#read Eddie as a repressed gay man in any case
littlerosetrove · 23 days
If. IF the show, for whatever reason, decides to stick with Eddie being (assumedly) straight, then boy will that be fuckin weird, disappointing and boring. And a disservice to Eddie considering how he’s been written thus far. 
If I may attempt to lay this out in the simplest terms. 
The entire time Eddie was married to Shannon he literally, metaphorically, and emotionally kept running away from her. As far as we can tell, not once did he ever truly allow himself to be vulnerable with her. Not in a way that matters for the health of a relationship/marriage. When Shannon tried to be vulnerable, Eddie shut that stuff down. 
Eddie was never vulnerable with Ana until literally when they broke up. He was never really invested in Ana or their relationship. His main investment was “get a new mother for Christopher.”
Same for Marisol, but somehow worse. He’s never been invested in their relationship nor Marisol as a person. He’s clearly been shown to be disinterested in her, actually. One way to avoid getting to know Marisol was using sex as both an avoidance technique (which he often did with Shannon), and using it as the only way for Eddie to accept any kind of closeness with Marisol. 
Hell we can even mention Kim. He’s not seeing her as her own person, but merely someone he can project his dead wife onto. 
When it comes to sex, frankly, Eddie does not seem to have a healthy relationship with it. Again, he’s predominately used sex as a combination of avoiding arguments, avoiding getting to know someone, and out of a sense of duty/obligation. The sense of duty plays into Eddie’s very heteronormative and frankly backwards/toxic stereotypes he has of what a male/female relationship in a marriage or otherwise should look like. ← This was inspired by both this fantastic 7x7 meta post by @sevensoulmates, and conversations I’ve had with @elvensorceress.  I genuinely question and wonder how often, if ever, Eddie had sex because he wanted to and not because he felt like he had to. I don’t think it means Eddie’s disliked every time he’s had sex, in part because let’s be real and keep in mind sex is biologically made/designed to feel good, but really. How often has he ever had sex because he actually wanted it? 
Important side note, I’ll always think that Eddie, out of the many reasons he needs to go back to therapy, is that he needs to learn healthy consent. He needs to know that if he doesn’t want sex he’s allowed to say no. He does not have to have sex because he’s a man, and “men should want and want to provide sex for their wife/girlfriend.” That it’s “a man’s duty to satisfy his wife/girlfriend.” 
Even with Shannon, Eddie’s relationships with women have been performative. He’s only been in and settled into relationships with women because it provides a comforting facade of “This Eddie guy here is a respectable man in a relationship with a woman and has a kid who he provides for, as he should.” ← Society, his family, his Latino catholic upbringing, and heteronormativity has taught Eddie this is what’s good and proper for him. That he should have and want to have a nuclear family (and that he must suppress what his heart really wants).
Three times (four if you include Kim) Eddie has consistently kept every woman he’s been romantically involved with at arms length. IF the show were to keep him straight, well they’ve been doing a shit job at making it look like Eddie even wants to be in a romantic relationship with a woman at all. To me Eddie very much comes across and reads as a repressed gay and demi man. 
Now if you have different views, perhaps you feel that I’m wrong in my interpretation and understanding of Eddie and Shannon’s relationship, or hell, maybe you think Eddie is bisexual, that’s fine. Neither of us are stupid for our thoughts and opinions on this fictional character. But please do not comment or reblog this with “well actually” or anything like that. I have my opinion in my corner over here, and you can have yours on your own, okay? Thank you.
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radiation-run · 2 years
Something that has really been bumming me out, is the number of posts where Ramon (and sometimes Helena and even Adriana & Sophia) is depicted as someone spouting visceral homophobia and hatred— without any canonical proof so far—and then tying it to him being Mexican/Latino.
I know maybe the writers didn’t know for absolute sure back in 2x18, when we first met Ramon & Helena, after Shannon’s funeral, that Eddie would be queer; but by 3x15 Eddie Begins, I’m sure they [writers] had an idea of where things would be headed.
When creating a character’s backstory, I think the idea of whether-or-not their father is a massive homophobe, is definitely an important detail. If the creators and writers wanted that for Eddie, I think they would’ve dropped some big hints for us by now.
I’m Latina, I know about machismo culture; Eddie does not show the signs of a closeted queer Latino man who grew up in the environment so many people have been theorizing(?) he grew up in.
loves and respects women (Eddie ‘women are friend-shaped’ Diaz !!!)
continuously tells his son it’s ok to talk about feelings/emotions (both Eddie and Christopher even attend therapy; Eddie is also a big hugger and always initiates hugs/physical contact)
is very independent/does not rely on women to do things for him (I know this is also ties in to military life)
does not start or escalate arguments (he actually tends to apologize or give his classic ‘✋🤚 Eddie Hands’ as a way to de-escalate/avoid conflict)
Does that mean Eddie never acted in any machista way? No, absolutely not! There very-well could’ve been a time where he reflected on his behavior and made a conscious effort to change, and worked hard to unlearn that behavior/mindset (especially after finding out he was going to be a father!) But, realistically speaking, based off of what we’ve seen, I don’t think that’s the case.
We’ll definitely see in the coming episodes, but until it is made canon, I refrain from taking Eddie’s queer repression as a sign that Ramon was aggressively(???) homophobic. I do think for sure, that Ramon made more passive(???) homophobic comments. Which brings in my theory:
I think Ramon could’ve possibly seen (from afar) Eddie and another boy shoulder-bumping & making heart eyes. Whether-on-not, he brought that up with Eddie later on, I’m not sure, but I think that would’ve been Ramon’s “““wake-up call””” that he needs to make it clear(er) to his son that being gay is not an option (especially since Eddie is the only son—and possibly the oldest child.)
I can definitely see Ramon telling Eddie that he needs to “man up,” get married (to a woman) & be the provider for his family, and of course the famous “brush it off, keep moving forward.”
I also think Ramon would’ve kept this all from Helena, because that makes it easier to avoid acknowledging that your son might be gay.
We’ve seen that Helena’s thing is always about keeping the family close together (being around enough that Shannon was “familiar with the tone,” ; Suggesting Eddie & Christopher move in permanently, prior to moving to LA ; Asking Eddie to return to El Paso after Shannon’s funeral)
Sooo, if that’s all true, it’ll be interesting to see Helena’s reaction to Ramon, indirectly, being the reason Eddie distanced himself—and Christopher— from the family (joining the military, moving to LA) though Helena has definitely had her moments lmfao—“Don't drag him down with you, Eddie.”
Eddie has shown signs of someone who experienced childhood emotional abuse, and Ramon & Helena have definitely shown signs of having been emotionally abusive (whether they knew/meant it or not.) But I don’t think the Diaz household was some war-zone-esque level of toxicity and aggression like a lot of people are theorizing it was.
Oof! I don’t know if anyone read this monstrosity of a post, but it feels nice to let it all out 🥹💖
I would really love to hear people’s opinion on this!
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the-cookie-of-doom · 3 years
Good morning! Whats your favorite show/movie? Who are your favorite characters? Why do you like them so much? Also!! Did you have a good sleep?
Okay so I was a film major for a while, and I have opinions. 
Penny Dreadful 
I love this show. Like, so much. I adore it. I can not get enough of that show. Just all of the imagery, and the fantastic writing and acting. The episode intro alone is one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen. Eva Green is a goddess and I love everything she’s been in. The take on classic horror stories is So Good, and it actually became the inspiration for my Gay Frankenstein story! (Started as a stitch AU, and then went completely OC after I had Ideas) but the show itself is so intimate? I think it’s largely that the period they’re in, everything was so repressed and restricted. So when the characters break out of those moments, it’s more meaningful. And the love-hate relationship between Ms. Ives and Malcolm in season one? Exquisite.  I could literally write essay’s about this show, but I’ll restrain myself and just say: it’s the best ensemble show I’ve ever seen. The characters come together, but they also each have their own distinct lives that sometimes intersect, but in s2 especially, are quite separate. They are constant with one another like ensemble shows usually portray. Also gothic horror and romance? My absolute favorite. 
Anything by Guillermo del Toro
This man Owns My Entire Soul. I’m not even joking, everything he writes and directs is perfection. Crimson Peak is probably my favorite (I have a stitch AU for this too ;) ) because again, Gothic horror and romance. I’m a slut for that shit. Also Tom Hiddleston and Jessica Chastain? Delightful casting. I think it’s obvious by now that I love tragic relationships, so their dynamic is *chef’s kiss* amazing. they’re so damaged. And this quote right here is one of the BEST things I’ve ever read: 
“But the horror... The horror was for love. The things we do for love like this are ugly, mad, full of sweat and regret. This love burns you and maims you and twists you inside out. It is a monstrous love and it makes monsters of us all.”
Engrave that on my headstone, please?? I’ve got a sort-of Dorian Gray AU (it’s delightful) that’s basically built on this entire premise. Mitch makes the mistake of falling in love with Stiles, and does many terrible things because of it. Mostly to himself, at least. 
I think my love of Crimson Peak is very closely tied with The Shape of Water. another beautiful movie, I could wax poetic about this forever. it was beautifully written, and such an artistic movie. I love the way it was filmed, and the set design, and all of the subtle imagery. Such as Elisa’s apartment being cast in cooler tones, it always felt very damp and had evidence of water damage, compared to Giles’, a mirror image of her own, in more warm tones. This is another one I could (and have) write essays about. There is so much packed into this movie, from the themes on toxic masculinity and entitlement, to the conversation on queerness and race and disability, and how all the various relationships are portrayed. Like. there is so much to pick apart in this movie. 
Aside from that, ofc Hell Boy deserves an honorable mention because i grew up on those movies. I’m pretty sure the Golden Army especially is responsible for who I am today, given all the lore on the fae in that universe. Wow, that explains so much about me... Also one of my first WoW characters was an elf named Nuala xD I still have her, too, and it’s been like 12 years lol
Near-Future Sci-Fi
Sci-fi is one of my favorite genres, I am a huge nerd for theoretical and astrophysics. But my favorite kind of sci-fi is the stuff that still takes place on Earth, rather than epic battles in space. Ex Machina and Annihilation are at the top of that list. Alex Garland is another writer/director that I love. He has the same kind of approach as del Toro, where he puts a lot of fine details into his work. And I love that it’s very cerebral; there are so many layers to Ex Machina. My English 101 prof actually refused to analyze it in class when I suggested it to him, because he didn’t think my class could. Basically handle? Dissecting that movie? Because a lot of it comes across as very surface level, but in some cases when you look deeper, it’s actually suggesting the opposite of what you might think at first glance. (And he was right, my fellow students were awful. I miss that class though, it was one of my favorites T_T Mr. Ryder was an awesome dude and super chill.) 
Morgan is another good example. As you can see, I fucking love androids lol. Which brings me to another of my all time favorite movies: Cloud Atlas. I could literally watch this movie endlessly, I love it so much. The acting, the writing, the filming, all of it is top notch. And one thing they did in the movie that didn’t come across in the book, was reusing the same actors through the different eras in the book. That was just so neat, because it really encapsulates how connected these souls are, as we follow the threads of their story throughout time. If you haven’t seen the movie, I can’t recommend it enough.  
Another one I always think of alongside Cloud Atlas, even though they aren’t related at all, is Predestination. It’s a great movie that explores the idea of fate and free will in a really clever way, utilizes time travel in a very organized way that I think was neat (think Umbrella Academy. They even use briefcases! As you can see, I love sci-fi bureaucracy, it’s fun. In fact The Bureau is another movie I enjoyed) and the main character is actually, explicitly trans, which was cool. You basically get to see the entire story of their life, and I don’t want to spoil anything, but it’s just. So good. Mindfuckery galore. 
Shoot, and I almost forgot! Arrival! That is one of the best movies, and another one I could watch nonstop. It focuses on mathematics and linguistics and I swear to god, I almost altered my entire college course because of this movie. Amy Addams is brilliant, Jeremy Renner is so soft and nerdy, and again, it has an amazing take on time travel. I am very particular about how time is handled in Sci-fi, and this portrayal was one of my favorite. (Most of my physics studies have been dedicated to the theory of time, so like. Strong Opinions.) 
Stardust! It wasn’t until Good Omens can out that I realized Neil Gaiman is responsible for most of the stories I loved as a kid lol, and I had no idea he wrote stardust! But that is such a beautiful movie (I have a Stardust AU lol) and it’s definitely one of my comfort movies. Captain Shakespeare is one of the best characters ever, bless Robert de Niro. I would die for him. Fun fact, i had no idea Ipswitch was a real place until like. 2019. I 100% thought it was made up for the movie 😂
Alongside Stardust, I’ve always loved The Golden Compass. It’s fantasy, but also with that old-timey steampunk science feel, which is so fun and surprisingly difficult to find! 
Mortal Engines also has the same kind of feel, and it was such an epic movie in every sense of the word. I’m a little sad that after all the work that went into it, it didn’t get a dedicated following or fan base, because I feel there’s so much potential in it. But at the same time, fandom tends to gather around media that has plenty of flaws for us to repair with gold, and there wasn’t much room for that in Mortal Engines. 
I’m going to put Jupiter Ascending here even though it technically fits with the sci-fi, because that section is long as fuck and also this movie has such a fantastic feel. Mila Kunis? beautiful. The CGI? beautiful. Eddy Redmayne? One of the best villain portrayals i’ve ever seen. The whole oedipal vibe he had was immaculate, as was their portrayal of reincarnation, and just. The world building. GOD. I get so weak for through world building. Also the fkn intergalactic bureaucracy when they’re basically at the space DMV? One of my all time favorite scenes in movie history. 
I have very little room in my life for horror. As I said, I have strong movie opinions, especially when it comes to horror movies. I don’t like how most of them rely on cheap jump scares and overused gore and gratuitous rape scenes, instead of, y'know, actual good writing. 
Which is EXACTLY why I adore It: Chapter 1 & 2. It has none of those things, but still manages to be so terrifying. They are my favorite horror movies, and I’m saying this as someone who has genuine childhood trauma bc of the novel. Like. I couldn’t shower/take baths alone until I was almost 10 T_T When I was 6-7 and saw kids play by storm drains, I would run over screaming about how Pennywise was going to get them. Like, I had issues man. I was terrified to see the first one, and wouldn’t go until I could go with my best friend after she had already seen it, so she could warn me when something scary was about to happen 😂
And, one of my favorite aspects of the movie, and the thing that gave me Mad Respect for Any Muschietti? The way he filmed Bev and her father. They have a character who is literally being molested, but they never once have to show it. And yet their interactions are still so viscerally upsetting to watch. Sexploitation puts me off of most horror, and the fact that Muschietti doesn’t use it here, even when it would be actually somewhat justified? *chef’s kiss*. I love him. 
I love horror as a concept, I’m just really picky about it because I expect the writing to be good. I don’t like short cuts. But in a lot of cases, even if I don’t enjoy the movie itself, I love to watch analysis videos on youtube! I love to see the philosophy and symbolism in different horror movies, even if i don’t like to watch the movies themselves. It’s a fun hobby. 
Then in general, some other stuff I love in no particular order:
The Internship (Bless Dylan, Stuart is such a bitch and I love him) 
American Assassin (ofc. The writing itself is eh, but Mitch is my man) 
Dylan’s episode of Weird City. (I actually have a lot of feelings about this one. Jordan Peele is another amazing writer/director, I really need to catch up on his works.) 
Dorian Gray (*chef’s kiss*)
Rogue One (Makes me cry every time) 
WARCRAFT (Obviously this is a fav. It made me so happy, words cannot express.) 
Coraline and most other stop motion animation. I’ve always had a soft spot in my heart for that. 
Literally anything associated with Tim Burton. Fun fact, when I was 12 and in middle school, I planned to decorate my future house inspired by tim burton. Like, i had Plans. 
Most adaptations of Alice in Wonderland!
So! this got long as fuck! But you said you like that kind of thing lol 😂 I had kinda Eh sleep since I was up so late lmao, and I kept waking up (as usual, rip). And I’m so mad I go up for nothing! The dude I was supposed to show my listing to never showed, and is refusing to answer my calls >_> It’s been 2 hours now, and I still haven’t heard from him. But whatever, I already have a full price cash offer on the house so who cares. And that means I can play WoW all day, now! 
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kaspgaytozier · 5 years
ok, I’m not gonna pretend like I know everything about these characters because I only joined the fandom and I haven’t read the book, neither watched It 1990
But I’m seeing people saying ‘’fuck Andy’’ (yes fuck him for having the opportunity of make it better and still choosing to kill Eddie and Stan) but people are mad and saying he supposedly stole Eddie's arch to give it to Richie ?! and um hello? I don’t think that was the case, because the subtext is there, Eddie is a repressed gay. he even cast a look-alike for Adrian Mellon, a gay man. also the parallels x x 
no, they aren’t perfect movies, no, he isn’t the best director, yes he made mistakes, and the movies (itch2) could have been better, the final cuts didn’t do justice to certain characters and that sucks, but it isn’t like Andy had the 100% of the power of decision, he still had to answer to warner brothers, he even said they made him cut and cut the movie because no-one would watch a 4hr movie, and even after he cut stuff and the movie was ok for him they still asked him to cut another 7 minuter or so, but he refused to delete more scenes so he literally went frame by frame deleting one here one there through the whole movie without deleting any other scene, just a bunch of frames that equaled those 7min x 
and about [ I got a sense- a very subtle sense of Eddie being gay and Rich reading the book umm but it’s definitely something that was never consummated with Richie. I, in the process as I said before when you’re translating this huge piece it has a lot more layers and nuances into something that is a little more compressed and given that Eddie had a strong uh, y’know, history of trauma with his mom and overprotection and germaphobic and he marries his mom and Richie didn’t have much. You know you can see even in the book that we don’t really know what Richie’s family was like ...] x
some people went mad saying ‘’he’s crazy thinking Eddie had already a lot of traumas and it’s stupid of him that he didn’t make him explicitly gay because it was too much to Eddie's arch? so what? he instead give that to Richie wtf ? there are people that have more than one traumas blabla’’ , idk but that didn’t seem to me what he said, I understood it like there’s just certain time they can use to present the traumas of a character and they didn’t get to explore’s Eddie's sexuality because he had already the other issues, yet again I agree that the issues Eddie has are intertwined with his struggle of sexuality and SHOULD HAVE BEEN explored side by side, yes that’s for sure 100% right 
yes it’s sad that in 2019 we still crave for lgbtq+ representation that actually gets to be not sad
yes it sucks he decided to kill Eds 
yes it sucks he filmed ‘n’ versions of Eddie's death just to let the least meaningful for the fans one
yes all of other bunch of complaints we have
but also I am grateful because at least we got one explicitly gay character in a big film like the It franchise, can you imagine if the movies were given to another whoever director fanboy of Stephen King that didn’t have Andy’s vision? I’m grateful that Andy read the book and went ‘’yep reddie’’ idk much about the 2010 script but what if Andy didn’t get the opportunity? and today we would have been talking about how ‘x’ director decided to actually put the orgy scene in the cinematographic adaptation instead of making Richie gay?
there’s also the other possibility that today we could have reddie with actually both of them alive but what were the chances of that?
before fully complaining I'm waiting to see the supercut to see if there’s more to Eddie's sexuality (I really hope so) 
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noldorinwa · 4 years
Chocolate Box Letter
Dear Chocolate Box writer, 
Thank you for checking this out, and sorry about the delay! 
Here are a bunch of fandom and pairing-specific likes and prompts. All my requests are for fic, and I’m open to all ratings. I’m very excited for just about anything I might receive for any of these pairings, and so long as you stick to something related to my general likes, feel free to follow specific prompts as much or as little as you wish, depending on where inspiration takes you!
 I’m lunavagant on AO3.
General Likes
Banter and humor
Canon divergence
Emotional vulnerability / repressed feelings / pining
Character study
Characters being possessive or jealous 
Open endings / hopeful endings
Enemies to lovers / friends (especially childhood friends) to lovers
Smut specific likes: frottage; penetration; clothed sex; begging; orgasm delay/denial; emotional sex; power dynamics; overstimulation; fingering; oral sex 
Unrequested death of requested characters
Unrequested tragic endings
Unrequested gender headcanons 
Bi Richie or Bi Eddie for IT 
There isn't enough Discworld fic in the world, and I would be ecstatic to read just about anything for any combination of characters, really. Some that I am especially fond of but haven't nominated are Sybil, Nobby, William de Worde, Moist, Adora Belle, Polly Perks, and Maladict. 
Anything from a plotty fic to something humorous and dialogue-heavy would be the best thing ever. Footnotes are more than welcome if inspiration strikes. 
 Angua von Uberwald & Samuel Vimes
I would give just about anything for Sam and Angua buddy cop adventures in Ankh-Morpork and beyond. These cynical bastards are two of the characters in the Watch books that most closely resemble each other personality-wise, and anything involving them interacting would be a delight. 
Casefic of any kind, even just a snippet of an ongoing investigation, or everyday Watch shenanigans. 
I really enjoyed Angua and Sam's cameos in Monstrous Regiment, and would love to see more of something of that kind - either set during/post MR canon or in a different setting altogether. 
Any and all interactions with William or Moist especially would be amazing. Especially with both of them being aware that there is a werewolf in the Watch, and both of them very much Not knowing that the werewolf is Angua.    
 Havelock Vetinari & Samuel Vimes
(The tag doesn’t require it, but I’m all for making their relationship shippy – either explicitly or implicitly by hinting at suppressed feelings.)
Feel free to integrate these prompts with the Sam & Angua ones if you're inspired to. 
Pre-series: Sam ends up saving Vetinari’s life much earlier than canon – back when he’s been just recently promoted to Captain of the Watch, and Vetinari is still consolidating his power as Patrician. For all that he's still having to work to make himself heard and respected, young Vetinari probably privately enjoys Sam's irreverence more than he lets on. How does their relationship evolve from there? 
Amnesia fic in which Vetinari has a magic-related accident of some kind (or maybe it's a failed assassination attempt) and ends up forgetting the past five or so years. Maybe he wakes up to Sam sitting by the bed and immediately calls Sam “Captain” instead of Commander? 
Casefic, again! Bickering over case reports! Vetinari messing with Sam by sending people like government inspectors over to the Watch whenever Sam does something annoying (for that matter, what IS the story behind Vetinari sending over A.E. Pessimal? I am Dying to know). Discussions on the need for a free press in Ankh-Morpork, in light of the fact that A) Sam considers William to be a public menace but unfortunately B) Vetinari finds Sam's exasperation hilarious.  
Time travelling shenanigans inspired by Night Watch. Memories, glimpses of parallel realities, Young Sam and Young Havelock interacting. I am also 100% here for Young Vetinari/Sam!Keel.
Any combination of the above ideas, or something new entirely that fits my general likes would be great!
Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier
Fandom specific DNWs: Bi Richie; Bi Eddie; Kidfic; Nicknames that aren’t movie canon
Eddie lives! He just does, because I said so. Angst and temporary character death are more than fine, though. 
I’m here for it all, to be honest, from frantic we-almost-died sex back at the hotel in Derry, to Richie and Eddie attempting to get back to their lives and staying “just friends”, and failing spectacularly. 
Infidelity, angsty misunderstandings, and messy attempts at dealing with your marriage when you're gay and in love with your male best friend are all concepts that are right up my alley with these two. 
Maybe Richie manages to push Eddie out of the way just in time while fighting It in the sewers, and gets injured himself. How does Eddie act with their positions reversed?
I have the biggest soft spot for the two of them as teens, and I would love any exploration of their relationship then. 
Finding excuses to get in each other’s space – sitting close together on the couch, or at the movies, in the hammock, sleeping in the same bed. Richie teasing Eddie constantly just to have an excuse to touch him. Eddie constantly nagging Richie to have an excuse to do the same.  
Sleepovers! Pretending to be asleep to ‘accidentally’ cuddle up to one another. Cuddling turning into something else. 
Banter turning into flirting and both of them insisting it’s all a big joke until it doesn’t feel like a joke anymore, but never taking the final step for fear of being wrong or rejected. Richie dealing with internalized guilt over wanting to touch his best friend in ways he’s not supposed to want.  
Richie crushing on Eddie and being terrified of being found out, but unable to bring himself to stop making jokes, or taking every chance to be as close to Eddie as possible. Richie struggling with himself over his desire to be physically close to Eddie – he would never do anything, so surely he’s allowed this? But then again if Eddie knew about the way Richie feels he wouldn’t want Richie to touch him at all. 
Eddie crushing on Richie and not even realizing it until he doesn’t have Richie’s attention directly on him for more than one minute, then getting restless, or insanely jealous in case Richie is directing said attention elsewhere.
All kinds of awkward but earnest teen explorations of sexuality would be delightful.  
If you’re inspired to write smut, I vastly prefer Richie bottoming and/or being generally submissive in bed. Eddie, on the other hand, probably gets a rush from finding out that Richie likes being told what to do. I also believe that it’s much more likely for Richie to be the one to freak out about (or during!) sex. For all that he’s just as repressed, Eddie is also a stubborn bastard, and once he’s concluded that he wants to sleep with Richie he would be a man on a mission. 
Marta Cabrera/Ransom Drysdale
I watched this movie by myself and only distantly registered the fact that I found the idea of these two appealing. Then I watched it again with my friend and about halfway through she went, "you know what, I ship this," and I realised that she was right.  
Someone in a different letter referred to this ship as Marta accidentally collecting a pet sociopath, and that's so on point I'm going to quote it. 
Angry sex, power dynamics, enemies to lovers, the possibilities are endless. Ransom deserves to be pushed around a bit and he’d be into it way more than he’d like to openly admit.
Canon divergence in which Ransom is still a total dick but not the killer. Maybe Marta really did accidentally kill Harlan. Maybe it was somebody else. Basically I'd just like to see more of the reluctant partnership they struck during the movie, with both of them finding each other's moral compasses (or lack thereof) an absolute pain in the ass. 
Post-canon, Ransom gets out of jail and finds that the family is still plotting to take Marta down, and if they can't do that through legal means, well. They'll just have to get creative. Either he decides to side with her for reasons unclear even to him, or they are thrown together by the circumstances and have no choice but to collaborate and lean on each other if they want to survive. Ransom insisting that he's only trying to keep Marta alive because he plans on getting money out of her somehow, even when it becomes clear that there's something else at play. 
Banter, fights, bickering and insulting each other while working together surprisingly – and annoyingly – well. Ransom surprising Marta by making the right choice at a critical moment, and then immediately going back to being an asshole. Marta fighting dirty and Ransom being into it.
Thank you for reading this, and have fun!
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notafightr · 5 years
i dont have any specific questions but id really love to hear any thoughts on It that youd like to share!!!
okay so i have a big note in my phone of all the things i thought to point out or write down from the most recent time I read the book (the past month or so) because the time I read it before this one I annotated the whole thing and I was just gonna chillax with this time but I realized I was still finding new things that I even didn't find when I annotated it and I wanted to remember them so yeah a lot of it isn't coherent bc I figured I'd be the only one to ever see it and I'm not gonna transcribe it so enjoy what makes sense
I think the first chapter is told by Georgie. at the very beginning of the chapter, the pronoun "I" is used for the first time, "so far as I know" and then again at the end of the chapter, for the LAST time in the book, "I do not know where [the boat] finally fetched up", where the rest of the book doesn't once use this first person kind of syntax. the entire book as I've analyzed before uses third person POV, in which it is third person but not limited to one character, following the emotions/thoughts/etc of several different characters at different points. the first chapter is the first, last, the ONLY chapter that takes the third person point of view of Georgie, as he dies so we do not see from him again. since this chapter is the only one we see as Georgie's point of view, and it's the only chapter that uses I as a pronoun, making it first person, it's not really third person, but more of Georgie's first chronological look back on the beginning of the story, starting with his first experience of the events of It. it's even further proven to be less of an omniscient narrator than that of an unknowing one, such as Georgie, when the story begins saying "The terror, which would not end for another twenty-eight years—if it ever did end—began, so far as I know or can tell, with a boat made from a sheet of newspaper floating down a gutter swollen with rain.". This quote contradicts everything we know and come to find out through the course of the story, which is that It has been an ever present being in Derry since the beginning of time. It did not begin in 1957, like this narrator believes, which makes it clear that this is not the same narrator we read from for the rest of the book. So all in all I think this is some spiritual version of Georgie, any amount of years after the story, perhaps 27 years, perhaps a hundred, telling what he knows to us, the reader.
"Arms can be symbols of strength and power. We use our arms to carry and lift and move things, but we also use them to protect ourselves and others. “Arms” may also be used to refer to weapons that attack, or as “armour” to defend."
eddie lost his arm protecting the others
some sort of parallel with Stephen and Adrian.. both writers, s straight a gay, s ditches things that take longer than a few months to write, a 12 years on one book
richie49 251 Richardsalley485
eddiec 251 901
I just realized no kid was killed in their home I think? no Frederick Cowan was
IGMMS on nightmare on elm Street in chapter one
possible reshoots: one from book one from not
Audra bike ride
photo album
eddie corcoran
the bird
dead boys
photo album dos
final flood
I'm caught
literally refers to Eddie as queerboy
a phantom appeared in the form of an old man.
Stan "looked like the world's tiniest adult" Stan was said to have the soul of an old man. tragic when you think about his fate. phantom in the form of an old man could refer to stan
427 ocd
14 430 parallel
584 Richie adhd
all losers only child
maybe in the end it's the voice that tells the stories more than the stories themselves that matter
Bowers HELPED them defeat it by bringing them all together
"'The victim was a gay and rather childlike man name Adrian Mellon. He had a bad case of asthma.'
Eddie's hand stole out and touched the side of his aspirator." (see page 507)
I need not cite anywhere that Eddie is asthmatic, this is common knowledge. But if we go back a few pages, specifically page 493;
"[Eddie's] face was prematurely lined (although in his movements he seemed somehow younger than either Richie or Ben),"
What do these descriptions of Adrian and Eddie have in common? Descriptive of how they are childlike, compared to those around them, and that they are both asthmatic. Not shown above but also common knowledge to anyone who's read the book, they both have other parallels including their death (killed by pennwise/It in which one of their arms is torn off) as well as the fact that the only use of the phrase "my love" is from Don to Adrian and Richie to Eddie.
I know we all know their deaths and the fact that they're asthmatic sets up parallels between them, but I really wanted to acknowledge the fact that within just 14 pages of each other, Eddie and Adrian are BOTH labeled as childlike (in Eddie's case, at least in comparison to those around him) which I think is VERY purposeful. This makes Adrian's only significant trait not explicitly mentioned about Eddie, that he's GAY. Therefore, heavily implying Eddie is as well.
jesus christ
so you're telling me. when Eddie goes down the street Greta and the Tracker Brothers both live on when the seven split up after the chinese food meet up, that he reminisces both on Belch and Greta, two people who bullied him, looking back on when they would play a sport (Greta croquet in her backyard, and Belch baseball in the tracker Brothers field), and then sees Belch as the leper offer him a blowjob? like the original leper? and so you're telling me, a little after that he sees It taunt him again as Greta but in a non sexual way? so basically you're telling me, Eddie sees It as Belch and Greta back to back, who both serve essentially the same character type, paralleling themselves in Eddie's point of view, only difference being their gender, and you're telling me, It chooses to taunt him as the leper offering a blowjob in BELCH'S form? not Greta's? you're telling me all that? that It sexually taunted him as a boy instead of a girl? so basically you're telling me Eddie is gay and It knows it
singer/reddie parallel Richard Penniman Eddie Cochran
"the two up cards were both the ace of spades"
"most spiritual card in the deck"
preconditions 526 619
624 foreshadows Eddie's death when It taunts Henry as the losers but not Stan or Eddie
bruh eddies sexuality is so repressed he don't even know it but Richie he knows something. he knows he likes Eddie. that world of it book says paul Bunyan represents the masculinity Richie is attracted to... literally though... like Richie doesn't tell anyone about it ONCE not even once he never tells ANYONE he only tells his first experience as the one with bill!!! wtf!
check page 959 of annotated copy
ok i think the fact that henry deliberately chose Eddie first to kill is absolutely foreshadowing his being the next death of the losers club, he could have gone to the closest one being Richie on floor two but he for some reason chose the one furthest up? ok worm
973 did kaspbrak have a wife? maybe that was a stupid thing to say.
huh I wonder why Henry would have any doubt that Eddie has a wife
982 Henry literally calls Eddie a fag i
all the slurs henry uses are specifically geared toward a fact based trait of each loser
rocks symbolise strength and stability
very repeated through the book since the apocalyptic rock fight
I kinda don't like that Eddie's ability to navigate was so lately introduced seemingly as a plot device
thank god for small favors... he slapped eddies can....... z z. xxnejsm
spiders symbolize fear turtle symbolizes creator, persistence, endurance, longevity
1098 Eddie goes to Bev first because he's the most "frightened" he goes to her as he would go to a mother. he does this sexual act with a GIRL in a maternal context
send more questions and headcanons to my inbox!
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lol-misantlery · 5 years
Yuletide 2019
Hello! I am misantlery on ao3.
Under the read more are specific details about what I want for Derry Girls, Mad Men, Queen’s Thief, Into the Spiderverse, Fleabag, and The Eagle.
General Likes
PINING, awkwardness, people being inexplicably fond of each other, breaking up/making up fic, people being emotionally repressed, denial, FORCED INTIMACY (pretending to be dating, bed sharing, huddling for warmth, trapped in elevator/closet/room together), amnesia fic, first times, hurt/comfort, trust issues, hooker aus, robot aus, happily ever afters.
I am good with g-rated or nc-17 rated fic, but if you’re comfortable writing porn here are some things I am into:
bad decision sex sexual experimentation fun/goofy/‘bad’ sex sex pollen intimacy issues
General Dislikes
rape/non con, alpha/beta/omega dynamics, mundane aus, soulmate marks aus, 24/7 BDSM, non canonical major character death, harm to animals, unhappy endings, mpreg, issuefic, harm to children.
If you want to know some more about what i’m into for each fandom/want some prompts, then keep reading but don’t stress about following each prompt to the letter or anything. They’re here for inspiration!
Why are you so into The Purge as a scenario???
Listen, this took me by surprise too. Explaining it now makes me sound like a crazy person. But I will try.
The Purge is a horror movie franchise, set in a dystopian near-future America where all crime is legal for one day a year, including murder. Pretty dark, edgy, violent stuff! I am not especially interested in the dark and grim sociopolitical realities of this situation, in case my prompts don’t make that clear. I am here for the absurdity, and in the case of most of these fandoms, for the weird and hilarious contrast between my requested fandom and the over the top violence of The Purge. You don’t even need to watch any of The Purge movies, because let’s be real, I don’t care about the world building or logistics here, and I’m not interested in a true crossover so much as I am in borrowing the “all crime is legal for a day” scenario. If any of the Purge prompts speak to you, read some wiki summaries and have at it.
Don’t feel obligated to write those prompts if these aren’t scenarios that appeal to you! And if you do write them, please, don’t make them super dark. Again, the appeal here is the absurdity, not the grim violence of it all.
Derry Girls: Erin Quinn, Clare Devlin, Michelle Mallon, James Maguire
Let me start off by saying you don’t need to include all four in a fic if you don’t want to! I’m perfectly happy with any configuration you end up putting together. If you want to include all the gang, that’s great too! I love everybody nominated so feel free to go wherever your imagination takes you.
I love how the group will spend all day making fun of each other but always come together when it counts. I would definitely enjoy you keeping with the show and doing something with that. Everyone going up on stage to perform with Orla and James realizing that he belongs as a Derry Girl are two of my favorite scenes.
Erin/Clare: I would love a fic where Erin and Clare really do go to prom together instead of the whole thing with Mae and John Paul. Maybe they go for real, or maybe Erin goes as her fake date to support her and then they have to continue the charade after prom. Erin would definitely do a lot of research and throw herself fully into being the best lesbian she could be, which obviously would include practicing kissing Clare a whole lot. I love a good fake dating fic that has the couple accidentally catching feelings. I also love the idea of everyone thinking she’s just making a statement and her dad being the only one to realize her feelings are for real.
I also love the idea of them bonding over a crush on Ms. De Brun, either after the first time or having her roll back into town and Erin going full Dean Pelton “This better not awaken anything in me.”
Michelle/James: I’m very into their combative but loving relationship. Michelle asking him to stay in the finale *__* I’m also very much into introducing a cousinfucking aspect but if you aren’t, don’t worry. I also enjoy how they are in the show, so if you keep their relationship at that level I’ll still be perfectly happy. If you are into it, Michelle totally gives off a “stop making love to me while I’m trying to fuck you” vibe and I would really enjoy seeing how annoyed she would be to realize he was more than just a ride to her.
Michelle gets caught in a time loop and has to figure out how to escape it. Maybe she lets James leave Derry all those other times and the version we see is the one she got right. Or maybe James and Michelle both get caught up in a loop and try increasingly ridiculous schemes to get out of it.
Or maybe Michelle’s mom gave up James’ room when she thought he was leaving with his mom and now James and Michelle have to share a room. They have to deal with all the feelings the finale brought up.
If you are more inspired by one of the other configurations please go for it. I loved James being instantly on Clare’s side when she came out. Finding out how Michelle and/or Erin and/or Clare’s friendship started would be fun. I liked James coming through for Erin when she got stood up. If you are more inspired by James and Erin please keep it platonic. I like them just as friends. I’m definitely open to James, Michelle, and Erin being queer/bi/etc if you’re interested in including that in any of these prompts.
Something based on this post: https://v1als.tumblr.com/post/187672633662/meanwhile-in-the-other-derry . If this appeals to you please go as wild as you want. Fic about the Derry Girls bullying a clown to death? Awesome! Fic about Mary Quinn beating the shit out of a dumb clown with a frying pan or Sister Michael being incredibly unimpressed by It? Love it. If you want to go to an angsty place I’m into it but I would prefer it doesn’t end with anybody perma-dead. I'd be equally happy with ships or no ships for this. No need to bring in the rest of the It characters unless you feel like it.
Mad Men: Bob Benson, Pete Campbell
This is probably my forever yuletide fandom! The show’s been over for a while now, but I still have an enormous soft spot for the love story of Bob and Pete, and would read any number of variations on it.
I don’t mind if you ignore certain parts of canon (s7) or go canon divergent, you can also follow canon if want (Bob shows up in Wichita??) GO WILD.
Shipping Bob/Pete began as a joke for me, but I do ship it for real. I like that Bob is all *_________* about Pete and Pete is simultaneously disgusted and intrigued. He might not be gay, but he’s definitely into someone who’s into him.
Also, if you just want to write about Bob I’d be really interested in his past and what the whole “manservant” deal was. We pretty much know nothing about him and I’d be interested in some backstory, but I’m not exactly looking for Bob/OMC PWP. In case it seemed that way!
btw, https://vimeo.com/132033248 is a supercut of all Bob/Pete scenes (pw: kneetouching). Enjoy!
Fake dating: The CEO of a big company is secretly gay and Pete thinks pretending to be gay will form a bond of solidarity that will give him an edge, but the CEO mistakes this for interest and Pete scrambles to come up with an excuse to get out of doing anything gay and he comes up with, “I have a lover! You may have met him…”
They go to a gay bar lolz and awkwardness ensue.
Pete molds Bob into the Perfect Ad Man and falls for him in the process. Basically “My Fair Lady” with a hillbilly and sodomy.
Groundhog day fic: Pete has to go through the same day again and again, tries to get help from Ken, Peggy, etc, and then comes to the realization that only Bob believes him.
Bob is a conman who starts out trying to seduce Pete as part of a long con, but ends up falling in love.
what if Bob is a spy who mistakes Pete for his contact because Pete compliments his tie? what kind of spy and mistaken identity shenanigans could ensue?
What if Bob and Pete + the Purge??? I feel like Bob would do well. He’s got secrets. Maybe one of those secrets is a facility with weaponry. Also, sodomy wasn’t legal in New York until the 1980s. What if someone in the office awkwardly asks Bob what he’s going to do during the Purge and Pete is appalled, because how uncouth! Everyone knows you don’t ask people what they’re going to do during the Purge! And then Bob makes some veiled comment about how he always spends his Purges banging dudes, and Pete is horribly Intrigued because sex stuff is never a Purge thing he’d thought of.
Queen’s Thief - Megan Whalen Turner: Gen, Attolia
I love these books, but I'd be lying if I didn't say that I love Attolia, Gen, and their relationship best. I didn't see the twist where Gen confessed his love to Attolia coming at all the first time I read it and I frantically read to the end to make sure that everything turned out ok. As soon as I got there, I flipped to the front and started again. Somewhere between that moment and when I reached that scene on the stairs again, they became one of my all time OTPs. To be honest, it was probably when she cut off his hand.
I just love them so much, with how ruthless Attolia is and how clever Gen is, and all I want is a fic that focuses on them and their sort of messed up dynamic and that will be enough. I also love Kamet/Costis and would be happy to see something about them in addition to some Gen/Attolia content. I'm open to canon divergent AUs, but, please, no AUs where Attolia doesn't cut off his hand.
Part of what I love so much about this pairing is how terrifyingly competent they are together, and what a good team they make. So I’d love a fic about something like, what if some of their barons are stupid enough to think that Gen and Attolia can be turned on each other? Obviously Gen and Attolia have to go crush them together.
They have to go on some kind of diplomatic visit to Eddis or Sounis or maybe something further afield and absolutely nothing goes as planned. Again, show me how terrifyingly competent they are! Or just go for the lolz: how hilariously wrong can things go, and how do Gen and Attolia deal with it? You can also go the action/adventure route: do they have to get themselves out of a sticky situation by fighting or sneaking around?
Speaking of sneaking around: I’m also into the many possibilities of the scenario where Gen teaches Attolia how to sneak into his bedroom for once. Sexy, funny, emotional, all of the above, I’m into any of it!
Part of the messed up dynamic that I love with these two is how fear and love and guilt are all mixed up together for them, after Attolia cuts off her hand. So I’d be really interested in anything about how/if Gen gets over his fear of Attolia in bed or not, but maybe definitely at least in part through sex.
And because I’ve got a soft spot for Costis and Kamet: Gen and Attolia attend Costis and Kamet's wedding, in disguise or not. Maybe it makes them think of their own wedding! Maybe everyone just reflects sappily on True Love! Or maybe someone gets up to shenanigans!  It’s up to you, dear writer!
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse: May Parker, Olivia Octavius
"My friends call me Liv," Doc Ock says to Miles. And then when she walks into Aunt May's house, May says, "Oh great, it's Liv." I would really love to read a lot more about what's going on with that. Sex is not a must, but I do ship them and anything about a romantic relationship would be great. If you're not into that, then I'd love to read more exploring their dynamic in general -- May is so fondly exasperated and not remotely surprised, but they both immediately go to the mat.
Pre-movie college backstory. Were they rivals-turned-lovers in college? Friendly but disinterested roommates who spent all their time playing science cloak-and-dagger games before realizing over spring break that their nemesis was their roommate? 
Pre-movie Spidey parallels backstory. May was clearly supporting Peter as he developed into your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man, and Octavia has been... what? We know she's CEO of Alchemax during the movie -- was she promoted? Is she the founder? I'd love something exploring their parallel paths, May as a behind-the-scenes string-puller and Liv as a mad scientist, with Peter in the middle working to counter Liv more explicitly. 
Post-movie, MIles goes to visit Aunt May and finds Liv there. They have a really awkward tea. 
Post-movie, Liv tries to make a comeback. May rolls her eyes and gets to work.
Purge!AU: What happens to the two of them on Purge night? Does May reluctantly go out to try to stop whatever Liv is up to this time? Do they end up working together for some reason? Do they declare it amateur night and just order a pizza?
Also, I would be interested in a fun fic where May and Liv both end up sort of awkwardly mentoring Miles because Miles and Liv end up in a classic supervillian-superhero team-up against some other big villain or disaster.
Fleabag: Fleabag, Priest
So I watched all of Fleabag in a weekend fueled by pizza and beer and loved all of it. But, not gonna lie, what really got me to sit down and finally watch the show was all this talk of a hot priest romance going on in season 2. Others may never believe Moriarty from BBC Sherlock could bring it like that, but I saw the light.
I’m absolutely fine with shippy fic for this fandom. If you want to go down the hardcore priest fucking road then go wild, but I did love everything about the show. Fleabag herself and all of her issues, Claire (and her haircut) and everyone else. Whatever you can write for me that captures how heartbreaking and funny the show is would be great, I'm sure.
With all this talk of the cool Pope maybe considering letting priests marry let’s pretend that the Vatican really does that and now priests everywhere can get married. How would Fleabag feel when she sees the news on the telly? How would the Priest? Imagine them bumping into each other after the news come out.
I think one of the most interesting things about season 2 was the Priest knowing when Fleabag was breaking the fourth wall. What if the fox is his personal fourth wall that no one sees but Fleabag that he can’t leave behind until he deals with his shit? 
Purge prompt: Brexit finally happens and the new PM decides to try this Purge thing the Americans have been doing every year. How would Fleabag fare in the purge? Would she stay locked inside with her family having to fight off Stepmother, who’s down to do some purging herself and is scarily good at killing people? Would she go off to hunt Martin? Maybe fucking a Priest doesn’t count if it’s during purge night.
The Eagle | Eagle of the Ninth: Marcus Flavius Aquila, Esca Mac Cunoval
I love this stupid movie so much.I love Marcus, Esca, and Marcus/Esca and would prefer them shipped. UST/pre-slash is okay, too, if you'd rather not write a romance, but please at least leave me the hope that it's going to happen!
What I really love about Marcus/Esca is how even when Marcus is the one who holds official power over Esca as his owner, Esca is always the one with the power in their relationship because Marcus is so desperately into him. I love Marcus pining for Esca but being too honourable to do anything about it, while Esca is too angry at himself for pining for Marcus to do anything about it. I also enjoy Marcus having Roman issues about wanting Esca to fuck him and I don't care if they're not entirely historically accurate. I would just be very into Marcus having very rigid ideas about sex between men and struggling with wanting Esca to fuck him and Esca helping him overcome that.
Some general things about them that I love, both in the movie and in potential fic: cultural miscommunications, or just them worrying enough about miscommunication that they don't even try. Marcus having such utter blind trust in Esca. Esca having to relearn how to let somebody care about him.
That said, my first request is PWP. /o\ I would really, really love a Seal People Made Them Do It fic. Maybe the Seal Prince wants Esca to prove Marcus is his slave, or maybe there's a general boning festival going on and it'd be weird/suspicious for Esca not to participate, I don't know (and not too concerned with historical accuracy on this one). But I'm very into the danger element of they have to fake it for their safety/survival and the intimacy element of them understanding each other with few or no words. Like from Esca's POV, he gets that Marcus understands and consents, or from Marcus', understanding that if he doesn't want to go along with it, they can try to kill their way out. And, okay, if Marcus is a little ashamed of being into it, I am very, very there for that. :9
I would also love a roadtrip fic! The movie clearly ends with Marcus setting Esca up to choose their next adventure, so what does he choose? I don't have a lot of specific plot ideas for that, but I would definitely love to see them on another journey together, maybe hitting all the fun roadtrip tropes, like huddling for warmth in the woods and there being only one bed in their room at the hospitia. 
Or, if you're feeling up to something fun and weird, a Purge AU. Honestly, Ancient Rome is a setting that seems oddly suited to hosting the Purge and I would love to see it either played relatively straight to dark and dramatic effect, or humorously deconstructed, with Esca exasperated by more let's-kill-people Roman nonsense.
I would also really be into fic from Esca's POV, holding Marcus during the surgery and contemplating letting twitch and die, and then ~looking into his eyes~ and feeling sick with himself for having such a thought about the man who saved his life, even if he is a Roman asshole. Perhaps followed by all the times Esca could have had him killed or let him die and deciding not to because HONOR until he realizes no, actually, I just really, really want to bone this dude. And then he follows up on that realization, in whatever romantic form that takes.
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notsugarandspice · 6 years
goodnight n go
Read it on AO3.
for @itfandomweek Cold prompt thingy :3
Rated T?? (idk), Reddie, Cold Weather, Sharing a Bed, First Kiss, based on a song, decade-long pining (what else is new), the heater is down, and everything is meant to be
“Rich, you barely have enough time to sprint from the cab.”
Richie’s smile was small which is a rarity on itself but what really surprised Eddie was the pressure of fingers around his jaw. His heart was just about to leap out into the hallway of the stuffy apartment building. Eddie had a hundred regrets about not drinking his wine faster - maybe he’d have enough courage to do what his brain kept replaying on a loop.
“Do you even know how hard it is to say goodbye to you, Eds?” It should’ve been funny, like any hilarious joke Richie always tells that Eddie pretends not to laugh at. But the tone is serious, filled with longing, so breathy at the nickname. Eddie’s chest was burning.
“Shut up. Just say goodnight and go.”
Richie brushed a thumb on Eddie’s cheekbone and let his fingers get tangled in overgrown blond waves. He pushed Eddie’s head to his lips and pressed them to the forehead, lingering there a bit. Richie quickly slipped through the door rapping his knuckles on the wall outside in a rhythm of yet another song stuck in his head.
Eddie barely had enough time to do the dishes and settle back on the couch when he got a text from Richie. He rolled his eyes, but a wide smile spread on his face vis a vis the tumbling feeling in his stomach that’s been growing more violent throughout the years.
RT: shitfuck missed my train. mind if I stay with u?
Eds: I fucking TOLD you
RT: -______-
Eds: Fine.
Eddie quickly got up from the couch to clean up the area, even though they just hung out there not thirty minutes earlier. He went to the closet in his room to pull out some spare bedding for the couch, his head swimming with wine and the influx of thoughts that screamed all the things he tried not to think about. Eddie just started making the daybed when he heard a similar rattle of knuckles on the front door. For whatever reason, Richie never used the doorbell.
Eddie opened the door and his cheeks instantly flushed because of the red on Richie’s - it’d been extremely cold all week, and the other barely wore enough clothing to prevent hypothermia. Eddie dragged him in by the hem of the jean jacket.
Richie snickered and caught Eddie’s hand to press a cold kiss to it, making the smaller man blush an even deeper red. “You know, if you wanted it rough, you could’ve just said so, Eddie-Spaghetti.”
“Rich, you- Why can’t you ever wear normal, weather appropriate clothes?” Eddie gave him a once-over, a little irritated with himself for enjoying an image of Richie in a tight black turtleneck.
Richie stepped a little closer, crowding the other’s space in a cramped hallway. “Weather appropriate clothes is no clothes, babey.” He dragged the tongue over the top row of uneven teeth accompanied by a wink and Eddie was starting to consider poking his eyes out, just so he doesn’t have to catch himself staring at his friend’s mouth every other second.
“Idiot, you know the heater barely works. No clothes will literally send you to the ER. Shoes.” Eddie pointed a finger down and quickly escaped the proximity that made his lungs temporarily close up. “You want a drink?”
“What?” asked Richie, stuck taking off his beat-up Converse.
“DO YOU WANT A DRINK?” screamed Eddie, poking out from the opening of the kitchen. He winced when he felt the chill of the tiles through two layers of socks.
Eddie poured them both some red wine (his stash was rather extensive since Ben’s failed attempt at opening a liquor store) and went straight to the living room, Richie already there, staring stupidly at the half-made bed in front of him. “Please tell me you’re not going to sleep on the couch because of me.”
Eddie snickered and reached out the glass, shivering from the warm brush of Richie’s finger. “Yeah, fat chance. You’re sleeping here.”
Richie groaned and fell down on the clean unmade sheets, dramatically covering his face with a bare pillow. “I can’t believe you’re making me sleep in your freezing living room. You literally have two small heaters in your bedroom.”
“Let me get this straight, your concern over my sleeping arrangements was just you making sure you’re not sleeping here?” Eddie cocked an eyebrow and placed his glass on the coffee table, intent on completing the pull-out.
“To-may-to, to-mah-to, Eds.” Richie put the pillow behind his head and started nonchalantly sipping on his wine, his eyes trained on the TV as if he could will it to turn on with the power of his gaze.
Eddie yanked the pillow from under the man’s head and smacked him with it. “Get the fuck up, Richie, I need to finish making the bed.”
“I can help you finish,” said Richie with a grin and Eddie got perfectly still for a second. Richie’s eyes got even larger behind his glasses as if he knew what’s coming and he just had enough time to lift the glass above him when Eddie lied down on his back and started kicking at his friend’s side, making him tumble over. Richie’s laughter filled the room, and his stupid grinning face was starting to really bug Eddie.
“Damn, you’re extra feisty today.”
Eddie rolled over and started putting on the pillowcase. “Bold of you to assume I’m not extra feisty every day.”
Richie made a mock-impressed face and leaned on the bed with his elbows, the glass abandoned on the floor. “Touché.” Eddie could feel Richie’s eyes on him, scanning and interested. “Need some help?”
Eddie looked at his friend, at the ocean blue in his eyes, a small stubble on his chin and the little wrinkles on the sides of his eyes because Richie always smiled with his whole face. He felt like he fell in love with him all over again. You’re thirty and nothing ever happened and not going to happen. Get your head out of your ass.
“Penny for your thoughts?” asked Richie, tugging on the strings of Eddie’s hoodie.
Eddie could feel his whole face go crimson and he coughed out embarrassingly, stuffing the pillow into the case with his fists. “S-sorry, I just- I’m tired, ’s all.”
“Right,” said Richie with an emotionless tone and got up to walk towards the bathroom, his frame visibly rigid. Eddie didn’t understand what he did wrong, but he continued the motion, chastising his own stupidity.
Eddie finished making the bed and sat back down with a wine glass in hand, unable to concentrate on his planned reading. He was trying to will his brain to stop creating scenarios where he crawls under these sheets with Richie to keep him warm. Because that would be totally normal for two gay best friends.
Eddie’s ears started to hurt from the cold of the living room, and he put the hood up, making himself smaller on the daybed. He wished he was already tired enough to go to sleep but in all honesty, the time he spent with Richie this afternoon wasn’t nearly enough. It was never enough. Every time his friend stepped out of his apartment he wanted to yank him right back, and do anything: talk, watch movies, listen to music, play board games. He wasn’t picky when it came to Richie.
Richie stepped out of the bathroom already armed with sweatpants and a baggy sweatshirt, his hair in a messy black bun, cheeks red from the hot water. He looked so cozy and cuddly, Eddie’s stomach tumbled thirty times over from the image. Richie plopped down on the couch and gave Eddie one of those small, shy smiles.
“You tired yet? Want to watch a movie?” And that was more than enough incentive for Eddie to want to stay up.
They ended up talking through the whole movie, Eddie’s legs in Richie’s lap, their bodies so close together that the freezing cold was long forgotten. Richie was animatedly telling Eddie about the most talented client of his, a teenage girl who has the biggest heart and the best voice in the industry. Richie was sure she’s going to be a star in less than two years.
Eddie was blossoming under Richie’s excitement, observing the way the smile never left his face, the way he kept grabbing onto Eddie’s shoulder when he remembered something he forgot to mention, the way he frowned adorably when he couldn’t recall somebody’s name (Richie was horrible with names, great with nicknames). There was always so much energy surrounding Richie even when he was on the verge of passing out, his contagious enthusiasm making everyone around him giddy with excitement. But he was obviously exhausted, the screen had been rolling credits for the last minute or so and Richie had been repressing yawns by pinching his face. This time it made Eddie laugh so much, he doubled over.
“Alright, time to sleep,” said Eddie getting up from the couch, instantly shivering from the lack of physical contact. He took the empty glass from Richie’s hand, and the man finally let himself yawn, his mouth stretching so wide that Eddie was legitimately worried its corners were going to snap.
“Shit, Spaghetti, that wine made me so sleeeepy,” said Richie turning on his stomach, burying his face in the pillows.
Eddie simply snorted in response, unable to form any other coherent sentence to the adorable image in front of him. He placed the glasses in the sink and shut off all the lights besides the tiny night light by the couch. Richie was lying down on top of all the covers and Eddie had to drag them from underneath the guy, almost making him fall over again. He quickly threw the covers over Richie, took the glasses off and undid the bun, lightly spreading the hair. Richie sighed deep and quickly grabbed onto Eddie’s wrist as he started straightening out.
“Come snuggle, Eds. I promise I’m better than a heater.” He couldn’t see Richie’s face that well but his voice was soft and deep. All Eddie wanted was to be brave enough to cross the line he’d been afraid to cross since he was fourteen.
Eddie twisted his hand to play with Richie’s fingers silently, his chest constricting painfully. “Go to sleep, Rich.”
“‘Kay. Goodnight.”
Eddie sighed and missed the touch of Richie’s surprisingly warm hands. His were cold as ice. “Goodnight.”
He walked into his room, closing the door to keep the heat in. But as soon as he shut it, he noticed that the temperature wasn’t different from the hallway. He looked up at the ceiling speaking to no one in particular. “Fucking great.”
His nightlight was off, and he realized that electricity must’ve shut off in the goddamn ten seconds it took him to walk towards his room. Eddie fell on the bed face down, sheets icy and uninviting. He tried burying himself in the duvet and a million pillows, and his body wasn’t shaking anymore, but he felt like he was making the biggest mistake trying to get comfortable here. His mind kept going back to the image of Richie, covers under his chin, a dopey smile on his face. Eddie’s heart started speeding up before he even decided to move his legs off the bed, silently walking towards the living room as if a magnet drew him closer.
Richie was still in the same position, turned away towards the window, his back to the hallway. Eddie breathed out, his freezing hands sweating from the nervousness. He slowly lifted the covers and lied down sideways, already so much warmer than he was under his fluffy duvet. He breathed in for courage and moved closer, his thighs bumping into the back of Richie’s, making his heart bounce violently. He was steeling himself to move closer when he felt Richie’s hand on his, wrapping his own over the taller man’s waist. An insanely wide smile spread on Eddie’s face, and he hid it between Richie’s shoulder blades, breathless with their close proximity. He moved his hips closer, completely attaching himself to Richie and kissed his friend’s back, overcome with emotion. He was sure Richie was at least half-asleep and wouldn’t feel anything through the fabric anyway, but then his friend turned around, still pressed to Eddie.
Richie grabbed under Eddie’s knee, throwing the leg over his hips, now even closer, too close, too close. He saw the outline of Richie’s face in the dark but couldn’t see the eyes, couldn’t tell what he was thinking. Richie’s hand moved from the thigh to Eddie’s hip, the feeling so heavy and new, creating small tornadoes in the pit of Eddie’s abdomen.
“Did you come to keep me warm, Eds?”
Eddie swallowed, the scent of wine washing over him. “To keep me warm too.”
“We haven’t cuddled since 8th grade.” Richie tucked some of Eddie’s hair behind the ear, fingers brushing the jawline afterward.
“It was already too late.”
Richie chuckled, somehow pressing even closer now. “What, middle schoolers aren’t allowed no-homo snuggles?”
Eddie couldn’t help but smile, playing with the strings on his sweatshirt. “No, idiot. I mean- I mean it was already too late for me. We didn’t stop on time.”
Richie raised his chin a bit, and they had to find each other’s eyes in the dark. “Didn’t stop what?”
“I dunno…whatever I feel for you. It was already too late. Like a year or so.”
He couldn’t feel Richie’s breath on his cheeks for several seconds. “Whatever you feel for me? Is this your way of telling me you liked me since 8th grade?”
Eddie rolled his eyes in the dark, his cheeks burning as much as Richie’s hand was burning under his sweatshirt now. “This is my way of telling you I loved you since 7th grade.”
Richie brushed their noses together, their lips impossibly close. “Damn, Eds. Seventeen years? Way to leave the guy hanging.”
Eddie moved the inch that separated them and gave Richie the softest kiss, a kiss he reserved for him, and him only. Eddie’s fingers flew to the stubble on Richie’s jawline, rough but inviting. Richie’s arm instantly covered the entirety of Eddie’s back, pressing him closer, so close it almost hurt. Eddie’s leg did the same to Richie’s lower back, pushing more and more and more. Somehow Richie’s tongue touched his and Eddie released an embarrassing strangled noise, his body so hot it could probably warm up the whole building. He bit into his friend’s lower lip and was about to dive in for more when Richie drew back, breathing hard. They were so close Eddie could feel Richie’s rapid heartbeat against his own chest.
“Holy shit, Eds,” he huffed a laugh, “we really need to slow down.”
“You’re kidding, right? It’s only been more than a decade, why don’t we wait one more.”
Richie laughed loud, his face in the crook of Eddie’s neck. “Eddie, my love, I think decades worth of pinning probably require some sort of a talk.”
Eddie drew back to be face to face with Richie. “What, you think I was joking?”
“No,” Richie brushed his thumb on the other’s cheek, “I just want this to be real. I need to make sure this isn’t our secret in the dark, y’know?”
Eddie knew exactly what he meant. He instantly felt bad for even pressing. He waited so long, he could wait a couple of hours in Richie’s arms. “Deal. First in the morning,” said Eddie, punctuating the statement with his index finger.
“You got it, cutie.” Richie kissed Eddie’s finger and turned him to the side, sighing into the soft blond hair. Eddie forgot it was December. His whole life suddenly felt like summer.
Perma Tag: @d-nbroughs @j0ys @tinyarmedtrex @aizeninlefox @studpuffin @constantreaderfool @its-stranger-than-you-think (I’m removing some people who don’t interact - I’m not here to force my work on anyone, so no hard feelings. Let me know if you want to be removed/added to a perma list or a specific fic ♡)
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