either. It didn’t make sense, all the other Boss Monsters had been killed in the war, only the King and Queen had made it Underground with the others. And the only other Boss Monster living since then had been... Hadn’t Asriel Dreemurr become a flower? How had he regained his body? Or... something similar. It wasn’t quite a child anymore, though not yet an adult. Somewhere in between if appearance was anything to go by. A teenager maybe. That didn’t make sense either as his age should have been tied to Asgore and Toriel’s, and none of them could age anyway with the Resets, but maybe being a flower did odd things to you. Niven watched out of the corner of his eye as the prince began flipping through some of the books. “Monsters and Humans have always dwelt together in the world, though the nature of this coexistence had been woven together with myth, legend, and superstition for thousands of years.” Asriel read the passage from a “Brief History of Monsters and Humans”, it was volume nine of the collection, which was anything but brief. The author had been criticized for his long winded and needlessly flowery language. Still it made for good reading, if you had the time for it. “Owing to the nature of Monster’s Souls and the intrinsic connection their magical bodies have to the state of their soul, Humans were often under the mistaken impression that the Monster Clans were more numerous than they really were. As new generations of Monsters were born, they sometimes took on new and often unique forms different from their elders, forms that matched the state of their very soul.” The Prince broke off reading and looked up at Niven, who suddenly realized he’d stopped taking books off the shelves and had been staring as he listened. Flushing, the Lizard started to turn back to the shelf. “Is that why some of the Monsters around are things like Aeroplanes or shaped like bathtubs and obsessed with washing? Because they were born with new forms?” Niven turned back around. It was a good question, and not really covered that well in schools. Sure they touched on the subject, but no one really focused on the implications of how Monster Souls behaved. “Well, more or less. You have to understand that Monsters such as the Tsundereplane couldn’t have been born until Monsters learned of the existence of human airplanes. And anime of course. Then when this new Monster was born, their soul manifested a body that fit who they were at their foundations, the most basic structure of all the things they could become. We Monsters don’t have much control over this, we can’t shift our own forms at will, but our appearance is far more closely tied to who we are than you would think. Creatures like Woshua were born of groups of water dwelling Monsters. Humans often characterized us with names like Fay or Fairy, Spirits, Daemons, and lots of other things. And human folklore has a lot of tales about faeries who insist upon cleanliness and washing, often enacting terrible punishment if specified arrangements weren’t kept, like leaving washing water out at night for them to bathe in, or having a strict routine of personal hygiene while living in an area where said fairy has to deal with you often. Sound familiar? At some point the bathtub must have been an image they focused on, and at some point a Monster child was born with that form as part of who they were.” Asriel nodded, forgetting that he was trying to hide his face and letting the hood slip down a bit as he listened with wide eyes. Just barely visible in the upper shadows of the hood were his horns, not terribly big, just poking up from the white tufts of fur. “Alright,” he said. “I’ll take this one. And these.” He plucked another four books from the pile. “Can you hold the rest for me?” Niven found himself agreeing to do just that as he followed Asriel back up the stairs and let him out. As he locked up and turned out the lights, he wondered why nobody had heard anything about the prince yet if he was back to his true self?
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Strange Discovery Pt.1
Errorfresh story
- Threats
- Violation
- Lemon(??)
- Angst(??)
- Rape
- References
Error’s POV:
I hate him so much, he is so annoying he always comes and bothers me, usually about now but today he hasn’t shown up, I’m getting nervous and I wonder where he is
He was supposed to be here like an hour..
“Wait..what am I thinking?? Why am I getting mad over him not being here?! Stupid” I punched myself in the face “Don’t get attached to him, he just plays with your feelings!” I slapped myself
“Ugh..” I sat down on my beanbag and decided to watch a tedious undertale AU reset
‘I was sipping a chocolate milkshake while watching, it was a boring genocide route, I was bored and I usually get more entertainment when Fresh is bothering me..’, I didn’t notice what I had said in my mind until my face heated up, I quickly slapped myself again
“No. Don’t fall for the trap.” I growled to myself.
Then I heard screaming, I wondered what was happening and paid attention to the AU portal again, there was purplish pink, blue, yellow, and green tentacles attacking a sans? And there was a purple blob on the sans, I was confused by this so I decided to go check it out.
I opened the AU portal a bit more and went through, the AU portal closed behind me.
I saw as the Sans was yelling more and more and the purple blob tried to squeeze into his right eye-socket, I’ll admit I felt some pity for the Sans but not enough to help him.
Once the purple blob got into his skull, the tentacles disappeared. I would admit I was a bit creeped out and I hid behind a tree, I watched as the Sans got up from the floor and grabbed familiar clothing and when he put it on, I gasped it was Fresh.
“Heyy Glitchy brah!” Fresh had teleported behind me and when he did that I shrieked and jumped up into the tree, he looked up at me and his glasses read [LO] [L!] as he chuckled.
“F-Fresh I told you to stop doing that!” I said with royal blue blush on my face from embarrassment.
“So that purple thing was you?!” I said still a bit too startled to come down the branch.
“Yup.” Fresh said plainly
Error came down the branch after Fresh said that, a bit nervous.
“Now.” Fresh said as he pinned Error to the tree, which made Error yelp from the sudden touch.
“Let’s keep this a secret between us, you will not speak about what you saw to anybody unless you want a very RADICAL moment” Error was shocked that Fresh’s almost didn’t use his 90’s lingo in that sentence.
“Alright, alright I won’t tell anybody but get off!” I said as I pushed Fresh away, my face got a bit warm, if you looked close enough there would be yellow blush on my face but it was unnoticeable
“Alright broski, if you break your word on not telling it would be unrad.” Some purple flame fumes out of Fresh’s glasses.
“Ugh, why do I even bother with you anymore.” I facepalmed and started to walk away from the tree until I felt myself get hugged from behind, which made me immediately start to struggle
“Get off of me!” I tried to wiggle out of his grasp
“I’ll let go broski but it was just to warn you if you break your word.” Fresh said.
Fresh finally let go and my face was so warm I could probably melt the snow if it was put on my face, Fresh just chuckled at my lemon face.
“You dumb(wad)!” I was censored by Fresh which made me angrier and it made Fresh laugh more.
I just covered my face with my scarf and pulled out my strings
“I need to go blowout some f(un)king steam!” I said in fury
“Okay I’ll come too broski” he said smugly to me
“Can you leave me alone?!” I said in frustration
“Can’t do that e dawg!” Fresh said with his signature smile
I just stringed the Frisk of the AU before they even got the chance to run away and hung them up in the Anti-Void, then found the flowey and dusted them I just started killing the monsters in Snowdin, Fresh was just watching.
The last monsters not dead were Undyne, Mettaton, Asgore, and Papyrus
I had them all strung and I was about to kill them until I heard a portal open, it was a bit far but I could tell it wasn’t Ink’s portal, I look over at Fresh to see he didn’t make a portal so I think I know who it is but I’ll ignore it for now, suddenly blue magic is on Fresh’s soul eye which shocked me, Fresh didn’t react much, his glasses read [WO] [AH]
My soul aches seeing Fresh like this because believe it or not I actually care for that dumb parasite deep inside.
Core Frisk came out of hiding with a Sans and an Undyne, the Sans was using blue magic on Fresh’s eye soul.
“Oh it’s you again.” I squinted my eyes at Core Frisk
“What’re you doing here? Aren’t you suppose to save survivors from me?” I said in a salty tone.
“Sans please let me help you. If you don’t I’ll have to take this Sans with me.” Core Frisk said with her echoy voice
I looked up at Fresh, I know that if they take him, he’ll have a hard time trying to leave and he might come after me once he is free, or he must dust due to not being able to find a host.
“..Fine, but I’m only doing this because I owe Fresh.” I said in defeat as I let go of the monsters trapped in my strings.
Core Frisk looked surprised and confused for once
“You actually accepted my help” Core Frisk looked happy, her being happy actually made me make a ghost smile but quickly I mentally slapped myself out of it.
“Yeah, yeah whatever don’t get so excited over it, I just want to see you fail to try and pacifiy me” I crossed my arms, Fresh looked genuinely surprised to see that I accepted the offer because of him
Core Frisk suddenly got close to me which me nervous and I backed up.
“Now say sorry.” Core Frisk said to me
“What?” I said confused
“Say sorry to them for murdering innocent monsters.” Core Frisk said, the guards of Core Frisk were concerned that she was trusting me so fast
“Ughh, do I have to say sorry to a copy?” I whined and Core Frisk looked at me with a determined look
“Yes!” She said with determination
“I’m sorry for you being a copy of the original Undertale.” I turned around to say that to them.
“Noo! Not like that! Say sorry for killing them!” Core Frisk said
“Ughh! I’m sorry for slaughtering all your people, snapping your wives’ neck, impaling your supposed-to-be-future-girlfriend, making your cousin disappear.” I said and with each passive aggressive thing I said my face started looking very creepy which made them all very uncomfortable.
“But what about my brother?” The papyrus asked
“Uhh- I- um-” I could feel Fresh’s glare.
“I’m sorry for throwing him into the lava of Hotlands??” I said with a shrug
“I guess that’s a start.�� Core Frisk said
“I’m going to laugh so hard when you fail to pacify me.” I said to her
“Now. Gimme!” I used my blue strings to wrap Fresh and bring him down to us, I swatted at the sans to stop using blue magic, which he stopped when I stepped once towards him.
“Lol, glitchy brah needed to blow off steam, and he got unradically interrupted!” Fresh said in his 90’s lingo and his glasses changed to [UN] [RAD] to [LO] [L!]
“Shut it 90’s nightmare!” I yelled to him
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espytalks · 6 years
Tagged by @medicinemane
Rules: answer these questions then tag 20 blogs you’d like to know better
Nickname: Just call me espy.
Zodiac: Libra. I think cancer’s my moon sign, in case that matters.
Height: tall enough to reach the bottom shelf, but too short to reach the top.
Time: by the time this posts it’ll be about 6:30 in the morning.
Favorite band/artist: or3o, caleb hyles, the musical ghost, and i like some of da game’s music. 
Song stuck in my head: it switches around a lot. right now it's this really inappropriate cover of asgore’s theme, and i hate it so much.
Last movie I saw: i think moana? it’s been a few weeks since i saw anything. it’s really friggin good though, i’ve watched it quite a few times.
Last thing I googled: jordan smith. i was gonna list him as one of my favorite artists just now but i decided against it. I mainly just wanted to make sure i was thinking of the right person. the tab’s still open, too lol.
Other blogs: well i have a few. my main account is @espeonna, my art blog is @espy-art, and i have a couple of failed ask blogs i don’t want to link to, since i’m kinda ashamed of them.
Do I get asks: not often. what you see me post is about all i ever get.
Why did I choose this username: i dunno who started calling me espy first, but it became my nickname, and several years ago i made my artblog to keep my main blog and art blog seperate. a few years after that i decided to make a personal blog. i decided to call it espytalks, since why not just make it obvious what this blog is for?
Following: does it matter? enough to see a lot of good quality content, and the occasional funny meme. and plenty of good art from various fandoms.
Average amount of sleep: look, i could theoretically keep an accurate up-to-date mathmatical count of the average amount of time i spend asleep, but it’ll neither fix when i actually should be sleeping nor make me feel good about myself. it’s about quality, not quantity, and i sleep fine.
Lucky number: 8. 
What am I wearing: uhm atm it doesn’t matter, since when i take a shower i’ll just put on something comfy.
Dream job: i’d love to work in the animation industry somewhere.
Dream Trip: oh there’s lots of places i wanna go. i really do wish i could go to bronycon next year, but i looked at how much it’d cost and it’s definitely not gonna happen. i’d also love to visit disneyland in california. 
also right now, it’s not so much a dream trip as much as i’d like to go back and tour st augustine again. i haven't been since i was a kid, but we did some stuff there that was super fun. i especially loved the ghost tour and ripley’s museum. dunno if either of those are still a thing.
Favourite Food: sour cream and cheddar flavored chips.
Play any instruments: is mayonnaise an instrument?
Eye colour: a greenish blue.
Hair Colour: it’s naturally a dirty blonde, but i like to dye it purple. it’s faded a lot, though, so it’s kinda a mix of light blonde and pastel purple.
Describe yourself as aesthetic things: soft pastel colors, mainly of a purplish scheme, clouds, bubbles, thick blankets, sketchbooks, pencils with cute decorations, glasses of water with paintbrushes in them next to a pan of watercolors, the soft smile of someone too shy to speak, the sound of rain, and the smell of cheap ramen noodles.
Languages you speak: just english. i know scattered words in spanish and japanese, and in spanish i know enough to say i can’t speak spanish.
Most iconic song: “Waving through a window” by owl city. and “for just one day let’s only think about love” from steben uniberse.
Random fact: did i ever tell y’all i broke my arm when i was a kid? i was trying to fly a kite and ride a bike at the same time, and i fell. it’s been so long i can’t remember feeling pain, but i do remember vividly crying screaming at my brother and our neighborhood friend to get help. the cast i got was purple, and hated it so much purple was my least favorite color for years. 
not too long after that, my mom and dad told me we were going to disney world! so all the pictures of me are of me in that cast lol. As if i’ll never forget that specific shade of blue-purple.
I don’t want to tag anyone, so do this if you want.
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redandtheothers · 6 years
(( Here’s the info for one of my non skelly ocs- ))
Name: Celestial Age: Unknown Gender: Male? Monster or Human?: Monster Type?: Incubus / Galaxy monster Appearance:          Form 1: Tall black monster with swirls of purple and blue, shiny stars twinkling in different places, almond shaped white eyes that are usually halfway closed, looks abit like Grillby without the fire hair, pale purple fog with small stars around him.
         Form 2: Tall humanlike being with tanned skin that gleams in direct light, purplish black hair that is short in the back and longer in the front that is either messily slicked back or half slicked, half closed galaxy eyes, small sharp teeth under his naturally reddish lips, longish tongue, has afew piercings and a tattoo half sleeve on one arm.
Possible partners?: Grillby Asgore Mettaton Papyrus Napstablook Maddy Gaster Muffet?
Personality: Flirty, calm, lazy, punny, protective, kind, caring, sometimes possessive, comforting.
Likes: Sleeping, Frisk, Music, Writing music, Singing, Playing instruments, Singing to people, Dancing with people, Dogs, Spiders, Cuddles, Talking to Asriel (Flowey), Sweets, Cartoons, Puns.
Dislikes: Non sweet foods, Fighting, Seeing people sad, Not being allowed to sing, darkness (surprisingly), resets.
Style: Formal, biker, or lazy.
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aerishikari · 7 years
Hopeless: Chapter 3 Regrets
I post here the other chapters not corrected because I would like some advice and review of the plot.
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Disclamers: Beware, don’t read this if you’re sensible to subjects like abuse, missing body parts, talk of enucleation, death, talk of surgery on soul, or thought of letting someone die. Please, stay safe
And one more! He felt his power grow at the same time as his Level of Violence. The monster he killed must have been really powerful. He would have rather fought him in a fair fight if he could. But he was one of the entrenched from the CORE. And he had to admit that killing the alternative Chillby from this universe was enthralling. At home, the Fire Elemental was a veteran from the Human War who became a barman. Here, he seemed to be just some Candy Man.
But his death gave him tons of Execution Points. So this soft candle must have been a veteran too. He could brag about it with his friend.
She couldn’t get over the fact that she didn’t get the expected EXP from filling the Judge. That weakling version of him must still be alive or he really was too weak. If the latter, then his death was useless. His brother’s treason was useless. Even if it wasn’t the first time he hurted his brother to the brink of death, Papyrus regretted his older brother.
He knew for a fact that the small skeleton was alive, somewhere The Relique he wears under his armor confirmed it every instant. Even if at that time, he wanted to kill Sans, after days of reflexion he knew that his sibling couldn’t have betrayed his universe.
He took from under his armor a rudimentary necklace made with a string and a single tooth. Reliques were a old practice from his world, the ultimate sign of trust. Those who had one of this were rare. He knew at the time being only Chillby, Asgore and him had one.
A Relique was a part of a monster, willingly given to prove one’s loyalty. Papyrus had his brother tooth, which was replaced by a golden one for esthetic purpose. Chillby had a finger, but never told the Captain of the Royal Guard who gave it to him and why. And, lastly, Asgore had Undyne left eye.
The more dangerous it was for the monster to give the part of them, the more precious was the Relique. Sans’s tooth was priceless because he was a 1HP monster. Undyne’s eye was a real treasure, it was constantly exposed in Asgore throne room.  They were told that Undyne took it out herself in front of the King to give it as a gift. It was in itself a symbol of the King’s power. The monster who crushed the woman’s will until gaining her undying loyalty.
Papyrus never had to do a thing to gain his brother’s loyalty. Maybe he could have done more. If he did, Sans would have never liked his double this much.
The Captain looked at the massive door of the Ruins. He new the last survivors were inside. He had to finish the job. Destroy every single lives in this pitiful universe and get to the highest LOVE ever.
If his brother survived long enough, he would also give him one last chance. If he wouldn’t grab it, then the dog would kneel before his master.
All that rest was a tiny bundle of dust and a pair of glasses on the floor. He fought until the end. But he did it. And now, she was crying. And it hurts. Her people learned from childhood to never ever show their emotions and to never cry. Crying ment suffering and loss of HP. Fire Elemental couldn’t cry.
But then, two lines, black as coals traced her cheeks. Her flame was smaller, paller. Now her father was a hero instead of the crazy Candy Man everyone made fun of. She didn’t see him, she was too late.
The survivors passed her without seeing her. Muffet was with Undyne, she didn’t see her too. And now, she was alone, before the door and the little bundle of dust that was her father.
She took the glassed and began to play with it between her fingers. Like when she was little, when her dad was still mentally stable. Then, she often hide it from him just to watch him search for it. She always end her game trading it to him for a kiss and a warm hug. He was always late for work after this game but he never seemed to care about that.
Now that she was older, she knew he left his glasses only for her to play this game. To make her happy. And how did she repay him?
By letting him down when he needed her most. By calling him crazy and doing everything to get on his nerve. By blaming him for every little thing wrong in her life.
She began to cry harder. She needed it to go, all of her tears, all of her sorrow. He wanted this hurtful tears to mark her skin forever. To never forget all the missed moments. To mark in her skin all her regrets.
They gave her some time with Alphys. Since her arrival in the Ruins, she was bombarded of questions from the others survivors. Most of them concerned their family and her so called cure for the one who Fallen.  Ahd mostly if they survived the attack. But again, she couldn’t answer any of the questions. Asgore and the Spider Monster called Muffet asked for her too. They said they had something important to talk about. But she was so stressed she couldn’t help anyone. She needed time.
She had been pursued by the monsters of the other world, Grillby had sacrificed himself to save her. She could not think clearly after of such events. Then someone told her about Alphys’s state and she had insisted to see her.
Her reunions with the beautiful lizard woman were rich in emotion. Even if they were only friends until now, Undyne felt relieved to know the Captain was still alive. Even if she was hurt.
Alphys had expressed her relief too. Apparently, all her thoughts had been turned only to the scientist these few days.
Never had she hoped to see the girl of her heart confessing her feelings in such circumstances.
Fortunately, they were left alone until the early hours where Asgore serve them breakfast. And he reminded to her that he needed her for an emergency.
Against her heart, she agreed to see what it was, promising to Alphys to return very fast. She followed the former King in the short corridor of his house up to a door which he opened with a key hidden under his garment. It was a rather small room, Muffet was there, sat at the edge of a bed where a well known skeleton was lengthened, inert.
Undyne was surprised and shocked to see the state in which he was. She could see from the entrance door which that Papyrus’s soul was damaged beyond repair. Then she noticed on another bed, on the other side of the room slept Sans. No … Red. Or at least she could believe that he slept. But the young scientist had seen enough monster having Fallen to recognize one at first glance.
In no time, she judged that the priority went to Papyrus. Asgore closed the door behind her, saying he would return very fast. She was alone with both wounded skeletons and Muffet. The arachnid looked at her with her five dark eyes, worried.
Without waiting, Undyne asked the questions of use on the state of the patient. Certainly, she was not a doctor but she knew how to look all the same. She had not had her PHDs just by playing with the mechanics of Nabstatton.
Taking the place of the spider, the woman fish began examining Papyrus. "What happened to him?" "He was stabbed directly in his soul. With some poison."
Frowning, Undyne took out the inverted heart from the skeleton ribcage. The soul shone weakly and was no more than half of its normal size. The image of a broken heart upside down. Purplish points followed the torn edge of the soul. It was disturbing. He should have died of a wound so grave. Nevertheless he had not fallen in dust. Especially with some poison. Looking closer, she realized that the purple points were not motionless poison dots but strings made of pure magic.
“What have you done to him?!”she asked, shocked.
"I did what I was could! I am not a doctor. I … I wanted to purge the poison but it was so deep in its soul I ..."
"With what you took him he should have died already! Do you have any idea of how he risks to wake up? If he only wakes up one day! He’s a Skeleton! He needs ALL his magic if only to stay in a single piece!"
She saw the numerous eyes of the young woman watered.
Raising her glasses, Undyne tried to transfer a little of her magic in the soul. Without real success.
"I have never seen that but I read some cases of magic not answering anymore in magic dependant monster being. He risks to lose parts of him, not being able to walk anymore. And if he can remain complete, then it will be his spirit which will have suffered …"
"I … I wanted just … He’s the Judge! He … He could free us of these devils …"
Undyne did not answer, letting an annoying silence glide between her and the arachnid. She replaced the soul, she did not dare to say it but, instead of Muffet, she would have let Papyrus die. She glanced at the blue bandana stained with marrow around the neck of the skeleton. Papyrus would have never wanted to survive his brother.
"With only half of the soul … He could have even lost his power as the Judge."
She read the regret in the eyes of Muffet. Apparently, she finally became aware of her acts.
Undyne got up and went to examine Red, disgusted.
She hardly dared to approach. The actions of monsters coming from the same world as had definitively soiled her the vision of Red. She was afraid of him.
But she still wanted to know what she could do with him. Who knows, he could be useful to charge in the other Papyrus for what had arrived at Grillby.
She noticed numerous fractures on his bones, the most impressive being above his right eye, A big piece of the eye socket had gone loose. His left femur was broken and several his ribs were fractured.
But most of all, he had Fallen. A ball formed in her throat. She carried a hand in the phial hidden under her clothes.
"He needs your treatment for those who Fallen Down. We … we need him for …"
"No …"
"No … I cannot wake him. Let him die. I … I cannot give him that I …"
She trembled. She had kept with her a sample of Determination. She kept it on her for weeks, since her error, since the Amalgamates.
After its failure, she made herself a necklace with a phial of determination to carry her regrets near her soul. To never forget. And she never wanted to use this liquid. She would not even use it on her worst enemy.
"And then … he … he deserves what arrives at him is it not? It … it's his fault all of this happened."
Muffet seemed to hesitate before answering.
"And if he was also deceived? He is strange yes but … I always found him kind and Pap likes him so much. I found them lying next to one another. And ..."
"Asgore and I have a plan. And for that, we need both judges."
"Both …?" Undyne had a new look on Red.
She needed details. But she began to get an idea how to exploit the presence of the enemy Judge. If Muffet and Asgore had had the same idea, it was brilliant and completely crazy. Suicidal even. But in view of the events, whatever happens, they were condemned. If they did nothing, the aggressors would eventually leave or kill them … But in both cases, the CORE would explode due to lack of maintenance and cooling.
She wanted to ask for more details to Muffet but was interrupted by the rattle of bones followed by groan. Both women turned around. One couldn’t believe her eyes, the other one had hers filled with hope.
Papyrus had turned his head in their direction. His eyes were opened.
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owosa · 3 years
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Remember the last part of “Storm”? 
Well, a little sketch from the next morning that is totally inspired by the gif under the cut
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Really, I have so much fun with the purplish and Lilo & Stich xD
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owosa · 4 years
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The Royals
My take on Toriel and Asgore for the Reddish & Purplish (yeah, they ended up being a full Au thanks to the pets). The skelebros are there just for scale.
Reddish Toriel is the bad guy. A controlling and abusive leader, her word is law and the royal guard takes care of that. "I want the best for my people" she claims, but only seeks her own gain. Revenge against humans is her greatest motivation and what ended up corrupting her.
Reddish Asgore is very submissive and totally needs therapy.  The goat man has gone through hell and back. He tried to stop his wife and only got her to go against him. In the end, he had to flee for his life and living in isolation has deteriorate his mind badly. Needs all the hugs.
Purplish Asgore was an excellent leader, maybe too good. Wise and generous, He tried to distribute the resources equitably among his people, what became controversial in a world with those who were mean and selfish. There was a plot against him and he ended up in the ruins. 
Purplish Toriel is naive and ignorant. Lives in luxuries. she is totally blind to the problems of her kingdom (and literally too). Since the supposed death of her husband, she has been guided by the royal advisors, which have controlled the kingdom to their preference, lying to her about what the real conditions of the kingdom are.
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owosa · 6 years
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PURPLISH & PETS Masterpost
Bad owners part 2. This two were born from this request  and are heavily inspired by @dust4148‘s designs (NSFW, +18 blog). Same with the reddish one, they get to be a thing thanks to the zoo’s staff. Love this two, specially doggy. So big, so fluffy.
Why PURPLISH? I’m just suck remembering wich one is fs o sf, so I just call them “the purple ones” all the time. And with all the things that happen in the fandom because of that, I preffer to stuck with that name for them from now on. 
*You can say “B-Lord” (Be-Lord) or just Blord. 
*When they’re are with the others owners, sf!Sans goes as Looney and sf!Papyrus as Money (If they interact at all).
Tags:  #blord #rabbit!sans  #doggy #dog!papyrus #purplish
Other Characters:
- “The Royals”  (reddish Asgore & Toriel)
- “The Princes: Asriel & Frisk”
-  “The Royal Guard: Snowdin Unit” (The bunnies)
- “Head Chef of Snowdin’s Community Dining Room // Resource Distribution Manager in Hotland’s Station” (Reddish Muffet & Grillby)
Comics, ask and info:
- “This is a really bad idea”
-”My dog is better than yours” (Comic)
- “Looney’s Background”
- First time that Doggy change to his big form
- “A look into the future”
- “What are you?”
- “ *You've reached the throne room ... It seems like no one is here. “
Part 1 /  Part 2 /  Part 3 /  Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8 /  Part 9 / Part 10 / Part 11 / Part 12 / Part 13 / Part 14 / Part 15 / Part 16 / Part 17 / Part 18 / Part 19 / Part 20
- Bonus 1: Purplish on pjs
- Bonus 2: the next morning
- “the purplish owners are a big Lilo & Stich parody”
- “You must love your bunny!”
- ”Bad owner’s classroom”
- “Easter special”
- +3100 followers special
- “Paws instead of dust” inspired drawing //  Fanfic by @pizzataleau ( 1 & 2 Spanish) (1 & 2 English)
- “Looney’s betrayal” short comic by @eruerushi
Want your own pet? Info about the adoptables go here and here. If you’re interested in commission me the info is here and if you’re thinking on supporting me, buy me a coffe!
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