#qin shen shen
six-sticks · 1 year
my other favorite qin shen shen duet <3
(original video)
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presumenothing · 1 year
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ellsieee · 1 year
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Crying rn. Why ask if anyone misses qin shen shen? WE ALL MISS QSS HACKEN! 🥺 They met backstage at the spring festival gala and shen shen wished Hacken a happy new year in the comments. ❤️
I really miss them so much. I was just listening to their 天下有情人 duet earlier.
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drippingwords22 · 1 year
Just wondering if anyone can access the 勤深深 version of 天下有情人? I can’t find most of the Our Song music clips when I could just a few days ago and I can on a different YouTube account. The only difference between these accounts is that mine is not YouTube premium while the other account is. Otherwise, the location and language is the same. So is it changed to only allow access to YouTube premium? Is there anything I can do about it? As a recent fan of qin shen shen, I am very sad.
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atelier-dayz · 1 year
Please revel in the PERFECT BEAUTIFUL HARMONY that's Hacken Lee and Zhou Shen - or 勤深深 (Qin ShenShen).
Their first song together on 我们的歌 (Our Song):
One of my favorites, with bonus points because of the expression on Wakin Chau's face when he realized they were singing one of HIS songs:
The universe aligned JUST. RIGHT for once. Just saying.
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yamsfan · 2 months
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HARD TO FIND 难寻 (2024)
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unorilisa · 6 months
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ladynamie · 2 months
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Hard to Find 难寻 (2024) | Episode 16
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dangermousie · 2 months
Your OTP could never!!!
She meets the dude who tortured her husband back then and the man is insane AND with a death wish, apparently.
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And she goes mad and stabs him, over and over!!!
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And Helian Xi overhears whatever insanity is going on, bursts in, and shortcuts this whole thing by killing the man cleanly.
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But she is having a full-on breakdown and is not even processing the man is already dead and is waving the sword around utterly out of it and the way he tries to talk to her and hold her to calm and soothe her to get through aaaaaa
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Honestly, the fact that she lost it so deeply over his being tortured is HEALING MY SOUL OTHER OTPS SHOULD DO THIS!!!
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I can't!!! This is shippy perfection, honest.
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They are perfect perfect perfect!
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six-sticks · 2 years
qin shen shen’s version of 那片海/听海 makes me insane
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qiuomg · 14 days
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李克勤 Variety Show Live Songs Now On Spotify
tumblr only lets me put 10 little spotify widgets on a post, so i'll only put my favorites like that and the rest will be hyperlinks
2020 - 我們的歌
富士山下/愛情轉移 (w/ 周深)
突如其來的愛情(w/ 周深)
2021 - 中國好聲音
菊花台(w/ 陳奕迅,劉歡)
我愛你中國(w/ 那英,汪峰,李榮浩,吉克雋逸,張碧晨,吳莫愁,黃霄雲)
2022 - 聲生不息
好歌獻給你(w/ 林子祥,葉倩文,林曉峰,楊千嬅,李健,李玟,周筆暢,劉惜君,馬賽克樂隊,曾比特,毛不易,安崎,魔動閃霸,單依純,炎明熹)
花火(w/ 李健)
最佳損友(w/ 毛不易)
世間始終你好(w/ 林子祥,葉倩文,林曉峰,楊千嬅,李健,李玟,周筆暢,劉惜君,馬賽克樂隊,曾比特,毛不易,安崎,魔動閃霸,單依純,炎明熹)
紅綠燈(w/ 周筆暢)
下一站天后(w/ 林子祥,葉倩文,林曉峰,張智霖,楊千嬅,李健,李玟,周筆暢,劉惜君,馬賽克樂隊,曾比特,毛不易,安崎,魔動閃霸,王源,單依純,炎明熹)
這麼近(那麼遠)(w/ 單依純)
紅日(w/ 林子祥,林曉峰,李健,李玟,周柏豪,馬賽克樂隊,魔動閃霸,單依純)
中國人(w/ 魔動閃霸)
東方之珠(w/ 林子祥,葉倩文,林曉峰,楊千嬅,李健,李玟,周筆暢,劉惜君,馬賽克樂隊,曾比特,毛不易,安崎,魔動閃霸,單依純,炎明熹)
雨夜的浪漫(w/ 李健,魔動閃霸)
不再猶豫(w/ 林子祥,葉倩文,林曉峰,楊千嬅,李健,李玟,周筆暢,劉惜君,馬賽克樂隊,曾比特,毛不易,安崎,魔動閃霸,單依純,炎明熹)
我和我的祖國(w/ 林子祥,葉倩文,林曉峰,楊千嬅,李健,李玟,周筆暢,劉惜君,馬賽克樂隊,曾比特,毛不易,安崎,魔動閃霸,單依純,炎明熹)
2022 - 中國好聲音
上海灘/最愛上海灘(w/ 劉德華,廖昌永,梁靜茹,李榮浩,黃霄雲,希林娜依・高)
飛花(w/ 梁玉瑩)
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ayatominomusi · 9 months
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for this QiJiu Zine
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kingsandbastardz · 1 month
ok for ppl who are into languages! Here's a couple interesting clips:
This is a promo clip from an episode of 田间的少年 (Youth In The Field) where Xiao Shunyao reads poetry in one of the Qinghai dialects (And fails to teach his fellow castmates).
I think he's translating on the fly and I have no idea which dialect it is. According some searching the internets, like the rest of china, the region has a whole bunch of dialects and of the major ones, there are 2 branches -- turkish and tibetan. And of those two there are sinicized versions + additional offshoots?
Here's a link to Bilibili where some dude from Qinghai University is chattering to his audience. (Is it the same one XSY is an alumnus of?) To my untrained ears, it sounds like he's either speaking the same dialect or something similar. [X]
XSY clearly has significantly clearer diction because he's been trained to do so - and he's reading poetry. Also he's apparently still fluent enough he can translate very quickly into mandarin, which -- for anyone who's had to do live translation, it's a real skill! It's really easy for your brain to get words tangled together and suddenly you're dropping half a word in one language, and the other half in another and then everyone is confused.
There's a clip somewhere from back in his MIC days where he's live translating to english for the group's choreographer who was American. Imo english isn't... ah... his strongest language, but the fact he can communicate well enough to translate live so someone can at least get the gist of what's going on = pretty fantastic.
Honestly, envious. I don't think there is a single language I know that I can speak well without sounding like a mealy-mouthed weasel. LMAO.
Anyway, here's some airport photos of him leaving Hengdian after wrapping up Shui Long Yin shooting.
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waterlilyvioletfog · 20 days
MXTX introducing good boy Gongyi Xiao as a potential romantic rival and then IMMEDIATELY killing him offscreen DIABOLICAL. Top ten MXTX crimes.
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