#ranting i guess
dominimoonbeam · 8 months
The idea that you have to love yourself before you can love others or be loved, or anything like that, is stupid and wrong. It's just a clever assortment of words that someone thought sounded good.
It's bullshit.
I've struggled over loving myself my whole life. I've never struggled to love others and I've never doubted the ones that love me.
Loving yourself is a good thing and a good goal, but it's not an obstacle to be overcome before we get any other love in our lives.
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annasbowlerhat · 4 months
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It has been a good... 7-8 years since I opened a book to read and it was the light version of Count of Monte Cristo (I love this story) and it was tough to get through it.
Brain is fried due to 20+ years of tiredness and stress and shuts down when it meets a wall of text, that included important letters from insurance companies and all adult letters that will come at you.
And it kinda suck.
I get jealous of people being happy they find a good book and wanna talk about it. I mean, heck, I will gladly listen to a re-told version and be hyped up about it, but sad I can't read it myself.
I try read once in a while but it just turns to nonsens.
Writing still works though, but I guess it is under more control? I write out information from my own mind but someone else's mind is un-readable on paper.
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ily-no-romo · 5 months
So on TikTok there are apparently people trying to say that autism (and other serious diagnoses) can be used like chosen identity labels with people deciding they feel they identify as autistic one day but then don’t the next day. And there are lots of problems with that that I’ve seen people discussing, so I don’t feel like getting into all of it.
But something I haven’t seen discussed as much is how that mindset plays into the idea that autistic people (or people with any disorder/disability) have to be constantly miserable and actively aware of their diagnoses at all times. It’s harmful for anyone to see disorders that way, but it’s a particularly bad message for people coming to terms with a diagnosis or putting in real work to understand their symptoms.
There are days when your symptoms aren’t as bad, days when you’re happy, days when you function better, days when you don’t feel overwhelmingly disabled. That doesn’t mean you’re not disabled those days, it doesn’t mean you take off the label, it doesn’t mean you have failed to prove to the world that you deserve your diagnosis that day. You shouldn’t wake up every day and question whether you feel atypical enough to justify your diagnosis.
We shouldn’t teach autistic people that they can’t be happy and autistic, that good days are actually allistic days, that a diagnosis requires daily awareness/analysis of one’s otherness and support needs. Autistic people have good days. Disabled people have good days. Those days don’t erase the disability.
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thatone-23 · 5 months
didn’t think i’d have to say this cause i thought it was common sense but don’t repost my art???? especially without credit???? like hello???? im not even mad im just suprised
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snootlestheangel · 6 months
Need to stop having ideas but then not be writing
So tempted to hit y'all with OC stuff but they're not even Fandom ocs, they're just my little guys (and gals)
The idea I have for a COD x OG work crossover is insane and chaotic and I need to stop thinking
I need to be writing
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so i sent a kid who didn't pass the test to the counselor. the student missed by like 3 points, like hardly anything, and she was feeling pretty down about it. understandably, as it's a graduation requirement. so i was like "ok, why don't i send you to your counselor, and they can talk to you and let you know what you're looking at for next year - what courses, what the retakes look like, etc." you know, just wanting to help her feel better about shit. and also because i straight up don't know the answer, as someone who is still new to the high school scene.
student comes back and told me that the counselor was super rude about it, and was kind of snarky about me as well. like i shouldn't have sent her over there or something - lady, i'm trying to help a kid feel better about not passing this super fucking important test, excuse the fuck out of me for having empathy i guess.
the student was like "i hate her, she has such an attitude, i don't know why she even works with kids" and like. okay, valid feelings. i don't know the counselor, have never talked to her. haven't heard many other students talk about her either, so not sure if this is universal or just a personality clash. but still. i feel like at least a tiny bit of empathy wouldn't have hurt?
but what do i know, right?
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book-buni · 16 days
I can be really happy but while it is nice to ride the emotional high sometimes I wish I didn’t and instead like a muted happy since it feels really really weird once you’re off that emotional high and you can actually think
like being happy is nice, but not that happy
that sounded really weird but I think I’ll always want a special person all to myself (because I’m selfish that way) who I can talk to about my current obsession, the book I just read, the book I’m reading right now, the book I secretly hate but don’t say, just everything.
I have friends in person
but there isn’t really anybody to talk to about the things I actually I want to talk to
I just talk about the things that seem appropriate. I still have fun I suppose, but I want to talk about what I want to passionately without someone looking at with a face I know isn’t intended to be cruel but is surprised by the sudden energy (followed by a weird feeling of emptiness which is probably the social battery drained)
I am an introvert, but I still enjoy the company of people. I really like hugging and am more clingy than I’d like to admit but it’s not like I can hug every friend since I literally like hug hug them (maybe doesn’t make sense). I can hug my family members but they have better things to do than me hugging them and I don’t exactly hug my sister a lot
and my dog chewed up one of the stuffed animals I hug at night so now I hug a pillow
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soporific-ed · 11 months
I AM SO SICK of medieval period tv being framed as dull , grey , brown , and colorless . it was such a whimsey colorful world , one that would have been so jarring to us with our modern sense of how to use color , WHY DONT THEY JUST EMBRACE IT ! thematic elements story ideas , everything could be enhanced and far more interesting if the utilized color
this idea that the medieval period was drab and lifeless is so overdone and now it's just saddening bc it has become a general ignorant assumption that that was the way it was , when it was far in different in a variety of contexts
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eat-applez · 1 year
Why is it whenever people learn that you can do something they immediately ask you to do it???
“Oh you’re bi/multilingual??? SAY SOMETHING IN A DIFFERENT LANGUAGE.”
“Oh you’re an artist? DRAW ME.”
Like I’ve actually just started saying the weirdest stuff when people ask me to say something in a different language- It almost always goes over like this-“Oh you can speak Vietnamese? Say something in Vietnamese then.” And then I just say something stupid like “Ok! Bạn là con bánh mì ☺️☺️” and they always go “Wow!! What does that mean??” And I hit them with “You’re bread.” And they for some reason get really angry :/
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kick-out-at-one · 2 years
Not to work myself into a shoot but.... Yeah Punk really screwed up everything in AEW didnt he? I called it way back he shouldnt win the title he should have gone for TNT title and had a short but good reign putting over the young guys (like he stated in his first promo) but no. TK put the big belt on him and he gets injured. He comes back and wins it only to act up and burn the entire place down around him. Now everyone had to scramble and put the pieces back together and ya know what? Even though tonight was great I cant help but think where we would be if he just would have stayed king of the mid card. Still a draw but stepped aside to let everyone flurish. But I guess with an ego that big he never really was going to do that. That promo last year was a lie. He said it in the media scrum hes tired of these prick kids. He wasnt here to help anyone. He was here for himself all along. And as his biggest supporter im mad. I'm just mad. Been proud for year to share a birthday with you Punk but not this year.
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velociriker · 1 year
Logging off Twitter after someone got mad and said I was being class reductionist saying British people are bigots. And got the calling them bigots through…pointing out the flaws of the NHS system. That other British people point out???
There’s a lot here but if someone else ask “why just arguing for single payer can be seen as class reductionist?” And someone answers “took me a bit but if you look at the flaws of the NHS system, you might get the state to start spewing transphobic gatekeeping.”
…that isn’t calling British people fucking bigots. It’s showing a flaw in a system that should be fixed. And it’s a good example of how just throwing single payer health care on a situation without much other thought can be class reductionists (and also just a bad idea).
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blackbearybrambles · 2 years
and honestly I don’t really know maybe I fall in love just a little bit with everyone and everything I meet like the chatty dad on the ski hill who told me I made his day when I got excited about seeing a magpie or the waitress at the restaurant who had dinosaur pins on her apron or the man with a guitar playing tunes by America late at night and the sound of his harmonica made me want to dance or the man with the huge dog who let me ask a thousand questions about his pup or the lady on the street with the beautiful smile and the 8 year old kid who dared me to race him down the whole mountain and the whole world is full of beautiful people and I adore everything about everything and even when things aren’t going great they’re still a wonder because how lucky are we to live in this world where we’ve experienced enough happy to feel sad and every moment is truly a treasure and even just going to walk to the coffee shop is insane because we’re all alive and that just astonishes me and I really don’t know where I’m going with this but life is so beautiful and precious and I fall in love with everything always
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annasbowlerhat · 2 years
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may not sound like a big problem but.. when it is a booked meeting with an important stress group. In a sent message trough their own system, a date, time, with who and location on WHY it would not work that day and still they re-book a different meeting that was no problem with.
It must be a test on how hight your stress level is before you break down and cry.. but it might be solved this coming week when I get to meet a live human and ask WTH happened. 
on a lighter note; sort of starting to accept Krita, I miss photoshop so much but ain’t no way I pay so much for a program. But soon gonna try do real art in Krita, just gonna do some more procrastination and finish off some handycrafts that are collecting dust atm
happy weekend!
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i used to be so good at writing strong, thoroughly-researched, thoroughly-edited essays.
as a kid in hs, my teacher literally came up to me, holding my 40 page essay on the intersection of the European witch hunts and capitalism/exploitation/gender roles (it was supposed to be 7 pages...whoops) and went like "this is literally a master's-degree level thesis. what are you doing?? you could literally use this as your final dissertation in a master's program, what the fuck."
NOW??? NOW?? you'd think I'd be oh so skilled. but alas. i can barely piece together two ideas. adhd skill-regression is so so real. im SOBBING
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gauchestardust · 2 months
> gets R$ 100 from mother
> already had R$ 18 so that means i have 118 now
> "oh that means i can buy something from internet! let's moderate, i'll try buying something che-"
> *spends R$ 77 on a Banette plushie*
> "oh"
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crestfallenwanderlust · 4 months
I made sure to eat less this dinner regardless of my relatives(two of them are the celebrants) insisting to eat more yet I'm not sure what meal upset my stomach, the excess oil coming from the pinikpikan soup or the chocolate-cherry filling of the moist strawberry cake for dessert? I politely left the premises in search for the toilet.
I'm posting here instead of twitter for how the majority of my TL are just replies from the accs I followed. Having to scroll and refresh it is just tiring at times.
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