#quit vaping
teatokes · 1 year
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Trying to kick smoking or vaping nicotine? Well then let me introduce you to my little friend Lobelia. She will help you a long your journey. Read more about this queen herb in this blog post 'Goodbye Nicotine, Hel-Lobelia'
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made a meme to cope with my current thoughts and feelings
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unoreversecowgirl · 1 year
it’s been almost 2weeks since i stopped vaping (13days) and FUCK is it worth it!! it’s hard as hell but damn i feel like i’m breathing better than i have in my whole life. it’s such a difference. i promise that if i can do it you can, too!
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thedepressexpress · 3 months
i have absolutely no hope of this finding anyone because i am smol and the internet is a big place but i have no one to share this with.
i quit smoking after 4 years!!! im really proud of myself!!!! ok that's all thanks
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whitheredramblings · 10 days
i’m officially trying to quit vaping. day one. we’ll see how this goes
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1st day no vape ❤️
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runningpastreturn · 1 year
Never forget that Truth.org was bought by tobacco company's in the late 2010s and ever since has only advertised against vapes and lobbied to get rid of vapes. You know what Truth.org used to share in their accurate studies before they were bought out by big tobacco? How effective vaping is to quit cigarettes.
When's the last time you saw an ad about the lung cancer caused by either of these items? It is now all about teenagers anxiety because (sarcasm ahead) that's obviously the ONLY BAD SIDE EFFECT OF NICOTINE?? They also no longer run their ads made by POC about how tobacco companies specifically target poor city environments because they know they're more likely to get teens hooked on the way to the cornerstore. Or anything about the cost occurrence or injury and harm to others around you.
Truth as an organization is just don't vape now. It's just, don't give yourself worse anxiety. It says nothing about cigarettes quite purposely.
As a teenager that actually supported Truth in its early years and witnessed this change around 2016-2018, I've always been disgusted. But I don't think I've ever written up how obvious they are about it and tried to get others to spread that. Even when truth specifically got in the way of all thc vape cartirdges as well for medical users to try and ban flavored vapes without a clear enough law because "kids just vape flavors". And they're still making these pushes country wide. They even got our lighters banned to 21 and up (which I'm well over the age of, but still stuns me when I realize legal adults at 18 can buy fireworks with no way to light them??)
Kids still smoke cigarettes. Kids started vaping about a decade ago now because they're easier to hide than cigarettes and quite literally less harmful (which doesn't equate to unharmful.) Teenagers are always going to see their older peers and family have bad habits and emulate them.
But before Truth.org was bought by big tobacco in the late 2010s, it was having an actual impact in the youth population dropping cigarettes, both under the legal age and above it. This was found with a ton of repeated studies.
Which meant less sales of tobacco products, which led to big tobacco buying them out. And I still can't believe this was legal for them to do, as it's thrown us back into a past of tobacco companies controlling the news around tobacco, as well as staining the narrative and making it less accessible for people quiting cigarettes to get access to items proven to help people quit.
Anyway, that's my rant for the year. Fuck Truth.org and fuck tobacco companies.
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deiongill · 4 months
Today I am 8 days into quitting vaping after 4 years. To be honest, it was a lot easier than I expected. I’ve done my fair share of googles on what quitting vaping and nicotine all together is like, so I assumed that I would be in a constant state of panic for 2 weeks straight with some of the worst symptoms known to man. Was I being dramatic to think that? Yes. Was I crazy to think that and also be so down to white knuckle it and quit semi-cold turkey? Maybe. Now I’ve had a few days in the past week where the motion sickness, irritability and constant background headaches were a lot to handle, but I honestly made it through pretty smoothly.
It was a very simple and quiet decision that I made to quit entirely, and it was in 3 steps that I made it happen and got to the point where I’m typing this without the urge to pick it back up again after only 8 days. The first step was no longer buying new vapes, so I could only hit the near-empty ones I had lying around the house. Not a very glamorous thing to say out loud seeing that I had about 15 of them hiding in random places in my apartment and car, but nonetheless it helped to get the process started. The faded and worn out flavor, plus the disappointing lack of “smoke” exhaled from each hit felt like it was training my brain to no longer rely on vaping to give me the same sense of satisfaction that I once received from it. The experience was now a lackluster excuse for a bad habit. Did I continue to do it? Absolutely. I reluctantly used up all 15 of the near empty vapes in about 2 weeks, and by the end of it I was almost glad to be done with them.
Step 2 was a huge jump, but somehow it felt easy. Here’s what happened leading up to it in reality… I cheated the process, but not without good reason. I finished my last used vape on the way to the airport to fly out to Atlanta to see my family for 2 days during Christmas. When I landed and got picked up, I had already decided in my mind that I was going to buy one last vape for this trip, because I couldn’t bear to let the withdrawals kick in while I was with my family. That was just something I didn’t see going well. So I purchased myself a cheat day vape and went about my holiday before throwing it out as I left for the airport to head back to LA. Step 2 was now in effect. This was the rule of no longer having any vapes to myself, and only being able to take 1 hit of my best friend and roommate Crispin’s vape per day. Luckily I was in the studio for the majority of my time during this phase, so I would either come home around 9pm and hit it once after a full day, or, if I wasn’t in the studio, wait until about 3pm after I had already worked out or hiked before allowing myself to knock on his bedroom door and be met with his answer before I even asked the question.
Step 2 lasted for about a week and some change, and on January 5th, something miraculous happened in perfect timing. I was in an all-day session until 10-11 pm that night and returned home to take a nap before needing to drive Crispin to the airport early in the morning. He was already asleep and I didn’t want to wake him up with my nicotine junkie tendencies, so I refrained from knocking on his door. Somehow, without even noticing it, the clock had struck midnight and I had officially made it a full 24 hours without vaping at all. Not even a single hit. It didn’t occur to me until I was getting back up out of bed to leave for the airport, but when it did I was surprised and proud. I decided that there was no turning back from it, and I would go without my Elliot Smith-esque last hit moment. There was no fond farewell to a friend. I had officially quit vaping for good. It was time for step 3.
This past week has been strange when it comes to the specific experience of completely quitting. I remember moments of nausea, headaches, lack of focus, and compulsive eating, but never once did I feel the urge to make all the discomfort disappear by taking the easy way out. I stood on the word that I gave to myself and refused to budge. I gained a lot of respect for myself this week, respect that was earned by choosing my future over my present. I showed myself tough love, real care and kept a promise. I don’t know what version of me is going to be able to see that promise come full circle and be able to say “I’m so thankful I made that decision”, but I’m looking forward to being that version of myself, no matter how far away that is. I proved that I’m worth being looked out for, taken care of, and respected, even if only by myself. I showed myself that I matter by doing this, and I set an example for all the other parts of me that I want to work on and improve. If I can do this, what else can I do?
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rasalies9safe9space9 · 11 months
As a person with autism how do I quit vaping
Im asking for genuine advice. I want to quit but on top of the addiction Itself, it's turned into a stim, and a few moments ago I had a meltdown becaus I couldn't find it in it's regular spot. Now I'm worried how I'll react with it not there at all. Any advice?
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brighter-by-the-daly · 4 months
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Day 2 🎉
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day 1 of quitting nicotine😎😎😎😎😎
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unoreversecowgirl · 1 year
how i stopped vaping!!!!
1. use your notes app!! create a list of reasons to quit/mantras/etc and use it all the time
2. decide on your own when to stop. make it a special date or when your run out next or whatever. make a plan then try it.
3. gum!! peppermints!! hard candies!! butterscotch candy!! cinnamon candy!! i used winter-mints for the first three days and fuck did they help!! buy a TON. every time a craving hits BOOM mint/candy/gum.
4. the mantra that helped me most: “don’t make it a bigger deal than it is”. minimizing the addiction gave it less power to me. i kept this on my notes app and every time i felt like caving i read it and it helped me relax and…..
5. …..recognize the difference between your thoughts and your addition’s thoughts. when i have persistent thoughts to vape i say aloud “that’s my addiction, NOT ME!”
both sides of my family have addictions: smoking, vaping, alcoholisms, opioids, etc. if i can quit SO CAN YOU!
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thatcreepydoll · 5 months
why does wattpad keep giving me ads about quitting vaping i dont vape 😨
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velvetshadow · 1 year
3 years of smoking, 5 years of vaping...
Nicotine free, day 8. The cravings are mainly gone and I'm fine (not)
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twoyuh · 1 year
i’m trying to quit vaping and it’s so hard. i cut down to using one disposable a week and,,, it’s not going good. i’m so irritable, emotional, and anxious. if i can’t hit a vape, my leg is shaking. i don’t wanna do the chew gum/drink water combo because of ed behaviors. like,,, what do i do except vape??? plus i stay up mad late at night so what do i do to keep occupied? i can’t go for a walk. i can’t make food, it’s too loud. i can’t work out. there’s nothing to do except sit here and do something on my phone or computer to distract myself. this is so irritating i wanna scream.
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elliotthecrow · 10 months
All done :)
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Thanks to my wonderful SO for motivating me to finally quit all nicotine and vaping products. Took me far too long to get here but now it's finished and I will not be going back.
I quit nicotine back in March at their behest, and weaned off the physical addiction to the vape itself over the next few months. I found my vape stuff while cleaning the apartment to move and realized I had no more desire at all to use it, so in the bin it goes. For good.
I can breathe better, I can smell things better, I no longer get headaches daily. All around my quality of life is improving bit by bit.
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