esmonaco · 7 months
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Revamp your dining area this holiday season with a festive table runner.
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darkeraven22 · 2 years
DVD Horror Holiday 2023 Review Update 10/15/22: It's Always Undead In South Korea...
DVD Horror Holiday 2023 Review Update 10/15/22: It’s Always Undead In South Korea…
Like I said before, there are some genres that are universal, and no country has a monopoly on it… well… maybe China these days has a monopoly on political propaganda movies. Anyway last time we talked about Aliens Vs Australia, today it’s the Undead invading South Korea. At last it makes more sense than a South Korean pirate movie filmed as if it was inspired by the Pirates of the Caribbean…
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mmcwrites · 2 years
New Published Story, Why are We So Murderous, Book Review --Bottled Lightning, New Short Story -- Sunset Cruise
New Published Story, Why are We So Murderous, Book Review –Bottled Lightning, New Short Story — Sunset Cruise
Newly Published Short Story! My fifth published short story (Miss Luna’s Visit)  came out at the beginning of September in Instant Noodles’ Pathos issue (https://devilspartypress.com/miss-lunas-visit-maggie-claypool/).  Although with its strong emotion, my story goes perfectly in the Pathos issue, I didn’t write it for the mag.  I wrote it several years ago after finding a Luna moth outside my…
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dykesbat · 1 month
sometimes ill read reviews before watching/reading something but then i start being worried that my opinion of it is warped by the reiew rather than the story itself which is kind of ridiculous bc there are so many times where my opinion differed from reviews i read :''''''''
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amity-park-resident · 2 years
Let’s reiew the animals I’ve adopted without my parent’s knowledge
Ember (ghost cat that showed up one day)
Caleb (Siberian Husky with heterochromia)
Snowball (ghost fox I adopted 8-19-whatever year it is)
The ravens that have been watching me for weeks might be next.
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animutate · 10 months
can you fucking imagine a world where the direct to dvd tromaville picos school movie actually finished and released. i think it wouldve gotten lost becuase no one bought it before being found again in like 2022 in someones basement because they saw fanart of pico and boyfriend fucking eachother nasty on the twitter tl and recognized him and posted it on the internet archive in low quality and then people would start making edgy capcut edits and pinterest icons of screenshots of cassandra covered in blood and mr enter would reiew it and say it didnt have enough 9/11
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drink-n-watch · 2 years
Shadows House 2 episode 8 - Morph 
Shadows House 2 episode 8 – Morph 
Oh I liked this episode. I really liked this episode. It wasn’t without its flaws mind you. And Shadows House does have a tendency to prioritize style, but what a style it is. I rarely give spoiler warnings on my episode reiews. I think it’s pretty obvious I’m going to talk about the episode. Still, just to be clear, there’s a fairly important reveal this week so if you haven’t watched Shadows…
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marta-bee · 2 months
I saw Dune again this afternoon, and having read some reviews about how it just wasn't a heroe's journey-type plot, I tried to keep those readerly (watchery?) goggles off. It helped. I didn't feel the emotional whiplash over the characterizations and relationships.
And there was quite a bit to love! Lots of exciting action scenes, difficult relationships that were genuinely interesting, a political/moral frame of reference that was interesting to think about, etc. A much more pleasant experience than the first viewing, no doubt.
I'm still just... confused, I think about the ending. (Spoilers.....)
He spends the whole movie trying to give up the privileges of rank, and the only way I can make sense of his wanting to become emperor is it will help him prevent the destruction he's been dreaming/having visions of. If marrying the emperor's daughter won't give him the power he thinks he needs to do that.... why go through with marrying her? And if he's been worried about widespread destruction, how will expanding the holy war beyond Arakkis help at all?
Politically/morally, I'm fascinated by the moral implications of a --for want of a better phrase-- offensively defensive war, versus whatever Paul is trying to accomplish? Meaning the Fremen are perhaps justified (to the extent war ever is!) in driving the Harkonnens from Arakkis, because they should rule their own planet. And maybe the concern is as long as spice remains so important, they may think they need to prove their prowess beyond Arakkis, or get involved with the broader political situation just so the other peoples will leave them alone. I can see a plausible case being made for all that, though certainly there's less hurting-to-other-peoples' or even just more-likely-to-be-successful ways to do that, like destroying whatever's producing the spice so there's no longer any reason to occupy Arakkis.
The other possibility I can think of is, maybe Paul thinks the holy war will accomplish something good not just for himself or the Fremen but for the universe more generally. I think I read in some reiew, in the books Paul understands his vision to mean pursuing the holy war will mean humanity perseveres across the stars; so the holy war, while horrific, seres some greater good. This does make sense of why he needs to continue it even after the Harkonnnen are diven from Arakkis. But it's also morally repugnant, because it means he's using the Fremen drive for a better life on their own world to serve some sort of greater good. And what gies him any sort of right to be the one making that decision? It's bizarre to me he would go to such lengths to become one of them, just to turn around and use them as a tool to achieve his view of the good for the whole universel
All of which, bizarrely, makes me want to read the books and see if this makes any more sense in them. I'm feeling drawn to the fandom because these are supposed to be sci-fi classics so I assume they must make more sense than this. It's not quite being hate-drawn to a fandom, but it's a bit uncomfortably close, I must say. If you've read the books and there's some context I'm missing, feel free to weigh in....
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randyjtucker · 2 months
Top 3 Best Long Reach Staplers Reiews in 2024
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reyadreview · 4 months
Leadono Luxury Review - Boost Your Online Income
Are you ready to revolutionize the way you do business online? Prepare to embark on an extraordinary journey with Leadono Luxury, the ultimate solution for maximizing your online income and achieving unprecedented success. In this comprehensive review, we'll delve deep into the world of Leadono Luxury and explore how its groundbreaking features can transform your business like never before.
Unleashing the Power of Leadono Luxury Review:
Leadono Luxury isn't just an upgrade – it's a quantum leap forward in the realm of online entrepreneurship. With its arsenal of cutting-edge features and unparalleled functionality, Leadono Luxury empowers you to streamline your operations, engage your audience with precision, and unlock new avenues of revenue generation.
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Bid farewell to missed opportunities and hello to unlimited engagement possibilities. With Leadono Luxury, you can send reminder emails to your subscribers until they open the email or opt-out. Seize every chance to connect with your audience and drive conversions like never before.
Sync to Multiple Autoresponders Review:
Diversify your outreach strategy and mitigate risks with Leadono Luxury's seamless integration across multiple autoresponders. Say goodbye to deliverability woes and ensure consistent communication across various platforms, safeguarding your business's success.
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Embrace the future of lead generation with QR code technology. Leadono Luxury empowers you to capture leads effortlessly, both online and offline, by leveraging the power of QR codes. Streamline the user experience and expand your reach with this cutting-edge feature.
Special Offers and Discount Codes Review:
Elevate your sales game with irresistible offers and exclusive discounts embedded directly into your emails. Leadono Luxury makes it effortless to incentivize purchases and drive conversions, giving your revenue a significant boost with every campaign.
Retargeting On Multiple Platforms Review:
Maximize your advertising impact with Leadono Luxury's advanced retargeting capabilities. By deploying tracking pixels across popular platforms like Facebook, Google, and Twitter, you can engage your audience across multiple channels and drive conversions with pinpoint accuracy.
Weekly Stats and Performance Insights Review:
Stay ahead of the curve with actionable insights delivered straight to your inbox. Leadono Luxury provides you with comprehensive data on lead page performance, opt-in rates, and campaign effectiveness, empowering you to fine-tune your strategies and maximize your profits.
Official 30 Days Money Back Guarantee Reiew:
30-Day Money Back Guarantee is our commitment to your satisfaction and peace of mind. We understand that trying new software can sometimes be daunting, which is why we want to eliminate any stress or hesitation you may feel.
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wrquinterom · 5 months
Assignement 1
Data Set Mars Study
Question: Is the morphology of the crater related to its diameter and its depth?
Using the variables:
Heavily cratered terrain on Mars was created between 4.2 to 3.8 billion years ago during the period of "heavy bombardment" (i.e. impacts of asteroids, proto-planets, and comets). Since then the surface of Mars has not been extensively modified. Surfaces on airless bodies such as Mars that have not been subsequently modified by volcanism are "saturated" in craters. Craters appear across the entire surface of Mars, and they are vital to understanding its crustal properties as well as surface ages and modification events. They allow inferences into the ancient climate and hydrologic history, and they add a key data point for the understanding of impact physics. This study, created by Stuart Robbins, presents a new global database for Mars that contains 378,540 craters statistically complete for diameters D ≥ 1 km
Literature reiew
-Barlow, N. G., & Bradley, T. L. (1990). Martian impact craters: Correlations of ejecta and interior morphologies with diameter, latitude, and terrain. Icarus, 87(1), 156–179. doi:10.1016/0019-1035(90)90026-6 
-A. Lagain*†, S. Bouley†, D. Baratoux†, C. Marmo†, F. Costard†, O. Delaa†, A. Pio Rossi†, M. Minin†, G.K. Benedix†, M. Ciocco, B. Bedos, A. Guimpier, E. Dehouck, D. Loizeau, A. Bouquety, J. Zhao, A. Vialatte, M. Cormau, E. Le Conte des Floris, F. Schmidt, P. Thollot, J. Champion, M. Martinot, J. Gargani, P. Beck, J. Boisson, N. Paulien, A. Séjourné, K. Pasquon, N. Christoff, I. Belgacem, F. Landais, B. Rousseau, L. Dupeyrat, M. Franco, F. Andrieu, B. Cecconi, S. Erard, B. Jabaud, V. Malarewicz, G. Beggiato, G. Janez, L. Elbaz, C. Ourliac, M. Catheline, M. Fries, A. Karamoko, J. Rodier, R. Sarian, A. Gillet, S. Girard, M. Pottier, S. Strauss, C. Chanon, P. Lavaud, A. Boutaric, M. Savourat, E. Garret, E. Leroy, M.-C. Geffray, L. Parquet, M.-A. Delagoutte, O. Gamblin, 2021. "Mars Crater Database: A participative project for the classification of the morphological characteristics of large Martian craters", Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution VI, Wolf Uwe Reimold, Christian Koeberl
-Roback, K. P., Runyon, K. D., & Avouac, J. P. (2020). Craters as sand traps: Dynamics, history, and morphology of modern sand transport in an active Martian dune field. Icarus, 113642. doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2020.113642
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Bank Of England Quantum AI Reiew – Scam Or Legit?
SPECIAL REPORT: Bank Of England’s Latest Investment Has The Government And Big Banks Terrified The United Kingdom citizens are already raking in millions of Pounds from home using this “wealth loophole” – but is it legitimate? Bank Of England comes out with new secret investment that’s making hundreds of people in United Kingdom very rich “What’s made me successful is jumping into new…
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dienmaydanggia · 1 year
Máy lọc không khí Frico là sản phẩm được “săn đón” nhiều trên thị trường hiện nay. Thiết bị được sản xuất và phân phối bởi thương hiệu Frico đình đám đến từ Malaysia. Frico là thương hiệu nổi tiếng chuyên cung cấp các mặt hàng gia dụng gia đình cao cấp. Tại thị trường Việt Nam, Frico còn được biết đến với nhiều sản phẩm tiện ích khác như máy lọc nước, máy hút bụi,...
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echolakelodgemi · 2 years
Finding Lodge and Cabin in Michigan?
Find and book best lodge and cabin in Echo Lake Michigan! Explore guest reiews and book the perfect lodge for your vacation.  Seven Bedroomand six bath Lodge on 264 private wooded acres, with a private 19 acre lake.
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redheadednana1962 · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: EUC NIKE Zoom Rival S Track Shoes Size 12.
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paperclipninja · 3 years
Younger post-ep ramble 7x01
I joked in my finale ramble at the end of season 6 that the episode was called ‘Forever’ because that’s how long it would feel between seasons...well joke's on me because now, after 587 days, we are FINALLY here. The Younger drought has been a tough one, but we have been generously compensated by getting the first four episodes all at once, which is both exciting and also, turns out, incredibly overwhelming. As usual the thoughts and feelings are many, mostly feelings (read: I am NOT ok) but let’s start off with a delve into the premiere episode, ‘A Decent Proposal’.
The episode picks up within minutes of where the season 6 finale left off, with Diana and Enzo not wasting any time to hot foot it out of their wedding reception and into their happily ever after (Arrivederci bitches!). Of course I’m very happy for Diana and her happiness but there’s only one couple’s happiness that I am on tenterhooks about now that Diva is sorted and that is Charles and Liza, as they watch their sprinklers fizzle out in some sort of awkward, symbolic, anti-climax. 
You may recall that mere moments earlier, Charles had popped the question on the dancefloor before the two were separated by an obligatory conga line, and Charles quickly assumes that Liza’s lack of enthusiasm to shout her answer across the reception of another person’s wedding is an answer in itself. As anyone who has read my rambles before knows, I unapologetically fly the Team Charles flag, and let me tell you, despite her supreme stalling techniques (you’re not divorced yet, we should probably speak to the children blah blah), hearing Liza say, ‘my answer is, I love you’, my jaw hit the floor. I’m sorry, did Liza Miller just declare her feelings openly and directly and with absolute certainty??? We’re 33 seconds into the new season and I AM SHOOKETH DARREN. 
Speaking of declaring feelings openly and directly, I love absolutely everything about this opening scene. The music choice was perfect and really helped build the moment, as Charles told Liza he understands her hesitation before un-asking her to marry him (so that when the she’s made her mind she can pop the question - I kid you not, this has always been my dream...). The music cutting out and just hearing the crickets as Liza asks if he’s really withdrawing the proposal, his quip about her having to make the next move, assuming he’s still on the market (I love/hate this foreshadowing btw), it is Charles/Liza banter at its best and my sappy heart was soaking up every morsel. Throw in some CGI fireworks and the observation that they are sign (which may or may not play out at a later date) and you have yourself a pretty darn near perfect start to Younger’s final season.
Speaking of talking openly and directly, one of the staples of the Youngerverse, the Maggie morning debrief, is back as our way to gain insight into the thoughts, feelings and ponderings of Liza. Straight off the bat I am very pleased that Maggie has fully committed to ‘Chaz’ for Charles and I’m even happier that we actually hear these two talking about what’s going on because honestly, the last couple of seasons the Maggie/Liza convos, which we traditionally rely on heavily to know where Liza is at and to hear Maggie’s sage/sometimes terrible advice, have been skimmed over or felt rushed. We are also reminded that Liza has indeed seen Charles’ goods (the Empiriconda, she’s meaning the Empiriconda) and that the sex is hot, because we need to have all the information on top of the declarations of love to highlight how their relationship is pretty much perfect so that what transpires is even more painful.
Other things that are painful include the fact that Diana will be decidedly absent for most of the season (to be fair scheduling/covid are pretty legit reasons and in ep 1 we can chalk that up to her honeymoon, so more lamenting on that later), but early on it provides some pretty fab Lauren Diva-worshiping. Donning a baroque print Moschino suit that would’ve made Fran Fine jealous, Lauren is clearly distracted by the responsibility of her interim role at Empirical, as her mother frets about the theme for her 30th birthday party over face-time.
Keeping up the chaotic energy, we also discover that Kelsey has to go and let Quinn know she no longer needs her money (these characters’ ongoing relationship with the woman who has tried to ruin all of them at some point really needs unpacking with a good therapist at this stage) and Josh is in full frantic dad mode because he thinks Clare is trying to kidnap Gemma (lol that Lauren straight up calls her out on it later). Two quick points here:1) love seeing this side of Josh and 2) love Kelsey’s calm, measured reassurance that of course Clare would want her family to meet Gemma. I will say though, Josh meeting Rob for the first time when he’s about to go with Clare and Gemma to Ireland and hearing this guy he doesn’t know from a bar of soap exclaim, ‘I’m just in love with your daughter’ was super unfair. Not cool Clare, not cool. 
Kelsey keeps her cool as she breaks the news of her change of heart to our fave resident villain, who comes complete with a bowl of fortune cookies she ominously encourages Kelsey to consult while also enjoying her own fortune, ‘a new love will come into your life’. It’s all very OTT and ridiculous in it’s obvious foreshadowing and I am here for every minute of it because I sincerely love to hate Quinn very much.
My love of all things over the top is further fed by Lauren entering Diana’s office and making her way to the desk - the music, the way Lauren looks at the framed picture of Diana and Enzo before relegating it to the drawer, any moment I was expecting her to utter ‘my precious’ as she became more and more entranced by the power of the neckwear, before Liza abruptly broke the spell by asking what she was doing and warned her off her consideration of claiming Diana’s office as her own. Very much appreciated the continuity later in the episode when Liza is very distressed that Lauren has gone full-Trout with the chunky baubled ornament around her neck, though Lauren is less Invasion of the Body Snatchers and more Nancy Drew at this point, as she has caught wind of Charles’ proposal while reviewing video footage from Diana’s wedding which she decided, for some reason, to show Josh, who was ‘still not interested’ (we hear your words Josh but your face says otherwise). I am very on board the Liza/Lauren dynamic and their ‘circle of trust’ as Liza asks that Lauren keep the proposal to herself (we really haven’t seen the friendship between these two much) and Liza’s gratitude, ‘Thank you...Di-va’, is hilarious, as is the response, ‘my pleasure, Queen’.
We get many fine moments in the office this ep, the first meeting when there are formal announcements and speeches made welcoming Kelsey back...to a conference room of Charles, Liza, Lauren and a random guy we’ve never seen or heard from before and never will again it seems. It makes me laugh that every person in the room except the dude we’ll never know already knows everything but hey, formality is important I guess? The pitch for ‘Little Women in Space’ by an author played by an actress who is friends IRL with Sutton Foster and they were in the musical Little Women together is honestly too much but also just the right amount and this show does meta so well (not to mention Lauren’s excited outburst upon realising her party theme plus her making sure Liza knows that she knows about the proposal. Subtle as a sledgehammer is our Lauren). 
One not-so-fine moment is the extremely out of left field resignation of Zane followed by the completely douchey moment of him breaking up with Kelsey via face-time with the line, ‘I love you Kelsey, take care’. I’m sorry, what?? On the one hand, I get it that CMD wasn’t available for the season so in some respects better to deal with it swiftly and move on, but it was very abrupt and strange. I had zero investment in the pairing so it doesn’t overly affect my viewing, but any fans out there shipping those two, are you ok? Because that was a brutal way for a pairing to simply cease to exist.
So we have I love yous being thrown around by Kelsey and Zane as they break up because that makes sense (in retrospect I should’ve seen what was coming because these words clearly mean NOTHING *breathes deeply, exhales slowly*) but thank goodness Liza is there to comfort Kelsey, whose statement that she really doesn’t care would be a lot more convincing if she wasn’t crying inconsolably. We get a beautiful transition from Kelsey’s office to Charles’ with a sweeping aerial shot across the autumnal canopy of Central Park along with the gentle music adding to the relaxed pacing of the episode. Liza doesn’t want it to be weird between her and Charles now that the proposal is out there (well actually, its 100% in her court but yes), so he reassures her it’s not weird at all by planting a kiss on her that almost triggers the sprinklers because friends, it is HOTTT. Cue super cute exchange about pro and cons lists, lovingly looking into one another’s eyes and then, another ‘ I love you’ from Liza to Charles followed by Charles responding, ‘I love you too’, and despite my deceased status at this point, it was magical. But also WHAT. IS. HAPPENING. 
These two are so enamoured with one another and it’s as though it’s something they just say to each other all the time, but this is literally the first episode we’ve heard any kind of expression of feelings to one another since the season 6 premiere and even then it wasn’t this direct; Liza ran away and Charles told her he didn’t mind not being at the office because he did it for the woman he loves followed by a cute story about how he can do maths because he’s had feelings for her for 16 years. Don’t get me wrong, the entire scene this episode was perfect and it was SO well done in the way it captured the best parts of their dynamic (damn you Darren Star for being so good at what you do), but it also felt like we were being shown the dream version of what could have been before it’s all snatched away.
Not unlike Millennial, which is like naming a business Boomer Print according to the table of boomers at the investor meeting who blindside Kelsey and Charles by voting to restore the name Empirical (head boomer has clearly had it with millennials, indicated by his statement, ‘who gives a shit about millennials any more?’) and so it is done and Kelsey is officially having a very bad week. It is while enjoying a quiet bourbon in the bar that evening that Charles is joined by Quinn, who is allegedly on her apology tour to explain to investors why she dropped out of the Senate race, but also offers Charles what seems to be a sincere apology for treating his company like a toy (prediction: nothing is ever as it seems with Quinn). I have a confession to make and believe me, I don't like it any more than you do - they absolutely nailed the set up of tension and a little bit of a spark between Charles and Quinn in this scene IMO and I...I *whispers* I liked it.
What I liked even more was Lauren’s completely in character entrance to her own birthday party, omg it’s so ridiculous and perfectly her and Denise telling her daughter, ‘fix your crotch, good girl’ had me chuckling. I feel like we’re getting Kelsey’s set up for the season at this party too, as she’s feeling unsure of what defines her now, and the conversation about defining things carries over into Josh and Liza’s chat when he asks her if congratulations are in order. This exchange between the two of them is just lovely, with Liza clearly feeling a little awkward talking to Josh about Charles, but Josh reassures her that he does like him, for her, and that it brings him joy to know she’s happy. They agree that their relationship doesn’t need to be defined, and that they'll always be in each others’ lives no matter who they’re with. It feels very final for their romantic relationship and I would be celebrating the end of the triangle had I not clocked Josh’s fallen expression as Liza walks away. I really do hope that Josh finds someone he loves and who loves him the way he wants to be loved this season. Josh’s words gave Liza some clarity of her own and so we find ourselves at the magnificent Seaglass Carousel, home of Liza and Charles’ first proper date, once more.
Charles is clearly full of hope and expectation as he meets Liza and they remember the time he and the beard we try to forget about brought her there and it’s all amazing and beautiful and...*collects self*...Liza tells him that she just wants to keep riding the perfect ride. She once again tells him she loves him (we’re up to three times in one ep now for those of you playing at home), that all she wants is his heart and that she wants to be happily unmarried to him every day. To say this does not go down the way she is expecting is an understatement; we learn that Charles doesn’t want a ride, he wants to get off the carousel and not live in a fantasy. He believes in marriage whereas she believes they are now finally free and folks, this is why you talk about your stance on marriage in a relationship BEFORE you pop the question out of nowhere at someone’s wedding. 
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You can see on his face, as Liza says she doesn’t want to define their relationship by the rules and obligations of marriage, that he’s hearing that she is not all in (whether that’s true or not) and he thanks her for letting him know what’s in her heart. You know the bit that actually plunges the knife into my heart? Charles shaking his head as Liza says his name, clearly overcome with emotion, before he kisses her on the head looking as though his world has just come crumbling down around him. That knife just gets twisted even further as Liza is left there in disbelief, (we are all Liza in that moment honestly), trying to process how her own declaration could be so easily rejected. You know, I knew it was coming, but it didn’t make it any less painful. I can see it from both perspectives and I have no doubt that these two characters have a lot they need to address and work through as a result of their own failed marriages if they’re going to have healthy relationships moving forward. 
I tell you what, after so long with no new episodes, this first episode of the season was concurrently beautiful and heart-breaking and one thing’s for certain - this final ride ain’t gonna be smooth. Now if you’ll excuse me I’m just going to go and regain some composure so we can start on ep 2...
Season 6 ramble collection can be found here
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