#really need to reteach myself to be able to read books again i want to its just so hard to stay focused on it
bumpscosity · 8 months
nine people you'd like to get to know better
Tagged ages ago oops by @sylvaniian! thank u :)
Won't tag anyone specific but if you see this and wanna do it consider yourself tagged >:)
three ships
Em you were so right for saying howl/sophie bi4bi howl has been living in my head rent free for the past like month hes everything 2 me.....
idk why i haven't watched the show in ages but varrick/zhu li popped into my head, the ultimate bi4bi t4t adhd/autism couple
semi-joke ship but i've been thinking abt arven/penny for a while now they'd be such a disaster couple wouldn't last a week 10/10
first ship ever
it'd have to be clawdeen/drac and lagoona/frankie. when the first movie came out i somehow got it in my head that clawdeen and drac were canonically a couple even tho its never established LMAO. theyre canonically a couple to me still tho <3
last song
EKT 😔 someday it has to be found it lives in my head rent free
last movie
Willy's Wonderland 😈 it sucked so bad but it was so so incredibly good
currently reading
Unfortunatley I lost the attention span to read ages ago, I started reading neverwhere again like a year and a half ago but didn't finish it. I think at this point i need like subway surfer gameplay next to the page /j
currently watching
rewatching tcw! some of my family hasn't seen it so we're all watching it again, only halfway thru s1 but this show is so fun. Planning to watch the new ofmd soon too
currently consuming
media? im chugging pokemon rn, i wish they'd just release horizons to the us already 😭😭😭. food wise i got toffee crunch oreos today and they're SO good
currently craving
chocolate chip pancakes AUOGH dole whip to but thats a constant at this point 💀
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blairwitchapologist · 5 months
I'm really bad at reading and I get easily distracted and feel bad when I don't understand something im reading :( I wish I could read more books
ok i 100% get you and i know you didn’t ask for advice here but i’m going to give you some anyways and if you don’t want it or you think it’s bad advice then just ignore it
i was a big reader when i was a kid and IRONICALLY when i started taking adderall (i was like 13) my ability to read for fun just went away completely (not to sound like a boomer but social media probably also contributed to this) and when i stopped taking adderall at like 20 that was one of the big things i decided i wanted to get back and it literally felt like i was reteaching myself reading comprehension as well as just How To Enjoy Reading Again lol
one thing i did was go back and reread all of my favorite books from when i was 11, like every chapter book i could remember that i liked as a kid (twilight was on this list but other than that they were books for elementary/early middle schoolers) and just kind of had to force myself to not be embarrassed that i was an adult reading books for kids bc hey at least i was trying!! and if you weren’t a reader when you were a kid either then i need to remind you of this: Librarians Exist and they Want To Help You!!! go to the library and ask them for recommendations on books for people who aren’t necessarily “readers” and i’m sure you will leave with some great ideas
and then another thing was that my phone had to be out of my sight. preferably in the other room on silent
i also learned what environments were best for me to read in and honestly it’s so weird but for me, i was able to do so much reading at bars? i do really well when i’m surrounded by people and people mostly leave you alone if they see you at a bar/restaurant table by yourself reading a book lol so maybe it would be nice to figure out what that is for you!
and this kind of goes hand-in-hand with the library thing but if possible, you should find a book club near you and join it. there’s so many specific kinds of books clubs out there (my friend is in one where they only read fantasy smut books) and you don’t have to participate in the discussion if you don’t want to! sometimes listening to other people discuss the book that i’m reading helps me understand it more! if there’s no in-person book clubs around you, look for some online!!!
also i know there’s people who will make you think that listening to an audiobook doesn’t count as reading and i am going to just let you know that those people are Stupid and Wrong! end of story!
and also just remember that you are (i’m assuming?) an adult, it’s not like you’re getting graded on reading for fun or anything! i know that this whole culture that’s happening rn with booktok and bookstagram and people who have crazy reading goals and finish a book every day is really intimidating so i avoid that! i follow some ig accounts for book recs but i’m not paying any mind to the wealthy unemployed 22 year olds who are able to spend their whole days reading lol. just give it a shot and you’re allowed to not finish a book if you’re not enjoying/understanding it!! but if you want to be a reader you just have to try!!! ❤️❤️❤️
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jamie2lamie · 1 year
March 31st, 2023
Guess what period I'm in!! IM IN MY 6TH PERIOD!!!! This is really the only time I write in school, and I barely remember to write at home. I got really distracted while taking notes, and ended up drawing on like half of the page, not anything THAT interesting. I'll try to remember to upload it later today, I should be able to. I really want to try and read the book Emma by Jane Austen, either online or audio book because I don't want to waste money and I have trouble focusing when reading. I look like a crazy person writing this in the middle of class, and I know it. I'm just typing really intensely and fast, so it looks like I'm responding to like a ransom note for my dog :)) I wanna get back into drawing because I found that, this year in art, my teacher didn't really let us have much artistic freedom, so I lost my style in art and just stopped drawing personally in general. If anything, I want to try doing a painting, I have like three big canvases in my closet that haven't been used before; I would need to get more paint though, I don't ever really paint so I don't have any. I'll probably draw a rough sketch of what I want the painting to look like and post it on here, there's a high chance it'll be something MCR related. Other than the painting, I want to stare drawing people again in a non-realistic way, because any time I've drawn people for art this year, it's been realistic because my art teacher always criticizes "cartoons." Of course I would need to reteach myself anatomy and find my new art style. I want to do so many things at once, but I find that the only thing that's stopping is school/homework and myself, like I want to learn a lot of songs on bass soon and I want to start my own band. I'll update y'all on anything that happens
Have a good day, night, or afternoon <3
-Jamie :))))
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seventeensarmy · 4 years
(3) Stuck With You (OT7!HybridAu)
Pairing: OT7xReader, Jungkook x Reader, soon Jimin x Reader x Jungkook; rest will come in the course of the story
Warnings: a tiny bit angst, fluff, toxic relationship to food, abuse (Like one slapp), flashbacks of JK´s past, tell me if I missed something
Words: 4.204
Summary: Jungkook´s shopping trip brought something home that wasn´t on the shopping list
A/N: I planned to upload this earlier, but TikTok came in the way, sorry
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Chapter three
“ You're older than me? But you are soo small ”
Taglist: @imezz​ @anxietylovesme​ @holaaaf​ @ot7purple​ @calling-dips-on-j-hope​ @greezenini​ @givebuckysomelove​
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(not my gif)
One year ago (Reader 20/ JK 20/ JM 22) "Kookie, can you buy me some of that matcha detox powder?", you asked your boyfriend who was about to leave to go groceries shopping. You sat on your knees on the couch, hopping to appear bigger so he would see you. Jungkook groaned and looked at you, "What do you need that for?" You looked passed him, thinking of your next words. It was powder to help you lose weight, with Jungkook forcing you to have at least to meals and one snack a day you felt like you gained weight. Weight that would have made your mum make you go on an ice cube diet for weeks. So you felt like your solution to lose weight should be taken better by the bunny than what you could have done instead. Jungkook wasn't stupid, he knew what you would use detox matcha powder for, but he wanted to see if you would lie to him. He started to inform himself about diets and work out methods as soon as he could, he wanted to better understand what you doing to yourself and he himself wanted to work on his body. He was trying really hard to get you to understand, that your way of viewing food, weight and your body was a toxic view that your parents taught you. And while you knew, that your parents weren't the best, you found it hard to let go of the way that things have been. "Baby, look at me. What do you want that for?" Jungkooks voice was gently, but firm enough for you to understand, that he wouldn't ask again. You looked at him and bit your lip, "Well first of all, it's really good for your body, it gets rid of all the bad stuff in your body.", you started and Jungkook scoffed, doubting that there would be too much 'bad stuff' in your body, seeing as you were living strictly plant based. Claiming you couldn't eat animals, when your boyfriend was last animal and you didn't want to hurt anyone. Jungkook had cooed when you told him that, thinking how cute his little dancer was, though that didn't stop him from sometimes enjoying a nice steak or fried chicken (not too often though, because he also had a strict diet, due to his rabbit parts). But not only did you live plant based, you also never ate any junk food and sweets. So what bad toxins were you keeping in your body that you needed to get rid of? "Is that all Baby girl? Just having a little detox?" You wanted to scream, you didn't want to lie to him, he would be able to tell right away, you knew that he knew, but you didn't want to see his disappointed face. You sighed defeated, "It also helps with weight loss" You didn’t know what to expect, would he yell? No, Jungkook never raised his voice at you, but he didn’t need to. He could voice his disappointment just fine with a calm voice. "y/n. We talked about this." Jungkook let out a tired sigh. You felt bad, biting your lip, you knew he worried about you, but you didn't really see any other solutions. Your mothers’ words burned too deep in your head. "I know Kookie, but, the competition is just a week away and Ive been eating a lot recently" you tried to tell him, stuttering. You hadn't noticed that he had moved from the door to the couch and was now kneeling in front of you. Jungkook furrowed his brows, what should he do. He saw your slouched position and how you were avoiding his gaze, he knew you were wary if his reaction, because now it was his move, you told him what he wanted to hear. "Okay" Jungkook breathed out, having decided on plan. "I'll buy it. But I'll keep it and you only get to take some after you ask me. Got it? And no other tricks." He was stern, but he figured, that this way he could help you easier. He just needed to slowly show you, that there was no need for such radical diets. He saw a documentary on eating disorders and while he was no expert, Jungkook realised that people suffering from it, often didn't even realise it or don't see it as abnormal behaviour. So he tried to reteach you, trying to destroy the ideas of beauty your mother gave you. Helping with and controlling your diet plan was a new strategy, but he was sure, it only could be better than the last. Over the years Jungkook had tried again and again to make you see your toxic behaviour towards food, sadly it often ended in arguments. Leaving you crying and Jungkook frustrated. You knew Jungkook didn't like how or what you ate and you saw the disappointment every time you turned down a new dish, because you didn't know how many calories it had. Your eyes met his and though you were happy, this win for you came with a lot of guilt and you almost told Jungkook he shouldn't buy the powder, then your mother’s voice reminded you, "It's important to look pretty, the judges will like that. So even if you can't dance, you can at least be pleasing to the eye" Jungkooks hand came to cup your face, "I love you, you know that right? And I only want you to be happy and healthy" you were looking into his eyes, nodding. Jungkook wanted to say more, telling you that he knew that being happy and healthy was lying in two different directions right now, but he knew that this would upset you, so he kept quiet. "I love you too Kookie, I know you want me to be happy and I'm happy whenever I'm with you" you smiled, turning your head to kiss the palm of the hand; that was cupping your face. Jungkook pulled you down for a real kiss before standing up and grabbing the shopping bag again. "I'll be back in like an hour or so okay? Be good, love you" Jungkook yelled and left the house. You knew what he meant when he asked you to be good, don't train. You already practiced for hours today, so he would expect you to rest for the remaining day. And you found yourself listening to him, being actually exhausted from dancing all morning. You grabbed a book from the study your dad used to work in; you changed it into a reading room purely. There were beanbags and a bunch of pillows and two large shelves full of books. Since the weather was nice you decided to read in the garden, sitting down on the Hollywood swing in the back of the garden. Jungkook was walking to the supermarket. It wasn't unusual that he was the one going out for groceries; you were often too tired after your training to do anything. The bunny was sure that part that was due to you not eating enough, he noticed how after a tough day you would shakily sit down and sip your water. He hated how he felt like he couldn't help you. He walked past your elementary school; he remembered how he would always wait for you in your garden. Sometimes you brought your homework with you and explained what you had to do to him. He couldn't always follow the explanation of an eleven year old, but he was thankful for trying. Nowadays he had also started to study with you. Jungkook couldn't do the maths that you could, but he wasn't too worried about that, he saw that school didn't always teach you what you needed to know for life. Best example was biology, why would you, a dancer, need to know about photosynthesis? He didn't understand why they would teach that, they should have teaches you that eating is fu*king important. He crossed the streets, Busan was pretty, he thought. You would be soon, after finishing school in six months, there was nothing keeping you here. Both of you had a lot of bad memories here. You, from your family. Jungkook from his days on the street, he can't really remember if there was a time before he was on the street. He never met his parents, or at least he can't remember them. He also can't remember ever having an owner before meeting you, he just knew the streets and it wasn't easy. The nights were often freezing, he remembers breaking into a shed one night, because rain was pouring down and the bridge he sometimes slept under was flooded. The next morning he was woken up by a screaming woman, who then quickly proceeded to kick him out, yelling something about calling the cops. After he met you, life became easier, but not completely. In the beginning he still didn't have a place to sleep, it had taken you some time till you realised, that he needed some place to sleep. Jungkook wasn't mad that you sometimes kept forgetting to unlock the shed in the back of your garden; you were young and had your own problems. But as soon as you had realised you came running to him, apologising and bringing a bunch of food for him. When it got colder you started to steal some of your dad´s overalls and took pillows and blankets from the guest rooms, your parents never bothered to enter. All so Jungkook wouldn't freeze. As soon as it got cold you also always started to bring him some traditional Christmassy snacks and tea. Jungkook couldn't believe it when you stood in front of him on December 25th, with a present in your hand. "It's not much, but I thought you'd like it. I got it myself”  you said proudly and when Jungkook opened it, he saw a pair of headphones. He was excited that he got a present for the first time, but he was confused what to do with it. He didn't own anything he could plug them into. You noticed this and handed him another box, in it was an ep3 player. Jungkooks eyes grew wide, "Why would you gift me something like that?"  You grinned, "Because I know you'd like it" Jungkook swore he could have started crying then and there, but he opted for pulling you into a bone crushing hug. That night he fell asleep, listening to the music you downloaded onto the player. Jungkook kept walking, thanking whoever was responsible for him ending up with you. While he was walking he realised, that there was your old dancing studio on the way. He remembered the time, where the teacher didn't come to your house and someone had to drive you here, your mother never wanted to do it, so she hired a private trainer for you, who came over. Sometimes he would even pick you up from school, so you could immediately start practicing; those were the days when you were too tired to even wave Jungkook who was living in the shed in your garden. You told him that having a private teacher had a lot of pros, seeing as the teacher had his whole attention on you, but that also meant that you couldn't dance with you friends anymore or have a group play, from that point on, you always danced alone. Jungkook stopped at the window of the studio, watching the children dance. As he continued to walk, he saw someone dance in the back. Jungkooks eyes grew big, that was a hybrid dancing. He tried to make out what kind of hybrid though, probably cat by the way he elegantly jumped, his bushy tail helping him keeping the balance, but a beanie covered his ears, so he wasn't 100% sure. Before he could continue to walk, Jungkook saw how an elderly man came up to the hybrid, starting to yell at him. Jungkook couldn't tell what they were talking about, but he guessed it was about the hybrids dance, because the man kept showing him with gestures what the hybrid should do. The hybrid said something; his tail was slowly swaying from side to side, meaning he was getting angry. Jungkook had his fair share of meet and greets with stray cats, so he knew when to back off. The man didn't apparently, because faster than Jungkook could track the movements of the man’s hand was the hybrids face slapped and turned to the side. The man had slapped him, the hybrid stood stiff. Jungkook didn't know what happened next, because something wet hit him, then again. He looked up to see dark clouds forming in the sky, he cursed and started to walk quickly to the store, knowing you didn't like him being out when it rains or starts to get dark. As he arrived at the shop he pulled out the shopping list you wrote him and he marvelled again how pretty your handwriting was. He grabbed the veggies that you needed for dinner tomorrow and decided he would try to prepare steak again. The last time he tried to make it, it ended up being really though and he couldn't even chew it properly. He grabbed to already cut steaks, in case he would ruin one again and headed to the next aisle. The shelf in front of him was full with protein and weight loss powders, how was he supposed to know what to buy. He sighed and texted you, if you had any specific wishes. While he waited for your reply he continued to stroll through the market, grabbing some snacks, dips and frozen berries that you could use to make smoothies with. When you didn't answer after ten minutes he decided to just grab something himself. He studied the content of the boxes and compered them, because he still didn't want to just grab anything, when it was you who would consume it. Jungkook was a bit worried and annoyed when you didn't even answer, after he was already on his way back home. It didn't help his mood that the rain was still pouring down. Jungkook pulled his hood deeper, regretting that he bought so much, that he was now carrying five shopping bags. It was starting to get dark and there was almost no one on the streets, that why Jungkook was surprised to see someone sitting on the ground. He scoffed at first, why would someone sit outside in the ground while it was raining. When he walked closer he recognised that the building the person was sitting in front of was your old dance studio. And then he realised who that person was, it was the hybrid who got slapped. Next to him a small bag and Jungkook put two and two together, not thinking much before coming to a halt in front of the hybrid. The hybrid immeasurable looked up, hissing at Jungkook and Jungkook quickly understood why. His hood covered his ears and the rain probably washed most of his scent away. He slowly pulled his hood down, revealing his bunny ears and the hybrids position changed. "What do you want?" asked the hybrid a bit annoyed, but Jungkook didn't let himself be irritated by that, he had seen that the hybrid had a bad day. "I- I was wondering if you are alright? I saw you dancing earlier. I also saw what that man did." Jungkook didn't sound as confident as he wanted to, but while he was speaking he realised that he had no idea what he was even doing. The hybrids eye grew wide, "You saw?" Jungkook felt guilty as he looked into the hybrids eyes. Should he have done something? He couldn't have just walked in there and told the man off, maybe if he was a human, but not as a hybrid, he would have been probably slapped too. "Yeah.. I was passing by when I saw. Did he kick you out?" Jungkooks eyes landed on the bag next to the hybrid, "Gee, what gave you that impression?" the hybrid scoffed sarcastic, but quickly caught himself, "He was unsatisfied with my dancing for a while now, I guess me talking back didn't really help my cause. Who knows, maybe he's right" the way the hybrid talked remembered him of you, before his mind told him otherwise his heart already spoke for him. "Do you want a place to stay? It's supposed to be raining all week. Trust me; it’s not fun looking for shelter in the rain." The hybrid narrowed his eyes, looking for a sign, that this could be a trap, but he only found Jungkooks sincere eyes. The hybrids gaze softened and he agreed, he too thought it would be hard to find a place to sleep, so when a nice bunny hybrid offered shelter he wouldn't say no. "Great!" Jungkook smiled his bunny smile, "I'm Jungkook, by the way. And since we have the same destination, how about you take one or two of the shopping bags?" The hybrid stood up and Jungkook smiled as he saw, that the man in front of him was smaller than him. The hybrid pulled off his hat, combed quickly through his blond hair and put the beanie back one. Jungkook saw that the hybrid in front of him a cat was, which should have made him feel unsafe, but right now Jungkook could only focus on his dripping wet clothes. It must have been an hour since he left you at home and you also still didn't text back. The cat took some bags, before looking at Jungkook, "I'm Jimin" The men walked in a quick pace back to your home, doing some light small talk. "You're older than me? But you are soo small" Jungkook exclaimed, earning an evil glance from the man next to him which made him shut up real quick. They didn't have long till they reached the house when Jimin spoke up again, "So your owner..." Jimin realised that Jungkooks owner probably didn’t sent him out to get groceries and a new hybrid, he didn’t want the younger one to get in trouble, but when he saw a loving smile growing on the bunny’s face he relaxed a bit. "Oh y/n! She's amazing, she'll be surprised when she sees us both, but I'll talk to her. She won't mind you staying with us, we have more than enough room at the house" Jimin wondered how the house would look like if Jungkook said, that the house was big. His last owner lived in the tiny flat above the dance studio, so Jimin couldn't imagine how a spacious house would look like. Now that he saw Jungkook up close he recognised that the clothes he wore were from pretty big and expensive fashion labels. Jimin couldn't deny it, Jungkook was pretty handsome, he could imagine how the bunny would look under him. "It's just around the corner", Jungkook said and Jimin looked at his surroundings, they were definitely in the more wealthy part of town and Jimin started to think about how you would be. Jungkook said you were amazing, maybe you were a lawyer or a business woman, and you were probably pretty busy if you sent Jungkook for groceries. He imagined a woman in her thirties maybe, you would have to be pretty rich to be here. Jungkook opened the gate to the house and Jimin looked amazed. It was a two story building, not necessarily a mansion, but big enough that Jimin understood why Jungkook said, that space isn't an issue. They walked through the front door to be met by silence. "She's probably sleeping" Jungkook said as he took off his shoes and Jacket, telling Jimin he would take his Jacket so they could dry it. Jungkook explained Jimin were the kitchen was and asked him to put the groceries there while he sorted out their drenched jackets. Jimin was amazed as he walked through the house, almost scared to get to close things in case he broke them. There was a sculpture in the entrance hall that he was sure cost more than his last owner would make in a year. He looked at the pictures in the hall, almost everyone had a small girl in it, he decided that this was probably the daughter of y/n. He smelled the place, but Jungkooks was the most prominent, though he could make out something sweet, which alone gave him a comfortable feeling already. "Yah, you're slow" came Jungkook from behind, carrying the rest of the bags. They quickly sorted the food in the kitchen, well more like Jungkook did that and Jimin was amazed by how many things they had in the kitchen. "Okay, you should meet y/n real quick then you can have a shower", Jungkook said looking at the older who nodded, a bit nervous. There was a chance that you would tell him to go, he looked out the window, it just stopped raining, but that would only be for today. "She should be in the living room, I looked in the bedroom already" Jungkook mumbled and walked with big steps to the next room, only to find it empty. Jungkook groaned and threw his head back, exposing his neck, hut Jimin shouldn't focus on that, y/n was missing apparently. Not for long though, because the second Jungkook saw the open garden door he huffed annoyed. "She better pray she only just went out now and did not fall asleep in the rain. I swear to god" there were a few more curse words and Jimin looked at Jungkook, why would he talk like that about his owner? It's not like the bunny could actually do something. But Jimin was even more confused when Jungkook came back with the girl from the pictures. That couldn't be y/n the owner, you were so young. Your sweet scent filled the room, but it didn't match your whiny tone or Jungkooks mad face. "Kookie", you whined, curling further into his arms, as he was carrying you, your clothes were wet. You had fallen asleep on the Hollywood swing and had luck, that it was partially covered, so you weren't completely exposed to the rain. "Don't 'Kookie' me, baby. I told you to be good didn't I? And where to I find you? Outside, completely soaked and asleep" Jimin turned his head to fast he swore he got whiplash. 'Baby'?! Jimin had the feeling this wasn't really an owner-pet situation, the way Jungkook spoke, even if it was low, because you were still sleepy, made Jimin want to drop to his knees. Which would never happen of course, seeing as A) Jungkook obviously already had someone and B) Park Jimin would never fall to his knees to submit to someone. You opened your eyes to look up to Jungkook and pouted, "I was good. I was reading, it's not my fault I fell asleep, I wasn't planning on it" Jungkook chuckled quietly at how whiny you sounded at the aspect of not being a good girl. He quickly kissed you, forgetting the cat that was looking with big eyes, only as he sat you down, he realised he should maybe make you aware of your new guest. "Baby, there is something I should tell you. On the way back, there was a small incident, that lead me to take a hybrid with me" he carefully watched your reaction, while Jungkook was pretty much in charge, this was still your house and in a way he only had power because you let him. He knew with other people it wouldn't be like that. You blinked slowly, "Wait a hybrid? Another bunny?" you asked him, before your eyes found Jimin and quickly realised, that he was not a bunny. "He has nowhere to go, baby. You know we have enough room", Jungkook continued and you nodded, "A serious incident?" You asked and both men nodded. "Okay, stay as long as you need. I'm y/n" A smile grew on both men’s faces and the cat quickly introduced himself as Jimin. After that you and Jungkook showed him his new room and the bathroom he could use, before leaving him on his own. In your shared bedroom you removed your clothes, shivering in the cold, quickly jumping into the shower with Jungkook, who started to massage shampoo in your hair. You lean back and enjoy the sensation, "Such a good girl" he praised, "Letting someone in need stay here. My little dancer has such a big heart. Love you" you didn't know, why he was thanking you for letting Jimin stay, as if you would let him back on the streets. You smiled up at him, "My big bunny saved him in the first place didn't he?" you asked, only to sneeze immediately after, Jungkook groaned. "Of course now you're getting sick. Because you just had to fall asleep in the rain", he complained, but you both knew that in the end he didn't mind taking care of you.
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returnn-of-the-mac · 5 years
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This is part 3 of the original prompt. I tried to get into the whole “reteaching Sole how to walk” process, but it was kinda slow and not going anywhere, so I did it this way which is kinda similar. It’s the closest I could get to the original prompt that would still be entertaining, so hopefully you like it! Also, I tried to make Cait’s part is fluffier—as you requested— but I still had to keep her in-character. So much like the issue I sometimes have with Gage (and sometimes Danse/MacCready) it’s “fluffy” for her character, but not the standard definition of “fluffy.” Anyway. Please enjoy!
Part 1
Part 2
FO4 Companions React: Sole Losing Leg To a Mirelurk (Part 3)
After long few hours, Sole and their companion were finally able to find a medical expert. When they arrived at the location, Sole was taken into an operating room to have their severed leg disinfected and the prosthetic limb attached.
Two days passed before the procedure was complete. On the afternoon of the second day, Sole was eager to see their companion again. They lifted themself off the bed with some assistance from their doctor and made their way to the waiting room to meet up with their partner:
MacCready was reading comic books when he saw Sole standing in the doorway. He stood up and grinned.
Hey, not too shabby,” he complimented, studying Sole’s new prosthetic limb, “Just throw some pants over it and you won’t even be able to tell the difference.”
Sole clumsily stumbled over to their companion, causing him to smile faintly. “We’ve gotta work on walking though. That’s gonna be the fun part.”
The ex-Gunner held out his hand and Sole graciously accepted the gesture, “It’s gonna be like teaching Duncan how to walk all over again.”
An exhausted Cait lay sloppily sprawled in an armchair when she saw her friend peek though the door. She smirked.
“Let’s see that new leg.”
Sole shyly turned to their side, revealing the synthetic limb.
“Ah, come on, now. It doesn’t look bad, darlin. I think yer worryin too much,” she paused, “But how’s the walkin?”
Sole blushed and their companion approached them, her arm outstretched.
“C’mon. Who do ye expect te get better without practicin?”
Sole continued to hesitate and Cait put her hands on her hips.
“That’s what I’m here for, yeah? To help ye. Cuz that’s that’s what friends do. Ye helped me, now I help ye. It’s only fair.”
Sole sighed, accepting their companion’s hand, and Cait beamed.
“Glad we’re seein eye-te-eye now, ye? Now let me help ye walk before I drive myself mad.”
Preston was tuning into Radio Freedom when he noticed Sole standing in the doorway. He quickly put away his radio and gently smiled.
“How are you feeling, General? Better,” He asked, “Do you need anything? Nuka Cola? Noodle cup?”
Sole attempted to make their way over to a purified water sitting our on a nearby table, but tripped. They swiftly grabbed onto a painting, preventing themself from hitting the ground.
“Easy there! I can get that for you,” the Minuteman reassured, bouncing over to the table to retrieve the water for Sole. “You’re gonna have to take baby steps when learning to walk again. Don’t worry, General. I’ll help you out.”
Danse was staring blankly into the distance, thinking, when suddenly the door creaked open and he snapped back into reality. He studied his companion— careful not to draw attention to their leg—as they hesitantly stood in the doorway.
“I’m glad you’re feeling better, soldier. Did you want to return to Spectacle Island?”
Sole nodded as they struggled to make their way over to the Paladin.
Danse’s eyebrows furrowed. “Actually, maybe you should take it easy for a few days. I know that’s certainly not what you want to hear, but your well-being is important. I can help you regain your leg strength.”
Sole shook their head stubbornly and continued to make their way toward Danse. They fell facedown.
Danse sighed and helped Sole to their feet. He locked eyes with them and talked to them sternly. “This isn’t a joke. You’ve got to follow instructions, soldier. Staying behind until you’re fit again? That’s an order. I can’t allow you to put yourself in harm’s way. It just wouldn’t be right.”
Hancock was stealthily taking hits of jet when Sole peeked out from behind the door. Knowing the doctor was probably not far behind, the ghoul quickly shoved the chems up his sleeve.
“How’re ya doing, [brother/sister]? How’s the new leg treating ya?”
Sole took a few steps in their friend’s direction, wobbling uncontrollably.
“Chill out there, speedy. This ain’t a race,” the ghoul reminded, “You have to slow down and take things day-by-day now. One step at a time— literally.”
A frustrated Sole continued to push forward, nearly tripping over themself in the process.
“C’mon. I know that’s not what ya wanna hear, but you’ve gotta listen to me. Take things slow,” Hancock pressed, “I struggle with that too, friend. Why do ya think I’m hooked on jet and mentats. I’ll tell ya: it helps me mellow out. It sucks, but you’ve gotta chill. Ya need some chems? I’ve got some. I’ve got no problem sharing. You’ve just gotta take my word on this one.”
Deacon was in the middle of changing his outfit when Sole pushed the doors open.
“Would you look who it is,” Deacon announced, changing his tone to imitate an announcer, “It’s the amazing, bionic, 200-year-old Vault Dweller! And they were so eager to see me that they couldn’t even wait for me to put clothes on!”
A flustered Sole tried to walk, only to stumble forward and catch themself on a chair. Deacon’s eyebrows furrowed.
“Having a little trouble there, pal?”
Sole shook their head, unwilling to admit defeat. They pulled themself up and tried again, this time falling to the ground with a loud thud. A concerned Deacon approached them, offered a hand, and helped them to their feet.
“Easy there, killer. Don’t you go breaking your cool new robo-leg. Besides, do you really want a naked guy escorting you back into the operating room,” he joked, “You’re probably going to have to learn how to walk again. Don’t worry about it though, I’ve got your back.”
Piper was munching on some candy when Sole came out of the operating room. She immediately flung her bag of treats to the side.
“How’re you feeling Blue,” Piper asked gently, “Better?”
Sole shrugged and slowly made their way over to the reporter, struggling with every step.
“That sure is an awkward new walking style you got there,” Piper giggled, “You may need some help with your coordination— at least temporarily. I’d be glad to help you out!”
Sole shook their head and continued fumbling over to their companion. Four clumsy steps later, Sole toppled over face-first.
Piper rolled her eyes before sprinting up to Sole and helping them up.
“You’re so stubborn. I understand you don’t want help, but you seriously need it. Besides, that’s what friends do, right? Help each other out?”
Curie was reading a burnt fashion magazine when Sole peeked around the doors. When the synth saw them, she set the book down and grinned widely.
“[Madame/Monsieur], I’m so happy to see you up and moving. Are you feeling better?”
Sole nodded and took a step forward, only to trip over their own feet and stumble. They caught themself on the doorframe before they fell to the ground.
Curie gasped and rushed over to her friend.
“Oh my! Are you okay?”
Curie offered her hand to Sole and they accepted. She smiled and slowly led them out to the waiting room.
“It looks like you’re going to require some walking lessons. It’s alright; I’d be pleased to assist you, [Madame/Monsieur]!”
X6 was reading a book when Sole opened the doors. The Courser stood up and cautiously approached his companion.
“Feeling better, [sir/ma’am]?”
Sole approached the synth, hyper-aware of every step they were taking. When they were about two feet from their friend, Sole tripped.
X6 frowned and held his hand out. A disoriented Sole accepted and quickly stood up, embarrassed.
“I would highly recommend attending physical therapy until you have made a full recovery,” X6 advised, “It would be beneficial.”
Sole stubbornly shook their head.
“You don’t want to risk another serious injury,” the synth pressed, “Besides, it is my duty to assist you. That is what Father expects me to do, and that is what I want to do.”
Nick was flipping through cases when he heard the doors to the operating room creak open. He promptly tucked his file folder into his jacket and stood up.
“How’re you doing, champ? That was a hell of a procedure you just went through.”
Sole slowly pushed through the doors and waddled to their companion. Nick frowned, concerned.
“Careful, you don’t to put too much pressure on your new leg immediately. You should ease into walking with it.”
Nick held out his hand and Sole accepted it. He slowly guided them over to the waiting room seats where he had been sitting.
“I don’t want you to get mangled up again. I’ll stay here with you as long as you need to stay here. I want you to make a full recovery, friend.”
Longfellow was tying knots with some scrap rope when he saw Sole struggling through the doors of the operating room.
“Woah there, easy,” he advised, “Don’t overwork that leg! Gotta test the waters first before committing to the voyage.”
Sole took a few steps forward before rapidly grabbing hold of a nearby table to stable themself.
“Nothing wrong with temporarily anchoring, kiddo. Better safe than sorry.”
Sole continued to try to walk, but was struggling. Longfellow finally decided to intervene.
“Maybe you’re trying to do too much with that leg right now. Why don’t you rest until you’re healthy again and then we can work on your walking together?”
Sole reluctantly agreed as they took a seat beside their friend.
Gage was sipping a Nuka Cola when he saw Sole slowly making their way out of the operating room.
“Boss, you’re walkin kinda funny. Is that cuz of the new leg?”
Sole nodded and showed the raider their new prosthetic limb.
“Yo that’s sick, boss. It’s pretty much all metal. You can kick some serious ass with that thing. Damn.”
Sole nodded and took a step forward, falling face first in the process.
Gage chuckled. “Won’t kick much of anything if ya don’t work on yer walking though. Might as well practice while yer in a Doc’s office, right?”
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catfa · 7 years
July 14, 2017
This is long and emo you don’t have to read it.
My dad snapped at me in the car so honestly I kinda want to d*e and he texted me apologizing but I’m just... not up for it right now. I’m really not, and everything this summer has just made me more determined to do well on my college apps and auditions so I can get away from here. I want to restart my life. I’m going to save up for top, I’m going to work my ass off to get ready for college auditions, I just- I don’t care enough to even consider staying in-state anymore. It’s not like I don’t care about my family, it’s just- I don’t know. I don’t know. They don’t always act like they give a damn about me, that’s all. They forget about me... a lot more now than they used to, and recently I’ve felt like I could do everything right and still never be good enough for them. I got over a 1400 on my SATs, I’m getting 4s and 5s on my AP exams, I’m doing extracurriculars and working a job; it just never feels good enough. I’m reteaching myself Mandarin so I can maybe take the AP exam for that since I was fluent at one point, and that isn’t good enough either. I’m taking AP Spanish and that isn’t enough. I’m doing AP Stats and that isn’t enough, and I’m doing AP Lit and that isn’t enough, I’m teaching myself a bunch of languages and that isn’t enough, I won an award for Best Performance of a Principle Character and that wasn’t enough, I won 1st place in the talent show and that wasn’t. Why can’t I just be good enough? I always have to do more and more and more, and when I reach my breaking point and snap back, I’m defensive. Sometimes it feels like my aunt supports me more than my own parents, but then again my dad is never home. I do all my school work on my own, my parents don’t help me with it and I still do well and it just isn’t good enough for them, and I feel like my achievements don’t mean anything because of my brother and that feels mean to think because he’s special needs and I don’t blame him for that but how am I supposed to feel like I matter? My feelings are never valid in this house because I’m either defensive or throwing people under the bus or attacking them, and I mean my own mother said she doesn’t like talking to me I guess, and she’s said that a lot so why am I here? Why am I here at all if my dad is never home and when he is he snaps at me and acts like he knows my life, and my mom doesn’t like talking to me so why am I even here??? And I hate this because this is just a really long rant now and I’m sorry if you read all of this, but sometimes I just wonder what the point even is? Why am I alive if I’m not good enough for my own parents to enjoy having a conversation with me? My own fucking parents don’t like talking to me. And the more I type the more I just end up on the verge of a fucking mental breakdown but then I’m worried if I don’t type this all out I’ll just snap and do something explosive at some point and I don’t want that because at least a part of me wants to just keep going and see what happens with my life and see if things get better for me or if my dreams will come true and I don’t want to do anything dumb but the impulsive emotional part of me is just always always always fighting with the logical side of me and it kills me and it’s exhausting and sometimes at work like yesterday I’ll just stop working for one second and have a fucking existential crisis. And I just throw myself into the most random activities I’ll binge-watch something or read a book or draw or something because I know that that’s what I need to not do something dumb and I always hold back even when I’m venting to my friends cause then long things like this happen!
Logically I know that I’ve impacted people, because people have told me and I’ve seen for myself how I’ve changed the world around me, and how I’ve shaped everything, and yet- every time I try to reason with myself, the thing with my parents comes up again. How my own mother doesn’t enjoy talking to me, and how she’s said that multiple times, because if I lose my composure for one second and snap, I’m not enjoyable anymore. I guess when your mother says that to you a lot, you learn to keep shit in. And I guess I made the mistake of letting myself falter, and letting myself be sad and emotional and being anything other than just stoic, and I guess I didn’t realize how bad that was because it was just a steady decline, but WOW! Glad I realized it now, I guess, because these past few years I’ve learned what the good parts of my personality are and what the undesirable parts are, and I can just start shaping myself so I’m only charismatic, right? So I’m still telling my jokes and being funny and making people laugh and still being a decently-take-charge person, but I’ll be able to hold everything else back until a time like this, 12:22AM on a Saturday, when I can just fucking cry my eyes out and not sleep again because for the past week I’ve not been sleeping until 5AM, and yeah I get cranky but hey that’ll stop with time right? Whatever. 
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